#headcanons   /   kyoko.
dangans-ur-ronpas · 4 months
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happy pride month
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
Hello! Hope you’re having a good day/night. Could I please request Nagito x gn reader that was helping take care of him during the whole despair disease outbreak, and whenever Nagito said ‘I hate you’ the reader would just respond with something along the lines of “Love you too, Komaeda.” Could be headcanons, oneshot, or whatever. Whichever you’d prefer.
Sorry if this sounds weird, I don’t usually make requests lol. Thanks in advance!!
taking care of despair diseased nagito
type: in killing game, hc format, established relationship
a/n: anon it's so crazy i was literally just playing chapter 3 of dra2 and was at the part when they get the disease
you noticed right away that something was wrong with nagito
every word that came out of his mouth was a lie
it was almost like he couldn't speak the truth at all
when hajime felt his forehead and noticed that nagito was burning up, you knew that was the reason behind his behavior
monokuma popped up soon after, confirming that nagito was indeed afflicted by the lying disease
still, you didn't understand why some disease would cause nagito to say things like nothing is real, everyone is fake, and everyone is out to get him
but it was impossible to reason with him, especially because not long after he passed out, crumpling to the floor
you lunged forward, grabbing onto him to soften his fall, and pulled him onto your lap
"mikan! we need to get him to the hospital!" you yelled, while everyone else stood by in shock
the nurse helped you carry nagito all the way to the hospital on the third island, where you laid him in a bed
"u- um, we need to get him out of his clothes and into a gown," mikan said
"i got it, go help ibuki and akane," you replied, so she left it to you
nagito regained consciousness while you were slipping his shirt over his head
"ah! what are you doing to me? ah, are you planning to abduct me and take me to your home planet?"
you would have laughed at the silliness of the question if he wasn't in such dire condition. instead, you replied patiently
"i'm not an alien, nagito" you reached for his pants to slide them down his legs, but he swats your hand away
"i don't... want..." he was struggling to finish his sentence without panting from the fever
"i know, i'm sorry. but i need to get you into a gown. would you rather have mikan do it?"
"yes, i would much prefer mikan do it," he rambled, staring at the wall
your heart fluttered a little bit, knowing he meant the opposite of what he said. but this wasn't the time to be flustered
after wrestling with your boyfriend a little bit, you finally got his pants off, and draped the gown around his shoulders
once you tied it, you let him lay back down on the bed, and he closed his eyes
at this point there wasn't anything else you can do, with no medic knowledge, so you decided to just comfort him through it
you reached out to pat his head, smoothing down his hair
he reacted weakly, shaking his head as if to shoo away your hand
"get your filthy hand off me," he snarled
by now you were starting to translate his words in your head
"go away (please stay)"
"stop touching me (don't stop)"
with one hand running through his hair, your other laced your fingers in his, watching as he shifted between a state of being awake and being unconscious
"i... hate you" he spat, beads of sweat collecting at his temple
"i love you too, nagito" you smiled, gently squeezing his hand
"i seriously... hate you... go away."
"i'm here, you're okay. i won't leave you."
"i don't want you here! go away!"
his eyes were watering, and you didn't know if he was crying because he was in pain or angry, so you reached out and wiped the tears away
"i want to be here, i won't leave you, i promise."
you could have sworn you felt him squeeze your hand back once before he slipped back into sleep
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
Happy pride month to my favorite queer friend group!
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inksoover · 10 months
PMMM Holy quintet (and Nagisa) Headcanons/in my artstyle
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I want to do something interesting about PMMM but a little later
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shiut · 7 months
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btw protip: when making fankid designs, look at the concept art of the parents for inspiration
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fattuccini-afraido · 1 month
Kyoko: I pull women.
Oikawa: I pull men.
Hinata, excitedly: I pull push doors.
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takusan-no-ai · 15 days
Ball of Sunshine
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PAIRING: Mikan/Taeko/Kyoko x Male Reader (Romantic) (Separate)
SUMMARY: (Y/N) is their sunshine boyfriend in comparison to them.
You’re the light of Mikan’s world. She never thought there’d be a day she have a boyfriend, let alone one that shines as bright as the sun. Sometimes she couldn’t even look at you because of just how much you glowed.
Whenever the bullying and stress became too much, there you were. Holding her, making her smile and laugh, always having her back; it made her so happy she became addicted to it. To being with you.
No matter what happens, so long as you continue to be you, Mikan will always have hope. Even if the world deals her the worst hand, just you being there is enough for her wounds to heal over.
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Getting a cinnamon roll boyfriend certainly wasn’t anything Taeko expected, but she still loved you all the same. Especially since she can enjoy the best of both worlds: your sunshine personality while being dressed as her butler.
She loves to tease you. You’re a little too trusting of people, especially her. Pulling jokes at your expense, tricking you into saying things you normally wouldn’t, or just bold face lying to you. She doesn’t mean ill intent by any of it. Just harmless fun.
You definitely help her public image. People will think the Queen of Liars has gone soft with such a sweetheart for a boyfriend. They lower their guard, and before they know it, she’s one step closer to retirement.
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Kyoko loves that you’re an open book. She feels bad about being so secretive, you being her boyfriend after all. But there are too many people out there who see her as an enemy, so she hopes you’ll understand; with a world full of so many dark secrets, you’re a breath of fresh air.
However, as sweet as you are, Kyoko isn’t the safest partner to have with her profession as a detective. She wants you to be able to defend yourself. Or at least be smart enough to get out of a dangerous situation safely.
As for romance…it’s not her strongest suit. She’s pretty awkward about it, especially with a social butterfly boyfriend that has no problem with any PDA. Kyoko will get used to it eventually, just as soon as her heart calms down.
- Fin
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headcanon time!! I made these back in november and never posted them
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frickingnerd · 4 months
kyoko's birthday present for you
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pairing: kyoko kirigiri x gn!reader
tags: romantic/platonic implications, wholesome fluff, kyoko is bad at feelings, awkward!kyoko, birthday party setting
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while all of your other classmates were eager to know what you wanted for your birthday, kyoko never asked you if you had anything you wanted
you had thought she just forgot about your birthday or didn't care to make you a present…
but when your birthday came around, kyoko pulled you aside, to hand you a small present from her
she was ready to leave as quickly as she came, but you insisted she'd stick around while you opened the present
you were surprised that when you opened the present, it was something you hadn't asked for, but had wanted for quite a while now
you almost asked kyoko how she knew this was what you wanted. but then you remembered: she's the ultimate detective! of course she'd know!
kyoko had quietly tried to hunt down that item you wished for so much, without ever telling you
and despite acting like that present wasn't a big deal, you know it must've taken her quite some time and money to get one of those for you…
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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Yuma Month: Day 16: Detectives
Learning to be a Pro Amnesiac Detective 🔎
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burn-fire · 8 months
Baby Yuma got his bear back
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What happened to the new bear:
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Bonus: Family tree
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Shuichi got his hair genes from his grandmother from father's side.
I got to lazy to color the family tree
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mod-kyoko · 3 months
Hmm how about Maki harukawa and Mukuro Ikusaba with a boyfriend (separate) that absolutely adores them and finds his girlfriend to be cute
maki harukawa and mukuro ikusaba w/ a boyfriend that finds them cute!
fandom: danganronpa
info: male!reader, hc format, fluff
a/n: hi puppteer, thanks for the ask! mukuro has my heart but i love writing for both these girls
maki harukawa
i could talk for hours about how maki is just a normal teenage girl on the inside
because of the nature of her childhood, she was never able to just be a kid, or a girl
never had sleepovers, never had female friends, never had a crush
being with a boy like you makes her feel like a girl, and it's difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that that's what she wants
she tries to keep up the image that she's cold-hearted and dangerous, but when she's around you it starts to slip
anytime you show her affection in public she purses her lips and her cheeks turn the darkest shade of red
she'll revert to her famous catchphrase
"do you wanna die"
you'll say "if it is by your hand i would accept any fate"
that really gets her flustered
if you call her cute to her face she'll avert eye contact and shyly deny it
"i'm not..."
and later, when she's alone, she'll cry on her bed hugging a pillow
because maki harukawa really is just a girl, like any other, and all she wants is to experience what other teenage girls experience
you gave her that opportunity, and every day she feels her facade crumbling
the word 'cute' occupies her mind for hours after you say it
"i'm... cute. i am cute" she says to herself, tears silently streaming down her cheeks
she decided to allow herself to be girly from now on
whenever she hears those sweet words from you, like "cute" or "adorable," she smiles
also, she's decided she is okay with showing affection in public now
she's no longer afraid, and will gladly make the first move
she'll wrap her arms around your waist or grab your hand
you're the best thing that ever happened to her
mukuro ikusaba
mukuro and maki have some similarities in their upbringing but the difference between the two of them is that mukuro had a choice
she never really had the desire to live a normal child's life, or a girl's life, she just doesn't think about it
you brought that idea into her life when you fell for her
from the day you met her you were honest with her about your feelings
always letting her know how cute and pretty she is
at first she was a little surprised, because you were probably the first one that ever called her cute
she literally looked down at herself and was like "dafuq? i could kill you"
part of her maybe even thought that you weren't serious
but you didn't stop, you made sure day after day she heard from you how beautiful she is and how much you love her
eventually she got used to it, and started believing it herself
mukuro's idea of a date is taking you to a gun range
when she's holding a rifle and blowing a target tf up and you stand there and just fawn over her she's so confused
she feels all hot inside and reaches to feel her cheek, noticing that her face is burning up
you made mukuro blush, congrats
the way to mukuro's heart is definitely by showing interest in the things she's interested in
if you let her teach you how to operate a gun, or how to escape a chokehold, she's super happy
i can literally imagine her being like
"okay here's where to stab a person if you want to immobilize them but keep them alive" with the biggest smile on her face
and you're like mhm mhm awesome
you tell her you think she's the cutest when she's talking about her interests
when she's done teaching you something, you wrap your arms around her and thank her
she melts into the embrace, closing her eyes and smiling
finally, someone accepted her for her, despite her macabre interests
dangerous women live in my head rent free
-mod kyoko
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
✷✧ Kyoko Sakura Headcanons ✧✷
✷Kyoko's favorite flavour of pockey is strawberry
✷Kyoko is crazy good at climbing fences, trees, buildings, and ropes
✷Kyoko is famous at her local arcade due to her incredible DDR skills
✷Aside from DDR, Kyoko is incredibly good at fighting games and rhythm games
✷Kyoko and Sayaka recommend music to eachother, and Kyoko got Sayaka interested in hip-hop music
✷When her family was alive and flourishing from the church, Kyoko was involved in several extra curriculars (such as gymnastics and soccer)
✷Kyoko owns a Viking hat
✷Kyoko is a talented cook and baker, and used to enjoy cooking with Mami all the time
✷Kyoko is demi-romantic and lesbian (she strikes me as the type of person who doesn't fall in love or form crushes without understanding and relating to a person)
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gretel-moonlit · 2 months
ok I know everyone likes to say that Celeste will only eat like fancy, high quality food, but I would argue that Kyoko is totally the picky eater in the relationship and this is a hill j will die on
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falinesimagines · 21 days
🔍 Kyoko Kirigiri x Reader Headcanons 🔎
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No warnings
Sfw, fluff
If you fell first it didn't take long for her to find out or for her to tell you she knows.
If she fell first then it wouldn't only take her a while to figure it out but also work up the courage to tell you.
- She'd overthink everything you say or do around her (were you flirting or are her feelings towards you messing with her?)
In the killing game she'd do her best to ignore her feelings as to not hurt you or herself, outside of it she'd avoid you like the plague.
-Conversations would be short and she'd rush to get away from you.
- She'd avoid eye contact with you (something that she doesn't normally do)
- She'd try and change the subject as soon as you came into the conversation if you ever did. (She wouldn't be able to help herself from asking about you though.)
When you actually start dating it's hard to get her to open up. She's nervous around you in a way she's never been before, she'd hate to admit it but she's afraid of you rejecting her or thinking about leaving her.
She's probably a little too blunt with certain things and absolutely dense when it comes to flirting (asking her a flirtatious question in hopes her playing along and she answers it like it was completely serious).
She's not the type to show you off and shove her relationship in people's faces but it wouldn't take long for people (Makoto and Byakuya) to realise she brings you up pretty often and that she seems pretty happy when she's taking about you or when you're around.
She's a pretty good gift giver, she always knows exactly what you need. She's not one for big romantic gestures but she'll get you a box of chocolates and bouquet on valentine's.
Not really into pda but if you really want she'll hold your hand while you're walking down the street or she'll let you put your head on her shoulder while you're sat somewhere. Kyoko's not exactly one for affection in general, she's not unloving or anything but she prefers quick pecks on the lips or just standing/sitting close to you rather than make outs or clinging to you and cuddling all the time.
She enjoys working or reading while you're in the room with her, she's perfectly happy with a comfortable silence. You're nearby but she can also focus on her work at the same time.
That's all I have (⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠) If you have any critiques or suggestions lmk!
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ravenclod · 1 month
linkz to all my madoka magica hc list postz !! <3
its been a while since i posted them and i wanted a way to access them easier and also thought some ppl might wanna see them ^_^
ill also add this to my pinned post later >_0
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