#helios season 2
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hexados-on-a-string · 1 year ago
researching bakugan things and i was going through infinity helios' page on the bakugan wiki and it was like "helios is the second most evolved bakugan having evolved 3 times" and im like "oh cool. i mean obviously number 1 is drago but how many times has he evol- ELEVEN??????"
which is even funnier when mechtanium surge is very much like. "yeah drago and helios are on similar power levels" and im like great it took helios three evolutions to get there and it took drago ELEVEN?????? like ik there is like. unethical science practices and all of that with helios' evolutions but. still.
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nasa · 9 months ago
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The Summer Solstice Is Here!
Today — June 20, 2024 — is the northern summer solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the longest day of the year and the official start to summer.
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We experience changing day lengths throughout the year because Earth rotates on a tilted axis as it goes around the Sun. This means during half of the year the North Pole tilts toward the Sun and in the other half it points away.
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Solstices occur twice per year, when Earth’s poles are tilted closest to and farthest from the Sun.
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The summer solstice is an important day for cultures around the world, especially at latitudes near the North Pole. Indigenous peoples have long marked the summer solstice with dancing and celebrations. Farmers have relied on the solstice to determine when to plant crops. The solstice’s timing also influenced the development of some calendars, like the ancient Roman calendar and the modern Gregorian calendar.
To mark the beginning of summer, here are four ways you can enjoy the Sun and the many wonders of space this season:
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1. Check out the “Strawberry Moon”
June is the month of the Strawberry Moon. This name originates with the Algonquin tribes. June is when strawberries are ready for harvest in the northeastern United States, where the Algonquin people traditionally live. The full Strawberry Moon this year happens tomorrow night — June 21, 2024. Grab a pair of binoculars to see it in detail.
2. Celebrate the Heliophysics Big Year!
During the Heliophysics Big Year, we are challenging you to participate in as many Sun-related activities as you can. This month’s theme is performance art. We’re looking at how various kinds of performance artists are moved by the Sun and its influence on Earth. For example, check out this Sun song!
Find out how to get involved here: https://science.nasa.gov/sun/helio-big-year/.
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3. Listen to a space-cast
NASA has a ton of great space podcasts. Take a listen to Curious Universe’s Here Comes the Sun series to learn all about our closest star, from how it causes weather in space, to how you can help study it! For even more podcasts, visit our full list here: https://www.nasa.gov/podcasts.
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4. Make sunspot cookies
The Sun sometimes has dark patches called sunspots. You can make your own sunspots with our favorite cookie recipe. Real sunspots aren’t made of chocolate, but on these sunspot cookies they are. And they're delicious.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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Hello everyone! I'm back with another Merlin au! This time featuring a role reversal and Merlin getting yet another job that he never wanted! Enjoy! :D
EDIT: You can find part 2 of this au here!
This au takes places during the season four finale, when Arthur gives up on being king and tells Merlin that Camelot will have to find itself another king if they defeat Morgana, since Arthur no longer feels worthy of being king.
So, Merlin leads him to Excalibur and helps him draw the sword from the stone in front of the people of Camelot, successfully convincing Arthur to believe in himself and his place as a good leader.
That night though, after Arthur confided in Merlin about his worries of Morgana's magic being too powerful for them to fight, Merlin sneaks back into the castle in dosguise as Dragoon and plants the curse that will strip Morgana of her powers the next day. However, he gets caught in the act by Morgana, who of course immediately starts attacking her sworn enemy.
Merlin is put on the defensive, putting all of his efforts into shielding himself from Morgana's attacks and fending off Helios and his fighters at the same time. After a few minutes, his spell that disguises him as Dragoon fades, as all of his magical strength is poured into his fight against Morgana.
Merlin can see the exact moment that Morgana's eyes widened with shock, and it's then that he realizes what had just happened: Morgana knew exactly who he was now.
After the moment of shocked silence passed, Morgana started cackling, finding the situation hilarious. She taunts Merlin, asking if Arthur knows what he is. Upon seeing Merlin wince, Morgana offers him a deal: join her side and help eliminate Arthur, or he can burn in the courtyard like so many of their magical bretheren. Morgana sneers at him that he'd better accept her deal, as he'd burn on a pyre at Arthur's hand even if Merlin kept fighting at his side.
Merlin, predictably, rejects her offer and continues his attack, rebuking Morgana for her cruelty and violence. At this point, their fight had migrated all the way out into the courtyard, which gave them more space to use more destructive spells against each other.
Morgana hurled fireballs at Merlin, and he responded by throwing blinding arcs of lightning at her. Morgana managed to barely sheild herself against the attack, but Helios and his men weren't as lucky and were blasted away in the attack, all of them fatally wounded.
Seeing that her backup was now gone, Morgana redoubled her attacks, franticly throwing spell after spell at her prophesied killer. As Merlin desperately shielded himself, he had an idea. The very thought of it caused guilt to well up in his throat, but he saw no other way to survive.
As Morgana renewed her constant barrage of spells, Merlin didn't defend himself with a shielding spell. Instead, he powered all of his already diminished power into a redirection spell, attempting to throw Morgana's spells back at her.
Sure enough, as soon as Morgana's spells collided with Merlin's redirection spell, they were launched right back at Morgana, who didn't have enough time to dodge or shield herself from the blast.
Morgana's own spells hit her with all of the killing intent that she had aimed at her mortal enemy, and her spells accomplished their goal: killing their target.
Merlin both shocked and horrified as he looked down at Morgana's body, as he didn't intend to kill her, only subdue her so that she could stand trail and face Arthur's justice. However, it seemed like Morgana's own murderous fury had been too strong for even herself, ultimately bringing about her demise.
As Merlin silently held onto Morgana's fallen body, just as he did on that fateful day when he poisoned her and pushed her into Morgause's clutches, he saw the run begin to rise over the castle. He quickly jolted up at the sight, his heart leaping with panic, since he needed to be back in Arthur's camp in the woods before anyone noticed that he was gone!
Merlin ran out of the castle, quickly finding his way back to Arthur's camp, and planning out what he was going to say to hopefully explain his absence. Maybe picking medicinal herbs in preparation to help anyone wounded during the upcoming battle? That would work!
But... there wasn't going to be a battle, since all of their enemies were now lying dead in the castle's courtyard, unknown to all of the fighters preparing to give their lives to retake their home. Shit, everyone would start looking for answers the moment they set foot in the castle, how was Merlin supposed to throw them off his trail?!
Merlin was so preoccupied with these thoughts swirling around his head as he ran back to the hidden camp that he didn't notice the many eyes peering at him from a certain window in the castle, with the men inside having seen everything that had just transpired.
(When Morgana had taken over the castle, she had locked all of the lords and older knights on Arthur's council in an old meeting room, planning to execute them later. She didn't plan to rule with some useless council to hold her back after all!
It was truly an unfortunate coincidence for Merlin that the particular room that Morgana had locked them in had a perfect view of the courtyard below and the unexpected battle that took place on it that night.)
Merlin, luckily, managed to make it back to the camp just as Arthur was waking up, and no one else seemed to have noticed that he was missing that morning, too preoccupied by preparations for the upcoming battle. Merlin breathed a sigh of relief when no one commented on him being gone. Maybe this would actually go smoothly!
That morning, Arthur gave a rousing and inspiring speech to his people, ready to lead them into battle. With the light shining on him and Excalibur by his side, his people ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, Arthur looked every bit the king Merlin imagined he could be. Looking at Arthur, King Arthur, Merlin's heart swelled with pride and hope. And if he had to blink some tears from his eyes, then no one commented on it.
Still, the fact that Arthur was leading them into a battle that was already won had Merlin shifting his feet with nervousness. How would Arthur react? Would anyone discover that Merlin was behind Morgana's defeat? Would they question their unexpected boon, or would they simply accept it with relief?
Merlin's anxiety heightened with each step the army took towards Camelot. While the army, along with Tristan and Isolde, were going to try to storm the castle from the main entrance (which Merlin knew would be easier than anticipated, since Morgana's army was dead), a smaller group comprised of Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, Percival, and Leon were sent through the underground tunnels to launch a sneak attack on Morgana.
Merlin just put on a stoic face and nodded as Arthur outlined the plan, still trying to figure out how he could avoid suspicion after the army of Camelot realizes that Morgana and her army were already defeated.
Their small group easily makes to through the tunnels, which puts Arthur more on edge, as Merlin can see that he thinks that it's almost too easy, like they're walking into a trap. Merlin wished that he could allay Arthur's fears, but he couldn't at the moment, not without revealing that he knows too much.
When they reached the dungeons, Leon and Percival separated from them to go free Gwaine, Elyan, Gaius, and the other prisoners held down there. Meanwhile, Arthur, Merlin, and Gwen headed for the throne room, with two of them tense and ready for a fight against a formidable sorceress, and one of them tense under the weight of his own secrets.
When Arthur burst open the doors to the throne room, adrenaline rushing and ready for a fight to the death, he was ready to see his sister on his throne, mocking and tormenting him. Instead, to his shock, he found his entire council inside, alive and well and loudly squabbling amongst themselves.
Upon hearing the doors to the throne room crash open, they all froze and grew silent, turning to look at who was there. They all relaxed upon seeing Arthur, but tensed when they saw who was standing right behind him.
"I'm glad to see that all of you are unharmed, but what are you all doing here? Where is Morgana! We must defeat her at once!"
The lords' eyes grew wide as they started murmuring amongst each other in sharp tones. Finally, Geoffrey was pushed forward, seemingly appointed as the voice of the group.
"Welcome back, my lord. It is truly a blessing to see you back unharmed. However, we do bring troubling news to you. It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of these changes."
Geoffrey trailed off from there, his face grim. He seemed reluctant to say anything further, much to Arthur's frustration and horror.
"What do you mean news? What has happened? What has Morgana done?!"
Geoffrey sighed, looking every bit of his numerous years. After another tense moment of silence, Geoffrey spoke again.
"Sire, we wish to inform you that Morgana Pendragon is dead. She was killed in a battle in the early hours this morning. Her body still lies where she met her demise in the courtyard."
While Merlin grew pale and tensed even more, both Arthur and Gwen stumbled backwards with shock at Geoffrey's words, the breath knocked out of them both by the unbelievable news.
"What- How did this happen?! Who could have... how is that even possible?!"
"We," Geoffrey replied as he gestured to all of the lords and council members standing around him, "witnessed all of it from a room overlooking the courtyard. It was an unbelievable sight, one that I myself might not believe if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. A lone sorcerer called lightning down on all of Morgana's soldiers, killing them in an instant. He then proceeded to battle Morgana to the death in a duel of magic. He managed to defeat her before leaving the citadel in a hurry."
Arthur stood, frozen, as Geoffrey's words swirled around his head, almost comprehendible. Many conflicting feelings- relief, grief, shock, horror- welled up in his chest, almost choking him with their strength. He was paralyzed as he grieved his sister, celebrated his kingdom's safety from her wrath, and feared this new, more powerful sorcerer who had single-handedly defeated his sister, the most power magic user Camelot had ever seen.
Merlin, meanwhile, stood completely still, his heart beating as fast as a rabbit on the run from a wolf. They saw him, they all did. But it was dark, so maybe they didn't recognize him? Merlin hoped with everything he had that they hadn't recognized him during the battle.
Grimacing again, Geoffrey cleared his throat, apparently having more to say. Merlin's heart leapt with terror as Geoffrey opened his mouth once more.
"Sire, it is with great remorse that I must inform you of this, but there is more news. As is law, Morgana took the throne through right of conquest, as your father did in his time. Morgana was, in the time she ruled Camelot with her forces, the rightful ruler in the eyes of the law.
However, this sorcerer defeated the the ruler of Camelot and conquered her entire army. By the laws of Camelot and by the right of conquest, he is the rightful king of Camelot. Therefore, unfortunately, unless you formally challenge him for the throne and win, we cannot reinstate you as king at this time."
If it was possible, Merlin became even paler at those words, feeling woozy and sick to his stomach. Had he just sabotaged his own efforts?! He did all of this to keep Arthur as king, not undermine him!
Gwen gave a loud gasp, a look of horror on her face, while Arthur's jaw clenched in anger and frustration.
"This is preposterous! Whoever that sorcerer is, he fled! He cannot become king, nor can I challenge him, if he isn't even here!"
Merlin took a staggered step back as Geoffrey's eyes landed on him. He had the grasp at the pillar next to him for support under the old librarian's gaze. He knew.
"The sorcerer did leave after his battle with Morgana, as I said earlier, but I'm afraid that he is here right now, sire."
Merlin felt like he was about to faint. Oh gods, was he about to throw up?
Arthur's entire body jolted to attention, his grip tightening on the sword as he registered Geoffrey's words. He forced one strained word passed his clenched jaw.
Geoffrey motioned one of the other lords on the council forward, and he stepped forward with the coronation crown and royal seal resting on a pillow.
"The council and all of Camelot's vassal lords feel that it is in Camelot's best interest to acknowledge and formalize the sorcerer's claim to the throne at this time, as we are yet unaware of his true power or the danger he poses should he decide to attack. We unanimously agree that it would be best to not give him any reason to retaliate against Camelot, as we fear he might if we do not acknowledge his rightful conquest."
Arthur's face fell, his expression ashen and devastated. His own council had turned against him? They had chosen this unknown and potentially dangerous sorcerer to place the lives of his people in?
Arthur, Gwen, and Merlin were all frozen with shock and dread, looking on in horror as Geoffrey took the coronation crown and royal seal from their cushion and stepped forward, approaching the paralyzed trio.
"It is with a heavy heart that we crown the new king of Camelot, ascended through the right of conquest over Morgana Pendragon."
Geoffrey moved past Arthur, looking at first like he was heading for the door behind them, but Merlin knew who he was actually walking towards. Merlin flinched backwards, trying to get away from Geoffrey and the crown he was carrying, but he was stopped by the hard stone wall behind his back.
"We, the council and lords of Camelot, do declare our fealty to the slayer of Morgana, the prophesized sorcerer known as Emrys, King Merlin!"
Geoffrey punctuated his announcement by placing the crown on a very pale Merlin's head, much to the horror of Arthur and Gwen.
And it was at that moment that Merlin did faint.
That's all from this au for now! Let me know what you think of it and if you'd like a continuation of this au! Until next time!
And, as always, thank you for reading through my ramblings! :D
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thecutepoison · 1 year ago
Guys, I'm kinda freaking out... we learned last episode that in the abscence of the previously estipulated successors, the position of principal of aguefort would fall upon the student's council president, right?
I'm going to state the obvious for a second. It's a given that Kipperlily is trying to win the election for more reasons than a personal achievement. She was 100% aware of the gap in the rules, which would mean Aguerfort's joke would be interpreted as the only manifestation of his will. This is the girl who said she's busy studying the student government and takes active joy in finding loopholes in the rules (like acing the year bc the rogue teacher found her).
But what is her angle here? It's a powerful position for sure, but the Rat Grinder's must be after something specific. So I started asking myself what specifically would help them in the plan of raising this Forgotten God from the dead. Aguefort's office must have dangerous items aplenty given the incident with the crown and his general personality. Do they want access to that?
Then it dawned on me.
Lydia Barkrock's body is under the fucking school.
For those who don't remember, in sophomore year it was revealed that Arthur Aguefort cloned Lydia while she was sleeping and placed her soul into a new body, hiding her original one in the depths beneath the school. Crazy ass move bc he did that without warning her, but that's what prevented Kalina from permanently killing Lydia in season 2 - upon the clone's death, she gained consciousness in her original body.
It's only fair to assume that Aguefort made this precaution again after sophomore year for the same reason: Lydia's death would entail Bakur's escape. And if Kipperlily is elected and becomes the principal... it's very likely she would have access to Lydia's original body since it's on school ground. Her vulnerable, unconscious body, the only thing preventing the fiend from escaping.
That's really bad, guys. Bakur knows how to do the divine ressurection ritual, he only failed because he picked the wrong place. But the Rat Grinders do know a place that would work!! Kipperlily specifically asked Jawbone about Yes! and he did tell her that this god was created by Kristen when she died in Prom and went to corn heaven. So, a god was born in corn heaven - that's why the Rat Grinders personally requested Buddy Dawn, a cleric of Helio. Maybe by using him, they can pass through the pearly gates to perform the ritual. After all, Arthur Aguefort did the same thing using Kristen.
Basically, if Lydia dies, all pieces fall in place for them. Together with Bakur, they have all the info necessary to pull this God from the Astral Plane back to existence. They would just have to kill her unconscious body and slay the clone holding her soul. What they lack right now is the access, which solved by gaining the position of principal.
PS: Also, there's a rat society under the school?? Perhaps it's close to where Lydia's body is localized?? Idk Brennan is insane
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coimbrabertone · 20 days ago
Let's Talk Indycar on Fox
A day late on the blogpost, but one: I was busy yesterday, two: I was waiting on the ratings number. We got that ratings number in today (a 1.4 million) so let's talk Indycar on Fox.
Starting with the good news.
First things first, Indycar's back and St. Pete is a great season opener. It's a beautiful city, the race is right on the water, it's one of the longest continuously running races in the sport (having first occurred in 2003 and then continuously from 2005 when it became an IRL event), and it's now steeped in Indycar history.
Englishman Dan Wheldon lived in St. Petersburg and famously led home an Andretti 1-2-3-4 in 2005 in the IRL's first race on a street circuit.
Once Dan Wheldon died, the street along the waterfront was renamed Dan Wheldon Way, with Helio Castroneves memorably climbing the fence in that spot after winning in 2012 and tapping the sign in a tribute to DW.
So, all of that makes for a great season opener.
We also saw a fairly compelling race. Scott McLaughlin led early on with the likes of Felix Rosenqvist, Marcus Armstrong, Christian Lundgaard, and Alexander Rossi giving chase. Meanwhile, the likes of Scott Dixon, Josef Newgarden, and Alex Palou pit early to switch off of the green alternate tyres and onto the black primary tyres.
This would be a crucial move as the green tyres were degrading very quickly, something that Scott McLaughlin would soon find out.
The likes of Rosenqvist and especially Armstrong ran into pitstop issues, which meant Scott McLaughlin built up a big lead, one that he promptly lost on the green tyres.
This handed the race towards the cars that pit on lap two, with Dixon leading that group initially, then Palou and Newgarden.
However, we then got a third strategy as Lundgaard and Rossi went long on the black tyres, trying to save the green tyre run for as late in the race as possible. This put the two of them in the lead, but they'd need to pit, so we got the tense strategy moment of seeing how everything would shake out.
Finally, we also got a compelling battle for the lead at the end, as Alex Palou overtook Dixon on the pit cycle. Newgarden was also on a charge at this point, moving up into second and gaining on Palou as he was stuck behind the lapped car of Sting Ray, who had a Chevrolet engine.
Newgarden also had a Chevy, while Alex Palou was in a Honda.
Another layer of strategy.
Alex Palou spent laps upon laps stuck behind Robb, then when he passed, Sting Ray let Newgarden through immediately.
Then Kyffin Simpson in the #8 Ganassi Honda let Palou through easily, but Newgarden got through as well, and then next two cars up the road were a pair of Prema Chevrolets...
But Newgarden started dropping back! He used up his tyres and he's out of pace! Scott Dixon came back from third place with a malfunctioning radio to overtake Newgarden on track and move into second.
On a day when Scott McLaughlin built up an eight second gap at one point and then Josef Newgarden ate up a five second gap on the leader, it turned into a Chip Ganassi 1-2 at a track that has so often been a bogey track for them.
Ganassi has only won here twice before now, with Dario Franchitti in 2011 and then Marcus Ericsson inheriting the win in 2023 after Scott McLaughlin and Romain Grosjean crashed followed by Pato O'Ward having the engine cut out on him briefly in a bizarre reliability incident.
So, this is the first time in the DW12 era that Ganassi won in St. Pete on merit. Huge.
I know Palou winning isn't the most exciting thing in the series given he's been a rather comfortable champion in three of the last four seasons, but this is a new win for him.
Furthermore, I liked the booth a lot. James Hinchcliffe and Townsend Bell carried over from NBC and I like Hinchcliffe a lot, then they paired them with Will Buxton. I haven't loved a lot of the stuff Buxton has done in Europe, but I thought he was solid on the Indycar broadcast.
I also liked Jack Harvey on the IndyNXT broadcast.
So, all of that is good, onto some of the negatives.
First of all...the graphics looked pretty but dear God they did not work nearly well enough. I hope they fix it for Thermal because we saw the ticker outright go away for segments of the race (including most of the IndyNXT race, but it was better for the Indycar race itself) then even when it was working, we'd see transponder issues randomly have drivers popping in and out of the order.
Including an amusing incident where Conor Daly was randomly listed in the lead for a moment.
I will say the Indycar race was better than IndyNXT: the graphics were more consistent, and we saw the gaps most of the time, compared to NXT where the ticker was either not there or frozen for most of the race. This to me suggest they're working on it.
This has also been indicated on Off Track with Hinch & Rossi where Hinchcliffe mentioned that the graphics were a work in progress. Likewise, after the race, Townsend Bell asked for feedback on twitter. I hope all of this means that the graphics will work a lot better at Thermal.
If it isn't...then we have a problem.
Second, on twitter they promised us no fullscreen ads during green flag running, but then we got green flag ads during the end. This isn't great, but I will admit that this was a remarkably caution-free St. Pete race (just the one on lap one) and I think Fox wasn't expecting that.
Their bluff got called and they aired at least one fullscreen commercial break, which is a lie, but...what are you gonna do? In American motorsports, there's a lot of old people that cannot comprehend a reality where we get commercial free coverage.
Even Marshall Pruett, who is usually on the side of the fans, treats the demand for less/no commercials as the product of an audience spoiled by Formula One, but...F1 gets as much ratings as Indycar does at this point and they manage to go commercial free thanks to Mothers Polish.
Indycar could find a way to do the same thing, but they're stuck in an old mindset where commercials pay the bills.
I also suppose I can't beat this drum too hard because, like I said, they did go limited commercials for most of the race.
There are also certain dark arts you can use to avoid them, so there is that.
Hey, don't look at me that way, I have the broadcast on legally on my TV, they're getting their viewership. I'm just also sitting on my laptop hoisting the jolly roger to get the kind of coverage I want to watch.
Oh, here's another thing, the Fox cartoon faces for the drivers. Look, I know that a lot of people hate this, and I do think they're ugly, but...I just can't bring myself to give a shit about this, sorry.
I will say that those jolly roger dark arts methods didn't get the cartoon drivers, they got actual photos of the drivers in the same places, so that means this is a deliberate choice by Fox. Apparently, this is also something they do across their sports programming, like my friend Andy says they do it for college football as well, so it's not just Indycar and NASCAR.
I wouldn't know because I hate American football more than NASCAR viewers hate Clint Bowyer.
Now, onto a neutral note.
The ratings for the Indycar race was a 1.4 million. This is nearly half a million more than last year's 975,000, and it's the highest rating for St. Pete since 2022 which was also a 1.4. Together, those 1.4s are the highest ratings for an Indycar season opener since 2011. All of that means the ratings were pretty good actually. They also said that it peaked at around 1.8 million towards the end of the race.
Still...I hate to say it, but I was hoping for more.
I went into this race thinking that 1.5 million would be good, 1.75 would be great, and 2.1 million was the kind of viewership I was hoping for.
Admittedly, I was under the impression that Indycar reached around 1.6 million viewers at Mid-Ohio or something one year, but now that I'm looking, I can't find any actual evidence of that.
The most viewed non-Indy 500 race last year was Mid-Ohio, but that was 1.25 million in what was generally a down year with NBC giving Indycar the lame duck treatment ahead of their move to Fox.
So given all that, it seems that my expectations were a bit too extreme.
That being said, NASCAR on Fox had 6.76 million viewers for the Daytona 500, 4.58 million for Atlanta, and then 4.1 million for COTA which aired on the same network an hour after Indycar ended!
Is it really that crazy to think that Indycar could've drawn half of what NASCAR is drawing after getting three well-received Super Bowl ads and getting to be the lead-in for NASCAR coverage?
I guess so.
So yeah, I can't count this as a negative because the rating is a lot better than last year and Indycar in general has been doing worse ratings wise than I thought, so 1.4 million is pretty good actually.
Still, I hope this is a start and we get better from here.
That being said, Thermal on March 23rd doesn't exactly sound like the best content that Indycar has to offer.
I also hope the graphics issues during the race didn't turn off any of those new viewers.
Still, we were up about 500,000 viewers and that 1.8 million peak at the end of the race is nearly double what St. Pete on NBC drew last year. That is good. I hope this positive trend continues, and maybe by the end of the season that 2.1 million number I dreamt up might become a reality.
To go over the other racing for the weekend real quick...
Marc Marquez dominated the MotoGP sprint and then I decided to sleep through the main race (which turned out to be the right call because Marquez dominated again in the main race) but AI Ogura on the Gulf Trackhouse bike pulled off a 4th and a 5th on the weekend as a rookie, so congrats to him.
Speaking of Trackhouse...
Connor Zilisch pulled off the win in COTA in the Xfinity Series after a battle with his Jr. Motorsports teammate Carson Kvapil. The ZIlisch hype train was then derailed by Daniel Suárez in the Cup race in a move that was bad for me and bad for my fantasy team.
This left Kyle Busch in charge for most of the race with SVG pressuring him, but my hopes of an SVG win were dashed as well. Instead, Christopher Bell went back-to-back to win both Atlanta and COTA because only the NASCAR drivers I don't care about are allowed to win apparently.
Guess I gotta fill my Phoenix lineup with guys I hate.
Gonna go with like Logano, Gibbs, Byron, Busch, and Hamlin, because fuck me enjoying the race I guess.
No, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?
So yeah, sorry for the blogpost being a day late. If it's any consolation, I wrote 1800 words for my NASCAR fic yesterday, so I did at least put the time to good use.
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cloudmancy · 11 months ago
I have no desire to get you in trouble but I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the new episode and the preview because I also have.. thoughts and I'm interested in what other people clocked as not great or kinda.. idk. other people's concerns, because I have had a lot of them and I never see people really talk about those things
they're doing a new format this season where they film a bunch of rp episodes in a row then take a break when there's a battle so the crew can get the battleset ready, so I understand the dissonance. but the tone of this episode from the tone of last episode was SO jarring. I was ready to chew drywall at the end of episode 17 but we head into the episode 18 fight and at the end all I can say is... damn! that sure is a battle that happened. the entire fight felt really low-stakes even though objectively a few of the bad kids were in mortal danger, but the mood at the table was so relaxed and chill and there was almost no roleplay at all... which drove me so crazy
>no rp except for fun silly party stuff (no callbacks to the adaine elven oracle in a storm thing? after all the fun setup last time??)
>fought 8 different antagonists and none of them said a word
>nobody questioned why or what oisin's grandma or all those dragon were doing there they just started taking them out one by one like raid battles in world of warcraft
>cassandra/nightmare king showed up only to not make any impact or get a single word in
>dos2 lady vengeance fight did the floating boat/ballistas/dragon fight better SMH
and then after all of that we're headed straight into ANOTHER battle episode judging by the preview... and it's against the rat grinders and porter/jace! let me out I want PLOT & DIALOGUE fhjy cannot end like this (5 hours straight of battle where they just kill everyone that moves). there's 2 eps left so I really hope they do the last ep as a 4 hour long roleplay only epilogue episode because as we've all seen ending campaigns on a battle leads to frankly really rushed character and world decisions. it's ultra disappointing too because I loved this entire season so much so far. the setup and buildup and plot points and mystery of fhjy is the best they've ever done it in dimension 20 period
ep 18 fhjy battle was a letdown to me... not giving the party an rp episode after 3 hours of loredump + going straight into a final battle without being able to interact with the world after gaining info is bad. they should've had a chance to process everything they learned about house sunstone, porter's plan, the rat grinders being used as ascension fodder, whatever the whole deal behind ambrosia and lucy frostkettle and why they needed a helios cleric in buddy IN ROLEPLAY. I don't want all this stuff explained to me after the battle by brennan or in some throwaway lines in the adventuring party - I want the bad kids to talk to people! I want them to investigate! I want fig to pull some BS with porter knowing the full extent of all his plans. it really sucks for us as an audience too to be hit with all this lore and get approximately 0 time for it to sink into the implications of how the worldbuilding was shaped by it or realizations of "ohhh that's why that happened at the beginning of the season" before we go straight into killing everyone.
with the way this is going I don't have any confidence they're gonna be able to actually empathize at all with the rat grinders too before they start lopping heads off because in battle episodes everyone kind of just. becomes numbers and an objective to take out except for pet favourite npcs of the cast. and they've mostly been interacting with the rat grinders as nuisances all season 😭 I'm PRAYING to be proven wrong and the last 2 episodes of this are fantastic but it's not looking good folks
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lostuntothisworld · 4 months ago
Luka is Sun-Coded, Why the Snake has Time-Related Powers, and What the Future Might Hold for His Character
There’s been some back and forth whether Luka is represented by the sun or the moon, with most people seemingly on the side of him being moon-coded.
I have to disagree. More below the cut.
The name Luka is usually translated as “bringer of light.” This is of course the most common translation of his name. In This post, it’s explained that his name is also a Serbo-Croatian word for harbor or port. (Another win for my “the Couffaines are Balkan-Romani" headcanon).
I would also like to point out his hero name, Viperion, is a portmanteau of Viper and Hyperion. Hyperion was a Greek Titan, and along with his son Helios, was a personification of the sun. Sometimes the two Solar deities were conflated. It has also been suggested that the name Hyperion actually reads as “Apollo,” another Greek solar god. In fact, Apollo’s name has been suggested that it should be read as Hyperion. Also, Apollo famously has a younger twin sister, Artemis, a lunar goddess. Hyperion’s name translates to “He who goes before,” which is an apt name for Luka’s hero form.
Famous romantic poet John Keats wrote two unfinished epics on the subject of Hyperion. The second poem he wrote, titled The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream, was published after his death. It is a prequel to his first poem about Hyperion. The prequel is about his personal quest for truth and understanding. More on the topic of truth later on in this essay.
On a more scientific note, the theorized massive star that went supernova and created the our solar system is often called Coatlicue, who was the mother of the Sun in Aztec mythology. She is depicted as a woman wearing a skirt of snakes, and even her name translates to [she who has] the skirt of snakes. An aspect of this goddess was known as “snake woman”, and she was considered a very motherly figure.
Anarka went supernova and destroyed her music career and relationship with Jagged after she fell pregnant. Luckily, she built a wonderful new life for her twins, and The Liberty is a safe harbor for them and all their friends, just like our Sun and solar system. Remember, Luka can also be translated as harbor.
It’s also worth noting that one of Saturn’s moons is named Hyperion. Yes, I know, a moon, but hear me out. Hyperion’s orbit is extremely chaotic, and unpredictable, a quality that is needed in order to end time loops. I had a lovely dialogue with another person on the implications of that in the notes in this post.
Now onto part two: Why the Snake Miraculous has time related powers. It has been suggested by fans that we don’t need two time-related Miraculous, and Snakes are mythologically healers (Think Hermes and his caduceus), so the Snake should have healing powers. It’s a compelling argument, but I disagree.
I’ve touched on this topic before, but it bears repeating. There is a misconception that Wayzz was originally the leader of the Kwamis, and Sass was retconned to be leader at a later date. This is untrue. For one, Kwamis cannot leave the Miracle Box without an owner, so Sass is stuck in there with the rest of the Kwamis. Secondly, in season 2’s Sandboy, the episode where we meet the rest of the Kwamis, Sass is the one calling all the shots. Tikki and Plagg even defer to him. Furthermore, Wayzz was chosen by Master Fu because his power is Protection. Narratively, it makes more sense for an un-evolved character who is terrified of his past choices to choose the power of Protection, as opposed to Sass’ power of learning from past mistakes, and change through choice.
I dare say that they made a point of Marinette wearing the Turtle Miraculous in the season 5 finale due to a planned character arc. I predict this character arc is one where she learns to not be so overprotective of Adrien, or one where she needs to learn to accept the help of others and not put up such a shell and be so controlling. Or both, even.
Anyway, back to Snakes. I made a previous post about how the main three kwamis, Tikki, Plagg, and Sass are a reference to (a very simplified) Hinduism, with Tikki being Brahma (god of creation), Plagg as Shiva (god of destruction), and Sass as Vishnu (god of preservation). Shiva and Vishnu are both symbolized by snakes, but I think it’s important to note that one of Vishnu’s mounts is Shesha, a primordial snake deity of creation. It is said that when Shesha uncoils, time moves forward and creation takes place; when he coils back, the universe ceases to exist. Shesha’s name translates to “he who remains”, as even when the world is destroyed, Shesha remains as he is. It doesn’t take much thought to see how this relates to the Snake Miraculous and the power of Second Chance.
I had originally theorized that Second Chance erases the entire universe in order to reset, but the Paris Special brought the concept of a multiverse, and simple logic declared this untrue. No, I believe that Second Chance erases EVERY multiverse. Terrifying stuff.
And of course, there is the Snake Miraculous’ bracelet form of a serpent biting its own tail, an Ourobos. Ourobos is a symbol used all over the ancient world to represent various things, most notably of cycles, such as life, death, and rebirth. This feels like the most obvious reason for the Snake to have Second Chance.
Of course, we cannot ignore the elephant in the room… or the snake that swallowed the elephant a la the python in the beginnings of famous French novella The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The dominant religion in most of the western world is Christianity, and snakes have a reputation for being evil. But I think there’s more to the story ML is presenting to us.
In the season 5 finale, we are presented with a perfect utopia, an Eden, if you will. We can all agree this is not going to last, and all the glitter is not gold. Maribug’s web of lies, Lilamoth knowing the Truth, Adrichat being left in the dark. It will all come undone sooner or later.
Which is why I propose that it is Luka who helps Adrien discover the Truth. There are some academics who believe humanity wasn’t truly born until Eve tasted the forbidden fruit of knowledge and left the Garden of Eden. It’s very poetic that a Snake named Light would present Adrien with the Truth. Remember Keats’ epic poem Hyperion about searching for Truth.
And of course, it needs to be reminded that Ladybug’s Lucky Charm CANNOT bring back a sentimonster after the amok is purified or destroyed. But you know what CAN bring back a sentimonster? The Snake’s Second Chance. Adrien and Luka have unlimited chances to figure out how to sever the connection between Adrien and his amoks.
Remember also, the point of Second Chance is to end the time loop. This all goes hand in hand with my theory that ML is a 15-year time loop of Wishes, and Gabriel made at least one, if not multiple Wishes in the past.
Of course I could be completely off the mark and they made Luka a Guardian for no reason, and Adrien will never amount to anything other than being Ken to Maribug’s Barbie.
If you made it to the end, thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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env0writes · 6 months ago
Spilled Inktober (Drawtober ) Vol. 2, 10.1.24 “Self Consuming Cycles”
Things come in cycles Physique isn’t unique As I laze and I graze Beneath the seasonal leaves Youth departs me, discarded as well Fall, after summer With full perennial bloom Freed from school halls and yards For brief respite I will admit I miss those sixty-sum days Knowledge used Leaves the rest abused, abandoned, neural nets Of thoughts, best off forgets Opportunities solicitations Are brief lovers First kiss visitations Come knocking Rocking my world with adumbrate pandorum Faith rekindled in scared Sorted and sifted Ignoring any doorstoop signage I was not ready then With little reason to believe A second coming, coming Of work, of love, of you Yet winds return The tides, the crops The spring to winter, temperature drops Skills that once elude, illume And onward so, life, resumes And propagate my garden-guarded mind The rising sun will always set Grief too, will forget A healing hand will break So others yet may mend The wheel spins on and on and on Do I approach or do I depart Around life goes As I die, I live yet still My stillness stirs Chance may come again, with effort made And so sad Sisyphus is not quite so alone Prometheus plucked and Helios’ racing sun Things must come in cycles Each day anew; our chance To gain what once was lost once more in past
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!
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queencaramilflinda · 10 months ago
Ankarna really said: “what injustices have you faced bc you had no power to make change? what injustices did you cause that you would like to make right? What kind of restorative justice would make you feel better about the situation?” and most of the PCs were just like “idk. it’s in the nothing I can do about it now” instead of. you know. taking the opportunity to finish their season arcs.
Fig should’ve brought justice to her mom by summoning her and telling her that she knows about Bobby Dawns abuse and grooming, and then reassure her mom that that was not her fault and a deep injustice in her life. Maybe then they would ask Ankarna to kill Bobby Dawn (bc also he was aware of and on board with the Porter/Jace scheme?? did we all just forget that??) or give Sandra Lynn the chance to move on.
Kristen said the stuff about her parents was in the past, but for her brothers it’s still incredibly current and real. She talks about wanting a sister but she has 3 brothers she abandoned when she escaped her parents. She could have addressed that injustice by summoning her brothers or altering a memory with them where she told them about how she felt trapped with her parents and how oppressive Helio could be and how she found something so much more freeing, tell her brothers to come with her or give them a chance to spend more time with her. (or could have talked about being failed by Bobby Dawn for no reason!)
Fabians scene with his dad was fine but it was a plot point that’s kind of already been resolved a long time ago. He feels like his father put pressure on him to follow in his footsteps, we spent 2 seasons on that already. Why didn’t he call for his mom, express anger abt the injustice of her emotionally neglecting him for his entire childhood through her addiction and then getting sober and immediately physically neglecting and then effectively replacing him with another child?
Adaine could have talked to Aguefort or the Wizard teacher about the classist injustice of making the wizard students pay so much money for materials, something she resolved for herself but is still going to be a problem for students in the future.
Riz had the right idea of talking to his friends but I wish it had been more the injustice of him having to support them all the time while also being a full time student and in all the extra curriculars because he couldn’t afford college otherwise. Yes he pushed his friends but also like. when you have ADHD (like Kristen and Fig and I do) that kind of push can make all the difference. (he also could have talked about the injustice of college costing so much and having to get perfect grades and do all the extracurriculars.)
IMO Gorgug was the only one who really understood the assignment. It wasn’t about smiting whoever hurt you it’s about recognizing that change can’t be made without having the passion and drive to make it happen. Ankarna is the manifestation of righteous anger and new beginnings, the embodiment of “if not now then when? If not me then who?” But with the exception of Gorgug none of the Bad Kids really dealt with this theme. There’s a very real middle ground between egotism or anger for the sake of anger, and forgive and forget/complete complacency with the way things are.
I just feel like there was a perfect opportunity to tie up loose ends, finish character arcs, and summarize the seasons theme through these scenes that didn’t happen.
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bloodyshadow1 · 1 year ago
i wonder if the path Brennan is laying out for them is to redeem/uncorrupt a bunch of the gods, not just Ankarna. I'm just wondering because we see a quick glimpse of Sol, Helio, and Galicaea and they seem pretty shitty. But whenever the intrepid heroes bring up a conspiracy or something about Sol planning on taking out Ankarna to get her domain over the son all to himself, Brennan corrected them by mentioning something about it was the followers.
Honestly, while it would make sense for the followers to be their god's conduit on earth, in the lore of Spyre, mortals can affect how their gods are. That's why Tracker didn't leave her church, but is trying to do a revival to change how Galicaea is. It would be interesting if Kristen will do the same with Sol while doing the same thing to Ankarna and hopefully Cassandra this season.
I think it would also be a better twist because Bobby Dawn is going to be someone they fight by the end of the season, I'd put money on it. He's probably going to die, but instead of just a my god is better than yours because you're dead, I think it would be more fitting since Kristen's story seems to be about redemption that she redeems the whole family.
Because while killing Bobby Dawn will be satisfying, it wouldn't really change things. He's a preacher for Sol, he has a congregation of people who believe what he preaches. Hell most of Highcourt believes in the worship of Sol and Helio. Someone can change his place and it doesn't matter what Kristen does for Cassandra and Ankarna if in 500 or so years the followers of Sol and Helio try to repeat what was done a 1000 years ago and unmake Ankarna and Cassandra. By doing something similar to a revival and changing their gods it could destroy a lot of the power that the church currently has in 2 nations .
Just something I was thinking about and planting a flag for theory
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theology101 · 11 months ago
Galicaea murdered Cassandra and Sol murdered Ankarna - which is why Kipperlilly Did That
We learned in Revelations and Revivifications (Episode 11 of Season 2) that it was her Clerics from Fallinel who murdered Cassandra. That's just straight up a fact. Now, we don't know exactly what her role in this is but, "As Above, So Below." If Galicaea's top priests are making this move, then Galicaea was down with it.
I've heard a lot of people refer to the wolf aspect as if it was some 'real' version of the faith that's been corrupted. It isn't, it's an Older aspect and its one that Tracker and Co. love a lot more but both of them are a result of worship.
We learned about this 'Last Great Sylvan War' around 900 years ago about the proper way to worship Cassandra. While the High Elves who settled it went with "Erase the goddess - to understand mystery is a heresy," I'm guessing they also heavily influenced the Wood Elf/Non-High Elf variant of Galicaea into being more in line with their version. Obviously a remnant survived in folk religion like with Tracker and other Werewolf communities, her revival reveals that prior to her, there hasn't been any serious challange to Falinel statement.
I think that then Sol started marching North. Gallicaea had claimed Night as hers and hers alone, by deceiving their shy and naive sister and then went to finish the job with Ankarna. But her? No way they could convince Ankarna to kill herself, especially now that her sister was 'dead' (Cassandra technically managed to live via the Quasi-Reality inside of Sylvaire, Kristen more redefined her and allowed her to be alive outside of the Nightmare Forest).
So I think that the Human Priests of Highcourt and the Elves of Fallinel agreed to wipe them out. Sol's paladins burnt their way up the coast and conquered it - we know that the land of Elmville is native Halfling territory, but right next to it is the Mountains of Chaos which was, in my opinion, their true target. Sol wanted the aspects like Conviction, Fire, Rage, Etc. while he gave Helio Summer.
Meanwhile, Ankarna? Her turning Infernal wasn't something done to her, it was something she/her priests did. Why would they do that? Because they're being invaded. The Giants probably took on a more leadership based roll compared to the far less capable to defend themselves Halflings, Goblins, Aaracockra, arguably even Orcs. Turning more and more evil, brutal, and extreme is a result of her being back further and further into a corner. It was a defense of the other races and for her own life.
I think that, while adventuring in the Mountains of Chaos for Spring Break, the Rat Grinders found out about Ankarna's priests and believers being wiped out, maybe one of her ancinet and long forgotten temples. That was it and it would have been it, if Kipperlilly didn't learn about Cassandra. I think her sheer, burning jealousy made her want, above anything else, to bring back a Goddess herself.
And her solution was going to be Lucy Frostblade. And for about two weeks, Ankarna was brought back with Lucy being her sole worshipper. And this is what I think happened next: sweet, kind, Lucy Frostblade's Ankarna wouldn't be the warlike aspect. She'd be like how she was before the Humans and Elves attacked, a kind and loving goddess.
Except there's a problem. There's another worshipper - just one.
Jace Stardiamond, draining power from the corpse of the long dead war goddess.
So, he and Kipperlilly somehow get in contact (my money is through Oisin secretly being a sorceror the whole time and just Acing wizard classes with 0 effort) and together they agree there's only one solution - kill Lucy Frostblade so their version of Ankarna can remain. The High Five Heroes kill Lucy and all begin worhsipping Ankarna (all under the influence of Devil's Honey.) Kipperlilly, Oisin and Mary Anne are all in on it (symbolized by their Blue backgrounds) but Ivy and Rueben refuse to go along with the murder but, since they're not in the way, they're able to be devil's honeyed into not knowing (Symbolized by their red background).
Ivy's weird reaction to Fig? She always 'knew' that Lucy was alive - she's not important to the plan anyways, so she doesn't need to be included. Some random lie is fed to Ivy to explain why Lucy isn't recognized as 'dead.' Reuben though? Kipperlilly can still use Reuben - use him to proselytize and spread the word of Ankarna - so not only does he need to be aware of the details around Lucy's death and all the Ankarna stuff, he also can't know the Ratgrinders killed her. He clearly still thinks highly of her - I think that vomitting the 'blood' in his dream was Fig breaking the Devil's Honey barrier in his mind.
Which is why, as Gertie told us, Kipperlilly ordered two bottles RIGHT after break. They need to keep him in line with the plan.
Jace changed the records in the school so that Yolanda never realized that she switched gods from Ruvina, and used his own spells to fuck with the name and hidden it (clearly there's a difference between the rune on the paper, which no one could read, and the translated version in Fallinel which has been sat for a thousand plus years), and did the same to the body. Yolanda, trusting him as Vice Principal, tells him about her fears, he goes with her into the woods and then instantly kills her in the clearing.
The plan is to take Ankarna from the Dead/Undead form (but now conscious thanks to their efforts) back to being actually alive via a Cleric believing in her.
Of course, in the mean time they need a Cleric. Make him expendable, but still useful. Make the cleric be a Priest of Helio or Sol so that they can kill him, immediately planeshift into Heaven behind him, eliminate his soul and then Oisin and Kipperlilly sneak into the office and bring back the Goddess. In fact, I bet they're gonna fling Buddy Dawn's soul into the void and using the death of a cleric of Helio, Ankarna will return. Killing Buddy was the act of Conquest they needed.
Rueben is obviously in doubt, trying to get help from his Uncle (skipping Forest Animal Murdering and asking for a ride home?), but I think Oisin is in it for the power. Mary Anne is a Kobold, and I think Oisin's Grandma is the dragon her tribe is sworn to so she just follows him around.
I don't think any part of Jace Stardiamond's section of the plan, the bit about the return of Ankarna, has anything to do with Kipperlilly running for preisdent or their quest against the bad kids. Killing Buddy in the Last Stand was just a conveint series of events but as Brennan said in the adventuring party - it looked like killing Buddy was already on the table. That wasn't a freak out move, it was on the agenda, she just wasn't there yet.
For the Presidency, unlike the Ankarna plot where only Oisin and Stardiamond are conspirators, all the Rat Grinders are in on it because they all seem to have personal beef. Except for Oisin and Mary Anne, who seem to be fine with the Bad Kids as a whole, just still on Kipperlilly's team for the race.
For that, Kipperlilly frames the Loams for embezzling, pocketing the money, and then using Ankarna's nightmare king form to kill the Loams when it looked like she was being to thoroughly looked at. Now she has money for both Schemes and the Campaign. Stardiamond tells Reuben to move Frostfaire to the Thistlepsing Tree (just to fuck with the ground and, if I had to guess, be the reason why Gorgug has been getting angrier and angrier as the season's gone on. Specifically, he seemed to really 'Get Mad!' when fighting Grix).
Kipperlilly knows about Buddy's grandpa so after Yolanda gets killed by Jace, Kipperlilly tells Buddy to ask his grandpa to apply while Jace puts the question to Mazey (a decision he should've made himself, to be honest). Bobby's here just to get Kristen expelled, and when they they decided to take the last stand, she grabbed a Rage Shard, strapped it on an arrow, and aimed it at the proctor.
I think that, as the ultimate 'fuck the bad kids' move, the Proctor would go angry and huge and the party would be forced to kill him. Not only does he die, but they were the ones who killed him which would MURDER their grade. I would guess.
But Kristen saw her, and could prove that another student directly interfered with the test (via undergoing a zone of truth). So instead, Kipperlilly indirectly interferes and puts the 'lets kill Buddy' part of the Main Plan into effect. Probably would have happened anyways (they're in a pocket dimension alone, great time to kill a man tbh)
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mask131 · 2 years ago
Greek mythology: A first masterpost
I finally decided to put together a masterpost gathering my posts about Greek mythology and Greek gods! I probably won’t get everything, because they are scattered throughout years of this blog, but you will have here all of the most recent ones!
Fighting the Misconceptions about Greek Mythology and Gods
The Hades/Zeus case
The Zeus case: Why such a messy love life? Part 1 and part 2 and
TV Tropes’ fanciful interpretation of Greek mythology: weird details and why the gods do not have a psychology and why them having a Classical Mythology page bothers me . Plus one of the problems of TV tropes (and the Internet as a whole) when receiving Greek myths . Plus my original post depicting my problem with TV tropes’ take on Greek myths.
Do not make things bigger than they were
Why are gods depicted old? (I will probably develop this little joke post into a bigger one later)
We always know but one version of a myth
The three interpretations of Greek mythology - by the Greeks themselves
The five things that, for me, make a “bad” Greek mythology interpretation or adaptation
I hijacked a post to talk about Riordan’s take on Greek gods (with some Lore Olympus in it): part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Various mythological details and topics
Zeus had others wives, you know?
My reaction to “Blood of Zeus”
A whole discussion about the fatness of Dionysos in art and media
I can’t praise enough the Greek mythology season of Jim Henson’s The Storyteller
Hephaestus, the straightest of all the gods?
Why not a black-haired Apollo?
A random detail about the Apollo/Helios situation
How many Muses? (This post was supposed to be the intro to a longer series looking at groups of Greek goddesses and deities in mythology such as the Charites or the Erynies, but given its low success the series was “cancelled”)
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needlebeetles · 11 months ago
wait according to season 2 both YES! and YES? were like. false gods created by Kristen but were technically a part of and sustained by Helio/Sol in order to prevent Kristen from straying too far and/or joining up with another god. why would she getting blamed for them dying in junior year, especially if she switched up? or is this a retcon
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aloekat · 1 year ago
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Bad Kids / Fantasy High!
pt 1/?
part 1 || part 2
hello chat and welcome to aloe shoves their hyperfixation onto everything they enjoy! making pokemon teams for fictional characters has always been a fun past time for me that i enjoy greatly so i wanted to apply that to dimension 20! i plan on doing every season once i’ve watched it, starting with all the intrepid hero seasons before moving on to side quest seasons
(also i finally decided to post these after @jadelion made posts sharing their team picks, so go check those posts out as there are some great choices! i also wouldnt be inspired to finally post these without him doing so first! i made my list completely independent of hers so if there's the same pokemon its purely coincidental lol)
first i want to talk about some guidelines i’ve given myself for this, which will apply to future posts as well:
only 4 pokemon per team - this keeps things more easy and makes them feel closer to mid-game trainers rather than fully stacked end-game ones. or feel like gym leaders maybe? it also helps with rule 2…
try to have no repeat pokemon - this just keeps things unique between seasons but sometimes a pokemon is a perfect fit for more than one person but for the most part everyone gets unqiue pokemon and there are almost no doubles
low to no legendaries on teams unless for a good reason - same goes for shinies but im more lenient on the shiny rule lol
i made a lot of these these like 3 months ago as of posting this - some choices may be outdated or the character has changed enough that a choice may not fit as well but i didnt want to change it lol (this is solely for the fantasy high kids tbh)
thats all for the rules! finally it’s time to get into the teams!
Lycanroc - representing Tracker, again i made these before junior year so trackerbees was still a thing but i imagine it can count for cassandra also since it’s a night themed pokemon. don't know which form of lycanroc she would have though Solrock - she was given solrock during her time with Helio, and while i know sunflora exists i think solrock makes a little more sense, since she was a chosen of Helio she would be at an elevated status and therefor have a better pokemon if that makes sense? it also pairs with... Lunatone - representing her change to Cassandra, a goddess of night. there's like cool symbolism with her pokemon now wow isn't that so cool and awesome!! Unown ("?") - a question mark unown to represent Yes? (and the other Yes forms) along with her cool question mark staff! can also ALSO symbolize doubt with cassandra
Toxitricity (Low Key) - low key form gives the vibes of a bass and Fig plays the bass! toxitricity would help fig practice her instrument and come up with music. also literally called “the punk pokemon”
Obstagoon - similar reasoning, obstagoon has The Vibes that fit along with also being a sort of rock n roll pokemon
Moltres - representing Ayda, i imagine Ayda gifted it to her once they became girlfriends :)
Mimikyu - a pokemon known for its imitation of another pokemon, very much fits into Fig’s actor feat and her high deception and her not wanting to be her real self sometimes
Dhelmise - big connection to his father and being a pirate, his father probably gifted it to him as his first pokemon
Marowak (Alolan) - fun idea i had for this is he originally just had a cubone with him during freshman year, but once he went to Fallinel and learned about the power of dance it evolved into an alolan marowak! it's a fire dance pokemon of course he would have it lol
Sirfetch'd - representing his mother and also his general fencing/fighter style that he works with
Tentacruel - just a cool ass water pokemon i feel he would have, also vaguely pirate-y with big kraken vibes
Pikachu - detective pikachu go brrrrr i imagine he would have gotten a pichu when very young, and it's evolved over time! it would wear a tiny detective hat as well because um i said so
Inteleon - super spy/gun pokemon also go brrrr, very much a reference to his father and just the general super spy-ness of Riz and Pok in junior year especially
Togekiss - ok this one feels very out of place and i forgot why it was here originally BUT i think it's to represent like a guardian angel sort of? again another reference to Pok because i love Pok and think he's very cool
Voltorb - he's the ball. this is a pokeball pokemon. are we starting to connect the dots
Politoad - representing Boggy of course, nothing much else to say
Espeon - a very psychic pokemon representing her oracle powers, it would be fun to think that she had an eevee that simply evolved into an espeon once Adaine realized that she in fact was the elven oracle!
Delphox - another powerful psychic pokemon, again this is just vibes and it's a cool pokemon and adaine is a very cool character lol
Audino - these pokemon are known for being able to hear super well and know how their trainers are feeling from listening to their heartbeat. a gift given by Jawbone to help with Adaine's anxiety but still a good member of her team regardless
Archen - "i'm Cloaca, i suck!"
Gogoat - a grassy pokemon which can sorta represent the tree he lives in but also intended to represent Zelda in some ways (again i wrote these before junior year came out). it would help him carry around a lot of scraps for tinkering
Rotom - found in the village near the Nightmare King's forest, this rotom had gotten lost in the forest and, with no tech from solace nearby, couldn't find a way home. gorgug rescued it and lets it inhabit the Hangvan a lot
Rillaboom - another grassy pokemon but this one is also a drummer! can we take a wild guess as to why i picked this one. for it's drumming ability. because. because gorgug is a drummer.
whew ok that's the first season done! i'll probably do unsleeping city next, which will be linked to this post once it's done!
have a better option that would fit a PC better? please tell me i would love to hear everyone's takes on this!
ok that's it that's the post everyone go home now (once again go look at @jadelion for their pokemon team picks!)
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jq37 · 11 months ago
BRAIN BLAST: Buddy swore an oath to raise the Bad Kids if they died during the Last Stand or else he’d lose his connection to Helio. KP didn’t just steal Kristen’s diamonds, she stole BUDDY’S. Buddy COULD NOT fulfill the oath and would have been perfect to use as Lucy 2.0. If it covers the proctor too, that’s why KP was aiming for him before being spotted.
As an actual irl lawyer, I would hope that the oath would include a clause for failure due to lack as ability not counting the same as failure due to purposeful inaction. But it's Aguefort so idk how much they care about crossing their T's and dotting their I's.
I'm not sure why Buddy being cut off from Helio would be helpful to KP though. The only way I can see it being maaaybe useful involves Kristen not Lucy. If they were trying to induce a similar crisis of faith to the one that Kristen had in freshman year, maybe that would be a way to do it? But based on how Brennan was talking in the AP, it sounds like KP's plan was shoot Gavin, then kill Buddy and she only had the chance to do step 2 because Kristen spotted her.
And then I don't know what Buddy being there helps because I doubt he's a willing participant in what's going on so it's not like they briefed him like, "When we kill you, go to Sol's office and steal X item." Did they put an item on him so that a contact they have in heaven will be able to collect it when Buddy shows up there and he doesn't even know like a Celestial drug mule? Is he supposed to be some kind of vessel for a dead god? I dunno man! As I keep saying, we're really in need of that late season lore dump.
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cripplepunkbarbarian · 11 months ago
Bad Kids Class Swap (with some light "evil" influences) AU featuring:
Artillerist Artificer & Shadow Sorcerer Riz. Undead Warlock Kristen. Ascendant Dragon Monk & Fathomless Warlock Fabian. Storm Sorcerer Adaine. Vengeance Paladin Gorgug. Wildfire Druid & Zealot Barbarian Fig.
I have many thoughts about those class+subclasses but they're all very disjointed since I also haven't thought up a more cohesive way of getting them all in the same party since their "evil" influences all come from the different seasons.
I won't get too deep into it but the general inspirations are,
Riz: Artificer > Rogue, less focus on mysteries + more focus on his parents legacies. Shadow Sorcerer levels are developed after deepening his connection to Kalina, again reflecting the deeper focus on his relationship to his parents.
Kristen: She starts as a Devotion Paladin of Helio. Dies. Starts doubting the church. Becomes an Oathbreaker Paladin. Dies again. Is brought back by The Nightmare King as an Undead Warlock. Drops her levels of Paladin to focus on that connection.
Fabian: This one is the most canon divergent tbh. Has a more strained relationship with Bill. Doesn't take that 2 year gap to travel with him. Monk > Fighter is meant to reflect the shift in dynamic there. Ends up falling in with Dayne since they're closer in school year now, eventually learns from Kalvaxus (hence Ascendant Dragon). I still think Bill would eventually die and that death would impact Fabian. A Fiend Warlock would be more reflective of their canon dynamic imo so Fathomless helps separate that.
Adaine: Starts as her canon class, Divination Wizard, but her connection to magic is altered by the spirit of the former Oracle upon being awakened. Forcing her to lose her Wizard levels and pick up Storm Sorcerer, as like a "corrupt" Oracle. Honestly I could maybe see her eventually picking up levels of a martial class to regain some sort of control in regards to her adventuring experience.
Gorgug: Also starts as his canon class, Berserker Barbarian, but never goes down the Artificer route and is influenced by Porter into reframing his relationship with rage towards a pursuit of righteousness. I think Gorgug would've been leaning more towards Oath of Glory but Porter would've seen it as too passive and pushed for Oath of Conquest. Oath of Vengeance is what ends up being the "happy medium".
Fig: Instead of her infernal heritage coming out as her tiefling status, it presents a bit subtler with her connection to a Wildfire Spirit. I think that would allow her to live in denial about her heritage a bit longer since her mother has such a clear connection to nature, putting her in a more vulnerable position to be influenced by Porter as well. When the dots eventually connect, he acts as a "support" system encouraging (and actively empowering) her to channel and work with rather than against her rage. Hence levels in Zealot Barbarian.
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