#healing her bond with him means allowing herself to heal as well
dirtytransmasc · 2 years
I just want Neytiri to somehow see the recordings of spider being to tortured and how he was willing to die for them…and realize what a horrible person she is for how she’s treated him and for being willing to kill him. Like I just want some remorse from her
this post has 2 parts, they are not directly related, please heed both
I need Neytiri to realize she was wrong, to see spider was always her family in his heart, he would do anything for them, even give up his own life. I need her to realize it never mattered how she treated him, spider would always put himself in front of her and her kids.
I need her to come to the realization that spider deserved better, and I want her to be sorry, I want her and spider to have a scene were they come to an understanding with each other.
what I'm gonna say is not directed solely at you, its fandom wide, and its something that bugs me.
the language used for neytiri is a little too hostile, yes her treatment of spider was wrong, but it is a direct response to the horrific trauma she endured at the hands of humans. we can acknowledge she was a bad mother to him, but respect her as a person. this is especially true because she is a mirror image of what many indigenous people in real life have experienced.
all in all, there are 2 sides to every story, and neytiri is facing a bit to much hate and hostility for my liking. she is not a horrible person, she has severe trauma she was never allowed to heal from. its not any of spiders fault, but his presence was a direct trigger for her, and he lived in her home, played with her children, her mental health/ptsd has been taxed day in and day out. because of this, her behavior towards spider was wrong, but she is not evil or the antagonist. they are naturally opposed and she never should have been forced to raise him.
again, not to single you out, this is just an example of what I'm seeing way to much of to be comfortable.
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elrxiel · 1 month
"Azriel showed mate behaviour towards Gwyn! Not towards Elain!!! The only thing he feels towards Elain is lust, while Gwyn is obviously his mate!!!"
You're absolutely correct! Remember when only Azriel noticed she was missing and decided to march into the enemy's war camp to get her back, even if it meant he could lose his life? And how he cradled her towards his chest after they fought for their life escaping, even though it was him, not her, who was badly injured, refusing to let her go until she was perfectly safe? And when he was the one she accepted the dagger from - his own, magical dagger, no one was allowed to touch before him and her, so she could protect herself? Wait. My bad, it was Elain, not Gwyn.
Remember when he was the only one to take her to the garden & remember how she let him and took his hand, despite shying away from others including her own sisters? Remember how a healer said "if anyone can sense if something is amiss, it's her mate" & then he was the one sensing it? Remember how this alone kick-started her healing process? Oh no, it happened with Elain as well.
Remember when he monitored her laugh to see what caused it, how carefully he was looking at her to the point that even Mor noticed it and when he literally pushed himself through everyone to be the first to wish her happy solstice & then proceed to be the perfect gentleman for her? When he was the only one who stayed up late night listening to her talk about her gardening plans? When he was spouting poetry after she asked him a simple question, because his own calmness calmed her? And when his shadows were ready to strike Nesta after she hurt her feelings? How protective and quietly mad he sounded when he heard about the sisters fight? Ah, no, it was also Elain.
So maybe, when he could smell the bond between her & another male, which alone is curious, since no one could smell a bond between Nesta and Cassian or Feyre and Rhysand? And when he couldn't stand said smell? Right. Also happened with Elain.
Oh, you mean "a spark in his chest" = mate behaviour! The same "spark" Feyre felt for Tamlin & Lorcan felt for Aelin! Yes, absolutely - this little sentence in the bonus chapter alone discredited everything he & Elain shared on pages of four books. It's how it works.
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sturnioloshacker · 11 months
sister’s bad week snap - a sturniolo triplets short
a/n: requested by anon; lowercase intended. my first fic for all three of them, yippee!
summary: after trying to grieve over the losses of what she loved most, the youngest of the family finally hits her breaking point with her brothers 
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in a los angeles townhouse, lived nick, matt and chris, a trio known as the sturniolo triplets. their little sister, y/n, lived with them too. she adored her brothers and how much success they’ve had in such a short amount of time. the triplets had always been there for her, sharing laughter, secrets and support. but this particular week, it seemed like the universe was conspiring against y/n.
first, her beloved pet hamster, whiskers, passed away. then, her favourite stuffed bear named mr. snuggles, who was given to her as a gift by matt, went missing. y/n’s heart was heavy and her spirit was crushed. throughout the week, her brothers, well-intentioned but somewhat oblivious, kept asking if she was okay. they noticed her melancholy and tried to cheer her up with goofy tiktok edits of them made by fans and stupid jokes. but their efforts only seemed to make things worse. all y/n longed for was a moment to grieve her losses in peace.
finally, on a rainy friday afternoon, matt asked the dreaded question once again, chris and nick on either side of him. 
“hey, y/n, are you okay?"
tears welled up in y/n’s eyes, and her frustration boiled over. 
“no, matt, i’m not okay!" she burst out, her voice trembling. 
“whiskers died, mr. snuggles is gone, and you guys keep asking if i’m okay, but you don't even give me a moment to be sad or angry! can't you see that i need some space?!”
the room fell silent, and her brothers exchanged worried glances. they had only wanted to help, but they hadn't realised how their constant attention was suffocating her. realising her outburst, y/n took a deep breath. 
“i’m sorry, matt, i didn't mean to snap at you, but this week has been so tough for me. i just need some time to myself right now."
matt nodded understandingly, and the triplets gave her the space she needed. in the following days, they respected her wishes, allowing her to grieve and come to terms with her losses. slowly but surely, y/n began to heal, and her bond with her brothers grew even stronger as they learned the importance of giving her the room to be herself. in the end, y/n’s worst week turned into an invaluable lesson for all of them, emphasising the importance of understanding and supporting each other, even when they couldn't fully grasp what the other was going through.
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mynonclicheblog · 6 days
Which hopes/expectations do you have for Season 5 Steve and Nancy separately as individuals?
I hope to see them both fulfill their character arcs, learn what they still need to learn (especially Nancy- Steve hit most of his pivotal milestones through s2-4), and close the parts of their stories that remain unresolved.
I hope to see them both ending the series alive and well, on track to achieve peaceful lives for themselves after the shitshow they've endured for 5 seasons.
My preference is for them to do that together, of course, because I think it feels the most thematically resonant for their characters- but whether jointly or separate I want them to be happy, man. They deserve it.
I hope Nancy is able to forgive herself for Barb's death. To understand that she isn't a guilty party, to finally heal from the trauma that has haunted her like a shadow. I want her to see that she is not the sum of her past and is a good person worthy of good things. I want her to feel respected, trusted, and valued by the people around her, to have support and a genuine sense of community- to know that she doesn't have to go it alone. I think season 4 did a good job jumpstarting something like this, allowing her to act as sort of a leader to the party and bond with them in a way we haven't seen before.
As I said, Steve has already come a long way. He's undergone more self-reflection and growth than any other character on Stranger Things. There's not much left for him to achieve, so to speak- just continue showing up whenever he is needed. I think Steve is in a position where he can be content no matter how things end up for him, which is great. He's worked diligently on himself, embraced a platonic circle of friends who mean the world to him, bravely protected the innocent and had a hand in saving the world multiple times. He's told the girl he loves that he still loves her simply because it is his truth, no ultimatums or demands. In season 5 I hope to see this fully realized version of Steve continuing to be there for his people and helping them along in their own journeys, however that may be.
Those are my hopes for them in season 5- but I try not to do expectations.
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I don’t understand Zut’s obsession with bloodbending. This technique, as we can see, is used for taking control over other body for the purposes of fighting the enemy, torture, abuse. We see Katara’s horror at having to learn and use it in the Puppetmaster and her disgust of the idea that someone should invade the body and control other being against their will. We see her using it in Southern Raiders and realizing that she went too far from the line she drew for herself – and it works to show her pain there. But to take it and say she should have used it more, for healing and power? I don’t get it.
Their logic is "This looks cool, therefore it is empowering, and she only ever used willingly one time, when Zuko was around, so OBVIOUSLY that means Zuko empowers her."
Nevermind that, like you pointed out, Katara did NOT feel empowered during these moments: on the first one she felt coerced, abused, terrified, and manipulated, and on the second she felt like she had betrayed her core vallues in a moment of blinding rage.
And it's just crazy to me to notice how zutarians are constantly trying to force parallels between Zuko and Katara - yet they are ignoring the one that is right in front of their faces.
Zuko was disfigured by his own father, who justified his abusive behavior as being for his son's own good and "teaching him a lesson. Hama masks her intentions of forcing Katara to learn bloodbending by claiming she just wants to bond with her as her teacher.
On the day of the eclipse, to keep Zuko around until he's able to try and kill him, Ozai manipulates his son by using his love for Ursa against him, offering to tell him what actually happened to her. To force Katara to bloodbend, Hama uses her love for Sokka and Aang against her, controlling them so they'll kill each other unless Katara steps in.
When Zuko has his Agni Kai with Zhao, he almost gives him a scar as well, but decides to spare him at the last moment because, even though he's still in denial about being abused, deep down he already knows he doesn't want to be a monster like Ozai. When Katara uses bloodbending on who she thinks is her mother's killer, then realizes her mistake, she gets quite a brutal awakening that makes her realize she's not simply going after justice or even revenge, but rather allowing herself to fall victim to cycle of violence and abuse like Hama did.
This is a genuine, not at all forced parallel between Zuko and Katara, and that the writers basically handed to the shippers in a neat little bow - and they threw it in the garbage because it did not allow them to glorify violence, romanticize Zuko's past as a villain who was prone to violence, pretend Zuko and Katara only have positive traits in common and could only ever bring out the best in each other, and demonize Aang as this abusive person that wants to control what Katara can or cannot do.
And ironically enough, in doing so, they not only disregard the meaningful theme of an abused child refusing to repeat the same mistakes of their abuser, but they also make excuses for the ONE person in the entire show who was everything they claimed Aang is.
Hama felt entitled to Katara's loyalty, obedience, admiration and respect. She felt she had the right to dictate how Katara should or should not fight, what was or wasn't against her moral code. She was deliberately manipulative to get Katara trust her, then waited until there was no one else around to help her to make her true intentions clear - and then proved she was VERY willing to react with violence if she didn't get what she wanted.
Zutarians go on and on about how their ship is the "feminist, pro-Katara ship" and how Aang is totally abusive, then turn around and glorify the actions of the ONE person in the entire show that fits the definition of "Katara's abuser."
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flightfoot · 9 months
ML Fanfic recs for 2023: Under 2K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
Markov wishes to get to know the Alliance AI better, and discovers an unusual chatroom as a result, one filled with some very surprised creatures who wish for him to convey messages to the class...
After Hawkmoth and his accomplice Chat Noir’s defeat, Marinette wants nothing to do with Adrien Agreste - until she watches him at school.
After Pollen’s capture, Chloe’s feeling some inexplicable sensations - hunger, pain, and fear without cause. For some reason her sister is as well.
Financial advisors have seen it all. Which includes planning for a billionaire supervillain.
The universe is homophobic. It is very bad at it.
All this and more below the break!
Trust by @bisexually-finger-guns
They thought that because they believed Lila’s lies, they would not be trustworthy to Ladybug anymore.
They thought wrong.
I just love how sweet and kind this is to Alya and Nino, and how understanding Marinette is here. Neither Marinette nor Adrien are going to blame their friends for falling victim to Lila’s lies. They just want to help their friends heal.
The Markov Alliance by CrochetJellybean
Slight spoilers for season 5!
Markov was excited to use Max's class time to learn more about the AI system within the Alliance rings. In his exploration, he accidentally discovers a chat room of 14 non-humans connected to the Alliance network, so he decides to join it.
This was hilarious and fun and heartwarming. Markov accidentally stumbling across the kwamis and them hinting as best they could about what to do and who to tell about them (as best they could without spewing out bubbles) was great, along with the Miracuclass’s reaction to finding out about them. 
Also their groupchat name is “plagg is oblivious” due to Plagg not figuring out that Nooroo was in the same house as him all this time, which is just perfect XD. I’ve reread this fic several times, it’s so good and bite-sized!
oh, look now, there you go with hope again by @ladyofthenoodle
After the defeat of Hawkmoth and his accomplice, Chat Noir, Marinette is ready to return to her normal life, but she can't escape Adrien Agreste, who was sentenced to a fate many consider worse than prison: public school. Specifically, her public school.
Still, that doesn't mean she has to interact with him, does it?
Except, if she doesn't... who will?
I love a good enemies au, and seeing the aftermath of an enemies au... that’s rare. She’s wary of Adrien, but with how he’s being bullied, and how he’s just taking it in the hopes of being accepted, she can’t help but reach out to him.
SCP-136: The Cheese Gremlin by Distraught_by_your_Love
The SCP Foundation was transporting a shipment of assorted cheeses for reasons relating to the study of an SCP.
Upon arrival at the European Facility, it was discovered that all of the cheese had disappeared somewhere along the journey.
A replacement shipment was requisitioned, this time with added security measures including closed-circuit security feeds.
This was when the Foundation became aware of SCP-136: The Cheese Gremlin.
Plagg has fun threatening the Foundation for cheese, and Ladybug is exasperated. And I have fun reading about it!
It Started With by imjustabirb
When a kwami and their holder become close enough, the holder starts to get the instincts of the animal their miraculous represents.
I adore fics where the holders get animal instincts! I especially liked the Alya and Zoe chapters, with Alya being comforted by still having animal instincts after Trixx was kidnapped, and Zoe getting Black Cat instincts because she bonded with Plagg even in just the few hours she was his Holder.
She’s Cheating On You! by MsSkywalkerWeasleyParkerStark
Lila thinks she finally has it. The thing that's going to break up Adrienette once and for all and allow her to finally get Adrien for herself.
She just didn't count on the love square.
It’s the classic “people catch Adrien and Marinette making out as Marichat or Ladrien while they’re dating as Adrienette and/or Ladynoir”, and it’s as funny as ever XD. They actually decide to play it up a little before revealing that they’re fine with it.
Can’t Sleep Either, Huh? by EmeraldButterfly
Chloe gets up late at night. Turns out she’s not the only one who’s worried about Pollen.
(AU where former Miraculous holders have an empathetic link with their kwamis)
This is a very interesting AU. Chloe and Zoe are both able to feel Pollen’s emotions and even things like her hunger, and end up taking solace in each other to try and cope. It’s just really sweet.
Alya Cesaire Should Be Allowed To Swear by @stripesandblossoms
Akuma attacks don't stop just because Alya is no longer a Hero, but that's fine, because she can still help clear civilians from the danger zone. Even celebrity-friends like Adrien Agreste.
Hey guys this is an amazing one-shot, even with as short as it is. I love how it goes into Alya's thoughts and feelings about why she doesn't swear (because you can't do that on-air as a journalist and she has little sisters that she can't swear around anyway) and her coming up with ways to suppress her swears when she's tempted.
Then of course, she finds out a secret that makes all of that go out the window...
Seriously this is really funny, please read it!
Gabriel Seeks Financial Planning Advice by @uptoolateart
As Gabriel accepts his imminent demise, he decides to make plans to protect Adrien's inheritance and livelihood. This is the letter his trusted financial adviser writes to him, summarising the key points of that meeting.
This is hilarious. The financial advisor just takes all of Gabriel’s statements and aspirations at face value and writes up a letter to help work out what to do, no matter how ludicrous it all sounds.
Tapestry by @hamsteriffic
Luka’s tattoos mark each milestone in his life, but none is more important than the one prepared for him by Grandmaster Su Han for completing his training.
I love the description of the various tattoos Luka has, it helps to develop him as a character, show what matters to him, and the fic even includes artwork of Luka and all his tattoos!
Back to Life (Back to Reality) by @2manyfandoms2count
Toxinelle and Griffe Noire return to their world after their night in the canon timeline.
I loved seeing these two talking a bit more amiably, especially with Toxinelle commenting on how silent Adrien is as a civilian. That doesn’t appear to be something he really wants to dwell on.
Here’s Hopes For Moving Forward... by allthingsasian
Gabriel finds out his son is Claw Noir.
Set just after the Paris Special...
I loved seeing Gabriel’s perspective here, finding Claw Noir broken down, crying on his son’s bedroom floor, and realizing what that means. How badly Adrien must have been hurting, how he’d been lashing out and hurting everyone he could reach, including himself, with the self-cataclysm. 
But now, Adrien and Gabriel are ready to talk, with Adrien getting the hug he’s sorely needed for a long time.
Where We Go Now by @trishacollins
After going to the other world, after his life-changing meeting with his other self - Adrien comes back to his silent room, in his silent house.
Just because he changed doesn't mean the world has changed to keep up.
Where do you even start?
I love the “What Now?” energy of this work, and Adrien and Marinette talking through things after getting back to their world. They’ve changed, but the world hasn’t. I especially liked the attention paid to how silent Adrien was as a civilian, compared to how chatty he was as Claw Noir. That seemed purposeful.
oh, no, not again by @bittersweetresilience
Félix doesn't want to broach the subject, but he won't be able to after they leave.
So this is a glimpse into a time-travel fix-it story, with various wielders being sent back into their younger selves. But Felix doesn’t think he’ll be helpful, because well... his backstory. He would be unable to step out of line. It’s pretty angsty and I love Chat’s reaction to learning about how bad Felix had it.
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hello, i was wondering if you perhaps knew of any fics that involve crowley and anathema being friends? ive just always felt like they would get on well, they're both similarly odd and prone to ranting about the sizes of animals brains
thank you so much for all the work you all do btw!!
Hi! Here are some fics which feature a friendship between Crowley and Anathema...
You've Got a Funny Way of Making Friends by ellbie (T)
Anathema swirled her drink in her glass. “Then what?” “Er, then… I don’t know. I didn’t see him again until the Great Flood.” “Well, when did you start, y’know…” Anathema waggled her eyebrows. Crowley flustered. “Mind your own business, witch.” “Hey, you’re the one that agreed to talk to me about all this stuff. You can’t be mad that I’m asking questions.”
Friendship is Demonic Magic by Shadow0kana & whtbout2ndbrkfst (T)
After Crowley interrupts Aziraphale and Anathema’s phone conversations one too many times, Aziraphale suggests the two have their own meetups to discuss what they have in common. Cue monthly coffee dates between a witch and a demon who can passionately discuss (debate) anything from Halloween to Astronomy to Hamlet… while also conspiring to form a book swap aimed at getting Aziraphale to read anything written after 1950.
The Nice and Accurate wedding of Anathema Device, Witch, which went just as expected by Nenchen (G)
Wedding planner Anathema Device is the Number One. She can organize anything for a wedding, flower arrangements, catering, a marching band or an emu. The name Device is a guarantee for a picture perfect wedding - and the perfect pictures will be taken by her top wedding photographer, and best friend, Anthony J. Crowley.
Both of them see weddings mostly as business, until Anathema meets Newt, Love of her life, walking natural disaster extraordinaire, and very much not a person it’s possible to have a perfect wedding with.
Which is perfect since Anathema frankly never wanted one for herself. She just wants a fun party, good food, and all of her friends to attend - including Crowley. For whom this might just as well be the apocalypse because no, he is not allowed to work on her wedding. Strictly invited only as a guest, Crowley finds himself at a loss. What the hell do you do at weddings? Well, if you are Crowley, the answer is some James Bond-like action, some worrying about fly swarms and their sources, having a lot of emotions, drinking some very funny wine, putting your foot in your mouth and just maybe meeting someone to share all of that with. Oh, and there’s always cake, isn’t there?
Healing by AppleSeeds (M)
After Crowley sustains an injury, his friend Anathema persuades him to come with her to the spiritual centre she regularly attends so that he can receive some spiritual healing. Crowley doesn't expect the healer to be quite so attractive, and certainly not that he'll end up developing a crush on him. As their sessions together progress though, Crowley starts to wonder whether Aziraphale might actually have feelings for him too.
Thrown for a Loop by MickyRC (T)
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a large amount of yarn will be assumed to be a knitter.
It is a truth universally acknowledged among crocheters that this is annoying as hell.
In his many years crocheting, Aziraphale has never been one to let that assumption stand. But faced with an opportunity to join a knitting group run by a very sweet new shop owner, he decides to play along. Even if it means he has to pretend he wants to learn how to knit. Even if it means he has to hide his skill with a crochet hook.
It’ll be worth it to get to know Crowley better. Probably. Hopefully.
(It will.)
secondhand smoke by PaintedVanilla (T)
you're second hand smoke, second hand smoke i breathe you in, but, honey, i don't know what you're doing to me mon chéri
the year is 1990, and anthony crowley is looking for a church in london that might be tolerable. the one he winds up attending isn't exactly such, but he decides to stick around for one reason. said reason happens to own a bookshop that crowley begins to frequent, much to the surprise and delight of anathema device and newton pulsifer, who seem quite convinced that crowley could use something else to focus on besides gardening, their campaigns, and visits to tadfield.
- Mod D
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salllzy · 4 months
Sal's snippets #4 (hidden in the shadows #3)
For a demon, she would be considered an anomaly, but given that she was half angel it wasn't all that shocking that sometimes she was more virtuous than the average human and demon. That didn't mean that demons didn't have virtues a lot of them did, but they were buried so far down that they were impossible to find.
But she was her father's daughter. Her dad hadn't raised her to allow anyone to walk all over her and with the angels now forcing them to reveal themselves and just what they are? Well, she wasn't going to play nice, regardless of who they were. Sarah knew bits and pieces about angels and how they behaved, her dad, tried to get books on them. Which had been a painstaking task to do. So she knew that angels formed flocks and bonds with those who resided in their flocks. Her flock was her and her dad, that was it. The same was true about her dad.
For as long as she could remember it had always been her and her dad, no one else. Sure he was a serial killer with bodies in the hundreds and he was a cannibal, but no one was perfect. He had never laid a hand on her and he had done everything in his power to keep her safe, even going as far as to learn voodoo from his mother. While the woman herself had never used it, she had proven to be a fountain of knowledge. She pressed a golden-covered hand to his back and focused on his wounds, his self-inflicted wounds. She would call him dramatic but in this situation, she felt as if dramatics were warranted. Neither of them wanted to join Heaven and be part of their flock, not when they had proven how easy it was for them to toss a member of their flock out. She and her dad were different, they would never fit in. They would be tossed out well before they even reached the gates. "Oh, papa." She pressed her hand into his back, she knew that he didn't like touch from those that he didn't trust and men. And for good reason. Her aversion to touch stemmed from a different place, the only person who had ever touched her without the intent of harming her was her dad.
She had stopped trusting her dad's mother when she kept trying to force her to go to church and that all she needed to do was pray and all would be forgiven.
The thought of praying and begging for mercy for something that she had never done, had never sat right with her. She had been a child when the older woman had begun dragging her to church, her small wrist in an iron grip. She would sit in church and try to mimic what was being said, as her tongue blistered and bled. She had never mentioned it to her dad.
Her dad had been so happy that she was spending time with his mother that she had kept her mouth shut. Now she wondered if she had done the right thing, perhaps she should have told him. But what was done was done and she couldn't change it. All she could do was keep going forward and hope that they would be able to deal with whatever was thrown their way, as they had always done. "Don't worry papa, no one will hurt you while I am here." Her eyes flickered into dials before they returned back to normal, she wasn't going to let her anger rule her. She was better than that. Once she was sure that he wasn't in any danger she left his room, she knew that she looked a fright covered in gold-tinted blood. In all honesty, she didn't care, her red eyes took in every detail as she made her way through the hotel. She knew that she would have to be on her guard, she didn't know them and her dad hadn't said whether or not she could trust them, to an extent. But she knew that she had to stay away from Vox and the rest of the Vees, which wouldn't be too much of a problem, she had heard the shouting match that the Vees had gotten into when she was healing her dad. She doubted that any of them were still at the hotel. The Vees were all style and no substance. But if they were in the hotel? Well, she didn't have to play fair.
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songofthesibyl · 1 year
Wildly and Deeply and All At Once
A Tamlin POV of a section of chapter 19 of A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Unusual. Queue. Slaying. Conflagration.
Soft. Soft and swaying— No. Slaying.
Slaying my heart.
Oh. Oh, no. She would never see them. No one would ever see this. Was he going to actually attempt love poetry? What had this human done to him?
What was she doing to him.
He laid down his pen on the desk, and put his palm to his forehead. Then looked to the door of his study with a pang of anxiety. He had spelled it so no one could come in—Lucien would never let him hear the end of it if he knew what he was doing, or attempting to do. But even though he was out on patrol now, Tamlin dreaded being interrupted anyway. And it wasn’t that he thought Lucien could, or would, really hurt him in any way—he would never hurt him. It was some long ago shadow that could bypass his wards, his magic, even before the curse. Some lumbering figure barging in and telling him to stop being foolish, stop dreaming, stop being an embarrassment. He had not thought on it in years. But she had brought it all up. He saw the pain, the guilt at having something that was hers, and hers alone, of no use, of no importance, to anyone else. And no one was here, no one would barge in to tell her that her desires, that her dreams, were stupid. Never again. And yet, it would not go away. Not for over five hundred years. 
He sighed, sitting up, straightening himself at the words floating in his mind, despite everything, and wrote them down. 
A conflagration of the heart.
Yes, that was it.
This little reprieve he had been given, at such a great cost. So much it had awakened in him. Not since the early days with Lucien had he been so full, had he lost himself so completely, so wonderfully. Even with the end so close. He could not afford to forget what lay ahead, but there were weeks, weeks yet, and they were all expecting him to fall, but they had not been expecting her. Not three of three thousand women he could have imagined would have been like her. 
He closed his eyes, dropping his pen again, still tasting her on his lips, feeling her heart race for both of them, and how his own had struggled, wildly, inside of its prison, calling to her in the brief touches he had allowed himself. The first to heal, and then—
Unusual, the feeling of a heart beating for the first time, when it was immobilized, when it had been free to do so for centuries. And yet now, only now, with the curse upon him, impossible, did he feel it start to work, for the blood to flow, for it to reach him, for him to reach out and connect, a thread from him to her, more sacred and more pure than any Mother-appointed bond. A feather’s touch, not the frenzy of the Rite that he dreaded now, but gentle. He had not felt this way for a very long time. He had been asleep for a very long time. Shut himself up a very long time. He had not expected this. 
Unusual, this year’s fires. Burning not on the land. But burning stone. 
He sighed, putting the pen down again, and leaned back in his chair. This was no good. Perhaps she could figure it out from a poem. What was really going on. But it was so heavy, the word so heavy, as his heart in his chest, that he could not tell her of.
He leaned forward again, looking at the other words, skipping over queue and going back to slaying. He took his pen in hand again, stared hard at the word, and tried thinking of something that was not trite, that would not send her running to the border with its cheap sentimentality. Another word too heavy, too violent, and she had had enough of that. He closed his eyes at how he must have looked to her after killing the Bogge, at the meaning of severed wings that he was too afraid, too ashamed to tell. A reminder from Amarantha of what he really was. And who Feyre had revealed herself to be that night as well. When she had let go, and let her instincts take over. When he had felt the first stirrings of life in him. But the violence at the edges of it.
A queue of sentries lining up to die.
Heavy marks on the paper. No attempt at lightness, or levity. The heavy hands of a beast, who could not hold a pen, who could not gently caress, who could only tear at flesh, wound, kill.
A pair of wings taking to the sky one last time, in a conflagration.  An unusual eye, staring through wards, though glamours, seeing all, knowing all. Slaying brothers, and giving him shelter, and sending him to the slaughter.
He threw the pen against the wall, and tore up the papers he had written on with his claws, and threw the pieces into the fireplace for good measure.
A conflagration of words. A slaying of paper.  A queue of first lines. An unusual form of kindling. 
Despite himself, he found he was laughing. Exhausted, insane perhaps, on his own like this. A ridiculous way for a High Lord to spend his time in the midst of a curse, and the doom that rang louder every hour. Yet it was so quiet here, only the sound of a fire, turning his piss-poor attempt at poetry to ash, more vile to encounter than any ash arrow.
It was ridiculous. All of this was ridiculous. And insane. He was thinking too much on it. He heard Lucien’s voice in his ear, but he could not woo, could not court, he never had been able to. This was not what was needed, this was not what she needed, it would not do.
He stared into the fire, and was at the border, a long, dull night ahead, surrounded by his fellow soldiers, and he heard the laughter roaring over the flames they surrounded, heads tipping back with it.
He saw Feyre sinking down, retreating, back to the cold, and the winter. 
She needed the Spring. She needed lightness. She needed laughter. She needed to laugh. 
He had been good at it once, long, long ago. Another lifetime, another self. Before he had a beast form. How absurd he would seem. Not the shining High Fae, who would charm, who would woo, who would lie with words. No, much different than this. Someone her age, and no one. Just one solider among a band. Passing the time in the long night.
He smiled, remembering it. And got up, and picked up his pen, and sat back down, and it did not take long for it to all come back to him. 
There once was… What sounds. Unusual. -Al. Queue. -Ew. The form, the words became clear to him, like a song not played for years, but always held in one’s heart. Locked inside, waiting to be let out. It was easy, when it was for another. Always easy for the bow to be drawn across the strings. 
He finished five poems, in quick succession, and could hardly sleep for the excitement, and the nervousness of sharing them with her.
Ridiculous. He was ridiculous.
What was she doing to him. 
Lucien could see. How he kept staring at him the next day at breakfast, saying nothing, but smiling to himself.
And how lightly Tamlin stepped after her, making sure the poems were secure, making sure no one would see, and the faint sound of what might have been his heart beating wildly, he imagined, if it were free.
And how sweet the air, and how bright the colors, the intensity of carmine red, saffron yellow,  malachite green, ultramarine blue. As if the true nature of the world had been glamoured from him, and, piece by piece, he was uncovering it, slowly, but steadily. And he would not reveal it all now, but this little piece to her, five pieces of paper that crinkled against his chest, and he could feel with each step, himself becoming lighter, and lighter still, until he was no longer stepping on the earth at all. 
He cried out at the shock of the earth no longer under him, but the sky, his world turned upside down. And he saw her, stalking toward him, a hunter to her prey, himself caught, laid bare to her. She said nothing, but looked up at him, smiling wickedly, with crossed arms. 
He could not help but smile back at her attempt to appear cool. “Cruel human.”
“That’s what you get for stalking someone.”
He chuckled at her, making no effort to move, enjoying the world this way, surrendering himself to it, to her, gladly. Waiting to see what she would do with her quarry.
She moved closer to him, tentatively, as if worried he would strike at her, her prey subdued, but still able to bite. She stopped where she was close enough to touch, her head close to his, and reached out, only daring to let one finger make contact with his hair cascading below him. But it reached a thread into him, and he heard her pounding heart thundering into him. He leaned almost imperceptibly towards it, towards her, and she responded, every finger caressing, but gently, and he would stay in this upside down world gladly, the crown under him, blood finally flowing, contented as a cat purring in the sun.
But only a little at a time. Not yet, not yet. She demurred, and stepped back, and he righted himself, letting her see his beast-self further, pawing at the vine that held him, landing on the earth gracefully, as a cat. But still looking down at sky, up at earth. She was changing everything, everything. And the brightness on her face. If she would let go. Let him be absurd, and upside down, and cat, and ridiculous, for her. 
“Feeling better today?”
An answer he would give. “Good. But just in case, I wanted to give you this.”
He watched her, eager, anticipating, and nervous, and took out the five pieces of paper from under his tunic and handed them to her. She had been teaching herself to read, too proud to accept his help. He understood. But hoped, and waited, for her to recognize. But she got a frustrated look on her face, and he could not help himself.
“Before you bolt or start yelling…”
He dared to move behind her, feeling her warmth against him as he leaned over her shoulder to look at the top poem.
Nothing for it, now. He cleared his throat, and read. 
“There once was a lady most beautiful Spirited, if a little unusual Her friends were few But how the men did queue But to all she gave a refusal.”
Whatever she had been expecting, it was not this. She turned to look at him, her brows raised high, and blinked. As if she had been caught, dangling from her foot in the Spring wood. He could not wait, but snatched the poems back from her, glancing upwards with delight at her increasingly red face as he read the next two. It still hadn’t hit her, though. He paused a beat, then read the fourth, and handed the papers back. 
“Final word in the second and fourth line in each poem,” he said, gesturing towards the lines with his chin. And waited, unable to keep the amusement from his face. And finally saw the recognition in hers.
“These are—“
“Your list of words was too good to pass up. And not good for love poems at all.”
No. No, not at all. This was better, so much better. The look on her face, her raised eyebrows again, urging him to continue.
“We had contests to see who could write the dirtiest limericks while I was living with my father’s war-band by the border. I don’t particularly enjoy losing, so I took it upon myself to become good at them.”
He waited. Would she think this awkward, insulting, beastly? Would she groan, roll her eyes at his efforts? Maybe she would just shoot him with one of her arrows and be done with it. But she only stood there, staring at him with an amused smile, her eyes sparkling, waiting, letting him take the papers to finish reading. He had saved the best for last, and had hardly finished when he heard the sound of her laughter. He lifted his gaze to look at her and oh, the joy in her, the lightness, it entered him, it reverberated throughout his body, a divine resonance that threatened to shatter his stone heart.
@tamlinweek2023 Day Seven: Free Day
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floralneonlights · 1 year
Divine Warriors and Relics Overhaul.
The last major post I made was about the regions in my MCD rewrite but this time around it's going to be the Divine Warriors because they scratch my brain. Also this post is probably going to be LONG.
The Divine Warriors are characters we have heard before such as Irene, Shad, Esmund, Enki, Menphia, but I added two more as well, that being Drorit and Fionn.
I did rework some of the titles given to the Divine Warriors as I just didn't like them. Shad the Destroyer specifically felt too on the nose.
So, we have
Irene the Matron
Shad the Vandal
Esmund the Guardian
Enki the Astrophile
Menphia the Fury
Drorit the Defiant
Fionn the Traveler
I will explain some of the changes
Shad the Vandal
As I stated earlier, "Destroyer" felt too on the nose. While Vandal isn't a positive trait, it doesn't imply that Shad has always been a bad individual and was just know for delinquent tendencies, a loose screw in the guard. This allows Shad to be seen as more than someone who was always evil, although I would like to keep "Shad the Destroyer" as another title for him after the betrayal and uprising of Shadow Knights.
Esmund the Guardian
I just didn't like "Protector." That's just it. Nothing deeper.
Enki the Astrophile
Enki was known as "the Keeper" which felt too vague to me. In my version, Enki was an archivist so he was keeper of archives, keeper of knowledge. Although that doesn't explain the "Astrophile" part since that means lover of stars. I can't explain it any further than Enki has a relationship with nature thus the stars and the stars have always been symbols of knowledge in my mind. So that's what I'm doing here.
And then explaining the two NEW characters, Drorit and Fionn.
Drorit the Defiant
Her title is self-explanatory along with Fionn's. Drorit tends to create riots for a cause and doesn't follow the rules, she hates having to follow strict order and wants people to have the ability to have freedom in their choices instead of walking on a tight rope.
Fionn the Traveler
Self-explanatory BUT Fionn is a traveler by sea and is a water spirit. At first, he's a scammy merchant who tries to trick the Divine Warriors into a pitiful deal and only ended up joining for selfish reasons but ends up becoming very valuable to the group, actually being the most well-versed in magick.
Now let's talk about the changes to the Divine Warriors themself.
Irene in the rewrite is a Swan Maiden. If you don't know what swan maidens are, they are shapeshifting women who can transform from a swan to a woman but they tend to still have their feathers in their human form. They're usually married off to higher up power, like kings, and have their feathers plucked so they cannot fly away.
The cause for the up rising / the final straw was Irene herself being taken away and forced to have her feathers plucked so she could be married off to the King of Ru'aun. She soon runs away with two guards of the king and begins to study magick with the rest of her group. Along the way, she makes allies and builds of bonds with others.
Once the King is overthrown, Irene declares that no one person should rule an entire region, and then settles down as lord and founder of Scaleswind, where the rest of the group followed her. At this point, she had perfected her magick of light and healing. Healing was a lost magick even then, but with a witch's help, she was able to bring that art back to life. Since she is a swan maiden, a sign of purity and hope, it was easier for her to learn.
When one of the guards was overcome with darkness, that left the Divine Warriors as the only ones who could take him down as there was no need to bring innocent parties into this. Before the final battle, Irene asked one of the group to put a magick seal onto gems where, if they were to die, their magick would automatically go to that gem. Each member wrote an encryption onto the gem and went into battle by Irene's command, who held back as a final answer to the problem.
As she felt her friends die, Irene felt herself begin to fade. She didn't head to the battle ground for months as she became a recluse and her villagers and knights began to worry. And one day, there was a big, flaming light that walked down the road, and Irene the Matron was gone.
Phoenix Drop was named after this event as many people believe the light was a Phoenix signifying the end of an era.
Esmund and Shad
Esmund and Shad are put together here as they were both Royal Guards of the King of Ru'uan, Kieran. Esmund was the head guard of the kingdom, while Shad was still but a trainee despite being there for so long due to his rebellious actions. He tended to disobey the king for fun rather than to make a statement, which made Esmund very annoyed with him. The two bumped heads a lot.
When Irene was transferred to the kingdom as Kieran's fiancé, the two were assigned to guard her. They obeyed this command, Esmund because he would always obey the king and Shad because he just wanted to see who on Earth (Known as Terra because MCD is special) would marry him. When they saw a swan maiden without her feathers, both were horrified.
Even though both had sworn their loyalty to the king, more or less, they both realized how cruel this was and how they couldn't let an unwilling party be stripped of anymore rights. They hatched a plan and later escaped to meet with the archivist of Yggdrasil. They continued to run, going to Tu'La, Ivorian, Umbre'en, Aerania, and Rigguard. All places being of worth as Umbre'en and Rigguard were Shad and Esmund's home regions, respectively, which they had seen how Ru'aun's monarchy was slowly taking over the other regions and the protests surrounding this. This sped up the process over overthrowing the king.
Esmund became head guard of Scaleswind, but Shad became Irene's right hand man. They had also become skilled in their magick sets which complimented the other; ice and protection (shielding) and shadow and imprisonment.
Both loved Irene and they both knew she could only love one of them or even neither of them. Esmund felt peace with that, while Shad felt a pain in his chest whenever he thought about the possibility.
Although Irene showed feelings towards Shad, he became more and more bottled up with disgust and despair towards those around him, feeling as though he is still looked down upon as some sort of rebel because of his previous actions and not with all of the good he has done. The darkness in his magick was dangerous to learn, as dangerous as Irene's light magick, and it began to physically and mentally consume him as he lost more control of his thoughts and anger. Esmund, Irene and the others desperately tried to get Shad out of this state, but it failed.
Shad later escaped to the Nether/Underworld (It's Both) trying to attempt to build a kingdom of his own, which previously was just a place of darkness. Esmund felt defeated, and made sure to inscribe his relic to go to someone who was loyal and protected, and did not strive for power.
Esmund was the last person to fall to Shad, he was hoping and praying that maybe if he still stood up and fought, Shad would eventually be reminded of their training days, but that never happened. Shad lost his heart.
Irene had put a seal on Shad's relic, after she defeated his, at least, physical form which put the magic in his relic. The seal being it can only go to someone who had a kind, intelligent soul.
Enki and Zoey
Enki and Zoey are siblings in my rewrite. Zoey was roughly around 10 when Irene was around even in MCD and I thought it would be nice for her to be related to one of them somehow. Enki is a well known archivist in Yggdrasil, near the kingdom in Ru'aun as they get most of their resources from there. Actually, Enki is THE royal archivist, holding all files and letters the king has received and sent, along with anyone else in connection with him. He was a trusted figure. His magick was not seen as a threat during this time as he was more so of a support type rather than an offensive type.
Enki kept a book of myths and read them to Zoey every night as well.
When Esmund, Shad and Irene came to him, asking for help about getting away from the king, relaying all of this information, he was hesitant. But since Esmund was head guard and Irene was the queen-to-be, he felt obligated to show them the files they wanted to see. After a lot of convincing, Enki eventually joins them, not before giving Zoey the book of myths.
After the kingdom fell, he joined Irene and the others in Scaleswind as the archivist there, still visiting Zoey every so often. Similarly to everyone else, Enki had mastered his magick of plants and stars (the stars part is with support -- typically asking for support spells from the galaxy. Isn't as OP as it sounds, it's like Wendy's support magick from Fairy Tail where they either feel lighter or move faster.)
When Shad strayed from the path and the relics were made, Enki went to a remote island (later where the Enki Warrior Tribe is located) and left all of his archives there, out of the weather and where they would be safe, and handed his relic over to Zoey. The encryption was simple, only one of his relatives of the next generation can inherent his power. Enki did not have any kids as much as he hoped he would.
Despite knowing that they would statistically fail against Shad, Enki still went all in when fighting, hoping he wasn't wrong even in the slightest.
Menphia and Drorit
Menphia and Drorit have a lot of overlap between their goals and morals and were also married! Canonical wives in my rewrite.
Menphia comes from Tu'La, a very chaotic region where magick beings and demons roam freely, Menphia being a cat yokai (like KC/Nana). Due her upbringing, she's hotheaded and quick to join fights, she bites. But she is a very supportive person, puts her entire being into everything she does, and loves hard. Most of the chaos as caused by the king as he actually turned Tu'La into just an extension of Ru'aun, so of course she would jump at the chance to overthrow him.
Drorit is from Ivorian and is a big protestor. Ivorian is known for it's precious gems and materials, and her being a person of the public, was scared what might happen if the king of Ru'aun, a tyrant, were to get their hands on these gems. Drorit is a ride or die sort of person, she is willing to do anything for anyone for the cause she believes in. Every action she did was not void of purpose, so she easily joined the Divine Warriors.
We know the drill, kingdom fell, Scaleswind was made, they joined, and they mastered their magick. Menphia's being fire (including explosions and lava) and ground, and Drorit's being wind and flight.
When Shad betrayed then and attempted to make a kingdom, Menphia felt betrayed and Drorit was sickened. Menphia viewed Shad as a brother figure and the two were very close, seeing her... Brother, basically, being taken over by the magick he chose to learn hurt her. Drorit wasn't all that close with Shad but knew him as a honest and passionate man, which is why she was sickened to see the outcome. Drorit did the most damage out of them all during the battle while Menphia was one of the last people standing with Esmund.
Drorit's relic was meant to go to someone who stuck to their beliefs, much like Drorit. Menphia's relic is to go to someone who knows the ins and outs of every battle.
Finally, Fionn.
A traveling merchant from Aerania, a region KNOWN for trade, and him being a water spirit. Water spirits can be a little devious and Fionn was just that, always being able to swindle people into giving him ever so slightly more money than intended. That's also what he wanted to do with the Divine Warriors as they caught him on one of their off days, until he say the gems they had in their possession with Drorit had taken from home. He soon warmed up to them, agreeing with them, and faking the passion. Like Flynn Rider/Eugene from Rapunzel.
Along the way, he realized how interesting they all were and how adventure was truly something he liked more than selling stuff for outrageous prices. He enjoyed being with them and learning about their lives.
Once the king was overthrown and Scaleswind was made, he.... Get this... Mastered his magick, being water and storms.
Fionn was the one who created the relics, he was the one who enchanted them and inscribed them with the seal. He had an old book he bought off another merchant that had the ability to take away magick and let it back out depending on how you write it out. He was the only Divine Warrior not to die in that battle as he was the one to hide the relics. Fionn's relic is meant to go to someone who understands the meaning of trust.
After Irene's disappearance, Fionn died from heartbreak.
This was just one big word dump and I am very sorry, but just a little more of you're time and I will talk about
The Relics.
Irene's Relic
Similar to the one that is in the original MCD, where it looks like a bunch of flames but instead it had light purple on the outside but a deep violet as the center. The relic is still in Irene's Dimension in the rewrite.
Shad's Relic
Somewhat the same as Irene's relic with the looks of flames, although they are more scattered and wide. It's also a light pink relic with a red diamond in the center. This relic is also in Irene's Dimension, so she can forever protect it.
Esmund's Relic
A square relic with rounded edges and carved like a diamond, it has varying hues of blue. The relic was in the possession of O'Khasis until Garroth faked his death in help with his mother, who handed him the relic to both protect him and the relic itself.
Enki's Relic
The relic resembles a bug with a pale green center and a dark forest green on the outside, some of it stemming off to look like "legs." The relic is in Zoey's possession BUT the Enki Warrior Tribe says that they have it to bring comfort to everyone else.
Menphia's Relic
A cross shaped relic with a vibrant orange hue that leads to a borderline red. The relic was found in the Nether when Aphmau was saving the werewolf pup from there. Shad had stolen Menphia's relic which caused the Nether to turn into a firey pit of hell.
Drorit's Relic
Two sharp, skinny diamond shaped relics with a piercing teal color. The relics were previously in the palace in Ivorian before the kingdom fell and was reborn with a tyrant, it is now in a treasure hunting guild known for criminal activities.
Fionn's Relic
A water droplet shape relic with a deep, blood red color. The relic was placed in a underwater temple, which Fionn had flooded.
If you have ANY questions regarding my rewrite, please ask. I am currently working on getting a stable rewrite on the characters right now so by all means, THINGS WILL CHANGE and have been changing.
Thanks for reading :3
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synnthamonsugar · 1 year
knife/sword lifting the other's chin for Ikora/Savathun?
Everything Ikora Rey knew about combat against lightbearers she'd learned in the Crucible. Though her current opponent stood four times her height, she was pleased to find the training held true. Look for openings. Exploit missteps. Don't overextend. A split-second lapse in judgment allowed her to land a bombardment of void upon her foe. The force flung the hive queen backwards through a thicket of overgrowth, into one of the many LED panels silently broadcasting evacuation routes since the last apocalypse. She crashed with a thud that rattled the floor and shattered the pane into a spiderweb of light and color.
She hadn't been killed, but injured badly enough to require her ghost's aid. He materialized, bathing her twisted wings in cascades of healing energy as she heaved herself from a prone position.
A temporary distraction that Ikora seized. On her own radiant wings, she launched herself at Savathun. Did something she hadn't been taught in Shaxx's training grounds — in fact, it was one of the only acts expressly prohibited under threat of expulsion from the City or worse.
She snatched the ghost from midair.
It was enough to disrupt Savathun from whatever trick she undoubtedly had tucked up her sleeve. Eyes fixed on him she lunged for Ikora; the warlock effortlessly dodged her grasp, running counter-intuitively toward her. In one fluid movement, she wrapped her sword-arm around the queen's neck instantaneously drawing a solar blade to her throat.
Silence, save the sound of their heavy breathing. The side of Savathun's massive, armored face pressed against the soft curve of Ikora's torso, the blunt horn at the junction of her jaw and neck jutted threateningly into her spine. Spiked pauldrons caught bond-side. It would take little effort for Savathun to pulverize her, leave her ghost with enough of a mess to escape halfway across the Arcology — or transmat somewhere else entirely — before she was revived. But she wouldn't — not when Ikora gripped her heart in her hand. Immaru trembled plaintively, wordless as Ophiuchus as his soulfire eye flicked between captor and guardian.
"Is this how we're doing it?" The quaver in her voice resonated through the edge of the sword, vibrating up through the hilt and into Ikora's hand.
"Any other way and I'd be dead."
"I've spent enough time around your Guardians to understand their idea of conflict resolution is resolving to kill the source of conflict. I vow my methods are not theirs."
The knowledge that Savathun hid in plain sight among the guardians of the Tower rankled Ikora, and though the irritation had waned with the discovery of her rebirth the feelings returned with this line of discussion. That she'd been able to mimic Osiris well enough that a lifetime of intelligence training had failed her was a source of professional shame (though no one else regarded it as such). That she'd opened up to her, student-to-mentor, made her prickle with a more personal brand of mortification. Still, she could not deny the value of their conversations. The means had been unspeakable but she believed — in spite of everything — that the intent had been true. Savathun had wanted to teach her; what had she traded in return?
She tried not to dwell on what classified information she had shared in briefings or strategic talks. What ciphers to herself had been revealed in hurried chats over morning tea in the Tower verandas, when they'd waxed philosophical in the lantern-light of the libraries. Maybe Savathun would crack those codes. Maybe she already had.
"Was attacking me your way of saying hello?"
"I wanted to escape, not harm you. Not in a way Ophiuchus can't fix." Ikora realized how warm and heavy the sword in her hand had grown, how weighty Immaru had become, too, despite barely weighing anything at all. "Exhilarating as it is to be here with you, no more stifling masquerades, finally free to be ourselves ... every minute wasted on this little moment of ours is a minute I could be working to stop it.
"We could be, if your priorities are in order. Or end me here and ensure the Light is extinguished. Your call ..."
Did they trust each other, or was this another game? She was not dead in an impact crater, and Immaru — though more terrified than she imagined him capable of — was physically unharmed. Judging by history, Ikora had every reason to believe that Savathun would turn coat, but there was a pressing sense they'd crossed a threshold through which the past had ceased being a guide to the future. She didn't know what would come next, but she knew Savathun yearned for the Witness' destruction, and needed allies more than anything.
Ikora drew the blade upward so that the point caught on the chitin of her jaw. Despite the other woman's size, and the wobble in her arms, it took little physical effort to lift her face-to-face. Like she was not only willing, but eager to go along. As they locked gazes, the muscles around her trefoil eyes bunched in a way that she recognized from Eris as a hive smile. A flush crept into her face, more scorching than the sun-fire in her hands. She prayed that Savathun didn't recognize how flustered she'd become — or dismissed it as nerves.
"Promise — no more lies."
"For you, dearest Vanguard?" Savathun crooned, tilting her head innocently. "The truth, always."
Ikora believed her, though she knew that, to a being who wove threads of reality and potential into wondrous, grotesque tapestries, 'truth' had a looser definition than most would accept. But most had not had a twenty-five match Crucible winning streak, nor slain ravenous packs of wish-dragons, nor resisted the call toward hubris that came with power of her magnitude.
On this wager, she released Immaru. Guided Savathun to her feet on the tip of her sword before casting it away in a puff of sparks.
"Where do we go first?" She asked, silently admiring the dreadful beauty of her companion, dimly backlit by the blues and purples of the arcology, eyes piercing the darkness like signal beacons.
"To find my sister," she replied, with a sweeping hand gesture that Ikora followed.
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starsreminisce · 10 months
lol imagine they've been hooking up this whole time. but also is just sex for Elain (it's a Archeron trait, Feyre "just fun", Nesta "just sex" and Elain "just hook up") they have sex to calm their restless soul. you may ask why not reject the bond? Lucien doesn't mention it bc he'll get whatever she's willing to give and she's also happy (if you ask her she'll deny it tho) that he's not bringing it up.
and then Just like Nesta when she was disappointed that Cassian never stayed after sex, a little part of Elain is disappointed that Lucien is "calming their bond" way too seriously (at least that's how it seems...) she wants to know if it's really just hook up or not bc she's not very sure if it's just that for her anymore.
so she decides to kiss Azriel to prove herself that whatever that is happening with Lucien is just sex and she can do whatever she wants (she has a choice after all that's what Lucien keep saying her) and maybe to see how he would react to all of this yk… (she's a mess don't mind her)
obviously the kiss doesn't happen but Lucien finds out and when he does he's obviously hurt and for a second it's evident in his eyes till he put on his mask and he's looks so nonchalant about it but it's enough for Elain that this was obviously more than just sex for him. that he's not only having sex with her to calm the bond or whatever. he was with her for her not the bond but only for her.
so one day she asks him that they should stop whatever they're doing and doesn't give any other explanations. Lucien, hurt and feeling used (I'm throwing angst) leaves the night court and resign from his position as an emissary (Feyre is devastated bc I'm a sucker for Feycien friendship but she supports both of them bc she can't possibly choose a side in this) he'll join Vassa and Jurian and tries to forget everything that happened.
a month later Lucien a mess but hanging there (bc Vassa and Jurian try to do everything they can to not let Lucien breaks) and all of a sudden Elain shows up in human lands as a emissary of night court to have a full access and supervision on human lands and keep the peace between the realms. so obviously she has to live with them (I'm not very politic sorry if this doesn't make sense lmao). Lucien isn't happy bc he think she's here to play with him some more as a punishment of... well everything but little does he know that she's been learning how to be an emissary with Feyre and Rhys so she can be with her mate and be useful. (she had a long conversation with them!!) when she sees how skeptical he's toward her she's a little sad but also not surprised. it was necessary for her to have some times for herself. so she tells him that this time they should treat the bond right to get to know it and get to know each other.
and that's how their healing journey starts...
(lmao this is such weak plot sorry I got carried away with your idea)
I love this idea so much!
Both her sisters used sex as a means of avoiding the main issues they were grappling with, so Elain's approach seems to be aimed at quelling their bond's instincts. Lucien and Elain appear to have a skill for compartmentalizing, allowing them to say, "The person I am around my mate is not me." This is especially true given Elain's more traditional view of sex and Lucien's history post-Jesminda's death.
The turning point at Solstice is evident, and Elain allowing Azriel to kiss her serves as a clear choice on her part. It's noteworthy that she took a more passive role, contrasting with SJM's tendency to have her female main characters make the first move, possibly to balance the dynamics in pairings where the male is centuries old and the female is barely in her 20s. There's a toxic side of me that wants to see how Lucien would react to test their relationship. On a more chaotic note, part of me imagines it as Elucien's way of inviting Az for a threesome hahaha.
At times, I wish their book would start after Solstice to canonize Az's BC. It would provide a parallel, mirroring how Azriel finds himself with Gwyn. The uncertainty about Lucien's reaction adds layers—sometimes it feels like he pushed for it, other times he might be hurt and withdrawing, or perhaps he's the one consoling her afterward, breaking another image she has of him.
It's my hope though that their connection isn't solely reliant on Rhys's intervention, but rather, they keep finding each other during moments of need or fate brings them together. The idea of them sneaking around and the chaos that would ensue if they were forced to come clean about it, facing the reactions of her sisters and the Inner Circle, adds a hilarious layer to the narrative.
On that note, I miss Feycien's friendship so much so I want her to yell at him for hiding this and he can shoot back with that she hid Rhysand from him aahaha
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apocalypticavolition · 4 months
Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 18: Healing
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It's been awhile but you still know the drill, don't you? Don't read this if you haven't read the entirety of The Wheel of Time, including the prequel novel, the comics, all interviews with the cast and crew of the show, the New Testament, the Frank Herbert Dune novels, the Mahabharata, and the Big Book of Awful Art or whatever we're calling it now.
Don't lie. You haven't read all of the stuff on that list.
This chapter begins with a heron-marked sword because Mat's having a past life flashback, I guess???
The Black Ajah had struck at those storerooms. And if some of the Black Ajah were lying in wait in one of those dark side corridors, if Sheriam were leading them not to Mat, but to. . . .
Egwene's being a bit paranoid here (who can blame her after the Seanchan?). After one obvious attack failed, the Black needs a little more time to get another one going.
“Do not think of it,” Sheriam said, and for once she sounded like the Sheriam of old, kindly if firm. “The Black Ajah will not be your worry for years to come. You have what the rest of us do not: time before you must deal with it. Much time, yet. When we enter, stay against the wall and keep silent. You are allowed here as a benevolence, to attend, not to distract or interfere.”
Sheriam of course doesn't want any of her charges thinking about the BA unless she's recruiting them.
The Amyrlin Seat stood at Mat’s head, and Leane at his feet. Four Aes Sedai stood down one side of the table, and three down the other. Sheriam joined the three.
So that's ten total. I'm surprised they're not pulling out thirteen under the circumstances.
Despite the outward calm of the women around the table, Egwene thought she saw signs of uncertainty. A tightness to Anaiya’s mouth. A slight frown on Alanna’s darkly beautiful face. The cool-eyed woman kept smoothing her pale blue dress over her thighs without seeming to realize what she was doing.
Egwene's ability to read the body language of the very controlled Aes Sedai is a nice bit of setting up for her being in charge.
From its nest in the red silk lining, the Amyrlin took out a white, fluted wand the length of her forearm. It could have been bone, or ivory, but was neither. No one alive knew what it was made of.
Probably not plastic, considering the AoL's general vibes.
Egwene fought the urge to open herself to saidar and add her flow to the tide. It was a pull so strong she was about to be jerked off her feet. Elayne tightened her hold on her hand. Nynaeve took a step toward the table, then stopped with an angry shake of her head.
Mat's lucky none of the girls joined in and promptly got him killed.
She paused as if she had just heard her own words—that she could channel half of what ten full Aes Sedai did with a sa’angreal—and her voice grew even fainter. “Light help me, I want to.”
And she will and it will be amazing and also really horrible!
That much, she knew; but in some way it seemed for a moment that she should understand the rest, too, as if the meaning were just out of sight, and all she had to do was turn her head to know.
While this is probably just explicitly supposed to be about Egwene having plenty of the Old Blood like Mat, I do think part of it is the likelihood of her having been the Queen of Manetheren in a former life as well.
Anaiya bent again for a set of tongs such as a goodwife might use in her kitchen, and grasped the floating dagger in them as carefully as if it were a poisonous snake.
Poisonous snakes are much less dangerous if you think about it.
“Only time will tell. Carrying something with Shadar Logoth’s taint for so long . . . who knows what effect it will have on him? Perhaps none, perhaps much. We will see. But the bond with the dagger is broken. Now he needs rest, and as much food as can be gotten into him. He should live.”
I think the effect is relatively minor (because Mat's lucky): merely the holes in his memories that he will report. However, Mat being ta'veren means he'll get quite a bit more out of the experience than someone else might have.
“For a time,” she said finally, “I believe the past and the present were one. He was there, and he was here, and he knew who we were. He commanded us to release him.” She paused again. “ ‘I am a free man, Aes Sedai. I am no Aes Sedai meat.’ That is what he said.”
I suspect this is an immediate effect of the holes in his memory forming. He was so close to death (and Old Blood besides) that he was more connected to past lives than the living usually are and so while he stayed on the threshold older memories could come rushing in to temporarily fill the gaps. Possibly this affects his later power development, possibly not; I'm so far into headcanon that it's not worth saying one way or the other.
“Mother,” Egwene asked anxiously, “could we not stay with Mat? If he may still die. . . .”
I just want to highlight this to again show that the Egwene hatedom is a little overstated. She's definitely got flaws, but she's the one who seems to be most worried about Mat at this particular moment.
Anyway, next time: Mat gets a POV of his own!
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Do you think in a scenario where if it was Toph or Sokka or Zuko (less compassionate people than Katara) who wanted to venture and avenge their murdered mother, Aang would tell him/her the exact same thing he told Katara? That forgiveness is the only way to heal?
Yes, because:
1 - That was still what Aang believed to be an universal truth about forgiveness/healing, until Katara managed to find closure without it, which he respected. It's still how he, personally goes about it.
2 - Aang is still a pacifist. He's not gonna support murder. It's just not gonna happen. Doesn't mean he'll immediately hate the guts of anyone who disagrees with him or has killed in the past, but it is still his world-view.
3 - Aang is a compassionate character that felt empathy for the prince that was chasing him around the world and for the man that literally told him he and his people didn't deserve to live and were weak. If he sees someone SO hurt that they think they need to kill to deal with it, he IS gonna step in and try to help them see that isn't the answer. It doesn't matter if it's his crush, one of his friends, an ally, an enemy, a stranger - Aang is not the person to just ignore the signs that someone is basically crying for help.
4 - The characters you mentioned, Sokka, Toph and Zuko, are his friends. Aang is gonna speak frankly to his friends, especially if he believes they're making a big mistake that they'll regret.
5 - The characters you mentioned are NOT less compassionate than Katara. They express it differently because of their personalities and life-experiences, but they still feel it as intensely, that's why they're heroes.
Sokka was the first to notice something was off about Jet because he was reacting with far too much violence and hostility, and while he wanted to stick to the schedules and avoid unnecessary risks, he was always proud of Katara stepping up to help people and often JOINED her in the efforts because he could see she was right.
Toph warms up to Zuko almost as fast as Aang did, and still wants to give him a chance even after he confessed to sending an assassin after them AND accidentally burned her feet.
And yes, Zuko did plenty of awful, selfish things that hurt people on a personal and societal scale - but we gotta remember that even with a lifetime of indoctrination as well as physical abuse and being kicked out of his home for daring to question a cruel "strategy" (or the betrayal and murder of loyal soldiers who love and protect the very people that are sending to die, as Zuzu so kindly put) he STILL ended up on the right side eventually, fighting to save the innocent. The very fact that he constantly had to have his compassion for others beaten out of him already shows that he has PLENTY of it and would likely never lose it completely because caring for others is a core part of who he is as a person.
Forcing themselves to be comfortable with the thought of having to kill someone because it's necessary does not mean lack of compassion. Being suspicious of people who might want to hurt them is not lack of compassion. Being child soldiers that are doing their best to deal with an awful, unfair world that is out to get them is not lack of compassion.
Even WANTING to kill after being pushed too far is not a inherent lack of compassion - Katara and Aang themselves were both pushed to that point.
So yes, Aang would still give the same advice if we replaced Katara with literally anyone else on the planet during that scene. The only difference is that I don't see Aang giving anyone but her permission to take Appa - the animal guide that he has a deep spiritual bond with, and that is one of the last surviving pieces of his culture of PACIFISTS - on a trip with the goal of killing someone.
But he allowed Katara to do it. Because he has that much faith that, at the end of the day, she will be able to do what is right in general AND what is right for herself without him having to play a part in it.
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elliepassmore · 4 months
The Last Bloodcarver review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: Vietnamese mythology, science fantasy, magical medicine
The author describes this book as 'science fantasy,' which I think is an apt descriptor. Nhika's powers are within the realm of fantasy, but the way she thinks about her powers is more science, as are the automatons that help run the city. There are also doctors and medical advancements, like surgery, IVs, and organ transplants. I really liked this aspect of the book and thought the combination of magic + medicine was super cool. It was interesting to see how different characters viewed medicine and heartsoothing, particularly the differences between Nhika and Kochin, and how they reconciled those views. I also really liked seeing the duality of healing. It's not really something you see a lot with healer characters, but if you have power over a person's body systems, healing, and immunity, then you can just as easily use those systems for damage as well as for good, and I liked seeing Le use that in this story.
The worldbuilding is neat and gives us hints of a more complex system going on in the world. We spend the entire book in Theumas, which is divided into sectors based on the zodiac. I'm definitely intrigued by the way the city is setup, though I'm not sure we'll get an in-depth explanation for that since politics aren't really at the forefront of the novel. We do get a look at the class system of Theumas and how the boroughs correspond to that system. I liked seeing how things differed and how certain behaviors trickled down from the wealthier boroughs to the poorer ones.
While politics isn't at the forefront of this book, immigrants and culture are. Nhika is Yarongese, born in Theumas. Her parents and grandmother were born in Yarong but had to flee to Theumas due to war and colonialization, and then died when Nhika was young. So while Nhika learned her culture from her family, she also feels a disconnect due to living in Theumas and having to hide her heartsoothing. Nhika greatly yearns to belong and wants desperately to feel that connection to her culture, so those two things drive her actions through a lot of the book.
I liked Nhika as a character. She's been living on her own since she was 12 and, in order to survive and make money, has turned to homeopathy remedies to heal people and stay under the radar as a heartsoother. Try as she might to be tough, she has a soft inside and cares deeply about other people, even if she's just met them. This allows her to bond with the Congmi siblings, and later Kochin, despite slights and differences. Nhika is willing to stand up for herself and follow through on things, even when it's dangerous or difficult, and that perseverance both helps and hurts her at different points.
Kochin was a character I liked, then didn't, then did again. He has a very specific goal in mind throughout the novel, but he's somewhat clumsy in how he goes about it. In the end he pulls through and I liked that he was able to be there for Nhika and share some things with her closer to the end of the book. I do feel bad for him since he definitely got in way over his head and is doing the best he can to try and mitigate the damage to everyone else.
Despite Nhika staying with the Congmis for most of the book, I feel like I don't totally know them as characters, so I hope to see them more in book 2. Mimi is definitely a lovable character who is friendly and wants to believe the best of others. She's heartbroken by the recent loss of her father, and she seems to enjoy having Nhika around as a friend. That being said, she's somewhat naive about how the world works and just how much her family's money and social standing advantage her. Andao seems to be more aware of it, but he's got the weight of his father's legacy on his shoulders and rivals and friends coming at him from all directions to try and influence his moves.
Trin is a friend of the family and at first is kind of mean to Nhika, but he's a bit like Chubs from The Darkest Minds. What he really wants is for the Congmis to be safe and well cared for, and he's not afraid of giving someone the smackdown if they seem like they might threaten that, but is much friendlier once you're past that initial stage. I ended up liking Trin's character a lot and think he and Nhika have the beginnings of a good friendship.
The mystery was very interesting, and the seeds of it are laid from the beginning. It's somewhat predictable but it's still a very enjoyable story because there are twists to the mystery that aren't apparent at first. The last 1/3 was definitely tense since everything is coming together, and I really liked seeing how it all played out.
My one complaint about this book is that there's some instalove going on in it. It's very minor so I can kind of ignore it, but it seems like it might be a bigger thing in book 2 (maybe? Maybe it's just the consequences of that, we'll see.).
Overall I loved this book and can't wait to see what book 2 has in store! The combination of magic and medicine was super interesting, and I liked seeing how both were dealt with. I also thought the characters were well rounded and liked reading their interactions.
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womanlives · 1 year
general: 1, story specific: 11, and romance: 7
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
 Mercy can be first encountered on the nautiloid, trapped in a pod that’s partially shattered. The console to open the pod is damaged beyond recognition. Its glass-like surface has a jagged, two-foot diameter hole in it. She can be freed with a successful STRENGTH check to widen the hole, allowing her to safely slip through, or with a successful INTELLIGENCE check to find spongy, flesh-like material in the nautiloid to coat the sharp opening with. Once successfully freed, she will offer her services in escaping the nautiloid.
If both of these checks fail, Mercy will opt to free herself by any means necessary, diving head-first through the crack and taking heavy damage from the jagged edges while doing so. The protagonist can give her a healing potion — in which case she will join them to fight Commander Zhalk — or leave her there.
Later, she can be found on the crash site’s beach, just in front of the Overgrown Ruins waypoint (outside of the locked door leading to Withers’ temple). If she was successfully freed or healed, she will be sunbathing. She seems delighted to see her rescuer and offers her services free of charge.
 If she was ignored or left injured outside of her pod, she will be unconscious but critically injured. The protagonist can choose to heal her — in which she will join them after a successful CHARISMA check to convince her their odds of survival are better together — or leave her to bleed out.
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
Canonically, Mercy has been cheese-wheeled by Akabi at this point because she gets into a shouting match with him about allegedly cheating within 5 minutes of visiting the fair.
If Mercy has been cheese-wheeled, she will roll over the protagonist’s foot several times. The protagonist, taking this as consent, must help her roll her way up the stairs to Dribbles, in which she immediately launches herself at his knees with unparalleled viciousness. Otherwise, she bonks helplessly against the lowest stair until Dribbles gets fed up, drops the disguise, and attacks.
If Mercy has not been cheesed, the dialogue goes something like this, in true 30 Rock fashion.
Mercy: Fine. I’ll do it. Mercy: But only for the attention. ;)
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
Mercy absolutely thinks this is a whole-ass scam because she and the protagonist have to pay good, honest money for this shit. Her participation is a testament to how truly she cares for the protagonist if they ask her to do this and she agrees. Bonus if she’s still a wheel of fucking cheese. (Also, similar to Astarion, she approves of sarcastic answers and disapproves of spot-on answers, save for the last question. Do not perceive her.)
Zethino: Ah, Mercy. An interesting choice of moniker for such a colorful life. Mercy: Okay. Rude. Zethino: Consider. In which of her illusions does Mercy find the most comfort? Zethino: Feel the bond that thrums through the two of you. Look past the disguises. What keeps the star-painted half-elf awake at night? Zethino: The sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue. But now we must dig deeper. Into the most painful reaches of the spirit. Mercy: (under her breath) Aw, fuck. Zethino: If you could tell your beloved one thing, knowing that this may be the only thing she will well and truly believe, what would it be?
The answers are, respectively — (i am taken out back and shot)
bg3 companion asklist feat. @sirenhunt
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