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karadoda · 4 years ago
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Duygu Merkezli Sezgi: İki-Üç-Dört Noktaları İki- Başkalarının gereksinimlerini karşılamak için belirgin bir şekilde değişir. Başka insanların istediği gibi olma hissi söz konusudur. Duyguları, zihin müdahale etme fırsatı bulamadan değişir. Üç- İşi alabilmek amacıyla gerekli niteliklere bürünür, dış kişiliğini ve kendini sunuşunu bukalemun gibi değiştirir. Dikkati göreve ya da başkalarının göreve yönelik tepkilerine odaklanmıştır. Üç, ne yapacağına daha zihinsel olarak karar vermeden, dış kişiliği otomatik olarak uygun bir şekilde değişebilir. Dört- Kendini başkalarının ruh hallerine uydurur. Onların üzüntülerini benimser. Duygusal bir titreşim içindedir. Dörtler yitirilmiş ailenin, sevgililerin ve dostların duygularıyla bağlantı kurabileceklerini söylerler. Helen PALMER #farkındalık #enneagram #kendinolma #mizaç #psikoloji #aydınlanma #helenpalmer #kişilik #sahtekişilik #öz #farkındalık #dikkat #9tip https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQfVXHDTCa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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crackbook-blog · 4 years ago
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Stumbled upon this summation of Enneagram wisdom in Volume 57. The enneagram is an excellent companion tool to mindfulness as it gives an understanding of the perspectives and habit patterns we’re caught up in. The Enneagram is not about putting yourself into a box, but rather to see the box that you are already in. We create boundaries for ourselves through identification with our ego and by unconsciously perpetuating certain defense mechanisms and ways of seeing the world. Through the three centers, the Enneagram teaches us to be present in our body, to describe* our emotions and have an open mind. The path of development for all types is through growing awareness and equanimity (ApE) with the body (anger), feelings (shame), or head (fear). *not identifying with emotions, but objectively noting what is. #enneagram #wisdom #personality #psychology #spirituality #spiritualdevelopment #integral #integralpsychology #awareness #equanimity #development #levelofdevelopment #happyape #helenpalmer #donriso #russhudson #jeromewagner #flemmingchristensen #henrietteclaydon #volume57 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoGOoWhwMc/?igshid=p01h0tezf1qd
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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emmetrend · 9 years ago
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Wgsn at Premier Vision, Paris stand #5B8 #emmetrend #fashionweek #fashionblogger #wgsn #premiervision #paris #trend #helenpalmer #textile
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kitty6462 · 10 years ago
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A Fish Out Of Water... #fish #book #HelenPalmer #PDEastman #memories #imsomature #fun #read
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karadoda · 4 years ago
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Enneagram duygusal yaşama ait dokuz tane Baş özellik tanımlar. Erken aile yaşamındaki sorunlarla başa çıkma gereksiniminden kaynaklanan duygusal gölgenin yarattığı tutkular olarak da ifade edilebilirler. Çocuk, gelişimini sağlıklı tamamlarsa bu tutkular da zamanla aşılır ve sadece basit eğilimler olarak gözlemlenir. Buna karşılık, psikolojik durum çalkantılıysa gölge sorunlardan biri saplantılı bir kaygı halini alır, kendini gözlemleme yeteneği zayıflar ve kişi başka konulara yönelemez. Baş özellik çocukluk sırasında ortaya çıkan nörotik bir alışkanlıktır. Aynı zamanda kişisel bir öğretmen, iç yaşamımızın mahremiyetinde sürekli var olan anımsatıcı bir etkendir. Helen Palmer #farkındalık #enneagram #kendinolma #mizaç #helenpalmer #bahar #kişilik #sahtekişilik #öz #psikoloji #aydınlanma #ego #çocukluk #çocuk #başözellik https://www.instagram.com/p/COkXf2_jLTC/?igshid=acvg8je0l6du
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karadoda · 4 years ago
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Dikkat, öze olan içsel bağdan başka bir yöne doğru kaydığında kendimizi yitiririz ve yüzümüzü fiziksel dünyaya döneriz. Doyum duygusu inişli çıkışlıdır ve kendimizi nadiren tam olarak güven ve huzurda hissederiz. Hayatta kalmak için birtakım etkili sınırlandırma ve savunma kümeleri yaratmamız gerekir. Yarattığımız bu kümeler, doğal olarak hayatımızı çevremizle ve diğer insanlarla yüksek bir duyusallık ve savunmasız bir uyum içinde geçirmemiz düşüncesiyle çelişir. Buna karşılık, edinilmiş kişiliğimizin korku ve arzuları zayıflamaya başlar ve "gerçekte olduğum kişi" yerine "yaptıklarım" hissi baş gösterirse, sonuç olarak "gerçek benliği bulma" isteği de uyanacaktır. Bu, bir "eve dön" çağrısı gibidir. Çevre ve başka insanlar ile aramızdaki özgün bağların yeniden öğrenilmesi, eve dönüş yolu olarak düşünülebilir. Helen Palmer #farkındalık #dikkat #9tip #helenpalmer #enneagram #kişilik #sahtekişilik #öz #mizaç #psikoloji #ben #benlik #savunma #uyum # https://www.instagram.com/p/COcq4MNjW3e/?igshid=1llhfiz3dxfas
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karadoda · 4 years ago
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İnsanların ayırt edici özelliklerinin üzerinde durmak çok önemli çünkü ilişkilerde yaşadığımız pek çok sorun, insanların bakış açılarını göremememizden kaynaklanıyor. Yakınlarımızı anlayabilmemiz için öncelikle onların kendi yaşamlarını hangi gerçekliğe göre yaşadığını anlamamız gerekiyor. Örneğin, romantik ilişkilerde eşin sevgiyi ifade ediş biçimini anlamak, büyük çaba gerektirir. Eşlerden birinin Dokuz (Barışçı), diğerinin Sekiz (Reis) olduğunu düşünelim. Dokuz, eşinin sevgisini ve güvenini kazanmaya giden yolun, kıya sıya mücadele gerektirdiğini nereden bilebilir? Sekiz de eşinin kendisine yöneltilen emirlere uymayacağını ve harekete geçmeye ayak direyeceğini, buna karşılık başkalarının gereksinimleri için duraksamadan ileri atılabileceğini bilemez. #helenpalmer #bahar #kişilik #sahtekişilik #öz #farkındalık #dikkat #9tip #duygu #zihin #içgüdü #merkezler #tutku #enneagram #mizaç https://www.instagram.com/p/COCubvBDKC2/?igshid=14jk2nhy128ft
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karadoda · 4 years ago
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Neden kendimizi tanımayı bu denli çok istiyoruz? Nedenlerden biri çok basit: merak. Zihnin ve duyguların işleyişi ilginçtir. Neden bu durumu böyle algılıyorum? Neden bir başkası değişik şeyler hissederken ben bu duygulara kapılıyorum? Neden bir durumla ilgili olarak benimle aynı bilgilere sahip bir arkadaşım öfkelenirken ben depresif bir hale bürünüyorum? Bu konular üzerine düşünmek ve başkalarıyla konuşmak herkese ilginç gelir. lkinci neden ise daha pratik: Yaşamlarımızda pek çok acı çekiyoruz. Fiziksel acı, gerçekleşmeyen beklentiler, bir sürü küçük sıkıntı ve gecikme, bize düzgün davranmayan insanlar ve bunun gibi nedenler acı çekmemize neden oluyor. Acıya verilen genel tepkilerden biri, bu acı için dış unsurları suçlamaktır. Kişiliğimin hangi yönü beni bu denli sabırsız yapıyor ve benimkinden farklı bir zaman çizelgesine sahip olan bu dünyada bu denli sıkıntı çekmeme neden oluyor? Kişilik tipim neden başkalarının onayına, aslında bunun o kadar da önemli olmadığını bilmeme karşın, gereğinden fazla önem vermeme yol açıyor? Helen Palmer #helenpalmer #enneagram #kişilik #mizaç #öz #sahtekişilik #farkındalık #acı #zihin #duygu #içgüdü #merkezler https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5YSiNjSNr/?igshid=1grvisck7p6dw
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amarildocharges · 4 years ago
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Caricatura - Clarice Lispector. 100 anos. . #claricelispector #literatura #livro #cultura #escritora #ucrania #helenpalmer #teresaquadros #ahoradaestrela #lacosdefamilia #pertodocoracaoselvagem #caricatura #draw #paint #desenho #ilustracao #cartum #amarildo https://www.instagram.com/p/CIqDUqODWUw/?igshid=fy5nskhn8qxf
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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abirobins · 6 years ago
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I had to sit down today to get a handle on basically all areas of my life, but mostly to wrap my mind around all the donations that have been coming in. Computers and phones break my brain, so I literally have to write it down with pen and paper to make sense of it. Even then, it’s a little hard to make sense of. In just under two weeks you’ve helped me raise over $2,500! I only need $917 more dollars to have my training and travel expenses covered. $917!!!! The only thing I can think to do is say thank you. This whole process has been a huge growing and faith building experience for me. I’ve had to really rub up against all the voices in my head telling me I’m not enough or I don’t deserve this. It’s been HARD, y’all, so hard. But y’all have helped me through it and I am so deeply grateful. Even after that $917, there are so many things I could use your help with. Going 19 days without making any money is deeply terrifying to me. But I’m learning I just have to have faith. If you want to help you can donate via my Venmo link (www.venmo.com/AbiRobinsYoga). I’m excited to go through this training and bring this deep knowledge as level of being back to my community, and to share the #Enneagram with more people who need it. Thank you for helping me get there. ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️ • • • #queerenneagram #enneagramteacher #enneagramcoach #enneagramcommunity @enneaworld #thenarrativeenneagram #tne #faithfullylgbt #gendernonconforming #enby #agender #queer #queeryoga #queerfaith #enneagram8 #help #askingforhelp #training #learning #love #light #transformation #coffee #mariongilbert #helenpalmer #austin #austinenneagram (at Stouthaus Coffee)
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