hellballer · 8 months
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i’ve got nothing to offer but this
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cortexreaver · 11 months
always trips me put when nwn cc predates one of the expansions like i open up a 2da the creator included and the lines end on stuff added in shadows of undrentide im out here handling artifacts and shit..... 🏺🔍
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bubblepopspit · 12 days
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The perfect training for a perfect 1st class SOLDIER~ (It's good for the core.)
As soon as I saw this post from GACKT, I knew I had to make this. lol 😂 (What is he doing though, seriously... 💀)
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syn4k · 5 months
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tathrin · 10 months
Much appreciated for the tag, @aroace-moron
Rules: make a 24h poll with the names of your wips, let it run its course, and then write a sentence for every vote the winner receives.
Tagging: @bifuriouswaterbender @roselightfairy @realtacuardach @sallysavestheday @mirkwood-hr-department @estel-of-the-eyrie
I apologize if any of you have already done this; I will not be back on my dash until that clown is gone (what the hellballs tumblr) so I haven't seen what anyone has blogged yet today, I'm sorry!
Feel free to @me to vote on your wips though, both you folks and anyone else who's doing this poll right now.
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ultrvmonogamy · 7 months
so i remember an image i think you posted a long while back of yourself in a ski mask? is it okay if i use that as an art ref if i can find it again? i doubt it can but iirc if you're the right guy you're just a cool shape so. Anf if that was not you uuuh. [explodes into a fiery hellball]
that was v plausibly mine (although many men* have posted pics ft themselves in balaclavas, so it could easily have been someone else). ur v welcome to use it as a reference if u'd like. i'd be flattered rly.
okay i just checked n it's still up on this v blog under #masks.
thank u for asking, i wish u all the best w ur art, n if it turns out it wasn't mine u were thinking of, plz teach me ur fiery hellball ways before exploding (self-immolation is of great interest to me).
hope ur having a nice week 🫶
*many many many many men wish death 'pon me, lord, i don't cry no more, don't look to the sky no more..
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nyxthedragon225 · 1 year
So what would happen if chip somehow became a god or died? Maybe he dies and becomes one, idk. Also are you cool with fanfic based on this au?
1) holy hellballs if u wanna write a fic based on my silly little au by all means please do and please tag me in it
2) the way Gods claiming mortals works is that so long as the mortal's chill with it, they become functionally immortal and unkillable. As for him becoming a god, it's not unheard of but it's very rare and Chip probably wouldn't like it since he has Self Esteem Issues tm. but it could happen if he was okay with it.
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saana1973-blog · 7 years
#Repost @gackt (@get_repost) ・・・ 今日もトレーニングおわり。腹筋が痛い。。。さ、仕事に行ってきまー。 Just finished working out. The abs are quite sore. Well, I'll go for work. Have a good day. @GACKT @yukikimisawa #GACKT#gacktstagram#gacktworkout#hellball#ヘルボール#筋スタグラム#腹筋は気合だ#やるしかない#痛みは生きてる証拠#ウンチ漏らすなよ
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anastasiaurl · 4 years
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alex-iwobi · 2 years
love watching a sport i know nothing about, it’s like my mental health break from football (hellball)
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Questions that Keep Me Up at Night (Surprisingly Innocent Edition):
So... what sport do y'all think Beel plays?
My mind has created some nonsensical combination of football, lacrosse, and soccer I call Hellball. There's only slightly more rules than Calvinball and it's okay to literally murder the other team if you can get away with it.
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hellhound-wrangler · 7 years
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A Long Cryptid.
Right before I tossed her the HellBall, I observed something kind of neat. She wanted me to throw it, but when I just held it and looked at her, she went into a down, and then when I still didn’t throw it, relaxed from a sphinx crouch to a cheeto curl. She was still watching the ball very intently more than she was looking at me, but instead of bouncing/yelling/trying to snatch it, she offered a settle/down-stay.
I’ve been working on down-stays with her on walks and as ways to get more distance for fetch, and praising her for being able to wait for even a few seconds when she’s excited, so it was really cool to see that she’s added it to her repertoire of ways to get me to do things (staring into my soul and climbing onto dining room chairs to lay her paw on my arm are her other go-to “make mom do the thing” behaviors).
Obviously I gave her her Horrible HellBall to make Horrible HellBall noises with. Thankfully after only a few minutes of rolling around with it, she put it down and grabbed her new chewy bone to gnaw.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Birth of an Heir
This is a continuation of The Baby Shower Pt 2, where I did that terrible, evil, awful thing to Maddie...sorry, not sorry.
From the Two Men and a Baby series AU
Liam x Riley
The Royal Heir
This turned into a major fluff piece rather than hijinx.
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Liam sat next to Maxwell in the Beaumont Ballroom, eyes fixed and both knees bouncing. He hadn't moved from his position since her water broke and wasn't quite sure when he would.
Several feet away from his table, his wife, standing with her legs slightly apart, staring at the fluid, pooled around her slip-on flats. Her eyes were widened and mouth agape.
Olivia placed a gentle hand on the middle of Riley's back.
Riley moved her gaze slowly away from the floor, her heart pounding in her chest, to look up at Olivia. She was flustered; she had been so eager for this moment, that she hadn't prepared her mind for it.
Olivia gave her a reassuring smile and nod, before turning her gaze to Liam, whom was still frozen in his seat. "Liam!", she called out, trying to break the daze he was in.
Maxwell wrapped his hands around Liam's arms and began to lift him up, "Come on pal, it's showtime."
Liam stared at Maxwell as he rose to his feet, then nodded his head in gest to him, "It's time?".
Maxwell smiled at him encouragingly, while patting his back, "Yep, it"s baby time...let's get this show on the road".
Liam allowed Maxwell's words to register, but, it was when he met his wife's troubled eyes, the fog cleared from his mind instantly. The protective side of Liam, when it comes to his Riley, finally kicked in.
He moved briskly to her side, allowing Olivia to step away, replacing her hand on Riley's back with his. "Are you okay, love...what do you need me to do....Maxwell!!!", he shouted searching the room.
Riley covered one of her ears due to the sheer volume of his yell, "Liam", she said while giving him a knowing look, "calm down...Maxwell is right next to you".
Liam turned to face Maxwell, using his free arm to clasp his shoulder, "I need you to run outside and have the driver pull the limo up front....and for the love of god, if you get distracted by something...just...dont".
Maxwell gave a half smirk, "I was right about the castor oil, ehh buddy?", he nudged Liam in the side.
Liam closed his eyes and tightened his lips, making every attempt to not lose his patience. Riley interupted, "Maxwell, please just go get the driver".
With two thumbs up, "I"m on it", as he jogged out of the ballroom.
Riley reached down and grasped Liam's hand; it was now just the two of them in the ballroom. His heart fluttered when her soft, brown eyes looked to him; she was obviously nervous and desperate for reassurance.
She shrugged her shoulders, "We're having a baby", she said in a sweet whisper.
He pulled her to him, and wrapped his arms around her, stroking the back of her hair, "We're having a baby, love". She could hear the bliss in his voice.
They parted their embrace and Liam took Riley's hand and guided her to the nearest table, pulling out a chair, helping her to get comfortable. "So,  you're back to the old Riley I see", he chuckled.
"Whatd'ya mean?", she asked, waiting for an explanation.
He pondered his words carefully and decided to let it go, "It's nothing sweetheart".
Drake enters the ballroom, still a little drained from the castor oil incident. He stops and looks around the near empty ballroom, "I see everyone is still...taking care of business", he says using air quotes.
Liam and Riley glance at him, both with large smiles on their faces. Drake runs a hand through his hair trying to decipher the situation, "what's going on, you two?".
Liam moves behind Riley's chair, massaging her shoulders, "Her water broke".
Drake, gave a surprised look, "No shit?".
Maxwell enters the ballroom, somewhat out of breath, "Okay....limo's out front", he then dropped his face, "...and Madeleine's in the back...I think she fell or something...she's out there moaning and saying 'fuck' a lot ".
"Sounds more like she found a date", Drake mused.
Liam claps his hands together, "Okay, so we have at least an hour and half drive back to the capital...I'll text Bastien now to meet us at the hospital".
Riley starts to feel her first contraction, "Holy hellballs!". She clutches her stomach and leans forward.
Liam stops texting Bastien and crouches down beside her, rubbing her leg, "is it a contraction?".
She meets his concerning gaze, "Either that or Maxwell's punch is kicking in...oowww".
Maxwell smiles proudly at himself, however, Drake gives him a death state and he slinks further away from him.
Liam, still beside Riley asks Drake if he would let Bastien know they're on their way and to inform the hospital. Drake is expeditious in following through.
Liam helps Riley to her feet, with one arm around the back and a hand in hers, they make their way to the door. She stops in the entryway, having another contraction.
"Sweetheart, you just had a contraction".
She breaths through it and glares at him, "It's not like I can make them stop, Liam!"
Liam turns to Drake who is following behind them with her purse, "Can you go with us...just in case?"
Maxwell jumps in eagerly, "I'll go!".
All three of them simultaneously say, "NO!".
Maxwell steps back, hurt, "Fine, I'll go see what Madeleine is doing then".
Liam helps Riley into the limo, sitting beside her; Drake climbs in on the other side.
For the next half hour, the drive is smooth. Riley contractions are much closer and stronger than they should be this early and it is freaking Liam out. He doesn't say anything to her, she had insisted the doctor told her first babies can take several hours.
With an hour to go, Liam and Drake talk her through contractions. They told jokes to distract her, which did not go over well. They sang 99 Apples on the Wall, that resulted in her threatening to stick those apples straight up their asses.
"Baby, we're just trying to help you through the pain", Liam said sincerely.
Riley snaps back, "How?...by causing more of it!".
Drake turns to Liam and clasps his shoulder, "Hey, she doesn"t mean it".
"The hell I don't asshole", she interrupts.
Drake sighs, "...and..she's back".
Riley shifts in her seat, breathing heavier, her hair starting to stick to the moisture on her forehead. Liam watches her closely, his heart hurts for the pain she's in. He's afraid to touch her anymore, but, can't stand the thought of her hair causing discomfort. He gently slides strands behind her ears or smoothing them back to her scalp.
The next contraction is the most painful one she's experienced and something feels different about it.
Disheveled, she turns to Liam, "I don"t know Liam..I'm feeling a lot of pressure...is that normal?", she is starting to get worried.
Liam immediately calls her doctor, who is awaiting their arrival and informs her of Riley's condition. The doctor tells him he may want to check to see if the head has crowned. He puts the phone on speaker and tells her what the doctor directed him to do.
Drake darts from the seat to another on the opposite side, turning away from them.
Trembling with pain, Riley lays down with Liam's help and gets into position. Liam rolls her dress up, looks down and is immediately beside himself. Tears start to shed and with a shaky hand, he covers his mouth.
Riley glances up at him and her eyes widened, "What Liam?....What's wrong?", she yells eratically.
He removes his hand from his mouth and uses it to gesture downward, his voice cracking, barely able to get the words out, "It's his little head, love...it's his little head".
The doctor, still on speaker, begins giving him instructions. Drake moves to Riley's side as Liam removes his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves.
Through several more painful screams, curses and fingernails that rip shreds into Drake's hand, Riley and Liam became parents.
He held his newborn son in his arms, wrapping him in the discarded jacket. As the baby took it's first breath, Liam brought him to his chest, his head lightly pressed to his son's. His hand caressed the baby"s back as he moved his eyes towards Riley.
Her bottom lip quivered and she reached out; Liam placed the baby in her arms.
Drake rubbed his eyes and moved back to his seat, bawling, "Damn it".
Liam crawled over to her side, kissing her lips softly. He had never been more in love with her than he was at that moment. Time stood still as they both admired the little creation they just brought into the world.
"So", Drake began with a sniffle, "Do you guys have a name for him?"
Riley and Liam looked at one another, "I don't know, what do you think Liam?"
Liam pondered as his finger was gripped by the baby's tiny hand, "How about......".
What should Liam and Riley name their baby? Comment with your choice and I'll add it to part 2......where hijinx and shenanigans are back.
Series Tags @moonlightgem7 @emceesynonymroll @carabeth @kimmiedoo5 @ladyangel70 @drakensworld @burnsoslow @zorjasblog @polishchoicesfan
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sapphic-schizo · 5 years
can i write a fantasy novel with a schizo character? like is that a thing i can do?? idk of anything aside from hellbale that comes close to that. is that too much? i know it’s not but i need someone to tell me i can
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did u know that twice in 2 days i was clairvoyant about fotball i’m scared of myse4lf
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