#hed let L die a million times for him and
qeyond · 1 year
LawLight au where L is a shinigami and ends up sacrificing his life for Light
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kilibaggins · 4 years
so I loved your last post with parents Murphamy but how about mpreg Murphamy
Somebody request a Fic of these Headcanons so I don't feel bad writing something that not a Request 😂😂
I was hoping someone would ask this 😂😂
Okay so, I'm not really used to Mpreg so I googled some stuff and like... Imma do the whole "Another Hole Opens When Pregnant" thing... Lol
Mentions of Abortion Consideration and Almost going through with it. Spoiler Alert: No actual Abortion.
The way it is written is not meant to shame or belittle anybody's choice. It is simply to show what he could choose to do, and what he Personally does.
Murphy is the one who gets Pregnant
Hes like "the fuck" cux hes never heard of this happening before
According to Abby it's a very rare case that happens with some people who are born on the Ark.
So he was born with the ability to do this
They didn't know
He gets prego.
And wow Murphy is TERRIFIED
He doesn't want to tell Bellamy because well... He's just scared
He doesn't really have a logical reason to being scared he just is.
Abby convinces him that its better to talk about it now than actually wait until his stomach starts growing.
She also brings up Abortion as an option.
Murphy is actually surprised that Abby would suggest it, without Bellamy knowing first, it's like she wouldn't have cared id Bellamy had a day or not.
Which I guess Murphy technically decides Bellamy's input doesn't matter that much, considering he takes the pills Abby gives him, then throws them up immediately after.
He realizes he personally couldn't do that to his future child.
He sees this as a fresh start.
A chance to do what his mother didn't do; care.
Murphy has no clue what he was thinking when he ended up in front of Bellamy's tent with the empty Pill packets In hand.
He has no clue what he's doing when he opens the tent flap and walks in.
Bellamy is sitting that the small desk they moved in there for the many
Murphy gulps and takes a drop breath and Bellamy is scared immediately.
He looks at Murphy hand and sees the packets and his stomach drops.
"Wh- What's that Murph?"
"I didn't go through with it."
They end up taking for a long time that night about it.
Murphy probably apologizing a million times for even thinking about taking the pills.
Bellamy reassuring him and telling him it's alright, he'd never force him to have this child.
The actual pregnancy is so hard.
Murphy's body (obviously) isn't exactly built completely for carrying a child so he gets really weak at one point.
Bellamy is like 1000000X more Protective.
He scares the shit out of Miller one day by getting in his face all pissed off
"Excuse me, what did you just say?"
"I- I was just asking him to move over so I could get through."
"Goddamn Babe, Chill."
Bellamy will steal pillows from the medbay when people aren't using them to simply make his tent as comfy as possible for Murphy to be.
Okay wow I wanna write so much but I'd have to write a fanfic. I might do it tbh.
Bellamy 100% thinks it's a girl.
Murphy is adamant that its a boy.
Everyone just agrees with Murphy because
1.) Murphy is already scary normally, let alone when he's hormonal.
And 2.) They just think hed know Best since hes actually carrying the kid.
Ut it's mostly Number 1
When it actually comes to the last two months Murphy is forced to stay in the Medbay because hes too weak
Hes too skinny, even though hes pregnant as fuck.
Abby says the baby is taking as much nutrients as possible and Murphy body just naturally doesn't gain fat easily so it's harder.
Murphy is already calling the kid "little parasite".
"He's a little parasite ain't He?"
"SHE'S a little parasite."
The actual birth is terrifying because it's a month early because There were complications with Murphy's body starting to give out.
Bellamy was freaking out the whole time. He Basically ran through camp to go find Clarke and scream at her about the baby coming
(Just had the funniest thought. Picture Bellamy like Manny for the Ice Age movies when his wife is pregnant. He just runs around screaming about the baby coming for a few minutes.)
All the lasting delinquents are trying to cram into the small hallways outside of the room.
Which isn't easy.
like excuse me y'all?? Father coming through?? FUCKING MOVE.
But turns out Bellamy was worried about getting there fast for no reason because honestly Murphy was basically chilling other than the pain.
He wasn't even freaking out, just reacting when he was in pain, and thats it.
Okay, let's be honest. Murphy is freaking out. Just not Outwardly.
He asked Abby to spew a bunch of facts about Male Pregnancy to him so he could concentrate on that instead.
The birth is fairly painful, and dangerous.
Especially considering its a month early, and in Male Pregnancy usually the baby needs the whole amount of time because o how much harder it is.
All of the delinquents are literally never going to mention the crying they hear.
Never. They know they'd die before the word "Murphy" came out of their mouths.
After a long ass time the delinquents hear a babies cry from the room and they all applaud like idiots.
Abby smirks at Murphy when she checks to see, and sure enough.
It's a boy.
Murphy just uses that against Bellamy forever after this but let's not go off topic.
They name him Alex. After Murphy's Dad, and his middle name is Aurora for Bellamy's mom. Yes. He was a "Girls" middle name.
Bellamy And Murphy say fuck your gender roles.
Murphy's the first to hold him and dear God the SPARK IN HIS EYE.
"Hehehehe... H- Hey lil' Parasite."
Bellamy Basically dies and just sits there staring at them both.
The first person to hold him outside of those two (and Abby but let's ignore that)
Is Octavia. She actually cries when she sees her Nephew for the first time.
And then she cries more when she learns his name.
Fast Forward to when Murohy is actually healthy again, and can actually move.
Theyre the most protective parents ever.
Murphy makes sure to threaten people a lot
But also hes super loving and will just hold his baby all night if he has to.
Everytime his fathers name was said before, John Murphy would get violent, depressed, pissed off.
But now he hears the name "Alex" come from the father of his child's mouth. And all he can think is Love.
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yourcloneboyfriend · 5 years
Hi! Could I request hcs for how Rex, Fives and Cody confess their feelings to female s/o?
ok! This got really long and weirdly angsty so im only gonna answer for Cody for now and maybe later ill answer for Rex and Fives~❤️
He succeeds where Rex doesn’t
He knows how he feels about you, but he’s also gravely aware of the differences between the two of you and what could happen if people found out about it.
He could be courtmarshaled, or worse
Pretty early into his feelings for you he decides he’s never going to tell you, he’s one of many and you have a whole life outside of the war and the politics whereas he doesn’t.  
Since he met you he just admires you from far away, constantly trying to convince himself that the fact that you know his name is enough for him.
Everyday he hopes that he doesn’t find out that you’re with someone else
The only reason he tells you how he feels about you is because he believed the both of you were going to die.
The cruiser you’d both been i had been attacked, they were ambushed by separatists ships.  Obi-Wan was escorting senator Organa when this happened, you were one of his aids.
The separatists ships opened fire and a large part of the cruiser was destroyed and the rest lost power, Cody and you became trapped in one of the debriefing rooms, with a barely functioning emergency life-support system.
After a few hours trapped Cody began to believe that whatever was left of the crew after the attack evacuated. Leaving you, and whoever else was trapped, behind. He’d tried sending out an emergency transmission, and nothing.
Hearing your scared whimpers brought him back to reality, hed been trained for this but you hadn’t. He didn’t want to be the one to tell you that it was possible neither of you would make it out alive.
“They’re not going to come for us, are they?” you asked, your voice shaking. The sounds of cannon fire died out a long time ago, now it was just unbearable silence. Cody didn’t say anything, and that was answer enough for you.
You began crying silently, unable to stop the tears from falling. “I’m sorry” you choked out, Cody grimace he wanted so badly to console you, but there was really nothing he could do. He shook his head, “There’s nothing to be sorry for ma’am”
Silence overrun them once again, it was hard not to evaluate and reevaluate the situation.
Cody was never one to believe in fate.He couldn’t let himself rue the fact that he and his brother were fated for this life, while others were fated to ease and comfort and would know no loss. Instead he believed it was a random toss of the dice, that seemed more fair. Still he could see the irony in his current situation, he was about to die next to the woman he had feelings for, possibly love, and she’d never know.
The force was cruel.
The thoughts plagued his mind, it was easy to be contempt with what you had when you think you’ll have forever. Now death was staring Cody in the face, laughing at him.
He looked across the room to see you sitting there, holding your knees tightly against your chest. The dress you wore now torn and dirty near the bottom and your hair was now loose and disheveled, quite different from your usual put-together appearance, but these were not usual circumstances.
It was literally now or never.
He took in a shaky breath and consoled himself, no matter what your answer would be you would both die in a matter of hours.
“Miss (l/n)” he called out, his heart beating a mile a minute. You looked up at him, your eyes red and your face puffy and whatever was left of your makeup was smudged beyond recognition. “Yes Commander?” your voice was soft and shaky from crying. Cody’s heart stopped with your sudden attention on him, he continued “I know you don’t really know who i am ma’am, but there’s something i need to get off my chest if you would allow me to speak freely” you stared at him for a moment, his formality always threw you off. It always made you feel like you were some high ranking officer.
Despite everything it made you laugh, even if just a small chuckle. “You can say anything you’d like commander, there’s no one else here” you gestured at the small room you were in. He opened his mouth as if to say something but he only nodded.
Taking a moment to gather his thoughts and feelings he continued “Under normal circumstances I would never bring this up, and i never imagined that something like this would happen while you were here”
I never imagined that your life would be cut so short for a war you’d so strongly opposed.
“But now i feel that i’ll never get another chance to tell you this” he took in a shaky breath. You stared at him, what was he trying to say?
“Miss (L/n), in the time that we’ve known each other i’ve-” he stopped himself, this was the last time he was going to speak to you he didn’t want it to be so formal. Formalities don’t matter to dead people he thought.
“(Y/n)” he tested out your name out loud, I wish i could have used your name more often, “i love you” he looked at you dead in the eye, your heart stopped. After what felt like an eternity of  silence he continued “I don’t expect you to return my feelings, but i couldn’t die without telling you how i felt”
You stared at him in disbelief, he loved you? A million questions raced through your mind, but none of them came to surface. Instead you just looked at him, your heart racing and your face as hot as a star. You didn’t dislike Cody, quite the opposite in fact you liked him quite a lot, but you buried your feelings believing that he wouldn’t return your feeling putting his duties over everything else. But here he was, handing his heart over to you as you were both about to die. Life was never kind it seems.
For a few more moment you both stared at each other, Cody was waiting for some kind of response but you’d been rendered incapable of speech.
He let out a chuckle and nodded solemnly as he lowered his gaze “I understand, you don’t have to say anything”
Tears slowly filled your eyes from all of the overwhelming emotions, you shook your head “No, Cody I-” you were cut short by what could possibly be the cruelest joke the force has ever pulled.
The sound of debris being moved was followed by a yell as light filled the small room “General Kenobi, i found them!” Another clone helped you up as Cody leaped to his feet and exited the room quickly. You tried following him but were stopped by emergency personnel who needed to perform a check up on you and evacuate you as soon as possible.
Cody made his way to the General, assured him that he sustained no injuries and proceeded to check up on his men. As he walked away he looked back and caught your gaze for a moment, before turning around and walking away.
Continue? Yes/no?
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one-night-story · 6 years
Echoes of You (Spike Spiegel)
A/N: The formatting on this is h e l l. But when nostalgia slaps you and says “Fall in love with Spike Spiegel again.” You do as it’s says. Thus this
Roman Holiday had changed who she was so many times she didn’t remember who she was when she started. She’d been a drug lord, a spy, an informant, a bounty, a runaway. But these days, with blue and purple hair and a coat large enough to hide a pistol, she settled on being a ghost among the streets, listening and picking up information as she went. She found herself on Mars, mourning friends and paying dues. She was going to have to disappear again soon. But first, she needed food, scissors, and some hair dye; though she was uncertain what color. She tried walking into a convenience store when she ran into someone.
“Sorry about that.” The guy said. From that one comment Roman almost got whiplash. That voice shouldn’t be talking to her. That voice should’ve been dead. If not from the first time, then definitely the second time. She looked up at him and sure enough it was him. Spike Spiegel in all his blue suited, disheveled glory. And he looked just as shocked to see her. “Ro-?” He didn’t get to finish her name because she took off, sprinting in the opposite direction as fast as she could. He of course went after her, he always would, and she scaled a building to get to the roof. She pulled her pistol and waited for him to catch up.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“Ro don’t do this.”
“Tell me! Stop playing cruel tricks and just tell me!” She yelled. It couldn’t be him, it shouldn’t be him.
“Roman, it’s really me.”
“Bullshit, you died.”
“I didn’t,”
“Then you died again.”
“I’ve had worse.” He said with his trademark lazy smile. Roman almost let up at that. He still knew her weak points.
“Gimme the word.” She said, lowering her gun but not putting it away. He furrowed his brows and then figured it out.
“Lily.” He said. Roman lowered her pistol entirely and put it away. Her flower of choice. Julia had roses, she had lilies. Her whole form softened, though she was far from the Roman he used to know. Spike took a step forward to see if she’d let him and sure enough, she didn’t move. “It’s good to see you Roman. Glad to know you’re still picking up information.” He said. Roman shrugged and sat down, still keeping her distance.
“Nothing better to do on this dirt rock. You know you threw the whole operation into chaos, right? There’s a power vacuum with at least seven people trying to fill it.” She said. Spike sat across from her, a little closer than she would’ve liked, but she allowed it. She chalked it up to some primal part of her brain still wanting to keep him as close as she could. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth.
“What’s next for you then? Figure you’re not gonna stick around for that mess to sort itself out.” He said as he fished out a lighter and lit the cigarette. He took a drag and offered it to Roman. She took it and copied the movement. She never smoked unless she was with Spike. Again, she chalked it up to that primal part of her brain that was still 13 years old and hoped that she still stood a chance against a far prettier half-sister.
“I cut my hair, redye it and catch a flight out of here. I’m thinking Ganymede. Or the asteroids. Hell, I could go be a small fry in Tijuana.” She said.
“And what color will it be this time?” He asked. Roman’s mood was usually determined by her hair. She changed it with regimes, mood, the music she was listening to that month, and sometimes when she felt she had no control of anything. He watched as she thought over her answer.
“Red. Probably. Or pink. Julia always thought I’d look good with pink.” She said muttering the last part.
“You would.” He said. Roman tried to not flush to the color in question, but she never did take compliments well. “I remember she was constantly trying to push you out of the shadows.”
“I like the shadows. No one judges me there. I’m useful there.” Roman argued. Spike chuckled and took a drag from his cigarette. The motion was repeated when he passed it to her to take a drag.
“Maybe, but you have no reason to stay there. Unless you wanna start working for the police.” He said.
“I could be a bounty hunter.” She said with a shrug.
“Oh no, I don’t think I could have you competing for my dinner money too.” He said with his trademark smile. Roman laughed at his comment, a real laugh. Something she hadn’t done in a while. As she laughed, Spike watched her. Her face was lit up by the beginnings of sunset and neon. Her and Julia had no personality similarities, but sometimes they did have physical ones.
“I haven’t done that in forever.” She said when she finally calmed down. Spike smiled at her. She seemed lighter now, more at ease. It was like the laughter fit had locked her into a time machine and she had shed so many years of cynicism with ease. “What about you? What becomes of the great Spike Spiegel? Now newly undeceased again.” She asked. Spike thought it over. He wasn’t certain. He didn’t know if he could go back to the Bebop. But he didn’t know any other way of life. Maybe just him and Jet could strike out again. Maybe he needed to go forward. Maybe he needed to disappear.
“No idea. Maybe dye my hair and change planets.” He said. Roman rolled her eyes.
“Hey, don’t steal my one thing.” She said. Spike chuckled and actually gave her a genuine smile. They were silent for a minute, casually passing the cigarette between themselves. For a moment they felt like teenagers again, sharing cigarettes and sharing a moment of uncertainty. At least that’s how Roman always felt in moments like these. Until finally she broke the tension.
“Annie told me you came to see her.” She said as she looked down.
“Yeah. Thought I might finally kill him.”
“Ignored my bounty then.”
“Always did. Whenever it came up, no matter what the price, no matter what name you were under. I wouldn’t do that to you Roman.” He said. It felt like a whisper on the wind. Like if he said it any louder, he’d lose her like he lost Julia. Roman leaned into this, allowing one of her knees to knock into his. She needed this. She needed him. Outside of just that primal part that told her she was once 13 and crushing on the one person in the whole galaxy she couldn’t have.
“I look at you and I think… god what have we done with our lives? And what did it get us?” She said with what Spike could only describe as the truest form of sadness he’s ever seen from her. Roman Holiday kept all her cards close to her chest until one day, she’d die. But now? He felt like he was peering through a brick in her wall. “I loved my sister more than anything in this life. And I chose her happiness over mine, time and time again.” She scoffed and leaned back on her hands. “God I can’t believe I’m saying this.”
“What?” He asked. He wasn’t sure what was coming next, but curiosity killed him to know.
“A million years ago, she said to me “this one’s mine.” So, I stood by.” She said. “And I knew I shouldn’t do anything, I should just leave and pretend I never met you. But Julia,”
“She was too kind for that.” He said as his brain was slowly putting the pieces together. He had always wondered when they were kids, even before Roman became a shadow figure, why she always seemed to fall into that point, even when Julia brought her out, or when he tried to talk to her. But now he got it. She’d been hiding pain this whole time.
“I should go.” She said. She stood up and dusted herself off. Spike stood up as well and grabbed her wrist before she could go anywhere.
“Don’t disappear again.” He said. Roman looked down at her beat up shoes, trying to hide what had just come to pass.
“You can’t ask that of me.” She said.
“Ro, you’re all I’ve got left.”
“And who’s fault is that?” She snapped. Spike wanted to get offended. But he remembered an incident when they were younger, where he’d gotten too close and she’d snapped, and he retaliated. They didn’t speak for a month. Not until Julia forced them to, and not until after he’d brought her lilies. He sighed and plucked the nearly burnt out cigarette from his teeth and passed it to her. She took a drag and then stomped it out. She was still looking down at it when Spike brought her face to look up at him. Roman unintentionally leaned her cheek into his hand, blinking at him a couple of times.
“I won’t let this be the last time I see you Roman.” He said. Spike, at his core, was a deeply sentimental person. He couldn’t lose Roman. She reached up and brought his face to hers, giving him a small, soft and what Spike could only describe as a ghost of a kiss. Like she was afraid of what fully kissing him would mean. He kissed her cheek in turn, letting it sit there a little longer than either of them expected. When they separated, they put the distance back between them. Once again, afraid of what the closeness would do to them. She tossed him a comm unit she had pocketed off some guy and he caught it with ease.
“Call that ship of yours.”
“Wouldn’t that be going backward?” He asked.
“One step backward to go miles forward? I think it’s worth it. Call them Spiegel.” She said. Spike nodded.
“Remember, pink.” He said. Roman gave him a small, soft smile and nodded.
“See you Space Cowboy.” She said as she ran off the edge of the roof, scaling down the building to go buy some scissors, some food, and some pink hair dye.
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