#heat injury
sickficideas · 29 days
Okay one more and ill stop spamming ur inbox i prommy i just have such a sskkful brain 🩷 akutagawa runs naturally cold and gets heat stroke and fevers really easy (ex: that one wan chapter) which is only further exacerbated by his dramatic goth wardrobe. If he has a job on a hot day he'll be dizzy and sweating and fighting not to pass out 💔 He passes out while sparring with atsushi once and he's never let him live it down since. He's constantly badgering him about wearing lighter clothes and staying in the shade. Atsushi starts bringing extra waterbottles to their sparring matches which he SWEARS has nothing to do with it (hes lying)
NEVER stop spamming my inbox, i live for this i need it more than i need air...Akutagawa....my love......I always think about the drama CD that reveals how defenseless he feels without being so covered up, even though we know he can easily use his ability without that coat, Dazai just hammered it into him for so long 😭😭 Atsushi not knowing any of that always hurts me more...Akutagawa knows so much about Atsushi's past and his thoughts and feelings but Atsushi knows virtually nothing about Akutagawa, he thinks there must be some reason Akutagawa refuses to take the coat off but he badgers him anyway, his health is too important to let it slide 😭😭 the image in my head of Akutagawa fainting in Atsushi's arms, cheeks red and he's breathing heavy and Atsushi's like AHHH WHAT DO I DO ..!!😭💔
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mcatmemoranda · 5 months
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Erythema ab igne is a rash characterized by a reticulated pattern of erythema and hyperpigmentation. It is caused by repeated exposure to direct heat or infrared radiation, often from occupational exposure or the use of heating pads.
I saw a pt who had this on her neck today. She got some trigger point injections in pain clinic.
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to the biggest little shit I know, I love you so much it hurts, seriously. Thank you for blessing us with your existence another year. <3 Lots of technical difficulties with this one but at least I can draw again. :')
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voidwhump · 3 months
Inspired by this
Ingredients: Injury, implied infection, heat stroke, falling off of a horse, near death. ~600 words
Horses weren’t all that fast when they didn’t feel like they had to be. They were at the mercy of the rhythm of the horse’s walk, using all their strength to stay upright. The sun baked their neck and scalp. Every motion refreshed the pain of their tired muscles. 
Aggravated the throbbing ache behind their eyes.
Stoked the smoldering fire radiating from the hole in their side.
The horse could tell they weren’t all there, stopping occasionally, unconvinced her rider knew where they were going. So, energy they didn’t have went into kicking the horse back into a walk. And the cycle repeated. 
And repeated. 
And repeated. 
As the horse slowed to a stop, again, they took a moment to drag their head up to where they could look forward instead of down. Their body protested as it was pulled out of its forward slump, every muscle supporting the motion threatening to fail. They closed their eyes against it. Breathed. Felt the breeze against their sweat covered face and neck.
When they opened their eyes, they could just barely make out the silhouette of a village ahead, sitting low to the ground against the horizon. They weren’t going to make it, they could tell. But maybe they could make it to somewhere someone would see them. Even if it was only their dead body. So, with every part of their body displaying a ticking clock, ten minutes to failure, five minutes to failure, they continued. 
Three minutes.
Two minutes.
One minute.
They felt the exact moment when their core gave up. Strained muscles abruptly went slack without their authority behind it. It was their uninjured side finally betraying them, overworked from hours of holding double its usual load. That was the side they fell towards, their opposite foot briefly catching on the stirrup, iron on leather, giving them one more instant in the saddle as the horse stopped again, for the last time that day. They had the brief presence of mind to free their other foot from its stirrup as well. 
After that, the fall was over with quickly. They hit the ground shoulder first, the joint audibly crunching as it impacted. The pain immediately blended with all of their other hurts. They lay there, breathing. It was better, being on the ground. A lot of them didn’t hurt so much anymore now that they weren’t trying to do anything. The dust blowing off the dirt road stuck to their exposed skin. Their sweat washed some of it away, dripping to the ground in their peripheral vision. 
The wind blew again.
They lay there, sweating.
The wind blew again.
Eventually, they weren’t sweating anymore. What was left on them dried quickly, and they missed the cooling feeling. The sun was setting now, so at least they wouldn’t be so hot soon. They hoped the horse had found some water. 
They could use some water.
The sun set. It seemed faster than normal. They might not be the most conscious at the moment.
Or they were mistaken. Light flickered across the ground ahead of them, in and out of their field of view. 
In and out. 
Getting closer. 
In and out.
In their eyes. That was annoying. 
Something pushed them on to their back. Their body screamed. They didn’t say much.
They were lifted, which felt almost as bad, but at least they were back in their slightly curled position. Whatever picked them up had a much smoother walk than the horse, too. They faded out again soon enough.
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doomspaniels · 3 months
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I can't... oh good grief...
I just gave Gwyn brain freeze. Went for a walk, it was awful, came in and grabbed my little cups with a couple of kibble soaked in water. Added crushed ice, served. Tristan was steadily munching away at his; Gwyn tried to take hers in big gulps. Then she stopped, with crushed ice strewn all over the kitchen mat, and her eyes glazed. I offered her the cup, still with plenty of slush, but she just took it and didn't do anything with it. I gave the poor kid an ice cream headache.
*facepalm* I don't think she's been turned off of water treats or ice treats, I'll just make sure she can't take that much ice into her mouth at once any more. oh geez. oh heck. oh for the love of sanity asdfgghhjkkklljhytrrexfbbyji
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bnnywngs · 16 days
Shoyo is a famous actor/model, he's currently everywhere from the current popular drama airing prime time, to that big billboard in the city, he's also in some magazines covers and has a million followers on his sns.
He's also pretty infamous for his coming out during a live show earlier in his career, and his refusal to act in stereotypes/prejudiced works, and for calling out homophobic acts, talks and people.
Because of that, he's celebrated between the lgbt community in Japan, and his fans are not only loyal, but fiercely protective and active in protests online or in person, for many things - either lgbt, feminist, or just to get a better access for wheelchairs in the subway.
But recently, after years saying he was single, he came out saying he had a lover who was neither an actor or a model, but wasn't unknown. He didn't want to say who it was because it could be bad for them, as Japan still has a long way to go to accept lgbt couples.
People respected that, but not the paparazzi, as always, so they relentlessly followed Shoyo, who kept going from work to home, and home to work, with a few outings with his friends and colleagues, so the photographers were getting anxious and restless.
It all came down to one letter.
Every Christmas Shoyo sends a custom postcard to his parents and his sister (who's a famous volleyball player now in Turkey) before going back home for new years (if he didn't have anything in his schedule), and this year he decided to get a picture of him and his boyfriend in a Christmas setting as his postcard.
But it was intercepted by one of the paparazzi.
Shoyo's boyfriend was none other than number 1 japanese streamer kodzuken! It was a cute little postcard with a picture of both of them sitting in front of a big and full of ornaments Christmas tree, with matching sweaters and doing a heart with their hands together.
The leak was soon everywhere and Shoyo's radio interview was cancelled that day, together with all his schedule, so they could do a somewhat damage control and to write a handwritten letter to his fans not only explaining everything, but criticizing those who stole his family letter.
The truth was: Shoyo and kodzuken met each other in highschool, when they both played volleyball in their respective schools, and started a relationship early on, that kept going for years and years, both their families knew about it and accepted it, Shoyo's family loved Kenma and treated him as another member of the family, and kodzuken's parents are always inviting Shoyo to have family dinner with them and even going out together without kodzuken.
kodzuken just did a small update stream a week or so later, saying almost the exact same thing as Shoyo's letter, and also criticizing those who make money over these kinds of scandals, and that they wanted to come out some day as a couple but in their own terms and not like this - as kodzuken wasn't even out of the closet for his fans.
As the media was letting go of this and the fans were calming down (Shoyo's fans being more open and receptive of their relationship), a magazine with them at the cover was released, with a long interview where they shared one single picture of their teenage years, where they went a bit more deep into their relationship and why they gave up volleyball after highschool.
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entitledrichpeople · 1 year
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somecunttookmyurl · 5 months
forgive my absolute ignorance and maybe stupidity, but does swimming and other pool related activities help hypermobility? Whenever I told anyone related to medicine I'm having joint pain, they told me to take many a bath and frequent a pool
yes. water-related actitivites help with joint pain a) by in the case of exercise like aerobics and swimming building muscle and b) doing so whilst relieving pressure on the joints because the water is holding you up
hot baths will relieve pressure on the joints (unlike standing or even sitting to take a shower) and the heat will relax the muscles whilst the water supports you
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fireolin · 2 days
I am trying so hard to improve my fitness, an ongoing journey for me almost since I started this blog. My current goal is to be able to easily walk say 12km over a day to be ready for my trip to Japan.
Reasons this is a challenge are all related to me being hyper mobile, though not in a particularly extreme way. But over time this has meant a range of injuries including way too many sprained ankles, culminating in a complete tear through my right atfl last year.
Coming back from that has been slow but positive, as I see a physio for the inevitable weird injuries I knew I'd get along the way. My feet are toughening up nicely, able to handle time and effort, with just a bit of icing to deal with issues.
Naturally I got overeager and did 2 x 8km walks last weekend, one each day. Which were fine on my feet, but now I have a spasmed muscle in my left calf. And today, I decided it had recovered enough to walk to my local train station despite the hills (and I made it!) but then i buggered it up in a shoe shop, experimentally jogging on my toes. Instantly crippled the calf, alarming everyone in the shop around me. Limped slowly to a cafe to recover enough to then limp sloooowly to the train, and then luckily to a bus back home - the driver was very kind as I slooooowly manoeuvred myself on and off.
Now I'm sitting on a heat pack hoping the spasm settles down. Because I'd hoped to do more long walks on the weekend. But it's not looking good right now :(
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lilbittymonster · 5 months
Got a WoL/OC QOTD for y'all.
What's their signature move in combat? How did it develop? Was it taught to them, or something they came by naturally?
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loz-the-noob · 10 months
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nooo way girl you have a magic glowing shoulder wound that switches sides inexplicably???? that’s so cray…….
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elena-rundriguez · 1 month
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Mon // 8.26.24
Tried to do a long run I missed this weekend but it was too hot and I was really unprepared. The new plan is 8 miles tomorrow.
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not-poignant · 11 days
Hi! I've spent this whole week binge-reading all of the Underline the Rainbow series and I'm obsessed. Thank You for creating this incredible world!
Sorry if these are questions you've answered before somewhere but I'm really curious about female Omegas and Alphas, especially in relation to Hillview's sister-site that was mentioned briefly.
Firstly, seeing as knotting and penetration are a big part of how Omegas manage heats, does this mean that female Alphas aren't able to consummate heats effectively? (If so, I imagine this would be a big source of insecurity for female Alphas who are attracted to Omegas!) Are female Alphas still able to create claim bonds?
I was also wondering what the reasoning is between having the different sites be segregated by primary sex in this way. Why was the decision made to have a separate sister-site specifically for female Omegas instead of having Hillview accept all Omegas regardless of primary sex?
I'm so so glad you're enjoying the series! :D
So, when it comes to women alphas and alphas who have uteruses, I am actually undecided on if they also have pseudococks or not at this point, but we do know from the worldbuilding that we absolutely don't need knotting or penetration to actually solve a heat.
The thing that matters most is an alpha's pheromones - and this is actually seen literally within Underline the Black, when Gary's closeness, his saliva, his pheromones, are the thing that resolves Efnisien's agonising, corrupted heat. So we've seen 'don't need knotting or penetration to solve a heat' actually play out within the story.
Temsen makes it very clear that if Gary had provided solid closeness, touch, and intervention earlier, Efnisien would never have needed to go through so much pain.
We also see in Underline the Blue that where Nate assumes he'll need a lot more penetration and knotting to get through his heat, Janusz demonstrates that a lot of the time he just needs closeness and pheromones, towards the end getting Nate to scent him, which calms him down better than a knot and actually finishes his heat much faster. So while the knotting in that circumstance absolutely helped, it was the pheromones that soothed and ended the heat the fastest.
In fact Nate will have to unlearn the idea that 'lots of penetrative sex and knotting' is what solves a heat, this is what Christian brainwashed him to believe. Janusz is already demonstrating that closeness, genuine intimacy, trust and safety, and the right pheromones, go a really long way to making heats pass as smoothly as possible. (The semen helps a lot, but that can be ingested, and applies in other ways, and likewise, alpha women secretions can be the same).
I'm certain that when it comes to most f/f pairings etc. the same thing applies regardless of what's going on between their legs (it is common in many omegaverse stories for women alphas to also have cocks or pseudococks and knots / pseudoknots. Since this isn't relevant at all for me in Underline I've never really sat down and kind of made it official either way, but we do know that all alphas can resolve a heat for an omega without knotting/penetration. I'm pretty certain women alphas / alphas with uteruses have zero insecurities re: bonding with omegas, or helping them through their heats. They'd have more insecurity over the fact that it's extremely hard for them to get pregnant.
In fact, if resolving a heat was as easy as knotting/penetration and had nothing to do with pheromones, omegas could resolve their own heats without needing alphas at all, and they could just use sex toys and knotting dildos, and this world doesn't work that way. Though other omegaverse worlds do.)
Are female Alphas still able to create claim bonds?
Women alphas and alphas with uteruses have literally no reason why they couldn't! It has nothing to do with genitalia and everything to do with alpha pheromones, just being alphas means they have the right pheromones to create claim bonds.
I was also wondering what the reasoning is between having the different sites be segregated by primary sex in this way.
In a word: Pregnancy.
Alphas and omegas are hyperfertile with one another. It's pregnancy. The risk is just too high. There are no ORFs on the planet - both the decent ones and the dystopian ones, that allow for mixed sex pairings because the pregnancy risk is just too high. Condoms aren't built to handle like...the semen load / repeated knotting etc. and have an extremely high fail rate and there's no contraception that works reliably for omegas in general (this is actually also why many alpha/omega pairings are same sex in general).
But yeah it's not very professional to send your partner to a rehabilitation facility and then have them get repeatedly pregnant while there, so instead all ORFs deal with the pregnancy risk this way instead, and that way there's absolutely zero risk of this happening. This is also why all the other attending staff at Hillview who are alphas are also male (like Temsen and Dr Gary), to completely erase the risk. (They don't worry about betas because they just...don't, lmao (that's good old beta bigotry)).
I hope that helps :D
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blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
Val's movie injuries 🥺🩹
1. The doors
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(My gif)
Val broke his arm while filming The Doors (1991) when he performed a jump from the stage into the crowd and the stuntman failed to catch him. The injury has left him with an abnormal growth on his left elbow that can clearly be seen in Heat (1995) And the salton sea (2002).😥
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(source : Val on the Mark and Bryan show)
2. Willow
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As explained on the audio commentary that accompanies home media releases of Willow, when the star was dismounting from the crow cage prop in-between takes, the chain holding it aloft broke. This sent the heavy cage crashing down on Kilmer’s foot, resulting in a painful (but fortunately, not permanent) injury. Madmartigan is tougher than we even knew.🥰
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Madmartigan is noticeably limping in certain scenes. (Source : screen rant)
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(This pic belongs to cheryl_tanner_actor on ig)
3. The ghost and the darkness
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In the movie press conference Val mentioned lightheartedly that one of the lions gave him a small wound on his arm saying " He was very kind..He also gave me this" 😂
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(My gif). (Source : screen ocean)
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turtleblogatlast · 2 years
Heyy!! Just went through like,, your entire prison!Leo au! I got two questions about Leo! One being does he still feel pain? And are there days where the pain is worse than others?
Another being does his injuries ever fully heal to the point where there isnt any blood (or need for bandages)? (For example, the brothers are taking a break from fighting and are on some sort of long vacation)
[ cw: blood mention / injury mention ]
For your first question: yes. He 100% feels pain. He’s just gotten used to it, is all. And yes, sometimes it gets worse, especially during colder months or if he’s aggravating his injuries too much. Chronic pain is something he just has to deal with (something each of his brothers can empathize with.)
As for whether he ever stops bleeding…not really. Most of his wounds were pretty congealed by the time he crossed the portal, so those ones aren’t actively bleeding unless he aggravates them, but a few others are still bleeding and will continue to do so if he doesn’t stop the blood with bandages. He can actually stop the flow with pressure, but it’s basically just the equivalent of constantly having fresh wounds.
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gorogues · 1 year
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Spoilers for this week’s episode of My Adventures With Superman!
This episode was surprisingly brutal. It's the debut of Task Force X as a team: first they get treated viciously by Waller and the General, and then they dish that cruelty right back to Superman in a major fight. Ivo would have killed Clark if he hadn't been stopped by the people holding his leash. Heat Wave is part of the team and does her best to beat the hell out of Superman, though she doesn't get to do a lot or speak in the episode…probably not surprising, considering the circumstances.
Anyway, Task Force X abducts Superman to parts unknown after his defeat, but fortunately Lois and Jimmy saw it happen.
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