#heleana next probably
estrangedandwayward · 2 months
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Aemond one eye
Alicent and Aegon
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divinesolas · 7 months
Discovering yourself
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Request: Hiiiii. Would you please write something with Aegon x f!reader? I would love to see something where the characters are opposite. Would it be okay for the reader to be a bit shy and socially awkward and loves books and music but at the same time wants to experience a bit of life but doesn’t know how and is a bit afraid to get out of her comfort zone. Once she gets to know someone she talks and is super fun but it takes her a bit of time. And then there is of course Aegon who we know is quite the opposite. The reader fancies him and the two fall in love? Could that be possible? Thank you.
w.c: 3.4k
c.w: baratheon!reader, ooc aegon probably, hes a bit of an ass sometimes, fluff, insecure/shy reader, sfw! no smut since the request didnt state it, not proofread
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Unlike the rest of your family you had been more than happy when your family received an invitation to stay at kings landing in the red keep for a helena's name day festivities as she had become close with your sister floris. You had not been able to come with the rest of the family last time as you had been in bed rest. 
You couldn't even imagine how big the red keep had been and while on the way there you could barely sit still your sister hitting you on the shoulder more than once to stop you from moving around.
“Welcome back to the keep.” Alicent greeted the rest of your family before he eyes locked onto yours, “I don't believe I recognized you.”
You open your mouth to say something but there's a pause and nothing manages to come out so you put your head down as your father speaks, “my daughter, lady y/n, she was bedridden the last time we came to visit.”
Alicent lets out an acknowledged hum and you keep your head down fiddling with the fabric on your dress. You're sure your father will scold you later. 
“a pleasure, this is my son aemond and his lady wife heleana, aegon could not be here..”
you can hear the annoyance in her tone but choose to not acknowledge it and greet the other two siblings.
more formalities are exchanged between the two families, “it is so wonderful for house baratheon to join us for heleanas nameday festivities, she has grown quite fond of your family-” 
the doors of the room you were all in burst open, all head whip back to look in shock, “prince aegon!”
“I am here.”
“You are late.” you hear his mother hiss quietly to him as he stands in place next to his siblings.”
“apologies, my son prince aegon.” 
alicent introduces her son. You had heard the stories of Targaryen beauty and thought the two Targaryen siblings were gorgeous but Aegon, despite the fact he looked tired and a little sloppy, was a different level of beauty. He hadn't even needed to try and he wowed you. 
as if he could feel your stare he locks eyes with you and you shyly put your head down towards the floor oblivious to the smirk that's grown on his face.
Some more pleasantries were exchanged but you didn't bother to lift your head still feeling his stare. You wish you weren't so awkward, if you had been anything like your sisters who could keep their heads up high and smile while locking eyes while you could barely hold a sentence with these people.
You barely even notice you had all been dismissed until you felt yourself being dragged away by your sister floris. A part of you can't get the idea of Aegon out of your head, even  as you fall asleep that night you wonder if you'll get the opportunity to speak with him.
Today was meant to be the first of a three day long festival including a grand feast, a tourney and finally a ball all in honor of heleana.
The second you walk outside you are immediately hit with hundreds of people, it was definitely a celebration with music, people dancing, some watching the performers. It was magical, you had never seen such life brought to one place before. 
You and the rest of your family were sitting in one of the higher tables closer to the targaryens, you watch as floris eagerly runs up to greet heleana while you stand with your sisters who make many comments on the festivities.
“I can't believe he can put that whole sword down his throat.”
“It was just on fire too, how preposterous.” 
“Maybe he just has a lot of practice. Do you think he’s fond of men.”
Cassandra and Ellyn turn to you in horror while maris lets out your name in a chuckle while hitting your shoulder.
You shake your head with a grin but are horrified to hear the sound of laughter behind you and turn around.
“Prince aegon.” you're all clearly mortified as you all bow but he moves to stand next to you and stare at the man. 
“If he is not he should start to be there is so much potentially to be held.” 
“I am so sorry my prince i should not have-”
He waves you off with his hand and continues to look on in the crowd, “these events are such a bore they practically force you to make such a joke.”
“I did not mean to offend-”
“You talk like my brother.”
You have nothing else to say back instead just stand and watch the crowd disperse. It is only then you notice your sisters have all walked off elsewhere and you curse them in your head as the two of you stand in silence aside from the gulps Aegon takes from his chalice.
“What do you think about her?”
He points towards a contortionist not too far from where the two of you were standing. She had her leg way over her head.
“She is very pretty.”
“Oh come on, you must have some other comments to make.”
You tilt your head at her as she moves into a split and lays down flat on her stomach.
“Men must certainly fight for her attention, I am sure she is a rather capable woman.”
Your words are faster than a bird and quieter than a mouse but Aegon certainly hears them and bursts out into a roar of laughter causing those around you to turn and stare. Your face flushes and you stare at the ground as Aegon composes himself still chuckling. 
“You are a scandalous lady, y/n.”
You shake your head, “I do not know why I said such a thing.” 
“You said it because it is true, look,” he leans in closer to you, much too close, and subtly points, “look at lord simon staunton he looks like he wants to eat her alive.”
You gasp and bring a hand to your mouth as you take notice and look back at Aegon who has a smile on his face, “he is old enough to be her grandfather, no even her great grandfather! That is ridiculous.” 
Aegon shrugs, taking another sip of wine with a chuckle. “I rather think that's what he likes about it.”  
You can't help but laugh for the first time in this whole conversation keeping your head down. Once you finally lift your head and look at him he's already looking at you. You feel a rush of heat flood your face, he stares at you for a moment longer, his eyes drift down to your lips. He opens his mouth to speak but before he can you hear your fathers voice call out your name.
“I must go.” you quickly turn, feeling embarrassed about the sudden tension between the two of you and barely hear him as you rush away, “i shall see you lady y/n”
You can barely relax the rest of the day your conversion with Aegon playing in your mind over and over. It was the first time you had been sop open with somebody you barely knew. It was so refreshing to be able to joke and laugh with someone who was not your family.that night you toss and turn in bed with a big smile on your face. In turn you cannot sleep so you sit up and contemplate what to do. 
You would normally read a book but your father wouldn't allow you to take any on this trip saying there was no need for it but right now youre groaning and fall flat back on the bed. 
An idea suddenly hits you, you remember from the tour one of the guards had given you there was a library not too far from your room. It wouldn't be an issue to go and grab a book really quickly right. A grin finds itself on your face as you realize the red keep has many books you have never read or even heard of and before you know it you throw on an overcoat and begin to quickly make your way over to the library with a lantern in hand.
Nobody would mind if you just took one maybe two books to keep you sated for the rest of your stay here right? That's what you think as you manage to sneak in and out of the library with two books under your coat as you quickly try to make your way back to your room. You almost reach your door before a voice behind you rings out.
“Now what could you be doing, wondering about by yourself..”
You turn and gasp, “prince aegon.”
In your shock the books fall out of your hands, you quickly bend down to pick them up missing the ‘ah’ that had escaped his lips.
“So you read?”
“I am so sorry-”
“You did not answer my question.”
You stall for a moment, not daring to lift your head from the floor. “Yes.”
He hums, “you are quite like my brother. I see no fun in it.”
At a loss for words you keep quiet and take a step back closer to your door, turning around fully before you speak, “i shall bid you goodnight-”
“You will sit in the royal box tomorrow for the tourney.” your movements freeze and you're thankful you are not facing him as your face must be full of shock. 
You manage to compose yourself not turning around, “i thought my family would be sitting in one of the lower boxes-” 
“Not your family. You. you shall sit in the royal box. With me.” 
You feel a wild course of emotions run over your body. What does he mean, just you? Is he attempting to court you? He is trying to seduce you? Does he want something from you? Or maybe he is just trying to be kind? Maybe he takes pity on you after you had embarrassed yourself the last two days? 
You must be frozen for a while because he begins to laugh. You take a deep breath, “I must decline.” because you certainly cannot sit in the royal box with the prince. What would the people think? What would your father think? You cannot even imagine having to try and explain why you would be sitting with them tomorrow.
“This is not a request. You shall join me tomorrow. I am the prince. I say it is so.”
“But my family.” “They shall sit in the box in one of the many stands below.”
“I cannot just leave my family.”
He tsks and huffs, “then so be it your family shall join us too. I'm sure heleana would be happy to be seated with floris.” 
Did he want you to sit in the box so badly he was willing to just add your family at your request just like that? No, he wanted you to sit in the box. With him.
“alright, goodnight my prince.” 
You do not even wait for a response as you book it down the hallway and slam the door to your room shut. The books you had gotten drop to the floor as you cover your hands with your face. Out of breath like you had just ran a marathon you find yourself unable to stop smiling. 
When you and your family make your way outside you pretend to be shocked when your family is escorted to the royal box. You all greet the royal family who all stand to greet you. Aegon grabs your arm and ushers you to sit down next to him. You ignore the burning stares of your family as aegon quickly makes conversation with you. 
“Isn't the view so great from here aren't you happy I told you to sit here?” it's not a question more so a statement and all you can do is nod your head.  
“Oh come on you must have something to say to me.” he pouted at you and you swiftly turned away from him, “well you did not ask.” you mumble and he smiles, shaking his head and takes a drink of wine. “I certainly did not. You would have sat here one way or another.” 
You're thankful Aegon is sitting in the front row of the box while the rest of your family is all the way in the back so at least you won't have to deal with the questioning of your family.
“Did you prepare a favor lady , y/n?” you turn back to face queen who addressed you and nod, “yes my queen.” not mentioning it is the same favor you've had for awhile as no one had ever asked for your favor. You do not take notice to aegons clenched jaw at the question and narrow eyes at the question.
The journey begins and you've never seen a tourney as big as this one. But as it is it is pretty uneventful. You cannot hold your surprise when you see aemond being introduced. “He is competing?”
Aegon next to you hums as he continues to drink, “he does not like this stuff, calls it horse shit but heleana wanted to see him compete so he entered.” 
He of course comes up and asks heleana for her favor which she gladly gives him before he rides away.
“And his opponent, ser bronn beesbury!” The man rides in full confidence. When he takes off his helmet you can't help but admit he is a very handsome man, certainly not more handsome than Aegon but he was a very attractive man. He rides over near the royal box and Aegion sits up for the first time this whole tourney.
“Lady baratheon, you are the essence of beauty.” he holds up his hand towards the box and you're shocked in a haste you look over the edge and toss out your favor for him to catch. 
“You bless me this day my lady.” 
You sit back in your seat unable to say anything. You end up glancing at Aegon expecting him to make some comment about the man as he had been doing with all the other fighters that day. He was not even looking at you. An unreliable look on his face as he tapped his fingers on the table next to him. He started dead at aemond who stared back for a moment before nodding and slamming his helm down. 
The match began and you were wowed as aemond swiftly takes ser bronn down with an extra hard hit and ser bronn hits the floor and doesn't stand back up. You gasp as he's dragged off the scene and for the first time in the last couple minutes Aegon laughs turning to you. “What a fool thinking he can go against a targaryen.” 
A part of you feels like he's not just talking about aemond.  
you didn't speak to Aegon after the tourney as the men went out on a hunt and you're grateful especially since you're more than embarrassed after your thoughts during today's tourney. 
Though it is very tough to answer your family's questions when you don't even know yourself.
Finally it was heleanas name day and the day of the ball. You spent the morning with your family, the royal family nowhere in sight seemingly preparing for tonight's ball.
When you arrive back in your room that afternoon to prepare for the ball you and your maid are shocked to see a beautiful red and black gown laid out on the bed. “Did my father prepare this?”
The maid shook her head, she's been your maid for as long as you can remember so she freely speaks around you, “the baratheons may be wealthy little ones but your father could not afford a dress like this one.” 
The dress is gorgeous as you run your hands down it you can barely believe it.
“Well come on little one let's get you dressed.”
When your family comes knocking on your door their eyes all drop to your dress, “what is this look about?”
“Where did you get that dress?” 
“Oh I made it just today.”
“Shut your mouth and tell me.”
“I had no idea it was simply on my bed when I walked into my room.”
The discussion of your dress continued until you had been standing in front of the door waiting to be announced.
“Is it not obvious the prince has given her the dress?” You and Cassandra whip your heads to look at maris who shrugs. 
“Oh come on it's in the Targaryen house colors and obviously he seems obsessed with our dear sister.” 
“Be quiet you three” you would be surprised if your father could not hear the pounding of your heart as you consider maris’ idea.
Would the prince really leave you a dress like this? What could that possibly mean? Before you have any time to think, you and the rest of your family are being announced.
As you walk into the room you fail to ignore the stares of your fellow peers as they all seem to gawk at the dress you had been wearing. Keeping your head lowered slightly you eagerly rush to your seat. 
Soon after the main family is announced and everyone stands. When you see Aegon, a pit forms in your stomach. The suit he wears is basically identical to the dress you had on, your sister maris clearly also takes notice of this as she leans towards you, “told you so.” 
As the queen gives a speech and thanks everyone you attempt to hide yourself behind your father out of embarrassment but still manage to notice the smug look on aegons face as he looks over at you. 
Soon enough dinner is served and the music starts and you forget for a moment why you had been so embarrassed in the first place laughing with your family over good food and good music. After the food in front of you had been cleared you feel eyes staring into your back, refusing to turn around you attempt to continue the conversation you had been having with your sister maris who comments on the fact that one of the lords had stepped on ever girls foot whom he's danced with which causes you to laugh. 
A throat clears behind you and you freeze, maris smiles, “good evening my prince.” Everyone greets him as well and he gives a greeting back. You turn back to look at him and your eyes widen as he holds out his hand. 
“Dance with me.”
He says it in the same tone he had told you you were to sit in the royal box with him. It is not a question. “Aren't there any other ladies you would prefer to dance with?”
“No. Now come on.”
You glance over at your father who smiles and moves his head signaling for you to dance. 
You grab aegons hand and he is more than eager to let you onto the dance floor with him. “I heard you are fond of music.” 
“I am my prince,, where did you hear that?”
“One of your sisters had mentioned it. The plain looking one.”
You gasp, “how could you say such a thing?”
He chuckles his eyes never leaving yours, “I am simply stating the truth, I apologize.”
You huff and turn your face away from him, “if anything i am the plain one my prince.”
He huffs as he grabs your chin and turns your head to face him, “you are not. Now shut your mouth.”
A silence fills between the two of you as he continues to stare at you. “Why do you think that?” A pathetic laugh escapes you, “I am not the funniest, I am not the most pretty, not the most talented. I am the quiet sister who has no idea how to speak to people or has no confidence in anything. I shall remain alone forever as a spinster while my sisters all go off and get married.” 
The song ends and the two of you stand still while everyone claps. You do not look at him while he stares at you.  
“If you are so boring then why have you captured me so. If you are not unfunny then why do I find myself laughing more in your presence than I ever have. If you are so untalented then why are you the first lady I've enjoyed dancing with? If you shall remain alone forever then why do I wish to be by your side.” 
You don't even notice that all the eyes in the room are staring at the two of you, aegon is your whole world right now.
“Marry me. And I shall open up the world to you.”
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elissanatok · 9 months
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part 3
pairing: Aemond targaryen x velaryon! (strong!) reader
summary: Aemond has loved and secretly claimed you for himself since the day you were born. losing his eye changed him, but maybe it did not affect his feelings for you as much as he thought it had
warnings: english is not my first language, angsty , shy reader, unclexniece, possesive aemond, everybody adores reader in this
let me know what you think!! reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback are highly appreciated <33
the air in the dining hall had been suffocating you. you could see the smug look in the eyes of your oldest uncle. he used to look at you differently and you had questioned before if it were his feelings for you that changed, or he himself. and if Aegon changed that much, did the others do too? 
you had been late, much to your mothers dismay. your uncle Daemon had not expected anything else. he always knew the days when it was time for a nightmare. maybe that was because he cared so much, or maybe because he liked to know all of the people surrounding him. you had forgotten your jewelry too, making your neck and shoulders bare. your deep red dress contrasted with the one of heleana who was sitting next to your brother. 
you deeply regretted arriving late - because at the end of the table, to your left, sat the one eyed prince. his gaze burned holes into your skull and except from the smile you send him when you arrived you did not dare to look in his direction again, too afraid he would look at you the same way he did when you arrived. 
you had hoped things would be different and he still held the same love for you he had when you were children. but this was different. 
having you avoid his gaze angered him even more than the pig placed in front of him. he could not care for that damn pig because he already felt disgusted of himself. he thought your feelings for him could not change, you could not change, but there you were avoiding his gaze like never before. Now that you were of age, you would probably want a good looking man, a kind one too. hearing his mother ask about the lord in the north made him choke on his wine, and made you finally look at him. 
your lavender eyes looked at him with concern, the line between your eyebrows deepening. “Are you alright prince aemond?”, you asked quiet and kindly. he nodded, humming as an answer, which definitely did not satisfy you. you wanted to hear his voice. he realized when you looked down at your lap, biting your lip embarrassed and playing with your fingers. but still, he did not know what to say.
His mother eyed him and the pig warily. She truly did not wish for something bad to occur, but she could literally feel the anger radiating of her youngest son. She tried changing the topic “But he has not made a proposal yet? Has he?”, but failed miserably.
Aemond felt lucerys smirk before he saw it. Not only could he now laugh at his dumb pig but at the obvious distress he felt over the possible marriage of his princess.
You shook your head no while chewing your dinner slowly. You did not wish to move to the north, to leave your family behind and be lady of house Winterfell. You just wanted to stay here. With him.
And after Heleana made her toast about marriage life and “he mostly ignores you”, it sounded like a death trap to her.
Aemonds abrupt standing up and hitting the table made you flinch. You could see it in his eyes. He truly did change and when he openend his mouth to make his horrible speech, you could feel it in every bone.
Although he did not take your name in his mouth, you could clearly hear the insult he threw at your siblings and you.
While everybody stood up, Aegon pushing lucerys head on the table and Aemond throwing Jace to the ground, you looked down at your lap. Tears that dropped down your cheeks pathetically were wiped away by your sleeves. This was not what you hoped for when they told you of your return but it was exactly what you feared.
Daemon saw it first, calling out your name to check on you and pulling the attention of the rest of your family towards you. You shook your head at him, while you tried to come up with anything helpful to say but found nothing that would make this situation better - so you left.
You did not see Aemonds smug smile fall because you did not turn around to look at him again.
Taglist: @iiamthehybrid @leahjean @bellaisasleep @tempt-ress @let-love-bleeds-red @millies0bsimp @alysmondstuff @chimmysoftpaws @justsumtuffstuff @havlindzk @partypoison-00-blog @zillahvathek @oureternalbond @aemondssiut @minttea07 @tinykryptonitewerewolf @pastelorangeskies @bellstwd @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @trikigirl271 @florxdexcerezo @eddiesbitch83 @maviee @melllinaa @zgzgzh @shiny-trashs-blog @bcon24 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @deliazeedork @ilovemydinoboi
I’m not continuing the tag list Sorry guys :(
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Angel - part 2
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Summary: You are Heleana’s best friend and one day you catch Aemond’s eye and everything in your life will change upside down.
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,400
Warnings: dirty talk, suggestive themes
A/N: English is not my first language.
Aemond is 20, Helaena, Aegon and Y/N are 22, Jason Lannister is 25
Tag: @the-phantom-of-arda @hamatoanne  @aemondsdoll @schniiipsel  @okfashionista​ @zillahvathek​ @teranya​ @tempo-rary-fix​ @reneki​ 
Part 1
It took you some time to explain to Jason that nothing happened. Aemond was just kind enough to give you a ride here. Well it was an exaggeration but you really didn't want to tell your boyfriend about all the things Aemond told you. Jason hated all the Targaryen's with passion. Their families were rivals on the business field. They fathers always tried to steal the business deal from the other one. But Jason hated the Targaryen brothers for different reasons. Aemond kicked his younger brother out of the football team for being lazy and not good enough - his words. And Aegon seduced both of Jason's twin sisters and left them heartbroken and hating on each other. Aegon was the real heartbreaker. They both were. But Aemond was picky when it came to girls he wanted to fuck, Aegon didn't care that much. He was flirting with anyone who had vagina. You once saw him flirting with the old lady in the library, probably trying to get access to the restricted area. Helaena forbit him to ever try something on you. So he never flirted with you in front of her. But if he met you at school while his sister wasn't around he flirted shamelessly with you. But you usually ignored him, you were too smart to fall into his web.
When you walked through the school halls with Helaena the next day you asked her to never bother Aemond because of you ever again. "Come on Y/N, it was nothing," she waved her hand dismissively at you. "He was so upset when the girl ditched him. I ruined his plans," you explained and she shook her head. "Don't worry about my brother not getting laid, I am sure he called one of his other fan girls to suck his dick," she said as you reached the lockers. You stopped abruptly when you saw Aemond standing in front of your locker with Floris Baratheon glued to his side, kissing her like there is no tomorrow. "Ewww, see he is totally fine, no damage was done to his ego," she gagged as you two watched her brother devouring Floris in front of everyone. You felt your cheeks turning red, you hated public display of affection, but damn, he was kissing her with such passion. His big hand with long pale fingers covered her entire face and big portion of her neck. His other hand was wrapped around her waist, keeping her glued to him. He was kissing her possessively, his tongue deep in her mouth, she was emitting soft whimpers, holding onto him tightly. You licked you dry lips unconsciously. You tried to fight it but you really wished to be her at this moment. “This is disgusting,” Helaena sneared, gagging.  “Y/N, why are you looking at him like this. Please, don’t tell me that you fancy my baby brother,” Hel asked with scrunched nose when she noticed your intense staring. “What, no, of course not!” you lied through your teeth. “It’s just... I have never been kissed like this,” you said in awe. “What? Are you kidding me? Jason doesn’t kiss you?” she asked with raised eyebrow. “Of course he kisses me, but not like this. His kisses are not this passionate and never this long,” you admitted. You were fascinated, his mouth was glued to Floris’ for so long, it seemed like he doesn’t need to breath. “There is too much tongue for my liking,” Hel said. “Omg, what am I doing? Why am I commenting on his kissing technique, that’s so gross,” she said with disgusted frown. “Y/N, seriously, you need to dump that moron. He is so boring, you two live like an old married couple and not like an young couple in love,” Hel nudge you and you finally stopped staring at Aemond. “I am happy with him, he is nice, he is safe,” you said weakly. “Nice... sure... we need to plan a girls night and talk you out of this. I will call Rhaena and Baela and we will explain to you, how it should look like when you are head over heels for a guy,” she winked at you and you rolled your eyes, but arguing with Hel was pointless. She always got what she wanted. “We need to go,” she reminded you.  “I can’t, I need my history project and it’s locked inside my locker,” you sighed. “Do you want me to kick him out of there?” she asked you and you shook your head. “No, I can do it myself,” you assured her and she kissed your cheek and ran to the entomology class she had with Cregan. He hated insects but he loved Helaena so much that he wanted to spend more time with her. You sighed and slowly approached the couple. “Ehm, excuse me guys,” you tried, but they didn’t seem to notice you. “Excuse me, you are standing in front of my locker,” you tried again more loudly, but once again with no avail. You had no other chance than to tug at his sleeve. “Aemond, move, you are blocking my locker,” you groaned impatiently. They finally stopped kissing and Aemond looked at you with murderous look on his pretty face. “What? If you also want a kiss, wait in line,” he barked at you and Floris giggled stupidly. “I don’t want a kiss, you asshole, I want to get inside my locker before my class starts,” you snapped at him, finally having enough of his attitude.   “I need to go anyway, baby, my lesson starts in 5 minutes,” Floris smiled and pecked his lips once again before rushing away from him. He finally moved and you could grab your stuff. You took your project and closed your locker. You turned around with intention to go to your history class when you were pushed against the lockers. The hall was almost empty everyone was already in their classrooms. Aemond caged you between the lockers and his tall body. “What are you doing?” you asked, hating that your voice is trembling. “You seem to ruin my sex life lately, Y/N. Do you enjoy being a little cockblock for me?” he asked, dark smile played on his lips. “I don’t care about your sex life,” you protested and looked away from his intense gaze but gasped when he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him again. “It didn’t seem like it when you were staring at me kissing her for good five minutes,” he smirked when you blushed wildly. “I am surprised that you noticed anyone at that moment, you seemed to be pretty lost in the kiss,” you snapped at him and victorious smile spread on his face. “Are you jealous, angel? Did you imagine yourself in her place? Did you imagine me kissing you so hard that your lips will tingle?” his thumb brushed against your bottom lip and you shook your head no, not trusting your voice. “No? I think you are a liar, Y/N,” he teased you and leaned to your ear. “I think you wish to know how does it feel to be kissed like this, how does it feel to be devoured like this. You want to be kissed so good that you will get wet just from the simple act of kissing,” he chuckled darkly when you gasped at his crude words.  “Let me go!!” you tried to push him away, but he grabbed your hands easily and pushed them above your head, holding them there with one hand. “I can see right through you, angel. Little miss proper and decent, but deep down you want to be fucked hard and rough. You are saying no and let me go, but I can see it in your eyes, you want me,” he cooed, his voice smooth like a dark velvet. His long elegant fingers caressed your cheek and chin slowly, softly like a lover would do, distracting you for a second then he wrapped them around your neck. A shiver run through your body, you felt your hardened nipples brush against your bra and the wetness began pooling between your legs. “Let me go Aemond, please,” you tried again to get out of his grasp with different approach. “Look at you, Y/N. Already begging me,” he smirked. “Let me go, you asshole or I will start screaming,” you threatened him but his grip on your neck only tightened. “Oh, you will scream, angel. You will be screaming my name, begging me for more,” he said cockily, licking his lips slowly. “In your dreams, Aemond. Let me go!” you tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was pointless he was too strong and so much taller than you. “I am not like you, angel. I don’t need to dream about the person I want to fuck, I just go and fuck them,” his arrogance was truly endless, who the fuck does he think he is? “I don’t dream about fucking you, I don’t think about you like this, you are just my best friend’s younger brother,” you said stubbornly and he watched you with knowing smile. “So you want to tell me, that if I touch your pussy right now, you won’t be soaking wet for me?” he chuckled when he saw your scandalized face. “Don’t you dare to touch me,” you warned him. “Why, are you scared that I am right? Are you scared that you will like it, that you will let out that pretty little moan like you did when you sat on my bike?” he mocked you and you were mortified. “Yeah, angel, I heard you. I am wondering what other pretty noises I can get out of this mouth,” he leaned closer to you, his lips almost touching yours. Every single cell in your body was on high alert. “S-s-shut up,” you stuttered, fighting the urge to close the gap between you and taste his soft looking lips. “If you think that I will say make me and we will kiss, I think that you saw too many romantic movies, Y/N,” he provoked you and suddenly his grip on your body was gone. You almost fell on your ass, when he wasn’t holding you anymore. “See you later, angel. I have other stuff to do than making virgin’s wet dreams coming true,” and he left with dark chuckle, leaving you there absolutely humiliated. “I am not a virgin!” you shouted after him, but he ignored you as always.
When the day was finally over and you walked to the parking lot to wait for Jason to pick you up, you still felt the humiliation from this morning. The only reason, why you didn’t tell Helaena that her brother is being a major dick to you, was because you knew how much she loves him and you didn’t want to cause problems between the siblings. You can handle him on your own, you tried to convince yourself. You looked at your watch and sighed, Jason was late as always. He worked at his father’s company and he always got swamp up in paperwork. You looked around yourself and spotted Aegon’s yellow Ferrari right next to Aemond’s motorbike. They probably still have training. There will be a very important game coming next week so they trained extra hours. The curiosity got better of you and you walked closer to the car. It was beautiful, you always wanted to take a ride in it, but you would never ask Aegon for it. He would take it as an invitation to fuck you in it. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you heard familiar voice and you gulped and slowly turn around. Aegon was grinning at you while Aemond watched you with unreadable expression. “Hi Aegon, it’s gorgeous,” you admitted and smiled friendly at Aegon, completely ignoring Aemond next to him. “I can take you for a ride, if you want, beautiful,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “No, thank you, I am waiting for someone to give me a lift,” you stopped his shameless flirting. “So maybe next time, tomorrow, maybe?” he didn’t give up and Aemond scoffed. “Sure, I can tell Helaena. I am sure that she and Cregan would like to go to a little trip,” you chuckled when you saw his smirk dropping. “I was thinking about only me and you, Y/N,” he didn’t give up so easily. “Sunfyre purrs like a giant cat, I bet that you would like to feel the power of its engine under you,” he wrapped his hand around your shoulders and purred into your ear. “She prefers to have bike engine vibrating between her legs, brother. It makes her let out very interesting noises,” Aemond said and smirked when you looked at him with venom in your eyes. “No one asked about your opinion, asshole,” you barked at him, your cheeks getting red again. Aegon gently placed his finger on your chin, turning your head to look at him. “Don’t mind him, Y/N. He is jealous that daddy didn’t buy him a car like this,” he smirked when he saw how frustrated you are.   Suddenly you heard a loud honk. You slowly turned around, knowing that you are screwed. “Oh fuck me,” you cursed when you saw very angry looking Jason staring at you from his black BMW. “No problem, just say when and where, beautiful,” Aegon grinned and Aemond rolled his eye. “What is this moron doing here?” Aemond scoffed and you realized in horror that Aegon’s hand is still wrapped around your shoulder. “That for me, I have to go, bye Aegon,” you quickly unwrapped yourself from his grip and ran to Jason’s car. “Why is she riding with him?” Aemond asked and Aegon looked at him in surprise. “They have been dating for almost a year,” Aegon looked at him in surprise. “That explains a lot,” Aemond smirked and put on his helmet. If this moron was really your boyfriend you had to be bored to death and dry as a bone. “What do you mean, brother?” Aegon asked, confused about Aemond’s sudden interest in you. You were not his type at all. “None of your business,” Aemond smirked and drove off the parking lot leaving confused Aegon behind. 
Part 3
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bl00dlight · 2 months
I'm hoping Alys loves him next season! I liked Aemond amd Heleana until this leak which I didn't want to see but it's in my Helaemond tag on tumblr!! I just hope he finds love. Thoughts?
Welllllllllllllll, I don't know about that. The alys plot line is pretty dubious in the books. Like, fairly certain she sorta is his concubine. She is more so described as his paramour and given the nature of TV show Alys, she seems to be intolerant to cruel men.
And Aemond is about 10000000x worse than Daemon. It will actually be VERY interesting how that reltionship plays out given, Aemond literally commits genocide and burns the Riverlands to a crisp. She's very weirwood, of the trees, anti-men vibes. Where as in the books she was more of a seductress.
I think what we are gonna get, is Alys manipulating him for her own survival. I'm about 99% sure she is going to put a spell on him, to prevent him from killing her. And we'll get a Daemon-esq arc that pushes Aemond further into madness. He'll probably use her to some extent I'd say. And in truth? Do I really want Aemond to find love in Alys? No, not really.
I think Aemond's arc is going to be exclusive of that love, maybe she'll act as a surrogate for his mother like the Madame did? But I think Alys will fundamentally challenge Aemond to face all the horrific things he's done. I don't really think it makes much sense for an actual romantic, loving relationship to bloom between them. Given the fact Alys seemingly saved Daemon? It seems to me homegirl is probably going to lead Aemond to his death. Because let's me honest, Aemond is SO much worse than Daemon. When you look at how they are paralleled, Aemond consistently chooses the dark and Daemon, always ends up choosing light. Even if it takes him a while to get there. We've seen his arcs have always taken him to a place where, he let's go of his ambition in service of love. Whether it be for Viserys or Rhaenyra.
But Aemond? Is the opposite. Aemond pushes away love, again and again and again for his own ambition. Helaena parallels Alys in telling Aemond how he will die.
And his reaction is rage and hurt. When Alys tells Daemon? He looks genuinely, saddened and scared?
Alys is telling Daemon the same thing Helaena tells Aemond.
You will die here. And Harrenhal is the place where men with ambition die. It's built into the walls.
I just don't see, and I will very surprised if Alys and Aemond have a healthy, loving relationship. It also just seems out of character for both. She is meant to be like 400 years old and Aemond is 18/19? She probably thinks he is a baby. He is also a genocidal, Valyrian supremacist who hates bastards. And Alys is neither Valyrian and is also a bastard. So... I think with her current characterisation, she isn't gonna take kindly to Aemond's fucking hatred of the Riverlords and him... killing all the bastards there. She gagged Daemon for alot less.
Also? Aemond literally RUINS her home. He burns the Riverlands to toast? And she is in total connection with the lands. I'd much rather see Alys gag him over simping. And I don't think the Alys x Aemond dynamic is tragic enough for me? Alys will go on living, she is a witch and even in the books doesn't grieve Aemond's death. She just moves on... and there is theory she claimed to have his bastard?
Whereas Aemond himself as we know him in the show, his heart and wounds lie in his family. Like Daemon's does. Alys seems to act as salt in those wounds. I think Aemond's most interesting points come from his family and wanting their love.
That for me is why I love Helaemond because it's completely doomed. It's fruitless. And it plays directly with both of their wounds, them as neglected, rejected siblings who are connected but also distant. And that Helaena as something which is purely good, and kind is hurt my Aemond's actions.
Alys I feel, is given so much more agency now in the show. I didn't really like the idea of her character in the books, it felt quite.... misogynistic? But her show arc proves her to be challenging and demanding, without fear of the men around her. And most of all TRIFLING. To her Daemon and Aemond are little boys playing at power they don't understand.
I think I prefer that over, weird seductress simp Alys.
So there is also that dynamic of, ehhhhh kinda feels weird for this 400 year old force of the weirwood to become a simp for an 18 year old incel. Which is kinda what Aemond is really. He told his own mother to go back to kitchen essentially.
I appreciate it, and I do legitmately want Aemond to find love/tenderness. But I think I would've preferred to see it throughout this season with Helaena. And not even romantically, just moments where Helaena is kind or gentle to Aemond. Which she kind of is in the last episode. I think that's actually what Aemond needs and ultimately what he desires.
The Madame... Alys... they only really act as substitutes for the love he wants from his family. I don't really need to see romance from Aemond, it would feel really out of character.
That Madame scene was PUSHINGGGG it already because there was no lead up to it. So I think, Aemond is a character who I'd prefer seeing him rectify the loves he craves and has pushed aside from his own family at times; over Alys x Aemond as GRRM wrote them - which is basically just Aemond taking her as his kept woman to pat his head, and suck his dick.... who also happens to be older than his own mother.
Which is even weirder... when you consider book Aemond is like 17... so it's like.... okayyyyyyyy
It's kinda the same with Nettles. Don't really wanna see a teenage girl, taking baths with 50+ year old Daemon.
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sharararararara · 9 months
Yandere Aemond Targaryen x Older sister reader
WARNING: MENTIONS OF RAPE(not to the reader but to an oc of mine), AEGON BEING WEIRD, Mentions of children getting married, angst( a little?)
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
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Helaena there you are! Helaena looked at you as you ran toward her, you sat beside your sister who was looking at a bug she had just found.
I don't think it can see... Said Helaena, Why? You asked, slowly getting more curious about the bug she was holding, she did not answer your question, just simply staring at you.
I- um... I mean if you don't want to tell me then it's fine. You spoke, you never really understood why Helaena never talked clearly, She liked to speak in riddles, never giving the real meaning behind them. You never really cared, you sometimes have fun trying to find out what her riddle meant, it was like a game to you.
You just kept quiet and continued to observe the insect, you loved the time you spent with your sister, even though she never really talked, it was still calming. Aegon did not deserve Helaena, you knew what Aegon does with the maids, and you felt disgusted by him. You don't even want to think what he might do to your sister. Sometimes you wish that it was Jace instead of Aegon, sure Jace can be a bully sometimes, like what he does to Aemond, but you still think he would treat Helaena better than Aegon.
Suddenly a maid ran towards you and Heleana, Princess Helaena your Mother is calling you, said the maid in a hurry.
Helaena sighed, not wanting to go, yet she did not have a choice. She stood up and went to the maid, both of them leaving you behind.
A frown was on your face as you watched them walk away, you were alone again, and you did not have anyone to talk to, and surely you did not want to talk to Aegon, he would be probably drunk or harassing the maids again, and you could not really talk to Aemond since you did not really know where he is, so it's only you and yourself.
You sighed as you stood up, dusting off the dust from your dress. Why not a walk around the halls? you said to yourself as you started to walk.
You had a dragon, named Larix, but you were not allowed to fly on him yet since he is a big dragon, and you might get hurt or worse die, you think that was a stupid rule that your parents made for you since you already flew on him once when you claimed him, but I guess you did not have a choice, it's either waiting until your old enough or will never ride him.
Your parents were protective of you, when they found out that you claimed a dragon they went ballistic, they complained that the dragon was too dangerous for a little child like you, yet they still arranged a marriage between their daughter to their son, even though they are still children, funny right? And sooner or later Aegon will bed Heleana, which is disgusting because they are still children. You felt bad for Helaena and Aegon, even after what Aegon did, you still felt bad for him being forced to marry his sister.
But what can you do? They are Targaryen, it's normal for their house, yet it still is messed up.
Sooner or later, you will get betrothed to some man, you do not really want to get married yet, but what can you do?
You pray to the Gods that the man your parents will betrothed you to someone nice and respectful, and not some old lord who only wants to bed little girls and carry his heirs.
Sometimes you wish that women get the same respect as men in this world, women in this are known as "weak" or "fragile" and only used for pleasure and to carry heirs. They say "women can't rule a kingdom", saying that only a man can, since they are "strong" or "powerful".
When a woman sleeps with a man, they call her a whore, but when a man sleeps with a thousand people, no one blinks an eye.
You had a friend before, from a wealthy house, her name was Esther, she was 14 years old when her father betrothed her to some lord.
At first, she thought that he was nice, but on their wedding night, that lord raped her, she pleaded for him to stop, yet he did not listen.
She died from giving birth to her son, her husband did not care, only remarrying someone else.
You missed Esther, she was your only friend. The last time you saw her was when she visited you, she was 6 months pregnant, she had a fake smile on, hiding her true emotions.
You remembered when you and her were alone in your chamber, she cried in your arms, telling you about how her husband beat her every day when she didn't follow his orders. You were in rage when she told you that, you wanted to speak to her husband, but she pleaded you not to, saying she would only get beat up more.
You remembered how much you cried when you received the letter from her mother, telling you that Esther, your friend, died last night while giving birth to her son.
You never forgot her, and you will never will. She was a good friend, and you wish you could get revenge on her husband for what he did.
You wanted to shout at her father, for making her marry that piece of shit, and for not believing her when she told him about what he was doing to her.
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the-golden-queen-82 · 3 months
I think the writers decided to make Alicole official because since Viserys is dead and Rhaenyra and Alicent aren't going to share a screen for the next few episodes or season and I always loved their scene because I think Olivia and Emily had amazing chemistry with those characters. They want her to make her character arc center around 'love' one more time.
So, instead of focusing on her children and grandchildren they threw Criston into mix. This should have the season to explore her relationship dynamics with her family. I felt that they were doing that towards the end of season 1.
But they cut Alicent's reaction to Aemond killing Luce. They make Blood and Cheese a joke in the end with that unnecessary and grotesque sex scene. Made her focus on worrying about Helaena telling people about that scene.
The scenes that I like was her unable to comfort Aegon towards the end of episode 2 since just a few moments ago Otto didn't bother listen to Alicent's sins. Showing how hard is to comfort you child since your parent didn't do that to you.
I think after Criston goes into battle they will focus probably only on Heleana and Alicent, since Aemond and Aegon are going as well but I bet all my money that they're going to forget Jahaera.
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The writing this season is so bland and bad I don't think I'll bother watching s3 at all. The way things are going, Aemond will probably keep being treated like a background character next season as well, getting about 2 mins of sceentime each ep before he eventually dies (and Daemon survives and runs away with Alys because of course she will be pregnant with Daemon's child not Aemond's lol). Daeron might show up for one ep or two then die. Heleana will probably have three lines, then die too, and I don't know what they will do with Aegon. Maybe they'll give his 'killing Rhaenyra' plot to another character, or make it be an accident, or worse, make Alicent be the one to poison him after he murders Rhae. Nothing these writers do would surprise me anymore, and it's sad bc the show had so much potential, but they are ruining it and I don't see it getting any better next season.
Good day/night to you!
I completely understand your feelings - and I don't even know what to expect from season 3 anymore. It seems that for every bad prediction the fandom could come up with there is an even worse idea from the writers.
What are they going to do with Daeron storywise? How will they establish his relationship with his family if he has been absent from their lives for quite some time and they can't even properly develop the bonds between those Greens who have been by each other's side for many years?
How are they going to go about Rhaenyra's death? For now Aegon's main "crime" this season was the execution of ratcatchers - and in pretty much all other cases he was kind of supposed to be an object of pity. Will he go into a feral mode next season? What exactly will be the trigger for that? Aemond's betrayal, the memory of Jaehaerys' murder or something else?
Will they continue to fuck up Alicent's relationship with her children (more than they already have) to the point of her actually being willing to murder her son? Will they present Alysmond as Alys playing Aemond, most probably with the involvement of mommy issues thing (God, save us all from this cringe), and deliberately leading him to his death to avenge all the innocent he will have murdered by then?
So many questions - and so many possibilities for all of this to crash and burn completely.
My feelings might change with time but as for now I have little desire to tune in for season 3 - not after what they did to the characters I love.
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apricia · 2 years
For ever by your side / Aemond Targaryen x reader // Part I
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Author's Notes:
I never expected such a response and I'm still a bit speechless. I just wanted to write down my thoughts without any expectations. This is my very first fanfic, so don't expect too much. And forgive spelling mistakes, because English is not my first language. I'm not even sure where this story is going, I just know I have to write it. So stay tuned.
** Warning: blood, attempted murder, the word whore (although that's pretty normal in the GoT universe), sooner or later incest
Chapter 1 - In need of a dragon 
"Do it."
Alyssa stared at the bowl on the table in front of her. A red-brown paste lay in it. She looked at the spoon, back at the paste, and gritted her teeth.
"You first," she demanded of her cousin.
She wasn't stupid. If Aegon wanted her to try this stuff, he had to go first. Alyssa didn't know exactly what the paste was, but she smelled the sweet spice and it smelled pungent. Probably too spicy for her taste.
Aegon shook his head. "Don't you dare, cousin?"
"Says the right one. Who is arguing here? Either we both do it, or we don't do it at all."
She felt Aemond shift restlessly in the chair next to her. Aegon had first tried to get his younger brother into a bet, but Aemond had backed down.
Coward, Aegon had called him. That's when Alyssa stepped in. She hated it when Aegon, Jace or Luke made fun of Aemond. Whenever she found out they said something mean, she made the boys regret their actions with her own hands.
More than ten years have passed since the day Alyssa became a princess and was adopted into the family of King Viserys.
Some things have changed for her, and Alyssa knew some things with absolute certainty.
First, she was a Targaryen. Daughter of Prince Daemon. Although she had never spoken to him, she benefited from his reputation. Many feared the prince, his vengefulness and ferocity, so few dared to disrespect the princess. Even if her father lived far away from her in a different land. With his new family.
Second, she was the daughter of a whore. Though Alyssa wasn't sure what that meant, or who her mother was, she knew the unnamed woman hadn't belonged to a noble house. She was no lady, no woman of honor. She heard the whispers in the palace corridors, the chatter of the servants, even the voices of her own family.
Third, she wasn't a dragon rider. Syrax's first throw had been unsuccessful. The eggs she and her cousin Aemond were given at birth had never hatched. She would never have a dragon, at least not if she didn't claim one that already existed. And Alyssa didn't believe that anymore.
Fourth, she was a green. Even if Alyssa couldn't understand what that meant when she was younger. She wasn't stupid. She saw the behavior of Queen Alicent and Princess Rheanyra. They were on different sides, even if the king didn't want to see it. Alyssa wasn't blind to the arguments, however. Her side was only certain: she belonged to the Greens, because Alicent Hightower had taken her in like a daughter. The Queen didn't get along very well with her own daughter Heleana, because Heleana was mostly in her own world. But Alyssa and Alicent shared a closer bond. So Alyssa's loyalty was unquestionable.
And fifth, her best friend, her companion and possibly the love of her life was Aemond Targaryen. He was only five months younger than Alyssa, but she had given him her heart the moment he was born, or he had stolen it from her. What exactly happened didn't matter. He was her better half. They shared the same interests, reading and studying together, spending almost every free moment together, and sharing the same fate due to their lack of a dragon. Aemond understood Alyssa without having to say anything. Just as she understood him. He was her best friend and nothing would ever change that.
Syt mirre ondoso aōha paktot. For ever by your side, that had been her vow and Alyssa would never forget those words. Carried her in her heart like the greatest treasure in all of Westeros.
Alyssa looked at Aemond, who was staring at her with wide eyes. He seemed nervous, but Aegon looked from her to the strange spice that had just been brought to the palace in the morning. It came from Bravos and no one knew exactly what it was.
"I'm a Targaryen, dear cousin. I fear nothing and I'm no coward, but you seem to be." She pulled the bowl towards her, took the spoon and dipped it in the spice until the spoon was full. She gave Aegon a challenging look, then took it into her mouth.
Her cousin's eyes widened and he jumped out of his chair.
"Alyssa..", Aemond said next to her and looked at her worried.
Alyssa swallowed and grinned triumphantly at Aegon. She felt the flames in her mouth, felt them running down her throat. Her whole mouth burned. Alyssa was sure if she opened her mouth she would spit fire. And probably turn Aegon to ashes with it.
But she wasn't about to admit how hot this stuff really was. She felt the tears in her eyes, but didn't let them roll down her cheeks.
Instead, she bit the inside of her cheek and stood up.
"As you can see, my dear cousin. I am a true dragon, you apparently are not." She grinned at him proudly and then left the room. Footsteps were heard behind her and she knew instantly that it was Aemond following her.
"Alyssa, are you alright?"
She nodded haltingly. "I think my mouth is on fire, I need water."
Aemond looked at her confused, then burst out laughing. "I knew that stuff burned like fire."
"You were smarter than me. But I couldn't watch Aegon win again."
"Anyway, the look on his face was worth it. Come on, we'll get you some milk and bread so you can taste something again sometime."
Alyssa nodded and fanned herself to get the heat off her face. Aemond took her hand and walked her down to the kitchen. While she tried to get the sting out of her mouth with bread and milk, Aemond sat across from her.
"Shall we go to the library together later? New books arrived yesterday, about the history of Aegon the Conqueror." The joy on Aemond's face made Alyssa's heart beat faster and a warmth spread inside her. She loved seeing him so carefree and happy.
Alyssa made a face. "We'll have to put that off until tomorrow. I promised the Queen I'd spend time with Helaena today."
"You're my best friend, not my sister's."
"I'm both, yours and her friend, Aemond. Except that Helaena doesn't have any friends except me."
Aemond scowled at her. "She has her bugs."
"They hardly count as friends, Aemond. Why don't you just come with me?"
He shook his head. Although he loved his sister, and Alyssa was aware of it, he didn't like the crawling insects that Helaena loved so dearly. Alyssa didn't blame him. She often sat in the mud with Helaena and inspected worms, larvae or spiders. Listened to her cousin as she told her all the facts about the little animals. Helaena was... unique, as Alyssa always said. She was no ordinary girl and mostly kept to herself. However, the princess had accepted Alyssa by her side and that had led to Alicent asking Alyssa to spend time with her daughter so that she wouldn't be so lonely. What Alicent didn't know was that Helaena wasn't lonely at all. She was alone but not lonely. But the queen saw no difference.
Alyssa was fine with spending time with Helaena, after all she was like a sister to her. And she had learned that she did care what the princess had to say. At least when it came to scorpions, they were really exciting. However, she could safely do without worms and spiders.
"No thanks," Aemond grumbled. "Feel free to spend time with my sister. I'll accompany Aegon to the dragon pit."
Alyssa put down the milk jug and narrowed her eyes at him. "Why are you doing this to yourself, Aemond?" They shared the same fate. They were both dragonless, but unlike her cousin, Alyssa was not obsessed with the creatures. She didn't try to attend the Dragon Keeper's lessons, join Luke, Jace or Aegon while they trained with their dragons. She went for a walk with Helaena and Dreamfyre from time to time, but nothing more. She read about dragons, but she would not get any closer to the flying creatures.
Aemond avoided her gaze. "I'll have a dragon eventually, Alyssa. And I need to be prepared for that."
She grabbed his hand. "I know that one day you will be a dragon rider, but why are you putting yourself under so much pressure?"
Aemond glared at her, but his anger wasn't directed at her. "I can no longer take the humiliations of Aegon and my nephews. They tease me."
"They wouldn't if you stopped going into the dragon pit." If he would stop giving them the opportunity for their mean jokes. But it fell on deaf ears. Aemond just didn't listen to her.
"Someday they'll regret their jokes. When I have my own dragon. And then I'll take you flying, I promise. Syt mirre ondoso aōha paktot," he said softly and grabbed Alyssa's hand again.
She squeezed and gave him a smile. "Pāsan isse ao," she whispered. She had always believed in him, even when no one else did.
"Dracarys, Varmax," Jace roared and they watched as the dragon set the goat on fire. Aemond watched his nephew with envy and disgust. He didn't understand. How come his egg wasn't hatched but Luke and Jace's were? They weren't true Targaryens. At least if he believed his brother's and mother’s words. They didn't look like they had old Valyrion's blood running in them.
They were unassuming. Brown boring hair and eyes of the same color. They didn't look like him and his siblings, or like Alyssa. Aemond knew tat Alyssa’s Mother wasn't a Targaryen either. Still, his best friend looked like him. Silver-white hair, violet eyes. They both deserved dragons. Jace and Luke didn't.
He hated the fact that his nephews owned dragons, but he didn't.
"Aemond, we have a surprise for you," came his older brother's voice and Aemond turned to Aegon.
"What is it?"
"Something very special." Luke joined them and grinned at Aemond. But there was something sly in his grin. Then he disappeared inside the pit.
"You're the only one of us without a dragon. You and Alyssa. While she doesn't seem to care that she doesn't own one, I know how much you want one, brother."
"Indeed," Aemond said, not knowing what this was all leading to.
"And we felt badly about it," Aegon continued. "Precisely because without a dragon you won't have a chance to marry her."
"What are you talking about?"
"Alyssa, of course," Aegon laughed. "She's a Targaryen, well, halfway. She looks like one, at least, and as a princess, she'll only marry a true dragon rider. You understand that, don't you?"
Aemond narrowed his eyes at his brother, but felt himself tighten. He wasn't a dragon rider, neither was Alyssa. But she was his! They were bound together by an oath. He had never thought that one day Alyssa would get married, but it made sense that she would. But if she had to marry someone, it would be him!  They belonged together. Not that Aemond had already thought of marrying her. It was much more that he always saw Alyssa by his side, no matter how he imagined his life to be. She was always a part of it.
And now he shouldn't be allowed to have her just because he didn't own a dragon? Could the gods really be that cruel to him? First they refused him a dragon and now they want to take Alyssa from him... Aemond wouldn't allow that!
"So we found one for you," his older brother continued. "We wouldn't want you to loose Alyssa, would we, brother?" Aegon put a hand on his back and led him towards the tunnels that led down into the pit. There was a rumble and the earth shook beneath their feet.
"A Dragon? How?"
"The gods provide," was his brother's only explanation.
Out of the tunnel came Luke, a pig at his side. Aemond looked at the animal with hate-filled eyes. Wings were attached to its back and the pig trailed an improvised tail. Aemond clenched his fists.
"Behold - the pink dread!" said his brother and nephews in unison and then burst out laughing. Each laugh pierced Aemond's heart like a knife.
"Be sure to mount her carfully. First flight's always rough," laughed his brother. "Perhaps with her help you will be able to make Alyssa yours."
Aegon grunted in Aemond's ear and his nephews did the same before leaving Aemond alone. Humiliated and angry.
His father wouldn't let Alyssa marry anyone else, would he? His mother knew how important Alyssa was to him and she herself had taken the princess to her heart. They wouldn't let Alyssa be taken from you, would they?
But if only a dragon rider was allowed to marry Alyssa, then Aemond would become a dragon rider. He stared into the darkness of the tunnel and clenched his jaws. He would have a dragon! For Alyssa!
Meanwhile, Alyssa sat alone with her cousin in their chambers. Also coming by ship from Bravos were two scorpions, which Helaena proudly presented to Alyssa.
"Like spiders, scorpions also have eight legs. They also have two tentacles with claws, like a crab," Helaena said, holding the little creature in front of Alyssa's nose.
"With the claws and the poisonous sting, the animals defend themselves in case of danger or kill their prey."
Alyssa looked from the scorpions to her cousin. "How can you be sure that he won't stab you with it and you die? I imagine death by poisoning to be extremely painful." She had respect for the little creature and avoided getting too close to the stinger, let alone picking up the scorpion like Helaena did.
However, Helaena looked at him with a tenderness on her face that Alyssa found incomprehensible. She looked at Aemond like that, maybe sometimes at Alicent, but not an animal that could kill her in seconds.
"He won't harm me."
"If you say that."
Alyssa was about to ask a question when the door opened without knocking. Into the room came a man in a black robe that Alyssa didn't recognize. He didn't look like the king's guard who had been at the door when they'd arrived.
"Who are you?" Alyssa wanted to know and looked at the man curiously.
The man approached her and pulled a knife from his belt. Alyssa's eyes widened in horror and next to her, Helaena, who seemed to be in her right mind, began to scream.
"Death to the Targaryens," the man hissed, lunging at the girls. Alyssa pushed Helaena aside and started calling for help as well. Someone had to hear her and come and rescue them both.
She was just a girl, just eleven years old. What could she do against a grown man who was armed? Nothing at all. But Alyssa refused to die today. She wouldn't let this man hurt Helaena.
She heard shouts and hasty footsteps, and Alyssa knew they wouldn't have to last long before help would arrive. So she fought. She snatched the scorpion from Helaena's hand and threw it at her attacker. He screamed, but threw the venomous beast away before the deadly sting could hit him.
Then the blade came into Alyssa's field of vision. She didn't think about it any further, but threw up her arms.
Her hands gripped the weapon and she felt the pain a split second later as the blade dug into her flesh. She gripped the knife with both hands and pushed the man away as best she could.
"Princesses," came the familiar voice of Ser Harrold Westerling.
Alyssa screamed as the man was pulled away from her and the knife fell to the ground. Her knees buckled under her and she sank onto the cool marble floor beneath her. She was shaking, trembling all over and barely aware of what was happening around her. She heard Helaena screaming and crying through a veil. She heard more guards storm the room, someone calling for the king and queen. And then she saw two pairs of boots come into view.
Ser Harrold knelt beside her. "Let me see, Princess."
Alyssa stared at him through a veil of tears. It hurt, it really hurt. Her palms were soaked in blood. Two deep cuts adorned her skin and the blood continued to flow incessantly. She whimpered as the commander pulled her into his arms. "You were very brave, princess, like a true Targaryen. A maester will look into this, but I'm sure it's only a flesh wound."
Alyssa nodded haltingly. The adrenaline had left her body, she felt the exhaustion, felt the fear and began to sob.
"Everything will be fine, Princess, I promise you."
Some time later, Alyssa was sitting in the Queen's chamber with Helaena. Alicent was beside them with anger. The man who attacked the girls was in the dungeon and was being questioned. The queen had calmed her daughter while Maester Orwyle examined Alyssa's wounds and sewed them up. Alyssa hated every second of it. She watched as the thread and needle pushed through her skin, over and over again. At first she had flinched at every bite, but now she sat motionless.
"It'll heal, won't it?" Alicent asked while rubbing Helaena's back soothingly.
"It will. The scars will remain, but will fade over time. However, the princess will not be able to use her hands for the next few days. She will need help."
"Thank you Maester."
Alyssa hated being dependent on help from others. But she watched silently as the maester bound her hands so that she could not even move her fingers. As if instead of two hands she only had two lumps, as if she were a cripple.
Alicent knelt in front of Alyssa and smiled at her. "Thank you, Alyssa. You protected Helaena and made your family proud. I am so glad und thankful that you are alright."
Alyssa nodded. She would always protect her family, no matter the cost.
A knock sounded and a guard entered the room.
"Your Grace," the guard said, dragging Aemond with him.
Alicent, Alyssa and Helaena whirled on the two at the same time.
"Aemond," said the Queen, leaving Alyssa's side. She herself looked at her friend with wide eyes and wanted to get up from the chair she was sitting on, but the maester prevented her.
"What have you done?" the queen wanted to know angrily. The princesses had been attacked and now she had to take care of the prince, who broke the rules again.
"He did it again," Helaena murmured and looked at her brother blankly.
"After how many times you've been warned, must I have you confined to your chambers? After everything that happened today, I don't want to have to deal with such nonsense anymore!" The anger was clearly audible in the queen's voice.
Aemond wasn't looking at his mother, his eyes were fixed on the floor. However, Alyssa knew him too well. He had been humiliated and he was ashamed. What had Aegon, Luke and Jace done this time? Alyssa wanted to clench her fists, but couldn't. Her hands were so bandaged that she could barely use them.
"They made me do it," Aemond yelled, jerking his head up.
"As if you needed encouragement. Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding."
Alyssa narrowed her eyes. She didn't know how many more times Alicent wanted to have this discussion with Aemond. Her son wouldn't listen to her. If he didn't listen to Alyssa, he didn't listen to anyone.
"They gave me a pig," Aemond then roared, and a hiss escaped Alyssa.
It was only then that he noticed that she was there too. He looked at her, blush gracing his cheeks, his eyes full of tears, tears of anger. Aemond looked away from Alyssa. He didn't know why she was in his mother's chambers, but his own feelings controlled him so that he couldn't think about it.
"A what?" Alicent asked blankly.
"They say they found a dragon for me. So I can claim.." Aemond fell silent, but his gaze slid to Alyssa, who looked at him in horror.
What had he wanted to claim? The dragon? His rightful place in this family? She didn't know what he was talking about, but she understand his anger.
Alicent also followed her son's gaze, but she knew immediately what Aemond was getting at and what it all had to do with Alyssa. She knew her youngest son's feelings for his cousin. She even supported them.
Ignoring the Maester's protesting words, Alyssa got up and started to leave the room.
"Princess", the maester called afterwards. "Where do you want to go? Your hands.."
"I'll find Aegon, Luke and Jace and give them the treatment they deserve." She was filled with anger. She hated it when someone treated Aemond badly. No one was allowed to treat him like that, not even his brother or nephews.
Alicent stopped Alyssa and pulled her back. "You will do no such thing. You must rest, Alyssa. You and your hands need rest."
Alyssa just snorted and tucked her bandaged hands behind her back when she felt the blank look from Aemond on her, who didn't seem to know what had happened in the princess' chambers a few moments ago. Alyssa didn't want to show him her injuries, didn't want him to worry about her. As she worried about him.
When the queen was satisfied that Alyssa would not leave the room, she turned back to her son and placed both hands on his shoulders.
"You will have a dragon one day," she tried to encourage Aemond and calm him down.
"He'll have to close an eye," Helaena said quietly and Alyssa frowned at her cousins words. Sometimes Helaena said strange things. And sometimes these strange things came true.
"I know it," the Queen continued.
"They all laughed," Aemond said quietly, staring at the floor.
Alyssa would love to run to him and hug him, but she knew he didn't want that at the moment. He didn't want her pity. He didn't want to show weakness in front of her, so she stayed where she was. But her anger towards Aegon, Luke and Jace only increased. If she could use her hands, she would beat up the three boys herself.
Alicent pulled Aemond into her arms and held him tight. Over the queen's shoulder, Alyssa and Aemond exchanged a look. She gave him a hesitant smile and nodded, as if she too was sure that one day he would have a dragon. Aemond tried to return the smile, but his eyes drifted to her hands and he frowned in confusion. He looked questioningly at Alyssa.
She just shook her head and hid her hands behind her back. Everything was fine, she was fine. Heleana was fine. And the man who did this to her was already behind bars.
Alyssa was safe. Although she could still see and feel the man and his blade as soon as she closed her eyes. 
@girl-with-an-orange-cat​ @itsjustmyopinionf1​ @xcharlottemikaelsonx​ @immyowndefender​ @kohsongbird​ @curiouser-an-curiouser​
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stellasmessyworld · 10 months
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CHAPTER 1: Unexpected encounters
You study law at the Dragonstone University. How will your life change when your roommate’s attractive brother starts studying at the same university.
Enemies to Lovers. Modern au. Aemond Targaryen x Y/N.
~i do not own any these characters it’s just a fanfiction~
It’s 8am when you wake up and check your phone. Initially, you just stare at the screen but then you realise that your classes start in half an hour. This realisation prompts you jump out of the bed. You get out of the room and find your way to the bathroom but as you try to open the door, you hear a voice saying “Occupied!”. The voice belonged to your roommate and best friend since the beginning of your freshman year- Heleana Targaryen.
You met accidentally on the campus and started talking. After a few weeks she proposed you move in with her. The spacious apartment offered a welcome escape from your crowded dorm. The room you got at Heleana’s (now also your) apartment was nice with a big closet. The issue was that there was only one bathroom and at this moment when you needed it most, it was occupied. You couldn’t blame Heleana, she probably thought you already left for classes earlier.
Unable to access the bathroom, you decide to at least get some breakfast. You head to the kitchen to grab a bowl and fill it with cereal and milk, as you quickly empty it while scrolling through your phone. Just as you finish your cereal the bathroom door opens, revealing Hel in with a towel over her head.
“Good morning, babes” she greets you as she dries off her hair with the dampened towel.
“Hi Hel”, you reply “it could’ve been a good day if my alarm could finally wake me up one of these days”.
“Oh no, you overslept again?” she asked genuinely concerned.
“Yep” you confirm, emphasising the “P”.
“What class do you have now?” she asks. “Constitutional Law, so if i don’t get there in ten minutes the professor will kill me.” I stand up from the kitchen chair and make my way to the now free bathroom. “You know i can always talk with him, right? He is my grandfather after all.”
“It’s alright, Hel. I know professor Hightower is your grandfather but i don’t want to be treated differently just because of my friendship with you. I’ll manage to get there on time somehow. Thank you tho.” you tell her from the bathroom actually content that she wants to help in her own way. You brush your teeth quickly as you get yourself ready to leave. When you finish doing a quick makeup, you decide that you’re all ready to walk out. “Bye, Hel. See ya in the evening.” “Have a nice day, babes” she replies as you smile at her and close the door behind yourself.
The way to the Dragonstone University wasn’t long because you live literally next to the campus. You get there at 8:26am which spares you 4 minutes to get some coffee before the class. “How nice…” you think.
There is just one person before you in the queue to the café, and it’s the person you wouldn’t think you would see today.
Aemond Targaryen - Heleana’s younger brother, also majoring in Law. You were surpised to see him because it was already the second term of the freshman year and you hadn’t seen him even once at the University. The last time you saw him was actually the time you met him. It was when he visited you and Heleana at the flat. You were living there for 2 weeks at that moment. Heleana introduced the two of you and you exchanged typical small talk, until he excused himself to the bathroom and you had to leave for class.
It was a bit weird to you, to see him at your University, because the last time you talked about him with Heleana she mentioned he is studying at the Kingslanding University and definitely not here.
It wasn’t anything terrible that he was here. He is very intelligent, eloquent and um well…attractive. You couldn’t lie to yourself that he wasn’t good looking, as he was standing before you in his black jeans, a green cashmere-looking sweater that probably cost a fortune. His long hair tied in a bun. He was wearing a couple of silver rings on his fingers and ~oh his fingers~ were they nice?…
And then there is you, sweatpants, an oversized hoodie, quick messy makeup and a bit of tangled hair and your head. Snapping back to reality you decide to run away and skip coffee because you don’t want him to see you look like this. As you turn around to quickly leave you hear a voice that makes you jump.
“Yn, hi!” It’s Jace Velaryon standing in front of you he’s Hel’s nephew. “How many of her family members study or teach here?” you think to yourself. “Hi Jace, how are you?” you reply not to be considered mean as he hugs you tightly. Suddenly he tenses and you already know what’s his reason of sudden stress. It’s the silver-haired man you were trying to run away from. “Hello, nephew” you hear his deep voice. “Aemond”, Heleana’s cousin replies still a bit tense. Then Aemond’s eye lands on you. “Yn, i thought i would see you here”. You shiver at his words. Did he think about you? you were asking yourself so many questions but then you decided to reply to him. “Good to see you, Aemond” you give him a soft smile. And he looks at you for a couple of seconds too long…
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Thank you for reading… It’s my first fic on tumblr so if you have any advise for me i would be thankful. Love u all. <3
credits: pattern banners by @cafekitsune and the graphic of the title was made by Image Creator from Microsoft Bing.
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are you aware that by lying about the bastard status of her children Rhaenyra committed treason? You know what the punishment for treason is yes? Aegon is the heir wheither you want it or not. If Rhaenyra had legitimized her children we wouldn't have this problem. She was being stupid.
Are you aware that both the King, Corlys and Laenor recognized these boys as legitimate and treated them as such? Are you aware that they KNEW, DIDN'T CARE, and STILL named them as heirs?
Any bastard recognized by the King or the Lord they are inheriting from as legitimate are thereby treated as such. But let's not even get into that, and get into the fact that despite it being obvious in the show, in the book Jace, Luke and Joffery are NEVER proved to illegimate as no one knows what Laenor or Harwin looks like. These are simply just misogynistic rumors spread by, yes, you guessed it, the Greens as just another excuse to justify usurping Rhaenyra.
Truth be told they have no proof and they don't actually care. They only say this weaken her claim.
But no matter which way you spin it, Aegon is not and never will be the rightful heir. First of all, there is no such thing as a 'rightful heir.' You do not earn that status by simply being born as the first male as there is no set law in Westros that establishes this. The next ruler is chosen by the current King on a case by case situation and Viserys named RHENYRA was heir, not Aegon. If you want proof, check out this 1999 article where GRRM himself says himself that there are not succession laws in Westros:
Here is the snipit: "There are no clear cut answers, either in Westeros or in real medieval history. Things were often decided on a case by case basis. A case might set a precedent for later cases... but as often as not, the precedents conflicted as much as the claims."
Second of all, Aegon is a rapist. Rape believe it or not is ILLEGAL in Westros. Men who were rapers got sent to the wall or castrated or executed, as seen when Daemon literally cuts someone's dick off during his rampage. Any crime committed is crime against the King, which is treason. Therefor your logic is invalid because technically, your boy committed treason as well. Multiple times.
Third of all, you cannot call Rhaenyra stupid for making a choice to save her life and her claim.
Having bastard children is not illegal or treason but trying to put them on the throne IS. If Rhaenyra had announced that her children were bastards then she would be put to death along with Jace, Luke, And Joffery (who, mind you, is an innocent little kid). Viserys would probably have no choice but to execute Daemon as well seeing as he probably knew, and anyone else like Harwin, Lord Lynol (his hand at one point), Rhaena, Baela, Laenor if he was still alive (which would greatly weaken the crown because there is no World in which Corlys would support him after that).
You really expect this woman to put herself, her entire family and others in danger for what - rumors started by Alicent? Because once again I reiterate - just because the show makes it oblivious, does not mean it was ever actually proven.
Rhaenyra giving into those stupid rumors would cost not only her, but the realm so much. And I find it funny how you are so eager to put her children in danger when you probably think Blood and Cheese is wrong.
Well, news flash, advocating for Rhaenyra to admit to treason would mean little kids die anyways. Luke, Rhaena, Baela, and Joffery who is around the same age as Heleana's children would be put to the death but I find it funny how you have no sympathy for them.
But back to the point - Westros is an absolute monarchy. The King's word is law and there are no if, ands, or buts. What Viserys says, goes, and even if you threw everything I just said out of the window, THE KING, and I repeat, THE KING OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS NAMED HER AS HEIR. HIS WORD IS LAW. THERE IS NO ARGIUNG WITH THAT.
If you think Rhaenya is still not the rightful heir even after the King has said she was and never relented to his death, then it is because you have a problem with a woman on the throne. It was always supposed to be her and not Aegon, and the Greens usurped her not because Aegon was the rightful heir, but because they hated the idea of a woman on the throne.
I leave you with all this and if you disagree that's your problem. But remember, even Aegon himself once said:
"What kind of a brother steals his own sister's birthright?"
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missglaskin · 2 years
Okay this is gonna get dark(ish) but the Snow White ask instead of her being positioned via food it’s like how sleeping beauty pricked her finger on the needle. Maybe it happens when the reader is working on embroidery and she was with Heleana when it happened. Worse part is she was also with the kids in the nursery watching over them.
Also I’m trying to figure out which house/person would be dumb enough to pull of a stunt like that, cause you gotta be different breed of stupidity to do that 💀.
This could be around ep8-9
I can imagine all the confusion and panic. Helaena shouting for help, and the servants running around the castle informing the rest of the family. One minute she and the reader were watching over the children sewing together, the next minute the reader was on the ground unresponsive. Criston would probably be the first one to come into the room, on his knees as he checks the reader’s vital. 
The second the rest of the family are informed, they rush like madmen to the nursery. Alicent is already in tears as she screams for the maester. Sobs erupt from Aegon and Helaena. It’s Otto who could put two and two together with the needle. He demands for whoever provided the reader with them to be brought back to them. Aemond and Criston are already on their way before Otto could give the order. Rhaenys would have been devastated to hear this. She would find it hard to face the reader’s body and would need a moment alone with her as she grieves.
Rhaenyra and Daemon would have been on dragonstone when this all happened. Against Otto’s wishes, Alicent would send a letter to Rhaenyra. The second they receive the letter, Rhaenyra and Daemon are on king’s landing in dragon back the same day. There are a lot of shouts and accusations thrown around (mostly from Daemon), Rhaenyra is in grief and the second the reader’s body is shown to her, she refuses to leave it. 
There’s also the question of whether they should inform Viserys of the reader’s supposed death. He’s already an inch away from death. Only the gods know what this might do to him. 
Going with the original tale, this could either be cured in two ways. The first one is a true love kiss, which could either be platonic or romantic. The family obviously wouldn’t know this, and one of them may give the reader one last goodbye kiss. Stunned when they see the reader’s chest move once again and her eyes flutter open. The second is removing the prick itself, while the reader is getting examined or perhaps one of the family members notices it (most likely Daemon) and removes it from her finger. 
Even if the reader is broken from the curse, by the time they have woken up. Hundreds have already suffered because of her fate.
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mejcinta · 10 months
I love they chose a girl who has a lot of show Aegon's facial features to play Jaeheara. I know the tragedy of the novel but I also hope they show Aemond's fractured relationship as,an uncle to the twins after Storms End. But I would love a gesture from Heleana, who knows what's coming, to like, bring him to his niece's and nephew's play area to read stories to them, like as,a way if "yes, you majorly fucked up bro, but they still love you". And Heleana still loves him as her little brother and knows he's still her children's uncle. It would be cool but the writers would probably not show the family side of the Greens. Thoughts?
Don't make me mad. 😩 Because we all know what they will be doing.
They will press the Greens family dysfunction like crazy.
In season 1, Aemond oversteps his niece and nephew by saying he's next in line to the throne. In a cut scene, he apparently mocks Helaena for not riding Dreamfyre enough. He also thinks Aegon is a loser (which, fair enough lol) and that it's he who should be king.
The only person Aemond is allowed to love and be vulnerable with is Alicent, and from reports of season 2 that will crumble hard when he returns from accidentally killing Luke. This fallout with Alicent (a fall from glory, if you think about it) will apparently play a role in his spiral this season.
The writers are also making him super aggressive and violent this season. Beheading suspects/insubordinate lords and having him rain fire on his own soldiers in the Battle at Rook's Rest!
Honestly, I understand why Aemond and the rest of the Greens will go down a dark path...but even with that, I just know the writers are itching to portray them as pyschopaths. And that can't be achieved with soft family moments or sudden character changes that sanitise said troubled character.
I also know they want to make Aegon an absent father or some shit and Alicent and Helaena will be doing the heavy lifting with the kids. At least before Blood and Cheese happens and Helaena becomes too broken and haunted to function.
It doesn't look good for us, sadly. But let's just wait and see what the writers have in store for us. 🙃
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lynnbeth5172 · 10 months
Lovely Art
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Can I take it off now?” Aegon laughed as he took Helaena’s hand, squeezing it gently with his other hand on the driving wheel and taking another turn.
“No, not till we get there.” Aegon saw from the corner of his eye, Heleana played with the ends of the blindfold that he put on her.
Today was her 23rd birthday and he went through many ideas of what to do for them, he at first thought of a simple dinner with a small cake but that’d be boring. Plus in his opinion, Helaena deserved more than a simple dinner, he was going to surprise her, only saying to simply dress semi fancy; she wore a simple pale blue dress, a small butterfly necklace around her neck. Slightly better than his own outfit, simply wearing a pair of jeans and a nice green shirt.
They had been together for a while now and he wanted to make it special, grabbing her hand again and he pressed a kiss to it; she repeated the sentiment and kissed his hand back, it only took a few moments till she started asking questions again.
“Is it a diner?” 
“No,” he gave a leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Can you at least give me a hint?” Helaena took his hand and played with his fingers, it was something that she’d do sometimes whenever she was bored or fidgety. Aegon suppressed a smile and simply said:
“It’s a large building.” 
He could feel Helaena stare at him and he couldn’t help but laugh, making a stop to get gas. Heleana took off her blindfold and quickly looked around, noticing something.
“Isn’t this the direction to the art museum?” The confused excitement was clear in her voice, he nodded and smiled; the smile widening as Helaena leaned in to kiss him, moving away slightly and smiling.
“Thought you’d love it.” Though Aegon never really bothered with museums, Helaena had loved them, enjoying Van Gough’s paintings or any painting at that, she had said that he inspired her to get into painting things; they were simple water colored paintings of moths and butterflies, giving him a watercolored painting of a beetle.
After the gas stop, they drove to the museum. Walking in with their hands intertwined as they looked at the art and sculptures, as Helaena admired the paintings and sculptures; Aegon took photos of Helaena looking at them, they reached one of the paintings called “The Kiss” which showed two lovers embracing and the man kissing the woman’s cheek.
He moved to stand next to her and put a hand to her face to remove some hair from her face, looking at the painting then back to Helaena. Moving in to kiss her cheek then lips, her lips felt warm and slightly glossy due to her lipgloss. Once they moved away from each other, she grinned and tapped a finger to his lips.
“Got lipgloss on you, sorry.” He gave her a lopsided smile and dabbed the gloss off, putting his hand to her shoulder as they both stared at the painting; taking his phone out of his pocket, he snapped another photo of Helaena looking at the painting, though when he was going to take another one. She turned to see him doing so, a confused smile playing on her lips.
“You taking pictures of me?” He smirked and shrugged, putting his phone in his pocket as they walked from the painting to another sculpture.
“How can I not? You are a lovely work of art,” walking to another part of the museum as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Happy 23rd, Hel.” She smiled and took his hand, he felt a warm feeling in his stomach which went to his face.
“Thank you, Aeg.”
I know this is probably very short but I hope you do enjoy a short and sweet story💚💚 if you don’t then I’m sorry.
Thank you so so much @theworldisafuckingbleak for making the loveliest moodboard for this story❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Small Taglist: @theworldisafuckingbleak @fatherforgivethem @sidraofthewildflowers @bellaisasleep @witheredoffherwitch
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Angel chapter 6
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Summary: You are Heleana’s best friend and one day you catch Aemond’s eye and everything in your life will change upside down.
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Word Count: 5, 000
Warnings:  dirty talk, oral sex (m receiving), choking, sex (p in v), cheating
A/N: English is not my first language.
Aemond is 20, Helaena, Aegon and Y/N are 22, Jason Lannister is 25
Tag: @the-phantom-of-arda @hamatoanne​  @aemondsdoll​ @schniiipsel​  @okfashionista​ @zillahvathek​ @teranya​ @tempo-rary-fix​ @reneki​  @moonmaiden1996​ @padfooteyes​ @nina2697​ @ryswritingrecord​ @iiamthehybrid​, @justsumtuffstuff​ @aemonds-wifey​ @blacpiink​, @devotedlythoughtfulanchor​, @namelesslosers​​ @gibbsgirl7​​ 
Next chapter will be the big final 😁
It has to be today. Today you will break up with Jason. It’s the right time. You were already decided and after sleeping with Aemond you were more than sure that you needed to end things with Jason. You realized what everybody around you has been telling you for months. You were not in love with him, and you probably have never been in love with him. And honestly, you started to think that he felt the same. When you came back from the bathrooms, looking guilty as hell, he wasn’t there anymore. Hel told you that he left 10 minutes ago. He had an important phone call from his work and he had to leave, leaving you there with your bestie to give you a ride home. You just spent 20 minutes in the bathroom fucking Aemond and he didn’t even notice. His work was always the most important thing in his life. 
So, that was the reason why you were standing in front of Lannister Corp. now. Your hands were sweaty and you tried to practice your break up speech once again. You took a deep breath and walked inside. It was lunch break and he should be in his office. He always had his lunch delivered there from his favorite Chinese or Thai restaurants. Weirdly his secretary Cersei wasn’t behind her desk. You were happy about it, she was very strict older woman and she never let you in to see him without you having an appointment with him. Which was ridiculous, he was your boyfriend for Christ’s sake. You softly knocked and stepped inside his enormous office. “Jason, sorry to bother you we need to talk...” you started gently but froze when you saw the scene in front of you. Jason wasn’t alone at his office. He was there with some woman, who was currently sitting on his lap and kissing him passionately while playing with the buttons of his white dress shirt. “What is this? Who is this woman?” you asked him, your voice dangerously calm and low. “What are you doing here, you are not supposed to come here at this time of a day?” he frowned, looking more annoyed than guilty that you found him here in this compromising position.  “Who is this woman, babe? Why is she talking to you like this?” the woman asked him, looking even more confused than you.  “Don’t worry about it, honey. I will take care of it,” he smiled softly and kissed her forehead. You noticed a diamond engagement ring on her finger before he roughly pushed you outside his office.  “What the fuck is this? She is engaged, Jason!?” you yelled at him, when he closed the door behind you. Sure, you were acting like a biggest hypocrite right now, you were also cheating on him, but at least Aemond was single without any commitments. “Yes, she is engaged. She is engaged to me,” he said with a cruel smirk. “What did you just say?” you gasped in complete shock. “Me and Rebecca has been together for 4 years. She will become my wife next summer,” he added and studied your shocked face. How could he do something like this to you? You felt guilty about cheating on him, you barely sleept this night, wanting to end this as soon as possible to spare him the pain and humiliation and he has been cheating on you since the very first day of your relationship? No, scratch that, he was cheating on his future wife with you, you were the other woman. You were his mistress. Suddenly it all started to make sense. He never took you at public places, so people couldn't see you two together and say it to his girlfriend. And this whole time you just thought that he is very private person.  “I don’t understand it. We are together for more than a year!! How could you hide it for so long? Does my mother know about Rebecca?” you fired questions on him.  “No, she doesn’t know a thing, she lives in her little fantasy world where you are future Mrs. Lannister and she is rich,” he snorted like if it was the most ridiculous idea in the world.  “And how did I keep this a secret for so long? Well, unlike you, Y/N, I am discreet about people I fuck,” he added with venom in his voice. “What?” you gulped. Could he really know about you and Aemond?  “You are not really as subtle about your lover as you think,” he barked. “You know about him? It was only a onetime thing,” you said, feeling guilty even though you just found out, that he is much worse than you. “Of course I know about it, I thought that you are better than this. But no, you are like every other whore in that school, falling for Aegon Targaryen and his charms,” he was so furious that he was almost spitting on your face as he was talking. What? He still thinks that you are having an affair with Aegon? You laughed at him and he looked like if he really wants to hit you. ‘ “Is that funny, to you?” he looked at you with disgust. “Yeah, very funny. Aegon has never touched me like this”. “Don’t lie, you little slut. I saw you walking from the bathrooms yesterday, you looked like someone who was just fucked. Only a few moments later Aegon walked out with his sex hair and smug smile on his stupid, ugly face,” he shouted and you really had to laugh at the coincidence. Aegon probably fucked that blonde bombshell in the men’s bathroom while you were with Aemond in the Ladies bathroom. And Jason was stupid enough to not notice that you walked from the different doors.  “You know what? Think whatever you want. I don’t give a fuck. We are over. I don’t want to see you again,” you wanted to end this sick charade as soon as possible, go home, call Helaena and tell her about this absurdity.  “Fine with me. I was about to dump your boring ass, anyway,” he shrugged.  “Boring? You call me boring?” you snorted. “You are the most boring person I know Jason Lannister. You are snobbish, stupid, selfish and you suck in bed, big time,” you shouted at him, not caring about who will hear you. “It felt differently when you were moaning under me like a whore,” he laughed. “I was faking it, you idiot. But you know what? Someone gave me an earth shattering orgasm last night, and it certainly wasn’t you,” you shouted at his face and stormed out of the office, feeling sick of looking at his face any longer.  
When you told Hel about all of this she was happy, that you are no longer dating that moron, but she was also very angry that he was making fool out of you for months. And she had the perfect opportunity for you to forget about Jason and have a rebound sex. She and Aegon had a birthday and of course they threw a big party at their house. It was more Helaena’s party than Aegon’s. You knew that he will stay for few hours with his twin and family and disappear around 6PM to have his own more wild party with his friends. He invited you to his other party, but you gently declined the invitation. It was getting late, Aegon was already gone, and you were sulking in the garden. Hel was in the middle of everything, talking with everyone that she barely had a time to try to hook you up with one of her or Cregan’s hot friends. You tried to avoid her as much as possible. You didn’t want a one night stand with some random guy. You weren’t really sad about the break up. You felt angry and humiliated but not sad, and you didn’t need revenge sex.
Aemond kept ignoring you the whole afternoon and you hated to admit that it made you more upset than the whole situation with Jason. He spent most of the afternoon around the grill with his uncle Daemon, who was hot as hell for his age, seriously, what was with the Targaryen men? Why were they all so hot?When he wasn’t chatting with Daemon he kept glancing on his phone and furiously typing something. He acted like nothing happened between you two. He barely acknowledged your presence. It felt like the old times when you were just his sister’s friend who he barely registered. It hurt you more than you were willing to admit. This was what you wanted, he stopped bothering you, flirting with you or trying to get into your pants. He already fucked you, so he lost interest. You expected it will happen, so why you were so sad? Suddenly he bolted from his chair and disappeared in the house. Few seconds later you heard his bike roaring in the yard. He left the party without a word, probably going to fuck one of his fan girls. Fuck, you were screwed because you felt tears in your eyes after this realization.
The more you were thinking about it the angrier you got; at yourself for slowly falling for Aemond and at him for messing up your life like this. That asshole even had the audacity to steal your panties. Your best pair of panties you must say. The whole set cost you a fortune and you wanted them back. And this was the perfect opportunity to get them from his room, while he was gone. You looked at Helaena who was distracted by Cregan’s tongue in her mouth, and you quickly made your way inside the house. You tiptoed to Aemond’s room and quickly slid inside. You didn’t dare to turn on the lights, but the moon was shining brightly this night, so you could see the outlines of his room. You have been inside couple times when you were younger and you played hide and seek, so you had an idea how is the furniture positioned there. You slowly walked to his bed, looking under his pillow and blanket. The idea of him sleeping with your panties under his pillow made you strangely aroused. You quickly shook your head and kept your focus on a given task. You didn’t find your panties there, but his pillow smelled so much like him that you had to pick it up and smell it for a few moments.  You walked from his bed toward his chest of drawers, stopping at the door for a moment, carefully listening if someone wasn’t outside. When you only heard muffled voices from downstairs you slowly continued your search party. You quickly opened the first drawer and only found leather gloves for his bike. You closed it and moved to the next one, it was filled with socks, you quickly rummaged through it, knowing that he wouldn’t let your panties lie on top of it where his mother could find them. You blushed when you opened the third drawer. It was full of his underwear and you gulped, suddenly feeling like a creep. You hesitantly searched the drawer, making decision that you should leave as soon as possible. You closed the drawer when you noticed a movement at the dark corner of the room. You froze as you noticed a dark figure sitting on the leather chair. You hadn’t noticed him earlier, because the moonlight wasn’t falling on the corner and your eyes weren’t so accustomed to the darkness like they were now. “Are you looking for this, angel?” he asked and twirled your panties on his finger. You could hear the taunting smirk in his voice even though you couldn’t see his face clearly. You couldn’t move a muscle, you felt like a mouse caught in the trap by a big fat cat. “Did cat got your tongue, Y/N?” he mocked you and as your eyes got used to the darkness in the corner of his room, you started seeing more of the scene in front of you. He was sitting in his big leather armchair in the corner, you knew from Helaena that he likes to sit there and read his books and text books. He was sitting there, his legs wide open, his hair down, and you weren’t sure but it seemed like if he took off his eyes patch. How the hell was this possible, you saw him leaving an hour ago and he didn’t come back before you stepped inside the house? “What are you doing here?” you barely whispered. It was a stupid question, considering that you were standing in his room right now. “Waiting for you, angel,” he smirked and he looked like some kind of dangerous assassin, lurking in the darkness of the room. He really was dangerous, dangerous for your fragile heart, which was beating fast at this moment. You felt the adrenaline running through your veins. You knew that you should get out of here as quickly as possible. There were people in the house, his mother Alicent was probably downstairs in the kitchen, you could easily run away from him, but you couldn’t move, you couldn’t think straight, not while he was looking at you with a predator gaze in his blue eye. You caught a glint of something blue in his other eye. You heard rumors about him having a prosthetic sapphire eye, but you have never seen him without his eye patch before. “Come here,” he ordered and you found your legs moving on their own accord towards him. You stopped before him, for once being the one who looks at him from above. “Give me my panties back, Aemond,” you demanded, but your voice was above a whisper. “If you want them so badly, you need to earn them, angel,” he smirked and patted his leg. “Sit,” he ordered and you obeyed him against your better judgment. “I saw you leaving,” you accused him. “Did you?” he smiled slyly. “Where did you go?” you asked him. “None of your business, nosy little angel,” he said mysteriously and wrapped his long arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. You gasped as you felt the outline of his cock under your ass. “She couldn’t be fully satisfied when you are back so quickly,” you said sarcastically and he gave you a knowing smirk. “Are you jealous, angel?” he said lowly against the shell of your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “No, of course not,” you said quickly, trying to ignore his thumb making circles on your exposed skin between your shorts and tank top. “Liar, you are green with jealousy. You don’t give a fuck about your panties, you just wanted an excuse to see me again, or at least sneak into my room and sniff at my pillow,” he teased you and bit the top of your ear playfully while you blushed wildly. “I am not jealous. We are not together, we only fucked once in the bathrooms, it was a typical meaningless quickie, you can fuck whoever you want, I don’t care,” you stubbornly insisted on your answer as you tried to convince him and yourself. “You see, that’s the problem, angel,” he sighed and quickly manhandled you so you were straddling his lap. His hand wrapped around your throat as he pulled you closer to him, so you were staring right at his eyes. The rumors were right, there was a sapphire blue stone placed in his eye socket and it looked so fucking beautiful. “I can’t,” he growled and you rose up your eyebrows in confusion. “I can’t fuck or touch anyone else. Since that day when you almost cum on my tongue on our kitchen table I haven’t been able to even look at or touch another woman. It’s you who is constantly on my mind. I think that you bewitched me, angel,” he confessed and you watched him with eyes wide open. “I had to hop on my motorcycle and take a little ride around the block or I would have to bend you over the table in front of my whole family and fuck you raw. You look so fucking sexy in these short shorts, showing your perfect little ass to everyone around, it’s a warm night but I could still see your nipples standing under your top and begging for my attention”. He flipped your nipple with his thumb and you whimpered. “Naughty girl, walking around my house, dressed like this. Provoking me every time you bent over to pick up something and showing me your ass or cleavage,” he pinched your nipple and you rocked your hips against his lap, finding him already hard for you. “What is it, you needy little thing? Rubbing your cunt against my cock already? You want me to fuck this tight pussy, again, hmm?” he hissed in pleasure as you grinded on him again, harder this time. He awoke the side of you you never knew that existed. “If you want my cock in your pussy so much, you little slut, you need to earn it,” he smirked wickedly at you. “On your knees, little angel,” he released your throat. You could easily just hop off his lap and go back to the party like if nothing happened, but his confession about not being able to touch anyone else awoke something inside you. You wanted him, it was hopeless to deny that now, you wanted him since you were a teenage girl and your horny crush turned into something you were scared to call love yet. Was it even possible for him to love you back? He could be lying to you about everything. Maybe you are doing the biggest mistake and you will end up with your heart broken. But you knew one thing about Aemond, he wasn’t a liar or pretender. He was acting like a dick and said hurtful things to people but he never let anyone believe that he likes them if that wasn’t the truth.  “Could you sit little bit closer to the edge, please,” you asked him, expecting him to laugh at you. “OK, angel, but only because you said please, like a good girl?” he smirked and sit closer to the edge with you still sitting on his lap. You started unbuttoning his shirt, waiting for him to stop you or push you on the floor, but he remained silent, watching your every move with lust filled eye. You undid the last button and opened his dark shirt, revealing his chest and muscled abdomen to you. You sighed happily at the sight in front of you. The moonlight gave him almost ethereal look. You started kissing his long neck, sucking at the pulse point, hearing him gasp which only spurred your actions. You placed opened mouth kisses down his throat to his chest, your nails scratched over his tight abs while your tongue circled his hard nipple. “Such a fucking tease, angel,” he groaned. You smirked and sucked his nipple into your hot mouth while squeezing the other between your fingers. “I said on your knees you little vixen, stop fucking teasing me!” he groaned and you knew that you were so close to crossing line when his patience will run out with you. You slowly slid between his spread legs and he fucking loved the sight in front of him. You started kissing you path down his stomach to the top of his black jeans. You slowly undid the top button and pulled down the zipper carefully. His cock was straining against the zipper and you didn’t want to hurt him. He raised his hips slightly so you could take off his pants. You were greeted by his hard cock. He didn’t wear any underwear under it. It hit the underside of his belly and you didn’t hesitate and licked him from the base to the leaking head while looking into his eye. “Fuck, angel!” he moaned and you felt your pussy throb at the sight. You took him into your hand, stroking him slowly, loving the deep breaths he had to take to stay relatively calm. You rubbed his length, getting the pre-cum from the tip and smearing it all over his thick shaft. You licked the underside of his cock, tracing the prominent vein with your tongue, while your fist played with his leaking head.  “Fucking hell, angel!! I am gonna fuck you so hard, for torturing me like this,” he threatened and you finally opened your mouth and took him inside. He cursed loudly as you took as much of his dick inside your mouth as possible. Your hand played with the rest of his dick you couldn’t fit in.  “Fuck, that’s it, what a good fucking girl,” he groaned you moaned around him, loving his praise. You started bobbing your head up and down his cock, sucking on his head every time you reached it. He tossed his head back and you loved to have this kind of power over him. You hollowed your cheeks, swirled your tongue around his thick length.  “If you keep going like this, I will cum down your throat, angel,” he warned you but you didn’t stop. “You want that, don’t you? You want to swallow my cum, like a good little girl,” he purred the last words, realizing how much you love his praise.  He fisted your hair into a makeshift ponytail and forced you to go deeper down his cock, making you gag around him as the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. “Look at you, choking on my dick,” he groaned at the feeling and you tried your best to breathe through your nose while your mouth was full of his thick cock. You reached for his balls, fondling them in your hands and his hips bucked up involuntarily, forcing himself deeper down your throat.  “You have been warned, angel. Swallow it all like a good girl,” he growled and painted your throat with spurt after spurt of thick cum. You did your best to swallow it all but it was too much and you felt a trickle of his cum running down your chin. You released his cock and licked his dripping cum from your lips. You looked so hot doing that he felt his cock throb again. “Get rid of these shorts and panties and come here, angel,” you hooked your fingers on the hem of you panties and slowly dragged them down your legs, swaying your hips seductively while doing that before you straddled him again. He reached for your chin and pick up the remains of his cum that your tongue couldn’t reach. You grabbed his hand by the wrist and sucked his thumb into your mouth.  “So greedy to taste more of my cum, angel,” he smirked and moved his wet thumb from your lips to your clit and grinned when he felt how wet you were. “Awww, I don’t need you to wet my fingers, you are dripping for me. Is this all just from sucking my dick, angel? Are you this horny? Your pathetic boyfriend still didn’t fuck you?” he teased you and circled your clit agonizingly slowly. “I no longer have a boyfriend,” you leaned closer and whispered into his ear. Your soaked pussy rubbed against his flaccid cock, which was slowly getting hard again.   “What happened in the paradise?” he smirked but you could see gleeful joy in his eye. “He is a scum, I really don’t want to talk about Jason now,” you said and kept dragging your wet pussy over his cock. “I see, you rather soak my dick with your juices, don’t you, my little slut?” he watched you as you were rubbing yourself against him. You felt him getting hard under you quickly and you raised your hips, ready to take him in. But he grabbed you under your throat again. “Easy, angel. I am in charge here,” he smirked when you pouted your lips. “Aemond, please,” you begged him as your pussy was clenching around nothing. “Please what, Y/N? Speak your mind!”he watched you with sadistic pleasure in making you suffer like this. “Please, fuck me. Please, I need it, I need you. Please, baby,” you whimpered and he fucking love to hear you beg for him like this. He reached between your bodies and stroked his once again rock hard cock. He teased your clit with the tip of it. “What did you just call me, angel?”he groaned and kept teasing your aching clit. “Baby?” you blushed when you realized that you used a very affectionate pet name but he seemed to like it. You felt the tip of his cock in your entrance and you rocked your hips, trying to push him further. He smacked your ass and you yelped in surprise. “I said that I am in charge, my naughty little angel,” he smirked and smacked your ass again, earning another yelp from you which sounded more like a moan. “Hmm, maybe you like being punished,” he studied your face as his hand slapped your ass once again. “Aemond, please,” you tried again, frustrated tears already forming in your eyes. “I can edge you for hours, Y/N. It would be quite a lovely sight, to see you crying in frustration, your pussy soaking wet but empty,” he kept teasing you and you were losing your mind. “Aemond, don’t be cruel. Please, I want to feel your big cock inside my pussy stretching me real good, please baby, give it to me,”he has never heard you talking like this, hearing his little angel talking dirty like this send a new rush of blood to his dick. “Well, since you beg so nicely, Y/N,” he slowly sank you on his cock and you both groaned at the feeling of him filling you completely. He gave you few moments to get use to his size in this position.  “Ride me, angel,” he commanded and you happily obeyed. You started bouncing on his cock slowly. He took off your top and bra and you moaned when you felt his large hands on your breasts, kneading the soft flesh. “Faster,” he growled and pinched your nipples to spur your movements. You placed your hands on his shoulders for support and started to fuck yourself fast and hard on his cock. He captured your lips in bruising kiss, his hands moved from your breasts to your hips, helping you to keep riding him even faster. You knew you will have bruises there the next day and you couldn’t care less. “So good, so fucking good,” he murmured against your ear and you groaned in agreement. “You feel so good inside me, I am gonna cum soon, Aemond,” you whined as he started fucking into you faster from below.  “A-a-a-a-mond?” you whined loudly, feeling your walls pulsing around his cock. “Cum for me, angel, I want you to cum on my cock now,” he demanded and you happily obeyed. The orgasm hit you both like a train and he quickly placed a hand on your mouth so your loud moan won’t echo through the whole house. “Fuck, angel. I need to get you somewhere where you can scream my name as loud as you want. I want to hear you scream for me,” he said breathlessly as you fell into his arms, absolutely spent. “Now tell me, why did you break up with that imbecile, not that I am complaining,” he asked curiously. “There were many other reasons, but I found out that he cheated on me, or better say he was cheating on his fiancée with me,” you admitted and Aemond frowned. “Yes, he had a fiancée called Rebecca for 4 years and I have never noticed. Go on call me stupid and naive,” you sighed, feeling defeated. “Yes, you are very naive, angel. But he is a scum,” he said angrily and you looked up at him. He really looked angry. “Did you say that his fiancée’s name was Rebecca? Rebecca Tyrell?” he smirked darkly and you didn’t understand why he looks so pleased. “I guess. He didn’t introduce us. Why are you smiling like a Satan?” you questioned him. “Because Aegon is fucking his dear Rebecca for the last 4-5 months,” he explained and you watched him for few moments in disbelieve and then you started laughing loudly. “Is it really that funny, angel?” he raised his eyebrow. “Oh yes, it is. This whole time he was accusing me of cheating on him with your brother, but in fact it was his future wife who was fucking him,” you kept giggling and he watched you with unreadable expression. When your laughter slowly died he took your chin between his fingers and forced you to look into his eye. “You might find the idea of fucking Aegon funny, but I don’t want to see you around my brother, angel. Are we clear? You are mine and he likes to steal what is mine!” he looked vulnerable like this. You heard rumors about a girl name Alys who was dating Aemond in high school and he really loved her but Aegon seduced her and Aemond pushed her away from him after her betrayal and since that day he turned into a heartless fuck boy.  “I have no desire to fall for your brother’s charms, Aemond. I know Aegon for years, he fucks anything that moves, I have no desire to be another notch on his bedpost,” you assured him, leaning closer to kiss him when you heard loud banging on the door. “If you two are done, I want to talk to you Y/N. Alone!!” Helaena shouted from behind the doors and you gulped. This will be a very awkward conversation...
 Part 7 (final) coming soon
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shipcestuous · 5 months
i know is helaemond is the next gen ship of choice here but i really wish that jaceleana had happened
jace would treat heleana so softly and it would have avoided the war
also i think that while he would want the first kid (the heir) to be his considering his mom's and dads' situation he wouldn't have minded heleana taking a lover
particularly since her choice would have made it unlikely for anyone to notice them being bastard children since most ppl would assume that the kids just took after their mother
Jace/Helaena would have been a lovely relationship, and Jace would have treated her right. That makes a great ship. And like you said, politically it would have made sense too.
I'm sure that if Helaena had married Jace, it would have been a very happy marriage. But I do like the footnote that she could probably still have an affair with Aemond in this scenario.
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