#heck i don't know what tags people are using lol
blamemma · 1 year
tag yourself i'm the guy who says "oh dear" when daniel decides to eat the stroopwafel out of max's hand lmaooo
(don't tell me if i misheard i dont wanna know lol)
he 7428374829378% says oh dear and u can hear the tension in his voice he's like oh fuck what the heck have we allowed them to do in front of the camera this time and the marketing people thought right okay we can easily chop this out of the youtube video no one will ever know that daniel ate out of the palm of max's hand, oh dear indeed, but we're all good there's only a handful of other people in this room, no one else will ever see and then the delulu red bull social media admin who is definitely a maxiel girlie i know it in my heart of hearts they have been chucking out the maxiel content all year said BET and released that secret footage tiktok today and fed us allllllllllllllll
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maplerosekisses · 3 months
I was reading your tags on that post and WHAT THE HECK, YOU WERE AT DASHCON??
pls tell me everything
Lol, you're probably going to be disappointed, I'm afraid. I don't have the juicy stories for you.
Dashcon is one of my favorite memories and one of the best convention experiences of my life. Here's a post I made about it at the time.
I was around for the Friday night donation thing but I stayed outside the room with my friend Jenn, standing there in our dresses because that was supposed to be the formal dance, wondering what we should do, and eventually going to check that our hotel room was guaranteed regardless. I don't know what was said inside, because we both felt that going in wasn't a good idea.
I was also in the panel room waiting for Nightvale for over an hour while the cast was arguing with staff about payment, which was not properly explained to us when the staff member finally told us that the show was cancelled.
Those were disasters, but I've had more annoying-in-the-moment experiences at my own local con (not bigger actual administrative disasters, just things that were more frustrating to me as an attendee)
I don't know anything about the person who peed in the ball pit but I do know a lot of the rumors about panel topics and content were lies. I know some invited guests had bad experiences with travel compensation and some people only bought a badge (an expensive badge) for the Night Vale show and were left with nothing. I also remember on Sunday morning I was approached by a very sweet Cecil cosplayer who liked my wtnv shirt and wanted to let me know they were putting together a fan panel to replace what was supposed to be a cast q&a shortly. I didn't attend because there was another panel I wanted to go to, but I kind of wish I had.
I got to meet up with one of the best friends I had made on Tumblr and we had the cutest emotional airport meeting hug. I was first introduced to @my-graceless-heart during a panel hosted by the same friend and I would not have survived the fall of 2015 without them. I have one of their books on my shelf now, and on my purse at this moment I have a pin that a con buddy gifted me when I lost my favorite Sam Wilson pin on Sunday of the con. I bought more art at Dashcon than I had at any previous conventions combined.
The panels I remember most vividly happened later in the evening, and the lighting in the panel rooms wasn't great, so those memories are soft and almost cozy. There actually weren't that many people at dashcon, so the panel rooms weren't overfull and conversations were easy to participate in. Every panel I attended was fun — I've never had that experience at another con.
My local convention, which I do love, is technically an anime convention. And every year (I haven't attended since 2019) I encountered people I find extremely uncomfortable to interact with, who I might even feel unsafe with in a less public place. Every person I talked to at Dashcon was kind and fun and I felt at home around them.
Dashcon had some of the worst administration of any fan convention, probably ever, and a lot of people had terrible experiences that I don't want to invalidate. But it also had some of the best panels, best artists to buy from, and best attendee behavior of any convention I've ever been to. Those memories are precious to me and if I had a choice to go back and do it differently, I would not change into my prom dress on Friday night, I would stay out of the dashcon tag on my phone, and I would guard that Sam Wilson button with my life, but I would absolutely choose to do the rest all over again.
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lilacthebooklover · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@snarky-wallflower Thanks for the tag! This was a lot of fun :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
67 currently, but I have deleted a few old ones lol
2. What’s your total word count?
Now, when I tell you I went overboard on this question, I went overboard. My private, unposted, solely-written-by-me fics' total word count is 227,868. My total word count for fics I've collaborated with @charismabee on is 477,549, and my total word count on AO3 is 389,530. However, quite a few of my AO3 fics are collabs with Red, so if you take away everything like Wilting Flowers and Owl House but Kindergarten, you're left with 225,235 words written solely by me. So, if you total up 225,235 + 227,868 + 477,549, then you get a grand total of 930,652 words! Then, of course, there's the whole matter of my old fics on regular Word and not Docs, which would probably add up to at least another 50,000 total considering we're talking about my ASOUE and DT17 phases, as well as all of the private Viva Pinata and miscellaneous musical stuff lurking in there, and we've got that weird writing app on my tablet that I used a lot a couple of years ago whenever my phone got confiscated, but I cannot be bothered to search through all of that right now. So, it mostly rounds up to around 1,000,000 words. Fanfiction may or may not be taking over my life. (Gosh I love maths <3)
3. What fandoms?
I've written mostly for the Kindergarten 1 and 2 fandom, my total fics on AO3 for it totaling 38. However, I have written a heck of a lot of OMORI as well, and dabble in the Owl House, DHMIS, a few webseries on YT as well as the Hatchetverse sometimes, too!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
1. World's Okayest Uncle at 799. My latest WIP, written for the Hatchetfield Universe and based around the concept of Paul Matthews becoming the accidental uncle of every kid in town. Each chapter focuses on a different child (the three so far about Alice, Richie and Pete respectively), and once all of them have been sufficiently adopted, I've been considering adding some slice-of-life stuff, exploring the changed character dynamics, and looking into parts of canon that would change in the AU as well. 2. Hollow at 455, a Hunter-centric one-shot for the Owl House set immediately after season 2 finished. It was written in the post King's Tide craze of awesome Human Realm content, so it got quite a lot of hits at the time. It focuses on Hunter dealing with the aftermath of Belos seemingly having died, and himself having being thrown into a completely new, unfamiliar world as an unfamiliar God took over his own :) 3. Flapjacks at 279, another Hunter-centric piece because TOH fans can't get enough of him lol (I am very much one of those fans). I began writing it back when Thanks to Them was first released, then got the motivation to finish it after I saw Watching and Dreaming. It focuses on Hunter returning to the Human Realm after the Collector's defeat, as well as Camila's thoughts on being a parent of who knows' how many kids at this point. Hunter finally gets the chance to mourn, and finds out what a flapjack actually is. 4. Gravesfield Historical Society, at 275. In which it's only natural that the Boiling Isles' leading Human Expert decides to do some research, and Gus does his very best to ignore the images plaguing him from looking into Belos' mind. Vee looks for some closure, Hunter is very protective over his little siblings, and Gus just wants to have a fun day at the museum. Things... Don't go to plan. 5. Fading, at 215. Yet another TOH work (I was around when the fandom was active as heck), one of the shortest pieces I've ever written at only 722 words. It's from Flapjack's POV during that scene in Thanks for Them. You know the one. I made lots of people cry, and sacrificed the birb.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course!! I thoroughly appreciate every comment I receive; they really make my day. Being part of an active fandom with the Uncle Paul AU has sort of taken me by storm so my inbox is pretty clogged at the moment, but I promise that I have read and smiled over and will reply to the comments all of my lovely readers have left behind! It means so much that someone's not only taken the time to read what I've written, but that they liked it enough to leave a comment behind. Even just keysmashes or "<33"s are really lovely to see, so thank you to the wonderful commentors out there! You guys are awesome :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, now this is a tough one! Pretty much 95% of what I write is angst, with a good 70% being Hurt No Comfort. Still, I think the angstiest ending I've ever written would have to be that of either "Enough", in which 13 y/o me decided it was a good idea to follow the perspective of kindergartener Theodore Huxley as his brother pushed him to his death, or "Wilted", in which 13 y/o me decided it was a good idea to follow the perspective of suicidal kindergartener Lily as she gave up on finding the one person who cared about her and committed suicide as a result of being bullied. Wilted should probably win out considering the implications of what would happen to Billy as a result, and bc the ending subsequently led to Nugget's death too, but Ted's train of thought in Enough is so gosh darn sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely "McDonald's". That's the fluffiest thing I've ever written, no doubt about it. Not a smidgen of angst, just a bunch of kids with colourful eyes and pointy ears walking into a fast food restaurant and discovering what chicken nuggets are. It literally ends with the promise of more cute adventures to come, so I'd say this one's a no-brainer loll
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've only ever received hate once, on a little Gravity Falls AU I made entitled "Puppet Strings and Stage Curtains". I got some pretty nasty criticism on it and, as a kid who was still very anxious about posting stuff online, it really impacted me at the time. I'm still a little nervous even now to open up my inbox because I think I might have gotten another comment like that shfjdhhgkjh. I wound up abandoning the fic because my motivation was completely destroyed, and I couldn't even look at the thing without feeling ashamed. However, I haven't received any hate since, which is great! There's just no reason for it, really; if you like something, leaving a comment is wonderful, and it makes the author happy! If you don't, just don't read the fic. Leaving a hurtful comment isn't going to make anyone happy, and can be really damaging to writers. Shoutout to @weedkillercentral, who, without fail, leaves the bizzarest comments known to man on almost every work I post.
9. Do you write smut?
Nope! I am a ✨minor✨ (@snarky-wallflower dw I too am a nerdy prude, sex jokes are Ew). Still, I do enjoy writing romance from time to time! Some ships are straight-up hard not to enjoy reading/writing for :))
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Funny story, actually. I used to have Wattpad and, as much as I hated using it, a friend of mine liked the site so I used it to support her. I wound up posting some of my own stuff on there at one point. I will never be able to get over the fact that when you searched up my username online, the images used to show a picture of Sharkbomb Glomgold. How do I know this? Because small me got bored and looked up my username, and accidentally found a mirror site to Wattpad with some of my stuff on. It credited my username and everything, but I panicked about it because as far as I was aware, I had no control over whether I could take it down or what else could be put on it. So, I deleted everything on my account, and just like that, the fics on the mirror site vanished. So no, I've never had anything outright stolen-- at least, I hope I haven't-- but that was a Not Fun experience for little me a few years ago
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I'm not famous enough for that lol. I did have an offer for someone to make a podfic of smth I wrote a few years ago, but they never got around to it. Still, if anyone ever wants to translate one of my fics, I'd love it if you did! Please just let me know and acknowledge me as the OG author; having a work translated sounds awesome.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Many thanks yet again to the amazing @charismabee, my dear co-author and the Kel shirt to my Maverick cosplay wig. The amount of hours I've spent writing with her is actually insane, as well as the times we've just messaged brainstorming AUs or having far too strong feelings about the show Elena of Avalor. We've done joint Whumptobers and Febuwhumps, fics that are combinations of the nichest stories and characters, a lot of redemption arcs for 5-year-olds... If you like my stuff, I thoroughly encourage you to go give her work a read at TheFearIsRed on AO3! :D
If anyone else ever wants to try collaborating on something, I think I'd be willing to give it a try! There are loads of talented authors on here, and co-writing is a lot of fun <3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm... Well, Paulkins is an obvious one (remember that one post about "hatchetfield fans when normal man and his barista crush show up for 5 seconds"? yeah that's me). They have a level of mutual trust and understanding that's just really nice to explore, they both have issues galore but will support each other no matter what, half infected Paul content is golden and as an avid Uncle Paul truther, Emma finding out about his many children is just too funny a concept to me. They act like teenagers when they see each other, they're both down bad, she knows he doesn't like the Christmas advert jingles, he thinks she's funny,,, they're so <3
Another strong contender is Pearla (Penny x Carla), from the K2 fandom. @goldmoth82 was the one who got me into writing about them with their absolutely incredible stuff (art, fics, you name it!). They're just a traumatised android and a thieving arsonist, what more could you want?
Gold rush (Kel x Mikhael) is another of my favourites though, mostly because it's so funny. Mikhael has declared them rivals, and Kel could not care less. Mikhael challenges him to races, and Kel beats him easily. Mikhael insults him often, but Kel doesn't retaliate. Mikhael wants to be independent and special, to stand out from everyone else. Kel wants to be appreciated as more than just Hero's brother, to be liked and acknowledged as himself. Mikhael would vehemently deny his feelings until Daphne and Bowen tied them up together and forced him to confess. Rivals are just lovers in disguise, everyone. One-sided gold rush is even funnier, because they're technically one-sided rivals. Kel was Mikhael's homosexual awakening. Mikhael looks so dumb and flamboyant because he's trying to impress him. Mikhael claims he hates him and that his bright red face is from anger after Kel effortlessly beats him time and time again. I love them.
But I think out of everything, Wrightworth would have to take my top pic for favourite ship. Gay lawyers who would die for each other for the win.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Ohh gosh. There are quite a few, but I'd probably say this year's Whumptober. My mental health went schwoop this October and I only got up to day 11 despite my plans. I still intend to finish the collab one with Red when I have time again (exams suck), and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get around to completing it. At least there's always next year! :"]
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely characterisation. I have a lot of fun getting into characters' heads and making studies on them in different scenes or just overall, and have a lot of fun bouncing different personalities off of each other. Once I know a character, I know the character, and writing their POV is as simple as breathing lol. I'd also say that I'm pretty good at tension building and breaking, as well as Hurt No Comfort (you need some good old angst, I'm your gal).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, for one, though I've been improving on them since I started the TOH Kindergarten AU! I'd also say that I struggle with slower-paced, filler sort of stuff. I might like to build up to an event, but chapters that don't have plot relevance just sort of stump me lol, even when they're necessary :)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I enjoy learning languages, and have been teaching myself Spanish for the past couple of years or so. However, writing them is a whole separate thing entirely. If I had a translator, I'd be all good! I just get a little worried when I write any language that isn't Spanish because google translate is unreliable as heck, so I typically tend to avoid it. Luckily, none of my fandoms really require it- but if that Franziska & Miles brainrot doesn't go away soon, I might be in a bit of a pickle trying to write German dialogue hshjhgfk
19. First fandom you wrote for?
A Series of Unfortunate Events (the Netflix show). It was the first fandom I got really, properly into, diving in headfirst at the age of about 12 and finding a lot of awesome content. The obsession I had with VFDBaudelaireFile13's Violet Snicket AU "Misery Loves Company" a few years ago was wild. My writing back then was very jolty, and I wrote in chapters that only lasted a few paragraphs with big, bold titles that often had at least two exclamation marks at the end. Still, ASOUE is one of my favourite shows to this day, and I don't regret a thing from my time binge-reading everything I could find for it (except that one lemons fic I accidentally came across when starved for content), nor any of the silly little unposted AUs I wrote on Word.
20. Top 3 fics I've ever written:
I puzzled over this question for ages, but found it impossible to choose just one! Ignore that I'm cheating a little here, and take three instead <3
1. An unposted collaborative work with @charismabee/TheFearIsRed that we called MPT. It was the first big fic I ever wrote, and it was probably what really got me into writing as a hobby. I got to spend time at random intervals writing about and whumping my favourite characters with someone I'm very close with, making up the plot as we went along. I remember coming up with the initial idea on a swingset, and spending hours colour-coding every segment of those 50,000 words based on each mention of a character as well as who wrote what. MPT is messy, and a tad repetitive in places, and while finished, I don't believe it's something I'll ever post. But it holds a special place in my heart, and it's a lot of fun looking back on my writing from a couple years ago compared to now 2. Not sure if this fully counts, but an untitled Omori WIP I've got going atm is definitely up there. It's Hero-centric with huge emphasis on his trauma, following the course of the year the events of the game occur in. I've had a blast writing his thoughts and time at college, and I'm geberally just really proud of it thus far. Hopefully, it'll be done by January in time for his birthday! :) 3. Now this one is a posted work– Magical Girls: Omori!, another collab with Red. We came up with the idea, binge-watched season one of Glitter Force on Netflix, and ran with the plot. We've planned out all of season 1 with ideas for season 2, incorporated a plethora of great characters, and been able to mess around with a fun fantasy high school full of our favourites. It's always wonderful to write, and I really like how it's been going!
Thank you again to @snarky-wallflower for the tag! You're amazing <3
As for people I know, I've tagged the vast majority of you already sjhkffg oops.
@charismabee @goldmoth82 @weltato @inprisonforsparkling hey there jpr the au mastermind, fanartist of the century, paul whump bestie and king of michie. you guys are some of my favourite writers out there, i'd love to see what you answer with for this (no pressure ofc!) <33
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crestfallercanyon · 8 months
Thank you lovely people for tagging me! @energievie and @jrooc <3
name: crest
where the heck are ya? on a US coastline
do you believe in love at first sight? Kind of. I think, if two people present themselves honestly, there can be kind of a soft landing of love at first sight. A lot more than we realize is processed by our minds at once, first impressions are very powerful. While I don't really believe one can get that kind of deep well of an everlasting sort of love right at sight, I think you can clock someone and be like "hey, you -- I know I'm going to like you, I want to get to know you," and that I think means something. Sometimes that impression leads somewhere and other times... well. That's life, eh?
do you believe in soulmates? Sort of? I feel like between this question and the last one I'm completely flipped compared to a lot of people lol -- but relationships take work, even someone who seems to understand you organically at every level, you can still let that link fade by neglect. Or even not neglect, you can experience and react to different stimuli and grow apart, especially if you go too long without kind of reconnecting. Like the last question, love at first sight will fizzle if you don't pursue it and try to make it work. Soulmates, to me, aren't written in the stars or whatever, they're not destiny -- they're made out of deciding that with this person, you're going to put in that work. And maybe someone will come around and say "well why do you pick that person? it's because it was fate," but I don't really believe that, because there's a lot of factors as to why, at least personally, I put in work with some people but not with others. There were opportunities to become close with very different people than who I am close with now, but I chose not to. I chose the people I did. It was my active choice. So, yeah, there's a very long winded answer on this little tag question game.
what’s a song you’ve been loving? Habits by Genevieve Stokes
how about a show you’ve been loving? You may have noticed the sudden constant reblogging of Dimension 20, but I've been really into Dropout's D&D campaigns I've watched thus far.
your ultimate OTP: That's a tricky question! I don't really -- I feel like this goes off my soulmate/lafs question but I think you can make anything pretty viable if you develop it right. Maybe Idgie and Ruth from Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)? And actually, probably Gallavich (Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich) from Shameless, because they always come back to each other, and there's something so lovely about that -- and I can't picture either of them truly with someone else.
your comfort book: Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. I haven't read it in a very long time, but I read it so many times when I was a kid that -- it was my teacher's copy -- she just let me have it before I went to the next levels of school.
a fan work you adore (fic, art, manip, etc — tag the creator!): I loved makes a cathedral, him pressing against me by misandrywitch (Shameless (US)) and I also love all I want of the world, coming down by gyzym (Inception (2010)). (I do not know their tumblrs so I can't link them, but I can link to the stories!)
a trope that captures your heart: not really a trope but fanfiction and tumblr have kind of made it into one: "It's rotten work." "not to me, not if it's you," dynamics.
favorite candy: pomegranate filled dark chocolate
dark chocolate or white chocolate? dark. 100%.
romance novels or thrillers? I read lots of things that are thrilling and have romance, but I actually don't really read either of these genres on their own. Probably lean more toward romance novels?
pink or red? I like both. I own more red clothes. I only have one pink shirt.
and finally, spread some love! share words of encouragement, a positive message, or say something kind to yourself — it’s up to you! Happy valentines! Um, it truly is never too late to try. Really. Try that hobby that, yeah, you're going to start off being absolute shit at, but it's still worth trying if it interests you. I'm going to a figure drawing class tonight, and I'm likely going to be absolute trash at it, but that's my valentine's treat to myself. Or, you can try to fix a tattered relationship, you can try to mend it if you want -- I can't guarantee trying will fix it, but you will have tried, and that matters. Even if it's just trying the smallest thing, or an internal thing. It takes a lot of work to try, and I'm rooting for you if the thing you're trying hardest on is just trying to feel better about yourself. And you're never alone if you're trying! Everyone has tried something. Everyone can rejoice in the successful results from a good ol' college try, or they can sympathize with the failure of a try that didn't lead to anything, everyone has been part of that experience, so hopefully that's encouraging if nothing else. <3
Tagging, um, I think most people have been tagged, but here are a couple: @callivich , @michellemisfit , @mmmichyyy, and anyone else who would like to join!
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icedmetaltea · 9 months
Man, I really hate it when I'm reading something and the plot is incredibly good. Like so very good and then it just becomes smut. Pure smut. The amount of times this has happened to me is ridiculous. To each their own of course, I'm not hating on those writers. Everyone has their interests and if that's what they like then I'm happy they feel comfortable enough to share. It's just so difficult to find stories where characters remain platonic or where they don't just have sex a bunch to deepen their bond. Idk. Am I being a prude or an ass for thinking like this?
Are you talking about books or fics? :v
If the latter I highly suggest using the filters to blacklist. There's a guide here! Then just stick to rated G or T and avoid anything with tags that imply there's smut in it (there will still be people who don't tag their shit BUT try to avoid those). In general M or E is always gonna contain some kinda smut, or at least references to sex. Sometimes it's for violence/language but that's rare.
If it's books it's usually pretty easy to tell which books will have smut lol (at least in my experience, I avoid romance books generally)... if there's a shirtless or scantly-clad person on the cover it's prolly gonna have it. You can also check goodreads and sometimes you can tell based on comments and ratings if there will be smut, you can also just ask in the questions section.
You're not a prude or being an ass at all my friend!! Everybody's got stuff they're cool with and stuff they're not cool with. Heck, I have stretches of time where I'm super sex-repulsed and can't look at anything containing sex without wanting to gag. It's not at all unreasonable!
I'm not quite sure where to look for this BUT you may look for books/fics featuring asexual/aromantic characters. There aren't a ton but I know they exist! r/asexuality and/or r/aromantic as well as other internet forums may be helpful with locating books like this- there tends to be some overlap between the two so a lot of the time you'll find people looking for aroace stuff in one or the other. Also I have just today found out the term for romance books without smut is called "closed door" or "clean" romance so that's interesting
And remember: be the change you wanna see in the world! Maybe pick up writing and write the kind of relationship you prefer? It doesn't have to be a full-on book, maybe a fic or a short story with ocs? It can be super fun and fulfilling while also hitting that niche you crave
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dedkake · 11 months
20 questions game
tagged by so many people! ty i think this is everyone: @logicgunn @wonkyelk @trainofcommand @frankthesnek
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
there are 209 of them (i have to write this as a sentence because tumblr thinks numbers need to be massive on their own)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
word count: 340,984
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on ao3? mostly x-men and stargate atlantis
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they're all xmen lol. by a mile: Snowed In Ready and Willing Mismatched Here Tonight A Matter of Convenience (i like one of these fic 10000x the others, but i'm Not Surprised)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do mostly. now. i didn't used to -- interacting with fandom people stressed me the heck out for a long time. i find it much easier to talk to people over here in sga :) however--i still can't bring myself to interact on some of my long personal ace fics.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
heck i don't know. i love angst. i'm sure i wrote some very angsty stuff in the past that i literally cannot remember rn. for sga i think a couple of my s5 'could've started like this' fic might do:
water on pine and release and shame
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i have no idea how to even start? most of them? /sprinkles happy endings all around
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really. occasionally people make comments that rub me wrong about my ace fics, but not outright hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
when the inspiration strikes, sure. i think my smutty fic are pretty. diverse.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
generally no. i don't. and i generally don't read them. but i did once, after spending some time with @juliusschmidt, write a one direction fic. in which xmen were featured.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes <33
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
it's been a LONG TIME. since i've actually co-written anything. but i used to cowrite and coplan fic all the time. way back when.
it seems really difficult now. but maybe because i do a lot of my thinking out loud, so planning with friends online is a Trial.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
why are we fighting? i love all my babies. and i'm a multishipper at heart.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
please take a peak into my wip folder someday, and you will be amazed.
but i don't post wips, so no one besides me will be sad about my never finished wips <3
16. What are your writing strengths?
being concise? sensory description? maybe?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
can't plot worth a damn.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'd rather it was all in one language, with the use of descriptive dialogue tags or narration.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
gundam wing! my boys! back on ffn <3
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oh this is a Challenge. just focused on sga bc it's all i can hold in my brain. here are a few i think about often
it could've started like this... no that's cheating laugh it up give me a minute ad infinitum places unknown
tagging anyone who wants!! okay @zhabke and @pinkoptics
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rebelrayne · 11 months
15 people, 15 questions
Thank you for tagging me @beesandfigsart, @mrsbsmooth, @longbobmckenzie and @queen-of-boops
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my great-grandfather's name was Jesse and my parents named me Jessica.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two Fridays ago when I cried that I had to go back to work Monday after getting a week off- I work a full-time job with my kids at home so it's a lot. My job takes a lot of time from them.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes! I have two sons.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I never stuck with anything except horseback riding. I rode English Hunter/Jumper and rode collegiately.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Often, yes. I even have an emoji I use at work that's sarcastic (but it looks happy so no one knows it's like 'lol who cares tho').
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Probably their eyes.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings- I hate scary movies (I just can't do it).
9. Any talents?
Obviously there's writing, but I'd say I'm talented in breaking things down for others to understand (why else would I be a teacher?). I'm also pretty observant, as many people in the fandom know. Also I'd say I'm a great mom, which is a talent all its own.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to run when I can, chat with my friends, hang out with family. I used to do some leather work. I still know how but there's so much stuff out at my house, it's hard for me to get it all out to put it all away. I don't have a space designated for it.
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a dog
13. How tall are you?
Short as heck. 5'1" (I know, right? I have such 5'7" energy, she said sarcastically)
14. Favorite subject in school?
I liked English and Math. Hate History. Ew, gross, keep it away. Also Science, hated it.
15. Dream job?
This is gonna be so so so typical of me for any friends that read this....
No Job. I want to buy myself gifts with my husband's hard-earned money. I want to be able to buy my husband a birthday gift using his credit card and for him to have to look at me and say, "Oh wow, thanks, Jess." You're welcome- yeah, I worked really hard to buy that. I WANNA BE A TROPHY WIFE. No, I'm kidding but I wanna be a SAHM, just take care of my sons and have more time for them.
Tagging (and really hoping I didn't double tag cause I checked) @lasswithumor, @auds-and-evens, @willkimurashat
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toastofthetrashfire · 9 months
My Running Thoughts on DFF (Episodes 1-4)
Just started and caught up with DFF, thoughts from my watch for episodes 1-4 are below
Episode 1
Okay but people not hearing from someone is kind of the definition of disappeared
"Don't over think it he probably just moved" lol very comforting
Okay why are you smoking with asthma--I assume this will be related to how he dies, you better keep your inhaler on you at all times when the horrors start
Hmmm some relationship red flags from this guy
Lol our killer getting a bit handsy lol, but what are the actual logistics of that?
Throws cigarette over the railing, starts a fire, end of show--it's all a PSA: only YOU can prevent forest fires
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Lol did he just bite his dick to make a point 😂 That's right stand your ground, bite his dick!
Okay so is this a real person or supernatural? Cause the hand and now only one person is hearing weird things. I wonder if there will be a trend of the newbies not hearing or seeing things for a while
Owww. Well the murder got right to the point--the stick kind
I don't know anatomy that well but why is there blood in his mouth? I mean I'll let it slide since it's a trope but I'm still wondering
I think we should split up 😅
Poor guy hasn't even started lessons yet and now he has to deal with tree impalement. Oh good, yeah he's right don't pull it out
Some good delegation from Phee (? still learning names)
Okay that's so not where you're going to find jumper cables ...Okay I was wrong but it certainly wouldn't be where I'd look
Maybe one of you just take the motorcycle? Seems like less of a waste of time, cause it'll take at least 10 minutes to jump that truck...
Oh good, but they should've done that before wasting time finding cables
Oh walkie talkies or radio smart
Who keeps a saw in their kitchen?
Team bike is not doing well lol
Wait so the murderer did try something, enough to cut his arms, crazy that they figured that out just like that though
Okay so it is supernatural maybe cause they aren't seeing it at the same time. I guess it could be hallucinations but it's so consistent
Oh brave to try and bring the bike back still
Wait are they holding off on what they saw in the video till next week or did I just miss it, I'm very good at missing more subtle jump scares but then jumping at stuff that wasn't supposed to be scary
Oh wow they actually used a busted bike for shooting, love that, truly delightful
Love that they give us these behind the scenes it's a nice reprieve from the spooky spooky. It reminds me of something I read on tumblr about how blooper reels serve a similar role to curtain calls for tragedies, they let us know that the actors are okay after all and it's all a show. I will now take all horror with bloopers please! sincerely, a resident scaredy cat
Alright I enjoyed that even if I won't sleep tonight, that mask is so well done and I'm starting to get a feel for the characters
Episode 2
Wait does iqiyi only have this tagged as romance 😳
Ah yes separate from the group that's smart
This is why you don't go off on your own in a horror show, and your even one of the ones convinced it's supernatural man
The masked man: Can you give me directions please, I seem to be lost
Oh wait I'm bad at faces it's the other guy, but also still stupidly alone
I know you're alone but maybe try and fight back
So will the axe be gone and no one believes him or will someone find it later in horror?
Lol he's seeking revenge cause he's upset you tried to film a sequel, don't mess with a writer 🤣
"Thai ghosts can do anything"...Oh interesting that they're making that explicit distinction. If my understanding is right, thai phee can be physical and there's less of a distinction between corporeal vs incorporeal, ghost vs monster. So they're setting the possible stakes and genre. This is a western style slasher but if it is supernatural we'll likely be operating on thai rules for that not western ghost stories. Heck it might mean that this is both physical and supernatural.
Guys, I don't think getting rid of evidence is going to make a ghost move on from its attachments
Ooof that's more than a little rash ouch. Oh not real. So if they're hallucinating it's not just the old group
Interesting to phrase it as "beat him"--so was it self defense in the past or maybe they see it as justified?
Ouch is right my poor ears
Okay physical knife but hallucinated choking. I like that they're playing with whether this is a person or supernatural. It totally fits with the emphasis on this potentially being a thai ghost. Cause it's hard not to waver back and forth.
Is it still not noon yet? Like I assume that'll fall through anyway but still, will the plot all happen in like two days? Interesting if so
All he said was he heard a sound, why are you asking if he saw someone? Suspicious me thinks
Ah really un-suspicious doc
Okay but 2 guys there were also around 3 years ago, you just gave your plan to find the drive first away...
I'm confused why Jin doesn't want it destroyed
Oooh punchout, fight fight fight
Well I knew the uncle wouldn't make it but goodness gracious 🤣
Okay I know it's supposed to be scary but I laughed when he was still handing them the bags
Wow seriously just abandon everyone including your boyfriend, you're on my shit list now
Also you didn't check that you were past the wire when you rode off
Okay Top, but you and Tee literally have encountered the thing before why are you acting like Tee is ridiculous for saying he saw and heard someone
Oh good job you do care a little even if you're going to lie your ass off about it--you're still on my shit list, Tee
Ghosts don't use wire, but like Thai ones could technically, but I guess that's a lot of extra work when you could do anything else as a ghost. I'm really liking how it's playing that line. Is this supernatural? Is it a slasher? What type of horror is this? We don't know yet, the characters certainly don't either.
Did the uncle's body just move?
The end song is very pretty, not what I'd choose for a horror show but it is a nice safe wind down from the scary
Episode 3
Really liking Ta's acting here, it's obviously a bigger role but he's standing out way more to me than in KinnPorsche
Okay I know we are upset about trust issues, but saying Top shouldn't go alone is smart actually you dumb asses
Sure you can set up the walkie talkies to communicate but then anyone can listen in if they know what channel you tune it to, so watch out
Oh yes let White go get the other walkie talkie alone
Ummm shouldn't you still have it tuned to the outside and try it as you drive out to see if you can reach anyone
I feel bad for the guys who are new. Unless they're in on it. Tan is pretty persistent
I do like that we as the audience are as curious as the newbies about what the heck happened in the past, it's a nice way to draw us in and give that past stakes beyond just a motivation reveal
Okay thank you, no touching or concealing bodies thank you. But good point about attracting animals
Okay yeah his body did move
I don't know why that attack felt so cartoonish, not in a bad way just visually it read that way to my brain
Oh Top is gone...dramatic!
Nice that they want to go after him but also how do they expect to catch up with a bike
Wait weren't they leaving, how'd he get back so fast?
Okay so only Top saw it, so is it supernatural or are more people in on it. Tan, I have my eye on you
Lol that's a big temple to just be hiding, spooky though
I want to know more about this Janta. Is it supposed to be a buddhist sect or older practices? Feels like it fits a trend I've noticed of older folk practices being framed as spooky in thai horror but my sample size is small and my context still pretty limited
Duuude great doctor over here, trying to shut up the dying guy. Have you killed before Fluke? Huh?
Interesting how their desire to hide the past keeps making them go against what would be best for survival, like telling white to go somewhere else
Yay white being smart and polite to the deceased! He best live
I think this is the first time I've seen them carrying weapons/defense of any kind. Hope they use it
Oh God how bad is this going to be? That is a lot of blood
Well he's not on the ceiling. After watching both Shutter and Nang Nak the possibility is totally there
I wonder what the writing says
Wait was that a statue or a mummy
Lol aware of the genre now, let's not split up, a little late, but good job guys
Wait one of them is named Phee, I'm guessing it's intonated differently but still an interesting choice
Ah here comes smoking with asthma, still betting that fucks him over when his inhaler is stolen or something
Wait who asked about the smell, cause White doesn't seem to be sniffing or anything
White being a little princess and the pea over here, good for him, I'm putting my bet on him for final girl. White for final girl 2024!
Oh boy what they absolutely don't need is a gun in this situation, I see it helping for defense but also being ripe for so much to go wrong
Lol the sudden flash back scared me more than the axe throwing scare earlier. My ability to miss jump scares but jump at random shit instead prevails
Okay good hide that sucker, no one needs to know you have a gun until the pivotal moment you use it to save yourself
Okay it was the dudes at the shrine who asked about the smell
Wow these guys are so unobservant pffff, let's all pay no attention while the axe guy just walks right up to us
Okay they all see it this time, so unless it's Top in there the rest are accounted for I think
Glad they're fighting back physically this time
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I mean maybe try a few more swings before running, 4 on 1 you could maybe get the mask off
Maybe wait on opening the drive, White, cause I feel like doc is going to come looking for you soon
Oh doc is scary, hope White hid that in time
I don't feel like hiding in a confined axeable space is the smartest choice
Ah saved by another idiot
Locked in a casket by your own stupidity. I think they should kiss about it.
Oh did he already sew the wound? Not sure the logistics on that when it's a stab wound
Okay these two are stupid, like there was so much time to run while axe guy just slowly walks
Okay but axe guy on the motor bike is such a funny image...WEEEEEEE
Interesting, so does axe guy not want the disk shown or is he after doc now
So not abandoning White this time, how gallant
No but White is right you best sterilize things
Doc is losing it
And the gun comes out at the worst time
Okay so mask reveal, interesting
Will we actually get to know so early?! It's got to be a twist. Cause if it's Top under there then there's definitely more to it
Episode 4
Fluke's lost it
Is he going to force white to do the sewing?!
Boy you better sanitize that needle
Oof did not want to see the stitching, but at least doc did it himself
He's bleeding in his abdominal cavity AND you just used unsanitized equipment so he's probably going to get a nasty infection
Ah the romance of being locked in a box. I think the oxygen problem could be resolved by kissing actually
Again? Did he dislocated his arm in the past or something
Not going to try and snap it back in, probably smart I guess
What ghost or human could lift a person like that, well it's got to be one or the other guys
Wait I'm pretty sure those were the pants Top was wearing
Yeah okay kind of suspected but how does that work?
And does that mean he's headed to help or harm White
Oh now a ghost? And not in a mask so a real spirit this time, unless it's hallucinations? So I'm guessing multiple things are happening at once in terms of the attackers.
Again only one person seeing it
Omg did this fool just pull a "I'm not lost the woods are just cursed" 😂 going to pull that one out next time I don't want to admit I'm lost. Not all who wander are lost, some are just stuck in cursed woods where they shot a horror film and are now being hunted down for real.
They literally went a foot before spotting the house
I see they brought the supplies the uncle bled all over inside
Why is a random newspaper with tee's uncle sitting there, seems very planted. Did Fluke put it there?
Oh God is that foreshadowing is there something in his stomach
Did Top poison himself or was he forced?
He probably shouldn't become a doctor if he's complaining over two patients
Looks like some clay can but that's cursory search. Oh he learned it from detective conan how cute if this wasn't life or death
Bleeding eyes seems to be a thing
Why are they using a hair dryer on the clay and not like the oven
Hmmm maybe try the oven before waiting till the sun comes out!
Dun dun dun
Possession? Or has Top just lost it?
Oh no! Friend on friend violence! We're one man down now
Okay but why now? Por has been dying just fine until now. And the killer seems pretty well planned. So I don't think Top is the actual one behind anything. I mean I guess he could've faked the poisoning but again why kill him now? Cause wouldn't it be better to go after White who saw the tape?
I mean no one checked it was loaded so I guess it makes sense it wouldn't be shooting bullets
I'm not convinced it's just Top being a maniac, I still think there's a supernatural component or at least more going on
Ruh roh it is loaded after all what did I say about bad things happening if you throw a gun into the mix
White love you bud but you are being super unhelpful right now
It looked more like he was trying to shoot himself
Good job White atta boy!
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Oh fluke looks so sad...
And then there were 7 (or 8 I guess if we have an extra person running around after all)
I do like that because this is a show and not a film we get their moment of grief and that's given space 😔
Now doc has no patients (too soon?)
Ahhh poor doc, that's a lot before you've even had your training, wouldn't blame him if he switched majors (allowing he stays alive and all)
Yes for goodness sake tie him up, though I'm guessing he'll be back to normal and it's not the end, that or he's gone already
How'd these idiots get locked in the shrine, you were outside before, go around
Wait who was on the walkie?
Dude I think getting out is way more important than your resume, though I guess if you think it's over
The comparison and contrast between Top losing it supernaturally (or hallucinating idk) and fluke losing it cause of the past and his anxiety over the future
Ah the joys of youth, friendship, and threatening each other with a gun in a cabin
Dang dude
Once again fear of the past is making them choose to screw themselves over, mostly Fluke here, but yeah
Dude you have alibis and CCTV footage, you'll be fine (i mean you won't cause it's definitely not over but yeah)
Top making a hilariously dramatic re-entrance
And then there were 6? 7 I guess if we still assume there's an extra person. If the shot actually landed. Maybe doc just got himself a new patient instead
Oh looking forward to seeing Non and a non-passed-out Por next week!
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arabellameyer · 9 months
AN INTRODUCTION TO ME (plus side blogs/other places you can find me)
Hello everyone! How are you? I'm Arabella, and I love to worldbuild, learn about nature, draw, and a bunch of other stuff. If you have any questions about my worlduilding, let me know! Please keep conversations appropriate (no sexting or asking extremely personal questions). Here there will be reblogs of/art of some stuff you might find disturbing (body horror/gore), but I will label it as such (gore, blood, tw, nsfw, etc). It's part of my worldbuilding as you'll see here over time. But it isn't the only part of my worldbuilding, so don't worry about missing out on much. I do not tolerate any porn so none will be here. I've heard too many stories of people dealing with porn addictions and how debilitating it is, so I'm not even going to chance looking at it, lead alone reblogging it.
Filing system down below v
When I reblog stuff, I'll put it in a file system that is similar to my pinterest pinning system (same titles and such). Here's how it'll go...
(btw if any of these tags are of no interest to you, then feel free to block them)
Animal reference
Animal pose
Animal behavior
Art reference
Human pose
Guide or Art Guide
It just looks pretty - I like it because it looks nice :)
Storytelling or Cinematic - the way it sends a message is interesting, and I'd like to use it as inspiration
(BTW level 1 animals are animals found irl)
Level 2 - Like irl animals that have one little thing changed about them, like their color or number of eyes.
Level 3 - Mix of 2 or more animals that is hard to distinguish what the original animal is (like a cat/snake mix, was it originally a cat or originally a snake).
Level 4 - A change in the original species causes a majority of people to fear it, like deep fear it. Creepy
Level 5 - Like levels 2-4, but with a horror aspect to it (like snakes that look like intestines).
I've made guides for my leveling system and I'll post them soon, so don't worry if you're confused ;)
Scene idea - idea for a plot point or fun story in my world
Characters - catch-all
Johann the discoverer
Mama nova
Void deer
(I'll add more as time goes on)
Memes - general tag
Remember - has some relevance to it, whether or not it's a meme (just sorta a catch-all for anything that I want to remember. You'll see what I mean if you search through there.)
Scenario - meme that describes a scene, and I don't know where else to put it
Food for the funnies - this is where I put the stuff I actually laugh at. Not just a breath out of my nose, but a true laugh.
Derpy - •u•
Fever dream - lol those memes that make no sense or come out of left field
And that's how babies are made - I'm not even going to explain this one lol
Stay flexy - exercise ideas
Cute - catch-all for anything adorable :3
Cute animal - specifically cute animals
Cute plant - specifically cute plants
Recommend or Recommendation - smth I should check out (to buy or look @ again)
Pins or Enamel pins - enamel pins I like the look of.
Watch later - if I like the look of it but don't have the mental energy to completely peruse it, then I'll put it here.
Ok so that is my filing system lol. I know it's pretty long but I plan on using the references and stuff I find here.
I know I said this before, but I love talking (raging extrovert), so if you wanna chat or dump a writing idea or creature idea on me, then go for it! Heck, my commissions are also open (not getting them done immediately, tho) if you're interested (no guarantee on the quality. Just know I am still learning the fundamentals of art). Anyways, if you're reading this far, then you're one of the real ones (also, what's your favorite color? Mine is blue, but I like them all tbh) 💪. Thanks so much for reading this. I'll have a side blog here shortly where I'll post only my art so that you don't have to go through all my reblogs, lol. Anyways, thanks so much, and have a blessed day <3
P.S. this is my art-only side blog and deviantart. Here, have a mouse 🫴🐁
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the-owl-tree · 10 months
Honestly, the double standard for WC characters is so weird (and misogynistic of course). Nobody thinks it's weird ships like SquirrelCr0w <- (so it doesn't go into the tag) is weird, when most depictions overlook Crowfeather's abusive behavior or even ignore what he did to Breezpelt entirely? His neglect of Breezepelt is treated as afterthought if ever acknowledged at all. His treatement of Leafpool or Nightcloud? Nah, who cares about that! His red flags in his relationships after Feathertail aren't even there. Crowfeather would be a great father to Squirrelflight's kits and mate, unlike stinky Bramblestar (who he acts near identical to anyways, and the only difference is he doesn't have an unhealthy power dynamic as her leader or deputy to use against her). Heck, from what I've seen it's usually Feathertail encouraging him to be sooo niceys too, so it's not like HE does introspection (ofc I'm sure that's not always the case but still worth bringing up), so it's not even a matter of him growing as a person. Meanwhile, if you decided to ship Palebird with anyone people would start freaking out. Or if you even breath about Nightcloud since the fandom and books are so desperate to absolve their little uwu boy. I get that AUs are supposed to be fun, but the double standard is so annoying. Especially when it means they act like Crowfeather would ever be sweet as pie to anyone- 💀 no he wouldn't even his so-called redemption book he kept going "god i wish the son i didn't care enough to raise would die already" because he's not saying I'M a good father to him or backing me up!".
i generally understand crowsquirrel as like. a ship that makes sense in the context of tnp where the two actually have an entire journey to bond, but i also just generally don't agree that the two would get on very well after a while. but you know, most of it exists in for fun au's and even though i have my little crowfeather haterisms, i'm not gonna fault anyone for having fun with a sillay little ship au.
but then yeah it is a little like. why dont i get my silly little au then. why can't i believe in a world where the women in warrior cats can actually like each other lol
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
Haven't even finished either story yet (just reading both at the same time and eagerly consuming spoilers - for tged since there is basically NOTHING for the sequel 😭), but I'm still thinking about what an au where Lloyd's swordsman guard is Damian and rakiel is stuck w Javier would be like...
bestie you're telling me i went from a fandom with 100k fics to one with 1k to one with 100 to one with 0 i am starving over here 😭 i think i'm literally the only one in the tag for rakiel and i don't care for twitter so tumblr is my one contact with the tged fandom at all and the situation is,,, dire,,,
y'know i had written a pretty lengthy and thoughtful response about how i think lloyd and damian would respond to each other according to their character and circumstances but then my computer turned off and i lost it so instead you get this:
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they both get where the other is coming from, they understand each other perfectly. doesn't mean they have to like it!
lloyd is trying to get out from life ruining debt! he can't afford to have a knight with a high salary who demands bonuses and raises constantly! damian is coming from nigh slavery, of course he wants to have financial security in any way he can get it! they both know the worth of money, how important it is to have it and to demand what you're owed so of course they're simultaneously in the same boat while being directly opposed.
not that i'm saying lloyd is a bad boss, he's very fair and just, always paying on time (something damian actually calls rakiel out on lmao) but he's a penny pincher and likes to save as much as possible. which is something i do see damian having a bit of an issue with because one of the things he really likes about rakiel is how generous he is with people, both with his time, effort and resources despite seemingly getting nothing for himself (of course not knowing about the bonus life lol). and we know lloyd does nothing for free and is shameless about it. so their relationship would be them constantly butting heads as they both try to squeeze as much of each other as possible.
on the other hand, i think lloyd would actually have an easier time getting damian to like him than with javier actually lmao. like, let's be honest, damian isn't the paragon of virtue javier is. as long as he's getting paid and isn't being asked to, idk, burn down an orphanage, he's pretty down for anything. heck, he didn't give a shit about rakiel, the imperial crown prince, being replaced by someone else, because he liked the other guy so he wouldn't give a flying fuck about og!lloyd, recognized hooligan, being replaced by someone who actually cares about the estate he works for.
and damian would be much more direct with lloyd too. he would not keep it to himself if he knew about lloyd being kim suho, that boy would tell him the first opportune moment he got lmao now the question is whether lloyd would come clean or go total denial the way rakiel did,,,, mmmhhhh many thoughts for later,,,
and javier as rakiel's bodyguard! mmmhhhh now this au would require a lot of thought, because so many things of the plot depend of rakiel using the asrahan mana absorption method. but if we go by vibes alone and ignore all worldbuilding, the i think,,,, mmmmhhh what do i think actually,,,,
well honestly to begin with i don't think there'd be too much trouble actually. like. at all. javier is,,, javier. he's thee protagonist, he's good, he's honorable, he's all you can ask for from a main character. he gets rescued from the gladiator arena by rakiel, you better believe he'd pledge his life to him from there. and like, unless we want to make him a carbon copy of damian, then he wouldn't even ask for a big salary like damian did. he'd just stick to rakiel and protect him at all costs. we see how loyal he is in tkbi and tged, he gets saved by arcos and he never serves another master after that, he decides he wants to protect lloyd and he literally ascends to another plane of existence to do it. if rakiel rescued him, there'd be no power on earth that would make him leave his side. and that would only increase as he sees rakiel push himself over and over again to treat and save people by seemingly no reason but that he wants too (again, no one knows about the bonus life lmao). he'd push himself just as hard to be helpful to rakiel and protect him, like he does in tged with lloyd and like damian does too.
and in this particular au i don't even see him having an issue with the whole 'replaced by another person' thing. after all, in tged the point of conflict was that javier is a knigh for the frontera family, not just for lloyd. so it was technically his duty to let arcos know that someone had replaced his son, even if that someone had saved them all from total ruin. but he didn't, because he trusts lloyd and because he thought they deserved to heard it from lloyd himself first.
but in this case, javier would be rakiel's bodyguard. he isn't anything from the emperor, he isn't even a knight, heck, he never even met the real prince, as far as he's concerned he's only loyal to the rakiel he knows which is lee han. he has no reason to be conflicted because he swore loyalty to lee han and lee han is his prince rakiel.
oh and he would hate javilon's guts. utter hatred. like it's on sight for him go straight for the neck lmao
somehow i think he'd be even more protective of rakiel than he is already of lloyd. like lloyd can handle himself pretty well. rakiel can too, but he looks like a strong gust of win will blow him away. it messes with his brain chemistry a little.
and he'd take being the vessel for the demon king pretty hard. especially when he accidentally hurts rakiel. and when he gets sick. like that'd be pretty close to how damian reacts in the novel too.
as for rakiel,,,, i have a harder time deciding how he'd feel about javier. i feel like pretty much the way he does with damian?? i don't think much would change tbh. much of the banter between rakiel and damian comes from damian asking for more bonuses and rakiel complaining about it, and if javier doesn't do that then they'd have to find something else to bicker about. probably rakiel's terrible stamina lmao
so,,, yeah aksdka
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hello! i saw your tags on /post/730907115184586753 and i would love if you could talk a bit about your thoughts on why the "applications for sainthood" line applies to dean because it's one of those few lines i've never really understood 🥲 very interested in what you think about it!
Omg my first ask! Hiiiiiii!
Okay so the line said by Leviathan!Dean is, "And he doesn't have relationships. No, he has applications for sainthood."
I feel like this describes Dean's self-sacrifice for the people he cares about. For example, he spent his childhood and early adulthood being John's main emotional support and taking care of him and Sam. He has wants and dreams but he basically gave them up for his family. Heck, he sold his soul for Sam!
I think there's also a factor that Dean tends to the one making the most effort in his relationships, and when others don't treat him right he still stays loyal and devoted. I'm not saying that Dean is so mistreated or that nobody loves him because that obviously isn't true, but I do think that he often ends up in the emotional crutch role in his relationships just because that's what he's used to because of John. John admits that Dean took care of him and comforted him, but he couldn't even pick up the phone when Dean was dying. And there's just kind of a trend where people expect care and loyalty and trust from him, but fail to return it (for instance Bobby's "boohoo princess" speech, all of Cas' late s6 behavior, Sam's s4 behavior, etc).
Basically, Dean often has push aside his own emotions and hurt to take care of those around him which is something that I'm sure a Leviathan would pick up on and mockingly refer to as "saintly."
Or you know, it's just a commentary on his relationship with Lisa and other women and I'm thinking about this wayyyyyy too much lol
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cowherderess · 1 year
Tagged by @dollsome-does-tumblr and @imlorelai and @waywardted - thank you friends! :)
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Were you named after anyone? Yes, an old friend of my parents' who I don't think they're still in touch with, lol. I've never met her.
When was the last time you cried? Usually I cry at everything, and then my job killed me dead inside this spring– it sucked so extremely that I wanted to cry and physically could not, for months. But then the other day I watched Inside Out (i've spent my summer break so far rewatching things and eating too much chocolate) and Bing Bong's "take her to the moon for me" got me 😢 Progress. I think I might need to return to the early seasons of Call the Midwife to get back to my usual standard of 😭 
Do you have kids? No, but I want to someday, hopefully not too far off.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not a lot. A well-timed sarcastic remark can be funny, but too often and it gets old.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Usually what they are wearing, because I am bad at making eye contact!
What's your eye color? Hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I am such a wimp about scary movies.
Any special talents? I have a good memory for trivia, especially if it's about European history (especially European royalty), or etymology, or actors' filmographies. My family asks me all their random questions; I don't always know but when I don't, I look it up so I'm ready just in case it ever comes up again.
Where were you born? Washington DC
What are your hobbies? Reading, buying books, journaling, writing fic, knitting, drawing
Have any pets? One cat, my best lil buddy
What sports do you play/have you played? Nothing seriously. Rec soccer when I was maybe seven or eight.
How tall are you? Five foot six.
Favorite subject in school? Despite how much I like history extracurricularly, in school I'd have to say language. I studied French, Italian, Latin in K-12 and then Arabic in college.
Dream job? Stay-at-home mom.
Tagging: i think most people i would tag already have been, but what the heck. you don't have to fill it out twice :) @ohtendril @coachlasso @kittensittin @itsagutthing @freetobegrace @broadwayfreak5357 @blogfordantreacy @racheltuckerrr @sophiedevereavx @dee-thequeenbee @queenrikki @odakota-rose @hondagirll @pwfishing @lilyrowan1
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actofgrxce · 1 year
So, OFMD is my all time favorite show and I am in love with every single character and have been wanting to try and join the fandom as Stede Bonnet, but I am SO nervous. Only because you, and several others, are just so incredible and I am intimidated but ahhh, I want to do badly write as my pirate princess. Any advice? Or just go for it? I’ve been writing for years, but graphics/theme making are not my forte.
Tumblr media
Hey, friend!! Thanks for the kind words!!
Tumblr media
I would just GO for it, with the understanding that there's a learning curve to the "rp etiquette" of Tumblr (and some users, as is the way with social media, will be more forgiving and flexible with "mistakes" than others). I would introduce yourself, as you have done here, to people who seem fun and chill, and express your interest in interacting with them IC. 1) Tell them you would be writing Stede. 2) Read their rules page (usually there is a pinned post at the top of a writer's blog offering a mobile-friendly link to their rules, which is basically how they prefer to interact with other writers, how often, in what format, what the writer's or "mun's" triggers are, etc) and tell them that you have: this seems to be a real sign of good faith around here. 3) Collect a small list of people (maybe 4 or 5) to start with, and follow them. If your rp blog is a "sideblog" to a main account, also let them know that, so that when a non-rp blog (you) follows them, they know who the heck it is! I cannot underscore enough how important it is to find people with whom you jive ooc, as yourselves. It simply will not be fun if you don't. So take your time with this part! 4) Make your blog. Customize your theme as much or little as you like, but a good rule of thumb is to at least make an "About the Muse" page (muse's story), a "Rules" (do's and don't's of interacting with you) page, and a "Verses" (discrete story timelines, usually grouped by how much you adhere to canon or by romantic "ships") page. Your muse is a "canon" muse: that is, a muse that already exists in the official fandom universe. 5) If you don't have it already, GET XKIT REWRITTEN (a browser extension that lets you alter Tumblr's increasingly perplexing and user-unfriendly interface, lol. There are versions for both Chrome and Firefox. 6) Start writing. You rp on Tumblr by reblogging a person's IC (in-character) post to your blog, and adding a text reply. They then reblog you. And so on and so forth. Here is where you consult their rules page to know things like: are they okay if I trim posts? Are they okay with me dm'ing them to ask for replies? What's the most courteous way to use tags in order to easily find past writing or filter my blog? How explicit can writing with this partner get re violence or s*xual themes? Etc. Everyone is different.
Re making your blog fancy: You do NOT need to be well-versed in Photoshop, themes and coding in order to run a blog. A lot of people now rp on Tumblr Mobile, where theme graphics don't show up anyway. Those who still use graphics vary, but most of us really don't care if our writing partners use them as long as we can continue to do so.
However, if you're still anxious, I've got a couple graphics and rpg sources right off the bat that can help you tremendously:
@poohsources (your one stop shop for EVERYTHING theme, icon, rp etiquette, formatting, etc related. A very kind soul) @octomoosey (best free blog theme coder on Tumblr!)
and if you're willing to pay for codes and graphics, I can also recommend a few good friends.
Also, if you have further questions, come to me. My anonynous ask option is usually on. <3
(Anyone reading this, feel free to add on your suggestions!)
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doublegoblin · 1 year
An introduction of the re variety.
Greetings and salutations! So a lot of this will be old news to people but I've had a bit of personal growth and what was an old introduction post doesn't reflect how I feel as a person much any longer. So I am making this updated version (the old one will still be kicking around just not pinned).
So once again hello! My (pen)name is Maxwell Alabaster(he/him), Max or Maxwell is fine!
Not including the RP stuff I used to do on forum back in the early aughts, I've been hobby writing for about a year and some now. It started as a private personal thing to keep my mind occupied while I was between jobs but at some point I decided I wanted to share my stuff with people! So I did just that and made this here blog.
I would still consider myself an amateur writer, not to deflect but to acknowledge that I have room to improve. Also I am hungry for engagement (brain likes seeing the notification number go bigger) so please don't feel like you can't leave little comments or reblog. I don't have aspirations of hitting it big or publication, but, interaction is still nice and I can only share my stuff so far.
What I post on here are the first drafts of my two larger WIPS and one off stuff. I've tried my best to have all these things in their own linked pages! My style or genre usually falls under the horror or darker side of things, I'm an edgy bitch what can I say. Mostly though I just tend to write off the vibe I'm feeling for a particular one off. I don't think my stuff is particularly spine tingling but hey some people have different tolerances.
Rituals and Red Tape : Slice of life/dark fantasy story told from the first person perspective of Alex, manager of the auditing department. Set in a dream like world crafted by an enigmatic group of outer beings known as The Board. Their main duties are to stop problems before they happen that break the rules of reality, or, fix the problems if they are too late.
Abnormal Analytics Company Communications : Found footage/document style story. Very heavily inspired by things like the SCP foundation and minorly inspired by content surrounding what is known as the 411 phenomenon. This story, or rather each “case”, is experienced via the messages and emails between members of some kind of research organization. While these is no main POV character it can be assumed that most of this information is viewed through a single terminal. 
I also have a WattPad where I post the edited version of Rituals and Red Tape (if you want a more coherent and better quality version) and also the logs of AACC.
Edit 9-7: I guess I've also started doing voice work lol. I'll work on getting a section made for just the audio works at some point! I'm still learning the craft and editing stuff but it's been a passion of mine for a while and I hope to make it a more regular thing! If you think my voice would be good for your things hit me up! I can promise I will try my best =P
I am also very open to asks about my stuff, being included in tag games, and stuff like that. I can be a little slow to respond due to my limited time but I make an effort to get to things when I can! Heck even if you want to just send a random ask, I'm down for that too.
Closing words
I can't really say I'm excited to get to know people since I've already been here for a while lol. Also this blog can be very messy as I enjoy a wide swath of things. But yeah, check out my stuff, leave me words on those things (good or bad but above all helpful) and enjoy I guess?
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katierosefun · 5 months
tagged by @b1uetrees! thank you for the tag buddy!
do you make your bed? i try, the operating word being try. i used to be really good at making my bed, but for the last few weeks, i've been lucky to just straighten out my sheets and pile my pillows on the right way before darting around to make myself breakfast and wash my face.
what's your favourite number? i've always really liked 12 for some reason. maybe because i associate it with the year of the dragon, which is the zodiac year i'm born in?
what is your job? i'm a second-year law student. i think the closest i have to a job right now is that i'm a student attorney (which has been very exciting, because it's definitely aligned with what i want to do after graduation), and this coming summer, i'll be working at a law firm (which is also exciting. everyone pray i don't screw up)
If you could go back to school would you? i mean, would i pursue more education after getting my current degree? i'm not sure. i've played with the idea of getting an mfa for a while now, but also? i think mfa's cost so much money, and the rewards aren't always very tangible. so it depends on how financially comfortable i am and if i can figure out a way to get into publishing without an mfa haha!
can you parallel park? i don't know how to drive, so nope
a job you had that would surprise people? i always get questions about what the heck a costume stock keeper does, but for a short while, i was a costume stock keeper. which basically meant that i organized the costume stock room in my college's theater department. it was really cool, because we had a huge stock room, and my bosses were people who actually worked in a lot of really cool movies, so that was neat!
do you think aliens are real? i have to think so! like, the universe is so big--how can there not be other things out there?
can you drive a manual car? i can drive a golf car. does that count?
what's your guilty pleasure? not really certain if i feel guilty about this yet . . . i guess watching kinda bad old kdramas? (like . . . i know there are some tropes that we've left behind in the early 2010s/early 2000s, but what can i say--some classics are classics, even if some of the stories wouldn't fly in 2024.)
tattoos? none right now, although i've been wondering if i want to get a tattoo before i graduate law school. i think i want to get a constellation somewhere on my bicep. but also, i get so scared of something being permanent and how skin changes over the years, so maybe not :/
favourite colour? i'm currently digging really deep greens lately!
favourite type of music? i think i've been really loving a lot of moody ballads and alternative rock . . . and also whatever the hell the music in alien stage is right now!
do you like puzzles? nope--i'm not patient enough for puzzles a;shdfasdf
any phobias? i am terrified of spiders. i don't care if they're smaller than me--they have eight legs, i have two, and also the way they move freaks me out so much oh my god why do they move like that ! !!
favourite childhood sport? i really liked to swim as a kid, and i still do
do you talk to yourself? yeah--mostly when i'm annoyed or stressed. i've been known to quickly mute myself on zoom meetings or make more of an effort to just shut my mouth whenever i'm waiting for someone to come onto zoom, because i once started muttering "jesus christ, what a way to make a first impression--i can't believe you're late" and i didn't realize that there was? a little thing that was? making a transcript of everything i was muttering? if my boss ever read that transcript, they've been kind enough to never mention it--so!!!! anyways!!! i'm working on that lol
what movie(s) do you adore? i really love kogonada's films (columbus and after yang are probably the major ones), and i also love the korean adaptation of little forest. and also beginners. in general, i think i love films with a lot of green coloring and also just enough moments of quiet to make you feel comforted! or at least--better said--i like movies that feel like you've had a conversation with someone.
coffee or tea? coffee for when i want to wake up and tea for when i want to wind down!
first thing you wanted to be growing up? a writer :) or, at the very least, a well-known storyteller.
no pressure tags: @kckenobi @lightasthesun @l-tyrell @reese-haleth
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