#hearth of hestia
demigods-posts · 3 months
the fact of the matter is percy jackson and the olympians is a story of a negligent system in which demigods often fall victim. luke’s motive as the main antagonist throughout the series is to dismantle that system, dismantle the thrones on which the gods sit. hestia, however, does not sit on a throne. She places herself at camp half-blood among the demigods, reachable and ready to provide them warmth. and when the war reaches its peak, lives are threatened and the olympians leave to defend their symbols of power, hestia remains on mount olympus and tends to hearth, nurturing what is left of family. hestia is not everyone’s favorite Oolympian because she has done nothing to harm the demigods (though, that is a huge factor). she is the most honorable because she does what she can to maintain hope and stability throughout adversity. hestia was the last olympian remaining because she represents what matters most when everything falls apart.
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zarnzarn · 23 days
The doors to Olympus are sturdy and strong, given everyone's preferences for drama and slamming said doors open and sending them cracking into the wall whenever the opportunity arises. Which is why it's a surprise when they creak open during the once-a-decade pantheon meeting; less so because no entity worth their salt would take so long to open the doors, and more so because everyone who is anyone is already there.
But if everyone is being honest with themselves- which no one is, usually- these gatherings are boring enough that the bland conversation is dropped immediately in favour of craning their necks to catch a glimpse of whatever is coming to relieve them of their boredom.
When the doors finally open however, several of the pantheon murmur in surprise.
"Odysseus," Athena whispers, wide-eyed as she pushes herself off her throne to her feet. It is him- in the king's garb he was buried in but the face he has when he reached home, hair till the shoulders and speckled with grey, face oddly blank. His feet are transparent.
"What are you doing here, sceptre?" Poseidon booms, hair the color of a stormy sea. Zeus, beside him, looks reserved, observing the ghost with something approaching curiosity- eyes flicking to the lightning scars on his daughter's face and back. "Your time has long passed, and Hades-"
"It is a temporary agreement," Odysseus says curtly, barely sparing him a glance as he approaches his patron. "Athena."
Her armour clinks as she steps forward and the gods all twitch, trading glances. Owls are silent creatures- to have her aspect so affected to make noise was... uneasy to say the least. She even holds herself different than usual, something like confused delight shining in her eyes. "How did you-"
"Did you sleep with my wife?"
The throne room is silent. Several jaws drop.
Athena straightens back up, blinking in surprise. She looks a bit shifty, some of the nymphs closest whisper to each other, which- well, almost every single god present owed some part of their existence to the mere story of Odysseus loving his wife.
Would he fight his own patron goddess over it in front of Mount Olympus, though? He certainly was unbalanced enough; Athena herself looked rather uncertain of her odds, even though-
"Are you addled in death, King of Ithaka?" Artemis drawls, looking amused. "Did you forget that your own patron is celibate? Whatever rumor you-"
"No, I-" Athena says suddenly, shifting her spear to her other hand. "I did."
Artemis chokes on her breath and several assorted divine beings gasp in shock and the rest shouting for explanations, although everyone is nearly drowned out by Aphrodite's loud, "WHAT?"
Odysseus inhales sharply and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I cannot believe you."
"She asked-" Athena starts, only to be drowned out by the din of various beings screeching and shouting about the scandal.
"ATHENA!" Hera hisses, peacock tail fanning behind her sharply as she pushes herself up. "Explain yourself!"
Athena half-turns to face her, face creased in a frown. "Mother, I-"
"LET ME REPHRASE!" Odysseus cuts in loudly, and the shouting settles down into silence. He walks to his patron, eyes blazing. "I cannot believe," he throws his clenched fists wide as he growls the last word, "-you took Penelope to bed-" Athena surprisingly stays still as he reaches her, mouth falling open as he grabs her by the chiton to yank her down, uncaring of the gasps of horror from all around as he snarls, "-before you ever kissed me."
And then Odysseus grabs Athena by the face roughly and kisses her.
This time Aphrodite's shriek cannot be escaped by anyone.
"Aphrodite, please," Zeus says a few moments later, wincing as his throne reforms around him, stained oddly pink. Quite a few minor entities have discorporated, and the ones nearest to her are still trying to regenerate their hearing. "Control yourself."
Their eyes land back on where Athena has dropped her spear- dropped her spear, Ares in the corner seems to be having some minor hysteria over this, well warranted- and is also on the floor, still being thoroughly kissed by that insufferable, mannerless hero of hers, perched on her stomach to reach. Zeus inhales in fury, Poseidon close behind him as the shock wears off, lightning crackling around his fingers as he opens his mouth to shout- of all the indignities-
"If you two ruin this for me," Aphrodite thunders, warping in front of them and glaring. "I will make you both regret it."
Both gods visibly blanch at the threat, taken aback for one brief moment. Threats from Aphrodite are far worse than any of her more violent siblings, at the end of the day.
Zeus visibly gathers himself just as Athena's helmet clatters to the floor, and he gains a second wind immediately, eye twitching as he spreads a hand to the spectacle in the middle of the hall. "WHAT MANNER OF DISRESPECT IS THIS? TO BARGE INTO OUR MEETING AND THROW ONE OF THE OLDEST GODDESSES TO THE FLOOR LIKE A COMMON WENCH-"
"Zeus," Hera says quietly. Everyone falls silent, although it's not quite enough to stop the two tangled together on the ground. She clears her throat, which finally seems to get through to Athena, who had finally seemed to have gotten over her shock enough to reach out, hands hovering over Odysseus hesitantly. Still, at the noise she seems to remember herself, pushing herself up on an elbow and dislodging him enough to break their necking. He pouts at her, but Athena's eyes are too glazed over to notice, heaving for breath.
Hera opens her mouth to speak, crown manifesting on her brow as she steps in front of the throne, but closes it as the door rattles again.
This time, the spectre shimmers with a faint hint of scales that comes with a freshwater nymph's heritage and excited whispers starved for drama explode across the room as the Queen of Ithaka steps into the room, skirts hitched in her hand and panting as if she'd been running.
"Your Graces," She bows respectfully before entering, Spartan princess through and through, until she catches sight of her husband and Athena, the former of whom seems to have taken the opportunity to start kissing the wisdom goddess again, fingers in her curls.
"What are you doing?" She snaps, rushing over. The entire courtroom holds its breath. She slaps her husband upside the head, making him yelp and move back to shoot her a betrayed look. Athena looks even further dazed than before, cheeks red. "Argos has more manners than you! No wonder Lady Athena wanted nothing to do with you- ah, hello, darling, by the way."
"Penelope," Athena murmurs hoarsely, and the Queen of Ithaka leans down to kiss her as well.
Odysseus chuckles, then jumps with everyone else as Hera slams a hand down on the throne elegantly, cracking it to the base.
"Ah, goddess-" He says, clambering off Athena to bow.
"Silence," Hera interrupts, holding up a hand, eyes cold. "You will not say anything to me apart from an explanation. My agreement for your release from Ogygia was due to the assurance that your marriage was one of the truest I have ever witnessed, conveyed by Athena herself when bartered with all of us to let you go. Tell me, was it a ploy? Because from the disgraceful looks of it, this seems to not be the case in the slightest."
Odysseus frowns, face twisting in confusion. "Athena bartered with...?" He turns to look at his patron, who stares back, unspeaking. His eyes flicker to the lightning scar over her right eye as Penelope traces it with horrified eyes and a gentle thumb, and understanding seems to dawn.
For a moment, rage seems to fill him, glaring with a hatred towards Zeus that everyone whispered later wasn't met by the god king with anger, but a flicker of remorse- before he visibly throws it away behind Athena's old smile and bows.
"God-queen," He says formally, gracefully. Hera twitches a bit, and they'll all talk later about how odd it was to so clearly see Athena's younger mannerisms in the man, down to the curl of the letters. "My marriage to Penelope has never been false, never been broken, this I promise you." He takes Penelope's hand and squeezes it for emphasis, and she raises them as acknowledgement. "But... can you not argue that Athena has been part of our marriage all this time? From its start, where she advised me on courting and her on what to look for, to the twenty years she spent with both of us- me on the battlefield and Penelope in the court; to say nothing of how she helped raise our son and lived in our palace in the days after. And is she not so unbearably beautiful that even my Penelope couldn't wait-" He shoots a glare at her, which Penelope returns with a smile. "-when the chance was presented? How can you fault us for disgrace, after being so long apart from our wife?"
Hera raises both eyebrows at the impudence, the kind of disbelieving expression that hides a warning to tread carefully. "So you claim to be both married to Pallas Athena?"
"In every way that matters except legality," Odysseus says, fearlessly. He is dead, after all, what much can you do to a shade that they didn't already put him through when alive. He is sort of worried about Athena, though, as they both help her back to her feet, Penelope busy whispering compliments and updates and endearments in turn- she's not usually one to be quiet in face of a problem.
Hera tilts her head. "Ah, but you see. I need the legality, if I am to finally-" A helpless, excited smile pulls at her lips once, twice, before unfolding into a bright grin, peacock tails unfolding to their full wingspan. "-finally arrange for a marriage for my eldest daughter who has not once- oh finally, I can hardly believe this day has come-"
"I do not like the way you grabbed her, Sacker of Troy," Ares steps forward as Hera starts ranting half to herself, half to an equally loud assemblage of joyful entities about wedding arrangements, eyes narrowed.
Odysseus barks an incredulous, loud laugh, gesturing to Athena with a slightly crazed look in his eyes. "This lady has broken- and I do not exaggerate- every single bone in my body before I saw my sixteenth year. I have punched her a hundred times in the face when she taught me how to fight. We'll survive, thanks."
"That is fair," Ares steps back, hands raised.
"What duties will you provide as spouses, Ithakan Queen?" Hestia questions, stepping forward.
"Oh, the same we did when we were living," Penelope huffs a laugh. "Keep her busy, make her laugh, be of mild frustration to her, love her well, worship her-"
"I do not. Need to know," Hestia closes her eyes and raises a hand to cut her off, stepping back. Around them, the din catches speed and volume as no further objections arise, excitement spilling into the air.
"What is happening?" Athena says faintly, looking around as if she was just waking up.
"-oh, and we can get out the decor once more! Hebe, Aphrodite, loves, do you remember where we kept the fountains-"
"-finally, a reason to celebrate! Call them all out of hiding-"
"-can't believe this is finally happening, oh sister, what songs should we-
"Why am I getting married," Athena says with much more alarm and horror. She turns to Odysseus and shakes him by the shoulder, eyes wild. "What did you do?"
"How is this nothing? Do you have any idea the headache-"
"Athena, sweetheart, will you consider changing into that beautiful piece you made for the ceremony?"
"Oh, I'll make a deal with Hades or something, you hush!" Aphrodite leans forward and snaps, before her irritation melts back into a manic joy. "Oh, what paint shall we do?"
Creakily, she turns her head to Hera, disbelief pasted across her face. "Mother," She says slowly. "They are both dead."
Paint, Athena mouths, looking afraid for possibly the first time since her conception.
Penelope laughs and tugs on Athena's hand to make her turn, tucking dishevelled curls behind her ear. She wonders if the goddess knows how beautiful she is when she's flustered. "Take us away," She whispers. On Athena's other side, Odysseus leans against their patron with a besotted, helpless smile as he stares up at her, her helmet and spear in hand. She'd missed Athena like a limb, missed her deep laugh at night when they'd discussed the day's court, the dry jokes, the hands over hers as she weaved- but Odysseus wasn't himself without her, happy though they were in Hades' lands together, all of them.
"I'm-" Athena wavers, then looks around once more at all the excited screaming, something unreadable flashing in her eyes. Almost against her will, her eyes fall to Zeus, who is sitting silently and staring back at her. Poseidon looks like he still wants to start a fight, but clearly by his wary looks below can tell he will be heavily outnumbered by the overexcited crowd to not try, but Zeus just stares back at her, face blank of any emotion.
"We ask you formally this time," King Odysseus says, walking in front of her to take her attention away, holding onto her hand. His voice has strength in it, drawing the eyes of the murmuring crowd, but he's deaf to it as he stares up at her.
"Will you be our wife?" Queen Penelope asks, joining him, watching their beautiful patron shudder for breath she does not need as her eyes flick to one of them and then the other.
"Yes," She whispers and cheers erupt all across Mount Olympus.
"Finally!" Odysseus complains, and then pulls her down once more to kiss her, all three of them fading at the edges as one of the generous gods present there- who seems to realize that they're not very inclined to stop anytime soon- thankfully teleports them away into a nice room with a large bed.
"Finally," He whispers as he breaks apart to lay her down, cupping her face, voice heavy with the longing of a full lifetime and more. Penelope circles to the head of the bed and starts undoing Athena's braid, staring at them both lovingly.
Later the ones closest will murmur, as the silhouettes faded away, that tears had slipped from proud Pallas Athena's eyes as she placed one hand against Odysseus' cheek, trembling.
"I missed you," She will whisper back, and all three of them fade away to their own story, yet to be made.
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Jaune Meets Vesta
Jaune: Ya know... I have to ask Hestia, what's your Roman counterpart like?
Hestia: Well... she's kind of intense
Jaune: Really? I'd like to meet her
Hestia: Ok... I'll bring her out, but be warned, she's a little kind of the opposite of me.
Jaune: Well she can't be that bad!
*24 hours later*
Vesta: *Naked while looking at Jaune with a hunger in her eyes* You're not leaving this cabin until you put a fucking baby in me!
Jaune: A-At least... let... get... some water...!
Vesta: *Smirking* No~
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memorys-skyscraper · 5 months
one of the best things about hades 1 & 2 imo is seeing how they strategically use anachronisms to adapt the source material in a way that makes it feel more relevant to modern audiences while still capturing the essence of the original
like, "lameness" is not a concept people really think/talk about often these days (usually not wrt people, anyway), so hephaestus gets a prosthetic leg & wheelchair. dionysus doesn't talk like a himbo in the original myths, but that style of speech more readily conveys his vibe as the god of wine & revelry to a modern audience. lines like zeus saying "your father hasn't called in quite some time" in an offended tone of voice capture the petty family squabbles of the olympians better than a dry retelling of the original myths ever could
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virgo-vestalis · 3 days
Autumn Equinox Rituals Honoring Hestia
Create a seasonal protection spray and ward your home, or just use the ingredients as a spell jar:
🍁 Ingredients: rose petals, dried apple slices, pink salt, cinnamon, sage, bay leaf, cloves. (optional for spell jar: crystals: black tourmaline, amethyst. seal with black wax or cord.)
🍁 if doing a spell jar: write a protection charm/prayer on a piece of paper and put it inside. If making a spray, say it out loud while warding. For example: "Blessed Keeper of the Hearth, protect all who dwell here whether they be near or far away, safe they will be with the ingredients of this spray."
🍁 add the sigils of Hestia-Vesta.
Create a simmer pot to cleanse your house:
🍎 Ingredients: apple slices, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, orange/blood orange slices, star anise, vanilla extract (optional), pumpkin pie spice (optional)
🍎 Add all ingredients to a pot on a stove with enough water (around 6 cups depending on the size of your pot)
🍎 Cast a cleansing spell/prayer as it boils and you start to smell the aroma. Let the rising vapor be an offering to Hestia and ask Her to help you cleanse your home with it. Reduce heat to a simmer and add more water to replace the water that has evaporated for as long as you want. Remember to practice kitchen safety!!
Some foods you can make and charm with intentions:
Cinnamon oat bread - for success, abundance, prosperity, and wealth (this is my favorite recipe - just add cinnamon when combining all ingredients)
Pomegranate glazed salmon - for abundance, fertility, rebirth, honors Persephone's return to the Underworld, and invokes Hestia Polyolbos
Mashed sweet potatoes or butternut squash - for protection, harmony, friendship
Pumpkin ricotta pasta - for wealth, prosperity, love, fertility
Apple cider - for health and healing
Eat anything that's in season and feel the energy of the Earth (warmed and heated by Hestia at its molten core) warm your soul. Thank Her for these gifts.
Please feel free to add and share any more ideas you have!
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artisticaperture · 8 months
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shout out to this scene from the last Olympian that’s been kicking around my brain since 2013
image description under the cut
Start ID.
Image 1: a digital illustration of Percy Jackson holding Pandora’s jar. Inside the jar is the spirit of hope, emitting a glow onto Percy’s face. Percy is looking at the spirit and smiling tenderly. Percy has tan skin and black hair, with a grey streak. Standing protectively over Percy and the jar is Hestia, smiling down on them.
Image 2: A close up on Elpis, the Spirit of Hope, inside Pandora’s jar.
Image 3: A close up on Percy’s face.
Image 4: A close up on Hestia’s face.
Image 5: An excerpt from The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. The last three lines are highlighted. The excerpt reads:
“I picked up Pandora's jar. The spirit of Hope fluttered inside, trying to warm the cold container.
"Hestia," I said, "I give this to you as an offering."
The goddess tilted her head. "I am the least of the gods. Why would you trust me with this?"
"You're the last Olympian," I said. "And the most important."
"And why is that, Percy Jackson?"
"Because Hope survives best at the hearth," I said. "Guard it for me, and I won't be tempted to give up again."
The goddess smiled. She took the jar in her hands and it began to glow. The hearth fire burned a little brighter.
"Well done, Percy Jackson," she said. "May the gods bless you.”
End ID.
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loverdeity · 7 days
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Shrine Dedicated to the Household Gods
This is located at my front door, pays homage to the traditional household gods Zeus, Hestia, Hermes, Hekate and Apollo
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witchy-batsquatch · 2 months
So I've gotten back into my craft and I've meditated and studied and I have felt a draw to Hestia as a deity I have for a while there were no signs like random fires or anything just a draw the more I dove into myth the more I felt compelled to start working with her and she has helped me not just in my craft but domestically the food I make tastes better and when I clean its more thorough if you have any resources on her or experience working with her and could give me advice it would be much appreciated
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hearthpaw · 4 months
hestia worship tip:
something i have found helpful in connecting with hestia is wearing an apron while i cook or clean as a devotional task to her.
it helps get me into the zone of devotional practice (kindof like a uniform, to signify going further into that headspace/mode). it also is functional in that it keeps cleaning products, water, flour, etc. off my clothes, which helps them last longer , which i think is very fitting for hestia.
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lady Hestia Deep Dive
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Lady Hestia is a wonderful goddess, she is always there for everyone, I adore Lady Hestia, I do not worship her personally but I know well that she is Amazing.
Herbs • Chaste trees, Rosemary, Parsley, Basil, Sorrel, vanilla, Cinnamon, coriander, Marjoram, Mint, Lemon balm, cloves, clary sage, Allspice, Angelica, Coriander, poppy seed, chamomile, Angelica, Bay, garlic, mint, peppermint, pepper, marjoram, The lavender, the chaste tree, the datura, the California poppy, the goldenrod, the hollyhock, the yarrow, the purple coneflower, all white flowers, Lavender, White roses, angel’s trumpet, goldenrod, hollyhock, and yarrow, pine, Wildflowers & sunflowers, raspberry leaves, sage, pearly everlasting, yellow rose
Animals• pigs, donkeys, one-year-old cows, a Crane. 
Zodiac & scared number  • unknown, I cannot find out what month she was born on, or the day. But I would associate numbers 1, and 6 because she is the oldest and the youngest (and etc, but who even likes my rambles?)
Colors •Gold, yellow, orange, red,  White, Gold, Lavender, light purple, black, silver, and dark red
Crystal•Carnelian, Garnet, Goldstone, Calcite, Topaz, garnet, amethyst, lapis lazuli, green tourmaline, Vanadinite, Quartz, gold, silver, and brass, Amber colored crystals, citrine, clear quartz, sunstone.
Symbols• a kettle, the hearth (fireplace), torch, candle
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• friendship bracelets 
Diety of• the virgin goddess of the home and hearth fire, cooking of meals, and sacrificial food for feasts, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state, and sacrificial flame
Patron of where the families ate and congregated, hospitality, family.
Offerings• give her prayer beads that remind you of her that are not Christian (or make one, which is better), wooden beads, Oil Lamps, Seven Day Candles (because they burn for 7 days), LED Candles, A Candle that reminds you of home, White or red candles, Apple juice, cider, Wine, Baked goods, keys to the home (preferably not stolen(looking at Hermes devotees))), Small kitchen antiques/objects,  pottery/cups/bowls, artwork of homey things, a meal, your favorite things, poetry, books, items you made, fall-themed stuff, spring-themed stuff, First/last foods & libations from a meal, Candles/flame, Honey, Pork, Cakes or Cookies made to look like one of Her symbols,), Keeping a candle/hearth fire or lamp constantly burning, Pictures of homes you want to live in one day, pictures of homes you have lived in, Pictures of architecture that you like, Teacups, teaspoons, tea towels, Childhood memories (ex- stuffed toys, baby clothes, old photos), Homegrown herbs, Toys or art of donkeys and pigs, Leaves or blooms from a chaste tree, Tea light candles (real or fake), Your favorite poetry or poetry you have written for Her, Your favorite books, Stories you have written, Art of flames, fire, candles, Garmets that you have made such as clothing, blankets, beanies, Homemade lotions, bath bombs, shower gel, bubble bath (You can ask Her to bless them then use them she probably won't say no), Beeswax products, honey, olive oil, pumpkin pie 
Devotional• Pick up rubbish in communal areas, Offer the first or last bites/portions of food your to her, Cooking/baking for yourself or others, Having a candle lit whenever possible (electric or real), playing a video of a fire place, Volunteerring at homeless or DV shelters, donating to homeless or DV shelters,  Setting healthy boundaries with friends and family, reading about Tea/Coffee magick, Getting involved with your local community, Advocating for policies you believe will better the community Allowing yourself to rest,  Do a chore you've been putting off for a long time, organize to hang out with some loved ones, Veil or bind your hair, Wear something red or orange, Make a devotional playlist for her, make a Pinterest board or a mood board for her, Learn about kitchen witchery, Cook a meal in her name, Clean the House, Put together a puzzle, Eat popcorn and watch a movie, do Knitting, read about knitting, donate yarn and
knitting supply’s, prepare food for family, make the table before eating, garden, Harvest berries, pick flowers, Donate to food charity/drives, Support people who lost their homes to natural disasters, Welcoming others into your home, Keeping the peace (especially in the home), Donations of time & money to Habitat for Humanity, Do little (or big) acts of kindness, If you have a fireplace light it for Her or build Her altar around it, Meditate next to a fire, Read poetry or a book, play a playlist for Her and play it while you clean or cooks, Clean your house/room and keep it nice and tidy, Take a cooking or baking class, Collect recipes and keep a recipe book, Host celebrations at your home, Remember your ancestors and learn more about them, Spend time with your pets, Take care of yourself and your mental and physical health (Your body is a home for you),  Take a hot bath, eat some ice cream, chill at home for a day, Pray to Her( ex- for protection, inspiration, happiness, guidance, and help getting rid of negative entities in the home, peace in the home, good food, an abundance of food, independence), help to start/tending to the hearth, work on having strong family bonds, Open your curtains and let the sunlight warm the room, Make a potful of tea and keep it in a large thermos, Watch movies that make you feel nostalgic and cozy, Say goodnight and good morning to her, Get an electric blanket and feel the warmth connect you to her, Cuddle a stuffed animal, Make a blog/journal filled with cozy homely things, Keep a few locally baked goodies nearby for when you need them, String up fairy lights and use them as your only light source, Whisper prayers and devotional pieces before you go to sleep, Use a Himalayan salt lamp to connect to feeling of a fire, Invest in little things (ex- pillowcases, photos, curtains) that make your room feel welcoming and peaceful, Make a little bottle filled with herbs and crystals and other things that remind you of her, Listen to music that makes your soul happy and your heart content, Take care of yourself (ex- Brush your hair, use a wet cloth on your face), Keep a tealight on you, Clean one small area of your house, Savor a hot drink, Do small, unnoticed acts of kindness, Always greet animals (both big and small), Do anything by candlelight,  Wear colors you associate with her, Practice your patience (both external and internal), Be a listening ear or shoulder to cry on for those who need it, Make compromises when it is healthiest for both parties, always have a lighter or matches, Listen to music that reminds you of her, Spend time tending to your body, Leave a big tip the next time you have a chance, Practice kindness in all areas of your life (including driving), Take a hot bath or shower with no time limit, Decorate a space, Build a fire, Compliment people (both strangers and loloved ones), Donate something (ex-clothes, money, or your time), Look at photos and embrace the happy nostalgia, Wear makeup or jewelry that reminds you of her, Wake up early to see the sunrise - or watch the sunset, Watch/read about acts of kindness to be inspired, wear prayer beads that are for her, go to a high school reunion, do a family reunion, do budgeting in her honor, do meal planning, set healthy boundaries, have a household notebook, do seasonal cleaning, try home remedies,As you light your gas stove, say a prayer to Hestia, Spend quiet quality time at home, Gather your family (including your chosen family) for a festive candlelit meal, Commit to spending more time with children and old people.
Ephithets•Äídios - eternal, Aïdius – See Äídios., Basileia - See Vasíleia, Bulaea - See Voulaia., Chloömorphus – See Khlöómorphos, Daughter of lovely-haired Rǽa, Khlöómorphos - verdan, Polýmorphos - multi-formed, Polyolbus – See Polýolvos, Polýolvos - rich in blessings, Potheinotáti - beloved, Prutaneia – See Prytaneia, Prytanei, Vasíleia - queen, Voulaia - of the council, Prytaneia -”of the Prytanis.” 
Equivalents• Vesta (Roman), loki (Norse), Brigid (Celtic), Hathor (Egyptian)
Signs they are reaching out• having a strong urge to Vail in her honor, seeing her animals and symbols in your dreams, and seeing her imagery a lot, everything at home suddenly going well.
Vows/omans• that she “would be a maiden all her days”
Morals• morally light/pure
Courting• None 
Past lovers/crushes• None
Personality• She avoids drama, and is generous, but her temper is volcanic in nature, she is slow to anger, but when she gets angry her rage is a force of nature. She is modest, tranquil, and industrious
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• Historically she is supposed to be the first deity offered to in a ritual due to being the goddess of fire, she's the oldest Olympian, She is spat out last by Kronos so she is also the youngest, she shares her seat with Diyonisus, she did not give it up, she receives a share of every sacrifice/prayer to the gods, and she is commonly seen alongside with Hermes, I would recommend putting their alters close together.
Element• fire 
Curses• a bad family life, food being burnt, having not enough food, being turned away at restaurants, being homeless, your house catching on fire 
Blessings• all domestic happiness and blessings
Roots• Greek mythology….and she was raised in her father's stomach, and at the first years of theogony era.
Friends• all of the gods, but most notably Hermes, but is not friends with Priapus, she dislikes him (he tried to rape her.) 
Parentage• Cronus and Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, Demeter, Hera 
Pet• she has no pets.
Children • she has no children.
Appearance in astral or gen• she was typically represented wearing a veil and robe. In some images, she held a flowering branch or kettle as well.
Festivals • None, at every feast and meal a liberation was made to her name first and last, but I associate Thanksgiving with her, but her Roman counter part Vesta has 1-15 June of each year, an then another festival celebrated on 8-9 July.  Hestia is also mentioned on 8 June. But a neo-pagan sets aside 26 December – 22 January as a month devoted to Hestia.
Status• Virgin theoi goddess.
What disrespects her turning away people at your home (she is a goddess of hospitality and it was seen as disrespectful to her to do so.)
Planet• unknown 
Her Tarot cards• the Temperance, the fourteenth Major Arcana card.
Remind me of• Hot cocoa, and Thanksgiving. 
Scents/Inscene • Lavender, Rose, spring water,  rain, Pumpkin, Apple pie, cinnamon, fall leaves, Chamomile, Myrrh, Frankincense, Iris, Angelica, Peony, Angelica, iris, Sandalwood 
My opinion • I like her, but I'm scared of her too. (what a shocker!) 
Holy Queen of Sanctity, we hymn you, Hestia, whose abiding realm is Olympus and the middle point of earth and the Delphic laurel tree! You dance around Apollo’s towering temple rejoicing both in the tripod’s mantic voices and when Apollo sounds the seven strings of his golden phorminx and, with you, sings the praises of the feasting gods. We salute you, daughter of Kronos and Rhea, who alone brings firelight to the sacred altars of the gods; Hestia, reward our prayer, grant wealth obtained in honesty; then we shall always, dance around your glistening throne.
For the lost -
Blessed Hestia, the first and the last, and the always flame. May your light burn bright and strong, May your prayers be those of respect and love, May you guide the lost, And give to those who have nothing. I give thanks to you, Hestia, for all that you have done And continue to do.
For people with intrusive thoughts -
I ask Hestia, the kind goddess, to help those who feel down. May they find comfort and peace inside of their homes and inside their own minds. Protect them for their destructive thoughts, and be the safe place they need so much
A prayer for homeles—
In Hestia’s name, may you always have a home and a roof over your head. May you always be comfortable and warm with a full belly. May you always be in good spirits and good company, never knowing the pervading loneliness that envelopes the soul.
Blessed Hestia, Fill this home with your light and bounty, As the day fills it with golden sunshine.
Glorious Hestia, Let your hearth fire warm this house, As night draws her shadowed cloak over it now.
Blessings of the kitchen-
Hestia bless my little kitchen, I love it’s every nook And bless me as I do my work, Wash pots and pans and cook. May the meals that I prepare, Be seasoned from above, With thy blessings and thy grace, But most of all thy love
Links/websites/sources •
ts-witchy-archive, constantly-disheveled, saryoak, eldritchhorror06, https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amp, https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/625205765818515456/hestia-offerings/amphttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/179727039352/offerings-to-hestiahttps://www.learnreligions.com/hestia-greek-goddess-of-the-hearth-2561993#:~:text=Keep%20a%20candle%20dedicated%20to,prayers%2C%20songs%2C%20or%20hymns.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.html#:~:text=In%20myth%20Hestia%20was%20the,youngest%20of%20the%20six%20Kronides.https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.htmlhttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestia#google_vignettehttps://greekmythology.fandom.com/wiki/Hestiahttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/hestia/https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai https://hestiasservant.wordpress.com/2018/05/27/honoring-hestia-a-festival-every-day/https://www.elissos.com/the-family-goddess-hestia-mother-of-all-gods/#:~:text=The%20birth%20of%20Hestia%20dates,to%20his%20throne%2C%20his%20children.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(mythology)#:~:text=According%20to%20Hesiod%2C%20Rhea%20had,and%20Zeus%20in%20that%20order.https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/comments/14sy8cj/is_hestia_reaching_out_to_me/https://mythopedia.com/topics/hestia
http://persephoneandhecate.blogspot.com/2011/06/exploring-archetypes-hestia.html?m=1https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://honeyandhestia.tumblr.com/post/170063420188/bedridden-devotion-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/heatherwitch/160613514230/hestiavesta https://constantly-disheveled.tumblr.com/post/156636591525/can-a-hearth-fire-just-be-a-candle-that-you-lighthttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169551188078/devotional-activities-for-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/167758105763/jar-to-help-me-connect-to-hestia-chamomilehttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171225676313/burn-herbs-and-spices-as-an-offering-to-hestia-i https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183383795283/what-kind-of-crystals-would-yall-associate-with https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/171208375440/a-historical-prayer-to-hestiahttps://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/169394109439/i-ask-hestia-the-kind-goddess-to-help-those-who https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/166938581678/if-youre-still-doing-prayer-requests-may-you-be https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/178225408393/lady-hestia-goddess-of-comfort-and-warmth-to https://www.tumblr.com/honeyandhestia/183772520921/a-little-kitchen-prayer-for-hestia https://www.hellenicgods.org/festivals-of-hellenismos---eortai
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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artbyanca · 3 months
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Hestia and Zeus having a drink together.
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yourtwistedlies · 1 year
i find it fascinating that you can only see hestia when you are in need of a home. in need of the hearth. that’s why in tlt percy had seen hestia whilst being introduced to chb. he thought his mother had just died. he was in need of a home. little did he know, he’d find one right there.
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thecabinsixwitch · 13 days
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chb cabin aesthetics: 17/?
🧺🕯️ Hestia - Cabin 21 🪵☕️
I wish that I was a fire / I wish that I was a fire / Burning so bright / And giving off light / I wish that I was a fire / I wish that I was a fire / That never dies / And that never cries
“I Wish I Was a Fire” - October Country
• requested by anonymous
(feel free to send me moodboard requests!)
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Percy jackson au,
How many Demigods did Jaune and Hestia have and how does team RWBY and Ren, Nora react.
Yang: So VB... Who's the kid?
Jaune: Oh! Right! *picks up 5-year-old Furiosa from behind his leg* Everyone, this is Furiosa Arc, my daughter!
Ruby/Nora: DAUGHTER!?!?
Ren: *looks at her with a raised brow* She looks almost nothing like you
Jaune: She takes after her mother more, which isn't a surprise, her family genes are pretty powerful.
Blake: Who's her mom?
Jaune: Uh... well... you guys might not believe me
Weiss: Why? It's not like she's a demigod- Oh my oum she is, isn't she?
Jaune: Yep!
Yang: Whoa! Way to go VB! Which Goddess?
Jaune: Hestia
Yang: Really? So if she's anything like Percy and the others, is she gonna be as strong as them?
Jaune: Well... because I'm not exactly from Earth and Humans here on Remnant had to adapt and evolve differently, it's possible she'd be stronger
Yang: How strong?
Jaune: I really don't know but Hestia says she'll be really strong, way stronger than Hercules!
Ruby: Who?
Jaune: Long story, also she's pretty much a goddess herself
Nora: Really? Goddess of what?
Jaune: Fury
Nora: Why that?
Jaune: *lets out a long sigh* Another long story, but trust me, you don't want to anger her without me or her mom around! *Chuckles*
Furiosa: *embarrased* Father!
Jaune: *Smiles* Oh she speaks!
Furiosa: Father, you're embarrassing me!
Jaune: Well I kinda have to in front of all your aunts and uncles!
Furiosa: *hiding her face* Father! Stop!
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magpiethepunkfairy · 5 months
Thinking about hestia
Thinking about what a modern hearth looks like and means to me, Thinking about the center of the home
Thinking about monthy hangouts with my friends, and holidays, and the meals made then, thinking about the work put in to the food, thought and care and planning, diet restrictions and allergies and preferences and how much to make of what and how.
Thinking about my mother helping me eat when it gets hard, making me foods that feel safe and easy
Me doing the same for her, and for my friends
Food as care, as healing , Care being the center of My home
Think about hestia, goddess of the hearth, of the home, of what that means for me and mine
About my goal and drive to make my home safe, calm and restful
About home not being necessarily a single place, or even a physical one, because home is where care is
The work that goes into having a place open to care, open to hold and care for those who need it
And also, the work that goes into the upkeep, of cleaning counters, and dishes and, keeping the home safe and clean in general, about this to as care, for the home, yourself, and those you care for
About cleaning the side tables for my parents, and sweeping while a friend loads the dishwasher, and laundry shifts, and ripping up old flower beds together.
Hestia, keeper of the hearth and home, showing me how to highlight not just this work, but how much Care goes into it
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virgo-vestalis · 7 days
temple navigation
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greetings traveller. i am a solitary witch of over 10 years cultivating a sacred space for my devotion of the goddess Hestia-Vesta. disclaimer: i am not and will not claim the title of priestess. i treat this blog like a pocket shrine and collection of resources to refer back to, and you can too!
First, if you are new to Queen Hestia, learn about her here.
Sing praises to Our Lady of the Hearth with hymns here and here.
Find devotional act ideas here and here.
Prayers can be found here.
Support real human artists and find Hestia-Vesta art here!
Devotional music can be found here.
Sometimes we feel distant from Hestia, Full of Blessings. Reminders that She loves you are here. 🧡
Into kitchen witchery? Check that out here. Hearth and home witchery can be found here.
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