#he's very Liam-like here but is it just the coat?
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smashkara · 1 month ago
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Soccer AM (09-05-1998)
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screamingatanemptyroom · 1 year ago
Please Fix the Story - pt 31 The Void Between - END
Last part. (Although I do plan for at least one or two side parts. One definitely from Liam's perspective. Maybe one from Adonis if I feel like it).
Guys, I started this story forever ago. Took a huge break when my life fell apart. I picked up the pieces, and never really thought I would get back to doing the things I love again. But here I am. Finishing this story. I'm so excited.
Please enjoy.
Masterpost linked here.
“System!” I shouted into the white void, one hand still holding Liam’s tightly. “Stop hiding!”
Adonis had fallen to the ground, released from my power that had bound him. He stood up shakily, wiping a small amount of blood from the corner of his mouth. “Where did you take me?” He demanded angrily. “Where is this place?”
“This?” I looked around with a slight smile. “This place is the End.”
“The End?”
I thought for a moment. “Or perhaps the Beginning? It depends on your point of view, I suppose.” I gestured around at the blank whiteness around us “This is the void between, outside of the lower and higher realms, outside of stories. There is nothing here... nothing except memories.”
Liam stood protectively near me. “Where is the System?”
“It’s here. It’s watching. It just doesn’t want to admit that it lost. It views me as weak, pointless…”
Blue flames streaked out from out of sight towards my head. Sensing the magical attack, I dodged and waved a hand, countering it with my own power.
“YOU MUST ACCEPT YOUR FATE”  The bright blue words briefly appeared in the void, then disappeared just as fast, leaving nothing but an afterimage behind.
“BEL!” Liam had fallen when I dodged, and reached towards me, panicked.
“It’s okay. That was just a test.” With a grunt of pain, I stood back up again. “REALLY?” I spoke out again. “A sneak attack? Are you really that pathetic?” There was no answer, the System was hiding again.
“Hey!" Adonis had recovered from his shock, and resumed being a pest. “Bel! Tell me what’s going on, now!”
I didn’t even look in his direction. “No.”
“What?! What do you mean, no?!”
"I mean: 'No'." Still looking for any trace of the System, I cast a sympathetic glance towards Liam. “Poor guy.”
Liam caught on quick. “Don’t worry, Bel, I’ll help him!” He cleared his throat, turning towards the enraged hero. “’No’ is an English word used to give a negative response. In this case, the word ‘no’ would indicate a refusal to your request for more information. Similar sounding words, such as ‘know’ with a ‘k’ can sometimes be confused depending on the context clues, but that word is generally used to indicate knowledge rather than refusal. So if she had said ‘I know’ instead…”
“SHUT UP!” Adonis screamed, swinging at fist at Liam, who let him punch him in the chest without any apparent pain. Adonis instead withdrew his hand with a screech, one of his fingers clearly bent at a weird angle.
“Your chest breaks fingers?” I asked with a raised brow.
Liam pulled his collar down, showing off a coat of black scales with a grin. “Dragon skin is tough. Also known as the ‘idiot-tax’.”
During this exchange, I continued searching with my power, trying to feel the system’s presence. “Seems fair.”
“Why is it hiding?” Liam asked quietly.
“It doesn’t want to face the truth.” At my answer, Adonis stopped groaning and looked insulted.
“Why do you answer HIS questions and not MINE?”
“Because he’s my husband… and you’re annoying.” I turned to Liam. “Are you curious?”
Liam smiled at my question. “Very.”
“Then I’ll explain it to you as we go.” I looked around again, sensing that the System had hid itself. “It’s hiding within this space, and so I’ll need to force it out. Since it wants to hide the truth, I’ll show exactly that: the truth." 
My power swept around us, filling everything.
"It all started here. In this void.”
The world around us changed, showing infinite portals, each leading to a new world, glowing with various degrees of golden light.
“There are infinite stories, and therefore infinite lower realms.  Some are stable, filled with energy… some are unstable, collapsing, draining energy from the realms around it.” As I spoke, some of the weaker portals flickered and died. “Each time a world collapsed, the entirety of the lower realms was at risk, a collapse of a universe of worlds and people.”
The golden light of the portals coalesced, forming a vague being of bright blue light. “The System came into being. It's exact origin is unclear. Was it created, another product of the authors or gods beyond our existence that write the stories? Was it just a random event, too much energy organizing into a sentient being?” I stepped closer to the glowing blue figure, staring up at it. “It’s impossible to know. But I do know one thing:”
The figure peered into a portal as it flickered and disappeared. It stared at the empty space for a few moments before shrugging and moving on to the next. “The System isn’t human. It has no understanding of human emotions, motivations, or relationships. It can read the stories, it can see the unfulfilled wishes of the author, but it cannot truly understand why some stories worked and others collapsed.”
Adonis stared at the figure I showed them, a look of frustration and anger creeping across his face. Liam watched with curiosity. They both stayed silent, however, and the System stayed in hiding, so I continued the story.
“The system depends on the survival of the lower realms, but it could not figure out how to save the stories that were disappearing. So it looked for a human partner, someone who could help it figure out what to do.”
The world around us changed again, and we were standing on a college campus. It was a bright sunny day, with students milling about, chatting, laughing, carrying books. We stood in the midst of everything, unseen by the people around us, unable to touch or affect anything we could see. Adonis, recognizing the area, turned pale, trembling as he stood rooted in place. “No.” He whispered. “This is impossible. This isn’t real.”
I smiled at him, but it wasn’t a pleasant expression. “Of course it isn’t real. This is a memory of the System. No one can travel to this lower realm anymore. It’s destroyed… thanks to you.”
As I searched the memory around us, I could sense the memory... and the System... nearby. “Let’s go.” I grabbed Liam’s hand and ran forward, rushing through the crowds, following the lead that only I could feel. After a brief hesitation, Adonis ran after us.
“The system sensed that someone had broken free from the confines of a story.” I spoke as we moved. All around us there were college students milling about, talking laughing with carefree attitudes. “What had been stable, had become broken, and it was all because of a single individual.”
I pulled Liam to a stop in front of two people, studying both of the figures in the memory with interest.
One was a handsome young man with a playful grin and long hair pulled back with a cord. He was facing another young man, who looked extremely angry.
The other young man was Adonis.
As we looked back and forth between the Adonis in the memory and the one that had followed us through the void, the Adonis next to Liam and I stepped closer, staring at his doppelganger with a weary, contemptuous expression.
“She loves me!” The memory Adonis spoke out. “Stop getting in the way!”
“You know that isn’t right, Adler.” The young man answered with a sigh. “Just because you two grew up together, doesn’t give you ‘dibs’ on her. You two are friends. Ara is my girlfriend.”
Liam raised an eyebrow as we watched the scene around us play out. “Adler?”
“His real name.” I glanced over at Adonis, who looked away. “He changed it to Adonis after he left this lower realm.”
“He CHOSE Adonis?”
“He thought it sounded more heroic.”
“Poor guy.”
“Save your pity.” I pointed back to the memory around us, where Adonis continued to argue with the other college student. Eventually, a young woman walked up, giving a hug to the other man and eyeing Adonis warily.
“Bel…?” Liam sounded concerned and confused, and I didn’t’ blame him.
After all, the woman looked just like me.
It wasn’t exact. There was a bright cheery innocence that this girl carried around her. A naivete, as if she would  believe whatever someone told her. Nice, but gullible. She very much lacked my distrustful glares and heavy sarcasm. But the face, body, hair…. All of the outer features were the same.
“It’s not me.” I reassured Liam, who watched the girl with my appearance kiss the college student with a low disgruntled growl. “It’s Arabella. The heroine of this lower realm.”
Adonis stared intently at the woman, obsession in his eyes. “MY heroine.”
“Nope. Not yours. Because you weren’t the hero of your story, were you, Adonis?”
The argument between the three in the memory grew heated. Adonis… Adler… tried to grab Arabella’s hand, and she pulled away with a frustrated expression.
“You were the friend, the side character, the witness to the main romance of the story. But you were unwilling to play that role… to accept your fate.”
“IT WAS NOT MY FATE!” Adonis reached out, but his hand passed through the memory of Arabella. “I WAS THE HERO! I WAS THE ONE SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO LOVE!”
The Adonis in the memory had gone quiet. He reached into his coat, and pulled out a long knife, lunging forward, stabbing the young man and woman in front of him. Only when they were still on the ground, their bodies soaking in the blood pooling beneath them did he seem to recognize what he had done. He fell to his knees, screaming, as the world around his began to distort.
“You broke the story, killed the hero and heroine… and this caught the attention of the System.”
A glowing blue figure appeared in front of the blood-stained Adonis, words appearing around him.
I looked down at the dead body on the ground with the same face as me, letting out a quiet sigh. “The two of them made a deal. Adonis would be pulled out of the lower realm, become a higher being. He would help the System in fixing the broken lower realms.”
The Adonis in the memory considered for a brief moment, and nodded. As he and the System disappeared, the world they had left behind began to collapse.
“There’s always a cost, though. If you take someone out of a lower realm… the realm is destroyed as a result.” My eyes met Adonis’ as he watched the memory of the deal he made with a dispassionate gaze. All the emotion that had boiled over at the sight of Arabella had faded, and there was nothing, not even remorse. “You knew you were destroying the world if you left. And you did it anyways.”
“They did nothing for me.” His voice was quiet, but vitriol in it was clear. “I should have been the hero of that world… they didn’t deserve survival.”
“Just like Arabella deserved death for not loving you?” At my question his eyes flickered, but he quickly regained calm. “She didn’t die. After all, you’re here, aren’t you?”
“I’m not Arabella, Adonis. No matter the physical resemblance.” I smiled. “I’m something much more…”
Another blast of blue flames again came towards me. I pushed back with my own power, defending myself. My magic swept through from the direction the blast had came from, trying to strike back, but it had already disappeared once again.
“Oh you didn’t like that, did you? Are you mad enough to stop hiding, or should I keep talking?”
There was only silence in response. I chuckled grimly, continuing the story.
“Adonis was the one who thought of binding the lower realms to the higher realms. By having the heroes of the lower realms be connected to Adonis, by having him control them and their endings through these ties he called fate, he thought he could influence all of the stories at once, helping them reach a happy ending.” I paused. “How funny that the man who was chosen because he broke free of his fate, chose to bind everyone else even tighter.”
The portals showed up around us again, losing their glow and flickering out at a noticeable pace. “But it didn’t work. The lower realms were failing faster than ever. You contaminated all of the heroes with a part of you, they took on a part of your personality, your obsessive desire with being the center of the universe.”
I thought of all the heroes I had met in the lower realms, how they reacted with the story around them changed. Even kinder heroes like K’lliean in the elven world had shown signs… he almost cracked and tried to force me to be with him when he sensed me pulling away. They all had pieces of Adonis forced on them, tying them to an even worse fate then the broken stories once had.
“Out of desperation, Adonis suggested a new plan. It wasn’t enough to have a prototype ‘hero’ to bind everyone to. They needed a new prototype, a second higher level being.” I hesitated, seeing the realization and pain on Liam’s face but forcing myself to continue. “They needed a villain.”
The world around us changed again, and now we were in a beautiful green world with bright open skies. The System remained hidden, so I continued talking, hoping to goad it into showing itself once again.
“Adonis had always been a fan of fairy tales. Knights, princesses, and the evil monster that kidnapped her: the dragon.”
Dragons flew overhead with roars that shook the earth below. The world was filled with the mighty creatures, flying, fighting, sleeping. Simply existing in this beautiful realm. And right next to us was a large silver dragon, patiently teaching a smaller black one.
Liam stepped closer, tears running down his face. “Grandfather.” His hand passed through the larger form, his hand tightening into a fist.
“They searched though all of the lower realms with dragons, and within one found a young black coated dragon that they felt could be molded into what they needed.”  I continued to speak, watching Liam closely. “The System tried to offer a deal, promising power and domination over all the lower realms.”
A blue figure pulled the small dragon away, obviously trying to convince it of something. The young dragon shook his head in response.
 “But the dragon said no. He loved his world, his family. He didn’t want to leave, no matter what was offered to him.”
The dragon was enveloped in blue fiery light, disappearing with an inhuman screech of terror. The world around us, similar to Adonis’ world before it, crumpled into itself, fading away into nothing.
My voice dropped to a whisper. “The price of removing someone from the lower realms is always the same, whether they want to leave or not. The young dragon’s world… his family… was destroyed.” I reached out and hugged Liam, who was wracked with silent sobs as he watched his home realm disappear.
“I’m sorry.” I tightened my arms around him, feeling a deep pain within as he slowly composed himself. I was using this story to push the System, to make it angry enough to appear. But I had another motive as well. I wanted Liam to understand everything. To see this. He had the right to know the full truth.
The truth of what I was.
The picture around us faded, showing the young black dragon now in the Villain’s realm, surrounded by forest. He looked around, obviously lost and confused.  Words appeared in the sky before him.
The dragon shook his head no.
A portal appeared and chains shot out, binding the dragon and dragging it into a lower realm. The sight was heartrendingly familiar, and I had to take a deep breath, steadying myself to continue.
“They tried to mold the dragon into the villain they needed. The plan was to force the dragon into multiple realms, placing him as the villain of the story. If he refused to play his part? The realm would be destroyed. The dragon was too kind hearted, and eventually became resigned to sacrificing himself, story after story, realm after realm. Saving the realms but losing himself. The system tied the dragon to the villains of the lower realms, in the bonds of fate, but if anything, that made things even worse.”
The portals in the void reappeared, now most of them becoming unstable and flickering, even previously brightly glowing ones were slowly becoming dim.
“Your plans had brought this whole universe to the brink of destruction, and still Adonis refused to believe that his strategy was wrong. It’s just that the prototype story… the higher realm story… was incomplete.”
I turned towards Adonis, who was glaring at me with unbridled rage. “The knight, the dragon… and now you needed the princess. You were a hero missing your heroine. And so, you told the System to bring you your heroine.”
“Don’t…” Adonis finally spoke up again, but the word was forced out between clenched teeth.
“What? Don’t tell the truth?” I shook my head. “It’s not your secret to hide. It’s my truth to tell.”
“Stop!” He rushed forward, but my dark power wrapped around him again, holding him in place.
“Shush. I’m trying to explain my mysterious origins here.” I sat him down on the ground with my magic, and turned to Liam. I felt nervous, a desperation welling up within me. I wondered as I started to speak again if this is how he felt when I found out he was a dragon. It turned out he didn’t need to worry.
I wasn’t human either.
“Adonis would only accept one heroine.”
“Arabella.” Liam added, watching me carefully.
“Exactly. But that left the system with a problem. Arabella was dead. Even if she survived the stabbing, the entire lower realm had been destroyed by bringing Adonis out. It tried to convince him, but he grew only more desperate. He couldn’t accept the truth.”
I paused, taking a deep breath. “So the system did the only thing it could: it tried to make a new Arabella.”
“But that means…” Liam looked confused, but as realization started to dawn, I ran forward and tackled him.
The entire space imploded. There was nothing but blue fire, drowning everything. There was no noise, no heat. There was only magic destructive power. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity, and then slowly faded.
I lifted my head. An enormous being was wrapped around me, protecting me. Liam, who had shifted to his dragon form, continued to shield me, his dark blue eyes looking over me carefully, filled with concern, checking for injuries. I withdrew the magic I had used to protect us both, but I still saw a few burned spots in his scales here and there. Touching his scales with a regretful expression, I whispered. “Sorry.”
I had been goading the system, waiting for it to make its move, but as I told Liam the truth, my attention had shifted for a short moment. And in that moment, the System who had been biding its time, made its move.
“As long as you are safe.” Liam’s reply made me smile. We stared at each other for a few moments, both happy the other was okay.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU DESTROY HIM?!” Adonis’ voice destroyed the special moment. At least he's consistently annoying.
Liam rolled his eyes, the expression a bit strange on a dragon. “How did he survive the fire?” He asked me.
I thought it over, and winced. “My bad, my power was already wrapped around him to hold him down when the System attacked… I must have accidentally protected him.”
“It’s okay, we all make mistakes.” Liam nodded solemnly and comforted me.
“Yeah, maybe next time he’ll get burned to a crisp.”
“You know… I am a dragon… I could help us achieve that goal.”
“Tempting…” I started to respond, but Adonis started shouting again.
“System! Now’s your chance! Destroy the monster!” He pointed at Liam, his face triumphant as he commanded him. “And then we can fix Arabella, and start over with a new villain. We will make the story right, correct everything that is wrong, and retie the strings of Fate to save the universe!”
“…” There was something new that had joined us in this space between realms. A vaguely human shaped being made of blue flames. As it spoke, its voice was neither young or old, soft or deep, it was deeply disturbingly inhuman. The words it spoke appeared in front of us, scrawled across the sky, a reminder of its power.
“System! Destroy it!” Adonis screamed impatiently.
“…” There was no response.
“It can’t.” I finally spoke up, calmly. “It doesn’t want to risk attacking Liam anymore. It had its only chance with that sneak attack and it failed. Facing me head on… there’s no way it can win easily.”
“I don’t understand. The System… it creates fate… it’s a god!”
“You are the one that doesn’t understand. I know what the System is, Adonis, much better than you do." I took a deep breath.
"After all… I’m a part of it.”
In the silence that followed I heard the soft sound of Liam’s sigh as understanding dawned. My heart beat nervously, but I continued to explain.
“The system couldn’t resurrect Arabella, so it split off some of its own power, a new entity that remained only with a limited connection. It used Adonis’ memories of Arabella as a template, but it could never be exact. From the moment of its creation, the created being would grow and change based on new experiences, meetings… to become something new, beyond the confines of what others wanted.”
“YOU WERE AN ERROR.” The system’s inhuman voice was cold.
“I was the only effective thing you’ve ever done to save the lower realms.” Was my even colder response.  
“No… you’re Arabella.” Adonis was stuttering, staring at me with horror.
“You always knew I wasn’t her, Adonis." I sighed. "The only thing I can thank you for was that when the system used your memories of a template, it used data, rather than your perception of her. Rather than a perfect heroine deeply in love with you, it created a young woman with a thirst for adventure and learning… and no romantic interest in you whatsoever.”
The system stepped closer, and Liam’s wings spread out widely, protectively.
“The deal is already done, System. You lost.” I waved my hand, and my power formed into the shape of a sword. It always was my preferred weapon. “If you won’t concede that I won willingly… Then I’ll make you by force.”
As I circled closer, the System stood still, confident. “YOU CANNOT KILL ME. YOU ARE ME!”
I smiled. “That’s where you’re wrong.”
My sword swung, and a limb fell to the ground, disintegrating into blue flame. I held my blade at its neck and it froze.
“I WAS you. But the deals we made changed everything.”
The world around us changed again. The System buzzed with energy, trying to fight it, but I pushed through.
It was time to finish the story.
Liam continued to stand guard, watching Adonis and the System carefully. As my power took over, the world I was showing became clear:
It was me. I was in the villain world, laying on the ground pale and sweating. I was dying.
“After I was created, I only tried to save the lower realms one by one. I refused to listen to Adonis' plans. In his frustration, he tossed me into the villain realm to force me to submit. It was his way of continuing the prototype story. The dragon keeping the princess captive. But Adonis and the System didn’t count on one thing:"
In the vision I showed, Liam in his human form knelt beside me, his expression despairing as he gently wiped the sweat from my forehead. I held his hand, my eyes focused on him and no one else. Adonis stood nearby, ignored by both of us in the memory, watching with a hateful, weary expression.
“I decided I would rather die in the villain realm, die by my husband’s side, rather than submit to the horrible fate you and the System had devised.”
The System in the memory appeared next to human Liam, pushing him aside, and approaching the dying Bel. Liam screamed with fear and rage, trying to return to his dragon form, but was frozen into place half-transformed.
“YOU CANNOT DIE.” The system’s inhuman voice was quiet, but deafening at the same time.
The memory Bel forced a smile. “Better dead and free than trapped by your chains.”
“Then how about we make a wager?” The weakness in her voice couldn’t hide the determination of her words.
I looked at the System, still held in place at the point of my sword. “So, we made a deal. I would travel the realms, save them, gather the energy from each of the recovered worlds.”
In the memory, blocks of text appeared in front of the dying Bel. She read through the deal with a frown. I watched the vision, shaking my head in frustration.
“The stakes were clear. If I could save enough worlds… could build enough power, separate from the System, I would be able to break free from the ending of this prototype story. To write my own fate. But… if I failed even one… the System would take all the energy I gathered, and I would be forced to submit to the fate designed to me. To be a mindless, soulless heroine, playing her role and nothing else.”
“Foolish.” Adonis was standing, glaring at me with blood shot eyes. Liam growled in response, placing his enormous form between us, but Adonis ignored him, continuing to speak. “You just had to agree to be a heroine, and we could have saved everyone together. Instead, you risked everything, left an unstable universe to try to save it world by world.”
“I chose to remain free. To not enslave these worlds to fate.” The System sensed my distraction and tried to strike, and so I pressed my sword of magic forward, dripping flames from the cut in its shapeless neck.
“The deal was designed for me to fail.” Again the picture around us changed. It was still me, but in many different forms. A student. An assassin. An elf. World after world, flipping faster and faster until it was a visual blur.  “You chose miserable roles for me.  I had no memories, no knowledge of the story except what was provided for me. I was alone… or I was supposed to be.”
Another change. Now the System in the memory was talking with Liam. As he watched the memory, Liam beside me shook his head, as if trying to clear it.  
“Liam had nothing the system wanted but his status as a villain. If I lost, he would play the perfect villain. No shortcuts, no mercy for the weak…become a puppet for the system. But the system wanted more.”
Text appeared in front of Liam in the memory. As the nature of the deal became clear, the real Liam beside me let out a moan.
“A sacrifice.” His voice was filled with pain, barely audible. “Every lower realm I had saved in the past by playing my role. How many worlds would that be? Countless lives. Innocents.”
“The System would absorb them for energy if we lost.”
“It asked for my soul. Saving those worlds by letting myself be defeated or killed in those realms was all that I could cling to when I was despairing. If I sacrificed them… “ He paused, his dragon eyes showing despair. “It wouldn’t have to brainwash me to become a villain. I would have already taken that step myself.”
“Liam would be given the chance to follow me. His memories wiped each time. He would have no idea who I was or how to help me. He would as always be the villain in the story. A bad deal.” The Liam in the memory agreed, and disappeared. “ I glanced at Liam beside me. “But you took it anyways, desperate to help me, to stay by my side. Even though you would more likely end up a mindless, soulless slave.”
“I would never abandon you, Bel. Not if there was any chance I could help you.”
"You did." I reassured him. "I had nearly given into despair by the time you joined me. You gave me purpose, helped me forward. I would have been lost, along with everything else." I glanced over at Adonis who was shaking in rage.
“Adonis made a deal too, of course, but much different from ours. He wanted to follow, but wanted his memories, wanted to know the full story. The System only allowed him limited access, into a few worlds. It worried that if Adonis followed me everywhere I would be motivated to resist longer, as I had in the higher realms before.”
Adonis in the memory accepted a deal, and disappeared as well. There was only the system left.
“You thought I would give up, or that I would fail to fix a world. I was supposed to accept my fate. Instead, I refused. I resisted. I fixed every single world I went to. I won. Which brought us back to the higher realm.”
“NO.” The system beside me pushed back with all of its power, erasing the memory I had shown around us. I tried my best to shield Liam and I, but as I concentrated on my own dark magic, I heard someone running up behind me.
“You ruined everything!” Adonis had a knife, trying to slash at my back as he drew closer. The System kept attacking, forcing all of my attention on it. I was helpless to stop the attack from the hero.
Fortunately I wasn't alone.
A dragon tail swung out, knocking Adonis a fair distance where he fell to the ground with a crunch. He lay still, his hand grabbing at the hilt of his knife where it protruded from his side after he landed on it.
“How…?” He touched the blood spilling from the wound, shocked.
“You brought it on yourself.” Liam growled. “Also, why is your only response to rejection stabbing? You seriously need better coping mechanisms.”
I laughed, but couldn’t lose focus on the battle at hand. I turned to the system, who had stopped attacking “Now that this story is done, all bets are complete.” I waved a hand, a wave of dark power covering the void around us.
Liam’s eyes blinked, and then cleared, a sense of timelessness within them. He rubbed his head against me. “Bel. You did it.”
I smiled.  “Thanks to you.”
Adonis had changed as well. His face was pale, then red with anger, then pale again as he continued to lose blood from his side. “You cheated, System! You promised I would keep my memories! How did…”
“It wasn’t the system, Adonis.” I interrupted. “This last story, us repeating the Higher Realm… it was me. I gained power because I wanted a different ending to OUR story, and this is the ending I chose. Not one with me dying in the villain realm, with Liam and I accepting a terrible deal in a desperate attempt to save one another. A better ending.”
Adonis struggled to his feet, sneering. “So what? THIS is it? Your so-called happy ending? You become a villainess instead of a heroine and get to stay in the villain realm with that monster? Big deal.” He spat on the ground, the spit mixed with blood from the wounds on his mouth. “The System and I will find a real heroine. Not a FAKE one like you. We’ll restart the story, and fate will save us all, with the villain and villainess being destroyed!”
I laughed. A true, villainess cackle. It echoed in the vast emptiness of the Void, seeming to go on for ages.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Who told you my goal was to be the villainess?”
The System began flickering, like a candle going out.
“My goal was to be the new System.” I swung the sword in my hand, and the already fading system fell to pieces. “To destroy fate itself.”
The last of the blue flames fizzled out with a soft sound. If an inhuman machine-like existence could sigh with relief, I would have sworn that is what I heard. The System was gone.
There was only me left.
Adonis screamed at my actions. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”
“I gained enough power in my travels to be fully independent of the System. That is why it feared me. Why it tried to destroy me in the end. But now its gone. As is your foolish fate.”
“Every realm will be destroyed! Without a prototype… without a guide… all of those worlds will be lost!”
“No Adonis.” I stepped closer to him, and he shuddered in fear at the power I wielded, moving backwards. “Those worlds will be free. Some strong, some broken and needing help. But I’d rather spend the rest of my existence helping worlds one by one then ever attempting what you and the System tried to do.”
“It’s impossible to save them all!” He hissed, his voice cracking with pain and terror.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying.” I shrugged, looking over at Liam. “I hope you don’t mind, dear. He’s not wrong when he says it’s an impossible task.”
“Traveling with you to different realms for all eternity? How horrible for me.” Liam laughed. “Now there’s fate I can get behind.”
I turned back to Adonis. “You see… he’s fine with it.”
“I’ll have to make a sling to carry future eggs if we’re always going to be traveling…” Liam muttered to himself. I ignored him, continuing to stare at the former hero.
“So what now, Bel?” He scowled. “Are you going to kill me? Torture me? Your villainous plans don’t scare me!”
“I don’t have to do any of that, Adonis… or should I say Adler?” A villain laugh sounded out again. “You have much to answer for: How many have you killed in your quest to be a ‘hero’? How many have lives have you destroyed in your desire to impose fate on the lower realms?" He shook his head, trying to deny my words, but it was too late.
"Killing you? No. I have a much better ‘fate’ in store for you:” Reaching out, my dark power curled around him, healing his wound from his side and lifting him up in the air
“You will be banished to a lower realm. To live out your days as an insignificant side character.”
His eyes widened with shock. “NO! YOU CAN’T!!!”
“By day, you will remember nothing… but every night, your memories of the higher realms will be returned to you, just enough so you can always live in regret for what you have done.”
I looked at the man I had once thought of as a friend.
“You always told me to accept my fate. Well now, you must accept YOUR fate, Adonis. Goodbye.” My power covered him, and he disappeared, forever.
Only Liam and I were left.
“Soo…” I looked up at the dragon. “No issues with me being a multidimensional being, whose origin comes from a homicidal fate-obsessed system?”
Liam’s serpentine face grinned, and with a brief covering of smoke he turned back into a human. “No problems here!” He reached out and hugged me. “So what now? We travel the lower realms? Save worlds?”
“Yeah, but Liam…”
“So many different weddings to plan…” He rested his chin on the top of my head. “I wonder if we can visit old worlds? I’d love to let the Blood Wolves celebrate with us.”
“I think that could be arranged… Liam…”
“Yes, Bel.” his deep blue eyes shining with joy as they met my own.
“Can you put on clothes, first?”
He looked down at his naked human form, and then back up at me, hugging me tighter. “Sorry, I don’t have extra clothes in the void.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Where did my shy and modest dragon go?”
“He remembers at least four different weddings we’ve had in different worlds.” His smile widened. “Now that we’re finally alone, no spying system, or stalking heroes… I feel like we have very important things to discuss.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Like dragon eggs?”
“Bel!” He gave me a fake shocked expression. “I was going to discuss the weather! But now that you’ve brought it up…”
I laughed again at the evil villain dragon. The villainous minion. The support spouse. My husband the dragon.
“Sure, Liam. Then when we’re ready… we’ll go travel the realms. Visit some old friends. Save some worlds.”
No more heroes.
No more villains.
No more Fate.
Just us.
In a lower realm…
“Are you ready?” Adam, his tall form dressed up in a fancy suit, held out a hand towards me. He didn't look too different to how he had seemed in high school, his features more mature, his eyes wiser. The look of brotherly affection hadn't changed at all, however.
“Of course!” I grinned and took his hand, looking at his face. “Are you crying?”
“What? No!” He wiped his eyes quickly. “Just shocked at how much my little sister has grown up! Seems like yesterday you were a goofy highschooler chasing that bozo Jake around."
“You grew up too.”  I smiled. “When is Jessica due?”
His expression grew soft. “Just 2 more months. I told her she should take time off, but she likes running the café. Says people watching is her pleasure in life." He glanced back at me. “Speaking of which, are they going to hire a substitute to teach calculus while you’re gone?”
“They’re going to have to. I’m not spending my honeymoon teaching math, that’s for sure.”
“I can’t believe you became a teacher… and a calculus teacher of all things… I thought you hated it.”
“I’m somewhat of an expert on the topic. Plus, I feel the need to spread the… joy… of learning calculus to others.”
“I feel sorry for your students.” he shuddered. "At least you don't spray them."
“Nope, that's only for brother behavior modification.” I laughed out loud, and Adam shook his head at my signature villainess sound.
“Good thing Liam likes your craziness.”
I shrugged. “He wouldn’t have me be any other way.”
We walked forward, stepping up to the beginning of the aisle. I grabbed the white skirt of my wedding gown in one hand, holding Adam’s hand with my other, as the wedding march played.
At the front of the church, Liam, dressed in a suit and looking slightly nervous waited. As I moved towards him, our eyes met. His dark blue eyes, the same in every world, lit up with joy, despite the countless weddings we’ve had before.
Different realms. Different bodies. The same souls. The same love.
Well… not everything was the same.
Wait until he finds out about my surprise. I laughed silently. The egg sling is finally going to be of use.
I took Liam's outstretched hand, and we spoke our vows once more, surrounded by our friends and family of this realm.
Promising to stay by each other’s side.
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equallyloyalandlethal · 3 months ago
Given that I've been hyping up people reading and commenting on fics, and I'm working on the sequel to this fic, I figured that I would post a new photo edit for it.
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Tough Like Dandelions [135k | Complete, 18/18 | M Rating]
A story of growth, change, and healing after a new enemy steps onto the field that threatened to decimate not only the McCall pack and those adjacent, like Theo, but the supernatural world as whole. This rising faction of hunters used science to develop a new type of weapon that the pack has no defense for, proving to be their most dangerous opponent yet. Caught in the crossfire of it is, predictably, one Liam Dunbar, which meant that Theo isn't going to get any rest any time soon.
Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar centric, alternating POV, pack dynamics feature prominently.
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Chapter 1 Excerpt:
“Liam!” Theo’s voice ricocheted off the trees as he moved through them, shoving his way through the brush.  Nothing answered. Another, louder, groan filled the dusk-dark woods, dripping with the chimera’s pent-up frustrations as thoroughly as his shirt, plastered to his skin and sticky, was soaked with his own sweat. He turned, feet carving semicircles in the Preserve’s soft dirt. Whether he flared his eyes or not, nothing jumped out at him, no piles of shredded clothes, no signs of a struggle, no blood. Everything looked entirely as a forest should. His animals bristled in unison, not that he paid much mind to the coyote. Its chittering was always the same, driven by the taste of copper and a need to survive at all costs, neither of which were much use to him anymore. Theo shoved them back, pinching at the bridge of his nose. This was the last of Liam’s preferred spots that he could think of, and he had found nothing to suggest the wolf had been anywhere near here, or any of them, in at least a week. That in and of itself was nothing horrible. Any other day, he might be inclined to just guess that the little bastard was doing better, not needing to disappear from the weird pressures of being in a pack with people that cared. His fangs poked into his lips, the fresh tang of blood quickly coating his tongue and disappearing as the wound healed. Any other day. With a tamped down growl, he started forward, trudging through the undergrowth with all the tact of an enraged bull — much to his coyote’s very vocal displeasure.   Of all the times for Liam to play hooky, he had to choose the one-time Theo was actually getting some fucking sleep. His inner wolf huffed at him, annoyed at his annoyance, at which he rolled his own eyes. So, what if he had been Scott’s first call, post Mason? He shook off the little wave of pride rushed through his limbs. It meant nothing. The too-soft smirk on his face twisted into a loose scowl.
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noeavoiding · 2 months ago
FFRMC (very late) day 31: best of my bookmarks
Stewards & Sodomites
pilkington/hoar, romantic comedy
Summary: Working the night watch exposes Private Pilkington to a variety of confusing sights and sounds while the expedition overwinters on Beechey, sights and sounds that he can't seem to get out of his mind. Sights like certain stewards on their knees in the dark in front of men in red coats, or those same stewards hanging up those same red coats to dry with the morning laundry. Not that he minds, of course. It's none of his business what lads do in the dark. It's just not fair, is all, not fair that the Terror lads get to have a lovely little steward wife while Liam walks through the soles of his stockings and morbs around having to take care of his own bodily urges because Sergeant Tozer says he'll bury Liam next to the dead boys if he so much as looks Armitage in the eye.
So really, there's only one thing Liam can do.
Get his own steward.
I think I'm not going too far by saying that @packloafer got many of us into this ship. I you're new around here and would like to fixate on some background cold boys you should give this a read!!
And BIG THANKS to @laissezferre for organizing this event 💕💕 I thought I wouldn't last all month but I managed to keep up 😤
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themultifandomgal · 6 months ago
From 2010- BTS Of The Midnight Memory’s Songs
Part 46
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Best Song Ever
"Hi welcome to the behind the scenes for our songs Best Song Ever. I'm currently being turned into a man. Not something I ever thought I would say"
"How do you feel YN?"
"I have an itch under my neck prosthetic and I'm really warm. So great" I reply to Zayn as he puts on his heals to be a 'sexy security'
"How do you walk in these?" he asks making me laugh
"No idea I just do, have to say though they make your legs look great" I chuckle before getting the rest of my prosthetics done.
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The following day we have to do a dance in the music video, well when I say dance it's very simple
"I feel bad for YN because she can actually dance and instead we're making her do this" liam does the dance that's going to be in the music video
"It's fine, at least there's no way of me forgetting the moves" I laugh patting liam on the shoulder.
Story Of My Life
"Good morning!" Harry says next to me "it's Harry and YN and we're on the set for our new music video, Story Of My Life take a look around" Harry and I watch the camera pan to all of the photos around the room
"We have all of these pictures here and we're taking a look back at our lives. There's me pulling a stupid face as per usual" Liam says
"Our parents are actually here today which is exciting" Zayn says smiling to the camera.
The camera comes over to me arranging the flowers on a table next to the last photo me and mum took together
"She looks so much like you" Harry tells me as he comes over and joins us "definitely have her eyes"
"Thanks. Unfortunately we can't recreate my photos with mum so instead of that it will be a recreation of me holding my mums picture with my dad while also having this little memorial for her here. We haven't even started filming yet and both me and dad have cried 3 times" | sadly laugh
"Oh my YN what on earth is this face" Louis picks up as photo of me as a baby sat on my mums lap while she's looking away I'm looking at the camera with an evil grin with food all over my face
"You're evil" Liam laughs
"Always loved your food then" Harry says picking up another picture of me mum and dad at Disney, it was taken not long after we found out she was terminal so we did everything that we always wanted to do in the space of a year. I wipe a tear that's made its way down my cheek.
We walk into the middle of the room, photos just everywhere. I see so many of my mum around that it almost feels like she's here with us. It’s going to be an emotional one but I’m looking forward to seeing the end product of this music video.
Midnight Memories
“Welcome to the Midnight Memories music video!” I shout at the camera wrapping my arms around Harry and Nialls shoulders
“We’re at a house and we’re going to have a really bad house party”
“I’m going to be chatting to some ladies getting no where with them”
“I’m a little jealous that Zayn gets to just chill with the dog” I pout looking over at Zayn who’s fussing the black Labrador
“Missing cookie by any chance?” Harry asks me
“Well that’s a stupid question” I roll my eyes playfully and leave the boys with the camera.
Later that day we film with some old ladies and an old man who were absolutely adorable! Now we’re doing the scene where we run from the policeman on to the boat.
Once the boat starts moving i immediately start to feel sick, we’re told to wave our hands in the air
“I’m gonna throw up!” I yell making the others laugh with how happy I sounded.
You & I
“I’m so cold!” I shout while huddled up between Louis and Niall while in a massive coat
“It’s definitely one of the coldest if not windiest days today. The idea is that we’re just taking a nice stroll down the pier as you do and then we morph into each other”
“It’s going to be one continuous shot” Harry says to the camera
“Harry turns into me which will be fun. I’m wearing some very unisex clothing however Harry did say if I wanted to wear a dress he would happily also wear one” I laugh
“You and I is a love song. It’s saying that your inseparable and that nothing can get in the way of you and your love” Harry says to the camera
“That sounded so sweet” I say pouting “I do love this song though it’s very much like what any girl or guy would want to hear”
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33max · 13 days ago
here are my f1-75 fits rated from best to worst!!
max - honestly shocked even me with how nice he looked, potentially got a very good score as I half expected him to arrive in team kit!!! I liked the suit jacket with the high collared knit jumper under and then the trainers made it a bit more casual!!!
nando - very dapper, caught my eye whenever he was on camera! lovely colour!
yuki - appropriately dressed for the weather and also looked very handsome. liked that his coat wasn't black!!!
lewis - definitely nice but honestly I expected a little bit more? has ferrari dulled the fits already?
lando - looked very good in what he was wearing, a bit dull though
ollie - lovely looking suit, fitted nicely, not many notes
hulk - hulk smashed this and I think he looks HOT.
oscar - very handsome and I liked his shoes probably would have been higher if not for the cock shame poses
gabby - I appreciated that he looked a little different from the others! the jacket is nice and I think this fit suits him
jack - this was fine and I think he looked nice! its giving babies first try at fashion but I don't think he got it wrong
george - looked pretty nice! bit boring but if it works it works!!! surely he has a wedgie from how high his trousers are???
esteban - I appreciate that he tried to look good… its fine tbh? try hard
alex - it was ok but I feel like both of the williams guys took fashion advice from a middle aged man tonight
carlos - now this seemed like a perfectly nice fit until he unzipped the coat and it became apparent be was wearing an old man jumper on the red carpet
isack - looked fine, barely noticed him
lance - looked pretty nice just very boring
kimi - who put the baby in his grandads suit????
pierre - the jacket seemed ok at first glance but paired with the wide leg trousers it looks too short and just a bit weird
charles - boring and a repeat of most of his fia gala fits, no personality in this
liam - I think he forgot to bring his outfit and then had to wear the same thing he's been wearing all day tbh
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nica-my-beloved · 8 months ago
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Congratulations to Roger for his release! Here's a small story from me!🥳🥳
Genre: Short story, fluff, comedy
Characters appearing: Roger, Jude, Ellis, Liam, William, maid (NPC)
Roger's POV
It was midnight by the time I entered the Crown Castle. The surroundings were shrouded in darkness leaving no voices to be heard.
Only the cold breeze of the night caresses my face, cooling down my exhaustion.
(Today was really tough)
Click-clack sounds of my shoes echoed through the Castle as I walk, wiping my sweat dripping from my forehead and the doctor's coat I carry in my arms. I was coming back home after a busy day and working overtime at my father's clinic.
As soon as I entered the dining room for some water, I noticed one of the maids coming out with a tray and a smile. The enchanting aroma straight away touches my nose leading my stomach to grumble loudly.
(Oops...that was embarrassing. At least the maids here are deaf)
Feeling invited, when I sat down, the maid placed the tray in front of me and I get a full view of what's on it. The plate had a big piece of buttery steak on the center, with a crispy and juicy looking texture while the butter sizzles on top of it. Creamy mashed potatoes sprinkled with garlic and herbs on the side accompanied with a lustrous looking baked asparagus and lemon zest. The waves of heat and aroma of the fresh and delicious food made my stomach rumble again and again. It's as if the monster in my stomach is reading it's knife and fork to devour everything on the plate.
(Thank you)
I smiled and thanked the maid using sign language. She nodded briefly and leaves. I looked back at the food again and hastily picked up my knife and fork.
(Haa...the smell so great)
It's as if the rich aroma of the food relieved my exhaustion by 50%. I poked my fork on the juicy-looking steak, and slid my knife through it, cutting it swiftly. Eagerly and in anticipation, I closed eyes while bringing the tender steak towards my mouth-----
"Hey quack. Fix me up!" A demanding voice of Jude interrupts me.
"Sorry Roger, can you help me? I got shot on my leg." A sad voice of Ellis followed behind as if he was checking whether I'm unhappy or not.
"Hahaha...sorry Roger. I feel like my arm is going to dislocate. Can you save me?" A cheerful voice of Liam covered in fresh blood and holding his arm enters the room following Ellis.
But wait, it's not over yet....
"Roger, can you revive this guy? Apparently he died of heart attack at the sight of me before I could condemn him for his sins. Can you bring him back to life so that I could cut his head off?" William enters while dragging a body of dead man with a face of anguish.
"Haaa..." I let out an annoyed sigh as I placed down my fork leaving the untouched piece of meat stuck to it.
(Seriously...when do I actually get to rest?)
As soon as I got up in annoyance, the same maid who served me the steak, came rushing back in.
(Can you please take this away? I have work)
The maid giggles and nods before leaving me message in sign language.
'Call me after you finish your work. I can reheat it for you.'
(At the very least I'm glad that Victor told the maid to cook something for me when I come back to the Castle)
I let out a throat chuckle thinking about his daddy behavior waiting to be praised the next morning.
"Now you guys. In straight line, follow me." I said as I started walking towards my lab. I could hear their obedient footsteps but their voices are----
"I came first, so I should stand first in the line." Claimed Jude.
"I and Kate are going on a picnic tomorrow, so I should rest early. Sorry Jude, I know you're sad but please, just this one time, can you let me get treated first?" Ellis asks in a sad tone with a sad face.
"Picnic? Can I come too? Can I also bring Harry?" Liam asks while holding onto his falling arm.
"Yes. I'm sure this will make Kate happy too." Ellis nods.
"All of you will get treated as it's my job. I'm gonna wrap you all up tight you so you guys won't be moving for the next few days. No picnics, no partying and no killing. That's what you get for interrupting my dinner!" I roared while stomping my way down the lab stairs.
This story is inspired from my parents telling me how annoying it was for them to have their lunch while looking after the store. Every time they open their lunch box to eat, a customer would come in that exact minute to ask for something and they'd have to close their lunch box and attend to the customer. It's annoying because no customers would come to the store when it's not their break time. This leads them to not eating their lunch or eat their lunch cold.
I took this same idea and used Roger because I realised how hectic it is for him while working as the Crown's doctor. I saw a glimpse of it in the current running wedding event. So I made it into a comedy!
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welldonebeca · 27 days ago
Identically Different (4)
Identically Different - Masterlist
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Samuel didn’t take you home right away, but instead, he brought you to Target.
You couldn’t get over the feeling people were looking at you.
Maybe it was your oversized clothes, or the fact you hadn’t showered in a day and a half, or the fact you hadn’t washed your hair in a week. You probably looked so disgusting.
“Okay, so,” Samuel reached into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled list.  "I've got a list of what we need. I'm thinking we can pick up some things here and then head to the thrift store for the items that'll last longer."
You watched him, confused.
“Last?” you asked.
Samuel raised his eyes from the little notebook in his hand.
"Well, you know," he explained, shrugging. "A jacket, a proper coat for the winter, a hoodie or maybe even three... Target sells more basic stuff, and you know how fast fashion can be."
You stared at him.
Who did he think he was talking to, another lawyer?
“You deserve to get a look into more than basic stuff,” he insisted.
You watched him, still quiet. Gosh, he really was invested in making you his new project.
“Sure,” you spoke slowly. “Go ahead.”
He took the lead, holding the list in his huge hand, his suit jacket and tie already gone, and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of his forearms for a moment.
That man had no right to be that hot.
"Okay, so," he began, his voice drawing you back to the task at hand, "Hygiene products. You need shampoo and conditioner, some soap, face wash, deodorant, lotion, facial moisturiser, sunscreen..."
Moisturiser? Sunscreen? Who wasted money on that?
He turned to you, a curious expression on his face, as if he were about to ask something but thought better of it.
"You can pick whatever you want," he finally said. "Whatever you like."
You eyed him up, sceptical. Anything you wanted? That was hard to believe. But he was paying, so… well, you already had nothing. Whatever you walked out with was already a lot.
So you picked a few stuff – soap with nice scents, and a shampoo and conditioner that looked like it would last you a good while so you wouldn’t need to ask him for more and deodorant – and let him just pile the things he thought were important in that little isle, and just nodded quietly at the scent you liked more when he offered between two options.
“I’ll… go get socks,” he looked at you, seeming a bit uncertain. “And gloves for winter. And you can go get your… feminine hygiene products.”
You stared at him.
Period stuff. He was embarrassed about getting your period stuff.
“How old are you again?” you asked back.
His whole face became pink, and he opened and closed his mouth.
“Period, Samuel,” you spoke it slowly. “It’s just a little bit of blood.”
He looked even pinker, and cleared his throat quickly before you walked out.
“Sam,” he corrected you. “Just call me Sam.”
You gave him a little nod back.
If he insisted.
“Let’s… go along, then,” he cleared his throat. “To the period isle.”
Sam pushed the cart as you shook your head, but he did stay by your side as you got yourself a box of pads and some tampons and a pack of shaving razors, trying his hardest to look normal as he waited for you.
“Don’t you have any sisters?” you checked the price of the box.
Was this as cheap as they had for this size? You’d seen a big box for a better price in another town!
“No,” he answered. “It’s just me and Cordell, and our younger brother Liam.”
You glanced back at him. Three of them?!
“Damn, I wouldn’t want to be your mum,” you mumbled.
Poor woman must have suffered a lot through their teens.
He chuckled.
“She managed,” Sam countered, sounding a bit amused. “Mum was great.”
You glanced back at him, the tone something very familiar to you.
“Was?” you asked.
His eyes widened when he seemed to realise what you were implying.
“Oh, is,” he corrected himself.  “Our parents live in a different town. I was the one who moved out to venture into the world and came back to a more... urban area.”
You nodded quickly, a bit embarrassed.
And that was why you shouldn’t assume.
“And you?” he asked. “Any… siblings,” but the tone died slowly, as if he was realising the answer as he spoke it.
“Just me,” you checked the pads again, eyeing the brand you were more comfortable with, uncomfortable.
They weren’t the cheapest available, but they were what you knew.
And Sam said you could get whatever you wanted.
You put them into the cart quickly, trying not to overthink.
You felt his eyes on you, curious and yet very quiet.
“My dad died when I was in elementary school,” you grabbed the metal cart, pretending to organise it. “And my mum when I was in high school. I lived with a nice neighbour until I turned eighteen, but she was really old and… yeah. Never had any siblings, never met any cousins… it’s just me.”
It’d always been just you.
Sam breathed in deep, looking affected.
"I'm sorry about that," he apologised.
You bit your cheek.
"Thanks," you mumbled. "I'm done here."
He cleared his throat quickly.
"Let's find you some winter supplies."
You followed him out, watching him.
Maybe it was judgemental of you, but you couldn't imagine how someone could just move away from their parents and just venture into the world, like he said.
How could one just give up on being around family?
He marked his list silently, and you were already embarrassed as you looked into the cart.
It was full already, and he didn’t even seem done.
Sam walked you into the clothing isle, quickly reaching for a pair of gloves in clearance.
“Winter gets cold here, they are probably getting the old season out to start hyping for the cool season,” he wandered through them. “What do you think, two?”
You moved on your feet, a bit uncomfortably.
“I mean, I only have one pair of hands,” you shrugged.
He shrugged a bit.
“Always good to have extras.”
Sam got your three. And then two packs of socks, two packs of underwear – and he kept his embarrassment to himself when it came to that – and even put a pair of cute pyjamas into the cart too.
He roughly measured a pair of jeans around your waist before putting it in the car too, and got two shorts out in the same size, and so many shirts you couldn’t count as he dropped them.
It made you feel like a doll he was playing dress up with, but honestly… you couldn’t quite say anything about it.
You had two changes of clothes. If you walked out, you would have two changes of clothes.
Even the clothes on your body weren’t yours, they were his.
So you let him, and just nodded when he showed you some pink bedding and pillows, and followed him to the cashier.
The girl in there looked very surprised as she looked between the two of you, and you looked away from her gaze to keep yourself from just shrinking in your spot, and saw the sign of ‘hiring’ by an information station.
“I’ll go get a form,” you told him quickly.
There was a chipper girl standing there, and she gave you a bright smile when your gazes crossed.
“A… hiring form, please,” you requested, nervous.
She pulled one, and gave it to you.
“We also have an online form if you want to apply from home and get an online response,” she told you.
“Thanks,” you wavered it.
You walked back to Sam, and he looked very excited.
“A form,” he celebrated, sounding impressed.
You smiled nervously.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “A form.”
The two of you fell into silence and you moved on your feet, a bit uncomfortable.
“Oh, I’ll need a pen to fill this up,” you mumbled.
Sam looked at you, and then grabbed a pack from nearby.
“Here,” he told you. “Got you a pack.”
You smiled back to him.
“Thanks,” you smiled to him.
The cashier looked at you and then him, and smiled at you two.
“Okay, dad,” she praised.
Your eyes widened ,and you felt your whole face going hot.
Did she…
Did you…
You looked right back at Sam, waiting for him to answer her, but he just gave her a very embarrassed smile – practically a grimace.
Oh, you really hoped this place wasn’t the gossiping kind.
“Identically Different” was posted on my Patreon in 2023 and is fully available for reading. Subscription is only $2 a month for early access to everything I do and exclusive access to some works, and I promise you won’t regret it.
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102​​ @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics​​ @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​ @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega
Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23 @smalltowndivaj @tayrae515 @afanofmanystuffs @oneshoeshort @wakanda-sometimes @xoxabs88xox @izbelross @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
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spectrolitha · 7 months ago
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Storytelled my first CtD (20th anniversary edition) one-shot set in Rus during Ivan the Terrible (so not long after the Shattering). Had a wonderful time, my players are very fun and creative people, so it was a blast :D
Here are portraits of NPC's I've made as well as some lore notes about each of them under the cut :]
1) Zlata, satyr childling. She was actually abandoned in the woods by her mortal parents who caught up on some weird thing going on with their daughter and, being really superstitious (not surprising during that time) decided their kid is dangerous :(
Thankfully my players adopted her just as expected and at the end of one-shot she found a new home in house of Januarius and his wife.
2) Igor Indrick, beastie Thallein. He's also a head of local Oprichnina (personal soldiers of Ivan the Terrible who went around the land pretending to be destroyers of potential state traitors but in fact just robbing and murdering people) – a fact he abuses to specifically hunt changelings. All in all, terrible dude, in this house we don't like him.
3) Yuli, piskie Dauntain. Was tricked by sidhe he was serving into opening a cursed book, which Dreaming took personally. And by that I mean that Yuli became Dauntain with brand of the Lich, meaning that he from that point on had a phylactery which basically made him a thrall to whoever was in possession of said phylactery. Yay.
Yuli is actually a pretty good-natured guy, for Dauntain at least. As I said, he was a piskie once, so during the game he was trying his best not to harm Zlata and by association the players. In the end they got rid of vampire who possessed Yuli's phylactery and granted him freedom, except not so much – unbeknownst to Yuli, one of players stole his phylactery. Hasn't used it, but the possibility is there.
I really want to give Yuli a redemption in eyes of the Dreaming in later games. Dude doesn't deserve a thing that happened to him... I don't care that C20 is kinda opposed to idea of redeeming Dauntain. Rules are my plaything 😎
4, 5) Agrippina, Kiasyd, vampire who was in possession of Yuli's phylactery. They lived in secluded place in the local forest, so Agrippina mainly used her power over Yuli to use him as a hunter for her: he lead unsuspecting people and other creatures to their house and Agrippina ate them. Yay. Her backstory is pretty sad, but it doesn't excuse a thing, so my players ended up killing her.
I'm a bit upset I can't make up stories about her and reborn and redeemed Yuli in modern nights, but narratively it was definitely for the better 😌
6) Leptonyx the Men-eater, an Unseelie selkie. She hasn't, in fact, eaten any men, but she's definitely killed at least one in order to make a new selkie's coat - I used fanmade lore which says that in order to create a selkie's coat mortal or seal with selkie's blood should die. Oops.
She's shunned from selkie's society for her crimes, which doesn't upset her one bit. During the game she cheerfully asked players to lead another human to her, which they reluctantly did, leading one of Oprichnina to her. Which means that there is now possibly selkie who comes from Oprichnina – Leptonyx was looking for someone to pass the coat to.
7) Kirsa the Bloody, redcap. Leader of whole band of redcaps, she made players give her their possessions with a bit of threats before leading them to Januarius, whom she actually loves and who specifically asked her to lead any changelings escaping from Oprichnina to him. Sadly he didn't specify that those changelings are not to be robbed, and Kirsa's band needs something to eat... Oops.
There was a moment when Kirsa told players to give her everything of value they have and Zlata gave her flower crown which another player made for her. One of redcaps actually put it on, but sad eyes of Zlata made him ashamed of himself and he returned the flower crown to rightful owner 😌
8) Januarius of House Liam, autumn sidhe, ruler of freehold where players escaped to from their own, destroyed by Oprichnina. I dunno what to say about him. He's a good boy. Many adore him (even local redcaps, though they also enjoy messing with him), many think he is way to nice to be a capable ruler. For now his managing alright, but what will happen in the future? Only time will tell.
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belltrigger · 5 months ago
Submastober Day 01!
Inspiration: There's an older OC-tober prompt-list here that I am using.
Title: Thoughts of Youth Prompt: Childhood Word count: 639 Synopsis: Sometimes, when Nobori has time to sit and think, he wonders how often others think about their childhood.
Nobori had a problem. Well, if he was taking the time to count, he actually had quite a few, many of which stemmed from the same core issue. Some were minor concerns, such as his thinning hairline (he was much too young for such a thing… maybe?) Some troubled him due to their impact on others (seriously, it would be grand if Melli would simply take a day off from causing such mischief.) And then there was the all-encompassing desperate need to know who The Man in White from his dreams was.
Nobori believed those were all rather valid things to think about. But the current thing that rolled around his mind was something that troubled him simply for the uncertainty it brought. Did others think about their childhood with any frequency? Was it normal to forget your childhood entirely, did that come with his age (how old was he, exactly?), or was that also lost when he arrived in this land? While he didn't yearn as strongly for the memories of his childhood as he did of his present (past after all the time he's spent here?), there was definitely an ache within him over the loss.
Any attempts to inquire how others felt about their childhood was met with mixed results. Lady Irida was so young comparatively that her childhood was mere years ago. Lord Liam was younger still, and thus his 'memories of childhood' were the moments he was living now. He would never say it, but he thought that perhaps it would be obvious that Lady Calaba would not remember her childhood very well. Discussions with the others led him to believe that it was not quite so odd to lose some recollections of your childhood.
However, his youth was just as cloudy as everything else he tried to think about. Perhaps it was foolish to spend so much time thinking about it, nearly bringing himself to tears with longing when he spent evenings desperately begging himself to remember something. Anything! But every night like that ended the same - he was no better off in terms of rediscovering anything, and was exhausted the next day. It was impossible to hide the circles under his eyes in the aftermath of it, and he did his best to ignore the looks of sympathy from his clan.
His familiarity with Pokemon had to come from somewhere. How far back did his connection with The Man in White go? Had he forgotten anyone else? Did he have passions that couldn't be remembered here, things that the people who lived around him couldn't even begin to fathom? (Silly thoughts also arose sometimes, like how long had this coat been precious to him?)
Thoughts about this topic never truly stopped, much like he never stopped thinking about The Man in White. However, there were many times that he distracted himself, threw himself into his work so as to not become overwhelmed. If he let himself think about how much he missed the Man in White without knowing him, how much he yearned for his past, he would become trapped in his thoughts and perhaps never leave the house that had been so generously bestowed upon him.
Still. He continued to observe those around him, tried to match up his own behaviors with anyone he saw. There were so many things that felt new enough, felt different enough that he could believe that people did remember their childhood. And every time he convinced himself that everything he had was missing, he would spend more time thinking on it.
Childhood memories were precious, he decided. And he would regain them just as he would regain all of his other memories. He would remember The Man in White. He would remember his precious partner with brilliant flames. And he would remember Who He Was.
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theunseenpoet · 4 months ago
A FW Fanfic idea
This is actually an idea I came up with while writing Fire Breather so I'm not sure how I feel about it but I just need to make a few points before you read the draft:
I don't plan for Xaden to be the main love interest (it's just too difficult for me because the books revolve around him and Vi)
But I'm planning to write some tension between my OC and Xaden. Kind of like a love triangle but only for him while she's focused on her love interest (who I still have yet to figure out so lmk who you would want her with)
Also, I don't think I've ever written an OC who is a young mother. Ik a lot of people aren't a fan of that trope, but I personally love it...plus, who wouldn't want to see the shadow wielder as a dad??
And I'll also be introducing two signets that we haven't heard yet in the books.
Let me know what you guys think of this rough draft of chapter 1 before I continue writing.
Also a shout out to LeonieStarLee on wp who helped me start this chapter. Sadly, she's stopped writing but we've been helping each other for a few months now with editing, and she wanted to help write the first chapter with me since I was a little stuck x
The sun seeped into my room through the curtains like golden spears as I lazily opened my eyes to start the day. Stretching my arms above my head, I smiled in satisfaction at the release felt in my joints before I rolled onto my side, only to be stopped by a small body snuggled up against me, dirty-blond curls covering the tawny brown skin of his forehead.
"Good morning, bub," I whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
The little boy beside me wiggled around for a few minutes before cracking those dark brown eyes open, looking right up at me—the eyes of his father. "Mama," he mumbled, his lips pulling into a bright smile. "Is today the day?"
Wrapping my arms around him, I pulled him against my chest with a heavy heart that I refused for him to ever see in my eyes. "It is, which means your uncles and aunty should be here soon."
"Uncle Li?" His eyes lit up seconds before he was scrambling off me and went face-first into the pillows, making me snort. But like his father, he got right back up and jumped off our bed, then stumbled a step toward his stuffed red dragon on the hardwood floor.
It was rare for my twin to visit after Levi, my son, was born four years ago, considering we didn't want anyone to know about his existence—especially if anyone found out who his father was. 
Keeping Levi's existence a secret was something I had been ready to die with since the day he was born. Only Liam, my adopted older brother Heze, his father, and my best friend Cecilia, knew that Levi was alive and my son.
Not even my son's father knew.
But that wasn't my fault. In fact, I waited on my porch every morning and night for a year straight after Levi was born, hoping his father would one day show up.
Yet, not once did the man who said he loved me, show up.
Not. Once.
And so, I gave up on waiting. I didn't have time to wait anymore. I had a son who would forever and always be my first priority. I had a son who deserved his mom's undivided attention. I had a son who needed a loving and caring mother.
So for my son, I gave up on loving anyone who wasn't him or my immediate family.
I gave up on being so angry and resentful toward his father because I never wanted my boy to see that side of the world at such a young age.
And I gave up on hoping that Xaden Riorson truly loved me and would one day return with his arms wide open, wanting to take us in as his family—or just Levi, at least.
I sat up on the edge of our bed, pushing my blond hair over my shoulder. "Do you want me to pick out your clothes today or will you try to do it yourself like yesterday?"
"I've got it, mommy!" A cheesy smile covered his face as he gave me a thumbs up, walking toward our armory. "I'm a big boy."
I stood up, sending him a proud smile. "You very much are a big boy," I hummed, picking up my cream coat from the floor before pushing my arms through it. "Remember, you'll need something warm."
"And blue!" Because that had been his favorite color since the day he could say the word.
"What color should mommy wear?" I asked him, starting to pick up our clothes from the floor.
"Well, Uncle Heze always brings home yellow flowers because he says it's your favorite color," he rambled, throwing random items of his clothes on the ground near his feet. For a four-year-old, he was very observant. "I think you should wear yellow today."
"Yellow it is." I sent him a warm smile just when the door cracked open and Kevin, my adopted father, stepped into the room, his hazel eyes scanning the two of us before he smiled. "Morning, Kev."
"Morning, darl," he greeted me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as he passed to reach Levi who picked up a grey shirt, then scrunched his face up and threw it over his shoulder. "Having trouble making a decision there, little man?"
"I have too many blues to pick from!" Levi grumbled, plopping himself down before crossing his arms over his chest with a pout. "This is too hard."
I silently watched, leaning against the doorframe with my arms full of clothes as Kevin chuckled, crouching down beside him. "Life is full of hard decisions and choices, Levi," he gently said, picking up a random navy blue shirt. "But that's why family is around. We're always here to help you whenever you ask for help, that is." He handed Levi the shirt before looking over his shoulder at me, nodding his head. "You go do what you need to do, Dosie. I'll make sure the little man doesn't have a tantrum."
"Thank you," I quietly said. "I'll start on breakfast," I further added, flashing them a smile before walking out of the room. Their laughter echoed with each step as I walked down the hallway, the walls full of sketches Heze had created over the years, including a few of Levi's drawings and plants I had pressed between the pages of books.
I dumped the clothes in a basket in the bathing room, where a tub sat under a window, facing the mountains outside. Even in the morning light, the sun's rays glowed against the morning fog outside.
"I picked your dress, mama!" Levi yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls.
I walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. "Make sure to leave it on my bed and I'll change into it the second I'm done with cooking," I promised him, walking into the sitting room that opened up to the small kitchen and dining room. With only the three of us—once four before Heze joined the Rider's Quadrant—we lived in a small house, which I didn't mind.
The only people we had over were the usuals and the only people that I trusted to know of Levi's existence. 
Heze joined us whenever he could get away from Basgiath on his Red Clubtail—Daenth—and he always brought flowers, knowing I enjoyed drying them out. 
Cecilia Hansley was my best friend since childhood and a 'marked one' just like me, the two of us inked with a relic of swirls and slashes on our left arms. That girl was always over considering her adopted family was only a five-minute walk away and she constantly spoiled Levi with treats she baked herself. 
Then there was Liam, my twin older—by three minutes—brother who I only saw once every six months. 
Considering tomorrow I would be crossing the Parapet to the Riders Quadrant—much to my dismay—with my brother and Cecilia, Liam lied to his adopted father about staying with a different, unmarked, family tonight. Truth was, he wanted to be here tonight, and Kevin agreed without a second thought. We just had to make sure no one saw three marked ones together today outside my home.
"Levi's just getting dressed," Kevin informed me, snapping me out of my thoughts as he strolled into the room.
I took in a deep breath, grabbing the basket full of eggs off the counter. "Did he like the outfit you chose or argued again?"
He chuckled, grabbing the announcements off the counter. "A bit of both but we came to an agreement. That boy has your attitude, that's for sure."
I raised a brow at him, cracking two eggs onto the hot pan in front of me. "Half that damn attitude is your son's fault," I mused, shaking my head. "The last time they were together, I caught Heze teaching him swear words in Tyrrish."
"And who did your brother learn those words from?" he countered, sending me a knowing look while sitting in his green armchair as I cracked another four eggs.
"Hey, I was younger then!" I grumbled, pushing the eggs around with a fork while waiting for them to cook.
After a few minutes of the eggs sizzling to fill the comfortable silence, I leaned against the counter and the lock on the front door clicked, then pushed open, revealing my tall, broad adopted brother, his jet-black hair buzzed to his scalp and the silver scar on his jawline crinkling on his dark brown skin when he smiled at the sight of me.
"How's my favorite family this morning?" Hezekiah said in a way of greeting.
"Leave your weapons on the shelf!" Kevin called out, not looking up from the announcements once.
I snorted, scooping the eggs out evenly on four plates while Heze rolled his eyes, closing the door behind him and listening to his father. "Glad to see you made the journey in one piece," I hummed, glancing at the battle ax he placed on a high shelf out of Levi's reach. "Levi should be out here soon. He's just getting dressed," I informed him, putting the dirty pan in the sink.
"And what about you? How are you, Theodosia?" he pushed, always asking that whenever I'd answer about Levi and not myself.
"Tired but once I have a coffee and a bath, I'll be ready for the day," I truthfully answered him, knowing that he always knew when I was lying. And I wasn't lying today—I was exhausted after being up most of the night to pack my rucksack and create folders to help Kevin with Levi since I'd be gone until who knew when.
"You're not telling me—"
"Don't start hounding your sister, boy," Kevin lectured, folding up the announcements. "She's been up all night packing. At least wait until after breakfast before you start interrogating her."
I laughed at Heze's offended look, passing our father a plate and fork that he took with a small thank you before I walked toward the table where Heze leaned behind a chair. "You two need to start eating your breakfast before someone snaps at the other."
Heze rolled his eyes, sitting down as I placed a plate before him. "He's always in a grumpy mood," he whispered.
"I heard that!" 
The two of us shared a wide-eyed look before quietly laughing and I headed back into the kitchen as Levi walked into the room wearing the navy blue shirt Kevin picked out and white trousers, smiling up at me. "You look very handsome, bub. Oh, and Uncle Heze is here."
"Heze!" he chirped, waving excitedly at Heze who returned the wave, then his eyes darted to the cooked eggs on the counter. "Can I have some?"
"Of course," I said to him, picking up a plate. "You need to eat up because Uncle Li will want to do something fun with you today."
His eyes lit up, making my heart warm in my chest as he followed me to the table. I placed down the plate of eggs beside Heze, leaving the two to eat and talk about something to do with dragons as I walked back to the kitchen. 
Before I could eat my food, I tied my short hair into a bun and splashed some water on my face, resetting my morning nerves to a calm ring. Then I placed my plate down across from Levi and left it there, fetching his hairbrush and hair cream from the bathing room to brush his curls.
As I walked back into the dining room, the front door opened again, and I smiled when Cecilia's yellowish-green eyes locked with mine, her dark brown hair in its usual slicked-back bun, and in her hand was a brown paper bag, meaning she baked something again.
"Good morning, Mairi-Whitlock family!" she cheered, her usual energetic energy making Heze groan, Kev laugh, and Levi cheer just as loud as her, sending bits of egg flying from his fork. She closed the door behind her, walked to the head of the table, and put the brown paper bag down. "I made strawberry tarts for the little man."
"Yay!" Levi cheekily smiled, dropping his fork on the table before snatching the bag. "These ones my favorite!"
"That's exactly why I made them." Lia ruffled up his curls, walking behind his chair.
I pointed the hairbrush at her, raising my brows. "You do that every time before I brush his hair. It's like you enjoy watching me struggle."
"Hey, someone's got to challenge you." She put her hands up in mock surrender while Heze snorted.
"You say that as if I wasn't a mom at sixteen," I deadpanned, starting to softly brush through Levi's curls before I could style them. "But," I drawled, smiling down at my boy who stuffed his face with tarts, "that was my best choice in life."
"Damn right it was," Heze said around a mouth full of eggs.
"I swear you're always talking with food in your mouth." Lia sent him a disgusted look, sitting at the head of the table. "Learn to swallow."
"Clearly Dosie didn't," he muttered under his breath.
But I heard him loud and clear, slapping him on the back of his thick head with the hairbrush. "Watch yourself," I warned him, narrowing my eyes to a glare when he groaned, rubbing his head and Lia cracked up laughing. Little Levi was too caught up in his sweets to even know what was happening. "I might not be able to fight well, but she can, and she'll happily kick your butt."
Lia smirked, waving her fingers at him. "Yeah, I will."
"Why Dad loves you two so much is beyond me," he grumbled, flipping us off when I finished brushing through Levi's hair, starting to run the cream through his curls. "You two are my biggest pains in the ass."
"Language!" Levi lectured him, making his eyes grow wide while I started laughing with Lia. "You can't say bad words, Uncle Heze."
"Oh, he's certainly a Mairi with that tone."
I whipped my head toward the door, my eyes widening with happiness at the sight of my twin brother walking through the door, a rucksack on his back and a different bag in hand. "Liam!" I wiped the cream off my hands and onto the back of a swearing Heze before running around the table and throwing my arms around Liam. "You're finally here!"
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," he admitted, dropping the bag at our feet before wrapping his arms around me and almost squeezing the air from my lungs. But I couldn't care. My brother was here. "Sorry it's taken me ten months to visit again. Shit's been weird at the manor."
"You're here now and that is all I care about." I hugged him tighter before pulling away, unable to stop smiling. "From tomorrow on, we won't be separated again."
While growing up, Liam and I were attached to the hip. We even shared a room together until we were twelve and then when we had our own rooms, we had a connecting door. Most of the time, one of us slept on the other's floor because we were so co-dependent on each other.
And then there was our little sister, Sloane. We always dragged her to join us in everything, but she liked her own personal space. But then again, most nights she would build a fort in one of our rooms and the three of us used to sleep in them together.
Then the Tyrrish 'Rebellion' happened and the three of us were separated, shoved into new families without contact with each other.
Except after a year of separation, the duke allowed Liam to reach out to me and Sloane. Obviously, I answered my brother, and we were allowed to visit but Sloane's adoptive family refused for her to contact us and we couldn't even find out where she was—even after Kevin fought for three years to find out.
Our little sister was just gone, forced to not contact us until she could enter the Riders Quadrant, which wouldn't be until next year, after we would.
"We need to cross the parapet first," he gently reminded me, then sent a small wave to the others. "Everyone's here then?"
"Obviously." Lia sent him a knowing look.
As if Levi only just noticed Liam's arrival, he let out a cheer, nearly falling off the chair before Heze caught him with one hand and helped him to the ground. Then the little boy was running straight to Liam who crouched, opening his arms wide.
When they two embraced each other, I smiled, feeling my heart beating at a steady rhythm for the first time in ten months.
"Look at my nephew." Liam stood up again, turning Levi in his arms to hang upside down. "You're growing taller every time, little man."
"I'll be taller than you one day," Levi challenged, crossing his arms over his chest. "And way stronger!"
Liam laughed, turning back up right before placing him on his feet. "And there's that ego you inherited from your fath—rainbows." My twin cringed, avoiding my annoyed look while Heze widened his eyes, staring at his cleared plate, Lia whistled lowly, shaking her head, and Kev muttered under his breath, walking into the kitchen.
Due to my history with Xaden and how heartbroken he left me; everyone here knew to not bring him up around me. Well, except Liam who always asked him about him whenever he visited.
To be honest, talking about Xaden wasn't such a big issue to me as it used to be. But I didn't appreciate the 'father' word being dropped around Levi, especially when talking to or about him in the same sentence.
Of course, Levi knew he had a father, but he didn't understand why he wasn't around. And for his own protection, he didn't know his father's real name. Could you blame me for keeping that from him? He was four years old and young children say a lot of things that shouldn't or had heard from others. The last thing I ever wanted for his own safety was for him to tell the wrong people who his father was.
So, to Levi Mairi, his father's name was Zane. Not much of a difference from Xaden, but it worked and kept him safe.
Thankfully, he didn't inherit his father's dark locks, making it easier to not make a connection...but it was his eyes that worried me. They shared the same eyes and I'd been reminded many times by my small family that if Levi was ever in the same room as Xaden, then everyone would make the connection between them.
'Never have Levi and Xaden in the same room,' was the first mental rule I made for myself after what they told me.
"Rainbows?" Levi tilted his head at his uncle. "How does that happen?"
"I'll explain it all to you," Kevin interjected, walking toward us with his hands out to take Levi. "Mama needs to eat her breakfast and talk to your aunty and uncles, little man. Let's get some shoes on your feet and I'll explain everything about rainbows."
Levi clapped his hands together, eagerly nodding his head as Kevin took him from Liam.
When the two left the room, I finally sat down, taking my plate and filling my fork with eggs. "I would've made you some, Li, but I thought you were arriving around lunch."
He shrugged, his blond spiky hair glowing in the morning sun from the open windows. "I had something to eat on the way here," he informed me, and I nodded, chewing my food. "You okay, Dosie? You look stressed."
Heze nodded, leaning back into his chair. "I noticed that too. Have you been sleeping and eating?"
"We know taking care of Levi can get tiring for you," Lia softly said. "If you and Kev need a break for a few hours, then you know the three of us are happy to watch him."
I placed down my fork, sending them a small smile. "I'm eating and getting enough sleep. Plus, Levi is getting better at stopping himself from throwing a tantrum now." By looking at their faces, I knew they weren't convinced one bit. I sighed, dropping my head back against the chair. "I'll see Xaden tomorrow."
"How the fuck did I forget that?" Lia breathed, slapping a hand to her forehead. "We should've faked our deaths like you suggested."
"Faked your—when the fuck was this suggested?" Liam stumbled over his words, looking at us with wide eyes.
Heze waved him off, focusing on only me. "Are you okay?" he genuinely asked me, not a note of amusement on his face like there usually was.
Under his intense gaze, I straightened. Gods, sometimes I swore he could see right through me. "What do you think?" I deadpanned and the three of them shared a quick glance. "The last time I saw Riorson, he promised nothing could keep up apart, and yet, he hasn't visited once since he bonded with a dragon and started rising the ranks in that damn college. Oh, and there's also the little fact that he has a son he doesn't even know about!"
Lia cringed. "I'm sensing some passive-aggressive energy in your tone."
I slowly turned my head toward her and she shrunk in her chair. "No shit, Lia."
"Will you tell him?" Liam questioned, sitting down beside me as I faced back to him, furrowing my brows. "Riorson," he clarified. "Will you tell him about Levi?"
Shit. I hadn't really thought about that part yet.
Obviously, Xaden deserved to know he had a son—hell, he deserved to know four years ago but it wasn't like I could just send him a letter with that news. He was Fen Riorson's son. Without a doubt, his letters would've been opened and read before he even knew of them.
And Heze could've told him, but the two of them had already beaten the shit out of each other on Heze's first day in the quadrant and I didn't want to risk that again...or risk Xaden getting himself killed to try and get here before he even had a dragon. Or being followed to Levi. Or being spied on because it was a known fact that we marked ones were always being kept an eye on. 
There were just too many risks on the line when it came to telling Xaden and at the end of the day, he left. Yes, he didn't and still didn't know about Levi...but if he could ghost me and Liam, then who was to say he wouldn't do the same to Levi who deserved the world? 
I could never put my boy through the pain of a father leaving.
I refused it.
"We'll see," I finally answered, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm not about to bring Xaden into my son's life just to leave at the knowledge he even exists. Levi doesn't deserve that, ever. If Riorson isn't actually this heartless dick, as Heze has described many times, then I'll tell him of his son. But if he's someone who doesn't deserve to even know my son, then he won't."
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screamingatanemptyroom · 1 year ago
Please Fix the Story pt 29- The Higher Realm
Next part. A little shorter, but I think part 30 or 31 may be the end of the official story, not counting any side parts. Wish me luck!
Masterpost linked here
“Adonis is here.”
As I processed his words, I watched the glowing words: “Soul transfer 59% complete.“ fade away. Once they disappeared, I felt a surge in the strange dark power with me. I looked down at my hands, seeing a barely visible power coiling around them.
Finally, I broke past 49%! And I can sense this power better than before. It’s definitely growing, whatever it is... even if I can't use it still. Hopefully this become something useful!
“Bel? Are you okay?” Liam’s questions broke me from my thoughts, and I looked back at him, the brief flash of dark power fading back into nothingness.
“I’m okay. So Adonis is here? Already?” At the grim news, I rubbed my hands together in excitement. “FINALLY! It’s time to unleash my super secret trap!”
“Your trap?” Liam rubbed his shoulder, likely still feeling the pain from his gunshot wound from the lower realm. “Is this what you’ve been sneaking off lately to set up?”
“Yep!” I grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him over to a carefully marked cleared area just far enough away from the cave to protect it. It may not be much, but it’s Liam’s home… my home. I’d rather Adonis stay far, far away from it.   
Liam was staring down at our clasped hands with an absentminded smile, and didn’t seem to pay attention to our direction. Looking around once we stopped, he was clearly confused. “Why are we stopping here?”
“This is where we want him to find us.” I said with a confident grin.
At my words, Liam gripped my hand tightly, as if afraid that I would be taken away. His anxiety was almost palpable.
I tried to reassure him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Nothing good can ever stay here, Bel.” His eyes were filled with a sadness close to despair. “No matter how much I’ve tried to prevent it, everything here eventually withers and dies.”
“So do you want me to go back with Fart Sniffer McGee?”
He let out an involuntary snort at the silly, insulting name. “No I didn’t say that! I just…”
“Well, perhaps you should…”
A new voice spoke out as Adonis walked out from between the trees, standing in the small clearing in front of us. Seeing me, he smiled, a cocky expression. “Hello, Bel! Looks like your tamed monster recognizes reality better than you. Isn’t it time you admit it too?”
“There’s only one monster here," I said with a polite, distant smile. " And it’s not Liam.”
Adonis frowned. “Don’t deflect, Bel. The truth remains.”
“What this villain said is correct: Nothing good can survive here. You don’t… you can’t belong here… you belong in the Higher Real. Even this beast knows it. You belong with me!”
“So you knew we were talking about you?” I turned to Liam, chuckling, “Look at him, so readily accepting of the new name Fart Sniffer McGee.”
“Very self-aware.” Liam nodded solemnly.
“Personal growth.” We both applauded politely.
He didn't seem amused at our antics. “SHUT UP!”
“Ooh, I don’t think he likes it.”
Liam shrugged. “We can think of others.”
“Ooh! A new one every day!” We threw out a few, each one more childish and ridiculous than the last. Once we reached “Captain Bum Nugget” however, Adonis finally snapped.
“I SAID SHUT UP!” He took a step forward with a threatening gesture, and I let out a shout of victory.
“FINALLY, YOU HIT THE MARK!” I quickly pulled a rope on the ground, and a net holding a load of large smelly... material... fell. Adonis was quickly covered head to toe, and was knocked to the ground by the weight of the net and its contents.
There was stunned silence, but it was quickly broken by my laughter. “That’s what you get! Did you really think you could waltz right into OUR realm without consequences?! Enjoy being smelly!”
I looked over at Liam, expecting him to agree with me… but instead he was staring at the… material… coating Adonis with a horrified expression. He then sat down on a nearby stump and slowly put his head in his hands.
“Bel…” He sighed as he spoke. “Do you know what that is?”
“It’s feces!” I answered cheerfully. “I assume from some sort of large beast, although I’ve never seen anything in this realm big enough to make poop like this! It took forever to collect it and set up this trap.” I thought for a moment. “It’s strange though, this has weird flecks in it, almost like tiny jewels… such an odd thing. Do you know which animal…?” I trailed off as I saw Liam’s shoulders shaking. Is he crying?
Liam finally lifted his head, laughing uncontrollably, his face bright red. After a long moment, he finally said “Bel, it’s very creative revenge, but… next time, why don’t we work together to plan it, okay?”  His tone seemed resigned.
“…Sure.” I hadn’t expected such a big reaction from him, but quickly agreed.
Adonis finally recovered from his shock.  “Bel, it’s time to go home.” His voice was low and intense, but the intimidation factor was incredibly dialed down by his feces-covered appearance.
“I AM home, Adonis.” I grabbed Liam’s hand again. “I’m staying here with Liam. In fact… we’ve just agreed to get married!”
Adonis lunged forward, but we took a huge step back, avoiding him.
“Cut the crap, Bel!”
“Ooh… poor choice of words!” I tried to high five Liam, who hesitated for a long moment, and then finally gave me one with another sigh.
Adonis was undisturbed. “Joke all you like. You can’t change reality with quips and funny words.” His face was distorted by a snarl. “I don’t know how you’re still alive, but even if you’ve found a temporary measure, it won’t last forever. You are a heroine. THE heroine. Your very nature rejects and is rejected by this realm. The longer you stay, the weaker you become. Even if you force yourself to remain here, then the realm itself will begin to destabilize and fade.”
His words struck like a blow. “You’re lying.” I whispered, wishing I believed my own words.
Adonis chuckled grimly. “I don’t lie, Bel. You and I don’t agree at all on a lot of things, but you know me well enough to know I don’t lie.”
“That doesn’t mean you tell all of the truth.” Liam finally spoke up, glaring.
Adonis didn’t back down. “Shut up, Monster.”
“Stop calling him that!”
“Silly, innocent, Bel.” Adonis laughed at my outburst. “What do you think Liam is?”
“Shut up.” I didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
“I already told you: I don’t lie. I call Liam a monster because that’s exactly what he is.” He grinned. “ A literal monster. Don’t believe me? Just ask him.”
I felt Liam shaking beside me and gripped his hand tighter. I knew Liam wasn’t human, but I don’t want to learn the truth from Adonis. Which means I have one option left:
“Yeah, I know.” I rolled my eyes, and stated nonchalantly. “Liam told me a while ago.”
Adonis was taken aback by my confidence, but soon his eyes narrowed, studying me. “You don’t know. He wouldn’t tell you!”
“Think what you want.” I shrugged. “But I’ve been here a while… since you kidnapped me and dumped me here, by the way… and it would be impossible for Liam to hide his true self for this long.”
“I know everything.” I lied, knowing almost nothing. “And I don’t care. I’m staying with him anyways.”
Adonis was silent for a long moment, looking at us both, his gaze dropped, focusing on our clasped hands.
“FINE.” He turned around, and I tried not to chuckle as he trailed poop on the ground.
But his next words stilled any desire to laugh.
“This place will either kill you or destroy itself. The end will come sooner than you expect. If you don’t care about all the countless lower realms and all their innocent inhabits out there that you are condemning to destruction by staying here, then at least care about your own well being, or your friend’s, as he needs this place to stay alive.  If it fades... well, you know. I’ll come back to collect you once you’ve come to your senses.” He shook his head, and I felt a growing sense of dread. “Give up, Bel. You must accept your fate.”
He was gone, and Liam and I were left alone.
I let go of Liam’s hand, stepping away, and he reached out as if to catch me, his hand pausing mid-motion, his face pale.
His terrified eyes met mine. “Bel… I can explain.” Liam’s voice was hoarse, his eyes red, his hand still in the air, shaking. “Please… I’ll tell you everything. Just… just don’t hate me, please…not you too.”
My heart broke at his pain. I reached out, grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled him closer, hugging him tightly. “I don’t hate you.” I could feel his entire body trembling. “Not even a little.”
He stepped backwards, a small nervous smile on his face. “You say that now but… You don’t know my secret yet.”
“No matter WHAT you are, Liam. You are you. And that’s all that matters.” I held a finger against his lips as he started to speak again. “That being said. Why don’t you tell me in the morning? You and I are both tired, and I don’t really feel like hearing your biggest secret after Adonis the Poop King threatened us. Tell me in the morning, IF you really want me to know."
Liam’s smile grew, his whole expression lighter. “The morning then, I’ll tell you for sure.”
We separated to get some sleep.
Fragments of worlds flashed through my dreams, one after the next, so quickly I couldn’t grasp what was happening. The few scenes it lingered on made me wish it hadn’t.
He was on the ground, bleeding from a gunshot wound. The growls of zombies could be heard in the distance. My eyes were blurred with tears.
All I could see was blood, too much blood.
“Liam.” His name escaped my lips.
“Sorry, I have to go first.”
More blood.
“Next time, let’s get married? “
Before I could respond I was in a new world, facing him once more. He was larger, more muscular, but too pale. Laying on a bed. Two small puncture wounds were visible on his neck.
“Liam… wake up.”
My hand, shaking, tried to check a pulse, hoping, praying to find it.
There was only the stillness of death.
World after world, flipping through too fast to remember. Finally, it stilled once more.
“Why do you always die, Liam?” I was crying once more.
He laughed a sad sound, but I couldn’t see him. His voice was above me. “That’s the fate of a villain, Bel. That’s the fate of a monster. I was never meant to be happy. I was only ever meant to be sacrificed for others’ happiness.” He faded away to nothing, and I was alone in the dark.
The blue words hung there, threateningly, and I backed away. The words followed, leaving me unable to run away even if I wanted to.
I woke up in a cold sweat, struggling to sense what was real and what wasn’t. Breathing deeply, I pushed myself up, getting out of the bed, moving towards the center of our cave.
I wanted to find Liam.
I searched all the rooms, however, and he wasn’t there.
Panicking a bit, I walked out of the cave.
Something small and white fell from the sky and landed at my feet. I looked closer. It appeared to be a white dove. Its neck broken. Blood pooled underneath it, almost staining my feet.
“What…?” Where did the dove come from, how had it survived in this realm? Why did it die?
As I watched on in horror, the blood moved and formed into words:
I ran away. I was no longer sure if I was still trapped within the dream or if reality itself had gone insane. Nothing else mattered but my goal:
I needed to see Liam.
“Liam!” I called out again, seeing some traces along the ground and following the trail. I could hear movement up ahead, and Liam’s voice, talking seemingly to himself. The voice was familiar and not at the same time, spoken with a deep harsh tone.
“Okay, I just have to be calm, Bel said she doesn’t care what I am…. NO!… this is stupid, I should run away… but I can’t run away, that would mean leaving Bel behind… Maybe, I could take her with me? … YEAH! ... But wait... that defeats the purpose of running away to keep her from finding out what I am!”
I heard a loud growl and a thud. The sounds didn’t seem human. I slowed down, getting a glimpse of an enormous dark something beyond the trees in a large clearing ahead as his voice continued.
“Okay, just tell her the truth, and explain all the benefits… free heating source... free rides flying in the sky… umm… something else…  Come on, Liam! Think, think!”  
More crashes sounded out, and I hesitated to move into the clearing. What will I find?
I thought of my dream, of Liam in many forms dying in front of me. I thought of the bloody message scrawled out in front of the cave. I can’t back away now.
“Liam!” I called out, trying to keep my voice from trembling. “I’m here! Can I come into the clearing?”
I didn’t want to force him, especially hearing his anxious rants.
Liam let out a shriek, the sound mixed with a strange inhuman growl. “BEL?! Umm… so...you want to come into the clearing… I’m a little indisposed at the moment…”
“Liam.” My voice was soft now, but in the dead silence of the forest, I knew he could hear me. “I want to see you. I won’t run away.”
“…” The silence dragged on and on. Just as I was about to give up and walk away…
“You can come.” He sounded scared, resigned, but at the same time, determined.
“Are you sure…?”
“I’m sure.”
I took a deep breath and stepped forward.
Immediately I looked up, tilting my head back all the way upwards just to see his face. He was large, not quite as large as the ancient beast from previous the lower realm. If then he had been the size of a mountain, now he was the size of a three story house.
He was darker than the night sky above him, with shining scales interlocking in a tight armor.
Spikes rose up in a long row, bristling, protecting his back.
Large wings, with stretched leathery skin flapped nervously behind him.
A long winding  neck, leading upward.
Teeth, enormous and deadly, protruded from an elongated scaly jaw.
And looking straight at me, unblinking, were his eyes, the vertical slit pupil set within a wonderful, familiar dark blue. The face seemed unsuited for showing emotion, yet I could see everything he felt within the depths of his eyes.
It WAS Liam.
Liam was a dragon.
I hesitated for a moment, and in that silence, I saw the fear bloom brightly within his eyes. His head tucked in, hiding underneath his wings.
“Liam… you’re a dragon?” I phrased it as a question, but he could be nothing else. “Wow, that’s really cool!”
"Really?" Slowly, his eyes peeked out from his wings.  “You’re not just saying that?” It felt strange to hear Liam’s voice coming from this form, but it was the familiar sound that reassured me as well.
“Nope! I think you look very strong and awesome!” I reached out a hand and moved forward, Liam stuck out his head close, allowing me to touch the side of his face. The black shiny scales seemed softer to the touch than I had expected, the surface cool against my palm.
“You really don’t care? Even though I’m a monster?”
“I’d rather be in the company of a dragon like you than the kind of monster that Adonis is.” I shrugged. “I guess that says a lot about me.”
“Thank you, Bel.” His voice was filled with relief, and I couldn’t help but smile.  
I settled in, asking, “Have you always been a dragon? Or did you start out human?”
"Always." Liam crouched down, keeping his head low towards the ground so I didn’t have to bend my neck to see him. “This is what I am. I’ve been like this since I was old enough to remember anything.”
“Were you always here, in this realm?”
Liam let out an angry growl. “No. I came from a different realm. One where dragons and humans existed together. I was young… very young, when I was taken away. Dragons tend to be solitary creatures, but typically they protect their young until they reach adulthood.” He sighed. “My parents, however, died right after my birth, killed in a large battle with humans. After that, I was being raised by my grandfather. He was amazing! He taught me what it meant to be a dragon.”
“Your grandfather raised you?” Is he…” I trailed off, unable to finish the question.
“Dead.” Liam’s voice was flat. "The System came to collect me. My grandfather tried to stop it… he was destroyed, along with my entire realm.” Two golden tears dropped from the dragon’s eyes. “I couldn’t save him, I couldn’t save anyone.”
“The System?”
“I don’t know what it is. It appeared as bright blue words written across the sky when I saw it. It’s what makes the portals… what creates the missions we see in the lower realms. It controls seemingly everything but at the same time seems to be interested in nothing. I don’t know if it’s a god or the devil or something else entirely… but I watched its power as it destroyed my realm.”
Bright blue words? Shuddering, I thought of the counter that only I could see. Is that the system too? I reached out, trying to hug the enormous dragon head. “I’m sorry Liam.”
“It told me I was born to be the ultimate villain, and that all others would derive their fate from me.” He sighed. “It said that the classic story was that of a hero, a princess, and the monster that kidnaps the princess. My fate was to separate them, and then be destroyed to allow for a happy ending.” He looked down at me. “Then I woke up here, alone except the occasional creature that tries to survive… they never do, not for long. This world slowly destroys them. Of course, most nights, portals would open up and drag me in.”
“You saw my mission last time. They’re all like that. Lose everything, get severely injured… die. Every single one of them. The story of the lower realms can’t be complete unless there is a satisfyingly bad end to the villain.”
“Did you always follow the mission?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Not at first. Especially when I was still very young, I struggled against it, tried to avoid it. I would run and hide and stay away. But then the lower realm would be destroyed, I would wake up here and the next world would open up shortly. Finally, I started to complete the mission as quickly as possible, so I could just go back home, and no one else would get hurt.”
I wished I couldn’t imagine it, but I could. I had been to countless lower realms with Adonis. How many of them had Liam been there, dying, getting hurt, just so that he could stop suffering and come back here? How many times has he chosen to die painfully, rather than let a lower realm be destroyed? I remembered him drinking the poison when we first met, his nonchalant expression at his upcoming demise.
“Bel, don’t cry.”
“I’m not…” My voice paused, as I reached up and felt tears running down my face. “I…”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“It’s NOT okay!”
“It’s my fate.”
*** Soul transfer 73% complete. ***
I ignored the words, feeling slightly sick sight of the glowing blue letters. If this is the system, this… thing… kidnapped Liam and forced him into this never-ending hell. I can’t trust anything it says.
Liam laughed, his eyes happy. “Yeah, screw fate.”
I touched his face again. “I will protect you. I won’t let fate, or the System, or even Adonis win. We’ll find a way for me to stay here, and then find a way to avoid our fates AND save the lower realms.”
“What you don’t believe me?”
He blinked. “You still want to stay here?”
“Yeah… aren’t we getting married? Typically married people stay in the same realm of existence.”
“Of course! Didn't I already ask you in the last lower realm? Out of the two people I’ve met in the higher realms, you are definitely the best husband material.”
“I’m a dragon.”
“And the other choice is Adonis.”
“… Fair.” He chuckled. “I believe you, but promise me:  if we do anything to go against fate… let’s do it together.”
“Deal. Now let’s head back.”
“First, you’ll need blood.” He raised a claw, and bit it, dripping golden drops into a small bowl. He then was covered in a black smoke, and a much smaller, much more human Liam emerged and picked up the bowl, walking towards me with a smile. “Here you go.”
I finally forced out. “LIAM, YOU ARE NAKED!”
“Shoot!” He shoved the bowl into my hands and grabbed pants that had been neatly folded nearby, his face bright red. “Sorry, I forgot.” He paused and looked down at himself. “Everything I have should be normal for a human, right?”
“Liam… It’s fine… yes, you’re normal.” I coughed as he grinned with relief. “There’s nothing wrong, I just… was surprised.” I turned away and drank my bowl of blood, waiting until the sounds of changing had stopped to turn back towards him. He took the bowl and wiped it clean, and then held out his hand for mine.
As we held hands, he laughed again. “Sorry, I forgot you get shocked when I get naked suddenly.”
“This is the first time this has happened, though?”
He paused at my words, his eyes confused. “No… it’s happened before. You were an elf…” He shook his head, as if to clear it. “I can’t remember clearly.”
“Maybe you were flashing some other person?” I raised an eyebrow.
“No, I’m certain it was you.” Was his firm answer.
“Okay, sure… so, Liam?”
“I have a very important question.”
“What’s that?���
“Was it YOUR poop that I dropped on top of Adonis?”
“OH LOOK AT THE TIME! Let’s go home!” And with that, Liam dragged me out of the clearing and back to our cave, with me laughing the entire way.
When we arrived, we came across the dead dove once more. Liam stopped in his tracks, staring down at it silently.
“Actually, this was part of why I was looking for you in the first place. It just flew down out of nowhere, and killed itself here.” I stared at the words written in coagulated blood. “Who would do this?”
“The System.” He spit the words out like a curse.
“Why doves… I thought it spoke in blue glowing letters?”
Liam was still staring down at the dove, and for a moment, I could see the dragon he was behind his human appearing eyes. “Doves have meaning.”
“Often a messenger of the divine, or for all-powerful beings… they are also seen as a symbol of peace. So to have one come from the heavens and kill itself, for the message to be written in blood….
“It’s a declaration of war.” I shuddered. “It wants to force us to accept our fate. Me to go back to the Higher Realm and play heroine with Adonis… you…”
“To suffer and die in an endless sacrifice for the happy ending.”
I squeezed his hand. “Neither is going to happen.”
He didn’t look away from the bloody message. “I hope you’re right.”
Days passed.
Adonis, unfortunately, had not lied. Over time, Liam’s blood became less and less effective. I stayed in bed for most of the day, only able to do brief outings into the forest before having to rest once more. Liam grew increasingly frantic, increasing the dose and would have tried to drain himself dry if I hadn’t stopped him.
But I wasn’t the only one affected.
The edges of the realm were starting to fade into darkness. It took a while for us to realize, but when we came up to the nothingness, the emptiness where forest had once been, I was forced to confront the truth: I was dying. The realm was dying. I couldn’t stay.
But Liam couldn’t leave, except for the lower realms.  
The portals became much less frequent, but I went with him each time. We tried to find ways to fix the worlds that completed both our missions, I tried my best to protect Liam from getting hurt.
We did not see Adonis again. He seemed to be biding his time.
Or he was so mad at Operation: Poop Trap that he is spending some time away from us. Either way, not too sad about it.
Finally, one day came. I couldn’t get out of bed at all. Liam stayed by my side, feeding me meat and mixed vegetables he had cooked. His cooking skills were fantastic now, but my failing body could barely appreciate it. I tried my best to eat, anyways, hoping not to worry him.
“Tell me what to do, Bel.” He whispered, feeding me another bite with a roughly carved spoon. “I don’t want to send you back there… but I can’t watch you die.”
“What if I would rather die than go back?” I asked. “Would you knock me out and send me anyways?”
Liam hung his head. “No. I won’t force you. I know better than most what its like to live with no choices. I can't send you into the same existence. If you choose to die...” His eyes filled with tears. “I’ll choose to go with you.”
“That’s MY choice, Bel.”
I sighed. “Well, let’s try to avoid that ending then.” I started coughing, unable to take another bite. Liam out away the food with a solemn expression.
“Do you have a plan?”
“I’ve fixed countless broken stories. I always have a plan.” I tried to grin, but was too tired to maintain it for long. “I just need to make it to the next lower realm.”
I thought of the glowing blue counter I could see, and the dark power that even now hovered around my fingertips.
Hopefully this works. Everything depends on finding the right type of lower realm. I don’t have much time left, so I really hope the next one will have what I need. For both of our sakes.
After the discussion we fell silent, but stayed side by side, enjoying being together. A deeply uncertain future faced us, but at least one thing was true:
We were facing it together.
That night, a new portal opened up. Liam, carrying me, stepped up to the red-rimmed glowing opening.
"Are you sure you want to come?" He asked in a worried tone.
"I'm sure. Once we're inside, I'll try to find you as soon as I can."
"Focus on being safe, first."
I smiled, resting a pale hand against his face. "I'll find a way for us to escape fate, Liam. I promise. The key to it is in this realm." It has to be.
His arms tightened around me. "As long as we're together."
"Together." I agreed.
He stepped into the portal quickly. As always, we were separated immediately after crossing the portal and fell into darkness.
I woke up, confused, looking all around me.
I was in water. Fish swam all around me, sunlight filtering through the waves and bouncing around them. Coral littered the ground, seaweed waving nearby, an intricate underwater garden. It was beautiful. A paradise.
And that’s when I realized I was breathing underwater.
Hmm… that’s not normal. I looked down at my arms. They seemed human enough, my hair coiling around my body. At least I’m not a fish or a sea monster. I thought, looking at the rest of me.
Then I saw my tail.
Ah crap.
I was a mermaid.
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jrob64 · 1 year ago
Hitting a High Note - A CS Modern AU Christmas Story
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Merry Christmas everyone! While looking through my library of stories, I realized I've never written a Christmas story and decided to remedy that.
Special thanks and a very Merry Christmas to my loyal beta @hookedmom who has already agreed to stick with me and my muse through the New Year.
SUMMARY: Emma Swan talks her friend Killian Jones into going Christmas caroling, but she gets more than she bargains for when she hears him sing.
Rating: G (pure Christmas fluff!)
Words: 6227 (one-shot)
Also posted to Ao3 and ffn
Killian Jones buttoned his black pea coat, then wrapped a festive green and gold scarf around his neck. After pulling a red knit cap onto his head, he checked his reflection in the mirror above his dresser and arranged his hair so that a few strands fell artfully over his forehead.
“I can’t believe she talked me into doing this,” he grumbled under his breath, but in truth, he absolutely could believe it. Emma Swan would be able to talk him into just about anything, seeing as how he was utterly and completely in love with her.
If only he was brave enough to tell her.
It wasn’t love at first sight for him. The first time he laid eyes on her was at the end of his second week in Storybrooke. She was tucked into her boyfriend’s side at The Rabbit Hole, a local hangout. That boyfriend happened to be Walsh Osterfeld, one of the most arrogant and irritating men Killian ever had the misfortune of meeting. He made the assumption then and there that the blonde who looked happy to have Walsh’s arm wrapped around her was just as bad as him.
But you know what they say about assuming.
In the weeks following that initial introduction, Emma frequently visited the library where Killian had just begun working. It turned out she was quite the bookworm, dispelling his theory that she wasn’t very intelligent, formulated solely because of who she was dating.
Usually, Killian politely waited on her while speaking minimally, but when she checked out a book written by his favorite author, he complimented her choice. Looking up at her when he handed her the receipt, he was frozen in place by the sparkle in her emerald eyes as she gave him a rather shy smile.
“Thanks,” she replied. “My ex told me he hated this author, and since he and I ended up not having much in common, I figured it was worth giving one of these books a try.”
“Your ex, huh?” Killian couldn’t stop himself from asking.
“Yeah, we recently broke up.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he mumbled, though he was not at all sorry.
“Don’t be. We dated just long enough for me to figure out he’s very annoying.”
“So, just a few minutes, then?” Killian quipped, then realized his mistake.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Why would you say that?”
He felt his face heat with embarrassment as he reached up to scratch nervously behind his ear. “Oh, um, I…I saw you at The Rabbit Hole a while back and you were, uh, pretty cozy with Walsh Osterfeld. I’m not a fan of his.”
Emma looked surprised. “How do you know him?”
“When my brother was setting up his accounting office, he and I went to Osterfeld’s store in search of furniture. He tried to sell Liam the most expensive pieces on display and when Liam said he wasn’t interested, Walsh treated him like he wasn’t worth his time. I convinced Liam to leave and we hired Marco Booth to make everything he needed for half the price of what Osterfeld was asking.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Emma responded. “He treated all of my friends pretty much the same way - like they didn’t measure up to his standards. I got tired of it rather quickly.”
Killian hummed, then leaned forward to tap his finger on the cover of the book she held. “Well, I truly think you’ll like this. Hopefully, I’ll be working when you return it and you’ll be able to give me your review.”
“Chances of that are pretty good, because you seem to be here nearly every time I come in lately. You haven’t worked here long, have you?”
“Only a few weeks. My brother and I moved here after I recuperated from surgery.” He held up the prosthetic at the end of his left arm. “Liam hated living in a big city and since I no longer had a job, I decided to make the move with him. Once tax season was over in April, he quit his job at an accounting firm in Boston because he was planning to open an office here. The bonus is that Storybrooke is a harbor town. Liam and I both like being near the water.”
“How did you find out about Storybrooke? It’s a pretty obscure place.”
“Do you know August Booth?”
“Yeah, he goes to my church. Marco’s son.”
“That’s the one. He’s my brother’s friend and former college roommate. He told Liam there weren’t any accountants in this town. ”
“I’ve seen your brother’s office. I’ll probably be requiring his services on April 14th next year.”
He chuckled. “Even though he’s very good, we hope not everyone in town waits until the last day of tax season to employ him.”
“You’re good at what you do, too,” she commented.
“Well, it doesn’t take a genius to work in a library.”
“Maybe not, but it does take someone who is helpful, knowledgeable about books, and treats people with respect. I’m Emma Swan, by the way,” she said, offering him her hand.
He shook it. “Killian Jones, at your service.”
That was the beginning of their friendship. He started to look forward to her frequent visits to the library and their impromptu discussions about books and other things. He found himself telling her about the accident that cost him his hand and job in construction. He explained that with the settlement he received from workman’s compensation, combined with his savings, he was able to afford to move and take a job that, although it paid less, was far more enjoyable.
Soon, they were meeting in the mornings for coffee before she left for her job at a flower shop, and watching movies at each other’s apartment on evenings when he didn’t work. Her friends became his as they hung out together at The Rabbit Hole on the weekends, and attended the same church.
When the announcement about Christmas caroling appeared in the church bulletin, Killian didn’t give it a second thought. Singing in the shower was one thing, singing in public was quite another. But when Emma asked him to come along, explaining how much fun it was to sing to people who were shut-ins, lonely, or just needed some Christmas spirit, he caved. Now he’s a man in love with a woman who liked him only as a friend, doing something that took him way out of his comfort zone.
He had never been Christmas caroling before, so he wasn’t sure what to expect. He did know it would only be a small group of them singing though, which made him a little nervous. He felt more comfortable fading into the background in the middle of a crowd.
When he was growing up, his vagabond father moved their family often, not staying in any one place longer than a year or two. Liam took it as a challenge, making new friends and trying to fit in at every new school and neighborhood, but Killian grew more withdrawn and quiet. Even as an adult, he avoided situations which would draw attention to himself.
His phone buzzed on the dresser. Pulling himself out of his morose thoughts, he picked it up and read the message.
E: See you in 10 if you don’t chicken out.
The gif of a squawking chicken accompanying the text made him laugh. Emma had a knack for finding funny gifs and memes, which always brought a smile to his face. His thumb hit the microphone key and he spoke into his phone to record a return message.
K: I won’t chicken out as long as there are donuts & hot chocolate afterwards, as promised.
E: There better be, or I’m gonna be one cranky caroler.
After sending a laughing emoji, he stuffed the phone into the front pocket of his jeans, checked his reflection one more time, and left the small house he shared with Liam.
Emma fluffed out her blond hair over the collar of her red winter coat and adjusted the buffalo plaid scarf around her neck. After tugging a gray beanie onto her head, she checked her reflection in the mirror, applied some tinted lip gloss, and gave herself a small nod of approval.
She felt a little guilty being so concerned with how she looked, because the idea of Christmas caroling was to make other people feel good. Besides, she was going with a group of her best friends, so it wasn’t a matter of trying to impress anyone.
Except Killian Jones.
“You are such an idiot,” she quietly admonished herself. “He’s just a friend and you’re not supposed to be looking for someone to date. Remember the promise you made to yourself after you broke up with Walsh?” she asked her reflection.
Just thinking about her ex-boyfriend made her cringe. She kicked herself many times over agreeing to go out with him. He was pompous, domineering and snobby, all things she despised in a person. Although, to be fair, she didn’t know those things when she first started dating him. They came to light gradually as she spent more time with him, leaving her with the feeling that she wasn’t a very good judge of character.
She didn’t think she was wrong about Killian, though. He was sweet, sincere, considerate and humble; any woman would be lucky to date him. Maybe she should try setting him up with someone. He was still fairly new in town, and hadn’t met all of her friends yet. Belle had just gotten out of a bad relationship, and Mary Margaret’s teacher friends, Aurora and Jasmine, weren’t seeing anyone.
She wondered if he was even interested in dating. In all the time they’d known each other, he never mentioned a significant other. Maybe he had a girlfriend back in Boston and just didn’t talk about her. Or maybe, like her, he’d been in a bad relationship and swore off dating.
Regardless, she was going to be late if she kept musing about him. Grabbing her purse off of the bed, she dug through it for her keys, then left her apartment and hurried outside to her car parked along the curb.
Emma and Killian pulled up to the church simultaneously and parked beside each other. After unbuckling her seatbelt, she swung her car door open, got out and slammed it shut. She might love her little yellow bug, but it had some issues, such as the door popping back open if you didn’t shut it hard enough.
“Hey, Jones,” she called, walking around the back of her car to meet him. “Went with a sock hat, I see.”
“Pardon me?” he asked, puzzlement apparent on his stupidly handsome face.
“Your hat. I thought you would wear something different.”
She watched him scratch behind his ear, a habit she found quite adorable. “What were you expecting?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “Maybe a top hat with a sprig of holly?”
“I agreed to Christmas carol, not to look like I belong in the ‘Christmas Carol’,” he replied, rolling his eyes.
Emma giggled. It seemed nobody could make her laugh more than Killian Jones, with his dry but sharp sense of humor.
“Are you ready to do this?” she asked, beginning to walk up the sidewalk to the church.
He fell into step beside her. “Uh, I guess.”
“You don’t sound very sure.”
“I’ve never gone caroling before,” he admitted.
She threaded her arm through his left elbow. “Well, there’s a first time for everything. It’ll be fun, you’ll see.”
He hummed and patted her arm with his right hand. “If you say so, Swan.”
“I do.”
They entered the church lobby and saw that most of the other carolers were already there. Ashley and her husband, Shawn, Mary Margaret and David, Ruby, Belle, Elsa, Anna and her fiancé Kris, and a few other people from their church - around fifteen in all.
“We’ll be singing to eight elderly church members and then going over to a nursing home,” Mary Margaret informed them as soon as they joined the cluster of people. “Since they’re spread out all over town, we’ll need to drive from place to place. We’ve already determined who is driving and who will be in each car. The two of you will be with us in my car. David will drive.”
“Why can’t I drive?” Emma asked.
“Perhaps because we all value our lives,” Killian teased, tongue in cheek.
“Hey!” Emma protested. “I’m an excellent driver!”
“It’s not your driving skills we question, Swan. It’s that dodgy excuse for a car.”
She glared at him. “Insult my car at your own risk, Jones.”
“I just did,” he assured her.
They realized the rest of the group had started to file out of the church, so they followed along, still arguing about her car. In front of them, Mary Margaret and David shared amused looks.
Just as Emma and Killian were settling into the back seat, there was a knock on Emma’s window. She looked over to see August peering in at her. “Got room for one more?” he asked, loud enough to be heard through the glass.
“Uh, sure,” Emma said, opening the door, then sliding over to the middle of the seat. August squeezed in beside her and she scooted even closer to Killian.
“Thanks,” August said. “I lost track of the time and was afraid I would be left behind.”
“It’s good to have you with us,” David commented as he put the car in drive and followed Kris’s vehicle out of the parking lot.
“Hey, August,” Killian greeted, leaning forward to speak around Emma.
“Hey, yourself,” August smiled. “Is Liam in one of the other cars?”
“No, I invited him to come, but he’s an old Scrooge and said it was too cold. It’s probably for the best, though. He’s a terrible singer.”
Emma elbowed him sharply. “Be nice.”
“Ouch!” Killian exclaimed. “Are you trying to break a rib, Swan?”
“Stop being so dramatic. You probably didn’t even feel it through all your layers of clothes.”
He continued to rub his side. “Once you hear my brother sing, you’re going to realize I was right, and then you’ll owe me an apology for bruising me.”
“I hate to say it, but I agree with Killian on this one,” August piped up. “Liam and I were fraternity brothers at college, and hearing him sing the Alma Mater had me wishing I could transfer to another university.”
Everyone in the car began to laugh. “Poor Liam,” Mary Margaret said when it died down. “We shouldn’t be making fun of him when he’s not even here to defend himself.”
“Liam is plenty talented,” Killian said. “Just not in singing.”
“Oh, don’t forget to buckle your seatbelts,” Mary Margaret stated, ever the designated mom of the group.
Killian felt Emma’s hand reach down between their hips and brush against his butt as she searched for hers, and he leaned toward her to say, “Um, that’s not your seatbelt, Love.”
She jerked her hand away quickly and he chuckled when he saw color fill her cheeks. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
“Think nothing of it.” He reluctantly moved closer to the door and pulled the buckles between them free so they could fasten their belts. “Maybe someday I can return the favor,” he continued, flirtateously waggling his eyebrows at her.
As he expected, she rolled her eyes at him playfully, then turned to ask August a question. Killian rubbed his gloved hand and prosthesis against his jean-clad knees, and looked out his window toward the sideview mirror, only to see Mary Margaret’s face reflected in it. His eyes widened and he felt himself blush when he saw the sly smile and sparkle in her eyes as her gaze bounced between himself and Emma.
The first stop was a learning experience for Killian. He stood in the middle of the group and sang along softly, but mostly just watched the rest of the carolers and the recipients of their songs. Observing the smiles on all of their faces, his heart filled with the joy of the season
Marco’s house was the next stop and after they piled out of their car, August went inside to get his father. While they waited for him to bundle up and make his appearance, Killian edged closer to where Emma stood chatting with Mary Margaret.
When the dark-haired woman noticed his presence, she gave him a conspiratorial smile and subtly took a step to the side, leaving a gap beside Emma, which Killian filled immediately. He always liked listening to her voice as she sang the hymns in church and wanted to hear her sing the beautiful Christmas carols.
He watched her bounce on her toes and rub her upper arms briskly, breath coming out in steamy clouds. “Cold, Swan?” he asked.
“A little, but I don’t mind. It just makes me look forward to the hot chocolate even more.”
“I’m sure Marco will appreciate our caroling,” he said, stepping closer to her, hoping to block the wind a bit.
“Yeah, he will. He appreciates everything. I love his cheery outlook on life.”
“Aye, he’s a sweet soul…”
At that moment, the front door opened and Marco stepped out, followed by August, who descended the steps to rejoin the group. Mary Margaret began singing “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” and everyone else joined in immediately.
When the song ended, Marco applauded, a smile lighting up his weathered face. “Now don’t be afraid to sing a little louder,” he said. “These old ears don’t work so well anymore!”
They appeased him by adding more volume to “Jingle Bells” followed by “Up on the Housetop”, complete with all the hand motions.
“Let’s do one more,” David said.
“Dad’s favorite carol is ‘The First Noel’,” August shared.
Everyone nodded their agreement and once again, Mary Margaret started the song. By this time, Killian felt more comfortable and confident in his singing, his clear tenor voice gaining volume. Every now and then, he saw Emma glancing at him, giving him a somewhat quizzical look. He briefly wondered what she was thinking, but he was enjoying himself and didn’t dwell on it.
When he hit the high note on the final ‘noel’ of the song, he was watching Marco’s beaming face, so he failed to see the look of awe on Emma’s.
After bidding Marco goodbye and returning to their cars to travel to the next place, Emma sat wedged between August and Killian, trying to evaluate the feelings washing over her. Of course she liked Killian, and of course she found him attractive. She was a heterosexual female, after all. But after months of convincing herself that he was nothing more than her friend, suddenly her eyes were opened to the truth - she had feelings for him that went much deeper than simply friendship. It was as if that high note he sang hit her right in the heart.
“Alright there, Swan?”
She startled at his question and shook herself out of her musing. “Oh, um, yeah. I’m fine, just a bit chilly,” she replied, not looking at him. She didn’t want to risk him reading her thoughts.
Killian reached over to adjust the temperature setting on the console in front of her. His arm brushed against her leg, causing a rush of warmth through her that had nothing to do with the car’s heating system.
“Thank you,” she murmured, wondering why she hadn’t thought of doing that herself, while at the same time knowing it was because her mind was elsewhere. For the rest of the ride to the next location, she engaged August in conversation.
As the evening progressed, Emma somewhat successfully redirected her thoughts to the fun and joyful activity. Whenever they gathered to sing, she intended to put some distance between herself and Killian, but was magnetically drawn to him and his melodious voice.
After caroling at all of their scheduled stops, they made their way back to the church, where volunteers had coffee, hot chocolate and donuts waiting for them in the community room. Emma picked up her warm beverage and snack, then busied herself talking to Elsa and Anna. She saw Killian sitting with David and Mary Margaret, but didn’t join them as she normally would. Once her conversation with the sisters was over, she noticed Killian heading her way and quickly tossed her trash in the bin, then ducked into the restroom.
When she emerged several minutes later, Killian was leaning against the wall beside the door. “Swan, are you avoiding me?” he asked.
“What? No!” she immediately responded. “What makes you think that?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. It just seems like you’ve been talking to everyone except me this evening. Have I done something to upset you?”
Her fingers began toying with the chain around her neck, a nervous habit of hers. “No, Killian, you haven’t done anything wrong. I just…I guess I was busy catching up with some of my other friends.”
Killian scratched behind his ear, a nervous habit of his own. “Sorry, Swan. I didn’t mean to accuse you. Of course you have other friends and want to talk to them. I shouldn’t have been so sensitive.”
Emma felt bad. Here he was apologizing when she had been avoiding him most of the evening. “Don’t worry about it, Killian. Like I said, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Looking around, she realized many people were getting ready to leave. “I think I’m gonna say goodbye to Mary Margaret and David and call it a night.”
“I think I’ll do the same.”
They walked together to the table where the couple still sat. After chatting with them for a few moments, Killian helped Emma into her coat and donned his own, then they exited the building. There was an awkward silence as they walked side-by-side toward their cars and she knew it was her fault. They usually spoke so freely and easily to each other, but now, her discomfort and confusion over her newly discovered feelings was driving an invisible wedge between them.
They reached her car and Killian yanked the driver’s side door handle, but it wouldn’t budge.
“You have to have the magic touch,” Emma stated. After breathing on the side of her balled fist, she rapped it on the doorframe just above the handle, then grinned at him triumphantly when she pulled on it and it instantly opened.
He was unimpressed. “I don’t think you need the magic touch, I think you need a tow truck,” he said dryly, rolling his eyes.
Giving a little huff, she settled behind the steering wheel. “My car might not be as fancy as yours,” she said, eyeing his Chevy Chevelle parked beside hers, “but it gets me where I want to go.”
“If you say so, Love,” he sighed. “Drive home safely.”
“I will,” she promised, then closed the door and fastened her seat belt. The VW’s engine roared to life, she pushed in the clutch, then shifted into reverse. After backing out of the parking space and putting it into gear, she waved at him and pulled out of the parking lot.
Killian watched the dilapidated bug until it turned the corner, before he got into his own vehicle. As he traveled home, he wondered about Emma’s behavior throughout the evening. Everything seemed perfectly normal for the first couple of stops, but after caroling to Marco, she hardly said another word to him.
He racked his brain to figure out what he did to upset her, but couldn’t come up with anything. When they were in the car, she was either talking to August or appeared to be lost in thought. After arriving back at the church, he thought she would join Mary Margaret, David and himself at their table. He didn’t think anything of her talking to Elsa and Anna instead of sitting with them, until he was walking over to ask if he could get her another hot cocoa. She still had a small piece of donut left, but when she saw him coming, she tossed it in the trash and hurried into the bathroom.
It was at that point that he realized she was avoiding him for some reason. Even though she walked with him to her car, she still hardly said anything to him.
The Christmas caroling was fun. He thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship with the other singers and seeing the obvious pleasure the caroling brought to the recipients, but as he drove home, he had a hollow feeling in his gut. He wished he knew why Emma suddenly seemed uncomfortable in his presence.
Emma couldn’t sleep. Once she got home after Christmas caroling, she soaked in a hot bath for a while, then tried to read, but her thoughts kept drifting, so she finally gave up and went to bed. Now, she was lying wide awake, while memories of the last seven months ran through her mind.
When had she developed romantic feelings for Killian Jones? And more importantly, what was she going to do about it?
She never had any luck with dating. Oh, she’d been asked out plenty of times, but it usually ended up being a one time thing. The only two guys she went out with more than once were Neal and Walsh, and both turned out to be losers. Maybe the problem was that she set her standards so high, nobody could meet them.
Killian Jones might just prove her wrong…if she gave him a chance.
Rolling onto her side, she stretched to grab her phone off of the nightstand and checked the time. Seeing that it was only a few minutes after eleven, she sighed. She felt like she had been in bed for hours, tossing and turning, trying to clear her mind of the swirling thoughts.
Almost subconsciously, she tapped on her messages app and scrolled through until she reached the thread with Killian. They sometimes texted late in the evenings, so she was sure he wouldn’t mind.
E: Are you awake?
K: No. Sound asleep.
E: Liar.
K: What’s up?
Emma hesitated before answering, debating whether or not to take a risk. Killian had become a good friend and she had no idea if his feelings were anything like her own. If she admitted them, would it ruin their friendship, or lead to something wonderful?
Finally, she made a decision.
E: Can I call you?
Within seconds, his name appeared on her screen as an incoming call. Taking a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and answered, “Hey, I hope you don’t mind me texting you so late.”
“Not at all, Swan. What’s on your mind?”
“I, uh, I wanted to apologize for tonight. You were right - I was avoiding you.”
There was a long pause before he replied in a quiet voice, “May I ask why?”
It was her turn to pause as she tried to establish what she wanted to say. “I didn’t know you had such a great singing voice.”
“My voice is what caused you to avoid me?” he asked incredulously.
“No, I…it’s just that I…” She heaved a sigh. “I’m screwing this all up.”
“Screwing what up?”
“My apology and my…confession.”
“Confession?” he asked, his tone heavy with confusion. “What are you confessing?”
“I…you know what? Just forget it. This is a conversation I’d really rather have in person.”
She heard him clear his throat. When he spoke his next words, she had to strain to hear him. “I can be there in fifteen minutes, Emma.”
“Killian, I’m not asking you to come over in the middle of the…”
“I know you’re not asking, but I’m offering. Is that alright with you?”
Emma plucked at her blanket, knowing she probably wouldn’t get any sleep until she talked to him. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Positive. I’ll change clothes and be there as soon as possible.”
“Thanks, Killian. Drive carefully.”
After his assurance that he would, she hopped out of bed and tugged a hoodie over her pajama top. Then she began pacing the floor as she waited, trying to compose in her head what she was going to say.
Killian was never so glad that Storybrooke was small, since Emma lived on the opposite side of town. It also worked in his favor that the streets were nearly deserted and the town sheriff was likely snoozing in the police station, because he couldn’t help going a little over the speed limit to try to get there quicker.
His mind was racing, replaying what Emma said over the phone. A confession. What could that mean? Was she going to confess she didn’t want to be his friend anymore, or maybe she was dating someone? Engaged? Secretly married?
Stop it, he commanded himself. Of course she wasn’t married or engaged, or surely he would have found that out in the last several months.
Still, a confession usually meant something that was hard to admit. Could she possibly have feelings for him that went beyond friendship? Dare he hope for that?
Finally arriving at her apartment, he pulled up to the curb, cut the engine, and took a couple of deep, calming breaths. In a few minutes, he would find out whatever it was Emma wanted to confess. He just hoped he could handle it.
Emma was still trying to figure out what she was going to say, when she heard a soft knock on her door. Always the gentleman, she knew Killian wouldn’t want to wake her neighbors by knocking too loudly.
She gave herself a quick pep talk as she crossed the living room, then turned the knob and opened the door. If she hadn’t been so focused on the upcoming conversation, she would have laughed at her friend’s untidy appearance. He wore a pair of baggy gray sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie with ‘Adidas’ emblazoned on the front in white letters. His usually neatly combed hair looked like he’d run his hand through it numerous times and she saw a bit of toothpaste at the corner of his mouth.
Stepping aside, she waved him into the room. “Thanks for coming over.”
“Not a problem, Love,” he said.
She closed the door and turned to face him. It was obvious he was just as nervous as her by the way he rubbed at the nape of his neck. “Do you want to sit down?” she offered.
“Uh, sure.”
He sat on the edge of the sofa and she dropped down onto the other end of it, fidgeting with the drawstring of her hoodie. After several moments of tense silence, she said, “I guess I owe you an explanation for why I acted the way I did tonight.”
“You don’t owe me anything, but I’ll listen if you want to tell me.”
She gave him a small smile and he encouraged her with a slight nod. “I…we, um, we’ve known each other for over seven months now, right?”
“We met in May, so that sounds about right.”
“You’ve become a good friend to me, Killian. You’re easy to talk to and you always make me laugh, no matter how bad of a mood I’m in. But tonight, when I heard you sing, it was…it was like a switch flipped and suddenly I realized I feel…different towards you.”
When she paused for a few moments, he coaxed her to continue. “What do you mean by different, Swan?”
Slowly, she pulled her eyes up to meet his, and the gentleness she saw in the blue depths gave her the courage to go on. “My feelings have gone beyond friendship. I…I think I’m falling for you.”
Holding her breath, she awaited his response. The stunned expression on his face had her rethinking her decision to tell him, but the grin that slowly stretched across his handsome features soon pushed that thought away.
“I’m really happy to hear that, Emma, and I must say that it’s about bloody time!” he blurted, his eyes sparkling with happiness.
It was her turn to be stunned. “Wha-...does that mean that…that you…”
“I’m falling for you?” he said, completing her question. “I already did a long time ago.”
“Y-you did? But why didn’t you tell me?”
He nervously scratched behind his ear. “I didn’t think you were ready to hear it and I was afraid my confession would drive you away.”
“That’s why I was hesitant to tell you, too.” She paused and squinted at him. “You said a long time ago. Just how long?”
“Remember that day in August when you talked me into going to the beach with you? I was so self-conscious about taking my prosthesis off and letting you see my stump, but you grabbed me by the wrist to lead me out to the water like it didn’t bother you at all.”
“Of course it doesn’t. I’m a fan of every part of you, Killian,” she said, reaching out to take his prosthesis in her hand. “That was a long time ago. You kept your feelings hidden really well.”
“It wasn’t easy, but now,” he said, moving closer to her on the couch, “I don’t have to hide them anymore."
“No, you don’t,” she agreed, moving easily into his arms and peering up into his face; the look of pure adoration he wore melting her heart, while at the same time, making it beat faster.
Without a doubt, she knew she made the right decision.
It has to be a dream, Killian’s mind was telling him. Emma just confessed having romantic feelings for him and now she was in his arms, looking for all the world like she wanted to kiss him. This couldn’t really be happening, could it?
There’s only one way to find out, he reasoned. Closing the distance between them, he brushed his lips against hers, then pulled back enough to see her chasing after him, clearly wanting more. Who was he to deny her?
The moment their lips connected in a deeper kiss, the sparks flew. What he had been thinking for months was confirmed; he truly was in love with Emma Swan.
He would have happily continued kissing her for the rest of the night (or of his life), but a need for oxygen superseded his plans. Slowly opening his eyes, he took in the look of complete bliss on her face. “Emma?” he whispered.
When her beautiful green eyes blinked open, he saw the same happiness he was feeling reflected in them. “Yeah?” she breathed.
“I’m way past falling for you. I’m in love with you.”
It was his turn to hold his breath as he waited for her response, but not for long. Immediately, she surged forward to kiss him again. Then, as her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, she replied, “Good, because I love you, too.”
Another breathtaking round of making out followed their declarations. Since neither of them was ready to let go of the other yet, they stretched out side-by-side on the couch, cuddling and kissing under a fleece blanket, while listening to Christmas music set to a crackling fire video on TV.
Soon, they were asleep in the arms of the person they loved. When Killian woke up In the morning with a crick in his neck from sleeping in an awkward position, he considered it well worth the pain.
Emma sat in the church on Christmas Eve, listening to Killian sing a solo of ‘O Holy Night’. It had been a year since she declared her love for him and a lot had happened since then, not the least of which was him asking her to marry him.
When he hit the high note towards the end of the song, Emma felt the now familiar tingle run down her spine. She was sure his smooth, mellow voice would always have that effect on her. As the final notes of the song faded away, she met his eyes and knew he would see all of the love and pride shining in her own, even in the dimly lit sanctuary.
He rejoined her in the pew and she entwined their fingers, then leaned in to whisper, “It was absolutely perfect, my love.”
A year ago, Killian didn’t want to sing loud enough for other people to hear; he never would have been brave enough to sing a solo in front of the whole congregation. Having Emma’s love changed that, along with so many other things in his life.
One thing that hadn’t changed was the fact that Emma is his best friend and soulmate. Having so few friends growing up, he cherished having someone with whom he could share everything. She is always there for him - listening, discussing, and cheering him on. Proposing to her was the easiest decision in the world.
It was her idea for him to sing a solo for the Christmas Eve service. As he prepared for it, he once again asked himself how she talked him into it, but the answer was the same as it was last year, when he made the momentous decision to go Christmas caroling.
He was utterly and completely in love with Emma Swan.
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year that hopefully has lots of new Captain Swan content!
Tagging: @hookedmom​​​​​​ @kmomof4​​ @cs-rylie​​​​​​ @qualitycoffeethings​​​​​​ @grimmswan​​​​​​ @wyntereyez​​​​​​ @the-darkdragonfly​​​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​​​ @paradiselady19​​​​​​ @xarandomdreamx​​​​​​ @motherkatereloyshipper​​​​​ @julesep3026​​​​​​ @courtorderedcake​​​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​​​​ @pawshapedheart​​​​​​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​​​ @captainswan4life85​​​​​​ @bluewildcatfanatic​​​​​​ @eleveneitherway​​​​​ @elfiola​​​​​​ @kday426​​​​​​ @julieenchanted-swans​​​​​​ @gingerchangeling​​​​​​ @andiirivera​​​​​​ @djlbg​​​​​​ @jonesfandomfanatic​​​​​​ @snowbellewells​​​​​​ @huntressandlioness1​​​​​ @anmylica​​​​​​ @booksteaandtoomuchtv​​​​​​ @pirateherokillian​​​​​​ @cocohook38​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​​ @laschatzi​​​​​​ @zaharadessert​​​​​​ @jennjenn615​​​​​​ @yasbio2015​​​​​​ @lyssapup27​​​​​​ @nachocheese-itsmycheese​​​​​​ @singersdd​​​​​​ @mie779​​​​​​ @undercaffinatednightmare​​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​​​ @xsajx​​​​​​ @jackieorioncat​​​​​​ @teamhook​​​​ @bdevereaux-blanche​​​​​​ @soniccat​​​​​ @searchingwardrobes​​​​​​ @jarienn972​​​​​​ @apiratewhopines​​​​​​​ @softkilly​​​​​​​ @goforlaunchcee​​​​​​​ @kymbersmith-90​​​​​​​ @captainswan217-blog
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fishsticksloser · 6 months ago
Liam SFW HCs
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Warnings: OC, fluff, perhaps some trauma
A/N: I cannot draw, so have this little tidbit and make sure you vote for Liam on @tmnt-multiverse-election when the time comes!! More about Liam here I also have some ask lists open on my main that you can ask about Liam :))
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Liam really doesn't seem very affectionate.
He doesn't enjoy making a big deal out of it. Especially not in public.
His love languages are Quality Time and Words of Affirmation.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hands.
He works with his hands a lot; gardening, cooking, you name it.
On partners he loves their hands/hips.
He loves playing with their hands or wrapping his arms around their waist.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He does like cuddling.
He prefers his partners being the little spoon or laying on top of him.
He's very anxious about his torso which is covered in scars so he doesn't want people touching it.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He wants to settle down
Liam really wants to get married and have kids.
He's good at cooking, he's very clean as well.
He likes his space (and home) to be tidy and cozy.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He's a very blunt man.
He doesn't sugar coat, you're an adult, you can handle it.
He would do it in private, there's no need bringing other into it.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's very loyal, he's ready for a lifetime commitment.
He would wait a few years before proposing.
He has to make sure it'll last.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's very gentle physically.
Soft touches, he never does anything without asking.
Emotionally however...
He's not so soft.
He's blunt and can even come off as rude.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He hates hugs.
They make Liam feel a bit claustrophobic.
If he does hug, they're a bit loose and weak.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
A year +
He has to be sure it'll be long-term. He doesn't want to say it just for it to mean nothing.
For it to end quickly.
He's also scared of saying 'I love you'
Especially being the first to say it.
Every time he has said it to anyone, it's ended horribly. Some almost instantly, some it took years, but he's worried that saying it makes everything go downhill.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's not really a jealous person.
If anything he's more insecure.
He fully believes that if you're easy to sway into being with someone else, it's not worth fighting.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Their soft and tender
He kisses slowly, his touch is also really soft. Cupping your jaw, then pulling you flush against him.
Lips and neck are where he loves kissing the most. He loves feeling you against him.
Liam loves his neck and hands being kissed. There's something so intimate and affectionate about it
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's really good around kids.
Soothing them, entertaining them.
He wants to have a few kids in the future.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cuddling in bed, kissing your face and shoulders, massaging you, humming softly.
Sometimes (mostly on birthdays and holidays) he'll get up early to make you breakfast in bed.
He loves showering/bathing with his partner, just taking the time to be together.
He normally doesn't talk, enjoying a quiet morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddles, kisses, gently running his hands over his partner's body.
Just feeling them, being near them
He normally takes at least an hour to fall asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He will answer any questions you ask...
Though it might be vague, he still answers.
Liam will eventually reveal more as he gets to know you, but it takes a while
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He's not easily angered.
Believes everything can be solved by talking.
It takes a lot to get him angry, even then, he doesn't yell, he doesn't shout...
Which might be scarier....
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers damn near everything
He might forget more obscure things, but he does his best.
He remembers things his partner says in passing, even things you say you want.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
First kiss
Man cannot get it out of his head.
Kissing is so intimate to him, so first kisses are even more so.
Gardening together.
One of his favorite hobbies, doing it with his partner makes it more meaningful.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Liam is very protective
He will do anything for his partner, literally anything.
Including risking his own life.
He doesn't want to be protected, he doesn't think he deserves it.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Nice homemade, candlelit dinners
Anyone you want.
He makes sure all the house chores are done.
Does everything you ask him to.
He has a list of gifts to give, things you mention in passing, things you've wanted for a while, anything.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Liam is very apathetic.
He struggles with understanding and caring about others feelings
His feelings have never mattered, why would anyone else's?
He is working on it though.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very concerned.
But not because he's vain
It's because he doesn't want to scare people with his scars.
He got tattoos to cover his scars, but his torso is still very bare and covered.
He hardly ever wears anything that shows his back or chest.
Even when swimming or going to bed, he will wear a shirt.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Liam is fully aware he can live without his partner.
Does he want to?
If you're seriously committed, no.
He wants you close.
He wants you safe.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves sitting in a bookstore/library with headphones on, just listening to music and reading.
His dream has been to own a coffee store/garden store/bookstore.
It ties all his favorite things together.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Don't hurt his friends.
Don't call him stupid.
These are hard boundaries.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He's a light sleeper.
Except when he's having a nightmare
It's almost impossible to wake him.
In normal sleep, he doesn't move much and snores softly.
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edwin-stanley-pines · 5 months ago
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Dad told me I could do whatever I wanted on my phone as long as I'm not interacting interdimensionally. So I'm gonna do just that. Hello, Internet!!!
[hey folks. due to some recent discourse in some fellow gf rp blogs, id like to make one thing clear: i. am. human. i have a life outside of tumblr. i have a life outside of rp. i cannot always rp when you want me to. if you try to make me, you will be blocked and reported. i will not hesitate. i will not hesitate to block anyone who is rude and demanding. im still in high school. i am a minor. i do not have the time to be online all the time. thank you for understanding. now on to the rest of the pinned post :3]
[mod note: i finally figured out where in the timeline this blog falls!! this blog takes place a year after weirdmageddon]
Interdimensional Family AU is an AU where, during his travels in the portal, ten years before it's reopened, Ford somehow ends up adopting a child.
Edwin is a shapeshifter, but not the same species of shapeshifter as the one in the show. His species, roughly translated into English, is called the Inkaguri, so named for their ink-like true forms. The Inkaguri, when born, can only shapeshift into one species of their choice. Once they pick, they can only shift between that species and their true form. This species is endangered, only because they tend to pick large, dangerous species to shapeshift into and make themselves bigger targets.
One day, Ford is wandering through a random dimension when he's attacked by a huge beast. He kills it fairly quickly, and it changes from the huge monstrosity that it was to a puddle of colorful goop that's beginning to lose its color. Curious, he wanders into the cave it came out of. In the back of the cave, he finds a shallow, egg-shaped puddle. Beside the puddle, looking as though it just crawled out, was a tiny version of the same ink-like creature outside. It looks up at him, they stare at each other, and then this tiny, newly hatched Inkaguri shifts into a human baby.
Thus Ford became Edwin's father because he killed Edwin's mother. He was... not very excited at first.
[edit: heres the story behind edwins bill!!]
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[bills reference! (i used pawborough.com for the reference, art does not belong to me)]
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[edwin keeps bill in his coat. dont ask where. thats just where bill is. i promise he has room in there. dont ask how.]
[inkaguri code! edwin will now occasionally speak in inkaguri!!!]
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[child bill liam reference! he baby]
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Edwin talks like this in his human form.
He talks like this in his true form.
Ford speaks like this when he occasionally makes his appearance. He will not make one often.
"Ford speaks like this over the phone. He will appear like this more often than he will in person."
Liam talks like this. He's gonna be around more than Ford. He's also soft-spoken, so he rarely yells.
[mod talks like this]
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reccyls · 1 year ago
Is it ok to ask for a quick rundown on alfons recent event? ^ ^
Sorry for taking so long to get to this! But sure, let me summarize:
Kate and Alfons go on a mission to investigate some kind of club or society that is supposed to be for music lovers. It's suspected that something shady is going on behind the scenes.
(They ended up in this assignment because Alfons and Liam got drunk on absinthe and Alfons egged Liam into playing the knife game, so Roger tattled on them to Victor.)
And as it turns out, it is a club for music lovers, true. It also just so happens to basically be a giant sex party. That's the secret that was going on behind the scenes. And Alfons of course knew this was happening, and actually knows a lot of the people there from his prior outings. He attracts a ton of attention, partiularly from one of his acquaintances: a busty blonde lady named Isla. Kate notices that, and can tell that Isla is in love with Alfons.
Kate knows that Alfons still continues going out to meet people and help to provide an escape from life's harships and tragedies via pleasure and his illusions. The way he helps people is one of the things she fell in love with, after all. But while she knows that she has Alfons's heart, it still doesn't feel good to know that people are looking at him like that. So, she excuses herself to go calm down by eating some cake.
And when she returns to Alfons, she finds him lounging on a couch without his coat, with a very distinct post-sex look about him. Alfons cheerfully admits that he's been drugged, and at first Kate assumes he was poisoned, but Alfons makes it very clear that it's an aphrodisiac. Kate asks who drugged him, and Alfons says that it was an accident. But at any rate, it's very effective, almost enough to make him willing to accept any advance from someone that isn't her. So, how about it? Will she be his partner?
Kate is about to respond, but she becomes suddenly aware of everyone's eyes on them. Particularly on Alfons. Everyone is looking at Alfons with desire, and Kate doesn't want to deal with that, so she drags Alfons out and finds the two of them a private room. Then, she tells Alfons that she'll go look for an antidote, so he should stay put and lock the door until she gets back.
Kate runs all over the place looking for an antidote, and ends up in the garden outside. She sees Isla, who tells her that the antidote is located in the bottom of a pool. But who'd be stupid enough to jump in a pool when it's this freezing outsi-
Kate, that's who. Kate leaps into the pool with no hesitation looking for the antidote, and that's enough to shake Isla enough for her to admit that she lied. There isn't an antidote, and why is Kate going that far for Alfons anyway? Kate answers, "Because he's my lover and I have to protect him."
Isla then admits that she was the one who mixed an aphrodisiac into the champagne to try and get Alfons to drink it. However, Alfons realized right away that there was aphrodisiac in it. He still drank it anyway.
However, he says, "If you want to have sex with me, fine. I'll make you feel good. However, I will not love you. My lover, ah, Kate's her name. She's a very kind person, and she tolerates my lifestyle. But, I made a promise with her. Any loving kiss, any time I say, 'I love you' and mean it, that's for her only. So if you want empty kisses and purely physical pleasure, then go ahead. But if you're looking for love, then look somewhere else."
Isla then says she doesn't know why Alfons is so entranced with her; Kate replies that she's the one who's entranced by him. Then Isla does say that Kate has the worst taste in men, which she can't deny.
And here Alfons shows up, complaining about how he's being badmouthed by everyone and inserts himself into their girls' talk. Isla apologizes for everything, and Alfons says that he'll give her a reward for coming clean: Roger.
Roger thought that he was backup for Alfons investigating an illegal drug trade, but Alfons says that he lied to Roger and this is payback for snitching on him. However, Isla interrupts them as she immediately develops a crush on Roger and asks for his name. Alfons takes the opportunity to grab Kate and leave before Roger can react.
They find their way to an empty room, where Alfons laughs that Kate is completely soaked and starts to dry her off. Kate apologizes for not being able to find an antitode, but Alfons tells her not to worry about it. The discomfort from the aphrodisiac wasn't as bad as it looked, and anyway, the best way to relieve the symptoms was to release one's sexual desire anyway, not an antitode.
Kate asks indignantly why he didn't say so earlier, and Alfons reminds her that she was the one who immediately ran out of the room to find an antitode without letting him speak. And she can't refute that.
And then Alfons goes to sit on the bed, and asks what Kate wants to do. Kate first asks him if he knew something like this would happen; and Alfons admits that he did know that Isla would be here and that she had feelings for him, though he didn't expect her to hand him an aphrodisiac. When Kate asks why he still drank it anyway, he answers that he took it to prove his loyalty to her. He realized that she had been feeling sulky and jealous, so he wanted her to know that even if he was under the effects of an aphrodisiac, he'd still stay faithful to her.
(As he's explaining everything, he pours them both some wine and Kate drinks as they talk. He had also laced that wine with aphrodisiac)
Aaand this is where the porn begins ;)
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