#helldivers 2 leak
silentwisher-feed · 4 months
Its Gaming Time - SilentWisher Entertainment Live! 🔴LIVE
Its Gaming Time – SilentWisher Entertainment Live! 🔴LIVE Welcome to my SilentWisher Entertainment Live stream 🙂 In this episode, we played some Helldivers 2 and some Abiotic Factor.
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lemonade-juley · 6 months
They fixed the Automaton rockets and now the Mech is like super good against them...? It can take a lot of rockets now instead of just one, and goes nuts if well positioned.
Granted I don't think the current single mech type (machine gun + rockets) we have right now is the best one for the automatons, but its still good and fun to use now, only having to worry about the cannon towers and annihilator tanks
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sugoiney-weaver · 6 months
I think the cool thing about the Helldivers 2 fandom is that a lot of people who don't usually RP (myself included) are engaging with the game and the community by RPing. I see it a lot in Reddit comments, and I do it myself (I haven't played in 2 weeks while travelling IRL. I tell people I'm on shore leave)
It has created a pretty cool community that takes glitches, outages, misbalances, leaks, spoilers etc in good stride. There's a fun back and forth when we aren't taking these things seriously.
We come up with in-world explanations for in-game weirdness like the Schizophrenia Bug (PTSD). We see references to, or appearances of, things that maybe aren't supposed to be in the game yet, and we take it to the forums and get dismissed and told we've been on the frontline too long. If you start to wax philosophic about "we're the real bad guys" you're liable to get kicked from the squad for treason, but everyone's laughing about it.
But I think that we're triggering Poe's Law. It's impossible to tell who is just kidding about all the "Freedom Freedom Freedom OY!" and who is actually a fascist that feels accepted, emboldened, and encouraged by this painfully obvious satire.
And this is why Arrowhead needs to add pride flag and antifa capes (or other cosmetics). Before they add national flags we gotta make sure these fascist dweebs know that they're playing with a bunch of... Uh...
Aight I don't think I'm allowed to finish that sentence so I'll allow you to add your favorite reclaimed slur
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pinpinneon · 5 months
Y'all already giving up on Helldivers 2? Seriously?
(Warning: This post is going to be me ranting about something, and I'm prolly gonna sound pretty worked up during it all. Take what I said with a grain of salt, because I'm just someone with strong opinions.)
So... Helldivers 2's community's reaction to the latest news about linking PSN accounts. Frankly, it's been bothering me that people lost faith so fast.
TL;DR For those of you who don't know is that Sony decided to make it mandatory for players to link their Steam account to a Playstation Network account in order to play the game, with a mandatory login starting from May 30th.
This is absolutely horrible, for a few reasons.
1.) PSN service is particularly notorious for their ability to leak data and get breached by hackers.
It's also particularly invasive, with a face scan being REQUIRED in some countries.
2.) TONS of countries in the world CAN'T make a PSN account at all, meaning that people in those countries will straight up be banned from playing the game entirely if the change goes through.
All in all, not a great situation, and I can understand why people are mad.
What pisses me off however, is how quickly people loses faith in the dev team of the game: Arrowhead.
Clearly, this upcoming change is something forced onto the devs by Sony, with the team most likely not having any say in the matter at all, and yet some people are unfairly targetting the devs with their anger.
Why do I believe that the devs are innocent, you may ask?
Because Arrowhead actually CARES about the game and their playerbase!
They have proven time and time again that they are willing to listen to community feedbacks, and unlike many modern AAA games, Helldivers 2 does NOT actually have any predatory transactions for being a live-service game.
The main battle pass in Helldivers 2?
Not only does it not expire at all, meaning that you're not on a timer to unlock everything-
But it is also FREELY AVAILABLE for all players the moment they start playing the game.
The premium battle passes, like Steeled Veterans and Cutting Edge?
You can earn premium currency for them by just playing the game and unlocking things in the main free battle pass.
You don't have to pay a single dime, nor do you need to grind excessively for them, and you can play the game just fine without unlocking any premium battle passes at all.
The game is by no means a pay 2 win, far from it in fact!
Within less than 2 weeks of buying the game, I'm able to unlock most of the strategems within the game through just playing the game normally, and even without many ship upgrades due to me lacking the samples required for them, I'm able to play through missions on the highest difficulty of the game just fine.
I'm not forced to tediously grind lower difficulties to get all the upgrades before I can tackle the game's hardest missions, and that kind of thing in a video game as popular as Helldivers 2 is a wonderful breath of fresh air.
Finally, the attention to detail in this game is phenomenal.
I don't know the full list of it, not even close, but trust me when I say that the game is full of little details that you'd easily miss if they're not pointed out to you, and whenever you notice them you can't help but feel that the game gets more and more surreal in the sheer amount of passion packed into it.
And all of those things, are why I'm disappointed by how fast the community seem to give up hope in the devs.
Sony actually did a pretty dirty move, if you think about it.
Announcing this news RIGHT BEFORE weekends, so that they can use it as an excuse to not respond to Arrowhead's messages about the shitty account linking policy until Monday, which coincidentally also gives plenty of time for people to fan the flame and shit on Arrowhead for something that they likely had no say in the matter.
As of this message, one of their devs has outright stated this in Helldivers 2's official discord server:
"If a better solution isn't provided for players who are in regions without PSN coverage, I'm assured that we won't be making the requirement mandatory for those players. We're not going to force people to either break Sony TOS or not play the game." - Spitz
Which means that not all hope is lost, and it also only further proves that Arrowhead themselves ain't gonna stand for Sony's policy either. They're likely just as peeved about it as the rest of us, if not more.
Don't lose faith just yet, Helldiver! We WILL win this battle!
...Look, I get that I'm just a random person on the internet.
Heck, I don't even know how many people would care to read this post this far down.
But if you've read this far, you're prolly wondering: "Why do you care so much about this?"
Because the way this whole thing is going on is giving me painful reminders of a part of my past.
Having been verbally abused, treated with double standards and more for OVER A YEAR AND A HALF by the modded terraria community, I know what it's like to be treated unfairly, and for people to abandon you from lack of faith the moment they think you're doing something "wrong" without bothering to get their facts right first.
The situation Arrowhead is going through right now is just plain unfair to them, and people are making it even worse by directing their anger at them rather than the one actually at fault: Sony Interactive Entertainment.
I get that people are not happy, but the way the community is reacting- such as review bombing the game with thousands of negative reviews and making several "call-out" videos on YouTube? That ain't it. That's just gonna fan the flame more and more, y'know? And that's only going to hurt Arrowhead, NOT Sony.
I know this post won't make any real change at all- hell it prolly won't even change the minds of some people, but Helldivers 2 has great potential to be absolutely amazing. I want to see it spread its wings further and further, and I'd hate to see the dev team loses passion for the game from this sudden lack of faith in them.
...Anddd that's all I wanted to rant about. Wow, that's a lot, huh.
Anyways, I just want to voice my opinion out loud, don't mind me- have a good day, y'all <3
5th May Update: Arrowhead actually wants players in countries that are locked out of the game to refund the game while they're looking for a solution, take a look at this post:
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Further proof that Arrowhead really does care!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Viper Commandos Inbound
Important news for all troopers listening in, and a lot of it! Information from our insiders has it that Super Earth's contracted manufacturers and the Ministry of Science are working on a plethora of new tools and armaments for a supposed elite new division of the Helldivers corps. We were able to learn much about these advances and will explain them in as much detail as possible!
Let's start with the troopers themselves. Although Helldivers appear to be enlisted according to the soon-to-be soldier's physical fitness and loyalty in civilian life, Viper Commandos seem to be taken a step further, pushed to their body's limit during training, and it shows. These Helldivers are more capable of handling the heavy weight of their weapons and pushing off any close-range aggressors than any soldier ever before!
As for the armory, two new firearms are already in mass production. Hearing the pleas of many desperate squad leaders too used to the loss of their squadmates in close-range ambushes, Super Earth will finally be fielding the SG-22 Bushwacker, a compact and stable break-action shotgun with three sawed-off barrels. It can even fire all three shots at once! The other weapon, however, is somewhat of a returning classic. Back in the first Galactic War, Helldivers were often equipped with a carbine variant of that time's Liberator, known as the AR-22C Patriot. Now its descendant, the AR-23A Carbine, will soon be hitting the field. But many already speculate on its true value, as the Helldivers have largely derided most assault rifles issued to them, citing too frequent reloads as being a practical death sentence for those using them. We can only hope the Ministry of Defense takes these complaints into consideration.
Additionally, in apparent recognition of the growing number of Helldivers who value a more precise, methodical, and silent approach to dismantling enemy operations, a sharp, new disposable K-2 Throwing Knife will be issued. Many have already questioned just how disposable these knives are, worrying that they will be so cheaply produced that they will simply shatter upon impact, rendering them impossible to reuse. Others, too, have pointed out the current Helldivers's lack of proper close-range combat training, saying that they will fail to adequately defend themselves in melee combat. These are grim assumptions, but once again, we can only hope for the best outcome.
It also seems Super Earth predicts vital operations to take place in heavily jungled territory soon, as the latest armors, the PH-202 Twigsnapper and PH-9 Predator, are built for it and the heat it brings. Clearly meant for ambushes, this gear is not as comprehensive as most SEAF armor sets, which usually never expose any skin! Along with this new armor is a pair of camouflaged capes, and a surprising development in that SEAF Pelicans, Exosuits, and Hellpods will be outfitted with camouflaged patterns as deemed necessary.
Finally, although we have yet to hear any news on dark fluid, the Ministry of Science has been hard at work, hand in hand with Permacura, on an experimental modification to the infusion delivered by stim needles. A vital resource for all soldiers on the field, stims are expensive to purchase and therefore distributed in limited quantities. Despite its near-magical regenerative and performance-enhancing effects, many Helldivers still die well before running out of stims. To remedy this, the new formula will boost the resilience of the human body, exceeding its own physical limitations in the process. A soldier will be expected to be able to run even faster and survive normally fatal attacks while the effects are ongoing. From what preliminary testing footage has leaked, some of us consider it to be... unnaturally effective.
That's all we have for this segment. We apologize if such a long broadcast is not to your tastes, dear viewers, but they will be few and far between, as the longer we stay on the air, the more likely Super Destroyers can triangulate our position and attempt to intercept us. With that said, we'll be warping to a new, semi-random location soon to share the newest personal order with you.
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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redphienix · 6 months
There's this thing where a handful of youtubers have become the algorithms favorite helldivers people so sometimes (like today) a patch drops and I figure "Fuck it, first recommendation has a reliably title, tell me what's up" and I'm reminded that a lot of people think they can talk with authority on stuff because ??????????????????
And it ain't even that the video was bad, it's just that it was clearly made 10 minutes after the patch without researching ANYTHING, despite the fact the "you didn't research" portion is something that they had over 24 hours to research but it's just a video game so I get it but also like, they talk so confidently and it's so easily verifiably hog shit lol
Anyways a leak showed that a boss is getting added to helldivers 2 and I personally think, since we don't have much to currently go on, that looking at helldivers 1 (something the youtuber in question didn't do) would be a good starting point.
If you would do that then you would learn that helldivers 1, a game *I* never played before but *I* think some bare bones research is neat when speculating, has bosses that you "earn" access to fighting.
So a "decent" guess would be that they could become a post-operation fight. potentially even a post-multiple-operation fight you can earn and drag people into, not "maybe they'll be added to every fight or like the bile titan" as someone who never bothered popping "helldivers boss fights" into ask jeeves might say on their algorithm fueled youtube channel.
Just spitballin' here.
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gameforestdach · 5 months
Die Gaming-Gemeinde ist voller Vorfreude, da Gerüchte über Nintendos nächste Konsole, die Switch 2, nicht abreißen. Aktuelle Leaks deuten auf eine Reihe innovativer Funktionen hin, einschließlich magnetischer Joy-Con-Controller und erweiterter Abwärtskompatibilität, was den Grundstein für einen möglichen großen Sprung in der Spieletechnologie legen könnte. Neue Funktionen am Horizont Laut verschiedenen Quellen wird die Switch 2 das Controller-Design revolutionieren, indem magnetische Joy-Con-Controller eingeführt werden. Dieses neue Setup soll den traditionellen Schienenmechanismus ersetzen und könnte eine robustere und benutzerfreundlichere Erfahrung bieten. Berichte von Zubehörherstellern lassen auf eine größere Controller-Größe mit zusätzlichen Tasten und aufgerüsteten Funktionen wie HD-Vibration und metallenen SL- und SR-Tasten schließen IGN. Die gemunkelte Konsole wird auch den USB-C-Anschluss beibehalten, allerdings mit einem aktualisierten Dock, das 4K-Auflösung unterstützt. Anpassungen am Design des Docks könnten einen verbesserten Ständer umfassen, was die Funktionalität des Geräts sowohl zu Hause als auch unterwegs steigern würde. Display- und Leistungsverbesserungen Insider deuten darauf hin, dass die Switch 2 ein 8-Zoll-Display mit 1080p-Auflösung bieten wird, ein bemerkenswertes Upgrade im Vergleich zum Vorgänger. Unter der Haube könnte die Konsole Funktionen wie Raytracing und Unterstützung für Unreal Engine 5 bieten, was bedeutende Leistungsverbesserungen verspricht, vergleichbar mit Gen 8-Konsolen wie der PS4 und Xbox One. Abwärtskompatibilität und Spielentwicklung Nintendo scheint einen starken Schwerpunkt auf Kontinuität und Wert für seine Nutzer zu legen, indem nicht nur Spiele, sondern auch Controller abwärtskompatibel gemacht werden. Dieser Ansatz verbessert nicht nur das Nutzererlebnis durch Bereitstellung von Kontinuität, sondern steigert auch den Wert vorheriger Käufe, was eine bedeutende Anerkennung von Nintendos treuer Anhängerschaft ist. In Sachen Spieleentwicklung ist die Switch 2 bereit, eine vielseitige Reihe von Titeln zu unterstützen, einschließlich potenzieller Blockbuster wie Helldivers 2, das in seinen Spielmechaniken Solo-Missionen und Patrouillen-Herausforderungen ausbalanciert. Dies deutet auf eine robuste Plattform hin, die in der Lage ist, verschiedenste Spieltypen zu unterstützen und Entwicklern die nötigen Werkzeuge bietet, um fesselnde Inhalte zu erschaffen. Blick nach vorn Obwohl die Switch 2 voraussichtlich erst Anfang 2025 debütieren wird, deuten die Gerüchte darauf hin, dass Nintendo bereit ist, ein Gerät anzubieten, das nicht nur die Grenzen des tragbaren Spielens erweitert, sondern auch sein Ökosystem mit Abwärtskompatibilität und verbesserten Leistungen stärkt. Wie bei allen Gerüchten ist es allerdings klug, diese Details mit einer Prise Salz zu nehmen, bis offizielle Ankündigungen gemacht werden. Abschließende Gedanken Die Gaming-Community sitzt auf heißen Kohlen und wartet gespannt auf eine Bestätigung von Nintendo. Sollten die Gerüchte sich bewahrheiten, könnte die Switch 2 einen signifikanten Meilenstein in der Gaming-Geschichte darstellen, indem sie traditionelles Gaming mit zukunftsweisender Technologie verbindet, um ein beispielloses Erlebnis zu bieten.
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thereasonsimbroke · 6 months
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Amid ongoing struggles within #Helldivers2, the latest patch notes reveal additions like an AFK kick feature and an increase in the server cap.
However, a darker narrative emerges, with toxicity festering in the community. Players ruthlessly kick others for straying from meta load-outs, eroding the game's cooperative ethos. This alarming behavior persists despite unveiling a leaked Mech gameplay video, hinting at a potential solution to the encroaching threat.
Nonetheless, the persistence of toxicity serves as a stark reminder of the challenges within the #Helldivers 2 universe.
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silentwisher-feed · 2 months
The Rocky Red Planet - Helldivers 2
The Rocky Red Planet – Helldivers 2
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lemonade-juley · 6 months
Shipped to Hellmire to deal with bugs after a long while on the bots, and adopted a load out fitting of the planet that has literal fire tornados.
Incendiary Breaker, Incendiary grenades, and flamethrower. The fire airstrike and fire mines are optional. And it's... Surprisingly effective? The only things this load out struggles with is Stalkers, bile spewers (both of these, none of the weapons deal damage fast enough to stop damage, nor stun them), and of course bile titans, but those are things that are either A. Not always there, or B. Something your teammates are capable of taking care of.
Frankly I didn't use the secondary like. At all. Since both the breaker and flamethrower have enough ammo (and have good ammo economies and get full refills from supplies) to last in between resupplies and loot POIs. So the thing that would perfect this load out is a secondary that can deal with bile spewers reliably in particular.
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leveluplegion · 6 months
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silentwisher-feed · 3 months
Excuse me sir? - Helldivers 2
Excuse me sir? – Helldivers 2
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silentwisher-feed · 6 months
I made the Factory Strider ANGRY - Helldivers 2
In this gameplay video, watch me take on the Factory Strider in Helldivers 2. Can I defeat this formidable enemy and emerge victorious? Tune in to find out! I made the Factory Strider ANGRY – Helldivers 2
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leveluplegion · 7 months
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