#hehe isn't my son just so cute?
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silverselfshippingchaos · 3 months ago
this line is really cute
#ash rambles 💚#but also. kiddo... if i could i would make it so you could go to any festival you wanted. you are so precious to me. i would kill for you.#i would do anything just to see you smile. i wake up every day and I'm so happy i get to be your mom.#he's always so :D and sweet and I get filled with such warmth ajdhajdhs I'm gonna give him so many headpats!!!#his relationship with my s/i is quite cute too#it.. didn't start off good- ash thought pretty lowly of him and m.uarim at first. but she warmed up to them fast and she started to get real#close with the kid. and m.uarim too ofc 😳#she'd like t.ormod pet her fur and when he couldn't sleep? she'd let him snuggle with her when she's in her cat form (ash is a cat laguz)#she always purrs when he pets her hehe!#there's this one time where m.uarim sees ash with a gentle paw on t.ormod's cheek while he's asleep#the first time he calls her mom is an absolute accident. but ash starts sobbing because she's just so happy#she grew up hating people like him. as far as she was concerned?#all beorc were evil and treated her like shit because of her ears and her tail#but this beorc boy was so special to her and a reminder that there's some good in the world. that's her son <3 she's so proud of him always#ash was also very close with her own mom before she passed so to be a mom to someone else? it's very special to her.#in the future ash does have kids of her own with m.uarim but she considers them all to be her cubs!#the other three have tails and ears and green fur but they're just as much her children as the one with red hair and no cat-like features#my lovely boy... i love you t.ormod i love being his mom#hehe isn't my son just so cute?#i wouldn't dare raise a claw 💚
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kyri45 · 6 months ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 08/10✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
Anonimo ha chiesto: I feel like in cannon baby MK was the kind of kid to eat glue, mainly because he hatched from a rock and doesn't know what anything is.
isn’t it like how all babies are? I think I also used to eat glue
@purpleprinceblood ha chiesto: In the spicynoodles bit where you explain how Red Son was charmed by Mk's beautiful personality and kind nature (/silly), you said Mk is Demi sexual Do you have other sexuality headcanons for the cast, or is it just "they're gay for each other"?
Pan for Mei, Bi for Redson, both Wukong and Macaque are in a way pan, in the sense that they don’t really care about gender, but are only gay for each other.
@kehideni ha chiesto: Whatever happened with never drawing a background ever again? :D On a more serious note: may we know the exact relation of DBK and Chiyou(did i spell that right?)? I'm just the nosy type :3
Chiyou has 72 brothers, one of them is an ancestor of DBK
@marcusalexander ha chiesto: I have a question is spider queen in your comic, and if so, is she like a part of the team or enemy or anuite? I'm just curious since she isn't that evil. By the way, I love your comic shadowpeach parents
The AU is set after S5, so I guess she’s enemy
Anonimo ha chiesto: Macaque HAS to be doing a little happy dance in the bio parents AU that murder isn’t considered distinct from self-defense Imagine being like… a legitimate threat to the world around you, and getting put down to defend it, and then being hailed as “the less bad one” because you were killed But this also means that MK probably views himself as a murdered for killing the LBD/Azure Lion too cause again “killing in self defense/defense of others= murder
most likely MK feels super duper guilty for what he did, and will continue to be until he get some extra comfort.
@goldenthecat ha chiesto: I'm wondering, since you watch lmk do you watch other Lego shows too? Like Ninjago or friends
does having saw the ninjago movie and a 4 hours video essay recap about the first 14 season count?
@haruwashere29 ha chiesto: Did wukong put his head over macaque’s chest to hear his heartbeat? 😭😭😭
Anonimo ha chiesto: You said Wukong is warm , change my mind that macaque has absolutely put his cold feet straight on wukongs back while he was sleeping not just cause he was cold but because he thought it was funny
hehe he has cold feet poor boy.
@og-glitch-punk ha chiesto: I'm haunting you at thisnpoint im so sorry but your lmk comic gives ideas and thoughts bro lmao /gen SO HERES ANITHER THOUGHT... If you technically think about it, MK is basically an clone (not but words are EHHH) of Sun wukong because they came from the sane rock. But what about our spooky Macaque? We have no knowledge of how he came to be but we all may assume it's the same way with MK and Wukong. but.. BUT. If Macaque had his own stone somewhere in the shadows then what if there's an basically MK but Macaque verison? Even if not, that would be wild to think about lol
like a slightly more emo version of MK? Something like the OK KO situation?
Anonimo ha chiesto: Hello I just wanted to say I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR COMIC it's sooooo good I'm obsessed and the recent part... I have no word only emotion Even though I use Tumblr for a while I still getting use to it so.. do you know any other Shadowpeach comics? I couldn't find any 😅
mmmm @kristea9ay is doing a shadowpeach parent story that’s really cute!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I NEED to see wukong and macaque having a cute moment and accidentally touch each others tails yk? 🥺🥺🥺 (and mk quitting is a stab to the chest, i dont think there is anything worse in store... Right?... RIGHT?!)
at this point they ain’t touching the tails “accidentally” anymore these bitches are too gay I can’t anymore-
@amyrosewithoutshadow ha chiesto: I think the next one that will need Sandy is Wukong, lol I always thought about one thing, how Wukong deal with traumas and crises? We only saw him dealing with it during his sleep, but what about a daylight crises? Love your art 💞
he has a “I can do it with a broken heart”-by-taylor-Swift-masking situation.
@alizardonfire ha chiesto: I understand why MK doesn't want to be their successor mostly because I think he needs time to think about all of it. There's a lot to unpack! I love how wukongs more shocked about it. And I think macaque kinda saw it coming?
i think Mac forseen that MK would have changed his view on Wukong for sure. But he didn’t know in which way.
@siennabanana ha chiesto: HDBDJDBDHSHDV NEW HEADCANON UNLOCKED: sometimes he misses his human form but he doesn’t tell wukong and macaque bc he feels like that would be an insult to them and plus he still thinks his monkey form is cool but eughhh dysphoriaa
awwww he might be sometimes! Good thing they are starting to hang out outside FFM as well!
@blazerratbluefire-blog ha chiesto: If Wukong ever manages to be able to control his kaiju form, I could easily see Macaque's kaiju form using him as a bed, and along comes MK wanting in on the action. Then, he proceeds to lay on top of Macaque, squishing him with his kaiju and making a wholesome monkey family bonding session. With Wukonh laughing that Macaque is being squished. Just a funny thought I had.
oh my I think he would be waaayyy to big for the other two ahah
Anonimo ha chiesto: For your LMK shadowpeach AU will Ironfan be making up for all of MK's birthdays she missed? (Dropping off a mountain of presents at FFM?) (My partner joked she would give Redson in a box, not in a bow or anything just in an open box like a cat.)
she would probably make a courtnapping room for her son to gift him, and Red Son would die from embarrassment right there.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Dose macaque sometimes cook for MK and wukong since wukong tends to eat his fur/hair and macaque fonts approve of it
I think yes, he would cook probably really basics but nutrient-full meals, the few times they don’t eat noodle from pigsy shop
Anonimo ha chiesto: TCan we get Red Son and MK Angst because Red Son technology tried to kill MK a lot of times?
just bc of the AU main plot I don’t think so, also bc at this point traffic light trio are all friends with each other.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Speaking of birthdays, I assume Pigsy and Tang celebrate when MK showed up in their life or a random day when MK first asked about his birthday. Would Wukong and Macaque ask Nuwa the day he was put in the rock/broken out of it (I assume he came out and was immediately brought to Pigsy the same day but idk) or is that sort of a sore subject still, with the whole harbinger thing?
I think the best thing would be to celebrate it the day they found it!
@yuk1yun ha chiesto: Giuro che è un mese che provo a rendere il mio cosplay di mk simile alla tua au (perché anche se è semplice è stupendo), ma non so come fare le orecchie... Sono di nuovo qui per dirti quanto adoro la rua au btw :)
Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm just waiting until Mk realizes the other things Wukong and Macaque did, yk like what Sun did to Redson, what Mac did to some of the monkeys all that
I think with time MK will slowly learn everything, but for example I guess now Red Son and Wukong are at truce
Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm just obsessed with your shadowpeach comics!!✨✨ But heey~ how about bai he!? l think it will be super amazing if add her in the future to this little cute monkeys family
awww baby!! I hope she went back to her family honestly! But I also hope sometimes she visits MK!
@yainmy ha chiesto: Oh gods I when I found this bio parents au I got HOOKED. I love it so much and the shenanigans and the angst are just *chef's kiss*. I have some curious questions if you don't mind me asking, but if a similar situation happens in the future like when mk got baby-fied, but instead his forms get split up (human and monkey demon) would he have that child crisis of fear "if im not this certain way they wont want me as theirs anymore", considering he is still learning about the whole monkey business? Also in a shenanigans sort of question, I don't remember how stone monkeys are made in their world but it would be hilarious if mk asked wukong and macaque that since they both are male and they technically "had" him then does that mean they can give him a sibling if they wanted? Sorry if it's to long of an ask 😅
i think MK would mostly feel a sense of loss for the fact that in a way, things should have been like this, like when he “hatched” Wukong probably would have found him if it wasn’t for the fact someone or something brought it to Pigsy shop. He would have grown up with someone who could tell him how to be a stone Monkey and teach him his power. Surely, I think Wukong wouldn’t have been as good as a parent as Pigsy, and MK doesn’t regret a bit how things actually ended up happening, but it’s a bit of a case of “sometimes I imagine how my life would have been if it went this way”
Anonimo ha chiesto: I know it's a bit out of the scope of your comic, but I'm wondering if Mei's design is just stylistic additions as if they were always there due to her dragon heritage, or if you have any ideas of scenes that took place as she grew more dragon features?
she started to grow more and more into them after she was accepted by her family sword and started to use her dragon form more and more.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Do you ever think Macaque and Wukong argue over who the little monkeys on the mountain like more? Like Im 100% sure Macaque wouldn't really care but the idea of not being the favorite bothers Wukong
the monkeys go crazy for soft fur Mamacaque. Wukong will always be pissed at this.
@snsp6 ha chiesto: do u like the hc that Mac has naturally snow-white fur? cs when u showed him wo glamours I realized that u don’t rlly color anything so I wanted to ask if it was still black or some type of mix between the two
akjdkajsbkaj I love for that shit YES. Yeah I don’t really colour my comics but yeah he cover it with glamour
Anonimo ha chiesto: I don't think MK ever really acknowledged that Wukong is a person, still a glorified deity. As mentioned MK hasn't really read the actual book and really didn't know his flawed side. MK has seen the worst parts of Macaque and still accepted him.
and now he knows about Wukong worst oarts and still accept him :D
@alistairliddell ha chiesto: What is FFM?
Flower Fruit Mountain
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pitchouna · 10 months ago
helloo, I will leave a request over here ♡ What about a Jealous Goku? Ty.
Jealous Goku x Reader!!
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Goku is irritated. And when I say irritated, I mean very irritated. Earlier, while training, he decided he'll surprise you with an unexpected visit he actually wanted to cuddle with you so bad, but when he was home, he did not see you. And he looked everywhere. Checking if you were cooking, were having a bath, or just napping. He even checked in the toilets!! Not finding you made him grumpy. As he ran onto his son, Goten. "Oh! Dad! Aren't you training?" Goten asked him with his usually high-pitched voice. Goku just shook his head as he immediately wanted to ask him where you were. "Hey Goten, where's your mom? I don't see her anywhere!!" Goku spoke in an annoyed tone. "Oh mom? She went shopping with Bulma and C-18!" Goten answered earning a pat from his dad. "Thank you Goten. I owe you one! See ya!" Goku waved as he teleported living a confused Goten. "Why did he wanted to see mom?... Have I done something wrong?" Poor Goten started worrying hoping he won't get yelled at later. Even if he didn't do anything, we never know with you.
"KYAAAAAA!! WHAT THE FUCK !!??" You've screamed earning the attention of Bulma and C-18. They ran towards you and opened the curtain hiding you changing. And they see you, and Goku in a weird and tight position making both of the women yell. "What the fuck?? Care To explain Goku?!" Bulma yelled. Making Goku chuckle. "Yo ! Wanted to see Y/n for a moment!!"Goku explained. Not noticing you being choked in his chest due to the lack of space. "We don't care just release her look she's not breathing" C-18 said. "O-oops. Sorry Y/n hehe..." Goku chuckled getting out of the changing room which made other people seeing you half naked. You immediately closed the curtains, grateful only Women where in this shop. "Can't you warn when you'll join!!?" You've yelled behind the curtains, embatssed that Goku spawned while you were changing. And that some girls you don't know saw your body. "Hehe... Sorry Y/n... But I wanted to see you right now!! I just could not wait anymore!!" Goku explained to you making you sigh in irritation as you open the curtains now fullyclothed. "Well as you can see right now I'm not free to spend time with you. It has been a long time since I saw Bulma and C-18 because of me taking care of your ass." You spoke bluntly making some of the women laugh since they can hear your conversation. "Anyways you should go, this is a shop only allowed to Women. If you don't go away I'll call the security!" You've said wanting him to go as soon as possible. "This isn't kind Y/n!! It makes me feel you don't love me anymore.." He pouted, making his cute sad puppy eyes, that he used when he desperately wanted something. It always works.
"O-ouch that hurts Y/n!!" Goku whine as you drag his ear to the exit of the shop, and throw him outside. "See you this evening." You've said as you walk away, not giving him a chance to say anything. Goku just sighed, disappointed he didn't get to spend time with you right now. "her problem.. I won't allow her leaving the bed tonight.." Goku pouted irritated flying back home. "Hey Y/n... Wasn't that a little too harsh?" C-18 asked you, making both you and Bulma shocked. "What the hell? You're even worse than me and Y/n reunited when it come to Krillin!!" Bulma explained, making C-18 annoyed. "Me and Krillin is another story. Plus I didn't asked you." C-18 said making Bulma irritated as she was about to explode before you interrupted them. "Oh my god shut the fuck up girls!! Look how cute this top is!!" You've said as sparkles appear in your eyes, as you show them this crismon red Henley top, making them gasp. "Oh my god Y/n !!! Are there other colors??! I need it in purple!!" C-18 said in awe "I want it in blue too!!" Bulma exclaimed. "Yup, there are some right there!" You've pointed towards a cute special stand where there was a lot of cute tops and jeans, and Bulma and C-18 both saw the one they've searched for. "Wahhhh!! I'm in love with them! You have such a good eye when it comes to fashion Y/n!!" Bulma said making you Huff in pride. "Hehe now let's go try them on girls!!" C-18 said like a little child, making you both happy and giggling like teenage girls.
At the same time, a bored Saiyan was rolling over your shared King sized bed, whining non-stop about how he's bored. "How could Y/n do this to meee??.... For once I want to spend time with her and she doesn't want to!! Then I'll bet she'll complain when I'll just focus on training again!" Goku's making a fuss to himself like a big ass baby. "What do I do now?... Y/n will probably finish in some hours... But training do not excite me anymore right now..." Goku whines as he get off of the bed, going downstairs, making his way towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he sighs as he sees it's dead empty, and there's just one tomato left in there. "Pff...there's nothing else to eat too... I think I'll just nap right now..." Goku gave up searching something to do. Until an idea popped on his head. "Wooh! I bet Y/n won't be able to refuse my deal!! But I need to get money to do this... And Bulma will probably say no..." Goku started to think for the first time in his whole life. And he thought too much his head started burning, making smoke. "Oh!! Right! I still have some left over Zenis I've gained when I worked as a farmer!!" Goku exclaimed proud of his amazing idea, getting ready.
As Goku prepared to put his plan into action, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside of him. For once, he would be the one in control in their relationship. He quickly got dressed and slipped on his casual clothes for once because he knows it makes you weak, feeling more confident than ever. As he stepped outside, he couldn't help but imagine the look of surprise and excitement that would undoubtedly appear on your face when you saw him. Now, it was his turn to make you feel happy. With a determined smile on his face, he teleported towards you, eager to start making his plan come to life. "Yo!" Goku said behind you which startled you. "Wahhhh!! Goku I've told you to warn me before appearing!! You scare me every damn time.." You've scolded him once again as he chuckled playfully. But something was off. You looked at him up and down and after 5 minutes of thinking you've realized he was in casual clothes. Which was very rare of him to drop his iconic orange gi.
"Oh? Is today a special day Goku? Why are you dressed like this??" You've asked curious which made Goku smile mischievously. "Since you didn't want to spend time with me earlier, I'm kidnapping you with me on a date!!" Goku said this with pride, which was very cute to see. "So... You're the one paying?" You've asked him smirking. And he nodded. "Alright !! I'll get ready!!" You've exclaimed excited to show him the new dress you bought with your girls earlier. "When do we go? And where do we join?" You've asked Goku which made him frown. "Huh? Why would you want to know that? We're going together right?" Goku said as confusion ran into his non-existant brain. "I want you to see me at the very last moment!! I'll be so gorgeous you'll fall in love with me once more." You've said confidently. "But I'm calling in love with you more everyday already?" Goku said so innocently that almost made you giggle and kicking your feet. But you were not a teenager any more, so you've controlled yourself and only blushed. "W-well it won't stop you to fall in love again." You've said not looking in his onyx eyes. Worried to show your teenager girl side that desperately wants to manifest itself. "Hehe. Fine! But you better be breath-taking!!" Goku smirked challenging you. "Oh yeah?! Challenge accepted!!" And with that, Goku gave you the hour and the place you both will meet up.
When the sun disappeared and the moon appeared, you were surprised to see what Goku has planned was a cute little picnic near a clear lake filled with petals of roses. There he was standing in what seemed a suit, he really wanted to impress you on this one. And it did. The sight was so breath-taking. The way his hair flowed through the wind, the sweet aroma of the roses mixed with the fresh scent of nature, and just the way the candles perfectly lit up the place was perfect. Goku sensed your presence and turned towards you "You're finally here Y/n! I was waiting for-" Goku just stopped talking. You looked ethereal. The way your hair was tied up in a side bun, with a rose to perfectly match your crismon red semi-long dress that flowed through the wind. The last time you saw Goku looking at you this way was the day of your wedding. "Woah.. Y/n.. You look so.. Gorgeous.." Goku struggled to find the perfect words to describe you as he walked towards you, helping you sit down the picnic mat. "So... Did I succeed making you fall in love with me once-more?" You've asked your husband who just responded you by cupping your cheek with a sweet and loving kiss, then saying "Is it possible to marry someone once more time?" he asked innocently making you laugh. "I wish it was. But it's not." You've answered making him pout. "Let's just start eating I'm hungry anyways.." He said. "What did you bring?" You've asked him, curious "I've brought sweets!! But we can always go somewhere else if you want to go-" You've just shushed him with your fingers, enjoying the moment you're both sharing.
On the way home, you've decided to walk around the city a little before just flying back home so the moment will last a little longer. But you both did not expected that this would ruin this perfect date. "Excuse me miss!! May I have a picture with you? You're just so beautiful!!" A child made it's way towards you and politely asked making you melt as you accepted. Goku feeling the warmth of your hand gone, as you had to stop holding his hand to take the picture, made him pout... But that was just the beginning. Immediately when you came back, you were interrupted again. "Hello!! May I ask where you bought your dress? It's beautiful!!" A woman younger than you asked so nicely that you forgot to take Goku's hand. "Of course!! Here I've bought it at "_____" The woman thanked you and made her way towards the shop as you waved her. You've turned towards Goku and spoke. "So what were we talking about-" This time, it was a little girl who interrupted you. She just poked your side shyly and it made you melt once more. "H-here.. Take this rose... It's as beautiful as you..." The little girl shyly said making you blush... "Thank you little one!! That's very cute of you!!" You've thanked her taking the rose in your hands enjoying the nice scent of it. Her mother took her and apologized for her interruption and you've just brushed it off saying it was alright. But it wasn't, for the Saiyan that is starting to get irritated. Pouting and tapping his feet as he's waiting for you to get finished. Just as you were about to come back, other people gave you flowers, coupons for free food at restaurants, (which Goku did not really mind tbh) some asked you how are you so beautiful, and some asked you to join a model agency!
Goku watched as you received flowers, coupons, and compliments left and right. He couldn't help but pout and tap his feet impatiently as he waited for you to finish talking to the people around you. But as soon as he heard you say, "I accept," his heart sank. He knew you had always wanted to be a model, but the thought of you being approached by other men with ulterior motives bothered him. Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy and possessiveness wash over him. He wanted to keep you all to himself and protect you from any potential threats. "Okay now that's enough.." Goku growled but you didn't hear it. You've finally walked back towards Goku, carrying the flowers and coupons in hand. But before you could say anything, Goku spoke up, his voice filled with irritation. "I can't believe you just accepted to become a model! Did you even think about me? I don't want those men to just ogle at your beautiful body all day!" Goku exclaimed. You tried to reassure him that it was just a one-time opportunity, but Goku just couldn't help but get even more jealous. "I don't care if it's just for one day!" Goku snapped back at you. "I don't want to risk it. I don't want those men looking at your body." Goku started grumbling, crossing his arms. You've sighed, trying to calm him down. "Goku, please understand. This is a one-time opportunity. It's not like I'm going to be a model permanently. And besides, I'd be paid well and we could use the extra money!" You've tried to reason with him, but to no avail. Goku just couldn't shake off his feelings of jealousy. Goku continued grumbling, clearly not happy with the situation. "But what if those men try to make a move on you? What if they try to take advantage of you? I don't want anyone else touching you but me." Goku couldn't help but voice out his insecurities and fears.
You've finally had enough of his possessiveness and jealous behavior. "Goku, enough!! I can take care of myself! Do you really have so little faith in me? Don't you trust me to handle myself in this situation?" You've confronted him, your patience running thin. Goku was taken aback by your reaction. He did trust you, but his jealousy was getting the better of him. "I do trust you, Y/n. But I can't help but feel protective of you. I don't want anyone else touching your body but me." Goku admitted, his possessiveness creeping in again. You've let out a frustrated sigh, feeling overwhelmed by his possessive behavior. "Goku, this is really getting too much. I'm a grown woman and I can handle myself. You need to stop being so possessive and jealous. It's not healthy for our relationship." You've tried to reason with him, hoping he would understand and control his emotions. Despite your attempts to reason with Goku, he refused to listen to reason. His possessive behavior and jealousy continued to take over, making it impossible for him to see things from your perspective. You felt more frustrated and hopeless with every attempt to make him understand, and it seemed like there was no way out of this cycle of jealousy and possessiveness. "Ugh!! I'm done!" You've said walking away making Goku worried "Hey! Where are you going?" Goku asked curiously. "I'll sleep at Bulma's this night. You've pissed me." You've said until you took a Taxi, leaving an irritated Saiyan all alone. He just decided to leave you be, thinking that you're the stubborn one here. He just kept mumbling on his way home that this night was near perfect until strangers ruined it.
The same night, he just couldn't sleep at all. The bed felt empty without your presence. Usually it doesn't mind him when it happens, when he goes training for a long time or just when you go to sleepovers with your friends, but this time? It was... Not the same. It felt cold empty and he hated it. He hated how bitter this night became. So without a second thought, he sensed your Ki, and teleported at Bulma's, in the room she gave you to sleep in. He looked at you, sleeping calmly, as if nothing happened. And as of you do not miss Goku's presence while he did missed yours. "Gosh... How can she acts as if nothing ha happened?.." Goku complained joining you into the bed and taking you in his arms and nuzzled in your neck. With you in his arms, he fell asleeo with ease and looked like a big fat ass baby. He also kept mumbling in his sleep things like" You're mine" "There's no way I'm meeting you go there." "No photoshoots we'll stay together today." He's the cutest. But won't hesitate to take advantage of his strength to lock you in his arms so you won't leave him.
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Bitch sorry for randomly disappearing I just forgot this account existed tbh but anyways I'm back!! I have a lot of requests too but I'm super busy sorry y'all will have to wait.. Anyways I love u guys Take care!! <33
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taesanluv3r · 8 months ago
kids ask dad!bonedo help with homework :P
dad!boynextdoor when their kids ask for homework help!
omgomgomg my first req omgomg tysm for sending this in <3 AND AAAAH anon i love this idea omg okay! let's get into this... lowercase intended, cuss words (i think?), cuteness! pls ignore any spelling mistakes/grammatical errors! hope u enjoy <3
jaehyun, the tries to help but can't dad!
when the words dad, help, and homework came out of his son's mouth his first instinct was to agree right away!
"OF COURSE I'LL HELP YOU!!!" - "when i was your age i was top of the class in math" - "division? pfffttt easy peasy"
but then his kid excitedly brings over his workbook, placing it on the table and pointing out all the word problems his teacher told him to do.
"okay so..." jaehyun begins, sitting very closely beside his child. "if jamie had twenty three apples and sandy had twenty seven...how would they equally have enough to give to izzie using the...the power of friendship????"
he swears he understands it, he swears he knows EXACTLY what the word problems mean. he goes over it again and again and it's starting to sound a bit like he has no clue what he's doing!!
"dad...if you don't know how to do it that's okay" - "no, NO!! i know this, trust me"
it goes on for another hour and they still haven't gotten past the first question. all of a sudden, like an angel sent by the unknown entity above, jaehyun's wife enters the room.
"homework? ooh let me see..."
she takes one look at the problem and then proceeds to look at jaehyun with eyes full of disbelief. so as to say "are you serious??"
"look, all you need to do here is add how many sandy has with how many jamie has right...and then divide it by three so they all have equal amounts to share with izzie!"
myung jaehyun grins, watching with the biggest heart eyes as the woman he married continued to help their son with his silly math homework.
"thank god i married a genius" he says, wrapping his arms around her waist later that night. "babe, it doesn't take a genius to do elementary school division"
riwoo, the teasing but helpful dad!
i think riwoo would be the jokester kind of a dad. like he will take up every opportunity to crack dad jokes and tease his kids.
"dad, i need your help with homework" - "why do you need my help? don't they teach you kids in school? isn't that the whole point of school?" and his daughter just looks at him like -_- while he laughs his ass off at his own jokes.
"will you help me or not, dad?" and riwoo just sighs and nods, telling her to show him what homework it was.
this could go one of two ways. one, it was math or science and he'll sit with her for a few hours on the dining table, slowly going through each question one by one. or two, which is what's happening in this case, and the homework was for the kid's PE class...
prayers for riwoo's daughter, it's about to be a long night.
"and up, two, three, four and- stop, stop, stop" riwoo says as he stopped recording for the fifth time. "what is it now, dad?" she says out of breath. "are you really gonna submit a video of yourself doing jumping jacks looking like those flailing mascots at the gas station?!" the poor kid's head is about to explode and she starts regretting ever asking her dad for help.
"i do NOT look like a flailing mascot! and can't we just hurry up and finish this? PLEASE DAD"
riwoo laughs out loud, getting a kick out of teasing his offspring.
"hehe, i'm just joking with you, love. i'll record it for real now"
but that doesn't mean he'll stop the teasing, he'll continue to make fun of her jumping jacks for the rest of her life!!!!!
sungho, the actually teaches his kid how to do the work dad!
sungho is so excited when his son asks him for help! he's like "omg i've been waiting for this day ever since i became a father TT"
i feel like he's the type of person who actually wants to help the kid understand his work and not just doing it for him, yk?
"okay so, i'll show you the first problem and then we'll try to figure it out the next one together, yeah?"
HE'S SO SWEET TT if his son messes up he'll reassure him that it's okay to make mistakes and it's all part of the learning process.
"see, and then you multiply the mass and the acceleration here...so if the mass of an object is 10.2kg and it's accelerating at 2.5m/s squared..." he trails off, eyes moving from the word problem and over to his child sitting beside him.
"then the force is...twenty-five...point...five...?" his kid says in an unsure tone, and sungho cracks into the biggest smile ever. "yes! and the unit is..." now he had gained some confidence, "newtons! 25.5 newtons!"
sungho cheers when he answers correctly, clapping his hands together and patting his son on his back softly as he writes down the answer onto the worksheet.
he sits with him the whole rest of the time he does homework, even if it's clear he already understands it well enough to do it on his own!
such a sweet dad TT he also gets really happy when his child comes home the next day from school and tells him that he got all the answers right on yesterday's homework.
"thanks for the help, dad" - "anytime, kiddo"
taesan, the accidentally does the work for them dad!
"daddy i need help with this project for art"
at first it seems like he does not want anything to do with his daughter's project. taesan agrees to help anyways though (it's not like he'd ever say no to his beloved daughter...girl dad! taesan FOR LIFE), sitting across from her on the floor of their living room with all her supplies laid out.
"so what do you want me to do again?" he asks, and the kid just rolls her eyes. "my teacher gave me these instructions on how to do the paper mache, i just need you here in case my hands get dirty and i need you to pass me things"
taesan nods his head slowly, easy peasy, all he has to do is sit and watch tv while passing things to his daughter...simple.
he can't help but wince as he watches his own child messily slap wet paper onto the lame excuse for a sculpture she had decided to make. it annoys the perfectionist inside of him and he's just itching to take over.
"that's not...i don't think you- you know what, darling? just go wash your hands let me do it"
"okay, daddy" she said with a big smile, beginning to get up from the floor to rinse her hands off in the sink. unbeknownst to her father however, this was his daughter's menacing plan all along. knowing her dad was a bit of a control freak, she purposely did the project badly so he'd take over <3
guess who she got the menace genes from lol
"i got an A on the paper mache sculpture i made!" - "you mean the paper mache sculpture that i! your dad! me! made"
leehan, the there for moral support dad!
to be honest, at first he has no clue what the hell he's doing from the very moment he agreed to sit beside his daughter to do her homework.
but unlike jaehyun, he doesn't even try to hide it.
"sweetheart, i'm going to be so real i have no clue what any of this means" and she just laughs at him, "yeah i kind of got that already, dad. can you just sit here with me in case?"
"alright, i'm gonna get some snacks first, want any?"
he spends the whole time making sure his daughter isn't stressing over the assignment. he tells her to ask him about anything anyways, even if it were things he didn't understand.
"oh wait i actually do know about that one!" and he explains it to her the best that he can whenever he can.
but then when the subject is biology- or more specifically, marine biology, he gets super excited to tell her everything he knows!
he gets even more excited when she already knows all the facts too, happy that his offspring shared the same interest as him. he's literally all smiles, going back and forth with his daughter about all kinds of sea-life ecosystems and fish facts.
it doesn't even end after the assignment is completed! leehan's wife has to sit and listen to both her husband and their daughter go on and on and on about it for the whole of dinner time too!
"look dad! i got extra credit for my bio essay! the thing about the habitats that you added gave me an extra few points"
when he hears that his help turned out successful he giggles like a little girl.
"thanks so much, dad. you're the best!" she says, giving her dad a loving hug. "you're welcome, sweetheart- and i'm proud of you! i say we go to the aquarium and celebrate"
woonhak, the go ask your mom for help dad!
i see woonhak as someone who cannot be assed to do anything related to school from the moment he graduated.
"daddy, can you help me?" when his 5 year old son came up to him like this after school, his first thought was to hand the favour off to someone else.
and who else if not his beautiful, amazing, wonderful wife?
"ah, i'm afraid i can't help you with that, kid. go ask your mommy for help, yeah?"
he thinks it's all good after that, figuring his son would go look for his mother and leave his dad alone <3
that is...until the boy starts sobbing violently in front of him. woonhak's eyes go wide and he has no clue what to do.
"woah, hey- don't cry, what's wrong?" he bends down to lift the boy up onto his lap. "mommy isn't home, i need to do this homework now! but i don't get it!" he cries and cries, all woonhak can do is pat his son's back and calm him down.
"okay, okay, i'll help you if you stop crying, okay?"
and so, kim woonhak and his son sit together on the dining table. he tries his very best to bring back everything he learnt when he was in school still, jogging up his memory for the sake of his little boy. luckily, 1st grade geometry was the one thing he still remembered clearly how to do.
"see look, now if all four sides are equal...then..." - "a triangle!" - "well no...but close! it's a...squa..squa-" - "square!" - "yes! good"
his wife comes home later that evening. "hey sweetie, have you done all your homework?" their son nods excitedly, "mhm!" - "you did it all by yourself?" she asks, a little bit shocked. "nope! daddy helped me!"
she turns to look at the man laying down on the living room couch, stuffing chips in his mouth as he watched some show on the tv.
"okay sweetie, i think i might need to take a look at that homework before you submit it tomorrow..."
ahhhh my first headcanon! tysm again anon for sending in this request <3 i love dad!bnd hehe. feel free to send me some more reqs over in my asks!! i rlly enjoyed writing this so i hope u guys enjoyed reading it! LOVE U ALLL mwahhhh! love, kona.
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the-fyre-flie · 25 days ago
Robin!Bruce Wayne and Superboy!Kal El au... yes, I'm gunna keep writing about it. You can find other posts about it on my pinned!!
Bruce and Kal being at the Watchtower for a few hours while their dad's discuss current events, featuring other Reverse AU characters hehe. Also... yes I know it's weird Superman and Batman are the fathers while Flash and Green Arrow are the kid sidekicks, I don't care, I think they're all cute and deserve interactions.
"Why did you drag me along? Isn't this a routine visit?" Bruce huffed as he adjusted his Robin costume, tugging at the cape that had gotten tangled during the sudden teleport up into the Watchtower. Ahead of him, Alfred, in his Batman costume, was already putting on that grim, mysterious Batman persona he only really used with his coworkers in the Justice League. It was such a stark contrast to the warm fatherly figure Alfred had been towards Bruce his entire life.
"Yes, it is routine. However, I decided it was time you actually joined me during these visits. The Justice League are our allies, and it is beneficial to have a positive relationship with other members." Alfreds tone was calm, like this was a lecture any young boy got. As they approached the main hall, Bruce was also adjusting his attitude, furrowing his brow slightly and donning a scowl. If Alfred got to be scary as Batman, he would get to be at the very least intimidating as Robin.
Entering the large meeting room, Bruce was greeted with the sight of a few different members of the Justice League and... their sidekicks? Was this just a poorly disguised excuse for all the heros to force their sidekicks to meet each other? Bruce's scowl shifted from an act to a genuine look of mild annoyance.
Superman, Jor El, and his son Superboy, Kal El, both got up from their seats when they saw Alfred and Bruce, each super immediately heading over to greet them. While Alfred and Jor spoke like old friends catching up (which they were), Bruce and Kals current relationship was too rocky for them not to speak akwardly. It was obvious that Jor has chewed out Kal for not being kinder to Bruce last time, as Kal immediately stuck out his hand in an attempt at apology.
"You fought well against the Joker a week ago. Thanks for helping in Smallville." He mumbled a bit as he spoke, his dark curly hair catching the light in a way that made it shine blueish. Being an alien, Kal had a lot of fairly unnatural features about him that you could only really notice if you spent hours researching Kyrptonians. Electric blue eyes, blueish hair, a naturally large build for a teen. It almost made Bruce envy him. Almost.
Bruce refused the handshake, arms crossed, but he did nod. It wasn't in his best interest to cause a scene or argument again. Last time, he was sat down for 3 hours and told how stupid and reckless it was to not only take on the Joker alone but to argue with a Kryptonian.
"You weren't an awful partner in the fight." Bruce got out, and Kal seemed to relax slightly. Getting the biggest hardass in the world ever, Robin, to admit he didn't hate you, was a good start. From behind Kal, a few of the other sidekicks were being pushed in their directions while their mentors engaged in the 'Grown Up Talk'.
Green Arrow, Roy Harper, sent over his sidekick, Oliver Queen AKA Speedy. Oliver was the only person who knew Bruce from before either of them became vigilante heros. They were currently attending the same private school, sharing a few classes. When each of them became sidekicks, they almost immediately recognized each other, throwing off the whole 'don't tell people your secret identity' thing.
"So, the Bat brought you too. Unlucky me. I gotta look at your ugly mug all day now." Oliver smirked under his mask, teasing Bruce, the quiver on his back rattling slightly as he moved. He placed a hand on his hip as he peered at Robin and Superboy, his own bright red costume fitting in perfectly with their equally bright blues, greens, and yellows.
Bruce couldn't help but smile ever so slightly back. Oliver was also the only sidekick he actually liked rather than just tolerated.
"Robinhood brought his merry men, I see. Off to go pilfer something and annoy everyone while you do it?" Bruce quipped back, Oliver feigning offense with a hand over his heart as he gasped.
"Rude. No wonder you have no hero friends." Oliver shook his head, playing up his disappointment, only to lightly slug Bruce in the arm. "I missed you, dude."
"We were in class together less than 8 hours ago." Bruce rubbed his arm, smiling as he punched Oliver back. Next to their respective mentors, they were some of the only non meta, non alien, non mythical god-like beings associated with the Justice League, and their physical abilities more or less matched.
"Time away from you is hellish~" Oliver mocked, adjusting his quiver again. The various arrows shifted when he moved it, chattering against each other.
As the pair spoke, Kal butted in, having begun floating cross-legged to keep himself focused.
"Why did all our heros bring us along? I have homework I gotta do..." He groaned, only for him to be interrupted by a flash of yellow.
"You guys have homework? I finished mine in class. Cuz I'm on top of things. Unlike you guys." Barry Allen, Kid Flash, grinned as he came to a sudden stop in front of the group, his goggles crooked on his face. Across the room, his mentor Wally West, Flash, was talking very animatedly with the reast of the Justice League.
"Only Superboy has homework. I also finished mine." As Bruce spoke, he nudged Oliver in the side. He had gotten distracted by trying to lip read the Justice League, squinting under his mask. "Huh? Oh yeah. I did mine, too. Do you guys know what 'Test Run' the JL was planning to do today?"
As Oliver spoke, the entire Watchtower rattled, the pitch shifting hard to the right, throwing everyone off balance except Kal, who floated far enough above the ground to grab Barry's arm before he slammed into the observation window like everyone else. Bruce and Oliver were a tangle of limbs as furniture joined them against the glass, a large crack audible.
"What the hell! What's going on?" Oliver shouted as he moved away from a table sliding directly towards him, Bruce quick to follow, vaulting over a chair.
"Where's the Justice League?" Barry shot a glance across the hall, where the Justice League had once been but no longer were. Somehow, in the split second the teens looked away, they were gone. As Kal placed Barry down, the speedster struggled to balance himself on the heavily tilted floor. The Watchtower groaned again, a distant explosion audible.
"We don't have time to worry about the JL. We have to stabilize the Watchtower before it moves far enough to fall into the Earth." Bruce pointed down a hall to where he knew the controls were located. Immediately, the group moved to follow his finger, only to be stopped. "No. We split up. Something is attacking the Watchtower. KF, with me. Superboy and Speedy, stick together and figure out where the problem is."
"Sure thing, wonder boy. Leave it to us." Oliver smirked before jogging off down an opposite hall, Kal rushing to fly after him. As they left, the Watchtower once again shook.
"Let's figure this out." Bruce grunted as he steadied himself against one of the walls, moving as quickly as he could towards the controls. Barry moved ahead, waiting at the end of the hall for Bruce, hands on his hips.
"What if we find what's messing with this place?" He asked, helping Bruce pry open the doors.
"If we find it, we fight it. Duh." Bruce rolled his eyes. With a loud creak, they slipped into the large domed room, Bruce immediately running to a particular panel and pulling a small device from his utility belt. As he plugged it in, the screens above them lit up with his emblem for a split second before displaying about a million lines of code rapidly scrolling. Barry kept watch of the door and hall, bracing himself as the entire structure felt increasingly more unstable.
"Something took over the controls. It's like... seeping into everything. The lights will probably-" Before Bruce could finish his sentence, the lights shut off, leaving them in the dark. The blue light from his small hand held device kept his face illuminated as he stood straight. "-go out. Damn it. The whole things shutting down. We need to get to Superboy and see if he could hold this up." Behind him, the Earth was very slowly getting closer.
"Sure thing. Let's find the boyscout and robinhood." Barry disappeared for a split second, leaving behind a blurry afterimage, only to immediately return, his suit slightly burnt around his ribs. His eyes were wide, worry written acorss his face. "I found em."
Skidding to a halt, Bruce was greeted with a large fire in the middle of the hall, Kal fist fighting a giant space tentacle while Barry was helping Oliver away from the flames.
"What the fuck is that?" Barry asked, supporting Oliver while the archer limped out of the path of rampage. Kal grunted as he was knocked from the air, shouting over the sound of metal losing its stability due to the fire, the screech and whine of shifting plates of steel almost deafening. "I have no idea! This thing is massive! I can't even see all of it!"
"Speedy, do you have any of those weird fast hardening expanding foam arrows?" Bruce called out as he threw a few batarangs at the beast, manging to slice off one of the larger tendrils that threatened to grab Kal. As the limb fell into the fire, another quickly replaced it.
"Yeah, hold on." Oliver wheezed slightly as he drew an arrow, lining up his shot. "The creature or the fire?"
"The fire. We gotta prevent any more damage. Superboy, can you stabilize the Watchtower back into orbit?" Bruce ducked as whatever was attacking them swiped at him, just barely missing him. He was suddenly very grateful that Alfred had signed him up for gymnastics instead of football.
"Sure. Can you guys handle this... thing, tho?" Kal floated backwards out of the range of the space monster thing. None of them had any idea what it was, what it was doing, what it wanted, if it took the Justice League... and honestly? It was a little scary. Of course, none of the boys would admit that.
"Yeah, we got it." Oliver let his arrow fly as Kal got out of the way, a large explosion of reddish foam filling the hall and quickly suffocating the fire and blocking off the beast. They were running in borrowed time, however. Snake like tentacles were already worming their way through the cracks, attempting to shatter the now tough-as-rock foam. "Robin, any of those ice pellets? The more of a barrier we put up the most occupied it'll be."
"On it." Bruce pulled a few small orbs from his belt, immediately lobbing them at the foam wall, watching as ice overtook the foam and froze what small tendrils had gotten through. Barry was still working to support Oliver as they backed away, Kal having disappeared out of a bay door to do what he could to stop the Watchtowers fall. The Watchtower itself was a breaking, burning, creaking mess, the floor no longer at an acceptable tilt to stand on, forcing them to stand on what used to be the wall. Without the lights or fire, the hall was dark, leaving the 3 young sidekicks in the shadows.
"So... now what?" Barry asked. Oliver had pushed him away, insisting he was fine, and Barry had moved to check every door under their feet. He was almost obsessively opening and closing them, searching for the Justice League like they were just hiding to jump out and yell 'surprise!'. "Can you find like... a heat signature or something? Trace them?"
"I've already tried. Nothing. We're completely alone up here." Bruce gritted his teeth as he led the 3 of them back to the control room, peering out of the window where Kal was struggling to hold up the Watchtower by himself. With a wave, Bruce called him back inside, Kals face falling.
"I can't keep it from falling... I'm not strong enough." Kal spoke softly, his brow furrowed. "If Superman was here-"
"Don't focus on that." Bruce snapped, holding his device close to his face as he typed and fidgeted on it. He was trying to send out a distress signal to anyone who could receive it, but it was like they were completely cut off from the universe. He was quiet for a long moment, the light of the sun dimmed heavily by the massive blue marble that was their home. They were facing the dark side, with dotted lights of cities and towns twinkling like stars. Stars they were now quickly approaching.
"Barry, go find the space walk gear. I have an idea." Bruce suddenly lit up as the ocean came into view.
Bruce adjusted the helmet over his face as he and Oliver suited up, Kal standing at the ready by the bay door. Barry was stationed in the control room, giving them updates on how much time they had left before they crash-landed into the American east coast.
"You have like 5 minutes, guys. Work faster." Barry's voice crackled over the team communication system, his knuckles white against the panel.
"You can't rush perfection." Oliver's smile was obvious as he made his way through space to the side of the Watchtower, Kal keeping guard while he rammed almost a dozen wired arrows into the hull of the space station. Pushing away from the final arrow, he quickly handed the bundle of wires to Kal before joining Bruce utop the structure itself.
"Superboy! Pull! Towards the ocean!" Bruce called over the comms, readying himself for a new fight as the giant space monster finally noticed them and was beginning to approach. Immediately, Kal was flying as hard as he could to the left, grunting as he pulled on the wired arrows. The plan was to redirect the fall into the ocean and avoid hitting anything civilian. It wasn't the best plan, but it was their only plan.
"Robin! Watch out!"
Bruce had been distracted by the sight of all of them careening towards his home, Gotham visible along the coastline. Pulled from his thoughts, he looked up to see a tentacle heading straight towards his face. The huge limb just barely managed to pin his legs, pain shooting through his body as he was trapped under slimey awful octopus like flesh. Before he could move to grab a utility knife from his belt, an arrow sliced through the limb, landing with a ka-chunk next to his head. When the tentacle was severed, it curled up on itself, allowing Robin to kick it off.
"Thanks." He mumbled as he stood, making sure his space gear wasn't damaged as he readied himself to protect Kal from the beast.
"Don't sweat it." Oliver notched another arrow, aiming for what seemed to be the face of the monstrosity. A few dozen eyes, a huge gaping jaw with razor-sharp teeth, the thing looked like it could eat a country if it wanted to. It looked nothing like any of them had ever seen before. And it very much wanted to kill them all. As the arrow flew, it stuck one of the eyes, causing the thing to scream.
"Fellas, can we maybe hurry up perfection? 3 minutes left, and we're still headed directly towards New Jersey." Barry spoke through the comms again, sounding genuinly distressed. This was basically their first time alone away from their heros and mentors, and they were so closing to fucking it all up and killing an entire state.
"I can't really pull any harder." Kals voice was strained, the wires visibly pulled to their extreme as he tried to streer the falling hunk of debris that the Watchtower had become. "That thing is weighing us down."
"We're trying to get rid of it." Bruce spoke, throwing a few explosion pellets to try and knock the thing off. It seemed to work slighly, the ship being pulled closer towards the ocean.
Oliver and Bruce were practically spamming the monster with attacks. Only when a large tentacle grabbed Oliver by the leg, hoisting him into space, did either of them stop. His arrows spilled from his quiver, floating in space around him as he was flailed around.
"Speedy!" Bruce yelled, scrambling across the hull of the Watchtower, an explosion rocking the buildings and sending him flying directly off the Watchtower. They were close to the earth, the gravity of the planet beginning to pull them all down to the surface. Shit. Bruce was falling to earth. His grapple gun had been knocked away from him, floating uselessly in space broken. Closing his eyes, he could feel the heat of reentering the atmosphere.
Until he didn't. Until he felt an arm around his waist. Opening his eyes, Kal was muttering about a dozen curses, placing him by the bay door before going to save Oliver, who was still being waved back and forth by the beast.
Bruce quickly ran to join Barry, who looked... excited. He waited to ask if they were clear of New Jersey, watching as they approached the planet.
"Did... we do it?" Kal heaved as he ran in, Oliver trailing in after him. Barry took a long moment to do mental calculations before nodding.
"We did it. The heat from re-entry should burn that stupid thing to a crisp!" Barry cheered, watching out the window as the giant beast began to scream in agony from the pain of fire bursting across its flesh. The other 3 breathed a sigh of relief, Kal opting to lay on the floor of the Watchtower.
Yet, in a split second, the entire scene shifted. The broken, burning Watchtower returned to... exactly how it was an hour ago before the Justice League disappeared. Lights on, floor stable, no broken panels or windows. Kal didn't even bother to sit up to figure out what was happening, muscles aching too bad to bother.
Bruce, however, was immediately on edge, only relaxing when he saw the Justice League. They were back?
"Batman? What happened? Where did you go?" He demanded, Alfred greeting him with a smile.
"Congratulations, Robin, Superboy, Speedy, and Kid Flash. You have... passed." Alfred spoke, the other heroes equally as proud looking. This was... a test. From behind the door, Miss Martain entered the hall, a smile plastered across her face.
"I am very proud! You all fought wonderfully, and your plan was well thought out!" She clapped as she approached, looking genuinly pleased.
"Wh...what?" Barry glanced between his mentor and the martian, having no clue what the hell just happened. Had there not been a giant alien monster here a second ago? Weren't they crash landing in the ocean. Bruce face palmed as it struck him what had happened.
"The JL used Miss Martain to like... brain connect us or whatever and simulate an emergency." He groaned. Why did Alfred always have to spring pop quizzes on him? Having time to prepare would be nice...
"Sorry for not warning you guys. It was the Bats idea, so don't blame us too harshly." Wally snickered, nudging Alfred in the side.
"It was a simple test, is all. Batman wanted to see how all of you worked together during a crisis threat without us interfering." Jor spoke up, helping Kal to his feet and clapping him on the back. Roy simply nodded at Oliver, a sign of his approval.
"So like... no more of that, right? Cuz I can feel a major headache coming on." Barry whined, his face scrunched in mild pain.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year ago
Can you do Adrien agreste x y/n who is a childhood friend romantic headcanons?
Childhood friend to loves w/ Adrien Agreste
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir ]
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Hehe ~ I like this prompt quite a lot, I just find it pretty cute 🤭 thanks for requesting it! Hope you like it
Want to know something interesting? My bestie is living her own childhood friends to lovers in real life (me envy)
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To be friends with Adrien since he was a child it has to be because your family is influential or part of the fashion world, or even has to have a really good relationship with his own, otherwise Gabriel won't allow you to be friend of his son (unless is while Emily is still alive since she is more willing to let you two be friends)
Is probably that you were friends with Cloe too, however she will either don't like you much or think really high of you and think you are above everyone else (like she does with Adrien)
Adrien will appreciate a lot if you treat him as just a friend and not as the son of a famous fashion designer and, later, a model (and, actually, that is when his feelings for you start to grow), he likes just being your friend, for him it doesn't matter much if you are more the shy or introvert type, or if you are more extrovert and energetic he will be more than happy to spend time with you and, at the end, is more likely that he just get used to your own rhythm
As he grows up Adrien tries to stay with you and Cloe as much as posible since you two are his only friends, however once his feelings start to grow as an innocent crush he will just mistook them as enjoying a lot your company and tries to be even more close to you (and it could easily go unnoticed for you two being friends for so long)
Is probably that Emily would notice but decided to don't say anything and just cheerish for you two. Is also probably that Natalie notice his growing feelings for you too, but she doesn't say anything about it neither, mostly because she isn't sure about what to do in that case
As time pass his desire to go to school grows more, one of the reasons is also because he wants to be able to go to school with you (specially if you tell him stories about what you and/or your classmates have done or what you do in school, even if for you is boring for him it isn't). Adrien wants to go to the same school as you and constantly express that to you but is probably that he won't tell you when he finally tries to sneak to go to school since it could be a good surprised (although his excitement won't allow him to hide it for too long)
Once in school he is pretty excited for everything and to make new friend and yet he can't help but be a little clingy with you (as long as you allow him to)
After a while of being in the school and with his new friends it could become more obvious his interest on you, and depending in how you are (how affectionate or just by how comfortable you are around him) people could even start thinking that there is something between you two. Nino, being his closest friend, will probably the one bringing the topic, asking him to already spit it out and say if you two are together or not (followed by Alya and all the rest of his friends if they heard), Adrien insist that there is nothing between you two since in his mind is actually like that, maybe knowing that your friendship is really stronge but he thinks is because is for how long you two had been friends
After that, and since Adrien don't seem to fully identify his feelings, his friends will make their personal goal to push you two together (what doesn't seem too difficult according to them), by trying to help him understand his true feelings and trying to put you two together
From his part, once Adrien finally undestand and accept his feelings he will try to win your heart in the right way, he won't asume that you feel the same and will never dare to force his feeling on you, so, for him, the only right thing to do is court you and try to win your heart (even if his friends insist that you feel the same). He tries to be romantic and affectionate (even if he was already affectionate now it goes with a new meaning)
At the end, for him it doesn't matter much who confess to who, what matter is that you reciprocate his feelings and being able to be in a relationship with you make him feel like when he was a child, like when you used to play together and forgeting about the rest of the world, he feel incredibly happy
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leondickrider · 2 years ago
relationship headcanons | leon s kennedy x gn!reader
💭 . . . hiii, so i moved to this account from my old account @movedoopsie so this an updated version of both of my old relationship headcanons posts and nsfw post (with some new bonus headcanons hehe) (‘. • ᵕ •. `)
before reading: fluff, suggestive, nsfw marked, some are sad bc i love making leon suffer ₍ᐡ。っ ̫-。ᐡ₎ not proofread | warnings: cursing, substance abuse mentioned | wc 2.1k
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love with him kinda gives me and your mama by childish gambino but very much guns and roses by lana del rey 🎀
ONE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION IN MY ORIGINAL POSTS: television heaven by lana del rey is so re2make leon coded !!!! and maybe perhaps starry eyed... just maybe...
it's canon that he listens to rock (refer to re2r opening) but I'm sure he would listen to alternative and hip hop
btw, to the spotify playlist makers, he would never listen to mother mother he is quite literally born in the 70s
also i doubt he would actually listen to lana del rey, but if he did he would listen to ultraviolence ₍ᐢ.”⚇.”ᐢ₎
when he's frustrated, he'll mutter curses under his breath like it's so sexy and hot and pussy soddening or dick hardening (I don't have a dick idk how it works)
he loves when you wear long, flowy dresses or shirts, especially if they are in white. if you get it you get it
he would like white clothes on you since white typically represents like purity and cleanliness. and with all the stuff he's been through and it's just comforting
his favorite colors are blue and green tho
he's a good kisser 10/10
leon definitely replies with the driest things ever over text. like you could say "hey baby I love you <3 be careful at work" and he'll say "Ok love you." and he uses the period too
also replies with 👍, 👎, 😀 and 😍
when you are both going to sleep at the same time, he will scratch your back out of habit, even if he falls asleep you will feel his hand making circular motions on your back
he's the lightest sleeper ever. he wakes up if you shift in bed too fast, if you make any unusual sound, literally wakes up so easily and this leads to him being very sleepy :(
he would want 2 kids so they aren't lonely. he wouldn't ever want his kids to feel the loneliness he felt as an orphan
he's a girl dad but if he had a son then you already know that kid is going to be a carbon copy of his dad
sometimes he comes home really drunk and he leans all over you, kissing you all over and saying how much he loves you and stuff and then he cries and then falls asleep
when he goes fishing or hunting or camping he always drags you along for it even if you complain
he looks like he goes camping like every season as the vacation he so desperately asks for 24/7
he doesn't understand text abbreviations. he's like a victorian child. he says "LOL" and doesn't even know what it means. "leon I'm feeling really sick, bring me some soup please" "Ok LOL."
he also replies really slowly to texts sometimes, it's not even on purpose he is just has no clue how to iphone
during missions, he has those cute lil kitten sneezes (like in re4r) but at home this man forces them to be obnoxiously loud because it always makes you giggle
and his hearts melts a little every time you giggle. your laughter is like his favorite sound in the whole wide world
he gets home at unholy hours of the night usually, so he usually just goes to the bedroom, gives you a kiss on your forehead or cheek while you're asleep and takes a quick shower before sleeping
however on nights where you wait for him to get home he is taken by surprise when you fling yourself into his arms when he enters
when be walks in he'll be like "sono a casa..." really quietly
yeah he learned a little italian bc he's like a mafioso son basically so he decided "why not just learn italian and make my girlfriend swoon over it?" il mio king
he's incredibly insecure in relationships. he thinks you deserve better than him, somebody who can be there for you without fail and isn't heavily traumatized
when you're sick he will literally do everything for you, he doesn't let you do anything until you're better
even when you aren't sick he does everything, he justa bit more lenient
hero complex ofc, he loves being there to 'save you' even if it's just helping you get something off the top shelf or helping you zip up a dress or a shirt
always puts his bed by you in minecraft even tho he has no idea how to play :3
also, loves bear hugging you. but he also does those hugs where he lifts you up completely and spins you around a little
if you where in raccoon city with him he would do the spinning hug the second you were finally safe
when he's feeling really affectionate (usually when he's a lil tipsy) he'll tell you things like "sei tutto il mio mondo" and "sei la metà della mia mela" (this is so cute if you also love apples)
he's a heavyweight this man can handle his alcohol, so if you get drunk easy like me, then yea he's def got you covered
doesn't let anybody he doesn't trust near you when you're drunk
also, even when he's drunk he's very protective. he's actually more protective
he is really good at comforting you when you need it but often pushes you away when you need it :(
sometime he will disappear for long periods of times. and he cuts off all contact. but eventually you will get a call from somebody like chris, claire, etc. that leon was drinking and they were bringing him home
he goes through cycles of highs where he stops drinking and lows where he drinks excessively (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
sometimes he'll send you random selfies when he gets service or random texts like "Hi." and tbh it scared the shit out of you to just get a random Hi when he's in the middle of like the desert a few times
he isn't really good with physical affection, he'll give you awkward hugs and hold your hands but he's just very awkward in general so...
but if we're talking cute re2make leon then omfg hugs 24/7 he will not keep his hands off you
he isn't really into pda bc he's shy about it, he will hold your hand and maybe give you an awkward side hug but that's really it unless it's one of those special occasions lmfao
this is kind of random but when he's alone he likes to look at old pictures of you both and just reminisce on the past ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
re2make leon the typa guy to play just dance with you
maybe re4make if he's in love enough (he is)
his style is actually really good so he ALWAYS looks so good next to you (refer to casual leon model) 🐩
he sings in the shower sometimes
he likes to take showers with you since it's relaxing when you wash his hair since you have like soft hands and not his big thick meaty manly leather beefy hands
falls asleep with light piano music and rain audios in the background 😭
his instagram is basically a fanpage for you. always appreciating you!! "My s/o took this." "Date night night with s/o." "Imagine not having the prettiest bestest amazingest s/o ever."
he and ada are mutuals, this is his revenge for ghosting him lol
takes you on picnic dates a lot
for people with periods, he is like so good with helping you woth getting tampons/pads, getting medicine, etc etc
his ideal house with you would be one of those stereotypical white american family suburb houses (he's so american i'll never let him live down calling luis 'lewis' 😭)
he pledge allegiance to the flag he is a PATRIOT🇺🇸
he spoils the hell out of you !!!! you look at a dress twice? magically in your closet the next day. you look at a pretty necklace that costs more than a car? he already got it
government paycheck
when he was 21 he dreamed of having a really normal life with you. a normal house, normal cars, 2 kids, a dog, all these other totally normal things
he does not get the normal life lol
he is very territorial, he definitely marks you up in spots that are very visible and harder to hide
he isn't really picky about what lingerie you wear but if you wear white sets with little blue or pink ribbons then you got your work cut out for you
he's very romantic during sex. on anniversaries he'll even get rose petals and candles in you're into that kinda stuff lol
had to buy a whole different phone just for videos/photos of you both because his phone has a ton of work things and he didn't want to risk accidentally sending the wrong picture to the wrong person
when he gets back from missions that were very stressful and got him pent up then sex is way rougher than usual
he is definitely into worshipping your body. he'll tell you how beautiful you are and kiss every inch if your skin that he can
sometime he'll also say some italian things to you while you do the deed like "sei molto bella"
when he's horny he'll tell you "mi ecciti così tanto"
although, italian bedroom talk is kinda cringe sometimes so he usually sticks to english
he is definitely very experienced, he's been with several women, usually one night stands. but we do also know he had a girlfriend before resi 2 so there's that
he would prefer sex stays in the bedroom, or the house at least
he probably gets pleasure from making you get pleasure. like just from eating you out he will... yea
as i said before, territorial 😊
one of his sexual fantasies is fucking you while he's on a mission but he probably wouldn't want to take that risk bc like zombies
it's not rare to have quickies in the mornings
he's big like maybe 6 or 7 inches? he may not have a könig bulge but he's absolutely packing
dirty talk. says things like "y'like that princess?" "that feel good?" "i know you like it baby" "you feel so girl pretty girl" "look at me lovie" when you close ur eyes
man is a freak (refer to THAT clip from death island)
however, sex with him is usually really vanilla simply because he is too tired from all these missions to be doing all that
when it's not vanilla he's a switch simply bc I know it. he'll let you take the reins from time to time, but he is always the one in control if we're being fr
also i'm pretty sure he's top leaning because like... the shit he's been through?? he'd want a little control over something and having control in bed makes him feel really powerful
he still likes to bottom tho lol
he also calls u mommy or daddy or master or mistress if u a freaky freak lol
loves brat taming!!!!!
he likes to hold your hand while having sex
enjoys morning sex lots, especially the morning after he returns from a mission. he's too exhausted the night of returning, so he wakes up early and fucks you
love love loves missionary bc he gets to look at your face and he can just look down to see him yk thrusting (goodbye i hate this word)
i will say tho sometimes he will say the most outlandish things like "i wanna pump so many babies into you that we repopulate raccoon city" but it's ok bc it's leon
loves white sets on you (refer to 8)
sooo good with after care!!! if you need something he will do it or get it. want a snack? he's grabbing it. want a nice warm bubble bath? he's running the water and grabbing the soap for bubbles
spoils you with aftercare tbh.... after him you really cannot ever get better aftercare
very vocal, lots of whimpers and whines coming from him
really good with his hands, I mean look at the way he handles guns. i'm sure his hands come in handy in more ways than just flipping a gun around
amazing with his tongue and mouth as well 🎀
he love love loves when u sit on his face !!!
when you give him head he likes to rub your scalp and he makes the most attractive noises ever
he owns a couple toys. he def owns a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs
he probably has no preference to if you're shaved or not when he's older
but when he's younger he prefers it shaved or trimmed cuz he lives between your legs and it gets a bit annoying getting hair in his mouth 😭
(i'm sorry if all the nsfw seems aimed towards afab people, I literally have no idea how to write for amab but i'm trying to spoil everybody...)
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౨ৎ translations "sono a casa" i'm home; "il mio [re]" my king; "sei tutto il mio mondo" you are my whole world; "sei la metà della mia mela" you are half of my apple; "sei molto bella" you're very beautiful; "mi eciti così tanto" you're turning me on | please correct me if any of this is wrong since i rarely speak to my italian friends and family and i don't say these things to them. i had to research :)
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reblogs and replies appreciated always <3
leon kennedy masterlist
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merakiui · 11 months ago
Mera Mera Mera Meraaaaahhhhh!
I am so down bad for the octo trio and am even more in love when it's stepcest, sorry your honor I'm a freak. 😔🤚
First the yan Floyd step-son! He's gonna show his mama that he's got his papa's genes too. And now that Papa is outta the picture, Floyd wants first dibs before he has to share with his silly brother. Spoiled boy wants to give only the best.
Then Ebb and Flow! When Jade said "Your not her only brother." I screamed internally and how he insinuated that he's dipped his wick when shes been sleeping! And since Azul grew up with these weirdos has he been treated to the similar teasing (but where they are kinda mean about it. 'You know we've noticed you staring Azul. We get that she's nice looking but watch those eyes. Just because we're a little freaky doesn't mean we're open to sharin' her.' [not that Floyd or Jade for that matter wants to...but just dangle the bait in front of Azul] kinda vibe.) I need to save this fic (among some other of your works) in my kindle to revisit because they have stuck themselves in my braiiiiiin!!!
AAAA yes yes!!!! I love Octavinelle stepcest. We will be freaks together, sweet anon. („ᵕᴗᵕ„)
Stepson Floyd who has always been so spoiled... making sure to give you the railing of your life now that he has you all to himself and no longer has to hold back (temporarily because Jade will want to have a go with you very soon). He's just so obsessed with you. He loves his mama to pieces!!!!
Ebb and Flow!Jade with the secret somno reveal...... oooooo he's the worst!!!! So sneaky... and if he knocked you up it'd seem like something careless Floyd would do (never Jade; certainly not! He's a good boy. <3)...... Jade setting his brother up for trouble while having plenty of fun with you when you're asleep. You're none the wiser, but your body seems to know something because you've felt so warm around Jade lately...
Oh, they are so unfiltered around Azul. The twins openly discuss how pretty you are in very non-platonic ways and Azul has to listen to these weirdos carry on about whether or not they think you'd spit or swallow their cum, what positions would be best to really have you screaming, if you'd let them mark you up. T_T they're both so shameless. Poor Azul... he just wants one cute café date with you, but he knows that will come at the cost of his sanity. It's an impossible battle... maybe the twins are willing to let him experience just a crumb of you, but if he gets too close they'll happily intervene and remind him he's just the childhood friend. Nothing more.
Maybe you and Azul sneak off to kiss and hold hands in private,,, secret relationship.......... which isn't so secret because the twins probably sniff the two of you out very quickly. ^^;;; still, it's fun to imagine. orz perhaps you have most of your "dates" at Azul's house without the twins. Sleeping over at his house and the two of you have to be quiet so you don't wake the house when you get nasty under the covers hehe.
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therantfairysblog · 5 months ago
A beautiful candy and a little pin.
After his brother leave for heaven, the house turned even more gloomy. He was always getting yelled at for even a smallest matter.
"useless son, why are you even here. If you want to leave me like your stupid brother did, just do it"
The words sting and hurt so much. Every day, ever since his mother died, his father has turn into a different person. However, his brother's word to take care of their grieving father embedded deeply in his heart. Everyday he pray that his father will eventually heal. He know his father is a good man.
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Aside from Kamado, his brother's fellow hashira and his other siblings, often come to visit. Kanroji and Iguro. The sweet Kanroji who was his brother's tsuguko and Iguro who was rescued by his father. Both of them were still so close to him eventhough they didn't trained with his brother in their home front yard like they always do anymore.
Sometimes he couldn't stop himself from crying. He was still a child. What his father did was unfair. He crying alone and when the two see them, they often asked him out and take him to lunch.
"Hey, Senjuro kun, there's a new sweet stall opened in the town, we want to go there, you want to join?" Kanroji come and trying to comfort him. Her sweet gesture and soft voice remind him of his mother, Senjuro couldn't stop his tears.
"....i...i need to cook for my father" he glance at the love hashira's smile.
"Then, I'll help you cooking, plus..." kanroji come closer and whispered, '...he'll do nothing to you when I'm here, didn't he? Anddd after that let's go to the town, me and Iguro san having an off day today too . It's perfect!"
Iguro just standing there watching the two having a talk. He feel for Senjuro, and that's prolly why he often visit him aside from the fact that he, deep down hoping that shinjuro will comeback to his sense. For him, Senjuro is a bit quite kid, a total opposite of his brother, Kyujuro but he definitely matured and very intelligent. He saw him as his little siblings that he want to protect.
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The three watching a stall owner sculpting candy into a various shape, fishes, flowers, dragon etc , a unique and meticulous process that Iguro really love to watch. He glancing at Senjuro who equally as invested in it.
"it's beautiful isn't it? " iguro asked him.
"...yeah, its pretty, how could people do this? It's amazing" the two keep discussing and asking the seller about the process while kanroji excusing herself, to go to the nearest stall to buy some hairpin.
"The process that make things like this is what make it more beautiful and precious. It's need a whole lot of training" Iguro bought three of the candy, dragon shaped candy for him, lions candy for Senjuro and sakura flowers for kanroji.
Senjuro just keep listening. Iguro always has a nice words to convey, that he always looking forward to it.
"it's may difficult and take a lot of time, Senjuro, but a continued effort will never betrayed you in the end...i believe Shinjuro san will be out of his slump eventually especially with you by his side. " Iguro slightly smiled.
"Aww sorry you two, there's a lot of people there, i could only snatch these hairpin and this cute flower pins" kanroji coming with her little run showing off her hairpins. She give one of her flower pin to Senjuro.
"as a lucky charm, hehe, take it"
Over the years, his relationship with his father seems to heal little by little, with many people helping , and Tanjiro who always looking up to him, he was able to communicate with his father better. His father has been mellow down a bit, redeeming himself, stopped drinking and dedicated his life by helping others.
Still, iguro words and kanroji sweet gesture remind fresh in his memory. He lost, yet another siblings and that sting but, their words and supporting gesture still freshly there in his memory.
Shinjuro keeping the pin Kanroji give him. ' a lucky charm, yes' his walk stopped at the candy store, with his eyes fixed on the amazing candy sculpting that the worker did. Senjuro smiled. 'Thank you, brother, send my regards to Iguro san and Kanroji san. I'm owing them a lot'
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tanukitsuneko-suki · 2 months ago
build episode 41 thoughts:
- no other character has gentoku's range and it's unbelievably funny
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- i think that's funny. sento literally just held his hand. fight harder to transform you alien freak
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- sento has been acting as kamen rider build for a year and we never really saw it because it's not that relevant to the main plot of build and i know i'm exaggerating all this but the fact that he needed banjo to actually kickstart the plot is making me quite. emotional. ryusen literally needed to meet to tell the story of build. god. fuck. okay
- he's not even tertiary.. i don't think????? isn't he quarternary. in order of joining sento's team i mean
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- love how there's apparently just one smuggling boat in the whole of japan
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- that's so cute. he's so stupid. he's trying my best. that is my son
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- they're bullying him lmfao
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- hehe...this is so cute...gentoku please stop trying..
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- i keep giggling...they're so mean to him. he's just their weird uncle now
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- stop simping you almost died???? i'm sick of The Gays
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- you're fucking shitting me...the best matches meant something??? and it's related to misora??? oh. don't make me tear up
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- oh my god ? THAT;S SICKKKKK
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- hm. i really don't like this. you guys
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- the bar wasn't even operating ? wow. wow damnn. okay
- rogue's rider kick is SO much more cooler lol
- we got the fourth build pun
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- ohhh the dad's here.... he's been here...the whole time...
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- hmmmm...
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 2 years ago
Preliminaries: The Magnus Archives
Agnes Montague:
10/10 would get my face melted to kiss
Elias Bouchard:
look look i know he's the resident asshole everyone hates but listen this motherfucker has the sexiest voice i have ever heard in my entire life (goddAMN BEN MEREDITH'S VOICE) you cannot say that his voice isn't smooth as fuckin butter. the smug asshole. every fanart of him ever portrays him as the cookie cutter tumblr sexyman okay he is THE MAGNUS SEXYMAN. also possessed by a dead guy and served as an avatar of an eldritch horror beyond our comprehension?? sign me the FUCK UP. did i mention he's voiced by BEN FUCKING MEREDITH? IT'S THE VOICE, MAN, JUST LISTEN TO SASSY BRITISH SON OF A BITCH ELIAS BOUCHARD SPEAK. that's IT
Gertrude Robinson:
A lady with a mission. Ruthlessness personified. There never has been a problem she couldn't solve with quick thinking and some C4, until there was. She used to be able to torch a building in half the time.You might have seen her in a dream, she might have seen you too: watch out.
Jonathan Sims/The Archivist:
I just think it'd be funny if an asexual character won
(im ripping this from the wiki btw) John has prematurely greying hair and looks older than he is. He often looks very tired and is physically unfit, as other characters refer to him as scrawny and he tires easily from physical tasks that others perform with little exertion. he also has lots of scars.
(propaganda, spoilers for The Magnus Archives) He's a wet cat and at one point dated Georgie Barker and does date Martin Blackwood. there is also a whole tag/movement for "hot Jon rights". he may not be like, 10/10 on the attractive scale but his far off gaze has captivated me
Martin Blackwood:
Canonically fat, usually depicted with glasses and sweaters, always making people tea, dramatic and messy but also vulnerable and full of love
Big guy. Soft voice. Stronk arms. So cute.
Sasha James:
(the og that is ofc)
Tim Stoker:
sex man hehe
Is almost exclusively described as "the hot one"
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mathitas · 9 months ago
if you could, i would request a fic where nico and will argue over something (or miscommunicate) and its really bad for a while and then they have a rlly rlly cute make up and they are all good again.
I actually love this! Thanks for the suggestion Tw: blood, injury
Nico knew he got jealous often and that it was always dumb. His boyfriend, Will, was always quick to assure him, so he never really worried about it.
But this time, not only was Nico jealous, but he was also pissed.
His boyfriend had been avoiding him, and no matter how many times Nico tried to understand why, Will would just brush him off, promising it was nothing.
But then he saw him, hanging out with a child of Aphrodite he had been healing; he was taller, more muscular, and less pale-looking than Nico.
He knew better than to feel insecure; he knew Will loved him, but... why was he avoiding him?
Nico couldn't dare stand looking at them any longer, so he thought he could get his mind off things by practicing sword fighting.
But he was not able to focus; he could only think about how happy Will looked talking to that guy and how alone he felt. He was angry at Will but also at himself; was he not able to be alone like before?
He stared at his arm, blood leaking. It wasn't a bad injury, but it hurt.
He took some towels he found and put them over his injury, waiting for the blood to stop.
He didn't hurt himself badly, or at least he hoped.
So when Chiron saw him and his towels, which were now red, he ordered him to go to the infirmary.
Nico protested against it; he didn't want to see Will just yet. Chiron insisted, and he decided to listen, if he was lucky he would get away as soon as possible.
He hoped one of Will's siblings would be there, but no: he wasn't lucky that day.
When Will saw him, positioning a bloody towel on his arm, he immediately rushed towards Nico.
"Neeks! What happened?" He took his arm, and Nico sighed.
"It's nothing; just put something on it to stop the bleeding and let me go."
"What? No! It seems quite serious."
"It's nothing."
"I'm serious, Nico." "I said it's nothing!" He retired his arm, and Will took it again.
"Let me check it."
"There's no need to." "Nico, we already talked about this." "Stop it! Leave me alone, will you?!"
"What's with you today? You're making a scene! I'm just trying to help you!" "As if you care, when was the last time you talked to me properly?" "Nico, it's-" And then Nico saw that guy again; he was sitting on the infirmary bed, apparently for some check-ups.
"I'm going." "Nico!" Nico left; he felt tears falling from his eyes as he sat on his cabin's floor. He was angry at himself; he knew Will would have never done that, but now that they were fighting and it was all his fault.
However, Will followed after him.
He seemed to have cooled down now.
"Nico, I know I haven't been around lately." "I saw you with that guy," he admitted.
"Who?" "The son of Aphrodite" "Oh my gods..." "What? "I think you may be the dumbest guy I've ever met." Will laughed, sitting on the floor with Nico, hugging him from behind.
Nico didn't push him away.
"Why?" "Your birthday is coming up soon, idiot." Nico completely forgot. "Then why him?
"I was hoping he'd help me make it more romantic easily; I'm too busy with work, so I didn't have time to think about it..." "So you've been absent because you were making a surprise party for me?" "Well, it's not a surprise anymore, isn't it?" "I'm so sorry," Nico sighed, turning around and holding Will tighter.
"No, I'm sorry... Next time, tell me sooner, alright?" Nico nodded, and then he kissed him softly.
Will smiled bashfully.
"You were jealous... hehe." he said in a giddy voice, and Nico stopped kissing him, frowning.
"Shut the hell up, Solace."
Then Nico noticed something behind Will's back.
"Did you seriously bring a first-aid kit?" "Yes, give me your arm." Nico sighed and held out his arm so that his boyfriend could heal it.
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animation-is-my-jam · 3 months ago
Least interesting part of some unknown Wordgirl lore to you? Or what you don't really have an eagerness to explore while others do? For me, while I like Tobey's character, I don't get the whole needing to always talk about his dad or giving him a dad.
That's tough since I like the vagueness and stupid silliness to invent unknown Wordgirl lore or to look at the implications within the show to piece lore. So I don't find certain things boring or uninteresting on that front.
Cause yes, believe it or not, I do care about things in Wordgirl that is not just (The Botsfords, Tobecky, The McCallisters, the Woodview kids, my AU, Professor Tubing, Tjohnson). I really like other aspects. I SWEAR I LOVE THE VILLAINS I JUST DONT DO MUCH WITH THEM CAUSE THE IDEAS I HAVE ARE LIKE BEYOND CANON AND THEY'RE OLD, AND EVERYONE ALREADY IN THE FANDOM HAS SUCH BANGER ART AND HEACNONS FOR THEM PLUS THEY'RE HARD TO DRAW OKAY. BUT I PROMMY I LOVE THE VILLAINS.
So, no, not really. I don't have an answer to this question. Thanks a ton for the ask, tho!! They're always appreciated.
And haha, that's understandable with Tobey. Not everyone is gonna care about popular villain backstory hcs, but I feel called out since I'm the number one who "Makes Tobey's dad/family important to Wordgirl lore" LMAO. Like I have Theodore McCallister II full backstory 1080p 4k in my brain most days, and yes, I have invested a lot of time to the McCallister family tree in general. Same with the Botsfords and Wordgirl's bio parents (especially these two).
But don't worry, we can at least agree on the giving him a dad thing. As cute as Two-brain’s father figure is, in my mind those two would not have a functional father son dynamic (my feelings on parental DTB is so funny and complicated, and I have that man be a father in future AU hehe). The closest he'll get is with probably Tim, but mostly as the best older male influence he has, and he appreciates and respects as Tim would never look down at him. (Also yeah Father-in-law possibilities I SWEAR I CAN GO ONE POST WITHOUT BRINING UP TOBECKY--). However, to me, I have always loved the idea that Tobey doesn't need a father after the failure of his first one. Yes, his issues, probable loneliness, and a need for people to never ignore him stem a lot from his mysterious, absent father. But, to me I feel like that doesn't mean Tobey should need a dad to make it up for that, because if anything I think the real compelling and complicated relationship he would focus on is with his mom. To me, he's got more mommy issues than daddy issues in canon. Tobey should care more about his relationship with his mom than to a father who isn't there. Maybe I'm just too much on my Tobey is influenced a lot by the female figures of his life brainrot of my feminist analysis of his character, but I don't think Tobey would care or want a father to feel emotionally complete or that he's not broken anymore. A lot of kids grow up without fathers, and they don't need one to be accepted by society. Yes, some do find someone who will fill that role, that in itself is respectable, and I do find it cute with the Tobey father figure candidates. But, I do find it more interesting if there was a rejection for such a connection from Tobey. You don't see that often in stories with characters raised by one parent. And I'm fascinated.
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ijustwantasideblogokay · 10 months ago
Started another new series! It's Wind Breaker this time hehe
I saw the manga cover at the bookstore a while ago and was interested, but never got around to reading it. Was a bit hesitant at first bc it's highschool delinquent stuff? which isn't usually in my range.
But. But. But. Sakura is so cute. So so cute. I might adopt him as my new son now. I just love the way he furrows his brows aaaaaaaa
Only at ep1 for now but I'll definitely be following this series!!
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rozeliyawashereyall · 9 months ago
Liya rant let's fucking go
Again! Little reminder Liya is a separate character from me, Roze! I've just been using her a pfp because I didn't have one for ME y'know?— also, there's lot of Greek mythology references but I don't care let me make my OCs in peace goddamit
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Basics first—
Her full name is Liya "Minthe" Noor! Hehe
Birthday is on the 29th of October
She/They pronouns
A genderfluid lad :3
She isn't human per se... but a nymph! An underworld water one ^_^ (a Naiad basically–)
Ethnicity is greek-egyptian! Can speak Arabic, English, and Demotic Greek :3 (and just a lil bit of Armenian)
Just a silly gal looking for a home after being cast out by her father
Mbti is INFP-T
Now, Liya Noor.. I have so much lore on them i might need to make a separate post!
Let's get straight to the point~
Minthe can exist anywhere she wants. Whether it be in a different universe, an audio RP (hehe), or in a game. With just a ring of her bell, she'll be teleported there to lurk from the shadows.
The underworld is surrounded by a series of rivers: The Acheron, river of woe. The Cocytus, river of lamentation. The Phlegethon, river of fire. The Styx, river of unbreakable oath. and The Lethe, river of forgetfulness. <- Liya was created by Cocytus, along with her sisters.
Year is 1683
After being assigned to go collect a human soul for the first time, she accidentally fell in love with the mortal land, getting distracted by it. So instead of collecting the soul of the dead human so they could properly pass, they instead started touring around, watching the markets, stage shows, etc. completely forgetting about her mission.
Unfortunately for Minthe, her forgetting to collect the soul caused a..slight troublesome event for the mortals. Since the soul wasn't harvested, the body was still alive despite the heart no longer beating, causing quite a freakout in the city, which led to a lot of crazy theorists rioting and semi still sane people leaving the land.
After her father found out about Minthe's terrible mistake, he cast her out of their home, with a quest on her hands.
"prove you're still worthy to call yourself a child of mine, and you shall return. Fail, and you'll be drowned in the river of Lethe, forever to forget."
The problem was...he never told her what her quest was. He basically just told her to "fuck around, find out, and pray I agree."
A year later. Minthe was travelling along the mortal land in the late 16th century of Scotland, searching for a clue to what her quest was, when she met a woman in her early 20s, her name was Liya.
They befriended each other quite fast! Uh, before Liya was hanged and then burned at the stake for the accusation of being a witch. Yeah, that messed up Minthe up quite a bit.
After that sad event, she named herself Liya, as a little momentum to her friend, and an almost rebellious act towards her father.
Year is 1832
After almost 200 years of pointless searching, Liya finally relented and went back down to the underworld to ask what her quest even was
On her way to the underworld. Liya meets a kitten! A cute, slightly injured one. She takes the feline under her wing, planning to soak the cat in the river of Styx so it'll live an immortal life with her! Just like how Thetis did to her son, Achilles.
Now, walking from the mortal realm to the underworld is a long, long way, taking almost 5 years by just walking. So instead Liya decides to find a shrine of Hermes, to ask him to guide her into the realm of the undead. But after searching and searching, she found all the shrines...but the ones dedicated to Hermes.
In a fit of frustration, she destroyed a shrine dedicated to the goddess of Spring, angering her badly.
In punishment, she cursed them. Killing her feline companion, and making a mint plant grow inside of her stomach. Forcing Liya to endure a century of suffocation from the plant, but never dying of it.
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Ah- that's all for now, I'll probably make a part 2 of this one day.
But for now you get this!!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 year ago
1. did father-in-law!jungkook desire oc even before he slept with her for the first time? he didn't agree to his son and oc's marriage immediately, but when he slept with her, he mentioned that he had been thinking about them together for a long time? did their infertility struggles make it easier for him to get to her?
2. would it be worse for oc if she lived with her in-laws, in the sense that jungkook would provoke her even more, possibly be even more daring by subtly rubbing his bulge against her ass knowing that they could get caught, cause their so's are in the house? i feel like it would've opened a whole new gate to their affair, probably more sex? risky sex too?
I answered quite a few of your questions from the first part in Ask 4 so for sure check that one out if you haven't already and be sure to send another ask if you have any follow up questions hehe
For the second one why don't I let them speak for themselves...
I stand up as tall as I can, trying to get the pitcher on the top shelf so I can make some lemonade for us all but before I'm able to reach it I feel someone pressed up against my back and see a hand reaching up and grabbing it for me with ease. 
"Thanks Honey!" I say lovingly and feel a hand snake around my waist making me lean into him. "You're welcome angel" I hear whispered in my ear and I freeze up at the voice before turning around and shoving him off.
"Jungkook what the fuck?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down so I don't alert Mrs. Jeon in the other room. "What? I just wanted to help you. You're the one who leaned back into me" he says coming back towards me and placing a hand on my waist but I push him off again before he can get any closer. 
"Are you fucking kidding me? You're really getting hard right now just from that?" I say taking note of the growing bulge in his pants. I try to walk out of the kitchen after seeing that but Jungkook grabs my wrist keeping me here. "I'm not done talking to you love" he says taunting me. "Well I'm done talking to you" I say trying to slip my hand out of his grasp but he grabs on tighter and pull me back.
"I have a proposition for you" he says rubbing circles on the inside of my wrist to soothe the pain that he caused. "Last time you propositioned me was when I got myself into this mess with you so whatever it is the answer is no" I say and he stops my continued efforts of trying to get away from him because he knows no matter what I won't cause a scene. Especially not in my own house. 
"I was wondering, since my son is gone for a majority of the year with all of the trips I'm having to send him on wouldn't it be easier for you and the children were to stay with us when he's gone? In fact you could probably consider moving in since 'Grandma' would be there most of the time to help" he asks while looking at me over the rim of his glass. 
"Never. Gonna. Happen. My children and I-" he raises a brow at me leaving me take a quick glance around before complying. "Our children and I need our own space and I do not want to impose on Mrs. Jeon. Plus I want to stay as far away from you as possible at all times so why would I subject myself to that kind of torture?" I say, surprised that he would eve think it would be something I would consider.
"The nanny is perfectly capable if lending me a helping hand so I won't need your help to that extent. Both of you are welcome to come see the children but I would prefer if you were to both come together since your random visits have made me very uncomfortable" I say hoping he'll hear me out and alter his behavior. 
"It's cute that you think we would do something like that love. My wife and I only go to places together when absolutely required like say when we're at formal events. This simple family time that I would like to have isn't going to be one of those cases. So I guess that means I'm still welcome to come" he says knowing that he would anyway even if I were to say no. 
"Just show some common courtesy and text me before you come over" I ask hoping that he'll at least start doing that. "Mmm I will if I feel like it but no promises" he say tapping twice under my chin and walking away. 
'Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore crazy he tries to get me to do that? Un fucking believable'. 
"Hey honey did you need any help in here?" Mrs. Jeon asks, making her way into the kitchen after I had been cutting up some lemons for a few minutes after Jungkook had left. "No that's okay don't worry about it. I got it" I say and start using the juicer to get us some fresh lemonade but she insists nonetheless. 
"The children have been asking for you outside so why don't you let me take this over" she insists again. "Oh yeah then I guess if you don't mind" I say wiping my hands on a towel, not wanting her to get suspicious of my determination in declining her help since she had a good reason to come and take over. 
"Of course not! I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to sweetie" she says laughing and sending me on my way. I look back at her after I've taken a few step and just watch as she starts putting all the ingredients together. 
She's such a beautiful and kind person so I don't know why Jungkook would ever want to cheat on someone like her. Then again nothing that he does seems to make any sense. She's too good for him and it's sad to see her locked into the clearly loveless marriage they're in. 
"Mommy, mommy come on! I want to show you the drawings I did with the sidewalk chalk that grandpa got me!" my daughter says, tugging on my skirt. "Alright love I'm coming" I say, smiling down at her and laugh as she drags me outside when I'm not going fast enough. 
Hope that answered your questions 🥰
Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @00frenchfries00 @bangtans-momma @coralmusicblaze @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater @marvelbun @j3nni-rs @evidive @beomieboi @forevrglow @jesssssmaybankk @teugiie @chaconnelatte @whoa-jo @snehal @xumyboo @mindurbuzznezz @diorh0seokie @hehurst23 @caro134340lina @ye0nvibezzn @olimpiiaa @hrtsj1m @junecat18 @ellesalazar @babycandy111 @felixz4life @lively-potter @esther-kpopstan @gyukookswhore @iveivory
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