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sdkadi · 5 years ago
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It’s important to be #mamaslittlehelper for #pianoday #musictherapy #woofgirl #yorkiegram #rescuedog #adoptdontshop #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #gratefulheart #healthypupisahappypup #snuggles #snugglypup #smiles https://www.instagram.com/p/B40054fn7C4/?igshid=kr7paq53um6n
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quirkyblatherer · 8 years ago
New food is a big hit! Tomorrow we will be able to eliminate the kibble 100% 👍 #biologicallyappropriatediet #biologicallyappropriate #dogfood #endnutritionalabuse #orijen #orijenfreezedried #healthypupisahappypup #freezedried
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sdkadi · 5 years ago
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Little Dog, Big Life! Our Weekly Shenanigans are filled with smiles, good music, sunshine & snuggles. #littledog #littledoglife #littledogsofinstagram #mamaslittlehelper #woofgirl #rescuedogsofinstagram #adopt #shesavedmylife #smalldogbiglife #littledogbiglife #grateful #gratefulheart #healthypupisahappypup #pawtreepup #mywhy #unconditionallove #helpingothers #helpingpetsthrive https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iWrbgHEUH/?igshid=1c2ac5knzlx1y
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sdkadi · 5 years ago
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Woofgirl Emma vacation over Halloween @idyllwild #wooofgirl #mamaslittlehelper #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieofinstagram #yorkie #yorkshireterrier #healthypupisahappypup #goodlife #dogmom #dogmomlife #petparent #gratefulheart https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YNHXZHBC9/?igshid=czcuctga3wwy
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sdkadi · 5 years ago
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#woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #mamaslittlehelper #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #smalldog #smalldogsofinstagram #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieofinstagram #yorkie #healthypupisahappypup #littleblackdog #rescuedog #adoptdontshop #gratefulheart #nationalcatday #dogmom #dogmoms #dogmomsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B4OdCqBHYPk/?igshid=133qgygig44ua
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sdkadi · 5 years ago
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Vet visit for a travel health certificate and young canine annual wellness exam. Emma did good! #woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #mamaslittlehelper #vetvisit #healthypupisahappypup #wellnessexam #travelahead #healthcertificate #gratefulheart #thatlooktho #lovemydog #inlovewithmydog https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OKHyCnpvF/?igshid=1o85fjrmszy7c
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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Is your furry friend 🐕 hating the storm ⛈ tonight??? Or having the separation anxiety when you leave them home alone again?? Let me help them chillax!! 💚 https://shop.pawtree.com/katrin/product/GM2456 #chillax #anxietyrelief #petparent #petparents #petpawrents #dogmom #dogdad #happypooch #healthypupisahappypup #unconditionallove #gratefulheart #ilovemydog #scaredofstorms #nomorescaredydog #furfriendfriday #dogchews #holistichealing https://www.instagram.com/p/B0qdmtNn9Yb/?igshid=n2zp3uyoec3h
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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Woofgirl Emma’s First Pawtrait! Best model ever🤗🐾🐶📸 #woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #photoshoot #pawtrait #pawtraitsofpets #pawtraits #pawtraits4acause #mamaslittlehelper #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #yorkie #yorkieterrier #yorkieofinstagram #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieterrier #yorkshireterrier #yorkshiterrierofinstagram #mostpawshionabledog @thewoofbooth @woofwoofmeatballs @newtopiacyder #healthypupisahappypup #dogmom #petparent #proudpetparent #gratefulheart (at Newtopia Cyder) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0QEe39HuMO/?igshid=4qf2bc1es87u
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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🤗From a friend and petPro in our team: “Working in animal ER, We used to see heat stroke in pets regularly over the summer months and feel it is crucial to share some important information with you guys that you might not see on blogs! 🥶 Please understand that cooling your pets down should be a GRADUAL process in a heat stroke situation. In the event that they are cooled down too quickly, it could cause seizing and further overall harm! ❄️ If you are going to use ice packs on their bellies, neck and groin area, remember to put a towel in between the pack and their skin. 🔥 In the event that there are burned areas on their skin, do not use active running water or rub the skin - this could cause further damage! ☀️ Please keep your pets out for a VERY short amount of time with limited exercise in hot, humid weather with plenty of access to SHADE and cold, FRESH water. Also, very short walks in the grass - preventing them from burning their paws on asphalt and pavement. Do not wait until it’s too late!!! 🎾 To combat lack of outdoor exercise, we recommend indoor crate games, inside ball / toy play, puzzle toys, nosework / agility and finding other creative ways to not only stimulate your pups physically, but mentally as well! 🐶 Please be exceptionally cautious with breeds with short snouts such as pugs, bulldogs, etc. As their breathing ability is already compromised due to their anatomy. 🐾 The only way that dogs bodies have to cool themselves off is by panting or minimally sweating through their paw pads. Imagine wearing a thick fur coat in this heat! ” 🥵🥵🥵 #TheMoreYouKnow 🌈🐾 #heatstroke #heatstrokekills #heatstrokekillsdogs #knowthesigns #knowthesignsofheatstroke #caringissharing #healthypupisahappypup #howtokeepyourdogcool #summerheat #summerheatwave #petparent #petparents #dogmom #dogdad #petpawrents #paws #petslife #petslifematters https://www.instagram.com/p/B0KdF7XH6xc/?igshid=1n8izjeglkp41
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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It’s always a great day out and about with woofgirl Emma! 🐶🐾💚🤗🥰 #woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #happypooch #happywoof #happypup #shaggypup #shaggydog #shaggypooch #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #mamaslittlehelper #yorkie #yorkieterrier #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieofinstagram #yorkshireterrier #yorkshiterrierofinstagram #gratefulheart #healthypupisahappypup #pawsitivevibes #pawsitivity #petparent #petpawrent #dogmom #pawsup (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Jv5uAnb1h/?igshid=1xxq49txl0wfu
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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It’s that kind of day! #sundayfunday #singingsunday #woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #mamaslittlehelper #bestdogever #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #snugglypooch #visitmominlaw #yorkie #yorkieterrier #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieofinstagram #yorkshireterrier #yorkshiterrierofinstagram #healthypupisahappypup #crisscrossedpaws (at Church Of Nativity) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz7ThccHg45/?igshid=1fnide1c4b9s5
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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#fridayfunny #bestfurryfriend #dogmom #dogdad #petparent #petpawrents #healthypupisahappypup 🐶 What’s your Friday Funny look like? https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz14ulOH2gw/?igshid=np8ol0drysga
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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#tot #pawsup #tongueouttuesday #highfive #yorkie #yorkieterrier #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkshireterrier #yorkshiterrierofinstagram #ilovemydog #inlovewithmydog #mamaslittlehelper #pianoday #woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #happypooch #healthypupisahappypup #summershenanigans (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzufwninUY5/?igshid=1ozefuj5l2alg
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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#sillysaturday #dogsbodylanguage #sharingiscaring #pawclubperks #dogpetting #dogpettingtechniques #dogparents #dogpawrents #didyouknowthat #dogmom #dogdad #loveyourdog #themoreyouknow #knowyourdog #healthypupisahappypup #gratefulheart #bringlovehome #pawboxsurprise #pawbox https://www.instagram.com/p/BzmtvV4nyyZ/?igshid=8j486cdkswlh
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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Every day is a good day to be up and about with my woofgirl along... #woof #woofwoof #woofgirl #mamaslittlehelper #inlovewithmydog #ilovemydog #dogmom #petparent #petpawrent #gratefulheart #healthypupisahappypup #outandabout #tongueouttuesday #tbt #funfriday #yorkie #yorkieterrier #yorkiesofinstagram #yorkieofinstagram #yorkshireterrier #yorkshiterrierofinstagram @yorkshiresbreed @yorkie_adventures @yorkies.4ever @yorkiesgram @yorkshire_gram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzieXr7HO47/?igshid=1mhqamy6jgdvf
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sdkadi · 6 years ago
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#hotsummer #hydration #hydrateyourpup #hydrateyourpets #essentialforwellness #healthypupisahappypup #coolpooch #thirstypet #waterislife #ilovemydog #careforyourdog #holisticpet #holisticpetcare #petwellness #hydrationiskey #waterisessential https://www.instagram.com/p/BzcYsuyHaTv/?igshid=1n461om6uqepp
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