#health cybersecurity
dear Americans. if KOSA passes
(I SEVERELY DOUBT IT, it would be singlehandedly the worst bill in the history of ever! THE AMOUNT OF IDENTITY FRAUD MY GOD. all the non-americas will make fake American websites and make you put your info in it and then they steal your fucking identity!!!!)
remember to get a vpn, make non-american social media accounts with a non-american email (super easy!)
keep the vpn on when your using the internet, and you should still be able to access most of the internet.
there will be places where you can talk free of censorship still, plus I don't think they'll be killing the internet archive anytime soon so get ready to make YouTube, and other social media videos available on there for everyone who can't access them via YouTube and other social media's
you can also head on over to TOR because how in gods earth are they gonna enforce anything on there. they try. but also it's incredibly sketchy and you need some cybersecurity know how or you will get hacked.
your best bet's guys are to just use non-american social media's also I'm pretty sure they can't limit your access to non-american websites bc that's impossible so while for Americans YouTube, google, and other social media's might become restricted for you.
the wonderful world of International websites and social media's probably won't because again. fucking impossible to do.
100% I don't think KOSA will pass because again NATIONAL SECURITY RISK OF THE HIGHEST DEGREE
like the death of America will be their ineptitude of how hackers and the internet works.
(fun fact there's a hacking attempt every second! something these fuckers don't know about! the hackers are literally going to go into all this like a kid in a candy store.)
also rip to anyone trying to run away from abusive relationships, gangs or more!
like genuinely the worst fucking idea in the history of idea's it's not even a bad internet bill. IT'S A FUCKING GOD AWFUL ONE
I am going insane on behalf of all the Americans
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tuulikki · 4 months
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an enforcement alert Monday urging water utility systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation's drinking water from cyberattacks.
According to the EPA, recent federal inspections revealed that 70 percent of U.S. water systems inspected do not fully comply with requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act. The agency added that some systems have "critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities, such as default passwords that have not been updated and single logins that can easily be compromised."
The warning said China, Russia and Iran have "disrupted some water systems with cyberattacks and may have embedded the capability to disable them in the future."
Late last year, an Iranian-linked group, "Cyber Av3ngers," targeted multiple organizations, including a small Pennsylvania town's water provider. Earlier this year, a Russian-linked "hactivist" group attempted to disrupt operations at several Texas utilities. In addition, a cyber group linked to China, "Volt Typhoon," has compromised information technology of multiple infrastructure systems, including drinking water, in the U.S. and its territories, the alert stated.
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
new in comedy: world's most unstable guy (me) wants a commitment (getting into a volunteer org)
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thedigitalempress · 2 years
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the gym is my safe haven
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mythgrippa-blog · 1 year
Day 0 - rebooting
Hello, call me Mythgrippa! Nice to meet you, the name comes from two fascinations I have, myths and Marcus Agrippa (my favorite Roman). I am currently doing my final year of computer science and I've done a lot, I'll list them out in a different blog post but it was a lot a lot and I'm left with only one semester which I'm quite excited about.
However, I think I must have overworked myself to get to this point, like I'm truly exhausted all the time, can't really focus on my work and having constant feelings of stress and anxiety, I used to be a stallion programmer but I can barely write a few lines of code and not feeling mentally overwhelmed.
This morning, like in the night I woke up to go to the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep so I went online and got a bit too curious and searched up why I'm like this and found an online blog post which explained all the symptoms I've been experiencing with pin point accuracy.
I'm mentally exhausted, it makes sense because I'm always thinking about whatever school work I have and trying to get good grades, sleeping deep into the night trying to get work done. My performance has been declining, I still get work done but my quality isn't what it used to be. I've also been neglecting self care and not going outside, my skin is starting to show, I'm black by the way and my tone has started feeling... spotty? I don't know, I don't like it. My self confidence has kind of diminished because of it so there's that as well.
So, I still have a lot of work to do, like a software project for school that I'm the leader of, so I have to be the technical lead and also the semester hasn't started yet so I've to prepare for that as well. These are my stressors. I've to stop this mental daemon from running all the time.
To accomplish this, the article I read suggested these 11 solutions
Eliminate the stressors
My stressors would be mostly work, I can't just simply eliminate it because I have to finish this semester, and its not something I can set aside, plus my software project with my group isn't going so well so we gotta work our butts off for that
Work-life balance
Alright, this is part I get because I honestly don't have a life. The closet life I have is the friends I hang out with at school when on break and also the tennis games we go to, but I've mostly been a work person. So, for starters I need a life!!! But where to start... maybe I should start. Perhaps restricting myself to working up to 6 hours or less per day?
I could play video games or watch movies, I mean... hm... I'll try out the other games and watch more TV, I haven't been reading any of my novels or play board games. I'm off Twitter and Reddit, I don't like scrolling mindlessly for hours.
Damn it!! I remember that one of my friends has my board games, no matter I'll just play on ipad, hopefully there are good apps in the app store. I'll see what my other friends have to say. Well I'll see what I will do
Clear your space
I suppose this means I should rid of what doesn't kindle joy, I'm in recess at the moment and I'm back home, I don't have a room of my own so I sleep in my little brother's room (which used to be mine before I moved to uni), the spare that I usually sleep in is occupied by one of my older brothers. This room is a mess and I really can't do much about it other than tidy some stuff but the way things are laid out is just so annoying, so much wasted space. But this isn't my room anymore so I can't really do anything major plus my energy is down the drain.
Schedule (and take) regular breaks
I should take breaks when working, I used to study using Pomodoro and it was quite effective I won't lie but I've lost some of my discipline, at least partly attributed to the main reason I'm writing this in the first place.
How did I go so many semesters without taking regular breaks, not even like five minutes, I'm really a mad lad. I'll try to take at least 5 minutes off per hour, that should make it easier, but what constitutes a break? Doing nothing? I suppose that works
Get outside
In terms of this, I try to go outside but the weather is just so cold, but the sun does feel good but I'm the type of person who likes dark and gloomy weather accompanied by rain and thunder storms, I just really like that, the rain drops crashing onto the roof or window, the warm clothing I get to wear!! Oh my goodness, it feels like a mental refresher because I naturally feel easy and relaxed when there's rain. But I'll try to go out, perhaps a jog every now and then?
Do something new
Something new... well I could really try that, I used to go to the gym but school got so hectic I had to cancel my membership but I think I'll go back since I believe the hardest semester has concluded (last semester was the hardest honestly and I'm glad I made it out alive).
I'll try out other types of sports because I want to regain my stamina and activeness, my right leg though... its fine I'll be fine, I'll buy better shoes and sports gear. I'll try to be healthier, eat my fruits daily, and drink plenty of water.
That's a lot of stuff, how will I manage though? I'll figure it out but at least the idea is there
Reduce screen time
I mean... even though its the start of recess and I'm done with my old modules and the new ones haven't started yet, I'm still checking my emails and notifications, I do have the group project, and I'm doing Computer Science, I need a computer to science god damn it, how am I supposed to reduce that. I'll let this one slide. Because I can't really digitally detox... I'm not ready for that or even see the need to, but I can reduce the amount of time I spend on my phone, no phone time between 10PM and 7AM, that worked before in the past. But as for computer time, yeah I can't really reduce that.
Find positive ways to distract yourself
I used to have this bad habit I'm still recovering, I tricked myself into thinking it could help get the "edge off", I regret it and I'm glad I'm not that person, incase you're wondering its not drugs or weed or alcohol or any bad substances... I've never done any of that, and NO I DON'T VAPE. I'm as a clean as they get, but there's always been something I've been struggling with for almost four years now but I think I've finally learnt to let it go for the better.
You could say it was a negative distraction for myself, but no more of that I just need a positive way to distract myself, perhaps calling up an old friend? I haven't spoken to a number of people, I am messaging someone but they're not a regular person I talk to because of odd response times but I'm one of those people who'll reply as soon as they see your message no matter how long you take because I get people have stuff to do or don't feel like replying at times, its completely normal.
Perhaps I'll start playing games again? But that can get out of hand pretty quickly, actually... having coffee with my best friend can work? Yeah, there are plenty, I'll just ask her (oh yeah, a bit of a rant but I'm a guy, my best friend is a girl so yeah that can be a thing, why don't people get it! Guys and Girls don't have to date to have fun, goodness I hate my class mates, for CS nerds they're sure talkative, they're nice people but JEEEEZ). I'll ask her if I want to be distracted, or my other friends as well
Take care of yourself 
I need to eat nourishing food, I ate a lot of KFC and boy it ain't good for ya, but it helps fill me up but I'll try to be better than that and eat better. I'll start eating from this restaurant I frequent they sell some delicious and nourishing food. I'll also try to sleep by 10 and wake by 7, that should be plenty of rest yeah? I will drink water every day, trust me I'm a water freak.
Focus on what you can control
I can't really do everything, so I should be able to tell others what to do, I am group leader after all. I'll see what I can do and what should be done, I'll delegate and try to organize more. So, that the objective is very clear. I'm not a stallion anymore, I can't code for hours on end like I used to, but luckily there's capable members in my group so I'll delegate the work to them and do my group leader duties.
Talk to a coach or therapist
Well that lists everything, I wrote so much without realizing it, this was all in one sitting so I'm impressed with myself. I always did enjoy writing stories, I'm not as creative anymore but when it comes to stuff like this, I have like 3 filled up diaries.
If you made it this far, I'm so impressed with you, thank you for taking an interest and reading my first public blog (I've written so many private ones that I'll never release because I'm so embarrassed plus its useless and uninteresting, like unfinished stories, other diary attempts, blah blah)
Well thanks again you and I'll see you in the next one
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innonurse · 1 year
Babylon Health puts two divisions into administration
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
Babylon, the troubled health-tech company, has placed two divisions into administration but has secured a buyer for its clinical services unit.
Read more at UKTN
Other recent news and insights
What happens next when a DIY 'bionic pancreas' changes diabetes care? (Nature)
How the behavioral health app BeMe intends to interact with teenagers (Fierce Healthcare)
Fitbit is the object of three data transfer complaints in Europe (TechCrunch)
QR Codes: A double-edged sword for patient care? (HealthTech Magazine)
Nomi Health is fighting allegations that it plagiarized COVID testing app (Fierce Healthcare)
MiyaHealth, a Singaporean SaaS HealthTech firm, has raised $7.7 million in Pre-Series A funding for worldwide expansion (TNGlobal)
Collective Minds Radiology, a cloud-based collaboration platform, has raised $7.6 million (Radiology Business)
Neurowyzr receives an additional $2.1 million to improve brain health technology (Longevity.technology)
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osintelligence · 1 year
https://bit.ly/45aeLG5 - 🏥 A recent cyberattack has caused significant disruptions in hospitals and healthcare facilities across several states. Emergency rooms have been forced to shut down, and ambulances have been diverted, affecting primary care services at facilities run by Prospect Medical Holdings. Recovery efforts are underway, with the extent of the problem still being assessed. In the meantime, hospitals are relying on paper systems and human assistance. #Cyberattack #HealthcareDisruption 💻 John Riggi of the American Hospital Association has emphasized the severity of the situation, indicating that the recovery process can take weeks. This attack is not merely a threat to data but has real-life consequences on patient safety and community well-being.
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halifaxhacks · 2 years
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why am I never good enough?
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Empowering Your Health Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Digital Health Landscape
In the heart of the 21st century, we find ourselves immersed in a world where technology and healthcare intersect in unprecedented ways. From wearable fitness trackers that monitor our every step to telemedicine platforms that bring healthcare to our fingertips, digital tools have revolutionized how we approach health and wellness. However, as we embrace these innovations, it’s imperative to…
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noureena · 12 days
Find Best Content Here..
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shamballalin · 3 months
For All Those Who Do Not Want Another King in the USA ~ List of President Joe Biden's Accomplishments
President Biden is staying in the Presidential Race 2024 There is a reason the United States of America celebrated the 4th of July this week. The entire country of every political affiliation celebrated the USA victory to rid this country of a King. Citizens of the USA already fought for and won the freedom for every citizen in the USA to have a Democracy over a king. Think about this for a…
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DAILY DOSE: Harvard Research Links Hair Relaxers to Cancer; CDC Probes Illnesses Tied to "Health" Mushroom Snacks.
HARVARD STUDY LINKS HAIR RELAXERS TO SEVERE HEALTH RISKS Dr. Tamarra James-Todd at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health has spearheaded research linking chemicals in hair relaxers used by Black women to reproductive health disparities. This research gained attention when the FDA proposed banning formaldehyde in hair relaxers due to cancer risks. James-Todd’s work is part of broader…
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nirmal123 · 3 months
Digital marketing is an effective channel for the healthcare industry
Because it facilitates contact between patients and providers, increases patient involvement, and makes healthcare information more accessible, digital marketing is incredibly beneficial for the healthcare sector. Healthcare providers may reach a wider audience, educate patients about illnesses, treatments, and preventive care, and build patient trust and loyalty through focused web advertising, social media, and content marketing. Precise targeting based on patient behavior and demographics is made possible by digital technologies like email marketing, PPC, and SEO. For more information visit DMedva, Digital Marketing in Healthcare Industry.
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innonurse · 5 hours
Health insurance startup Alan secures $193M in funding, raising its valuation to $4.5B
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
French insurance unicorn Alan has entered into a multi-faceted partnership with Belfius, one of Belgium's largest banks. The deal includes a distribution agreement and a financial investment led by Belfius as part of Alan's €173 million ($193 million) Series F funding round.
Existing investors, including Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Temasek, Coatue, and Lakestar, also participated.
Alan, initially focused on enhancing the French health insurance system, offers a seamless user experience through automation, such as fast claims reimbursement. Over time, the company expanded its services, including telemedicine, prescription eyewear, and preventive care resources. Alan also utilizes AI to boost efficiency.
With over 500,000 users earlier this year and a strong focus on growth, the Belfius partnership aims to increase Alan's customer base in Belgium by tapping into the bank's corporate and institutional clients. Since February, Alan has added 150,000 customers, and expects to reach €450 million ($500 million) in annual recurring revenue. Although its revenue supports insurance claims, the company's growth remains robust.
Read more at TechCrunch
Other recent news and insights
Health tech company Fabric completes the acquisition of TeamHealth VirtualCare (MobiHealthNews)
Following outages at Change Healthcare and CrowdStrike, health systems aim to diversify and fortify their supply chains (Fierce Healthcare)
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drnic1 · 4 months
Paging Dr. Malware
Health Tech Havoc This month’s episode of “News You Can Use” on HealthcareNOWRadio features news from the month of May 2024 News You Can Use with your Hosts Dr Craig Joseph and Dr Nick van Terheyden The show that gives you a quick insight into the latest news, twists, turns and debacles going on in healthcare withmy friend and co-host Craig Joseph, MD (@CraigJoseph) Chief Medical Officer at…
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