#heebie jeebie reads
la-libreria-chula · 21 days
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As you can see there has been a theme last month. But oh damn, I read more than I thought. Aside from participating in the Plus Size Readathon (which in total I believe I read 8 books) I also have been completing my obsession with pirates. It's summer, and it just felt right to be reading about pirates or sea life.
As well as reading more nonfiction this year. I has a goal of 5 and lost count how many I actually read. Overall, August has been a great reading month. With September being Latinx Heritage Month and going through October, I will have the opportunity to read more books that I have been wanting to read. xoxo
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sophaeros · 3 months
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“The mirror can be a source of vanity,” he says softly. “But it can also be a point of self-reflection, you kind of see yourself outside yourself, one of many perhaps. [Pause.] And being able to see yourself and the relationship you have with the artwork kind of sanctifies that moment — I’m hoping.”
the strokes for shortlist magazine, march 2011 // fabrizio moretti inside his installation sculpture kube, 2021 // fabrizio moretti for los angeles times, dec 2021
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
“billy’s so cool” “billy’s so popular”
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
I think it's absolutely hilarious when spiders are afraid of humans and will run away like "EW A HUMAN!!!"
Theres a biiiig orb weaver spider on the patio and it has a very beautiful web that I like to admire. Now I'll admit I am afraid of spiders and im trying to get better at not being afraid (mostly by thinking of them like I do the crabs, multi-legged little dumbasses (affectionate)). So I was admiring the spider itself yesterday and talking to it, then I went around the other side to look at it, well apparently I was talking to it's back, and when I came around it SCURRIED up the web so fucking fast that it made me think of how people react to seeing spiders sgdgdggdgd it really looked like it said "EW A HUMAN! SMASH IT!!! :0"
Glad to know it's mutual
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I just realized that in future fight scenes in my fic, that can and will be injuries... Which means I'll have to describe said injuries and blood... 😳 And I'm squeamish... This shall be an interesting experience. 😬
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vcnom · 8 months
frustrating that my current read is a digital one because don’t like looking at a screen after a certain time but I always read before I go to sleep now. my book is through the library so it’s free so I suppose I can’t complain too much haha
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
I just want to find a book about Serbian Orthodoxy, in English, that does make me raise my hackles in response to Tone
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konans-stuff · 1 year
Anyone got any comic recommendations? I'm trying to read more stuff than the usual batman oriented stuff and the occasional binge of Spiderman comics. I'm not looking for anything in particular per se but something that's not too gorey or stuff to do with ghosts. So! Any thoughts?
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I will choose true violence... because I already know the answer, lol.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
21 .part of canon you think is overhyped (tropes in general)
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
You said you’re choosing true violence and you did.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I want to preface this by saying that I don’t like calling people annoying. I find that word is most often used to belittle and bully neurodivergent people and I don’t like it. So I’m not going to say the person is annoying but I will say that *I* was annoyed by this so I blocked them. I even made a post about it because it happened twice and I wanted to just put it out there that I didn’t like it and I’ll start blocking people that do it.
I was tagged and performatively thanked for participating in a fandom even though that person never interacted with my posts ever. I was also getting very tired of being tagged by people who never talked to me and only seemed to tag me in a weird way that felt like clout chasing (on tumblr of all places and using me of all people). It felt like people forgot that I am a person behind the url and that they can talk to me about what I’m personally comfortable with before just deciding for me. I could really go into this a whole lot more but I’ll spare y’all the long essay. This is long enough already and I still have two questions to go.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped (tropes in general)
Sing your love. I hate it. This might be surprising to people who know how much I like music but I despise this trope. I always get secondhand embarrassment from it and I feel awkward. The amount of fast forwarding I do when someone whips out a guitar. Very, very, very few actors can pull off this trope and make it enjoyable and yet it keeps appearing in shows. I hate it here.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
KinnPorsche. I’ll say nothing else about this.
Choose Violence Ask Game
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urlocallesbiab · 2 years
sometimes i feel my story nagging at the back of my mind, gnawing, clawing, breathing down my neck, demanding "i need to exist", "i want to exist"; its desire and will powerful and overwhelming.
when it will be written, it won't be the most beautiful or smart or sophisticated story ever, i know that even now, it may even come to be overall unremarkable; and yet towards it i feel sheer, unfiltered awe, simply for the fact that it is a story and posseses a will to exist, a great and awesome will, and i am the sole witness of it, the sole prophet and worshipper to this decisive power. a story, it feels to me, is a separate mode of being, something vaguely and imcomprehensibly conciousness-like, but abstract and untethered, while human conciousness is unseparable from the intimacy and realness of us being animals. a story needs us, our animal bodies and lives and minds, our hands and mouths and neurons, to help it become real, to take it and bring it onto earth: something halfway between a symbiotic relationship and a religious experience. i find myself subservient to it, to art as universal divinity and to my story as my personal deity that embodies the former.
this loyalty to sublime makes me feel more at peace and in tune with the mundane than anything ever before it. i realize, in a sudden grace of acceptance, that in order to serve my story, to write my god i need to be alive, a blessed animal, and to be alive i need to take care of myself, which means i have to do the dishes and find a job and various et cetera; everything shifts and makes perfect sense. i no longer feel confused or burdened as to "why should i bother", and my body moves lighter and easier.
but the thing about unwritten stories is that they don't yet exist in any physical sense, not as electronic signals or pigment on paper or air vibrations or projected light or anything else; my story in its full form resides only in my head, and thus my awe and loyalty and service towards it are directed, ultimatey, unto myself, in the most sefless and selfish fashion simultaneously — self-love through division and synthesis. to serve art is to love yourself, and to love yourself is to make sure you're alive; to want your story to exist is to want yourself to exist. it's a complex system, but beautiful. with that thought, i'll go finish the dishes, and maybe cook something.
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donghuamuqing · 2 years
Successfully scared myself who wants to hang out and chat or whatever
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acerathia · 2 months
never writing again actually
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the-stove-is-on-fire · 11 months
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After School Ghost Theory 101 with Professor Fenton
Switch to light mode or Classic Blue to get the full transparency effect!
[Image ID: A four page comic that starts with Danny Fenton standing in front of a whiteboard holding up a white cat. "Question: Do ghosts purr?” 
Tucker: “Danny when was the last time you slept?” Danny: “Irrelevant.” 
Danny info-dumps: “The answer is yes, but also no. Technically, all beings that possess a core are constantly "purring", a.k.a. Core Vibrations. Core Vibrations are a nonverbal, emotion-based communication system between Ghosts, similar to how some living species use pheromones to communicate. The exact tone of each ghost is different the same way people's voices are different. Humans can only hear these vibrations when the frequency passes through their audible range (20Hz - 20KHz), hence the 'purring' sound. When the range dips into infrasound (16 - 20Hz) it can cause feelings of fear and unease in humans that they often associate with ghosts and the supernatural. Also known as the ‘Heebie Jeebies.’”
Danny, wiping off the whiteboard: “Any questions before we move on?"
Danny’s audience consists of Wes Weston, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Danny’s clone Ellie, and Dash Baxter in a classroom. Wes is seated at a desk at the front taking notes. Tucker is sitting on Sam’s lap playing on a Switch, Ellie is sitting on a desk behind them. Dash is asleep at the back of the room.
Ellie, now holding the cat: “Is this Vlad’s first cat!?” Wes: "Could you tone down the floating eyes before the next part? They're kinda distracting." Danny: "What eyes?" Wes: “Please stop gaslighting me.”
A transparency trick on the last page reveals dark shadows and eyes all around Danny when viewed in dark mode. /.End ID]
An Extended Image ID is available under the read more because it’s over 1k. Side by side light and dark mode versions of the transparency trick is also available under the cut.
[Extended Image ID: The post contains a four page comic. The first page shows two comic panels with white borders. The top panel features a bedraggled looking Danny Fenton from the waist up holding a disgruntled fluffy white cat. There are bags under his eyes, his hair is messy, his arms are covered in bandaids and cat scratches, and his nails are painted black. He’s wearing a white shirt with red sleeves and a red oval on the front. In a large green text bubble he says “Question: Do ghosts purr?” A small orange text bubble under it asks “Danny when was the last time you slept?” “Irrelevant” Danny replies. 
In the bottom panel Danny is standing on the far left side of the panel in front of a whiteboard in a classroom with the cat under his arm. He’s wearing baggy jeans with holes in the knees and his classic white and red Converse shoes. The whiteboard behind him has partially erased doodles around the edges including some flowers, stars, and Phantom’s DP symbol. There are a few balls of paper on the floor. Partially out of frame on the wall behind Danny is a poster of  Einstein and above it a clock. Pointing at the whiteboard with a marker Danny says “The answer: Yes but also no” His words are written on the whiteboard. Under the words is a drawing of a stick figure and a green bedsheet ghost with a circle between them. The circle is surrounded by green squiggly lines radiating out from it. Under the circle, an arrow is drawn pointing to it with the words ‘core vibrations’ written on the board. A green text bubble in the space under the whiteboard says “Technically, all beings that possess a core are constantly "purring", a.k.a. Core Vibrations.”
On the second page there are two blocks of text, each followed by a drawing. The page background is a pale, greenish-grey with subtle scuff marks imitating the look of a whiteboard. The first block of text at the top of the page reads “Core Vibrations are a nonverbal, emotion-based communication system between Ghosts, similar to how some living species use pheromones to communicate. The exact tone of each ghost is different the same way people's voices are different.” Under the text, imitating the look of dry erase marker, is a drawing of two simple ghosts smiling and waving to each other. They both have a small green circle drawn on their chest area with green squiggly lines radiating out from each ghost. Between the two cores, two parallel arrows are drawn, facing opposite directions. Under the arrows is the text “core to core communication.” 
Under the ghosts is a second block of text reading “Humans can only hear these vibrations when the frequency passes through their audible range (20Hz - 20KHz), hence the 'purring' sound. When the range dips into infrasound (16 - 20Hz) it can cause feelings of fear and unease in humans that they often associate with ghosts and the supernatural. Also known as the ‘Heebie Jeebies.’” Under the text a red arrow points from the words ‘heebie jeebies’ to a simple drawing of Dash Baxter holding a flashlight and looking scared. There is a cobweb with a dangling spider drawn to his right and a bunch of green blob ghosts behind him to his left. In blue text the blobs say “you forgot to update your mailing address with the IRS” and “you filed your taxes incorrectly.”
The third page once again shows two comic panels. In the top panel Danny takes up the centre. He’s stretched across the whiteboard in a dynamic pose erasing the drawing of frightened Dash with a big swipe. One hand is braced on the board as he looks over his shoulder and asks “Anyone got questions before we move on?” If the image is viewed in dark mode, there are five, messily drawn eyes of varying sizes surrounding Danny. If viewed in light mode, the eyes are absent. 
The bottom comic panel reveals Danny’s audience to be Wes Weston, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Danny’s clone Ellie, and Dash Baxter. In the bottom left corner, Wes sits slouched at a desk at the front of the classroom with papers and an open notebook spread out over his desk. He’s wearing a red zip up hoodie with white sleeves. His hoodie is unzipped showing a green shirt underneath that matches the colour of his eyes. At the desk beside him Tucker and Sam share a chair with their focus on Tucker’s Switch and not Danny’s presentation. Tucker is sitting in Sam’s lap with her arms around his waist and her head resting on his shoulder. Tucker is wearing a red beanie with short dreads, goldenrod yellow turtleneck sweater, green cargo pants, and white shoes. Sam is wearing a black crop top with a fishnet layer over top, purple pleated plaid skirt, artistically ripped purple leggings, and black combat boots with bright green laces. Tucker has the tips of his dread dyed green and purple. Sam has streaks of purple, green, and orange in her hair. Ellie is sitting cross legged on top of a desk two rows behind Sam and Tucker. She’s wearing a cropped hoodie with the same colours as Danny’s shirt and black track pants with white and red shoes. Her hair is tied in a high ponytail and she is holding the squirming fluffy white cat up in the air. At the very back of the classroom behind Wes’ left shoulder Dash can be seen asleep slouched over his desk. Wes has one hand resting on his desk holding a mechanical pencil the other partially raised with his hand open. In a beige text bubble with red text he replies to Danny’s question with an unimpressed look on his face “Could you tone down the floating eyes before the next part? They're kinda distracting.” Under his text bubble a small blue text bubble from Ellie asks “Is this Vlad’s first cat!?” If the image is viewed in dark mode, there are three visible floating eyes off to the side of the panel. If viewed in light mode, the eyes are absent. 
The final comic page is a single, full body shot of Danny standing in front of the blank whiteboard. He’s looking over his shoulder, slightly turned with his back mostly towards the classroom and the eraser in his hand. He has an incredulous look on his face. If the page is viewed in dark mode, the background looks dark and Danny is surrounded by dozens eyes of in all different sizes. If viewed in light mode, the eyes are absent. In a green text bubble Danny asks “What eyes?” In the bottom left corner Wes replies “Please stop gaslighting me.” /.End ID]
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murcielagatito · 5 months
if i post a single more detailed thing about v.o it would give away who she actually is because its so obvious pero i wanna keep it a "big reveal" in the comic
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froggierboy · 10 months
for a known body horror enthusiast, the body horror in harrow sure does turn my stomach
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parakeetpark · 1 year
Freaked myself out using a black book in skyrim
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