#heimtreus headcanons
arian-thedreamer · 1 year
Heimtreus where heimdall is attempting to kill atreus but every time he fails he takes a more extravagant approach the next time and it becomes a ritual for them.
One time he led atreus to the birfrost bridge and shattered asgards connection to it, placing a spell on atreus to keep him from flying as a bird just in case.
Atreus survived by bringing heimdall down with him and the Aesir was forced save them both.
(He wouldn't die certainly, but he knew it would still hurt. And he wasn't going to risk that. It'd take an eternity to get the blood and dust out of his braids)
However, Odin wasn't so pleased. He spent the next moon repairing the magic of the bifrost, and as punishment, ordered heimdall to assist the atreus with whatever he wanted.
'Okay then. I'll just resort to quite poisoning to get rid of this jotun mutt'
(was not quite about it)
eventually it becomes a thing they both do.
Atreus releasing gulltoppr after after insulting heimdall so it chases an illusion of him, a spell he learned from odin. Doing this so he can distract heimdall enough to get a clean shot on him.
Heimdall "accidentally" dropping a sword during a sword juggling contest because he got "drunk" (he has an incredible high tolerance as a god and bearly had a sip)
After each attempt they bicker about it but it becomes less serious and more of a joke. Teasing the other.
The sword juggling was during yule wich is an opportune moment for heimdalls and atrues' dramatics. Each year they try to one-up the with to disastrous consequences
They dare each other every year with sneers on their faces that look almost like genuine smiles.
An infoumous example is of atreus claiming ragnorak had returned. It sent Asgard into complete disarray.
During the commotion the trickster God and heimdall had a duel that ended in a stalemate.
Those that witnessed it said it appeared as if they were dancing in a way.
Now, a common Aesir pass time on yule is to talk of wich of the many trysts between the gods within their lifetime was their favorite, as this game went on for a very long time.
Parents would tell their children of tales too ridiculous to believe, even for the little ones.
Some say that the God of order was Corrupted by the trickster and In turn the trickster as well.
Order becoming chaotic and chaos becoming predictable.
Complementing and pulling on eachother like the sun and moon.
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arian-archivist-11 · 2 years
Atreus would so intentionally think of cute and romantic things while around heimdall to annoy him, making sure to maintain eye contact as he does so
Heimdall would be irritated by the childish attempt to make him flustered, the thoughts being so innocent and sweet his gold teeth were going to get cavities
He finds himself turning his burning face away anyway(with a sneer of course)
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
Atreus: *shows any uonce of skin*
Heimdall: You whore
Atreus: how am i a-
*Gets fucked into a wall*
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arian-thedreamer · 2 years
The way I'm gonna be crucified for my crimes against humanity with these angsty ass heimtreus headcanons.
"They hated him for he spoke the truth"
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
My brain concocted the craziest half awake fever dream of ramsay in a walking dead AU and he takes over an abandoned boarding school for some fucking reason. He still a schycho but he's chiller and only tortures raiders and anyone who won't join his gay pervert orgy cult.
Joffrey and Aegon are bffl (in love) and are tasked in taking care of the livestock they keep on the property. Aegon grows attached and they raise their heared like adoptive dads. Their both the same pathetic person and argue all the time but get closer because of it.
Joffrey is deathly silent while shaking as aegon weeps after they had to kill their favorite lamb because they needed food (ramsay wanted something tasty).
Ramsay makes sure to smack on the lamp Chop loudly and comment on how good it is during dinner.
Aegon quietly sobs over his plate. Joffrey has a thousand-yards stare.
Dustin is the camps boy wonder and is slutting himself out to Jason (along with everyone else just hell let Jason feel special). Jason is himself and acts like it's a secret when literally everyone knows.
Skjoldr is being passed between the gourds magni and modi. They fight over him even when they're fucking him.
Heimdall is the buildings gourd and patrols within while magni and modi patrol outside. He and atreus are the couple everyone dispises as they need to make their obsession with argumentative forplay everyone's problem. Foreplay that usually leads to violent sex literally everyone can here.
They pretend like everyone's crazy afterwards.
Jace and Luke are the camps power couple. Literally just unreasonable perfect and normal.
Baldur is an asexual king. I don't know how I knew this information I just simply did. He's second in command. He complains all the fucking time and embarked does his god-damn job like Ramsay.
Jace, Jason, atreus, modi, and baldur would scout for supplies and kill zombies with baldur as the leader.
On more than one occasion atreus nearly gets everyone killed.
Distin is un-ironically just a whore with an insatiable craving for old science textbooks they find, and most of all cock.
He's Ramsay's favorite (of the ones he can touch as Jace woukd kill him is he so much as looked at his baby brother).
It was smutty, traumatic, and very funny so it's eating my brain no matter how ridiculous it was.
Remember never fall asleep after you work on headcanons or a fan fiction.
I repeat: do not-
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arian-thedreamer · 2 years
The jaceluke WIP, in fact will not write itself.
Painful yes I know.
Unfortunately I have been quite busy.
Might take a day or two longer. After that I'll write maybe some headcanons for heimtreus, odintreus, and odinheim.
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