#heck there's a lot i'm looking forward to seeing animated
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assiraphales · 1 year ago
HELLO HI let me start this off by saying i love your posts so so much they are so silly
Anyways since opla season 2 has been confirmed, what are some things you REALLY want to see? Im genuinely curious
so i'm assuming they will start off with loguetown and end with alabasta. i'm hoping that since the first season was so successful netflix will order a FEW more episodes (ideally ten or more) but I have to stay realistic so I know every detail won't translate to screen
a lot of the anime loguetown arc was filler (zoro mopping the marine's floors, luffy running around lost and drinking milk at a bar, sanji entering a random cooking competition) and I know there's a few things they're unlikely to skip (zoro aquiring kitetsu & hopefully throwing the sword in the air to see if it'll chop his arm off, luffy on the executioner's platform, smoker) but i really they have time for
-nami n usopp bonding. especially the moment where usopp faced off against daddy the parent bc not only was nami there supporting him/willing to fight for him, but it also was a glimpse into his complicated relationship with his father. daddy the parent quit his job so he could spend more time with his daughter, while yasopp completely abandoned usopp. it was also so cute when they were fangirling over sanji together -i'm so excited to see inaki laughing with his head in the stocks seconds away from death I just know he's going to devour that scene -there probably won't be time but it would be funny if we see luffy n zoro on their lunch date with a combined zero dollars in their pocket and buggy ends up covering their bill without knowing who they were -i'm can't wait to see who they cast as smoker!!!! their casting has been honestly great so far so i'm looking forward to the reveal
laboon the giant whale. LABOON THE GIANT WHALE !!! I know in the grand scheme (at least from a standalone season perspective) he's not that important to the plot. but by god !!!! give us the depressed whale that luffy gives the will to live back to!!!! practical effects are very important to the one piece team I think they can figure it out
whiskey peak is going to be controversial but I hope luffy n zoro's fight goes EXACTLY like it does in the anime & manga (aka they're so in sync that they're punches are meeting in the middle and they're yelling in unison & five minutes later they're laughing about the prospect of meeting a warlord). this arc also requires the writers to let zoro have his funny guy routine because him hecking the agents is so good
while I don't know if we'll see zoro fighting a triceratops and saying "oh so u do three sword style too" we NEED to see him do his stupid pose in the wax. season ruined if not. (jk but its very high on my list)
chopper my wittle cutie. I know we'll see him no matter what but I'm banking on a puppet. i'm pretty sure its already confirmed that they're using practical effects for him, but I heard maybe prosthetics which could be a hit or a miss
nami and vivi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! karu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm truly on the edge of my seat to see how they'll handle zoro n sanji's rivalry considering they've made the decision to base it around their relationship with luffy. the girls WILL be fighting
similarly excited to see live action sanji fawning over not only nami but also his little meow meow luffy (fantastic change from the anime imo)
crocodile better be the greasiest motherfucker I hope he's absolutely vile. i can't wait to see him wearing a FUR lined coat in a desert
I also know they're going to go off with pell's character design
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onesecretperson · 3 months ago
10 bloggers you'd like to know better challenge/prompt. tagged by @redpenship
last song: Return to Krocodile Isle, again, because I've been on and off listening to it after work since I first watched that animated music video. Just good kind of musical stuff.
favorite color: I have a very difficult time with Favorites in general, but I'll say a Dark Shade Of Purple right now, like one that'd be good for colour palettes in nighttime scenes.
last book: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear, a nonfiction book that I'm only just finishing because of how sporadically I actually take time to read books. It's very amusing though, written like a long TV Documentary, though I imagine I'd find a lot of a nonfiction is written like that If I'll actually find more to read.
last movie: Adams Family Values, watched on a Discord Watch party, which is where I see most movies now a days. It was a fun movie, and surprisingly good.
last tv show: Mission Hill, also watched on a Discord Watch Party. First time I saw it & I was so surprised by how impressive the character animation is. It's also so well written for it's humour.
sweet/savory/spicy: Savoury. I can't handle a lot of forms of sweet anymore, like I can feel it actively damage me. Still eatch lots of sugary things but at a limited scope. Spicy is pretty good too but I don't like capsaicin much. Honestly though, whatever the flavor genre that brand cereal, oats, etc are in is the most common thing I eat.
relationship status: Single. Actually just started being interested in the idea of a romantic relationship this year. But... I only want to interact with people over shared interests. Putting energy into dating for the sake of dating is hard to justify.
last thing I searched: Aw heck, capsaicin, because I wanted to double check the spelling and if I was thinking of the right thing. I usually keep a thesaurus open due to my random dips in how confident I am in my understanding of basic words, so I don't have to use the search engine for it. Before that though was "Pathfinder Troop."
current obsession: I don't have a specific obsession above the rest right now, my brain is hopping between topics constantly. I AM however just falling off of a Disco Elysium obsession. Actually more like I'm actively forcing my thought patterns to change to stop thinking about it because I played the story twice now and I really don't want to start making fanfiction pitches and outlines for it. I also don't want to get stuck trying to perfect a run in it like I did when playing Suzerain for a month straight.
looking forward to: Trying out some sort of anxiety treatment, because I was never worried about how much I worried until I just recently started to consider that maybe my Psychiatrist is right about OCD to a limited extent. I also that a lot of my frusterating behaviors seems anxiety driven, and having more control over what I am able to do would be so nice.
favorite drink: Water. So much Water.
song playing on a loop in your head: Ms Langtree's Lament song from Over the Garden Wall. Mostly because I always forget certain lyrics and replaying the song to figure out what the lyric is.
current favorite character: Kim Kitsuragi. The hype about this man online was correct, he is such a perfect supporting character for a video game. Like he is so patient, but he also constantly has tells that reveal his interests and real opinions. He's so interesting.
fun activity you would like to get into: Making very simple video Games. Maybe even with other people.
last video game: Game Dev Tycoon, because I was weak last night and let myself slip into one of my annoying looping thought patterns around that game's gameplay. Luckily I actually didn't have as rough of a time getting stuck into it like I tend to.
last comic/graphic novel: I think the latest was the update of Jareddilon's Wayward Comic. But yeah I'm still trying to learn the skill of reading graphic novels. I have a lot of IDW physical prints but never read them veyr far yet despite enjoying what I did read. I was always so frustrated as a kid that I couldn't read comic either whenever I tried.
Tagging -I've just tagged people I've interacted with through Tumblr at least once before. Don't think any of these people have many interests in common: @noeggets, @bethdehart, @antirepurp, @slunberparty, @buginacup, @lonicera-edulis, @fridka, @snewdraws, @friendlyfangs, @skelleste
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tangent101 · 8 months ago
Well. That was intense...
I just finished Episode 25 of Campaign 2 of Critical Role. And that was some intense send-off... poor Ashley! In a way, it's almost a good thing that Laura had her kid when she did because I cannot imagine leaving on a cliffhanger like that when nine months pregnant! (Mind you, I'd need a uterus transplant before I could, but even so!)
Still... poor Ashley! Heading back to New York for work knowing her beloved character has just been captured by slavers... *shivers* that must not have been very fun. It's an excellent way to non-lethally write out a character whose player is going away but... even so.
I do have to say I'm looking forward to the Mighty Nein animated series because we'll likely get to see moments with Jester, Fjord, and Yasha as prisoners. Heck, we might even get to see some glimpses of what Yasha was doing when she'd leave the group. That would be a lot of fun... help expand more on her story as well.
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monsdumpofeverything · 1 year ago
I know this is usually like an art blog but this has been buggin me a bit so I'll try something different today :D
Analyzing Rui Kamishiro's Robots
Before U start juat keep in mind that I'm a programmer and just a hobbyist when it comes to robots and I'm no professional electrical engineer so this might not be the most factual or accurate post.
Let's Go!!☆
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First up☆
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I'll cover both if em at once, so the one on the left seems to use a simple motor to move forward and roll the drums.
I'm not sure if the face has any animations or special features but I think uts the kind you can get from digital alarm clocks.
The second pink one on the right is ehhh?...?
Um, okay so it looks like to moves around like how spiders do so a couple of degrees of freedom across the legs and works similiar to the first one.
These first two ones seem simple to build and are pretty easy to find part for
Second one
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Oh boy, difficultly level went up :V
Motor system moves the legs, but it looks like it doesnt move very far or fast(?)
It's legs are designed like chicken feet, from what I can tell it probably moves either really funny and slowly. Fit for a street show I guess?
I'm seeing 2 degrees of freedom on each leg, the joint connecting the leg to the main body and one on the knees, well simplified dude.
Last one!
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Okay so this one's effecter is most likely to be the helicopter style blades.
DC motor used but with a voltage power that has enough power to lift itself up.
In order to to make it so that it can fly the body needs to be made if a SUPER lightwieght material. Like plastic or thin cardbord.
And I have no idea what the eyes do.
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Okay, robo nene has always intriuged me. She seems to be a lot harder to build then the rest of his robots.
Robo nene seems to have a LOT of degrees 9f freedom in order for her to be able to dance that smooth.
But then Nene can control the robot from afar so theres probably a speaker to display her voice but then a micro processor somewhere along the line in order to program Nene's dances and stuff. (Dammit, Rui can code as well, a bit)
But what interests me the most is how well made she is, BRO SHE MUST HAVE COSTED A HECK TON OF MULAH TO BUILD, WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT MONEY RUI????
Anyways, goodbye for now nerds!
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nina-ya · 1 month ago
hihi nina! sparkles anon here ✨ (i giggled pls that's so cute)! hooooh my goodness i have a lot to respond to, so bear with me! i have a one track mind sometimes so i might miss a thing or two...
THE ABANDONED CABIN AND SMASH IDEA MADE ME CACKLE OUT LOUD HAHAHAHA! honestly though... 🫣 despite it all, i am not confident whatsoever writing spicy scenes. is it crazy though in my head to think that shanks wouldn't want to go all the way anyway? he's so old-fashioned in that regard... waits until marriage and everything. (and that in turn makes my heart twist in agony every time because how is there ever a promise of that in this life we have? and yet, shanks' eyes never waver. he sounds so, so sure... sighs 🥺)
oh, there is conflict in this selfship storyline alright. sometimes i catch glimpses of how big it could get and it makes me shrink into a ball djfjndjdjks i'd like to think there is a lot of political intrigue, in the sense of to quell the ever rumblings between the kingdoms - all the pushing comes to shove, and someone must give. i can foresee a peace proposal - and it's not me and shanks (of course not). but an adjacent kingdom, smaller but growing in power, and the heir to that throne wishes to join forces so the balance can be restored... it's one of those things where in this very moment, i'm just waving the elope flag 🥹 can you see why i think this selfship lore is waaay bigger than and is beyond me... lol 🥲
HOLD THE PHONE! HOLD MY EARRINGS! DON'T CLOSE THAT DOOR! YOUR FAIRY OC IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK? the winx club inspo in that one comm... i'm so in love... and her & luffy together is everything to me??? YOU DREW THE LAST ONE I AM SHRIEKING YOU ARE SO TALENTED!!! what the HECK, nina, i am AN ETERNAL SUBSCRIBER TO THEIR STORY! what did luffy do to absolutely woo her... and what did she do that got luffy under a whimsical unbreakable spell of love? does she have a signature scent (bc you mentioned nature! i got curious hehe)? is she one to add to the chaos or is she luffy's anchor most times? I MUST KNOW! 🥸🎤 THE PEOPLE ARE WAITING WITH BATED BREATH!
... can i also be honest that i am only at wano arc in the anime. however, i basically know all the spoilers that happened in elbaf onwards bc of twitter lol. the shanks twin epidemic is wiping out the nation, i fear. i don't actually fully understand the context, i'm??? a little confused??? but also highly conflicted because????? ANOTHER shanks??? but not really????? does he also have one arm????? the scars??!! selfship with shanks, i can see him try to keep this as casual as possible - but the fingers curled around my waist subtly flexes every time my body turns to the twin to ask a question or sneak a glance of confusion... jaws clenched and everything. oh god. if the twin also has shanks' charm, i'm done for 💀 i'm waving the white flag next, i surrender!!!
YAPPING MCYAPPERVILLE ALL UP IN HERE, feel free to like. screenshot this or smtg bc i will take up so much space on your blog AAAAAAH!!! talking to you about silly shanks and your oc has made my heart so happy 💝 thank you for your time, nina!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME ✨
I AM HERE AND I AM READY TO RESPOND LETS GOOO side note I really do look forward to getting the essays in my inbox and reading through and responding in my own essays it’s really nice knowing that you’re comfortable with me enough to actually give me this much insight to your self ships like I only know you as an anon but I feel like I know you on a much deeper level!! Okay sappiness out of the way-
ON GOD I WOULD WRITE YOU A SPICY SCENE DONT TRY MEEEEE if life wasn’t so busy I’d have it done by like yesterday LMFAO and no it’s not crazy to think he wouldn’t go all the way till marriage!! It makes the moment all the more sweeter,, well when you mention the whole heart twisting in agony part it makes it less sweet and my own heart just gets ripped out of my chest and stomped on but I am holding out for that moment trust and believe! Ugh loveeee weddings if you ever have like a pintrest board or just random pics of things like the outfits or rings i am begging you to share them with me I fear I will literally go crazy if you don’t share potential wedding content 😔😔
Wait wait no because yeah it is a lot but there’s a beauty in having such a complex story because you have so so much room for ideas for content and it would never feel unnecessary because there will always be a time and place for your thoughts! Like you can throw in there a random anime cliche beach episode and you’d find a way for it to work in this!! Tell me more about yourself in this scenario, are you an only child? What are your parents like? Did you grow up being all cordial and proper, or were you trained how to fight? OOO DID YOU GROW UP ALL CORDIAL AND THEN LEARNED HOW TO FIGHT IN SECRET???? And pics if you have any of outfit inspo!! Idk if you can attach pics on anon but if you have any links I’d be very very interested to see
I’m a bumbling flustered mess reading your enthusiasm for my oc stop I will actually sob SKDJFN it doesn’t take much for anyone to woo her she’s a hopeless romantic at heart 😭 but Luffy did it effortlessly I think it more has to do with like the trust she has given him over time like she’s so used to living life thinking humans, especially pirates, are the scum of the earth and for one to take interest in her in that sort of innocent curiosity way without any malicious intentions behind it made her grow an interest toward him that quickly turned into a crush. And on luffys end I don’t even think he understands how his mind works but he was just very fond of her from the beginning he met her. Like she’s something ripped straight from a fairy tail!! And his fascination towards her also turned into a crush, though he’s more oblivious in regards to his feelings and he never really does anything to act on it in a romantic sense. a signature scent!! I never really thought of that oh my gosh,,, recently I’ve been a fan of like a little idea where she always has flowers sprouting from her hair and the flowers change depending on the emotion so this could translate into her having a fresh flower scent 24/7. Someone in the relationship needs to smell good 😒😒😒 and she isn’t one to add to the chaos! She’s a pacifist through and through so she hates causing harm and distress to others even if it’s like prank wise so she just watches as Luffy and the others do their own thing. She often does try to anchor Luffy and reel him back, but ultimately she knows that he’s not one to change in that regard so she’s quickly learned to embrace and accept his chaotic self!!
NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SHANKS TWINDEMIC SHANKS IS THE YOUNGER TWIN AND HIS BROTHERS NAME IS FUCKING SHAMROCK. SHAMROCK!!! This is having me cackle through and through because hello??? And have you seen the design??? I swear someone on Twitter said shanks’ evil twin is just shanks with his shirt buttoned and I fear it is scarily accurate because wtf who gave him permission to be so proper and dressed up like that??????? AMSJNF this is going to throw an extra layer of complexity into your self ship if you decide to include the twin and if you do I’ll be so here for it
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nerdierholler · 1 year ago
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
Your kind words on the things you reblog mean a lot <3 And I always look forward to reading your writing whenever you share something, there's something about the way you capture daily life moments that's so good. (Also: love love the animal facts you share!)
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
What combination of random objects would your OC use to describe their LI? What do they represent? Bonus question: What would their LI use to describe them?
Thank you so so much for all of these wonderful words <3 Sorry this took me so long to answer. The week go away from me but I've finally gotten a good afternoon to answer. I'm gonna answer for Ethan and Adam and it kind of turned into a ficlet about just one object.
It doesn't come as a surprise to Ethan that no matter where he looks around Wayhaven, he finds things that remind him of Adam. What does surprise him are the things that catch his attention. Logic says every gray t-shirt or pair of sunglasses would be the likely culprits but instead today it's passing by an old building made from simply but solidly hand carved stone blocks. From a distance the lines seem perfectly straight, ordered row after ordered row forming an unmovable wall. It's only when one gets close that they can see the undulations in the joints, the individual chisel marks that make each block unique. For how many centuries did people pass their skill down from one to another? It's entirely possible that the man who made the blocks in Wayhaven would have used the same techniques as the man who built the keep that Adam grew up in.
Stone is a strong durable material. It's heavy and difficult for most to move or change, but in the right hands it can be made useful and accessible. The truly talented artists can turn the hard surface into soft pliable flesh, or at least the illusion of it. Stone cannot stop being a stone after all.
As Ethan passes by he reaches out and absently runs the tips of his fingers along the building's wall. It's solid and cool to the touch but he can feel every bump and pit created by years of wear and tear. They are imperfections that make it perfect. Poured concrete and blocks cut with modern saws create smooth surfaces that lack personality. They're missing the mark of their makers. Ethan can only hope that over time, he'll be able to leave his mark on Adam, and if he's very lucky he'll be able to carve out niche just the right size for them to fit together.
More random things under the cut
Other things that randomly make Ethan think of Adam:
Wine: It's because Adam drinks his blood from a wine glass so every time Ethan sees a bottle or pours himself a glass, he can't help but think of Adam and their different potential paths. He tries not to space out too much at the store lol
The smell of leather: Of course the Agency has the best SUVs, leather seats and everything, but really it's the well maintained leather from Adam's car the comes to mind when Ethan smells it. The antique store is dangerous. Heck, even that one nice chair in the waiting room can be a problem.
For Adam:
Sunny breezy days because they remind him of Ethan's personality.
Any classic film star. Nate watches old movies from time to time and there's something about that old Hollywood leading man style that makes him think of Ethan. Should Ethan ever decide to wear a 40s or 50s style suit Adam might just swoon. Now I'm having thoughts about a not-a-date night where the little theater in Wayhaven does a classic movie night and Ethan and Adam go together. Adam just looks like he's in pain the whole time so Ethan thinks he's have a terrible evening when in reality Adam's trying to hold himself together and not think all of *those* thoughts.
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moonlit--wonders · 2 months ago
11 and 22 end of year asks? :)
Ahhh me when I'm not seeing this until right now?? what the heck!!! 11. Something you want to do again next year?
I think just have adventures! I like doing things and making memories and having fun, so while adventures don't have to be big, grand things, I really like making memories that I'll look back fondly on!!
22. Favorite place you've visited this year?
Okay I visited three (?) places this year and all were so different so I will break them all down!!
First was NYC! Not-so-secret fun fact, NYC Is my favorite place, and I feel like I have a shockingly okay handle on it! On this trip, I stayed with my HS best friend and we went to a Fall Out Boy concert, Sweeney Todd, and saw The Outsiders when it was still in previews! It was so much fun, and spending a couple of days there always makes me feel some type of way, I could write an essay on it...
Next was Kentucky/Tennessee! Took a road trip there with my gf to visit her family, and it was much fun! We went to a really cool bar, followed by a great pasta place with incredible meatballs (and I'm not just saying that because we had just come from a bar...). We had some COMEDY OF ERRORS trying to navigate around the area, and even though it was distressing in the moment,,, the debrief goes hard now ;). We also went to a cool museum and even had a couple of cozy nights in with new friends!!!
Finally was Michigan for a Glass Animals concert! This trip ALMOST didn't happen, so I'm very glad my gf and I were able to make it work! We had lots of fun pointing out billboards on the drive there and back, and there was a McDonald's right outside our hotel so you know the post concert ice cream went HARD!!! The concert was also SO AMAZING, definitely a life changing experience (even if we were all sheeple there for a bit..). SO GLAD it worked out!
anyway, all that to say many fun times in 2024, and looking forward to more in 2025!!!!
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kingwithpaintedfingers · 1 year ago
An Update on the Status of My A03 Fics!
Hihi! I have no idea if anyone who follows this blog reads any of my fics on AO3, but if you do, then you might like to know what the heck is going on with my fics, and why I haven't posted any updates in over six months.
First of all, I am alive! I wrote a lot of fics in the summer of 2022 when I had just gotten active in a fan server on Discord where there was a lot of encouragement to write fanfiction. In the spring of 2023, I started a medical assistantship course, and in order to keep myself focused in class, I turned off notifications for the server. And then I just kind of...didn't turn them back on???? In my defense, I was intimidated by the amount of time it would take for me to backread everything I missed, and that eventually snowballed into me just no longer looking at that server. I should honestly become active in it again, because it did a lot for my writing productivity. I also have a lot of hobbies both in real life and on my computer, and those take up a lot of my time as well. So that's why I didn't post much last year and haven't posted anything yet this year.
But I want to let you all know, that I do fully intend to complete the fanfics I have already started on AO3, and I do intend to write the sequels I promised a year and a half ago.
So without further ado, here is a status report on the incomplete fics and series I have on my AO3:
How to Live With Fire: One of my most popular fics! I have two sequels planned, and a rough idea of what I want to happen in each of them. Both of them are probably going to be only a few chapters long. The delay on this one is mostly on Part 2, since Part 2 has only the vaguest ideas of what I want to do with it (how Mortarion and Vulkan become a longterm couple, and how their legions react to this change). The trouble with this one is, I haven't read any Salamanders novels, let alone ones that take place during the Horus Heresy. I think I will at least have to read Deathfire for this one. I am praying that I don't have to read Vulkan Lives, since I understand that one has less tasty Salamanders content than I would like, and way more John Grammaticus than I find tasteful. But I will still try Deathfire at the very least, if I can find a physical copy at the library or a used bookstore or something.
A Matter of Trust: Another one that's going to end up being a trilogy. I have figured out what happens, now I just need to read the Plague Wars trilogy, because those events are going to be kind of important to the rest of the plot. Again, I'd like to read physical copies of the books so that I can flip through them easily. I'm going to see if I can find copies of the first two novels through the local libraries. Fingers crossed!
Until the Bitter End: Ohhhh, this one's gonna make me cry...this one is mostly hinging on me rereading The Buried Dagger and taking notes. Much lower barrier for entry for this one, since I've read it so often that I mostly remember where to find the events I'm looking for.
Lantern and the Child: This one is going to have like, a billion chapters. It's going to become episodic for a while, but I'm looking forward to it. In this case, it's a case of figuring out which characters I want to introduce. The idea of it being episodic is kind of exciting for me, because it feels like it will be a fun thing to do, and because it goes along with a writing conceit that my co-creator and I have for this AU, that it's the events of a theoretical (very dark) Pokemon anime.
This Once Nearly Was Mine: This one should literally be the easiest one to complete, I am ashamed that I haven't finished it. There's only one chapter left, and I don't even have to come up with all of the events. Again, this one is going to dip into Horus Heresy events that I haven't actually read, but I think I've heard enough from osmosis that I can skip most of it. I just need to, y'know, actually sit down and fucking write it.
Deep's Embrace: I've got an outline! And I've even got some scenes written out! As I type this post, I am preparing to submit chapter 2. I'm having a lot of fun with this fic, as you could probably all tell.
Anyway, that's basically it for now. If you have any questions, please let me know! And if you have any friends who you know enjoy my fics but aren't following me or aren't on Tumblr, please link them to this post so that they know just what the hell is going on with me.
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libertyreads · 11 months ago
April TBR 2024--
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This next month is set to be full of rereads, hockey romances, and new to me books. It is also the month I'm starting a certification program so it will probably be a bit of a struggle to get through this month's TBR. I don't even remember the last time I've thought that about a month's TBR. I really hope I have as much fun with this TBR as I'm expecting to. I've really been in the mood for these rereads and these hockey romance so I'm excited to finally get to it.
Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken-- This is just one of a few rereads this month. Book two in the series comes out next month. I originally read this one as an ARC so I definitely need a refresher first. Tamsin Lark is a mortal with no magical talent who was never meant to break into ancient crypts or compete with sorceresses and Cunning folk for the treasures inside. But treasure hunting is the only way she could keep herself and her brother Cabell alive following her thieving foster father's disappearance. Ten years later she's looking for a ring that is supposed to save her brother from a curse. It's based in Arthurian legend.
Teen Titans: Beast Boy by Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo-- Another reread before a new book in the series. I remember enjoying this one slightly less than Raven's book, but I still enjoyed meeting a new character and getting their origin story. I also felt like it addressed an issue that isn't brought up a lot: male body image issues. We see it addressed a lot in fiction for girls, but there are boys who also go through this growing up. Plus it's beast boy and lots of green animals.
The Score by Elle Kennedy-- A hockey romance! I've been so in the mood for hockey romances this year. I don't know if it's because I found a few new to me authors and bought some kindle books for Christmas or what. In this one we follow Allie Hayes who is in crisis mode. Graduation is looming and she's dealing with a broken heart thanks to the end to her longtime relationship. Wild rebound sex is definitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just one though because even if her future is uncertain it sure as heck doesn't include Dean. It seems like he's going to pursue her after she puts him in the friend zone following their one night stand. I love it when the guy falls first or the guy is pursuing the girl so I'm looking forward to this one.
Stars and Smoke by Marie Lu-- The last of the rereads for this month. I'm so excited for the next book too. In this one we follow an international pop sensation named Winter Young who is brought into the world of spies when a major crime boss gifts his daughter a private concert with Winter for her birthday. Sydney Cossette is a member of the elite covert ops group who is forced to work alongside Winter to infiltrate the crime organization's inner circle. This was such a fun and quick read for me last year and I can't wait to go back into this world of glitz, glam, and spies.
Bad Men by Julie Mae Cohen (NetGalley)-- This one just sounded so good when I saw it on NetGalley. It's unhinged women at its finest. Saffy Huntley-Oliver is an intelligent and glamorous socialite; she also happens to be a proficient serial killer. Over the course of fifteen years, she's dispatched bad men--rapist, murderers, domestic abusers. But leading a double life has left her lonely. Dating's rough when your boyfriend might turn out to be your next victim. Saffy thinks she's finally found a truly good man in Jonathan Desrosiers, a true crime podcaster. This is a feminist thriller that asks if even a serial killer can have a happily ever after. My hopes for this one? Rich people drama and some mad women.
The Hemlock Queen by Hannah F. Whitten (New Release)-- The second book in the series is finally coming out. This series starts with Lore, who has a dark power and a hidden past, as we follow her into the intrigue of the Sainted King's royal court. The king and his priest manipulate Lore and have her spy on the prince in order to determine just who is killing the villages at the edge of the kingdom. We follow on from the events of the first book in this new one.
My Lucky #13 by Piper Rayne (Kindle)-- A hockey player who is going through a scoring draught is worried he's going to get traded before the deadline if he doesn't turn it around. Following a New Year's Eve with a woman, he has a waterfall of goals and knows he has to see her again. She wants nothing to do with him and he feels his has to change her mind. A hero falls first sounding story that I'm so looking forward to. I will say that there's a very obvious hockey error in the synopsis of this one and we all know I'm a little picky about hockey details. But I'll try to keep an open mind on this one.
Just Do This One Thing For Me by Laura Zimmerman (Library)-- I'm going to pull the synopsis straight from GoodReads since it's a Mystery/Thriller and those are hard to explain at the best of times: "'Just do this one thing for me.' Drew's mother says it more often than good morning. Heidi Hill has been juggling shady side hustles for all of Drew's seventeen years, and Drew knows that 'one thing' really means all the necessary things her mother thinks are boring, including taking care of her fifteen-year-old sister and eight-year-old brother. In fact, Drew is the closest thing to a responsible adult they've ever known. When their mother disappears on the way to a New Year's Eve concert in Mexico and her schemes start unraveling, Drew is faced with a choice: Follow the rules, do the responsible thing, and walk away--alone--from her mother's mess. Or hope the weather stays cold, keep the cons going, and just maybe hold her family together."
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starrysupercell · 1 year ago
Ah, where to begin??? I haven't done one of these in a while...
First things first if anyone has recorded or sees someone that recorded the beginning song PLEASE PLEASE SEND IT MY WAY. I WILL KISS YOU
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CHARLIE. I LOVE HER. Immediately adds her to my GH(OaC) Theory.
I'm building her up in my mind as a perky/pastel goth, because one doesn't go through a lot on the streets and gets taken in by a really hecking creepy circus and is okay about it!
I hope to the Stars above that she gets the creepy voicelines she deserves.
She's also a big fan of comic books. I bet she enjoys the escapism! Totally getting this brawl pass!
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Helllo???!!!! Excuse me?????????
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.....👀 forked tongue 👁
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I also really love Dark Clown Sam, erhashtghhtty,,, I just find it really cool-- the animation is sickening. /pos
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I really love this skin but too rich for my blood, especially since I want Cobra Lola, Dark Clown Sam and Not-Witch Shelly. Maybe even Leon. I guess top hats do come with a price. 😔
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Aw, a couple and their pet dog xD
Side note, in the brawl talk matches, they had Shelly and Fang on the same team, and Byron, Belle and Piper on the same team. And that just makes me happy, lol.
I love the trend that continues with Shelly giving her pets non-creative names, btw. I also love that Fang and Shelly's animation goes well together, and they both hold something out with their hand/foot simultaneously. Kickshots ♡
White Wolf also looks hella cool! Feral boy.
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^ My doggy when she sees me walk in with food in my hand.
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Shiny Color Variation :v
.....it's funny, bc I was just ranting about this with my Bestie. Maybe another post because this is a whole other discussion.
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It's not the Piggy Lola Skin I was hoping for, but I love it nonetheless! I have so much love for piggy banks, y'all don't even know. Now I get to have another one in-game!
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Oh, yeah! And Byron! I cant say I'm fond of the colors, and I feel like they should have incorporated an animal more. Like. A spider? Or... something idk. Maybe it should have been Gray. His brother.
My next Byron skin I buy is still going to be Overlord.
I ♡ Charlie and while the Hypercharges this time are cool, I won't be collecting the bundles for anyone. Maybe just Colette's Hypercharge.
I'm getting the bundles for my faves though. Hopefully they're not released all at once, lmao.
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crows-home · 2 years ago
Hello hellooooo I have thoughts about Tiger and Bunny :) below the cut because it's so long lmao. I tried to keep spoilers out of it, for the most part, but this is mainly me talking about things i liked
I really liked the character designs. It's what immediately drew my eye and hooked me when I was just channel surfing and came across it. I was like holy shit!!! Black people drawn super well in an anime!!!! It's something that I wasn't used to, Made my heart sing yk.
I adored the character designs for the most part!! Yeah some of them (barnaby) looked silly, but it really fit their character. It's a superhero anime- I was expecting it!
Oh man, speaking of, I'm such a goner for superhero/ mecha stuff. Some of my favorite franchises growing up were Transformers, Power Rangers, and Tenkai Knights. So when I flipped through channels, saw the heroes in action and the fighting/ animation, my brain went "!!!!!!! Yes!!!" I gushed over Tiger and Barnaby's hero suits, heck, everyone's hero suits. It just scratches an itch in my brain.
I watched the dub, and I thought it was great!! Lots of funny lines and great deliveries :) ("and what's that over there?" "Oh that's. A building." "And that?" "...also.. A building." And "I don't talk like that!" "I dOnt TaLk liKe ThAT!" And God any line where Bunny was crying was just so good. Really pulled on my heart strings even when I wasn't expecting it to) Sure, some of the scenes were corny, but I was expecting it!
The plot was solid, though I can see where some holes might be poked. But there was so much character in every episode, I love the teamwork and the way everyone interacted with each other. And the attention that was placed on their relationships with their families. Even if I wish for more, it's fun to play around with in my head. Like, I'm sure Fire Emblem was a big step forward, in universe, for gay rights and their flirty, flamboyant attitude is the biggest "fuck you" to homophobes. I'm sure Dragon Kid's debut, at 13, caused a commotion about children doing hero work, especially when she's getting hurt so much. I'm sure there's a lot of background politics at play regarding heroes and their sponsors that we don't see. I know a lot of this was left out, because they wanted a story with one plot, because they weren't sure how far this series would go, because it just wasn't as interesting. But oh man, these things have been in my head ever since I watched it. Tiger and Bunny is a fun playground.
(I'm going to be honest, I went in without high expectations for the plot. I was just here for cool fight scenes)
I appreciated the direction they took Karina's crush on Kotetsu. I was really wary at first. She's 15? 16? and he's like 36. If they were going to be pairing up the underage girl with the grown man she had a crush on, I was prepared to drop the whole show and hate it. But no!! The progression was sweet, the way Kotetsu obviously sees her as a daughter, and how Karina evolved into her feelings was just :')
Also. Holy fucking shit. Barnabys entire life just. Put out there, for the whole world to see. I can't imagine the sense of perversion that creates. The world knows his name, his backstory, everything. He no longer has his own life, his own choices. It's ridiculous, and I'm glad he had people there to support him.
UNLIKE KOTETSU JEEZ. Man was getting the short end of the stick at every turn ToT I felt so bad for him every time he tried to hard to be recognized, but also just embarrassed. Give him a break!!!
And. Even before going into this, I knew that people would ship Tiger and Bunny. I've been around the block, I know how this shit goes, especially in these types of shows. Two guys being super close, going on about their friendship and all that, is bound to attract shipping. I wasn't against it!- I was just ready for it, but was mostly planning on ignoring it.
But. Holy shit. It's really all there huh. They're like. in Love Love.
("you're only partners for each other." "You two fight like an old married couple." "we dont need to talk to know what the other is thinking." "you're always making me think about you."
Kotetsu "I wonder how Bunny's doing again" Kaburagi and Barnaby "Have I told you about Kotetsu today yet" Brooks Jr. Neither of you are subtle.)
I'll make another post with some more detailed criticisms and takes, but for now, this is all my brain wants to gush about
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lavender-sunhaven · 2 years ago
So how do we feel about that update
because I'm obsessed
Sheds are changing my life. This is exactly what I wanted. I'm so happy.
(this got really long so I'll put my thoughts under a read more! spoilers for, the update I guess!)
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I am speedrunning sheds immediately. I have already found some places to set them up and figured out how I can fit my entire crafting operations into 2 sheds. Now I just need to move over all the stuff in the chests in my one barn so that I can replace it with the shed and put the barn elsewhere.
Then I can use shed 3 for storage as I've wanted so badly so I don't need nearly so many hecking chests everywhere. Shed 4.... I actually don't know what I'll use it for yet. I actually have options! Maybe I will dress it up like a cute little room, or keep some of my pet collection in it, or fill it with stuffed animals, or see if I can make a cute little flower shop like Lavender would want.... I'm excited. I have options again. And assuming I can find somewhere else to put my other barn, that opens up a lot for me.
Also the barn upgrades are great. They don't take up any more space than before, they look cool, sure they give me more junk that I have to remove to fit more animals in but that's always the truth so it's neat. Now I have... ladders I guess. But I can store them in my shed!
But also. Nel'Vari barns. I am. SO excited
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the moment I saw. that they had added in a frog barn animal. I knew. I would need Nel'Vari barns immediately. I love him I need 10 of these things right now immediately
All the new animals are so cute! I'm excited to get stuff set up so that I can put them places and gain their resources.
To that end, though, I realized that Nel'Vari barns were going to require me to actually do Progression that I hadn't done yet (because so far I hadn't really found anything I wanted that required Nel'Vari mines stuff. I knew I wanted to get there sooner or later, but just... didn't need to yet). I have a fire under my butt again and I'm actually making progress which feels amazing. Trying to seriously manage multiple farms is going to be a problem but what I really need to find a spot to do a massive amount of wheat production which will help with all the barns. It'll be complicated, but I'll figure it out.
uhhhhh oh yeah more RNPCs happened. They're cool! I like Kai, I've met him and I like his stuff so far as I've seen it. I haven't met Vivi yet but I can't WAIT to forcefully befriend her. Wesley is... Wesley. I'm happy for him. I'll befriend him eventually, probably while I'm in the middle of running around Nel'Vari doing mine stuff.
The house customization I haven't been able to play a lot with yet but I will more when I have my sheds figured out and money to waste. Playing Mix and Match should be fun, and I'm glad they're planning to put out more in the future! Even more stuff to look forward to~
Also now sometimes ghosts come and water my crops and I love them. Me and the ghosts are buds.
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But also... this list... ohhhh man this list. I love this list. I'm p excited for most things on it but ESPECIALLY Farm Structures and WG and NV fruit trees. I LOVE fruit trees. I have a whole orchard section on my farm. Passive income is my JAM. Black market? Birthday? MORE RNPCs? I'm looking forward to all of these so much. Race-based dialog I know is something a lot of players have been looking for for a long time so I am interested to see how that gets put in! More dialog is generally good and they seem to have the personalities of the characters pretty well in hand so hopefully they'll just be fun fluff things and Lavender will finally be able to relate to Kitty and Catherine and they'll be best Amari buds forever (And then with Vivi too!)
Anyways I just wanted to spew my thoughts everywhere for a bit because I've been having so much fun again. Tell me your thoughts! Anything you don't like? What do you want to see in the future?
Bonus: Claude continues to have a hard time fighting the vampire allegations.
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cutesharkstudios · 1 year ago
Mother's Here Ch. 3
Amity:…. and that's basically our awful start in a nutshell.
Camilla: Well, it's all in the past now, and you are free from the environment you grew up in.
Amity: Not a day goes by where I don't reflect on my mistakes. My least favorite moment defenently goes to our duel. Going in, I effectively wanted to bulldoze a really sweet girl just because I had a lousy previous day. I wasn't even going to keep the oath till the end of the day, even after Eda's tricks. And when I found out the Lilith slipped a power glyph on the back of my neck without me knowing, I thought I was going to lose everything.
Camilla: Odds are you would have found that glyph at home when doing your hair.
Amity: Nah, one of the after-duel staff members would have found it during a cheat search. I didn't even plan for Luz staying around. I thought I crushed her dream.
Camilla: This is Luz we're talking about. She would have found you and reasoned with you. That oath didn't affect her glyphs.
Amity: I shouldn't have made it in the first place. Heck, on my way back before I was outed for cheating against my will, I actually thought of not holding Luz to the deal. I started to feel regret for my actions, even when I was mad.
Camilla: Well, what happened happened, and we need to make peace with it. Still suprised you squashed king's cupcake. Though that does explain why you give him cupcakes whenever we're at parties.
Amity: Even after we started dating, Luz has made sure to keep my mind away from that moment. Heck, she even made sure to not recomend that anime series she likes, YuGiOh, just because it says the word duel a lot.
Camilla: That's my girl, always trying to make sure no one is feeling bad. Say, it's getting close to dinner, how about I make tortas tonight?
Amity: I don't think I've ever had one of those. Luz mentioned they were great, but she also loves spicy food, so I was hesetant to give it a try.
Camilla: You should see me when I'm competitive. I can drink hot sause like water.
Amity: (giggles) That would be lovely.
Later that day…
Luz walks into her house, noticing that her mom and girlfriend were both in the kitchen, joking around.
Luz: Hey guys, I'm back!
Amity: Hola Batata!
Camilla: Hey Luz!
Luz: Glad to see you bonding. Hunter and Vee are on their way. They just had to say goodbye the their partners.
Camilla: Is it ok if Amity stays for dinner? Sorry for the short notice.
Luz: That would be lovely.
Amity hugs her girlfriend while Camilla looks on with a smile on her face, looking forward to the future.
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udurghsigil · 1 year ago
i see u post it a lot but i still dont know what madcom is whats it about?
omg!!!! *rubs my gayass little hands together* sorry for the incoming wall of text. i love this weird little series to death.
so madness combat.... this lil cartoon series that started on newgrounds (by krinkels)... starts off with a guy named hank that doesn't like the music some other guy is playing so he goes around and kills everyone in sight (non-bloodily). but from that point forward it just gets more and more elaborate, much more gory and gruesome, with new characters being introduced and actions from previous cartoons carrying on into the next ones... for example hank Literally kills the sun, now every cartoon going forward just has a dark red-tinted sky. things also just get weird and sorta otherworldy too which i love!
there's like no dialogue n most of it is, i surpose, environmental storytelling??? it heavily focuses on the fight scenes of the main character just wiping out room after room of other chars, and the choreography of the fights are just. so much fun. so many very clean kills its impressive to see how they get pulled off. think like... those old stick fight animations, but typically more elaborate!
um also worth mentioning the characters (pretty much) all look like this. just little stubby guys w their little outfits (except for the big guys). yes i'm taking alot of liberties with my designs for them. and yes there are more chars than just sanfy and deimo.
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this kinda series isn't USUALLY the type of thing i'd get into but i just find it so mesmerizing idk. i used to be embarrassed abt it but not anymore. like i said the fight scenes are SO much fun and i rediscovered it after like... only seeing a few cartoons as a child through the friday night funkin' mod scene cuz there are a TON of cool madcom-themed mods. the fandom is also HUGE so it's fun to just. observe what everyone is doing. i can't say i'm a big participant in it other than posting my art but i love seeing what the community makes. there is a ton of fuckin amazing fan content from animations to fangames to art to music to... everything!!! obv i love sanmos the most because i'm a sucker for duos and it's just so much fun seeing how expressive these Faceless Guys are to where you can get a sense of their bond without even needing it spelled out....
it also has a REALLY AMAZING game that came out recently called madness: project nexus and i'm not just saying that because i like madcom!!!! it's a really fun beat-em-up with very smooth controls and . god. i just have so much fun playing it. i could play arena mode for hours. plus it lets the characters actually talk and its cute seeing them interact :333 i GENUINELY recommend this game if u like fast-paced beat-em-ups it's such a blast to play even with 0 knowledge of the original series.
ANYWHO YES.... it is a little silly i admit. but i just adoooore madcom so much. i love me some stickman fights and seeing how the world just unfurls with each cartoon is so fun. it's like you can really see when krinkels is going "maybe i can expand on this little thing i added in X cartoon" when some New Lore drops. i Love when the creative process is like... idk. so palpable. heck i recommend the cartoon series too if ur not squeamish abt stickman gore. it's quite a short watch honestly... 👉🏽👈🏽
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tgenvs3000w23 · 2 years ago
The Most Amazing Thing About Nature: The Hawk Lifestyle
I'm going to use this blog as a little plug for some nature interpretation happening at College Royal on campus this weekend! I've mentioned volunteering with Wild Ontario before, a program that uses non-releasable raptors for nature and science education about native raptor species! (9-4 Saturday and Sunday in ALEX200!!)
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Anyways, time for the blog! I personally am a big fan of a commonly seen raptor in southern Ontario, and that is the Red-Tailed Hawk! There are many cool reasons I think these guys are the most amazing thing in nature and I like to think I know a lot about them, so let's get into it!
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First, my favourite thing to tell people about red-tails, is that this beautiful buteo above (Freyja, non-releasable RTH ambassador with Wild Ontario), is the voice actor you hear in all of those western American movies and it is not in fact a bald eagle you hear. Bald eagles are rather wimpy sounding, but red-tails are majestic.
Now, everybody often raves about how fast falcons are, or how stealthy owls are when it comes to hunting. But I think what makes the red-tailed hawk so awesome is how relatable they are, because they are SO lazy. Now, of course, I mean this with the utmost respect, after all, I said these hawks were my favourite thing about nature (and heck I even have one permanently illustrated on my body) so of course they're freaking awesome.
Now, hawks have adapted this lazy lifestyle to save on energy. Red-tails are often referred to as "highway hawks" because that's where we can often see them perching. While they are perched on hydro wires and telephone poles, these guys are actively hunting. Their method of choice: waiting. They won't go chase down a speedy squirrel, or travel all the way across a field to a rabbit they saw, even though they are definitely capable. They will wait, and wait, and wait, for an hour and even longer. These hawks will wait until some sort of animal like a frog or a snake stops right under where they are perched, and that is when they jump on their opportunity, literally. Hawks will just plop down onto the ground to catch their prey. And if they don't catch anything, it's all good because they didn't use that much energy.
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(Sibley, non-releasable RTH ambassador with Wild Ontario)
Another super unique thing about red-tailed hawks is their incredible eyesight. They can actually see 8 times better than we can! This means if you were to back up until you could no longer see the text below, a red-tailed hawk could be 8 times that distance and see it just as well.
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I feel like I could talk about how epic red-tailed hawks are all day, but to keep this concise I will end this blog here. Here's a recap of what we've gone over, and why these guys are the best thing in nature:
talented voice actors in movies
lazy BUT relatable and respectable
insane eyesight
I hope that you maybe learned something new, and also developed a love and appreciation for red-tailed hawks like myself! I look forward to reading everyone else's blogs, have a great St. Patty's weekend everyone and stay safe!
Liebermann, A. (2022). The Calls of the Bald Eagle and Red-tailed Hawk. Www.youtube.com. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NrD4OvLiT7k
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the-nerdy-neko · 5 months ago
Hi, hi, everyone. I do once again wish to apologize for being very absent this year. I wish I could say I was just busy or something, but uh, not really. Though I am looking forward to October and hoping for a fresh start. <3 I've been excited for spooky month all year. (Also, for anyone wondering where the heck I've been, I'll have a couple paragraphs under the read more. But it's kind of a vent, so feel free to avoid!)
TW: anxiety, depression, and animal death
I didn't want to bring it up at first, but I want to try and be a little more "real" with you all. As much as I try to stay positive as a Vtuber, sometimes it just feels fake and I want to be more honest, especially since I see some of you as buddies. Unfortunately one of my boyfriend's and I's kitties passed away this September so I just didn't have much motivation to do anything other than dissociate and play games for a while. Doing better now though. I did cry a lot of tears and I miss her, but I've come to accept it. She was always sickly unfortunately, but I'm glad we gave her plenty of love while we could. Feeling better and being more creative again. I actually did some doodles today and was doing some Halloween crafts. :>
Also still struggling to get back in the habit of using social media, but gotta remind myself places like Mastodon and my Discord aren't so bad. And you're all so sweet. To be honest the whole Twitter thing killed my motivation with Vtubing for a while. ToT And sometimes it's like… I get scared and I want to hide I guess. But I think I just need a makeover and to keep trying! I also need to stop worrying so much about making this a job as that can kill my motivation as well. I need to keep creating and work on building my brand more. I do genuinely have fun with it and love sharing laughs and good vibes with you all and making silly art and such. Sorry I've been so absent. ToT Thank you for still being there! <3
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