#head not found
triste-guillotine · 6 months
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GEHENNA "First Spell" MCD 1994
1. The Shivering Voice of the Ghost 2. Unearthly Loose Palace 3. Angelwings and Ravenclaws 4. The Conquering of Hirsir 5. Morningstar
"...We call upon you Incarnated souls of disaster Spread the fire all high and low The ravenclaws have waited too long"
First Spell | Gehenna (bandcamp.com)
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thetoxicvault · 4 months
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Afternoon spin...
Sorry folks... had to remake this, tumblr police is active again 🙄
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Majestic Nothingness (1997)
N.W.N. (2023 re-issue)
Oslo / Norway 🇧🇻
@nospheratusblack 🖤🤘
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danzameccanica · 10 years
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C'era una volta, nei freddi boschi del Nord, una giovane fanciulla che, presa dal sopravvento di una troppo breve giornata di sole, perse il sentiero di casa e si ritrovò a contatto con la natura più glaciale. Nel corso della notte fece conoscenza di tutti gli spiriti del bosco, i quali la ammaliarono con le loro dolci e desiderose parole. Con la forza della persuasione, riuscirono a trascinare la povera fanciulla nel cuore della foresta, dove lo spirito della montagna la immolò.
Una leggenda in 5 capitoli… questo è Bergtatt, il primo capolavoro degli Ulver. Un album talmente completo, stupefacente e innovativo, che a tutt'oggi si impone, nel panorama della musica estrema, come un gioiello più unico che raro. Un disco che mescola, nel modo più sorprendente, black metal e folklore, rabbia e malinconia, creando un canone esemplare che verrà ammirato da moltissimi fan (non solo del mondo metal).
L'anno della pubblicazione era il 1995 e gli Ulver avevano (auto)prodotto solo un demo, Vargnatt, che già faceva gridare alla novità: partiture di chitarra classica e folk su sezioni ritmiche rock registrate in bassissima qualità ("Tragediens Trone", "Ulverytterens Kamp"…) ed estranianti voci pulite che mandavano fuori di testa l'ascoltatore. Più di tutti mandarono fuori di testa Metalion (della famosa Slayer mag.), il quale, grazie alla sua Head Not Found, permise alla band di entrare agli Endless Studio per registrare il loro debut.
Le qualità avanguardistiche dell'album si notano dai primi attimi di I troldskog faren vild: la pienezza delle melodie è data dall'armonizzante accostamento delle due chitarre ritmiche, le quali forniscono un ottimo e armonioso tappeto per la trascendentale voce pulita di Garm -che manterrà questo registro per tutta la durata della canzone, ricordando quasi un canto gregoriano. Le dolci e malinconiche note sono un lungo coro, una folcloristica pastorale, che descrive la presa di coscienza della ragazza, la quale si rende conto di essersi perduta e di essere totalmente in balìa degli spiriti. I grandi rintocchi del basso di Skoll percorrono il brano dalla ritmica semplice e schematica. Poi i suadenti assoli di Aismal e di Håvard dipingono l'immagine della passione della poveretta:
Dai ramoscelli degli alberi, alla testa della fanciulla; goccia a goccia come il sangue da l corpo di Cristo.
Infine il primo epilogo, contrassegnato dall'intreccio delle due chitarre acustiche, per poi proseguire su toni più aggressivi e minacciosi, esplicitando la condizione dello smarrimento:
Ahimé… da sola e sperduta nella foresta… stanotte, sento e temo che nessuno si ricorderà di me.
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Una rilassante chitarra acustica duetta con un rassicurante flauto dolce, intonando note alla notte silènte di Sølen gåer bak åse ned; (lacune frasi forse appartengono alla tradizione norvegese visto che Satyr le ha riutilizzate nel suo progetto Storm) una notte che sta partorendo le più vili crudeltà che madre natura possa concepire. Infatti i riff scorrono improvvisamente veloci e stridenti e la batteria incide i suoi blast-beat sotto le urla di Garm.
Tra le rocce cala il sole, e le ombre si stanno allungando, presto viene la notte con la sua mòle, già mi sta legando e imprigionando.
I cori si fanno ancora più suadenti (questa canzone contiene a mio avviso le più belle parti cantante degli Ulver) dipingendo una natura evanescente nella sua foschia e nei suoi substrati; tutto è dosato nei minimi particolari: la registrazione è più che eccellente (per l'epoca, per il messaggio, per il budget e a confronto del resto delle uscite contemporanee), le voci pulite sono sempre raddoppiate creando perfette consonanze e le chitarre acustiche vengono aggiunte sempre al momento giusto.
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E sono sempre le bonàrie chitarre acustiche che lasciano trasparire i bassi e calmi cori nell'incipit di Gråblick blev hun vaer; è la temporanea calma di quando uno si desta dal sonno e ancora un po' sbattuto e con la mente non perfettamente a fuoco, cerca di capire, silenziosamente, dove si trova. E poi lo shock di quando ci si rende conto di essere stati spiati per tutto il tempo. Le chitarre dissonanti rivelano la terribilità degli esseri notturni, i quali si divertono con la bambina rapita, illudendola di mostrarle il sentiero verso casa, mentre invece verrà solamente sbattuta da un lato all'altro del bosco. I rintocchi del basso suonano una melodia parallela, analoga al parallelismo figurato del brano: la chitarra acustica e l'arpa presto faranno da colonna sonora all'annaspare della poveretta, la quale corre sulla ghiaia e sulle foglie secche del bosco, zigzagando invano verso un tentativo di scampo…
Tutta sola e smarrita; batte forte il suo cuore; e il suo sangue si ghiaccia.
I toni si incupiscono per l'ennesima volta, e i tamburi della batteria scandiscono le risate di scherno del bosco, fissando sulla tela la disperazione dell'innocenza:
Su quelle guance rosa e su quella bocca priva di alcun sorriso, un fiume di lacrime scorre libero, mentre tutto il mondo, nel sonno è intriso.
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Il quarto capitolo, "Een stemme locker", vede la fanciulla al cospetto dello spirito della Montagna; quattro minuti di chitarra acustica che rintocca all'infinito mentre i fraseggi secondari accompagnano il dialogo fra la poverina e il grande Spirito (esecuzione formale che anticipa il futuro lavoro, totalmente acustico, Kveldssanger). I suadenti e lontani cori femminili attirano la fanciulla al cuore della montagna come i compagni di Ulisse cedettero inermi ai cori delle sirene.
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La storia (e il disco) si conclude con il quinto capitolo Bergtatt - Ind I fjeldkamrene. I riff riprendono leggermente i toni del primo capitolo, sono però sempre più spesso ritoccati da chitarre acustiche, mentre i cori vengono quasi del tutto cancellati, in favore del climax finale della storia.
La fanciulla chiese di essere liberata, ma per le sue preghiere non fu ascoltata… Ancora una volta una fanciulla è scomparsa… fecero di ella ciò che volevano, e senza alcun riguardo o gentilezza la trattarono.
La coda del brano è percorsa da lunghi soliloqui di chitarre suonate quasi come strumenti ad arco, gli ululati di Garm descrivono la definitiva azione della notte, che ingloba in sé la ragazza, in una voluttuosa violenza; e dopo la pioggia e la tempesta, gli ultimi rintocchi di chitarra classica descrivono l'alba di un nuovo giorno che si lascia alle spalle il sacrificio appena compiuto, senza la certezza però, che l'inestinguibile sete della Montagna sia appagata.
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Bergtatt è un album che si impone come un'opera d'arte totale, dall'artwork del libretto, ai testi stilati rigorosamente in lingua-madre e in rima, come fosse una tragica ballata da accompagnare alle pitture del nazionalromanticismo norvegese (Johan Dahl, Adolph Tidemand…). L'approccio musicale e lirico è quanto di più anomalo e poetico si possa trovare nel black metal e, oggettivamente, nel mondo della musica estrema. L'assetto innovativo e persistente nel tempo, fanno di questo disco le qualità più importanti: le stesse qualità che in tempi recenti lo hanno fatto apparire perfino sulle pagine di webzine non addette al metal, e le stesse qualità che lo hanno portato ad essere amato da tutti gli ascoltatori di musica che riescono a mettere appena il naso nel mondo underground.
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brzatto · 1 year
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the original got deleted but i finally managed to find a screenshot of the tweet that’s been living in my mind since july of last year
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vaxxman · 13 days
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"Do you miss the time when you used to do no harm?"
Old habits.
Merc behaviour is based on a nice little comment @up-in-flames-writing left on one of my comics :)
Rambling and more silly drawings below.
Loosely based on the Solemn Vow's public blurb:
Art lovers will cherish the bust of Hippocrates, commemorating a time when the Medic still thought doing no harm was a good idea.
I am absolutely convinced that Medic carries dextrose drops with him. German pharmacies throw these after you when you buy anything at all. I went to check if this one specific brand I know of had been around since the 60s and 70s and yes, it was.
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Small acts of kindness I can see Medic doing is giving everyone one of these if they are tired. I'm talking about Engineer mostly.
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Or they snack on them when solving practical problems together, like during the teleporter bread tumor incident.
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kimetsu-chan · 4 days
Doing this bc I’m scared to and won’t on my own
if this gets 5k notes by October 20th, I will tell my dad about my eating disorder and get help to recover + therapist
No spamming
5 notes per person including likes
if either one of those is broken, I’m reducing the time limit, basically making it less likely to hit the goal on time
tagging is okay
Might delete later(sorry!) because I’m scarrredddd, I don’t wanna tell my dad >:l
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rose-colored-tarot · 6 months
Personally I've never been a fan of the "magic is a beast that needs to be tamed" metaphor. Magic is more like the ocean: powerful, terrifying, capable of unbridled force. But at the same time, it is gentle, warm, the lifeblood of millions of people. The folk who know the ocean know you cannot harness it's force, you must work within or around it, lest it destroy you. Similarly, magic is great and terrible and gentle and kind, all at once. And those who work with it need to work WITH it, not reign over it. Because the primordial forces have no rules about biting the hand that feeds you.
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sysig · 8 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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naarinn · 6 months
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Apology video. With tears. NOW
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dansemacabre · 1 month
(tw unreality!)
ayo new theory just dropped and bad news! the implications are cosmically horrifying
in the bulletin from time baby in book of bill, he says bill is a “danger to narrativity”, and that he risks the fourth wall. this kept bothering me. why reference the fourth wall here? why have time baby reference it? yeah the heaven page and shit is a bit meta, but thats just how bill talks, right? Well i was a fool
when you put “seven eyes” into the lost files site, this warning pops up from the oracle question mark? from journal three:
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the therapese at the bottom translates to “set coords for dimension: r34lity”.
and putting r34lity into the website gives us this image:
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the text below it reads they found a new home. those are “real” fucking images. the henchmaniacs are in our “reality”. the cryptids page might not have been a goof goof bit- they were “real”. (“real” meaning our reality in the book of bill sense of it but still our reality. is that tracking.)
none of the rest of the cast actually references us as a specific audience, or the fandom, or acts like we know them at all. the cast addresses everything they write to a mystery “reader” who needs to be saved from the book’s influence.
meanwhile, in the book of bill:
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because bill’s not talking to a mystery “reader” who’s reading this book.
bill fucking sees us.
bill sees reality. REALITY reality. like this earth the one with alex hirsch and gravity falls the show and tiktok and shit. book of bill is a book in our reality for us the reader. (ie. there’s a reference to “they both reached for the gun” if you put gun in the website, which would only make sense if bill was sentient in this “reality” right now.) and someone is trying to get here to hide from him. maybe they’re already here.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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welcometogrouchland · 6 months
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[ID in ALT] I've made posts before about Talia/Dick co-parenting Damian moments (will never happen but let me dream) and this came to me in a vision. Took me ages to finish for some reason 😭 and then even longer to post
#dc comics#dc#damian wayne#dick grayson#talia al ghul#batfamily#dc robin#nightwing#anyway. yes im a self-indulgent ''dick as damians secret third parent'' truther#like i DO think it's way more complex and nuanced than the schmoopy affectionate fan portrayal of it#they're brothers they're father and son they're partners they're the dynamic duo except only in past tense etc etc#but consider! I'm not immune to schmoopy affection in fanworks. it compells me despite itself#anyway it's technically not that crazy when it comes to dick and damian. they hug! often! at least they did#it's not as big a leap to these types of scenarios#also talia ''somewhat absent for complex reasons on both her and damians part but very loving and loved by her son'' al ghul#you will always be famous to me#son of the demon origin...bwahhh#anyway. someone made a comic kind of like this/like a post i made abt this topic#but way funnier bc dick and talia starting trying to beat each other up#so go look at that as well#anyway. it's been a somewhat difficult few weeks so I'm. desperately trying to take it easy#i got some reading with me (first vol of kevin smiths GA run that i found second hand and jaimes BB run vol 2!)#so we'll see how far i get through those. considering there's demons in my head telling me to re-read things (LET ME OUT!!!)#when i finish GA and BB i do plan on rereading robin 2021. as a treat to myself#it's a run I've really warmed up to as time went on#I'm keeping up w/ the current b&r run even though it is. admittedly very slow w/ some weird dialogue#i read it for the damian content more than anything. also nikas back so that's neat :]#idk I have a feeling that after absolute power shakes out we might get some more creative team switch ups#so if anyone at dc is interested in taking over the reigns on b&r...that could be very neat#mine
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etheries1015 · 7 months
The moment Vil fell in love with you, was one of the most vulnerable moments he had ever experienced. It was something that had caught him completely unawares, and never thought he'd fall for someone, much less the prefect of ramshackle.
Spoilers for the end of book 6, if you have not gotten that far.
The ride back to NRC from the island of woe was an exhausting one, to say the least. Everyone was groaning in mild annoyance at Vils sobbing at his now olden state, a wrinkled face with sunken cheeks and grey hair...something he feared more than anything in the world. Nobody actually blamed him, though, for anybody else would react as strongly to see their youth stripped away without even the hint of getting back their original form. Ugly, old, and gross, are all words Vil would go on to describe himself. You felt pity for him of course, but you were just as exhausted as everyone else.
Vil watched you in surprise as you stood up in a sleepy haze, wobbling to the (now) old man and cupping his sunken cheeks into your lively hands.
"Vil," You said sternly, the suddenness of your actions causing him to bite back his sobs for merely a moment.
"What you did for us today," You said with confidence in your tired eyes, "Was the most heroic thing I have ever seen. That was the bravest, most selfless act you could have possibly done, and I truly admire you for it, Vil." Your stern eyes softened with a smile mixed with pity and admiration, unconciously stroking his cheek with your thumb in attempt to sooth his trembling figure.
"We will find a way to get your body back. I understand this is a lot, but you need to hold onto faith." Your hands squished his cheeks together in a teasing and playful manner, purposefully causing him unable to respond verbally. Vil simply nodded, and you continued with passion raising your tone of voice.
"Right now, in my eyes, you are the most beautiful person with the biggest heart of gold I've ever met." You leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, something that drew him back with widened eyes. "Now, you must be incredibly tired from all the fighting we did. Try and rest, okay? You need it." He wanted to tell himself you were simply feeding him words of comfort in order to cease his persistent whining, yet with such confidence dripping with every word and small gesture you had no reason for engaging in, that was how he knew you were genuine.
How could you be so willing to kiss him when he looks like...that? How can you call him beautiful when all he sees are wrinkled hands and spotty skin? The word "heroic" also stuck out to him. Years of being played the villain, always unable to make it to the end of a movie, being discarded as the "bad guy," yet here you were, calling him...your hero. His heart skipped a beat and he could feel heat rise to his cheeks. There's no way you of all people could make him feel so...conflicted.
Yet there you were, with stringy sweaty hair, scratches, bruises, mud riddling your skin from hours of fighting for the world. He noticed how his dorm outfit lay in tatters on your body, and bags under your eyes were apparent as you so shamelessly yawned and sat next to him, falling asleep as you leaned up against his shoulder. This was the brazen prefect of Ramshackle- someone with flaws, attitude, and a disastrous display.
Yet at this moment, all he could think about was just how beautiful you looked, too.
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allastoredeer · 4 months
Had a thought. Alastor would likely be the "final boss" in terms of redemption, and I wonder if Viv would ever consider giving him a reincarnation ending.
Imagine Alastor, finally running out of luck and/or spitting on every chance of conventional redemption. Only for Charlie to argue that if he had another chance from the start, he might make different choices. Which he tacitly agrees with, but as he says in the pilot: The chance given was the life he lived before, and there is no undoing what is done.
In much the same way as we found out in the stinger that Sir Pentious was redeemed. We get a stinger of a kid who looks very similar to a human Alastor in the modern day, someone calls his name and he gives a grin to the person off camera.
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So, I read that very first line and this is what immediately popped into my head.
But also! Reincarnation 👀 that sounds so cool!
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molinaesque · 5 months
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You know why these boys brought you in? 'Cause I f*cked up a poor, defenseless gang-affiliated organ dealership? Yep. Mm.
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thechy-fychannel · 6 months
"House isn't my— we're not gay."
"if you die, I'm alone."
"probably because of my secret, very unconscious desire to get Wilson into my bedroom."
"you were thinking about Wilson while we were having sex? That's so cool, me too!"
"I thought your Wilson fetish was over?"
"I need you to tell me that you love me."
"you have everything you need right here. We both do."
"I just want to enjoy my last five months with family and friends." "Friends or friend?"
"what does that mean? You're done with Wilson? As long as Wilson is alive, you're not done with Wilson."
"I want a threesome." "Shouldn't we try a twosome first?"
"I'm dead, Wilson. How do you want to spend your last five months?"
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