#headbangs strongly
c00kietin · 4 months
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hi hi! can i request a euronymous x reader where they grew up together and were next door neighbors and reader got into the scene with euro and they’re very close friends. and when ann marit is introduced, reader gets jealous and it’s angst to fluff?? ✨🤍
The neighbors
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warning : angst, fluff, kiss, jealousy
Info : Of course you can request such thing (always happy if I have something diffrent something other than smut (I like writing smut not to get the wring idea)you know) I like the idea so I hope you like it and have fun reading ;)
masterlist ->loc
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
There was never anything to do in this sleepy little town. Euronymous knew that and so did his neighbor. The two of them were practically sandbox friends. The parents got on well, often ate together in the garden, went on outings and the two firstborns had fun.
They played in the woods and gave free rein to their fanaticism, even when they were no longer children and their teenage angst made the world a cruel place for them.
Euronymous in particular helped her see her pain and fear and showed her a dark world. A world that was different from the norm of the city, not the stuffy suburbs with old people. but a world of records, dark records that vibrated the walls of her room with the music from the speakers.
They both danced wildly to it and screamed until their necks hurt from headbanging, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter what they both had, it was that when she put on her studded leather jacket, black eyeliner and Euronymous dyed her hair black, they both knew they were simply the new revolutionaries. They had something that the longtime residents of the city didn't have. They wanted to change something, to revolutionize something and that was music.
A resolution they also kept and helped their neighbor and maybe also their secret crush to write letters for a long time. ,,Thank you I mean really thank you for this whole thing...means a lot to me" he had said to her putting his hand on her shoulder and giving her a smile. Then she saw the old him.
That softness before they had both changed and she had smiled back, confident that she would always be with him. But where he had touched her, the inferno of hell seemed to be burning, an inferno she had long since lost herself in. An inferno of love that she had no idea how strongly it would still burn in the black metal.
So strong that it would overcome everything, wouldn't it?
That's what she thought, but when it came to the party at his and Dead's new rancid house, things seemed to be different. The party was good, there was beer, new songs and a bonfire over which they burned things, barbecued and did other things. She danced with the others, laughed, took photos and helped Dead with his make-up.
Until she saw the blonde Ann Marit come up with her friends and Euronymous, who had been talking to her for a few minutes, left her standing there. The fire, it burned, it hurt and it seemed the first time she felt jealousy, she had always gotten along with him, they were childhood friends and even if she wished it, maybe he had felt something for her.
Or was it just one-sided, because the way he looked at Ann made her heart sting. The beer that was still in her hand was thrown to the floor and she went into the house to find something stronger, or something to eat, or new music, anything to take her mind off them.
But she hadn't seen the pair of eyes she had been watching. Slamming the door behind her, she made her way into the kitchen, ripping open the cupboards, looking for something to distract her when she didn't notice the wooden crack behind her.
,,Are you looking for the offering or can I help you?" she heard Euronymous's voice standing at the doorframe, looking at her with a slight smile. But this grin only made the pain in her heart greater. ,,You...go back to her near the door...I can do this," she hissed at him and slammed the door of the cupboard shut so that it almost fell down.
Her eyes closed and she sighed strainedly as he suddenly approached her, his hand slowly but suddenly placed itself on hers. ,,But she's not you...and she never will be," he began and she raised her eyes slightly hopefully, confused. His expression didn't lie, he was serious.
She would never be Ann, she couldn't be. ,,I don't want you to be like her, you're you and...and in all this you've always been there for me," he continued, his gaze moving slowly from her hand up to her cheek, seeing the hope in her eyes, the tension between them.
As she gripped his hadn tighter, she couldn't believe that this hope, the hope she had had since she was a teenager, might have a chance after all. ,,Euronymous I was afraid...afraid that you-" she was interrupted by him when he suddenly kissed her. gently, intimately and lovingly.
He pulled her close, his hands embracing her in a hug as he had always been there for her. ,,Afraid I wouldn't love you?" he asked with a grin, which she returned and kissed him back, something he returned with pleasure.
,,I love you until the inferno of hell devours us, my dark princess," he winked and put his hand back on her cheek, letting her snuggle against him, knowing that perhaps a little gentleness in the darkness could create a love that would last forever since they were neighbors.
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iantimony · 25 days
tuesday line go up (derogatory)
hello from the end of my workday. writing this on my office computer as i watch my simulation crash in real time in the background. convergence line go up :(
listening: astonishing legends the body on the moor part 1, for some reason astonishing legends is such good Cleaning And Organizing noise to my brain. i've raised my eyebrow at some of their conclusions sometimes but i love a good unsolved mystery that doesn't focus on true crime what i can say
more 00s, just whatever shit the spotify algorithm spits out basically..."hard and heavy headbanging tuesday afternoon". i think for brevity i am going to focus on posting only the things that stuck out to me or are ear worms at the moment, which for this week is miss murder by afi, the kill by 30 seconds to mars, and out of control by hoobastank, especially the line in the latter after the chorus that goes 'and i may never know the answer to this endless mystery' that for some reason tickles my brain.
reading: Bring Back Those Pumped Italian Sodas (Anna Hezel): i LOVE italian sodas. the candy shop on main street near me does italian sodas and it is my favorite little treat to do a hot girl walk downtown and get a little bevvy to come with me. they whip so hard. bring them back everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
elitism is the enemy of the people (Mina Le) and the linked The machine in the garden. (Emily Sundberg) ... discourse(tm) about What Substack Is For, which means nothing to me as a non-substack user. i use a rss reader to follow a few specific substacks but i do not use the platform even a little bit. sundberg seems to disparage the list format (shoutout to miss deb perelmen who i saw in there as an example of things that are pushed on the platform now) (deb's newsletter is one of the ones i follow with my rss feed lol) slash the concept of "list of content I’m consuming" which. looks at my weekly roundup posts. lol. i do understand to an extent, though - does my weekly roundup post make me a Writer(tm)?? i would kinda agree that no not really.
this zine that i think i reblogged yesterday is very cute.
watching: i saw the new alien movie with a friend! it was really good, i enjoyed it, i did look up the jumpscares beforehand because i do not do well with those in theaters especially the big imax ones, but it ended up not being necessary - the local theater here has no imax or any of the big surround sound gimmick things, which i actually prefer, and it also means the tickets were dirt cheap. 10/10 experience. the movie itself was fun, the correct amount of peen/vag imagery that one would expect from an alien movie. important to note that the dehumanization of an android character (who is also the only black character and strongly autism coded) is a big plot thing, it is not Good that he is treated that way and that is also a plot thing but it is important to know going in so it's not a surprise (thanks to someone in a server i'm in for pointing that out, i didn't clock it as being potentially triggering when i saw it but i was like ohh yeah that does make sense to warn people about). really good cast and plot overall, there was only like one point where i was like "whyyy nooo that makes no sense, why would you do that" (without too much spoiling, the gravity turns on and off in a portion and they were just. zooming up an elevator shaft using the lack of gravity. like why would you not be staying near the ladder. you KNOW it's going to turn off at some random point. anyways), but in general the decisions the characters made were really reasonable which made it very fun to watch the consequences of like, yeah, that is also the choice i would have made, shit. the ending made me go EUGH!! in a good way. lots of good easter eggs that i probably missed some of. made me weirdly nostalgic for my dad because when i was growing up he had a life-size hyper-realistic rubber facehugger model. he used to mime getting attacked by it. my mom hated that fucking thing. it must have gotten thrown out or given away at some point. anyways, as the kids would say: it's kino
thank u celestialtourguide for ur dropout login xoxo, i have been watching a lot of 'make some noise'. i love how sometimes you can hear the crew laughing in the background.
jimmy robins: The Fallout of Watcher's Betrayal, what sparked me looking more at dropout. also found out from the comments section that sam reich is son of robert reich ??? wild
finished the george r r martin problem. basically: yeagh
dangelo wallace: not gonna link em all but his videos on chapell roan, katy perry, blake lively, and starbucks. pop culture updates that mean nothing to me. good background noise tho
mina le: underconsumption-core, travel outfits, and Paul Mescal’s shorts, the luxury of privacy & the celebrity vs. influencer paradox. my boyfriend is a proponent of the tiny inseam shorts and i wholly encourage it. more of that, please, from everyone.
made in the moment: My Crafty Boston Apartment Tour. as someone who is also just moved into my own apartment alone for the first time and is in the process of making the space feel like mine, this hits interestingly.
playing: dnd as normal. i finally got to go mask-off, was replaced by a doppleganger like six months ago and finally got to pop off and kill some guys and beat the shit out of my friends lol >:b i have also moved the game that i run to biweekly instead of weekly. i just have too much fucking things happening and dm burnout real.
making: evil eye coasters! these made me very nervous because of how streaky the underglaze is! so i did the tedious task of re-coloring in around my sgraffito lines of my [redacted] coasters. clear coated them and crossing my fingers. these coasters are also too thin, two of them are too warped to use as coasters so ill have to figure out what to do with them. maybe drilling a hole (carefully...) so i can hang them up somewhere? the [redacted] coasters are like twice the thickness so i don't think they'll be warped as bad thankfully.
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i also. made. mesopotamian foot bowl :) i did not have a reference image at the time because that happened to be when the t mobile towers went down for a few hours last saturday so i kinda just freeballed it but he looks. so silly i love him. i think im gonna have to modify him, i was chatting with the studio owner about it and she was like "if you threw that bowl on a wheel you should hollow the legs out, wheel pottery twists slightly as it dries and that plus the drying rates being different will make them just pop right off", which, i can always glue them back on! but i should give him the best odds possible. bonus lil tushy
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i made a BIG BOWL !! it's not really clear from the image but it's the most clay i've ever thrown at once, i think it's like. 2.5 lb?? i didn't actually weigh it first oops i should weigh it. but it's like a foot across at the top. i put it on little ball feet to use as some sort of display bowl i think.
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and there's one more bowl that is really unremarkable so no picture for now.
fiber art: made a fucking. magic the gathering card cozy for a friend that my local mtg group is putting together a care package for. it's so fucking stupid i love it. not gonna post a pic of the front, it's just a dark red border to hold the card in. i might outline the swamp symbol with matching embroidery floss (or maybe navy??) to make it pop more, might also sew a small square of fabric on the inside to hide the loose ends. colors were chosen to match his main commander which is braids
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eating: FINALLY finished the gyudon. um . didn't cook many more recipes. i was going to do one pot chicken meatballs with greens and deb smittenkitchen's corn bacon and parmesan pasta last night but i spent two hours wandering walmart like my ancestors wandered the desert and came home and just had leftovers lol. the cooking will commence......today after i post this and go home.
misc: the midwest is hot this week! fml! on the plus side i don't think my average energy bill in my new place will be worse than my old one despite the worse insulation based on the mid-cycle energy report email i got, on the minus side now i am not splitting that cost so technically it feels more expensive :( thankfully i have finally been finishing the process of closing my dad's accounts so i will have a little padding in my bank account, plus i think i am supposed to get the fellowship i won deposited soon?? shrug. i booked some flights using credit card points that in retrospect i should have booked with Money because of that fellowship but oh well. i am still in the Everything Is So Expensive stage of moving as i finish getting furniture and miscellaneous home goods, hence the two hour walmart wander yesterday. i still need a couch. i think i am getting a frat house walmart futon for like $150 just because it's space efficient and won't break the bank and will be easy to sell when i move out. i should probably order that before i go visit home for 3 weeks ...... anyways. that's this tuesdaypost done and dusted.
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 10 months
tuesday again 11/14/2023
twenty-nine, please be kinder than twenty-eight and the tail end of twenty-seven. phil update: unauthorized access
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Maisie Peters’ Guy on a Horse (previously featured with song Not Another Rockstar). headbanging indie rock off the spotify recced playlist. i would have liked this song much more in my worst misandrist period from high school-early college but the lines “Got this far and I’m Joan of Arc/And you’re just a guy on a horse” made me laugh. spotify
also off the spotify recced playlist (many bangers on last week’s) The Last Dinner Party’s My Lady of Mercy. all-girl baroque british indie rock, a dizzy quality i like very much in this small dose but would never be in the mood for a full album’s worth. spotify.
OH this feels like it’s probably on every griddlehawk playlist. one day i will read those things
fallow week
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Sirocco (1951, dir. Bernhardt). it was on tubi and i wanted to watch a Bogart noir without hooking up my laptop and finagling The Big Sleep with the good subtitles off the dvd. Sirocco has…hm. aged poorly is an understatement. it is not internally consistent with character motivations (a truly fucking baffling ending) and the leads have zero chemistry. the leading lady didn’t have anything to fucking do to create chemistry. the hottest moment was when she absentmindedly gave him back a cigarette with a lipstick print, and he finishes smoking it with a thousand-yard stare. comparing this in marketing to Casablanca was criminal. stop fucking comparing everything to Casablanca it’s never going to be as good!!!
third most unforgivably, below the brownface and script that was once in the same room as fun dialogue, it could have been a singular half-hour episode of television instead of a feature length film.
genuinely cried at the conclusion of the mainline Fontaine quest in g/enshin. this was a beefy fuckin update my god. i think the last act in the five-act quest was like two hours of cutscenes. i know how the fuck are they funding this (gacha) but still. any other company this would be hysterically cost prohibitive.
in other games: Luna Story Picross I, i am having fun but i think my brain has not yet picked up on the internal logic of picross yet. if there was a Good Picross paid app like the Good Sudoku paid app that teaches you sudoku strategy i would get that in a shot. this is a very millennial app, lovely gradients and extra chunky pixel art. very crossstitchable . ik pixel art is already crossstitchable but this lands somewhere between whimsigoth and every astronomy-themed gift on the marketplace and i find that compelling
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horseshoe knife from the Dragon Forging Experience!!! at the ren faire. unrelated half pound block of beeswax for scale. i did not have enough upper body strength and got a blister :( but any excuse to swing a medium-sized hammer with malice aforethought. my initials are somewhat indifferently stamped on the other side bc again, upper body strength, but those don’t need to be on the internet
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hung up all the cat wand toys. this is extremely not very hashtag aesthetic but hopefully seeing them every day will remind me to actually play with my fucking cats, bc they were in a horrible pile behind the futon and were a right bitch to detangle every time. we’ll see how this goes. mack has not ripped them all down yet bc she doesn’t want to stretch over the little samsonite train case i yoinked off the side of the road in mass. strongly recommend a big makeup case or train case like this one to hold all the cat bits and bobs like flea treatment and brushes and extra toys and the filters for the water fountain et al.
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korumiis · 2 years
scenekid kyle when ?
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dw hes in the works rn, in the mean time have some doodles (i took inspo from brokencyde cause i am a crrunk kid im sorrryz xo)
i dont do hcs but i feel strongly over scene kyle + friends soooo
-creeper hat is a must, whoever drew it first gj
-realistically i dont see him ever really becoming a scenekid but if it were to happen it would be in middle school and his fashion sense would be a bit on the down low cause ik he's gonna hide the full extreme of it from his mom
-breathe carolina >>>
-i'd say brokencyde too but idk im just bias
-edm ish type beat (would he shuffle? idk...scene butters king of shuffling at raves )
-with his hair, he gotta headbang tho right?
-wears a jacket to hide his kandi and accessories from his parents, rolls it up or takes it off when at school or away from his parents
-favorite monster is green and red (bc they are the best)
-asdfmovies and quotes it on a daily
-has a youtube (or ig tiktok) with his friends and theyre like MDE (but its fun and not a business and no bryan stars and-) (maybe they can be the new kyle and johnnie)
-scene kenny and butters
-idk how to say this or explain it, hes scene not scenecore (nothing wrong with scenecore, i just mean more og scene,,, less clean?? IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT, old scenekids werre just messier?? darker? IDK)
-lets his hair grow out :> is more confident with it
-goth stan and scene kyle rule the world
-cartman makes fun of them 100% and stan will tell him to shut tf but when alone he will also be like dude we look stupid and kyle is like ok and
-either way 100% just a phase
-i could go on and on but imm ngl to yall, i cant write these accurately bc i am self inserting myself at certain times
...okay fuck it im making them all scene this is scenekid danganronpa au all over again
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sentencemix · 1 month
i wish i could headbang but im so scared of doing it wrong or too strongly and immediately fucking dying
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steddie tbhk au. kinda. pt. 2.
---> part 1 :)
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Read on Ao3 <3
Here is a short and comprehensive list of things Steve had been willing to give up when he decided to let the supernatural resolve all his problems:
- his free will (he didn't seem to make a lot of sensible decisions anyway)
- a painless existence (not like he wasn't used to it)
- never falling in love again (something he can't imagine himself doing anyway, he has never felt romantic feelings for anyone before Nancy before and the thought of feeling so strongly for anyone else seems ludicrous)
- his life (this one he'd have to think a bit on. Like, depends on how much time it wants)
Here is an even shorter and more comprehensive list of what he WASN'T willing to give away:
- his peace of mind
And yet. AND YET.
"Master! Master! Master of puppets is pulling your strings,,,,,dundundundun"
Steve feels almost sorry for whoever wrote this song. They don't deserve the pure burning hatred he feels for them considering he has never actually listened to it properly. Who knows, maybe he would've liked it if he had had a less atrocious introduction to it.
"MASTER! MASTER! Just call my name cuz I'll hear you scream! Master! Master!'
Hanako continues his riveting one-man performance. He slaps the teacher's butt when she turns around to write on the blackboard. She doesn't notice, of course, because Steve is the only one who is unlucky enough to be able to hear and see the menace. He is this close to exchanging his soul for some fucking peace.The whole thing would be a lot more amusing if Hanako wasn't also successfully covering the blackboard which contains everything he needs to know for the exam next week.Thanks, dude.
Laughing at my cries indeed.
But now Steve perks up. This is the only part from this wretched song he looks forward to. Because after that blessed line that hits a bit too close to home, comes the solo. Which means Hanako will be so focused on his air guitar, he will forget to screech around like a tortured banshee.
When Murray had warned them about "the dangers of the supernatural", this probably isn't what he'd had in mind. Regardless, Steve has received the message loud and clear: do not mess with the supernatural if you want your sanity to remain intact.
Unfortunately for his new ghostly acquaintance, Steve has been beat down by things outside of his control way too often not to take the rare chance to strike back. (He refuses to call them friends because: a) he is so obnoxious that his presence causes nothing more than deep annoyance and the occasional headache; and b) if Steve were to admit that they were anything more than that, that would mean that his only real friend is literally dead and can't be seen by most of the population, which would honestly just be extremely sad.)
When the solo seems to have reached its peak (the spirit dramatically headbanging as if his life depended on him, pun fully intended) Steve accidentally let's his eraser slip. His eraser that - on complete coincidence of course, Steve being captain of the basketball team has absolutely nothing to do with this - hits Hanako square on the face. Steve had expected the eraser to fall through him, maybe to irritate him at most. So it comes as a welcome surprise when his projectile actually hits his target in the face, Hanako apparently solid for some reason. Score. (He would later find out that the reason is that "it isn't a real headbang if you can't feel the whoosh whoosh of your hair")
The entire class turns to him at this sudden interruption, but Steve only has eyes for one particular menace. "Whoops, I'm so sorry", he says in his most insincere tone. It is a true tragedy when said target dramatically let's himself fall through the floor. Yeah, through. Can't even leave the classroom like a normal human being. What a dramatic bitch.
(No, he is not extremely bored afterwards. And he also doesn't hum the damned song under his breath. Shut the fuck up.)
Steve and basketball is a bit of a complicated thing. He may have first started because his father insisted, but he stayed out of his own volition. He liked the thrill of never knowing whether the ball would land until the last second. He liked the pleasant burn in his muscles after a harsh training. He liked how there was a camaraderie in the team that could only be forged by the ups and downs of a game with high stakes. And when he got made captain, he found that he loved that, too. He liked getting to know his players. Enjoyed how he could make up for their weakness and praise them for their strength. And he would be lying if he said that being looked up to - not being questioned on his every fucking decision for once - was a big fucking plus, too.
Times change. He has long learnt not to care about his parents opinions anymore. The thrill of throwing a ball pales a bit in comparison to the adrenaline rush of a real life or death situation. The camaraderie he had always felt at home in vanished along with his popularity.
But despite all that, he still loves the sport. Being captain of the team became his refuge from real life. Sure, Tommy who used to be his right hand man doesn't respect him anymore and has tried to start more than one mutiny (it is kind of hilarious to watch to be honest), and it is an understatement to say that the way the new Hargrove kid keeps intruding his space is disconcerting. (Or, according to Hanako, Gay with a capital 'G'). But this is something he has control over. This is something he knows he is good at. This is something that won't end in death if he accidentally makes a mistake.
He doesn't know why he is surprised when the coach calls him to his office on lunch break. His dismay worsens when he sees fucking Billy already waiting there. For a moment he wishes Hanako was here, if only to provide a distraction. He isn't sure where he disappeared to and to be quite honest it's making him a bit nervous. This isn't the first time he has thrown objects after him (more than one teacher already told him to get his "clumsiness" under control), but he has never stayed away for such a long time before. He had thought that that was their established dynamic: Hanako sings obnoxious songs and Steve hits him with a variety of projectiles. Which, thinking about it like that, does sound kind of bad...
The coach calls them in. Billy looks at him with a raised eyebrow and a mean grin, which could either mean that Steve had missed a jab at his expense, or could also just be his normal expression. To be honest, he doesn't care. Thank god that Hanako can distract him without physically being there. Which, technically he never actually is, but that isn't the point right now.
Coach looks at Steve in what he swears is disappointment and his heart drops. He knows his performance has suffered greatly the last few months. He knows he has had to sit out more and more because of injuries (most notably: a broken leg when he had to save one of his teammates from the monster living in the second shower stall, a concussion from when he accidentally stepped onto the fourth step of the stairs near the art room due to said broken leg, a bad cut on his right arm from when he fought against the bitter teacher that had died by the hand of one of his own students and thought the best way to get revenge was to keep ringing the bells 24/7 - something Steve normally would've just waited out until the ghost realized how futile that was, but had been absolutely unbearable because of his concussion. And so on and so on.)
As soon as they are released Steve walks away. No need to rub salt into the wound by looking at Hargrove's shit-eating grin. His legs automatically make their way towards the old moldy girls bathroom everyone does their best to avoid (short OMGBEA, or just OMG. Hanako finds himself absolutely hysterical). For a moment he considers finally cashing in his wish and make himself captain again, but realizes how ridiculous that it. It wouldn't be right, he'd feel like a fraud the whole time. It's just so fucking stupid. Yes, Billy is a better player than him, he can admit it. He definitely has more hoops than Steve and if you are the unfortunate soul he has decided to block, there is no way the ball is going anywhere (as he has experienced many, many times before). But Hargrove doesn't care about the team. He doesn't care about trying to turn his teammates into the best players they can be. He doesn't care about encouraging them or patiently explaining over and over again what they are doing wrong. Billy Hargrove is a selfish prick with zero patience, and Steve doesn't understand how coach can just not see that.
(No. Steve isn't crying. That would be stupid. Shut the fuck up.)
The bell rings.
Steve makes the executive decision that he doesn't fucking care. Not like he is going to make it far with his grades either way. His already dim chances of a sports scholarship were eradicated along with his title as team captain, might as well buy the alcohol and his seven cats while his parents are still financing him.
Somewhere between break and the end of first period Hanako appears. Steve is amused to find that he is just as extra when he believes to be alone. He stomps from one side to the other and runs his fingers through his already messy hair. Steve is pretty sure the only reason he is corporeal right now is for the satisfaction of hearing each step echo through the room.
"What the fuck- I know this fucker has chemistry, what the-"
"You know my timetable by heart?!"
Hanako looks up. His eyes are burning. Steve unconsciously takes a step back. Hanako follows. He takes another. Hanako does, too. They continue this little game until Steve's back hits the wall, and suddenly he is almost squeezed to death.
Hanako let's him go for a second to punch him in the arm, only to dive back in immediately afterwards.
Steve still isn't quite used to it. Touching. He has never been very touchy feely with people. Or perhaps it would be more apt to say that people were never very touchy feely with Steve. When he was still together with Nancy, they mostly touched when they were making out or holding each other's hand in the hallway. But now with Jonathan? They hug and she pecks his cheek and he gives her piggy back rides and it fucking hurts. Not just that the girl he loves broke up with him, but that she is obviously so much happier with Jonathan. When he'd still been friends with Carol and Tommy, the two had always shared casual little touches between them that he could never partake in - even before they had gotten together. Maybe he had a huge sign on his forehead no one told him about: CAUTION! THIS PERSON WAS NEVER HELD AS A CHILD! SIDE EFFECTS OF CASUAL TOUCH MAY INCLUDE: BURSTING INTO TEARS
Maybe that is a warning only provided to the living or maybe Hanako just ignores it like everything else Steve tells (begs) him to, but fact is he is always touching him.
Steve will be trying to concentrate on a pop quiz, bending over the page in the hopes that the teacher can't see his increasingly desperate expression, when cold fingers appear in his peripherie and gently tuck back the strands of hair that had fallen into his eyes. Sometimes a whispered answer to a question will follow, but unless the subject is maths Steve has learnt the hard way that it's better to ignore that part. Or it will be a normal boring school day and suddenly Hanako will see it fit to sprawl himself all over Steve's shoulders. It could almost be considered a hug, except that one of the participants was mostly unwilling and what the other was doing could more accurately be described as "laying". Steve knows that Hanako can float, so he only puts his entire weight into it because he is a little shit. (He tries not to think about how it feels so fucking good)
It is truly an evil thing he is doing. Putting his head on his shoulder and hugging him from behind and being so fucking gentle it made him want to cry. How dare he make him realize how much he wanted this. How needy he is. And he knows that the fucker knows it, because sometimes he needs to run to the bathroom so he doesn't implode in the middle of the classroom and the motherfucker who is the entire reason for this situation will be laughing his ass off. (He is kind of scared of how used to it he is getting.)
Steve was not mentally prepared for the actually pretty painful punch to his arm that followed. Again. Couldn't even choose the other one.
For a second it looks like his same arm is going to be punched AGAIN, so he quickly traps Hanako's fists in his hands before he can go through with the unsaid threat.
"Why were you so sure that I'm dead?"
"I don't know, I think we have quite the chemistry between us-". It looks like he is going for a headbash him "I mean. I. Wasn't. Feeling like it."
"What do you mean you weren't feeling it"
"And I'm sure you always went to all your chemistry lessons mister carbon dioxide only has one oxygen molecule"
"When are you going to stop- wait. Were you crying?"
"I...No." Here is a fun thing you should know about Steve Harrington that makes his life stupidly harder: he is an awful liar.
"Did someone do something? Do I need to kill them? That's a rhetorical question, of course I have to"
He can't help but laugh. He knows the other is kidding. Probably. And he also doesn't think that sending Hanako after the coach is going to do much good. But the though it still amusing.
Steve had had full intention to not say what was actually bothering him. The spirit already teased him for being a jock, admitting he was devastated because he lost his position as team captain would just be giving him free fuel. He survived an entire school week of the other singing the entire Metallica discography on repeat. Everything he has suffered so far was so he could prevail now, and he would make sure it hadn't all been for nothing.
What he did not expect were the puppy dog eyes. Fuck. And as if that wasn't bad enough he invades his space and puts in the cutest fucking worried pout and FUCK.
Sometimes you need to be the bigger man and admit defeat. And as Nancy graciously reminded him again and again, true men DO cry instead of suppressing all their emotions. Fuck, it's so hard vocalizing things sometimes. He hates talking about his emotions. Ew. Maybe he should wish to become mute. Jesus H Christ.
"Wow you- uh you really care about...basketball. Don't you?" Hanako says the word 'basketball' as if it were a slur. Steve can already feel himself becoming defensive.
"So what?!"
Steve expects him to tease him. Make fun of him. But maybe he misjudges him because he...doesn't. Instead he tells him about D&D. To be quite honest, most of it goes right over Steve's head. He does gleam that the game has an awful lot of maths for something that is supposed to be fun, and that there is an entire vocabulary of acronyms his counterpart seems to think is common knowledge. But Steve doesn't mind. He has always loved watching people being passionate, loves the way their eyes will light up and their voice will fill with excitement. Hanako is no different.
The bell rings. Both boys ignore it. The spirit slowly loses steam and after a while both are laying on the dirty floor in silence. It's funny, they've never just been quiet together before. It's comfortable.
But there is one thing that won't leave his mind.
"Hey. Why...why were you so scared. When you didn't find me?"
"Can't I be worried for a friend? You know, you made quite a name for yourself in the supernatural community. That is not a place you want to be well-known in.".
"Bold to call us friends when I don't even know your name."
"It's...it's Eddie. Eddie Munson."
"Just Eddie?"
"I like to keep people guessing"
"I bet you're called like. Edwin or some old people shit."
"Yeah sure Steve Harrington"
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p1nkcanoe · 2 years
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[ rain gif drabble ]
Rain felt... odd. One minute he was headbanging away and the next he was struggling to even see straight. His body felt unusually heavy and his skin was beginning to get way too warm and clammy under his ritual attire. He puts everything he has left in him into playing the correct notes and avoiding falling behind, because he is rapidly draining the energy he has to uphold his ritual glamour and if he doesn't get a hold of himself quick it could be quite a disaster.
The water ghoul begins to properly panic when the top of his head suddenly gets incredibly sensitive inside his helm and he can feel the tips of his curved horns emerging from his skull. He hisses in pain when bone meets leather and is met with a smaller chest against his back and a quick warning to get his shit together. He's really trying, but his legs begin to shake and he's sweating profusely and now he's even struggling to stand upright in the same spot on stage.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, he chants to himself as he feels himself stumble pathetically to Aether, who has diverted an obvious amount of his attention to the fact that the venue is beginning to smell strongly of rich petrichor. He begs silently to the ether ghoul as he approaches in heavy, uncoordinated steps and is faced with a hot wave of embarrassment when the only form of help he receives is a mocking kiss to the top of his head and a chuckle or two.
"Oooh, Rainy... you better pull your glamour together before Emeritus gets to the chorus or you'll be in for a bad night."
Truthfully, Rain didn't know if it could get any worse than this.
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Welcome back madlads to my journey through the music of mcr members post-breakup pre-reunion. Today we’ll be listening to Stomachaches by frnkiero andthe cellebration. I’m not sure what to expect but I’m in the mood to be suprised, all I know is I hope it rocks my shit.
As I write the last 3 posts in advance at 5 am on a Saturday because my sleep schedule is fucked, I’ve come to realize I don’t have all that much to say. I’m unsure what to expect going into this, but I suppose that’s all part of the journey . Let’s begin this adventure together shall we?
All I Want Is Nothing: ok so far it sounds good, and I’m just now realizing I’ve never really gotten a good listen to Frank’s voice (I haven’t watched any interviews besides solo ones from Gerard 😬). Ok this sounds kickass ngl. I like this it bangs. So I’m liking where this is going, the sound is good and I’m thinking maybe this might be a bit more my speed than hesitant alien was even tho it did grow on me.
Weighted: Song 2 let’s go, ok very moody. Ok this rocks, I dig this vibe. Shit I need lyrics these are audio only and I have processing issues. Ok I like this it’s nice, it’s not quite blasting my tits off but I feel it in my bones this album has the potential to.
Blood Infections: ok this bangs, I’m really digging his moody vibe. Oh shit yea no this fucks. I dig this, his voice kinda hot ngl 👀. So this one did tickle my brain good but still not punching me in the face.
She's the Prettiest Girl at the Party, and She Can Prove It with a Solid Right Hook: oooo tasty guitar opening. Aw this is pretty. This is really sweet, I like this. Just a really cute vibe, fuck yea man. I love songs dripping with just this tenderness.
Stitches: ok sick beat, this has a vibe I feel like I’ve felt before but I can’t put my finger on where. It’s vibes, it’s a banger. It kinda fucks, it’s a headbanger for sure.
Joyriding: ok I like the rhythm (I’m only doing audio but I’ll probably go back and and watch the music videos) oh shit this is what I was waiting on! This one blasts my tits clean off! Fuck yea!! Yea this one fucking slaps!
Stage 4 Fear of Trying: oooo guitar beloved. Oh damn the vocals are a bit cleaner and he sounds nice damn. This is a feelings song isn’t it, shit. This is gonna be one that makes my emotional wounds sting. The music is fucking gorgeous tho, and he sounds great.
Tragician: oh fuck hell yea! This bangs out the gate, also for like half a second the guitar sounded like the opening to I’m not okay. Yea this is sick, you can really rock to most of these but especially this one.
Neverenders: ok this is looking like bangers all the way down. This slaps, but again joyriding was the only one to get close to the music feeling like it decked me in the face. It’s great but not quite obliterating me y’know.
Smoke Rings: oh opening was fresh, that’s nice. Ok it does bang, but I’m bad at descriptions but it does bang different from the last 2. It’s sick af tho.
Guilttripping: ok this is nice. A bit of a slower tempo. I don’t have a whole lot of thoughts on it. It’s a nice song, I’m neutral on it.
Where Do We Belong? Anywhere But Here: oh I heard that note. Does guilttripping lead straight into this song? Raking strings and grainy audio, sick. There it is! There’s the punch in the fucking face! Goddamn!
So the album was, good. I liked most of the songs but for most I don’t feel particularly strongly about them. I think in my own opinion it did kinda get a little stale towards the end before the last song went hard. It’s a good vibe and I do really like his voice but idk. My top 5 of the album would have to be…
1: Joyriding
2: Where Do We Belong? Anywhere But Here
3: Tragician
4: Stitches
5: Weighted
Well first album down and I’m excited for more, I wanna see if he’s got a song that’s really gonna blow me away. I’m honestly starting to understand the picture a bit more, what makes mcr so appealing to me is it’s some of the best of all of the members at the same time. One of my favorite songs of Gerard’s solo career was the hazy shade of winter cover with Ray. I’m honestly a bit worried to really wow me it’s gotta be all 4 of them. The next post will be the keep the coffins coming ep and parachutes album, see you next time madlads.
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stickthisbig · 2 years
The only time I’ve missed having long hair in ages is when I wanted to headbang and all I could do was strongly agree
Did I think about putting on one of my many wigs? Yes. But unfortunately, I don’t have enough hair to pin them to anymore, and that grip would sure come straight off
0 notes
kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2021.11.02 DIR EN GREY at Zepp Nyagoya - setlist & report
00 SE
01 Spilled Milk
02 朔-saku-
04 人間を被る・ningen wo kaburu
05 滴る朦朧・shitataru mourou
06 落ちことのある空・ochita koto
07 てふてふ ・tefutefu
08 谿壑の欲・keigaku no yoku
09 赫・aka
10 朧・oboro
-inward scream / Oboro outro-
12 Devote My Life
13 T.D.F.F.
en15 FINAL
en17 Rubissh Heap
en18 Sustain The Untruth
en19 詩踏み・utafumi
It's been a few days since but some of my smoothed out notes:
It's always good to visit Nagoya🖤
I arrived at Sasashima in the afternoon so I  got my stickers and got the paper concert ticket, then with friends we went to get ZARAME doughnuts and eat something.
This time I was in a central block in the back, N row (Nagoya row😆).
Toshiya wore a black suit with a white shirt, Die the arm sleeve outfit, Kaoru ?, Shinya?
Kyo had the gold/beige adidas tracksuit you saw on instagram, green~yellow fluorescent hair, no make up and impressive swag😆
From the very start every song was so raw, full of energy🔥
There were so many parts Kyo just shouted or growled instead of singing.
During Ningen wo kaburu, the part 'dare no tame ikiteru・who are you living for' the heart screams were silent but fierce!! And Kyo encouraged us with shouts of 'Nagoya!!!'
Shitataru dancing was so 😳
Kyo started removing the jacket then.
Ha! Tommy who wrote we should just stand and watch the performance as a film - if they used a totally different footage on the back screen today I wouldn't have even realized, I was so busy headbanging😆
And other time I was busy looking at Kyo, and dancing and jumping!!
With keigaku the mood changed.
During Aka Kyo was hanging his rope (gestruring everything with his hands and body), he caught something suddenly thrusting his hand through the loop, a flower? a butterfly?. But he kept it in his fist and eventually crashed it clenching his hand strongly.
During Oboro Toshiya made a cross sign. And again the song was just cutting really deep, Kyo really broke there on the stand. After the end he stayed on the stand when the lights went dark and we heard cries of 'can you hear?   Can you hear??   I can't forgive!'
And this time too, it was hard to enter another song but the choice of the following song again was done masterfully.
And then it felt like the venue might not contain the energy, headbanging and fistpumping madness😆🌪
TDFF had Kyo again doing pistol hands at Toshiya during bass solo ピョンピョンβ゚。.*゜☜(=σωσ=☜)
We got so many 'your necks are still intact' or 'come here with your necks' etc, all meaning 'is that all you got????!!?GET HEADBANGING RIGHT F NOW!!!!!' 😂
Sustain, this time Toshiya did the 'shooting' / pistol hand😆
And Kyo was pointing at fans with each '残酷な・zankokuna'.
Even without us screaming we were definitely projecting our heart screams at them😆
And encore felt like you pure fire. Kyo kept encouraging us to do more and more at each song, but before Utafumi we got a longer bit:
Kyo: Are you still alive? Are you? Nagoya? Guys! Girls! Are you alive??
Nyaaa~gooo~yaaa! NYAAAA GOO YAAAA!! You can't scream huh. Do you know what to do instead? Do you????! LAST! Bring us your necks!!!!!🔥
After there was so much pointing at fans, the two-fingers-eyes-to-fans pointing.
Kyo stood on the stand clapping a bit with us, then teasing us that we can't scream, laughing.
He waved byebye and shouted Nagoya without the mic. And more smiles as he turned and walked away.
Other band members also stayed waving and pointing at fans, Kaoru did his 'throw the heart pick to fans'😆 Die was the last to leave.
It was my last show this tour but it was such a perfect ending🔥
I will be doing whatever I can to get tickets for Shinkiba in January!!!🖤
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lostinfantasyworlds · 3 years
🍁 How is your current WIP going, and can we have a sneak peek?
Aww thank you for the ask @neutronstarchild!! 🥰
So the only WIP that I'm currently working on is the epilogue for UTNL! But I don't really want to give away any spoilers for that😏, so instead I'll share a snippet from the birthday fic I wrote for @goshinote back in October, that is still very rough but will eventually be finished and posted!
It's titled The Girl at the Rock Show and the snippet is below the cut😌
Thanks again for the ask!
From the Fanfiction Ask Game
That was when Inuyasha finally turned around, only to be met with the sight of his dream girl. Pretty much every fantasy he’d ever dreamed up throughout his emo teenage years had been manifested in this one woman before him. She had long, shiny, jet-black hair that was tied up in a high ponytail, leaving choppy bangs that framed her contrastingly bright blue eyes. Her ears were lined with piercings, she wore smudgy black eyeliner, and he could see the hint of several tattoos peeking out from under her sleeves and where she had tied her black staff t-shirt at her midriff. She was not only hot as all hell, but also radiated beauty in a very specific type of way, like it came from somewhere deep inside her.
Although at that moment, she was radiating anger just as strongly.
Anger at him.
Oh, right, because he was being a dick.
“Oh, so you finally have the decency to at least look at the person you're being a jerk to?” she snapped.
Sass was just pouring off of her, and although Inuyasha briefly thought that it was an adorable look on her, he was still too pissed at the world to let that actually soften his demeanor any.
“I’m tryin' to do my job, which is to stop stupid kids from sneaking backstage and harassing the band. So if you could leave me the hell alone so that I can actually do that, that would be great.”
“Oh yeah...clearly you’re so busy," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I guess I'll just find someone else to help me...even though you’re right here. ” She stomped off, muttering, "Thanks for nothing."
“Whatever.” Inuyasha turned back.
He felt a little guilty, and almost ran after her to at least explain that he was just having the world's shittiest day, but a moment later he spotted one of the delinquent kids he had been watching out for, forcing him to step in.
Inuyasha had almost forgotten all about her by the time that Paramore took the stage several hours later. That was, until he caught sight of her hovering at the side of the stage, clearly enjoying the show as much as he was, mouthing along to the words of Misery Business with a huge grin on her face. She seemed to be trying to resist the urge to headbang, and he thought about how much of an idiot he was for fucking everything up earlier.
Feeling another shitty pang in his chest for the millionth time that day, he decided to just focus on his job and the music to try and put her out of his mind.
Unfortunately, that was not his last run-in with Kagome. Apparently, she had been hired on as some kind of event or brand coordinator or some shit. Which meant that she had to work closely with almost every aspect that went into putting a show together, including security.
He had clearly offended her so thoroughly that although she was one of the nicest people he had ever witnessed to everyone else, she immediately got a scowl on her face whenever she had to address him directly.
Inuyasha knew he should have just apologized, but secretly grew to enjoy her sassiness so much that he kept being somewhat of an asshole whenever he saw her, just to get that adorable little crinkle between her brows to form.
He knew it was wrong.
He knew he was being immature, acting like a dumb little boy pulling on a girl’s pigtail because they like them. But he never seemed to be able to help himself around her. He was used to people running in fear whenever he acted even a little bit aggressive, so the fact that she gave him as good as she got was...intriguing.
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ripplefields · 3 years
thank u for making me go insane abt pokemon this is 4 u shawty......
i imagine scc have a similar music taste but they individually have a few differing opinions (for example but not limited to: sweet could take an interest in more psychedelic genres. he likes Strawberry Guy methinks. cap'n is more of a gorillaz kinda guy but he likes the later albums more than the earlier albums. k_k likes goofy ass music dont hand him the aux cord)
U CAN CHANGE THESE OFC but i think they infodump to each other alot abt the newest song they found or good artists in each genres
neil my boy you come in clutch for me. autism to autism communication.
OK *cracks knuckles* i think while they all have a love for music they all have VERY different tastes. i always thought sweet would have the more intense/"rebellious" taste of the three, usually liking standard rock but also taking a liking to breakcore and hard EDM (they're probably the most at risk of getting found by queen for music rebellion acts their stuff is LOUD) ("the louder it is, the stronger the SOUL resonation is!") ("YOURE GOING TO BLOW YOUR SPEAKERS OUT TURN IT DOWN") if it was a late night staying up working on commissions/tracks/being sleepless in general (which is often) the others will make sure they keep the louder songs to a minimum since on multiple occasions, when sleep deprived their voice speaker tends to. die on them if overclocked and they not only can't play tunes but they also can't SPEAK
capn i think has a bit more of an eye for just the groove of the song more than the volume, HUGE jazz fan but also slower rock songs + the always appreciated EDM the three all enjoy together (DEFINITELY not as loud as what sweet puts on but they all enjoy EDM together) (also current day/later gorillaz is exactly what i'm looking for here you are so smart) (they usually say "if the beat's good, i can bear it" whenever asked why they like what they like) they claim to have their own tastes but often can be found peeking in on the other's playlists and getting ideas (they SWEAR it's not stealing, just inspiration!)
now K_K. THIS is where you find oliver buckland/metaroom type beats. music to space out to basically. as said before she also enjoys EDM with the other 3 but god be damned you put on his playlist and microchip comes on (capn voice) youre keeping that fucking aux cord IN and we are LISTENING to their tunes. they also take a certain liking to some hyperpop, they got sweet hooked on it as well (for the sheer volume of it sometimes) and god be damned if they get capn into it ("this is just. various silly chiptune sounds k_k are you serious") ("100%~!") k_k is the type of person that was an oliver buckland fan BEFORE it got popular off of ENA, they were listening to that man before the backroom labyrinth/hourglass meadow era (but those r still some of their favs ESP backroom labyrinth!)
obv they shares their tastes with eachother, capn usually poking fun at sweet's usual type of stuff ("oh wouldya look at that! another track that'll blow my sound receptors out! nice!"), sweet making snarky remarks back ("capn, where's the fun in your music if you can't violently headbang to it?"), and neither DARE say shit about k_k's tastes, not because they pity/baby him, but bc k_k can dig so deep into their music tastes corresponding to their personalities for dissing their bangers they don't dare provoke them (sweet got the treatment once, i think they sat silently on the storage room floor for an hour internalizing it, capn doesn't even know what k_k even said, no feelings were hurt between the two pals either way they were fine when sweet finally snapped out of , but he fears what they even said to sweet) obv their tastes blend into what they make, but somehow all their strongly contrasting tastes all come together in the end to make their band's tracks really enjoyable and unique!
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engineer-in-space · 3 years
a simple call of the wild review that is totally professional and not way too detailed by me (February)
It's gonna be a bit of comparing to previous powerwolf albums/songs and remember everything is my own opinion. If you disagree/agree we may talk about it in a civilized way, I actually love talking to others about this shit!
But otherwise (hate, insults, etc.) you can keep your opinion somewhere where I can't see it :) Also, the album has barely been out for a day and things change with time and I may grow to like certain things more. (but there's not too much that I don't like tbh) But I hope you enjoy this metalhead-gremlin's ramblings!
Faster than the flame
I had to listen to it quite a few times before I could say anything about it. It's a powerful start into the new album, however, it is (as previously stated) powerful but didn't blow me away like the first songs on the previous albums. (Fire &forgive, Blessed &possessed, amen & attack - wait am I just now noticing a pattern here? oh my god. Anyway.) Maybe I got that personal feeling that I want it to be Fire & Forgive, which is, of course, not possible and would be boring. So i think I'm not even critizing the song but rather the order of the songs.
It feels like a typical powerwolf song; both lyrics and instrumental. Fast, heavy, something about flames and burning - awesome. The two Latin parts (I think it's called the pre-chorus? man, I have no idea and will just throw around these words because my internet connection is too bad to look this up. But if you listen, you'll know which parts I mean.) already give me goosebumps. I also really, really liked the bridge (again?? idk??) aka the "flame, flame, burning wild in heavens name" part. This was the most memorable part for me after the first time listening. Of course, the guitar arrangement throughout the whole song is just... god bless. I must say that using the word "pastor" is dangerous because my stupid brain keeps thinking Attila is singing about "pasta" again... Oh well, moving on!
Beast of Gevaudan
Man, I've been listening almost non-stop since it was released as a single! At first, my head was comparing it somewhat to army of the night but after a few times this feeling was gone and it became an awesome new idea/song. The choir and orchestra part are so well placed and support the rest of the instrumental and Attila's voice perfectly. Again, much fast, very powermetal. I've grown very fond of the guitar solo. The lyrics tell us a little about the story of the beast and I. Love. Storytelling. In. Songs. Glad matthew finally came around to put his idea out there!
This song also has a video, which left me speechless at first. I love Attila's acting so much??? And making this sort of their own story of Jesus was such a cool idea. Production is high quality as well (didn't expect anything less after The Sacrament of Sin MVs) and there were really nice shots in there. I doubt that I will get tired of this song and this video anytime soon!
Dancing with the dead
That choir stuff in the beginning, following by that awesome guitar riff already had me. I couldn't stop listening to this one either. This might be, in my opinion, the most catchy song on the whole album. The intruments are in perfect harmony with Attila's heavenly voice. The transition into the guitar solo is so damn smooth and well done. I'm having a whole crisis about how good this song is.
The lyrics are interesting too! Again, there's a story to be told. As far as I can interpret it, being introduced to some darker powers and growing to enjoy them, despite previously having lots of faith, is what's going on here. It has this slight feeling of... corruption (in a good way of course). This makes me want to go dancing (with the dead)
This one also has a video! Once again, very high quality. Every band member had their "special moments/shots" and just looked stunning. But Attila left them all behind this time. Slow dancing, in a suit, with that smirk on his lips??? Well done, my dude.
This one's dark and heavy. It brings me back to the good ol' times of Lupus Dei and Bible of the Beast. Just with more orchestra, choir and overall harmony. It makes me so happy that Powerwolf is using so many real life legends and figures on this album! And they did such a good job with them as well. If this song was alive, it would be a scary beast.
The typical metal elements and orchestra/choir parts are very well balanced. And the organ throughout the whole song is fitting. It supports the dark and sinister feeling of the whole thing. My favourite part may be the "And as army we bing fire..." parts! Man, I just love werewolves. Also, I think Attila's famous gibberish singing made a return in this one!
Alive or undead
Oh boy,here we go. The piano in this one is incredible. "Here we STAAAAAAND!" Goosebumps and shivers. Everything about this is so emotional andreading the lyrics while listening just makes me want to cry, ok?! T_T Powerwolf has become so flexible, exploring different ways to make music. This could have been some kind of typical powermetal song but it's not and I'm glad about it.
Even if it's a little different, they never stray to far from what makes them special. The few parts, reminding one of typical church music would not have been necessary but are appreciated! They know when to leave out the guitars and go slowly. What bothers me a little, is that it somehow feels like Attila's voice had a tiny bit more potential up to the chorus. It could've been a little bit softer? if i can put it that way. But honestly this song is raw emotion and everything still fits together. If you thought their first ballad was emotional, buckle up, this one kicked me right in the feels.
Blood for blood (Faoladh)
Powerwolf ventures again into the folk metal territory and successfully conquers it! Could be a headline of something. Anyway, this song is a very worthy successor of Incense & Iron! It just makes me happy, its melody is so light - combined with your typical Powerwolf lyrics. Perfect song to start jumping up and down! It radiates motivational energy. Just like Dancing with the dead, this song has a very smooth transition to the guitar parts.
The melody is strong but still easy enough to quickly get into it! I can barely sit still and write this aaaa. Seriously, I am just happy with this song and will go jump and headbang a while to it!
I have returned from jumping and oh no. It's a German song. Bold of them to go all out on that Latin beginning... it works really well though! It might be because I'm German but this song hits hard. Very hard. It's not easy to make this language sound good and ( if you don't happen to know much about German) the lyrics consist of a bunch of old words and grammar you wouldn't normally use anymore. But they made it fucking work!!! The quiet verses only make the pre-chorus and chorus itself heavier and blow me away. And SOMEHOW this super epic song with (made up, at least I'm pretty sure they don't exist like that) Latin words is about.. you know what Powerwolf writes about a lot. And I LOVE that. It's so subtle and only if you read into it, you're like "wait a minute".
This song has a feeling of corruption too. But not in a good way this time. It feels evil and intimidating and - honestly, I can't get enough of it. Everyone of my neighbours will think I'm some kind of weird Christian fanatic because I WILL yell "Glaubenskraft" just as much as I yelled "Stossgebet". Worth it, tho.
Call of the wild
The song with the same title as the album! (or the other way around, whatever.) This song is just catchy from the beginning to the end. Like many other songs its fast and hard. Just how I like it. Don't take that out of context.
The lyrics and instruments go wild (haha get it), with a really neat Latin pre-chorus. It's very fun to listen to. Personally, it makes me feel like I belong to the pack. That we're strong together, that we can say fuck it once in a while and just go crazy. The chanted part near the end of the song reminds me strongly of Sanctified with dynamite (ya know "die, die dynamite" and "call, call, call of the wild") and it's really cool they pick up on old things once again. Be it intentional or not. It's a reminder that they still are who they were back then - and their music is still fucking incredible.
Simply an epic song, strong vocals, strong guitars. I really, really like the intro. Attila has to sing so many words in such little time, does he even need to breathe now and then?
Now I'm wondering what came first; the album title or the track title? Chicken or the egg?
Sermon of swords
First of all: WHAT IS THAT OMINOUS VOICE IN THE BEGINNING. Mark me down as horny and scared. Ahem.
I really like how the verse and the chorus have their own theme and melody going on and yet they're connected. The chorus is super catchy too! And just say it yourself "Sermon of swords", how cool does it sound??? The choir in the beginning is a really neat introduction into the whole song. The lyrics match the whole album, very much a soundtrack to go on a crusade to, like Raise your fist, Evangelist or Christ & Combat. Just... "AAMEEN!" Ok, I'm actually going insane here, calm down, Feb. These might be my favourite lyrics of the whole album I think?? (unless I said that somewhere else already, then i have more than one favourite.)
The whole song has a more "classical" feeling to it, not only in the Powerwolf sense but also in the Heavy Metal sense in general. BUT. Orchestra and choir are prefectly mixed, especially supporting Attila in the chorus. The guitar solo is really cool and sounds very Greywolf-y, if you know what I mean. It's just Matthew's style.
Undress to confess
The name of this song says it all. This is your friendly reminder that no matter how much they preach about Jesus or the Devil, Powerwolf should not be taken too seriously. When I first saw the title I couldn't help but chuckle a little.
The melody is pretty catchy and easy to remember, the organ and general approach reminds me of Demons are a girl's best friend. I absolutely love how the lyrics are on that thin line of somewhat poetic and ridiculous. Let me provide two examples here: "all the world we posess for desire and sin we carress" - man, this sounds pretty.
And there's also "dressed to hide the dark, and obsessed to ride him hard on the.... crucifix." Yeah, I... I don't know what I expected here. Anyway, this is how you describe church sex without actually using explicit words. (why are you booing me, i'm right)
Still really nice to listen to and have a good time!
Reverent of rats
We arrived at the last song of the album! And here we picked up on the speed and power again! The way the organ is played during the verses makes it so... sinister. Again, this piece reminds me of Lupus Dei. The verses keep the sinister feeling while the chorus picks up more... drama? An epic melody mixed with epic words make my soul ascend to heaven.
This guitar solo is also the absolute good shit. It might be my favourite from all the songs of this album?! Additionally, the drums? I don't know why but they really stand out here. Love how fast paced they are.
Aaaaand that's it! If you've read all the way through holy shit, you are actually a badass. Thank you for staying with me, my werewolf friend. Maybe we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone. But always remember: Metal is religion.
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Sometimes delicate, sometimes rough, sometimes you are dazzled by his splendid playing. The red guitarist has reached Dir en grey’s unique mark. “I used to hit the guitar a lot. I wasn’t happy so I would lose my temper soon“ “This is everything I am. This is my axis” “If I were a metal guitarist, Dir en grey music would have been closer to metal” “Jonathan Davis from KORN said, ‘I like the melody of the chorus’ and sang ‘Saku’ in front of me."
Notes before reading:  This is the second part of personal interview of Die from the magazine Headbang Vol.27 released on 18th August. The interview is 11 pages long, this part covers the last 5 pages. The second part is focused his experiences overseas and his roots as guitarist. 
  You can get the magazine at Amazon Japan or CDJapan.
Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.
Links or credits to this post when the content is reposted or captured in other SNS is appreciated :) ------ Text by:  Yohsuke Hayakawa (First part) -So, as you said, I feel that Dir en grey at that time was in a rough and emotionless moment. D: Yes, it was like that. Even if I was standing on the stage, it was more about how could I raise my own mood/tension rather than doing it for the fans who came to see us, so if I was in a bad mood, I would stay in a bad mood. But well, at that time, we were playing with that kind of mood/atmosphere: if you don’t like this, then you shouldn’t come to see us. -If it’s a festival focused on overseas bands like 'Taste of chaos’, as some people in the audience didn’t know Dir en grey, did that that feeling of irritation come to the forefront? D: Rather than……at that time, I knew about other bands only by name, but honestly, I was wondering “What the hell is everyone clapping for?”. It looked more like buttering up the audience. It was like “Ah, this is so shallow”. But there are a quite things that I can reflect on now. There were times when I wasn’t kind to the fans. -That was also reflected on the changes of your music style? D: That’s it. Back then, it was all about playing guitar. I thought it was pointless if I didn’t shake the guitar off all the way. That’s why I barely listen to the sound of the other members when we were playing live. Things like, matching the rhythm of the drums. This was something that the staff would sometimes point out to me. “Listen to what the others are playing, keep the rhythm more”, things like that. -At that time, when they told you that, what did you say? D: I said “Oh, yes” and I tried to do what I was asked to do, but once the live started I was like “Waa, let’s go” (laughs) It was good and bad, isn’t it? -So, when you listen to 'Clever Sleazoid, do you remember those days? D: Yes.  It was around the time we started playing at Shinkiba (Studio coast), so the image of Shinkiba's lives is very present. Later, we started going abroad, so it really was a time in which the band started to change again. Well, there are many things to reflect on. I used to hit the guitar a lot. I wasn’t happy so I would lose my temper soon. As I made a lot of mistakes during a live, I would be like “what the hell are you doing?”, it’s like being crazy like that would be part of my attitude.  I piled the anger up more and more, and when I noticed; I already threw the guitar away. Then, I was like “This is broken” (the guitar). - Don’t make the musical instrument makers cry…. D: Well, at that time, it was more like I felt sorry for doing it. It's a little off topic, but I went to the ESP factory for the first time this year. So, if you see the process of making guitars from the scratch, after that, you'll never throw a guitar. Everyone was there making them from the scratch so carefully, it’s different than seeing the final result. -So, it was like “I can’t treat my guitars like that”. D: Throwing them it’s not ok. -(Laughs) D: That's why I think "Clever Sleazoid" was done when the band was at the last minute, when the band was at that changing period. Maybe…. somehow, it was like a routine for us to make songs, release albums, and touring. Of course, each of them is important, but when it comes to tours, there were a lot of them, so somewhere we got used to that. It was something like that. Especially when I think about it now, I strongly feel that it wasn’t reasonable. At that time, we were touring as a matter of course, fans came to see us as a matter of course and you could say that the things we were doing at that moment were a luxury/privilege. -You are for sure fully realizing that it was like that. D: That’s right. I was doing everything based on my emotions and I showed a lot of my shameful side. -I think that such ups and downs are also what embodies a band called DIR EN GREY that is directly linked to emotions. D: Hahaha, is that so? Really, I remember the good things and the bad as well from that period. I think the way the members perceive things has changed a lot in the last 15 years. - But at that time, hearing the impression of overseas bands that you had at that time(laughs). D: We were going to festivals at that time, right? And everyone was there asking for the applause so to me it was like “what the…?”. I wondered why they didn’t aim to be cooler on stage instead of that. I thought it was because it was a festival, and everyone was excited. Like, “move more like this”, “show yourself more in that position”, “more around like that” ….it was like that at that moment. -There was also a boom in screamo and post-hardcore bands. D: Yes. So, as we were going abroad, we experienced several things as a band. I went overseas with that unsatisfactory feeling because we would be part of festivals and I really felt that we couldn’t pass through the world with the feelings of our live. “The challenge was what kind of live performance we were going to do in front of Deftones’ fans” -Did you change your mind by the time you were part of KORN's "Family Values Tour" in 2006? D: The change was around that time…. however, it wasn't even at that exact moment. I feel like we were still playing only focusing on ourselves and we didn’t look around us. However, people who liked us would come to see us, so a new perspective was born. If we haven’t gone abroad as we wouldn’t have seen things from that angle, we probably wouldn’t have changed. If we've kept always playing just in front of fans who liked us, I honestly think that I might have been playing more and more just to satisfy myself. -I wonder if Dir en grey would be as strong as it is now without that experience. D: I don't think so. We were part of a festival in Germany and people threw stuff at us…. That things like that happened to us…. I think it’s good we had that kind of experiences. -The sharp/bitter feeling of that moment is different now.  Currently, I feel that this made your core stonger. D: Well, when you think about the concerts you did in the past, the feeling is different. In the past, I was in a band, but it felt more like "It’s because I can't do it alone". It was like each member has to do it (their part) but now, in order to sound as a band, it is necessary to listen to the members and make the sound. It’s I am 1/5 of that. Otherwise, it won't reach the fans. I don't care if my energy goes up there. It’s a chance to create a unified sound or to stand out as an individual. After all, the sound becomes messy even if only one person rushes, and I think you have to play consciously so that a unified sound can be produced. So now, what I want from a live performance has changed. Probably because I experienced several things. However, even though I gained experience touring overseas, our live performances didn’t get mellow. -Yes, that’s for sure. That's why several overseas bands were interested in DIR EN GREY. D: For example, we toured with Deftones at the "Family Values Tour" and they watched us live, so they called us to be their support band for their next Deftones headline tour. We had the opportunity play in front of Deftones fans, and the challenge was what kind of live we were going to do. As expected, even there, the overseas staff told us, "Why don't you instigate the crowd?” “Do you want to be appealing more to the fans?" "Why don't you ask for more applause?" (Laughs) -Again, the clapping (laughs) D: That’s how the culture is over there, right? It was also a tour where the atmosphere/mood got really bad. For the whole month we were told to interact with the fans more. Even in places that weren’t related to the venue. I can communicate more with the overseas staff because I don’t have to speak English that much but they would told us  things like ….“say hello”, “if the fans say something to you, say something back”….. -Eh? Things like that? D: We were pretending to be cool even when the fans were waiting. (laughs) -Hahahaha D: I couldn’t believe that the staff over there was telling us that. Things like “you have to be friendlier with the fans”. For us, it was like “Why are they telling us things like this? It’s awful”. -You were the type of band that you wouldn’t see over there but I think that there were people interested in that atmosphere. D: That might be true. Well, a lot of stuff happened. “This is everything I am. This is my axis” -Then, let's change the topic, let’s talk about the "20 albums that inspired you”  you chose this time. Looking at the selection of Japanese music, there are many works where you can feel the taste of beat rock, punk, and rock and roll, but are these the roots of your flesh and blood?
D: That’s right…. there is no metal, right? -That’s true. D: If my musical roots were metal, there would be a lot of different albums so my play style would have been completely different. I also think that my guitar would be different and if I were a metal guitarist, Dir en grey would have been closer to metal music in a different way as well. -There is a sense of balance in Dir en grey because your style comes from that position, isn’t there? D: That might be why (our music) is not completely metal. -Among the albums, you chose D'ERLANGER and BODY because their guitarist is CIPHER. D: Well, this is everything I am. This is my axis. Regarding D’ERLANGER, I mentioned the album from their last live because that’s the one I heard the most. "LA VIE EN ROSE" (1989) and "BASILISK" (1990) were released as albums, weren’t they? But when it comes to live performances, the sound is totally different. The live album has a raw feel, it feels very alive, and the more I listen to it, the more elements I find out…. Like the flexibility of the strings, the picking is too strong and the sound is a little off, the phrase is different from the album or there is no sound…. -You are considerately listening to it in an intense way…. D: Yes. There is too much sense of being a real live in it, so I heard this the most. -This degree of perfection is reflected in "D'ERLANGER TRIBUTE ALBUM ~ Stairway to Heaven~" announced in 2017 by D'ERLANGER. It was cool that you covered "EASY MAKE, EASY MARK" recorded in this live. D: Including arrangements, CIPHER told me that he “felt a lot of love” in it (laughs) -Like the live performance, while being full of love, the essence of DIR EN GREY is there too. That’s a good example of how to do a cover. D: Certainly, when I was working on that cover, I felt like I was doing our own song. -Next is CRAZE “That's life" (1996). A long time ago, I remember that you chose and covered the song “Kizu” at the FC limited live of DIR EN GREY in 2001 D: Ah, yes yes. I did “Kizu” and D'ERLANGER as well. How could I say this?.......in a few words, the best album. -Especially at this era, the members had an edgy image, and their atmosphere was hard to approach. D: That's right. The atmosphere was also cool, you don’t get used to it, the 4 wolfs (the members of CRAZE) personality is realistically reflected in the song. I felt like “Kizu” represented how I felt, and that passion and power was so real. It’s different than D’ERLANGER but CRAZE was also the coolest band for me. Then, didn’t I choose something from Ziggy as well? -Yes, "KOOL KIZZ" (1990) which is also a good album. The famous song "DONT STOP BELIEVING" is also included in this work. D: That's right.  I knew ZIGGY before knowing D'ERLANGER, and I practise guitar copying them. So, if I hadn’t known D’ERLANGER, I would probably have become a rock and roll guitarist (laughs) Carrying a Les Paul guitar, playing rock and roll, with long hair with a little perm. -Well, I’m not kidding when I say that would look good though. "Jonathan Davis from KORN said, ‘I like the melody of the chorus’ and sang ‘Saku’ in front of me." -On the other hand, Western music has an alternative atmosphere as a whole, when it comes to pop, there are many catchy songs. Furthermore, there are bands like Tool and System of a Down. D: I think in that area, I was inspired by listening to these bands since I started doing DIR EN GREY. My interest in how make music, how the live sound was, and how the sound of the CD turned out, was also very big. Also, for example, when we were invited by KORN (Family Values Tour 2006), it was our first long tour abroad, and there were many things to absorb around us. It seems like we were struck by the American style and the style of overseas tours. It was a time when all sorts of things were stimulating. -How did the members feel about the "Family Values Tour", as there were many things that you had to face for the first time? D:  Well….at first there were moments that it felt like “is this okay?”. We were the only Japanese band, and there were crazy bands like KORN, Deftones, and Stone Sour, and we're like in the middle of them. Besides, we’ve never done a live in a daily basis. -Didn’t it make you feel confident to be part of that line up? D: Well…. the feeling that we experienced several things is stronger. At the time, the internet wasn’t very good yet, so it made me feel homesick (laughs). The only way to get in contact with the people that was in Japan was by email. Even doing lives and going on tour with the frequency we did in Japan, I can’t even tell the distance we travelled through Japan. This tour was around the whole country, so the distances felt big.  We had never left Japan for a month and a half, so I would say that overall, we did well. After all, this was the start of touring in America, wasn’t it? -KORN made it easier for Dir en grey, right? D: They made it really good for us. Jonathan (KORN’s vocalist) liked "Saku" very much and he told me "I like the melody of the chorus" and sang the melody in front of me. -That’s amazing, that Jonathan Davis sings “Saku”! D: Jonathan often watched our live performances and listened to our songs. I'm grateful for that. -Besides that, Fair to Midland from USA and My Vitriol from the UK are also among your choices. D: We toured together with Fair to Midland in 2007. When we did our first tour on our own, they went around with us as opening band. If I do something in another side project, their songs are so good that I want to do something like that. My Vitriol is a band influenced by My Bloody Valentine, I wonder why they don’t sell more, to me, they are in the same line that Fair to Midland. The chord work and the feeling of the melodies make the best combination. I've been wondering why they didn’t release a second one (album). Like, nothing at all (laughs). Then, in 2016 I didn’t know that it came out as it was released secretly*. It’s highly recommended. I can’t help but want to watch them live so much. *In 2016, My Vitriol released their second studio album through a funding campaign at PledgeMusic ( online direct-to-fan music plattform).It was a limited released fanbase-only album, that’s why Die says it was released “secretly”. “I felt like something is crawling inside me. I never had that feeling before” -What is your impression of Tool? D: We were together at a Polish festival in 2007, and despite being a festival, the live performance was perfect. It was like…. "Why does this sound like this?" That's why I couldn't move during the live performance. They nailed it from the beginning until the end. I was close to the PA table for a while, but it was too shocking. Not only the sound, but also the direction and the construction of the songs, they are all art. It's not like music anymore, it's like transcending everything…. It seems like I'm watching a movie, and I felt like something was crawling inside me, I never had that feeling before. Anyway, the live performance at that time was too amazing for me. -If you want to make something like that, you will have to release an album every 5-6 years? D: Hahaha! Wasn’t their latest work the first one in 13 years? I'm surprised (laughs). -That’s right. One of the albums you chose is from System of a Down, but did you like them from the beginning? D: Well, that’s what happened. It’s an indescribable style, but I think DIR EN GREY was also quite fierce in the past. There were times when riffs were not straightforward and "system-like”, flying as words among the members. -Did that happen? It's a valuable story. Last but not least, what kind of expectations do you have for the future? D:  Honestly, when it comes to concerts, I guess under these circumstances we won’t be able to do any. We couldn’t finish the flow of “The Insulated World” and we had to move on to the next step, so we are going to start working on the album. All the tour scheduled are gone, right? So, we can work on it before we had planned it. I wish I can write songs, record them and be active in 2021…. that’s exactly what I want, what I couldn’t do in 2020. I would like to tour until I burn out.
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asexualbert · 3 years
Okay, no, I have to know what your thoughts about Mamma Mia 2 are...
You my friend have opened a can of worms and I am here to RANT.
FIRST OF ALL. They did my man Harry DIRTY. What the hell happened to "Harry Headbanger" huh??? Rosie and Tanya knew EXACTLY who Donna was talking about when she referred to him as such. He gave her his guitar! Who was this twink ass little bitch we saw because it sure as HELL wasn't Harry!
SECOND OF ALL. Anyone remember Honey Honey? Not only was it a fucking BOP, but it also VERY clearly laid out the events in which Donna did some dot dot dot with the fellas. This song could have, nay, SHOULD have been the framework for the plot of Here We Go Again but the writers said Nah, none of that, we do what we want. Now, if there had been big ol' plot holes and continuity issues within the backstory they gave us, I'd forgive this but the fact is, I can lay out the timeline REAL easy just from the songs in 1 and in fact, I will!
Timeline: Donna goes to Paris for a summer, meets Harry, they date and chill for a while, it's a grand ol' time, he gives her his guitar, whoopee, that's Our Last Summer. Later, Donna meets Sam, they date for a while, fall madly in love obviously, he shows her the island (dot dot dot). Sam leaves like a little bastard to get married. August 4th (what a night), she meets Bill. They get on pretty well so he rents a boat and they go to the island (dot dot dot). August 11th (what a night), Harry turns up out of the blue. They pick up where they left off, she shows him the island (dot dot dot). Bing bang boom, Sophie exists the rest is history. Point: IT AIN'T THAT HARD TO PUT TOGETHER.
THIRD OF ALL: CHER. Why?????? Cher does NOT need to be in this movie. I like Fernando as much as the next lad but they did not for a MOMENT need to shoehorn it into this damn movie! I was VERY happy hating Donna's mother for being some completely off screen terrible mom and leaving it at that. Grandma did not need to make an appearance, they just plopped her in there to shove Fernando into the soundtrack and I'm BITTER about it.
FOURTH. Why did they need to kill of Donna??? The only thing this accomplished was providing us with less Meryl Streep which honestly, only a bummer, this is Mamma Mia people I expect my Donna!
FIFTH. The whole thing with Rosie and Bill breaking up and whatever. After Take A Chance, there were only TWO ways I could see that relationship going. A) They hook up a bit. Casual relationship. That's it. B) IN IT FOR LIFE. A genuinely serious relationship ended with him CHEATING just does NOT track for any of what we saw of either of these people and I DISLIKE IT STRONGLY.
I will give it credit though for the fact that Lily James is fantastic, and Sophie and Sky are wonderful and pretty on brand.
Minor complaint: Would have liked some more Aly and Lisa please? I do seem to remember that Sophie had friends?
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