#hee hoo sorry for the confusion :)
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shittyutmv · 1 year ago
Ngl when you said there was three of you I'm so confused- can you explain? Sorry if I'm just a dumbass and didn't get that it was like supposed to be a joke or somthing/srs
(reading social ques isn't my speciality lol)
No need to feel bad at all! What we meant was this blog is now run by three separate people. The blog's original owner Kip, had two of its friends come on to help out, me [Maxy] and Folly :)
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caramelmochacrow · 2 years ago
i did a few of my assignments..... yay!!!!
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infiniteimaginings · 1 year ago
Valentines Day with a Stranger (Ray Manchester x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You were just in Swellview for a visit, seeing stores, trying the food. Just for a visit, but will a stranger from a strange store convince you to stay for a little longer? Pronouns: You/Yours She/Her Warnings: None Word Count: 2.7k A/N: This was requested but there was a lot of specific details about the reader that I had to cut and some specific things about the plot I changed because it doesn't fit necessarily. I try to keep everything as general as possible unless like fem reader is specified, I like everyone being able to read through and feel like it applies. It follows the main point of the request, but for the sake of you guys reading, I wont add the ask because it'll confuse you guys when you read the story.❤️❤️ (This was supposed to come out last week but I've been sick like a dog.)
You had just checked into a Swellview motel because you had traveled for hours by plane to visit the small town your friend refused to shut up about. She wouldn’t shut up about their weird laws and even weirder stores. Your friend was back in your hometown in Virginia with her partner since Valentine's day was tomorrow. You don’t have a valentine so, you had taken it upon yourself to visit the almost imaginary sounding town to quench your curiosity for the better. 
You had to say, she was right, it was a weird town. You walked around all day and saw stores like ‘Bhutt Factory’, ‘How Convenient’, ‘Karry-Yoh-Del-Lay-Hee-Hoo’, the last one apparently being a karaoke club. You couldn’t help yourself from laughing, honestly. What kind of town was this? You walked past the park and noticed someone bit into their ice cream on a cone, and a police officer nearby arrested them. You felt as if you were in a fever dream, you had to pinch yourself a bit to make sure you were actually in the town and not asleep on the plane to some made up destination.
When you didn’t wake up on a plane in shock you chuckled and shook your head, looking around some more until you reached a store called ‘Junk N’ Stuff’. You hummed a bit as you walked in, noticing the…junk, laying around. “At least they’re honest.” You mumbled to yourself, looking around the crowded store. You picked up a few items, questioned the validity of others, but overall you were just looking. It was an eccentric store, there was a dinosaur head on the wall, it was new to you and you liked it.
You noticed there wasn’t a clerk at the desk but, you didn’t mind it. You continued looking and ended up finding a collection of strange items that you were willing to take home to weird out your friends. You went to the front desk where the clerk should be and found it was still empty. You rang the bell, no one came, you called out small ‘Hello’s and stayed alone in the front portion of the building. For a moment you questioned if the store was even open, but diminished that thought because the lights were on and the door was unlocked. After a few moments of being alone you decided you would just come back later, placing the items down and walking to the door.
That was until footsteps rushed to the front. You turned around and were met with a rather strong looking man with brown hair and blue eyes. He ran a hand through his hair, “Sorry about that.” He spoke, going behind the counter, not looking up. “The person who is usually up here, is on vacation.” He muttered, typing a few things into the small computer behind the desk. You walked back to the counter quietly as he finished typing, finally looking up. His eyes glazed over with light when they met yours and a small smile appeared on his face, “Hello there beautiful.” He spoke gently, crossing his arms as he leaned on the counter.
You breathed out a chuckle at how quickly he changed and shook your head, “Hello.” You spoke slowly, unsure of if you should even buy anything anymore. He didn’t give you time to think before he looked at your items, “You want that stuff?” He asked you, sounding a little confused but you just nodded. “I think it’ll weird my friends out.” You spoke honestly as you put them on your side of the counter but he shook his head. You furrowed your brows at him, “You can have them, a beautiful woman deserves gifts at any time.” He told you, now only leaning on one of his arms as he looked at you. You didn’t make an action to take any of them which also confused him, but he didn’t comment.
Your arms crossed and you eyed him suspiciously, “What’s the catch?” You asked him, a brow raised and he simply laughed, his dimples showing in his smile. “There’s no catch, but there is an offer.” He spoke which piqued your interest, causing your head to tilt which made him continue. He looked as if he were trying to find the right words, cracking his knuckles and scrunching his nose occasionally and moving his head to the side. “I know a really good restaurant down the road, they have great food.” He spoke, looking at you a little nervously but you simply stood with a sweet smile. “You want me to go on a date with you?” You asked, almost in awe of the man in front of you. He nodded slowly, “If you’d like…” He spoke slowly, a smile working its way to his face when you looked away then back at him with a small smile. “Sure.” You spoke simply, he was going to say the location before something lit up in his eyes. “Actually, how about you meet me here tomorrow night, 7 o’clock?” He suggested, moving around the counter to be right in front of you, nothing as a barrier. Your nose scrunched involuntarily, “Valentines day? Here?” You asked and he nodded, moving his hair out his face, his muscle flexing a bit from his t-shirt. “I know, how romantic.” The man told you and you rolled your eyes playfully.
You backed away a bit, “I don’t even know your name.” You told him, that was a genuine concern. He understood and told you his name was Ray Manchester, you told him your name in response and he said ‘Now we’re well acquainted’ the comment made you laugh. 
He asked you a couple questions, your favorite flower, your favorite food, other things that surrounded ‘date’ information before you went on your way back to your hotel. He had no way of contacting you so he was left relying on the hope that you would actually arrive at the store on Valentines day.
On the romantic day, he was down in what he called the ‘man-cave’ where he lived a double life as superhero Captain Man with the assistance of his sidekick Kid Danger. Kid Dangers name was Henry Hart and a few of his friends had helped during these years as well like Charlotte and Jasper. They help with superhero missions, but they also help with things friends usually do, and Ray has grown close to the teenagers, feeling he could go to them for anything.
He had told the teens that very day you decided to accept the date, going down to the man cave and excitedly rambling about a beautiful woman he had somehow never seen coming into the shop. Charlotte said it was the exhaustion getting to him, Henry asked if he was sure it wasn’t the man who wore ball gowns because he was a very beautiful party princess, and Jasper was trying to figure out how Gooch would react to Ray just giving away free stuff. Regardless, they all agreed to help, as unbelievably easy it sounded for Ray when sometimes he didn’t have the best of luck.
Valentines day, mid afternoon the group was trying to figure something out to make for dinner. Ray and Henry were on the rounded couch, Charlotte on the computer, Jasper writing down ideas on a notepad as he walked around. 
Henry sat up from his lying position, “What were you even thinking for dinner?” He asked, arm draped over the couch. Ray shrugged, “Italian.” He spoke simply. Jasper walked by the couch on his way pacing to the elevator, “What if she’s vegetarian?” He asked.
“I didn’t think about that.”
Henry shook his head and sat up properly, “I’m sure there are vegetarian Italian meals.” He told everyone and Charlotte's typing on the computer became abundantly clear in the practically quiet room. “There is…” She began to speak, clicking a bit as the boys and man all walked to her station to look at the screens. “Tomato basil pasta, garlic and oil pasta, rice salad, tomato bruschetta.” She listed, clicking on each image and showing the recipes for each. Ray held his hands out in a ‘stop’ motion, “Okay I get it, there’s a lot.” He spoke, wiping a sweat from his brow. This date was actually stressing him out a little bit. Charlotte smirked a bit before turning to Jasper and showing him the images for him to write down so they could go get the ingredients, “You could do the bruschetta and the garlic and oil pasta.” She told him and Ray agreed to it, he would have agreed to anything, she usually came up with good ideas.
They spent hours trying to make the meal, and had several trips to the grocery store and pharmacy. The pharmacy for Henry since he was not an indestructible superhuman-hero. Once the clock struck six the man cave was a disaster, the teens were covered in flour, oils, spices, and other ingredients that should’ve been on food. But, there was a wonderful spread of garlic and oil pasta, bruschetta, bread, and drinks all displayed on a rolling cart that would be taken up to Junk N’ Stuff. The store having been cleared in the middle for there to be a clear walkway and dining experience, provided by Jasper to which Ray thanked him profusely.
All the teens wished Ray good luck and went home to wash up, Ray washed up in the man cave, dressing in his finest shirt and slacks. It was around 6:50 when he cleaned himself and the man cave so he decided to go up to the store to make some additions to the table. He added a beautiful flower to the middle of the table where two seats sat across from each other just as you walked in.
Ray heard the bell ring when you walked in, the dragon breathing fire per usual. He was absolutely enamored by you, you looked stunning and he couldn’t exactly pull his gaze from you. He tried walking to you but kind of walked into the table causing you to wince. He sucked in a breath, “I’m okay.” He spoke before adjusting himself, pulling out your chair. You thanked him and sat in the chair as he pushed it in for you. 
You looked at the table curiously, “My favorite flower?” You asked with a suspicious but playful gaze and he simply shrugged. “I thought it would make a nice addition.” He hummed and you smiled, smoothing the clothing on your lap. “This is a delicious looking meal.” You told him, looking over the pasta, the bread, the bruschetta. He nodded with a proud smile, “I had a little help making it.” He explained as he placed one of the thick cloth napkins onto his lap, you doing the same. Your jaw dropped slightly, “You made this?” You asked, eyes almost bugging out of your head. This was, a lot of effort, for a first date. Ray waved your thoughts off and went ahead and told you the two of you should try it, though he was extremely fearful for the taste since no one had tried it before putting it on the plate.
You took one bite of the pasta and your eyes almost rolled back as you covered your mouth, chewing gently. After you swallowed the food you were already twirling your fork in it again, “This is delicious.” You told him, eating another bit. The action caused him to try it as well, having almost the exact same reaction as you when eating.
The two of you ate and talked about plans. You guys talked about traveling, what you wanted to do in the future, the weird things you found in swellview, anything. He was honestly an easy guy to talk to and you found the time passing by faster than you expected.
Ray hummed after finishing his food, taking a sip of his drink. He put his hands on the table, “So, how do you feel about Captain Man?” He asked you and you dabbed your mouth with your napkin before looking at him strangely. “Who’s Captain Man?” You asked him, taking a sip of your own drink but Ray sat in silence, not answering. You raised your brow, putting your plate to the side before claspin your hands together on the table. Ray cleared his throat, “The superhero, that saves swellview?” He tried to jog a memory for you that wasn’t there.
“There’s a superhero here?”
“Yeah?” Ray responded with a confused laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I don’t live here, so.” You spoke with an equally confused but awkward smile.
“Where are you from?”
“I’m from Virginia.”
Ray covered his mouth a bit, “That’s…all the way across the country.” He spoke quietly, you simply nodded with a giggle. “You came all that way to visit…swellview?” He asked, now even more confused to who you were because not many people try to visit Swellview much. You tilted your head with a scrunched nose, tapping your fingers a bit. “Yeah, a friend said she visited and I wanted to see all the fun stuff myself.” You responded and he smiled along with your explanation, his hand creeping among the table, his fingertips touching yours gently. “Well, I guess I'm lucky you came to my store.” He spoke, his hand slowly leading itself on top of yours, and you let him.
The night unfortunately came to a close and you guys had to part ways for the night. Ray held your hands softly as the two of you stood outside the entrance of Junk N’ Stuff. “This was nice.” You spoke softly, your hands feeling kind of small in his. He nodded, thumbs rubbing the back of your hands, “When do you leave?” He asked about your flight back home to Virginia. You tilted your hand, wondering if you could dodge the unfortunate answer but you couldn’t. You sighed, “Tomorrow afternoon.” You told him, eyes gazing at him and his blue eyes looking right at you still. He breathed out a small ‘oh’ with a gentle smile. “Well, if this is a goodbye… can I?” He began, his breath hitching in his throat, hands slightly tightening around yours. You searched his expression for a moment under the moonlight and decidedly nodded at his offer, closing your eyes slowly.
You felt the press of his lips softly against your cheek before it was whisked away just as quickly as it was placed. Your eyes opened once again to him giving you a goofy smile, “Goodnight, have a safe flight.” He whispered to you, hands slowly letting go of yours but they were still connected. You smiled sadly and walked back, your hands no longer connecting as you turned back to your hotel and walked away. Ray had turned to Junk N’ Stuff, closing up the shop.
The next afternoon Ray decided not to join the teens in the man cave though they wanted to hear every detail about what happened. He was typing nonsensically on the computer, occasionally rubbing his eyes because he didn’t sleep a bit last night. After that night with you he realized, he would probably never see you again.
The bell rang for the shop, but he didn’t lift his head, “Welcome to Junk N’ Stuff.” He spoke clearly though tiredly. A voice chuckled as the footsteps got closer, “Did you even try to sleep last night?” The voice asked him, elbows resting on the counter. Ray sensed familiarity in the voice so he looked up, eyes brightening when he noticed it was you. He stood up quickly, your eyes following as he stood up taller, “I thought you had a flight.” He mumbled and you shrugged with a joyful expression. “I wanted to see some more of Swellview.” You told him but he didn’t buy it, “Really? Some more of the weirdly named stores and laws?” He asked with crossed arms. You held your hands up in surrender, “Okay, maybe a little more.” You admitted, looking at him gently, causing him to chuckle. 
You straightened yourself a bit, “Maybe I stayed so a certain someone could give me a tour instead.” You suggested and he walked around the counter holding out his hand, “Well, then we should get started.” He told you, a bright grin on his features.
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systemadministratorclu · 1 year ago
Much like she did when she randomly showed up with the Monolith on the roof, Doomsday sends a text to the Atlantis boys, telling them to meet her for a surprise.
This time, though, she tells them to meet her in one of the old buildings outside of the Office, one of the dead ones so as not to disturb anybody or anything.
She's really excited for them to find this surprise. When they arrive, they'll find their ghost friend standing there inspecting her fingernails, while she has one of her big black boots pinning down a man who is currently struggling useless on the filthy floor of the building. She's quite strong despite being a weightless ghost, and so the man just looks like he's swimming in place, kicking up all kinds of debris, although his screams are muffled on account of the sock stuffed into his mouth.
This man is Rourke's father.
When she sees her two buddies arrive, she grins. "Hey hey! Took you two long enough. Look what I found just sitting around a few timelines back exactly where I was looking for him, ehehehehe. Hoo hee hoo ha ha! Ready to party?" she asks, laughing, gesturing over at all the tools she's laid out for them to use.
Leaning against the wall are just about any kind of weapon you can imagine. Anything from knives to baseball bats to a literal rocket launcher.
(Be as little or much graphic as you like. x) )
Milo was confused, having never seen the man before. But Rourke was frozen in shock at the face he'd never expected he would see again.
Jackson Rourke was, of course, pissed. This weird woman had just grabbed him from the bar, where he'd just declared loudly for the millionth time to some nosy person that he didn't have a son. While he knew very well the boy had joined the Army, Jackson told everyone either that the kid was dead or he'd never existed. He was actually glad the day his wife died. It meant she wouldn't stand in his way anymore, as he did what he needed to make sure his son became a real man, not soft like his damn mother insisted on letting him be. As soon as she was gone, he smacked the tears off his ten year old son's face before he knocked him to the floor and gave him something to cry about. The boy had been unconscious and beaten bloody, laying on the floor beside his mother's bed (where her still-warm corpse lay), when Jackson left the room to fix himself a drink. Not his fault the kid was soft and weak.
He hadn't seen Lyle since the boy ran off at age fifteen, yet when he looked up at the newcomers, he knew the bigger man in the gray tank top, green military pants, brown boots, and black fingerless gloves was his son instantly. He had his mother's deep, dark brown eyes. Eyes that went cold when they met Jackson's......yet filled with a disgusting softness and warmth when he looked at the man with him. Though in Jackson's mind, 'man' only applied loosely to this skinny stick freak with those ridiculous huge glasses, which announced the man was deformed somehow.
Milo just had a feeling about today and as a result was dressed a little more dramatically than usual. He was in a black tank top, black pants, lightweight black boots, black wraps around his forearms, and a black leather collar with silver spikes (they were harmless, they only looked sharp.....yes, Lyle had used that pun). He looked like someone out of an action movie. Which was fitting for what was going to happen.
"Uh.....who is he?" Milo asked, snapping Rourke out of his thoughts.
"Sorry. Milo, my love-" Jackson's eyebrows shot up. No way was that right. HIS son? Liked men? And liked.....THAT!? No. No no no, "-meet Jackson Rourke. My.....father." Now the stick man's eyes went as cold as Lyle's, and his lips even curled back into a surprisingly menacing snarl as he looked to Jackson.
"So it's YOU who made my Lyle's life hell." Milo hissed through gritted teeth, his hands in fists at his sides as he stalked toward the man under Doom's boot. He was deliberately slow, like the Terminator, his eyes cold yet blazing at the same time.
"I'm normally not a violent man, Mr. Rourke. But for someone who would do the things you've done to their own child-a CHILD!!-I will make an exception." Jackson was distracted trying to be disgusted by the spit he felt hit his face, and as a result, never saw the foot coming as Milo spun around and drove the toe of his boot HARD into the man's face. Blood and a tooth or two (and the sock) flew from his mouth. He barely had time to recover before Milo's other foot slammed into him just as hard from the other direction, and by the time he recovered from that, Milo had a knife in his hand.
"Get up." He growled.
"Fuck you." Jackson spat, only to be yanked up by his son.
"I would very strongly advise you NOT to piss him off any more." Rourke said, "You WILL regret it." Rourke knew very well that Milo could fight, Rourke, along with Kida and others, had taught him. Now, Rourke found it amusing when someone picked a fight with Milo, thinking it would be an easy win. He knew they had a nasty surprise in store for them.
Milo knew he had this advantage too, and he planned to use it now, as he challenged Rourke's father.
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bleachanimefan1 · 9 months ago
Forgotten Promise Part 6
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Have You?,
Talea was soaking her feet in the water of the pool when she heard Skull Kid laughing. She saw a large object falling fast down. Talea quickly moved out of the way before it fell on top of her and saw that it was a horse.
"Where did you get that?" Talea questioned him. Skull Kid ignored her opened the secret passageway and released the horse and it took off running. 
"He should be along any moment now."
Talea stared at him, wondering what Skull Kid meant until she heard a plop, which startled her.
Talea saw a boy in a green outfit and short blond hair. Talea was taken back by how handsome he was. He was actually kind of cute.
"Where am I?" He sat up, rubbing his head and looked around, seeing Talea next to him. "Who are you?"
Before Talea could answer him, Skull kid spoke, interrupting her.
"Persistent, aren't ya? You really think you can win against me, fool!"
"Who in the world are you?" Link demanded, narrowing his eyes at the Skull Kid in front of him.
"Boo hoo. What's with the sad face? I'm getting tired of looking at it." Suddenly, Skull Kid's mask released a strange power, aiming at Link. Link gripped his head, painfully. Talea watched in shock, wondering what was happening.
"Hey, are you okay!?"
Link's face and body had transformed shaping into a deku scrub. He gasped in shock as he saw his reflection in the water and let out a scream. Skull Kid laughed.
"Ah ha ha ha! That's hilarious! That's a good look for you!"
Link tried to pull the mask off from his face, but couldn't. It was stuck. Skull kid continued to laugh some more, almost falling down.
"Hee hee hee... NOW you understand, don't you? There is nothing I can't do!" He said, gleefully. "You'll stay in that form forever! Heh heh heh!"
"Skull Kid, this isn't funny! Change him back!" Talea shouted.
"Stay out of my way!" Skull kid shouted at her and Talea quickly shut her mouth, fearing that he may target her next. Then Skull Kid began to float over towards the secret passageway, and he opened it. Tael followed, closely, behind him.
"W-Wait! Undo this!" Link shouted.
"Nyah, Nyah!" Skull Kid taunted Link one last time before the door closed, trapping Tatl with Link and Talea.
"Sis!" Tael shouted for his sister.
"Tael! Ah-! Wait, Skull kid, I'm still here!" Tatl shouted, but the door didn't budge.
"What the heck should I do...in this form? My sword and shield are gone. How am I supposed to eat with this mouth?" Link groaned.
"I'm sorry about Skull Kid. I didn't think he would do something like this." Link looked and saw the girl that he saw. Was she trapped down here? Tatl quickly floated over to the two and angrily huffed at Link, bouncing on him.
"HEY YOU! It's all your fault that I got separated from my brother! What're you going to do about it, huh?!" she shouted. "Oh, Tael...Will that child be all right by himself?"
Link swatted the fairy away from him. "Ow, ow, ow! MAN, are you violent! I have no idea why I thought you were Navi!"
"Navi? Is she a friend of yours?" Talea asked Link.
"Who the heck's Navi?" Tatl asked as well.
"She's my important friend! She's a really cute and sweet fairy. Complete opposite of YOU."
"Don't compare us just 'cuz we're both fairies! My name's Tatl! Remember it." she scoffed, turning away from Link. Link quickly moved and blew a bubble from his mouth, trapping Tatl inside of it.
"All right, then, Tatl. Where's that skull kid going? And what'd you do with Epona?" Link asked.
"Epona?" Tatl questioned, confused.
"The horse you guys stole earlier!" Link shouted.
"Don't know a thing!" Tatl dismissed. Link glared at her, sending shivers down the fairy's wings. "O-Oh! I remembered just now!" she chimed, happily. "Skull kid may be in Clock Town."
"Clock Town?" Link wondered and he released the fairy. Tatl floated over to the door, waiting. Link also realized something else. He was stuck here in this time. With no way to get back to his. He growled.
That darn Skull kid wearing the mask...he stole the Ocarina of Time! I HAVE to get it back!
"This way!" Tatl shouted to Link and Talea. Link and Talea followed her. Link glanced over at Talea as they walked.
"Who are you?" He asked her. Talea smiled.
"I'm Talea. And you are?"
"Link." He told her.
The three finally made it the back entrance to the secret hideout. They heard the ticking of gears as they were inside the clock tower. Just as they were about to leave, Link noticed a man looming in the shadows.
"Who's there!?" He shouted.
The man giggled and stepped out, showing himself to Link and Talea. He had short brownish hair, wearing a purple outfit and shoes, had a creepy grin plastered on his face, and large overstuffed backpack with strange masks strapped to them.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" The man's grin grew wider. Talea backed away a little, creeped out. Tatl hid behind Link, scared. Link stood in front of Talea, narrowing his eyes at the man.
"Who are you?"
"I own the Happy Mask Shop. I travel far and wide in search of masks. During my travels, a very important mask was stolen from by that imp in the woods. So here I am at a loss. And now I've found you."
"What do you want?" Talea asked him.
"Now don't think of me as rude, but I've been following the two of you. I know of way to return you to your former self." He told Link.
"Then do it now!" Talea told him.
"If you can get me back that precious item from that imp, I will do it. Isn't it not a simple task? But I am a busy fellow. And I must leave this place in three days. How grateful would it be if you could bring it back to me before my time here is up." The salesman said.
"What's so important about this mask?" Link asked him.
"That one mask that was stolen, is called the Majoras Mask. It's a legendary magical item from long ago and it's cursed. It is said that those who wear it are possessed by an incredibly evil power. The Majora's Mask brought such immense catastrophe, that in fear, our ancestors, sealed it away in the darkness forever hoping to save the world from its evil." The Happy mask salesman explained before his grin became even wider becoming more menacingly.
"If that little demon isn't stopped, something terrible will happen." He told them before he looked at Link. "It shouldn't be a problem for someone like you."
Link stayed quiet, staring at him, suspiciously. Then Tatl slammed into Link, bouncing off of him.
"Say you'll do it!"
"I don't take orders from you."
"What about Skull Kid!? You're just going to leave him alone? What about my brother!?" Tatl exclaimed.
"You heard what this guy said, Skull Kid's not acting like himself. The mask is controlling him." Talea told Link. 
"You would go out of your way to help someone like him? After how he's treated you?" Link asked her.
"Yes. I promised that I wouldn't leave him, and I meant it." Talea told Link. Link turned back to the Happy Salesman.
"I'll do it."
"Great! I feel better just hearing that!" He smiled. "It'll be alright. You got the Ocarina of Time. You who have fought across the bounds of time are sure to succeed."
Link's eyes widen in shock. "How do you know all that!? Who are you?"
"Trust in its power." The man simply told Link, ignoring his question.
"Let's just get out of here!" Tatl shouted.
Talea glanced back looking at Happy Mask Salesman one last time before she quickly followed Link and left. There was something not right about that man.
It was beginning to get dark as the sun was slowly setting. Tatl led them out of the woods until they saw a large town up ahead. Talea noticed a very large moon with a creepy and angry face, hovering above them and so did Link. It looked like it was slowly falling down. They quickly walked to the town. Once inside, Link and Talea saw the villagers were setting up and getting ready for the festival.
"Hurry up! We only have three days until the carnival! We have to finish this scaffolding by then!" a man shouted.
"Boss, c'mon...let's just get outta here!" Another one sputtered nervously, eyeing up at the ominous moon.
"MORON! Don't believe that story, you coward! We can't cancel the traditional festival!"
"Wow, this place is huge." Link said in awe.
"I've been to several towns but nothing like this. Do you think we can stay for the festival?" Talea asked.
"We don't have time for that!" Tatl shouted. "We need to find my brother!"
"I'm sure he's fine." Talea assured her. As Link and Talea headed deeper into the town
"How could I have never heard about a town this big in the forest? But...something feels strange about this place. I'm not sure why, but something..."
Then a man with dark hair bumped into Link, almost knocking Link down. Link stumbled to catch his footing and glanced up in surprise. 
"Watch out! I've got a lot on my mind right now."
"Oh sorry." Link apologized to him. The man narrowed his eyes at Talea and Link before he walked away, grumbling to himself.
"How rude. Couldn't even say sorry." Talea frowned, glaring at the man before she looked at Link.
Then Link's eyes widened and he quickly turned back towards the man, walking away. "MR. INGO?!" He exclaimed before he shook his head. Nah, it couldn't be. Not this far away from Lon Lon Ranch.
"Do you know him, Link?" Talea asked.
"It's nothing important. We need to find that Skull Kid." Link told her. Talea nodded. The two continued, looking around for Skull kid or maybe someone who had heard about him. Then a strange frog like creature bumped into Link, knocking him down. Talea helped him up.
"Oh, I'm sorry you see, I can't see what's in front of me very well. Are you alright?" the creature asked. Link's eyes widen, looking at the creature.
"King Zora? No, he's bigger than that." He murmured softly to himself as he watched it walk away.
"What're you mumbling about?" Tatl questioned. "Anyway, Skull kid's probably outside the town. That's where he usually hangs out."
Link and Talea were about to leave the town, but were stopped by a guard by the gate.
"I don't think so, little Deku Nut boy." He told them. "There's a lot of marshes, valleys, and scary monsters out there."
"But I've got an errand!" Link insisted. The guard shook his head, pushing the two away.
"It's dangerous. You should go back to your family."
"In case you haven't noticed, there's a giant moon coming down or have you not seen it?" Talea told the guard.
"That's just a rumor. By the way, why not ditch this deku scrub and come dance with me at the festival?" The guard smiled. "A pretty thing like you needs to be protected."
"I can handle myself, thank you." Talea told him.
"Your loss then. But I'm here, if you ever change your mind."
"I may not look like it, but I'm a hero! Fighting monsters is an everyday thing for me! I'll be alright, so please let me pass!" Link told the guard.
The guard laughed. "Ha ha ha! I see, I see. I'm sure your mom's worried about you, so hurry on home now."
Link and Talea both glared at the guard, getting frustrated, and they walked away.
"You're not gonna get anywhere looking like that." Talea told Link.
"Yeah, I know." Link replied. Then suddenly a large dog came running towards the two, heading towards Link, growling. Link ran, while the dog chased after him.
"Bad dog! Bad dog!"
Talea quickly followed after them, trying to get to Link before the dog uses him for a chew toy. 
"Exactly what's heroic about being chased by a dog?! Do something!" Tatl shouted at Link.
"One thing after another!" Link panted as he continued to run but was struggling with his short legs. The dog was beginning to catch up to him. "Ack! I can't run very well!"
Then Link stumbled and he rolled down a steep road and he crashed into the wall. The dog came closer to Link until someone stood in front of the dog, chasing it off.
"Shoo! Shoo!" a woman, carrying an umbrella, shouted. Link stared up at her with a gazed look. "Are you alright, boy?"
The woman had short red hair, blue eyes, wearing a brown top and blue bottom dress with a white pattern and brown shoes. She bent down in concern, noticing how scratched up Link was. "Oh my, you're all scratched up! My house is not too far. Come with me." Link shook his head.
"No, thank you. I'm fine." He was about to run off when the woman grabbed Link's arm, stopping him.
"You're seriously hurt! You need attention!" she insisted.
"I, uh, I don't want to be any trouble!" Link turned her down again. The woman picked up Link, carrying him.
"I don't mind at all!" She smiled and she began to carry Link to her house. "Where's your mother? Are you lost? Is it your first time here? Did you come to see the festival? If so, your folks will come to my house, eventually."
Link sighed. He had no choice but to go with this woman to her house.
Where did Talea go? Wherever she was, he hoped that she was alright.
0 notes
lazuli-info · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone I'm Eddie.. Eddie uhh.. Eddie umm.. (Dear) Yeah- Eddie dear! I just wanted to talk about a little girl named.. Gizmo? (Gimik) right Gimik.. She is a good little girl although I don't remember where she came from but she lives with me. She helps me deliver mail or remember someone's order. Sometimes if I do accidentally forget someone's mail she makes sure I double check everything and uhh... Make sure I have everything!
She has this odd obsession with um (ribbons?) Yeah ribbons! She loves them and sometimes she takes ummm what's his name (frank?) Yeah- Frank's bow off his shirt ofc he gets it back later but she takes it off his shirt a lot. I don't know how she manages to take it off his shirt but it's really odd..
Gizmo- (Gimik) Also has this skirt with I think it's a multi colored skirt. Whenever she feels a certain type of emotion a certain type of color on the skirt starts to spin. Now let me see if I remember the order... I wrote it down somewhere... Ummm. OH here it is! So light greyish blue spins when she's sad, the baby greyish blue spins when she's confused, the dark greyish blue spins when she's uncomfortable, the purple greyish color spins when she's scared, the last color spins when she's mad, if they all spin that means she's happy! If her skirt doesn't spin at all that means she's emotionless or she's about to take it off.
She sometimes spooks me at night. Her puppet face makes it scary to see her in the dark. But sometimes her scary face can be good. If I can remember correctly one time I accidentally fell asleep and she woke me up, all I saw was her puppet face which spook me to wake up.
Gizmo (Eddie if you say gizmo again instead of Gimik I swear) sorry anyway. . . Gimik can be a handful she gets so energetic that she's hard to control. Don't get me started on if she has coffee or candy... One time, and I remember this like the back of my hand! I woke up one morning and went to go get the mail for the day then I felt liquid fall on my head, I looked up and realized that Gimik was on the ceiling with her mouth open and cotton coming out of her mouth... Her skirt wasn't moving, then she attacked me! I ran out of the post office so quickly I didn't even realize that frank was standing in front of the door so I bumped into him by accident.... (Eddie let's not go into detail about the fall ok) alright... But uh later on that day Frank told me he gave her coffee and I told him to never give her coffee again. He didn't and so far she's been fine.
Gimik.. A cute Little 7 year old who loves to sing. Whenever she goes out to deliver a package for me she hums on her way out the door. Then to let me know she delivers a card or a package successfully she yells "Yodele-hee-hoo!" Ofc hers is more high pitch and longer in the hoo part but in respect that I heard her I respond back in a not so good tone- but she's been trying to teach me how to do it and I feel like I'm getting better each time!
Gimik likes to play with Wally. They always do so many challenges. But Wally always wins especially if it's an eating challenge... But Gimik wins those no reaction challenges with lemons and hot peppers.. it was funny when Wally was crying on the ground when he ate those lemons... I think he ate 4 and Gimik ate 15 with no reaction. I still laugh about it to this day hehehe!
Gimik doesn't really like Julie, she says she orders too many things at one time and puts sentences in between to make it more confusing. She also said.... Ummm... (She yells?) Yeah she also says that she yells too much I don't blame her she really does...
Gimik sometimes calls me papa idk why but I don't remember doing anything.... Did I? When did I.... (Eddie if your thinking what I think your thinking you need to stop it) sorry-... Anyway when Gizmo (GIMIK) calls me papa that means she's just calling me.. when she calls me father that means it's something serious and daddy is when she's sad or too frustrated to get her feelings out... I wrote that down btw so I could remember... It's a good thing I did
That's all I can remember right now I'll see you soon, neighbor.
Extras:Gimik is 5'4 and she always stays in the post office even when Eddie isn't there.
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deafeninggardenerpanda · 2 years ago
have u finished extra mode and true arena i think that solves most of ur gripes with the ending of magolor epilogue
just be sure to always read the new 120 energy sphere dialogue for both main and extra mode i think it makes more sense that way
i did finish everything! ive read all of the lore in the game actually. actually the reason why i havent made another follow up post on everything is because im wildly overwhelmed with how much new stuff they gave us lol, but anyways since youre prompting me ill write up something right now
first of all i dont know what you mean at all with extra mode and true arena solving my gripes. i do think my general impressions were improved after taking more time to think about it, but none of that came from playing the other modes. from what i can tell neither of those "solved" any potential misconceptions i had previously, unless you mean like, him saying hes been to a lot of different worlds before in a few places, which i still dont know if that Solves anything. alas almost all gripes remain
continuing about the new stuff, magolors timeline (and this whole remake's actually) is way too fucking fuzzy to make any solid conclusions. this isnt a gripe i have im just stating this as fact. apparently some places might imply that he was from the clash universe originally instead of the other way around?? everything about and revolving around magoland is pretty dubiously canon. magoland being in the background of the first level of nutty noon (i think) despite it not being the same universe makes the entire main game dubiously canon too if you choose to think about it that hard. like im just really confused about this whole remake mostly. also if by end of true arena you meant that something was supposed to be solved by magolor soul going into a different portal than the og, i have no fucking clue what that was supposed to imply so sorry
really final thoughts on the whole thing are: great and fun as a game, had other good and interesting additions to lore regarding the ancients, but the overall mago lore im taking from this remake is:
was in clash universe At Some Point for some amount of time
magoland is in a different universe and a lot of aspects of it are dubiously canon/just hee hoo game mechanics (masks, him taking minigames from different worlds)
hes not from halcandra (doesnt entirely rule out that hes some descendent of the ancients)
had character development (nice)
anything more indepth they gave us, im keeping in the corners of my vision but mostly ignoring for now LOL i do not know what to do with any of it
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lex-n-weegie · 3 years ago
monty n hazel for the randomized kiss prompts!!
41. on a scar/wound
(hee hoo have an excuse for some small angst >:3)
Poor gator could barely get through the day, he felt awful, terrible, riddled with guilt and worry. During the weekend, am accident happened with him and Hazel, in Monty Golf no less(accidents always seemed to happen there). She got pretty banged up, and he wasn't allowed to be with her for long before workers dragged him away to prepare him for the shows and birthday parties of the day. Like he could even think about those at a time like this. They told them that she was fine, but who the hell trusts those guys? They were still making her perform and work, her injures could be getting worse!
"What if she's in repairs for the whole week? What if they scrap her all together? What if she needs a new memory chip and she forgets us?" Montgomery worried aloud, walking back in forth underneath the showtime stage.
"Monty sweetie, she'll be okay!" Chica tried to reassure, placing her guitar to the side to place a hand on the gator's shoulder. "You're starting to burn a whole in the floor."
"I've never seen you this worried Monty." Freddy spoke as he double checked his microphone stand.
"What, and you're not?!" He snapped at the bear. "She's your freaking sister!"
"Yes, but-"
"She was a construction worker swamp breath, she was made to be able to handle tough situations and junk." Roxanne piped up. Monty gave her a glare before grumbling and rubbing his snout.
"I just...I'm scared, y'know?" He mumbled. "I haven't gotten the chance to see her all day." Chica rubbed his back a little, a small attempt to comfort the big guy. Everyone understood the worry, they all felt it too. They just did a slightly better job of keeping hidden in front of the kids.
"Why don't you go see her now?" Roxy suggested.
"Yeah sure, when we got a show going on in like 3 minutes." Monty rolled his eyes.
"We've done late shows before, we can cover for you." She added. He gave her a confused look.
"Yeah, you can check up on her for us!" Chica smiled.
"It would help us perform better." Freddy said, a small hint of mischievousness in his voice. Monty looked at everyone for a moment before smiling.
"I'd say that I'll try to be quick, but honestly screw that right now." That got a small giggle out of the chicken.
And like that, Monty had slipped away and was back up on the ground floor. He did his best to avoid groups of children, but naturally there were a few and he'd take one second to ruffle a kid's head before continuing his mission. Since a show was supposed to start soon, a lot of places were empty and barren. Lucky him.
Finally he made it to The Painting Palace, Hazel's special area. He almost slammed open the door as he walked inside. Hazel was simply stacking from drawing paper, which unfortunately got scattered when she jumped at the sound of the swung open door.
"Ah! O-Oh, Monty! Hi hun!" She smiled. He nearly just ran up to her to hug the daylights out of her, but he stopped himself. He felt sort of...dangerous at that moment.
"You uh...okay? After all that?" He asked awkwardly.
"Mostly, I just got a couple of dents. I was able to get most of them out myself before opening." Just as she said that, he noticed a fairly sized dent on her lower left arm. He felt like someone just jammed a crowbar in his chest. Gently he had grabbed her arm, rubbing a thumb over it. Hazel could see the pained look in his eyes, his glasses didn't hide it well.
"I'm sorry Poof." He mumbled. He placed a gentle kiss on it, something that slightly flustered the bear.
"M-Monty?" She sputtered a bit.
"I shouldn't have tried that dumb trick." His head rested on her shoulder, his arms encasing her in a small hug. Things finally clicked in her head.
"Oh honey." She rubbed his back, scratching it lightly with her nails. "We both know that was as accident. I'm okay, I'm still here." Her voice was soft, caring, sweet. He sighed a little, his tail wagging a bit thanks to the back scratches.
"M' still sorry."
"And you're forgiven." She gave him a tight squeeze before they both pulled away. She lightly punched his arm in a playful manner.
"Now get back to the stage before the employees flip their lid."
"Eh, I'd rather be here with you." He gave his usual cocky grin, which she rolled her eyes at. At least he happier.
"Montgomery Gator." She said in a stern voice.
"Well that's my cue to go." Hazel laughed, snoring as she did so. Monty gave a quick kiss on her hand before quickly jogging out of the creative palace.
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parkerlyn · 3 years ago
Hi! So sorry if this is a silly question, I’m relatively new to IF games. But what’s a “misclick manager”? And is that something you want on all the time? Or should it be toggled? Thank you!
Hee hee hoo hoo 😌 (not silly at all!) so...the "misclick manager" setting is my (not very clever) way of implementing an optional back button haha. I was waffling a little on it as I kind of like the stakes of not having the history ability...but I received some messages about mobile and QoL features there, so decided to put that in!
Sorry for the confusion and for making it sound More Important Than It Is haha. Happy reading! ❤️
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cursedzzz · 3 years ago
How bout some mystery vore headcanons?
Hee hoo!! This one will take a while!! (TW: Vore obviously, hard vore mention. Suggestive ?? The themes of the character over all. The aroused part too-)
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This man is like 6'4, you're going to be towered by him.
He's swallowed things he shouldn't have before so there's no problem eating prey too.
Not gonna lie he's a big fear play enjoyer, but will go cat instinct on someone. Just a lil pounce and pin down.
Or, he'll hunt you down, he's scary.
Willing prey DOES confuse him but he isn't going to say no to a free snack~!
Just hope you won't change your mind because by the time you regret it, there's no going back.
M1 is normal, 'cheerful' and will go easier....for the most part.
M2 is a bit more vorny than normal, and teasing to prey.
M3 is violent and not soft at all, we're not a big fan of hard vore but he'll definitely do that.
M4 has nothing, had to say that sorry.
He likes to lick or wrap prey in his tongue.
Tail wags and he purrs when full, he will rest with Mago if he's tired from a big meal.
Squirming and struggling isn't something he adores or hates, he sees it...normal, unless it causes pain it'll be a problem!
His stomach is black, so is his long tongue. If anything it's like a soft slimy darkness.
Capacity? We'd say 1 person or 40 tinies most likely.
Mawplay is generally interesting with him, he'll let you but he can only tolerate it for so long before he gets aroused and wants to eat you.
Sharp chompers, if you're into that. Makes him more intimidating!
Ggaahhh we think this'll be all, we can't make it too long!!
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firemblem-fics · 5 years ago
you’re mine. | sylvain
-> Pairing: Sylvain x Reader | Academy
-> Genre: Fluff, Lime (?? is that what it’s called?)
-> Warnings: Cursing, Suggestive Scenes, Making Out
-> A/N: hee hoo this is as close to smut as i will write as a minor but it’s still a decent amount to be honest. sylvain’s academy age is 19-20, so reader is of course 18+ as well
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To Sylvain, the ball at Garreg Mach Monastery was the perfect opportunity to scout. He’d planned the night perfectly, starting off a dance with Mercedes first. From there, he’d cast her off to the next man and reach for another lady in his vicinity, giving them each teasing winks and suggestive smiles to try and woo them into his bed.
This was a sure-fire way to get women wrapped around his finger. They’d run to him at his every call, throwing themselves at his feet whenever he pleased.
So why couldn’t he stand the sight of any woman now?
He stepped into the reception hall with utmost confidence seeping from his pores, but he couldn’t finish scanning the ballroom once his eyes laid on you from across the room. You were smiling and talking to Claude, who was standing way too close to you for Sylvain’s comfort. He wanted to stomp over there and yank you away from him, but that would tarnish his reputation.
Sylvain Gautier was supposed to see you as a toy. That’s how the two of you acted together- you both flirted relentlessly, making suggestive pickup lines and leaving lingering touches on the other to leave them flustered. It was just harmless flirting, it wasn’t as if Sylvain was courting you. That thought sent a pang through his chest, but he shook it off.
You were just another woman to mess with. You just happened to be more fun than the others. Sylvain was just a little more fond of messing with you because you reciprocated. And you reciprocated because you also didn’t feel any true feelings, right?
Sylvain watched as you laughed loudly at something the Golden Deer leader said, smacking his shoulder as he leaned even closer to you with a grin. Obviously you didn’t feel for Sylvain- you wouldn’t be so friendly with Claude if you did.
The redhead shook his head and took a deep breath, plastering on a seductive smile and walking to the first woman he saw- a beautiful brunette with an even better body. He leaned down and kissed her hand, leading her to the dance floor for a few dances.
You had just finished laughing at Claude’s latest corny joke when he looked up, his dark eyebrow quirking as he looked over your shoulder. You turned around as well, gazing at the pairs that glided across the ballroom floor with grace and nobility. If you weren’t so bad at dancing, you’d love to be out there with them.
“Looks like your boy toy has found another.” Claude pointed to said boy, who held that... gorgeous brunette close to his chest. His lips moved against her ear, undoubtedly telling her all the things he tells you as you walk past him in the halls.
Your heart clenched, but you rolled your eyes and took a sip of your drink. “And? He’s called a boy toy for a reason. It’s not serious.”
Claude laughed. “You’re obviously jealous. You just got an attitude with me- you never do that.”
“Listen,” You sighed, “I made my choice and sealed my fate by messing around with one of the most emotionally unavailable bastards there is. It’s fine.”
“Doesn’t seem fine to me.” Claude grabbed your drink from you and set it down on the table next to him, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the dance floor. “C’mon. I’m gonna help you.”
“You- what? Claude, I don’t need help.” You tried to struggle out of his arms, but they tightened against your hips and he leaned close, looking towards Sylvain before brushing his nose with yours.
“He’s staring. Has been since he walked in. Just- trust me.”
You looked into Claude’s eyes, which were shimmering with mischievousness. Typical. But, Claude’s plans and intuitions were usually right. You needed to trust him to do... whatever he’s trying to do. You nodded.
Claude smirked and pulled you against him even more, his head dipping down to press against your temple. You moved your arms around his neck to get even closer. You tried to focus on your dancing instead of Claude’s actions- you couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable letting someone else touch you while your crush watched, but you trusted Claude.
Suddenly, you stiffened and tripped over your feet. Claude had turned his head slightly and nibbled on your ear, licking the shell of it before moving down even more and pressing a kiss against the junction of your shoulder and neck. Your fingers tightened against the cloth of his uniform, slightly enjoying the affection.
Teasing words and compliments only went so far. You were a little touch starved- Sylvain did leave you high and dry at least once a week.
Claude lifted his head to look above yours, catching eyes with Sylvain, who quirked an unamused eyebrow at him. He smirked and slid his hand down from your waist, firmly grabbing your ass.
You gasped in shock, smacking his shoulder. “What was that for?”
“He’s not looking too happy. Thought I’d rile him up even more.”
Claude turned you in a slow circle, allowing you to see over his shoulder. Your heart dropped. He was wrong. Sylvain was pressed up against a different girl now, practically grinding himself against her as he danced around the room. He was obviously enjoying himself, not giving a single glance towards you. You sighed and lightly pushed Claude away. He gave you a questioning look.
“I- I need some fresh air. I’ll be back to dance more later.” You patted his shoulder and began to walk out of the ballroom when Claude called out to you.
“You might not be able to walk later, much less dance!”
You flipped him off right as the doors closed, leaving you alone in the courtyard. You walked around, breathing in the chilly night air and taking a seat on one of the benches in the area.
You felt foolish for thinking that Sylvain could have actually cared about what you were doing. Foolish for believing that maybe you were different from all the other girls. Foolish for letting him be different from any other boy.
You sniffed, wiping away a stray tear that threatened to fall.
“Quite the spectacle you put on back there.”
You jumped and stood off the bench, startled by the one voice you didn’t want to hear tonight. “Sylvain.”
“Y/N.” He stepped closer to you. “I noticed you left. I’m a little surprised you’re out here alone instead of with your new little fling.”
“Fling? You mean Claude? Oh, Goddess no, that’s not it-“
“It isn’t? Then why was he kissing your neck? I don’t think friends act that way.” His amber eyes darkened as he thought about the Alliance heir being so close to you.
“Oh, they don’t? Are we not friends?” Sylvain looked confused, so you gained confidence and stepped closer to him to elaborate. “Those flirts. The touches and compliments and everything else that you and I do. They’re the same thing that Claude did. You and I are friends, so why can’t he be as well? Could it be that you’re-“
Sylvain grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards him, pressing a rough kiss against your lips. You melted into it, your free hand reaching up to cup his jaw. Sylvain pulled away and wrapped his large hands around your waist, hoisting you up and giving you another kiss.
“Jealous? Yes.” He turned around and carried you towards the classrooms, pushing open the door to the Blue Lions room. “You’re mine.”
You suddenly scoffed. “I am? So I can’t go around messing with other guys, but you can mess with other women? No- let me down. I’m not doing that.”
Sylvain held you tighter during your struggling and closed the door, practically slamming you against the wood and pressing himself into you. He sighed and leaned in, gently brushing his lips against yours.
“Okay, okay. That was a shitty thing for me to do. Truth is, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” He paused, thinking about his words. “I didn’t want to admit that I, Sylvain ‘Womanizer’ Gautier, had caught feelings for another girl I was just supposed to mess with. So I danced with others to try and get my mind off of you.”
His thumbs rubbed gentle circles on the dips of your hips and he looked up, gazing fiercely into your eyes before continuing. “But when you started dancing with Claude, I got mad. He started touching you and being all close, like how I wanted to be, and I let jealousy get the best of me. I- Y/N, I’m sorry. You don’t have to forgive me, but I promise you this will not happen again. I’ll be faithful to you and work through my issues-“
“Shut up and kiss me.”
He smiled and leaned in, still holding onto your hips as your lips met again. You gripped his shoulders tightly and smiled as he moved you both away from the door and laid you down on one of the tables. You ran your fingers through his hair as he moved down, beginning to trail kisses along your neck.
“You’re too good to me.” He groaned out, taking extra time to mark a spot on your neck that you were extra receptive to. “So sweet, and forgiving, and perfect. It’s like you were made for me.”
You couldn’t hold back a smile as you brought the boy above you back up for another kiss, this time opening your mouth to let his tongue in. Alone in the classroom, the two of you shared a dance of your own as Sylvain’s warm hands toyed with the hem of your shirt.
He slowly worked his fingers underneath the thin cloth, splaying one hand against your stomach while the other reached down to squeeze one your thighs that were wrapped around his waist.
Just as Sylvain began to slide his hand up your thigh, loud laughter echoed from the courtyard. You shot up and Sylvain quickly wrapped his arms around you, impulsively shielding you from potential danger- or embarrassment. You peeked over his shoulder and saw a small group- Dimitri, Dedue, Ingrid, and Felix- walk past the classrooms towards the dorms. They didn’t even spare a glance in your direction, much to your relief.
As the laughter subsided, you looked back at Sylvain, only to see that he was already looking at you with something that could only be described as adoration in his eyes.
“I guess the dance is over, huh?” You laughed, unable to hide the disappointment that you felt knowing that you’d have to be separated from Sylvain soon.
He gently smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I mean, we can still spend time together tonight. I want to catch up on all the times I thought about kissing you but didn’t.”
You smirked. “And how many times would that be?”
Sylvain leaned down and captured your lips once more. “Every time I’ve ever looked at you.”
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grians-perch · 4 years ago
hello :] could i please have some headcannons for a he/it pronoun using (idk if that makes sense) unus who lives with alot of the other egos? (Annus, dark,yancy, wilford, damian ect.) thankyou!
aah, of course unus! welcome to the blog!!! (sorry, i’m excited, i don’t see many other UA/AHWM/WKM kinfolk/fictives around here!)
- Living with the other Egos was nice, but it was often really hectic! One time, Wilford decided it was “too calm” around the house, and decided to release a whole flock of geese into the house! Why? Who knows! Wilford doesn’t really have reasons for his shenanigans! He was mysteriously nowhere to be found during clean up though!
- Whenever the other Egos find something that reminds them of you and Annus, they bring the item to you! Unfortunately, that means your room is full of black and white decorations, so much so that you can barely see the walls! You and Annus appreciate the thought behind it though!
- The other Unus Annus egos live with you guys, which is nice, but it does mean all the Takis in the house go missing. Unsurprisingly, Hee Hoo is constantly covered in Taki dust!
- You and Annus are perceived as being really stoic, but you guys are actually super kind, and love pranks! Everyone ended up learning that the hard way when the Gongoozler’s pool was filled with Jell-O! At first, everyone blamed Wilford, but when he didn’t confess (he normally would, he loves pranks!) everyone was super confused! All of a sudden, Illinois piped up: “It could have been Unus... I saw it with some Jell-O mix earlier... But it couldn’t have been him!” Then Yancy joined in: “What? No, youse has it all wrong! I saw Annus with the Jell-O!” When they all noticed you both were gone and found you guys, they were greeted with the sight of the two of you laughing your asses off.
- Sometimes in doing laundry, Dark’s suits get mixed in with yours and Annus’, and then it’s a whole day thing of “who’s suit is who’s?”
- No matter how annoying everyone can be, you all care about each other, and consider each other family
Hope ya enjoy Unus!! Memento Mori!
-Mod Mellohi
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tf2-hellhole · 5 years ago
Mercs as vines because I am out of ideas
Kid Dancing to Snoop Dogg
“Heeeey. I want to be famous.”
“Ay, but I’m tryna feel you.”
“Screw you, Jake!”
“♪Come on brain, think of things.♪”
“I can’t tie my shoes, but I can fuck your bitch.”
“Double tap if your favorite thing to do when you’re done eating is eat and digest your napkin.”
“Everyone’s so obsessed with their phones and the internet-”
“That’s not how you eat a banana!”
“♪Oh I just can’t wait to beat yo ass.♪”
Guy Waves American Flag During Hurricane Matthew
“Dude, why is that guy so good at bowling?”
Kid Falls Off Playground and Laughs
Girl Spills Apple Juice on Carpet (ft. Engie)
“I don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets.”
“Take it back now, y’all-”
“Hey, guys, smash that like button if you think being haunted… Is kinda hot.”
“Errybody in the club get tipsy!”
“♪Club goin’ up / On a tuesday♪”
“♪Asante Sana Squash Banana!♪”
“So, I am confusion.”
Guy Breaks Chair While Sliding On Ice
“♪Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales / It’s almost time for Dragon Tales!♪”
“♪Is there anything better than pussy? / Yes, a really good book.♪”
“Kimberly, I want you to take one good look at my fat ass-” (ft. Medic)
“Sometimes, I like to pretend I’m tall but I’m just standing on a chair.”
“That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!”
“Look at this graph!”
“I got my hat on backwards and it’s time to fuckin’ party!”
“What’s it like being tall?” (ft. Demo, Sniper, Heavy)
“Whoa, I interrupt people?”
“Yo Brandon, what’s #1?”
Doctor’s Office
“I don’t need friends. They disappoint me.”
“Ah fuck, I can’t believe you done this.” (ft. Spy)
“lEt’S gO tO oUtBaCk ToNiGhT!”
“Fuck off Janet, I’m not going to your fucking baby shower.”
“Latasha, I’m sorry-”
“He doesn’t deserve you.” (ft. Ms Pauling)
“Y’all ugly.”
Disappointment (ft. Scout)
None of these vines belong to or were made by me!
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underthedekutree · 5 years ago
Young Link might have PTSD - Part 2: Termina is NOT a Parallel World, Technically
This is a continuation of my last post so if you’re seeing this and haven’t read it, go here.
This is the part where I somewhat smoothly segue into Majora’s Mask. Link, lonely and filled with unprocessed trauma, leaves Hyrule in search of Navi. According to most sources (which take from Hyrule Historia probably? don’t quote me on it), Link falls down a hole into Termina, a parallel world to Hyrule, that contains many familiar looking denizens of Hyrule, but playing different roles. And well, if you probably guessed by the title, I have a rather different interpretation.
Okay, so in a nutshell my theory is that Termina is in fact all a dream, kind of like Koholint Island. Except the one dreaming up this world isn’t some deity like the Giants or Skull Kid or the Moon. It’s Link.
(big explainey hoo hah below)
Evidence 1: Link begins the game sleeping. Yes, I know literally every Zelda game begins this way and it’s a whole tradition thing. I am beginning with the weakest points first and working my way up to the strong ones. We’ll get there.
Evidence 2: The reuse of character and environment models from Ocarina of Time. The literal IRL reason for this is of course the game famously being given only one year of production time, which meant that the most practical method was to reuse as much material from MM’s predecessor as possible (eg. Romani Ranch sign is the Kakariko Village sign, and still says Kakariko Village on it). It seems like a rather offhand afterthought for Nintendo to chalk it all up to “oh its just a parallel world like Link to the Past or something. But think of it like this; when we dream, we often see familiar people from throughout our lives put in strange and unexpected situations, like that irritable old farmhand you hated so much is now a depressed circus master for some reason. Dreams don’t make sense. Things you know will mix with other strange inexplicable things, fleeting thoughts in your mind, all roughly tied together by whatever emotions you had been feeling when you went to bed. Malon is split into two people, Romani and Cremia, her older and younger self. This might reflect how Link feels about Malon, that she changed so much in those 7 years that she’s like a different person entirely, that it’s hard for him to process that they are the same, because the change was so shockingly sudden for him.
Evidence 3: Gorons in the snow, Gerudo by the sea. Yes, I know that sounds a lot like good evidence for a parallel world (that’s why the idea is widely accepted in the first place, it has merit), but it also works in as dream world evidence too. As a child, my family was obsessed with skiing. We would go to the same mountain every winter, and we would stay at the same lodge. It almost became like a second home for me. So much so, that one night I dreamed that my house had been replaced by the lodge, so it wasn’t on a snow-capped mountain, but in a bushy Australian suburb. Okay that kinda got off subject but I’m bad at conclusions so in summary Dreams Just Be Like That (tm). You get what I’m saying right? No? Sorry, let’s just move on.
Evidence 4: The Milk Bar. AKA my favourite location in the game! It’s often overlooked as the “haha funny they couldn’t put alcohol in kids game so its kiddy milk hee hee”, but it is actually a strong thematic pillar of Majora’s Mask. As I mentioned in Part 1, if you put a 9 year old in a 16 year old’s body and call him an adult before ripping that all away is probably going to leave the kid with an identity crisis. What is a mature place open at late hours when children are sleeping? A bar. What is a drink associated with the young, being produced for the purpose of helping children grow? Milk. No please don’t go I swear there’s more to this, stay with me. In order to gain access to the bar, Link must prove he is mature enough by wearing a mask, a disguise, like Adult Link is to Young Link. Being adult isn’t earned through years of natural living experience and mental development, it’s a thing you are given by adults to just BE when they deem you worthy, at least from how Link sees it. So that is the amalgamation of dream thoughts that is the Milk Bar. Is it mature? Is it childish? What is the line between the two? Is there one? It’s the culmination of his anxieties and confusions that he doesn’t know how to express. Another, smaller expression of this anxiety is the Clock Town Guards. When Link is a Deku, the guards say they don’t allow children outside the gates. When Link turns back however, the guard goes to stop him because he looks too young, but sees that he has a sword, and lets him pass. Why the sword? Well, in one way this is a callback to Kokiri Forest, where Mido doesn’t let Link see the Deku Tree until he has a sword. But also, what is the item that lets Link travel through time and become an adult in OOT? The Master Sword. Link seems to believe that adulthood is measured by the things you have, physical markers of maturity, which is how lots of children see adulthood. You’re an adult if you can drink, if you’re tall, if you’re married, if you have a house, a car etc. But in reality this isn’t how it works. Heck, I’m technically an adult but I sure as hell don’t feel like one, because I know I still have things to learn about responsibility, patience and all the other things, that can only come with time, which is the moral conclusion of OOT, but clearly Link missed the memo. Don’t get me wrong, there are some indicators to show he’s grown a bit. He can ride Epona, use the bow, do flips like some kind of acrobat etc. But those strange and confused feelings linger, and manifest in the young boy’s dreams.
Evidence 5: The four transformation masks. The four masks represent different aspects of Link’s self, and the way he grew and changed in OOT. Deku Scrub the Innocent, Goron the Confident, Zora the Mature and Fierce Deity the Hero. Link began only knowing the Kokiri Forest, and nothing of the world outside. As he set out on his journey, he grew more confident in his skills and defeated greater foes. When evil took over, he learned from his fatal mistake and worked to right it. And when it was finally time to face the greatest threat, he was ready, with all the heart pieces, bottles full of fairies, Biggoron Sword in hand. At that moment he struck the final blow he probably felt like the strong and unstoppable hero everyone in Hyrule told him he needed to be. And that feeling of pure uncompromising strength, with the whole world behind him, manifested in the Fierce Deity. Fierce Deity is much taller than Adult Link, and packs so much of a punch that he can beat Majora without batting an eye, like some overpowered Super Saiyan. It reminds me a lot of Undertale, with young Asriel becoming what he imagines to be an all-powerful godlike being, like something you’d see as a children’s drawing. Fierce Deity gives off those vibes, like “he has a HUGE SWORD that SHOOTS BEAMS OF LIGHT and he’s 8 FOOT TALL and CAN KILL ENEMIES IN A SINGLE BLOW!!” Before the final battle on the moon, when Majora gives you the mask, he childishly asks if you want to play a game of good guys and bad guys. And the good guy always wins, no matter what. Fierce Deity makes the final boss a cakewalk, but its supposed to.
Evidence 6: Anju and Kafei. Short one, because it falls a lot into everything else I’ve said regarding childhood vs adulthood. Kafei is effectively a switcheroo of what happened to Link in OOT. An adult shrunk back to childhood, uncomfortable in his new body and looking for a way to fix everything. He’s a reflection of how Link now kinda feels like an adult in a child’s body, because he had started to be used to being called an adult.
Evidence 7: The Moon. I haven’t super touched on the main meat of the game yet, so here it is. The moon and the 3 day mechanic is an allegory for constant mounting pressure, that builds and builds, never ceasing, because the world is in danger, and there’s only one person who has been chosen to save it. I’ve always been interested in the Chosen One narrative, and how different media explore the idea of the world’s very existence being pushed onto one person. How at the end of it all, they can never be the same again after all they’ve gone through. When you’re somehow expected to hold up the Moon itself single-handed, and your life and everything you care about suffers because you’re putting everyone else before yourself. That feeling of complete loneliness under a crushing weight, and although other characters may come to help you, in the end its still all down to you, and you never had a choice in any of it, as all the decisions were made by someone else. You must do what they tell you. Believe in yourself, believe...
Evidence 8: Skull Kid. The story goes that long ago in Termina, the Skull Kid and the Giants played together, until one day, the Giants left, leaving the Skull Kid alone and heartbroken, with nobody to turn to. As life moves on, things may change, and people always come and go from your life. Your friend might move overseas, or stop texting you, or you might fall out of friendship after an awkward event from which you could never recover (no, these have totally not all happened to me, shut up i’m fine), or your fairy companion might just disappear without so much as a goodbye after their task is complete. And it feels like you didn’t matter at all. That they never really cared about you, and you’re as easy to drop and move on from as a child’s toy. You might get angry, and want to shut them out, and give them a taste of their own medicine. Majora’s Mask teaches you that this isn’t the case. Life is ever changing, but you will always have the memories of times with your friends, and a chance to make more with new friends, like a sassy talkative fairy sprite and her shy brother or a child made of wood who wants to destroy the world. Friends come from unlikely places, so accept that change will happen and hope that wherever the people you knew are, they’re okay. You’re thinking about them, so they might be thinking about you too. And who knows? Life is unpredictable. They might just come back one day, and it’ll be like they were never gone.
Evidence 9 (the final one, I promise): The Song of Healing. At the end of all things, after losing ones you love, connections to family and friends, memories of things long past... you need time to heal. Link’s journey through Termina is a constant gauntlet of running into his own past traumas, forced to relive them again, and again, and again. But sometimes you should take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and take time to heal. Although it can be important to confront your fears and learn to surpass them, it is exhausting, and you can end up more emotionally broken than when you started. The three masks all had regrets of powerlessness; unable to protect your community, your loved ones, or even yourself. Troubles you’ve gone through that keep plaguing your mind, and you’re wondering if you’ve done enough, seeking answers where none can be found. And the best thing you can do... is accept and move on. Be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to heal. Link’s way of processing his grief and trauma is to create an entire hellscape world in his own head, but not everyone processes it the same way. Sometimes you feel like you need to busy yourself, or listen to soothing music, or talk to people you trust, or spend copious amounts of money, or make some angst art, or cuddle your plush toys until their stuffing squeezes out. Sometimes life hits you in the face and you want to blame yourself for standing in the firing line, but it’s not your fault. It’s okay to feel however you feel, whether you’re drenched in a pool of tears or you just feel numb, it’s okay and natural. You’re okay. You’re here.
Okay so it got kinda personal at the end there but I hope it was informative, and made you think a little bit differently about Majora’s Mask and Ocarina of Time. You probably want to go back and play them now. Me too.
So was this all just an excuse for me to gush about how cool Majora’s Mask is? Hell fucking yes it was. Congratulations for making it through my monstrous ramblings, you get the secret prize of looking at my weird art on my DA. Here you go. Have a nice day, Zelda Nerds.
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pinkysfaultorbrainsfault · 5 years ago
animaniacs - s3e6: hercules unwound
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yeah it’s season three now. sorry. season 1 had sixty five episodes in it and season 2 had..... four. i don’t understand it either. but none of those episodes had mice, so i guess we’re here now!! (if i’m wrong, and they did have mice, feel free to get back to me, but i definitely didn’t see any mice on the wikipedia page.)
episode summary: inexplicably existing in ancient greece, the boys plan to steal zeus’ lightning bolt. which is the source of his powers, i guess? i don’t know. this episode makes no sense.
the rundown:
so here’s the thing.
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they introduce ancient greece.
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they introduce hercules.
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they establish he’s a crybaby who has twelve (12) chores to do today, which... seems like an excessive amount of chores, sure, but he’s literally just rolling around on the floor and having a tantrum about it.
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zeus gets pissed off and electrocutes him.
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and then the warners show up. “i’m lost,” says wakko, “is that our cue?” they have no idea. they’re confused. i’m confused. this short has gone in like eight different directions since it started.
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still, they potter down to where hercules is crying, introduce themselves (left; yakkoles, right; wakkonemnon)
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(above, the goddess of cuteness, aphrodottie.)
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and then dot goes and lays on the floor and decides she doesn’t want to do it.
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“you wanna just skip this cartoon?”
“alright, see ya, pal.”
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and off they go, i guess.
that’s.... as accurately as i can summarise it. none of what happens there has anything to do with the mice or the future plot, so i’m just gonna skip past it, if that’s okay.
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poor hercules. having to clean out the stables all by his lonesome.
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meanwhile, after a sudden jumpcut, we see aristotle desperately trying to teach his class the source of zeus’ powers. it’s the lightning bolt, you goofs! the lightning bolt equals unlimited power!
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none of them care.
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good thing someone does! so we can get the review started already, christ. this is how they’re arranged at first, but it’s only for a couple of frames, so i’m highlighting it because it’s very funny! and also very easy to miss.
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“we, pinkus, shall steal zeus’ lightning bolt, overthrow the kingdom, and
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TAKE OVER THE WORLD.” good thing they managed to squeeze another closeup in there, huh. just can’t have an episode without them.
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“but how do we get to the tippy-top of mount olympus, where zeus lives?”
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“i have that figured out, pinkus. behold, across the street, the agean stables, where legendary, famed and godlike horse pegasus spends the day.”
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calm down, brain. jesus. i thought pinky was the one with the Horse Thing. brain goes onto explain that every night, pegasus flies back to mount olympus,
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and they’re just gonna hitch a ride. climb on his back without him noticing. steal the minivan, except the minivan is a flying horse.
so off they go to do that, i guess!
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it immediately cuts to them being chased by cerberus, with a “run, pinky, run!” from brain, which is cute. his name is pinkus, in this interation, but brain calls him pinky for short. did the writers intend that to be cute? probably not. do i find it cute? absolutely.
it’s very peatb-esque. still, they outrun it eventually.
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“in future, pinkus, let sleeping guard dogs lie. especially when one has three heads.”
“funny. the middle head seemed so friendly.”
honestly? the animation here is cute. and it kind of sucks that they gave the good animators whatever this episode is. is there something i’m not understanding? it’s just been completely threadbare random throughout. they always seem to give the good episodes to the guys who draw them weird. it’s upsetting.
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but the stables are there, so off they go.
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so while hercules cleans out the stable and whines about it,
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medusa gives pegasus a makeover. she is just dying to braid his tail, for no extra charge. this would probably be a lot funnier if i knew who they were trying to make fun of, here? but it’s all good. (that’s one of the problems i have with this show, sadly. all these celebrities stopped being quite so famous literally before i was born. hoo hoo. i’m sure there are like, 30-40 year olds who appreciate the humour far more than i do.)
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the mice have found their target. soon, they will strike.
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“there he is, pinkus. in all his wing-ed glory.” he puts the stress on the “ed” and it’s uncomfortable. nobody says words like that, brain! or i guess he does? whatever.
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so they climb this conveniently placed shovel, ready to jump right on! because, yknow, it’s right there.
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except hercules decides that, yknow, he needs a bigger shovel to... clean out the stables with, and--
look. guys?
i have so much anxiety, okay? real talk for a sec. you see my head? nothing up there makes sense. this is why i run a cartoon mouse blog. one of the ways that manifests is in incredibly nervous coprophobia. i don’t like to talk about it. it makes things difficult for me. this episode makes things difficult for me. i barely made it through the stupid... garden of mindy. you don’t want to see this, i don’t want to see this, i do not want my comfort characters to have to deal with this, and i do not want to put myself through the heart attack of trying to transcribe it like the... bad children’s tv jokes bible. okay? i’m skipping this section because it doesn’t add anything and i’ve had enough.
hercules uses the shovel. the mice get dirty. presumably, between scenes, they go take a bath. let’s just say that happens. whatever. cartoon logic.
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but nobody takes a bath without hercules’ sayso, so he decides to beat them to death. this is just the first frame i skipped to. i assume this is what’s happening.
i’m not enjoying this episode.
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homeboy decimates a wheelbarrow. it has good faces, i’ll give it that. this episode has good faces. is it wang? why on earth would they give wang this bollocks.
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“be gone, manure sprites!”
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thankfully there’s nothing weird in this barrel. it’s whatever medusa was doing pegasus’ pedicure with. dish washing liquid, i think? whatever that means. i’ll be honest, too many gross things have happened in this episode and i’m not sure i could handle anything e--
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thankfully, pegasus decides this is a good time to get the fuck out of dodge.
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the mice agree.
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hercules grabs bucket girl and also gets out of dodge.
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that was weird and random and not needed.
but like, it’s fine. it’s good. they’re on the horse. the horse is flying directly towards mount olympus. yknow. it worked out.
as zeus mopes about his son’s work ethic, the mice get on with their own, tiny mouse jobs.
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“upon that table, pinkus, is zeus’ mighty lightning bolt.”
“gee, i hope he has it charged up.”
with a LIGHTNING CABLE!! hoo hoo. hee. those were definitely not a thing when this came out.
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brain doesn’t find it quite so funny, sadly, but he chooses to ignore it in favour of hustling his little mouse ass onto the table.
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“all power is ours, pinkus. now to-- take over the world...”
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this is not the first time this has happened. (or maybe it is? chronologically? who knows.)
but oh no! zeus looks through his big old zeus telescope that he has and works out that the stables are worse than ever, actually, and hercules has no intention of cleaning them.
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he’s off having a coffee break with medusa! typical. time to electrocute him.
so zeus reaches for his trusty lightning bolt.
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pinky’s so chill about this. he’s just vibin.
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he just straight up throws the whole thing. does it respawn? y’all. i don’t get it.
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“i sense the pivotal moment of failure quickly approaches.”
unfortunately - or perhaps it is forunate, depending on how you look at it - zeus just straight up misses.
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the mice rebound.
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aaaaand that can’t be good.
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of course, whether or not this was zeus’ intention, the upshot is that the stables are nice and clean, finally.
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so hopefully we never ever have to go through that again.
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on the downside, the mice did drown, so i guess that’s the end of this blog.
brain: 3 ½ pinky: 5 ½ outside influence: 8
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“as your reward, you get to marry a goddess.”
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“the goddess of love? the goddess of beauty?”
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“the goddess of cuteness, aphrodottie.”
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(so we iris out on child marriage. goodnight, everybody.)
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hypernova-blitz-arts · 4 years ago
Prompt: Perfectionism. or. Planets
Ok so my dumb hee-hoo brain instantly said: "ok do planets...but make it seem like a fucking fairy tale" and when i asked
My brain immediately said:
Make this a fairy tale about a motherfucking space cat who made all the planets because they were bored and creative.
And i said:
I'm so sorry if its bad or not the most focused on "planets" i just really wanted to add a cat into the story
Here it is. I have decided to call the story:
The kitten with the stars in its eyes
Up on high there it sat. Up on high an old gray cat. Staring down at its home. Poor old cat can't move from its throne. Then one day a kitten arrived, a kitten with the stars gleaming in its eyes. They told the old king that they could take over. They told the old cat they could be a placeholder. Until someone truly worthy could come, someone truly worthy to rule the planet of the fading sun. The king looked down at the small kitten at his feet. Could this kitten perform the incredible feat? "You may take over for me if that is what you'd like to do. But first, young one, i have a task for you" the kitten looked up at the king, confused. Whatever could he want them to do? "Dearest small kitten" the king purred "you must travel the planets, soar like a bird. Find a new home among the planets and stars, find a new home to continue this legacy of ours." The kitten sat quiet. looking quite thoughtful, "my king" it mewed "that seems like quite a pawful" the king simply nooded "i know thats how it may seem. But you can do many things if you truly believe" the kitten ran outside as fast as its paws could go. They would follow the kings orders and in the planets it would find a home. They ran and ran to a cliff nearby and with all of their strength launched themselves into the sky. Once they could no longer feel the ground, the young kitten looked back, turning around. They stared in awe at their planet's true beauty. It was quite the place to live, truly. But they knew that their mission was more important than they were told. They knew their mission was one written in tales of old. With the sky below their paws, the kitten pranced. Going from planet to planet in a graceful dance. Each planet that their paws touched with their grace took on a glow that could be seen all throughout space. The kitten found many different people as it ran. All with tales that ended as different as they began. No matter who they found they always brought hope to people who thought they had lost it ages ago. But no matter what the kitten brought to others all around it realized that for themselves that same feeling could not be found...eventually it found a planet all for itself. Where it could renew its kingdom and always help. Though while in other people the planet may have lacked, compared to this one in beauty all other planets had slacked. It found this planet all on its own..but it was quite sad now that it was alone it had really always been that way. Most they had met had just been ideas, the want to create...so this small kitten, with the stars in its eyes, took out a paintbrush and painted the planets in the sky.
(I could like, totally make a less rhyme-y part 2 of this if you want. P.s. the lore is basically that the "planet of the fading sun" is the last bit of creativity left in the universe after a terrible event. Now this cat was basically told "go fix it, but fix it in your own way" and the "planets" the cat encountered are the ideas they had and they eventually did make into their reality, they brought creativity and hope back to the universe and encountered their lowest low so far and survived it all. There's a uh..darker way this whole thing can be taken but..I'm not gonna explain that)
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