tojirings · 2 months
to yield
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pairing: toji x reader
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: toji's the world-class fighter who trains in your best friend's gym, and you're the all-rounder employee who has a crush on him.
alternatively, mma!toji wants you to stop pining for him, and you finally listen.
[ angst + fluff, So Much Yearning, unrequited love (but only initial!! 😑😑), toji's almost always a little mean whenever he turns u down, nosy as FAWKKK bff satoru, the L word, mentions of mma-related injuries, jealousy, eventual redemption ]
To yearn for Toji is light work. 
Pining after him is as easy as making up workout trivia just to get a reaction from him that isn’t a neutral quirk of his lips or a dismissive tilt of his head. You’re pretty sure you’re going overboard with said lies (the proof being you having to approach Toji without Satoru in earshot just so the latter wouldn’t burst out laughing), but Toji doesn’t seem to think so.
He’s either very clueless and actually believes you, or he’s just tolerant of your “fact” of the day despite being annoyed to death with you.
“Now where the hell did you hear that?” he narrows his eyes at you, the ghost of an amused smirk lingering in his lips the longer you look at him in anticipation for his reaction.
“Just… somewhere! I heard it’s verified information,” you smile, nodding your head to delay the incoming wave of embarrassment that you have for yourself.
“Oh, okay,” Toji parts his lips, nodding tersely. “A reputable news site really said that my grip strength is stronger than a shark’s?”
“Mhmm. You’re the strongest, I bet,” you squeak, the tremble of your hands behind your back coming to a halt when Toji has to excuse himself because Satoru hollered at him from the other side of the gym.
You’re not ready at all to confess to Toji.
Every week, from Monday to Saturday, Toji comes into your best friend’s gym with a scowl on his face as if Satoru personally provoked him one way or another (read: he did), within the window of 9 to 10 AM. Only his left hand would be occupied by his gym bag, which he leaves to you for safekeeping at the front desk instead of the locker room, because Toji would rather punch himself in the gut than to deal with overeager fanboys asking him about his fights.
Additionally, every week from Monday to Saturday, you come to the gym at 7 AM sharp, partially to clock in — but mostly to walk to the expensive coffee shop down the block to buy Toji his drink from your own pocket. Between 9 to 10 AM, Toji saunters into the gym and gives you his bag, to which you take with open arms.
Also, every week, from Monday to Saturday, you make sure that you're Toji’s first interaction of the day.
The routine you have with him (and not the other way around because he’s definitely not as involved with you than you are with him) starts with you giving him a wildcard drink that the barista recommended, then Toji either scrunching his nose in disgust or him humming in something a little bit more pleasant than disgust, then him later thanking you before giving you his standard response.
“You don’t have to do this, Y/N,” he’d say, his brows soft yet scrunched in the middle. (In other words: I don’t like you back so you don’t have to do this for me at all.)
“But I want to,” you’d reply, your smile small yet unperturbed. (In other words: I like you and I want to do this for you regardless, but a large part of me hopes that you’ll like me back.)
It’s no secret that you have a crush on Toji– not at all. Practically everyone in the gym knows how head-over-heels you are for him, and maybe even more than the fighter in question.
Satoru knows it, and he groans to no end whenever you pine for Toji like a little puppy. With each interaction you have with Toji that’s more desperate and maybe even a little more pathetic from your end than usual, Satoru wastes no time before offering to set you up with one of his friends, to which you always deny.
Shiu knows it too, and he tries to bring you up during sparring sessions with Toji that come after seeing your more helpless flirting attempts with the latter. Shiu’s actively trying to help you, Toji, and himself in the process because he can’t tell just how much secondhand embarrassment he can take before exploding.
The occasional opponents for practice matches know it. The night janitor knows it. God, even the delivery guy who’s only seen you ask Toji if he wanted water once knows it too.
Toji doesn’t like you, and while you know that fact wholeheartedly, you’ve come to realize that taking care of him in your own way is what completes your day even without getting anything in return. You know you’re bound to be sick of the one-sided yearning anyway, but while you’re not sick of fawning over Toji, you want to make the most of it.
You want to make the most of it until defeat sinks in.
Toji does not care for you — or atleast that’s what he tells everyone.
“I don’t have a crush on her. Never did,” Toji would say to Shiu every time they sparred, his words automatically flowing as soon as he sees the slightest hint of a smirk on his handler’s face. Shiu would always wave him away as usual (and that earns him an ungloved and unrestricted punch on the shoulder out of the ring), and it only makes Toji pout because even his friend doesn’t believe him.
“I don’t like girls who are so obvious,” he would mutter under his breath whenever Satoru nudges him to say thank you when you hold out a clean towel for him even if he didn’t ask. Toji appreciates the cold, fragrant, and personally-delivered-by-you towel anyway, but not enough to smack Satoru on the face with it.
“I don’t know why you’d think that,” Toji, without fail, would reply to anyone in the gym who mistakes him as your boyfriend. He’s gotten shameless with it to the point that he doesn’t mind if you hear it, but also without fail, he feels a little guilty every time.
Toji shouldn’t exactly feel guilty for not liking you back because he doesn’t owe it to you in the first place — or atleast that’s how he reasons with himself.
“I’m gonna stop liking him in a week, Toru. I swear. Cold turkey and everything.” 
“Yup. Sure you will, sport,” Satoru snorts at your drunken admission, kicking your knee lightly to stop you from your sulking.
He feels a little responsible for your feelings towards Toji because if only he didn’t introduce you to him, none of this would’ve happened in the first place. 
You would’ve still been his sole accountant for his gym who only dropped in every once in awhile to help manage the place whenever it was short-staffed and not this; not the multi-tasking beast that you are who’s not only his accountant, but this cheery and energized all-rounder gym employee you he didn’t ask you to be.
“No, no. I’m serious this time,” you mutter, your cheek squished to the table so you can limit yourself from saying anything else that could explain to Satoru why you were hellbent in accepting his offer to drink tonight. “I feel like a fool running after Toji.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t exactly use the word-…”
“I know you think it.”
“Fine. I do think it, but you know I mean well!” Satoru surrenders, ruffling your hair as he takes note of keeping the windows down and driving as slowly as he legally could when he takes you home tonight. “You just aren’t Toji’s type, but that’s not a bad thing, y’know? 
There’s so much more on your mind, but you’re not in the mood to think of Toji any longer because the moment you do, you’ll succumb to him again.
You want to surrender, completely and irrevocably this time, but not without the final push so you could say that you did everything and you’ll have no regrets if Toji turns you down again — or rather, when Toji turns you down again.
“If it doesn’t work out,” you hiccup, burying your face to the bulk of Satoru’s sweater so you could smell the scent of clean laundry on him instead of imagining that you’re smelling Toji’s perfume out of nowhere in the packed club. “Go set me up with your friend.”
( ♡ ) 
Toji’s a little perplexed to see you at the front desk this morning.
After all, it was only last night when he saw you at the club, looking completely spent with your head buried in Satoru’s shoulder. Toji had only nodded to him when their eyes locked, mouthing that he’s with his friends so he can’t hang back with him, and Satoru let him go without any annoying remarks because he just gestures to your sleeping figure wordlessly.
Weirdly enough, Toji didn’t get to enjoy himself last night because his eyes kept wandering to your booth.
What’s even weirder now is that not only did you come to work looking fully recovered, but Toji also hangs back for a fraction of a minute right after giving you his duffel bag.
“Hey,” he greets, smiling tightly as he tries to figure out internally on why his feet wouldn’t move at all.
“Hi, Toji,” you reply back, staying still on your seat as you try to make conversation with him, but oddly enough, no ridiculous trivia could come out of your lips.
All it takes is Satoru whistling from the breakroom for you to snap into your senses, and for Toji to realize what was missing.
You have no drink for him today.
He’s not that bothered because that means he’s not subjected to whatever overly sweet or bitter monstrosity you give him, and that could only mean that he’ll be able to skip giving you his signature rejection.
It’s a good thing for you to start giving up on him, he convinces himself.
Toji tolerates you in a way that’s unbeknownst even to you, because in the first place, you’ve convinced yourself that the crush you have on the MMA fighter isn’t that serious.
Swiping your employee card to get him a free energy drink isn’t that serious in your own perspective, but when you overheard the conversation awhile ago between Toji and Shiu (with the latter convincing him that free energy drinks equated to a marriage proposal), you started doing it for everyone. You swipe your card over and over even for the fighters you barely know, but oddly enough, Toji’s eyes twitch whenever he sees his favorite grape-flavored drink in everyone’s hands.
Offering the Bluetooth connection code to Toji for him to play whatever he wants to on the speakers may be a little serious, but you convince yourself that it really isn’t when you accidentally eavesdrop on Satoru telling him that you totally have it out for him. What you do for Toji, you start to do for everyone; it’s telling with the way your speakers announce whose phone it’s connected to every thirty minutes, but not so much telling as to why Toji’s going extra hard sparring with his handler.
Toji does not care for you — or atleast that’s what you’ve convinced yourself.
Denying his fondness for you has almost been as easy as you tamping down your adoration for him, so much so that when a new guy at the gym randomly comes up to Toji and mentions your name, he responds automatically.
“We’re not together. Go ask…” her out — that’s what Toji’s supposed to say. “I don’t know, actually. I heard she’s taken, I think,” he rectifies himself, exiting the conversation before he could be bombarded with yet another question that revolved around you.
Or another question that would only make him realize that you having eyes for only him doesn’t equate to other people backing off from that mere fact alone.
Toji doesn’t like you, but oddly enough, the fact doesn’t bother you as much lately.
( ♡ ) 
You’re on your last leg of pining for Toji.
The shame of it all is finally getting to you, seeping into your deepest crevices that had thought for the longest time that you had a fighting chance with him. You don’t exactly regret yearning for Toji because after all, it had been in your own accord, no matter the risks you’ve already taken.
Maybe, just maybe, you could only go up from here. 
Maybe, because you and Toji hadn’t been friends to begin with when you pursued him, but on the other hand, it could be your ultimate downfall because perhaps right after he turns you down this time, you won’t be able to come back to anything.
There’s no foundation built between the two of you for you to fall back on, and while that’s surely devastating for you, it would only be a walk in the park for Toji.
You’re risking it all, even if you’re just as sure that nothing will come out of this, because you know you won’t come out unscathed — when Toji finally lets you down this time, harshly like you don’t mean anything to him, you’ll know then that you did everything in your power before you gave up on him.
The omamori in your hands that you’ve planned giving to him is your only salvation, because you get to grip it and remind yourself in real time that Toji’s seething at you.
He’s been stressed since the early morning fighting with his manager who had considered fixing up a match, and despite having resolved it with Choso already even before you came into his eyesight, Toji can’t shake off the anger from his body.
You’re the first person who comes into his space and into his mind, and you’re probably the last for the day (and maybe for an unforeseen amount of time) with the way he snaps at you.
“Y/N, can you just-“ Toji sharply inhales, clenching his jaw so tightly just so he can’t make his voice any louder. “Can you just please fucking stop?”
The omamori that you’re gripping tightly in your hands, the same one that you’ve gotten for blessings and protection for his fight in a month’s time, reminds you that Toji doesn’t want anything to do with you.
“I bet you’re a nice girl and all but I just don’t want you, okay?” he nods breathlessly as if asking you for confirmation. “I don’t like you like that.”
After a year and then some of yearning for Toji, you finally yield.
( ♡ ) 
You don’t come in for work.
Your absence is easily noticed because by this hour, you should’ve been glued to your seat by the front desk, ready to stash Toji’s gym bag under your desk.
He freezes by the entrance, brows knitted in confusion to see that your spot’s empty. He and his bag have been spoiled by you to the point that Toji feels uncharacteristically displaced when he walks past your desk, with his bag and without his drink.
“Huh,” Toji mutters to himself, strolling as casually as he could to the breakroom. He’s already had breakfast and he’ll be willing to have another one if it means lingering around you today, but to his surprise (and his surprise only), you aren’t there. “That’s weird.”
Toji jolts in place when he senses an agitating presence behind him that does little to conceal his proximity behind him, fists immediately clenching when he sees Satoru lean on the wall next to him.
“Jeez. I wonder who could’ve possibly said what to Y/N that made her call in sick today,” he enunciates slowly, enough for the sarcasm to steep in and his words to absorb into Toji’s thick skull.
“What are you-…” Toji interrupts himself when he finally gets what Satoru’s pertaining to, the skip of his chest being telling about the guilt that’s been stewing at the back of his head since last night.
“You weren’t exactly discreet about it, idiot. We were in the breakroom,” Satoru rolls his eyes, standing to his full height when he sees Toji falter. “Even Shiu heard you and he has the most effective noise-cancelling headphones known to man.”
Right on cue, Shiu comes out leisurely out of the room he had been peeking at two seconds ago. It takes only a second for him to register that Toji’s outside for whatever reason (he knows exactly why) before whistling in response, the shit-eating grin on his face apparent for Toji to remember.
“Woof,” he chuckles. “Don’t go biting my head now. I bet you’re a nice guy and all.”
It’s a build-up of things since this morning, and perhaps even from last night if he counts the immediate tinge of regret that stings him when he’s seethed his rejection at you, that truly throws Toji off his game.
Maybe it’s Satoru’s repeated teasing throughout the day and his targeted material of asking whether Toji was hungry or not, right within the timeframe wherein you usually ask him if he wants to join you for a meal.
Maybe it’s Shiu’s incessant mentioning of your name throughout his workout and the convenient reminder that Toji’s working out harder than he usually does, yet there’s no cold towel waiting for him.
But really, whatever it is that just adds up to the already excessive noise in Toji’s head concerning you, he knows now more than ever that absence your absence is noticeable.
His opponent for today’s practice match knows it. The day janitor knows it. Even the delivery guy who’s only been here twice knows it.
Toji simmers in guilt except he doesn’t want to admit it just yet, full well knowing that he would have texted you an apology — if only he had your number.
( ♡ ) 
You come back after three days.
After a year and some months’ worth of excessive reminders from Satoru, you finally take into realization that you don’t have to go to work in-person as often as you do. 
You didn’t know that all it would take for you to slow down and take your much-needed break is Toji by some way (read: rejecting you so harshly that you had been mute on your way home), and you haven’t predicted at all that there’ll be a day wherein you come to work not to pursue him.
Toji immediately notices your presence because even if you were no longer perched by the front desk, it was apparent that you’re already back judging by the way everyone– and literally everyone— in the gym seemed to look at ease somehow.
You’re at the other side of the gym with the light equipment that Toji barely frequents, and it’s the way you stand and smile that makes him pause.
It’s also the way that you smile at Choso that makes Toji announce his presence loudly.
“Let me help you there, buddy,” he claps behind the guy he recognizes as one of his fans (in all fairness, Yuuji isn’t as annoying as all the others who only come here just to get a glimpse of him), startling his already trembling figure.
Toji, without any hesitation yet a lot of frustration, easily grabs the heavy barbell mid-air that Yuuji’s struggling with before dropping it to the ground as roughly as he could.
It’s too light for him. Too easy, even. 
What’s heavier for Toji at the moment is the realization that you’ve given up on him and he has no one to blame but his emotional constipation, and maybe Choso who had pissed him off prior to his tantrum at you.
You did look at Toji and the mini scene he had created, but you immediately avert your eyes as soon as he fixates on yours.
He feels untethered this way, and if the lump on his throat is omniscient of the guilt that he’s feeling yet he’s unable to put into words, Toji wants you to notice him again, tirelessly and shamelessly like you did before.
He’s not in his usual zone, so much so that he barely makes any banter with Shiu who had been talking his ear off in letting Satoru have a go at him.
Toji’s too far out of his concentration, so much so that he agrees to spar with Satoru. 
He’s been pestering him for the longest time to get in the ring with him and Toji had always declined, even if he knows that your friend could take him on to some degree. He’s turned him down again and again for even just a light sparring session, especially when you were around, because he knows that he’s your friend.
He wouldn’t want to hurt Satoru if it hurts you, except now, the difference is that the latter really wants to hurt him and the former is out of his game to the point that he’ll resort to anything just to get your attention.
Toji lands a punch so hard that Satoru audibly croaks, holding his stomach even with the padding on. You’ve always been (read: used to be) the biggest fan of Toji even in practice matches, but now, instead of cheering for him, your eyebrows knit in worry instead–
Except your concern isn’t for him.
“Satoru? You okay?” you immediately come to his side by the ring, eyes inspecting him from head to toe.
Before he could even say that he is and that he’ll get back at Toji with twice the power, Toji pipes in from behind your friend, raising a gloved hand sheepishly.
“I’m not.” 
Toji shamelessly declares his apparent hurt, making everyone nearby audibly gawk at him for his audacity. You only blink at him in the surprise, trying your earnest to see on what part and capacity could Satoru, a non-professional, has possibly injured him.
“H-he punched me by the ear,” he stutters, the lie catching onto his teeth on the way out. The embarrassment of him making up an unbelievable lie is yet to hit, but Toji wouldn’t mind either way.
“What?! I barely even hit you in the face!” Satoru reacts, his face indescribable with the way he swats Toji on the arm in disbelief.
You snort at the scene in amusement, yet your eyes stay fixated on your friend.
“Yeah, yeah. I believe you, Toru.”
( ♡ ) 
True to his word, Satoru sets you up with his friend.
It was amusing, if not mildly infuriating with regards to the universe’s fate for your heart, to learn that Suguru’s the owner of the upscale café you’ve been buying Toji’s drinks from for six out of seven days a week.
It’s actually amusing to the point that you immediately smile whenever Satoru brings up Suguru, even for no particular reason, because if only time and luck had been at your side, you would’ve met him earlier and spared yourself the heartbreak from Toji.
You know to yourself, even in the deepest pits of your stomach that would like to argue otherwise, that you would’ve like Toji regardless even if you met Suguru earlier — what irks you about the whole thing is that fate is twisted.
You’re at standstill with the guy who checks all your boxes and actually likes you back unlike Toji, except this time, you’re content at staying in whatever playful relationship that you and Suguru are in now. 
It’s not a mess per se, but it’s a playful blunder between the two of you wherein you flirt and like each other’s presence, except you’re not in a relationship at all because neither of you are in a rush.
Oddly enough, having each other while not exactly owning the other at same time is enjoyable for the both of you.
For not atleast, you and Suguru are simply fated to be a pair of flirty friends that enjoy each other’s company without having to come home at the end of the night. He has his reservations while you have yours too, but they didn’t mean anything when the other just needs another shoulder present.
Your reservations don’t matter at the moment when there’s an inner turmoil that roots from the base of your chest, simply because Satoru had made the offhand comment that Toji kept asking him about you while you weren’t around.
Your reservations don’t matter at the moment when Suguru comes at the perfect time because he’s not as familiar as the best friend you grew up with, nor is he as fond as the man you’ve spent the better part of a year crushing on and are now wanting to move on from.
“Who’s that?” Toji snaps to no one in particular, the scowl on his face off-putting and intriguing enough for Satoru to notice. He follows Toji’s line of sight, a sly smirk already building up on his face at the prospect of teasing him, even if he knows your real score with Suguru.
“Oh, that’s Suguru. He’s my friend.”
“Didn’t he use to be that defending champion or something?” Toji murmurs, crossing his arms. He vaguely recalls how he once read an article detailing the young player retiring early so he could live a normal life, hearing the name Geto every once in awhile. “Why’s he here?”
“Didn’t you say you never keep tabs on other players?” Satoru snickers, the teasing smirk apparent on his face because of Toji’s sheer bitterness. “Also, it’s my gym. He’s not allowed around here or something?”
“Whatever. Don’t care,” Toji grumbles. “I could take him in a fight. I’d probably destroy him.”
Toji feels unwell, not because he spent a solid ten minutes arguing with a defensive Satoru that keeps insisting his best friend could totally defeat him in a fight, but because throughout that time, not once did you stop smiling at whatever Suguru has to say to you.
Your eyes are practically gleaming and although he loves the sight, there’s this ache that blooms in his chest and spreads all the way to the base of his spine knowing that it’s what you had looked like in front of him for the longest time.
“I bought lunch.”
Toji approaches you as soon as Suguru goes to the bathroom, his smile gentle and hesitant. 
It’s a first for you because you usually treat him. At the start, it was you treating everyone in order not to be transparent with your crush, but there’d been a couple obvious times in which you only exerted efforts for Toji and only him.
Toji doesn’t bother with an excuse of treating everyone or that he had bought too many; he just wants to have lunch with you. “Want some?”
“No, but thank you,” you answer lowly, the shake of your head barely noticeable because you don’t want to look him in the eye.
Toji’s more confused than he is deterred, the bag in his hands suddenly weighing a ton. “But you haven’t left your desk so that means you haven’t eaten yet,” he points out. “Do you not like this type of food? If not, I could just run to the-…”
“There you are!” 
Suguru comes back, and just like that, the crumbs of attention you were giving him had been cleaned up entirely. 
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s gooo, doll. I wanna beat everyone else to the limited specials,” Suguru ignores his obvious beating presence and practically drags you out from your chair (even though you needed little convincing), the hold he has on your wrist making Toji see red briefly.
Toji’s jaw clenches, unconsciously stepping out of the gym not long since you and Suguru rushed out, his sharp eyes following you until you both turn the corner.
It’s the same shop he got your food from.
( ♡ ) 
Toji can’t put a finger to what he’s feeling.
He feels different; the bad and dull kind of different that makes him listless and anxious no matter how much he tries to tire himself out.
He’ll subject himself to an agonizing workout with no breaks in between, but after that, he could only think about the way your bottom lip trembled at his words.
He’ll put himself through one practice match after another without any proper training, and even if Toji wins as he always does, he could only think about how he’s lost all of your affection that he had unconsciously looked forward to the entire time.
Toji finds himself lingering around you and he doesn't know if he could just continue hovering and hovering in this way; in a way that's unlike yours because you were unafraid to stand so close to him, talk to him whenever you please, and trail around him like a lost puppy in the past.
He’s upset and he doesn’t even know why he allows himself to feel that way, when for the longest time, he had convinced himself that he didn’t give you any hope so he had no reason to feel guilty about turning you down; so that he had no problem ignoring you while dealing with his constipation of not apologizing.
Toji’s upset, except he’s too self-aware to the point that it’s only his spite that keeps him awake with regret; he did give you hope. 
He didlinger around you and accept whatever you had to give him despite his lips making out the sentiment that he can never return them.
He did feel guilty at the prospect of turning you down right from the start because if that wasn’t the case, then you would have long given up on him. 
He did feel guilty about rejecting you, especially considering the fact that he wasn’t wholeheartedly sure whenever he refused your love — he still does.
“Toji?” you call out, the sound of your voice immediately startling him with the lights already dim in the breakroom. Toji only frequented the breakroom whenever you were there, and the odd, if not ironic, turn of events makes him smile humorlessly. “Are you drunk? Do you need me to call Satoru?” you ask with genuine concern, tilting your head as you try to assess his figure. “Do you want to go home?”
“Nah,” he shakes his head softly. “It’s jus’ to take the edge off. Probably easier to get a horse drunk than to get metipsy.”
You give a small smile at that, the tremble of your hands barely noticeable with the way Toji’s even more nervous than you at the realization that the two of you are alone with each other.
You’re only here because you forgot your laptop, and Toji’s only here because he doesn’t know what to make of himself because you’ve detached yourself from his routine— from his life, it seems like.
Toji looks down on his full glass, swirling it by his knee. There’s an unspeakable sorrow to his face with something about it resembling you, or atleast the resignation you felt every time Toji turned you down less than gently.
“Why don’t you like me anymore?”
Your eyes widen at the question, the words left in the tip of your tongue drying out the longer that Toji looked at you this way — like he’s stooped down to the level you used to be in, his eyes tired and glassy.
“Why don’t you like me anymore?” he repeats, mistaking the shock on your face for confusion. “If I… i-if I pretend to be drunk and ask you out, will you say yes?” Toji murmurs, using the back of his hand to clumsily get rid of the wetness that had unknowingly formed at the corners of his eyes. “Would that make you go back to liking me again?”
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Inception: Chapter 4
"Tch!"  Your forearm blocked a particularly heavy strike from Childe.  It was sure to be bruised tomorrow, but the pain was so freeing.  Maybe you should be attacking the Fatui more often if fighting made you feel THIS good.
"Don't tell me you're tired already," Childe smirked.  "I haven't even gotten to see you use your vision yet!"
The lanterns lighting the city below vaguely illuminated the mountainside in which the two of you were fighting.  It was the perfect view of both city and sea.  Childe was interested in seeing the fantastic firework show, but the way things were going right now, he was more interested in testing your limits.
"Enough about that already," you growled and thrust your elbow into his side.  The small 'oomph' that he exhaled made you a little too happy.  He's wanted a fight with you ever since he came back that day, and even more so since you reunited.  Who were you to refuse him now?  Sure, you've refused in the past, but the anger and bitterness that came flooding back while you were at the festival needed  relief.  Ajax needed to know how much he hurt you all those years ago, whether you directly told him or not.  
Childe, oblivious to the reason behind your sudden willingness to fight, was more than delighted to fight you.  You must've been pretty desperate to change the subject of your phobia if you chose fighting as the alternative!  That didn't stop him from feeling a little bad for pushing the subject, but the thrill of battle soon overcame the guilt and a new fascination overwhelmed his senses.
He was right.  You are like him, even if it's just when you're angry.  He can hone that: train you into becoming a warrior to be reckoned with.  Childe held no intentions to convince you to join the Fatui, but instead prevent your potential from being wasted.  He'd give you the opportunity to grow from amateur to expert.  If you managed to surprise him in this moment, only archons would know exactly what he thought of you.
The harbinger steadied himself and threw his forearm out in time to block your swing, then countered with one of his own to your gut.  It wasn't often that he trained in hand-to-hand combat, but that didn't make him any less deadly.  He had to pull his punches to prevent from hurting you--though if we're being honest, he completely forgot to do that after the first couple minutes.  It's not like you minded anyway. Childe was also slightly impressed at your strength; your looks were definitely deceiving and it worked to your advantage.  He had underestimated you.
No wonder his men were complaining about the vigilante so much.
He caught your roundhouse kick aimed for his head and threw you off balance.  The grass didn't soften your landing.  The sole of his boot sat square in the middle of your chest as he towered over you.  "Not bad," he praised with a raising of his lips.  "I can see why you chose antagonizing the Fatui as a hobby."  Something flashed in your eyes, but Childe wasn't sure what it was.
Your fist slammed into the side of his knee, knocking him off of you.  As he fell you grabbed his arm so he'd land on his back.  You were the one on top of him now with your knees pinning his shoulders into the grass.  "Do you even remember?"  
Childe blinked, and the bloodlust and thrill that was in his eyes was gone.  Remember?  What are--  You were struggling with something dark; your hands pulled the grass out from besides his head, eyes wavering with the slightest bit of hope swirling in the depths of pain.  Seeing your expression, Childe parted his lips to speak.  "Reed--?"
"Heh, forget it," you sniffed, swiping the bottom of your nose with your thumb and sitting up straighter as you vacantly analyzed the blood that now painted your finger.
BOOM! C-r-a-c-k-l-e....!
The Mingxiao lantern exploded somewhere behind you.  The lights from the explosives cast a prolonged glow that illuminated Childe beneath you, but you were still staring at your hand.  It was hard not to think about that night with your father.  What could you have done to change the outcome?  What could have helped you reach Ajax when he returned a different child?  Based on your fight just now, he's never stopped looking for something to take his anger out on; a cruel contrast to the friendly toy seller demeanor.  Meanwhile, Childe: What would've happened if you had fallen into the Abyss with him?  
The lights were beautiful from Childe's point of view, but not for the common reason; they were blocked out save for the ones peeking out from behind your shoulders and head.  You were backlit with bright colors--reds, blues, greens, yellows and oranges.  Each cast a soft glow to your silhouette.  The thoughtful look on your face while you refused to look his way was enticing, what with the sweat that slowly rolled down your temple and the forming bruises splattering across your arms.  And the bloody nose he gave you--the blood that slowly trickled its way down to your upper lip--sent a pleasurable chill down his spine.  You were a breathtaking mess of art.
He briefly wondered if you thought the same of him, but you never glanced down even after the lights of the lantern had faded.
A few miles westward, at the base of Mount Tianheng. Ten minutes before the release of the Mingxiao lantern.
"Alright boys," a dark figure emerged from the shadows of the mountain and scanned the crowd of twenty-plus men all dressed in black robes.  The gruff voice that erupted from the man was enough to silence the hushed whispers between comrades in arms.  "Our scouts confirm the whereabouts of the target in the Northland Bank.  Security is minimal as expected.  Our primary objective is to retrieve those documents.  Understood?"
Silent nods all around.  Not one uttered a word, their obedience absolute.  This was the man that compensated them fairly compared to Her Majesty the Tsaritsa.  Injustices laid out against them by their superiors in the Liyue division of the Fatui will be paid in due time. Now that there were enough committed to the cause, the master's plan will be put into action.
"The Fatui will fall," he bellowed.
"The Fatui will fall! The Fatui will fall! The Fatui will fall!"  The servicemen dispersed as quickly as they heeded his words, shouts of determination fading into murmurs then silence.
"Charlie," the leader gestured towards his right-hand man.  "A word."
"Yes, sir?"  The brunette's wolf-like ears perked up at the voice of his master.  It wasn't unusual that he was given a separate mission during times like this, so he prepared himself with a jaw clenched in anticipation.
"Though I doubt any of them would be caught in this operation by either party, I am not risking you for...obvious reasons.  I have a separate matter to discuss with you."  Eyes like a snake's watched Charlie with both thoughtfulness and pride.  Charlie was by far the most trustworthy, being one of the few recruits that were in this group the longest.  He's succeeded all expectations, to say the least.  "You've mentioned before about a rogue citizen attacking the Liyue Fatui?"
"Yes, sir."
"Any new information on them?"
"Well," Charlie shifted his weight to his other foot and pulled at the collar of his jacket.  "According to one of the agents, it's a she.  The lack of evidence she leaves during expeditions indicate she's had some time to plot her attacks and escape routes...she's more of a threat to them than those who are joining our ranks--at least on the agent-level.  Master Childe seems rather unconcerned with her."
"I see.  Well, if you're up for a greater challenge, find her.  And when you do, recruit her.  With her skillset, the destruction of the Liyue Division will happen a lot faster."
"Yes, sir."  This challenge wouldn't be easy.  It was unusual for there to be someone like him in the ranks of the Fatui, but perhaps this could be an advantage for finding this vigilante that's been the talk of the Fatui for so long.
Childe had parted ways with you a few minutes ago and decided to check in with the bank before bed.  The city streets were still bustling with partiers and night owls, so he took the shortcut through neighboring alleyways to avoid the foot traffic.  
He still couldn't figure out why you went quiet after sparring.  Wasn't sure if he missed something--a cue, a word, a phrase...what was it?  And why was it bugging him so much?  His chest was tight and palms sweaty, his heart was even racing a bit.  It was unusual for him to be so on-edge.  His worries were rudely interrupted when he reached the stairs that led up to the bank.  
"Why aren't you helping us?! We told you everything we know! We need those documents back!"  Nadia was practically screaming at one of the authorities.  "I told you, those documents are im--" Spotting Childe, she let out a sigh of relief.  "Oh thank Her Majesty--We've been robbed, Master Childe."
"Mm, yes.  The safe was broken into, but not a single mora was taken.  The reception desk is in disarray, as is Andrei's office...papers are strewn about this way and that, and the documents Andrei was holding for you are missing."
"...I see."
"And these...these imbeciles aren't helping!  They're saying there's nothing to do but make a report!"
"I understand the situation.  I'll be taking it from here.  Please return to your post, Nadia."
She turned on her heel.  "Yes sir!"
Childe faced the Millelith again now that it was just him and them remaining.  "Any leads?"
"N-No, sir." The taller one, who was seemingly the one in charge of the investigation, held a stern expression as he stared eye-to-eye with the harbinger.  "No witnesses.  Whoever pulled this off did so with help.  The theory is at least five people were involved."
"Five?"  Childe couldn't help but scoff at such a ridiculous idea.  "And there were no witnesses at all? That's not possible."
"No! You don't understand.  That's impossible.  Our security is too tight for even one person to slip through.  There had to be someone.  Are you sure you crosschecked those who are on duty?"
The guard just shrugged.  He wasn't even interested in hearing what Childe had to say!  Even the other guards that were accompanying him appeared bored and even annoyed that they had to deal with the Fatui.
Seeing this, the harbinger pulled at his hair.  Steady now, he reminded himself, Don't lose your temper here.  "If I may, I'd like to speak with your leading supervisor."
"You're lookin' at him," the lead guard answered with an arrogant smirk that pissed Childe off even more.
"Tch--Whoever's in charge of you."
"Sorry, but he's off-duty at the moment.  You can speak with him at the civil affairs tomorrow evening."
"Right."  Childe grit his teeth and took an extra deep breath to calm himself.  Of course, it didn't work.  Damn them!  If I could have it my way, they'd be lying in a pool of their own blood right here and now for their audacity to ignore a crime against us--We fund them, for crying out loud! Perhaps I should send for the Tsaritsa's wisdom-- If it weren't for Lady Signora keeping him in the dark in regards to Morax's gnosis, he wouldn't feel like a dog on a tight leash right now.  The great weapon of war forced to heel for the sake of the cryo archon's image.  Childe made his way for Andrei's office with clenched fists.
Sure enough, it was trashed.  Every document, every book, every folder lay strewn about or trampled on.  Nadia and another agent were busy sorting through and placing each in their respective places; Andrei was out near the docks so it would be awhile before anyone managed to get ahold of him...
Childe knelt at the safe under the desk that sat before the set of double-paned windows.  It was empty.  Every single letter from the Tsaritsa was inside; each detailing next and future steps for the Fatui and Northland Bank; classified documents that updated him of the politics occurring in the Motherland; evidence of...certain matters that would no doubt give the Qixing enough power to ban the presence of Fatui in Liyue.  All of it was gone.
Who'd go to such sophisticated lengths to get their hands on these?  The Qixing abide by the law, so they wouldn't do something so unorthodox.  The Millelith were definitely biased and held grudges against him, so they're not entirely ruled out...What was the suspects' goal?  A smear campaign?  If it is, they got it.  
If he hadn't been away from the office, surely they wouldn't have been so bold as to pull off a bank heist.  But one good thing came out of this:  You definitely weren't involved since you were with him.  Wait...whoever did this must've been watching him.  You could be involved if you had help, but you've never mentioned anyone helping you.  So you and this situation were completely unrelated.  That had to be the case.
Regardless, his every move is being watched.  The only question that remains is, by who?
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leoheart731 · 4 years
So I found an interesting ship
And this ship is actually Hawks x Fuyumi (Shoto’s big sis)
And I was wondering why would they ship Hawks with someone he’s never met before
Then I looked more into it
And then I realized
Like I can imagine Hawks coming over to meet up with Endeavour about work
But Endeavour isn’t home
And instead ends up being welcomed by the Todoroki princess, Fuyumi Todoroki
She invites him for a cup of tea while he waits for her father to come home.
Hawks has never met any of the other Todorki’s besides Shoto, so he’s curious to see what the daughter of the very stern Endeavour is like since Shoto is somewhat similar to him
And to his surprise, she’s the exact opposite.
The kindness and gentleness that she presents towards him caught him off guard since he’s used to a Todoroki being silent and closed off.
This curiousness grows even more with the need to know more about this new Todoroki he has just met.
The two end up having a lovely conversation, talking about what it’s like for Hawks being the No. 2 Pro-Hero and about Fuyumi’s work, which is an elementary school teacher.
At first he wanted to start this conversation just so it wouldn’t be awkward with just them two alone.
But he ends up liking conversing with the kind Fuyumi and is always invested with any topic that she throws in.
One conversation really peaked his interest.
“I’ve actually became a bit of a fan of yours recently!” Says Fuyumi as she sets down her cup of tea.
His eyebrow raises up in curiousity and, although very subtle, his wings sprout out from the sudden statement. “Oh? Is that so? What peaked your interest?”
“Heh, I blame my little ones (students). A lot of them are fans of yours and I always hear them talking about you, so I couldn’t help myself become invested in their conversations”.
“But there was one particular conversation that I had with my students that got me”
“And what was that?” says Hawks with a curious smirk as he takes a sip of his tea.
“It was my hair”
“You hair?” Hawks looks at her with confusion.
“You see these red streaks on my hair?”
Hawks analyzes her hair, not realizing before the red streaks that are strewn about on her snow white locks.
“You see, when I was having a conversation with my students about you, they mentioned that my streaks remind them of your feathers. And they really do!”
His eyes widen at the statement as he realizes that her streaks do indeed look like his red feathers. Knowing that her hair looks like something personal to him makes him feel giddy inside.
“Wow, they really do look like my feathers! I didn’t even notice! That’s pretty neat!”
“The thing is; it wasn’t just my students that have said this”
“Oh, really?” Becoming more curious, he leans forward closer towards Fuyumi.
“Mhm. When I was little, my mother used to say this to me...”
“Those red streaks on your hair? You see, I believe those are actually feathers from a guardian angel that helped bring you into this life when you were born”
“A guardian angel, huh?” he chuckled, but deep down, it was like he was given a compliment. “What? Do you think I’m your supposed guardian angel?”
“Then you would have to be immortal considering you’re the same age as me” laughed Fuyumi.
“Heh, that’s true. But not only that...” he leans closer and stares playfully in Fuyumi’s eyes. “If I was your angel, then I would’ve definitely remembered your cute face when you opened the front door for me”
That statement totally caught Fuyumi off guard, making her face flush with red from cheek to ear. It’s not like she’s never received such compliments before, but something about those words coming from Hawks himself makes her heart skip a beat unlike the rest.
“Y-You... Y-You think m-my face i-is...” she stuttered as her brain is having trouble trying to process what she had just heard.
The thing that needs to be noted was this: Hawks did not mean it to be flirtatious in anyway.
Realizing what he had just said after seeing Fuyumi’s reaction, his eyes open wide and his face becomes very flustered.
For a charismatic and sociable guy, he actually has never flirted with a girl before. It’s most likely known within his fan community that Hawks unintentionally flirts a lot and he doesn’t even know it. However, that obliviousness is what draws in his fans more.
“W-Wait, I didn’t mean it like that- I mean, your face is cute- I-I mean-...!” Realizing that he’s just digging his own grave, he shuts his mouth and the two both look down shyly, not knowing what to say to the other.
However, gentle giggles can be heard in front of Hawks. He looks up to find the source.
“W-Why are you laughing...?” murmured Hawks.
“Because...” chuckled Fuyumi. “I didn’t know that the famous No. 2 Pro-Hero could be so cute”
His wings perk up in response. “I’m c-cute...?” He couldn’t help but feel frustrated that the woman in front of him, who is close to being a normal citizen, is making him feel flustered.
Instead of responding to the question, Fuyumi continues to laugh at the situation and, in turn, makes Hawks give out a few chuckles as well as they both laugh at how awkward they’ve gotten.
“Hey, Hawks?” Fuyumi looks up at him with a question in mind.
“Hm? What is it?”
“I know this is a bit bold of me to ask of this towards the No. 2 Pro-Hero...”
“Don’t be shy! Ask me anything!”
Fuyumi’s cheeks flushes more. “I... I was wondering... If you’d like to hang out sometime?” she asks shyly.
And just like that, he becomes flustered once more and slightly disappointed that he was not the one that asked first.
Suddenly, Fuyumi realizes what her question sounded like.
“I-It don’t mean a date! It can just be a regular hangout between friends- I mean, if you consider us to be...”
The way that she talks makes her feel so embarrassed that she covers her face with her hands. Meanwhile, Hawks sits there, thinking about the sudden request.
Going back to the fact he is a charismatic and sociable guy, he never really had real friends. At most, he would meet people that would soon become acquaintances and nothing more. Always on the move, always on top of his missions, and he never really stopped and realize how alone he is.
And in that moment, he realizes he really is lonely.
But if he takes this chance, maybe he could finally feel what it’s like to have a friend.
Maybe even more.
“Fuyumi...” said Hawks in a gentle voice.
Hesitatingly, she peaks her eyes in between her small fingers that reveal Hawks looking at her with a gentle smile.
“You don’t have to be so shy. I would actually like to hang out with you!”
“I don’t mind! After meeting you, I realized that talking with you is actually fun!”
Instead of feeling more flustered, Fuyumi suddenly feels excited as if she and Hawks have already gotten so close.
“Then it’s settled!”
After the agreement, the two continue to drink their tea and converse in many interesting topics that would draw in the other.
Suddenly, Fuyumi comes to a realization.
“A-Actually, there might be a problem...”
“And that is?” asked Hawks curiously.
“My father. You probably already know this, but he can be very strict, so I don’t know how he’d react when he sees me hanging out with you”.
“Ah, don’t be so worried!” said Hawks in a confident voice. “Me and your dad have been working buddies for awhile, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind!”
“But if you’re still worried about your dad, then we can always sneak around him!”
“I-I don’t think that’s such a good idea!”
“Why not? Isn’t it that kids nowadays usually sneak around their parents in order to hang out with friends they don’t approve upon? It’ll be fine-!”
Before he could finish, Hawks notices that Fuyumi is still as a statue and her eyes are wide open.
Suddenly, Hawks feels a deadly dark aura behind him as if it’s a dark cloud trying to suffocate him.
Deep down, he knew why he was feeling this aura.
He slowly turns around and looks up to see Endeavour covered in giant bright flames.
And he is not happy.
“O-Oh, Endeavor! Y-You’re h-home!” said Hawks in a shaky tone.
“What’s this about sneaking my daughter behind my back to “hang out”?!” said Endeavour in his loud and rumbly voice that it shakes Hawk’s ears and makes his wings cower down in fear.
He looks at Hawks dead in the eye. Although he is surrounded by flames, his eyes give out a deadly chill.
“Well? Explain!”
I’m so dead thought Hawks.
After the confrontation, Hawks was heavily threatened scolded by Endeavour and was told that if he ever sees him with his daughter, he would bury him in the deep depths of hell.
Staying true to his word, after that fateful day, Fuyumi and Hawks never got to hang out or even speak to one another.
At least
Not in front of Endeavour.
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Baby, You’re my Number One
Word Count: 1,486
Content Warnings: None
Pairing: Ruby + Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animated)
I know this is the first time I’ve ever done something like this, but since I first got a crush on Arthur over four years ago, I figured I would celebrate finally shipping with him by writing a lil drabble of him finally confessing to me. This fic is really messy and borderline incomplete, but I just wanted to get it out so I can start enjoying my ship with him. I hope you enjoy reading anyway! ♥
Tag List: @cringyalienships @gorillazgirlfriend @nanonami-loves @selfshippinglover @weirdoslovingweirdos(Thank you all for participating in the f/o takeover and giving Arthur some words of encouragement! :3c)
Ruby let out a yawn as she propped her head up on her elbow at the front counter of the Pepper Paradiso, the family restaurant owned by her foster parents. Even with the eatery's popularity in the small town of Tempo, hardly anybody had walked through the front doors in the past hour. Ruby had expected this to happen, though; it was a slow Monday night in the middle of autumn, when the tourist season was already long over, and most of the warm-blooded Texas citizens weren't willing to brave the cold night air, even for a good meal. 
Ruby glanced over to the clock. 6:18. God, she still had to endure nearly four more hours of just standing around and doing nothing. All she could hope for at that point was for someone, anyone to come through the doors and give her something to-
Dingy, ding!
Ruby stood up straight and snapped her attention towards the front door as she heard the bell above the entryway chiming, but she quickly relaxed again as she instantly recognized just who had entered the restaurant. It was Arthur, a close friend of Ruby's older brother Lewis. She had hung out with Lewis's group of friends plenty of times in the past; in fact, he had nearly insisted on it, as the young introverted girl struggled to make friends on her own. Even if she preferred being on her own, however, there was one reason why she was always more than willing to comply with her brother's mandatory invites.
And that reason was walking towards her right now.
"Hi, Arthur," she greeted him shyly as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear in a last-ditch attempt to improve her appearance for him. "What brings you by tonight?"
"Uh, h-hey, Ruby," he weakly returned the greeting. "I just wanted to drop by for a visit, heh…” He looked the other way and cleared his throat before turning back to Ruby with a sudden intensity in his amber eyes. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”
Ruby raised her eyebrows and stood up straight, her attention now fully captured. She’d never seen him look so determined. “Oh, is something up?”
Arthur’s slouch returned as he suddenly stared at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck. “W-well, it’s not that important. If you’re busy right now then I can just, like, come back later...”
“Dude, c’mon,” Ruby chuckled as she gestured to the empty restaurant behind her, “does it look like we’re busy right now?” She stepped out from behind the counter and walked around to stand in front of Arthur. “I’ve got time.”
A sparkle came back to Arthur’s eyes as he confidently stood up straight again, inadvertently looming over Ruby and unknowingly making her heart skip a beat as she looked up at him and admired his gentle smile.
“Uh, do you mind if we head outside for a bit?” Arthur asked bashfully. “I would just r-rather do this without any interruptions.”
Do what?, Ruby couldn’t but wonder. “Oh, sure,” she answered, and she quietly walked behind Arthur toward the front door, where he held it open for her and allowed her to exit before he followed. He’s always such a gentleman…
The two stood in the cold night air under the warm glow of the restaurant’s neon sign, a soft breeze tickling Ruby’s cheeks as she stared up at Arthur expectantly. “So,” she broke the awkward silence, “what did you wanna ask me?”
“Well, uh, it’s not so much a question, but just like, something I’ve been thinking about.” Arthur took a deep breath, as if he was centering himself, before he continued, “Ya know, w-we’ve known each other for a few years now, and even if we’ve never hung out, like, alone or anything, I still have a really good time when I’m with you. You’re always totally nice to me too, and I think you’re super funny and smart too! A-and I share more interests with you than anyone else I know, so maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always felt like we go really well together...”
Ruby felt her knees going weak and eyes growing cloudy as she listened with a widening grin to Arthur’s sudden bombarding of compliments. She brought a hand up to shyly cover her dopey grin as she continued to listen and try to calm her racing heartbeat. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, and yet she couldn’t help but think that this almost sounded like some kind of confession.
Arthur nervously rubbed his arm and looked to the side, but found the courage to go on, “Maybe I’ve just been takin’ it the wrong way and you’re nice to everybody the same way that you’re always so nice to me. B-but I really love hanging out with you, and listening to you talk, and making you smile… and it’s okay if you wanna say no! But I r-really want to be someone who can keep making you smile as much as possible, and I would be honored if you felt the same about me…”
There was a stillness to the air as Ruby fully absorbed everything she had just heard. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply through her nose, trying desperately to stop herself from shedding any tears in front of the guy that she’d had a crush on for years. The guy who had actually felt the same about her, after all this time, he really loved her too!
Arthur looked at her patiently, a drop of sweat running down the side of his face as his eager grin began to falter. “R-Ruby?.. C’mon, don’t leave me hanging. What… what do you think?”
Ruby let out a deep sigh, and at last she opened her eyes and tilted her head up to look at Arthur, with the tears in her eyes being instantly recognizable in the light. “Arthur,” she said with a shy smile, “are you… are you saying that you love me?”
His eyes went wide as he bit his lip in near reluctance, but at last he was able to overcome his fears of rejection and finally tell her, “Y-yeah. Yeah, I am.” With such a heavy weight off of his mind, he at last had the courage to smile at her as he affirmed, “I love you, Ruby.”
Even though she had figured out what he was trying to tell her by then, hearing him finally say those three words to her made her heart swell with joy, and before she could stop herself, she sprang forward and tightly wrapped her arms around Arthur’s waist as she buried her face in his shirt. Arthur just knew his face was burning red as she felt Ruby push her smaller body against him, but he still returned the the gesture as he gently put his arms around her as well, even daring to run a hand through her soft, curly hair. “Heh, I suppose this means you feel the same?”
“Yes. God yes,” Ruby answered, her voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. “I’ve loved you for so long, Arthur.” She just barely pulled her face away to look up at him, a few stray tears escaping from her eyes. “You have no idea how happy I am right now.”
Arthur let out a chuckle and leaned down to press his forehead to hers lovingly. “I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of how you’re feeling.” He wiped a few tears from her cheek with his thumb, and his heart skipped a beat when she nuzzled against his hand with her eyes contently closed. Her eyes fluttered open again, and as she looked back up at him, she found her gaze abruptly stopping just below his nose. She began leaning in closer, and before either of them truly realized what was about to happen, she softly pressed a kiss to his lips for a brief moment before pulling away just as quickly. As she looked back up into his eyes, it almost seemed like they were sparkling as he stared down at her with a starstruck open-mouth grin and bright blush in his cheeks.
“Sorry,” Ruby said, “is it too early for kissing?”
All Arthur could do was shake his head as he attempted to regain his senses. Finally, he was able to stutter, “No, that w-was okay.” He pulled her in closer as he began to lean in himself. “In fact,” he mumbled against her lips, “that was amazing.”
And before a single word more could be uttered, the two new lovers closed the gap between each other and let their lips gently mingle as they held each other tight. The only thing that existed to them now, even if it was just for the moment, was each other, and frankly, they couldn’t have been happier.
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inventors-fair · 4 years
Three Cheese Commentary: An exercise in utility
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I really shouldn’t complain about contests being popular with people.
Still, what a way for the year’s contests to start. A heckuva lot of entries for a very hard prompt makes me feel good, in an odd way. I have a hypothesis that the clarity of directions and the examples provided were enough to make it feel as though there was a low barrier to entry. It’s interesting and kind of my fault that a lot of mythic legendary creatures found their way in. Ah well. Lessons learned.
If you’re reading this, I want to give you a little hint: we love hard decisions. If your cards really are brilliant, if you do your best to improve with each and every entry, if you listen to the commentary and submit the best possible card, then our jobs as judges would be nail-bitingly hard. And I love that. I love having to sigh wistfully and move a card from “winners” to “runners-up.” I love praising cards that contest for coolness in their spaces. In short: you don’t have to listen to us specifically because, well, we’re not professionals, but if you tweak the tweaks and polish on your polish, then—well, the goal is that you grow as designers and in your understanding of the game. And that you’ll have fun along the way. 
For every card, I’m going to converse with the intent, talk about where improvements can be made and what might have gone wrong, and then go through wording nitpicks (another part of what makes cards hard, heh. You gotta do design AND cost AND flavor without committee). Cards with JUDGE PICK are personal favorites that for whatever reason either didn’t meet the criteria for winners or just tickled my fancy despite being some kind of not-there-in-certain-ways. Or maybe they just got pushed out of runners-up because of space. See? Hard decisions.
Let’s talk about some cards:
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@aethernalstars — Anurid Matriarch
Intent: The Matriarch feels like a casual build-around-me keyword card with some connection to the Anurids of Dominaria. There are only two frogs with reach (and none with first strike) to date but this isn’t supposed to be a tribal card, is it. Not like that, anyway. Giving keywords those ups makes sense. Token generation is pretty solidly GW, giving them flying is WU, sure. First strike to double feels distinctly white. I imagine this card as a casual build-around-me or a token generator. Five mana for a 1/1 token ain’t bad.
Improvement: I have no idea what this card really wants to be. First strike doesn’t see anything outside of white, and reach doesn’t see much inside white. Or blue, for that matter. The flying makes sense for blue but this whole card doesn’t feel cohesive in terms of colors or identity. I did my Anurid research and I don’t see any precedent for this. Frog beasts are cool but… Well, this card answers the question of “why” with “just because.” I don’t fully understand the niche it’s trying to fill or the environment in which it wants to exist. If you’re gonna make a Frog build-around-me, lean into that. If you’re gonna make a keyword tribal card, focus on just one. If you want to make it color-balanced, look at what everything could do together for a flavorful feel.
Nitpicks: Flying comes before double strike.
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Amarinthe — Rashmi, Enlivened Artificer
Intent: Temur has a pseudo-foothold in Kaladesh mechanically, so I’m not surprised that Rashmi’s here doing her thing. Giving your cards Jump-start is interesting, as UR has a sort of flashback mechanic, plus the lands from the graveyard work into green quite well. What I really like is the way that the Crucible effect interacts with jump-start. That’s pretty cool design chops. I can see this in a supplemental Commander sphere or even as a Standard mythic for a three-color archetype. It doesn’t seem exceptionally broken on either front. From a purely mechanical perspective, I think you made an awesome card.
Improvement: This card perhaps feels RUG, but it 100% doesn’t feel like Rashmi or a druid. Elves can be artificers on Kaladesh, and that’s not an issue, but you call her an artificer, you type her as a druid (which yes, was her original type when she was more druidic), and you give her a primary ability that’s got basically nothing to do with artifacts or druidic principles. The lands work great with the druid part, but the flavor could be sorted out. I would take out “jump-start” as a keyword and just work in the wording “you may cast from your graveyard” etc., make a new character, and flavor them appropriately. The flavor text should complement the mechanics; as it is, I’m not certain.
Nitpicks: “jump-start” should be lowercase, but it doesn’t really matter if you do end up taking it out. 
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@arashisann — Yurlok’s Conflux
Intent: With Yurlok being a new commander hotness, I can see the intent of this card as a Jundian standard/supplemental addendum. The lava flow makes mountains, then the second ability...represents something predatory? And the last is Jund destruction. The R>B>G makes sense there.
Improvement: I don’t know if this card is necessary salvageable as-is; you might be better off making two or three separate cards if you want to show this character. When making a saga, you have to tell a story in a limited form, and it’s hard, absolutely! You represented the lava flow in the first ability quite well, and I do like that a lot. The creature and artifact sacrifice isn’t indicative of anything that I can follow story-wise. Reading the wiki I understand the way that you might want to represent the Thrash dying or Esper being invaded. I don’t believe this is the way to do it. With the very last sentence not doing anything when you’re sacrificing anyway, I don’t believe the best card for you is a saga at all. How could you tell this in an instant or sorcery card, perhaps? The moment that Yurlok comes over the Esper border?
Nitpicks: “non-Mountain;” the land type should be capitalized in both parts, see Quicksilver Fountain. The ability should also be one word. As I mentioned, removing the counters doesn’t do anything mechanically because it’s sacrificed after resolution. Check the MSE Discord if you want to get your text fixed, BTW. I know how frustrating that can be.
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@askkrenko — Etherium Restoration
Intent: You know, even without Ed being there, I’m getting a Bruna-ish feel. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just that UW expensive returning stuff kinda has those associations. The fact that the creature is being restored with etherium though is pretty awesome, and you know what, that alone (the return plus the re-artifacting) is a great way to convey what Esper does and wants to do. 
Improvement: The aura and equipment stuff doesn’t grab me, honestly. What do auras have to do with Esper? And the only equipment that I could find that fit was Mask of Riddles. So I’m going to stop here because the obvious answer is that you’re exploring new story design space for what Esper might be. I respect that. With the information we have now, it’s middle-of-the-road. My vote would be to make this (3)(B/W)(U) and make an argument for UW reanimation to artifice overall, then completely drop the aura/equipment part. Plus, gotta say, I know the flavor text is a pop culture thing but you’re messin’ with my favorite plane! Show some respect! /j
Nitpicks: If you do keep that second part, “Aura” and “Equipment” should be capitalized.
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@bread-into-toast — Krofor, Corpse Hauler
Intent: It’s a nightmare insect? I’m down. Even without that particular piece of art I can see how people might be afraid of a giant bug. This is pretty evidently a Commander-geared card although I can see how casual brewers might want to throw it down in a combo match and do some graveyard hate. GW graveyard exile and black ability scavaging is pretty cool, so I can see where your intent was with that. Good catch putting “Nightmare” first, too. I almost suggested mixing it around. I like how aggressive this card can be.
Improvement: Firstly, Corpse Hauler is literally another card which already had a self-evident mechanical ability to get creatures back to the hand. Even if it’s an homage, I would distinguish it; besides, it’s not so much “hauling” corpses as it is eating them. Presumably. “All abilities” is a bit of a slippery slope, too. Activated abilities is one thing, but all abilities whatsoever? I’m uncertain if that’s design space you want to tap into, but don’t pull the trigger. My main issue is that you have the activated ability cost “X and W, B or G.” I understand what you were trying to do but that that point you might as well just have it be “1X.” There wouldn’t be anything stopping you from making that mana already. In short, rectify the name to fit flavor, change the ability cost, and be wary of weird interactions with abilities.
Nitpicks: “Lifelink” and “Vigilance” should be lowercase ‘l’ and ‘v’ respectively. The X in the rules text of the activated ability should also be spelled out and not a mana symbol. You can change this in MSE by highlighting, then going to the star next to the bold/italic toggle and turning it off.
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@col-seaker-of-the-memiest-legion — Sevala, Exiled Naturalist
Intent: I read up on what happened with Selvala after the events of the first Conspiracy set, and I see how you set off to mimic that, but then I saw the note about the Timeshifting, and yeah, I guess that works.. The green landfall, the red flashback and the white Path come across well. I suppose this is more of an eternal-themed card, although I could be wrong.
Improvement: Yeah, technically there’s nothing stopping you from having a noncreature card as a partnerable card. I’m trying to be diplomatic about the implications, though. Okay. So Selvala’s white aspect was introduced in the first Conspiracy set as she was heavily connected to the citizens of Paliano and worked as a community diplomat against the establishment. She forged a stronger connection to nature and thus became more green in her overhaul of the city. Path to Exile is not in her wheelhouse. She does not exile; she parlays, communes with creatures, seeks out new futures. What exiling magic does she have? What judgement? It doesn’t exist in her character, nor does the redness. Frankly landfall doesn’t really fit her character as well. The point is that even if a character could have a partner that’s a concept (which is antithetical to the mechanic as a whole), the spell you have chosen contrasts with Selvala instead of complementing her. And what does she have to do with flashback anyway? To improve this card, completely restart the conceptual process.
Nitpicks: The character’s name is misspelled. 
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@deafeningsandwichpeach — Ilharg, the Craze-Boar
Intent: Ha, I get it. I’m going to go out on a huge limb here, because I mean as much as I like all of this I get the feeling that either the name or art came before the full concept. Nothing wrong with that, because ultimately the card is good. SO. Either this is designed for a Timeshifted set where something really awful happens to our poor Boar God, or, well, something really bad DID happen to him somehow. I’m not sure what the land return represents flavorfully but it’s fine mechanically. The creature return as well is BR and I’m down for that, strong as it is. This card evokes the colors in a way that makes it slightly different than Jund; maybe it’s the art but I’m getting Innistrad vibes from him, the madness returning, the pain going on inside his head. It’s neat. Again, massive stretch though, let’s be real.
Improvement: And with that in mind, I wouldn’t have made him Ilharg. Honestly, this should’ve been a new character, and I would have been a lot more generous. I don’t really get what Ilharg as a whole even in an alternate timeline has to do with lands returning considering that he’s a big ol’ nasty city destroyer. Mechanically, this card needs to cost like EIGHT mana. The card you return from your graveyard to the battlefield stays there, and with a big enough graveyard you don’t have to worry about getting things from your hand anymore. Turns 1-4 dump all your creatures, turn five get the best of them if not earlier? Pretty busted in any format. For eight mana I wouldn’t complain.
Nitpicks: “up to two land cards,” not “lands.” Question: why isn’t he a God?
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@deg99 — Radiant Return (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Black reanimation, white attachment, red hastiness. All the colors are definitely there! There’s something Mardu-not-Mardu about this RWB card, and I think I like it. I could see it as a standard card, definitely, or as a commander staple for a really interesting commander. I’m honestly not sure exactly what kind of deck would really appreciate this card right now! Keskit/Akiri? The Auras part is a little more interesting. Ardenn/Vial...Smasher? The fact that it defies current archetypes but still makes sense is very cool to me. I also wonder what a standard expansion in which RWB auraquipment is an archetype would look like now.
Improvement: A little flavor text could make this work one degree better. It’s really on me that  you went into the future with this card, isn’t it. There’s no major improvement to be made besides that. Consider contextualizing for future contests, perhaps? When necessary, anyway.
Nitpicks: “Return target...to the battlefield, then attach any number of Auras and/or Equipment you control to it...etc.” Don’t need the trigger.
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@demimonde-semigoddess — Seaglide Whaler
Intent: A pirate’s life for me! So we got an aggressive tempo-y pirate person with a decent couple of sharpshooter abilities. Blue sirens are certainly reasonable, as are Grixis pirates. I like the notion that it has to attack to “survey” and then take whatever shots it makes. I don’t think Ixalan could have had this card but honestly the future is a place where anything could happen.
Improvement: The problem with these colors is that in practical terms, the second mode is strictly black and yet can be played in an Izzet deck. Hybrid is a weird mistress. As much as these abilities might neatly tie into the three colors, hybrid makes deck construction nearly impossible. You can have a pinger in UB or a Fatal Blow in UR, both of which are either severe bends or breaks. Making this a straight UBR 3/1 flier could have been okay, perhaps, or having on-color activations, but as it is now, hybrid makes things hard. Consider looking at a Venn diagram between UB and UR to consider more appropriate abilities?
Nitpicks: Kathari Bomber implies the second mode to be “...damage this turn and sacrifice Seaglide Whaler.”
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@dimestoretajic — The Dark Tendril
Intent: Sultai skulk-lord could be a fun card to open and build around in limited, and a BUG defender-y deck could have some fun application. I like how you’ve made the new character and sort of done another take on treefolk.
Improvement: For this contest, I don’t feel a strong color balance in this card. Skulk was a weird black/blue centered mechanic, sure, and green assigns the toughness, but… This feels like it’s trying to make skulk look cool rather than address the issue that skulk was just plain not a good mechanic. I get where the color weight is supposed to be but the whole thing is shadowed by that underlying desire. If this card had just been “Creatures you control can’t be blocked by creatures with greater power” and the other stuff, on a name/type that was more resonant, then I think it could have been a stronger contender. I don’t understand the world in which “The Dark Tendril” lives. I don’t understand why it’s a treefolk. I would get rid of naming skulk, make the type more apparent, and give the character some character.
Nitpicks: Three-colored cards really should have a gold border, not a hybrid one. Also, promo frames tend not to have flavor text (with exceptions for cards with no rules text like Memnite).
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@driftingthruthecosmos — Ulti, Sudden Conjurer
Intent: I like that triggered ability because it’s got some smooth flow over it. GU has its flash aspect, but black also likes destructive instants, and then the Disentomb-effect fits nicely into a payoff that feels black for sure. I also like how you’re using the three colors to push the card into a really neat 3/3 aggressive creature. Flash and deathtouch literally only show up together in these three colors but not together—and here you are changing that on a powerful legend!
Improvement: But the fact that she can only return creatures with flash is kind of a bummer. Sure there are plenty of cards that could work with her, and having some Ambush Viper casual tribal wouldn’t be too bad, but it’s still limiting. I would have implied that she works with flash, or let players work with flash, without being so specific about it, and I feel that the card would be improved with implied flash tribal over explicit in this case. Additionally, what on earth is that last ability doing? Each end step, you have to sacrifice a creature or lose one of your potential targets for her trigger? I have the feeling that you may have been too cautious to push power levels here. If you want to limit her, have it be “Whenever you cast your first spell during each opponent’s turn…” or something, and axe that last part.
Nitpicks: “unless you sacrifice a nontoken creature.” Full stop, you can never sacrifice creatures you don’t control so adding “you control” is redundant.
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@dumbellsndragons — Gorvax, Lich of the Horde
Intent: It’s a Mardu zombie orc wizard. At this point, you’re already doing something right for the Timmies out there. The first ability has Tainted Remedy plus some crazy draw after that, and oh man, it’s begging to be punishing. “I’m gonna Heliod’s Intervention you. Deck yourself. Runeflare Trap. Molten Psyche.” But also, that second ability? You can Bolt during an opponent’s turn and turn it into a one-red-mana Ancient Craving. For mythic, to build around? I honestly think that that’s perfectly fine. And insanely powerful.
Improvement: There’s weird stuff going on, but the hard part is that I don’t know if there’s things to improve. Giving your spells lifelink has Jeskai precedent, but it’s not NOT black. Doing a little digging, I can see that there are indeed zombies and even liches on Tarkir, but only in Sultai… But there’s no reason that the Mardu wouldn’t have them, right? Hm, maybe “Victory or Death” gets muddled here. Wizard, though, that’s a sticking point. And frankly, the whole “Lich” thing. I don’t see the lichiness in the abilities or the wizardry in the Mardu. You know what would be dumb fun? Ditching the Mardu aspect and making this WUBR. Wouldn’t fit the contest but what a friggin’ commander.
Nitpicks: None!
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@emmypupcake — Knight of Summer’s Vigor
Intent: I was surprised to see that there are actually quite a few green Knights. It makes sense, of course, considering both Eldraine and Bant and Selesnya. So yeah, an elf knight who makes more knights? This is a powerful card with some crazy abilities if it gets out of control at all, but the color restrictions and the lack of substantial evasion ensure that it’s not busted out of the gate. The name’s pretty good, too! Oh, Knight of New Alara...
Improvement: For this contest, I don’t feel color blending as much. Tokens with GW and knights with R(W) are fine, yeah, but aside from that, the colors of the tokens and the general feeling of the card isn’t enough to really excite me. I do want to see a set in which this card could exist, perhaps, with multicolored knights and elves and whatnot. I don’t have any real improvements for this card; I just don’t think it stands out against some of the weirdness. Keep it around and add some flavor text. Consider: what would you like for this set to be? In what world would these knights exist? Why is summer important?
Nitpicks: “Whenever,” not “when.” See Pollenbright Wings
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@evscfa1 — Estrid, the Unmasker
Intent: The Commander sets with shard Planeswalkers did give us a lot to work with but not a lot of extra stuff, so it makes sense that people might pick up on them for the contest. White auras, exile, and taxing all make sense mechanically. I feel that this is more standard than supplemental, a little weirdness for the way that the specific tokens and all would want to work. I don’t mind that part, honestly. Bringing Estrid back would be fine by me, even as monocolored. 
Improvement: Because, well, this is a mono-white card. The +1 creates white Auras (that don’t do anything, so that’s an issue), the -2 is close to Generous Gift, and the -8 is an enchantment-oriented Hum of the Radix, like a twist between Sphere of Safety and Aura of Silence. None of these abilities feel anything but white. The emblem is arguably UW, but not by much. With Auras that don’t do anything and a color identity that doesn’t mechanically contribute to the card, I feel that you can either keep her and buff some of the abilities or try to make her feel more in line with the contest, which you don’t really have to do at this point. I’m also worried about the name and the ability tie-ins. Estrid doesn’t “unmask” at all, does she? She’s a mask user, not a revealer of truth or any of the things “unmasking” would imply. Why would she make a False Mask? Is this some alternate storyline? If so, I don’t really understand what changed, or why.
Nitpicks: “*Its controller” in the -2, “*get an emblem” in the -8.
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@fractured-infinity — Rhythm of Death (rare)
Intent: Red (/black) gains first strike, black (/green) has deathtouch, green (/red kind of) has lure. Everything’s coming together in a kind of keyword soup, so that’s all well and good! In limited someone who opens this will be very, very happy to make people cry. In casual Commander, it’s sure to help make negotiations.
Improvement: In terms of this contest, yeah, this isn’t really buttering my radishes. It’s there, it’s pretty standard, and it makes sense. There are two cards that have first strike and deathtouch and four more that can gain it naturally and all but one are in those colors. And that wouldn’t be a problem if this card was presented differently. I’m ignoring the art for now because it’s actually distracting here. What is the “rhythm?” Is something being given the rhythm? What’s repeating, cycled, constant? What about a rhythm gives the creature these abilities? Change the name, flavor it up, get some text in there, and use blank art. 
Nitpicks: “Enchant creature (lowercase) >> Enchanted creature has first strike and deathtouch, and must be blocked if able.” Take that with a grain of salt, though. Protective Bubble might have it say “Enchanted creature must be blocked if able and has first strike and deathtouch.” Or you can cut the middleman and make it two lines: “Enchanted creature has first strike and deathtouch. // Enchanted creature must be blocked if able.”
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@gollumni — Exotic Wings
Intent: It’s interesting that we have two back-to-back “must be blocked” cards (hm, no shorthand?) in a row, both Auras no less, but very different. I like your flavor use with the wings being a status symbol, bright and glittery, and therefore turning the creature into irresistible prey of sorts. Aura colors are good, and the solid green effect is in there as well. The mechanics fit a pretty standard-ly powerful draft uncommon that can be used for beating down when necessary. 
Improvement: I’m 90% sure that right now GW doesn’t get flying by itself anymore, or at least very rarely. Pollenbright Wings and Shield of the Oversoul exist, so I’m on the fence. Maybe I’m biased with recent printings, but for two mana I’m not sure it’s what GW would need. That said, I’m sure there’s dissent and arguments to be made, and yes, I know its full color identity includes blue; this is pragmatic. I think this could have been solidly WUG with another buff, perhaps, but that just would have made it favorable for this contest and honestly it’s up to playtesting to see if those colors need a cheap flying aura. But the wings. The flavor. I… So these wings belong to birds, naturally? Who is summing this enchantment for mating? This is some kind of buff or boon that most any creature could have so in what world is some enchant-o-mancer giving “do me” wings to Mx. Passerby?? But, this may be just a quirk of the game, yeh?
Nitpicks: None!
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@hiygamer — Etherium Replicator (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Major kudos for making my look up Prototype Portal and seeing that my gut was wrong and that you DID use the right wording! This is a super-Esper card, more than any of the imprinted cards and honestly a great use of the art. Thopter Foundry is a great card but this one isn’t a bad use and would kind of make sense. Now, I’m not going to put this in improvements, because I want to ask a question: could this card be just plain UW? Possibly, but also consider: this card could be just a straight-up artifact as well, and it feels better how it is now. Why? Because the black invokes a different feeling. It invokes consumption, recycling, progress, larceny, calculation. It’s a very blue side of black. And it also feels, well, Esper! Its an established use of theme!... Honestly it’s probably more that. But I like it anyway. I’d say my bias was showing but none of the winners necessarily invoked Alara straight-up so thpt.
Improvement: There are mostly just wording errors. To be honest, if you’re getting something big, could this card be three mana? That’s probably pushing it, but worth testing. Multicolor custom cube time.
Nitpicks: “enterS the battlefield” (tense), “artifact or creature” (instead of the other way around), and most importantly: “Create a token that’s a copy of A CARD exiled with Etherium Replicator” etc. Because you can copy the ETB trigger and/or use shenanigans to exile other cards.
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@hypexion — Ferrari, Sharp Scrapper
Intent: Well if my eyes don’t deceive me, it’s another Esper card! And an artifact-y card? Hm, artifact-enchant-y card. It’s easy to see the designation between colors, with self-mill and the lifegain going into black but leaning towards all three colors, the second ability being straight Disenchant, and the last one being an interesting UB pseudo-reanimation on the cheap, which is super interesting and aggressive. I can see this card intended as either a standard staple or being used as a supplemental planeswalker face card. There’d be a heavy amount of artifacts and enchantments for sure, probably artifact creatures.
Improvement: Did I miss something? When did WUB start caring about enchantments as a multicolor wedge identity? Alela and Zur have their thing, sure, but are those the baseline now? I’m more head-scratching and 0% mad, honestly. As a flavorful card, though, I’m not sure what you’re conveying exactly. So they get rid of stuff and they’re happy when they find garbage, but sometimes they want to scrap things they don’t like, but then they can recreate some of your garbage? Let’s back up and say that this card isn’t a Scrapper and that they’re an artifact/enchantment person. In the most general sense, I don’t really feel a harmony of ideas. The card feels one-note, like there’s very little to do besides abuse the -2 ability and maybe the -1 to get rid of some big thing on the table. The +1 exists to serve the -2, and the -1 feels like it’s trying to be protective for protection’s sake. I don’t know why this character does the things they do through the card. As utility planeswalkers become more abundant, the things they do have to be more resonant; imagine a fully-built world and put your card in the middle. No card is a metaphorical island.
Nitpicks: I think (maybe) that the +1 could be: “Mill up to three cards, then you gain 3 life for each artifact and/or enchantment card milled this way.”
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes — Corpse Spell
Intent: I think you made this very apparent. As a counterspell, it does the job well, and then it lets you get an idea for free! The choice of casting a noncreature spell is particularly interesting, as it plays into this weird and not-really-that-common theme of transfiguration. Obviously polymorphing appears in blue and red but it feels black because of the flavor you’ve chosen to convey. That’s a great job.
Improvement: The big mechanical thing is that I would 100% make this let you case an instant, sorcery or creature instead of just a “noncreature spell.” These colors don’t really feel like they could transmute a creature into something that’s not an idea or, well, a corpse, and it really seems as though that’s the idea you’re going for. The big flavor thing, though, is the name. I really and truly don’t know what you’re trying to convey. Now, I’m aware that English isn’t your first language, and that’s a barrier that I’m not sure how to cross for this kind of criticism. “Corpse Spell” seems like a playtest name. As a concept, this card is great. As a submission, I’m still having to extrapolate a lot; most importantly, it doesn’t tell me how the caster is using the magic to turn a creature into something else. Work on telling that story, and when possible, use native speakers to help get ideas across.
Nitpicks: I think the wording would be: “Counter target creature spell. You may cast target noncreature card with converted mana cost less than or equal to that spell’s converted mana cost  from your graveyard without paying its mana cost, and if that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead.” Because if you exile it as it resolves and it’s, like, an artifact or planeswalker, what’s the point? Hence my note about instants/sorceries and maybe other creatures.
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@ignorantturtlegaming — Draxys, Scourge Eternal
Intent: This card absolutely fits the elemental shell. It feels to me like a standard or CMR-style bomb mythic that hits the table and kinda goes nuts. I mean, it wouldn’t be your commander probably, but in Conspiracy-style? Man. Multiplayer draft, that’s what I mean. It gets cards, it gets counters, it deals damage, then Blitz Hellion-s away. It does indeed feel like a blend of all the crazy things that come in these colors, and you did that much very well. It’s not broken, but it’s powerful, and it’s repeatedly monstrous (not the mechanic, lol) with the fear that it’ll return (until someone Doom Blades it, but that’s the game for ya). Great feeling of a massive beautiful monster.
Improvement: Really, the one thing I would do to improve it would be to consolidate the second and third triggers into “When Draxys enters the battlefield, draw four cards, put four +1/+1 counters on it, then it deals 4 damage divided as you choose among any number of creatures and/or planeswalkers.” No, wait—why not make it an 8/8 and just have it draw cards and deal damage? Because of its massive cost, you’re not gonna play it and then activate Wheel of Fortune in the same turn unless you’re playing some crazy massive game, and then it just shuffles away anyway! So, my suggestion would be to make this one massive bomb when it hits and really get the Timmy out of it.
Nitpicks: None!
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@jsands84 — Quarrel, Tariff Enforcer
Intent: The colors are obvious enough, right? A sphinx (blue) based on taxing and punishing (white) to make your opponents lose life (black). Couldn’t be simpler. The color weight is reminiscent of standard cards like Ultimatum cycles but heck, we’ve seen weirder commander cards in the past. I like the fact that even though the color weight is really heavy, the keywords support that kind of aggression without being too overbearing like we’ve seen in other chase rares and mythics.
Improvement: That said, I don’t think it needs that weight at all. 3WUB would have done the exact same and it wouldn’t have looked awkward. Why would it need that weight in the first place? Well, perhaps if it entered the battlefield with an amazing immediate effect. And this card, well, it doesn’t. You have a great eye for flavor and the fact that a legendary (read:uniquely adept) sphinx is enforcing the tax laws of the universe? 10/10. But it doesn’t need that kind of punishment, especially considering, like, the effect really doesn’t come up outside of vintage. So yeah, reduce the weight.
Nitpicks: In the flavor text, “their” referring to the universe is kind of an odd pronoun. With most cases IIRC the concept is objectified instead of personalized, see Aether Adept. (Also there aren’t many cards with ‘universe’ in the flavor text, surprisingly.)
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@justincase-1012 — Startling Wisp
Intent: Illusions are almost entirely blue (and one of only two illusions with zero blue in its box is Esper-centric, funnily enough) so that’s all interesting, but this is definitely breaking from the artifact theme and going for color flavor. The fact that it is the one doing the startling is somewhat black, but the discard definitely is. Because of the narrowness of this ability, I feel that it’s intended to be a draft/standard oriented card as opposed to eternal breadth. A 1/1 flying indestructible spirit in these colors is honestly pretty fair and ghostly!
Improvement: This card is too narrow to be common but definitely too specific to be rare, and that narrowness really is...weird. It doesn’t just require noncombat damage, but it requires noncombat damage from creatures. Why? “The next time a source would deal noncombat damage to you or another creature you control this turn” would be perfectly reasonable. Also, why the next phase? Just have it say “Then, if ~ is on the battlefield, return it to its owner’s hand.” The timing doesn’t feel necessary. And honestly, I don’t find this card “startling” much. It’s alluring, certainly, but not startling. Consider renaming and tightening the focus. Too narrow and things just get ugly.
Nitpicks: So you do need “this turn” as I said above, and then looking at other printed oracle text: “that damage is dealt to ~ instead” etc. etc. 
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@kytheon4-4 — Surrak of New Atarka
Intent: Surrak was a three-color monster the last time we saw him, and he’s back in action now and reclaiming his colors. This is definitely meant to be a commander of sorts, hyper-aggressive with some awesome combat to boot. The first ability’s Gleam of Battle is really aggressively costed here but it makes sense in a timeline when he’s reclaimed some kind of new unity. And of course, the callbacks to both Tarkir timelines is there and well and good. Color-wise, your choice to then go ahead and make a future new timeline is really interesting and I can feel that sort of “new ‘Naya’” blood pumping in Surrak’s veins.
Improvement: The first damage trigger is great, if pretty pushed for Naya colors. The second clause is… Well, call it a “winmore” if you want, but it really is a winmore. Big creatures are big and that’s okay, but if they’re that big and dealing damage, then an indestructible counter is kind of adding insult to injury. And frankly, why not combine these all into one trigger, so that the Gleam ability is just a little less pushed? Whenever the creature deals damage, THEN it gets a counter, and IF it’s four or greater THEN you draw a card, and THEN if it’s eight or greater, something weird happens.
Nitpicks: None!
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@mardu-lesbian — Contentious Pair
Intent: A white Soldier, a red Goblin, and a deathtouch counter, and yep, the gang’s all here. Token-making in red and white is pretty standard, a little less for BR and more heavily in the white part of WB, but all the same there’s nothing wrong with that appearing in the three-color combo. It’s interesting you went for a post-Conflux kind of deal with Alara...wedges? Really unique. This is most definitely designed to be a common card for a standard expansion, meant to be drafted and whatnot. It implies a lot about the potential future!
Improvement: I’m unsure how you came up with these colors and creature types. Bant, the shard of soldiers, and Jund, of Goblins, do have one shared color: green. But then this card would have been what, white-green-red? And that’s problematic in another way, and I get that. As it stands, though, this feels heavily weighted towards BR and less towards white, and honestly, this feels definitely uncommon. You get two bodies at instant speed, one of which will most likely destroy an attacking creature. Instant deathtouch isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it’s been in standard for a bit. The bodies and potential permanent deathtouch when you have an empty board is what raises the complexity. My flavor question: why are they contentious? Makes me feel like we’re seeing the start of the story more than a split-second moment; this card might feel better as an uncommon sorcery.
(Also, I’m just imagining them coming over a mountain at instant-speed during combat, and the soldier and the goblin are just talking about their differences and the goblin is showing off their poison dagger when a beast just WHAMS into them and they both instantly die as the soldier looks on in shock and horror. I do love it when cards tell weird stories.)
Nitpicks: None, I don’t think.
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@misterstingyjack — Galtiber, Segovian Titan
Intent: Ah, the memes. Well, still, 1/1 tribal is an interesting take on the whole build-around-me dealio. I can honestly say I’m unsure where this card would fit, but that’s not a bad thing. It feels build-around me, but could it work in a limited environment? You’d need a higher as-fan of 1/1s or tokens, and that’s not a bad thing. Honestly, this card doesn’t feel too bad. He’s a protector and he makes them all work together. It’s a neat little design that captures the diligence, unity and edification of these citizens.
Improvement: I really can’t think of a place where this card would see play, though, and the issue is? There’s no real way to improve that past putting this in a pretty bonkers set where it can either go nuts or be mediocre. There are a lot of cool things you can do with this card, but where does he fit? Segovia is a weird plane and designing for it is hard. I love this card and would love to build with it but the fact is that it’s just going to be weird. I’ll put this in nitpicks, but there’s wording issues. Additionally, talking about the character by name in the flavor text is a little off-putting to me. I’m sure it’s happened before but the story feels like a moment being described more than a character.
Nitpicks: “Creatures you control with base power and toughness 1/1” is the correct way to word these things, Iiii think.
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@morbidlyqueerious — Ricantha, Ribbon-Dancer (mythic) (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: As much as this technically could be someone’s general, I like this card as a standard-legal mythic, like Kethis or Yarok. It’s surprisingly easy to understand while being quite powerful in its own way. I wouldn’t call it a Voltron card so much as I would call it a control bomb, certainly for limited. The white-blue deals with the tapping, more the blue with the freezing, and the alluring aspect and keywords fill in the green. It brings a lot of the multicolored feel even with a monocolor activated ability. 
Improvement: You know, the flavor almost outshines the color aspect. Looking back I do see the intent, but I’m also mostly seeing an interesting take on the dancing and the enchanting aspect. They’re vigilant, they ‘tie down’ the creatures, and they make other creatures follow them. Honestly, this is a case of “right card wrong contest,” where you made a great card to convey the specific act of ribbon-dancing and a dance leader so much that it overtakes the intent of color. The jokingly biting way of saying this is that you didn’t pander to me as a judge enough (/s). I don’t know about reach; first strike, maybe, to show their agility?
Nitpicks: The combat trigger should be one sentence, see the oracle on Kamigawa snakes.
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@mtg-ds — Majak, Revival Instigator (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Now I wouldn’t call this a gimmick card but I would say that there’s a lot going on here, again, with the flavor. Sacrificing each other creature actually feels white in a Cataclysmic way but with a black edge of making all the zombies. Hasty zombies fills in the red and plays into the instigative aspect, and man, getting everyone out onto the dance floor? I’ll admit that this card is kind of silly with the art, but there’s something unusually cathartic about it. He enters, turns them all into zombies, makes them dance, then whenever someone else dies they join the dance, and when he leaves the music stops. Like, it’s kind of brilliant, how the zombies can’t dance without him. As a flavorful card for a supplemental set I think that you did a fantastic job.
Improvement: My first small note is that the art is again really distracting, and like, I understand that that might’ve been the purpose but “zombie dance party” out of context feels a little unusual, and the name “Revival Instigator” is a touch on the nose. But those are small concerns next to the fact that this card really could have been black/red and wouldn’t have made that much of a difference. Could’ve even kept the Cleric typing. Again, I need to also say that this card is downright fantastic mechanically, but just not quite white there for the purposes of this contest. Keep this card as-is, maybe make him a Human IMO. I don’t have any significant improvements.
Nitpicks: None!
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@naban-dean-of-irritation — Tamakoma, Spectral Shiver (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: Clever clogs, I looked up that name and it is indeed fitting! Very clever you are, just as clever as giving the UB flash ninja ETB feeling that strikes fear into the heart of those who don’t know she’s coming. White’s got the spirit flash and indestructible, black’s got deathtouch, flash, AND indestructible, and blue’s got the ninja feeling. Something tells me this would totally be a supplemental card unless Kamigawa goes three-colors, but to be honest I get a MH1 vibe more, and that’s okay too. Major kudos for making me double-check cards like Ambuscade Shaman for this weird wording.
Improvement: I can see how this card would be white flavorfully; I think its just precedent working against you. Because of the way that black has been encroaching upon indestructible in the past couple years, this card could just be blue-black and fit into the ninja feeling just as well. I personally like the white spirit aspect. It’s just not as present here as I would have liked for this contest. Great card, no mechanical improvements.
Nitpicks: I don’t know if “the hollows of the night” are, like, a thing? I don’t know, just as a writer it reads weird to me. One day I’ll be accredited and that won’t seem like such a jackass comment too.
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@nine-effing-hells —  Llanlaia Rywh, the Inmost Eye
Intent: I like your take on elves here, using the focus and mood to turn the ordinarily green elves into some warrior monastery funky stuff. I’m getting the sense of a cave world, or some kind of twisted plane where expectations are thwarted and the different races of Magic have to find their own kind of way around. Definitely a face card for the tribe in whatever set it’s based in. 
Improvement: There’s no blue and black here, or at least I’m not feeling it mechanically, and for this contest that’s the most important thing. Giving a Runed Halo effect on a pump is really darn powerful, and to have this dismiss any damage or removal at instant speed is definitely powerful and definitely white. The concept of looking within for meditation is a bit blue, sure, but I don’t see that expressed on this card as much. I do have some major presentation issues. The name is almost completely unpronounceable, so consider shortening it and cleaning it significantly. The flavor text is also in need of shortening and edits. “Look within to look around.” With a hint that the elves are blind, boom, you’re golden. So: name change, flavor paring, and consider that this card feels overall white. That said, for flavor and balance reasons for this card, keeping those colors is fine. Also consider that this is a really damn powerful beater.
Nitpicks: None that I can tell.
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@partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff — Everlasting Forefather
Intent: Here’s the thing: I’ll get to stuff in the ‘improvements’ section but mechanically, this card is really interesting for a number of flavorful reasons. Three-mana 4/3 with mentor is perfectly powerful in these colors, that’s great, flavorfully fine as a forefather. Creating two spirits upon death, awesome, those are the embodiments of his students and ideals, and most importantly, play into the embalm, where his zombie can teach the spirits after death and makes for great flying beaters, AND that Zombie token will make more spirits in remembrance. The use of flavorful mechanics gives it an interesting edge even if all these individual mechanics could be in mono-white.
Improvement: One, I would personally make this a warrior, but that’s super minor. Two… I can’t think of any reason outside a custom set where you’d have three non-evergreen mechanics from three different sets and two different planes on the same card. It feels like a custom card, not in the sense that it’s at all thoughtless or amateurish, because it’s not, but because there’s no way of making these pieces come together in a meaningful way; it feels like you’re removing the restrictions on what can go together for the sake of it. MH1 did have some mechanical mashups and we’ve explored that before. This feels like a bit too much for what we’re looking for. Honestly, for a custom multicolor cube or w/e, keep this card. But you might also want to consider MSE or having someone render for you, because with the VERY necessary rules text, this one takes up a lot of text; no room for flavor, and no need, ‘cause you do it all naturally anyway.
Nitpicks: Mm, none, I don’t think!
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@reaperfromtheabyss — Glorified Minddrinker (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: This is definitely asking to be in a standard/draftable set as a tribal beater. You give it evasion, you use other vampires/warlocks to mess stuff up, you get in, and you drink. BW vampire lifegain meets the milling, and there you have it. What I really like is the fact that it’s “any card,” like Bloodchief Ascension, but that feels blue, because they’re drinking from the mind and not just the body, and I dunno, I REALLY like that kind of neat flavor niche. I also love how this makes a really roundabout already-exploited infinite combo with Sanguine Bond and Mindcrank, both of which are halves of other better combos.
Improvement: Mechanically, there’s nothing to improve here, except you might want to consider some kind of evasion. I think there’s just the nitpick of having “Glorified” in there without any understanding of what makes this creature glorified or why. A snippet of flavor could have helped with that, and with only two abilities. I don’t know, this one just didn’t pop to me for some reason. It’s a perfectly fine submission, and it just needs a little more pop.
Nitpicks: None! Nice and clear.
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@shootingstarhunter — Storm Key
Intent: I find it interesting that the mana made from sacrificing is red but the abilities have a central Riku-like fascination. This feels like a supplemental card for sure, although I’m sure there are standard shenanigans. It would require a set in which RUG/Temur has an artifact theme and in which giving things storm is on the table. I have the feeling that in a genuinely competitive Maelstrom Wanderer deck that this card could turn a possible win into a guaranteed win. It’s there to help big things be bigger, but without a win-more feel, and I like that.
Improvement: In terms of this contest, it lacks elegance in its cohesion. The flavors don’t necessarily blend as well as they could. There’s a lot of rules text that emphasizes the separation rather than blending it together. My suggestions: Make it just cost RUG, no generic, reword the first ability to be: “When ~ is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, add R for each spell you’ve cast this turn,” and the second ability to “5, T, Sacrifice ~: When you cast your next instant, sorcery or creature spell this turn, copy it for each spell you’ve cast before it this turn.” And then add reminder text about targets and permanents. A tiny bit more flexible and less text, and you can add in some flavor. Personally I don’t really get the “Key” aspect. It feels more like a big machine of sorts.
Nitpicks: Remember to capitalize “Sacrifice” in the ability costs. Second reminder text should be “You don’t choose new targets for the copies.” I think, there’s not much precedent. Check the MSE Discord for tech help in getting your name/type text straightened out if you’d like.
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@snugz — Erratic Polymorph (JUDGE PICK)
Intent: This does feel very wild, more of the Temur frontier or even the Ketria triome. Either one of those sets getting a return could have this, or a supplemental draft set on that world, or a commander product aimed at those timelines. This card’s pretty flexible in that sense! The red lack of control over twisty magic is definitely evident, with the green bear and the blue otters as representative of those sides of the wild. I like how you took blue’s natural sense and made it river/forest oriented. Big boys and little boys do different kinds of cool damage. I can dig it! (Although I’m more inclined to bears than otters myself…)
Improvement: I wouldn’t call this “elegant” as a primary adjective for its color balance, even though it’s very neat still overall. The obviousness of green being bears and blue being otters doesn’t take away from the fact that both of them make sense. The long and short is that I don’t have card improvements, and this card’s just for a different contest.
Nitpicks: None-zo
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@starch255 — Dopplicant
Intent: Very clever, I see. You used white’s enchantment base for the card type even though it’s a strictly red and blue ability. Copying any spells is on the table now with Lithoform Engine so that makes sense. This could be in just about any set with these colors, and you know what, that’s perfectly fine. Jeskai, Raugrin (ugh), or otherwise, there’s cool stuff happening.
Improvement: With a vague name and flavor, it’s easy to have this card be a thumbs-up mechanically, but what...exactly is it? It’s name makes me think of the creature Duplicant, which is fine, makes sense, although it’s not a creature here like any of the other “-cant” cards. I just can’t place it, which is obviously a presentation thing over a mechanical issue. For the Fair, presentation is somewhat important, and also contextualizes your cards. It might just be a “me” thing to keep in mind for when I’m judging, so don’t take it personally at all. I think the idea is sound and all we need is polish.
Nitpicks: None~
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@stormtide-leviathan — Jeskai Confluence
Intent: Like the confluences of C15, this is a charm-like modal spell with three pretty standard modes for the colors: blue draw, red damage, white erase. I can see this being part of either a standard return to that other timeline or as part of a “clan clash” supplemental set for sure. 
Improvement: In the main post, there were examples like Shattergang Brothers that were posted as technically fine but not elegant. Totally separating your colors and abilities was part of that, breaking the cohesion. Unfortunately, charm effects were most definitely part of that area. I know that Magic design space isn’t eternally open, and I hate to say this, but because this card uses 2/3 abilities already found on the printed confluences and only minorly changes the damage, this feels somewhat derivative. I would go back to the drawing board and look at overlap rather than individualization, what the colors could have done together to make a card that creates something unique.
Nitpicks: There should be a period after “once” instead of an emdash.
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@thedirtside — Twisted Design
Intent: I think that with Tezzeret being who he is and with the cool trend of colored artifacts, this card could absolutely find play in a variety of places. It feels almost like a story card, someone’s terrible (well, twisted) creation. That much is absolutely apparent. The counter/exile is definitely blue and black-ish but I like how the theft kind of ends up being red as well and the artifact typing helps with that. Flavor text is pretty okay too. Short, simple.
Improvement: That...second ability. Are you choose a card as part of a cost? I’m no rules guru but I’m almost certain that you can’t do that. And it doesn’t specify the speed, so you can basically pay the (very fair) cost to exile the spell, but then very unfairly get it back anytime you want. Why random, too? What if that spell has other random restrictions or no legal targets? There’s a lot to unpack from that with no printed precedent because, to put it bluntly, it doesn’t work within the rules. I really like the idea of having a card where you can somehow steal, twist, or morph their spells into new nightmares or futures. Work with that idea to make something URBy that, well, works rules-wise.
Nitpicks: It took me a bit to find your source photo with your source link (X), and I don’t even think that blog’s using proper permission. Here’s the gist: if you can’t find the original photographer, either go stock or don’t use art, OR find a source that’s more easily traceable. Pretend that you’re someone who has to find the source working backwards.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path — Ziziphus, the Lotus Eater
Intent: I could never be like him, I could never talk like that. Also, thank you for making this explicitly commander-based, heh. Food tokens are interesting, and I can see the token art already as well as the kind of person you might imagine Ziziphus to be. Oddly enough, they feel Therosian, considering the “lotus eaters” in the Odyssey, and that’s not a bad thing I suppose. Food’s sort of in the green area, with blue-white profiteering, and the general combat lull sort of encapsulating the whole GWU-ish control feeling. Turbo-fog ahoy.
Improvement: Competitive commander gets shut down pretty easily and casual commander becomes almost instantly unfun. It’s an instant-speed everyone-gets-it nigh-uncounterable Pacifism array that’s flavorfully understandable but puts a target on you as the one person to kill if anyone wants this game to ever end. I understand the top-down design but it’s impractical and I don’t see a game where this being your commander would make the gameplay better. So like Gwafa Hazid, consider your design: what would entice people to take the food? What’s the payoff? How often do you want this to happen to improve gameplay without causing staleness? Is food where you want to go, using lifegain to then further prolong the game?... Oh. Oh, someone can also just lorus-ify Ziziphus itself and then nothing happens in this version. That’s something to consider.
Nitpicks: The name’s really similar to “Sisyphus” in pronunciation. I was distracted.
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@whuh-oh — Tainted Lightninghorn
Intent: Some day, I think we’re gonna get a five-color Lightning Blankemental kind of card, and I can’t wait for it. So yeah, it’s an aggressive predatory insect elemental with nasty sauce, and I feel this in a supplemental set for sure. 
Improvement: So as an uncommon, it’s already pretty pushed, too much so. Ball Lightning set a precedent, and it’s a rare for a reason, honestly. That much power even for four mana with the abilities you’ve given it is a but much. For this card, most importantly, I need to be as clear as I can: The interaction between deathtouch and trample is an unintuitive quirk of the game. They do not belong on the same card with zero restrictions, especially not on an uncommon. Sometimes it’s okay to just make a cool card because it’s cool. I like my weird cards, I like my weird interactions. Forcing them feels like choosing indulgence over good design. I’m not feeling the uniqueness of the colors, I’m not feeling the flavor (why does lightning leave decay?), and I’m not feeling the gameplay. Where do we go from here? I think this general concept is fine for a personal set or a supplemental concept. Contextualize it for that area, look at environmental answers, and then see if you want to play with what the colors do.
Nitpicks: I’m 90% sure it’d go “Deathtouch, haste, menace, trample.” Also, I’m sure someone pointed out the whole flying-without-flying thing for the art, that’s very mildly distracting.
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@wolkemesser — Murmurs of the Bosk
Intent: Yeah, this is very much a Lorwyn-inspired card, and I’m happy for that. Both the treefolk flavor and the permanent return are green, returning to the battlefield is white and black, and the white enchantment plus toughness matters (also in green) gives this card a magnificent flow of feeling, the trees returning. I can see this in any set, but especially a standard return to Lorwyn, and yet it could have a home in several cool recursion decks! It’s a nice little addition for both lovers of slow return and for treefolk fans.
Improvement: This card was going to be a runner-up or even a judge pick, but the severity of nitpicks grew until I realized that there were just too many problems to give it full commendation. I’ll put the revised wording in the ‘nitpicks’ bar and get to the big ones: the name, and the flavor text. The name is obviously an homage to Murmuring Bosk, right? That’s understandable, but the name is literally so close that I can’t think of anything else. The difference between being honoring and being derivative is enigmatic at times. This particular case is more evident. And the flavor text is almost completely ripped off from Doran’s card itself. Literally, it keeps the order and adds four words that don’t add sense or depth to the character. For future submissions, keep that in mind. As a mechanical suggestion, you could just have it be the greatest toughness without targeting, and it does need to target the card in the graveyard.
Nitpicks: “At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return target permanent card with converted mana cost X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield, where X is the greatest toughness among creatures you control.”
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Join us tomorrow, for a new contest, and a brush...with DEATH.
- @abelzumi​
14 notes · View notes
verannaca · 5 years
Major Frozen 2 Spoilers Below!
You’d never be able to tell by reading this that I’m a whole-ass adult, AND a writer :’)
• Vuelie smacked with nostalgia holy sHIT • Pretty snowflakes proves this movie is Frozen • BABY ANNA • "wait, what?" • baby anna with attitude • snuggles • iduna/ERW has an amazing voice?? • "you'll be drowned" foreshadowing?? • Elsa freezes the railing and just awkwardly leaves it?? a queen • ANNNAAA • Anna and Olaf • Olaf being poetic?? • poor sweet anna isnt lonely anymore :') • SOOMMEE THINGS NEVER CHANGE this was catchy as heck • "holding on tight to you" that kristanna twirl SENT ME • "irredeemable monster" "greatest mistake of your life" "WOULDNT EVEN KISS YOU" • AURORA • Kristoff getting prepared to spend a LONG time in that room, if u know what im saying ;;;))) • bedtime snuggles and it's now canon that EA call each other "Darling" • anna representing women who drool n snore, and elsas a FUCKING MOUTH BREATHER • elsa's grumpy face >:(      (she’s so cute what the heck) • INTO THE UNKNOOOWWNNNN ft aurora • uh oh kingdom's in danger again THANKSELSA • KA helping the citizens as a true Queen and King would (sPOILERS) • "youve been hearing this voice and u didnt think to tell me" the offence is beautiful • elsa's pouty hesitation before she tells anna what happened • ELSA'S FACE the entire time KA & Olaf plan to go with her on the adventure, she was NOT having any of it • olaf being annoying for x minutes straight • anna ready to get dicked up on a sleigh ride even tho her sis is sleeping 5 feet away from her lmao MOOD • "crazy? you didnt say i was crazy - you think im c R A Z Y?" HER FACE SENT ME • kristoff bumbling everything RIP • aurora is back • elsa runs in heels through rocky land and somehow doesnt break her ankles, 10/10 (i mean anna did the same but it’s expected of her lmao) • olaf being annoying pt2 (sorry, he’s cute ig) • anna getting mad at the mist • anna walking towards the cliff to view the dam and looking like an autumn goddess • sven is a terrible wingman • "WE WILL DIE" good job kristoff • elsa not caring about anna's worry • olaf had a song here i think?? • WIND • elsa looks good when messy idc idc • "THAT'S MY SISTER" that's an outtake line from Frozen!!!! • surprise statues • anna rips a sword out of ice with her bare hands n no one thinks anything of it • northuldra ppl • honeymaren eyefucking elsa (we see u) • olaf's funniest scene lmao • "one with power, and one powerless" ANNAS FACE OF OFFENCE HAHAHAHA IT'S OKAY BB YOU HAVE THE POWER OF LOVE • "oh, anna" oh mattias, we feel u • fire spirit • ANNA COUGHING • BRUNNIIIIIII • bruni & elsa head tilts • "they're all looking at us, arent they" yes elsa because ur talking to a fucking salamander • anna gets mad cuz elsa gets mad cuz anna ran into fire cuz elsa ran into fire • iduna was northuldra (neat) • vuelie but different??? • kristoff made a friend!! • insecure anna + a mutual lacking communication = :( • a sad failed proposal • A SHIPWRECK¿? • this is v dark for disney holy shi • the horror in elsa's voice "what were they doing in the dark sea?!" • they watch their parent's final moments • the horror in iduna's voice "the waves are too high" • this is a kid's movie, yes? • elsa flees, anna follows • THE GUILT ohmygosh poor elsa :( • anna tries v hard, but i can only imagine her own agony??? she's tryna take care of elsa but who's taking care of anna?? :(((( • elsa becomes manipulative?? JUST EXPLAIN THAT IT'S DANGEROUS AND REQUIRES MAGIC • elsa does the thing • anna and olaf are v angry (same) • anna loses her cloak & shows her beautiful jacket?? thank u anna • DARK SEA • elsa battles the ocean that swallowed her parents • Nokk tries to drown her?? dragging her through the water by her hand was INTENSE • i know she doesnt get cold n thats fine but damn homegirl must REALLY workout at home (the shoulders prove it) but she swam for how long and didn't lose energy??? • SHOW YOURSELF I CRIED • the ice was so beautiful and she looked so free n happy, loose hair n no shoes • the song was amazing holy heck • IDUNA WAS THE SIREN, I CALLED IT, HELLO THANK U • elsa's literally like "ok boomer" at her grandfather who's an ass • she goes too far into ahtohallen • inappropriate but ohmygod the ice detail on her skin when she was freezing was crazy??? her hair got whiter n all that BUT THE SNOWFLAKES ON HER SKIN, that was unbelievable • surprise surprise old white guy in power kills innocent poc • elsa freezes like anna did, cuz anna was frozen and elsa is frozen 2 (heh) • back to the cave with anna and olaf • anna knows what has to be done to set things right because she’s the hero and always has to make the painful sacrifices • anna sets off to do whats right but OLAF • rip olaf • anna sits in the cold ALL FUCKING NIGHT DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT, I AM NOT OKAY • the next right thing B R O K E me. kbell captures such agony so beautifully ohmygod, it was incredible. easily the best song in the franchise. • "SO I'LL WALK THROUGH THIS NIGHT, stumbling blindly towards the light" her voice • anna finds her courage to leave the cave • "when it's clear that everything will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN" CAN YOU HEAR ME SOBBING AT THE ABSOLUTE ANGUISH IN HER VOICE • this woman has lost everything and SHES STILL GOING, YES ANNA, GO • giants!!! • anna mimicking the behaviour she was against for most of the movie • "I'M HERE, WHAT DO YOU NEED?" this is so important • no questions asked, this is what's happening, kristoff is the real mvp • mattias lets anna destroy the dam • anna becomes suicidal?????? girl stop i- • the dam falls • ANNA ALMOST FALLS- • wait mattias has her • and kristoff has her!! • and she looks ready to keep crying now that the adrenalin is gone • ELSA THAWS but does she REALLY do the right thing??? idk i think she should've let the wave destroy whatever was in its path, otherwise whats the point? wouldve had better symbolism • the Northuldra people are free and happy but poor anna is still sad :( idk why people were saying she got over elsas death too quickly when homegirl was never gonna smile again • "i'm sorry i left you behind. i was just so desperate to protect her." • "it's okay. my love is not fragile." • anna tries to continue on, imagine what was going through her head AHHH • wait there she is • e l s a • on a horse • anna slides down the cliffside, elsa slides off that horse in a v godly manner • ANNA REPRESENTS WOMEN WHO UGLY CRY, THANK U ANNA • elsa is lowkey emotionless but honestly do we expect anything else from her by this point? (no shade hahahaha) • "a bridge has two sides, and mother has two daughters" yes thank u for making anna important • so is elsa a ghost now orrrr • WHO CARES, KRISTANNA PROPOSAL • we were v robbed of that kiss tho • anna's squeal of pure joy when asked • sven representing all of us • "do u wanna build a snowman" bitch it's been like 16 years, ur a bit late but OKAY • olaf is back • GROUP HUG • honeymaren wants elsa to stay "because it's where she belongs" ;;;;)))))) • elsa realises anna would be a better queen • QUEEN ANNA • Q U E E N  A N N A • YESSSSSS • we're robbed of the coronation but that's fine ig • kristoff in fancy clothes??? • "i prefer you in leather anyway" so anna is a top, nice to know • olaf's comment on kristoff probably not being able to "last an hour" ;;;))))) not if annas a top LMAO STOP • mattias found his person, congrats • anna is the people's queen • a statue is revealed, baby iduna is v cute • elsa is in the forest with bruni n everyone else • friday is gamenight • elsa rides off into the sunset i guess?? • THE END • oh and olaf has an ending scene • "elsa DEAD" • "olaf DEAD" • "anna cries" • everyone cries
okay thanks for reading lmao bye
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bssaz97 · 5 years
Random Post AU Post
“Laundry Day”
4 Year old Rowan: (Looks side to side in laundry, sees no one around then grins) Perfect!
The young boy grad a red bed sheet, pair of under pants and a his mom’s eye mask. *Same one since Vol. 1*
Rowan jumps on top the coffee table from the living room. He has put on all the gathered items and wears them as a costume, he completes the transformation by strikes a superhero pose!
Rowan: Have no fear, Hunter-Man is here!
Distressed Citizen: Help me Hunter-Man! Help! (A cry from the Kitchen/Metropolis)
Hunter-Man: I’m on my way! (Jumps from coffee table and begins to make his way to the Kitchen while having both arms extended to simulate flying through the make believe city)
Mince he arrived to the Kitchen/Metropolis he sees a group of citizens/various toys tied up in rope with a cooking timer and a packet of fire crackers.
Hunter-Man: ‘Gasp’ Do not worry citizens I will save you!
???: Not so fast Hunter-Man you still need to defeat me! (Dastardly voice)
A figure drops from the Kitchen island/building and lands in between the masked hero and the citizens. There Hunter-Man meets his arch nemesis....Grimm Queen. Dressed in a over sized black hoodie turned inside out, and wearing white powder with badly drawn makeup, and her blonde hair combed in way that has it all frizzy, his arch nemesis lets out a wicked laugh.
Summer/Grimm Queen: (Dastardly Voice) We meet again my old friend, but for the last time I’m afraid! As you’ve seen I have taken all the citizens of Kitchen Metropolis and trapped them next to highly explosive bomb!
Hunter-Man: You fiend! I will bring you to justice, and save everyone!
Grimm Queen: Perhaps but you cannot save everyone because I have also taken hostage your best friend! (Brings from under her ‘shroud of darkness’ a stuffed grey bunny plushie with a sowing needle drawn towards its neck) Pumpkin Pete!
Hunter-Man: No! Not Pumpkin Pete he never did anything to anybody!
Grimm Queen: Well then you have a decision then hero, will you save the people or will you save your friend, you cannot save both!
Hunter-Man: Heh. That’s what you think you vile temptretss of evil. For I have this! (Brings out a Dill Pickle) Vinegar Crystal!
Grimm Queen:(breaking character) Hey I thought that weakness was retconned!
Hunter-Man: Nope that was before the universe rebooted itself to our current one so your old weaknesses still carry over. Now face this my pickle fury! (Runs at her with the pickle)
Grimm Queen: Ew! No! Get it away From me! (Runs away and dropped Pete in the process)
While she runs away, Hunter-Man takes the chance to disarm all the bombs and untie all the citizens and Pumpkin Pete, freeing them from their confinement.
Hunter-Man: Haha! I have outsmarted you once again my nemesis! Now Kitchen Metropolis is saved once again!
Grimm Queen:(Dastardly Voice) Don’t think you’ve won just yet! I still have one last trick up my sleeve! (Pulls out a bag of uncooked brussel sprouts in a clear bag) Since my weaknesses were rebooted that means yours has as well. Now face my green fury!
Grimm Queen jumps off the table cackling and goes to tackle her nemesis. What she didn’t account for is her nemesis stepping to the side to dodge and effectively bellyflopped face first on to the kitchen floor.
Grimm Queen:.....
Hunter-Man: Um, Gr-Grimm Queen....
Grimm Queen:.....‘Sob’
The Grimm Queen looks up from off the ground with a build up of tears bubbling at the corner of her eyes, her mouth quivering uncontrollably and a red bruise on her forehead. Eventually she couldn’t hold the persona anymore and did what any four year old would do in a situation like this.
Summer:(Bawls uncontrollably in pain, mascara trail down her cheeks) AAAAAHAHAHAOOOOWWW! OWWWWWIE! OOOOWWWIIIEE! MOOOOMMMYYY! MOMM-hehe-YYY!
Storming down the stairs and moving quickly to the kitchen in a instant in a cloud of rose petals. Ruby sees her daughter lying on the ground bawling her eyes out with her mascara ruined.
Ruby: Summer! Oh poor baby! What happened? (Cradle the poor girl in her arms)
Summer:(Blubbering) M-me a-and R-Rowan were playing a game I jumped off the island and—and ‘Sniff’ I FE-E-ELL! (Bawls once more)
Ruby: Oh my sweet baby, I told you both that you should not jump off high places in the house or you could hurt yourself.
Rowan:(Guilt straining his voice) I’m sorry mommy I didn’t know she would jump off the island like that.
Ruby: Rowan it doesn’t matter if you expect it or not, you two should always be careful of your surroundings and not play too rough. ‘Sigh’ Come on let’s go to your room.
Rowan: Yes mam. (Looking down)
- Some time later -
Ruby: How are you feeling, Sum Sum?
Summer:(Lying in bed face up) ‘Sniff, Sniff’ A little better.
Ruby: That’s good. You stay right here, I’ll bring you some more water. Ok sweetheart.
Summer: Yes mommy.
As Ruby leaves the room, she sees her other child sitting outside the room looking at the floor and holding her sleeping mask. She kneels down by his side and places her arm around her shoulder.
Ruby: You ok sweetie?
Rowan: ....No.
Ruby: What’s wrong?
Rowan: It’s my fault...I made her jump off the island. I-I was a big jerk and now she’s hurt because of me...
Ruby: Oh my baby.~ (Hugs him) It was an accident and Summer is ok now, thankfully she didn’t get any serious injuries.
Rowan: But it’s my fault! I wanted to win the game so badly that I made her jump off the table.
Ruby: Rowan, you didn’t make Summer do anything, she said she jumped off the table by choice and you didn’t persuade her to do anything she didn’t want to do. I should’ve been more careful to keep an eye on you two otherwise none of you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. So you have nothing to be sorry for, but if you feel so convinced then talk to Summer. She won’t view you any different.
Rowan: O-Ok.
Rowan gets up to walk into his shared room with Summer. He goes to her bed to see her looking straight up at the ceiling until she sees him standing by her bed looking at her.
Summer: Rowan what are you-?
Rowan crumbles to the edge of the bed face down and starts to cry himself.
Rowan: I’m sorry sis. I’m so sorry! ‘Sob’ I didn’t mean to push you like that. I didn’t mean for you to hurt yourself like that. And sorry for always being a butt in that stupid game! I promise I won’t make you play it anymore if you don’t want to! I-!
Summer:(Grabs one of his hands) Please don’t cry Rowan. Because if you keep crying I’m gonna start crying too.
Rowan:(Grips her hand too with equal strength) ‘Sniff’ Ok. I’m sorry. ‘Sigh’ I shouldn’t have pushed you too hard while we were playing I got so caught up in the moment that I didn’t think about how you felt. Could you ever forgive me?
Summer: ....Hehehehehe! You dummy. Of course I forgive you. Besides I’m the one who jumped off the table. I should’ve thought that through than just trusting you would catch me.
Rowan:(Lets go of her hand) Wait, you thought I would catch you?
Summer: Duh, that’s the role of a hero isn’t it. To save everyone they can.
Rowan: Oh.....on hindsight that would make sense. Wait! No, then we both would have been hurt!
Summer: Yeah, like I said didn’t completely think it through. (Presses her finger tips together)
Rowan: Well, anyway like I said, if you don’t want to play Hunter-Man vs Grimm Queen anymore then I won’t force you.
Summer: (Turns her head to look at him suprised) WHAT?! Are you kidding, why would I want to stop? I mean, yeah it hurt like hiffle to hit the floor like that but that won’t mean I’ll stop playing with you. I still have to get you back for that Pickle trick you got me with!
Summer/Grimm Queen: (Clears throat to talk Dastardly) Mark my words Hunter-Man I will get my revenge on you for this!
Rowan: .....hehehehe. (Puts on the Sleeping Mask)
Hunter-Man: Not on your life Grimm Queen, I still have a city to protect and I will be there to stop you!
Summer/Rowan: (Laughing joyfully)
Summer: Hahahha, ‘sigh’ I love this game too much to just give it up. So as long as you don’t try anymore of those cheep tricks then I forgive you.
Rowan: (Nods and takes off the mask) Thanks Sis. You’re the best.
Summer: You’re welcome, one of us has to keep your hero worship alive.
Rowan: Yeah.....hey! What’s that supposed to mean!
Summer: It means you’re a goody two shoes to the core. But that’s ok. I like you this way.
Rowan: (Smiles) Thanks sis.
Ruby: Well I’ll say that went well.
Both twins look to see their mom standing outside the door with a glass of water in tow.
Ruby: So can I assume you two made up. (Hands Summer the glass of water, which she takes and starts to drink)
Summer: Mmm. Yep, everything is all good here mommy!
Ruby: Good! Because now it’s time for you two to go to bed.
Rowan/Summer: Aaaaawww! But Mom!
Ruby: Uh uh uh! None of that! It’s past both your bed time, you’ll have plenty of time to play when you’re Auntie Yang comes back home from her mission.
Rowan/Summer: ‘Gasp’ REALLY?!
Rowan runs to his bed, grabbing Pumpkin Pete along the way and Summer finishes her glass of water. Then in a matter of seconds both of them are tucked into their individual beds. Ruby could only chuckle over their eagerness to see their favorite aunt, which doesn’t honestly suprise her. She goes to each of their bedsides and gives them a kiss on the forehead. Then she goes towards the doorway and puts a finger on the light switch.
Rowan: Oh! Wait, Mommy I still have your sleeping mask!
Ruby: ....You know what I think you can keep it, you’ll probably get more used out of it than I have in years.
Rowan: Really?! Thank you mommy!
Ruby: You’re welcome sweetie. Good night, sleep tight my little blessings.~ Sleep tight.
Rowan/Summer: Good Night Mommy!
Ruby turns off the light and closes their door shut. She makes her way to her own bedroom walking inside and sitting down on her bed, sighing in relief. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a familiar black garment turned inside out that she recalled Summer was wearing as her Grimm Queen persona. She giggled as she moves towards the garment moving to change it’ll the right side.
Ruby: I don’t remember owning a shirt this big, where did she even-!
Once she turned it right side out she feels the breath leave her mouth, instantly recalling where this garment came from. Ruby knows because she could never forget the grey bunny logo on the center of this hoodie as well as the owner of such a silly garment. She tries to smile at the sentiment, but it quickly crumbles as she sits back on her bed and brings the garment to her face to absorb her tears.
Ruby:(Sobbing) I-If...if only...I could have....saved you....t-too!
Ruby continues to cry her eyes out, crawling into her bed with only the garment of her lost love, the father of her children, to comfort her as she quietly tries to lower the sound of her crying. Not wanting to awake her children so soon after she set them to bed. After awhile she calms herself down and turns off her lamp light, darkening the room around her while clinging close to the garment in her hands.
As she drifts to sleep she doesn’t notice the door of her room creaking open or the small sound of foot steps on the floor. Ruby senses a small bit of movement on both sides of her bed and feels two sets of arms wrapping around her torso from front and behind. She doesn’t question it as she has become too tired. Only sighs and sets her hand around a set of joined hands and drifted off to sleep. Allowing just a small smile on her face as the mother shares her bed with her two blessings. Soon sleeps overtakes all of them and they dream of life for the next day.
- End -
*Hope you guys enjoy this one shot into RWBY Post AU, a little bit of family life for the Rose household. So I’ll see you next time. I gotta go cry my eyes out for that ending.*
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rnufharose · 5 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Chapter 4
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Words: 1.5k
Trigger Warnings: Violence and death.
DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this chapter is meant to start fanwars or point fingers at other artists. I am a multistan and I love many groups.
︻デ═一 ♥
The Magic Shop was teeming with life, the patrons sipping their drinks as the lights danced around the club. Inspired by the neurosurgeon James R. Doty, it is a place that exchanges fear with something positive. It was a paradise in the heart of Seoul's violence, where the citizens could escape and have a good time, and the owners wanted them here, safe and sound where they could smile their worries away.
Their hosts were seven of the kindest men in the city: a band of brothers who embraced the path of Dionysus and the Muses. They wanted nothing to do with the mob wars that plagued the city, offering what they believed to be the best modern take on the 1950s Hollywood.
The walls were lined with gold lights, the neon signs etched in cursive with the dance floor painted a shimmering red. The stage was occupied by backup dancers, an electric guitar sounding along with a bass, drums and scratching vinyl. The seven males came out, wearing himation robes over their suits as they broke into song.
[Taehyung, J-Hope/Suga]
Drink it up
Shot glasses (sippin') Link arms (tippin')
Thyrsus (grippin') Grape (eatin')
Drink it up
Vibes (Keep it) D style (rip it)
Here (Kill it) let's steal it
The illest!
Just get drunk like Dionysus
Drink in one hand, Thyrsus on the other
Art splashing inside this clear crystal cup
Art is alcohol too, if you can drink it, you'll get drunk fool
You dunno you dunno
You dunno what to do with
I'll show you I recommend you something different
From my mic made of ivy and rough wood
There is never a sound that comes out in one breath
[Jungkook, J-Hope]
Until the sun comes up, where the party at?!
Until we fall asleep, where the party at?!
Sing it, sing it again
Drink it, drink it again
We're born again
[Jin, J-Hope]
Drink it up (the pain of creation)
One-shot (the scolding of this era)
Drink it up (Talking with myself)
One-shot (Okay now I'm ready fo sho)
[V, Jimin/J-Hope]
Drink, drink, drink, drink up my glass, ay
Everyone all, fall, fall into this crazy artist
One drink (one shot), two drinks (two shots)
Get drunk on art and say onghaeya
[Jungkook, Jimin/J-Hope]
Drink, drink, drink, drink up my glass, ay
Everyone fall, fall, fall into this crazy artist
One drink (one shot), two drinks (two shots)
Hit the gong and say onghaeya
Shot glasses (sippin'), linked arms (tippin')
Thyrsus (grippin'), Grape (eatin')
Vibes (Keep it) D style (rip it)
Here (Kill it) let's steal it
The illest!
The silver-haired female had finished pouring a martini for one of the customers at the counter, flashing a smile toward the boys, specifically the male with blue hair. He harbored a heart-shaped face with big eyes and small lips that would spread into a big, genuine smile. Arabella listened to the patrons cry out with excitement at their powerful vocals and difficult choreography, which they executed effortlessly. She knew that if this city was much cleaner, these boys would have been a famous musical group that would take over the world.
"They're having a lot of fun," another voice spoke, and Bella turned to look at the older woman, whose black hair fell past her shoulders. She had soft features that also appeared striking, and she possessed a fondness in her eyes. She looked at her younger brother, who shared her similar features, but they appeared more distinct under the bright lights. "I knew their clothes would go well for tonight's show," Dawon commented confidently.
"You never disappoint with your creations, Unnie," Bella stated, and she watched the boys end their song, seated on chairs with legs crossed as they posed, smirking and catching their breaths as the patrons gave them a standing ovation.
"Yah," the male with pink hair and soft cheeks took a seat at the counter, and Bella handed him a water bottle. "that felt great."
"You did so well," Dawon hugged her younger brother and he towered over her, squeezing her tightly but not so much that he would hurt her.
"Gomawo, Noona," Hoseok's smile was like sunshine.
"Have you talked to Haneul?" she questioned, and the male with black hair and button nose shook his head.
"We haven't gotten a hold of her," Jungkook frowned. "We've been meaning to visit her and pay our respects to her Halmeoni but..."
"We've been pretty busy with the shop," the tall blonde male with full lips and a sultry gaze—Namjoon—finished. "We still feel terrible that we couldn't go to Icheon..."
The male with blue hair--Taehyung--wrapped an arm around Bella's small shoulders and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose, "We'll give her our condolences, and we'll also help her get settled. She's our baby sister after all, and we can't have her living alone."
"We have to keep her away from the danger too," the male with sleepy eyes—Yoongi—added. "If anything happens to her because of the crimes outside, Halmeoni won't forgive us..."
"We head for Icheon tomorrow morning to pick her up," the tall male with broad shoulders and black hair—Jin—said. "If it's alright with you, Noona, we'd like for her to share a room with you back at the apartment?"
"That's more than alright," Dawon responded graciously. "And with me and Bella with her, she won't always have to be surrounded by men, not that that's a bad thing."
The boys laughed and Bella looked toward the older woman, nodding in agreement, "We can set her up with a job here too."
"Definitely," Namjoon smiled. "If there's one thing Haneul loves, it's performing."
︻デ═一 ♥
Sehun watched the man topple to the group, his face battered and bruised, blood dribbling down one of his nostrils. He towered over the man, eyes full of apathy as Kai continued to kick the man in the ribs.
"Heh," The third male, with his soft face, slicked hair and deep voice, named Chanyeol, smirked as he watched the younger male beat the injured male. "You really thought you could take our imports, huh?"
The man on the ground coughed, blood staining his teeth as he spat, "Y-You know that wasn't my intention...! W-We formed an alliance!"
"An alliance you chose to break!" Kai growled, crushing his foot onto the man's face, listening to him cry painfully. He lifted his chin, eyes narrow with a devious smirk on his lips. "Funny... I had a lot of respect for BIGBANG... wouldn't want to start a war with G-Dragon but..." he trailed off, looking over his shoulder at Chanyeol and Sehun.
Sehun's dark eyes shifted slowly from the man on the ground to Kai. He crouched, lips pressed into a tight line when he grabbed the man's face.
"S-Sehun," the man begged. "Y-You understand me, don't you?! I would never take your imports! No one even thinks of messing with EXO!"
He contemplated his next move, releasing his face from his grip before huffing, taking a stand and furrowing his thick brows, "Mianhe, Seungri... but this isn't the first time you've done wrong... G-Dragon will think we've done him a favor..."
Seungri watched the raven-headed male take a step back, turning to walk away, eyes widening with terror when he heard those two words fall from his lips.
Sehun came to a stop, ticking his hands into the pockets of his slacks, not once looking over his shoulder, "Kill him."
He ignored his cries, blocking out the sound of anguish in his voice as he made his way toward the car. In his thoughts, he did this city and BIGBANG's leader a huge favor by eliminating a piece of dirt. That was one less piece of scum tainting this world, and who knows if he planned on turning against his own.
Sehun opened the car door, taking the driver's seat and leaning back as he listened to gunfire, and Seungri's pleas ceased for good. He could see Chanyeol and Kai standing over his corpse, eyes lifeless and blood oozing from beneath him. The two of them walked away, taking care to get rid of any evidence that would incriminate them, and joined Sehun in the car.
"Looks like our imports are safe... for now," Chanyeol said as he called shotgun. Kai took the backseat.
"Tell Junmyeon hyung we're arranging a meeting with G-Dragon," Sehun got the car's engine running. "The sooner we tell him what we did, the better..."
He pulled away from the curb, driving onto the street before the cops could come, gripping the wheel as he stared out the windshield with a hardened expression.
Once this meeting was settled, he could go back to focusing on protecting that girl. He just had to find the person responsible for her grandmother's death, and Sehun had a feeling she would appear very soon.
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 years
The Last Crusade - Episode Reaction
Alright, let’s go! Heard a few things that got people all up in the clouds, not sure if that was from this episode or any other early release tho, so we’ll see.
All I know for sure is that title sounds omnious to me, but let’s see where this is going.
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In the arms of      S P O I L E R S !
Once confirmed Scootaloo has a home and not living in an orphanage, as popular fannon was. Think I know now which spoilers were for this one after all.
Ah yes, there they are.
Anyways, yay! CMC camp callback with return of random foal from past episode!
Adorable voice work on that lady.
Huh, short appearance of the canon queer couple. Still, they are dang adorable, I see how people like them. They act quite natural around each other, for what little we get to see. Neat.
Anyways, Scootaloo is on a scheduled babysitting routine it seems. Huh.
Themesong visuals *ding*
Aww, she’s so excited!
Show and tell just got much more interesting.
Awww, family reunion is always more sweet after a neardeath experience. Also why was that cage propped right up by the door? And brought to school?
All the foals are immediately all cool, poor Cheerilee is still shaking on her desk XDD
As usual ponies show absolute disregard for animal and other creatures comfort with too small cages. Also that gotta be a baby bugbear since we have seen them much bigger. Getting poachers vibes at this point.
Aww, wing hug.
Yes, awesome. Gonna drop a ball on WHERE that assignment gonna be?
Oh gosh, her getting picked up with her hooves on theirs, too cute!
Theeere it is.
So sad, yet so silly.
Just wanna note I love the callbacks framed on the wall behind them.
Ah yes, instead of trying to talk it out with the parents, the plan shall be deceit and lies. Gotcha. Heh, and Rainbow Dash with her tickets XD
Ah yes, this can only go great.
Eh, the ONLY three with matching cutiemarks? Oh honey, yer clearly not obsessively observing background ponies as much as the rest of us.
He has a point. Obviously.
Applebloom still fiddling with potions, I’m glad to hear it.
Gotta love pony writing, I’m oddly fascinated by how i can juuuuust deceiver that sticker says “sold”. Oh yeah, also, parents very casual about foals chaining themselves together to a pole.
Yeah, saw dat coming, still laughed.
She finally get to say it.
The aunts are back!
This is just cute and heartfelt. They are actually just casually talking how they feel, young ponies and adults, listening to each other. No overreactions, asking simple questions and listening to the answers. Communication.
... dat was a freaking cockatrice in a cage out on the street in Ponyville... sounds safe.
A bit much, but cute.
Awwwww ... also, ho dang, who is that afro pone in the back?
Also I decide my headcanon that the parents are staying that extra month in Ponyville, because no way they made it to the train at that point. And it was made clear the next train for their destination will first be next month. So bonus parents time for Scoots!
This was a cute episode, for sure. We finally got canon family for Scootaloo after all this time. Anypony missing family confirmed by now?
I see why people are all up in the clouds about the aunts, as it is indeed made clear only Holiday is Scoots’ aunt by blood, making the other her partner. Confirmed canon queer couple. Awesome (Bonbon/Lyra first in my head tho, ya can’t change my mind).
And still a good story centered about Scootaloo and her parents. It is a good conflict to bring up, as many kids experience the uprooting of their life to follow their parents’ job and careers. And it can definitely be tough. I like the story didn’t demand a full happy ending by forcing the parents to quit to stay with Scootaloo, as that would muddle the lesson they brought up. Instead it made good use of the aunts, who were already confirmed caretakers on that shift watch they mentioned before Scoots’ parents were confirmed to make it home. Sounded a lot like Scoots was the ‘community care’ foal. A herd of animals in the wild can have habits of taking shifts and caring for each others’ youngs after all.
Anyway, it was still a fairly simple episode with some very good and touching moments. The CMC ain’t as over the top as they would have acted in the first seasons, showing a maturity while still going for childish solutions in hope of resolving the issue faster. But no cringe or drama added for their efforts, which is good.
Just a matter of finding a way to explain something important as a foal to adults. So I understand the big scene needed with Ponyvile citizens and others gathering to point out to the parents that the CMC isn’t “just” a club. Which is understandable they would think it as, as they haven’t been around to see the actual importance it played. They simply needed to expand the perspective and sometimes that take outsiders to point out, to move the bias.
Anyways, I’ll stop rambling now. Very cute episode, loved it.
Thanks for reading.
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chances-r-high · 5 years
A Fond Farewell
[ @chances-r-high @addie-bear @queen-of-lazuroth @son-of-an-invader @dib-adrift @zimerstellar ]
“Let me tell you what I wish I’d known, when I was young a dreamed of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”
They searched…
And searched…
And searched…
All of it to no avail…
Chance was at his wits end. Not even in office for a week and his senate was already arguing about what to do here. He tried his best to pay attention, to give some sort of answer that was satisfactory, but he was in a fog. Not only had he lost...so many people he cared about, people who were the only family he’d ever known, but now he and Addie weren’t speaking after she’d tried to go to Dwicky’s cell to literally beat information out of him.
“Senator Urso has a point,” he heard Destiel say in one of his moments of clarity. “High Chancellor when you came into office we had the understanding that 857-b’s Irken Empire would become a valuable ally. Now that they are lost not only is that no longer a possibility, but now the citizens are even more uncertain of their futures.”
Chance glared at her, looking her dead in the eye. “Lord Iris and I have had our team working painstakingly to find the collider. We’ve interrogated Dwicky several times, who, unsurprisingly, has been unhelpful. But we’ll find it. Don’t you worry.”
Senator Wark scowled. “This would be much faster if you, perhaps, gave Dwicky a plea bargain-”
“I am not giving him a plea bargain just so he can weasel his way into hurting more people!” Chance snapped, giving the entire Senate a severe look. He balled his hand into a fist. “That’s enough for the day. My decisions on how we handle the collider situation are final. As for the efforts to...figure out what happened to the Glit- 857-b…” he took a deep breath. “I want to make it very clear that this is not an easy decision. They are my mate’s family. My family. But...I think we can say we’ve tried our best with no results.” He nodded and cleared his throat. “Meeting adjourned.”
None of the Senators argued, all rising from their seats and leaving. Chance didn’t get up right away, running a hand through his hair, clutching it tightly in his fists.
What else could they do but move on from here?
No matter how much they didn’t want to…
Chance’s new position certainly had its perks. With the money he had acquired along with the Denivars, they managed to put together quite the display. The solarium of the newly christened Metallah was nowhere near as grand as the huge forest that could once be found on the Glitter Massive. But it was bright and lush with plants and flowers, especially since Chance had made it a personal project to give it some good T.L.C. Anything for a good distraction.
All they had were photos of them, because of course there were no bodies to bury or burn. But still...they all agreed that they wanted to say goodbye somehow. They needed closure. One of Chance’s publicists tried to make it a public affair but he absolutely refused. He was not going to use this tragedy to his family to win points with the masses.
A huge table was set up at the front of the solarium, littered with huge, leafy plants. Along with that each individual photo was surrounded by flowers in the color that represented the person within. The one exception was the joint picture of Alexx and Miguel, which was surrounded in both yellow and violet blooms. It was the only photo they had of the babies.
In front of the table was a small riser covered in candles of different shapes and sizes. All of them were lit, the flickering lights catching the glittery tablecloth behind them. There were even more pictures here. Of Beast, Keef, Red and Zim. Of Pur and Mika. Of Xander with either group. Of all of them. Various ones that included the people present here now. They had asked Jaime if he would like to be here for Nightmare Keef, but he had refused. Midge couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness at that, seeing as the rest of them didn’t know the other red-head that well.
For the longest time...they were quiet, just staring at the display. Midge had her face buried in Stellar Dib’s chest, crying softly as Dek petted her hair. The hybrid himself wasn’t doing much better, his hands shaking as he attempted of comfort his wife. Stellar Zim noticed, and tentatively reached over for Dek’s free hand. The hybrid froze for a moment, looking back at the Irken, but he didn’t pull away. In fact he gave Zim’s hand a small squeeze.
Addie couldn’t speak. If she spoke to anyone she feared she’d break. She hated being weak. Hated feeling broken. But...she was weak and broken. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to seek the comfort she desperately needed.
Chance shifted his feet. He despised the silence. It didn’t feel right to him. These were people they had all loved, people who had helped them, who they had helped in return. People who had become so ingrained in all of their lives. Standing here not saying a thing…? That didn’t feel right at all.
So...Chance started to speak…
“I thought Beast hated me when we first met,” he began, not looking at anyone. “Actually, he probably did. With...really good reason, heh. Zim though...I don’t know. Maybe he disliked me at first but...he seemed to be one of the first who thought I...had a chance.” He smiled at the pun.
“Keef and I...related a lot more than I would have ever expected. I wish...I wish we’d had more time. Could’ve had a sword fight or two, ha.
“Red he...I remember before Addie and I were officially together. I think. He asked me to start talking to the Galactic Alliance planets. Figure out if we had any allies. He believed in me. He wasn’t the first but...something about that moment stuck with me. This...so-called fearsome ruler that my father hated so much...I was the clone of his enemy and he believed in me.” He sniffled.
“And, hell, Xander was just a kid! He...he had so much potential a whole life ahead of him! And...and Miguel. And Alexx…” He set his jaw. He wasn’t going to be able to control himself. “Alexx’s middle name was Chance. Why Mika and Pur thought is was good idea to name their kid after me...I don’t know, heh.” Hiccup. “I don’t think I got to know Purple well enough, but he was...he was always kind. And logical. But also a badass underneath all that. And Mika… No offense, Midge, you taught me a lot but...whatever you couldn’t he filled in the blanks.” The tears were falling from his eyes. “They named their damn kid after me…”
After that there was another small silence. And then, Dek began to talk.
“I didn’t know any of them that well until Red took Zim.” He snorted. “Funny how that’s all water under the bridge now.” He furrowed his brow. “Beast was the first I got to know. He was...I won’t lie he was a dumbass. But...after spending time with him...I sort of decided he was my dumbass.
“I honestly...never thought I would like Red. Hell, I never thought I could even tolerate being in his presence. But...seems like we were just meant to be allies...and friends. Charming bastard.” He chuckled for a moment but it was shaky. “Keef was...really something. Very sweet. Amazing sword fighter. Few people can take on my wife and live to tell the tale, haha. They...they named their kid after me, too. Miguel’s middle name was...was Dek. I mean...can’t blame them. Great name and all.” He choked and had to take a minute to recompose.
“Xander was...a good kid. He...fucked up pretty badly. But...I guess I’ve known a few of those. People who fucked up pretty badly but then worked to be better people…
“Purple...the first time I met him...he helped us. I still don’t understand what his reasons were at the time...but he helped us. And...he...reminded me - us - of someone else we lost. Someone very important to us.” He cleared his throat. “And Mika...if not for him I...I wouldn’t have this eye.” He reached up and touched the amaranthe colored one. His chest immediately tightened and he gritted his teeth.
“I chose this color for my brother,” he said, his voice immediately cracking. “I...I never had a brother before. But Zim...I don’t know what it was but...I just knew I needed to protect him. I just knew I was gonna be...gonna be stuck with him for the rest of my life.” He tried so hard to stop the tears, but it was too late. “I just knew I was gonna have to watch my back every day for when some horrible glitter attack-”
For the first time in Dek’s life, he was openly sobbing in front of people that weren’t Midge. His sydark felt like it had been ripped from his body and crush under someone’s boot. He hadn’t been able to protect them this time. He hadn’t been able to protect his brother.
“I’m...I’m sorry,” he choked, doing his best to calm down. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and looked over and saw Stellar Zim. His eyes were gently and caring, as if to say “It’s okay. Let it go it’s okay.” Dek couldn’t help but pull the Irken into his chest wrap an arm around him, leaning down and crying silently into his shoulder.
Zim was shocked by the gesture, but he didn’t pull away. In fact he reach up and put a hand behind Dek’s neck, giving it comforting little scratches.
Another silence. It was as if no one wanted to say anything now. As if truly saying goodbye meant the end.
“I once took Xander to the carnival,” Addie finally said. Her voice was so shaky. She’d already been crying for days. “It was...so much fun. Just seeing his face light up from all the rides and the terrible food. He...he was something special. Adorable, even.” She sniffled. “Miguel and Alexx, too. Possibly two of the cutest smeets in the entire universe. So sweet. And so loud...at least Miguel.
“The moment I found out Zim and Dib were my uncles, it was after Dad had helped save Zim. Uncle Dib was...such a badass. So raw and brave and took no shit from anyone. He was...everything I wanted to be. Regardless of all the shit he struggled with...he really was.
“Uncle Zim was...a menace. The first real interaction I had with him I think was during what was supposed to be the Zim Wars. I joined his army...to impress a boy. He was always covering our house in stickers and sending glitter bombs.” Her lip trembled, fresh tears falling from her eyes. “But he was also so sweet and caring and...he was always there if I needed him…
“Not to long after that we met their Purple. I...I didn’t want to like him at first. But...he reminded me so much of my mentor. He even gave me a Kyber Crystal to use for upgrading my weapon. And I know how much Mika meant to Chance. And to my mom. He was...the sweetest bean to ever exist. Probably too sweet for...any universe.”
She found herself clutching the hem of her jacket. “Uncle Keef…” she hiccupped. “That last thing I said to him...was to fuck off…” She began crying openly. “Why did I even say that? I...I didn’t…” She sniffled. “He helped save me and my family and my Uncle…my Uncle Red.”
There was a long pause there. “If you’d told me almost a year ago...that I would look up to Almighty Tallest Red of universe 857-b...I would have punched you in the face.” Fuck. This...this was impossible. “He was...the second biggest asshole I’ve ever met. And also the greatest leader I’ve ever known. He was quite possibly the first person to make me feel like...I could actually do it. I could actually take down all the evil in the world. He believed in me so much. He gave me an army.” And all at once, she broke down. “And I repaid him by spitting his face just to go on some stupid mission on my own!” She covered her mouth with her hand as she began to sob harder. “I’m sorry I have to...I have to go.”
Chance watched her take off, immediately going after her. Even after making up things had been tense and awkward. Well, fuck all of that. Fuck any disagreement they ever had in the future. They’d lost so much. But they still had each other. They needed each other. And there was no way they could take each other for granted ever again.
“Addie!” he called after her. “Addie wait!”
Addie stopped when she heard Chance, not turning around immediately. Her entire body shook with the force of her sobs. She couldn’t breath she couldn’t breath she couldn’t breath.
Finally she turned around hugging herself. Slowly she lifted her teary gaze up to Chance, shaking her head. “I don’t want to say goodbye, Chance.”
Chance raced over to her, immediately wrapping her in his arms. He felt her cling to him right back. “I know. I know.”
Addie continued to cry loudly. “I don’t want to say goodbye! I don’t want to say goodbye! I want them back, Chance, I want them back!”
Chance began to cry again himself. “Me too, Songbird. Me too.”
Dek and Midge were finally getting ready to leave the Metallah, to go back to their home at the Team Nebula base. They were beginning to wonder if the extra room would be still be necessary, considering both Stellar Zim and Dib had been sleeping in their bed with them. Still, it would be there if they wanted it. Dek just wanted their new companions to be comfortable.
“Dek?” Midge said, entering the room. She’d just been at the Med Bay to finish up Dib’s discharge papers. How many Dibs had she done that for? How many had she patched up? How many others would she lose. She shook her head. “Can we talk for a minute?”
Dek looked up for packing the bags. They hadn’t had too much teleported to them here, but it was enough to be a bit of a job. He was glad for the small interruption. “What do you need, Stardust?”
Midge bit her lip. “I’ve, um...I’ve found out the sexes of the twins,” she told him.
Dek’s eyes widened. “Oh. Have you?” They’d never talked about things like that before. Addie sort of spoiled it for them with Drun, and Addie...so much had been going on at the time. “I have a feeling there’s more to this.”
“There is.” Midge said. “I...I know you mentioned once wanting to name the next boy after your father but after...after…” She couldn’t say it. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to say it.
“...You want to name the smeets after them?”
“It doesn’t...have to be exactly after them. Just...names that represent them. To remember them by.” She rubbed her lower abdomen. Why did this pregnancy feel like it was going so much faster than the others? Was it because of the...circumstances of their conception? “I, uh, wrote down my suggestions for the girl, anyway.”
Dek walked over and looked at the tablet Midge was showing him. Some of the names seemed either too generic or too complicated. But two stood out to him. “I like Ruby. And Amaranthe.”
Midge nodded. “I’m glad. Those were my favorites, too. I was...I was thinking Rían Miguel for the boy…” Her grip on the tablet was tight.
Dek gently put an arm around her and pulled her close, then kissed the top of her head. “I like both of those a lot, Stardust.”
Midge nodded, burying her face into Dek’s shirt. “How are we supposed to do this, Dek?” she asked, her voice garbled by tears. “How do we live in a world without them?”
“We just...do,” Dek told her. “The ones we love are never truly gone, right? They’re...they’re right here with us. Always.” He held her tighter. “We just...keep them alive in everything we do now. We...we never let their legacy die.”
Midge snorted a bit even through her tears. “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
Dek gave a tense nod. “...That’s right,” he said, putting a hand on her tiny baby bump. “That’s exactly right.”
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1. A Letter to Future Aliens
Original Prompt:
https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/b0pesi/wp_all_humans_on_earth_voted_to_assign_you_the/ “Now, we will turn to New York City, where United Nations assembly are reviewing letters and emails from the shortlisted candidates.”
My family are watching the news stream live from my computer. We lounged about in front of the computer, as it is placed on a coffee table. We aren’t very rich, but I managed to turn a small profit from blogs and Youtube channels. Truth be told, there are also a lot of professional writers, journalists, and philosophers sending their applications. Their names are listed on UN website, and my name is the 1065th.
“Thank you, Azizah. As you can see, the world leaders are busy reviewing the papers. I was told that eloquence of writing isn’t the only prerequisite to be selected. Prospective writers to this letter must also have active participation in aiding the hardcore poor and marginalised communities throughout the whole world.”
“The list will further be shortlisted to fifty best choices, and anyone throughout the whole world are free to vote for the best writer.”
My younger brother lies down on the tiled floor with a huff. “Mom, it’s boring. Why do I have to watch this?”
My mother lightly grabs his head and squeeze it a bit. “So that you know how the world works.”
The wait is filled with speculations by some experts thinking who could be the chosen fifty. Many names are from Africa, some from Europe, and a few from China. I think JK Rowling are also discussed, though I am more surprised that George R.R Martin aren’t included. He’s a sci-fi writer, he should at least be considered.
“The results are in, Azizah. We are now ready to broadcast the names chosen to be voted on by the Earth’s population.”
And the names are read aloud by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He says many names I don’t know about, and a short list of their achievements, which I often see on Facebook or Instagram. The news is getting long, and my mother is already at the kitchen getting some fried banana fritters and black coffee to pass the time.
It took an hour before we turn our heads back to the stream. There has already been thirty names. “And for the thirty first name, we choose Januarius anak Idrus, a citizen of Malaysia. Born in Sabah, he has aided a lot in educating stateless children through the use of wireless connections and even funded internet availability for extremely rural areas.”
They took my bluff! It’s just my grandfather’s village. But my parents are esctatic, hugging me tightly and do I hear a sniffle?
The streaming continues, but my family are already too excited to bother.
“Start writing the letter, son. We will see Januarius name soar across the world!”
“We will help you all we can, but be quick, later people will beat you to it.”
I sleep soundly, too tired to take in the stress. My parents are laughing and loving each other throughout the night.
My younger brother wakes me up the next day. “Jan, jan, wake up!”
“What, why Felis?”
“Newspeople are coming! They want to interview you!”
The journalist is a petite woman. She sits in a single person sofa, comfortable in her seat. I on the other hand, is rummaging through my hair so it will look a bit more presentable.
The interview is embarassing. I barely have anything to say, haven’t researched anything, and worst of all, my face is sagging like rumpled carpet when they took my picture! By the way, what should I write anyway?
“Hello, my name is Maisarah. So, is your name is Januarius bin Idrus?”
“No, it’s Januarius anak Idrus.”
“I would like to ask a few questions. Firstly, how did you knew about the contest to write a letter to the aliens?”
“Well, me and my friends are browsing the internet when one of them, Saiful, shows me a Facebook post. It shows the contest, but I thought it’s a joke. So I write just a generic email and send it to them. World peace, economic equality, less pollution, all the good stuff. I also have to send some resume, so I hope I got at least a job out of it.”
“Will you send the same letter to the aliens, or will you rewrite a new letter?”
“I think I will have to. Apparently NASA does have correspondences with the aliens, but I have no idea what exactly they are offering.”
“Will you be consulting anyone to help with writing this letter?”
“Of course! I have no idea how to start this time. I don’t think I can answer you any more questions, since I haven’t prepared anything yet.”
“That’s alright. Will you let us interview you, next time?”
“Yes, yes please. Please give me a call first.” I wrote down my phone number and give it to her.
Now the problem of what to write is getting bigger in my head. Should I ask for world peace? End of poverty? Beginning of space travel? The silent whirr of my laptop fan might as well be a loud engine hum. Everyone is at work or school, and I am here staring at a blank Word document. Might as well call a friend.
“Hey, Hisham, can I go to your place?”
His place is a school. Not of brick and fresh paint and strong zinc roof. But of throwaway planks and board, lacking paint and old zinc roof with holes here and there. But the school is filled with children singing the alphabet song. Hisham is leading them, his smile shining bright from half a mile away.
I waited until his class is over. Hisham grabs me by the shoulder. “Hey, you have become fatter! How have you been?”
“Been healthier every day. Have you started building new school?”
Hisham leads me to a chair by a table. “We have just contacted a social advocacy group willing to help build one.”
We ate a few fried banana fritters as we chat. Hisham keeps spilling the beans. “Of course, we do have our own money, and have free volunteers too. You want to join?”
I would like to reject, but I haven’t been carpenting for weeks. “I will when I am free. If you are about to start, tell me.”
“Of course. But, what brings you here?”
I don’t know my face is obviously showing when asking for something. “Well, I have been chosen by the UN to write a letter to aliens, asking for help.���
Hisham pours more coffee to his cup. “You know our situation here in Sabah. You should speak about that.”
“But I am representing the Earth, not just Sabah.”
“There are many marginalised people. Stateless, minorities, hardcore poor, culturally oppressed, you name it. I do my little part. You expand it to the whole world.”
The visit is good, but I am not satisfied with the answer I get here. I walk back to my car when a kid is cupping his hands to me. I give her a ringgit. She shouted, and a horde of children suddenly appeared. At least, I still have enough money left for oil.
And now I am staring at the damn blank page. I try typing something. “Dear aliens ...”
No, too darling.
“To aliens of Planet Xenoniah I humbly...”
Eugh, grovelling.
“Greetings to leaders of Planet Xenoniah ...”
Isn’t that too formal? Am I supposed to be formal?
I am about to ram my head to the tabletop, but laptop is in my way. So I move it forward, then introduces head to desk. The pain is fogging my sight even more. Mentally, fortunately. My eyesight is still as clear as it always been without glasses.
Searching Google about child education is quite a chore. Half of it is about how to develop a child’s mind. Which is rather useless as my little brother taught me middle-school level math.  Then I searched about education for stateless and hardcore poor in countries throughout the world.
Many groups are already working on it. One research even shows how older children can help younger children learn English with apps and videos. But there is something missing in all this.
I try to find what the children do or became after they’re adults. There seems to be some classes on entrepreneurship for adults, but they seem to not bring the children in.
The next day, my handphone falls on my head. It should only be a small nuisance, if not for the fact that my handphone is the brick phone Energizer recently launched.
“Hello?” I can feel the heft of my phone on my forehead and cheek.
“Yo, congrats on your short selection! Have you wrote something?”
“Is that Eric over there?” I look at my phone screen. “Of course you are. I have no idea really.”
“Have you tried writing about poverty?”
“Poverty’s too big an issue. Can you be more specific?”
“You know microloans? Try to ask for that.”
“You want me to write a letter so they lend us a hundred dollars?”
My phone erupts with laughter of many people from the other side. “Try that. For the lols.”
“Heh, lol.”
Eric talks some more about how the soup kitchen he is running isn’t actually lacking in potential food waste. But they lack cars or trucks to carry all the leftover food quickly before they become prime source for compost.
“So I should ask for faster than light travel?”
“Wormholes. Something like Doraemon’s As-You-Like Door.” Eric is referring to a door gadget which opens immediately to a new location.
“Well, I try to make it sound formal.”
My parents return home for lunch, as usual. My sister cooked them some chicken in soy sauce and onions. And the vegetables are sauteed cabbage. The smell is heavenly. And the lunch is somewhat calm.
My father breaks the silence. “Have you started writing?”
“Nah, I don’t know what to write.”
My mother swallows her rice. “Try writing for world peace.”
“Isn’t world peace up to us?”
My sister removes the chicken bones from the flesh. “Try asking for a lot of money to pay both sides to be at peace.”
“I don’t know, that makes us look very greedy.”
“You’re saying we aren’t?”
Well, now I have three ideas. Education for marginalised, wormholes, and money.
The next interview with the journalist comes a few days later.
Maisarah points the microphone a bit too close to me. I readjust myself to the back and she gives some distance. “Please tell us what your letter is about.”
“I want to ask for tools to build a type of school.”
“Yes, it’s an odd school. Children went there to learn how to read, write, and count, the usual. But adults learn how to do crafts, such as carpentry, weaving, smithing. Some schools may even teach coding and business basics.”
“Don’t we have the same system here?”
“Well, the schools we have now are for the citizens of our countries. There is no infrastructure for the stateless of our countries. There are classes set up by social advocacy groups, but it’s for children and they don’t have enough funds to teach more people. There is no funds to buy tools and supplies to teach adults.”
“So, you want to ask for funding to build schools? Will it be any different from our system now?”
“Yes, for one thing, we receive outside funding, literally! Secondly, the schools are going to be borderless. Any stateless people or hardcore poor can join in from anywhere.”
“Anywhere, even from other countries?”
“But, how will they travel to the schools?”
“For one thing, we know Planet Xenoniah can make wormholes. Set up some wormhole doors so people can travel from their villages to schools by literally walking a few hundred meters away.”
We don’t watch the final selection on TV, as we are invited cordially to Geneva to witness the event. At the end, the judges decide to compile three most popular letters to one. The end result is this:
“To our friend, the leader of Planet Xenoniah Coalition, Babluk Xinaphah Waristi,
We thank you for your offer of help, and we have prepared with our requests.
Firstly, we ask for wormhole technology, some funding and supplies, to build schools to teach our marginalised people skills and carfts to help them provide their communities with jobs and products.
Secondly, we would like to learn your knowledge on terraforming. We have chosen our first step to be the atmosphere of Venus, while we build Mars to be more Earthlike. Hopefully, we could expand the reach of our species and provide more resources for further advances.
Thirdly, we would like to visit your fine planet and host you. We would like to know how your culture functions and the history.
We thank you again for your aid, and may our alliance blossoms for as long as our civilisations exist.”
For my problem, I get a goodie bag with some Swiss chocolate and kopi luwak. And the letter will be sent by Chris Pratt, aboard a provided spaceship. Unfortunately, he’s just the one to give the letter at a mothership stationed near Jupiter, not the one actually piloting it. That is other people’s job.
I never think about the letter after that day. I am still rather jobless, helping around with social advocacy groups, and sometimes teaching at Hisham’s school. But one day, just as I am watering the plants, there is a sudden flash of light. Hisham steps out of the light, which have transformed to a gate.
“Hey, come! Class is about to begin!”
“You better start paying me.”
“How does RM 3 000 a month sound?”
Well, I have no excuse now. I grab my wallet, phone, and some books. “Let’s go.”
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lattetimes · 7 years
So How About Them New Episodes, Ammirite Ladies??
here’s what i thought of the new episodes via live reactions as i watching them!
overall, it was kinda underwhelming but there were parts that i really did like! and if you liked these episodes, that’s awesome!
was this title a reference to the movie/book John Dies at the End, cause if so then i’m shocked i caught that
apparently it is, would you look at that. btw i kinda liked the movie.
damn, Sadie took this hard. and Steven never told Lars’ parents. so i guess Sadie has to do that herself.
why tf does Steven care if Dewey wins?!
ok wow, there’s only 24 people in Beach City and he never noticed that Lars was gone!?
“is that why the donut shop was closed?”
“we’ll hire a new donut boy!” DEWEY. DUDE. ARE YOU FOR REAL?!
“high school mayor” lmao
how did he run unopposed for 10 years!?
i don’t like that Steven is so adamant on Dewey winning.
jesus, Steven, let Nanefua win. she’s obviously the better person for the job
“i’m done pointing my finger at you, and now i direct all my fingers on both my hands to the citizens” top 10 anime deaths
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, but i need to get a new job” 2018 mood tbh
episode rating: 2 tomatoes out of 5. i can’t stand Steven in this episode at all. but hey, NANEFUA WON!!!!!!
....was Lapis’ main concern that Steven dropped his phone on Homeworld? not the fact that he was... idk... ON HOMEWORLD?!
ok Lapis is ready to bail immediately and tbh i dont blame her
did she just uproot the entire bard wtf?! 
episode rating: 1.5 barns out of 5. BARN THE DIAMONDS, BARN THE DIAMONDS, BARN THE DIAMONDS!
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^ mfw Amethyst basically spat an egg out her mouth (it was kinda gross)
well. Greg got some kinda house.... still don’t get why the crew is so against having Greg get a house
also, where’s Peridot?
“remove all shoes before entering” Pearl fucking THROWS A RANDOM ASS PAIR OF SHOES
“Steven, you should join me. become a raisin” ok Garnet
did. did Steven completely cut Garnet off as she was talking about Pink Diamond and the Gem War with the whole, “yeah, yeah, i get it, Mom. i already heard this story” kinda thing? B R U H that ain’t okay
AND GARNET JUST SHUTS UP AND WAS LIKE “good, you understand”
i love Greg Universe
how would you not notice if you aren’t getting any service on your phone? your phone tells you when you’re getting service or not
bruh you almost made your dad drive off a cliff for you to get phone service
Greg Universe is a ride or die kinda guy
this ending shot is cute, i’ll give you that. 
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episode rating: 2 party guys out of 5. Party Guy should’ve bitten Steven’s phone and his shit attitude. also PEARL WTF ARE YOU TELL US ALREADY
Connie i miss you
“of the three things i have to do in the sink now, this is the one i least mind you seeing” B R U H
 Peridot listens to country music, this is disgusting
“can i bring my music?” “NO.” damn Amethyst you already threw Peri around like she ain’t nothin’, let her bring her music if it’ll help her
aaaay, they’re in the train again!
dang, Peri really loved the barn.
i kinda like that Amethyst is going around trying to figure out which member of the Famethyst came out of which part of the Kindergarten. kinda cute. 
so everything is seriously determined by the nutrition, right down to the style of a Gem’s hair? ...huh. iron deposits determine hair styles.
damn, Peri went with a sucker punch to the gut with her little speech about how Kindergartens kill off life and are just “lifeless husks” once all the Gems are done being formed. and Amethyst feels awful about it, dang.
ok. there’s a flower growin’ in the Kindergarten, and that should technically be impossible due to all of the nutrients in this one area being used up. this could be interesting.
ok, so now the trio is gonna farm & see what happens. ok, ok, i can roll with this i guess.
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look at them flowers
they proud
don’t make Peri live here
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why the flamingo thingy taller than both of them
gods i didn’t need to see Steven happily showering
they’re talking about how the flowers are probs gonna look beautiful i bet they all died, they’re too positive about this. $5 them flowers are dead.
them flowers are dead,
...now they’re arguing, cause Peri blew up on them. alright. this ain’t good.
aaaaaaaaaaaand Peri crushed the original flower that grew here. both Steven & Amethyst made pained whimpers. ok. this ain’t good.
oh it’s a Gem creature- haven’t seen one of those in a while!
ngl i like Smokey’s theme music
btw there’s no dialogue from Smokey, just a quick 2 second thing
Peri doesn’t reform with a star on her
ok, that was kinda cute. and having a technician that also likes gardening is cute too
episode rating: 3.5 dead sunflowers outta 5. it was an okay episode & i did like it. 
heh, i get it. cause lady killer.
oh god, that looks bad
instead of reading off a long-ass list to the overly worked employee, just hand Sadie the list so she won’t fuck up?
“and a coffee. hold the coffee.” same tbh
oh. he’s in a band with the Cool Kids. WE GET TO SEE THE COOL KIDS!
“...i hope he [Lars] is safe and all, but working all these shifts by myself has been a huge drag” GIRL, LARS DIED IN SPACE AND IS STILL THERE
Steven stealing all the napkins is something i’d do tbh
man, i love the Cool Kids
is my girl Jenny rockin’ the bass? aaaaaaaaaaay!
Sour Cream, what the HECK IS RAP-A-BILLY?
“Doo-doo. Butt. The government corrupts” Buck is the voice of this generation
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welcome to EB Games
they... they admitted to following her home from work....
“doo-doo. i think i broke your bed” Buck wtf
also, i guess them watching all of Sadie’s horror movies gave them inspiration to do that weird donut-brain-eating song. weird.
“we are the working dead, and we lurch for minimum wage” same Sadie
......ok, she’s freaking everyone out. and they look uncomfortable. Sadie, seriously stop. they’re concerned.
...she. put lipstick on her eyes.
see, if she wasn’t freakin’ everyone out with this, i’d say this song is a bop. 
ok they’re fine now & thought it was lit ok cool cool cool. i ain’t a big fan of the lyrics tbh, but i do like the song.
 “aww, doo-doo”
ok so Steven’s askin’ for advice on how to write horror-themed songs from Sadie. how about LARS DIED ON HOMEWORLD
Steven puttin’ Sadie on blast, good lord he just sang an accidental roast tryin’ to sing shit like she does
“you can’t help being cute no more than i can help being cool” Buck, you’re a blessing
“yoooooo, what if this is all a dream?” Buck, wtf?
oh. Sadie’s goin’ with them. okay. 
episode rating: 3 funky riffs out of 5. Buck Dewey is great.
let’s just get this over with...
why’d Steven wait this long to track down Lion?!
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siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, here he is......
gods, i still hate him
stop being gross to kids, leave Steven and Connie alone ya freak
at least he knows they use they/them pronouns. 
how did he find out where Connie is? doesn’t she live far away from Beach City? did he track down these two kids just to “invite” Stevonnie?!
“no one turns down an invitation to a Kevin party” i sure as fuck would
lmao Kevin has an old phone
“your name’s Steven? weird, i thought your name was Clarence” OI, DON’T INSULT CLARENCE LIKE THAT
rude, Steven brought snacks and ya just toss ‘em into the void?
ok. he’s creepily obsessed with Stevonnie cause apparently they make parties and shit like that hella fun. um. stop? being obsessed with kids??
Connie actually showed up. and had Lion the entire time. that’s. super fucked up. Lion is the ONLY way to get to Lars directly!
Kevin’s gonna try to get them to talk to each other... so they can form Stevonnie... so his party won’t suck...
also, he keeps calling them 7-year-olds........ siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh, ok Kevin.
“i need those old people to whisper my name when they die” tbh goals
“who’s Sabina?” Kevin got all red in the face and almost lost his cool
so Kevin’s gonna try to make Steven look like he’s moved on from Connie or some shit. this won’t end well.
now we get a montage of 2 kids being uncomfortable surrounded by older people at a party they should’t be at, ok.
at least Connie looks cute. and she got a haircut! so cute!
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Steven, what are you doing?
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ok, quick recap cause i didn’t mention this: Kevin thought Steven & Connie were dating, so, Connie only went to the party to see if Steven’s okay and if they could talk. Steven decided to follow Kevin’s advice for some reason, and Connie thinks Steve’s new BFF is Kevin, and Kevin has no concept of what friends are.
so. Connie didn’t text Steven cause she preferred talking face to face about this, and that texting him wasn’t good enough to work out these issues. very fair point. still don’t get why you legit stole Lion from him, but the not texting back thing makes complete sense.
ok, she rode Lion to his house while Steven, Greg & the Gems were away (the episode Gemcation). and that’s when she bumped into Kevin and got the invite. ok. now Kevin is slightly less creepy, but still disgusting nonetheless.
oh, yay! they’re talking it out! and Steven isn’t disregarding Connie’s anger!
yay! they’re friends again!
don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie, don’t form Stevonnie.
episode rating: 1 Lion out of 5. least fave episode, tbh. but hey, we got Connie back!
41 notes · View notes
lesbrarians · 7 years
Junkrat/Roadhog: Voyages Ch 2
I’m so happy you guys enjoyed the first chapter ahhh I hope you continue to like it! I’m gonna go to a Monday-Friday update schedule starting next week :> 
Title: Voyages
Characters: Junkrat, Roadhog
Rating: R
Summary:  After a rocky start and some ups and downs, Junkrat and Roadhog are officially partners, even if things haven’t progressed quite as far as Junkrat would like. With his treasure at the heart of their grandiose plans, they take their adventures overseas and leave their mark on the world, for better or worse. (Mostly for worse. They’re criminals.) Sequel to “Origins.”
He woke up to find that he had drooled all over Roadhog’s arm when he was conked out. “Whoops. Sorry, mate, got a lil’ somethin’ on ya there.” He rubbed off the saliva with his forearm and wiped it on his shorts before climbing to his feet. The alcohol’s effects had worn off in his sleep, leaving him dry-mouthed and slightly achy in the temples, but it was nothing that a few gulps of water couldn’t fix -- one of the packages Ava had mailed alongside them was a slab of flavored mineral water, an obscure Australian brand that she could provide justification for sending overseas. He propped his hands on his hips and scanned the cargo hold for his next conquest.
“Gross,” Roadhog told him, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Junkrat giggled. “Not like yer not used to havin’ my spit all over ya!”
“True,” Roadhog agreed with a huff of amusement. Junkrat was not the neatest of kissers.
“Y’know, there’s somethin’ we can do to pass the time...” Junkrat sniggered as he scrambled on top of a large box. He estimated that sitting on top of it would put him roughly at Roadhog’s eye level. He made grabby motions with his hands in an attempt to lure Roadhog over to him. “Mind takin’ off that mask of yers?”
Roadhog gave a grunt of assent as he stood up. He reached for the straps of his mask, and Junkrat felt his heart quicken. He technically knew what lay beneath, having felt the swathe of twisted, scarred flesh that marked Roadhog as a survivor of a nasty fire, but Roadhog still refused to show him his face entirely. Unfortunately, this time was no different, and he pushed the mask up just far enough to reveal his jaw and mouth.
“Still deprivin’ me of yer beauty, eh?” Junkrat said, unable to stop himself from bemoaning Roadhog’s reticent nature.
Roadhog’s wide grin was lopsided: a crooked grin with crooked teeth, and Junkrat loved it. He wondered how many times Roadhog had smiled without his noticing, shielded by the barrier of his gas mask. “Yeah,”  he said. “This is all you get.”
“Good enough for me! All I really need, roight?” Junkrat wrapped his arms around Roadhog’s neck and kissed him with all the fervour of a man starved of intimacy. He was enthusiastic, if sloppy, but his poor technique made for more opportunities to practise.
Roadhog took control of the kiss in the hopes of teaching Junkrat a better technique than all tongue, no temperance. A little restraint went a long way. Junkrat didn't mind relinquishing control, not when it meant Roadhog gripping his face in those two hands and leaving him -- literally -- breathless.
Junkrat gasped into Roadhog’s mouth, grinding up against him. He probably should have been embarrassed that he was already hard after a few minutes of making out with no below the belt touching to speak of, but Roadhog tended to have that effect on him. He didn’t care how he looked, shamelessly rutting against Roadhog’s belly, not when it felt so fucking good.
The last time things had gotten this hot and heavy between them, they'd been interrupted by the sound of approaching police sirens. The time before that, it was an ambush by a scraggly group of Junkers. Before that, their dinner had started burning. There was always a crisis to be dealt with, and Junkrat had nearly given up hope on ever getting laid. Now, however, there were no distractions, nothing to keep them from doing as they pleased. It was positively exhilarating. Junkrat pushed Roadhog away from him, putting just enough distance between them to give him room to hop off the box he was sitting on. He fell onto his knees with a breathless giggle and tugged at Roadhog’s belt, attempting to figure out how to unfasten the custom plate that served as a buckle. It took a great deal of concentration. His tongue poked out of his mouth as he tried to decipher the mechanism, which didn’t catch in quite the same way as his own belt buckle.
“Whole lotta work just to suck yer dick, but -- heh -- worth it!”
His focus was broken when Roadhog pulled on his hair, tugging his head up to look at him. It was too urgent to be sexy, and the odd look that twisted the corner of Roadhog’s mouth only confirmed that.
“No,” Roadhog said.
Junkrat dropped his hands and frowned up at Roadhog. “Whaddya mean, no? Thought y’were into this.”
“I am.”
This made less than zero sense to Junkrat. “Then why not?” he demanded to know.
It was as valid a reason as any, but it wasn’t one Junkrat was satisfied with.
He was still on his knees. “Fine,” he said shortly, climbing to his feet. At least the pressing situation in his pants had lessened in all the confusion. He jerked his head in the opposite direction, nodding at the far end of the cargo hold. “Just gonna dip for a bit, then.”
He slinked off to be alone and process, his mind a jumble of thoughts. He picked his way through the cargo hold to put as much distance as possible between him and Roadhog, and he took out his frustrations on the various packages that stood in his way.
Maybe looking through other people’s mail would help him forget the buzz of indignation and sudden sense of inferiority that clouded his head.
He recoiled in disgust at the first container he broke into. It took him a few moments to realise that he wasn’t looking at an actual omnic, but a detailed, life-sized photograph of one, a diagram depicting the contents of the package being shipped. He inspected it further.  
“This a fuckin’ sex bot?” he muttered to himself, simultaneously incredulous and revolted. It wasn’t an omnic, but a “personal pleasure device,” or so the label said. He hadn’t realised that there was a market for functional, non-sentient robots built for the pure purpose of masturbation -- but apparently there was a global demand for them, if some corporation was shipping one from Sydney to Tokyo. It might not have had any consciousness or free will, but it could walk, talk, and fuck. Too close to an omnic for his taste.
It wasn’t like Junkrat didn’t have any perverse ideas of his own, and he had certainly entertained the thought of building a mechanical device to help him get off, but you couldn’t pay him enough to fuck anything that even remotely resembled an omnic.
Rationally, he knew that the robot before him couldn’t think and possessed no artificial intelligence, but still, its visual similarity to the bots who could do so gave him the heebie jeebies. He tore open the box. “Disgusting,” he said aloud, critically eyeing the robot, which had clearly been built as a facsimile of a human woman with ridiculously exaggerated proportions. He raided the husk of the sex bot for any parts that he could repurpose for his own inventions, then vowed to use the box to take care of any personal business, because really, fuck whoever had ordered this.
He stuffed his pockets and the bag slung around his bony hips with various mechanical odds and ends.
Moving on, he thought to himself. Looking at the fake omnic for too long was gonna make him sick. Robots -- proper, non-feeling mechanical devices -- were only good when they didn’t represent the humanoid second-class citizens that he so detested.
He tried another box.
It took him a few moments to figure out what he was looking at. The case was filled with soft, white toys, each with a cartoonish happy face, pink blush markings, and green tendrils.
Junkrat picked up one of the plushies and studied it. He didn’t get it -- was it an onion? A peach? A lump of garlic? Why did it have tentacles? -- but it looked like something Roadhog would like. It was pretty cute.
He stuffed the plush toy behind his back. “Roadhog!” he called out as he started making his way back to their corner of the ship. He had cooled off significantly. So Roadhog wasn’t in the mood tonight. He guessed it made sense, they were in the middle of pulling off a complex operation. He’d try jumping his bones later, once they were settled in Japan.
Roadhog gave a questioning grunt and tilted his head at him. Junkrat climbed over the last box standing in his way. “Gotcha something.” He held out the plushie. “Happy birthday!”
“It’s not my birthday,” Roadhog said, but he accepted the gift. He held it in both of his hands, carefully examining it.
“S’called a pachimari,” Junkrat informed him, having read the label. “Thought maybe y’d like it. Cute stuff’s kinda yer thing, ain’t it?”
Roadhog squeezed it. It squeaked, causing them both to emit small noises of surprise. Junkrat hadn’t anticipated that bonus. Roadhog looked at him. “I love it,” he stated. The tacit approval made Junkrat glow with pride, and a grin threatened to split his face in two.
“I knew ya would! It’s all cuddly, roight? Like you!” He sat down and took the pachimari from Roadhog. He stuffed it behind his head as a makeshift pillow and leaned against their motorcycle crate. Roadhog promptly tugged it away from him, causing the back of his head to crack against the box.
“Ow!” Junkrat rubbed the base of his skull. “Watch it!” Roadhog didn’t apologise, responding only with a vaguely threatening hum. Junkrat shifted to use his his belly as a pillow instead.
“What’re we gonna do first when we land?” he asked Roadhog. Even with a direct path to Japan and the miracles of modern technology, it would still take them the better part of five days until they arrived in Japan. They might as well use the time to strategise.
“Get more of these,” Roadhog replied, tenderly cradling the pachimari in his hands.
Junkrat cackled. “Good a plan as any!”
 As they neared the last leg of their journey, Junkrat was going stir-crazy. He was used to being cooped up for a week or so; he did it every time he and Roadhog needed to lay low after a particularly successful string of crimes. The key difference between then and now, however, was their choice of shelter: a deserted house in the desolate Outback, long abandoned by Australians who had the sense to get away from the irradiated region, was very different from the storage hold of a cargo ship. There, they could venture outside briefly to get some fresh air and sunshine, or at least crack open a window. Here, not so much.
“I don’t know if I can make it, ‘Hog,” Junkrat moaned. At present, he was draped over a crate, arm flung over his eyes.
“You’re being overdramatic again.”
Junkrat feigned indignance. “What a load of crap, I have never been overdramatic a single day in my life!”
"You are always overdramatic," Roadhog pointed out.
Junkrat popped his head up to glare at him, then sat up straight. "Am not!"
They were too busy bickering to notice when the boat stopped rocking beneath them.
"Hang on," Junkrat said, shoving his hand into the snout of Roadhog's mask in an attempt to silence him. "D'you feel anything, or am I just mental?"
"You’re mental. What am I supposed to be feeling?"
Junkrat pointed to the floor of the ship, and it clicked.
"Get back in the box," Roadhog said, shoving Junkrat off of the crate he had reappropriated as a lounge chair and in the direction of their own crate. "We must be here."
"S'your fault we didn't notice," Junkrat said, being antagonistic purely for the sake of being antagonistic. Roadhog pushed him in response, and he giggled maniacally.
Roadhog hefted the lid of the crate, prepared to seal them both back in once they'd secured their hiding spot, while Junkrat climbed inside.
The door to the cargo hold, a scant few metres from them, slid open, and a slim man trundled in, loading cart in hand.
All involved parties froze: Junkrat mid-climb, one foot still in the air, Roadhog with the massive lid still in his arms, the dock worker still holding onto his trolley.
Junkrat was the first to break the silence. "G'day!" he said with a jaunty salute. Roadhog dropped the lid with a resounding thump. The dock worker responded, clearly nervous, but neither of them could understand Japanese.
Junkrat hopped down from the box and approached the man, who looked at him warily. “Mate, I got not the faintest idea of what yer sayin’, and even if I did, I don’t care. Roadhog?”  He held out his hand, fully expecting his bodyguard to understand what he was requesting. Roadhog tossed him his frag launcher. Junkrat promptly fumbled the catch and dropped it to the floor, although he made a quick recovery and pressed it to the man’s temple. “Anyway. So, howsabout you forget what ya saw, and we take our leave?” The man likely understood his words just about as much as they had understood his, but violence was the universal language. He nodded frantically, a droplet of sweat beading on his forehead.
"Righto!" Junkrat said brightly, lowering the grenade launcher and glancing back at his partner in crime.
Roadhog had used his time constructively and torn down the side of the crate, freeing the motorcycle and creating a ramp. Junkrat booked it back to the bike and leapt into the sidecar while Roadhog revved up the engine.
"Outta our way, ya dingus!" Junkrat shouted, and the cargo worker dove to the side, abandoning his trolley, which Roadhog promptly smashed into.
They peeled down the gangway and through a crowd of mail couriers, smashing through the first fence they saw.
"Okay, so we went to all that trouble, what with the rebreathers and all, and yer telling me that we coulda got away with just bargin' on-- camera!" They both smiled for the security feed, Roadhog taking his hand off the handlebars long enough to flash a thumbs-up, while Junkrat struck a dramatic pose. "--board? Forget it mate, I'm not even tryin' anymore. Let's just bludgeon our way through everything, eh? Who's gonna stop the two scary Australian Junkers? Caution's fer chumps."
Roadhog laughed, that deep, low chuckle that always reverberated in Junkrat's bones. "Fair enough," he said. They tore off down the streets of Tokyo, in search of a truck from which they could illegally siphon petrol for their motorcycle.
  The streets of Tokyo, Japan were vastly different from the wasteland of the Australian Outback. For one, Junkrat had never seen so many people in one place in his life. Even their trip to Sydney hadn't been so saturated with pedestrians. At first, it was overwhelming, all the hustle and bustle turning him skittish. However, once he realised that they could get away with committing crimes a lot easier when they were in crowds, any misgivings he had vanished.
Junkrat had every intention of scouting out the city's omnic population, but first, he felt they deserved a vacation. What better way to unwind than at an arcade?
He was glued to the soft drink machine. “Look, 'Hog, they got all kinds of fizzy drinks here!” He hadn't heard of any of the brands before. Most of them weren’t in English, but he could make out Kiki Cola, Murloc, and Nano. Despite having no idea what they tasted like, they were making him salivate. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Which, oh which, should I try first?” When he didn't get a response, he turned around. “Roadhog?”
Roadhog had abandoned him to check out the machines that dispensed an entirely different kind of loot: stuffed toys. There was one claw machine in particular that Roadhog was fixated on, the one affixed with a sign that read “UFO.” Junkrat recognised the pachimari that they had strapped to the back of their chopper.
Roadhog’s snout was pressed against the window of the machine, much as Junkrat’s tongue had been against the glass of the vending machine. Besides him was a small boy with a tuft of blue hair and a pachimari tank top, quietly sucking on a lollipop as he stared up at Roadhog.
Junkrat shoved the child aside with a shout of, “Move, he’s mine!” and squeezed next to Roadhog. “Looks like you found where baby pachimari come from.”
Roadhog gave a grunt of assent, and they were silent for a split second. Junkrat eyed the crane inside the machine, wishing that he had some yen so he could test it and study the machinery.
Roadhog spoke first. “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
“Depends what yer thinkin’, mate. I'm thinkin’ we gotta liberate some of these city wankers of their wallets. I wanna see this beaut in action.”
“Not what I was thinking.”
“Or,” Junkrat continued, raising an imperious finger in the air to silence him, “we liberate these poor souls from their prison. We'd be doin’ ‘em a favour, really, givin’ them all homes. You, me, and a million pachimari. One big happy family!”
He could sense Roadhog's smile through his gas mask. “Yeah! That's more like it.”
Junkrat flashed a grin back at him. “You take care of them, then. I'm gettin’ us some bevvies to celebrate!” He unholstered his frag launcher and bounded off towards the vending machine.
He wasn’t going to discriminate between flavors now -- although he was making it his personal mission to sample them all during their time in Japan -- he simply launched a grenade at the nearest dispenser, causing the thick pane of glass to splinter, cracks spreading out from the point of impact. He finished the job by kicking it in, sending shards and cans flying, and grabbed all the soft drinks he could carry. There was a similar crash behind him as Roadhog punched the claw machine, his spiked brass knuckles absorbing the shock and smashing the window entirely.
Junkrat had overestimated how much he could hold at one time and promptly started spilling cans when he took off running. Roadhog lumbered after him, hot on his heels, and he was doing a much better job at holding onto his purchases than Junkrat was.
Junkrat gave up trying to carry them all and settled for guzzling what he could, letting the other cans fall as they may. “Oh, that’s good,” he said out loud, studying the can to figure out what brand it was -- Kiki Cola -- before tossing the empty can behind him.  
They burst out of the arcade into the afternoon sunlight, the small child wailing in the distance at the loss of all the plush toys.
Miraculously, they made it back to their new home base without too much trouble. Most people leapt out of their path, alarmed and intimidated by the two Junkers barrelling down the street.
“Gotta get me a cart or somethin’, next time we do that,” Junkrat said, pushing aside the tarp that served as their front door. “Or make use of them arms of yers! How the heck did ya manage to carry all those?” He gestured at the heap of pachimari still in Roadhog’s arms.
Roadhog shrugged. He carefully set the pile down on the ground. “Practice.”
Junkrat eyed him. “Betcha y’could carry me.”
“Bet I could,” Roadhog agreed. He sat down on the throne of pachimari with a whumph and the sound of a million squeakers going off at once. Junkrat giggled gleefully and joined him, squirming under Roadhog’s arm. He picked up one of the plush toys and squeaked it, over and over, until Roadhog finally ripped it out of his hands. Deprived of entertainment, Junkrat took stock of their new, albeit temporary, home.
It had been impossible for them to find an abandoned place to squat, given their determination to stay within the more urban areas of Tokyo, where concentrations of omnics were highest. An empty apartment did not stay empty for long. They had been ruminating on alternative options -- Roadhog had suggested staying under the bridge, but Junkrat had been adamant that he was “not gonna share with a buncha derros” -- when they stumbled across a portion of the city that had been blocked off with fences and tarps, surrounding several half-built skyscrapers.
They couldn’t read the sign that marked the company that was behind the construction zone, but by the looks of the logo and some general deductions, they had concluded that it was meant to be the site of future residences for omnics.
As it turned out, Japan had a relatively small population of omnics. The country was an island with limited space, and as such, there was a nationwide push to relocate omnics to the mainland. Robots were one thing; omnics were actual citizens who needed resources and living space. With new regulations in place and political, pro-omnic protests, Tokyo was redeveloping a portion of the city to house omnics with no place to go, providing them with dwellings that suited their non-human needs.
It was the stupidest thing Junkrat had ever heard of, and he had had quite a lot of stupid ideas in his lifetime.
The fence had been plastered with signs, mostly likely warning individuals not to trespass and espousing the dangers of entering a construction site with no safety gear. They were all in Japanese, however, and the only sign Junkrat had recognised was a bright red stop sign.
Stop signs didn’t stand in his way, nor Roadhog's: he always had preferred to think of them as “suggestions” rather than “rules,” and Roadhog's command of the road entailed blowing through red lights more often than not. With a brash laugh, Junkrat had immediately instructed Roadhog to toss him over the fence.
They'd found a fairly solid structure with tarp tacked between its pillars to protect the half- finished interior from the elements. It was a risky choice of dwelling, but given the dearth of heavy machinery, they had concluded that construction had been halted due to some bureaucratic nonsense or other.
“Maybe the good people of Tokyo are seein’ sense!” Junkrat had speculated. “Those heaps of junk don't deserve fancy flats.”
It was a good decision, Junkrat thought as he burrowed deeper into the pile of pachimari. Anywhere was home as long as he had Roadhog by his side, but having the basic human comforts of a relatively enclosed, private space made it all the better.
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nanigma · 7 years
Elise+Sakura - Japanese support
Part 2 of the request is finally here. Hope you like it. I think this one mostly matches with the English localization, but it’s still interesting to see some tonal differences here and there.
I debated for a bit whether or not I should attempt to translate Sakura calling Elise “Elise-san” in the original, but eventually decided against it, because the only acceptable way I could think of was her calling her “Princess Elise” like the older royals do with each other. That’s not quite the same though (and I also don’t think Elise wouldn’t object) so I hope Sakura’s general politness still carries through the dialogue alone.
Sakura: ..? That sound. What could it be? It seems like it's coming from outside.
Elise: Hmhmhmhmmm~♪
Sakura: Elise?
Elise: Ah, Sakura! Hey, hey~.
Sakura: What kind of instrument is this? I have never seen it in Hoshido...
Elise: Oh, that! It's a Nohrian instrument called a violin!    
Sakura: A violin? Although I only heard if for the first time just now.. it sounded so lovely.
Elise: Really? Thank you! This violin is actually just one type of string instrument. There are some that are muuch bigger than this one, and make lower sounds. I truly adore my violin though. Isn't it cute how small it is?
Sakura: Yes, it is very cute! However, I didn't know you could play an instrument, Elise.
Elise: Ehehe~. I've actually been practicing for a veeery long time. “As a princess, you have to know how to play at least one instrument!”, or so I'm always told. It's supposed to be a mark of royalty, you see.
Sakura: Hehe.. I see.
Elise: But I've really grown to love it! Playing lots of songs is just sooo much fun, isn't it?
Sakura: Yes.. I know that feeling. When I was still at the castle, I would often play an instrument called a koto.
Elise: Koto?
Sakura: Yes... it's also a string instrument. But it's not small like your violin, so I wasn't able to bring it with me.
Elise: Heh~! So Hoshido has it's own instruments! I would love to hear you play it, Sakura!
Sakura: Yes, of course..!
Elise: Sakura! Sakura! Saaakuuuraaa!!!
Sakura: Elise, what's the matter? You are so out of breath..
Elise: I found one! Someone who owns a koto~!
Sakura: Eh, a koto? Why would you do that?
Elise: Weeell, you told me you would play the koto for me, didn't you? That's why I went to the nearby village and asked if anyone owned one of them. Now it's my turn to listen to you play!
Sakura: Th- that's right...
Elise: Yeah. So play a little for me! Hurry up, Sakura, hurry up already! Come with me~!
Sakura: Ah! Elise, please don't pull me like that!
(scene transition)
Elise: …. That's amaaazing! Sakura you are awesome! I am so touched!!! To think the koto would produce such a wonderful sound~. Even though they are both string instruments, it's so different from my violin. This was such a beautiful performance, Sakura!
Sakura: E-Elise... that is too much. Please stop flattering me.
Elise: No, it's not just flattery! I really thought you were that amazing!
Sakura: I- I am glad you think so.
Elise: Ah, right. How about we play together next time?
Sakura: Together? You mean as a duet?
Elise: Yes, that's right! Doesn't it sound like fun?
Sakura: Um.. It does seem interesting, but.. Hoshido and Nohr have incredibly different styles of music. Do you really think we can make our instruments sound good together?
Elise: R-right! I didn't think about that... But I'm sure we can find a wonderful song we can play together!
Sakura: I see... It would be worth trying at least. Alright! We should start practising immediately!
Elise: Yaaay! Then let's start looking for a song~!
Elise: W-we did it! We really played a duet!
Sakura: Y-yes!
Elise: So what do you think? I think we did pretty well for our first time.
Sakura: That's true. Although there were some parts that didn't quite match... I also think we were successful overall.
Elise: Yeah, yeah! Even I was surprised at how great the violin and koto sounded together. Ahhh~ I am so glad we found a song we could play as a duet!
Sakura: I really enjoyed myself as well, so I would love to try and find many more songs we can play.
Elise: Me too, me too!
Sakura: Elise, since we managed to perform so well together, how about we practice even harder from now on? ...Although, considering we are in the middle of a war, we likely won't have much time for it.
Elise: Of course! It would be great if the war ends quickly, so we can have lots of time to practice. And it would be great to have people from both Hoshido and Nohr listen to us play then.
Sakura: That's.. that's a wonderful idea! Having the citizens listen to instruments from both kingdoms playing in harmony... might inspire them to grow closer.  
Elise: Just like us!
Sakura: Yes! So let us continue practising as much as we can for that day, Elise.
Elise: Yes, Sakura! We'll do our best!
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firewarrior117 · 8 years
The Witch and the Tambourine, Part 1
It sure has been awhile. I thinks it about time I get another story out there for you guys!
I’ll finish up unfulfilled contract when I have the chance, but for now, I’m going to start on a new one while I still got the idea in my head.
Fiona has had quite a few families as she’s gown up these past 14 years of her life. From an Orphanage that was burnt to the ground by White Reef militia, to an Aristocratic mage who used her as a test subject, to a family of Slavers who threatened to kill her if she didn’t bend to there will. However...There was one family, that actually felt like a family to her.
I’m not talking about the Infernus clan and Aki’s friends. This was a band of wanderers...who’s only desires were to sing, dance, and bring smiles upon the faces of the people of Vitaria. a band of caravaneers who were like no other troupe that performed across the lands. A troupe Fiona still holds dear to her heart to this day...
(Centurion’s Tower, Fiona’s room)
Vayle: *Comes into the room with a cardboard box* And you’re certain you’re okay with this, Fiona? I don’t want to donate something you might want to read later...
Fiona: *nods!* Don’t worry, lady Vayle! Mr. Bellator has doubles of a lot of these books in the tower library already! I’m sure there’s a lot of people in Vitaria who need these books more than I do.
Vayle: Heh...The Tower Library...Sounds like a room Akimoto should spend more time in...
Akimoto: Ah, shut up! *Places more boxes down* I’ve spent more than enough time in that room back in high school!
Vayle: Graduation shouldn’t stop you from furthering your education, Akimoto...Perhaps we should donate some of these books to YOU!
Akimoto: Sounds great! I’ll use em as kindling when Summer rolls around...*Picks up a book of beasts vol. 4* Anything like this you don’t want, Fiona?
Fiona: Yes, the book of beasts volumes can go! I’ve read all 10 volumes already!
Akimoto: Alright! *Places various random books and biographies within the box* How about spell books? Are those allowed to be donated?
Vayle: So long as they don’t fall into the wrong hands, they shouldn’t be a problem. 
Fiona: Oh! yeah! *point* The ones on that shelf are okay to go! I got all the important ones on the shelf by my bed!
Akimoto: Got it! *!* Huh...what the hell? *Picks up a tambourine that was stacked upon a small pile on top of the shelf, it makes a small jingle as Aki picks it up!*
Fiona: *Her eyes widen, turning to Akimoto in panic*...
Vayle: ...Oh? Is that a Tambourine?
Akimoto: Yeah. *Shakes it slightly as it jingles away* looks like something the Caravaneers play when they perfo-
Fiona: DON’T TOUCH THAT!! *Snatches it away, hugging it tightly*
*Aki and Vayle both stare at her in shock of her reaction!*
Fiona: ...*Blink* I...*Ahem!* S-sorry about that...Please don’t touch this Tambourine, it’s...It’s very important to me!
Vayle: It certainly must be, given your reaction. If I may ask, Where did you get it from?
Fiona: It’s a memento...Something to remember my old family by...A Family...Who loved me for who I was...Not for What I-...*Looks at her shackles*...Well...You know...
Akimoto: The Caravaneers, right?
Fiona: Mmhmm! They were the nicest, most joyful, upbeat, happy people I’ve ever met. They took me into there troupe with open arms! They didn’t care who I was, what I’ve done, or what power I had within! They welcomed me as one of them...They showed me so much love and joy. And they spread that joy to all of Vitaria through song and dance! *Jingles the Tambourine!* Through Rhythm, Dance, magic and talent, they always knew how to make others smile!
*Unintentionally Strikes a Caravaneer pose with a twirl and a smile as the Tambourine Jingles loudly!*
Vayle: Ahaha! *Claps!* seems some of that Rhythm rubbed off on you!
Akimoto: Heh...You might just give Krystal a run for her money with moves like that!
Fiona:...*Blink!*...O-oh! *Blushes!* Whoops! Force of habit! Ehehehehe! *Places the Tambourine in her Satchel* Well, that should about do it for the books! Where are we taking them?
Vayle: We’ll be dropping them off at the chapel in Speranza! That’s where the other nobles are collecting books as well.
Akimoto: Feh...just be careful they don’t force there preaching down your throat!
Vayle: *Raises Eyebrow at Akimoto* Not a fan of the Way of the lord, are we?
Akimoto: My family isn’t exactly on good terms with human gods...
Fiona: Still! We should at least do our part to help with there donations! There’s bound to be a lot of people who’d get better knowledge from these books then me!
(Speranza, Capital city)
Vayle: The chapel is in the noble district. We simply need to hand these books off to the guards assisting them, and they’ll handle the rest!
Akimoto: *Holding up the boxes, struggling due to there weight* grrr...hnng...Sheesh! How many books did you put in these boxes?
Vayle: Just a few fantasy novels and old Grimoires I didn’t require anymore!
Akimoto: It Feels like you put a whole shelf in these boxes! Hrrrk! *Lifts them up, keeping his balance!*
Vayle: Well, combined with Fiona’s Shelves and those Shelves of dusty old novels we found in the tower’s many abandoned rooms, I’d say it’s about the same amount you’d fill a shelf with! Wouldn’t you agree, Fiona...?*Blink*....*Looks around!* Fiona...?
Akimoto: *Blink* Oh great. Where’d she wander off to?
*The sounds of Jingling, Flutes, drums and other instruments suddenly fill the streets as cheering echoes with the music!*
Vayle: *Raises Eyebrow* What is that noise? Is there a Festival going on?
Akimoto: *points!* It’s coming from over there!
*Akimoto points to a brightly lit caravan of Drow performing for the people of Speranza as Villagers, Nobles, Guards, and Merchants cheer them on with delight!*
Vayle: Ah! There’s a troupe of Caravaneers in town! How lovely!
Akimoto: ...*!* Ah! There’s Fiona!
*Fiona stares with stars in her eyes as the Caravaneers perform!*
Fiona: Wow...
*The musician plays Songs of joy, bringing a soothing, mesmerizing tone to the ears of Speranza. two Male performers show off there juggling and sword techniques as they jump and swing away at the air with there Scimitars. The Females dance to the rhythm clad in long, colorful flowing skirts as they twirl and twist there bodies to the music, striking poses and winks to the audience!*
Fiona: Ehehehehe! *Claps! Almost dancing to the rhythm herself!* It’s so mesmerizing! So Nostalgic! *Suddenly, her laughing and clapping turn to joy as she too begins dancing to the rhythm of the caravaneers, attracting the attention of the audience!*
Vayle: *!* Oh my!
Akimoto: Wow...How the heck did she pick that up so fast?
Head Caravaneer: *!!!!* *Stares at Fiona in astonishment, his expression of shock turning into a large smile, impressed with her movements!*
*The other Caravaneers gaze in awe, clapping for her as the audience cheers her on!*
Fiona: *finishes her dance with several twirls, striking a pose, smiling as she stops exactly to the end of the music!*
Vayle: ...*Blink!*...Goodness...
Akimoto: Hehehe...I’ll be dammed! *Claps for her!*
*The Audience cheers and whistles, praising Fiona for her movements!*
Fiona:...Huh? O-OH! *Blushes!* Ehehehehe...T-Thank you! *Bowing courteously to the citizens cheering for her!* Thank you...Hehe...
Head Caravaneer: BRAVO! BRAVO! *Jumps down to her! Clapping intensely!* ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, LASS! I haven’t seen anyone move like that in ages! You’re a Natural!
Fiona: I-it’s nothing! I didn’t mean to try and steel the show! the Rhythm just echoed in my head, and suddenly my body started to move to the music!
Vayle: Fiona, That was Beautiful! Absolutely Mesmerizing!
Akimoto: It Sure as hell gave the other performers a run for there money!
Head Caravaneer: Ha! I’d say! You’ve got a talent for performing, Lass! You could go far with skill such as that!
Fiona: R-Really? *Her face flushed red* T-thank you! That’s very kind of you to say, Sir...
Tulio: Ah! But where are my manners? *Bows to her!* I am called Tulio, if it pleases you! Wandering entertainer! Proud Father! Loving Husband! Leader of the Luminous Stars Caravan Troupe!
Fiona: My name is Fiona! It’s a pleasure to meet you! *Bows her head*
Tulio: Charmed, my dear! And what of your friends?
Vayle: Lady Vayle! Speranza Noble! *Curtsies to Tulio!*
Tulio: Aha! Yes! The creator of that “Soul Whisperer” Style my daughters love so much! *Returns the gesture!* Tis an honor, my lady!
Akimoto: Akimoto Infernus. I’m a Freelance Swordsman.
Tulio: A warrior of the Infernus clan, yeah? Most impressive! Well met, sir knight!
Akimoto: Woah! Woah! hold on there! I ain’t a knight, pal! I’m the exact opposite of a knight!
Vayle: It’s true. There isn’t an ounce of Chivalry in his bones...
Tulio: Ahaha! Never the less, it is a pleasure to meet you all.
Fiona: So, what brings your caravan here to Speranza, Tulio?
Tulio: We are entertainers, lass! It is as you saw! We’re here on a mission we share with all our Caravan Brothers and Sisters! To spread joy and happiness to all the people of Vitaria! And my family, my cousins, and I are here to do just that! *Gestures to them!* My son Valmiro and my Nephew Kaseem are our Sword Jugglers, they also duel with fire and martial arts!
*The boys pose with there blades, showing off to the others!*
Vayle: Ooooh! My, my! Those are some impressive muscles they have...~
Akimoto: *Rolls Eyes at Vayle*
Tulio: my Daughters Sarisa and Fareeha are our star dancers! There movements and styles are sure to catch anyone’s eye!
*The Two girls strike a pose, raising there skirts with one hand and there tambourines held to the sky with the other as they smile and wink to them, specifically Akimoto...*
Akimoto: *Blushes, turning his head away from them!* Grrrr...
Tulio: My Brother Miguel, His Wife Corina, and her brother Gerardo are our musicians! none of our shows would be entrancing without them!
*Miguel makes an intense face at them, playing his guitar hilariously as his wife laughs!*
Tulio: My Mother, Hilde, is our cook, as well as our alchemist and woodcutter!
Hilde: Heh...I may be old, but I still got plenty of strength in me! Hahahaha!
Akimoto: *Blink!* Good God, She’s like Gramps and Gran if they fused together...
Fiona: Wow! You have quite the family...
Tulio: And then there is my Beautiful wife, Rosalita! *Kisses his wife as she sits on the caravan!* She is our star dancer! She is the one who leads our daughters usually! Ah...But alas, during a performance at a little town in Despoire, she suffered a leg injury, and the doctors say she will need to wait a couple weeks before dancing again...As a result, while I feel our shows have been doing well...They lack a certain charm they usually possess! A fire that truly ignites the entire performance...
Fiona: Oh no! I’m so sorry to here that...
Tulio: However...That is before I saw YOU, lass! *cups her hands with a smile!* Never have I seen such passion and beauty in one’s movements! Your elegance almost rivaled that of an old friend of mine from long ago!
Fiona: ...Really?
Tulio: TRULY! You’re a natural with Rhythm, Fiona! Your passion! Your heart! Your grace! It ignites inspiration within my soul! And as such, I must ask you...Would you be willing to travel with us?
Fiona: *!!!* H-HUH?!
Vayle: Travel with you?
Tulio: Not for long, of course! I only ask until my wife’s injury recovers! We would truly be honored to have you dance with us, lass! You’ll consider it, yeah?
Fiona: I...I don’t know...*reaches into her satchel, pulling out her Tambourine*...hmmmm....
Vayle: I think you should do it, Fiona!
Tulio:  Your friends are more then welcome to come with us as well, if you’d li-...*looks down at the Tambourine...His eyes suddenly widening in shock as he stairs at it silently*
Fiona: You think so?
Akimoto: You clearly got the Rhythm for it! Why not?
Fiona: It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just not sure...
Tulio: U-um...Fiona...M-might I see that Tambourine for a moment?
Fiona: *!* U-um...Okay! *Hesitates, but then slowly holds it out to him* please be gentle with it...
*Tulio grasps it gently, examining it closely and observing the craftsmanship...he then turns his focus to the familiar marking on the tambourine...His eyes widening with intensity!*
Tulio: This...This is the marking of the White Sparrows! T-that was my Friend’s troupe! B-But...No, this is impossible! She was killed by a Manticore years ago! H-How did you get this?!
Fiona: Well...I...*Sigh*...I have it...because I was there when it happened...
Tulio: ...What do you mean...?
Fiona: I was just a little girl when it happened...I had nowhere else to turn...An orphan wandering lost, hungry, confused...But then I met Madam Esmeralda...She took me into the troupe when I had nowhere else to go...She treated me as part of her family! They cared for me! They kept me safe! They cherished me...And then...The Manticore attacked...It ravaged the caravan...Killed them all *a Tear rolls down her face*...It ate her alive! And I...I...*Fists clenched*...I was the only one left...I was scared...Frightened...Alone...There was nothing I could do...So I had little choice but to keep moving...I kept Esmeralda’s Tambourine with me ever since...That’s why I have it!
Arcana: (Oh, Come on! You didn’t even tell him the GOOD part!)
Tulio: You were there when it happened...? Y-you...You were with the white sparrows...? Then...That means....*Whipes away his tears, his sadness turning to joy!* Then that mean they are not all lost! They live on with YOU! THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING! *Hugs Fiona!* Your Dance! Your movements! Joyous Day! The White Sparrows live on! Hahahahaaaa! *Hands on Fiona’s Shoulders!* We would MORE than be honored to have you perform with us, Little Sister!
Fiona: *!* *Her eyes widen with a look of sorrow!* L...Little...Sister?!
Tulio: You were with the Sparrows! You were there FAMILY! You are a Little sister of them! Of ALL Caravaneers! *Smiles, gripping Fiona’s Shoulders!* Please, Lass! We would love to have you perform with us!
Fiona: *her eyes shaking with comfort, sparkling as she wipes away her tears and gives him a huge smile!* YES! I accept! I would love to travel with you guys!
Vayle: *Smiles* I was hoping she’d say that.
Akimoto: *Smiling as well, looking at Fiona with an expression of comfort as he nods in agreement!*
Tulio: HAHAHA! Thank you! Thank you! It will be an honor to perform with you, Little Sister! *turns to Akimoto and Vayle* And you two are more than welcome to come with us as well! Any Friends of hers are friends to us!
Vayle: I would be honored to travel with you all!
Akimoto: *Raises eyebrow!* Depends...Are you gonna pay me as an Escort?
Vayle: *glare* Akimoto!
Akimoto: I’m a mercenary, Vayle! what do you want from me?!
Tulio: Ahaha! Rest assured, Friend! There will be plenty of Adventure and reward waiting to be found on our journeys! Now Come! let us prepare ourselves for the Journey ahead! And the performances that await to be given!
Fiona: I can’t wait! I’m more than ready for when the next performance will be!
Akimoto: *Stops, starring back at the Boxes of Books*...hmmmm...*Shrugs, Pushing them into an Alleyway near the Caravan, then finally rushing toward them to catch up!*
To be Continued in Part 2!
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The Traitor
She was a United States Army soldier who, before her transition, leaked what we now call the "Iraq War Logs" and "Afghan War Diary" to Wikileaks.  The site published these materials between April 2010 and April 2011.  Manning was court-martialed and convicted in July 2013.  She was in violation of the Espionage Act after disclosing over 750,000 unclassified but sensitive documents to Wikileaks.
Manning was charged with 22 offenses, including aiding the enemy, which was the most serious charge and could (should) have resulted in a death sentence.  From July 2010 to April 2011, she was held under Prevention of Injury status - which kept her in solitary confiment and other restrictions that caused domestic and international concerns.  She pled guilty to 10 of the 22 charges in February 2013.  By July 30, she was convicted of 17 of the original charges.  However she was acquitted of aiding the enemy.
27 January 2017, President Obama commuted her sentence, after she already had seven years of her sentence served.  She was supposed to serve a 35 year long sentence at the max security US Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth.  In January 2018, she announced her candidancy for the Democratic nomination for US Senate election in her home state of Maryland.
In this article from Wikipedia it says that she leaked information to Wikileaks, and then contacted her commanding officer with a picture of her dressed as a woman, saying that she was suffering from gender identity disorder.  In the email she said:
This is my problem. I've had signs of it for a very long time. It's caused problems within my family. I thought a career in the military would get rid of it. It's not something I seek out for attention, and I've been trying very, very hard to get rid of it by placing myself in situations where it would be impossible. But, it's not going away; it's haunting me more and more as I get older. Now, the consequences of it are dire, at a time when it's causing me great pain in itself ...
She leaks information, and then tried to use her dysphoria to cop-out.
Timeline of the leaks:
2/18/2010: A diplomatic cable from the US Embassy in Reykjavik, now known as Reykjavik13
4/5/2010: Wikileaks releases the Baghdad airstrike footage, and called it "Collateral Murder".  It showed two American helicopters firing on a group of 10 men in Baghdad, two of which were Rueters reporters who were there to photograph an American Humvee under attack by the Mahdi Army.
7/25/2010: 3 Wikileaks, and 3 media partners (New York Times, Der Spiegel, and The Gaurdian) begin publishing the 91,731 documents that form the "Afghan War Diary".   Around 77,000 of those had been published as of May 2012.
10/22/2010: 391,832 documents (covering Janaury 2004 to December 2009) which become known as the "Iraq War Logs".
9/1/2011: Wikileaks published the remaining cables unredacted after David Leigh and Luke Harding of The Guardian inadvertently published a passphrase for a file that was still online.  One Ethiopian journalist had to leave his country, and the US government had to relocate several sources.
11/28/2010: Manning was also responsible for #cablegate which was a leak of 251,287 State Department cables, written by 271 American embassies and consulate in 180 countries, dated 12/1966 to 02/2010, with names of sources removed.  Wikileaks said this was the largest set of confidential documents to be released into public domain.
3/15: Wikileaks posts a 32 page report written in 2008 by the US Department of Defense on Wikileaks itself.
3/29: Wikileaks posts US State Department profiles of politicians in Iceland.
Manning was also the source for Gitmo files leak, obtained by Wikileaks in 2010, and published by the New York Times on 4/24/2011.  Manning also said that she gave Wikileaks a video in late March 2010, of the Grannai airstrike in Afghanistan, which killed 86 to 147 Afghani civilians.  Julian Assange said in March 2013 that Daniel Domscheit-Berg removed and destroyed the video when he live the organization.
Between 3/28 and 4/9, she downloaded 250,000 diplomatic cables and on 4/10, uploaded them to a Wikileaks Dropbox.
She claimed that a friendship developed on IRC/Jabber with somebody she believed to be Julian Assange, gave her a respite from the isolation and anxiety.  (She also claimed that the more she tried to fit at work, the more alienated she felt.)
5/20/2010: Manning met Adrian Lamo who was convicted in 2004 of having accessed the New York Times computer network in 2002 without permission.  He said that Manning sent him several encrypted files, but he was unable to decrypt them.  He invited her to chat on AOL IM, and turned the files over to the FBI without reading them.
Author's Note:  Kept the relevant screencap.
As far as her question " hypothetical question: if you had free reign [sic] over classified networks for long periods of time ... say, 8–9 months ... and you saw incredible things, awful things ... things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC ... what would you do? ..."
Well that's an easy answer:  I would leave those things the fuck alone, and not touch them - especially if it's stuff that's not supposed to be released.  Regardless of my personal feelings on those materials.  Unethical little (Heh, accidental joke on her stature.) traitor.
5/27/2010:  Manning was arrested and transferred to Camp Arifjan in Kuwait.
She was charged with several offenses in July, replaced by 22 charges in 4/2011, including violations of Articles 92 and 134 of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) and Espionage Act.  "The most serious charge, aiding the enemy" is a death sentence.
While she was in Kuwait, she was placed on suicide watch after some concering behavior.  She was moved to Quantico on 7/29/2010 classified as a maximum security detainee, and placed under permanent POI (prevention of injury) status.  This means that she was checked on every 5 minutes, and could not sleep between 5 AM (7 AM on weekends) and 8 PM.  She was made to sit or stand if she tried, as well as being required to remain visible at all times - including at night.  She had no bedding (except the pillow built-in to her mattress), and a blanket designed not to shredded.  She complained that this was pre-trial punishment.
Her lawyer said the gaurds were professional, and tried to avoid harassing her.  She was allowed one book, one magazine, and TV access (the TV was in the hallway).  Since this was pre-trial detention, she was still receiving full pay.
On 1/18/2011, after an altercation with a guard, she was placed on suicide watch.  For three days she was kept under suicide watch, and constantly upbraided for not responding "Aye" to commands (she was saying "Yes").  On the third day, the watch was lifted by her lawyer, and the brig commander who ordered it was replaced.
3/2, she was denied the removal of POI status.  Her lawyer said Manning joked to gaurds that if she wanted to harm herself, she could do it with her underwear or flip-flops.  She was required to strip naked, and sleep in the nude for that remark.  The following morning, she was subjected to an inspection - following her lawyer's protest and media attention - she was issued a sleeping garment on or before 3/11.
The detention conditions prompted national and international concern. Juan E. Méndez, United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, told The Guardian that the U.S. government's treatment of Manning was "cruel, inhuman and degrading".[180] In January 2011 Amnesty International asked the British government to intervene because of Manning's status as a British citizen by descent, although Manning's lawyer said Manning did not regard herself as a British citizen.
January 2017, a Justice Department source said Manning was on Obama's short list for possible commutation.  1/17/2017, Obama commuted all but 4 months of Manning's remaining sentence.  She lamented that Obama's poltical opponents consistently refused compromise, resulting in "very few permanent accomplishments" during his time in office.  (One of those accomplishments should have been her staying in jail until 2045.)
She was released 5/17/2017 from Fort Leavenworth's detention center at approximately 2 AM central time.  During her trial she was sentenced to an unhonorable discharge, but reportedly returned to active unpaid "excess leave" status while her appeal is pending.
In 2011, Manning and Wikileaks were credited in part, along with others as catalysts in the Arab Spring which began in December 2010.
Her treason charge applies to Canada, which she tried to move to in September of last year.  She has also said that she can't write about, comment on, discuss,  or even look at any leaked, even if it was after 2010.
February 1, 2018, The Washington Post raised questions about Manning's eligibility to run. "While her case is on appeal," reported The Post, "she is on a technical form of unpaid active duty, putting her political campaign at odds with Department of Defense regulations that prohibit military personnel from seeking public office." Military law expert Eugene R. Fidell of Yale Law School considered it unlikely the Army would take action against her, saying, "Services don't like to create martyrs."
On February 2, Manning commented, "This is an issue that's cropped up mostly from the conservative blogosphere, and the campaign and we don't believe this is an issue at all. … I've been issued a dishonorable discharge, and I'm not sure where the issue lies in this case." She also confirmed that she is still appealing her court-martial sentence.
Quoted from the Wikipedia article I've been drawing from for the entirety of this post now.
Actually I think this will do for now, until she starts going forward with her polticial career.  This is just here as an explainer of what she did.
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