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weemsbotts · 2 years ago
How to Catch a Burr
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Caesar Augustus Rodney undoubtedly cursed the roads around Dumfries in March 1807. Tasked with advising President Thomas Jefferson on the situation with Aaron Burr, Rodney struggled to find fast transport out of Dumfries to verify Burr’s capture and whereabouts. In a series of letters that lamented the lengths he took to obtain accurate news, we can both emphasize his complaints against the roads and find some familiarity with his need for social networking.
On 03/22/1807, President Thomas Jefferson asked Rodney to meet with him to discuss ways of taking Burr to Richmond as fast as possible. Unfortunately for Burr, this was not for a social engagement or political campaign. Instead, it stemmed from his suspected treason and looming treason trial court case. On 03/26/1807, Rodney wrote to Jefferson bemoaning the roads noting it would take him three days to travel from Dumfries to Richmond. While Rodney waited for more horses, he reported,
“This gentleman says that Burr arrived at Fredericksburg yesterday about three O Clock. Reports stated that some country men who knew him apprehended him not far from thence in the woods where he was travelling alone. They called out some of the militia to their aid under whose charge he was brought to Fredericksbg & who sat off with him this morning for Richmond before the gentleman who is my informant left Fredericksburg which was at half past nine O. Clock. I think the information so far as it relates to Burr’s having been actually taken to Fredericksburg yesterday, & from thence this morning to Richmond. I presume the messenger sent by Genl. Dearborn reached Fredericksburg last night in the stage & not before, & that he has ordered Burr to Richmond.”
Rodney dramatically finished his letter as he hastened to Fredericksburg to verify these statements and Burr’s whereabouts, noting he deemed it “a duty I owe to you & my country.”
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(The Arrest of Aaron Burr, The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. "The arrest of Aaron Burr" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed May 10, 2023)
Rodney reported from Bowling Green the following day with more information regarding the particulars of Burr’s capture, including Burr’s disguise.
“On the subject of Burrs arrest &c. I received the following information from Mr. Farish the keeper of the Inn at Fredericksburg, to which they brought Burr. He had it from Perkins in whose charge he was. I send it to you lest no other more correct may have reached you yet, as we were without any intelligence on the subject when I left Washington.
Burr was discovered in disguise by the Sherif of —— within 15. or 20 miles of the Spanish lines. He was dressed in a pair of striped Virginia cloth trousers, a white country yarn jacket, an old drab surtout & an old white hat. The Sheriff rode on with him until he met a country man going to fort Stoddart by whom he sent for some soldiers. Burr knew not, that he was so near the fort. As soon as he saw the soldiers he was alarmed & asked where they were going. The Sheriff told him they were merely ordered to another station. The soldiers came up, presented arms at him, & told him to surrender. This he did without resistance. On his way, at some little village in South Carolina he got off from his horse & called on the people who had collected to protect him, told them he had been twice acquitted & was a persecuted man &c. They told the guard to take him on & he was compelled to mount once more.”
Rodney did not neglect to include a diatribe against the roads he deemed “so intolerably bad” as he lamented his harrowing journey to Fredericksburg followed by his carriage ride to Bowling Green. Rodney relied upon this news from Mr. Farish, proprietor of the Inn at Fredericksburg, who received the info from Mr. Perkins, the man in charge of the party leading Burr to Richmond. Supposedly, Burr was still in his disguise and wished to see or speak to no one on his forced travel.
Not having news media to rely upon, Rodney ceaselessly used his connections in Dumfries and Fredericksburg to receive updates and utilize his own scouts. He indicated waiting to see “Mr. Henderson of the Marine” to meet with his brother, but finding the brother had already departed Dumfries, Rodney turned to people arriving from Fredericksburg, reporting that “country men” apprehended Burr as he traveled the countryside alone near Fredericksburg. Once Rodney reached Fredericksburg, he confirmed that Burr had received habeas corpus, which he was unable to prevent. However,
“I wrote to Mr. Hay to employ two of the ablest counsel, lest Burr should then anticipate us. I shall in consultation add a third when I get there. I presume Wirt & Wickham will be employed by Mr. Hay, unless Burr has retained Wickham immediately on his arrival.”
The trial began on 05/22/1807 in Richmond. Rodney, George Hay, William Wirt, and Alexander McCrae served as the prosecution while Edmund Randolph, John Wickham, Benjamin Botts (woo!), Charles Lee, and Luther Martin served as the defense, along with Burr. While not discussing the actual trial (it deserves multiple blogs!), Burr’s alleged attempt to take over portions of the Louisiana Territory and declare himself Emperor always raises a few eyebrows. As our young country was still flexing its international muscles and trying to retain a place of dignity and strength as a global force while maintaining neutrality, the threat of war with Spain was a very real possibility, and Burr’s decision to step down as Jefferson’s Vice President was quickly followed by his communication with his friend General James Wilkinson, the new governor of the Louisiana Territory. A series of letters between the two highlight Burr’s planned military expedition as well as his attempts to garner support on his behalf, correspondents later claiming Burr attempted to incite the people in the territory against the U.S.
Much of the trial focused on Blennerhassett’s Island, where resources, supplies, and people had started amassing for the military campaign. Burr and his brilliant defense argued that he was one hundred miles away from the island at the time of the trial, and if the people on the island did not face treason, neither should Burr. Presiding Chief Justice John Marshall agreed in his incredible three-hour opinion read to the court. Marshall then excluded any evidence related to the island, pretty much ensuring the jury could not find Burr guilty on the Neutrality Act charge.
President Jefferson was unhappy. He considered a range of actions against Marshall, including possible impeachment, but most of his anger and rage vented through letters. On 09/20/1807, he wrote to General Wilkinson,
“…the scenes which have been acted at Richmond are such as have never before been exhibited in any country where all regard to public character has not yet been thrown off. they are equivalent to a proclamation of impunity to every traiterous combination which may be formed to destroy the Union: and they preserve a head for all such combinations as may be formed within, and a center for all the intrigues & machinations which foreign governments may nourish to disturb us.”
As Jefferson continued to fume at Marshall, really demonstrating the unique and tense relationship between the two, Burr made sure to absent himself from further trials. Notably, after hearing news regarding the state of unrest in Texas in the 1830s, he remarked, “There! You see? I was right! I was only thirty years too soon. What was treason in me thirty years ago, is patriotism now.” Even today, scholars still debate the treason charge. As for Botts? He did not receive a great review from Jefferson either,
“Burr preserves a firm Mind & his Talents & resources are on the stretch, He can instruct his Counsel, yet he is ably supported by Wickham & Martin, and Botts appears to be an indefatigable, act[ive,] scrutinizing drudge.”
Read all the court case documents here along with excellent historic contextual info!
Note: Did you read the latest May 2023 edition of The Town Crier? Instead of frowning and shaking your head no, click here to read about upcoming free programs with HDVI!
(Sources: “From Thomas Jefferson to Caesar Augustus Rodney, 22 March 1807,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/99-01-02-5331. [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. It is not an authoritative final version.]; “To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 26 March 1807,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/99-01-02-5360. [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. It is not an authoritative final version.]; “To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 27 March 1807,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/99-01-02-5369. [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. It is not an authoritative final version.]; “From Thomas Jefferson to James Wilkinson, 21 June 1807,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/99-01-02-5788. [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. It is not an authoritative final version.]; Linder, Douglas O. Famous Trials: The Treason Trial of Aaron Burr. UMKC School of Law: https://famous-trials.com/burr/156-home)
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kimidori-frog · 1 year ago
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tokiotours · 4 years ago
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📍Zamami and Aka island, Okinawa prefecture When you visit the islands of Zamami and Aka in Okinawa’s Kerama Island cluster, look out for a dog statue on each of the islands. These are the statues of two dogs called Shiro and Marilyn, and a tribute to a story of everlasting devotion. Who are Shiro and Marilyn? Shiro and Marilyn were two dogs that lived side-by-side on the island of Zamami. They were inseparable, until one day in 1986 when Shiro and his owner moved to the neighbouring island of Aka, a 15-minute ferry ride across the channel. But distance proved no barrier to Shiro, who would jump into the ocean every morning and was frequently sighted by island residents making the 3km swim across the channel between Aka and Zamami Island, regardless of the weather or choppy sea, just to be reunited with his beloved Marilyn. Shiro did not forget his own family, and would return to them via that same arduous swim in the evening. Shiro would make this journey every day until Marilyn passed away – the pair had three litters of puppies together despite the distance. 📸: @Solveig Boergen #lovestory #japaneselovestory #loveinokinawa #loveconquersall #japanesedogs #japanesepuppies #okinawa_pref #Zamamijima #Akajima #okinawa #personalstory #specialsdogs #specialdoggo #hedidwhat #japanesedoggo #okinawaninu #celebrateddogs #dogstatues #Japanesedogstatues https://www.instagram.com/p/CHMyTeqlGjM/?igshid=sq9pkkv908dm
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crazythoughtsuk-blog · 5 years ago
If anybody does ever read this, then “Hello”.. 
I am using this to record some of the many “odd” thoughts that I have. Sometimes when I make these thoughts out loud in the “real” world, I get odd look off people..lol
I mean well but I have a dry sense of humour, so I apologise now if anybody gets offended.
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writing-fanics · 3 years ago
One thing…Imagine being Bakugo’s little sister by one year.. Dating Izuku who ends up cheating on you with Uraraka…
Probs gonna write a fic for this
Bakugo (finding out) he’s going after Izuku’s ass
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reads2love · 6 years ago
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He unleashed the virus. There was no turning back now. Who will survive the Shattered Lives Series? Grab Awakened Desires today @RissaBlakeley http://amp.gs/9SUt #HeDidWhat #Undead #NotAnOops #Books #PostApocalyptic
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jeoniius · 3 years ago
HEDIDWHAT????????? idk what to say. bye.
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lenioxoxo · 4 years ago
i fully believe in sticking it to cringe culture and enjoying what you like, having fun and etc.
but mcyt has the most bullyable fanbase i think i’ve ever come across. there’s just so much to unpack and make fun of. i don’t even mean it in an aggressive or demeaning sense, i just can’t fucking believe what people post without any sense of self awareness when it relates to average white boys who play minecraft
“#HEDIDWHAT omg king got a new mic 🥺😍 you dropped this ❤️ your fav could never 😭”
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ytfilmtruth · 4 years ago
Dr Pimple Popper lets a guy do surgery on himself Watch this video completely to explore Dr Pimple Popper lets a guy do surgery on himself exclusively on this page. Sit back and enjoy. If you have any queries, please let us know in the comments or via our social media. Thank you for your support! Subscribe Our Channel for More Videos https://bit.ly/Subscribe-To-Film-Truth Dr Pimple Popper's Grossest Moments of 2020! https://youtu.be/n-YCWJYYIt4 Dr Lee Arranges A Free Surgery For This Patient | Dr. Pimple Popper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl5Q5Xd66g4 🔊 LIKE ➡ SHARE ➡ SUBSCRIBE 😀 Follow/Like Us Socially 😀 ►Facebook: https://ift.tt/3cBKxiV ►Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/YTFilmTruth ►Instagram: https://ift.tt/37940GH #DrPimple #GrossMeOut #HeDidWhat We do not take any ownership of the music displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes only. medical school, love after lockup, 90 day fiance, entitled parents, mama june, asmr, acne treatment, loan nguyen, cake boss
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atrxides · 3 years ago
when Ellie said that it was probably one of the most jarring experiences of my life lmao it was too funny, also I love Alan's "HeDidWhat?????" lmao bestie was panicked
"He slid into my DMs."
"He did what?"
"What did you do?"
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Don't Settle for Convenience, Demand Consistency
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accidental-typographer · 7 years ago
From digital-sketch to fifteen-foot mural. Wanna see the real one? Come to my exhibition opening tomorrow! #Crazy #HeDidWhat? #NeedaNapNowPls #Type13
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reads2love · 5 years ago
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He unleashed the virus. There was no turning back now. Who will survive the Shattered Lives Series? Grab Awakened Desires today @RissaBlakeley http://amp.gs/NryO #HeDidWhat #Undead #NotAnOops #Books #PostApocalyptic
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cubgabe · 9 years ago
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existingsquares · 9 years ago
Schooling Paulie LMAO (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zEKTZHTRuM)
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