#hell look how pointy and angular they are in GENERAL
redhotarsenic · 1 year
Imagining Valantinez fighting and like. Blood spraying everywhere. Out of their nose and eyes because they’ve been shooting too long. Them ripping the tendrils out of their ports and blood splashing on the ground while their body works overtime to clot it. Blood choking them because the tendrils are damaged where they start at their arteries and it’s backing up into their throat. Them having to rip out their own heart and hot wire it mid fight because they took a blow to the chest and it knocked a bunch of stuff loose.
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luci-cunt · 5 years
jaks;dfj hi thank you
uhmmmmm, akldsf this was upsettingly hard to pick XD, I have so many unfinished drafts that never see the light of day, but here’s a snippet I wrote for the AFtG rewrite I was doing (and still am…? Kinda…? >.@laurensarah717 I’m sorry!!) 
FYI it is Andrew going to see Proust, nothing happens, he just meets him, but it’s still uncomfy as hell. 
It was a whole day before Andrews new Psychologist introduced himself. The nurses and staff greeted him, showed him his room–which they ever so carefully called ‘mandatory dorms’ even though they just meant cell–the cafeteria, group therapy room, and the rest of the facilities. They explained the rules, how much time he was supposed to stay, and what the treatment would entail. 
So by the time Andrew was lead to the office of the main psychologist in charge of Andrew, he’d heard quite a bit about the man. Apparently he was good at his job, and Andrew shouldn’t worry.
Because Andrew hadn’t ever heard those words before.
The door was silent as it opened, and as soon as Andrew caught a glimpse of the room his stomach started clenching. It was set up so that the man’s desk was facing him, with a chair in front of it, obviously where Andrew was supposed to sit–with his back to the door. 
The man sitting behind the desk was thin, with a tweed suit on and a pointy nose that matched his angular features. The first thing that popped into Andrew’s head when he saw him was the food critic from Ratatouille. He smiled as he saw Andrew enter, closing the folder he’d been reading from and setting it on the desk. 
“Ah, welcome, feel free to sit down–AJ?” he said, Andrew’s fists clenched and he forced them to relax, but the man’s eyes had already flicked down to them. 
“No.” Andrew said. 
“Andy then?”
“You’ll call me by my name, Andrew, or Mr. Minyard, nothing else,” Andrew said. The man’s smile widened. 
“Well, AJ, I can’t do that, see–as your main psychologist I have to build a rapport between myself and the patient, hence the nickname,” he said slowly, as though Andrew was an animal he had cornered. “For example,” the man continued, still smiling, “My name is Proust, Arthur Proust, but you can call me whatever you like, my friends–for instance–call me Arty,” he said. Andrew’s stomach bottomed out and he fought to stay in one place as he realized exactly what was happening. 
“I won’t consent to exposure therapy, I’m here for rehab, nothing else,” Andrew said, it just made Proust’s smile widen. His eyes flicked down to the folder he’d been reading, and he pulled a paper out of it. 
“I must apologize, AJ,” Proust said, sounding far from apologetic, “but you don’t have much of a choice.” He slid the paper over. It looked like the paperwork he and Bee had signed, agreeing to the rehab and the treatments–that were not exposure therapy. “See, someone happened to be very interested in your mental health, and he made a very generous donation, paying in full for the extra treatment,” Proust continued, setting another paper on top of the first and smiling up at Andrew. “He figured that while you were here, you should make the most of it.”
Andrew’s mind went numb and empty, his fingers tingling from loss of circulation and he fought to keep his breathing steady. It was another contract, with his and Bee’s signatures on it, exactly like the other, but just from scanning it Andrew knew he’d never seen that paper until this moment. 
Slowly he raised his eyes back to Proust’s, which were practically glowing. 
“Riko Moriyama sends his best wishes, AJ.”
Send me an ask and I’ll post a snippet!
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casualcatte · 5 years
[ Memery ] Questionnaire :: Aultena Sephimiri
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FULL NAME: Aultena Sephimiri NICKNAME: Tena, Ten-Ten, “Goldie” (only by Ezra Elric) AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: 22nd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te (non-tribal) NATIONALITY: Ishgardian (from Tailfeather, Dravanian Forelands) LANGUAGE/S: Hyuran, Miqo’te, Sharlayan SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Straight RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single HOME TOWN / AREA: Tailfeather, Dravanian Forelands CURRENT HOME: Tailfeather, Dravanian Forelands (Also Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Lily Hills Subdivision, Apartment #53) PROFESSION: Huntress and Professional Forager
[ Courtesy Cut for Length ] 
HAIR: Mid-back wavy dark blue hair, usually braided EYES: Gold FACE: Angular, eyes always vigilant LIPS: Thin Cupid’s Bow COMPLEXION: Dusky blue-gray skin BLEMISHES: None SCARS: Many scars criss-cross her body from the various monsters and beasts that have caught her unawares over the years. TATTOOS: None HEIGHT: 5′4″ (she’s tall for a miqo’te!) WEIGHT: Average BUILD: Lean and muscular FEATURES: N/A ALLERGIES: Cats (yes, the irony!) USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Braided, usually draping to the right side of her neck USUAL FACE LOOK: Alert, Vigilant, aware of her surroundings and the people in it USUAL CLOTHING: Republican Sagittarius’ Chiton in Raptor Blue
FEAR/S: Failing to avenge her parents, Losing someone she loves (again) ASPIRATION/S: To hunt and kill Saurotaun the beast that killed her parents POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective of those she cares about, can be very focused about certain things, generally kind until provoked NEGATIVE TRAITS: Has a temper, can be impatient, very impulsive TEMPERAMENT:  Vigilant, fidgety SOUL TYPE/S: Bard (Astrologian, later via story) ANIMALS:  A hunting hawk VICE HABIT/S: FAITH: Ambivalent GHOSTS?:  Only if she sees them AFTERLIFE?:  No REINCARNATION?:  No POLITICAL ALIGNMENT:  Disinterested EDUCATION LEVEL: Educated to read and write, some moderate Ishgardian history.
FATHER: Rhaza Sephimiri MOTHER: Maora Sephimiri SIBLINGS: None EXTENDED FAMILY:  None NAME MEANING/S:  None.  Maora just thought it sounded pretty. HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A
BOOK: She’s not too interested in books yet, though she is picking up more and more books on Astromancy DEITY: Menphina by moon-catte preference, Oschon by personal choice, Halone by Ishgardian teachings HOLIDAY: Moonfire Faire SEASON:  Autumn PLACE: Outdoors camping WEATHER: Crisp, cool autumn afternoons right before it rains SOUND / S: Guitar playing, the sound of a stream SCENT / S: Sandalwood & lavender TASTE / S: Ishgardian Red Wine FEEL / S: A warm fire, a soft, comfortable blanket ANIMAL / S: Loves chocobos and most any other domestic animal, except cats. NUMBER:  17 - The number of tries it took her to hit her first bull’s eye COLORS: Blue, silver, gold, jewel tones
TALENTS: Hunting, tracking, foraging, surviving in the wild, making/breaking camp, building a fire, moving stealthily in the forest, reading the weather, cooking outdoors (but NOT indoors) BAD AT: Being cultured, building/constructing anything, cooking indoors TURN ONS: Confidence, a sense of humor, respect of her space, independence, strength, dark hair, pointy ears TURN OFFS: People who are only out for sex, unwanted touching, noisy/boisterous people, smokers, habitual drug users, drunkards, cowards HOBBIES:  Music (playing and composing), Music (listening to), whittling TROPES: N/A QUOTES: “Keep up or go home, the hunt is no place for the half-hearted.”
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?  An epic, sweeping adventure story (peppered with a little romance), reminiscent of Record of Lodoss War.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?  Pretty much Two Steps from Hell’s entire discography on repeat.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character? I had the urge to play a miqo’te, like, the thought wouldn’t leave me alone.  So, I made one and it just kinda stuck. XD
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?  Besides my miqo’te fixation, Aultena as a character was really vocal about who she was and her story. I haven’t had a character speak to me like that as a writer in a long time.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.  I don’t know that there’s anything I really dislike about her. Maybe she’s a little wishy-washy about her feelings sometimes, but we’re all like that on occasion.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?  Bad tempers?  XD  Aultena’s way more active and spirited than I am. 
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?  I’m sure Tena would think I’m a soft, fluffy weakling that needs to stay out of her way.  
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?   Aultena spends a lot of time with Ezra Elric (courtesy of @vivalaezra) but she also has some interesting interactions with Rae-Hann and Zhan’a Rakhin (courtsey of @yokasaris)
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?   @vivalaezra a lot of the time, he’s always prodding me on Discord to write things.  Also all the memes and questionnaires I get here, usually from @eligos-venator, @cahli-tia, and @yokasaris
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?  About 20 minutes between internet disconnects.  XP
Tagged by @vivalaezra: Thank you for the much-needed distraction! Tagging @yokasaris @eligos-venator @cahli-tia My Three Musketeers of usual suspects!  <3 -- And YOU if you’re reading this and want to do the thing!  Just be sure to tag me somewhere so I can come and see!
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dillydallyings · 7 years
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i did that style challenge that was popular like... a year ago? haha! i admire a lot of artists and i thought this might help me escape this art block, and it worked! 10/10, I recommend to all artists looking for something new to draw ^^ some notes on each thing below the cut!
My style – funny enough, this was probably one of the hardest drawings for me, and it’s one of my least favourites of the bunch! It’s actually really hard to try and mimic your own style if you change as often as I do. So, instead, I decided to go with THOA’s style for the first few chapters, as it’s (somewhat) consistent! (Also, didn’t mean for him to look so small but my wrist was killing me too much to fix this by the end of it!)
@lavendertowne – Haley is probably my fav artist on youtube because her videos are so soothing and helpful! Honestly, sometimes I look forward to just listening to her voice… and her art style is so bouncy and unique, so I was really excited to try it out! One of my favourite things to recreate were the eyes; I realized halfway through that they’re not circle shaped, but more angular instead? It’s interesting how copying a seemingly simple art style makes all the little details pop out at you. And it’s not as easy as it looks! It took me so many attempts to draw the eyes and the mouth, which look like they’d be the easiest... Honestly though, this one was my favourite to draw and my fav outcome. Haley’s style is just so different from mine that it was a super refreshing change!
Pokemon Sun/Moon – Pokemon is what got me drawing in the first place, and has been in my life since I was around 8 years old... so of course I had to draw in its style! I decided to choose the more recent games for reference as I thought it’d be easier, but NOPE. It was so hard;;; My shaky hands really struggle at crisp lines, but it was a fun challenge!
Nozmo – Nozmo has been a major influence on my art since the beginning of highschool, particularly because of her comic “todd and the petunia violet”. Even though it’s been cancelled, it still takes all my willpower not to try and recommend this story to everyone, since it had such a major effect on my life... it was my first real comic influence tbh! So, I really tried my best to do her justice! Although I was really unskilled back then, this was rather shockin for me because Luke used to look like a rougher (uglier) version of this... this took me on a blast to the past X_X
Animal Crossing – LMAO I mostly wanted to do this for a challenge, and it really was one… omf. I gave up on perfecting it hahaah. Even though it’s nowhere near as polished as animal crossing art is, I actually think this Luke is really cute~
The Moonrise During the Day / The Moon That Rises During the Day – I’m really happy with how this one turned out! Though I think I made Luke look a little bit too similar to Joon oh, it was so fun recreating my favourite webtoon’s style. It was actually pretty easy as there’s a lot of similarities between it and my general art style, EXCEPT for the hair. Holy hell. I honestly couldn’t get the shading right for the hair at all, but I tried my best T__T’’
Fruits Basket – I had to draw my introduction to shoujo or I’d feel like I was betraying my childhood self! I feel like little me would be so happy with this. I ended up following the anime’s style because the manga is pretty inconsistent art wise, though I don’t think I captured the pointiness of the Shoujo style as much as I could have. I have certain gripes with aspects of the FB art style, so I think I unconsciously modified some of them here – which sucks! I might go back and edit it later haha
Super Secret – One of my more recent favourite webtoons! I really like how fluffy and – delicate? – this art style is. I’m not used to such simple styles, making it another challenge! I find the simple styles to be the most difficult to recreate ^^;
Omyo – Omyo is another great webtoon artist, this time of two of my faves (the stories of those around me, and salty studio! Check em out on webtoon)! I went with the Salty Studio style for this, sorta. Instead of copying the actual comic’s artwork, I mimicked the end cards instead, since they’re always so colourful and pastel!
Anyways!! If you read this far, wowie, I’m honoured! Thanks a bunch <3 I think everyone should try this if they’re bored tbh, it was so fun!!
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