#hell site hell site hell si
cheswirls · 2 months
i need for there to be a way to turn OFF tumblr's autosaving of drafted posts so i can edit a draft on one end and view the original draft on another withOUT IT CHANGING god this shit is turning from annoying into a problem
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cat-of-starlight · 1 year
Why are some of the books Limbus uses SO hard to find???
Up to 9/13 (of the listed ones I found) but some are a Pain in The Ass to get ahold of
EDIT: Got the files (Thank uuu lovely person <3) but yea still dang those were an adventure to get!
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sunsetsimon · 1 month
blue collar simon ♡ because i'm going insane
pt 2 here
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☼ he's waking up around 4:30am most days, due to starting at a new job site that gives him a longer commute. he's grumbly when his alarm blares, quickly turning it off and sitting on the edge of the bed for a minute to stare off and come to. his footsteps are quiet as he heads to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and giving his face a rinse to clear it from sleep. simon makes sure to keep his hair short, only needing to run his fingers through it to tame a few wild pieces that stick up on the side.
☼ most mornings you get up with him, his alarm waking you up even with as quickly as he turns it off. "go back t'sleep love," he leans over, cupping your cheek lovingly as you try to blink the sleep out of your eyes.
"gonna pack your lunch si," you say, so quietly he almost doesn't hear you. he knows better than to argue though, you're already up and nothing is better than having you help him get ready for his long day.
you slip on one of his hoodies on your way downstairs, practically swimming in the fabric as it rests on your mid thighs, hands covered in the long sleeves. his heart swells, you look so cute when you're tired and stubborn, refusing to let him leave without a proper lunch.
☼ he's not able to talk much throughout the day with how busy he is. sometimes you only get a quick 2 minute call while he's scarfing down his lunch, complaining about how their project manager was being a dick that day.
"'right babe. gettin' back to it so i'll call you when i'm leaving, whenever the fuck that'll be."
"okay si. i love you, be careful."
"always am. love you."
sometimes you get lucky with a random picture of something on the site, having no idea what it is you can only respond with a "what am i looking at?"
"fuckin' dumbass rookie can't mark out a straight line to save his fuckin' life."
whatever the hell that means. simon thinks it's funny though.
☼ comes home with new cuts and bruises everyday, the wrap on one of his fingers soaked with dirt and blood. his hands are cut up and scarred, calloused and rough to the touch but you still love them, those hands provide everything for you. you're constantly having to remind him to clean under his nails after a long day though, refusing to be touched until they're squeaky clean.
☼ he never gets home at the same time, a supposed-to-be 10 hour shift can quickly turn into a 12 or 13 depending on how much work needs to be done. not a week goes by when he doesn't have overtime, and though he makes a lot of money, he's fucking exhausted when he gets home. lazily unlacing and kicking his boots off at the door while coming in, practically with a limp, his knees and feet fighting to not give out from pure exhaustion.
still finds the energy to shove his dirty hands under your shirt though when he catches you at the stove preparing him a plate. his unkempt stubble scratches your neck as he inhales your clean, addicting scent. planting soft kisses along the skin, you almost melt into him until you smell him, dust and sweat clouding your nose.
"ugh simon! you can't be all over me while you're dirty," you whine, trying to pull away from his tightening grip on your hips.
"can't help it when y'look so damn good. missed you all day," he grumbles, pulling your ass back against his growing bulge in his work pants, thrusting against you through layers of clothing.
"eat and take a shower first, then we can talk," you give him another shove - much to his dismay. apparently he wasn't as tired as he thought.
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transrevolutions · 8 months
french revolution dashboard simulator
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🐀 ami-du-peuple Follow
uh actually man has the right to deal with his oppressors by devouring their beating hearts. hope this helps.
🎩 departicle Follow
Hold up. Okay. Actually, fuck this. This sort of violent rhetoric should not be tolerated on here. Do you seriously think this sort of thing is going to make the nobility give you more rights???? You must be out of your minds! Reported.
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
reblog to devour this guy's beating heart
#username checks out lmao #politics #everybody point and laugh #common adp w
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update: new canto out now!!! go check it out 😈😏🥀 (remember don't like don't read <3)
📜 sacredhostreceipts Follow
@centuriesandskies this you?? not such a great look for a convention rep ngl
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
listen. I wrote this a long time ago, before I went into serious politics. the account is deactivated for a reason.
I was twenty. I did poorly. I can do better.
#sj.txt #if this is the worst dirt you can dig up on me #i'm way less corrupt than half the people in the convention these days #at least i'm not doing fucking. embezzlement. #also sacredhostreceipts if you're who i think you are #don't you have better things to do rn?
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🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
why the fuck is everyone tagging this with french??? political figures?
#what the hell is going on over there #also maybe cool it with the death threats #I don't want this blog to get taken down #what's a girondin #is this some joke I'm not french enough to understand #showdown update
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⛪ progressivepriest Follow
Unpopular opinion but why is everyone so up in arms about the new Civil Oath? Literally all it's asking is for you to promise not to commit treason just because the Pope tells you to? I can see where people are coming from with the whole violation-of-religion deal, but can you blame the Assembly for trying to make sure the people aren't forcibly subjugated by the wealth of the nobility?
Sounds like something a heretic would say. To betray the Pope and king is to betray the will of God and your eternal soul! You should pray for forgiveness and pledge loyalty to the monarchy or have fun burning in hell. Sorry not sorry.
⛪ progressivepriest Follow
L + ratio + iirc the Bible says "it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" (Matthew 19:24)
🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
occasional based catholic moment, go off OP!
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
looked the faith-first-always guy's blog, he's like a massive anti-huguenot too 🙄 why is it always the prot-exclusive radical catholics smh
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
#religion tag #percs fuck off #anyways op makes a valid point #reblog #percs dni
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🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
she committee on my safety til I can't go public
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
I don't understand the joke, can someone explain please?? 🙂 Thank you!
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
is that fucking MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE?!!?!?!?
🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
oh my god citizen robespierre I'm so sorry this was not meant to break containment lol I didn't even know you were on this site please forget you saw this
#this is the most embarassing moment of my life #literally sobbing rn #the original post is /j i prommy #i cannot be known as the citizen who had to explain this to the government
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🪓 indulgentsfuckoff Follow
fabre d'eglantine is NOT your poor little meow meow citizens he literally falsified decrees from the national convention and embezzled money to line his own pockets. I don't care how uwu babygirl you think he is he is a CRIMINAL who should be ARRESTED
💛 i-give-people-bread Follow
#baguette #loaf #croissant #i-give-people-bread #indulgentsfuckoff #silly
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🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
fucking fed up with the constant threat of the swiss guard, I think it's time we got some gunpowder and weapons and took things into our own hands yknow what I'm saying
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
I'm no longer joking about this btw
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
ok bc I've gotten like 50 asks about this: I am not injured and I am not in need of medical care. the punchline was that we stormed the fucking hotel des invalides to get guns and powder. didn't want to clarify the joke before now for security reasons but everyone knows about that and the bastille thing by now. please direct your money to people who actually need it.
#shouldve clarified the last post was /j #however I assumed yall knew this joke already #anyways #revolution #personal #500 #1k
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🌾 nopain-nograin Follow
got so high at the festivial 2day i thnk i saw hte suapreme being
#robespiere speech was prboably 🔥 #unforntuately i camt rember any of it #grainposting #oipum ehre is somtehing else thes days #memes
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🎨 jldavid-real-moved Follow
incredible speech from @springtimeofgovernment today at the jacobin club. nobody should be permitted to use their positions as civic leaders to commit crimes against the people, even under the guise of revolutionary fervor. if it comes to it, I too will drink the hemlock with him. for france. 🤝🤝
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
Thanks for your support, @jldavid-real
The situation over here is deteriorating really quickly, the representatives are getting violent and abandoning due process entirely. Anything you can do to stand with us now would be very appreciated. You do a lot of great work for the revolution, and I trust you completely.
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
@jldavid-real are you still there? We could really use your help right now.
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
boosting @springtimeofgovernment here, can confirm he's been injured in a skirmish at the hotel de ville, they're passing summary death sentences without trial, @jldavid-real where is the help you promised us??? the people of paris are our only hope now.
edit: of course he moved blogs. coward.
#sj.txt #disappointed yet unsurprised #marat would be ashamed of you #9 thermidor #update
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🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
DNI if you support any of these groups/people or their actions: m0narchists, f3uillants, br1ssotins/g1rondins, th3rmidorians, b0napart1sts, h3nri du v3rgier (also goes by c0mte de r0chjacquelin), charl0tte c0rday, or lafay3tte
(h3bertists and dant0nists you're on thin ice. behave.)
#censored so they dont show up in the tags #dni #get your nasty ass ideologies off my page #won't hesitate to block and/or report any violators #pinned
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reblog to make the directoire choke to death on their stupid fucking outfits
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
hey staff. yeah you. where did this blog go?? notfishgoujon and prairial-95 are gone as well?? cowards too afraid to show your faces lmao especially after the fucking mess the directoire's made of the country. bet you anything that staff are on their fucking payroll too iykwim at least the republic didn't tolerate fucking bribery
#this site's gone to the dogs since thermidor yr 2 #following the trend of the rest of the country tbh #i'll probably get nuked for posting this #if so i'm not making a new account #i'll just make a paleocities or smth #politics tag #reblog #don't play with me ik full well gb didn't delete his blog of his own free will #they also zero note glitched it #just when you think they can't stoop lower
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📕 spectrehauntingeurope Follow
it's been 50 fucking years since gracchus-babeuf (and the other CoE blogs) were deleted without warning and still no response from staff, the govt, or anything. the site's gone through a fuckton of ownership changes and still nothing.
we're working on a bit of a project (some of you might know abt it already), it's gonna be out prob in the next year or so. remember '89. remember '93 and '94. remember '97.
the people will rise again. it's only a matter of time. 🚩
-mod karl
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celestiarambles · 3 months
Hi this may divert from my usual content, but as someone with a platform like this I need to speak up about this.
The Philippines-China maritime dispute has been going on for years now, but lately the tensions had been getting more and more worse to the point it’s super concerning now.
Here’s a bit of a history lesson: China claims that the West Philippine Sea is theirs because of the nine-dash line, but the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled in 2016 that that had no basis under international law. Other than that, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) said that China’s historic rights on the territory no longer exists. So basically, the West Philippine Sea belongs to the Philippines.
However, China rejects that decision. They have harassed, intimidated, and even used armed conflict on our vessels. China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels had even used a water cannon against our ships TWICE, in which one incident resulted to getting seven Navy personnel wounded.
Worse, there are also allegations of a spy being planted here. Alice Guo, one of the mayors in Tarlac (a city in the Philippines) had mysteriously risen to power despite having no prior experience or connections whatsoever. Literally no one even knew her in her town. She just claims to live in a simple farm. However, she owns a luxury sports car and a helicopter. And somehow, everything regarding her past is inconsistent; she doesn’t know what her mother’s name was, who she grew up with, no school documents, hell she didn’t even have a birth certificate up until she was 17 years old. This was all brought up because she was involved in the criminal activities (like human trafficking, scams, etc.) of the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) which also has the Chinese involved.
The US has also been taking advantage of the situation by deploying 9 EDCA sites (military bases) for a supposed military pact, but former US Marine Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter has admitted to using the Philippines as a tool to gain leverage over the Chinese.
What has our government done regarding this dispute? They’re too busy infighting to focus on the bigger picture and on how to settle on an agreement with China.
I just want to take the time to speak up and make people more aware about the ongoing dispute. I know that this has been going on for several years now, but my memory and knowledge about the topic may be a bit wonky so I apologize in advance if I had said anything wrong. You can add more information regarding this or correct the information that I've given if I phrased things wrong.
Regardless, I do know one thing: the West Philippine Sea is ours.
https://www.youtube.com/live/aOrmFJXyAVI?si=P9rPJkJM6BF0NIbW (check 1:57:00)
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 4 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 21
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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liked by uceyjucey , trinity_fatu and 193,000 others
AirielleJones: Pretty Girl, Pretty Tempting 🖤
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uceyjucey: damn
yasmine_jones: okay cuz! ❤️ (❤️ by author)
trinity_fatu : damn is right, you look good friend! (❤️ by author)
user: bring back the bob! (❤️ by author)
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August 21st 2021 - Summerslam
Las Vegas, NV
“So you’re coming to the twins' party tonight?” 
“Absolutely not.” Airielle immediately answered with an eye roll, as the two of them sat backstage watching Josh and Jon’s match against the Mysterio’s. “I will give Jon his gift tho, before my flight back to Pensacola.” 
“What about Josh?” 
“What about him?” Airielle responded back, glaring at Trinity, who had a smirk on her face. 
“Sis, we got the plane tickets together.” Again, Airielle rolled her eyes. 
“Well you and Jon can take Jayla and Jaden, since y’all now have two extra tickets.” Airielle said, pulling the envelope out of her bag and handing it to Trinity. 
“Airielle come-on now..” 
“Or You can give it to Josh and he can give the other ticket to Yara or whatever, I don’t care.”  Trinity gave Airielle a look. “I do not care.” She said standing up from her seat. 
“No” Trinity whined as Airielle started to walk away. “Don’t leave me!”  Airielle stuck her tongue out and continued on her way. She was relieved to finally have the plane tickets out of her possession. They were causing way more anxiety than necessary.
She and Trinity had decided to plan their partners (at the time) birthday together and since Josh had shown his whole ass for her birthday she thought it was only right for her to do the same. Josh had mentioned how he wanted to go to Turks & Caicos. She had splurged on the best private villa for her and Josh to stay. Even though they were supposed to be with Trin & Jon the couples had their own private entry to the villa and would only have to see each other when they wanted to. 
Airielle was so deep in her thought she didn’t see Angel Garza as he stood in front of her, trying to get her attention. She let out a “oof” as they collided. 
“Mierda!” He said as he grabbed his arms to steady her so she wouldn’t topple over in her heels. “Are you okay?” He asked her and she nodded. 
. “Yes I'm fine Angel. I should watch where I'm going.” She said and he laughed.  
“You know princesa,” Angel started, as he pulled her closer to him. “I’ve seen movies like this.” She furrowed her eyebrows at him. 
“Movies? What are you talking about?” 
“Cómo se dice uh.. meet-cute.” 
“A meet-cute?”  
“Yeah, you know, boy and girl run into each other, girl falls in love boy- “ 
“Boy gets his ass whopped if he don’t get the fuck on.” Josh cut him off and he slid in between Angel and Airielle mean muggin’ the hell outta Angel. 
“Oh my god” Airielle muttered, slapping her hand on her forehead. 
“Get the fuck on.” Josh said again after Angel didn’t move. It was then Airielle noticed the camera crew that had their cameras trained on the three of them and she cursed. She forgot the Total Divas crew were following the cast around today. 
“Josh, stop.” She whispered, gripping the back of his shirt when he went to advance towards Angel. “It’s cameras filming you.”  Angel smirked at Josh, waived at Airielle and continued on his way.  
“Wassup man? I’ve been calling you for days.” Airielle rolled her eyes. 
“We have nothing to talk about.” She stated, crossing her arms over her chest and cutting her eyes over to the camera crew, who were still recording them. 
“You said you weren’t mad at me.”  Josh said, as he stepped in front of her when she tried to walk around him. 
“Yeah, well I lied, Joshua. I’m pissed off and I just want to be left alone.” 
“So why didn’t you answer the phone so we could talk about it Airielle? Oh my god She thought as she looked over to the camera crew again, knowing they were definitely going to use this footage. 
“Because there is nothing to talk about.” She huffed out. 
“Us. We can talk about us.” 
“There is no us anymore Joshua.” He scoffed. 
“And whose fault is that? We were rocking strong Rih. I ask you to move in with me and you do a whole 360. Probably could’ve been engaged by now and shit.” 
“That's the problem.” She hissed, pushing him away from her. “You wanna move way to fuckin fast Josh. 5 months and you wanted to move in together! Is that not crazy as hell?” 
“You so damn selfish,” He stated. “It’s always about how you feel or what you think. What about me? Do you have any idea of how much it hurt me to see you with Raymond and then to catch you kissing him after you said y’all weren't together.” 
Airielle felt like shit now. Even though she shouldn’t because she left Raymond alone until she saw Josh with Yara.  
“Yo, y’all good?” Josh and Airielle broke their staring contest to look over at Jon and Trin who had just walked up on them. 
“I have to go.” Airielle muttered as she walked away from them, Josh tried to follow her but Jon stopped him. 
“She always running.”  She heard Josh tell Jon and Trin before she ducked into an empty room in the arena. She let out a shaky breath and leaded against the door. She knew she had fucked up by kissing Raymond but Josh had done the unthinkable…the unforgivable by sleeping with Yara. 
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Trinity 💚: pleaseeeeeeeee  Trinity 💚: im begging on my hands and knees here! To Trinity 💚: lemme see. 
Airielle let out a laugh as her phone started ringing with a facetime call. She answered and started laughing harder at what she saw. 
Jon and Trinity had their cheeks pressed together and they both were pouting at the phone. “Please” They both begged at the same time. 
“I don’t wanna be the only bad bitch here ,Airielle.”  Airielle let out a giggle and rolled her eyes. 
“Look at how you got my lil bro’” Jon said as he snatched the phone out of Trin’s hands and flipped the camera to show a dejected looking Josh. “Lil Uce keep looking towards the door to see if you comin’”  Airielle couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip as she took him in. He was looking real good, she almost got up to put some clothes on - NO! Her inner voice yelled at her. He had sex with Yara, fuck him! 
“He could be looking for Yara.” Airielle mumbled, and she heard Jon suck his teeth before he flipped the camera back to himself. 
“Sis be forreal.” Jon slurred. “Yara is here and before you say anything, Uce ain’t paying her no mind. I mean zero.” She let out another laugh when Trinity held up the hand gesture for zero behind Jon’s head. “So getcho’ ass down here and come cheer my brother up!” 
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“ No you did not!” She heard Jon yell out as she walked into their section. She watched Josh do a double take, his jaw dropping open as he took in her outfit. 
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“Happy Birthday!” Airielle said as she handed Jon a gift bag. Josh looked like he expected a gift too, but when she walked past him and towards Trinity and Mercedes, he sunk back down into his seat. 
“Yay!” Trinity and Mercedes cheered, pulling Airielle into a hug. “Girl you look hot as hell!” 
“I said cheer him up, not give him a heart attack.” Jon giggled. 
“Y’all drunk as hell, lemme catch up!”  Jon yelled out drink orders and Airielle made her way to the bar to order them. 
“First of all, do you see what she’s wearing?” Josh heard Yara ask but like Jon said, he was paying her no mind. “Her whole ass is out!”  Josh gritted his teeth as he watched Airielle lean on the bar top to point at something and he stood up, ignoring Yara calling his name and marched over to Airielle. 
“Damn,” Her whistled lowly as he walked closer to her, no shame in his game as he eyed her body. “You look good.” He whispered into her ear as he boxed her in between the bar and his body, while he flagged down the bartender for her.  “You know it’s my birthday too. Where my present at?”  
Airielle snorted but didn’t turn around to face him. “Don’t you got a girlfriend to go be with or something. Why you over here bothering me?”  She thanked the bartender but before she could grab the tray of drinks, Josh grabbed it and with his other hand he laced his fingers with hers, leading her back over to the section. 
Yara watched with narrowed eyes as Josh sat down next to Airielle. He had been ignoring her all night and Yara was about to put a stop to it. Josh was her man now.  
“Joshy, come on, let's dance.” Airielle snorted and choked on her drink at Yara’s nickname for Josh. She cut her eyes over at Josh who had his eyes closed and was shaking his head. That’s exactly what he gets. Airielle thought just as Thot Shit by Megan Thee Stallion started blasting through the club. 
“This my jam y’all!” Trinity yelled, grabbing Airielle and Mercedes hands and pulling them towards the dance floor.  Josh was in a trance as he watched Airielle out on the dance floor. Mesmerized by the way she moved her body to the beat. He had to get his girl back ASAP. 
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Four songs and three more shots later Airielle pulled herself away from the dancefloor to rush towards the bathroom. As she was coming out she bumped into Josh who was obviously waiting for her as he leaned  against the wall. 
 “Where ya little girlfriend at?” She asked, looking around.  He chuckled and walked closer to her. 
“I’m looking at her.”  Airielle rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “You wore this for me?” He asked as he dragged his eyes, slowing up her body. 
“Josh please.” She said as she rolled her eyes again and tried to walk around him but he stepped in front of her, and started to slowly back her into the wall. He slowly leaned into her and watched how she let out a gasp at how close he was getting. 
Before she could say anything, their lips connected. She felt him moan into her mouth and she tilted her head to be able to kiss him back.   his hands  now gripping her hips while her arms wrapped around his neck. His tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. He broke the kiss and slid his hands to rest just above her ass. He rested his forehead against hers 
“I’m sorry alright, I was hurt and angry and I should've never took it there with Yara. I don’t want us to be like this anymore. I want you. Only you.”
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Authors Note: Sorry this took so long. I wanted it to be perfect for yall. 🫶🏽 Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @empressdede
@harmshake @paigereeder @li-da-savage @nbanenefrmdao @alyyaanna
@jeysbae @theninthwonder @badbitchcentralinc @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @bonni-98
@raya-hunter01 @abadbitchblogs @qveenmikaelson @black-yn @mzv11
@shantinextdoor @sheydnni @zillasvilla @thatone-girly @xmonetswold
@bebesobrielo @kill-the-artiste @wrestlingprincess80 @yana3sworld @bookuce
@that-one-anxious-mango @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @sageispunk @heathetherlamont30 @amandairene88
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anystalker707 · 26 days
an ironic, bitter joke
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x [gender-neutral] Reader Summary: you're a forensic doctor who works for GCPD, and there seemed to me remains of the fear gas in the crime scene. after such a day, your boyfriend is waiting for you at home to comfort you. Tags: comfort / there's no major description of the dead body / no major description of fear or panic attack
Requested by @sw33tsuccubus ["i know you’re busy a lot dear but hear me out. jonathan crane (i’m on a bit of a kick lately) fic. maybe he’s in a relationship with a forensic scientist who ends up going to one of scarecrow’s crime sites. (...)"]
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          “The results of the last toxicology test seem a bit tricky. Maybe you could double-check?” Nygma raised his eyebrows lightly at you, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his forearm as he walked over to the sink and washed his hands.
You looked down at the papers before you, playing with the pens in your lab coat’s pocket. They wouldn’t be done or needed anytime soon, whether you wanted it or not, so you could busy yourself with something else in the meantime. Just as you were about to get up, the lab door opened, and one of the officers stood there.
“We need you two on the crime scene,” the officer said, looking down at the clipboard they had in hand, flipping one of the papers. “The van is leaving in a few minutes.”
You clicked your tongue. More work, more deaths. “Who?”
“Another one of those cases, fear stuff,” they said, turning the pages a few more times before placing the clipboard on the counter, and you shared a look with Nygma. “We have some people there already. Fresh scene. You’ll catch the body warm if you’re fast enough.” They looked at the two of you.
“On it.” You promptly stood up, receiving an assertive nod from the officer before they left, cursing the police under your breath. They weren’t only harsh when dealing with criminals and society but also with the other areas within the GCPD, like forensics, for example. As much as you, Nygma, and the others hated it, you weren’t quite a fan of being hungry and in debt, and there weren’t that many job opportunities anywhere else. Legally, at least. Your name wasn’t big enough to take any chance in the underworld.
Separating the needed materials and getting ready to visit another crime scene was automatic, practically a sign for your brain to shut tight the door between feelings and professionalism. By now, it didn’t take much anymore, even more so after the peak in criminality that Gotham had been going through for a while already, transforming the usual living hell into something worse.
A sigh escaped your lips as you walked into the van with the rest of the staff, giving your materials a last check.
The familiar rushed, nervous talk already permeated the air along with the strong smell of blood when you stepped out of the van, observing the crowd of officers and some other people standing there, with blood pooling on the ground not so far off. Occasionally, the sound of cameras going off would sharply echo, but everyone was too immersed in the situation to care.
Usually, a murder under a bridge down in the worst parts of Gotham wouldn’t raise that much of a commotion, though that wasn’t the case when it involved a politician—with a surname that matched one of the local mafia leaders—and characteristics of the last series of deaths, explaining Gordon’s presence there, too.
Formalities were dismissed as you walked under the yellow and black tape, approaching the corpse; Nygma stood back to exchange words with the others and grab the papers so that you could know the background a little better, to get an idea of what to look for.
It wasn’t the worst scene you’d ever seen, but still far from the best. Your case was left somewhere away from the drops of blood as you crouched next to the body. Rigor mortis hadn’t started to settle in yet, meaning it hadn’t been two full hours ever since that man’s heart stopped beating. Similarities to other cases were evident, looking like the person had died in panic, with sighs of despair like tugging on their own hair or scratching themselves, trying to run away or escape, even if they weren’t in a closed place. Sometimes it had a few differences, but the basics remained the same.
Your eyes narrowed as you looked for any sign of puncture, despite never finding them in any of the bodies, so you still had to make a background check to know if something else could’ve intoxicated them. You inhaled deeply while leaning a little closer to the corpse, trying to catch any sketchy smell, but there seemed to be nothing, as usual, even though this was the freshest body you’d gotten access to so far.
Even with the lack of any strange smell, something suffocated you, making it harder to breathe. Was there something really toxic? No, there hadn’t been anything like that in the last cases. Everyone else in there was fine. A shiver ran down your spine at the same time your breath hitched, and you couldn’t understand what stirred in your chest, your heart palpitating with the sudden discomfort.
The surrounding sounds turned muffled and distorted, your throat went dry, and your hands started to sweat. Was it getting darker already? The sun was just starting to set when you left the GCPD.
A hand landed on your shoulder, and your blood drained when you looked up to see a blurry, dark figure standing there, looming over you. You screamed without even realizing it, unable to say anything, every word turning into a scream as you fell back and tried to crawl away from the black figures that kept surrounding you, your heart hammering in your chest. You were alone, in the dark, without any family, without your boyfriend, without anyone.
          Your mind was still distant, messy, even after you woke up in the infirmary. Reality would come and go, something like when you’d been awake for way too long, making it hard to process beyond two of the uncountable questions that the doctors made you.
“You seemed… afraid,” Nygma said, furrowing his eyebrows as he helped you stand, holding your bag in one of his hands, and followed you out of the department. Everyone had said that to you before, and you do remember being afraid, wanting to run away and cry, but you simply couldn’t remember why. “Can you really go home by yourself?”
“I’m taking a cab, my boyfriend is home, waiting for me, anyway,” you sighed, still haunted by the awful feeling from earlier. When did your thoughts mix up with dreams? How much of it was reality? Knowing how far you could trust yourself was hard, but hopefully seeing Jonathan would help you return to reality. You’d forgotten about Nygma before he stood beside you again, handing your bag to you, saying something that sounded like gibberish, and you were too tired to ask him to repeat.
Everyone had been talking to you the entire time, ever since you woke up with the IV line in your arm, with sweat making your clothes stick uncomfortably to your skin and your muscles sore from the exaggerated tension. The unexplainable fear you’d felt on the crime scene was now a ghost that haunted the back of your mind, making your breath hitch whenever something caught you off guard. In a way, it was something like a hungover, but still not quite.
“Make sure to rest and drink a lot of water,” Nygma reinforced when a cab pulled up, squeezing your shoulder before you waved at him and moved to get in the car.
The drive home felt way too fast, and the numbers escaped your grasp when the driver told you the price, so you just told him to keep the change before handing him some crumpled bills and leaving the car.
Unlike the GCPD, home was warm and comfy, with a comforting smell that immediately calmed you down when you stepped past the doorway. Jonathan’s shoes were already behind the apartment’s door, his coat hung nicely as you hung yours as well. Just the sight made your heart warm.
“Sweetheart? I bought us some dinner from that restaurant you like. Also, some dessert because…” Jonathan trailed off as he walked out of the kitchen and saw you standing there by the doorway, his face falling. He was wearing dress pants and a button-up shirt only, without his tie, which was a rare sight. His eyebrows furrowed as he pressed his lips together, pushing his glasses up. “Love? You look… pale.”
You raised your eyebrows and took a deep breath, trying to get some sense of yourself so that you could answer him. “I had an incident at work,” you stated. “I went to investigate and collect materials in a fresh crime scene under a bridge, but people think I was intoxicated. I started… hallucinating? I don’t know. I was afraid. Seemed like a panic attack.”
Jonathan’s expression fell into a frown at the same time his shoulder dropped as he looked at you from head to foot before stepping closer, cupping your face in his hands, and turning your head from side to side before his thumb tugged on the skin under your eye. “Did they have you checked?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “They ran a blood test, medicated me and stuff, but I’m still…” You made a vague motion to indicate the haze that clouded your mind, focusing on the warmth of Jonathan’s hands on your skin, the care in his gaze as he observed you.
Jonathan felt bad. He tried his best to muffle down that feeling that bubbled up inside his chest by focusing on caring for you, holding onto your shoulders before he gave your hips a squeeze when he looked you up and down to make sure he didn’t miss any detail, anything. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he adjusted his glasses again before nodding and kissing your cheek softly.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, taking your bag and leaving it on the floor before he hugged you, rubbing your back comfortingly. “Or better, why didn’t anyone in the GCPD call me? Do they not have mine as one of your emergency numbers? Love, I—” His words came to a halt when you groaned softly. “Sorry, I’m just very worried,” he exhaled heavily, hugging you tighter. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if something had happened to you. You have a dangerous job, sweetheart.”
The irony of it all was a bitter joke that made Jonathan mad. To think that his fear gas—the one he had created to overcome his enemies and to protect you—had affected his own partner. Though, it did make him wonder how and why the gas had stuck around for so long. He was just supposed to get rid of the obstacles, clean the trash, not disturb his beloved partner! Jonathan wanted to strangle himself for a moment, but something—well, someone—else needed his attention right now. He kissed your cheek a few times more, hoping to ease both you and his anger.
“Are you sure you’re feeling better?” Jonathan caressed your face, and his heart fluttered and sank when a small smile tugged on your lips.
“Yeah, yeah,” you mumbled with a nod. A sigh escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around Jonathan, leaning into his touches, nuzzling his shoulder. “I just needed to rest. I really wanted to see you,” you whispered. “Be with you.”
“Of course, love,” he whispered and kissed your shoulder in return, staring at the wall while holding you there. “I’m here for you.” The words were true, even if most things about him weren’t, but he needed to keep you around, to keep the only person he loved happy, the only person who brought him a sense of reality. You were the main reason he kept trying to be better, to get a better life, even if his means weren’t the best.
“I’ll get a shower ready for you,” Jonathan said, interrupting himself from overthinking and also cutting through your thoughts. “Get you into some nice clothes, then we can have dinner, and we’ll go to bed, hm? How does that sound?” He squeezed you a little before stepping back and holding your hands in his, with a soft smile. “You’ll feel better in no time. You should call in sick tomorrow. Take the day off to rest. You deserve it.”
Jonathan swallowed dryly, trying to seem as natural as possible, his thumbs running over your knuckles gently.
“Okay,” you gave in reluctantly, making relief wash over Jonathan, and he was sure that taking a day off Arkham just to take care of you wouldn’t be much of a problem. He just needed to make a few calls.
That counted as some sort of redemption, right? Jonathan ruined you, but he’d fix you. He smiled a little before he gently walked with you to the bathroom, letting you sit down on the toilet’s lid while he helped you undress while the water ran, warming up.
“I love you, okay?” Jonathan whispered. “I love you, no matter what.”
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babygirl-riley · 1 year
My Future
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“Can’t you hear me…I’m not coming home.”
The solo mission that turned both yours and Simon’s life around.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, blood, violence
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst list
The heartbeat. Thumping. At first it was fast then slowly it became more like a white noise. You leaned against the tree as you watched the snow slowly. The white was beautiful as it surrounded the trees, animals eventually came around after the shooting ended. It was like a painting. Instead you ruined it.
The white around you was more crimson red. Formed around the area you were seated at. You were surrounded, it was suppose to be a scouting mission. Before you warned Laswell about the Russians being stationed at the base that they were led too. Gun shots rang out.
“Shit Bravo 0-9 I’ve been compromised.” You cursed as you dodged as much bullets as you could.
You felt the hit, felt the bullet getting lodged into your arm. It made you fall from the force from it. As you got up your leg went. You panted as you turned shooting your gun hitting a couple of men, they fell cursing the land red. “Bravo 0-9 how copy?” Laswell asked sorry behind her voice.
You grumbled as you got up, trying to get further away from the site. “Copy.” You whispered hissing at the pain.
“What’s your status?”
You inhaled deeply before feeling the same pain from the shoulder and leg. Instead hitting square in the middle of your back. “Fuck!” You yelled smacking into the ground.
You felt nauseated once your face felt the cold sinking into your cheek. Fuck. Fuck. You heard the footsteps crunching closer. You heard the Russian language blaring through their radios. You waited until they came closer having your pistol out, shooting both.
You laid against the tree trying to get yourself to get up. You had to find shelter sooner rather than later. You had to stop the bleeding, needed to get warm. It was getting dark as well, you could get eaten or worse found.
You hissed as you looked over at your radio. Fuck. Busted. You inhaled deeply finally getting up, you held your side feeling the warmth seeping in your hand. It was freezing, you were getting more and more tired. What if no one finds you? You had to leave clues for the team. If they come to you.
You found your med kit and made a quick bandages for all the areas. You hoped that this would hold until helped arrived. At least you would hope they would. You looked around the bodies licking up ammo and knives then headed in your way.
You eventually attempted to carve 141 on trees. Hoping to god they would find it. Find you. You weren’t ready to die. You thought you would have doing this job. Now you couldn’t. Not since you and Simon. Not since you found your future. Your happiness.
“Ya shouldn’ go alone.” Simon mumbled watching you pack a small bag.
“It���s only a couple of days Si, it won’t be bad.” You answered stuffing more clothing in your small bag. “Plus it’s just observing a couple of fumbling idiots far away. Nothing will happen.”
Simon didn’t like the answer you knew that, just how silent he went you knew. He sighed. “You never know if they know you will be there.”
You looked over at him, he want looking at you, arms folded, staring at the blank wall. “No I don’t, we just can’t think like that Si,” He shuffled his face back to you, you knew that look like the back of your hand. He gave it to rookies that knew the answer to a question when they didn’t answer it correctly. You chuckled sighed. “Simon worst case alright? If they know, I will fight like a bat out of hell. You know I don’t go down easy.”
He hummed and walked over to you lifting his mask up to his nose, ghosting over your lips. “If I have to come and save ya, I will beat you myself.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes before giving him a peck. “Yes sir.”
Don’t go down easy alright. You scoffed out loud from that memory. You couldn’t believe that you said that, you jinxed it. Your blood not staying inside you, not following that one order. You were going to die here. Alone.
You tumbled, you sighed and grunted as you hit the snow. It was cold but felt so nice from the heat coming off of you. You laid there for a moment, before scooting yourself up against a tree. You’re going to die right here. Hearing your heartbeat thump too hard to hear anything else. “I don’t want to die yet.” You whispered feeling tears prick your eyes.
You looked up to watch small specks of white falling and hitting the ground around you. It was beautiful, the green peaking through the white. It was like being in a painting. You had to stay focus if you couldn’t move at least stay wake. You inhaled deeply feeling your lip quiver.
“Maybe just a little shut eye,” Yoh felt your eyes growing heavy. You placed your hand on one of the bandages, crimson seeping through. “Damn it.”
That’s when it hit you, the crimson around you was forming bigger and seeping through the white. Like a plague. You inhaled deeply. Fuck. “Just a small shut eye.” You mumbled letting the darkness take over.
You thought you died until you felt a small push cause you to snap awake. You groaned, eyes not wanting to open. “Cap I found her!” The Scottish accent boomed in your ears.
“So-Soap?” You croaked finally opening your eyes, the shine of a light made you snap your eyes shut.
“Fucking hell yer alive!” Soap said cheering laughing as well. “Bravo team she is breathing barely! Lots of blood loss. We gotta get her out of her pronto.”
You looked over at Soap, pleading not to move. You were stiff. Cold. Yet you felt nothing. Not until a warmth soaked through you. Looking down you saw he placed small packs of heating pads on you. Soap looked up as he also was finding the wounds and wrapping them again once blood oozed out.
“Y/n,” You smiled, that voice. That deep beautiful voice. “Hey. Hey look at up love.”
You slowly turned your head the other way noticing Simon placing his gun down looking over at Soap. Soap frowned and shook his head. “Simon.” You whispered.
He was frozen in spot. Soap basically told him you might not make it. He scanned your body most likely has frostbite. Blood was stained everywhere. Your skin paler than normal. Cracked lips. Glossy eyes.
“No talking right now,” He answered starting to pull things out of his kit. “We gotta get ya safe yeah?”
“‘M serious love,” He followed you as you went into the bathroom. “I will beat your arse.”
You chuckled. “Simon I have done this time and time again. It’s like another day on the beach.”
Simon didn’t have a good feeling about this one. Something was off. The intel didn’t look right. Not at least to him. It could be cause yes you were going alone. Yes he didn’t want you hurt. Price warned him before talking to you about the mission. He wanted to go with you but couldn’t. You were the best for this mission.
“I will be home.” You said kissing his cheek. “Then we can go drink whiskey in the city.”
You coughed blood spurting on your lips. “That’s not good.” You whispered leaning your head back.
“No look at me Sargent,” Simon ordered having your eyes flutter to him. God please if there is one have her make it. “Remember we talked about that dog.”
You smirked. “Si,” You coughed again swallowing deeply. “Don’t coy.”
Soap snapped his eyes at his lieutenant. He even knew that Ghost was distracting you from the reality that was setting in. Simon couldn’t think of it. No denying it until you took that final breath. You’ll be fine. He couldn’t loose you. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.
Simon went on about the dog, you mentioned on getting a puppy since both of you agreed on no kids. A puppy would be a start. Being together would be a start. The future would be the start. You knew your future was ending here. You could feel yourself fading. You were in the snow too long. Blood loss. You had no future. He did though. So you let him ramble as you gripped into his sleeve while he worked.
Simon ignored the stare of you and Soap. Deep down he knew. Right now it’s the dog and blood he has to handle. His mind racing on what the future will hold for both of you. It was always something to talk about between the two of you.
The future was always talked about what to do about it and go about it. Never did he think that it would be you bleeding out in the snow. In front of him. Watching his future becoming more dark each small breath you took. Until your hand released his jacket. That his future took a different route than yours.
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homunculusrex · 1 year
I just saw somebody link a GOOGLE DRIVE FULL OF TOKUSATSU. And I just wanted to say that is literally the worst possible fucking way you could get access to these shows. Toei does not fuck around and your google drives are NOT protected. This is not directly related to Toku, but I once saw somebody get SUED for having a google drive full of Moomin shows. Sued and still paying fines. This was years ago.
So I’m teaching you people how to Torrent with some help of my GF. Torrenting is easy, it requires very little, and you’ll be super happy you did. I’m doing this with the implication that you are looking to watch Tokusatsu shows but IDC what the hell you’re downloading, just keep yourself safe.
GET A VPN. If you don’t already have one. I don’t fucking care what VPN you're using as long as it covers your computer.
GET A TORRENT DOWNLOADER. Get anything but fuckin UTorrent its full of adware. QBITTORRENT is your best bet, also its free.
FIND A TORRENT SITE. They're fucking everywhere. If you're looking for Toku everyone uploads to NYAA . SI (DO NOT LINK THIS SITE DIRECTLY PLEASE FFS)
GET SOME ADDITIONAL HARD DRIVE SPACE. This is optional but if you're gonna do this a lot get some extra space. My Gf torrents a lot so she needs a lot of hard drive storage.
3. FIND WHAT YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD. Preferably one with a large amount of Seeders. Seeders are people helping you download faster. No seeders means that it’s gonna take a long ass time.
4. NOW DOWNLOAD IT. If you're using Nya, just click the little magnet next to the link. Make sure its in the language and media you want, not every database does this but SOME do.
If your browser doesnt open your torrent program immediately you can just download the torrent file itself, Torrent files basically act as a key to tell your torrent program where and what to look for when downloading! Once your torrent program picks up the source, you can then tell it where you want to put the download!
5. WAIT FOR IT TO FINISH DOING ITS THING. Use this time to reflect on how swag you are for torrenting.
6. EXIT THE CLIENT.  Make sure you exit instead of just closing the window, because it could still be running and turning your VPN off while seeding is ill advised.
You can learn how to seed too! Because sometimes, older torrents get LOST because there's no seeders! Everything is peer to peer, so if you want a file to stay up, it needs seeders! Its always courteous to seed what you leech!
Now. Go. Enjoy your shows without downloading it from a google drive thattle prolly get the host sued.
EDIT. Heres a directory for more info on piracy, torrenting, adblocking, and literally anything you might need info on.
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softrozene · 1 year
Spanish Flirtations
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Anon asked: I have a request for you. Could you write a male s/o who has been trying to flirt with Javier in spanish but it ends up in disaster with weird translation,that is strange. Like he picked up a little from Javier and from townfolk but he ain’t sure what they mean,anf Javier justs teases them. 
rdr2 masterlist
I hope you are ready for this cute cringe-fest! Javi does tease him a bit but he also teaches!
*I literally picked up these Spanish pick-up lines from a few sites and google translate so I have no idea if they are correct lmao. 
Originally published on February 2, 2020
Translations are in the parentheses. Spanish is bold.
Javier Escuella x Male Reader
Warnings: Fluff, cringe, pick up lines, Micah is mentioned being a jerk like once for a second
Words: ~1k
“I got this. I can do this. I am amazing. I am wonderful. I am-“ The list goes on as Javier listens just outside the outhouse of the saloon.
 Honestly, he has no idea what’s been going on with his partner but seeing his partner in distress and even trying to pick himself up like this- It makes him concerned.
 You both agreed not to drink too much and thankfully both of you stayed true to that. So maybe he’ll have a heart-to-heart with you on the ride back to camp. Anything to see what is up with the sudden jitters from you.
 “(Name), it’s about time to go,” Javier says loudly making you stop sputtering your self-speech.
 You exit the privy and lean against it trying to look all suave. Javier raises an eyebrow at the sudden change of behavior as you smile widely. This is the moment you’ve been waiting all day for. The moment you’ve been practicing for. If it fails, you will have other moments but it’s time to see how your Javi will react.
 You muster up all the confidence you’ve been building and in a deep voice say, “Si besarte fuera pescado, caminaría feliz por el infierno.” (If kissing you were a fish, I’d happily walk through hell.)
 Javier’s eyes are wide with surprise before something twinkles in them. His lips twitch before he lets out a chuckle. “That was… hot and cute. You almost said that right,” Javier states feeling a bit proud of you.
 You look at him a bit confused and ask, “What part did I mess up?”
 “You meant to say pecado (sin). Not pescado. Pescado is fish. Nice try though,” Javier complements.
 You are surprised that he didn’t tease you that much. Instead, he was helpful. Too bad this is the only one you actually knew. The others … you have no clue what they mean but you did your best to learn how to say them by heart.
 “I’ll have to give you a… a… What is it called?” Javier suddenly looks confused.
 You stare at him as he points to his lips and tries to recall it. Having done this charade game before with him, you start saying a few words in hopes that it’ll help him remember.
 “Warning, word, speech, lips, kiss, shou-
 Javier snaps his finger, “Kiss! I’ll have to give you one at camp for trying to flirt. Oh, where’d you learn all that by the way?”
 There is no way you are going to tell him about the Spanish speaking girls who have turned into your wing women.
 Anyway, you may have dealt your favorite card and wrongly but you have three more to try out.
It’s been a few days and you finally decide to pull out the next line you learned. You don’t care if it goes wrong at all. Seeing how happy Javier gets from hearing you speak his native tongue makes you beyond happy.
 Thankfully, he seems to be doing guard duty. It won’t take but a few minutes of his time and surely you’ll risk it just to see his expression. You walk away from the camp after your own chore is done or planning a mission is done and head his way.
 His spot is a bit within the trees so it’s perfect to not be spotted by enemies or your fellow campers. Especially nosy people like Susan or Micah who seems to hate your relationship with Javier. Your blood boils at the thought of him saying “it ain’t right”.
 Everyone else has been supportive and you are thankful for it.
 Now you gotta focus at your task at hand in order to not be called out by anyone for disturbing someone on guard duty. You’re quick and spot your man and rush over to him, immediately leaning against a tree.
 Javier is staring at you a bit confused until you speak.
 “¿Tienes un mapa? Me he encontrado en tus ojos.” (Do you have a map? I seem to have found myself in your eyes).
 He bursts out laughing.
 You remain confident as you ask, “What did I say and what does it mean?”
 When he calms down he explains immediately what you said wrong, and you know you misspoke something to get a reaction like that.
 “A pick-up line that made no sense, mi amor (my love),” Javier states before he translates what you had said.
 “Do you have a map? I seem to have found myself in your eyes. A common pick-up line but you said it wrong. You misplaced lost with found. It would’ve been ‘I seem to have lost myself in your eyes’ so instead of encontrado it would be perdido. Would you be willing to try again?” Javier asks with that expression you love.
 His expression is love-filled and joy from spending time with you. He doesn’t need to ask you twice.
 “¿Tienes un mapa? Me he perdido en tus ojos.”
“¿Hace calor aqui, o eres tù?” (Is it hot in here or is it just you?)
 Your voice comes out raspy and Javier stops all movement. Both of you are huddled close to the fire as the others sleep.
 “You… You actually sounded perfect,” Javier says with amusement.
 You nod your head before rubbing the back of your neck. It takes him a moment to realize why you suddenly turned embarrassed.
 “You have no idea what that meant, do you?” He questions with a chuckle.
Your cheeks feel warm from the slight embarrassment but you feel more eager to know what it means. So, you admit it with pride. Javier feels a rush go through his stomach at how genuine you are and the love he feels for you grows immensely.
“Is it hot in here or is it just you?” He repeats in English.
 It takes a moment before your cheeks heat up and he laughs at your proud smile. In the heat of the moment, you try out the next line you should’ve saved.
 “Eres guapo. ¿Quieres ser mi novia?” (You are cute. Do you want to be my girlfriend?)
 This time Javier’s laugh comes out a bit too loud and he is quick to muffle himself by plunging his face into your shoulder. It takes a couple of moments for him to gather himself before he pulls away slightly.
 “Sorry (Name). That was just perfect timing for that one, though you made a slight novice mistake. Do you know what you said?” Javier asks with a raised eyebrow.
 You can’t do a poker face. Your smile is wide as your cheeks somehow become hotter as you admit, “I only know I called you cute? At least I hope I did?”
 “You did! The rest was asking me to be your girlfriend,” He says the amusement laced as his accent seems more prominent.
 Ah, you wish your wing women would’ve clarified the lines they taught you. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers with learning the language of love. Javier takes your hand in his and he seems content with this moment.
 “The correct way to say it for us would be novio (boyfriend). ¿Quieres ser mi novio? Do you want to be my boyfriend. Since we are already sweet on each other we would refer to each other as such or mi pareja, my partner,” Javier murmurs as he places a kiss on the rough skin of your knuckles.
 You test it out feeling the tip of your tongue tingle at the new word and a bright smile on your face.
 “Mi pareja.”
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lilithsterrarium · 3 months
Family Pet
The first chapter in something I hope to expand on soon!
Contains: A pervy trans girl, her two trans siblings, and her mom, alongside her VERY strong tastes for size stuff- more to introduce characters than anything.
The soft, carpeted hallway did little to muffle the footsteps as Lilith quietly tried to sneak around. Down the hallway, a collection of bedrooms- each belonging to another member of the family- and each one something she had to carefully sneak around, for fear of being heard. Her socked feet gently pressed against the ground as she passed each door in succession, taking a moment by each one to make sure she wasnt heard.
Her mother's room was closed off, a cute, welcoming space she always tried to get her girls into- to mixed results, of course. Inside, the middle-aged woman was peacefully snoring, and Lilith couldnt help but stare at her body as it slowly rose and fell with each breath. While she never had the chance to meet her father, she was seriously skeptical anyone in their right mind would pass up on someone like her mother... quickly feeling the bulge in her pants swell as her mother stirred, Lilith quickly ducking away. The hallway split off here- parts leading to the kitchen, bathroom, and living room, where Abby, the family dog, peacefully snored away. The hallway continued on in the other direction, and Lilith quietly continued her journey.
Her little sis came out as trans almost right after her, something that Lilith couldnt be prouder of... Katie was an absolute sweetheart, and the moment she declared she would rather be a princess than a superhero, her whole family had her back. Her older sister came out a long, long time ago, and was still comfortably resting in her room. The scent of weed and cheap beer wafted from the doorway, an almost intoxicating mixture as Lilith tried to peer inside... she loved her sisters, more than she would ever admit- and in more ways then even she knew. The door creaked as she tried to peek inside, and Lilith quickly sucked in her breath- hearing a weak, sleepy grunt from her older sibling as she hurridly darted away.
"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT-" her heart was racing as she entered her room, quickly closing the door. She listened for any movements, but couldnt hear anyone- and after a few seconds, she trusted the silence enough to slink over to her desk and open her laptop.
Glancing over her shoulder, she gently put on her headphones- blushing as she typed in the same search she had countless times before. It wasnt an uncommon occurance for people to shrink- a surprisingly simple (and suspiciously easy) to obtain feat now able to be bought for cheap. The issue is, it also became easier to unwillingly shrink people- all it took was a simple drugging, and people were as small as bugs within the grasp of their captors. These people went by a variety of names; tinies, micros, anything you could think of.
Those who underwent it for a variety of reasons were met with disdain- and it was widely agreed upon that these people, if you could call them that, were no longer human. Laws no longer covered them, people would often purposefully make their lives a living hell; it was something that less and less people were willing to do, at least not willingly. Lilith's cock jumped at the thought... she had asked, begged her older sis to buy the formula so she could be tiny- she knew her mother would say no... sure, she could buy it herself, but it was expensive, and she was unemployed... biting her lip, she sighed as she fantasized about being tiny. About being helpless, vulnerable, weak- sub-human, less than even insects, the very scum of the earth... her dick eagerly throbbed along as she whimpered gently. God, she wanted it.
The screen before her finally loaded, her internet slow but reliable as the fishy site came into view... dozens of videos lit up, all with a focus of tormenting tinies... these bug-sized shrimps Lilith was so, so jealous of. A variety of titles caught her eye, as she scrolled to find something to get off to.
"Calling my Micro Pet Mean Names Until It Cums"
"tinies vs my blender lmao"
"Feeding a tiny to my pet cat~"
"Tinies v.s Daycare (The End Will Shock You!)"
"Tiny Gets Fucked by Cockroach"
"How to Start Collecting Tinies!"
Lilith let out an annoyed sigh, murmuring to herself as her dick throbbed.
"Seen it... seen it... that one was horrible, the tinies screamed way too loud... ungrateful little shits... seen it..."
She sighed, grabbing her dick and starting to gently stroke herself. She finally found a video she hadnt seen, clicking on it absentmindedly as she stroked herself... she hated how scared the tinies looked. They were so lucky, and they didnt even know it...
She brought herself to climax quickly, shooting ropes of cum into a tissue and quickly tossing it into a garbage bin... sighing as she closed her laptop. She slowly made her way to her nightstand, where she grabbed her pills... a mix of estrogen, progesterone, and an antidepressant... quickly pushing them into her mouth, and swallowing. Her mouth felt... off. A strange aftertaste stained her lips as she washed it down with a glass of water. She layed down, sighing as her eyes gently fluttered closed... the last thing she saw being her stuffed plushie. A cute stuffed bunny, it gently sat in her arms as she hugged it tight- her little snuggle buddy. She didnt care how old she was, she would always adore her plushie...
Lilith slept peacefully, unaware that her entire life would change the very next morning.
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secondhand-snow · 5 months
But...I mean, every president has definitely fucked in the oval office. That being said, what I think would be shocking would be if a clip of them fucking was leaked. Something that was obviously filmed with a phone. The scandal is more along the lines of "national security." How in the hell someone so close to them *cough* secret service *cough* was able to pull that off. So, a huge investigation is launched, and they caught a guy, blah, blah, blah, he says some tabloid paid him handsomely. Secretly, it was all a ploy from Jeryd's himself to distract the public while he's working on passing some controversial bill or funding some war... All the while, the video keeps being number one in all porn sites, no matter how many times it's taken down. The people at Playboy even joke about offering the first lady a centerfold if her husband wasn't so damn scary. Roman jokes that dad is turning on his grave, Shiv is secretly jealous because she feels so boring in comparison to her step sis. Connor thinks they need family therapy again, and Ken is once again screaming in a bathroom because he's the oldest boy, and the press isn't talking about him
this is making my head go brrrrrr- i have such a kink for sex tapes
The tape is only a few minutes long, the footage relatively grainy, but unfortunately still clear enough to get a view of President Mencken fucking the First Lady on the desk of the Oval Office. The entire situation blows up after only a few hours of the the tape being leaked. It's trending on Twitter, the subject of articles from dozens of publishers, even making it's way to international news channels. The CIA is fast though, and is able to spin the narrative to one of "national security," taking away from the fact the president was having sex in the White House. Publicly, the resolution is a trial in federal court and the eventual imprisonment of a certain secret service agent. The proceedings are live streamed on the national news, with an audience in the tens of millions.
American citizens are split in their opinions. Some consider the entire thing worthy of an impeachment, others think it makes Mencken more interesting and authentic. One thing is for sure- social media is obsessed with it. No matter how many times the video gets taken down, it climbs its way back to the #1 spot on Pornhub within minutes of a reupload. Playboy posts a photoshopped cover, joking about how well the magazine would sell with a photo spread of Mrs. Mencken. The Roy siblings end up temporarily deleting social media to avoid seeing the viral clips. Well, Roman keeps his, but everyone else takes a break. The sibling group chat is reignited after having been quiet for a few weeks, with a message from Connor asking about a family therapy session. Even though he promises his hypnotherapist is one of the best, nobody agrees to it.
What the population doesn't see is the shady deals Mencken signs during all of this commotion. Sure, some activist groups try to stage protests and make infographics, but their work gets swallowed by the internet in favor of news on the sex scandal. And what only Mencken and his wife sees, is Jeryd's own phone propped up on the Oval Office bookshelf, recording a couple very aware of their surveillance.
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the-selfinsert · 2 months
Hello, denizens of the Hell Site!
Well hello there, my wretched little creatures! My name is TheSelfInsert! (Or Si, if you're just talking to me. For simplicities sake (And having a different name online is pretty cool)) I'm here to have some good times, see cool art, maybe one day make some of my own, and who knows what else? I've got a lot of aspirations, (and some big plans one day, once I get better at art, but you'll just have to wait and see ;).), but for now, I'm just here. I'm just a guy, who might occasionally say funny things. (Also a fanfic writer now??? I guess???)
As for what I like, and what I'll probably be looking at, I'll most likely be here for: Primarily Undertale/Deltarune related things, Epic the Musical, and other misc fandoms.
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These are all the fanfiction AO3 links to Secondo related content. Please see pinned post on Tumblr for other Papa content!
If you don't see something you are interested in please feel free to send an ask when open as well as commission me through the heart mug site. Link in pinned post!
Multi-Chapter Works:
⛧ Let There Be Night (COMPLETE) >>> Secondo & OC Loren Secondo Emeritus decides he will bite the bullet for the sake of his family and get a Prime Mover. The sister he chooses is perfect for the task but unlike any of his typical lovers. Will the pact between them be fruitful or will it die on the vine? (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Pregnancy Loss/Angst/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) Secondo x Loren Sequel Snippets (Mini sequels to the Papas in Love stories): 🜏 Let Them Wait Secondo awaits his name to be called for the return to the stage when it gets an unexpected guest. (SFW-Fluff/Daddy Secondo) 🜏 As the Night Settled In (Spin off) Copia pulls an all nighter after becoming Cardinal and gets some much-needed release when he gets back to his lover. (NSFW-Romance/MFM/Established relationship/COPIIIA/UNRELATED/NON-RELATED AU)
⛧ The Games We Play (COMPLETE-Feat. OC of @spectralmagpie) You are Desdemona, a part Imp Sister of Sin with a penchant for a good time and an insatiable appetite for driving your lover, Papa Secondo, mad. When you discover an exciting development within the Abbey will be limiting his time with you more, you decide, with the help of Terzo, take it as a challenge to find a way to entertain yourself and get a rise out of him. (NSFW-Public Sex/Romance/Brat/Exhibitionism/Multi-Kink/Feat. OC) ⛧ The Hell Torn Heart (ONGOING-Feat. OC of @ashley-ghuleh) After a recurring dream leaves Marcus, a half-demon/half-hellhound, dealing with the ghosts of his troubled past and visions of a place he has never been. He is unexpectedly thrust into an unknown world. Guided by a mysterious couple to the Ministry, surrounded by ghouls and siblings of sin. The once outcast struggles with what haunts him and learning to find himself—until he meets Secondo. (NSFW- Hellhound OC x Secondo/Romance/Angst/Anal Sex/BDSM)
One Off Works:
Exactly As it Should Be Secondo wasn't sure what to think when you told him you wanted to have a baby. Now holding his newborn daughter, the world has suddenly changed. (SFW- Fluff/Romance/First time Dad Secondo) You Bewitch Me You have reached a breaking point with body dysmorphia and seclude yourself in the bathroom only to be discovered by your lover Papa Emeritus II. (SFW-Part 1/2/Comfort/Body Image problems/Gender Neutral reader) Spell Cast After a hard bout of body dysmorphia, your lover Secondo shows you just how much he worships the body you reside in. (NSFW-Part 2/2 Comfort/Body image problems/Romance/Body Worship) Anything For You The celebrations of Lupercalia have begun at the Abbey and while you agreed that you wouldn't "celebrate" in the traditional way, seeing everyone else do it is getting to you and your Papa can tell. (NSFW-Lupercalia/Valentine's Day/Romance/Fluff/Comfort) More Than a Feeling As a FtM brother of sin in the Ministry things have not been the easiest. One thing however was sure, your love for Papa Emeritus II. When Papa leads Black Mass one evening, your entire life changes. (NSFW-Romance/Love Confession/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Transmale character/Mpreg) The Feel of Silk You were invited to Secondo's bed chambers knowing exactly what to expect...he did not disappoint. (NSFW-Romance/Light BDSM/blindfolding) Liquid Courage The hard and unapproachable Papa you have been crushing hard on gets a few drinks in him and finally decides to confess something to you…and the rest of the Abbey. (SFW-Romance/Love Confession/Gender Neutral Reader/First kiss) The Medusa The tables are turned for Secondo when his lives has him tied to the bed. (NSFW-BDSM/Edgeplay)
Secondo One Off Works Featuring Other's OCs):
Starving (feat. OC of @sirlsplayland) Secondo has been a bit of an overbearing expectant father, when he decides to show his Prime Mover, Marzanna, just how much she means to him. (NSFW-Romance/Pregnancy sex/Pregnancy Kink/Secondo POV)
Thank you for reading!
May he walk with you in Darkness, leading you from the Light
⛧ PM Ren
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
Sorry- Chapter 2
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
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“I take it you ran into Jon.” Ishana said as she took in the scowl on  Dominique’s face as she stomped over to where Ishana was waiting for her in the lobby. “You’re late but you look good as fuck bestie.” Dominique smiled and gave a little 360 turn before giving Ishana a hug.
“ I do not want to talk about Jonathan tonight. Tonight is about us having a good time. No relationship talk.”  Dominique said, the scowl returning to her face as she and Ishana walked over to where Kayla and Carmella were waiting for them. 
“What happened?” Dominique huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “The same thing we’ve been arguing about for weeks. He got upset and stormed out of the room.” Dominique shrugged, looking into one of the mirrors in the hotel lobby fixing her hair. “Ready to go?” She asked her group of friends, only to turn around and see the three of them giving her the same disappointed stare. “What?” 
“You’re acting like you don’t care that your fiance stormed out on you.” 
“I don’t” Dominique deadpanned, rolling her eyes when Kayla, Carmella and Ishana shared a look. “No relationship talk" She reminded Ishana. "So” She said, clapping her hands together, bringing her friends attention to her, “Are we going to the club or not?" 
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It was a Friday night and the club was damn near packed with their fellow WWE employees’ and with groupies that heard that the WWE was in town. Dominique rolled her eyes and she and her friends walked past another group of women and heard them squealing about ‘Roman and The Usos being there’ 
So he is here. Dominique thought to herself as she looked around to see if she could catch a glimpse of him. Clearing her throat she turned her attention back to her friends. She did not need to think about Jon tonight.. Tonight was supposed to be a Jon free night. She was there to have fun and that’s what she was going to do. 
“I'm going to get our drinks!” Dominique yelled over the music as she and her friends found a table for them to chill at. Her friends nodded and rattled off their drink orders. 
As Dominique made her way over to the club she had gotten the attention of three individuals in the club and one of them decided to not waste any time and walk over to her. 
“Damn sis” Josh laughed, as he leaned against the bar next to Dominique. “You tryna’ have twin bust a blood vessel or something.”  She rolled her eyes and pulled him into a hug . “You know he's here right” Josh asked to which Dominique nodded. “You see him yet?” 
“No and I’m not looking for him. I just wanna have a good time tonight.  He nodded and took a sip of the drink in his hand, eyes darting over to where Dominique assumed Jon was, watching them before returning his gaze back to her. From where she was standing she could see the 'RAISE YA ONES FOR THE BLOODLINE.’ sign and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It was so corny and thirsty. 
“I feel you. But we got a section if yall wanna come over and chill with us.”  He said, paying for her and her friends first round of drinks and going back over to his section. 
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“Uce! Yo Uce!” Josh yelled over the music as he made his way back over to where Jon was talking with Kofi. He was happy as hell Dominique showed up here tonight. He needed to get Jon and Dom back on good terms not only for their sake but for his as well. He loved his brother to death, but he was sick and tired of listening to him bitch about Dominique. 
“What happened Josh, You good?”  Jon asked him, turning away from his conversation with Kofi to look at him. 
“Dominique’s here.” When Jon just shrugged, Josh continued. “Aye Uce, I understand you mad at her right now but- “ 
“But nothing, Josh,” Jon sighed. “You’re the one who told me to come out tonight to forget about my problems with Dom and now that we’re in the same building you changing your mind?” Jon scoffed and shook his head. “Just drop it Uce.” Josh sighed and nodded his head. “Thank you.” Jon turned his attention back to Kofi and finished their conversation. 
Josh sucked his teeth and walked over to the railing that overlooked the dance floor, Jon and Dom were perfect for each other in Josh’s eyes, and he was going to do everything in his power to get the both of them to see that they needed each other. His started to look for Dominique, and smiled once he saw her but his smile dropped when he noticed who had snaked his way next to her. “Fuckin’ Orton.”
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Ishana looked at Randy in confusion as he slid up next to her and Dominique on the dance floor.  “What the fuck” She mouthed to Dominique who shrugged in return. 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.” Randy said, smiling down and Dominique. 
“Oh, yeah well you know.” Dominique said with a shrug. “It’s Friday and my friends wanted a night out.” 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He said, pointing towards the bar and before Dominique could answer, Ishana interjected. 
“Actually, we were just leaving.” She said, trying to grand Dominique’s hand and lead her away from Randy. 
“No we weren’t.” Dominique furrowed her eyebrows at Ishana, ignoring the look she was throwing her way as she released herself from Ishana’s grip. “And I could really use a drink.” Dominique grabbed Randy’s hand leading him away from a confused as fuck Ishana. 
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“I’m guessing you and the fiance still not talking huh?” Randy asked and when Dom cut her eyes over him, he pointed to her bare ring finger. “I know he paid a fortune for it so y’all gotta be fighting for it to not be on your finger.”  Dominique sighed and rubbed her bare finger. 
“Yeah, I uh- I threw it at him this morning after an argument we had.” 
“About what?” Dominique narrowed her eyes at him as the bartender placed their drinks down in front of them. “Oh, come on. We used to be really good friends when you were Hunter’s assistant.” 
“Fine, He said that loving me was like torture.” 
“No.” He gasped “Why did he say that?” Dominique sighed and picked up her drink, throwing the whole thing back, ignoring the burn it made in her chest. She had made it her main goal to not talk about her relationship with Jon tonight but it seemed like Randy wasn’t letting it go. 
“He wants to get married right now but I don’t want that. And yes it’s been nine months but who cares about that? Why can’t he just be content with us being engaged right now? “ 
Randy nodded as he took in her words. “Listen, i’m about to break bro code right now but, Jimmy loves you to death. When I'm actually in the locker room all he ever talks about is you and how he can’t wait until he gets to see you walk down the aisle and to finally be able to call you his wife.” Dominique blinked back tears as she listened to Randy. 
“This feels very planned.” She said with a watery laugh and Randy laughed too.
“I mean, I did run into him on the elevator earlier and he gave me the same rundown you did.” He chuckled lowly when she rolled her eyes. ‘Listen, I know when two people belong together. And you two belong together. Take it from me. I’ve lost the love of my life being stupid and indecisive with her.” Randy pulled Dom into a hug. “He knows that you're scared but to be honest love is scary but all he wants from you is to show him that you want to get married, go look at dresses, show him some venues or something.”  Randy gave her one last hug before finishing his drink and placed a 20 dollar bill on the bar top then walking away. 
Dominique sucked in a deep breath as she looked around the bar for a sight of Jon, Josh or Joe. It was time to apologize to her man. 
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Josh was talking with Ishana about when he spotted Dominique walking towards them. “Here comes Dom.” He said and looked in the direction where he last spotted Jon, his heart dropping into his stomach as he noticed Jon and one of the bottle girls were way too close to each other, and Jon had his hand on her lower back. “The fuck.” 
“You better go over there because if I do imma take that bottle she holdin’ and wack his ass upside his head.” Ishana said as she glared over at Jon. While they were staring at Jon they didn’t notice Dominique had come and stood right next to them and was looking at Jon as well. 
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Jon smiled at the bottle girl. He leaned closer so he could hear what she was saying. 
“You’re so much cuter in person” She whispered in his ear, and warning bells went off in his head but he ignored it. If Dominique didn’t want to marry him maybe this girl did. Dom did tell him to go and find someone else right? 
“Thanks baby girl. What’s your name?” He said, flashing her a smile. 
“Kendra.”  He went to say something else but someone bumped into her causing her to trip into him and push him onto the couch with her landing in his lap. He wrapped an arm around her waist so she wouldn’t fall.
“Shit you alright?” He asked her, the fall causing him to spill his drink on her. He tried to help her wipe the liquid off of her but she waved him off. 
“Yeah I'm good.” She bit her lip and looked at him through her lashes. “ I know this is very forward but can I have your number or I can put my number in your phone.” Jon hesitated before handing her his phone. Watching her type her number into his phone felt wrong. The whole interaction felt wrong and he wanted to immediately delete the contact when she handed him back his phone. 
“You gon text me right?” She asked, biting her lip and Jon nodded his head. 
“Yeah imma text you.” He lied. Satisfied with his answer she smiled at him. She stood up off his lap when one of her coworkers called her name. She bent down and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. 
“Wow.” Jon felt his stomach drop. He stood up and turned towards Dominique who was looking at  him with pure disgust. Josh and Ishanna were standing behind her. Ishana looked like she wanted to kill him and his own twin brother was looking at him in disappointment. 
He opened his mouth to say something but Dominique scoffed and stormed out of the section with Ishana hot on her heels.
“You know for being nine whole minutes older than me. You sure are dumb as fuck.” Josh gritted out. 
“That was your girlfriend or something?” Kendra asked, looking in the direction Dominique went. Jon didn’t answer her, he rubbed his hand down his face groaning. 
“That was his fiance.” Josh said, turning his lip up at his brother.  Kendra shrugged and turned towards Jon. 
“Oh well, Don’t forget to text me.” She said before winking at Jon before walking away from them. Josh sucked his teeth and looked at his brother again. 
“Man, whatchu’ still doing here. Go get Dom.” He said but Jon just shook his head and sat back down. 
“I’m too drunk to deal with this right now.” Jon groaned and picked up another shot, downing it before grabbing another. 
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“Dom, wait!” Ishana called out, trying to keep up with Dominique. 
“Go back inside. I’m fine.” Dominique said as she wiped some tears that fell.
“No you're not. I’ll go back to the hotel with you.” Ishana watched as her friend wrapped her arms around herself, a telltale sign that she was about to break down. 
“Ishana please, go back inside. I’ll text you once I get back. Promise.”  When Ishana didn’t say anything Dominique looked up at her. “Please.” She pleaded again. Ishana sighed and nodded, giving her friend a firm hug before going back into the club. 
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“Out of all the idiotic shit you’ve done over the years. This one takes the cake!” Ishana yelled at Jon. He ignored her and continued to push through the crowd, trying to exit the club. Ishana went to yell at him again but Josh grabbed her arm.
“Chill, he knows he fucked up.” Josh said, but Ishana wasn’t tryna hear it. Josh didn’t see the look in Dominique’s eyes, they didn’t see how broken she looked waiting for her uber. 
“Nah, fuck all that. He needs to understand how bad he hurt her.” 
“Chill.” Josh said again “ He knows.” Ishana just rolled her eyes and continued to walk outside. Already texting Kayla and Leah to let them know what happened. 
“What you gonna do Uce?” Josh asked, watching Jon lean against the outside wall of the club. Jon shrugged, 
“Go to sleep and talk to her tomorrow at the show.” Ishana scoffed, causing Jon and Josh to look over at her. “I’m fucking drunk Ishana. And I'm sure she’s not completely sober either. If I go talk to her, it wouldn’t end well.” 
Ishana scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Fine, you better make this right Jonathan.” 
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Dominique quickly thanked the uber driver before hurrying into the hotel and up to her room. She let out a sob as soon as she shut the door. This is why she didn’t wanna get married. After wiping her makeup off her face and changing out of her dress she crawled into bed and cried herself to sleep. The only thought in her mind being that her relationship was over and it was technically all her fault. 
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Whew... Trying to add Randy into this chapter was hard as hell and that's why it took so long.
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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doomalade · 8 months
Sorry the last question I sent was a big long. Thank you for listen to my ideas! Alastor's one just makes the most sense to connect the dots in my head, rather than the ambiguous angle they have right now. Which isn't a bad thing! The ambiguous angle can be done, but when done too much...it can leave the fans confused as to if the character in being genuine or not. That happened in another show I liked that also dealt with demons. They made her too ambiguous on if she was helping the protags for herself, messing with them because she cared or just wanted to in site chaos, or if she did anything because she cared about the problem at hand at all. Fans were very divided on her because of that. With my, I guess, concept, it would be easier to tell, even with story telling plot points carrying it throughout the plot. Lucifer's thing, right, I forget about the whole pride thing, but you're right that his pride could be used. Hell, even weaponized, which I would love to see demon form Lucifer defending Charlie! What I meant by "Angel is Angel" is that Angel has issues with people helping him with his situation with Val. Proven by episode 4.
Ahhhh then yeah, that would be an interesting angle to explore how those suffering abuse are afraid of receiving help in fear of repercussions from their abuser.
And also yes, I really do want there to be a Faustian deal type energy with Alastor and deal maker demons as a whole.
They will grant you what you wish, but you will owe them greatly in the end.
Alastor being able to get his revenge for the murder of Rosie. Yes, Rosie. Might as well use her character for something interesting instead of a boring twist with Lilith, but also still keeping that connection of Alastor to the Morningstar family intact.
Also big bro Alastor to lil sis Charlie instead of whatever possessed Viv to go the Daddy joke route instead like lmao
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