#hehehe well thank you for such a fun prompt! i hope you have a great weekend too!!! :D
queenofbaws · 8 months
Hello! As soon as I read #13 I thought of Fliss and Conrad (what a surprise!!) so can I ask you something with them? Thanks and have a great weekend!
One, two, three, four...
Without meaning to, he'd brought himself back to the night before, his insides squirming with the same battery acid taste of fear and doubt. It was an awful instance of déjà vu, but it was gone just about as quickly as it had come on - there were too many differences for it to stick.
Last night, he'd been crammed in a room with Alex and Julia; today, he was standing on the salt-warped deck of an old freighter. Last night, his wrists had burned from torn-off duct tape and the unnatural angle those fucks had forced him to hold them at; today, the only burning was in his muscles, his aching bones, the soft tissue of his eyes and throat. Last night, he'd been counting the seconds between thunderclaps to plan an escape; today, he was counting how many of them had survived.
And he kept coming up one short.
When Alex had joined them again, not just running but bounding like his ass was on fire, Julia had thrown her arms around him and sobbed. He got that. He did. But while she and Brad were busy finding the big guy a place to sit and tell his story, all Conrad noticed was the distinct absence of their fearless captain.
One, he counted, two, three, four.
Me, JJ, Bradical, Alex.
He waited another minute. Two. Five. And when none of the others seemed to catch on to all his pacing and hand-wringing, he stuck what little of his courage was left to the sticking place and did the one thing he'd promised himself he would not do: He stepped back into the belly of the Ourang Medan.
The door Alex had pushed his way out of was like all the others, heavy and built to keep everything out...but old as fuck and rusting in the places where it mattered most. He held it open awkwardly for a moment or two, searching out something heavy enough to keep it at least partially open so the outside air could circulate, and after dragging over what he thought was probably a toolbox or the most heavy-duty thermos he'd seen in his life, took one last steadying breath and ventured forward.
"Fliss?" he called into the darkness, his eyes a little too accustomed to the outside world. He walked slowly as he went, straining his ears for any sign of her, but all he heard as he wandered back into the nightmarish ship was the sticky shlip-shlip of blood going tacky beneath his bare feet.
God, he hoped none of it was hers. He really, really hoped none of it was his either, but...mostly he hoped it wasn't hers.
"Fliss?!" he tried again, cupping his hands to his mouth, and immediately flinched away when the sound of his own voice (terrified, quavering, childish, nothing like the voice he heard in his own head) doubled, tripled, quadrupled back at him, ricocheting off of every nook and cranny like buckshot.
There was a sinking in his chest - a tightening, too - when those echoes died out and all he heard was silence. It wasn't like him, getting so attached to someone so quickly, but the thought of Fliss lost somewhere in all that darkness...the idea she might never join them out on the deck, much less the Duke...it was almost -
"I'm here! By the...by the kitchen, I think!"
And just like that, the terror went out of him in a sheet. The first real breath he'd taken out on the smokestack had been like that: One second he'd been beside himself with horror, his heart in his throat and his skin crawling off his bones, and the next, there'd been cool, rainy air all around him, and he'd been able to think. Fliss had taken him by the arms, had grounded him, and he'd been able to see.
"Uh, the...kitchen. Right! The ol'...galley...wags...for the...scalawags. Don't move - I'm coming for you!"
"Yeah, that...that won't be a problem, actually."
Had he even seen the kitchen that night? Part of him thought maybe he had (he had the vaguest memory of Julia screaming about a rat, a fuzzy image of a half-rotted menu board listing all manner of diarrhea-inducing concoctions), but everything about the ship felt jumbled in his head. Conrad had to focus - something he had never been especially good at - to find his way towards Fliss's voice, and because of that, the strangeness of the situation didn't occur to him until he found her.
Why hadn't she come out to join them?
Why was she just sitting around in the dark?
Why was she willingly breathing in that ancient, poisoned air when she could be gulping down the fresh shit by the lungful out on the deck?
Then he made it into the kitchen, and it all made sense.
"Holy - "
"Before you panic," Fliss said, blissfully unaware she was roughly, ehh, twelve hours late to that party, "I'm fine. Moving is just...complicated."
He ignored her upraised hand, crouching down in front of her on unsteady legs. "Okay, yeah, you're fine. Totally, totally fine. I buy that. Except for...oh, yeah, that's what it is, there's a goddamn knife in your leg, Jesus Christ!"
From where she lay sprawled on the floor, one leg curled under her, the other laid out straight, she offered him an exhausted wince. "I had noticed that, Conrad, yes." Her head tipped back against the cupboard she'd nestled against, and he watched her neck move with the effort of swallowing. She couldn't even look at it, and shit, he couldn't blame her. "I can't pull it out," she admitted, screwing her eyes shut. "I tried, I...every time I even go to touch it, I-I start to grey out. It's...too much."
In his mind, he knew exactly how the next few minutes were going to play out. He wished he didn't.
There was no use playing at nonchalance, not with the way his legs shook as he stood up again, searching through the drawers and cupboards for something - anything - that might be clean enough for him to use. He didn't have high hopes, and God knew he wasn't the medical expert among them, but someone had to do something.
"How'd that even happen?" he asked, miraculously finding what he thought might've once been a dish towel folded among a drawer of pot lids. "I'm pretty sure that's not how stick-and-poke tattoos are supposed to go, Cap'n."
Fliss's eyes were still shut when he turned back to her. It was an alien expression for her, he thought; from the moment they'd met, she'd seemed so put-together, so absolutely unshakeable. Even when the pirates had crashed their party and dragged her up onto the deck, her shoulders had been squared. Now she looked...tired. So, so tired. And scared.
As little as he wanted to do what he was about to do, he figured it was about time he started carrying some of their weight. How many times had she saved his bacon tonight? And not once had he caught her grimacing or complaining like some spoiled little kid. Yeah, the bill had come due all right; and he'd never had any problem paying.
"Alex...I don't know what happened to him."
He didn't have the slightest idea what that might have to do with the literal knife in her leg, but Conrad let her talk, slinging the dish towel over his shoulder as he took hold of her leg with one hand (gingerly at first, warning her of what was coming before he tightened his grip to hold her still) and hovering the other over the handle of the blade.
Fliss didn't need to be told twice; she screwed her eyes up twice as tightly, her fingers trying in vain to curl into the floor below. She turned her face fully away from him. She took a deep, deep breath. She kept talking. "We got separated. He went after the distributor cap and left me to catch up. He started screaming, and when I finally found him, he - agh!"
The knife hadn't gone in that deep. That felt stupid to say, considering, in his humble opinion, any knife-on-skin penetration counted as 'too deep,' but the fact remained. Unskilled as he was, he managed to pull it out in one quick, smooth motion, immediately pressing the dish towel to the wound it left. He was very, very relieved to see the blade hadn't been serrated. He was even more relieved to let the fucking thing clatter to the floor as he set about wrapping Fliss's leg in earnest.
"Are you telling me my brother-in-law-to-be stabbed you?"
"I...shit, that hurts."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry."
"I don't think he meant to. He was...seeing things, maybe. He was talking out of his head. Something about...about rats. Monsters...I don't know. I - augh."
Realizing this wasn't going to be the immediate rescue he'd imagined, Conrad eased himself down onto the ground opposite her, still applying pressure. He held her leg in his lap, one palm pressed solidly to the spot over her wound, and let himself exhale only when he felt the blood starting to slow. "I could put that in my best man's speech, if you want," he offered, keeping still, making it clear without saying a word that he wasn't in any rush, that they'd already spent one horrible night in that metal hunk of junk, so what was another twenty, thirty, hundred minutes? "Wait until all the guests are looking his way, then bring up the time he stabbed my date and tried to steal her boat."
Her head was still against the cabinet, her eyes still shut tightly, but even through her obvious discomfort, Fliss snorted a laugh. "Your date, huh? Your wedding date, I take it, then?" she teased. "Someone's awfully optimistic."
Conrad let out a breath of his own, then looked down at her leg. "Hey, when it comes to crustbucket ol' sea captains like you?" he joked right back, "Always."
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allwayswildchild · 2 months
You have anything you'd like to yap about? It can be about one of your fic ideas (I saw the one about Malon dying 😭😭😭), or literally anything you'd like! This is an excuse for you to yap, all and about whatever, you want!
I hope you're having a great day!
Ooooo! I love yapping :)
Hehehe, I'm glad you liked that one about Malon dying :) Like I said before I have a concerning love for angst
Anywho! I'll probably yap about my two most written fic's, Legend is fine in the end and the crack fic
Okay, so in the "crack fic" (I don't have a name for it yet) I said before how Wind is going to be found by the dumpster which is still going to be true but it might be a little different than I thought originally because right now I'm writing them playing new Super Mario Bros Wii.
I started off the fic with Warriors yelling "Why is there milk in the cupboard?", then the chain all pointing at each other and accusing each other till they eventually find the person (Hyrule) who did it. Then Wild got up and decided to put the milk away but since he was so tired he actually put it back in the cupboard instead of putting it in the fridge, he eventually got it though.
Anyways I'm really excited to write more of this fic, I'm finally on my way back home so I can finally write more! I wrote a little bit I didn't have much free time :( I had so many Ideas but I couldn't write them, but I could write them down so I could remember them!
Then also in Legend is fine in the end, I have a few chapters posted but I think it's going to end up way longer than expected, well actually it was going to be one chapter but now it's 11k words so yeah.
Fun fact, that fic was the result of me asking for fic prompts and someone responding with picnic and/or flower crowns. So normal people would think they wanted fluff or something like that. That fic is definitely angst though, so yeah. And I haven't even gotten to the part with the flower crowns yet!
Anyways you already know about the Malon dying wip, which I am really excited to write because more angst! Also I haven't really written Time much, so I'm glad I'm going to be able to do that! I also have a wip that is where Legend and Warriors end up drunk and have a cry session together :)
I also listened to the podcast Jojo was on and it was so cool to listen too! It was amazing to get to know more about the author of one of my favorite hyper fixations! And more about Linked Universe and plans for the next chapters!
Anyways I think this was enough yapping for today lol, thank you so much for this ask, this was so much fun to just freely yap. Hope you had a great day! <3
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annymation · 6 months
Hi Anny!! Got a writing prompt for ya!
So I’ve been seeing your little snippets of the KOW! Swapped AU between Star!Asha and Human!Aster, and they’re all soo cute X33
But now I’m wondering, what would the “At All Costs” scene look like? Or whatever song you swapped for AAC.
Would it be Aster who goes somewhere else private to practice his music? Would it be Asha who’s encouraged by their friends to confess to Aster? How does Aster react? How does Asha handle confessing?
Imagine the 7 (or 6 in this scenario) teens in the background being like: “JUST KISS THAT BOY ALREADY-!!”
Like I said in my original post about the AUs here:
Asha would sing "You Chose Me" from the musical "Breathe" as I think it fits her bubbly and happy personality very well. Now as for how a scene of them would play out, let's see...
After a lot of encouragement from the seven teens, Asha finally makes her way through the woods, following the sound of Aster's music. She finds him standing near a river, with his mandolin strapped on his shoulder, as he practices the magic she has given him.
(As I write this I realize that whole scene in KOW when Asha and Aster are hiding and Asha draws clones of themselves would have to change... Cause drawing is relatively silent, but playing music ain't lol so I guess Human!Aster's approach would be different, in this moment that is about him showing his growth... Maybe something more about him not being afraid to be loud and clear...)
Aster is trying to sing and hit a high note as loud as he can, by doing so he creates sound waves that make the water of the river tremble, but it's not enough, it wouldn't be strong enough to, let's say, knock someone out of balance for example, he gotta try harder.
Aster was so focused on his high note he didn't notice the light coming from behind him, till he feels a finger tap on his shoulder. He stops playing and turns around quickly
"AH- Oh hey Asha" the human didn't quite notice how nervous Asha seemed, like she was anxious to tell him something "Did Simon finish his dinner? We're good to go?"
"Umm yeah, everyone's ready, but- well... I wanted to ask you something first..." Asha can practically feel the 7 teens staring at them behind some bushes, waiting to see her confess... But instead Asha blurted out "Whatcha doing?" she asked awkwardly
"Just trying something different. I wondered if I could cause a sound wave strong and loud enough to be more destructive ya know... But no matter what I feel like my voice is like, stuck in my throat, ya know? Like it should be louder, but I'm holding back, even though I want to let it all out..." He explained with a pondering gaze on the mandolin
"... It takes time to find your voice, but I think the power you already have inside is more than enough to defeat them" The star smiled warmly as she spoke from her heart
"Let's hope. But yeah, what I can do is already pretty great, like, check this out" Aster plays a fast paced melody, and suddenly, the strings of his mandolin start to burn and he creates a fireball "I can make fire! That oughta be useful, right?" They try holding the fireball... It is- "HOT!" He exclaims as he throws the spell in the river "... Ya know, on second thought, maybe I'm not ready to go to the castle yet, maybe we should leave the plan for tomorrow or-"
"I know we'll win." Asha reassures him "You got a lot more power than you think, and that goes way beyond my magic"
Aster smiles and feels his cheeks getting warmer "Heheh thanks. I guess I'm just nervous cause'... Well, everything HAS to go according to plan"
"And what if it doesn't?" Asha tilts her head with a knowing smile
"Then Queen Amable kills us, I guess, or throws us in the dungeon to be her hubby's little lab rats" He shrugs, finding the outcome quite obvious
"... I don't know if things will go according to plan, but..." Asha holds both his hands, looking at him in the eyes with a radiant and optimistic smile that could make any shred of doubt fade away "As long as you follow your heart, you'll find a way... That's what made you wish upon me in the first place, right?" Asha giggled
Aster looks at her fondly, she's like the embodiment of hope...
"OH MY GOD- JUST KISS THE B-" Hal yelled from the bushes, to which Asha used her magic to make a wall of trees in front of the 7 hidden teens to hide them
"What was tha-"
"NOTHING!" Asha blurted out nervously
"Maybe the others are calling us, we should go" Aster begins to walk towards the trail that leads to their camp. But then, he feels her warm hand holding his wrist
"A-Aster wait!" Her voice shakes as she holds him, he looks back at her confused, so she tries her best to explain "I just... I think I discovered something new about how I feel about you... Well your friends did, but that's not the point" She mumbled the last part to herself "And I have so much I wanna tell you, but I don't know how to even start..." Then, Asha glances at Aster's mandolin for a moment, and that gives her idea "... Maybe I could try speaking your language... Can you give me a tune?" She asks with a soft smile
Aster is not quite sure where this is going, he raises an eyebrow at the request but complies "Uuuh sure ok" He starts to play a simple melody
And we get the song "You Chose Me"
I SPENT THE WHOLE AFTERNOON WRITING THIS LMAO @flicklikesstuff YOU BETTER APPRECIATE IT- just kidding, I had fun, but man, everytime these two are cute together I just covered my face blushing and giggling, kicking my feet, theyre so precious I cant hhidhefheljehbgfhhe
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italeean · 2 years
Hello! ~
First things first, congrats for the followers milestone! You have such a lovely work and I'm sure your blog will only get bigger and bigger from now on! 🥰💖
Now, for the event (if it's still open), may I request ler!Levi and lee! Eren with the 10th prompt on your list? 👀 I'm quite sure I could hear Levi's voice when I read that, heheh
Anyway, wish you all the success in the world! And, again, congratulations! ❤
A/N: Hi!! How're you doing? 🥰 Thanks for the prompt, it was the first time I got the chance to write for aot and with a great pair!! (Fun fact: I like Levi, my sister likes Eren, I call my sister Brat and I have her saved in my contacts as Brat... the cycle is complete lol) I really hope you enjoy it!! Also... thanks for your compliments, your words were really flust- *AHEM* I mean, flattering >/////////< Anche il tuo blog è meraviglioso e molto interessante 💚🤍❤️ (You blog is marvelous and really interesting as well)
Drabble Event Day 10
"Jäger, did you make your bed this time?" Levi exasperated voice resonated through the house where the captain and the new recruits were hiding. "No sir, I didn't." The boy replied almost with no shame "And I don't see the importance of it, why should I make it if I'm gonna use it tonight? It's gonna get messy again..." He complained.
"For the umpteenth time, the order in someone's mind manifests itself through the order in their home. If there's no order here, there's no order in our brains. How are we supposed to think of a plan in these condit-" The older man laid his eyes on something he wished he hadn't seen. "What. Is. This?!" He was getting more and more furious by every second, facing the enormous pile of pans abandoned and completely dirty.
"Oh, you mean the pans?" Eren asked, a bit stupidly to be honest. "No, I meant the beams of the ceiling... yes of course I mean the pans you fool!" The shorter man yelled while flicking his subordinate's forehead. "I told you to wash these right after lunch, now it's gonna be a pain to make the dirt come off..!" He scolded the younger guy.
"But sir, there's no problem at all. We don't need these to make dinner and we'll have all the time in the world tomorrow morning to wash them." The brunette explained, whining a bit because he thought he was being reprimanded for a trivial matter. But for Levi it was the final straw.
"That's it you little brat! How do you like this?" With one swift move, he brought the recruit to the ground, pinned his wrists above your head and dug in his sides without mercy. "Wha- cahahaptaihin whahahat ahare yohohohou dohohohoing??" The teal-eyed guy squealed while letting out a string of childish giggles.
"What does it look like to you?" Levi scoffed, both annoyed and lowkey amused at the same time "I'm tickling you. Since we don't know when the enemy will make a move, I can't beat you to a pulp because you would waste your regeneration capabilities. However I won't let your laziness slide without a proper punishment, and this method seems quite fitting." He moved to his ribs with his free hand, watching the boy struggle and flail his legs pointlessly.
"Thihihihihis ihihihis ehembahahaharrasshihing!!" Eren whined, blushing at the thought of being tickled by the one and only Humanity's Strongest. It wasn't really the best way to work on his image and reputation as a soldier. "Good." The captain replied without saying anything else, focusing only on darting his hand all over Eren's torso, keeping him constantly guessing on where he would strike next.
"Ihihisn't thihihihis chihildihihish??" The brunette tried to convince the other to stop, but to no avail. "You call it childish now, but what if I go on until you cry? Will it still be childish then? Will it be better than washing some dishes?" Did Levi mean to tease him? The younger boy will never know, but it surely did the trick because he felt himself become ten times more flustered, and a bit panicked at the idea of being tickled for that long.
Unfortunately for him, the shorter man wasn't kidding. He kept his word and went on until he saw a tear run down Eren's cheek. Seeing that, he stopped immediately and helped the guy up. "Now do the dishes if you don't want the second round." He threatened the poor soldier.
The brunette immediately scrambled towards the sink, ready to wash all the dishes and even clean the kitchen and make his bed. Levi turned on his heels and headed to the door to make sure everyone was coming back with the wood they were supposed to pick. "Those brats..." He mumbled to himself, thinking about his time in the Underground, when he had to tickle the laziness out of his friends.
Hearing his superior mumble something, Eren turned around immediately, and in that moment he saw something he would've never thought to witness.
Was Captain Levi really smiling?
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likeastarstar · 2 years
hi i’m the “needy” anon and you did literally THAT
i’m sorry i didn’t specify needy = SMUT because i definitely wanted all of that 😭😭😭😭 ur the best i hope u are well ily
Thanks for requesting it, it was a super fun prompt to write! Great idea hehehe
I'm doing super well, I hope you're having a good holiday season LUV UUUU
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septembersummer · 2 years
hehehe let's go ~
i actually love this prompt so much! playboy/fwb gojo is one of my favs. thanks for the req!
18+ only! minors dni!
wc: 1.4k
desc: gojo satoru is a player, and everyone knows it. maybe he'll get a taste of his own medicine for once~
tags: gojo x reader, college au, fwb au, gojo has a tongue ring, oral s*x, public s*x, possessive gojo, role reversal hehe, gojo is a fkboy, alcohol use
a/n's: pls excuse my typos lmao hope u have fun
You were shocked the day that Satoru Gojo first paid attention to you.
He has many names around campus, and none of them are good. He's a player, a filthy rich boy who's never known the struggles that others go through when trying to survive college.
He needs to write an English paper? Well, that's no big deal; he's got a girlfriend who's an English major, and if she hates him this week-- he'll just hire someone to do it for him! The same goes for probability and statistics, whatever science class he's signed up for (he doesn't remember, it's not like he attends much, anyway), and he can't even be bothered to worry about his electives.
However, there's one girl in his assigned history class that's been catching his eye recently. Most of the girls in here have come and gone (pun intended), but this one's different. You know the answers to the questions, always mumbling them under your breath without ever raising your hand to speak.
Satoru knows this about you, because he pays more attention to you than to anything that's said in the lecture, and he's curious to learn more about you and your mysterious aura. See, he's learning things at university! Just not the things that he's supposed to.
You sit across the room from him, and you never pay attention to him, even though you must be able to feel his attention constantly lingering on you. Your fingers drum on your keyboard quickly, and Satoru finds himself wondering how small they'd look wrapped around his--
He's distracted from his train of thought when a miracle happens. A god's honest miracle.
For the first time in six weeks (he's counted), you turn your gaze to look at him, and you scowl. Your expression only piques his interest more, unbeknownst to you.
That one look must be the reason that you keep bumping into Satoru Gojo, even though you've never intentionally done so. See, you aren't dumb, and you don't want to get involved with a player like him. You've seen the girls that hate Satoru, and all of them have a great reason to do so.
He stood me up on a date, because he was going on another date instead!
He only hooked up with me once, just so I'd write a paper for him! I fucking hate Satoru.
He let me give him head and kicked me out right after, like, who does that?
He tried to have a threesome with me and his roommate--
Maybe the last one isn't so bad, but still. You've heard the rumors, you've seen the shit-show that comes with him, so much so that you could easily quote the words that he says to girls when he kicks them out after he's finished with them.
So, when he bumps into you at a party, your first thought is thanks, but no thanks.
The pretty boy, however, takes your clear dismissal as a challenge. Maybe it's because he's a little drunk, and you're here at his apartment (you don't know that, you were just hanging out with Shoko-- swear!), but Satoru thinks that tonight is the night that he wants to see a whole new side of the shy girl from history 2256.
"Excuse me," you mumble, as Satoru bumps into you, nearly spilling your beer.
He doesn't leave. Instead, he places a hand on the wall that you're standing up against, effectively trapping you against the drywall as he stares down at you.
His eyes are magnificent, ethereal, something that shouldn't belong to a human, but you aren't interested. You've told yourself a thousand times that you aren't interested-- no need to falter now.
"You don't look like a beer girl, wallflower," he hums, leaning over you and licking his lips.
When you see the glint of something that looks like a silver tongue-ring, your resolve falters, though only slightly.
"Who says I'm a wallflower?" You reply, trying not to feel so small standing next to him, but he really is huge.
He knocks on the drywall behind you, "See this? This is a wall, and you're standing against it at a party. Think that makes you a wallflower, according to the book."
Your eyes narrow, "Did you read that book?"
"Do I look like I read that book?"
You take a deep, shuddering breath, and the beer is working its magic. Even though he's saying basically nonsense, the mischievous gleam in his eye is drawing you into him.
Gone is the frat party that you've been watching from a distance. Literally, it's blocked out by his broad shoulders. He's wearing a thrasher hoodie, and goddamnit if he doesn't actually pull it off, despite the fact that you're sure this pampered, rich boy has never been on a skateboard in his life.
"No, you don't look like you've ever read anything," you reply, lowering your voice to a soft murmur.
What happens after that is a blur to you, but you aren't particularly upset about it in hindsight. It didn't take long for him to work his magic, for you to find his arrogant sense of humor a little endearing, and for him to find your openly insulting comebacks to be a cute little challenge for him.
A challenge that he's won.
He can tell that he's won, because you're lying in his bed with your legs spread wide, as he devours you. The party is still raging in the next room, but the only remnant of whatever's happening there that remains in this dark room is the methodic thumping of the music outside trickling into the room as he kisses, sucks, and slurps your pussy until you're mewling, grasping onto his hair for dear life.
Say what you will about the spoiled, filthy rich boy who goes through girls like they're disposables-- he's great at what he does.
"Satoru-- Satoru-- right there, I'm gonna-- nggh, ah--" you mewl, rocking your hips against his pretty lips, feeling his tongue ring slip over your clit, teasing and testing, while he fingers eagerly pump in and out of you.
"Mhm, cum for me, wallflower," he purrs, before giving an especially hard suck to your clit, and you're falling over the edge before you know it.
The room spins, and the only things grounding you are the thumping of the bass outside, and Satoru's hands that keep your thighs spread widely apart for him.
Even with hot cheeks, your resolve hasn't faltered that quickly yet. You sit up, placing your smaller hands overtop of his to pry them off of your thighs. He looks up at you in the darkness with confusion written all over his pretty features.
In response, you ruffle his hair affectionately and wipe your slick off of his glossy, soft lips, before leaning down to press a kiss to them.
"That was great, babe," you purr, "I'll call you next time I want you to do that for me."
"What?" He mumbles with shock written all over his features, as you stand up and fix your pants.
"Oh, did you think I wanted something serious?" You ask, remembering all those girls that have complained to you about Satoru's behavior.
At this point, you could quote him.
So, you do.
"You don't wanna spend the night?" He asks, looking a little frantic and confused, sitting up on the bed now as he watches you.
"Nah," you say, mimicking his tone, "but we'll see each other in class, Monday, right?"
"Our class is Tuesday," he mumbles dejectedly, as you lean over him to press another quick kiss to his lips.
"Ah, I forgot," you reply, caressing his cheek softly, "but I'll definitely call you, mmkay?"
You turn on your heels and head for his bedroom door, not even sparing him a glance as you leave through it and flatten your hair, off to find Shoko and get the fuck out of here.
Little did you know, trying to outdo Satoru in his own game would only lead you to trouble.
Which is why the next time he sees you, the two of you only have to exchange one heated glance before you're excusing yourself to the bathroom in the middle of the lecture, and Satoru's following right behind you.
The kind of trouble where every Tuesday at 10:15am, you find yourself bent over the sink in the girl's bathroom, as Satoru fucks into you roughly and reminds you that he's the only one that gets to see you like this.
And you like trouble, so you smirk and meet his eyes in the mirror, murmuring, "Ha, no way."
He only fucks you harder after.
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its-tiamat · 2 years
hi hi!! i found your blog and i am falling in loveee >< your writing is so good and adorable aaahhh they're really fun to read too!! i see that the request is open, so... i'd like to request some hcs if it's okay heheh. well... so, i'd like to req hawks, katsuki, and dabi (is it alright if i request three characters??) with a s/o who is an airhead, sort of happy-go-lucky person, who likes to ask random questions like "what if the chicken i am eating right now was your chicken's sibling? or worse, mother??" when they're eating dinner.
i hope my request is not confusing >< thank you sooo much! I hope you have a great day!! 🌟🌟
ok anon, SO, beside thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind things you just said, I LOVE THIS PROMPT. If you ever feel comfortable enough to text me, pls do it. Like, you just gave me a genius tier prompt and two of my fave characters to work with so I'd just give you the biggest kiss rn. Also, requesting three characters is super fine (It's the ideal number! I love you!) and encouraged, so I'm sure I'm working with someone you like.
Pairings: dabi × reader • bakugo × reader • hawks × reader
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To be honest, at first Toya was kinda worried about you being such an airhead. But that also means you're comfortable enough to speak your mind around him, right? He won't complain.
You love the concerned look he gives you when you do or say something weird. "You were talking in your sleep last night," he said once, while you were having lunch at your place. "Huh? What did I say?" you asked.
Toya lifted his shoulders: "you turned to look at me and said: I realized why it's called breakfast, because it breaks the fast. I mean you're not wrong but-"
"Love. I was fully awake. I was talking with you."
Don't keep asking him which food he can cook best with his quirk, please. The answer is none.
He must admit it though, your questions made him so curious. He tried to cook bacon while you weren't at home once.
It tasted like coal.
Also let's not forget, he's still a villain. Thinking out loud, you once asked him what would happen if he donated his hair and whoever used the wig committed a crime, leaving his DNA on the crime scene.
"Honey," he huffed, "my DNA is already on half of the crime scenes in this city. Honestly, I wouldn't worry that much."
It kinda froze your blood. Welp. That's the good ol' fuck around and find out. Maybe if you ever commit a crime you should drop some of his hair to the ground. Just in case.
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Bakugo used to be. So damn annoyed by your random thoughts. And his reactions are so fun that you tried to film them a couple of times.
"Do you ever think about the fact that the bus we are in is powered by decomposed dinosaurs?"
"No? What the hell, Y/n. Wait, are you filming this?"
"Nah, why would I film it? By the way, do you ever think that maybe the water you're drinking right now has been into like, someone famous? All Might, maybe."
Bakugo almost spat water over the old lady that was sitting in front of you that time. What the hell was wrong with your brain?
You couldn't deny it, annoying him is part of the fun, especially when you manage to break his tough exterior, taking him by surprise. He's been catching up lately though, and he tries to answer your questions.
"Katsuki? I have a question."
"Please, tell me it's not one of your weird ass questions, huh. It would be the third today!" He said, holding up his head with one of his fists.
"No, it's a serious one. You know how electricity runs through water right?" you asked.
"Yep," Bakugo looked at you, "another weird ass question. I knew it."
"How do fish survive when a lightning strikes the sea?" Bakugo's eyes widened. How did the fish survive? Shit, he didn't know either. With a groan, he took his phone "I gotta look this one up."
(just for the record, they don't survive :( the ones closer to the point where it strikes die because of the electric impulse, and more die because of the shock wave resulting from it. I was too curious and had to look it up too lol.)
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Keigo, on the other hand, loves your stupid ass questions. He's so on board with that.
Mostly because his head is at least as weird as yours, so even when you ask him what his favorite brand of milk is, he has a straight  answer for you. Why shouldn't he have a favorite brand of milk after all? It's the one that complements better your favorite cookies.
You both startle each other with weird facts and questions lol. It gets to the point where it looks like a competition.
"What if the chicken I'm eating right now is the sibling of the chicken you're eating?" you blurted once while you were out eating at your favorite yakitori place. His eyes kept moving from his plate, to you, to your plate. "What if my chicken is the mother of your chicken? That would be even worse!" He exclaimed. You shrugged. "At least they got to be cooked together, right?" He nodded, and went back to eating.
You love how your random thoughts just make sense to him, and how your vibes are reciprocated.
Once, while you were cuddling, he asked you: "Y/n, don't you think some word just sound...plastic? forged? I really don't know how to describe it." You shifted in his arms to look at him "like, they sound fake?"
He nodded: "Like elbow, or aardvark."
"Like harpoon?"
"Yes! You get it, love"
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brattysorcerer · 2 years
Congratulations on hitting 100 bro!!! I'm only a new follower but it's been great so far! you're writing is so good! and you're dope too hehehe
off topic, the irl meet up is killing my heart I love them
as for the prompts, I was wondering maybe "We're not just friends. you know that" with Mysta?? have a lovely day!!
thank you thank you! 
the irl meet up was so cute ;-; i'm so happy they all got to hang out and meet up!
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you and mysta had reached a point in your...relationship where it wasn't as easy as saying you were just friends. but you weren't dating. you guys were sort of dancing around in a big grey area of sorts. and you both didn't mind but it was also...weird. you were fine continuing to call mysta your friend, unaware that mysta wasn't super keen on it. you always thought he was joking when he'd comment and say things like "our relationship is special" or "it's more than friends."
you and mysta had been doing a collab video, playing some fun little game when you read off a message from your chat about you and mysta. "you guys," you start, giggling a little bit at your chats antics. "mysta and i are just friends, we've been over this."
mysta snorts a little bit at that and you frown, turning your attention back to the game and your friends. "mysta?"
"we're not just friends. you know that." he murmurs, clearing his throat. you can tell he's a bit flustered by saying that.
you're quiet for a long moment, but when you go to address it, mysta changes the subject and keeps avoiding anything about it while the two of you are still streaming.
after stream, you pause him before he leaves the collab vc. "did you mean that, mysta?"
"mean what?"
"don't play dumb. do you actually see our relationship as more than just friends?"
he's quiet for a moment before he clears his throat. "i- yeah. i do."
"i mean, it's fine if you don't. i totally understand and i hope that this doesn't make anything weird or make you--"
"no! no. no. i...i feel the same way. i guess i just didn't know that like. you were serious. because you always sounded so jokey when you'd say it before."
mysta laughs sheepishly. "well, i...i'm serious. and if you're interested, we could see where this goes?"
"i'd love to, mysta."
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
Hi hi 👋🏻 so for the February writer event — any chance you may possibly do a prompt where Fili or Kili coming up with a perfect proposal that is 1920s theme full of glitz and glamour and pearls and whatnots because his fiancé just watched the great gatsby and kindda obsessed with it? 😂 just thought it maybe fun heheh
Hello hello...
I am so sorry, but I know nearly nothing about that period :(
I've tried as well as I could <3
Words: 1k
“Kí,” Fíli grimaced, “this is not what your beloved had in mind.”
Fíli loved his brother; on some days, he was almost convinced that it was himand not the magnetic field of the rock they were on that kept him on the ground, but he was also convinced that someone – and he didn’t exempt himself from suspicion – must have dropped Kí when he had been but an infant.
“Maybe not, but I look glorious, do I not, Fí?”
And there they were, those twinkling stars that came with their own velvety firmament, those eyes that had led him to hell and back again, those irresistible lights that guided his every step, staring at him pleadingly.
“You are the prettiest,” Fíli sighed obediently and set the hot iron rod aside with which he had been transforming the thicket of his brother’s hair into neat curls.
“We would have made amazing sisters as well, would we not?” Kíli took a sidestep and whirled in front of the mirror in his Durin-blue flapper dress while Fíli tried to right his headband.
He thanked the Gods for the fact that neither he nor Kí were women because it would have driven their mother insane trying to get them to behave; at least, she could huff that boys tended to be a little wild whenever they got into trouble.
He had done well, Fíli had to admit, the whole room looked like a scene right out of ‘The Great Gatsby’ – from the big brass band to the weirdly shallow champagne glasses – and he was sure that Kí’s intended would love it.
Apparently, they had fallen in love with the roaring 20’s and their raging love of life; post-war enthusiasm being something Kíli would identify with as well, Fíli could easily imagine how the whole glitz and glamour would appeal to people as young and voraciously alive as this couple was.
As his brother and his best friend, Fí also knew about the beautiful diamond ring tucked away in Kí’s brassiere. His little brother was a romantic at heart and Fíli could not imagine anyone more deserving of that overabundant enthusiasm than the person about to walk through those doors.
Kí had found happiness – which was really all Fíli had ever wanted – and he was about to be married if everything went the way it was planned, hoped, and prayed for.
Ludicrous as he looked, he was still the same kid who accepted scraped knees and bruises as big as plates in pursuit of his wildest fantasies. Fíli remembered that winter when he had been taken ill so well still; Kí had mounted a whole production of Thorin’s outburst at dinner with costumes and props, every single role played by himself, and – to this day – Fí was convinced that his recovery was at least partially due to the loving care of his younger brother.
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You walked in, dressed in the strange suit – vaguely reminiscent of the 20’s – someone had left on your bed, together with an invitation on thick, embossed paper.
The first thing you saw upon entering the room was Fíli, dressed like a Mafia boss, leaning against a dais draped in shiny, crinkly satin.
“Fí? What is going on?” you asked, confused by the décor and the presence of all of your closest friends.
“Ask…them,” Fíli laughed and pointed at his brother, your beloved, who practically floated over to you.
He was wearing a beautiful dress, the colours of his house proudly on display, and his mother’s best pearls were glowing in the warm, orange light around his graceful neck.
“Hello love,” he greeted you with a soft smile, “how do you like it?”
“What are we celebrating love?” you asked suspiciously because – even though it was not impossible – you didn’t believe that Kíli would go to such lengths for a random party.
“Hush,” his face scrunched into an adorable grimace of embarrassment; he had evidently not anticipated that very obvious question and now, he didn’t know how to deflect.
“You look ravishing, darling,” you drawled and slid your hand under the soft curls that had been brushed to one side of his head.
“Fí did my hair,” Kíli explained proudly, and you threw a surprised glance at the other man; you’d have never expected him to be an accomplished hairdresser, or for Kíli to sit still long enough for someone to even be able to curl his hair.
“I thought you liked the 20’s, so…” he mumbled, deflating a little bit, so you quickly nodded.
“I love them,” you cried out, “absolutely adore them. Is this for me? Oh, you’re the best!”
You slung your arms around him, grinning as the warm pearls dug into the skin laid bare by the open top buttons of your silk shirt, and kissed him gently while taking care not to smudge his lipstick.
Something shifted and you felt Fíli move away like the ocean withdrawing just before a tsunami.
“Kí?” Your eyes automatically flew to the person you trusted most in this world; your partner, your lover, your best friend, and his warm, steady gaze calmed the rising tide of nervousness roiling in the pit of your stomach.
Suddenly, very mellow jazz notes resounded in the background, but your eyes were glued to Kíli’s face that shone with joyous anticipation; you knew the mien well and had come to dread and love it in equal measures.
“Because you find me ravishing in a ridiculous dress,” he started, squirming uncomfortably for a moment and wondering under his breath how women even moved in those garments, and then dropped onto one knee, “and because you are the best sport about almost everything.”
Your windpipe constricted. Was this what you thought it was?
“And – obviously – because I love you more than anything in this world, more than Thorin loves the Arkenstone, more than Bombur loves food, more than Fíli loves knives…I wanted to ask you if you would do me the honour of dancing through another few decades or even centuries with me?”
In your mind, you imagined Kí in the grungy, torn vests of the golden age of Rock’n’roll, the neon athletic wear of the 80’s and the plastic jackets of the 90’s, and it elated you beyond imagination or logic.
“Under one condition,” you grinned. “Anything you want, my darling,” Kíli gave you his most radiant smile, hope and sheer love shining as bright as beacons in his whole expression, “anything!”
“You’ll let me set down the dress-code for the wedding,” you laughed and – before you could tell him that it was a joke and that you’d marry him dressed as snowmen or elves or whatever caught his fancy – his arms were around you and his lips sealed yours passionately.
“I really hope it’s not waterproof,” Fíli whispered somewhere off to the side.
You didn’t care, not about the lipstick, not about the dress-code, not about the venue…as long as this marvellous, wondrous, ridiculous creature breathing life into your heart and soul was by your side, there was nothing he could not turn into a hoot, and you would never have anything less than a picture-perfect wedding.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Hey, this hasn’t happened in a long time. Stress headache for writing. Guess its time to write a small fluff once again,
Also with my favorite skeletons because I want multiple skeletons shhhhh it’s just pure self-indulgence without any rhyme or reason to why anything happens...
Ice cream. Cookies. Milk. Chips. Chocolate bars.
All things that you shove into your basket as you walk around the convenient store with a scowl on your face, biting your lip so you don’t scream and cause everyone around you to think you’re crazy. You’re just getting everything you think you want, to treat yourself after feeling so... so... much!
You feel your heart speed up just thinking about it and you squeeze the handles of the basket hard enough that it starts to bend.
Ugh, I just wanna go HOME, you cry in your head as you wait in line.
You’re just stopping yourself from tapping your foot restlessly when your eyes spot a surprise near the registers.
Candy cigarettes?
Oh what the hell.
You throw them into the basket too. You’ve never tried it, but it looks like something fun to show at home and surprise the guys.
You put up a pleasant face for the cashier (no need to make a retailer’s job even more miserable) and happily decline the plastic bag. One good thing that happened today: you remembered your reusable bag!
It’s certainly something? To cool your temper.
You walk out and you’re back to walking fast to get home as fast as possible, almost checking shoulders with people when you think the ones in front of you are walking too slow for your current mood. You see your home in the distance, thank god, and make a little sprint towards it, half-hoping a little bit of TLC once you’re there.
You peek in the window as you go to the door, and though you don’t see anyone, you shrug and attempt to bowl over the door, only to curse up a storm when you find that it’s locked, of course. After more hissing and quiet yelling at the handle that dare get in the way your angry relaxation time at home, you shuffle your keys out, haphazardly unlock the door and slip inside- slamming the door just a little harder than you should’ve and march towards the sofa.
(After throwing your jacket, your shoes and socks, and your whole bag on the floor next to the door.)
“(y/n)...?” You hear Snow’s voice from the kitchen as you throw yourself into the cushions, bouncing a bit while the contents of your bags jumped with you.
“Hey Snow,” You say while you make a “pbbbff...” noise with your lips, turning on the TV to look for... you don’t know what, just something to take your mind off things.
Just his voice cools your chest.
You take out the bag of chips and rip it clumsily, with some of the chips tumbling out of it and onto the floor. You make another exasperated noise but make no move to clean up the mess, instead choosing to shove a mouthful of chips into your mouth.
(To be honest, you’re not even properly eating the chips. Just... biting it harder than you needed to, making more of an angry mess on your crinkled shirt.)
Maybe you’re doing it to get attention, you don’t know. You just feel so “aaeghegshrg”.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to make even more of a fool out of yourself, and you see a shadow fall over you from behind.
You sigh when your frustrations simmer down at just the idea of him being there for you... you really weren’t the kind to hold onto anger for too long.
“is... something the matter...?” Snow’s gentle voice comes from behind you, soothing you even more.
You make another sigh, but you look up to him with tired eyes. “Yeah. But it’s hard to say... I’m just not in a good mood... sorry.” You apologize bashfully, feeling silly when you see the mess you’ve made. You hear Snow chuckle, his deep voice shaking your core, making you want to drown in it. The big skeleton rounds the sofa and sits beside you (where the bag isn’t), and his weight pulls you a bit towards him.
“don’t be sorry.” He smiles at you, his sockets crinkled. “is there... anything i can do...?”
Feeling his warmth right there, you start leaning into his chest. “You’re already doing plenty. Just having you here makes me sleepy.” You titter. “Uh. Not in the bad way, I just... I feel relaxed already. I think I’m just tired, I don’t wanna feel... I dunno, spiky?”
“isn’t that red’s thing?”
The new voice surprises you enough to blink your eyes open (you really were starting to doze off on Snow’s chest) and sit up. You look to the darkened hallway (as the sun was setting and the lights haven’t been turned on yet), and see a pair of white lights, until you see the blue-clad skeleton that emerges out of the shadows. It’d be a good horror movie scene if he didn’t look so.... like Sans. Relaxed grin, lazy sockets, slouching a bit, pink slippers shuffling against the floor.
“hey...” Sans starts, his eyelights darting to the chips on the floor. “my little shoulder-chip. what’s wrong?”
“she said she feels... spiky,” Snow repeats as you nibble on a big chip, letting his knuckles ghost your cheek. You don’t say a thing, so he keeps on going.
“mind if i make some space?” Sans points to the bag and you make a little nod, and Sans moves it to the coffee table and sits beside you.
“I dunno... i’ve just been feeling like... this,” You say emphatically, pointing to the chip in your hand. “I feel... like a potato. Just... I dunno... stuck? I don’t know, I just feel,” you make vague, aggressive hand gestures in the air, and slump back down. “Like that,”
Sans takes a breath to say something, but you’re all suddenly aware of the sound of a... clang?? Somewhere outside the house, a door being thrown open.... the heavy steps of feet as someone’s running towards you-
“ilikepotatoes.” Red’s voice suddenly breaks into the room, as all three of you turn your heads around to where he is in the hallway, panting and sweating a bit, his grin a bit too wide with his eyelights dilated in his sockets. He’s sweating.
“Red... how,” You breathe, “Did you even hear that?? Also why did you run here?”
“... dramatic effect?” Red shrugs as he saunters easily to the sofa. “anyways, what i’m saying is,” He says as he folds his arm on the back of the sofa behind you, “i like potatoes. in fact i jus’ love to eat ‘em.”
He bounces his brows at you. “what i’m sayin’ is, if yer a potato, i’d love to-”
“oh my god shut up red,” Sans covers his face with both of his hands, apparently blue in the face from embarassment.
“ey i’m tryna make the girl blush what’re ya-?”
“that’s so stupid i’m getting second hand embarrassment,”
“oh fuck you.”
The exchange gets a giggle out of you, and all three skeletons get a spark in their eyelights.
“Ok, so I’ve been feeling pretty... ehhh today, but this is turning things around,” You smile, looking at the dumbasses while you lean on Snow.
“that’s good to know,”
“i aim t’ please, sweetheart.”
Snow sits up a bit more, bringing you with him, and points to the plastic bag on the table. “so... what’s all that?”
“Oh,” you blush a little, feeling a bit embarrassed for all the things you’ve bought. “It was... an impulse thing. i wasn’t feeling so great, so I wanted to buy everything I wanted to eat. There’s ice cream, candy, chips, just... a bunch of snacks. Oh, I also found candy cigarettes in the store,”
“what,” Red immediately sounds behind you, his smug expression now just a baffled huh???
“the fuck’s candy cigarettes? d’ya... smoke candy ‘r some shit?” Red asks incredulously, prompting a hearty laugh from you. “aw c’mon doll i gotta know!”
“Well,” you start to explain-
“humans’re weird.” Sans says plainly, fishing out said snack from the bag.
He gives it a shake, and you see Red’s eyelights dilate at the sound.
“I mean, don’t pretend like monsters aren’t,” you say as you take the box out of Sans’ hands, “this aren’t like actual cigarettes, Red. They’re just candies that look like cigarettes, so when you put them in your mouth to eat it it looks like you’ve got a cigarette in your mouth. They also have powders inside of them you can inhale and exhale so it looks like smoke... I read kids used to love them exactly for that reason? i don’t know what they taste like,”
You took one more look at the packing and tilt your head. “Oh... it’s chocolate cigarettes, so this one’s just... milk chocolate in the shape of a cigarette,”
“c’mon open ‘em, i’ve never seen ya with a cig darlin’,” Red chuckles, a playful expression on his skull.
You take out the old-timey box and open it. Inside as about 12 “cigarettes” all wrapped in paper. The chocolate sticking out of the ends does make it look like a cigarette. You pull it out and look at the three skeletons, expectations on their faces...
And you stick it into your mouth, moving away from Snow to sit back on the couch and put on your most stereotypical “criminal look” as you put your arms on the back of the couch and fold your leg over the other.
“Ey...” you say with a hint of confusion, taking out the chocolate to blow nothing into the air.
“HAH-” Red barks out behind you, slapping his teeth with his bony hand with a clack, doubling over behind the sofa while his shoulders bounced erratically, wheezing as he tries to hold in his laugh.
His absolute giddiness at seeing you with a “cigarette” in your mouth only makes the rest of you giggle and chortle, unrestrained, and the cigarette almost pokes into your throat when you accidentally breathed the whole stick into your mouth.
“Pweh-” You spit out the cigarette (it still had the paper on!) and laugh when you see Red, still unable to pull himself together as he looks like he’s actually struggling to breathe. “It wasn’t that funny!” You tell him, but your own chest is shaking when you see how Red looks like he’s dying.
“i... ha, i don’t fuck’n know!” Red unfolds himself and puts a hand on his chest as he tries to control himself. “i didn’t expect ya t’ say ‘ey...’ heheh... hehahah!”
You unwrap the chocolate from its papery confines and pop it in your mouth, biting it in two so you could chew on it. You take deep breaths before you swallow to make sure you don’t choke on it.
“gimme one of those,” Red reaches over you and takes a cigarette, propping it in between his teeth. He then proceeds to take a few steps back, leaning against the wall. He closes his sockets as he takes a “hit” and makes... the weirdest shape with his mouth (like he was trying to close his ‘lips’ while he was trying to withhold a smile) and makes a pout to exaggerate him “blowing smoke out”. He then keeps that weird mouth shape as he lids his sockets (one was lower than the other what the fuck,) and you watch the edges of his grin bend upwards.
“eyyyYYyyYy.” Red says, mimicking you.
You practically end up crying from how stupid everything is (why are you even laughing? It’s not supposed to be funny!) and the four of you end up on the couch poking fun at each other while eating all the snacks you’ve bought, until eventually Snow stands up to make a real meal for the lot of you.
You forget all about your stresses for the rest of the night, and even fall asleep with a smile on your face.
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queenofbaws · 4 months
Hello, it's me again! I just wanted to thank you for filling out all of my cable car prompts. They were all great fun to read, and I hope you'll indulge me again in the future. Now, real talk - I've been having a rough go of things for quite a while now, and Chrashley content is genuinely one of the few things that still brings me any joy or comfort, so for what it's worth, I really do appreciate you taking the time and effort to write these stories. I only wish I had the nerve to do it myself.
well hello again!!! you're too kind, omg - puh-lease rest assured that your prompts were positively D E L I G H T F U L, and i had a blast getting to write for them!!! 🥰 i'm always stoked to get prompts, so believe me, it's less me-indulging-you and wayyyyyyy more you-feeding-my-endless-need-to-spew-out-words skdlfjlskdjf hehehe
and i really, truly hope that things get easier on your end <3 i'm glad that i could help throw a little chrashley your way in the meantime, but know that, somewhere out there in the expanse of the internet, there's at least one strange little tumblr gremlin crossing all her fingers and rooting for you :) and for what it's worth??? i'm positive that, if you chose to, anything you'd write in the future would be *chefs kiss* fantastic ;)c
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 2
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
The story is divided in several parts and will be updated every few days. Find Part 1 here.
Story continues below the cut, hope you enjoy!
Both, Violet and Clover, were fair players, so, as they weren't able to walk around in a pair the whole evening, Violet and Clover had to trust each other in counting their own points.
Their utmost priority, however, was still to help out at the bar, so they had to focus on that for most of the time. But whenever there was a chance tangible (in the most literal sense lol), their minds immediately switched back to their little competition.
Violet had already started with one point advantage, due to the squeeze she had given Beel's tail.
But the girl was up for the thrill, so it didn't take too long until she had found her next target.
Everyone's beloved angel man Simeon was on cooking duty with her and Barbatos.
While the butler was easily handling all of their tasks on his own, the other two were trying their best to actually help him instead of being in the way.
They were chopping down ingredients that Barbatos could throw into the hellfire hot pot he was preparing when it happened...
A cheeky little squeeze while Simeon was turning to grab another veggie, and Violet got her second point already.
The angel didn't seem to have noticed, as he kept talking with this precious smile on his lips.
The real danger, however, came through the door immediately after.
Glancing up from the pompom that Violet had just given a good squish, she locked eyes with Luke.
They stared at each other for a hot second, then Violet straightened up again, trying to remain composed while Luke looked like losing his shit any second.
"Ah, Luke!" Simeon interrupted his own narration. "Perfect timing!"
Violet gave a silent sarcastic laugh. No, not a perfect timing at all...
Luke was still trying to cope with the sin he had just witnessed, but now Barbatos approached him as well.
"Could I ask for your help with the special menu's 'halo donuts'?” Barbatos asked. “Simeon claimed it to be your specialty."
Now Luke was blushing at the compliment.
"U-uhm... Well, yes, I do make quite good donuts... Fine, I'll help!"
As he passed Violet, he threw her a last sceptical glance, but soon the girl could let out a relieved breath.
Getting Luke to fuss over reaching for Simeon's butt was certainly not something she needed, not so soon into the game...
Clover was trying to gather some safe points before risking anything.
Her main goal was to get at least ONE point, to be frank.
Looking at her options for low-risk points, her heart was beating for one particular target, but her blushy excitement made it impossible to approach that gluttonous teddy bear.
So she settled on probably the easiest target of all.
Belphie's first shift consisted of... Sleeping. Like, literally. The idea was to let him nap until his energy tanks were filled enough for him to actually be useful for proper work.
Huddled over the bar, the youngest of the demon brothers seemed so vulnerable that even Clover could bring up enough courage to go for that tail.
Couldn't be that hard, right?
Well, it could.
Just as she was about the stretch out her shaking hand, someone walked right into her way and startled her completely.
As the girl gave an awkward squeal, Mammon looked at her with almost as much fright in his eyes.
"Waah, human, what are ya screamin´ at?!"
"I-I didn't... See you there..." Clover mumbled.
"I literally just passed by..." He raised an eyebrow. But seeing how her cheeks were flushed all red, a little grin curled his face. "I didn't know you'd get so excited to see me, human. I mean, I can't blame ya for being flustered at my sight, but what's all the blushing for?"
"I-I'm not flustered..." she stammered, trying to calm down.
"Come on, you can be honest", Mammon continued to tease, his ego-boosting mode fully activated. "I look damn nice in those clothes after all."
Clover shot him a glance, mustering how his vest fit him perfectly, how his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, and that he looked prrretty dang fine in shoes with heels.
"You do" she agreed.
Now Mammon was the one to flinch.
"F-for real?!" he blushed, then cleared his throat immediately. "I-I mean, thanks, I guess."
Mammon went silent for a moment, trying to calm his heart rate over the unexpected compliment.
"Want me to pose for ya?", he seemed to joke.
Clover looked at him... and sensed her chance.
"Yes please, great Mammon!" she exclaimed.
His tanned skin flushed an even darker colour, but, being the model he was, he actually did some poses for her. Now Clover didn't complain at that -- Mammon WAS a snack after all.
But after a while, she prompted him to give her a proper view of his back as well.
He seemed confused, even more so as she told him to stand still, but in the end did not seem to have noticed how Clover quickly poked his bunny tail. And while he was busy bragging about something modelling-related, Clover also turned to do the same with Belphie's tail as he was still asleep next to her.
"Thanks, Mammon!" she cheered afterwards, having scored not one, but three points at once.
With a little hop, she tackled Mammon into a quick hug before running off in a giggle.
Clover nearly bumped into Solomon while running away.
"Oh, hello... Why in such a hurry?" The sorcerer dodged her perfectly, his eyes sparkling in amusement as he mustered the clumsy girl.
"Huh? Oh, Solomon, sorry. Didn't see you there."
He laughed. "Well, I did guess that, seeing as you were focused on Mammon so intensely. The only question is... What did you do to leave him as such a blushing mess?"
"... I hugged him" Clover said, shrugging.
But seeing Solomon's expression, she felt somewhat off. Was he waiting for a different answer...?
"Well then, time to get back to work" Solomon changed the topic. "We don't want to waste time, do we? The bar opens soon."
He turned, but had yet to get moving. Instead, Solomon was taking a look around, completely exposing his bunny tail to Clover.
Which was worth three points, after all...
And it seemed like just the perfect opportunity...
"Yep, see you", Clover replied, turning around herself, leaving.
As much as she liked Solomon, this man was emitting such shady vibes that there was no getting her to touch this particular bunny tail…
Clover had bragged to her friend about her point advantage soon after (and spoke of her concerns regarding Mr. Shady MCShady),
Which she'd later realise had been a pretty bad idea.
Maybe fueled by rivalry, maybe just because Violet had some weird kink for pompom-like things, she upped her game SO much after that. (A/N: Ok it's not a kink, I was prompted to make sure everyone knows that... (But also it's a kink believe me hehehe))
Within the next hour, Violet scored another four points.
"Asmo, Mammon, and Beel again?!" Clover cried out in disbelief when the girls found each other in the kitchen. "What's wrong with you?!"
"Hehe~" Violet laughed. "I just had some good opportunities."
Clover rolled her eyes as she was cleaning some dishes. "Yeah, great, and I've been running around with top tier difficulty peeps like Papa Luci or Solomon. Talk about unfair..."
"I meeaan... You COULD squish them..."
"Yeah, sure, and risk dying? No thanks."
"Solomon wouldn't kill you... probably."
"... I´m telling you something´s UP with that guy today, I wouldn´t be so sure of that…" Clover joked, although having shivers go down her spine.
Before they could continue this, the kitchen door flew open.
Levi was dragging a trolley full of dirty glasses along with him.
He seemed awfully pissed.
"Levi?" Violet called out. "Are you okay...?"
He threw her a glance.
"Do I think I'm okay? In a place with so many Normies?" He gave a sigh, then seemed to have remembered something. "Ah, Violet, Lucifer said he needed you in the dancing hall."
The girl gave a nod, quickly wanting to make a leave since only fools would let a person like Lucifer wait. She shot Clover a glance before leaving, gesturing her to go for Levi's tail while they were alone.
Clover instantly felt that awkward pressure back on her, but now that she got called out she had to do it.
As the demon began placing the dishes in the dishwasher, Clover slowly approached him.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
"If you've got nothing better to do..." he mumbled, not looking up from his work. "Although, you'd probably do better to go out and have fun with the oth- AAAGH WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE?!"
Clover gave an almost equal squeal as she backed away in an instant.
"I WanTeD To HeLp" she screamed.
They stared at each other with red faces until Clover crouched down to sit on the floor, recovering from this incident.
"Wh-what are you doing there?" Levi asked.
"Sit. I like floors. It's where I belong."
The demon gave her a weird look before averted his gaze in a troubled expression.
After a little silence, he would speak up again.
"... You belong outside, not here on this stinky kitchen floor."
He bit his lip sheepishly. "Serving the guests, or at the bar... Where everyone can see you."
"... Huh?" Clover seriously didn't understand what he was blushing about.
He was staring at her, searching for words, but then decided to simply poke her bunny ears.
"... Bunny maids are a clear 10/10, everyone knows that..." he mumbled.
The girl blinked, now realising he was trying to compliment her.
"Bunny butlers, too, though" she replied. "You look really good", she laughed, grabbing one flap of his jacket to play with it.
Yes, that is a thing Levi can say, while flushing red and bashfully covering his face.
Not able to take this compliment, he ended up on the floor as well.
"You can't just land a critical hit without a warning... I thought we were confidants...!"
"Rank six confidants", Clover nodded. "But that's only more the reason to tell you what a snack you are right now-"
"AAAAAHHH DON'T!!" he screeched, turning away from her to hide his embarrassment. "I can't deal with so much kindness..."
Clover blinked at the bunny tail right in front of her.
Target locked.
She gave it a careful squish, then snickered a little before standing up.
"But you deserve it. That's why... I'm calling a confident rank up!"
He turned his head. "R-really?! Rank seven already?!"
"Woah... to think I'd be such good friends with somebody one day... Thank you, Clover-chan...!"
"No, no... I have to thank you, Levia-tan."
"You want me to select songs for the people to dance to...?"
Violet looked at the three monitors behind the DJ's table in the dancing hall.
Lucifer gave a nod. "We already added songs from Devildom artists, but we could use a little of a cultural mix" he said.
Satan walked up to Violet and Lucifer, now looking at the list of songs all together.
"We also need to add more to make the playlist last until the local closes" Lucifer continued. "I doubt that anyone will leave sober enough to remember such details, but Lord Diavolo ordered no repetitions in the playlist, so please, just help us out..."
Violet gave it some thought, not really knowing much about typical party songs. “I highly doubt my taste in hard rock will be a good representation of humanities taste in music, but... Well, that´s all I can serve with, so…” She came up with some nice picks from her own likings.
While Violet was eventually coming up with some nice tracks, in the meantime, Satan activated his pissing-off-Lucifer mode.
"Lucifer, you talk as if you'd know what a real party looks like", he mocked, referring to Lucifer's comment from before. "Have you even been to a club before?"
The oldest brother gave a huff.
"Of course I have."
"Oh? I meant on occasions other that picking up a drunk Asmo from IN FRONT OF the club."
"The answer is still a yes, thank you for clarifying."
Satan raised an eyebrow.
"Interesting", he hummed. "I can't really imagine you at a club, though... Dancing in the crowd... downing shots... or being cool in general..."
The avatar of Pride gave an annoyed sigh.
"You don't seem like a party animal either, Satan" he countered.
"Well I choose to avoid crowded places for most of the time. However, I still think I'd do better at settling in a club's atmosphere than you could."
Violet could almost feel how Lucifer's frustration piled up, even though he tried staying calm.
"Do you, huh...?" Lucifer leisurely responded.
And his outward calmness made Satan angry as well.
"You don't believe me?" the blond huffed. “Do you really think I couldn´t beat an old man at clubbing?”
Meanwhile, being in the middle of what felt like a flippin´ dance battle about to break out any moment, Violet prayed for them to stop fighting soon.
... Which didn't happen.
They kept bickering, partly because Satan talked himself into a fury and partly because Lucifer's pride was too big to admit defeat or weakness in any way.
Just when Violet had finished the playlist, Satan threw a final tantrum, leaving them with an outraged "Whatever!!" as he stomped off into another section of the dancing hall.
Lucifer pressed out a sigh, cutting through the awkward silence that had spread amongst them.
"What a troublesome child..." he mumbled.
Violet watched Satan with a worried expression, before turning to Lucifer with the same look on her face.
"... Don't worry, that is normal behaviour between Satan and me..." the male assured her. "He will get over his anger soon enough."
"And... What about you...? I feel like you are quite tense right now, yourself…" Violet asked.
"I should go and see where my help is needed now", he claimed, dodging her question.
Lucifer was gone before Violet could respond anything coherent.
Thus, giving a sigh, she decided to at least check how Satan was doing.
The avatar of Wrath was lumbering around some speakers, seeming as if he checked if everything was working as it should (despite having no idea how they were working.)
When he noticed Violet approaching, he only shot her a quick glance.
"Satan...?" The girl softly called out. "Are you okay?"
No answer.
It almost felt as if he was going to ignore her completely.
"... I don't get it” he then suddenly pressed out.
"What do you mean?" Violet took a careful step closer.
"I hate him" Satan growled.
The girl flinched, but decided not to say anything. She felt a certain frustration in his voice, and indeed, as he continued, his tone changed a little.
"He really pisses me off every time. I get angry, over nothing at all!" He clenched his fists. "And it makes me angry, his stupid face, his cocky attitude...!"
Then his shoulders fell. "... Why can't I just ignore him? I get angry, and then I get angry over getting angry. It's so...!"
Violet listened to him patiently.
"... It's so frustrating..." He mumbled.
"I can fathom..." Violet claimed, shooting him an encouraging smile as he slowly turned towards her. "But... Don't you think it's already a big step that you don't actually want to be angry?"
"... But what good is that when I do get angry after all?"
"You can't accomplish everything immediately” her expression softened even more. “What's important though is that you at least try."
Satan seemed sceptical, but in the end gave a slight nod.
"I guess... I'm sorry for bothering you."
The girl shook her head in a smile. "You´re not a bother. I´m glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me."
Shyly, she spread her arms, inviting him into a hug. A little awkward himself, he gave a little laugh before stepping close to embrace her.
"Everyone needs to vent out their anger sometimes" Violet reassured.
"... Thanks", he whispered.
As they parted, Satan turned to inspect the speakers again.
"Anyway... I think we checked through everything we needed in the dance hall. I will look over this here and then head out for my break."
"Mhm..." Violet muttered. "Sounds good..."
And there, she went for it.
A little touch - she didn't dare to do more than that.
But Satan's bunny tail had been successfully poked.
He continued to speak like nothing happened, so Violet dared to wish she had went for a whole squeeze instead.
"I should be going now", the girl said.
"Alright" Satan was still focused on inspecting the equipment, so Violet made her leave.
Unconsciously, she turned her head shortly before leaving the hall.
A shiver went down her spine, leaving her paralyzed for what felt like her last moments alive.
Satan's alarmed, slightly angered glare was cutting through the air, focussing her for a hot second before he decided to turn around again.
Hurrying out of the dance hall, dodging Solomon as he had nearly run into her, Violet quickly pulled out her phone as she had withdrawn from the scene of crime:
Violet: Clover I think Satan noticed me.
Clover: As in Senpai noticed me?
Violet: ...
Clover: :D
Violet: ... No, I squeezed his tail, but later on he was staring at me. Help.
Clover: ... So he's a three-pointer now?
Violet: I don't know but I feel like I nearly died so probably.
Clover: Lolol well that's what you get from messing with Satan. But I'll be kind and give you those two points. He did not confront you about it, after all.
"Hey, Violet!"
Violet flinched so heavily she nearly let go of her phone. Her first instinct had feared it was Satan calling her, but actually, she turned to look at somebody else.
"Lord Diavolo", she said. "Can I help you with anything?"
"I want to place the free snacks on the dining tables" he smiled. "Most of them are from the human world, so I want you to help me choose the best."
He was already going ahead, leaving Violet no room to explain that she's actually SO not a snacking person and had near to no idea how to help him.
Someone gave Diavolo keys for the storage room, and as they stepped inside, he turned on the lights.
"Woah...", Violet's mouth fell open. "That's... A lot of stuff."
"Fascinating, isn't it? You humans are so creative when it comes to food!"
He led her further inside where the snacks were stored.
Even though Violet liked him a lot, it still felt weird, being alone with the Prince of the whole flippin Devildom. You wouldn't have guessed it from Diavolo's carefree aura, but Violet was fairly overwhelmed, being able to walk alongside him so casually.
She tried her best at giving some advice as they looked through the huge collection together.
"We should go with a good mix of sweet and salty snacks" she explained. "Pretzels, chips or peanuts, together with something more delicate, gummies for example."
Diavolo beamed her a smile.
"I knew I could count on you!"
And he started grabbing things off the shelves.
Violet was helping, of course, but the storeroom was also tall as frick, so for lots of bags, she had to ask Diavolo to reach for it.
And that's when it hit her.
The currently vulnerable Diavolo, reaching for a bag of extra cheesy Tortilla chips, exposing his three-point worth bunny tail, only centimetres away from Violet's reach.
She literally only had to stretch out her hand a tiny bit.
And with the waterfall of words that Diavolo was talking, he wouldn't even notice.
It would be so easy.
But she couldn't do it.
She looked around. Between all the shelves, all the packages, back to the door they came from.
They were alone. She was sure of it.
But also, Violet had never felt more watched over than in this exact moment.
There was this presence lurking in the back of her neck, threatening her the more she tried to stretch out her arm.
Waiting for her to make one false decision...
"Extra DOUBLE cheesy?!"
Diavolo turned around, holding up a bag of Doritos. "Humans are so crazy!!"
Violet blinked at him, only now noticing that her whole body had tensed up so much it almost hurt.
As they walked out of the storeroom, arms full with all sorts of snacks, Violet gave a sigh. She had been so close... Only a little closer, and she…
"Should I take some of those from you?"
Violet did a little jump as she heard the voice next to her ear.
Barbatos was right beside her, smiling and tilting his head a little.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you."
The way he mustered her, with his bunny ears and the bow tie around his neck, he looked so cute when he gently pulled most of the bags out of Violet's grip,
But sure as hell, today the girl learned to never pull any kind of prank on the Lord of the Devildom. Ever.
Violet was trying to catch a breath so she allowed herself a quick time-out in the bathroom. When she stepped outside again, she saw Solomon waving her over.
"I heard you and Lord Diavolo brought snacks to display? Would you mind helping me bring them to the tables?"
She gave a nod as an answer.
"Great. Then, let's divide them into the bowls first, and then go around with one of the trays."
And so they did. There wasn't much happening, really. Not much chatting, but nothing strange either.
Just one thing...
A bunch of perfect occasions to squeeze Solomon's bunny tail. Like, every few moments, he was focussing on something, leaving a perfect opening...
Violet left this situation without gaining any more points.
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frauleinjustice · 4 years
Saiouma Prompt: Christmas Eve
Good afternoon, everyone! Merry Christmas! I wanted to do a short-”short” KJDJKFDKJFD- oneshot with the good boys! And of course: in one of my favorite AUs ever, phantom thief/detective, heheh....
Summary: Shuichi thought he was going to spend Christmas Eve alone, since he didn’t have anyone to spend it with romantically. But when he arrives home, he’ll receive a nice surprise: the phantom thief, Ouma Kokichi, there! And so, they spend Christmas Eve together, enjoying Christmas cake, exchanging presents... and just being happy to be with the one they fell for...
Hehe so basically, just wanted to write some cute fluff! As always, I hope you enjoy and thank you in advanced for reading if you do~! Once more, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope you all had a great Christmas Eve/having a fantastic Christmas Day! 🎄 ♥
Tonight was Christmas Eve. Decorations lit up the city and couples happily strolled down the streets. Shuichi himself was currently heading back home while holding a bag containing a Christmas cake inside. It’d normally be very difficult to still find one during this time, but this was actually a personal order made by a baker. The baker was friends with the latest client Shuichi helped, and so as thanks, asked their baker friend to have a cake prepared just for him. He was truly appreciative, and couldn’t wait to enjoy it once he got home. In truth… he was going to spend tonight at home. He didn’t have anyone to spend it romantically with, and his colleagues were spending tonight with their own significant other/spouse. Not that being single usually bothered him, since he was normally a very busy man anyway, but even he couldn’t deny how nice it must feel to spend tonight with someone you love… “Maybe I’ll just bring any leftover slices to my job when we have our Christmas party tomorrow…” He mumbles to himself as makes his way up the stairs to his apartment building. Kicking off any extra snow, he takes out his keys and enters inside with a small huff of relief after finally being out of the cold. 
He hangs his coat up and takes off his shoes after placing the bag of cake on the living room table. He then plops onto the couch and closes his eyes for a moment, muttering: “Ahh, warmth… I can’t wait to have some coffee…” 
And as if his wishes were answered, a mug of coffee is placed on the table. “Heeere you go: eggnog latte!” 
“Mmm, thank you, Ouma-kun…” And then the realization hits him. “-?!” Practically rocketing back up on the couch, he instantly snaps his neck to the direction of a certain voice. “W-Wait, what the: O-Ouma-kun?!” 
“Nishishi! Surpriiiise!” Declares the man with his arms dramatically raised up before he sits down on the opposite couch and sips his own mug of coffee. It was none other than the infamous phantom thief, Ouma Kokichi. He had barged his way into the detective’s apartment while he was out. Not that it was the first time he suddenly showed up out of nowhere, no matter if Shuichi was already there or not; yet it shocks the detective all the same each and everytime, much to the other’s amusement. “Are you always going to be that shocked when I appear, Saihara-chan? You should hurry up and get used to it, or you might die from a heart attack!” He chides as if he were actually concerned, yet he had a sly grin on his face.
“A-And whose fault would that be?! That is not the kind of thing one should get used to, Ouma-kun!” The snicker he gets in response makes him pout even harder, huffing before he takes a sip of his coffee to warm himself up. He wondered if Kokichi had remembered him saying he was a fan of this seasonal drink one time, hence why he made it. It’d actually make him kind of happy, if so: and it tasted good, too… “Anyway… wh-what are you doing here? Are you not spending tonight with anyone special…?”
“Huh?” Looking at him as if he just asked a severely dumb question, Kokichi just scoffs at him. “You think I have time for cheesy crap like that? I’m not a hopeless romantic like you, Saihara-chan. Besides… it’s much more fun to torment you. So if you thought you were going to spend your precious little Christmas Eve in peace…” He holds a finger to his lips with a sly smile and leering look in his eyes. “Think again.” 
“.............” Shuichi just gives him a baffled look before he hangs his head low with a groan. “Lucky me…” Despite his seemingly complaints, he wasn’t actually mad about it. If anything: he was actually happy to see him. It had honestly been a while since he’s done so. He couldn’t deny that he actually missed him… and while it wasn’t new for Kokichi to sometimes not show up in a case of his at all: at this point, he had gotten so used to encountering him that it felt odd whenever he didn’t. And now here he was, having made himself comfortable in Shuichi’s home. Kokichi wasn’t even wearing his usual white suit, instead wearing a purple casual dress shirt and black pants. His hair was also in a small ponytail, too. They often didn’t encounter each other outside of their occupations, so it was a rare sight to see Kokichi in regular clothes. Shuichi couldn’t help but stare for a moment, finding him handsome… and he found his ponytail cute as well, before blushing slightly and darting his eyes away when he caught himself looking so much.
Kokichi had noticed him staring and couldn’t help the giddy smile on his face, his own cheeks turning a light pink. He loves the thought of looking so attractive to him that he can’t help but stare. And Kokichi thought Shuichi looked just as attractive in casual wear as well, the detective wearing a gray sweater over dark blue jeans. He found him attractive regardless, in all honesty. Not just physically: everything about the detective made him grow more and more attracted to him. A man who can keep up with him, but can still surprise him, and even be unpredictable to the thief at times; those were things Kokichi very rarely found in a person, and while it sometimes frustrates him that he can’t figure him out… at the same time, he loves it, too. He never thought it would be a detective that fascinates him in a way no else does: and in turn, Shuichi never grew so fond of a criminal like he did for Kokichi. While he can still annoy, confuse, and irritate him a lot… Kokichi can also surprise him, make him smile, make him laugh, even assist him at times…. and made him even grow to enjoy their exhilarating chases into the night. He was just such a big mystery to the detective… one that fascinates him, wants to figure out more… a man that truly intrigues him like no other.
In all honesty, both had been scared for a moment. What if Shuichi came home with a significant other, if he had one? Or what if Kokichi was spending tonight with his own significant other, if he had one? Nerve-wrecking questions that went through their minds before they encountered each other in Shuichi’s home. Even if neither dared to tell the other yet, they fell for each other… so if either assumption had been true, it would’ve broken one or the other’s heart. But now that they know neither assumption was true, it was a sea of relief washed over them both. It especially made Shuichi so happy that he suddenly mumbles: “...I brought home some Christmas cake. I’ll bring plates for us.” Before walking suspiciously fast to the kitchen. He was trying to hide the smile that dares form on his wriggling mouth. He wasn’t going to spend Christmas Eve alone, after all… and with the person he secretly wanted to spend it with the most. 
“?” Raising an eyebrow, Kokichi wasn’t going to let that slide as he waltzed into the kitchen, snaking his arms around the detective’s waist from behind. “Saihara-chaaan?” He tried leaning his head over to look up at him, which made Shuichi quickly turn his head away so he couldn’t see it. Though unfortunately for him, Kokichi had seen that smile on his face for a flash of a second, “Ohh?” An intrigued hum leaves him as the smile on his face widens into an amused one, drumming his fingers along the area of Shuichi’s stomach. “What are you smiling about, hmm? Is Saihara-chan that happy to see me~?”
“Ack…!” He naturally hit the nail right on the head, Shuichi’s eyes nervously darting about as he stammered out: “Th...That’s…! I-I, well, uh…. Th-that information is…. cl-classified!” 
“Uh-huuuh. Sure it is.” That was precisely the reaction he wanted for his surprise visit. Shuichi was so happy to see him… it made him giddily bounce on his feet and his heart flutter a bit in his chest. Much as he wanted to keep teasing his flustered, whining detective, he is excited to eat some cake with him. And so, he lets go of him as he chimes: “Anyways, cake time! Better hurry or I’ll eat the entire thing, myself!”
“Ueeue.. o-okay.…” A small exhale to compose himself, Shuichi nods and also gathers a knife to cut the cake with. Kokichi decides to grab forks for them before they both head back to the table. Once he sets everything down, Shuichi takes the container out of the bag and lifts the lids up. He cuts them both a slice and places it on their plates. “This looks so tasty… time to enjoy.” When he takes a bite, he hums in delight, giving an approving nod. “And just as tasty as it looks, too! I love it. And to think I got a personal order from a professional baker… ah, because you see, the latest client I helped asked his baker friend to have an order of this personally made for me, as additional thanks for helping him out.”
Kokichi also gives a  delighted hum at how delicious the cake tastes. So sweet and fluffy… he can tell this was very well made. “Mmm?” He hummed curiously when Shuichi told him that. “Is that so? Saihara-chan must’ve really done that great of a job, to get thanked like this. But you always do, don’t you?”
“Ah…!” The genuine compliment without the usual back handedness caught him by surprise. “Oh, th-thank you. That’s very kind of you to say, Ouma-kun…”
“Nishishi…” Kokichi just smiles brightly and nods before he continues eating. He truly meant what he said, too: Shuichi truly was a one of a kind when it came to detectives. Serious, intelligent, intuitive… yet kind, caring, and very passionate about his job. He was never one to resort to shady measures to get what he wants, and it was obvious that he truly cares about his clients, and would never be the type to give up on them. That kind of passion was sadly rare to find in most detectives and officers in general. Even if he knows the detective would be too modest to agree, Kokichi feels he truly is a great example that other detectives should follow. 
For a moment, the two ate their cake in comfortable silence. After taking a small sip of his coffee, does Shuichi speak up as he asks: “I’m curious… how have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while, so that’s why I was even more surprised than usual to suddenly see you…”
“Mmn, I’ve been good.” He answers, taking another bite out of his cake before he continues. “I’m a very busy man, you know. I’m in hot demand right now!” Or rather, he had been busy with an especially difficult heist. Even for a master thief like him, stealing a treasure from a very heavily guarded, giant cruise ship was no easy task at all. “I was almost shot, stabbed, thrown in the lake… you should’ve seen it!” And while nearly getting stabbed or thrown into the lake was a lie…. He was chased down by officers and security guards from the ship as soon as he could escape it. Those security officers did carry guns, and had Kokichi not used his usual tricks to lose the police: he probably could have been shot at… 
“I...I see… and don’t say things like that so excitedly…” He sighs. Though he was glad to hear he’s been good, and that he returned safely from his mission. He couldn’t help but worry about him at times whenever he hasn’t seen him in a while, always hoping that he doesn’t get hurt or worse out there… “And here I was wondering if you’ve finally been arrested. Heh, heh, heh.” 
“Hmph!” He comically puffs his cheeks out, jabbing his fork in Shuichi’s direction as he rants: “Saihara-chan thinks he’s so funny, huh? As if! I lost them so easily when they tried to chase me: Boring. Only you can keep up with me, Saihara-chan. That’s why you aren’t boring.”
“O...Ouma-kun..." The serious look on Kokichi’s face as he says that, and the lack of the usual joking or patronizing tone in his voice… he knew this was something that, when said by Ouma Kokichi: was extremely special. He makes their chases feel fun: he isn’t boring to him. It made a warm smile form on his face as he looked down at his plate. “Maybe odd of me to say, but… thank you. I’m… actually kind of happy to hear that.” 
“Good.” He was glad Shuichi believed him. It isn’t something he would even say as a joke, after all. “But aww…” Now that mischievous smile was right back on his face as he now decides to stand up and sit at the couch Shuichi was on, leaning against him. “Could it be that… Saihara-chan missed meeee~?”
“G-Gah!” He yelps when Kokichi suddenly sits next to him, quickly turning his face away. “I-I…!” He nervously darts his eyes around before hanging his head low. “.......” And instead of dodging the question again, he mumbles a quiet: “Y….Yes… I did...”
“!” He expected he’d get another ‘that’s classified’ as a response, which would’ve made him laugh: but Shuichi just flat out admitting that he did miss him makes him beam even more.“...Hah! That’s what I thought! You’d better had. And I guess… I missed Saihara-chan, too.” But then quickly adds in before he can get embarrassed, too:  “...Missed driving him crazy, that is~!” 
“G-Geez…” He playfully gives him a nudge, chuckling softly when Kokichi nuzzles against his arm with a snicker. Despite the rising heat to his cheeks, he looks down at Kokichi with a soft smile on his face, receiving the same look in return. Kokichi also missing him made Shuichi happy, too. Both truly had grown on each other, to the point that they can’t be away from each other for long. “Anyway, you nerd… let’s finish eating. There is something I… um….” He shyly looks away. “...W-Want to give you.”
“...Oh?” He tilts his head. “You got me a present…?” Inside of Shuichi’s bag was a gift he bought for Kokichi. He had bought it without thinking, despite thinking on his way home that he wouldn’t even see him: but he still wanted to buy him something, even if he knew that gift exchanging was moreso a thing couples did on Christmas Eve. An excited glint in his eyes, Kokichi nods his head and goes back over to where he was originally sitting. “Ooookay! I expect that Saihara-chan bought me something worthy of an esteemed phantom thief such as myself. ...Just like I know he will like what I got for him, too!”
“!” Shuichi’s eyes widened in surprise. “You… bought me something, too? R-Really?” Kokichi did have the same idea. Even if he’d normally find such things cheesy, he wanted to get something for Shuichi: something he will claim he’s sure will love, but in truth, hopes that he will. “I know it’s early to say this, but… th-thank you! I’m sure I will love it. And I hope you’ll love what I got you as well…”
“Mmmhm! It’s a gift from me, so I know you’ll love it!” He snickers, before his smile softens a bit. “...If it’s a gift from Saihara-chan, then I know it’ll be good. And that’s not a lie!”
“H-Heheh…” That made him happy to hear… After a while, the boys finished their slices and drinks. After taking a quick moment to wash the dishes, Shuichi places the lid back on the cake container and puts it away in the fridge. He then goes to grab his bag to retrieve the gift bag inside it, with Kokichi doing the same before they sit close to each other. “Alright, um… d-do you want to go first? Here…” Shuichi hands Kokichi the box inside of the gift bag. It was a white gift box, wrapped with a pretty lavender ribbon. “...For you. I-I know you said you expect it to be good, but I still hope you’ll like it…”
“Saihara-chan worries too much… okay! Time to see how satisfactory this gift shall beeee!” With that, Kokichi carefully undoes the ribbon instead of just tearing it off, since he liked it. He eagerly opens the gift box… before his eyes go wide. “!” Inside was a diamond tassel brooch. The brooch part was in the shape of a crown with gold accents, while the smaller end had a purple rose motif on it. Slowly, Kokichi holds it in his hands to have a good look at it, completely in awe. “Saihara-chan…. this is….”
Kokichi looked so amazed, much to his relief… he clasps his hands together as he explains: “Y...Yeah! It’s a diamond brooch. I figured that… since you love to incorporate fancy accessories in your clothes,  you may like something like this. Since you’re a phantom thief, I thought you would like one made out of diamonds, h-hehe… and you seem to like purple, so I thought you would like the rose motif on the smaller end.”
“Saihara-chan… really put that much thought into it, huh…?” He could’ve just simply bought him any kind of brooch, and yet, he wanted to buy him a specific kind that Kokichi could especially love. That was just like him, he thought to himself: and exactly what he loved about him. 
He nods, giving him a warm smile. “Mmhm…. I wanted it to really be a present that you will really love. If you’d ever like to, maybe you can wear it with your phantom thief outfit. Ah, actually: would you like to put it on? I’d love to see how it looks on you.” Nodding, Kokichi proceeds to place the brooch on his shirt. “Ohh…!” Shuichi utters a small gasp of awe as he takes a close look. “It looks very nice on you, Ouma-kun! I just knew it would.” 
“......” Kokichi could feel his cheeks heat up. Shuichi thought it looked nice on him… even if he was a bit flustered, Kokichi was genuinely very happy. “Shumai… I…” And slowly, a bright, genuine smile begins to widen on his face. “...I love it! A very worthy and befitting present for me, indeed! Nishishi!” He exclaims happily with a laugh, rapidly nodding his head. “Mmmhm! I’m definitely going to be wearing this with my thief outfit from now on: thanks, Saihara-chan! You’re the best.” 
“I’m so glad…!” It was music to Shuichi’s ears to hear how much he loved it, laughing along with him. He was truly relieved that he did, making the spontaneous buy all the more worth it.
“Now, it’s Saihara-chan’s turn to open his gift! Here, here!” He chimes excitedly, practically shoving the present in his hands. The gift box was brown with a gold victorian pattern on it, complete with a black bow. “Ahh, such pretty wrapping paper and bow… alright, let’s see…!” After carefully undoing the wrapping paper and taking off the ribbon, Shuichi opens it. “!!!!” And seeing what was inside, he nearly dropped the lid of the box in shock. “O...Oh! Th-This is-!!” Inside the box was a mystery novel. Not only that, but it was an incredibly rare first edition of the book. “This is a… first edition! And from such an esteemed author such as this… normally you’d have to pay an arm and a leg for this, wouldn’t you?” 
Kokichi’s face lit up when seeing how instantly excited and surprised Shuichi was. “Riiight~? But that’s not all: open it to the very first page.”  
“Ah?” A curious head tilt, Shuichi does as told and opens it to the first page. “!!!” He gasps when seeing that the author’s signature was on it. “I-It even has the author’s signature on it, too?! Ah..!!” This was not only one of Shuichi’s most favorite authors, but they were considered to be one of the best mystery novel writers out there. So to have not only a first edition of their, but also their signature: saying Shuichi loved would be a great understatement. This was something he was going to absolutely treasure. “This is like a dream come true… I adore this author’s works. And now I have a first edition of their book… and their signature, too! I can’t believe it!” 
“Nishishi! Dork!” He teases, but seeing Shuichi’s growing excitement as he observes his present was so adoring to see, he found him so cute. Even if he was sure Shuichi would love it… it still relieved him to see he truly does. “I knew Saihara-chan would love it! Better not tell anyone about it, cause I stole it: but that’s a lie. I was a good boy and got it legitimately with help from some goood buddies of mine with connections! I personally had the author give me this signature. This wasn’t easy to nab, you know: so you’d better appreciate it!” 
Just as he was about to panic at his lie, he playfully rolls his eyes before nodding his head. “Of...of course! I’m very appreciative, Ouma-kun, th-thank you so much! This is the best kind of present I could ever get..!” He gives a thankful bow of his head. “I promise to take great care of it.”
“Good, good!” He trusts that he will, so Kokichi didn’t have to worry. He was also going to take great care of the brooch Shuichi got for him, too. He couldn’t wait for the next chance to wear it with his thief outfit. Once they take a  moment to safely put their gifts away, Kokichi runs back over to Shuichi and glomps him back down on the couch. “Saihara-chaaan!” 
“W-Woah!” Shuichi let out a surprise yelp when he was glomped down to the couch: but quickly after, starts laughing and wraps his around him in turn. “H-Hahah, Ouma-kun!” 
“Hehehe!” They roll around a bit on the couch,  laughing and smiling together so happily. Tonight was going so wonderfully… both were just having the time of their lives. Once they calmed down a bit, Kokichi rests his head against Shuichi’s chest. The sound of his heart beating calmly was soothing to his ears... “Tonight was fun… Saihara-chan always knows how to keep me entertained.” 
“Eheheh…” His hand lies gently on Kokichi’s back. Slowly, he dares to give it soft rubs. “I’m very happy to hear that, Ouma-kun. Tonight was really fun with you as well. And here I thought… I was just going to be spending it alone. I’m happy I didn’t: and I’m especially that… I could spend tonight with you, Ouma-kun.”
“Sh...Shumai…” He buries his face more into his chest, uttering a very quiet whine into it. He’s glad Shuichi wouldn’t be able to see the rising heat to his cheeks. “S...So sappy, sh-sheesh….You’d better be careful saying things like that. I may just get the wrong idea…” He whispers in a sultry tone, slowly circling his finger around the center of Shuichi’s chest.
“O-Oh...I...uh….” He stumbles on his words. Kokichi could hear his heartbeat suddenly become faster, which made him snicker. “Aww, don’t die on me, Mr. Detective~! Or else your heart will pop right out of your chest!” 
“Uueuueue! Y-You are the worst, sometimes!” He whines, giving his back a harmless smack before he buries his face in his hands.
“Nisishi! Sowwy~!” He laughs, definitely not being sorry as he hops back up to his feet. “Anywaaay! I’d best get going. I tormented Saihara-chan a satisfactory amount tonight!” 
“Ah?” Moving his hands away from his face, he sits up properly before looking up at him. “You’re leaving already…?”
“Yep! I’m a very busy man, you know. I’ve got lots of mayhem to commence tomorrow, so I need my beauty sleep!” In other words, he was going to have his own Christmas party with his crew. It’s why he was really hoping he could have fun with Shuichi tonight, happy that he did. Now, he’d be able to really have some fun tomorrow without any regrets. 
“D-Don’t cause too much trouble, now…” He smiles sheepishly, before he gives a small nod. A part of him wishes he could stay just a bit longer, but he understands he’ll be busy having fun tomorrow. That, and he’ll need to rest up soon for the Christmas party he’ll be going to with his colleagues, himself. “I hope you’ll have a fun Christmas day tomorrow, then. And, ah… thank you for tonight. I had a lot of fun… and thank you once more for the gift, too! I can’t wait to read it later.”
“Noo promises!” He snickers, walking over to where his stuff is. His gift was already put away in his bag, closing it back up. “Thanks, Saihara-chan! I totes will: and you’d better make sure to do the same!” He takes a moment to put on his coat, scarf, and shoes before looking back at him with a smile. “Mmn! Me too. I’m glad you love your gift. Just don’t go “accidentally” pulling an all nighter because you couldn’t put the book down again, nerd!” He teasingly ‘scolds’ with a point of his finger, laughing before his smile softens. “...And your present was nice, too. I’ll make sure it looks eeeextra good on me when you chase me into the night! And I still… have the most important treasure of all to continue pursuing.” 
He just playfully swats a hand in the air when he calls him out like that, chuckling softly with a warm smile. “Thank you, Ouma-kun… I’m happy you also had fun, and that you loved your present. Hehe, well I guess I’d better be prepared for the next time I’ll have to chase you down, then.” Though the last part makes him tilt his head in curiosity. “The... most important treasure?”
“Nishishi…” A glint in his eyes, Kokichi slowly makes his way to him. “As clueless as always… you should know more than anyone what I’m talking about.”
“...Huh?” Shuichi didn't understand what he meant at all… but when Kokichi suddenly stood in front of where he was sitting, before he started to straddle his lap- “-!” A choked gasp leaves him as Kokichi slowly wraps his arms around his neck, pressing his chest up against his. “Wh….Wh-Wha… What are y...”
He chuckles under his breath at the detective’s flustered confusion, ignoring his own rapidly beating heart. “...You still don’t get it? Geez…. I have to do everything myself, don’t I?”
“D...Do what? What are you talking abou…” But before Shuichi could finish getting that out… Kokichi leaned his face in closer, and closer… until ultimately silencing the detective with a kiss. “Mmn-!” His eyes widen and he freezes in place. Kokichi was kissing him. His lips pressed softly against his own… The further he registered that, the more he felt as if his heart was going to burst out of his chest, and his mind going a mile a minute. But despite being so confused… he didn’t dislike this at all. Kokichi’s lips felt so nice, so soft… and before he knew it, he found himself wanting to indulge, just a bit more… and presses his lips firmer against Kokichi’s, deepening it just a bit. 
“....!” Kokichi felt him deepen the kiss just slightly, making a soft gasp vibrate through him. Even if he was the one that dared to initiate the kiss, he felt like he was going to explode if it became more intense. So quickly, even if reluctantly… he breaks away. “Nishi...shishi….” Despite how heated his cheeks were, he has a leering smile on his face, chuckling breathlessly as he gives him an intense look. “The most important treasure I have yet to steal…. that I so dearly want. Is…” He pauses, slowly trailing the finger he pressed against his chest.. Right down to the area over his heart. With a light tap, he leans in much closer again to whisper: “Your. Heart.” 
“............” Shuichi couldn’t even form words. He just stares at him with wide eyes, being so red that steam could shoot out of his head. He was already dying so badly  from this: but this officially killed him. “I...wah...uuwaaahh….”
“Oopsie! I think I just murdered Saihara-chan!” Despite his teasing comment, Kokichi was dying just as badly, wanting to quickly hide that as he climbed off of him and walked over to hoist up his bag and head towards the door. “Welp, I’m out of here! See you later, Saihara-chan! Tonight was not boring at all, thanks to my beloved detective. Merry Christmas~!” And with a wave and a snicker, he exits out of the house.
“B...Bye… I’m glad you had fun. M-Merry Christmas to you, too…” Is what he manages to get out before Kokichi leaves. “.....” He holds a hand to his heart while the other hovers above his lips. He still couldn’t believe Kokichi kissed him… and that he leaned into it. “St...Stupid Ouma-kun...” He mumbles to himself. “...You’ve already stolen it.” 
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lideria · 4 years
Chaos. | Johnny
➥ request: can I ask for a fluff fic wherein popular johnny and introvert y/n shares a love for photography and bonds over it
➥ pairing: johnny x gender-neutral reader
➥ genre: fluff literally only fluff, college!au bc i miss it
➥ warnings: none other than a few swear words i think? as always, there might be errors because english is my second language!
➥ word count: 3.3k 
➥ summary: it’s awkward all around, but somehow you get a friend and a model out of an encounter.
➥ author’s note: this is so late and so bad, i’m sorry. i literally struggled with this so unnecessarily much and i don’t even know why exactly, because this is such an interesting concept. please excuse my bad writing in this and my lack of knowledge in photography, i have done some research but i know it probably isn’t enough. i hope the anon is still around and sees it! have a great time lovelies, and i hope you enjoy this little.. chaos heheh 💕 (i hate it here i do)
“Hey, can I talk to you for a second?”
The room was scorching hot, and you were just trying to leave.
The club’s meeting had started around three hours ago for the last meeting before the big competition. One that was international and people had taken their sweet time getting ready for; a few months of preparation to potentially take the photograph that would grant them money, a lot of press, an opportunity to photograph the cover of a photography magazine and overall pride. Members had been taking about possibly restarting commission work and whether the club should do commission work as a society, free of the school, so that they could have a chance at getting better coverage from local blogs and newspapers, and requiring better payment for their work.
Nothing about the competition, really. Everyone was talented, and everyone was confident. They did not make a big deal out of it. Sure, they had been preparing for months on end as well and they had taken countless potential shots that would end up in the competition— but at this point they had long selected the one.
So when Johnny, the club president (who everyone on this campus that is home to thousands of students knows and has conversed with one way or another) stops you instead of them, the ones who could actually use words of encouragement and what not, it feels kind of weird. You stop before you can go out anyway, instead of pretending not to hear him. “Uh, sure. What about?”
Johnny makes eye contact with you when you turn around, and smiles apologetically before lifting a finger up signaling one second, and moves to close the door. He starts talking before he can come back to his place in front of you, where he had ben leaning against a desk. “I was looking over the last submissions for the competition and I couldn’t see your name,” And he is back, leaning against the desk again with his hands on either side, and a straight face. “You really won’t participate?”
Oh, so he had noticed. You thought nobody would, because you thought it probably would not matter if anyone decided not to take part in it. It would be a weird move to do so, yes, but considering free will and everything it was not undoable. “Ah, it’s just,” You shrug. “I don’t have a camera right now? It outlived its lifetime, and a couple months ago it thought it would be the right time to say farewell.”
He looks at you, crosses his arms on his chest, and furrows his eyebrows a little before lifting one up. “You could’ve just asked someone for a camera.”
“Yeah, except I couldn’t.” You chuckle, which prompts Johnny to look at you more questioningly than anything. So you explain yourself. “I didn’t want to be an inconvenience to anyone— plus, I don’t think most people would want to help a rival.”
“Well that’s just jumping to conclusions.” Despite how his words sound, he smiles. “You could borrow my camera if you’d like.”
“Johnny, there’s like a week before submissions start. I don’t even know if you have the equipments I need, or if the weather’s in my favor.” Upon your words he laughs slightly. “I know for a fact you’ve seen my astrophotography. You were looking at them last semester in the gallery,”
He then nods, just once, reassuringly. “Just look at the forecast. I wouldn’t mind.”
That had been the end point, really.
You went ahead and protested further saying you did not even know if what you wanted to appear on the photos were aligned and visible anytime soon, but Johnny had protested back saying you could just find something else to photograph; just take his camera and do something with it. When you asked him why he only told you that he liked your photography and somewhat and somehow related to it— which was a little mind boggling, considering you were not friends. Only acquaintances, and he could still compliment you and tell you something somewhat vulnerable looking into your eyes just like that and wholeheartedly, coming from his chest.
It got you thinking: maybe that was why everyone seemed to like him. He just meant things he said, and he did not really hold himself back from saying things.
He lets you use his computer to check the alignments and the forecast and the cloud formations for the upcoming days and surely enough, the day after the next the sky would be something you could work with. Not ideal, but better than nothing. “Where do you want to shoot the thing?” He asks over your shoulder, perhaps a bit too into your personal space than you are used to with an acquaintance, but it does not feel weird somehow. Probably because you know that he is not a creep that is peeping over your shoulder.
“You know the little beach at the lake?” He nods. “There.”
“Okay.” You close shut his laptop, and get ready to hand it to him, but he stops you midway. “Where do we meet?”
Wait. “We meet?”
That makes him chuckle. “Unless you want to shoot the sky in the dark all by yourself.”
In all honesty, that is what you usually do. Is it fun to do? Definitely not, because the quiet of the dark can get incredibly boring especially when you are not really seeing what you are shooting. The Milky Way was so hard to spot— it would take at least half an hour of your eyes adjusting to the dark before you could see any of it, and even then it would just be a mess of dark purple, blotchy gas with stars sprinkling over. Without any exposure and brightness it was not the most exciting thing, although it still held its magic to it.
The planets were, yes, definitely more visible than the Milky Way could ever be but again: they basically just bigger stars without proper effects. And considering the shoot usually went as setting the camera up somewhere, turning on all the necessary settings and toying with them until the view looked right enough, and leaving it for hours on end by itself and only getting up and taking stills a few times throughout the said hours; looking at and sitting under the night sky with naked eyes all alone proved to be very boring at times.
“Just give me your phone number.”
What you actually end up settling for is meeting at the lake because you realize you are living much farther from each other, at least compared to what you would have expected. You have to use different buses to be able to meet, and unless there were campers on his bus, he was also one of the only people that would take the bus to the lake at the dead of the night. Dead of the night being literally 2 AM in the morning.
When he arrives you are already there sitting on the sad excuse of what must be sand but is more of a weird mush, looking at your phone, checking the forecast last minute to make sure everything would be as what you expected throughout the night. The beach was fairly small and you were the only one there, except for the couple of abandoned beer bottles that had not been thrown away in the trash most likely out of laziness and lack of respect for the environment.
Johnny sets the camera bag down next to you before he drops down as well, setting his other bag next to him. “Hello there,” He greets you, and you mumble a greeting in return. “Getting here was so hard, why don’t you shoot at the hike trails? There’s a clearer view of the sky.”
“Mm, light pollution’s worse there. I can’t deal with that.” You still mumble and shake your head slightly, biting at your hangnail as you look at your phone. Johnny does not like that, the fact that you will not look at him and that biting a hangnail is often a nervous thing for a lot of people— it nerved him, made him think he is somehow unapproachable even though that is the last thing he would want to seem as. “Let’s set up the camera?” He suggests in hopes that it will get you moving or looking at him.
Which it does, because you lock your phone and look at him. It is a bit hard to see you in the dark, but he does not mind. “Thank you for letting me use your camera, Johnny.”
It is not what he expects. But he takes it as the reason of your seemingly nervous antic. “I forgot to thank you for it before, so.”
A smile plants itself on his face before he can even realize it. “It’s no problem. Now, come on.”
Johnny helps with setting the camera up, letting you fiddle with the lenses and the lights while he deals with the tripod and the height. He lets you walk around with the camera in your hands and waits for you to find a reasonable place where the sky can come out good and the environments can enhance the shot, and it happens to be a few feet away from where you were first sitting. He secures the tripod right then and there, and watches you deal with the settings for a good few minutes before he can catch somewhat of a smile.
Though, he knows that it will take a lot more than just a few minutes to find your ideal settings, and it does. You fiddle with the buttons and the settings, take a few test stills, go back and middle some more, bend your back and stretch since you are leaning down the whole time and it is hurting your hips a little, take a few more stills and… It takes a lot of time before you can actually start your time-lapse. Throughout all of it, he waits for you in silence.
And when you are done, he smiles at you. “All done?”
“Yeah,” The relief is both audible and visible as you breathe out. “There’s Saturn and Jupiter tonight, looks super nice. I just hope I can get good stills out of this.”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to.” He clears his throat before continuing with his words. “I brought a few snacks, if you’d like some.”
You look out at the lake a little and frown at how it is wavering a bit, presumably because it would make it harder to take stills later. He hears you huff for a short second. “Sure.”
He does not necessarily like the way your voice sounds when you are supposed to be agreeing to his suggestion, but you walk around the camera and go sit down with him next to his bag anyway. Johnny takes the snacks out only hoping you would like what he has, and takes some napkins out, thinking you would need them if anything melts in your hand and everything gets a bit sticky.
An idea strikes him then, something he had learned from his friends way back in high school when he was in yet another photography club. After handing you the snacks and a napkin, he holds out the pack of napkins again. “Take another one.”
“What for?” He shrugs and pushes his hand further to emphasize. “Just take one.”
You do, and do not think much of it because you turn to your bag and take a thermos out, taking the cap off and filling it with the liquid inside. The grey trail of steam and scent makes its way to his nose; it is coffee.
Johnny just about becomes friends with you when you hold the cap out to him. “Thought we could use this to stay awake.”
“This is a saving grace,” He chuckles, and does not hesitate to take a sip. A dark and heavy brew, the way he loves it. “Thank you. Now, do me a favor and tear one of the napkins up.”
You chuckle a bit as you take your own sip, which results in you choking up a little. “What, why?”
But Johnny does not answer that question of yours. It prompts an awkward silence, both of you sipping your coffees once more. It proves to be unbearable, though, so you end up doing what he asks of you. Even though it sounds extremely weird.
When you are done with tearing the napkin up, there are dozens of unusable pieces in your hand and it feels somewhat dusty. “What am I supposed to do now?”
He looks at your hand for a brief moment, and lets out a laugh that sounds like a puff because of the way it is stuck between his lips. His shoulders shake, although not violently. “Well,” He starts. “You’re supposed to say a truth for every piece you have, it’s kind of a game.”
Your face must have morphed into such a shocked and taken aback mimic that Johnny actually bursts into laughter this time. “I’m not telling you this many truths, the hell?” Because, in all honesty, you do not think you ever told anyone that many truths in a game before. All of the truth-and-dares combined.
Johnny does not care about that a whole lot though, so he just shrugs. “Better start telling me. You can just stop when you get bored with it, I guess.”
With a huff, you start.
At first it is just you admitting doing sets of embarrassing things in your childhood and teenage years, how you wasted two semesters in the debate club dreading absolutely every competition and club meeting since you are more of an introvert, how you are most definitely going to fall a couple of classes but it is okay since you had taken extra credits last academic year, how although loving photography you do not want to do it for a living, how the coolest thing about it would be you starting a blog that thousand of people would follow— just for your astrophotography.
After that point it turns into a mutual conversation about photography. You tell him how astrophotography never fails to be amazing even though the things in the sky never change, and how every time you take a shot it will look just like the others but so much more different which is what pulls you into it when he asks you why you do it in the first place. Johnny also asks you if you should be doing a simple sky shoot for such a competition, and you answer saying you are not really aiming for first place already; you know for a fact that while looking at the submissions, people will stop scrolling the website just to look at your shot and that is what matters. Because they will find it so interesting, even though it will be just like any other night sky shot they have seen before, and it will be so interesting because it will be something far from what they can see with their naked eyes. They will try to memorize everything about that photo before moving onto the others.
And that is what matters to you. The fact that they will pay attention means much more to you than getting first place.
He, although jokingly, calls you a true artist. It somehow feels true to you.
Then, you proceed to compliment Johnny on his astrophotography, because some of his shots are in your all time favorites. There is a way in how he lets the light spill in his shots, how he links the city and the sky together that you respect so much, and you really wonder if it is all camerawork or also a tonne of editing. “It’s mostly camerawork,” He says with a smile on his face. “I can teach you someday if you want me to.”
You take up on his offer, of course, because you can grow with every bit of knowledge— plus he was fun to be around. The conversation just seemed to flow.
The conversation seemed to flow so fluently, in fact, that you almost did not realize that the lake water was about to drag the tripod away and tumble it down if it was not for the waves hitting your shoes after the wind picked up.
Both of you made a run for the set-up, but one of you were not all that lucky to be able to make it.
Johnny slips when he runs and falls backwards on the mushy, weird mix between dirt and sand, sending you into a hysteric laughter as you hold the camera. The laughter doubles you over probably because of your sleepiness (no, the silhouette as he fell in his clumsy moment was too funny to not howl over it), but you make it a point to ask in proper etiquette. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” He stands up, laughing just as much himself. “But I’m muddy all over.”
“Just go in the water.” At that he looks at you as if you are crazy, so you argue further. “You can either be wet, or muddy. It’s up to you.”
Johnny runs into the water and properly dips in this time, sending the two of you back into your fits of laughter.
Considering lake mud is the worst type you can get stuck on your clothes, you think he does the right thing. While he cleans up, you take some more stills— not caring too much when he walks into the frame at some point while making his way back to his bag.
Well. You actually take rapid photos of him at some point because you get a potentially great idea, but you would never admit to doing that. He would learn about it if it worked your way anyway.
You wait for him to squeeze his clothes so as much of the excess water is out as possible, and do him a favor and take the set-up down all by yourself, taking the memory card and putting it into your wallet as well. The footage is way shorter than how they usually are for you, but considering it is nearing five o’clock in the morning and Johnny would be freezing if he stayed more, you decide it is whatever. Any still would do the job according to your policy.
What really proves to be hard, though, is finding a taxi for Johnny. There are at least a few of them that pass by before you can convince one to take in your ‘drunk’ friend, telling them the address Johnny had told you for the second time after deciding on this little plan for him to be able to go home. Unlike him, taking the bus back is much easier for you especially after the sky ever so slightly starts lighting up, giving you the prettiest view to watch with your headphones blasting music, craving sleep.
Both of you do not really hear from each other until the next week, with you being too busy editing the still you had chosen trying to get it to be splendid, and him simply too busy with seminars and classes and the last bit of feedback he is giving on people’s submissions. You can only text some nights, but that is about it.
That is, until he calls you less than five minutes after you send him your submission. “Why this?”
You look at the laptop in front of you and the still you have just sent him— the silhouette of Johnny and his hair being flicked, sending droplets of water everywhere; because of his tall stature perfectly on and in between the stars, capturing the purple of the sky and the silver and red and green lights of the stars, and some of them just shine like how water does. Saturn and Jupiter are at the tip of his nose, and somehow his silhouette emphasizes them. Again, somehow in this weird state of him just walking away from the frame and the weird state of his arms and overall body, everything looks merged well together.
Chaos above in the sky, and chaos just down on the ground. “Well it’s pretty, isn’t it?”
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yunhoway · 4 years
I want to request a enemies to lovers college scenario with Mingi💖 both of them having strong personalities
heheh ofc!!! hope you like this :D gosh this was supposed to be a timestamp but then i got carried away so....this is around 1k btw
Names were announced one by one as Yunho revealed every paper in the ballot box. Everyone in the room were anticipating for the results, for the top two candidates would represent the school’s debate team. As the papers in the box decreased, most of the members had an idea of who would get to represent. Except for the two people whose names have been mentioned repeatedly.
“It’s a tie!” Yunho happily announced. “That’s great then. This means that Y/N and Mingi will team up to—”
“There’s no way I’m teaming up with him!”
“What makes you think I want to team up with you?!”
A few members groaned upon seeing you and Mingi argued. But most of them had already grown accustomed to it, for it would be unusual if you two didn’t quarrel in the debate session. Amidst the squabble between the best players, Yunho sighed. Nevertheless, he was resolute in sending you two for the tournament since the voting was done in a democratic way.
“What?! No!” You exclaimed upon hearing his final words. “You can’t do this to me!”
“Yes I can!” The president asserted, surprising a few students since Yunho rarely raised his voice like that. It was clear to them that he was exasperated by the two of you. “I’m going to submit your names while you two figure out how to work together.”
Despite the days coming closer to the competition date, you and Mingi refused to work together as the two of you researched and crafted arguments on your own. This didn’t go unnoticed by Yunho, who had called the two of you in a separate meeting to see what you two had so far.
“You guys are going in different directions,” Yunho concluded once he read through the notes. “Did you guys even discuss about it?”
With lowered heads, neither you nor Mingi exchanged eye contact with the president as silence ensued. Eventually, a sigh left Yunho’s lips.
“I’m disappointed in you guys,” Yunho professed. “Is this how you’re going to act during the competition too? Do you want the other schools to laugh at how our best players suck at cooperating?”
A vibration from his phone interrupted his speech. Upon glancing at the message, Yunho sighed again.
“I can’t help you two,” Yunho said as he stood up, ready to leave the room. “You guys have to figure it out yourselves.”
When the room was only occupied by you and Mingi, you could feel the awkward tension in the air. You had to admit; you realised that you were acting childish all this while when you processed Yunho’s words. Mingi was also reflecting on his friend’s words, for he was also guilty in causing a rift between you and him.
“So, uhm...” Mingi cleared his throat. “I guess we should work together now huh...”
“Yeah, I guess...” You trailed off, eyes still on your fidgety fingers.
When you and Mingi met again in his apartment to discuss together, both of you were clueless as to how to begin the discussion. Your respectives notes were all laid out on the floor with Mingi’s. If it wasn’t for his roommate’s arrival, both of you would have continued staring at those pieces of paper wothout any words being exchanged.
“Oh, hey Y/N!” San greeted before approaching you two. “Are you guys trying to piece together the information or something?”
“Yeah!” Mingi exclaimed, thanking his roommate in his heart for the accidental inspiration. “By the way, there’s still some leftover food on the table.”
Once San left you two alone, Mingi started to put together the common themes. Eventually, you began to draw connections among those pieces of information, leading the two of you to build up the arguments.
“We did it!” You exclaimed once you and Mingi were done with the initial draft. Your hand was also raised naturally, prompting Mingi to high-five it in delight. When the two of you realised what you guys had just did, both of you retracted your hands almost immediately. Nonetheless, the smiles on your faces were difficult to hide.
As the competition date neared, the two of you also became closer. The frequent meetings in his apartment naturally drew you two close as you and Mingi grew comfortable with each other. You would often buy food beforehand, while Mingi would prepare a few movies to watch after finishing the practice for the day.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Lying on the floor once practice was over, you threw the question at him. Mingi was about to play the movie, but your question had him ruminating quietly.
“Of course.” Mingi moved next to you, sitting beside you on the floor. “Besides, we have two stubborn players representing the school.”
His words brought a smile on your face as you chuckled. As your eyes eventually focused on his visage, a thought popped in your mind.
“Why are we fighting in the first place?”
“It’s our ego, Y/N,” Mingi answered in a heartbeat. “We’re too stubborn to admit defeat.”
“You seem to enjoy it,” you noted.
“Of course, it’s fun to see you mad.”
Mingi earned himself a slap on his thigh from you, causing him to yelp. Rubbing the spot in order to soothe the pain, he playfully pouted while muttering, “Meanie.”
On the day of the competition itself, your leg couldn’t stop fidgeting as you waited for your turn. Mingi had to hold your knee down so that your leg would stop shaking.
“We’re going to kill it.” Gripping your hand in a reassuring manner, he convinced you. “I’m very sure of it.”
Maybe it was his words which brought into existence. Nevertheless, you and Mingi had displayed an impressive performance. And when the judge  announced that your school would be moving to the next round, you and Mingi didn’t hesitate to celebrate by hugging each other.
“We did it!” Mingi exclaimed as he spunned you around in his arms. When he finally stopped, his eyes were glimmering as he looked at you.
“Shall we go on a date after this?” Even though Mingi proposed it without any difficulty, you could feel his heart palpitating rapidly. With a wide grin, you nodded enthusiastically, causing him to mirror your smile as well while the two of you were in your own little bubble among the contestants.
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riskeith · 4 years
happy weekend dearest!
other than the snow angels, i haven’t done much.,, just been cozying it up with coffee and blankets at home hehe. 30 degrees... amazing. ideal feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather. 😌 bc of global warming we’ve been having some great summers these past few years. it even gets to 30 degrees as well which was unheard of tbh.
you’re so cute for caring ilysm <3 and aaa! a walk! do you have any perticular place you enjoy walking to or does the winds guide you, hehe? EDITING A FIC... 👀 i’m looking respectfully...... 👀 wait did the event open up for you already? i tried to play it earlier today but it wasn’t there yet... the lost riches one right?
bennett is best boy i still can’t believe it either!!! he’s seriously the cutest he just makes me so happy. when i need to explore and run around i always run with him bc i love his lines so much. what a bebie. you should go for it there are still some days left! + he’s a four star so he’s easier to get. GUOBA IS SO FUNNY he’s just.... a little fucking bear i can’t stop laughing... tbh the little creatures like amber’s bunny too just 😭 have you seen those yt clips of them dancing? obsession..
i need to ask you this bc when i found out i lost my mind: did you know that the japanese va for razor is also the va for tsukishima (haikyuu) and shigaraki (bnha)???? insane!!! it made me consider switch to japanese dub tbh.. which dub do you use?
maybe i’ll send you a little part and you can read or something shdkdhskdjdjf help 😳 it’s not edited or anything so it might take a while plus i’m super into writing bnha these days so.... but hey if You have any prompts you want to read maybe i’ll write a drabble for you. i don’t mind at all! <33333 ask for anything!!
(FIC-COLLAB!!:!/$:)!:&//&/!$:’sidnd HELP.... omg what kind of fic would we write....?)
exactly! i think when you realize that there’s nothing keeping you there anymore that brings you joy, that’s when you need to step back. social media is a bit fucked up that way imo. like you want to be there to be informed and to have fun but it takes so much.. hm. also you always tell me this but i wanna tell you to that YOU are the reason i enjoy social media these days so.. thank you <3
you relate to bakugou and lance? that’s super hot of you.. 🥵 my wifey is a self assured, super intense and talented person.. couldn’t ask for better tbh. i think out of them both i’m pretty much like todoroki.. we’re super similar in so many ways now that i think about it shsjdhdhdj.. how about we just stay c.r and m.a our dynamic is perfect as is LMAO
DOUBLE VENTI! I’D LOOOOVE THAT FOR US. bow users are difficult indeed but venti is one of the easier bow users it feels like... idk watching others game play he doesn’t have as much pushback as say amber for example. 12K PRIMOGEMS..... babe you’re getting your xiao!!!!!! how long have you been saving? also i seriously don’t mind if it comes down to it hakshddkhd i can be your genshin sugar mommy... ;) imagine a c6 venti though that seems insane. literal insanity.
SPEAKING OF SHIPPING.... THE POST YOU POSTED... THEY STOLE OUR IDEA AND IT LOOKS SO CUTE AND ITS CHONGYUN AND XINGYUN WHICH IS EVEN BETTER... THEY LOOK SOOOOO CUTE TOGETHER I’M OBSESSEDDDDD!!!! <3333 dude idk how but we are doing that co-op date somehow i’m super inspired i want that for us so badly... (also i need to say smth... my love language is when people say ‘i thought of you when i...’ and the fact that you said that just hsjdfhjdjdksk shit)
actually you’re right.. the only way we’d get a sequel is if they did something with the mfe fighters.. like kinkade james veronica nadia and ina. idk how attractive that would be tho...
i’m a lady, my dearest *dips* no but my pronouns are she/her!! sorry i didn’t mention it before i thought i made it clear shsjsjdkdj. ty for asking tho ♥️ super sweet!
AAA!!!!!!!!!! EEE!! i’m super super excited. if it’s like,, too public and you don’t just wanna post it i might think about exposing myself or smth... if that would make you more comfy. no matter what you do i’m just gonna be here buzzing, *hinata voice* one more one more one more.
oh!! i listen to everything but kpop sjdjdkdhdk i did have a semi-phase around like 2014-19 ish but dropped it pretty hard . now i have no clue what goes on there anymore i mostly enjoy rnb indie n rap/hip.. my gay ass was considering making a little playlist or smth for u but i want to make it with songs You’d like so i might pull up my old kpop faves hehe..
guess chilling is out of the question then, heh. hope you slept well!! i’m gonna try to wake up earlier so we’ll have a chance to send more messages during the weekend perhaps... mwah!!
YOURS, m.a. <3
happy weekend!!!! hope you can ease up a bit since there’s no school hehe
“feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather” FHSKFHKSDF yes!! but it honestly sucks when it gets any hotter bc we don’t have central cooling in our house so rip... and my laptop fan goes crazy ahaha. 30 degrees being unheard of.. can’t relate! fsdfjs. have you guys had to adjust to those changing temperatures? rip climate change tho :’(
<333 i do!! i usually walk to the local park and then the streets around that.. omg speaking of... do you play pokemon go? DHAFKHSDKFHSKDFHKSDH i got back into it again recently ahaha. it’s for a free bakudeku zine!! hehehe it’s out at the end of jan so 👀
i just checked and the event is open !!!!!!!!! good luck hehe !
yup lost riches!! and the event opens at 4am server time, so since i’m in asia i get it earlier hehe which colour seelie are you gonna go for tho omg i was debating it with my friend last night.. i’m gonna pick gold!!
baby bennett!! that’s true but i can’t risk getting a 5 star otherwise my pity will reset for xiao fhdskfhskjfhkjshkfj next time :(((( but albedo /is/ super pretty and i see a lot of people saying they like him... NO !!! xiao only >:( no omg i don’t think i’ve seen those clips ? is it mmd where they like dance to other songs and stuff ahah
yes i did!!!! and the VA for diluc is giorno from jjba and kuroko from knb!! omg wait and venti’s VA is hinata did you know that? fun fact i guessed it was him when i first heard his voice LOL that’s my secret talent 😩 and i use japanese dub!! i’ve considered using chinese too bc i can understand it but i just like the japanese voice actors tbh and also i can excuse it as “listening practice” AHAH
yes pls!! sending something bnha is fine too, or legit anything else lmao i’m open arms over here~~ 🤗👐 and ooft... it’s hard thinking of prompts that’s why i always ask others HSDKFJHSDKFHSD but i’ll let you know if i think of something!!!
(no clue!!!! but we could each write from a character’s POV so hopefully it’s more consistent 🤪🤪 idk i have no clue how fic collabs work AHAHA)
yeahhh one of my mutuals said “social media is a curse” and honestly hard agree.. we’re all kinda trapped in a way LMAO. and no pls don’t thank me.. you’re the one who found me first 😩💘 ily..
FSDHKJFS pls you’re making me blush come on 😳😳 but yes i love that for us... m.a. x c.r. the only valid ship 😩
woooo!!!! yeah you’re probably right, like given the fact he’s a 5 star his mechanics are probably different.. i know that diluc’s charged attack is different to the other claymore users so! IM GETTING MY XIAO!!!! and hm i’ve been saving since the middle of zhongli banner! so december 10 ish around then? dragonspine was a blessing tbh i reckon i got sooo many primogems from that. FGJKSHFKJSDHFKSDHSHKJFH my genshin sugar mummy 🥵🥵 c6 venti unstoppable..
AHAHAHA YEAH THEY LOOK /SO/ CUTE TOGETHER!!! i wonder how they got so many of the images tho like they must’ve been so in sync?!?!? ugh that could be us but no cross-server co-op be playin’.. (fhdskjfhdskjfhs um!! noted for future reference 🤪)
omg them.. i always forget about them LMAOOOOOOOOO ugh. actually i wouldn’t be mad if we got a prequel of like when keith was in the garrison... or even when shiro was with adam... ugh so much they could’ve given us and they chose not to
*waggles eyebrows* well hello there, m’lady ;) and it’s fine fhdskjf i had some inklings but didn’t wanna assume ya know? ahah :p
no!! it’s all g, i’ve thought about posting it before anyway. like, just releasing all of my WIPs and letting people do what they want with them HAAHA. (i could also just put the link under a read more and less people would see it, so it’s no biggie!) fkdshfkjs the hinata impression omg precious <33
FJHFDSKJ awks ahah which groups were you into tho! if it’s not like scarring for you to think back to LOL. and oooo i like indie too! i think.. or is it alt? honestly i don’t even know, tbh my music taste is pretty diverse and a mess, i can usually listen to a lot of things. except slow songs i don’t really like those hfdskj. and i don’t like rap too much either FHSDKJS whenever my friend gives me a rec i’m just like “oh i liked the singing parts in that” FDSKJF. a playlist tho huh 😳🥺
and pls!! if the weekend is your only chance to sleep in then do it.. for me 😩 i’ve been legit waking up at 12pm these past few days FKJHSKDF idek why like i’m sleeping 10 hours?? yikes. but as always i shall be waiting for your response <3 💌
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