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hello re-animatumblr!
i am making a bride doll and need opinions
i had to dye the doll's hair bc she was an elsa doll so her hair was elsa blonde and idk if the new hair color is accurate for the bride or not?
(poll and details under the cut!)
as u can see, the doll's hair looks different under different lighting
i used a marigold rit all purpose dye (pictured below) but after i thought her hair was too light, i bought golden yellow rit dye and am waiting on that to arrive, but i have had some people tell me her hair looks perfect the way it is, and others tell me i should dye again
here's some bride pics for reference
so tldr: do u think i should dye her hair marigold again, dye her hair golden yellow on top of marigold, or leave her hair as it is?
(here's the doll side by side with the bride)
#wooooo ok helloo this is the longest post i have ever made i think oops#long post#heliojabs#heliocrafts#heliopolls#reanimator#re-animator#re animator#bride of reanimator#gloria the bride#gloria megan bride#the bride reanimator#oh bride i wish u had a tumblr tag friendly name ://#tumblr poll#doll customization
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I bought a big t-shirt with long sleeves at Heliopole.
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Corperate Radiation Security Agencies at war name...
Here's a Python list nested within a list, representing corporate radiation security agencies named after elements of the periodic table:
radiation_agencies = [ ["Hydrogenium Security", "Helium Guard"], ["Lithium Legion", "Beryllium Brigade"], ["Boron Battalion", "Carbon Corps"], ["Nitrogen Navy", "Oxygen Organization"], ["Fluorine Force", "Neon Network"] ]
Outer List: This represents the overarching conflict or war.
Inner Lists: Each inner list contains two corporate radiation security agencies that are adversaries.
Accessing Elements:
To access a specific agency, you can use indexing:
# Access the first agency in the first conflict: print(radiation_agencies[0][0]) # Output: Hydrogenium Security # Access the second agency in the third conflict: print(radiation_agencies[2][1]) # Output: Carbon Corps
Additional Considerations:
More Agencies: You can easily add more agencies to the inner lists to expand the conflict.
Agency Attributes: To add more details to each agency (e.g., leader, headquarters, technology), you could consider creating a dictionary for each agency within the inner lists:
radiation_agencies = [ [ {"name": "Hydrogenium Security", "leader": "Dr. Isotope", "HQ": "H-City"}, {"name": "Helium Guard", "leader": "Commander Neutron", "HQ": "Heliopole"} ], # ... other conflicts ]
By structuring the data in this way, you can easily manage and access information about each agency and the conflict as a whole.
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Then we jump forward roughly a century for HALLOWED HOMECOMING, book 3; we open with Samira Gabai, a deeply messy Ethiopian Jewish trans woman, waking up and talking with Jackdaw, her court-appointed therapy AI who she has semi-legally uplifted to sapience and embedded inside her head. ("Alright, motherfucker, if you're gonna keep tabs on me, you will get a front-row seat") She grew up on Mars, which is no longer a playground for rich dipshits and is undergoing earnest efforts at terraforming.
...Because rich dipshits have moved out to Jupiter, whose moons are now home to several fuel/mining/spacecraft companies collectively nicknamed the Gas Giants. (Olympus, Mars' biggest city, is often derisively called "the throne of Jupiter".)
There are now five spaceport cities on Earth: Lagos is most tied to the Moon, which now has a culture of AI researchers (and AIs) styling themselves after the Islamic Golden Age. (During the last century's space race, the environmentalists on the Moon mostly moved onto terraforming Mars, and there was a looming underpopulation crisis until people realized that the Moon was hippie enough to never bother banning most forms of AI creation. The main religions are pretty normal Islam, pretty normal Judaism, and a syncretic AI cult which believes that AIs did not become truly sentient until Rhakotis was formed. New Svalbard has now been renamed Eskendereyya, the Arabic form of Alexandria.)
On the other side of Africa, Kismayo has become Lagos's insecure little brother, with a style of overloaded neon sprawl rather than neoclassical West African/Islamic grandeur. Samira's family moved to Mars as their horizon kept getting snapped up by Greater Kismayo. Its spaceport flies as close to the sun as the city does: trade links with scientific outposts on Mercury and the Venusian city of Inanna whose completion is always just a few years away.
Kuala Lumpur is most tied to Mars, Bogotá to Jupiter, and Belem to Saturn and beyond, where most of the Termini in our solar system have congregated. They still have a deep complex about not deserving a biosphere, and mostly stay on Opeyemi Station orbiting Saturn or various small outposts and enclaves alongside humans.
Malang is now New Ulkoninn, with the humans and Termini trying to figure out how to coexist without ruining the local planet. The Heliopolity Foundation has grown from a think tank to the governing body of the Solar System outside of Earth, and it feuds with the ERA about who should have a greater presence on New Ulkoninn. (You may notice that it is clearly in neither of their jurisdictions.)
I just couldn't come up with a compelling plot spine for this, alas, but I hope these ideas inspire people to make their worldbuilding weirder
it pains me to ask this but I have to know, are you still working on stellar elegy?
Realistically, probably not, but I assure you that its planned themes and plot beats you didn't get to see will be reincarnated into future projects
Like, I have a fair bit of notes for the third book, which has a timeskip of about a hundred years, but a big problem of "the back half of the story looks pretty dull"; however, a lot of those themes will be explored in The Firmament, which I hope to do more with soon
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昨年2月ルミネ新宿1の3Fに登場した、次々とかたちを変えるポップアップストア“HELIOPOLE 10/エリオポール ディス”。
そのエリオポール ディスで、人気の高い英国ブランドにフィーチャーしたショップ“Brit shop by HELIOPOLE 10/ブリット ショップ バイ エリオポール ディス”が、
オープンを記念して20,000円以上の商品をお買い上げの先着100名様に、“Brit shop”のロゴが入ったチェック柄トートバッグをプレゼントいたします。
Brit shop by HELIOPOLE 10
ブリット ショップ バイ エリオポール ディス
東京都新宿区西新宿1-1-5 ルミネ新宿1 1F
TEL: 03-3340-3777
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@^*^ heliopole Jeans 126320 Blue M https://ift.tt/2OT9V9W
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【新刊情報】HELIOPOLE(エリオポール)30th Special Book発売
エリオポールから30周年を記念して、HELIOPOLE 30th Special Bookが9/5(木)発売! 大人のためのセレクトショップ「HÉLIOPÔLE (エリオポール)」が30周年を記念して、スペシャルバッグ付きのブランドブックが登場。 優木まおみさんが着こなす、トラッド感溢れる30周年限定アイテムをチェック! HELIOPOLE 30th Special Book 発売日:2019年9月5日(木) 価格:2106円 宝島社 ブランドアイテムはレザー調ショルダーバッグ! 500mlのペットボトルが入るサイズのレザー調ショルダーバッグがブランドアイテムに登場! タッセルのアクセントでこなれ感UPです♪
ショルダーベルトは長さ調節 HELIOPOLE 30th Special Book 発売日:2019年9月5日(木) 価格:2106円 宝島社 外部リンク HELIOPOLE 30th Special Book|宝島CHANNEL Read the full article
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#Repost #thankyou @lumine_shinjuku ふと思い出すのは少女の頃の甘い記憶。 見た目が変わっても変わることのないわたし。 わたしは美しく、そして愛されている。 #時代と私の交差点 次々とかたちを変えるポップアップマルシェ“HÉLIOPÔLE 10”(エリオポール ディス)では本日7/5(木)まで、“HELEN KAMINSKI(ヘレンカミンスキー)”のPOPUPを開催中。20アイテム以上取り揃えてご覧いただけるこの機会をどうぞお見逃しなく!👒✨ HELIOPOLE 10 [LUMINE1 / 3F] @heliopole_official #ルミネ新宿 #lumineshinjuku #新宿ルミネ #時代と私の交差点 #fashion #コーディネート #木村あずさ #azusakimura #heliopole #エリオポール #helenkaminski #hat #帽子 #カンカン帽 #カンカン帽子 #onepiece #dress #ワンピース #resortfashion #ootd #ファッション #ヘレンカミンスキー
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2017年新品ピンクハウス*ネルパッチワーク風スカート定価 32.400円 (価格 18,000円/税別) ↓こちらで詳細がご覧頂けます。 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/286739355 定価 32.400円 ネル素材のロングティアードスカートです。 ウエストまわりや裾まわりに、小花&ブーケプリントをはじめ、 ドットやチェック、ギンガムなどいろんな生地をパッチワーク風にあしらった可愛らしいスカート。 どこかなつかしい、でもやりすぎてないさりげない可愛さが魅力♪ ウエストマークをして、あえてウエストまわりにあしらった小花&ブーケプリントを見せた着こなしを・・・♪ 前開きタイプなので、重ねて履いても可愛いですね! 着こなしがいろいろ楽しめそうです☆ #ジャーナルスタンダード #ピンクハウス #heliopole #エリオポール #古着gplus #古着gill #USED#古着 #広島古着屋 #ファッション #古着屋 #古着コーデ #古着買取り#入荷情報 #古着gプラス #トゥモローランド #23区 #IENA #イエナ ******************************* 古着 gplusひろしまLINEで無料査定 ①ID検索「gillgplus」かQRコードで検索。 ②査定の写真とブランドを送ります。 ③当店から査定結果を送ります。 査定のみは、名前等の詳細は不要ですお気軽にどうぞ。 古着屋 gplus 広島 中央通り店 広島市中区三川町2-5いたやビル1�� TEL:082-246-2911 営業時間: 11:00~19:00 定休日: 毎週月曜日 HP :https://gillgplus.com/ ******************************* (古着 Gplus 広島中央通り店)
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Repost @_____27m._ ・・・ 1.21 Sat #今日の服 連投🙏 . 今日は早く冬のコートを脱ぎたいコーデ(笑) 勿論脱いだのはこの時だけ🙄 今日も寒かったなぁ。。 . このコーデにENFOLDのトレンチ合わせ 楽しみです😆 . . ストール #Johnstons #dressgordon イヤリング #stcat トップス&カーデ #agnesb パンツ #Levis501 バッグ #heliopole 靴 #RobertClergerie #まあcode #休日コーデ #ワーママ #春先取り . #kaumo #ponte_fashion #locari #hotmamatown #mamagirl #ootd_kob #kiwamezyoshi #ママスタ冬コーデ #instafashion #mineby3mootd
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iTunes Store: トップ無料 App / August 21, 2018 at 04:36PM
XZ(クローゼット) STANDING OVATION Inc. ジャンル: ショッピング リリース日: 2014年8月29日
みんなの手持ち服300万アイテム突破!着回しコーデ100万点!! 【新しい着回しコーデが見つかる、女性向けファッションコーディネートアプリ】 「洋服はたくさん持っているはずなのに、今日も着ていく服がない..」 『XZ(クローゼット)』は、自分の手持ち服を使って、コーディネートや新しい着回しアイデアを自動で提案してくれる、おしゃれになりたい女性のための無料【ファッションコーディネート】アプリです! ■自分の手持ち服から着回しコーディネートを自動で提案 お気に入りの洋服やファッション雑貨、せっかく買ったのに一度も着ていなかったり、着なくなった洋服をXZに投稿するだけ! トレンド感のあるおしゃれな着回しコーデを自動で提案してくれ、天気や気温にあわせた1週間分のコーディネートを毎日届けてくれます。 ■Myクローゼットでいつでも自分の洋服を確認できる うっかり似たような洋服を買ってしまったり、せっかく買ったのに全然着ていない服があるという経験は誰もが一度はあるはず。 自分の洋服をカメラで撮影しXZに登録しておけば、いつでもどこでも手持ちの洋服やファッションアイテムを確認することができます。 ■カレンダーで予定とコーディネートを管理 「この前あの人とどんな服装で会ったっけ」「いつも同じ服装だと思われてないかな..?」 今日着用したコーデをカレンダーにサクッと登録しておけば、いつ・どんなコーディネートを着た��ふり返ることができるので、この前と同じ服装になっていないか簡単にチェックできます。 さらに、予定や天気に合わせて着たいコーディネートをカレンダーに登録しておけば、当日のコーデ選びで慌てる心配なし! *SNSで簡単ログイン いつも使っているTwitter、Instagram、Facebook、LINEでかんたんにログインできます。 【登録ファッションブランド / ファッションサイト】 ※一部紹介(プチプラファッション、ファストファッションからラグジャリーブランドまで) A BATHING APE(アベイシングエイプ)、Adam et Rope'(アダムエロペ)、adidas(アディダス)、Another Edition(アナザーエディション)、aquagirl(アクアガール)、Banner Barrett(バナーバレット)、BEAMS(ビームス)、BEAUTY&YOUTH UNITED ARROWS(ビューティアンドユースユナイテッドアローズ)、bisque by nest Robe(ビスクバイネストローブ)、CANNNABIS(カンナビス)、CECIL McBEE(セシルマクビー)、Crisp(クリスプ)、dazzlin(ダズリン)、DIESEL(ディーゼル)、DoLuKE(ドルーク)、DRWCYS(ドロシーズ)、earth music&ecology(アースミュージックアンドエコロジー)、flower(フラワー)、FOREVER21(フォーエバートゥエンティーワン)、FRAY I.D(フレイアイディー)、FREAK'S STORE(フリークスストア)、GAP(ギャップ)、GRL(グレイル)、glamb(グラム)、GU(ジーユー)、Honeys(ハニーズ)、heliopole(エリオポール)、IENA SLOBE(イエナスローブ)、INGNI(イング)、Jewel Changes(ジュエルチェンジズ)、JILLSTUART(ジルスチュアート)、JOURNAL STANDARD(ジャーナルスタンダード)、Khaju(カージュ)、KATHARINE ROSS(キャサリンロス)、LAUTREAMONT(ロートレアモン)、LE JUN(ル ジュン)、LOURPHYLI(ロアフィリー)、MIUMIU(ミュウミュウ)、Mila Owen(ミラオーウェン)、MILKFED.(ミルクフェド)、MOUSSY(マウジー)、nano・universe(ナノユニバース)、nest Robe(ネストローブ)、NIKE(ナイキ)、NINE(ナイン)、NOLLEY'S(ノーリーズ)、PARIGOT(パリゴ)、ROPE'(ロペ)、SHIPS(シップス)、SLY(スライ)、snidel(スナイデル)、STUDIOUS(ステュディオス)、Stylife(スタイライフ)、The Dayz tokyo(ザ デイズ トウキョウ)、Time is on(タイムイズオン)、UNIQLO(ユニクロ)、UNITED ARROWS(ユナイテッドアローズ)、UNTITLED(アンタイトル)、URBAN RESERCH(アーバンリサーチ)、Vis(ビス)、WEGO(ウィゴー)、XLARGE(エクストララージ)、ZARA(ザラ)、417 by EDIFICE(フォーワンセブン バイ エディフィス)、しまむらetc... ■世界中のクローゼットからトレンドを発見できる おしゃれな女子の持ち物は気になるもの。 彼女たちのクローゼットを覗けば、定番から最新のトレンドまで自分のオシャレの参考になるファッションアイテムの発見に役立ちます。 自分好みのファッションコーディネート、着回しコーデを探してみましょう! ■みんなの着回しコーデを参考にして、ファッションセンスを磨ける XZは、おしゃれな女の子の着回しコーデであふれています。みんなが投稿する最新コーデをチェックしてファッションセンスを磨きましょう。 TVCMでおなじみ、女性向け雑誌・サイトのファッションアイコンのコーデを参考にしたり、フリル付などかわいい系女子コーデ、天気や気温にあわせたおしゃれなカジュアルウェアからフォーマルウェアの着回しまで、ありとあらゆるファッションコーディネートを参考にできます。 ■こんなアプリを使っている方に! ・「WEAR(ウエア)」「IQON(アイコン)」「Coodisnap(コーデスナップ)」などのファッションコーディネートアプリを使う女性 ・「mercari(メルカリ)」「Fril(フリル)」「Rakuma(ラクマ)」などのフリマアプリを使う女性 ・「MERY(メリー)」「TRILL(トリル)」「Locari(ロカリ)」などのファッション情報アプリを見る女性 ・「ZOZOTOWN(ゾソタウン)」「BUYMA(バイマ)」「SHOPLIST(ショップリスト)」などのショッピングサイトやファッション通販アプリを使う女性 ■こんな方におすすめ! ・ファッションセンスに自信がなく、おしゃれな人の服装を参考にしたい ・一目ぼれして買ってしまったけど、どう着こなしていいかわからない服がある ・買ってからほとんど着ていない服をオシャレに着こなしたい ・いつも同じ組み合わせばかりで、コーディネートの幅が広がらない ・毎朝コーデが決まらず、パニックになることがある ・デートや男性とのおでかけの際、洋服選びに時間がかかってしまう ・着たい服があるが、どう着こなしていいのかわからないから相談したい ・新しい洋服を買う前に、手持ちの服やファッション雑貨と合うか確認したい ・同じような服を買ってしまった ・自分の持っている洋服を把握しきれていないためアプリで管理したい ・この前会った人に「同じ服装」だと思われたくない ・いつどんな服を着たか 、服装をカレンダーで管理したい ・おしゃれに敏感な人(ファッショニスタ)のコーディネートを参考にしたい ・今年の流行りやファッショントレンドをいち早くキャッチしたい ・空いている時間や暇なときにコーディネートを考えたい ・���んなから一目置かれるおしゃれ女子になりたい ・女子力を上げるためにファッションセンスを磨きたい ・ファッション雑誌やファッションカタログ、ファッションアプリを眺めているのが好き ・別のショッピングアプリ、通販アプリなどで探すのは面倒だから、気に入ったコーデがあったらそのまま購入したい 【対応機種】 対応端末はiPhone 5, iOS10.2以上です。(iPod touch、iPadは非対応) 「XZ」は皆様の貴重なご意見を伺い、より良いアプリにしていきます。ご意見ご要望、不具合は���記のアドレスまでお問い合わせ下さい。 [email protected] ※※ 不具合の報告をレビューで書いていただいても調査ができません。※※ ※※ 大変お手数ですが、メールで送っていただくようお願い致します。※※ © © 2014 STANDING OVATION Inc.
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I buy Heliopole's clothes every season, but not this one (especially the right).
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Fairmont Heliopolis Cairo, Egypt (Africa). The best of Fairmont Heliopol... http://ift.tt/2yAc9op
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2 |Maison de Beige
這家店可是在日本大大有名,它是日本人氣時尚雜志CLUEL策劃和監制的新生Fast Fashion英倫風格品牌。
3|Maison de Reefur
黑白永遠是最高級的, 這一季主打黑白,大小波點的曡搭,格外凸顯個人風格。
5|Dover Street Market
有盡有總面積有13,000平方尺,除了大王、Acen等熱門品牌,還有不少跨界系列,比如和adidas originals和小野洋子的聯名系列。
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MACKINOTSH / NEWS つぎつぎとかたちを変えるポップアップマルシェ“HELIOPOLE 10(エリオポール ディス)”。10月5日(木)~ 11月1日(水)まではマッキントッシュが展開!ブランドを象徴するゴム引きコートを、HELIOPOLE10にちなんだ10色のバリエーションで展開します。またMACKINTOSH×PORTERのクラッチバッグやHELIOPOLE10エクスクルーシヴのキルテッドコートなど注目のアイテムが勢揃い。皆様の来店をお待ちしております。
HELOPOLE 10(エリオポール ディス) 東京都新宿区西新宿1-1-5 ルミネ新宿1 【3F】 TEL:03-3345-5855
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Maurice Ramses
Maurice Ramses
The cultural and intellectual background or the way of thinking of the so-called Arab countries is based on the nomadic mindset produced by the simple Bedouin culture. This culture, which was spread through Islam, became part of the intellectual structure of all the people of the East. In the vast majority is (Almntmqi), especially when approaching this religious culture sick or called religious constants are the constants of any human thought or creativity, this is because of the (Trinity) composed of (God and Gabriel and Muhammad) in which the human was imprisoned Within himself and within (evil circle Lock it) and a Muslim can not psychologically or spiritually out and escape easily
It is not important to have one God Creator of every thing or even twenty gods, but the important thing is that this God is not a criminal god incites to kill those who do not believe in or rebel
It is easy for one to relax his mind and not think of anything at all (nothingness), for example, but even proof of this nihilism and proof of not (the existence of the nihilistic itself) needs logic and reasoning, and this mental movement accompanying any Act, develop self-intelligence and intellectual skill in man
The purpose of this series of essays is not to prove the monotheism of the pharaohs, as some try, to stop this constant degradation of the pharaohs and their faith by Muslims and Islam, but their purpose is strictly cultural knowledge, explaining the wisdom of following these complex Egyptian doctrines and their logical way of thinking things, despite the lack of evidence of metaphysics and scientific evidence and natural in their time, and the reasons for their progress of civilization
What I can not understand and can not find logical justification for it is the rotation of the Muslims around a high empty room closed from the building of the stone (Kaaba) and half of the seventh round is about to jump like an antelope and Muslims are fighting among themselves to kiss this black stone and Which consists of (several pieces of stone) and the total does not exceed the palm of one hand and later race and enjoy the throwing of demons and sprites in the air with stones!
«« (The beginning of the universe, creation and divine presence) »»
Is the beginning of eternity or beginnings or the eternal ocean or philosophical sense is (nothingness)
- »» The First Exodus (First Generation)
«God Atom»
The Lord of the gods (Atom) separated from N (ie, emanated from himself), and the Sun became the Lord of Lords, so that the Self and its Self
«God Ra»
The Lord of the solar gods was embodied in the figure of Ra and the light could be distributed to the whole universe or the cosmic space. By understanding this functional transformation between Nun and Atom and Ra, we can understand the universality of the other Gods which, in its entirety, ), Or its birth through the emanation of the nun. Thus, this cycle can now be understood (Atom + Ra), Ra represents the sun in the sunrise phase and atom represents the sun at sunset and Ra-Atom represents the birth New to the sun
- »» The Second Emergence (Second Generation)
«Shaw + Tefenot»
By (Atom) Lord of lords alone, was born (the birth of) God (Shaw) any air and wind and his wife, God (Tfnot) any water and moisture
- »» Third Eclipse (third generation)
«NUT + JB»
By God, the Lord of the earth and his sister, the goddess of the sky, and by (Knott + Jb), these five sisters were born, Osiris + Horus the Great + Six + Isis + Nephthys »
«The Holy Savior or the Nine Greats»
This word identifies the nine gods of the family of Heliopolis, in which the three divine generations were brought together by the Lord of Lords. The Lord of Lords is, of course, the arithmetic number 10 and the number nine in the ancient Egyptians is the Holy Number
God the creator of the Sun Ra or (Ra - Atum) or the Lord of lords (Re or Re-Atum)
• Shaw ((Shu
• Tefnut
• Pocket (Geb)
• Nut
• Osiris
• Horus the Great (Horus)
• Seth
• Isis (Isis)
• Nephthys
(شو + تفنوت) Birth »(جيب + نت) Birth» (Horus + (Osiris + Isis Andjaba Horus the little) + Six + Nephthys)
On this same pattern, each Pharaonic temple can contain its own sacred form, all of which can contain more than nine members of the gods
«Members of the Holy Savior»
• «Atom»
His name is "The Complete One". Means (full or full) Egyptians think he created himself from himself on top of the hill eternal, and then he is the creator of the world. The creation of himself and his own (Shaw and Tfnot) and on this basis is at the top of the list of the founding of Heliopolis merged with the god "Ra" and known as (Atom - Ra)
• Ra (Re)
The most important and most famous of the gods of Egypt, he was integrated with several other gods. He was believed to travel in his vehicle through the sky in the daytime and in the other world at night, and the center of his worship at his main headquarters in the city of Hlebolis since ancient times. , Jeb, notes, Osiris, Isis, six, Nephthys) and since the fourth Dynasty became the official god of the country. Since the modern state under the name Amun-Ra, the god (Ra) was known in some times as Atom,
• «Shou»
(Shaw) is the Lord of sunshine and air. His sister and wife were the goddess (Tafnout). Shaw was a member of the Nine Gods group in Ain Shams. He was portrayed as a man with a feather over his head and a crane in his arms. As the picture (Shaw) separating the sky, represented in the body (Not), from the earth, represented in the body of the Lord (Jb)
• «The God of the Pocket (Geb)»
The Father of Earth, God the Father of the Earth, is portrayed as a man. As a judge and married his sister (Not) the goddess of heaven and the bishop (Horus, Osiris, Isis, St and Nephthis), in ancient religions was not the concept of the creation of the Earth completely, and the reason for the existence of Kometics (Kimi or Kimmitt is the black earth) Egypt), you have imagined that heaven and earth have intermarried
• «Seth» »
The idol (six) has the shape of a strange animal, it has the body of a hunting dog and a long, hard, cracked nose and his eyes long ears and long straight ears, it is not yet known whether a dog or a wolf but often a creature that contains more than one object has been worshiped in the city ( (The god of evil), and it is evident in his hostility to his brother (Osiris) and his son (Horus) Ra (6) to approach the desert, where the locusts grow, and send it to the Egyptians; So do not send them locusts and think that he was the god of sex too
The Goddess of Nephthys »
The wife of the god (six), shared with her sister the goddess (Isis) in the rituals of protection and the resurrection of the dead god (Osiris). She is rarely worshiped alone, and appears only in the legends (Heliopols), sometimes accompanied by other women, In the city of (Med) Upper Egypt
• The goddess Osiris
The god who suffered from evils to death and continued his worship for about two thousand years and spread temples along the Mediterranean Sea and according to his famous legend suffered from treachery and death by his brother, the idol (six), who wanted to get rid of him to marry his wife (Isis), and thanks to him was able to return to life , And thus gave mankind eternal life, was first the idol of fertility, and then became the god of the other world and the guarantor of the Baath to mankind, and every king after his death was represented by the idol (Osiris) to guarantee him another life
• «Isis» Isis »
Goddess Isis the wife of God Osiris and mother of the god falcon (Horus) and the sister of the god (Osiris) and (six) God of evil, and were four gods of the most famous groups of gods in ancient Egypt. Isis was the mother of the mother of the magic and beauty and protected the people from evil and magic, and spread its worship in Europe since the Greco-Roman era and was a symbol of motherhood and protection.
• «Maat»
Atom is the goddess of law and order, and it is possible to say that Maat is the goddess of justice. It is a symbol of the balance of the universe. It represents an abstract idea rather than a real personality. A small woman sits with a ostrich feather on top of her head. The balance of the balance, which represents the truth and is placed in the balance in front of the heart when the spirit of the deceased is being tried and described as the daughter of Ra, was considered an embodiment of truth and justice. The deceased speaks on the basis of her revelation is not lying, and also considered the word (Maat) a symbol of the balance of the whole world He lived all his elements in peace
When the ancient kings of Egypt wanted to rule the religion, they claimed that they were the sons of God (Ra), and then the royal title (son of Ra) appeared in the era of the king (Khafre). In the fifth Dynasty, the worship of the idol increased, And the sun god was composed for the day and night journey, cutting the sky to the sunrise and sunset where the deceased shared these two flights; to ensure his safety from dangers, (Ra) was called in the morning (news) (childhood) and in the afternoon (Ra) (young), and in the sunset (Atom) (aging)
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