#he's too scared to cut it off womp womp
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ilikemicrowaves · 6 months ago
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I'm normal about Carnelian (I say as I read her wiki for the 7262763 time)
Anyways, I here's all my hcs off the top of my head that I have. I'll probably add more or make another post with. But any ways, there's A LOT so under the cut
• She calls Turtle, Tortise and Kinkajou monkey because she forgets their names or wants to be a brat
• Her and Winter talk shit 24/7, 365. Mostly about Qibli and some of the gold winglet.
• hates the other skywings except Flame she fw Flame and thinks hus scar is badass (he doesn't believe her, womp womp)
• The only dragon she doesn't name call is Winter, Moon, and Umber. Qibli gets called sand muncher or Kibble.
• after a while she call Moon moron out if affection.
• Hated Scarlet not just because she was awful but tried to execute her for being friends with Peril at one point
• Hunting (or rather killing) is her unhealthy coping mechanism
• Truly dislikes Kinkajou and can't stand her
• likes Bigtail
• HATES Webs. She would have killed Webs during the invasion if she knew
• Prefers the dark
• Really idolized Tsunami and thinks she's pretty cool
• keeps trying to convince Tsunami to add a combat class and mentions it frequently
• rain makes her mad
• allergic to pollen. Blud is not smelling the flowers during spring
• Trying to convince Clay to let her and Flame wear matching Spike collars (he's scared she's gonna use it to kill someone)
• temper issues
• bad memory from ptsd effects
• orphan (parents died lmao)
• Is scared of Onyx (wtf is there an adult here???)
• wants ppl to think she listens to heavy metal but really she likes depressing hypepop and speed core stuff
• speech problems, struggles pronouncing L and S. (S sound like "sh" and L sounds like "y"
• Steals a lot of ppls food when she's to lazy to kill smth (usually from Qibli or one of the skywings)
• hates being looked at
• always squinting her eyes and RBF
• hates her name
• gave herself a nickname that nobody uses (Carnage)
• would wear a lot of baggy clothes and denim (her and Flame are pretty similar when comes to clothes)
• Pretty selfish but she's learning to be slightly nicer (it's not progressing well)
• reluctant to tell people about her nonexistent parents
• what would beak her? An explosion (😀)
• human!Carnelian would have a perm that almost hangs over her eyes and lots of face piercings
• has a husky and hoarse voice.
• HATES the noise of ppl tapping their claws (she does not understand adhd dragons 💔)
• Even though she was in the camp that believed Scarlet was deceased, I think she more of hoped than believed
• She misses her battalion a lot (they miss her skill, but not her.)
• out of her 14 battles, one was the invasion to the summer palace. She killed atleast 20 seawings
• She has a few broken teeth
• Her breath smells like ass (doesn't like brushing her teeth because her broken teeth hurt.)
• Her favorite color is actually maroon
• I based her design slightly off of a Harris hawk
• her and Flame have matching copper bracelets they made in art class.
• has Moonwatcher help her with the homework and reads to her
• Wishes Peril would talk to her (Very self-conscious about it and thinks Peril hates her)
• says dipshit a lot
• She thinks she's badass (she's not in most aspects)
• She looks a few years older than she is because of her squinted eyes and muscular build
• Mad JMA wouldn't let her bring in her spear
• skips music class almost every day
• Would refuse to go to any school dances unless Flame or Moonwatcher would ask her to go. (Most the time it's Moonwatcher, Flame hates the dances too.)
• hates all of the seawings but Turtle (DONT TELL ANYONE!!)
• wants to knock out Pike but restrains herself for Flame. (She's a little jealous of there frenemy-ship)
• Umber/turtle/Carnelian trio!!!!
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cavejebus · 4 months ago
my adam playlist is about 20 songs now, so im gonna post it even though it is still a WORK IN PROGRESS!!!! ill add onto it when i wanna ofc, but i just wanna share a lil bit of my visionnn <3 expect a lot of linkin park lmao
some songs might not show up on the tumblr preview so i highly recommend going to the actual playlist if you have spotify!!
and batuta din moldova is there too cuz why not
below is a few categories and explanations for most songs!!!
songs I thought either the lyrics or vibe had something to do with his angst... usually has to do with his background, during the trap, after the trap (whether he survived or not), or just headcanons :P
1. paper cuts - nirvana
"my whole existence is for your amusement", "why do they not try to escape?"
i THINK this song is about this dude who is like, in a really shitty kidnapping situation.... or something idk don't quote me on that :P it gives off the vibe of how it must've felt being in the bathroom all alone :( waiting for his boyfriend to save him :(
2. pictures of me - elliot smith
"you'll be the victim of your own dirty tricks", "i'm not surprised at all and really, why should i be?", "so sick and tired of all these pictures of me")
i like the whole pictures tie in.. the song isn't rlly about this, but some lyrics seem like how he would feel about being in a trap. like "I'm not surprised jigsaw chose me for this, my life is shit!!" ofc that would be if he knew who jigsaw was beforehand....... self deprecating shit yknow
3. given up - linkin park
"stuck in my head again//feels like i'll never leave this place//there's no escape", "thought i was focused, but I'm scared//i'm not prepared", "i hyperventilate//looking for help somehow, somewhere//and no one cares"
OK so first quote from this that I chose is like, how he sees his life as some useless "live to die" type thing, then the next quotes are how he realizes that he REALLY doesn't wanna die at the end of the trap. despite his whole "my life is shit I hate my job yadda yadda" talk, he still begs for his life once it's really in danger!!!
4. black heart - stone temple pilots w/ chester benningtion
"rescue me//(If you don't mind)"
lawrence......rescue this bitch....... ok but this song is mostly vibes, it can have angsty vibes :P
5. go with the flow - queens of the stone age
"she said, "i'll throw myself away//they're just photos after all", "i can't make you hang around//i can't wash you off my skin"
MORE PHOTO STUFF!!!!!! love it when it all ties in......... for the second quote its kind of a chainshipping thing... i cant make you hang around, adam goin "don't leave me!!!!" and i cant wash you off my skin, lawrence left his frickin bloody handprint on adams face.... oughh
6. and one - linkin park
"left all alone//far from my home//no one to hear me, to heal my ill heart", "it's too late to love me now//you don't even know me"
this song just generally gives angsty adam vibes, but the second quote is TOTALLY CHAINSHIPPING..... like they literally just met but already have such a connection since they went thru all that SHIT. but uh its too late for them to live a happy normal life together cuz lawrence never came back womp womp!! i can see adam sitting there waiting like "he don't even know me why tf would he come backk"
whether its based off of whatever tf he was listening to in his headphones that one time, or just based off of the time... i think his music taste would generally be pretty vast, while still staying around nu metal and alternative rock
1. one step closer, papercut, don't stay - linkin park
its 2001, hybrid theory has been release and is already fairly popular, i'd assume :P plus I think he'd favor linkin park since they've got a lot of complexity, as opposed to some mindless nu metal around that time
2. guns (are for pussies), down - 311
AGAIN with the rap x rock wtf!!!! he also like, cares about politics and probably trash talks all those gun loving dummies
3. brain stew - green day
who tf doesnt like this song... but it is about rotting in your room and he probably does that often <3
4. break stuff - limp bizkit
5. the fear (flipped) - the shins
honestly have no idea why, but its giving adam!!! dunno what the song is about, but i glanced at the lyrics mentioned a bong and i was like "haha adam smokes weed"
6. tired of sex - weezer
he would like pinkerton, but i kinda only like this song off of it :P i don't listen to much weezer
7. blister in the sun, kiss off - violent femmes
i kinda just wanted to add in the acoustic sounding shit, but i do think adam would listen to violent femmes!! and you should too!!!
8. break it to me - muse
have y'all noticed that he kinda lied a lot during the trap? sure he isn't a good liar, but he seems like he's cool with lying for whatever reason... i just kinda picked this one cuz i needed to add some muse and the song kinda says shit about lying and stuff idk!!
other than the angsty chainshipping in the "angsty shit" category, these just have cutesy lil lawrence x adam stuff <3 sorry to SHOVE chainshipping down your throat but whatever love is love
1. add it up - violent femmes
not specifying which lyric even though there IS one, i'm just embarrassed to say <3 but uh the only thing stopping them from making out sloppy style on top of john kramer was their chains :P
again, i WILL be adding more to this :3 but here's just my thoughts for now. im TOTES not just projecting my music taste onto adam hahahahhhhahahhahahhhaaa he's just so ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry if none of this makes sense!!!
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nejjirez · 2 years ago
" BABY SITTER <33 . "
req ☆ : Hi idk how many requests you got piled up lmaooo so don't feel pressured to get this out immediately if you can't but you should do a Miles 42! either fic or head cannon about how reader has to babysit, so instead of just going back home miles helps showing how he is with kids bc i feel like he's one of those ppl who swear they don't like kids but after a while he's drawn to how funny and aloof they are and the kids are drawn to his leave me alone personality
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a/n: hii ! i wasnt rlly taking requests rn but this is soo cute so i decided to give yall this while working on this big story i have for yall , ALSO SORRY FOR CUTTING OUT PART OF UR REQ , IT WAS TOO LONG BUT ENJOYY
miles = dark purple you/nari = pink
"aaaa ." you heard mayday say as you played with her , handing her a doll that she seemed to like , making her face light up as she giggled with excitement . "aww , youre so cutee" you said , you were getting baby fever over mayday , she was so cutee
you heard a knock at your door , turning your head to it and raising an eyebrow , it was 11:03 pm and you were home alone babysitting , who could possibly be at the door?..
you were slightly scared , this wasn't your first time being home alone but it was damn sure the first time someone has knocked on the door. It wouldn't have been your mom .. she would've used the key.. who was this??..
you got up and looked out the peep hole hesitantly to see a boy with two cornrow braids , a dark purple hoodie , some grey sweats , and some jordan 4s on. Nevermind you knew who this was ..
you chuckled a little to see miles at your door at such a late time , you opened it and looked up at him tilting your head in confusion. "why is u here at..11:03 pm?.." you weren't surprised he was here , but at this time?? he never comes this late .. "i couldnt sleep ma u mind if i stay over for the night?" you glanced at the bag in his hand which probably held all the things he needed , except for what was already here. some of his overnight stuff was here due to him staying overnight alot.
"mm.. lemme ask my mom first but for rn js come in " you opened the door so he could step in , and when he did him and mayday locked eyes making his face turn up while mayday giggled . "you aint tell me .. this ... was here .." his words traveled off as he slowly looked at you wit a stank face (sassy nigga life style..)
im sorry .. im rushing this kinda.. time skip . 30 mins .
while you were in the kitchen cooking some food for you , mayday , and miles , you peeped into the living room to see what mayday was doing and a smile formed across your face at what you saw. miles was playing with mayday , looking pretty happy himself as he tossed the ball back and forth to her cheering her on to catch it.
you took out your phone to take a picture , but when you went to take it you forgot your flash was on .. womp womp. miles shot his head towards you after seeing the light from the flash flood the room for a split second , glaring at you.
"nari." he tossed the ball back to mayday , her still happily giggling in excitement. "my bad .. thought u didnt like kids?" u crossed your arms , grinning at a statement that miles had made not too long. "shut up , she looked lonely" miles was fucking HORRID at making excuses and it rlly showed ..
taglist: @hiimayee @gw3ndyswonderland @444morales @all444miles @marci-jean @spiderheartzz @nokkihy
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alpineglowx · 4 years ago
Proposition | Din Djarin x Reader
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
Wordcount: 3K
Warnings: None except some sweet fluff and mutual pining!
Summary: You've been pining after the Mandalorian for months, and a quiet night under the stars might just be the night that changes everything.
Part 2: Placid
Part 3: Promise
“Where have you been?”
Glancing up, you could see the Mandalorian’s visor looking out at you from the opening of the Razor Crest. You blinked steadily, coming to a complete halt at the bottom of the drop ramp, unable to move any further. He watched you carefully, unmoving as even Grogu waddled to the edge of the ramp. The kid’s ears twitched as he caught sight of you, and you could even hear his soft murmurs from this far off.
Seeing them in the fading sunlight, safe and sound in the place that you had begun to call home the past few months, made tears well in your eyes. The Mandalorian had hired you as more of a mechanic-caretaker for the kid-scavenger for the better part of several months, but you couldn’t help the pull of being close to him. Mando was more of a compassionate soul then you had thought when you had first seen him on Coruscant, a hulking piece of metal with weapons at every reach. He had almost frightened you then, with his immense height and great reputation.... Until you had seen the kid. The little child that Mando seemed to adore so greatly, the one with floppy green ears and wide, beaming eyes. Mando always held him with such gentleness, the same gentleness that you sometimes found yourself being shown. It may have been a small comment of praise on your work, or a passing touch of the shoulder... Regardless, it had made the walls around your heart start to crumble and fade away, revealing a new affection for them both underneath.
But you hadn’t tried to relish in it, or take it too seriously. He probably only needed your work for a little while longer, and especially after he returned the kid and completed his mission, he wouldn’t need your assistance any more. You would go your separate ways... And he would forget you.
“Hey,” his soft voice came again, tearing you from your thoughts. You blinked, focusing on Mando. “You alright?”
Breathing deeply, you shrugged one shoulder, trying to blink away your tears. “Yeah, I’m fine. I, uh... I went into town to see if there was anything I could trade. I got some fruit... That was about it.”
“Good,” was all the Mandalorian said. “Come on. We’ve got to keep moving.”
You took a deep breath again, looking out into the ocean of trees and the sunset fading around you. You longed to spend more than a few hours or days on one planet, especially one as beautiful as this.
So, plucking up your courage, you turned to him and the kid, waiting for you on the Crest.
“I have a proposition.”
The Mandalorian settled one hand on his belt, shifting to rest his weight on one leg. “Alright.”
“Let’s stay here, just for one more night,” you said. “I’ll build the fire, and get the supplies, and everything. You can even sleep on the ship with the kid, I don’t mind.”
“... what are you proposing?” The Mandalorian asked, sounding mildly curious.
“I’ve always wanted to sleep under the stars... Even if just for one night.”
“Alright,” came Mando’s surprisingly fast response, making your heart beam with joy.
. . . .
“See that one? I think it looks like a womp-rat, what do you think, kid?”
You peeked at Grogu from where he was leaned against your shoulder, curled in the crook of your arm as you leaned against your pack, warm on the blanket you had spread out in the tall grass. Mando sat a few feet from you, one leg outstretched and the other bent at the knee, his arm hanging over it loosely. He looked more relaxed than you had ever seen him; he had even removed the jetpack and the cape.
You couldn’t deny your attraction to him, despite never having seen his face. He carried himself with such confidence, with his broad shoulders and slim waist and form that could easily crush you. He could have killed you, easily... You had seen others die by his hands before.
But he had never been anything else but gentle with you. Not the typical warm, motherly-kind of gentle, but a compassion and attentiveness that existed beyond just words. It was wordlessly offering you a blanket when you shivered, letting you have a spare blaster, or simply handing the kid off to you during times spent on the Crest.
Grogu cooed softly beside you, and you peeked to see his eyelids drooping.
“Oh,” you whispered. “Are you sleepy, buddy? You ready for bed?”
At his soft murmur, you gathered him up in a small blanket, gently rising on your knees and tucking him away in the pram that lay next to the blanket. Grogu held tightly to your thumb, resisting your pulling, so you let him hold it until you had pressed him snug into the pram, bundled up in the mass of blankets until the softness screw him away. As soon as his eyes fell, you smiled, gazing down at the kid whom you had come to adore so greatly.
You hadn’t even realized Mando had been watching you until you turned, going back to your original position but spotting the gaze of the visor locked on your face. You flinched, surprised to see him so eagerly staring back at you, not even moving when he realized you had caught him. In the silence, you shut the pram closed and placed your hands back in your lap, swallowing heavily. Mando’s gaze still didn’t waver, and you couldn’t help but admire the soft starlight beaming like silver on his Beskar.
“You’re smiling,” he said suddenly, his voice soft but cutting off your train of daydreams. You shook your head a bit, just to clear your throat and sit back down again, leaning against your pack. You stared at the stars again, trying to calm your thundering heartbeat. You couldn’t admit - although you desperately wanted to - that you were smiling because of him. It was all too much. He was too much, with all his hidden expressions under the mask and the not-so-cocky attitude he possessed most of the time.
“The kid likes you.”
You cocked a brow in his direction, slightly disappointed to see that he was facing away again, back towards the tree line.
“He’s not too bad,” you replied, smirking. “I like him, too.”
The Mandalorian’s shoulders lifted, just the smallest but, signifying the small laugh he would sometimes give in your presence. It made your stomach flip when he did that, knowing you had been the one to make him feel that way.
“Why were you smiling earlier?” He asked, making your stomach plummet.
You could feel your mouth go dry even before your lips had opened, but suddenly the words came tumbling out - and your mind was going a hundred parsecs per second - urging you on and on until you finally...
“You were looking at me, and I-I don’t know, you make me nervous sometimes, okay? Not like the, ‘oh, I’m so scared that you’re going to kill me’ kind of nervous... like you look at me and you’re all that I see and whatever’s going on just kind of fades into the background. And I feel like you’re the first and only person in this whole galaxy to actually see me, as I really am, and you don’t kick me out or push me away. You’ve let me stay on, and I could never thank you enough.”
You finally stopped speaking, folding your hands over your stomach as you dared not another look in Mando’s direction. You only stared at the stars, practically in awe of yourself and everything that you had revealed. You very well might have told him that you loved him.
He stayed silent for a long time, maybe five minutes, maybe more.
“... You’ve been more than a loyal asset,” he said simply, his voice soft.
You expected him to say more, but he stayed silent, letting you mull over his words.
“I’d like you to be more,” he said in a quiet voice. “If you want that.”
You blinked, your heart soaring at his words. Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes. You make me feel safe and wanted and I want to be with you too and help you feel safe -“
“I’d like that,” was all you managed to say without throwing up from nerves.
Suddenly he did move; you heard the shuffle of the blanket and the clank of metal as he shifted. Your gaze flickered for one moment, catching the gleam of Beskar in starlight as he suddenly hovered over you. Your heart pounded - so loud in your chest you swore he could hear it - as the masked man looked down at you, incredibly close. But he didn’t move, his hands didn’t even twitch as he simply gazed down at you... Admiring you?
Your lips parted to speak, but his hand shot up, his gloved thumb caressing the front of your hairline. You shuddered, blinking fast as the back of his knuckle moved down your face. It slid down from your temple, over your cheekbone, and past your jaw in one smooth take. You couldn’t help it - your hands shot upwards, holding your palms flat against the indents in his helmet. Mando flinched, going to grasp your wrists as quick as he could, but the grasp wasn’t tight, just secure, keeping you from lifting your hands.
Your face flushed, realizing your mistake. “I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to remove it. I-I just wanted to touch you.”
“It’s alright,” Mando said, his fingers sliding softly down your wrists. Moving your hands, he guided them down to his own hands, gently curling his fingers in between yours and holding warmly.
You couldn’t help it, the sudden rush of emotions coming full speed at you from every direction - relief, security, happiness, joy... Love.
“ Ka’ra,” Mando said in the most gentle tone you had ever heard from him. You blinked, focusing back on the helmet and dark T-visor as you felt warmth streaming down your face. You were crying, and he had noticed before you, saying some word in Mando’a you weren’t familiar with.
“I’ve hurt you,” he said, starting to lean back and sit on his knees, withdrawing his hands.
“No-“ you started, sitting up and going to grasp his hands, pulling him back. “You-you didn’t.”
He stared back at you for a long moment. “You’re crying.”
Your lips parted, and your mouth slowly transformed into a smile, and suddenly you were giggling, throwing a hand over your mouth to stifle the laughs and hide how badly you were blushing. Mando just stared back at you, unmoving, tilting his head just once.
“I’m... I’m really happy,” you admitted through tears. “I thought you didn’t like me at all... Not like how I like you.”
His shoulders dropped, and even the helmet sagged a bit on his head. “Can you... Can you close your eyes?”
Your brows shot up at the request, wondering his intentions. But you nodded anyway, shutting your eyes and sitting on your knees, hands in your lap. You fidgeted nervously with the belt loops on your pants, listening for any sound from Mando. He didn’t move for several long moments, but eventually you heard the small shuffle of material being removed, and a sudden warm touch on your face. You flinched, inhaling sharply as his bare hand caressed your face, knuckles moving down your cheek.
“Mando-“ you murmured, worried for him, for the Creed.
“It’s alright,” he assured through the mask, knowing your thoughts by the anxious tone in your voice. His hand was slow, his thumb swiping away your tears but suddenly moving to brush against your bottom lip. You shuddered, wanting to shrink away, but his touch was soft, secure, and you felt like melting into him.
“What’s that word you called me earlier?” You asked as his second hand rose, cupping your cheek.
Love expounded in your heart for him, and before you could stop yourself, you threw your arms around his shoulders, tugging yourself forward right into him. He grunted as you hugged him, squeezing tight into the patches of flightsuit beneath the Beskar. But something was off; you had never hugged him before, but you could feel scratchy patches of hair and warm skin against your cheek. Gasping, you pulled yourself away, throwing a hand over your eyes.
“What are you doing?” You spluttered. “Where’s your helmet? Put-put it back on!”
He laughed, actually laughed, and the undistorted sound of his voice was better than you had ever imagined, deep, raspy, but with twinges of softness as well.
“It’s fine as long as you don’t look,” he said, assuring the nerves in your chest. You slumped, still keeping your hand over your eyes, but you could feel him reaching for your free one.
“Touch me here,” he said, guiding your hand upwards until your fingertips touched his skin, his cheek. He released your hand, hesitantly letting you follow the softness of his skin, your fingers prickling against what you assumed was stubble. You shifted on your knees slightly, using your other hand to press against his jaw, and when you finally did cup his cheek, holding his face, he shuddered, releasing a heavy breath. His head lolled slightly, and you tightened your arms to hold him, letting him relax in your grasp.
“It’s... Been a long time, hasn’t it?” You asked, not wanting to embarrass him.
“Yes,” was all he said, and his hands were back on your face, brushing over your lips for a second time. You shivered, allowing your hands to rise a little higher, brushing against the soft, wispy hair on his head.
You chuckled under your breath. “I’m glad you have hair.”
“Not really a fan of bald guys, Mando, I’ll be honest.”
He laughed, breathing deeply so you felt him exhale onto your skin. “ Ka’ra?”
“... Call me Din.”
And suddenly you couldn’t breathe, because soft, slightly chapped lips were pressing hesitantly against yours, and your mind couldn’t function right because his bare face, the face you had been wishing to see for months, was pressed right up against yours - his nose smushed into the apple of your cheek as he cupped your face in his hands, tugging your chin up the slightest bit just to be able to reach you. You could feel wisps of brushing against your forehead, and stubble grinding against your upper lip and chin. Did he have a mustache, or a beard? What color was his hair? Why did he suddenly smell so nice, not just like the wafts of smoke from blaster fire or cold, hard metal?
You couldn’t even respond to the kiss before he pulled away, brushing the bridge of his nose into your cheek as he relaxed against you. He was breathing heavily, hot breath washing over your face like billows of clouds. His hand stayed glued to your face, and you had just realized how tight your fingers were digging into his shoulders. You relaxed your grip, ducking your head and feeling the heat on your face from the sudden kiss.
“ Dank Farrik,” he whispered under his breath. “T-that was bad, I’m sorry.”
You giggled, pressing the crown of your head into his chest. “First time for everyone, right?”
“I guess so.”
Taking a deep breath, you rose again, keeping your eyes closed as your hands rose to his face, mapping his features. He was shaking slightly, sweat forming on the hairline brushing up against his ears. Kriff - he was nervous, shaking like a teenage boy.
Feeling deep sympathy that mirrored your own nervousness, you leaned in close again, running your fingers over the hooked bridge of his nose, the tenseness of his brow, feeling his eyelashes tickle your knuckles. You ran your hand over his hair once, trying to calm him, lightly running your fingers through his hair. His whole body shuddered and moved forward, one hand sliding up to grasp your shoulder firmly.
“Din,” you whispered, remembering his name. You heard his sharp intake of breath, the tremor that wracked his back as you held onto him. You tried to smile, but tears only built in your eyes again, and after you had moved to wipe them away, you cupped Din’s face.
“ Din.”
Swiping a finger over his lips, trying to figure out where to kiss him, Din whispered back, “Keep saying that and I may just have to extend your lease.”
Your heart soared, and you laughed out loud, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Din.” Then to his nose. “Din.” And the corner of his mouth. “ Din.”
He took your jaw with one hand, pulling you forward and back to his mouth. You could kiss him back this time, moving your lips in time with his as his hands found your back, pressing him flat against his chest. Your hands tangled in his hair, fingers digging tight into his scalp to keep him as close as possible to you. He made a small, desperate sound when your hand pressed down flat on the back of his neck, making goosebumps race up your arms. He was everywhere, hands moving down your back and lips leaving you breathless. He was invading all your senses, every dark corner of your mind where fear and doubt had only resided. Din was there instead, sweeping you up into his arms and keeping you close to his heart.
When you pulled away to breathe, both panting against each other’s face, you only allowed yourself four seconds before you kissed him again, surprising him and making him flinch. But he was becoming more and more soft by the second, melting into you. The Mandalorian you had been pining after for months, the one person you could imagine yourself with, was better than you could have ever pictured.
“I wish I could see you,” you murmured when he finally pulled away.
He pressed his forehead against yours. “You will, some day... I promise.”
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xmalereader · 4 years ago
The Mandalorian X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Requested: Hey can I request engineer!reader x Din Djarin where reader travels with Din and Din just assumed reader can't fight for shit since reader is an engineer and he's seen reader get scared of insects, but then Din is in trouble and reader comes to save him, guns blazing, like "listen you pay me to take care of the ship, not to take care of you"
Warnings: Fluff, language, engineer reader, slight violence, sassy reader, badass reader that din falls in love with!
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It has been a few days since they have landed on Nevaroo, fueling up and getting supplies for their next journey. But, of course, they couldn’t leave yet without repeating the crest. Poor thing was busted up and his partner was in charge of fixing it up.
Din couldn’t asked for some help from Greef but y/n refused the help, saying that he was the personal engineer and it was his job to fix the dam thing.
Thing is, they have been on Nevaroo way too long. They were suppose to head out three days back but because of the crest not working up, they had spent the next few days trying to fix it, but so far no success and y/n still refuses the help they are offered.
Din is sitting in the cockpit with the child when he is startled by the loud shouting. Grogu too, gets startled, causing him to drop his favorite ball and to turn his head towards the engine room. His ears raise in alarm as he turns to Din and gives him a look. Din can only shake his head with a sign, “Let’s hope you don’t repeat those words one day.” He said as he climbs out of his seat and heads towards the back.
Approaching the engine room he hears the other grumbling to himself as he got closer.
“Stupid piece of junk! Why won’t you work?!” Y/n whispers to hismelf as he works on the wiring, reaching inside to try and fix it but ends up getting shocked instead, causing him to yelp in surprise and pull away, glaring at the thing he kicks the wall.
“I thought you were fixing my ship, not breaking it more.” Said Din, leaning against the wall with arms crossed. Y/n gasps as he turns around to see the Mandalorian. “I’m trying but your ship is a piece of junk.” He says back with a glare.
Din sighs again, he’s dealt with y/n for awhile now so his additude was nothing new to him. The two have grown so close that y/n no longer found the Mandalorian intimidating like before.
“Treat her nice.” He reminds the engineer as he bends down to check the wiring. “Dank ferik.” He can see the wiring but can’t reach it, grunting he tries to reach for it again but slowly gives up after a few seconds. “Any suggestions?” He blurts out.
Y/n hums. “You won’t like it.”
“That’s okay.”
“Are you sure?”
The two stare at eachother as y/n speaks up quickly. “The hole is small enough for the kid to crawl through.”
Din rasies a brow from underneath the helmet. He was close to regecting the idea until he gave the small space one last look, taking in the size. He looks back to y/n who only grins in return before the two slowly turn their heads towards Grogu who was standing in front of them. Watching them with big curious eyes, giving off a small coo at the two.
“—the red wire goes where the blue wire was and the blue wire goes where the red wire was.”Din tries to instruct the kid. The two were able to squeeze the kid inside and Din had explained Grogu what he needed to do and the kid agrees to the idea with a small nod and here they are now.
Din has been trying to guide the kid on what to do but the small gremlin can only give him questionable looks, confused on what he was suppose to do.
“No—you put the red one where the blue used to go.”
Y/n sighs and rolls his eyes at the Mandalorian, suddenly getting frustrated as he crouched down and shoves din aside. “Move over tin can, the kid doesn’t know what he’s doing.” He says as he looks inside the small space and gives Grogu a soft smile.
“Grogu.” The kid tilts his head over to y/n his ears rising at the attention. “Hey kid, We need you to help us fix the wiring, you are the only one who fits and if you can help fix it then maybe we can leave early and explore another planet.” Grogu coos at the idea of exploring a new planet or at least getting to know a new area.
“Good, now listen—“ he tries to guide the child and make the situation a bit more easier for the kid to understand. “Grogu, show me the red wire.” He instructs.
Grogu grunts as he lifts his small arm, holding the red wire towards y/n with a tilt of his head. “Good job! Now, on the board you will see two colors. Blue and red, I need you to put the red one into the blue.”
Grogu huffs and gives off a squeak, questioning himself weather that was right or not? He was a child and had the mind of a child, so of course he’s going to be confused as to why the colors need to be opposite.
Y/n is quickly get the signal of the child. “Grogu, you see the red one has to go inside the blue charge because it’ll make the ship work faster and better. Don’t you want the ship to go fast like last time?” He asks, reminding the child of the time that Din spun the crest around in circles, causing the child to squeal in joy and throw his little arms up.
“He doesn’t know what he’s doing.” Said Din as y/n glares at him and slaps him on the leg before turning back to Grogu with a fake smile.
The kid turns back to the board and looks at the two different cables. Cooing he plugs the red one into the blue charge, “yes! Perfect, now put the blue wire into the red charge!”
Grogu lets out a small huff as he plugs in the red wire, causing the ship to come to life as y/n stands up and cheers. “HA!” He points at Din with a mischievous grin. “Told you that he can do it.” He folds his arms over his chest with a raised brow and a smirk on his face.
Din rolls his eyes under the helmet, “well—“ he walks over to help the kid who was trying to get down from the small height. Taking the kid in his arms he strokes one of his ears. “At least the kid is a better mechanic than you.”
Y/n gasps with a glare. “You take that back.”
“Sorry, but no.” Din shrugs and leaves the area, heading back to the cockpit where he sets the kid down and starts to check on the controllers to see what was functioning correctly this time.
After the checkup, they were ready to head out. They had all of the supplies they needed and could last for a few weeks. “Come on kid,” he nods towards Grogu. He was sitting on top of the boxes while holding his favorite silver ball. He watches Din move the boxes against the wall and straps them in. “Looks like we are good to go—“
He is cut off by a scream coming from the cockpit. Din is quick as he climbs up to the cockpit and rushes inside with blaster in hand, “what’s wrong?” He sees y/n standing by a corner with wide eyes as he points towards the pilots chair. “Kill it.” He says.
Din rasies a brow in confusion as he turns to look at the pilots chair, stepping forward he spins the chair around to see a pretty large spider on the seat. “Oh.” With his blaster he nudges the creature, causing it to move.
Y/n gasps and tries to push hismelf further into the corner. “Are you crazy?! Kill it already! Just kill it!” He shouts. The Mandalorian chuckles at the mans actions and shakes his head. “It’s not going to hurt you, these aren’t poisons like the rest.” He puts his blaster away and turns to y/n. “Didn’t know you were scared of small creatures.”
“Shut up! Spiders and Womp rats are two different things! One can easily kill you and the other just runs away!” He exclaims.
Din shakes his head. “I’m starting to think that you don’t know how to do much.” He mumbles out before turning back to the chair to remove the spider, but once he turned back he sees Grogu holding the creature in his small hands and shoving it in his mouth. A loud crunch can be heard as he chews on the thing.
Y/n gags and covers his mouth. “That’s disgusting.” He groans out and quickly leaves the cockpit to avoid the scene that he just witnessed.
Din chuckles, turning to the kid and with a shrug he says. “At least you ate something.” The kid grins back at his father and laughs.
Din and y/n say their goodbyes to Greef and Cara, thanking them for the help and for allowing them to stay for a couple of days. Now, they can officially head out and visit another planet.
As din prepares the engines he glanced over to y/n who sat next to Grogu, playing with the kid as the crest slowly lifts off.
“Where too?” Asks y/n with a small smile as he holds one of Grogus tiny hands in his own big ones. “I was thinking that was visit Tatoonie for a bit, I need to visit someone.” Y/n rasies a brow. “Visit someone, who?”
Din smiles. “An old friend.”
The ride to tatooine was long, it took a few hours for them to arrive through hyper space and all in one piece. The crest was flying smoothly and no damage has occurred quiet yet, but hopefully nothing bad happens.
Y/n looks out the window as they arrive, taking in the desert planet as they fly over mountains and a few towns. “It looks lonely here.” He blurts out without thinking.
“Trust me, I’ve seen worse.” Din replied back as he turns the crest around and slowly lands them down in front a big building that y/n didn’t recorgnize.
“Want me to come with?” He asks, holding Grogu in his arms as Din turns off the engines and turns around to face y/n. “Best you stay here, I’ll be back quick.” He gives din a nod and looks down to Grogu who coos back and pats his cheeks, trying to cheer him up.
Din nods at the two before leaving the cockpit.
Y/n is left behind with the kid, holding him close he watches from the cockpit as The front gate is pulled away and Din is allowed inside, he watches the gates close again leaving him alone with the kid. “Alright womp rat, what should we do for the next few minutes?” He asks.
Grogu tilts his head with rasies ears, wanting to know if they’ll do something fun. Y/n laughs and heads towards the ladder, climbing down with the kid in his arms. “Their sand outside, maybe we can play for awhile?” He suggest as he drops down the ramp, allowing them to step outside.
Once y/n step out a blast of heat hits him, causing him to groan. “It’s too hot.” He grumbled out as he sets Grogu down. The child waddles down the ramp and towards the sand.
Y/n makes sure to guide the kid towards a shady area where the sun won’t hit them. After finding a perfect spot he sits down next to the kid who begins to play with the sand, making small hills as he squeals and kicks the sand around in joy.
Y/n was too distract by the kid that he didn’t notice a small pack of anoobas coming towards them. A deep growl pulls him away from his distraction as he looks up ahead to see anoobas slowly making its way towards the two.
Y/n quickly gets on his feet and pulls out his blaster. “Damn desert beasts.” He hissed out. Grogu whines and hides behinds his legs, holding onto his pants as his ears pin down.
“Grogu, get back to the ship and hide just how we taught you.” He instructs the kid who listens carefully and nods. The ramp wasn’t too far from them and as the kid makes a run for it the anoobas are quick to jolt into action. Running towards them as y/n shoots his blaster at the creatures.
Grogu whines as he climbs back inside the crest and quickly hides behind some boxes. Y/n continues to shoot at the creatures, taking one down but still having two more charging at him.
Cursing under his breath and heads back inside the crest, quickly grabbing Mandos beskar staff that he left behind and using it to defend himself. The creature jumps at y/n, he rolls away from it and uses the staff to stab its side causing the creature to scream in pain.
He holds the staff hard in his hands as he glares. “Come on you filthy mutts.” He says as he spins the staff. The two creatures circle him, he follows their footsteps and keeps track of the two, waiting for one to make its first move.
The one behind him attacks first, swinging its claws at him. Y/n is quick to suck the attack and swings the staff under the creatures legs, tripping it over as the other jumps at him. Gasping he steps back and almost trips himself. “Stupid sand.” He mutters out before the creature bounces on him.
Using the staff he holds it up in front of him to stop the creature from digging its teeth into him. Grunting he holds the staff tight as he holds the creatures sharp teeth away from him by. The creature growls and puts its weight on him as y/n screams, trying to push the thing away from him. His arms were starting to tire him out and soon he’ll become this things next meal.
Before his arms could give out a blaster shot it heard and the creature falls limp on its side. He shoves the creature away and pants, standing back up as he turns around to not only see one but two mandalorians, making their way over.
Signing in relief he lets himself relax for bit until he notices the other anoobas approaching the mandalorians from behind. Y/n’s eyes widen in worry, gripping the staff in his hands he glares at the creature. “Mando look out!” He shouts. Using his last strength to throw the spear at the creatures head as it tumbles down into the sand.
Y/n placed his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “You—you—“ he pants out and walks towards the mandalorians. “You took forever!” He points to Din with a small glare. “I almost got killed and then I had to save your life! You almost got killed by that damn thing!” He points at the creature before walking over and yanking the spear out of its head, stumbling back as he looks at the weapon. “It’s all dirty now.” He says.
“So this is who you hired?” He hears the other Mandalorian say.
“He was suppose to be an engineer...didn’t exactly expect this.” The other replied back as he puts his blaster away. “Where Grogu?”
“I told him to stay inside the ship, he’s probably still hiding inside—just like I taught him.”
“You taught him?”
“Hey I just saved your life, you hired me to fix your ship not to be your babysitter.” He shot back with a hand on his hip as he gives him a sass like stand.
The other Mandalorian chuckles under his helmet as he listens to the two argue. Y/n turns to the other and nods towards him, “something funny to you bucket head?”
His laughter dies down but underneath the helmet he is smiling. “Nothing, just impressed by your ways and strength. You could make a good Mandalorian.”
Y/n hums. “Yeah—I’d rather not.” He tosses the staff to din who catches it. He walks passed the two as he sighs, “I’m gonna get the kid.”
The two mandalorians watch y/n walk away and head back towards the crest. “I’m surprised.” Said Boba. Din rasies a brow at him and holds the staff in his hands as he looks at him. Boba turns towards his friend. “Surprised you haven’t married him yet, best you hurry before I decided to take him for myself.” Said boba.
Din glares at his friend who laugh at him before shaking his head and patting his shoulder. Din may have found y/n a bit annoying and tough to handle but after seeing him fight he couldn’t help but fall in love just a little bit more with the man.
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raiseyourcups · 4 years ago
Sorry that I lost our love
Pairing: Din Djarin x Ex-Mandalorian Reader Warnings: Not so vague allusions to sex, Star Wars cursing, actual cursing, violence (more than canon-typical imo), angst peppered throughout, angst ending Word Count: 4.2k (because I can’t write short things to save my life) Notes: If you think I should add anything else as a warning, let me know. I wrote this in an inspired rush and it was 3:30am by the time I finished this. Also please let me know if there’s any stray she/her’s that refer to the reader or anything that describes reader in any way. Thank you!
Summary: A Mandalorian lands on Tatooine and you would like nothing more than to dig a hole and hide in it until he leaves. Too bad you work for Peli Motto and have no choice in the matter. Thankfully he leaves for a bounty but of course that’s when things go sideways. 
Sequel with less angst
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The armor was new, all silver beskar but you would recognize that stance anywhere. You had grown up learning everything about him and vice-versa. There was a time when the two of you knew every inch of the other’s body, fumbling around in the dark together, twin blindfolds covering their eyes just in case the lights turned on. Yes, you used to know Din Djarin like the back of your hand. But then he had gone against Guild Code and they came after the Covert. Someone had pulled off your helmet before you could get them off of you and that was the end of that. 
The Armorer had been understanding but everyone knew the Creed, your helmet had been removed by someone other than your family. Not that you had any family. Once upon a time you had wished for it to be Din but now…
You had been able to get passage on a ship, got as far as Tatooine which still wasn’t far enough for you but you hadn’t been able to catch another ride yet. Rather than wallow in your sorrow, you found somewhere to work despite being utterly useless at everything outside of fighting. Peli Motto was a beacon of hope, had taken one look at you and taken you in as an employee. At first it was small things, cleaning up after the droids but eventually she began to trust you with a spanner. 
And now back to the present.
You didn’t know how much time had passed since that bounty hunter had damned you, when a familiar ship limped its way to the spaceport you had started to call home. You made yourself as scarce as you could as Peli went out to speak with the owner of the ship. You were close enough to hear what was being said but hid behind a piece of junk that even Peli couldn’t fix. 
“No droids.”
“It’ll cost ya more but fine,” Peli said before turning her head in the direction she had last seen you. “Starbird, get over here!”
Peli had given you the nickname when you told her you didn’t want to reveal your name to her, not because you couldn’t trust her but because you hadn’t heard someone say it in so long. Well...hadn’t heard someone other than Din but that would never happen again now. You had taken to wearing a scarf, covering your hair even though it wouldn’t matter, and you adjusted it as you walked over. It made you feel more secure, like you weren’t dar’manda even if you knew the truth. He wouldn’t recognize you, had never seen you without your helmet and those nights didn’t count with the pitch black of the room. As long as you didn’t speak around him, you could help Peli fix his ship and he would be gone again. 
“Mando here doesn’t like droids so it’s just you and me fixing this rust bucket, got it?”
You nodded silently, ignoring the confused look your silence got you from Peli. The Mandalorian, the one you thought you had known so well, tilted his head and you could almost feel his gaze on you. You and Peli move towards the ship to take note of the obvious damage and you can’t help but cringe when you finally see how bad of a shape it is. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in a shootout and you have a fuel leak!” Peli kept muttering to herself as she found more and more things wrong with the Razor Crest. You pointed out a few more things to her, still keeping your mouth shut. “This ship is a mess, the fact you were even able to land it! This is gonna set you back.”
“All I have is 500 Imperial credits.” The Mandalorian held the credits out and Peli wasted no time snatching them away from him. “That’s all you got? What do you think, Birdie?”
You shrugged and held a hand out, palm facing the ground as you tilted it from side to side. It was going to take a hell of a lot more credits to fix up the Crest, the fact that it was pre-Imperial making it even harder to find spare parts. 
“Well then, this should at least cover the hangar.”
“I’ll get you your money,” The Mandalorian said bluntly, but you could just about hear the desperation beneath the vocoder in his helmet. You were taken aback, had never heard him sound like that before. 
“Hmm, we’ve heard that before.”
“Just remember…”
“Yeah, no droids. I heard ya, you don’t have to say it twice.” Peli watched as the Mandalorian walked away before letting out a scoff. “Womp rat.”
Peli sat with the droids, starting up a card game with them, dealing you in without asking. You let out a sigh because she knew how kriffing bad you were at every card game. 
“What was that?” You asked, staring at the gangway of the Crest as a loud shriek echoed from the Crest.
“Oh so you are gonna speak today?”
“Sorry, I just-”
Peli cut you off, “Nope, I said I wouldn’t ask questions when I hired you and I meant it.”
You were about to thank Peli for being so understanding when you both hear a cry coming from inside the ship. Peli turned to the droids, “Shh, quick, grab my blaster rifle.”
“Peli, I don’t think you’ll need it.”
“Better safe than sorry, who knows what he has on that rustbucket.” The two of you inched closer to the Crest slowly, Peli with a trigger finger ready to go. “I’d stay in that ship if I were you!”
The tiniest creature you had ever seen started walking down the gangway, smoke and dust getting in its eyes. You let out a gasp, bringing up a hand to cover your mouth when it dropped open. Peli looked at you confused but lowered the blaster rifle, there was no way this...thing was a threat. The little thing let out a coo and looked at you both with its sad eyes. You couldn’t help but move forward to pick it up when it raised his hands in the air. 
“Oh honey, did he leave you all alone on the ship?” You asked it, cradling it in your arms before looking up at an equally confused Peli. You gave her a shrug, unsure what else to do. She moved closer and looked into the child’s big eyes and was stumped. 
“Would you like some food? Are you hungry?” The child seemed to like that idea, letting out a loud coo as his little stomach growled. Peli turned to the closest droid. “Fetch us something to eat, quick!”
“Maybe something with bones in it,” you added when you caught sight of his little teeth. The droid took off in search of food. “Okay, so here’s the plan, little one. I’m gonna look after you until the Mandalorian gets back.”
“And then I’m gonna charge him extra for watching you, see how that works?” Peli added before heading off to do some repairs, a new pep in her step at the thought of a bigger pay day. 
You couldn’t put the child down, just stunned. Was this why he had broken Guild Code? Was this tiny little thing the reason you could never go back home? If it was then more of the anger you had let fester inside of you dissipated, you couldn’t blame Din. As more time passed, the more sleepy both you and the child seemed to get which led to you telling Peli that we were going to give the child a nap. She waved you off saying that she probably would take one too, it wasn’t like you two could do anything for the ship without more credits.
You didn’t even notice when you fell asleep but a loud shout scared both you and the child awake. You let out a quiet shriek and the combination made the child start crying. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. I”m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Where is it?” You heard the Mandalorian growl to one of the droids and you walked as fast as you could to where he was. 
“He’s right here, now keep your voice down. He was taking a nap,” You tried to keep your voice steady, not only to calm the child down but also to still your beating heart. You bounced the kid in your arms a few times, staying light on your feet in order to sway a little as you tried to shush him. The Mandalorian tilted his helmet at the sound of your voice but then he realized that you were still holding the child. 
“Give him to me.” He pointed at you threateningly, or at least you supposed he was trying to be threatening. It wasn’t going to work since you were so annoyed with him right now. 
“No. You can’t just leave a child alone on a ship like that!” You didn’t mean to raise your voice but you did as you pointed your own finger at him. “I can’t believe someone would trust you enough to have a child with you.”
“You don’t know me.”
“Oh I know more than you think I do,” You said, glaring up at him and hoping that you were making eye contact so he knew how serious you were. 
“What’s going on out here?” Peli asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes but alert nonetheless. 
“Mando’s back. And he woke up the baby.” You said your last words with a glare towards that kriffing rustbucket. 
“Oh well, while you were gone, I started the repair on the fuel leak while Birdie here watched the kid.” Peli gestured towards you but you paid her no mind as you made sure the kid was okay. “There were a couple of setbacks that I want to talk to you about.”
Peli kept going on about the repairs, how they took longer without the droids or your help since you were preoccupied with the child he hadn’t warned you two about. He walked into the ship and you moved back over to Peli, unsure what he was doing. He came back down with a bag and looked at you both.
“We figured you were good for it since you have an extra mouth to feed,” you said, no longer worried about speaking in front of him. He once again tilted his head at the sound of your voice. 
“Thank you.” He said before walking away. You were, once again, stunned at how rude he was being. First he leaves a child alone on his ship, threatens you when he realizes you’re holding the kid, and now he’s just going to leave again. You shot a look towards Peli before you followed after him, kid still in your arms. 
“You know it takes a lot for Peli to keep those droids powered up, right?”
“Hey, Mando, what do you think? Not too shabby, huh?” A new voice spoke once they were out of the spaceport. You rolled your eyes at the sound. Calican. 
The Mandalorian gave the speeder bike a once over, looking over Calican in a way that made it obvious he wasn’t impressed. “What? This isn’t Corellia. Hey, Birdie, still looking good.”
You rolled your eyes at him before turning around to head back inside of Peli’s shop. Those brief seconds of speaking to Toro Calican were more than enough for you. You heard the speeders take off and knew they probably wouldn’t be back until later. 
“Well now that we’re all awake, let’s get some more repairs done,” Peli said, already getting ready to do so. You joined her, placing the child on one hip in order to pass her any tools she may need. The suns went down and there was still no sign of the Mandalorian or Toro so you and Peli just kept working. There was nothing else to do. But even repairs couldn’t take forever and soon enough it was just you and your thoughts. 
With no sight of either bounty hunters everyone decided to head in for the night, you kept the child with you since you knew Peli already had her hands full with the droids that were like her own children. Morning came quicker than you were prepared for knowing that the Mandalorian and Toro would probably be back soon. 
Part of you knew you couldn't wait for the Mandalorian to leave the planet but another part of you, the younger and dumber part of you wished that he would recognize you before he left. You didn’t know what that would do for you, it wasn’t like he could do anything. You were dar’manda now, you could never be together again, no matter how much you missed him. 
“Hey, Birdie, I’m gonna head out to the cantina for a bit. Wanna come?” Peli came out of her room, having changed into a slightly cleaner jumpsuit. 
You looked down at the child in your arms before looking back up at Peli. “I’m not taking a baby to a cantina.”
“Suit yourself, and if that Mandalorian comes back while I’m gone, make sure he pays before he leaves.”
“Got it, have fun and don’t drink too much.”
“What are you, my mother?” Peli replied shortly but with a smile on her face as she left. You shook your head, a smile on your own face as you looked down at the child. 
“Looks like it’s just you and me, kid.” 
“Hey, Birdie.” You flinched at the sound of Toro’s voice from behind you and spun on your heel to face him. Your brow furrowed when you noticed that he was alone. 
“Toro? Where’s D-- Mando?”
“About that, put that thing on the ground before I shoot you.” He was aiming his blaster at you before you could even blink.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I really don’t wanna shoot you, you’re too pretty to die.”
You weighed your options and knew that it would best to listen to him and put the child down before making your move. So you did, placing him on one of the empty fuel drums that you and Peli used as a table. 
“I said the ground, are you stupid?” Tora asked as he moved towards the child which is when you moved. Faster than he could react, you rushed forward and hit him with your shoulder, knocking him off balance. He didn’t lose his grip on his blaster, unfortunately, since you hadn’t been able to hit him on that side but you took advantage of his being off balance. You rolled forward and grabbed a spanner as you got back up on your feet and rushed towards Toro again. You pushed him against the Crest, hitting him with the spanner several times before he finally grabbed your arm and held it out to the side, letting you throw a punch with your other fist. You dropped the spanner without meaning to but you had another idea.
You grabbed his blaster, spinning away from him in an attempt to get him to let go of it, even throwing your head back to headbutt him. He wrapped his arms around you and picked you up, dropping you onto another fuel drum. You groaned out in pain, wishing you still had your armor, but you didn’t let go of the blaster even as he picked you back up and you two fell to the ground. You forced him up, grip still hard on the blaster as you tried to break it on a piece of metal. Kriffing Toro and spending all his credits on high end bantha shit. You heard something pop and took the chance to punch him again, followed by a quick elbow to keep him down just a little while longer while you looked for another weapon.
Where was Peli? Or Din? Was Din even still alive?
You didn’t have time to ask yourself anymore questions as Toro grabbed you by the arm, dragging you to your feet, and throwing a punch at your face. Using your arm as leverage he tossed you into the side of the Crest and you turned just in time to block another punch with your arm before bringing your knee up into his side. You put your arms around his neck and flipped both of your bodies over and onto the ground. It was getting harder to catch your breath and you had no idea Toro had that much stamina when fighting. It had been too long since you fought anyone. 
You tried to get to your feet before Toro but he beat you to it, throwing several punches your way. You got up, kicking out at him just for him to grab your leg again. But it left you open to punch him yourself, one to the face and another to the stomach. He grabbed your arm, bringing up his own knee to your wrist causing you to let out a shout of pain. He put a hand around your throat but you brought your knee up to his crotch making him fall to the ground. He wasn’t unconscious though so you went for another kick, this one to the face, but he grabbed your leg and flipped you onto your back again. 
Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t get back up and you felt so weak all of a sudden. Maybe it was the blood gushing from your nose or the fact that you had now been dropped onto your back twice or the ringing in your ears. Either way, Toro had won. You could hear the child crying from where you had left him, it was amazing that you two hadn’t slammed into it during the fight. 
“Didn’t think you had that in you, Birdie.” Toro said as he forced you up. “That was stupid though, I was going to let you go but now...now you get to be my hostage.”
He pulled your hands behind your back, wrapping a cord around them tightly. You could feel it digging into your skin but there wasn’t anything you could do now. You willed yourself to not let him see you cry, cursing yourself for being so Maker damned emotional. “Why are you doing this, Toro?”
“Because that thing has the highest bounty I’ve heard of and Mando...well he’s worth even more with that armor.” The unspoken meaning behind his words hit you like a flash of lightning. 
“No!” You thrashed in his grasp, he couldn’t. No, he couldn’t take Din’s armor, he couldn’t be like you. He couldn’t. 
“Stay still or I’ll shoot you right now,” Toro growled out. You did as he said because you couldn’t help Din if you died before he made it back. He dragged you along as he went over to where you had placed the child and you winced as he picked him up roughly. As the hours passed, you grew more and more worried for Din. Toro was just getting angrier and you were scared he’d shoot first and ask questions never. You hoped Peli stayed at the cantina a little while longer. 
The suns had already gone down by the time he showed up and your breathing had gotten a little more labored. You were also sure that your back was bruised to haran and back. Toro stood a little straighter, pushed you forward a step before speaking. “Took you long enough, Mando. You missed a hell of a fight.”
He shoved his blaster into the middle of your back and you walked down the gangway and into the moonlight to see Din pointing a blaster at you. Really it was on Toro but you were in the way. He took half a step back and his helmet twitched to the side when he caught sight of your face. You were sure you looked a mess, Toro hadn’t even bothered cleaning the blood off your face. 
“I’m the one calling the shots now. Drop the blaster and raise ‘em.” 
Din did as he was told and placed his hands behind his head. Toro pushed his blaster into your back again before undoing the cord around your wrists. “Cuff him and don’t try anything.”
You let out a quiet growl of anger but ripped the cuffs away from Toro and moved over to where Din was.
“You’re a Guild traitor, Mando.” Toro said, before pointing a gun towards the child. Your hands tightened on the cuffs. “I’m willing to bet this is the target you helped escape.”
You moved to place the cuffs on Din’s wrists when a light clink caught your attention. You looked up and saw your potential saving grace. “Oh you smart man.” You couldn’t help but whisper, only loud enough for him to hear. 
“Fennec was right, bringing you in won’t just make me a member of the Guild, it’ll make me legendary.” Toro said. You pretended to shut the cuffs on Din’s wrists, shuffling them behind you as you walked out from behind Din to stand next to him. “Say, Birdie, one last thing before I shoot you.”
“What is your real name?” 
You didn’t have to answer, you could give Din a signal to set off the flash charger but you couldn’t stop yourself. “...Y/N.” You answered.
A delayed second later and Din pressed down on the flash charger and you shut your eyes before dropping to the ground and rolling behind a fuel drum. You would just get in the way now. You watched as Toro blindly shot at nothing while Din moved behind the crates to the left, popping back out in time to shoot Toro just as he turned. You rushed forward as Toro fell off the gangway, he had still been holding the child. 
“Stay back.” Din’s voice was a weird mix of stoic and emotional, the vocoder in his helmet making it sound off. 
“He had the child,” you said as Din leaned down to move Toro onto his back. There was no child. “Where did he go?” 
You didn’t mean to cling onto Din’s arm as you both looked in every direction. A quiet babble caught your attention as the child game out from behind a couple of baskets. Your heart slowed down from its rapid pace as soon as you saw him. “Oh hun, there you are,” you said as you picked him up. 
“You’re okay now,” you bounced the child a few times as Din grabbed something off Toro’s body. He came over to where you were and you pretended to be very interested in the child. 
“What happened?” He asked you and you weren’t sure if he meant the wounds on your face, as he reached out to oh so lightly stroke your cheek, or if he meant the fact that you had broken the Creed you both took. 
“I tried to fight back, I lost.” It was true of both occasions. Din stared down at you as the child continued to babble. You still couldn’t look up from  looking at the child. 
“Come with me.” That got your attention, head snapping up to look at Din like he had lost his mind. You knew he could be dumb sometimes, breaking Guild Code an obvious example, but this took the uj cake.
“I can’t.” 
“Din, you know why I can’t go with you.” The fact that he could see you, really see you should have made it clear why you couldn’t go with him. 
“I don’t care.”
“You say that now but what about tomorrow, or next week, in two weeks? I’m dar’manda.”
“And it’s my fault, cyar’ika.”  Din said as he moved forward, bringing his helmet down to gently rest against your forehead.
“Don’t call me that, not anymore.”
You let out a shuddery breath, blinking away the tears that threatened to rise. “Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be, you need to find somewhere safe for the child, and I cannot go with you.” 
Din stared at you for one more long moment before reaching out to take the child, silently passing you the pouch he had taken from Toro. You opened it and let out a gasp, looking back up at Din in shock. He started to reach out again but stopped himself, nodded once, and turned to get back on the Crest. And you just watched him. Kept watching as the Crest took off, leaving you behind once again.
You wished you could go back to the beginning, when you had first met Din as kids with scraped knees and elbows from trying to do all the fight moves the adults could do. Growing up with each other, feelings changing until that first kiss in the pitch dark of someone’s room, you couldn’t remember whose it was. The first time you two snuck out of the covert to rent a room, tying blindfolds around your eyes in order to show how deep your love went for each other. 
But you couldn’t. You never could.
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heroofpenamstan · 3 years ago
tagged by the lovelies: @shallow-gravy​, @shellibisshe​, @belorage​, @honeysides​, @strafethesesinners​, @faithchel​, @blissfulalchemist​! thank you, dears! x since i’m tragically late to the party as per usual, not going to be tagging anyone since i assume most of my mutuals have done it, but if you want to go right ahead and tag me too so i can see! :”)) also, fair warning: 80% of the questions i answered at ungodly hours overmedicated on paracetamol and it shows because re-reading this in the morning was a Yikes
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name: joanne burton alias(es): jo, annie ( mike exclusive ), burton, dep, jr. deputy, rook, traitor, sinner, wrath/pain in the ass ( john exclusive ), rabbit ( jacob exclusive ), heinous fucking bitch—( also john exclusive ), black widow ( new dawn au ) gender: cis. female age: 29 birth: 30th october, 1988 place of birth: meridian, idaho spoken languages: english; may or may not recite some hebrew lines over the holidays sexual preference: bisexual occupation(s): junior deputy of hope county, montana/menace to all cultists everywhere ( in a certain radius of said hope county, montana, anyway )
eye colour: brown hair colour: black height: 157cm ( 5′2 ), or approximately 7′11 when balancing on michael’s shoulders to peer inside john’s windows scars: split right eyebrow ( thanks, jake ), minor cuts and incorrectly healed bruises and gashes, scarred bullet wound on left hip ( you’re welcome, jake )
colour: orange or yellow or cyan, or whatever is more stupidly eye-catching and not at all fit for her current environment song: i’ve been thinking by handsome boy modeling school food: various stir-fries, fruits and protein ( or anything that she claims to be “healthy” when, truly, bitch is one step away from living off of instant noodles and canned pineapple and cigarette buds from dutch’s stash ) drink: beerherbal teas and infusions
passed university: no, but passing the police academy was already a pleasant enough surprise for her had sex: today? no. two weeks ago? probably had sex in public: probably said two weeks ago gotten pregnant/ someone else pregnant: yes, but we don’t talk about it kissed a boy: yes ( derogatory ) kissed a girl: yes ( affectionate ) gotten tattoos: yes, loads: most were practice scribbles for her ex-girlfriend, and the only true meaningful one she possesses is lydia, scrawled into her pinky in remembrance. otherwise, john seed do not even engage with that rusty ass tattoo gun— gotten piercings: yes, loads multiplied; if there’s a place for a piercing in her ears, she has them. also, an old septum piercing she hasn’t worn in a hot second been in love: yes, loads squared ( girl rents out her heart on the weekdays and cries about the scratches she notices on saturday, but still repeats it all over again come monday; falling in love for her is easy, but actually loving someone and getting over her self-loathing to do so is a whole different ball game ) stayed up for more than 24 hours: she’s probably on hour 31 as we speak ( someone knock her out pls )
a virgin: whitehorse has heard enough horror stories in the break room between her and joey to last him a lifetime a cuddler: closeted cuddler, yes a kisser: most definitely; woman has to play up her natural assets scared easily: her response time is too lagged for that jealous easily: depends; she’s more jealous of what she should have/could have/would have had in a general sense than being jealous of a particular person or a thing trustworthy: in her own way, yes dominant: disgustingly so submissive: not in this lifetime in love: very much so single: very much so part 2
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: yes, but it’s more by means of unintentional yet severe substance abuse thought of suicide: not as often as one would assume; joanne has a very strong sense of self-preservation, but tends to run from her bleak reality by means of one harmful way or the other attempted suicide: once or twice during her lowest points in life wanted to kill someone: on the daily have/had a job: girl had juggled three part-time jobs; there is nothing she fears anymore have any fears: ( see above ) to fall back into old bad habits, loss of control, death, failure, a bad future, poverty, being abandoned and forgotten, long stays at a hospital, the judges, the bliss, the power of john’s hair gel
sibling(s): micah burton ( older brother ) parent(s): abigail burton née belman ( mother ); jim burton ( father ) children: asher seed ( daughter in new dawn au ) significant other: jacob seed ( circumstantial lover/”could do without” mentor/#prisonwife #prisonhusband #imkidding #kinda ) pets: boomer for the cuddles, cheesecake for the throttles ( bitch naturally attracts the judges but will forget her dog 101 and run away like what does she think will happen then?? )
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name: michael scott-hughes alias(es): mike, mikey, mickey ( mary may exlusive ), mike the bike/fall’s end’s bicycle, resistance’s poster boy, manwhore, cassanova, the archangel ( joseph exclusive ), the antichrist ( also joseph exclusive ), war dog, hughes boy ( fairgrave exclusive ) gender: cis. male age: 30 birth: 6th july, 1988 place of birth: fall’s end, montana spoken languages: english, russian, basic chinese mandarin and turkish sexual preference: pansexual occupation(s): residential shady, shady man ( international arm’s dealer, most recently demoted to local resistance leader and occasional general goods store co-owner )
eye colour: green hair colour: brown height: 181cm ( 5′11 ), and 6ft on tinder jkjk man’s confident enough to not grasp for that extra inch, unlike someone ( john ) scars: heavily burnt left hand ( from trying to fish out his ex girlfriend’s boiling corpse r.i.p. to that steaming puss— ), gash on his right temple, nicely healed gun wound on left shoulder, not so nicely healed amputated right hand ( man’s not having the best time in my canon, is he ), various incorrectly healed cuts and bruises
colour: green and rustics song: wild world by yusuf/cat stevens food: unlike the faker above, michael actually likes to cook and eat healthy meals, so anything from salads to veggies to oatmeal to soups will do ( and meat; man’s been a vegetarian for a grand total of 4 days in his entire life ( or 14, if you count the time he got abducted to john’s bunker womp )) drink: sugary drinkswhiskey, fresh juices, “water can be so, so sexy, annie—”
passed university: no, though michael really busted his ass to self-educate on subjects that will be beneficial to his line of work had sex: we stopped keeping tabs and numbers nearly ten years ago had sex in public: we stopped blinking at these types of shenanigans nearly ten years ago too gotten pregnant/ someone else pregnant: yes? no? maybe? ( mike’s too afraid to even think about it, but hopes he hasn’t fathered any babies any time soon ) kissed a boy: yes ( affectionate ) kissed a girl: yes ( affectionate² ) gotten tattoos: yes: the sword of damocles on his left inner forearm, intertwined snakes running across his right ribs, a tiny smiley face on his ass lord save him gotten piercings: yes, and everyone hated his attempt to revive the 90s with his lil earring like c’mon you already have a reputation of being a sleaze— been in love: yes, but surprisingly not as many times as one may think ( truthfully, three times: mary may, lana, joanne mary may again ) stayed up for more than 24 hours: sometimes it just cannot be helped
a virgin: maybe in a past life as an amoeba a cuddler: yes ( try to escape his hold during a summer night i’ll give you 5 bucks if you can break the deadlock ) a kisser: he just exists to smooch at this point scared easily: truthfully, he’s quite desensitized as is, so it’s really hard to truly rock him jealous easily: no; though he might get a bit petty and bitter if someone mentions merle and mary may becuase, like, c’mon, mary—merle briggs? trustworthy: one of his better traits, but past events have shown that boy tends to lose some of his morals for love dominant: yes submissive: yes part 2 man will accommodate and switch it up in love: often single: loosely, often
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: michael has bad mental health trips stemming from having a lot of insecurities as a child; these may evolve into bad habits and pure recklessness on his part to prove his worth thought of suicide: these thoughts don’t come often, but when they do, it’s harder for him than most to shake them off and recover attempted suicide: once, during the boiling pit incident wanted to kill someone: yes, but it comes more from need than want usually have/had a job: yes, though no retail until he was 30 and stuck providing hope county with slugs and bullets have any fears: loneliness, rejection, abandonment, repercussions and consequences, not being good enough, powerlessness, loss, the angel pit, the process of dying
sibling(s): none, but: jackson hughes ( uncle ) parent(s): jessica hughes née scott ( mother ), david hughes ( father ) girl i have his whole family tree drawn up like you wouldn’t believe children: andrew hughes ( son in new dawn au and maybe canon ) significant other: mary may fairgrave ( childhood sweetheart/awkward ex/once in a rare cosmic event fuck buddy/volatile lovers ) pets: peaches loves him she doesn’t; she just wants to chew on his hair
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years ago
Scared & Sacred - Ch. 8
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!Reader Description: The Mandalorian had helped you while you were hunted for your family name and you had grown a little closer over the months, but you didn’t expect THIS. How was this possible after just three times of getting so close  to him. You had to find a nurse as fast as possible. Warnings: parenting, fluff, helmetless Din, violence, sexism, sibling double trouble, canon divergent, not proofread.
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Chapter 8 - Parenting
Grogu was clapping giddily, watching Din hold Dodies little hands. „C‘mon princess, one step at a time.“ He encouraged his one year old daughter. „Gogu!“ Dodie yelled and looked at Grogu who squealed back at her. The little girl took one wobbly step forward, „Good, just like that. Can you do one more for me?“ She took another wobbly step, „Yeees, just like that my little warrior, one more.“ Dodie took another step and then let herself sag, Din immediately picking her up. „That‘s my warrior princess.“ He nuzzled into her belly with a growl, hearing her giggle. His favorite melody. „Dada, Malo?“ She grabbed his bearded cheek. „Yes, dada has some Mandalore duties to fulfill.“ He smiled at her curious little face. You were on a little trip for diplomacy with his best men. He and his group had baby duty. „Come?“ She used his own eyes against him. Oh how he hated that she had his eyes sometimes. „That‘s nothing for little princesses.“ He cooed and tickled her a little but she frowned. „Wawo Pinses.“ She crossed her arms. „Yeah, I know, you‘re a warrior princess, but that‘s nothing for your beautiful little eyes darling. Dada has to be very strict with some people there.“ He explained carefully. „No! Come!“ She pouted at him, stubborn as both her parents. „Dodie!“ He raised one brow, but she held her frown. They held a staring contest for almost a minute before he sighed, „Fine.“ A squeal and claps came in return.
He put on his armor bit by bit under four attentive eyes. His two kids sitting there acting suspiciously calm and good. „You‘re planning something. You‘re never this nice at the same time.“ He squinted at them and got even bigger innocent eyes back. Before putting on his helmet he grabbed Dodies little beskar tiara and put it on her head, making sure it wouldn‘t fall off by weaving her hair around the sides. Then gave Grogu the little pin he liked playing with recently. „You ready?“ Four arms went up excitedly. A sigh came from his deepest soul with a tiny smile on his face, „When in my past did I decide to have a Jedi AND a Mandalorian kid?“ He put his helmet on and picked both of them up gently, left and right.
Beskar spear left, darksaber right. Dodie on his left thigh, Grogu on his right thigh. „Shall I take care of the children, your highness?“ One of his female helpers asked. „No, they belong here. Thank you for asking, Aruki.“ He nodded and looked at the first guest of the day. The man from some far away planet pleading for allyship had gone on for ten minutes when Dodie sighed, „Boro, Dada.“ Boro, that‘s her word for boring and he really tried to not snort beneath his helmet. „You heard the Princess of Mandalore. You‘re boring us.“ He moved the spear to make his two guards move the man. „Well done, princess.“ He gently went over her back and felt her giggle.
„A man on a throne with kids. Pathetic.“ An ex-empire stood in front of them. „Just teaching them young, scum!“ He would need to explain that to you if the kids started using it. „Parenting is a job for a woman. You‘re stooping low.“ He knew he was hitting a spot. The siblings looked at each other and each narrowed their eyes, „Man doo doo.“ „Ba!“ Grogu responded and both of them looked at him like that. „Aww, am I supposed to be intimidated?“ He chuckled at the kids. A crisp humming sound cut through the chuckle, „Yes, you should.“ „Oh, I hit a nerve.“ He held up his hands. „You‘re about to hit a nerve for the last time if you don‘t shut your mouth!“ He chuckled, „Men!“ Four guards grabbed the man to put him into a cell. „Sleepy dada!“ Dodie looked up, came closer to his chest and leaned against the cold beskar. The darksaber deactivated and he put it aside to put that hand on her small back. „Alright, little warrior. Dad‘s here, you can sleep.“ He had found out the weird way that she liked to sleep with her head on something cold.
After dealing with two more guests he let the chamber be closed for visitations and let his people gather in the throne room to prepare a big dinner for your return from your trip. Grogu walked around on the long table they set up and stole a fruit here and there with his big cute eyes looking at these hardened warriors. He knew how to get his food for sure. “Don’t feed him too much!” Din chuckled and looked down at Dodie still sleeping in his arm even after he stood up to check in with people around the room. His fingers gently wandered over her puffy cheek. That’s when you entered the chamber. He didn’t notice, too busy staring straight down at his princess with his helmet still on, unable to see the doors, caressing her face. Your heart melted at the scene in front of you before you felt a familiar grasp around your right leg. You looked down to two big inky eyes lovingly staring back at you. “Hey little womp rat!” You picked him up and heard him coo into your ears and grab at your travel attire. He loved the fluffy cloaks you wore sometimes. He went as far as stealing them to sleep in them. 
Din felt a hand wanting to push off his helmet and snapped out of his gaze at his daughter. Realizing that anyone could’ve caught him off-guard and only his trust in his soldiers kept him safe here. As soon as he caught a look of you he relaxed and moved against your hand to help you get it off. “Softness looks good on a Mandalorian.” You grinned and gave him a peck on the lips. “And that helmet looks good on you.” He winked and watched you putting it on. He looked you up and down in your dark purple clothes, the lilac fluffy cloak, the little bag Grogu had just made himself home in to find provisions, the blaster on your other side and then his helmet on your head. Like a perfect wife. A princess, mother, warrior, queen, diplomat, lover, caretaker, force of pure power. You looked feminine, yet like you could murder anyone around you in seconds. Motherly, soft, strong and he knew you had the skill to kill by now. “I’d kneel in front of my queen, but the Princess of Mandalore needs her naps.” He narrowed his eyes with a grin before looking down at Dodie to give her a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you for the nice welcome.” You nodded towards the long table and saw his eyes turn soft. “Of course. You’ve been hard at work, my queen.” He watched you take off his helmet again and set it on the head of a naughty Grogu eating into your little food bag. A surprised distorted sound came back at you and made the both of you chuckled. “Mama?” Now you looked over to Dodie just waking up again. “Yes, I’m back ad’ika.” You went over her hair and back before giving her a kiss.
“She took three steps today with my help.” He shared proudly sitting next to you while picking up another piece of meat. “Is that so, Dodie?” You looked at her in her baby seat across from you and saw her gigantic smile. “Mama is proud of you.” You cheered. “They grow up so fast.” You heard Aruki next to you on the other side. “They really do.” You sighed and looked at your two children talking to each other in baby noises. 
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equalstrashflavoredtrash · 5 years ago
Final Request
a/n: This year we’re getting BACK ON OUR BULLSHIT! I got back on my meds and i’ve already written more in a week than I did in prolly all of 2019. What did i write, you ask? Well, it is what it is, and what it is, is filth, utter filth (I may have gotten a little carried away) but hells yeah. Major shout out to @whenimaunicorn​ for not only beta-ing for me, but also cheering me on and helping to keep me motivated
summary: Mando catches a bounty who happens to be an old friend with one final request
warnings: mentions of death/discussion of impending executions, bondage/handcuffs, thigh riding, blindfolding, fingering, choking, spitting, spanking, penetration, rough sex, slight degradation, dom!mando
word count: 6.2k
Din Djarin x female reader//The Mandalorian
(gif by @womp-ratt​​)
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Tugging slightly on your shirt, you lowered the scoop collar enough to ensure some cleavage was showing before you raised your cuffed hands to rest on the headrest of your chair and arched your back a bit so your chest was more obvious. Then, quietly as you could, you slipped off your boots and raised a foot, gently running your big toe along his arm. 
The Mandalorian’s reaction was instant, head whipping around to look over his shoulder as his hand swooped to catch your ankle in a flash. The streaking stars of hyperspace reflected off his beskar helmet, following the curve of his head, almost hypnotizing to watch. Biting down on your bottom lip you tried your best to seem alluring while you had his attention. 
“So Mando, you’ve got me here in these binders, wanna fool around?” The proposition was more blunt than your usual pick-up lines, but one thing you knew about talking with the Mandalorian; it was best to get right to the point.
“What?” That was the answer you expected, though you still wished you could see his expression. There was nothing you could do about that, so you wiggled in your seat, freeing your foot from his grasp before elaborating.
“I don’t know if you’ve forgotten what bounty hunting entails but your guild will be delivering me to Crimson Dawn, who are very eager to get rid of me.” Rising from your seat you edged a knee over his legs, sitting yourself square on his lap as you brought your arms to loop around his head—the metal of the cuffs clicking when they met his beskar. “So I was thinking I might have some fun for the last time before facing my doom.” You tried to make eye contact but all you could see was your warped reflections in his dark visor. “You know I had a crush on you, Mando? Back when we worked together.”
“Why does Crimson Dawn want you dead?” he asked, surprising you for a second. You had been focused on his hands—which had come to rest on top of your folded legs—and how warm they were through the leather of his gloves.
“Well,” you hesitated slightly, thinking how best to condense the long story, “I was working with this girl and her gang, when Crimson Dawn hired them for a job. I thought it was a horrible idea—like it was a suicide mission—so I booked it.” You were used to gesturing while talking, but with your hands locked and resting on his shoulders, you ended up just wiggling more, shifting against the metal that protected his legs. You had also noticed the slow creep of his hands, making their way up your thighs towards your hips. “The problem was, I left with my cut of what they paid us up front,” you finished, making a sheepish expression with a half shrug.
“You ran?” 
“Yeah I ran, and now they want my head or their credits—which I don't have.” There was a brief moment of silence as you waited for him to respond.
“Why didn’t you run today?” 
Part of you hoped he wouldn’t ask that. Looking off to the side you chewed on your lip with a sigh as he stayed stoically still—save for his hands.
Your chin dropped, avoiding his gaze—though you couldn’t even see his eyes—focusing instead on the chipped paint around a deep scratch on the breastplate of his armor. “Once I heard through the grapevine that you were the one that had my puck, I knew it was pointless. I knew I couldn’t outrun you, I’ve seen you at work up close, remember?” 
One of his hands left your leg, raising to curl around the nape of your neck as his thumb pushed against your jaw, forcing your head forward to look at him. “Are you scared of me?” His voice came through low from the vocoder in his helmet, even and unreadable. 
You paused, biting at your lip again with no way to see how his eyes flitted to your mouth behind the visor. “Who wouldn’t be? I know what you can do with that blaster and honestly, I never thought I’d be on the receiving end of it.” You blushed at the admission, picturing in your mind all the times you’ve seen him handle his weapons—always confident, exact and deadly. Controlling his guns as if they were a natural extension of his arms. “I have to admit though, it is exciting to be at your mercy. Knowing you could do whatever you want with me.” 
Shifting the weight on your knees, you adjusted your position on his lap just a little bit to the side, so you could grind yourself against the inner lip of his cuisse. With an involuntary shudder you rolled against it, enjoying the way the ridge pressed against your clit. Bringing your cuffed wrists back over his head, you laid your palms flat on his chest—the metal feeling surprisingly warm against your fingertips as they slid across the breastplate of his armor. Through all this the Mandalorian stayed still, showing no sign of reaction, but you could feel his fingers tense for a moment, gripping you tighter as he realized what you were doing.
“Remember that job on Nar Shaddaa? When that alarm went off and you had to take out four guard droids at once?” You said leaning forward, inching your mouth closer to the earpiece on his helmet. The hand around your neck dropped as you moved, coming to rest clearly on the swell of your ass. “I came so hard in my bunk that night thinking about it. The way you plowed through them one by one, none of them even getting a scratch on you.” 
You rocked faster, your motions jostling the piece of metal as you humped his thigh, chasing the delicious friction. Maneuvering awkwardly with the cuffs, you pulled back just far enough to take his wrist in both your hands. You lifted his palm from your thigh and brought it deliberately to rest on the front of your neck. “I used to love watching you choke out bounties that got in your face. I’d imagine you doing the same to me while I rode your cock.”
Mando’s hand rested against your skin for a moment before he pulled away, bringing both to grab your hips, holding you still. The pressure of his grip sent a thrill up your spine. “This is what you want?” His voice was even and level—as hard to read as ever. Still, you could tell his hidden eyes were staring directly into yours through the tinted visor. 
“It is,” you answered with a nod, curling your fingers into his beskar breastplate. Gloved thumbs brushed above your waistband, rubbing small circles on the skin they found. A slight moan slipped out of you at the contact, your voice a higher pitched than intended as you finished, “I want it so bad.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, the Mandalorian’s hands pivoted, twisting your shirt in his fists before tearing it in half with two quick tugs. You were too shocked to react, not even processing what was happening as your newly exposed nipples hardened in the cool air of the ship. 
“Mando!” you yelped, trying to grab his arm but he easily swatted away your bound hands. “What are you doing?” You asked but received no answer as he continued, ripping off a whole strip of fabric from your top. 
You were still so confused by what was going on that you didn't fight as he wrapped the fabric around your eyes. Your head jostled side to side as he secured it, pulling the knot tight. You tried to look at the walls and modules of the cockpit—searching for the familiar, colorful lights of the controls—but there was nothing. 
“Can you see?” Mando asked, his voice suddenly bringing you back to him. You shook your head in response, not sure what this was all for when he started to shift. His hands scooped just under your bottom, pushing you upwards as he leaned forward. Then he hoisted you over his shoulder and stood. 
The beskar pauldron dug into your stomach while your arms hung down his back, useless in the heavy cuffs that swung and occasionally clinked against his armor. His bicep curled around your thighs, keeping your form balanced as he started to move. His opposite hand slid to your ass where it gave a quick smack. 
As if being upside down and dangling over his back wasn’t disorienting enough, you realized you had no idea where he was taking you. Sure, you’d been on the Razor Crest plenty of times before, but that was a while ago and you’d only really ever spent time in the main hold and cockpit—you weren’t sure you’d ever even used the ship’s refresher. You could hear a series of doors open and close, but had no way of tracking where he’d gone. 
Eventually he dropped you to the ground. You swayed, off balance and blind, trying to reach for him to brace yourself before you felt his hand on your collar bone. With an easy push he knocked off your feet, sending you tumbling backwards onto some kind of padding. It wasn’t exactly hard—there was still some give to the cushion—but it was not something you would call soft. 
Just as you realized this might be his bed, the Mandalorian’s hands were on you again, jerking the waistband of your pants down, off your legs. You shifted slightly, aiding in the progress as you raised your feet and helped kick them off, somehow twisting to lay on your stomach before you were finally free. Bringing your knees forward you went to roll back when he grabbed your hip, stopping you. 
“Stay like that,” he said, his voice tight. You could tell this was not a request.
You waited on your hands and knees, trying to be patient, and listened for any hint of what he was doing. You couldn’t help but wonder what this personal space looked like—Were there any decorations? Did he have any small collections? Trinkets that held old memories? Before now if someone asked you would’ve guessed that he slept in the pilot's seat sitting bolt upright—but now you knew he had a bed because you were in it. 
On all fours with your ass in the air, waiting for him to fuck you. 
You were abruptly made aware of the Mandalorian behind you when his hands grabbed around your hips, pulling you back against something strong and warm. It was his chest—his real chest—he had taken off his armor. Mando was still wearing a shirt but you didn’t care. Pushing back against him, you sighed at the pressure of him so close against you. He squeezed your hip, rutting against you as his other hand came to cup your breast. You were keening at the contact, loving the way he rolled your nipple between his fingers when you felt a sharp nip to your shoulder, accompanied by what you could’ve sworn was a warm breath.
“What—” you yelped, attempting to pull away but instead being held in place by his strong arms. His face found its way to your neck, nipping at the tender skin there. “Did you just bite me?” You asked, trying to keep your voice even as he drew closer to that particular spot behind your ear. Shying away, you dropped your head, pushing back but his hand left your hip to cup your chin, easily holding your head against your opposite shoulder—opening your neck to his lips. The next bite was hard, obviously trying to leave a mark as you let out something between a whimper and a moan. 
“What did you think the blindfold was for?” his voice was clear and in your ear as his lips brushed against it. He sounded so familiar but still completely different without the digital output. 
The next thing you knew he was maneuvering you to lay on your back, your head hitting a pillow as he drew one of your legs to curl around his hip—keeping you spread open as he knelt to your side. You let out a small ‘oof’ as you landed, feeling the way your torn shirt fell open, the bits left gathering along your sides. Drawing your arms forward, you made to cover yourself when his touch surprised you again. He jerked the binders above your head, yanking your arms up and leaving your chest exposed. 
“Keep them raised,” he ordered and you couldn’t help but nod in agreement as his hand started to trail down your side and across your belly, coming to curl over your mound. You’d had a crush on the Mandalorian since the first time you saw him take down a foe, and even with all the time you spent thinking of him as you touched yourself, you never thought you’d actually get to experience the real thing. Somewhere in the back of your mind you were suddenly grateful for all the missteps and bad luck that landed you on his ship.
You huffed as he started to rub your lips. He hummed, a sound from deep in his chest that fanned a fire in you. The Mandalorian was barely touching you and you were already trembling for him. His finger slid between your lips, and he groaned, “So wet already.” The digit pulled up and a rough callous you knew was from years of handling weapons and hunting bounties brushed against your clit. Back arching, you let out a sharp gasp and buried your face against your bicep. 
“Sensitive little pussy isn’t she?” Mando almost taunted. You could hear his grin, knowing he was watching the reactions he drew out of you as he swished his finger, barely applying any pressure. Adding a second, he rubbed both against your entrance—circling without sinking in. The light, tantalizing touches were both too much and not enough. You wriggled down on his fingers, feeling the way your walls fluttered at the possibility of having any part of him inside you. 
“I think she likes me.” Mando’s voice without the vocoder was a deep timber—something rich you’d never thought to imagine, but the sound of it made your gut flip with every word he spoke. 
The Mandalorian continued to rub your pussy, his brief touches kept you on an edge wanting more. You couldn’t help it when your hands flew up. Grabbing at his arm braced next to your ribs, you tried to get enough purchase to push yourself harder against his fingers. 
Before you were able to find relief, both of his hands wrapped around your forearms, pushing them back down next to your ears. His torso leaned forward to reach, bringing your leg around his hip further towards your chest, stretching the muscles in your groin. Despite the ache, you couldn’t help but notice just how wet one of his hands felt against your skin.
“I said keep them raised.” His tone was severe, any hint of teasing gone. Keeping his body pressed firmly over yours, he released one hand. You wondered for a moment what he was doing until you felt him smack you, hard, against your pussy. Though you jumped at the shock of contact, you barely moved with how well he had you pinned. “I expect you to behave,” he explained, rubbing against your lips before giving you another slap. “I am going to do whatever I want with you, just like you requested—” slap, “—and you’re going to take it like a good girl. Can you do that?”
You nodded at first but received one more smack. “Yes, yes I can—fuck, Mando—yes I can do that.”
“Good girl,” he purred in your ear, pulling back and taking his weight off your forearm to sit up. You kept still, waiting as he paused before you felt him lean back down. Thanks to the blindfold you had no warning when his lips crashed against yours. 
The Mandalorian’s kiss was hungry. Eagerly he nipped at your lips, not even waiting for permission before his tongue was in your mouth, exploring every inch it could find. Desperate for more contact, you pushed your chest up, feeling the fabric of his shirt drag across your nipples—ever mindful to keep your hands above your head as you rolled your body against him. That’s when you felt something hard pressed between his hips and your upturned thigh.
You were so focused on his mouth and the scratch of his facial hair, you didn’t notice his fingers until they slid into you. With a gasp your back arched as his touch dipped further. Mando captured your bottom lip with his teeth, bringing you back into the kiss as he pumped his arm. Curling his fingers, he dragged his touch along your inner walls, adding the perfect kind of pressure that sent jolts of tingles down your limbs.
He broke away with a pop, leaving you panting with swollen lips. As a natural post-kiss reaction you tried to open your eyes and found blackness, reminded again of the blindfold. You felt dazed with your head buzzing from the kiss and there was a notable ache between your legs.
“I'm going to roll you over,” Mando stated, grabbing your attention instantly. “I want you on your knees.” You shifted easily enough, guided by his hands on your waist as you adjusted—pulling yourself up and twisting to face away from him. 
Although you couldn’t see where Mando was when he wasn't touching you, you knew he was still watching. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you bowed your shoulders so your ass was in the air and wiggled your hips. You could hear the groan he let out, feeling how his weight bent the cushion around your knees as he settled behind you when his palm dropped with a crack against your ass. 
“Don’t stop,” Mando ordered as his hand left your now tingling skin. You moved faster, trying to add a flick and hoping it was a view he enjoyed. 
Your show ended suddenly when you felt something warm and blunt press against your mound. You moaned, rising to your hands as he pushed further against you. The head of Mando’s cock slipped between your lips easily. He slapped your ass again, this time grabbing a handful and pulling your cheeks apart so he could watch what he was doing to you. It felt delicious when he bumped against your clit—each time a heat flooded through you in waves.
Nudging forward, he sank into your warmth, gliding easily through the slick that had gathered. You bit your lip, humming in relief at the sensation. Mando began to rock, slowly working his way in, stretching your walls so that he could fit until his hips bumped against your ass. You couldn’t help but notice just how big he actually was. You felt so full but the ache of finally having him inside you only helped to stoke the elation that was bubbling up within you.
“She’s so tight,” he groaned, keeping still to just enjoy the warmth of your pussy enveloping his cock. His arms wrapped around your ribs, one hand grabbing at your tit as the other came to your neck. Squeezing your throat, he drew you up against his chest—the fabric of his shirt feeling scratchy against your sensitive skin. You gasped at both the pressure of his grip, and the way the head of his cock brushed against your walls as you shifted. 
Holding you in place with the hand around your neck, he reached down, sliding his other palm along the back of your arm before lifting at your elbow. You raised your hands how he guided until your arms were straight out in front of you. 
Maybe the lack of sight was heightening your other senses but you could almost feel the rumble in his chest so close to your back as he spoke, “I want you to keep your arms up like this, ok?” His breath was hot as it brushed against your ear, distracting you as you nodded your head and squeaked out a confirmation. 
The Mandalorian held you against him as he buried his nose in your hair, his slight moustache tickling the lip of your ear. “You’d do anything I want, wouldn’t you? You and this sweet little pussy,” he murmured as he started to rear his hips, drawing almost all the way out before slamming back in. “I want to see how much she can take.” He started to rock against you in short, hard thrusts while his hands dropped to your waist. Fingertips dug into your sides as he held you up, cool air quickly filling the space between you as his chest left your back. “Remember to keep your arms up,” Mando’s voice was clear but you could hear him grunting as he plunged into your warmth.
You tried, you really did try to follow his orders, and you lasted almost a full minute. But the way he was slamming into you—his cock bumping against a spot in you that sent a thrill up your spine with every push—and with the added weight of the binders, you couldn’t keep your arms in the air and quickly dropped forward crashing into the bed. Laying head first in his sheets you were overwhelmed by the unmistakable smell of Mando—something clean but musky that was impossible to replicate—that had sunk into his bedding over years of sleeping here. Face buried into the pillow you groaned, totally surrounded by him while trying to brace against the unrelenting pace he had settled into. 
Mando was saying something but you couldn't hear him over your own muffled wails. He slapped your ass again while his other fisted the tattered remains of the shirt you’d forgotten you were still wearing. With a hard yank he pulled you back—far enough your hands couldn't reach the bed but not so far you could brace yourself on your knees alone—effectively forcing you to hold your arms out in order to remain balanced as he fucked you.
“Fuck—Mando, please,” you begged, not able to think straight enough to fully articulate what you needed but he seemed to understand. His hips slowed and he pulled you further back to his chest again. 
You trembled as he wrapped his arms around you—one holding your own arms against your chest as his other came to your mouth. Two of his fingers slid past your lips as you rolled your head back to rest on his shoulder. Closing your mouth with a moan you sucked on his digits, swirling your tongue to make sure they were covered in saliva. He hummed in your ear, taking his hand away and drifting down your torso. Once his touch found your clit, his wet fingers started to draw little circles around the bud. You could’ve melted at the moment—that little pressure mixed with the slow grind of his cock inside you was quickly drawing out your orgasm.
“You gunna cum?” Mando asked, picking up the pace of his hand ever so slightly as you let out a breathy ‘yes’. Your hips moved on their own, chasing the tension you could feel building as the coil inside of you tightened, threatening to release at any second. “I want to feel that,” he all but growled in your ear, when his touch unexpectedly left your pussy, “But not yet.”
“What?” you gasped, feeling him pull out of you. There was an audible squelch as he slipped out, his cock thoroughly soaked with your juices that you could now feel leaking down your inner thighs. “No! Mando, wait—!” Kneeling in the middle of the bed you groped the air around you, looking for him with your hands. You nearly sobbed until his lips pressed against yours. Immediately your fists dug into the front of his shirt, pulling him closer as his tongue danced with yours. His fingers wove into your hair, his palm cupping the back of your skull, deepening the kiss for a moment before breaking away again. “No, Mando-o,” you whined, holding on tight when you heard him laugh.
“Look at you, such a desperate mess begging for me,” he mumbled, still chuckling as he pressed a comforting chaste kiss to your lips, “I’m not going anywhere, just laying down.” 
You relaxed your grip but still kept both palms on him as he settled back. Unable to see what he was doing you waited, feeling him adjusting his position before one of his hands squeezed your thigh, “Ok, climb on up.”
Hesitating for a second you eventually leaned forward, bracing yourself on his chest as you swung one knee over his thighs. The fabric of his trousers rubbed against you as you settled down, mopping up some of the slick mess that coated your legs. How you wish you could see the view before you; Mando laid out and sweating—eager for you. You could tell he was stroking his cock with one hand by the way his knuckles brushed against your mound, the other thumb swirling small circles over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. 
Rising onto your knees, you scooted forward, bringing your hips closer to his. “Right there,” Mando hummed, stopping you with the hand on your waist as his other positioned himself. He swiped the head through your lips a few times, brushing against your clit with each pass. You could feel your legs trembling when he finally lined up with your hole. 
With a deep sigh you dropped your hips, pushing down against him. It felt right as he filled you, like you had been truly empty without him. Mando’s other hand came to rest on your thigh, groping and squeezing whatever he could reach as you eased yourself onto his length. 
You could hear his reaction, the soft groans as he enjoyed your warmth, before he finally hissed out, “Oh fu-uck.” The hitch in his voice made your insides vibrate. Your bottom came to settle on his hips—fully sheathed inside of you and deeper than before—and you could feel Mando shifting to sit up, pushing himself as one hand grabbed at your hair. 
“Filthy little slut, aren’t you? So wet for the bounty hunter that caught you,” he growled in your ear, holding your head in place as he pressed his nose to the side of your face so his stubble dragged across your cheek. In response you moaned and shifted your hips, unable to hide the reaction you felt at his words, “Easiest bounty I ever had.” 
His other hand flew up, wrapping around the column of your neck with ease. “You know you’re supposed to run from me, not beg me to fuck you,” The Mandalorian’s voice was low and chiding, having fun reminding you just how readily you’d given yourself up to him, and just how vulnerable to him you were right now. 
“Open your mouth.” You followed the command without hesitation, dropping your jaw as far as you could. He took a quick inhale and then spat, the glob of saliva landing square on your outstretched tongue. Closing your lips you made a show of swallowing hard, your throat pressing against his palm as you gulped. His grip tightened, fingers digging into your jugular hard enough to restrict blood flow. “You said you wanted this, now show me how bad.” Leaning back, his fist left your hair as he ordered, “Make yourself cum on my cock.”
Eager to please you started to grind down, rutting against him so that his pelvic bone hit your clit and the head of his cock bumped inside of you. Mando’s hand smacked hard against your ass and you let out a silent yelp, barely any air getting past with the way he held your neck. 
Bringing your palms to rest flat on his soft belly you lifted your hips instead—rising up, up, up and then dropping, reveling at the drag of his cock inside of you. You guessed he liked this too by the lack of spanking and so you continued, riding him as hard as you could. The way you moved—leaning forward with every rise—pressed your own throat harder into his palm choking yourself on his grip as you humped against him.
The broad expanse of his palm against your neck felt better than you had imagined, the way he held you in place, watching as you bounced and wailed. You could feel your end drawing rapidly closer, tiny shocks dancing through you as forewarning. Shifting your hands, you tried to rub your own clit but were unable to reach with the binders on. Mando noticed and brought his own thumb to press down on your bundle of nerves.
That contact of his finger alone was enough to push you over the edge. All of your limbs froze, tensing as you came. A staggered whine left your mouth as you felt your inner walls spasming around Mando’s cock. 
You were still careening, your mind blank as you felt him pushing up from underneath you. The head of his cock continued to ram against that spot inside you—feeling all too overwhelming—as you realized he had taken over when you slackened and was now thrusting up into you. Letting out a loud moan you tried to push him away, the overstimulation seemed to be leading to another orgasm edging in before the last had even finished, but he easily immoblized your cuffed hands and chased his own end, fucking up into your pussy as hard as he could.
You gasped and reeled, a complete mess above him, held up only by Mando’s hands as you crested again. The way your walls squeezed Mando’s dick as you came quickly brought him to his own release. Something warm pulsed inside you as his whole body went rigid, his hands gripping your wrist and neck flexed hard enough to bruise as he came with a gutteral sound from deep in his chest. He shifted, trying to push deeper before dropping to sag against the mattress. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his hold on you loosening and falling to your hips. Your hands slid across his chest as you dropped forward to lay against him. Mando’s palms found your ass as you felt his softening cock slip out of your aching pussy. 
“Fuck is right,” you laughed, your breath dancing across his collarbone as you relaxed. His fingertips ghosted up your spine, brushing your skin ever so gently. “Screw all your bounties like that?” You teased, unable to hide your smile as you nudged your nose against his jaw—enjoying the scratch of his overgrown stubble. 
“Believe it or not, you’re the first,” the Mandalorian sighed, turning his head to capture your lips in a lazy kiss. 
“Glad you didn't throw me in carbonite right away,” you hummed, playfully nipping at his mouth as you laid, sprawled across his broad chest.
“That makes two of us,” he replied, helping to shift your dead weight to the side where you still remained wrapped around him. “If you give me a moment, you can take the blindfold off.” 
His offer was replied to with a groan as you clung tighter to him.
 “Don’t go anywhere, I don’t even notice it anymore,” you yawned as you dug your fingers into his shirt, enjoying his arm around your shoulders. It wasn’t a lie—you were barely aware of the the fabric over your eyes as you nestled further into the warmth of his body, easily drifting off to sleep.
Waking up you were beyond disoriented, with no idea where you had fallen asleep this time. That lasted until you shifted to sit up. A dozen different aches shot through your body, making themselves all known at once—the most prominent coming from between your thighs. 
Memories from the night before—was it the night before? How long had you been asleep?—flooded your mind and you shivered, remembering the ways the Mandalorian had touched you and all the dirty things he had whispered in your ear. That’s when you realized you weren’t wearing the blindfold or binders anymore. 
Rubbing at your wrists, you massaged where the cuffs had irritated your skin and looked around. There was nothing notable or personal about the space after all. Everything was in neat order, and clean, with almost no way to tell that someone actually lived here—no way except for the smell. 
Remnant whiffs of sex and sweat still hung in the air, but there was something under that—something deep and warm and comforting—that was purely the Mandalorian. You felt yourself relaxing, eased by the scent, as you shifted to sit on the edge of the bed despite the protest in your limbs.
Your thigh brushed against a soft, neatly folded black shirt—a perfect little square left out for you. Shrugging off the remnants of your old top, you felt yourself grinning. 
The shirt was warm, made from some type of wool, with long sleeves you had to roll up so they wouldn’t cover your hands. Once it was on, you couldn’t help but bring the collar to your nose and take a deep breath, inhaling his clean smell that clung to the fabric. 
You took your time getting dressed before leaving the bedroom, sure you’d never see this space again. Shaking your head, you chased away those dark thoughts, trying not to focus on the fact of your impending doom as you slowly made your way to the cockpit with ginger steps. 
Coming to the co-pilot's chair, you let out an involuntary groan while easing yourself into the seat. The sound caught the Mandalorian’s attention, who looked back over his shoulder, watching the way you winced as you settled in.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, his voice coming out flat and unreadable again, altered by his helmet. You noticed the slight tilt of his helmet, and shifted your hands, pulling the rolled cuffs down to cover the bruises from the binders.
“Sore,” you replied frankly but unable to hide the smile as you looked at him, reminded of all the reasons why you felt just so, “but it’s a good ache.” Mando said nothing in response but you got the sneaking suspicion that he was also smiling at the same memories.
“How much longer till we reach Nevarro?” The question broke the comfortable silence between the two of you, but that anxious part of your brain needed to know how much longer you had left.
“We’re not going to Nevarro,” the Mandalorian stated simply, the visor of his helmet staying trained on you. 
“What? But Greef’s on—,” you start but he was quick to interrupt.
“I’ve set the coordinates to some planet out of Crimson Dawn’s reach,” he began to explain, turning back to the ships controls as you sat with your mouth agape, frozen mid protest. “It’s somewhere they won’t find you.” Mando shuffled around, absently checking gauges and flipping switches. “I’ll tell the guild your body was destroyed, a bomb went off or something. Karga will vouch for me and then as far as anyone who cares to ask will ever know, you’ll be dead.” 
There was a long moment where the cockpit was totally silent, neither of you responding as you processed what he’d just said.
“Mando,” Your voice caught in your throat as you tried to talk. “Mando, do you still have that blindfold?” you asked quietly, grabbing his full attention as he twisted in his seat to look at you. 
“Yeah, I—uh, I do. Why?” You could see his hand shift to the pocket or pouch he’d tucked away the scrap of cloth. 
You were climbing onto his lap before he even realized you had stood up. Settling your weight on his thighs with your hands on his shoulders—just as you had been the day before—while ignoring the feeling in your joints as you inched closer. “Because I really want to kiss you right now.”
Mando held up the blindfold and you snatched it away, quick to secure it back around your eyes with a tight knot before reaching forward. Just as your fingers bumped against the edge of beskar, his hands were grabbing yours out of reflex.
“I can’t see anything, I promise,” you murmured while staying as still as possible, waiting for his grip to relax. When it did, his hands stayed on top of yours, cupping them as you began to lift. The helmet was heavier than you expected, weighty in your hands, as you held it between the pair of you. Leaning over the beskar dome, you brought your mouth to his. 
His lips felt warm and soft, welcoming and eager as he pressed back against you. Mando shifted, removing the helmet hugged between your bodies as one hand came to your jaw. Taking your bottom lip between his, he sucked as his moustache scratched along your skin. Your hands threaded into his hair, pressing yourself against him as hard as you could. 
“It’s going to take a day or so still,” Mando rasped, breaking the kiss to catch his breath but not pulling away, keeping you close enough his lips brushed against yours as he spoke. “A day or so until we reach the planet and I was—uh, I was thinking that we could—if you want to I mean, we don’t have to do anything if you’re still sore—.”
You got Mando to shut up with a hard kiss, rolling your hips against his as an answer. 
tagos: @whenimaunicorn @fat-zygerrian @cptnbvcks @no-droids @laketaj24 @tiyetiye @grungyblonde @rzrcrst @mrsparknuts @lokiaddicted @singledadharrington @ivars-heathen @gentlyphotographing @theduchessofkirkcaldy @archenemydavidlandlord @themandjalorian @fanfiction-trashpile @mando-deserves-hugs​ @constant-arts​ @hellomothermoon @flapjacques​ @inforapound​
I do expect to write more abt our favorite Mandalorian, so if you want to be tagged leave a reply on this saying so
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Archaia’s Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance #7
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The Ballad of Hup & Barfinnious Part 3 of 4
Nice of Barfinnious to let Hup be first in the title, by the by.
In part one, Hup burned a lot of bridges in his tavern workplace by full force spoon smacking SkekShod the Treasurer during the Sami Thicket tithe. He then became the squire of Barfinnious the self-proclaimed Paladin-Bard and definite con artist.
In part two, Hup and Barfinnious roll into a village which seems to be holding out for a hero. Barfinnious ignores all of the foreshadowing and then is surprised when THE BEAST attacks and the village elder expects Barfinnious to walk the hero walk. But after being called a coward, Barfinnious pledges he and Hup will find this BEAST.
As for Hup? He’s been itching to do some valorous deeds and was ready to throw himself spoon-first at THE BEAST when it showed up.
So now Hup and Barfinnious are on the same page, right?
The issue starts, as I’m realizing all of the issues have started, with Barfinnious telling a story.
Neat conceit!
But he tells a frankly pretty cool apparently murder mystery story that is supposed to illustrate that he has a knack for observation but just confuses the concussed Vortina, the girl what got trampled a little.
Meanwhile, Barfinnious’ crack CSI team of Hup and Veara examine the crime scene. Er, monster attack scene.
Of course, Veara still can’t understand what Hup is saying. Womp womp.
Hup: “It -- it doesn’t make sense. There seem to be two separate creatures. A Mounder, or something bigger, but with fingers for breaking and throwing? And then... something with many teeth. Whatever attacked Vortina and the farmhouse.”
Barfinnious stopped listening after Mounder because, hey, if they can blame this on a Mounder then they can “solve” the case and be out of here before sundown away from its judgy elders who make you feel bad.
He declares that the supposed beast is just a Mounder under blud-rage, a disease which makes animals feral and irrational and hopefully isn’t rabies.
Vortina protests that what attacked her wasn’t a Mounder but Barfinnious insists and starts telling a story about how he had a pet Nebrie as a child which got blud-rage.
... I’m now fairly sure that it is rabies and that Barfinnious is about to recap Gelfling Old Yeller.
Anyway, as he goes on, a Mounder looms up behind him and does him a startle.
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Vortina, sassy as heck: “Might want to try other scenarios, Sir Observation. I only go the one Mounder, and she seems fine.”
It’s such a good diss that Veara immediately drops dead.
Or passes out because she was so busy tending Vortina’s injuries that she neglected to take care of herself.
Veara is put to bed with Vortina “keeping watch” (napping) and Barfinnious, Hup, and the elder go elsewhere to try to figure things out.
Hup asks the elder whether there’s more information on the attacks. Whether anyone has seen the beast or beasts. Whether it attacks in a pattern.
And apparently the elder also doesn’t understand Podling because Barfinnious smoothly then steals Hup’s ideas, repeating all of the questions to the elder while Hup facepalms.
The elder tells them that THE BEAST always comes out at night. Not usually consecutive nights but THE BEAST has been growing bolder. And that there’s a rumble that precedes the attack.
Oh and then upstairs where Veara is sleeping, some manner of giant BEAST punches a hole in the wall and abducts her like King Kong.
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It carries her away towards the North Woods.
Dang, this BEAST is breaking all the rules. Coming out during the day, not being preceded by a rumble. What’s next? Littering?
Barfinnious is stunned into inaction again but Hup demands that they go after her and asks whether it would be faster to walk or ride. Barfinnious eventually answers that they’ll ride.
As they saddle up, Barfinnious offers an inspiring speech which is initially... less than inspiring.
Barfinnious: “Good Gelfling! I will not lie. Things look bleak. And I... it has been some span since I’ve faced down a monster... of this size.”
Elder: *Sigh*
Barfinnious: “But with my brave squire at my side -- we’ll bring back your healer.”
The elder being 101% done with Barfinnious but not really having a better plan than him never ceases to amuse me.
Hup and Barfinnious hold up their spoon and broken sword to the applause of the small gathered crowd.
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The elder asks if he can’t maybe offer them better weapons than a spoon and a broken sword but Barfinnious responds “Ours have gotten us this far.”
Barfinnious and Hup set off to the sustained applause of the small crowd.
Oh and two people that opine “So brave” and “So doomed.”
Cracks me up.
Hup tries to follow the trail despite the ground being too hard to leave tracks but Barfinnious plans to just ditch.
Just head to the main road and onto the next town. Clearly Veara is dead at this point so cut their losses, right?
Hup jumps off the riding Armalig and proclaims he’ll continue on foot.
But in mid principled stomp, he spots a weird plant. A Sifan bloom that doesn’t grow around here. And he realizes that Veara, herbalist per excellence, is probably leaving a trail with the random plants she has in her pockets.
So despite Barfinnious wanting to ditch, he follows the trail of plants all throughout the day, until they reach a spooky cave at sunset.
Where Barfinnious freezes up again and says he can’t continue any further.
Hup tries to encourage him because as weird and danger avoidant as Barfinnious is, guy is a paladin, right?
Barfinnious: “Barfinnious the fake. I can’t do it because I’ve never done it. And if you’re suddenly this great investigator and tracker, then why haven’t you figured out by now that my stories are. Not. Real.”
He tells Hup that all of his stories except one were made up. And the one, the Arathim story, didn’t end the way Barfinnious claimed.
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Barfinnious: “I’ve never saved anyone. I’ve only been saved. Only been a victim. And a story-spinner.”
Hup: “So the princess... saved you? And that shames you? You’re right. You aren’t a hero. A real hero lifts others up, doesn’t push them down. I’m going to help my friend. Because it matters what I do. Not what I say I do.”
And then he heads into the cave, despite being scared, to confront a monster with just a spoon.
I mean, first off the princess who saved herself! Worst day of Barfinnious’ life but a pretty rad day for the princess.
And we get some great insight into Barfinnious and why he’s so easy to shame into doing hero stuff despite being a con artist.
He wanted to be a hero once upon a time and got in over his head. And I don’t know that it’s the fact that he was saved that shamed him as much as his realization how close he came to death. Any time actual heroic situations pop up he freezes. He’s terrified to go into danger because this time, there may not be a cool princess to save him.
And we see the pedestal Hup has put Barfinnious the Paladin Bard on completely shatter. Hup has been disillusioned about his chances of becoming a Paladin himself. He’s been, in the moment, frustrated or annoyed by Barfinnious. But the whole time he’s still held him up as this hero. And now Barfinnious has admitted to being just a fraud.
The reveal shatters Hup a little too.
But Hup is still going to be a hero because darnit that’s just who Hup is! So he abandons Barfinnious as his inspiration and takes up Veara’s words instead!
Good stuff.
Can’t wait to see how this concludes!
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vigilantesanonymous · 5 years ago
and the thing is, i’m not scared anymore (part 3)
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In which you are a healer being held against your will by the First Order. There are legends swirling around the galaxy of a great Sith healer, one that can bring a man back to life, all without Jedi power. But to you, you’re just a girl stuck on a planet with nowhere to go, left to rot there for the rest of your life. That is, until a cocky and utterly charming Resistance pilot crashes in to save you. (So kinda like Tangled but make it Star Wars. Only kinda though.)
Word count: 2811 (she’s a long one)
Back on the base in D’Qar, Poe took great pride in introducing me to everyone. I felt like I annoyed him, being his perpetual shadow, but if it did bother him, he didn’t let me know it. He would make sure I knew who to talk to, and introduced me to all of his friends. Finn, the former Stormtrooper, and Rey, the Jedi in training. Both of them shared a look when they noticed how Poe oh-so-casually had his arm slung over my shoulders. Or how protective he would get if any of the other pilots started talking to me for too long, pulling me away because he “has to show me something important”. Any time I was to meet with Leia to see if I could remember any other important information, Poe always made sure that he was free to escort me to her and stayed with me the entire meeting, always there to lend a supportive hand squeeze or knee rub if I was nervous. I heard whispers that he had even turned down a mission just to be with me for one of those mundane meetings. And Poe Dameron is not one to turn down a mission. 
I really want to believe that he feels something more than the bond of a friendship. But who am I kidding? The first man that I meet outside of the First Order, like me? It’s too much to hope for. Something like that wouldn’t happen, it would be too good to be true. I forbade myself from really considering that it could be a possibility. That didn’t stop me from indulging in the occasional daydream, however, of Poe running out of his X-wing to swing me around in his arms and-
I’m pulled out of my thoughts by a knocking on the door. Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear. “Mind if I come in?” Poe asks. He’s in his flight suit, presumably back from a spin around the galaxy. He’s the only man I’ve ever seen make those putrid orange suits look good.
“Yeah, of course!”
“So I have something for you,” he says as he plops down next to me on the bed. “You haven’t tried gi dumpling soup,” he grins. “I got some for us, so you can try it. You tell me, my chambers or yours?” This is one of Poe’s favorite pastimes: finding foods from all over the galaxy that I haven’t tried. All I had was whatever was in the Imperial rations that they pushed at me. Sometimes I still think it hasn’t fully settled in yet that I never left that room where I was kept, because he’ll ask me if I��ve tried something, and then rave for at least ten minutes about how “It’s so good, you absolutely have to try it, I mean you haven’t lived if you haven’t tried it at least once!” I mean, he’s said that too about doing a barrel roll in an X-wing, but we’re taking baby steps, and starting with food first. 
“I don’t mind, we can eat it wherever,” I say, really not answering his question. I would eat in a womp rat pit if it meant I got to be with you, I think to myself. 
“Okay then, I’m making an executive decision. We’re going back to mine.” He takes my hands in his and pulls me up, forcing me to follow him down the hall to his quarters. Though his are somewhat larger than mine, Poe apparently insisted that my quarters be as close to his as possible. Leia was unwilling to uproot the other people living in the rooms next to him, so Poe had to settle for having me just down the hall from him. 
We set ourselves up comfortably on the bed, my leg hanging off the side and swinging lazily as we dig into all the goodies Poe brought. 
“Woah, this is really good!” 
“See, I told ya!” Poe says with his signature grin. “Have as much as you want. Have my portion too, if you want.” His stomach growls, making us both giggle. “Okay, maybe don’t do that. Maybe I just said that to be nice,” he chuckles before digging into his own bowl. 
“You know you don’t have to do this for me, right?” I ask.
“I know. I do it because I want to.” Poe tries to act nonchalant but I can see there’s something stirring behind his dark eyes. “Do you not want me to?”
“No! I really like this- I just…” I taper. “I worry about what everyone says around the base.”
“What do they say around the base?” He tenses up, defensive. 
I sigh, embarrassed. “That I’m naive. And that I’m too dumb to see this for what it is. I don’t know what they’re talking about- I like being friends with you. I really do. You’re the first person I’ve connected with. And I appreciate so much all that you’ve done for me Poe- I really don’t know how I will ever properly show you my gratitude.”
“I’ve already told you, you don’t have to repay me for anything. You saved my life, okay? I think we’re even there.”
“That was not even that bad of a wound that I healed-”
“-It could have become life threatening, but you healed me and that’s what counts. And for the guys on base? They’re just jealous that you’re talking to me instead of them, I’m sure of it.”
“Who knew being humble was part of your charm,” I joke, making him blush.
“I have been wondering something though,” he says slowly.
“And what is that?”
Cut off from his thoughts, we whip around to the sound of a knock on the door. It opens, revealing none other than General Leia herself. “I thought I would find you two together,” Leia says with a tender smile. “I have a mission for the both of you, if you’re up to it.”
“Trying to get rid of me already General?” Poe says with a playful sigh. 
“Always, Dameron,” she chides back. 
“What is it General?” I ask eagerly. 
“As you know, we have a spy providing valuable information to us. The spy wants to meet, but to leave the ship would be too risky for them. Therefore, we have to come to them. I have an idea.”
Leia’s idea was for Poe and I to look like First Order snobs, so that way we would blend in on the Finalizer. The plan is to slip in, get information from the spy, and slip out. The only thing about it? It sounded just a little too easy. 
“This doesn’t seem right,” Poe says as we walk down the hall. “I mean, no one noticed us coming in? No troopers, no guards, no nothing? I don’t trust this.”
“You shouldn’t,” a malicious voice says from behind us. Before I can even comprehend what’s happening, stormtroopers flood into the hall in front of us, effectively cutting us off from our path. I spin around to be greeted with the sight of a tall red headed man in a general’s uniform. “I can’t believe the Resistance would really be so stupid as to take the bait,” the man says with a confident smirk. Wait- red hair, general… General Hux! “Take the girl to holding quarters. As for the pilot- execute him, and make it quick.” 
Poe’s face falls as he looks over to me. For the first time in my life, I see the hopeful glint leave Poe’s dark eyes. He swallows hard, and a sense of finality that I’ve never felt before comes over me. It can’t end like this; I won’t let it.
“Wait!” I cry. Hux snaps his head to me, looking both annoyed and intrigued. “You can’t kill him.”
“Oh, and why is that?” he sneers.
“Because,” I start, trying to steady my voice. “If you kill him, I will never, ever, stop trying to get away from you. I’ll do everything I can to make sure that your masters and your men die, and refuse to use my power for them. But if you let him go-”
“No!” Poe chokes out, but a Stormtrooper puts a hand over his mouth to allow me to finish. I can see him begging me not to say what I’m going to say next.
“If you let him go,” I say quietly. “I will never fight you. I will do anything you say, anything you want me to. I will never try to get away from you again, and you can lock me in another cage and I’ll accept my fate and just rot there for the rest of my life. But you have to let him go. You have to let Poe live.”
A devilish grin spreads across Hux’s features. “His life for yours? You really want to trade your life for a scrappy Resistance pilot’s?” He looks me over, seeing that I’m genuine and I mean to keep my promise. “Fine.” He turns on his heel to Poe. “This is your lucky day. I’m feeling generous, and our little girl’s speech here has changed my mind. You will go back to your base and never return. Understand?” He looks to the head of the squadron, his features twisting in disgust. “Get him out of my sight and off of this ship as quickly as possible.”
The Stormtroopers turn in unison, shoving Poe down the hall. He tries to jostle out of their grip, get their hand off of his mouth, but to no avail. We lock eyes for a split second, and then he’s pulled out of sight. That’s the last I see of my best friend.
Alone in the hallway, Hux latches onto my arm and drags me down the hallways to one of the prisoner holds. “You stupid, naive girl,” he huffs as he drags me along behind him. His nails are digging so deep there will be bruises left behind for sure. I’m trying to keep up with his pace but the towering man’s gait is too much for me to keep up with. “You think that he cares for you? You are just another tool to the side of the Resistance, nothing more. He left without saying a word, and you sacrificed your life for him!” One of the shiny black doors of the prisoner hold slides open, Hux flinging me inside like a rag doll. “Welcome to the rest of your life,” he says with a smirk.
“Wait!” I grip onto his wrist, not letting him pull out of my hold on him. “Did you really let him live?”
Hux sneers, his face inches from mine. “Of course I did. Poe Dameron being alive will only cause Kylo Ren more agony, which is exactly what I want. He has been prowling the galaxy for you, and the fact that there’s another man out there means that he’ll never, truly have you.” He straightens up, looking around to make sure that no one heard him before stepping back. “I’ll be punished for saving your precious little pilot, but seeing his inevitable tantrum will be worth it.” And with that, the black metal doors sliding back together seamlessly and Hux is gone. 
I sink to the floor, tears dripping off of my face onto the polished black metal. It’s freezing in here, which only adds to the overwhelming feeling of despair that’s enveloping me. Who knows if Hux will even keep his promise? It wouldn’t be the first time that a member of the First Order lied to get what they wanted. Especially with all that talk about Kylo Ren… It’s only meant to confuse me more, I’m sure. I could be here stranded, separated from Poe, and he could even be- no, I can’t think that, I won’t. If I lose hope, then they’ll have me in their grip forever. But if I fight them, and keep hoping against hope that Poe will be okay, then I have a fighting chance. 
Time passes slowly. The lights in the hallways are always on, making it impossible to sleep. Marching of Stomtroopers can be heard in the never ending hallways, the same stomp at all hours. It’s either that or the haunting silence of the ship. The sound of space is blocked out, so I don’t even have that to comfort me, to escape into. Every surface is hard and uncomfortable, so even if I try to lay down each and every one of my bones hurt. The room is too small to pace; I only make it two and a half strides before having to turn on my heel. I know that someone will come to rescue me, but when? It already feels like it’s been weeks, but I’m sure that realistically it’s only been a few days. 
My mind keeps wandering to Poe. Why couldn’t I have just swallowed my pride and told him how I feel? I keep replaying our parting in my mind, wishing I had screamed out that I loved him before we were separated. 
But is it love? Or am I just being naive? I’ve never been in love before- I read all about it in the fairytale books that I had back in my prison, but those are just stories. I’m not a princess, and there isn’t a prince that will come save me. Just because he broke me out of my prison doesn’t mean that he loves me. It was a mission! Maybe I am just a means to an end for the Resistance. Maybe there really is no one in the galaxy that I can trust. 
For the first time in days, the doors to my cell slide open. I’m greeted by the sight of two Stormtroopers. Great, I think, Poe’s voice echoing in my mind. More of them.
“We’re here to escort you to Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,” one of them says. Even through the garbling of the helmet, that voice sounds familiar to me. 
Realization washes over me quickly. “Finn?” I whisper, just barely audible. 
The trooper looks down the hall before poking his head in, pulling off the helmet. Sure enough, Finn is underneath, grinning at me. “This is a rescue. You really thought that we were going to leave you here?!” 
“I just really can’t believe it!” I can feel my heart thumping out of my chest with excitement. I still feel in a stupor of shock, I mean after being stuck for so long this feels like a dream. “Who’s with you?” I ask, looking over to the other person.
“I think you know,” Finn says with a wink. “We need to get out of here though, like now.” He shoves his helmet back on, shoving fake shackles around my wrists. 
Poe. I can feel it that it’s him. The two of them line up behind me, the three of us walking briskly down the hall. I try my hardest to contain my excitement at being rescued, and it’s all I can do to keep from crying tears of joy at the sight of the Falcon. “Let’s get you outta here, Sweetheart,” I hear Poe’s voice say through the garbling of the helmet. They easily shoot the two troopers in front of the Falcon who no doubt were trying to figure out who the ship belonged to. I toss off the fake shackles, sprinting into the ship and sitting in complete awe as we zoom away from yet another one of my prisons. 
On our way back to D’Qar, I hear someone coming down the hall. In their haste to get out of danger, Finn and Poe forgot to take off their helmets. Slowly, the man in front of me pulls off his helmet, revealing Poe’s grinning face underneath. “Miss me, Sweetheart? Because I sure missed you.”
“Poe!” I slam myself into his arms, feeling them pull me off the ground to swing me around. “I missed you, so much. I almost thought you were dead, and I just… I never thought I would see you again.” My eyes begin to sting as I feel tears start welling up in the corners of my eyes. 
Poe cups my face in his hand, pulling me up to look at him. “I would never, ever leave you, you hear me?” His thumb rubs slowly across my cheek, the two of us just gazing into each other’s eyes. “I was too scared to tell you before, but I realized something. I realized that the scariest thing in the galaxy is losing you. And the thing is, I’m not scared anymore, because I know we’ll come back to each other, always.” He takes a deep breath, pausing before continuing what he’s going to say. “I love you,” he breathes. 
“Just kiss me already.”
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bitchin-beskar · 5 years ago
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Chapter 1: The Hunter and His Prey
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Here is the second story in the I See Starlight series!! We finally get to see Mando!!!! I'd planned on doing the whole series from Cerliah's perspective, but most of this chapter just seemed to flow better from Mando's. As always, this work is un-beta'd and all mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy!!!
Six weeks.
It had been six standard weeks. 
The Mandalorian sighed, slumped over in the pilot’s chair on the Razor Crest, the streaks of light flying past the windows in the cockpit a tell-tale sign of the lightspeed he’d been engaged in for the past couple of hours. His whole body ached with the stress and fatigue from the past month and a half, but none of his creaking joints or sore muscles could compare the ache in his heart.
The job was supposed to be a simple one. Ever since he’d cleared things with Karga, he’d been getting Guild jobs under the table every so often, which helped keep fuel in the Crest and food in his and the kid’s bellies. The bounty had been on Tatooine, some low-life, gambling, debt-runner who had pissed off a powerful man. Low risk. High reward. Simple. 
He’d flown to Tatooine, and had left his ship and the kid with Peli Motto, who had been thrilled to see them–well, at least the kid–again. He’d paid her credits to watch the ship and his kid, and then he’d gone off after the bounty. 
It hadn’t gone well. 
The bounty apparently had pissed off a lot more than just a debt-collector. When he’d finally found the bounty, he’d been beaten and near death, surrounded by a group of spice smugglers. Supposedly, his bounty had racked up quite the debt to support his spice habit, in addition to the gambling debt, and when he couldn’t pay, he’d run. The Mandalorian had tried to stay hidden, but wearing a full suit of beskar on a planet that had two suns? Well, he was never going to stay hidden for very long. The group of smugglers had descended on him, and while he managed to take care of all of them, one had gotten in a lucky shot past his beskar, leaving him wounded. And, of course, a loose shot had hit his speeder, causing it to break down, leaving him stranded. Worst of all, the bounty had succumbed to his wounds, and this particular bounty had been one that needed to be alive for payment to be received. 
By the time he’d been able to make his way back to Mos Eisley, more bad news had awaited him. Peli was in hysterics when he arrived at the hangar. Two days prior, a group of slavers had attacked Mos Eisley on the orders of the Hutts, and had kidnapped multiple citizens, along with a couple of unfortunate travelers. Peli had been in town buying food when it had happened, and she’d run back to the hangar as soon as the slavers had attacked, but she’d been too late. The kid had been playing with some of the other children nearby, and he’d been snatched, along with all the other kids. 
Mando sighed again. He wanted to be mad at Peli, kriff, he’d tried to be mad, but he just couldn’t muster up the strength. She’d been overwrought, sobbing in his arms as she’d tried to explain what had happened, apologizing every other sentence. It had been so unlike the tough, no-nonsense woman he’d met months prior, but he could understand to an extent. He’d wanted to panic when he’d learned the kid had been taken, by slavers no less, but he knew that he didn’t have time to panic if he wanted to find the kid as fast as possible.
Which led to his current predicament. 
He’d followed the slavers for three maker-forsaken weeks, always just a day or even just a few hours behind them. He’d contacted Karga and Cara, asking them to keep an ear out for any news, hoping to somehow get ahead of the slavers, but so far no luck. He’d had to stop and take a couple small jobs in order to get enough credits to buy enough fuel to keep up the planet hopping necessary to follow the slavers. 
After a quick supply run, he’d jumped back on the trail. It seemed as though the slavers had stopped running, as it looked as though the kid was on Markon-Vel, and had been for a while. But, he wasn’t taking any chances, so he was flying there as fast as the Crest could go. 
Finally, finally, after hours in lightspeed, he arrived at Markon-Vel. He didn’t know much about the planet, only that it was similar in atmosphere and geography to Sorgan. He would admit to being confused at why slavers would choose Markon-Vel to settle, or why anyone on Markon-Vel would own slaves, as it seemed to be a simple agricultural world, but it didn’t matter. His kid was there, and he was going to get him back. No matter what. 
He landed in the woods a couple klicks from the town closest to the kid’s signal–yes, he’d put a tracker signal in the mythosaur necklace the kid insisted on wearing in case of this exact scenario–and descended the ladder down from the cockpit. He opened his weapons cache, equipping himself with more weapons than were likely strictly necessary, but he wasn’t taking any chances. Armed with his Amban rifle, his WESTAR-35 blaster, his vibroblades, and plenty of small, but powerful grenades for crowd control and distractions, he disembarked the Crest, closing the ramp with the controls on his vambrace. 
Stalking through the woods, he quickly came upon the small village. Most of the townspeople who saw him approaching quickly made their way inside, although a few brave souls stayed outside, eyeing him warily. His path was blocked by an elderly woman, fear clear in her eyes, but her stance showed nothing but confidence. 
“What is your business here, Mandalorian?” Her voice was steady, but there was a clear underlying tone of worry, clearly wondering what had brought a bounty hunter to her village. 
He stared at the woman for a few tense moments, watching as she refused to squirm in discomfort, meeting what she thought was his gaze resolutely. Finally, he spoke. “I’m looking for slavers. They would have had a small, green, alien child with large ears with them.” 
The woman’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I don’t know anything about any slavers, but–”
She was cut off by the arrival of a young woman, who stepped forward, a clear look of distrust on her face. “Why exactly do you want to know, bounty hunter?” She spat, venom lacing her tone. The elder turned to scold her, but she spoke once more. “No, Grandmother, why should we offer any assistance to one who only sees other beings as a paycheck?” 
The Mandalorian tilted his head, observing the bold, younger woman. Very few had the guts to stand up to a Mandalorian, even fewer who dared do so without any weapons on their person. Although he admired her strength and courage, he didn’t want to get into any debates or fights with any of the locals. They didn’t seem to be aware of any slavers, and if it were possible to resolve this without violence against innocents, well, he would greatly prefer that. 
“The child isn’t a bounty, but he was in my care until circumstances changed that. I am merely trying to reunite with him.”
The young woman eyed him suspiciously, but the elder woman nodded at his words. “A young woman came to Markon-Vel roughly three weeks ago, and she brought with her a child matching the description you gave.” The young woman protested, but the elder continued. “She purchased the hut on the outskirts of our village, down the main road.”
The Mandalorian nodded, stepping past the two women, and proceeding down the long road through the town. After a few minutes, the small hut the elder had described came into view. He could see a woman kneeling in front of the house, tending to what seemed to be a small garden. He couldn’t see the kid anywhere, but that wasn’t saying much considering he was roughly the size of a womp rat, and the same color as the grass surrounding him. The woman didn’t look like a slaver, but that didn’t mean much either. 
He watched as she looked up as he approached, visibly stiffening at the sight of him. He knew he looked imposing in full beskar-gam, but there was some dark part of him that was pleased to see her scared of him, to see the person responsible for the kidnapping of his foundling fearful and terrified. 
He continued forward, watching as she stood quickly, glancing behind her before moving forward slightly into his path. He strode up to her, quickly moving into her personal space, somewhat surprised that she refused to back down, despite the clear terror in her eyes. 
“Where is the kid?”
He watched as she stared defiantly up at his helm, somehow meeting his gaze, despite being unable to see his eyes. She stared for a few quiet minutes, before the fight seemed to leave her body, her shoulders slumping almost imperceptibly. 
“Why do you want him?” 
It took everything the Mandalorian had to not start at the question. No denials, no protests, no bargaining, nothing he was used to when it came to bounties or those he had to confront for information. Just resigned acceptance. 
He didn’t respond, and she repeated herself. 
He took a brief moment before answering her, deciding to be honest. “He is my foundling, in my care until I can reunite him with his own kind. He was taken from me, and I am here to take him back.” There was a challenge in his tone, as if daring her to argue her part in his foundling’s capture.
But he was shocked as instead of her body tensing, becoming defensive, she did the opposite. Her posture relaxed, shock and–was that awe?–coming to light in her eyes. She opened her mouth before closing it, clearly trying to decide what to say. She did this a few more times, and just as he was about to order her to hand over his kid once more, she spoke softly.
“You– he– he’s not your bounty? You’re not here to take him back to the slavers?” 
This time, the Mandalorian was unable to hide his shock. He took a small step back at her words, watching as she seemed to have tears appearing in her eyes. A soft “No,” released from his mouth, unbidden, as he watched her seem to debate with herself before turning on her heel, telling him to wait there as she walked towards a small pond in the backyard of her hut. 
He watched as she waded through the grass, crouching down by the pond for a moment, gathering something in her arms before turning back and walking towards him. 
He felt his heart clench as he saw the kid in her arms, little fingers clutching at her neckline, his little head tucked underneath her chin. His big eyes were closed in contentment, and the woman’s grip on him was comforting, her hand laying across his back in support as she moved towards him. He felt guilt pool deep in his gut as he remembered the vicious pleasure he’d felt when he’d seen that he’d scared her. He’d misjudged her it seemed, perhaps she hadn’t taken part in the abduction of his kid, and the fact that she seemed to care so deeply for his son... 
Meanwhile he’d thought she was the one who’d taken his son in the first place–it left a sour taste in his mouth. 
As she made her way back to him, he watched as the kid opened his big black eyes, and when he laid eyes on him, the kid squealed in excitement, immediately reaching his tiny arms out towards his guardian. The woman easily handed him over, and the Mandalorian felt a sense of relief flow through his whole body, tension leaking out of his pose as he held his young charge against his beskar-clad chest. 
Cerliah had watched with tears in her eyes as the baby cuddled with the Mandalorian standing before her. When she’d first seen the form of a notorious bounty hunter striding towards her small hut, fear had gripped her, and she’d nearly had a panic attack. She would have defended Little One with her life, but she knew it would not do any good, if the Mandalorian was truly there to take his bounty.
Oh, but the relief that washed over her when he said he didn’t intend to return Little One to the slavers… 
She would be the first to admit a small amount of shock ran through her when the Mandalorian had declared Little One to be his charge, his foundling. She knew little of Mandalorian culture, only what she’d been able to read in her mistress’s library, but she knew that they considered adopted children to be just as important as blood-kin, so to hear this fearsome warrior declare such an attachment to Little One was what had convinced her to go and collect him from by the pond. 
She watched their reunion, soaring happiness and a deep gut-wrenching sorrow warring in her heart. She was so very pleased that Little One was back with his father, but she’d come to love the small baby she’d cared for these past few weeks. She felt the stabbing pain she imagined came from a mother knowing their child was about to leave them, despite Little One never having been hers in the first place.
She didn’t realize it, but tears had leaked from her eyes and began to run in small rivulets down her cheeks, as she tried to come to terms with the fact that she would likely not see Little One again. 
The Mandalorian looked at the woman in front of him, another pang of guilt striking his heart as he saw the heartbroken look on her face as she watched the kid. He debated, trying to figure out something to say. 
“I thought– He– I was told he’d been taken by slavers.” 
He wanted to smack himself for the way his words sounded so accusatory coming through the vocoder, but she didn’t seem to take offense. She reached out slowly, softly rubbing the skin of the kid’s ear as she stared sadly up at him. 
“He was sold to my mistress at a slave auction on Lyerra three weeks ago,” she spoke, eyes downcast at her words, pointedly avoiding looking at either him or the kid. “My master and mistress were killed by bounty hunters searching for him later that night, but he’d been hidden with me, and we were able to flee.” 
He felt a pit in his stomach. His kid had been in the hands of slavers for three weeks before being bought. It wasn’t as bad as he’d first thought, but three weeks was still too long for his ad’ika to be in the grasp of those kinds of beings. 
The Mandalorian was distracted out of his musings as the woman in front of him withdrew a chain from beneath her dress. She lifted it off over her head, fiddling with something on it before re-donning the necklace and tucking it back under her neckline, but not before he caught a glimpse of some kind of amulet or charm. 
He watched as she held her hand out to him, a small metal device blinking in her palm. He stared at her for a moment, watching as she prodded him to take it. 
“It’s his trigger,” she offered, and the Mandalorian felt his spine stiffen in shock. “I knew where the master kept all of the triggers, and after his death, I took his and mine with me before we’d fled.” 
It wasn’t even something he had thought about, but now that he knew of its existence, he felt cold chills run up and down his spine. His son, his ad’ika, had a miniature bomb somewhere on his person, and this woman was holding the device that could set it off. His hand snapped out and yanked it from her grasp before he could think, but she didn’t even flinch. 
“I’m sorry.”
The Mandalorian stared at her. Did she just–? “Excuse me?”
She sighed softly, repeating herself. “I’m sorry.”
Cerliah couldn’t look at the Mandalorian, choosing instead to observe the grass at her feet. “I’m sorry I couldn’t deactivate the trigger.” 
He stood there in incredulous silence for a moment, blinking dumbly at the woman in front of him. He wasn’t sure the stabbing guilt that he felt could get any worse, but with her words, it seemed to. He’d come here, assuming the worst, that she’d stolen his kid, and he’d felt pleasure in her terror, and all she had done was protect his son, and keep him safe, and now she was apologizing for something completely out of her control? 
“I know someone who can deactivate the trigger. Come with us.”
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years ago
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #236
Mon May 04 2020 [08:31 PM] Wack'd: IT'S A MILESTONE!
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[08:32 PM] maxwellelvis: A triple-sized issue, eh? [08:33 PM] Wack'd: All your favorite Fantastic Four characters are here! Wyatt! Norrin! Agatha! Franklin! Namor! Willie! Impy! T'Challa! And, uh. I guess some other folks? [08:33 PM] maxwellelvis: I'm going to guess that's a double-sized Byrne story and then a regular-sized one by Stan and Jack. [08:33 PM] Bocaj: Ah yes captain america and reed richards in one place at one time in a time and place that isn't the ill received special avengers 300 roster [08:33 PM] maxwellelvis: That's the rest of the Marvel Universe heroes here to party. [08:33 PM] Wack'd: Yes. [08:33 PM] Wack'd: Why isn't Alicia on this cover. [08:34 PM] Wack'd: Or, like, any number of Fantastic Four repository players. [08:34 PM] maxwellelvis: Had to make room for Stan Lee. [08:34 PM] Wack'd: Also who's that guy in the suit? Is that...Collins, maybe? [08:35 PM] maxwellelvis: I just told you. [08:35 PM] Wack'd: Oh [08:35 PM] Wack'd: ...where's Jack? [08:35 PM] maxwellelvis: Either he's on the back or John Byrne knows which side his bread is buttered on. [08:36 PM] Bocaj: maybe he's behind the special triple sized sticker [08:36 PM] Bocaj: Like he got Mike Wachowski'd [08:36 PM] Wack'd:
Clint: I can't believe it... Wanda: Oh, Clint, I'm so sorry... Clint: I'M ON THE COVER OF *FANTASTIC FOUR*!
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[08:36 PM] maxwellelvis: 🤣 [08:37 PM] Wack'd: Can't believe Bocaj beat me to essentially this same joke [08:37 PM] Bocaj: My secret is that I didn't bother putting in extra effort [08:39 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, let's start our first story, shall we? [08:39 PM] maxwellelvis: Indeed. [08:40 PM] Wack'd: Oh good, we're doin this
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[08:40 PM] Wack'd: I think this is our first real, proper origin retelling. We got one in the late 70s but it was less a retcon and more "this is a recap issue, please don't kill us if we fudged some details" [08:40 PM] Umbramatic: welp [08:42 PM] Wack'd: I guess instead of "first to the moon" it was "make it further into space than anyone else"
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[08:42 PM] Bocaj: Time keeps on slipping, slipping into the future [08:42 PM] Umbramatic: what is time [08:42 PM] Bocaj: I know that the Slott FF has the idea instead that the rocket was FTL and they were trying to get to a specific planet, which turns out to be full of assholes [08:44 PM] Wack'd: So here's egg on my face [08:44 PM] Wack'd: The dialogue from this scene is taken note-for-not from #1 [08:44 PM] Wack'd: This isn't actually retconning anything at all, except for that one narrative caption [08:45 PM] Wack'd: Oh, and the addition of some jargon
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[08:47 PM] Umbramatic: CAPTAIN SPACE ICEBERG AHEAD [08:47 PM] Wack'd:
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[08:49 PM] Umbramatic: this is intense [08:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Both version are pretty intense. [08:49 PM] maxwellelvis: I'm noticing the dialogue's been slightly rewritten on the new version. [08:50 PM] Wack'd: Very slightly, mostly just to add technical terms you'd expect a rocket crew to be using [08:50 PM] Umbramatic: aha [08:50 PM] Wack'd: All of the original lines are still there, though [08:50 PM] maxwellelvis: And to keep Ben's manner of speech more consistent [08:51 PM] Wack'd: Punctuation is a bit different [08:52 PM] Wack'd: OH SHIT, WE'RE DOIN' THIS
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[08:53 PM] Umbramatic: oh. OH [08:55 PM] Wack'd: In this reality, Reed's a college professor, Sue's a housewife, and Ben and Alicia are married and running a tavern. All in a little town creatively named Liddleville. [08:55 PM] Bocaj: Our Town Founders made a decision there [08:55 PM] Wack'd: Our Town Founder is Josiah Liddle [08:56 PM] Bocaj: Lets cut the head off his statue [08:56 PM] Bocaj: Like in the Jetsons [08:56 PM] Wack'd: Oh, also, Alicia can see in this reality. Alicia offhandedly mentioning she saw something makes Ben real happy and he has no idea why [08:57 PM] Bocaj: Hmm. [08:57 PM] Wack'd: But I do! It's this creepy fucker
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[08:57 PM] Umbramatic: oh boy! oh BOY! [08:58 PM] maxwellelvis: We're actually doing the "Perchance to Dream" thing, aren't we? [08:58 PM] maxwellelvis: Is THIS where B:TAS got that idea from? [08:59 PM] Wack'd: Pretty sure they stole it from For the Man Who Has Everything [08:59 PM] Wack'd: Which incidentally won't exist for another three or four years [08:59 PM] maxwellelvis: Wild how time works [09:00 PM] Wack'd: Another dream sequence, this time for Sue! And with much more dramatic changes [09:01 PM] Wack'd: This time, Ben's complaints about safety concerns are much more substantial, and Sue's accusation that Ben is a coward is more to do with time and money running out to do this experiment and less to do with, uh [09:01 PM] Wack'd: Commies [09:03 PM] Umbramatic: "I'm going to the one place free from capitalism... SPACE" [09:03 PM] Wack'd: Also this happens
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[09:03 PM] Umbramatic: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH [09:04 PM] maxwellelvis: It's a nice touch that in those first two panels, the Thing is more leathery, like he was in the early comics, and it's only when Reed starts stretching that he looks more rock-like [09:04 PM] Wack'd: Yeah, I liked that too [09:05 PM] Umbramatic: oooh [09:05 PM] Wack'd: So Reed, Johnny, and Ben meet up at Ben's tavern to discuss these dreams, and whaddayknow, they've all been having them [09:06 PM] Wack'd: Tragically, Ben's dreams give him super-strength, but no rock skin. Dream!Ben is scared to ask Alicia to marry him--but he doesn't know why. [09:08 PM] Wack'd: Reed then goes to work, where he's having problems with his dickhead boss.
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[09:09 PM] Wack'd: Reed decides to try and work out what's up with these dreams, dozes off, bonks his head, and realizes when he wakes up that he is actually a superhero, and the Puppet Master is responsible for all this. [09:10 PM] Umbramatic: wha [09:11 PM] Wack'd: Reed, trying to figure out why he doesn't have stretching powers, makes the very smart and scientifically motivated decision to stab himself in a vein and bleed out in his office. [09:12 PM] Umbramatic: oh [09:12 PM] Umbramatic: i diagnose you with dead [09:13 PM] Wack'd: It's okay though! Turns out he's a robot and the blood is all fake. So are the bodies of Ben, Sue, Johnny, Alicia and Franklin. [09:13 PM] Umbramatic: ...IS DOOM IN ON THIS TOO?! [09:13 PM] Wack'd: It takes Reed no time at all to convince his friends and family of this and go confront Phillip. [09:14 PM] Wack'd: Wow, uh, you're ahead of me here, Umbra [09:14 PM] maxwellelvis: Lucky guess [09:14 PM] Umbramatic: damn this is the second thing i've predicted tonight [09:14 PM] Wack'd: Phillip apparently just wanted to give Alicia the life he thought she wanted, but Reed points out he doesn't have the tech to do this all on his own. [09:15 PM] Wack'd: Phillip, it turns out, has made the very smart and not-at-all-suicidal decision to mind control Doctor Doom [09:15 PM] Umbramatic: oh this is gonna be goooooooooooooooooooooood [09:15 PM] Bocaj: Oh geeeeeeeeeeeez [09:16 PM] maxwellelvis: This should be good. [09:17 PM] Wack'd: Of course this is Doom we're talking about. He doesn't make mistakes, he just lets people figure things out for stupid ego reasons.
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[09:18 PM] Wack'd: God, the fact that this isn't an illusion, the Four, Franklin and Alicia are trapped in tiny robots, is a lovely extra layer of bonkers. [09:18 PM] Bocaj: Amazing [09:19 PM] Wack'd: ALSO "LIDDLEVILLE" ISN'T A SMALL TOWN JOKE, IT'S LITERALLY LITTLE [09:19 PM] Wack'd: INCREDIBLE [09:20 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, Reed asks Doom what his next move is, and Doom...doesn't have one [09:20 PM] Wack'd: He's just gonna leave them like this [09:20 PM] Wack'd: Forever [09:21 PM] Umbramatic: DOOM: "I don't know, I never thought I'd get this far.” [09:21 PM] maxwellelvis: The fact that he's resisted the urge to play Godzilla now that they know he's the one who orchestrated this shows he has way more willpower than I [09:22 PM] maxwellelvis: Assuming the shock of dying in robot bodies wouldn't wake them up. [09:23 PM] Wack'd: They do have one ace in the hole--Phillip! After all, Phillip's in this mess because he mind-controlled Doom, but he's not an idiot, surely he has an escape hatch. [09:23 PM] Wack'd: Well turns out he did. Doom turned it off. [09:23 PM] Umbramatic: oh [09:23 PM] maxwellelvis: Womp womp [09:23 PM] Wack'd: Reed examines it through and tries to see if he can get it to work anyway. [09:24 PM] Wack'd: Ben, meanwhile, is taking all this really hard. [09:25 PM] Umbramatic: aw... [09:26 PM] Wack'd: He's also decided to stay in Liddleville. The world has other superheroes now, and he's earned a normal, idyllic life. [09:26 PM] Wack'd: (The fact that Doom turned off all the fake villagers does not seem to be something he's noticed.) [09:27 PM] Umbramatic: Ben: The Last Man On Fake Earth [09:28 PM] Wack'd: So! Here's the plan. Turns out Doom built a real miniature particle accelerator at Reed's fake miniature college because Reed would spot a fake. [09:28 PM] Wack'd: So all they have to do is get it to spit out some cosmic rays. Easy. [09:28 PM] Umbramatic: excuse me what [09:29 PM] Wack'd: To which part? [09:29 PM] Umbramatic: the first bit mainly [09:29 PM] Wack'd: Yeah uh [09:30 PM] Wack'd: Doom wanted to taunt Reed with some cool science he couldn't play with to make Reed miserable [09:30 PM] Umbramatic: omg [09:30 PM] Wack'd: But he also knew Reed would know if it was a fake cool science [09:30 PM] Umbramatic: that's deliciously petty [09:30 PM] Wack'd: It issssssss [09:30 PM] Wack'd: So, as they're debating who gets a power up first, Ben has a change of heart and demands to go first. [09:31 PM] Umbramatic: Ben: This is insane. ...I’m in. [09:33 PM] Bocaj: Hahah [09:33 PM] Wack'd:
Alicia: ben you dingus i literally sculpt real people with pinpoint accuracy, you've seen my work, and also we've touched each other...a lot... Ben: Yeah I know but I got that danged body dysmorphia
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[09:33 PM] Bocaj: Aww [09:34 PM] Umbramatic: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [09:34 PM] Wack'd: I joke because I love [09:35 PM] Wack'd: Ben/Alicia 4ever [09:35 PM] Umbramatic: ye [09:35 PM] Umbramatic: (though i felt the body dysmorphia part) [09:37 PM] Wack'd: With their powers restored, all they have to do is fight a bunch of miniature robots, scale the walls of their fake city, climb up to Doom's workstation... [09:37 PM] Wack'd: Aaaaaaand he took the battery out. [09:37 PM] Wack'd: Now the workstation can only turn left 😛 [09:38 PM] Umbramatic: -gasp- [09:39 PM] Wack'd: So! New plan. Use the Liddleville river to flood Doom's office, stick some live electrical wires in there, and hope the alarm goes off. [09:39 PM] Wack'd: No dice. [09:39 PM] Wack'd: They're gonna have to find Doom and bring him to them. [09:40 PM] Wack'd: And since Reed and Ben have fairly limited top speeds, and Johnny's flame can run out without rest, this task falls to Sue. [09:41 PM] Wack'd:
Reed: No! I can't permit you to go against Doom alone! Sue: Please, Reed! Must we go through this every time a dangerous task falls to me? I've proven time and time again that I can handle myself in an emergency situation. I'm the only one who can go. And you know it.
[09:42 PM] Wack'd: Sue puts up a good fight against Doom, pelting him with force fields, but she's still as big as a fingernail, and all he really has to do is put a cup on her like she's a bug he's found. [09:43 PM] Wack'd: But the goal is accomplished. Doom is going to check and make sure the other three aren't making any trouble. [09:43 PM] Wack'd: Just like they wanted. [09:43 PM] Bocaj: Good job Sue [09:43 PM] maxwellelvis: Was this inspired by the 1967 Fantastic Four cartoon intro?  [09:45 PM] Wack'd: ...hahahaha it coulda been! [09:45 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey, that's where this meme comes from
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[09:46 PM] Umbramatic: this was a meme? [09:49 PM] Wack'd: 106k notes on Tumblr [09:51 PM] Wack'd: AND SO! Doom does not blindly stride into this childish trap, and then electrocute himself. [09:51 PM] Wack'd: He angerly fires some energy beams at the childish trap because he feels insulted. [09:51 PM] Wack'd: And then Reed, Johnny, and Ben use their powers to trip him into the childish trap. Which electrocutes him. [09:52 PM] Bocaj: Wow [09:52 PM] Bocaj: bad show doom, good show reed, ben, johnny [09:52 PM] Wack'd: This somehow instantaneously shunts everyone back into their real bodies. [09:53 PM] Umbramatic: welp [09:54 PM] Wack'd: Also, Doom is now in a stasis coma in his suit. [09:54 PM] Wack'd: To ensure he stays that way, the Four decide, well... [09:55 PM] Wack'd:
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[09:57 PM] maxwellelvis: I must admit I am curious to see how he gets out of this one eventually [09:59 PM] Bocaj: If you die in Liddletown you die in real life [09:59 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, the quote-unquote "brand new story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby" is a rejected script for the 1978 animated series, adapting Doctor Doom's first appearance. [09:59 PM] Wack'd: It is also not available here. So I am going to write it off as no big loss and move on. [10:02 PM] Wack'd: I did like this story, though! I think it coulda stood to spend a little less time on the mechanics and a little more time on how everyone felt about this situation, but overall it's really good.
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muteashes · 5 years ago
Again this is Soft Wars inspired. Not gonna lie. It has me writing clones again.
“Last night I dreamed I was a womp rat again,” Hardcase cheerfully informs the mess table.
Again? Five thinks.
“You were in it too,” Hardcase said excitedly to Jesse. Jesse aggressively slouched behind his caf cup. Besides Fives, Echo narrowed his eyes and considered it.
“What were you doing as a womp rat?”
“I was exploring the tunnels! You know you can get in all sorts of places as a womp rat.” Hardcase laughed a bit like the maniac he was. “So now, I bet we can get into that shaft behind engineering if we use the vents from the officer’s barracks.” There was a moment of prolonged silence as they all took the topic switch.
“How do you know-” Fives started. Jesse cut him off as he dropped his caf on the table, half of it spilled out, and leaned across.
“We can get into the officer’s barracks from engineering?” Echo shared a look with Fives. Suddenly this became a possible thing.
“Well,” Hardcase grinned smugly, “I checked the original blue prints, and somethings may have changed, but I think we can. We can try at least.” Somehow Jesse actually looked delighted. It was vaguely unnerving.
“Why do you want in the officer’s barracks, Jesse?” Echo asked.
“And aren’t you an officer?” Fives added. Jesse stared hard at the twins as if that could stop them. Fives remembered when that dead-eyed look used to actually scare them.
“I knew you would like my dream,” Hardcase said.
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pcthstrayed · 5 years ago
tagging: arlo park & callum baker.  (  & @hclflcght​  ) location: the park house timeline: before arlo’s bodyswapping misadventures  (  season one of apx  ) summary:  the bisexual crisis ends.  arlo and callum talk about their feelings, decisions are made, and it’s the start of something new — terrifying — and wonderful.
arlo park
he’s  prepared  for  the  doorbell  to  ring,  to  give  him  a  chance  to  get  his  shit  together  before  he  goes  to  let  him  in,  but  the  window  catches  him  off  guard.   he  jumps  a  mile,  thoughts  immediately  picturing  a  zombified  version  of  his  alternate  self  pressing  its  face  up  against  the  window.  it’s  slowly,  like  something  out  of  a  horror  movie,  that  he  turns  his  head  to  look;  visibly  relaxes  when  he  sees  its  just  callum.    he  let’s  out  a  breath  he  hadn’t  realized  he’d  been  holding,  a  warm  smile  gracing  his  features  as  he  moves  to  open  the  window.   “  hi. ”   he’s  breathless  –  why  is  he  breathless  ?   as  he  smiles  down  at  him.  “  the  front  door’s  like,  right  there  dude,  but  hi. ”    he  steps  back  to  give  callum  room  to  climb  in,  extends  a  hand  to  help  him.  (  it’s  an  excuse  to  hold  his  hand,  even  if  it’s  only  for  five  seconds.  )
       once  he’s  inside,  everything  he’d  thought  about  saying  to  him  suddenly  vanishes  from  his  head.   he’s  unsure  what  to  say,  or  even  how  to  say  it,  and  ends  up  staring  at him  for  a  solid  minute  before  realizing  he’s  being  a  freak.   “  sorry. ”    he  apologizes,  cracks  an  awkward  smile.    he  used  to  be  good  at  this,  about  putting  himself  out  there,  but  maybe  it’s  the  newness  of  everything,  or  his  anxiety  surrounding  this  newfound  attraction  to  men,  that  has  him  feeling  14  and  shy  again.   “  so  you’ll  never  guess  how  weird  my  day  was.
  ”   he  waits  a  beat,  knowing  there’s  no  way  you  could  guess  something  like  this.   “  some  dude  who  looked  just  like  my  dad  –  who,  get  this,  claimed  he  was  ME  2.0  from  some  other  universe  –  tried  to  kill  me  in  my  basement. ”   but  that’s  not  what  he’s  trying  to  say;  it’s  just  a  stepping  stone  to  the  end-zone.   “  totally  crazy,  right  ?    but  as  i’m  there,  like,  thinking  i’m  about  to  DIE  …   all  i  could  think  about  was  you. ”    womp,  there  it  is.    the  big  reveal.   is  he  ready  ?   unknown.    “  or  more  importantly  stuff  i  haven’t  said  …  to  you.   about  you. ” 
callum baker 
he  could  go  through  the  door,  you  know,  like  a  normal  person.  but  he  chooses  not  to.  he  chooses  to  be  different,  because  frankly,  he  feels  different.  he  doesn't  know  how  to  match  his  internal  conflicts  to  his  external  appearance,  but  he's  trying.  he's  cut  his  hair,  started  dressing  closer  to  how  he  thinks  he  might  want  to.  he  supposes  those  changes  include  anchoring  himself  onto  the  windowsill  of  his  best  friends  --  look  at  that  --  kitchen  and  climbing  in.  gangly  limbs  and  all.  he  scrapes  over  one  of  the  edges,  realises  he  has,  but  at  the  end  of  the  day,  he  takes  arlo's  hand  as  he  steps  into  the  dimly  lit  kitchen.  "  hey.  "  he  smiles,  feels  a  little  out  of  breath.  (  from  the  climb,  from  the  company.  from  both.  )
silence  follows,  and  he  doesn't  let  go  of  arlo's  hand  immediately.  doesn't  feel  the  need  to do  so.  he  ends  up  laughing,  free  hand  reaching  up  to  scratch  the  side  of  his  nose  as   he   does.  perhaps  an  anxious  tick,  perhaps  it  just  feels  right.  (  he's  trying  to  learn  what  does.  in  general.  )  "  yeah?  "  he's  already  interested,  always  is  around  arlo,  and  he  settles  in  the  middle  of  his  kitchen.  (  he's  fine  to  stand.  it  helps  him  stretch  his  legs.  his  human  legs.  a  more  than  positive  anchor.  )  "  tell  me  about  it.  "  with  or  without  the  staring.  he  doesn't  mind.
 he  has  to  admit,  the  story  arlo  tells  is  terrifying.  but  also  ...  oddly  familiar.  if  he  has  to  be  honest.  (  it  feels  like  a  physical  manifestation  of  his  own  psyche.  when  he  thinks  back  on  his  memories,  he  can't  quite  connect   to  them.  can't  connect  to  the  person  they  happened  to.  unless,  and  only  unless,  arlo  is  involved.  amber  is  ...   a  work  in  progress.  )  "  that  sounds  crazy.  "  he  acknowledges,  bites  back  the  fear  he  feels  at  arlo  ....  leaving  like  that.  his  free  hand  moves  to  squeeze  his  arm,  supportive,  stable.  everything  he  doesn't  feel.  "  but  kind  of   -  honest.  "   honesty  is  hard  to  come  by  nowadays  apparently.
the  reveal  isn't  ....  really  a  reveal.  it  makes  sense  to  him.  it's  not  a  bridge  to  cross.  it's  a few  steps  to  hop  over  in  this  puddle  they've  come  to  occupy.  he  understands  it,  feels  it,  and  he's  simply  glad  arlo  at  least  seems  to  reciprocate.  "  i'm  not  the  best  with  words.  "  he  has  to  be  honest.  it's  not  just  learning  language  again,  it's  learning  people.  but  as  his  gaze  shifts  over  arlo's  form,  he  tries  to  push  himself  to  form  them.  "  but  i'm  really  glad  you're  okay.  "  is  that  his  version  of  a  reveal?  he  isn't  sure.  in  a  sea  of  uncertainty,  this  is  the  only  thing  that  feels  sure.  "  sorry.  "  he  apologises  a  moment  later.  "  i'm  stealing  the  limelight.  my  bad.  you  can  go.  "  as  though  they're  taking  turns  in  making  profound  confessions.   (  maybe  they  are.  would  that  really  be  so  bad?  )
arlo park 
he's  almost  thankful  that  they're  standing.  he  thinks  if  they  were  sitting,  knees  knocking  on  the  couch,  he  might  get  distracted  and  lose  what  little  nerve  he  has.  (  confidence,  he  knows,  doesn't  always  come  easy.   you  can  fake  it  'till  you  make  it,  he's  good  at  that,  but  when  it's  real,  when  it's  necessary,  you  can't  fake  that.  )    he's  happy  to  stand  across  from  him  at  the  kitchen  island,  elbows  bearing  down  against  the  marble.     "  i'm  starting  to  think  everything  about  this  city's  just  batshit  crazy. "   it  is  honest.    he's  brutally  so,  you  could  even  say.   he  often  says  things  that  maybe  he  shouldn't,  speaks  without  thinking  about  the  consequences  of  his  actions,  but  today  –  there's  a  deliberate  nature  to  his  words.   he  has  a  plan,  or  at  least  a  guiding  path.   whether  it  all  comes  out  the  way  he  intends,  well,  that's  up  in  the  air.
callum  says  that  he  isn't  the  best  at  words  and  arlo  breathes  a  sigh  of  relief.    he  knows  him,  knows  he  wouldn't  make  fun  of  him,  or  judge  him  for  the  things  he  has  to  say,  but  it's  reassuring  to  know  they're  on  equal  footing.   "  yeah  ? "   he  can't  help  the  way  his  face  lights  up,  his  heart  pittering  in  his  chest  like  he's  twelve  years  old  and  his  crush  just  asked  him  to  dance  at  the  sadies  hawkins  dance.    it's  a  little  embarrassing,  the  way  he  flushes  at  the  admission,  but  he  likes  to  think  he  recovers.   (  or  he  tries.   god,  he  tries.  )     "  we  can  share  it. "   he  says,  instead  of  the  many  other  things  he  planned  on  saying.    they  could  share  a  lot  of  things;    sundaes,  inside  jokes,  his  bed.      he  wants  everything  and  then  some,  thinks  he  could  never  get  enough.   "  i  was  always  good  at  sharing. "
 now  that  it's  his  turn,  that  he  has  the  floor,  he  knows  he  needs  to  say  something.   he  clears  his  throat,  twice  for  good  measure,  before  pushing  away  from  the  island.   he  intends  to  pace  but  he  crosses  over  to  him  instead.   "  i  know  we've  —  we're  good  friends.   really  good  friends. "    which,  if  he's  honest,  is  the  reason  why  maybe  he's  been  so  afraid  of  what  this  meant;   of  ruining  a  good  thing  with  complications.       "  —  but  lately,  uh,  i've  sort  of  ...  thought  maybe,  that  we  were  ...  maybe  more  than  that.    more  than  friends. "   he  clears  his  throat,  nervously  drags  a  hand  across  the  back  of  his  neck.    "  or  at  least  that  i  think  of  you  that  way. "    here  it  goes,  like  ripping  off  a  bandaid.   "  as  more  than  friends.    that  i  want  to  be  more.    if  that's  what  you  want. "   if  he  doesn't,  he'll  SURVIVE,  but  he  might  secretly  hope  that  the  floor  will  open  up  and  swallow  him  whole.    "  at  first  i  thought  it  was   just  sex.   i  mean,  you're  hot. "   he  says  it  matter  of  factly,  like  he's  stating   known  truths  of  the  universe.   "  —  but   it's  more  than  that. "   it's  so,  so,  much  more  than  that.    (  that's  what  scares  him.  )
callum baker 
i'm  starting  to  think  everything  about  this  city's  batshit  crazy.  he's  right.  it  is.  in  good  and  bad  ways.  he  met  arlo,  met  amber  -  felt  bathsit  crazy  things.  (  equally,  saw  and  did tortured  things.  did  things  that  would  haunt  him.  crossed  the  line,  trudged  over  it  in  the  fragile  sand,  so  many  times.  )  "  me  too.  "  he  offers  an  honest  smile  but  is  otherwise  quiet.  there  wasn't  a  whole  lot  to  share  the  last  time  he  was  alive.  the  pride,  the  glory,   the  history.  theseus  hadn't  wanted,  needed,  any  of  that.  he  was  good  at  sharing  himself,  if  nothing  else.   (  there's  a  word  for  that  now.  it  looks  greek  by  nature  if  he  squints,  even  if  he  can't  remember  everything  about  the  dialect.  polyamorous.  )
and  then,  well,  arlo  affirms  that  it  truly  is  the  right  definition  for  him.  he  loves  deeply,  truly,  multiple  people.  in  different  times,  different  realities,  as  different  people  it  would  seem.  (  he  doesn't  regret  a  moment  of  it  now.  with  arlo  spewing  words  he's  longed  to  hear.  )  he  doesn't  want  to  tell  arlo  he's  feeling  for  half  a  man  or  two  men  at  the  same  time,  so  he  doesn't.  he  enjoys  his  time,  enjoys  the  words  spoken  to  him  nervous  and beautiful  at  the  same  time.  as  arlo  crosses  over  to  him.  (  he's  never  been  very  good  at  running.  his  legs  are  long  but  his  feet  aren't  fast.  he  always  looks  too  long,  lingers  too  far  in  the  past.  arlo  seems  willing  to  go  the  distance  to  teach  him.  )
he  smiles,  his  chin  tipped  up,  reminding  himself  that  arlo  is  taller  than  him.  always  has  been.  (  making  him  feel  safer,  more  protective,  somehow.  a  contributing  factor  that  worked well  with  that  winning  smile  and  that  easy  personality.  )  he  cracks  a  wider  smile  at  the  compliment,  spoken  as  though  it's  a  simple  truth.  he's  hot.  (  he  doesn't  naturally  think  of  himself  as  hot,  as  desirable,  but  he  knows  it's  his  own  mind.  if  he  can  see  arlo  that  way,  then  why  wouldn't  arlo  return  it?  )  "  i'm  really  bad  with  words.  "  he  repeats  it,  feels  speechless.  his  hand  falls  to  arlo's  chest,  feels  himself  find  security  again.  "  but  you're  hot  too.  "   yes,  okay,  he  understands  the  objectivity  clause. "  i  want  you  to  know  i  might  not  be  good  at  this.  "  at  dating,  at  relationships,  at  not  crossing  and  obliterating  lines  unintentionally.  "  but  i'd  really  like  to  try.  if  that'd  be  okay  with  you.  "   he  can't  see  a  reality  where  it  isn't.  they  wouldn't  be  here  if  it  wasn't.  and  if  arlo  really  needs  it  in  black  and  white,  well  ....  "  more  than  friends.  in  a  heartbeat.  "  quick  and  swift  and  natural.  just  as  falling  for  him  was.
arlo park 
he  can't  help  the  laugh  that  slips  out  when  callum  says  he's  hot  too.   (  he's  thinking  about  teen  wolf,  about  scott  mccall  being  the  hot  girl,  but  he  doesn’t think  callum  will  get  the  reference.  )   "  i  think  you're  doing  okay. "   of  course  he's  biased,  there's  no  objectivity  in  his  purview,  but  he's  okay  with  that.    it's  hard  to  be  anything  but  okay  with  callum's  hand  pressed  to  his  chest,  swallowing  hard  again  as  that  goofy  smile  stretches  and  makes  its  home  on  his  face.    "  you're  hot.   i'm  hot.   glad  we're  both,  like,  not   blind. "   it's  a  reductive  statement  but  he  gets  a  little  weird  when  he's  nervous.    (  he's  stepped  closer,  a  hand  tentatively  reaching  out  to  rest  at  callum's  hip.   he  feels  warmth  and  it  sends  his  heart  skittering  again.    fuck.  ) it's  funny,  how  ...  natural,  this  all  feels.   how  inevitable.   they'd  started  out  as  friends  and,  without  even  trying,  he'd  fallen.    he  was  used  to  it  being  the  other  way  around;    lovers,   or  just  hooking  up,   and  then  the  feelings  would  come  later.    he'd  also  never  expected  to  be  the  kind  of  person  who  could  have  strong  feelings  for  more  than  one  person.    he's  seen  big  love,   OK,   he  gets  the  concept,   but  he's  never  considered  it  in  a  practical  application  to  his  life.    it  scares  him,  if  he's  honest,  but  feelings  in  general  are  fucking  terrifying.    it  would  be  easier,  he  knows,  to  bury  his  head  back  in  the  sand  and  pretend  that  he  doesn't  feel  the  way  he  does  —  but  he's  tired  of  playing  dumb,  of  trying  to  fit  himself  into  the  mold  of  the  life  he  expected  to  lead.   (  perfect  son,   perfect  witch,  perfect  person  —  maybe  the  only  way  to  be  perfect  is  to  be  yourself.  )
 "  oh  i'm  definitely  going  to  be  bad  at  this,  dude.    you're  not  alone. "   he  can't  help  but  laugh,  shifting  a  bit  closer  as  his  teeth  sink  into  his  lower  lip.   he  wants  to  listen,   doesn't  want  to  jump  the  shark  and  miss  whatever  callum  has  to  say.   (  he  knows  he  gets  excited,  moves  so  quickly  that  his  heart  and  his  mouth  aren't  always  on  the  same  wavelength.   he  actively  tries  to  curb  that  impulse.  )    knowing  that  he  feels  the  same  way,   that  he  wants  to  take  things  to  whatever  level  comes  next,  does  help  to  abate  some  of  that  nervousness.   he  shifts  a  little  closer,  practically  tasting  how  erratic  his  heart  beats  as  he  looks  at  him  proper.   his  hands  move  to  cup  his  face,  thumb  grazing  his  lower  lip  as  he  wonders  just  how  he  ever  thought  this  was  platonic.   “  —  we  can  figure  it  out  together. ”    trial  and  error,  for  better  or  worse.   he  knows,  at  the  end  of  the  day,  there  isn’t  anyone  else  he’d  want  to  take  the  risk  with.   (  he  knows  it’s  worth  it.  )    he’s  so  close  now,   so   close  that  he  can  see  specks  of  blue  mixing  in  with  the  greens  of  his  eyes.   he  loses  track  of  what  he’s  saying  for  a  moment,  searching  blindly  for  something  that  isn’t  ‘  holy  shit ’  or  something  nonsensical  and  equally  embarrassing.   instead,  he  settles  for  facts.    “  i  know  what  i  want. ”   he  does,  and  he’s  not  afraid  to  fight  for  it,   to  let  himself  have  it  even  if  he’s  scared,  or  uncertain,  about  what  the  future  holds.   “  you. ”   it’s  that  simple.    he  smiles,   says  he  wants  him,   and  then  closes  the  distance  between  them.
  the  world  doesn’t  shift.   he  doesn’t  see  stars.   there  are  no  fireworks.   he  knows  life  isn’t  like  that,   that  movies  get  that  wrong.   what  he  does  feel  is  a  warmth  that  floods  through  him  like  a  slow  burning  fire,  leaving  him  feeling  comfortable,  safe,  and  deliriously  happy.   the  thing  about  fires,  even  a  controlled  burn,  is  that  there’s  always  the  possibility  they’ll  spark;    the  flames  will  rise,  lap  at  your  feet,  and  leave  scorch  marks  in  their  wake.   (  he  welcomes  it  as  he  ducks  his  head  to  kiss  him  properly,  one  hand  sliding  down  to  rest  against  his  back  as  the  other  cards  fingers  tenderly  through  his  hair.  )    he  used  to  have  recurring  dreams  about  fire,  of  flames  and  infernos  that  threatened  to  destroy  the  things  he  held  dear.    he’s  not  afraid  of  them  anymore;   in  fact,  he  thinks  he’s  never  felt  more  at  home.
callum baker 
i  know  what  i  want.  they  have  that  in  common.  his  emotions,  crossed  as  they've  been,  firing  by  mistake  along  with  his  responses,  this  feels  nothing  but  genuine.  he's  comforted by  the  fact  they  may  be  equally  terrible  at  this  and  perhaps  that's  the  cue  to  how  wonderful  it's  going  to  be.  (  he's  felt  a  lot  of  fear  recently,  felt  it  ebb  and  flow,  recognised  that  it  was  not  entirely  his  own,  but  he  isn't  going  to  confuse  fear  with  anticipation.  an  easy  mistake,  one  he's  careful  not  to  make.  )  "  i've  never  been  alone  around  you.  "  he  isn't  going  to  bring  up  the  secret  they  still  hold  between  them,  isn't  going  to  tarnish  the  moment  with  blood  stained  hands,  but  he  knows  what  arlo  would  (  has  )  done  for  him.  he  had  done  the  worst  thing  he  could  imagine,  had  stood  in  the  rubble  of  his  own  mind,  and  arlo  hadn't  been  afraid  to  cut  himself  on  the  debris  that  he  stepped  on.  (  not  over  ;  it  didn't  feel  as  though  arlo  did  anything  with  self  consideration,  let  alone  self  preservation.  )
he  would  echo  the  sentiment,  again,  but  he  worries  he'd  step  over  himself  for  something  that  isn't  necessary.  arlo  seems  to  feel  the  same  way,  feels  words  are  no  longer  necessary,  when  he  moves  to  touch.  it  was  an  instinct  he'd  had  to  get  used  again,  had  to  welcome.  to  touch  and  not  to  be  burned.  arlo  had  helped  in  that.  had  welcomed  every  touch,  even  under  friendship.  this  is  different  by  definition,  comes  with  a  different  set  of  rules.  but  he  thinks  that  if  he  doesn't  fit  in  society,  one  or  the  other,  the  past  or  the  present,  he  shouldn't  care.  (  he  values  what  this  time  has  brought  him,  what  he  can  glean  from  this  version  of  himself,  but  he  doesn't  care  for  rules  that  he  would  never  have  adhered  to  in  the  first  place.  perhaps  he's  learning  lawful  abandon.  )
his  fingers,  still  pressed  to  arlo's  chest,  curl  into  his  shirt.  he  realises  how  much  taller  arlo  truly  is,  but  he  welcome  it  for  an  entirely  different  reason  this  time.  his  other  hand  moves  to  arlo's  back,  winds  into  his  shirt  there.  feels  the  need  to  be  invested,  to  be  closer.  he  has  never  been  good  at  running,  but  he  also  has  to  make  a  point  of  digging  his  heels  in.  life  is  too  short  to  go  by  without  spending  it  with  the  ones  you love.  (  if  his  greatest  fear  was  changing,  realised  and enrapturing  him  when  he  closed  his  eyes,  then  this  was  his greatest  joy.  embracing  change  with  the  man  willing  to  embrace  him  by  his  side.  )  he  lets  the  small  of  his  back  press  into  the  counter,  turns  the  grip  in  arlo's  clothing  tighter  (  but  not  rougher,  never  rougher  )  in  his  grip 
arlo park
there's  a  hand  at  his  chest,  another  pressing  against  his  back.   his  own  nearly  mirror  them  like  an  echo,  lips  stretched  so  wide  the  kiss  is  almost  painful.   he'd  thought  about  this  moment,  played  the  scenarios  out  in  his  head  so  many  times  he'd  almost  convinced  himself  not  to  even  try,  but  the  reality  is  so  much  better  than  the  idea  of  it.   callum's  lips  are  soft  but  his  grip  is  tight,  the  perfect  blend  as  his  lips  part  to  deepen  the  kiss.   it's  not  rough,  or  desperate,  but  there's  a  quiet  kind  of  urgency  behind  it.   he  shifts  a  little  closer,  fingers  scraping  against  the  back  of  callum's  neck  as  he  breaks  the  kiss  to  catch  his  breath.
he  knows  it  would  be  easy  to  skip  a  bunch  of  steps,  tumble  into  bed  together  and  just  figure  out  what  comes  next.   he's  done  that  before,  and  it's  worked  for  the  most  part,  but  there's  something  different  about  this.  (  he  thinks  it's  too  important  to  rush.  good  things  come  to  those  who  wait.  )    he's  also  cognizant  that  he  doesn't  exactly  know  what  he's  doing,  is  incredibly  inexperienced,  and  the  fear  of  disappointing,  or  not  being  enough,  runs  rampant  in  him.    or  worse,  he'll  say  something  stupid,  or  make  callum  feel  uncomfortable,  and  that's  the  last  thing  he'd  ever  want.   (  this  is  so  much  more  than  just  sex.   he  thinks,  with  a  strange  kind  of  fascination,  what  he  wants  more  than  anything  is  just  to  be  with  him;   arms  wrapped  tight  around  him,  feeling  his  heart  beat  beneath  his  hand.  it  sounds  nice.    )
 "  we  should  go  upstairs. "   more  of  an  observation  than  a  suggestion.  his  mom  will  be  home  soon  and  he  thinks  this  might  be  a  little  hard  to  explain.   it's  not  that  he's  ashamed,  or  afraid  to  say  anything,  it's  that  for  right  now  –  while  it's  new  –  he'd  like  to  keep  it  between  them.   (  sorry,  facebook  –  you'll  have  to  wait  for  the  status  update.  )    "  my  mom  will  be  home  soon.  if  she  sees ...  this, "    he  smiles,  happy  that  there  is  a  this  to  even  consider.   "  she'll  make  you  sleep  in  the  downstairs  guest  room  every  time  you  come  over. "    that,  he  knows,  would  NOT  spark  joy.   "  i  recorded  the  new  episodes  of  floribama  shore. "   his  eyes  sparkle,  a  laugh  on  his  lips.   "  i  know  it's  usually  netflix  and  chill  but  hey,  tivo  and  chill  works  too. "    then,  he  adds  –  JUST  TO  BE  SAFE.   "  i  want  to,  like...  do  this  right. "    he  takes  his  hand,  rubs  his  thumb  over  callum's  knuckles.   he  thinks  his  cheeks  might  be  pink,  but  he'll  chalk  that  up  to  an  overzealous  heating  system.   yeah,  that's  definitely  it.   "  no  rushing  in,  y'know? "   because  he  does  that;   makes  impulsive  decisions,  deals  with  the  consequences  later.   this  time,  however,  he  wants  to  be  sure  he  gets  it  right  the  first  time  out  the  gate.  (  it's  important.  ) 
callum baker 
he's  seen  enough  teen  television  to  know  that  we  should  go  upstairs  can  mean  one  of  two things.  a,  this  is  inconvenient,  or  b,  we  should  move  as  this  is  inconvenient  for  the  pg  13  still  somehow  covered  sex  we  have  yet  to  have.  (  he's  seen  a  handful  of  netflix  shows,  he  knows  that  they  never  get  through  the  nitty  gritty  unscathed.  not  that  he  minds,  he  watches  for  the  plot  guys,  but  he  doesn't  have  much  of  a  point  of  comparison.  )  breathing still  heavy  he  leaves  his  hands  where  they  are,  just  for  now.  he's  comfortable  there,  hopes  arlo  feels  the  same  way.
 he  finds  out,  in  due  course,  that  it's  option  a.  even  if  it's  thrilling  that  either  option  is  on  the  table,  and  even  if  he'd  like  to  be  shown  off  as  arlo's  this  (  which,  yes  he  would  ),  the  idea  he  could  end  up  worlds  away  in  pitch  black  darkness  defeats  the  purpose  of  sleeping  over.  (  he  rarely  stays  at  his  own  apartment  now.  feels  too  haunted  by  ghosts  and  lies  there  ;  it  effects  his  sleep.  )  "  i'd  like  that.  "  he  smiles,  wide  and  fond,  before  he  amends.  "  the  tivo  and  chill.  not  the  sleeping  downstairs.  "  never  the  sleeping  downstairs.  guest  rooms  really  are  about  to  become  public  enemy  number  one.
the  confession  makes  his  fingers  drum  softly  against  arlo's  chest,  confirmation  that  he's  there, that  he's  listening,  before  they  fall  down  to  find  one  of  arlo's  hands.  doing  this  right.  it  seems apt  for  two  people  who  could  very  well  suck  at  this.  "  well,  my  dating  history  is  basically  doing  everything  wrong.  so  ...  "  for  once,  it  doesn't  make  him  flinch.   it's  humorous,  vulnerable.  perfect  for  how  this  entire  visit  has  been.  "  doing  this  right  sounds  good.  "  healthy.  another  positive  change  he  hopes  he  can  make  going  forward.  "  can  we  bring  snacks  though?  "  he  would  say  it's  an  after  thought  but  food  has  become  his  first  love.  (  even  if  arlo  is  set  to  take  that  title  now.  )
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maleksrami · 6 years ago
Hey Kelli! I wanted your opinion on Electric Light and the meaning of a lot of the songs. I’ve been debating it and I’m really torn because some of the songs sound like lovey songs but then it also sounds like some of the songs are about a relationship where someone only used him for sex? (Peer Pressure adds fuel to this theory) Do you think I’m reading too much into it? What’s your opinion?
OOF!!! I’m lowkey so excited about this ask, and also intrigued by your theory because it’s not something that crossed my mind before. but that’s why music is so cool!! everyone interprets it so differently! 
I have a lot to say about this album and how it (sadly and slightly and WROOOONGFULLY) hurt his career last year… this might get kinda lengthy so I’m gonna put it under a read more!!!
My opinion on Electric Light…first of all, is that it’s brilliant and it was a true Era™ that wasn’t appreciated the way it deserved, or possibly even how James himself had hoped/imagined it would be (and I feel bitter about that every day) because sometimes I felt like I was one of the only few fans of his that was genuinely LIVING for all of it. I saw people saying the most horrid things to him last year on twitter (to the point where his manager literally had to step in and directly ask them to stop) about how he’d changed as a person because his sound and image was evolving, which…um yeah, he’s human and he’s allowed to do that. People could not bear it. They weren’t prepared or cut out to endure the magic of it all. But anyway.
So, if there’s one word I’d use to describe Electric Light as a whole it’s cinematic. He used this word a lot when he went around promoting it and it absolutely translates. I don’t necessarily think he’s singing songs about himself or his own long time relationship. When he first teased Wild Love, he posted these two short clips (here and here) that were shot almost like a movie, of two people talking outside a bar. The guy seems unsure about something between them, but his date encourages him to go inside with her. James is seen standing against the wall on his phone while the two actors interact nearby. Like he’s just a bystander to this couple’s unfolding story. So right off the bat, I’m not focused so much on him, but the couple. The audio of those clips ended up being the “Intro” track on the album. So right away before the first song even starts on the album, you’re immediately introduced to these two voices.
A few months later, the day before the album dropped, James posted this longer trailer. It’s a montage of clips of the couple as if they’re thoughts going through the dude’s mind as he drives through the city at night. At one point, the man is so distracted by his thoughts that he almost hits a pedestrian in the street which, of course, is James. Just passing through his dude’s life again as an outsider just like at the bar. The audio of that clip is the “Interlude” track on the album. SO, because of those visuals, I listen to the album as if he’s telling a story about two characters navigating through their own relationship and experiences together. He created a separate universe from himself to attach these songs to, with all the sound effects and voices, a scripted outline. I think he intended it to be heard like that the whole time he was writing/recording it. I think this was his way of trying something different and experimenting with his entire creative process. 
There’s a lot of themes in all the lyrics that make me think about bad communication, stubbornness, and frustration. But there’s also other elements of nostalgia, like, the night it came out I wrote a list of recurring words/themes that I picked up on in several songs:
beings kids (note: the concept of Pink Lemonade video)
being high on a feeling
being kings and queens
distance (note: the concept of the Wild Love video)
unity (note: the concept of the Us video)
p a i n
The album begins and ends with a sound of a door closing. If you notice the tracklist starts off really high energy (Wasted on Each Other), then it gets playful in the middle (In My Head and Wanderlust), then it starts to get angsty (Stand Up and Fade Out), and then the very last song is Slide, a sad ballad about sliding into the arms of someone else, finished off with that Allen Ginsberg poem about love being read by an echoed voice. The entire duration of Slide has the distinct sound of a movie projector behind it, almost like the film/story of the couple has come to an end. 
He tried something out of the box of what people put him in for years (dude who wears a hat and sings sad acoustic love ballads womp womp), so he amped it up, made it edgier, and did what he knew people wouldn’t expect. Plus! He made his first album five years prior….of course his musical influences had changed by then, as had his outlook on life and love. Who is anyone to tell him he had to make the same kind of music forever? It’s not realistic. With that, he changed his image. He chopped his hair off, he started wearing bolder and more eccentric clothes that you never would have thought to see him in before (glitter, buckles, foil pants, chains, etc.) and allll of that was necessary and 100% intentional to go with the album. If his sound was gonna evolve, so was his look. 
People were on board with it for a while, but somewhere along the way, I saw a lot of the reactions start to go south. Change scares people. They saw/heard something different coming from him and it intimidated them. He took those new songs on tour with him last Spring with the intention to tour again with them at bigger venues in the Fall (he would open with Wasted on Each Other and close with Slide before his encore). After the album came out, his label basically stopped promoting it. It didn’t have anything CLOSE to the success that Chaos and the Calm did. The Fall tour was cancelled because tickets weren’t selling (he says it was because he felt like he suddenly needed to write more music instead, but…..) and moved the tour back to smaller venues for Spring 2019. I finally saw him two nights ago. Wasted on Each Other and Slide are no longer on his setlist. Only five songs of Electric Light are on his setlist and it’s the three singles: Wild Love, Pink Lemonade, and Us + Just For Tonight and Fade Out (it’s the only one he added), but the bulk of it is still Chaos and the Calm songs. He mentioned this the other night, but the overall vibe he was giving off was “so uhhh something not that chill happened last year and now I’m back where I started” … re: people were turned off and his album flopped.  He’s growing his hair back out and he’s back in his older, relaxed clothes. I fully think he intended to perform a lot more Electric Light songs live on tour and keep going with the new era, but it just didn’t play out like he’d hoped. His hype died down a lot as well. When I used to go camp out in line for him for the tour of his first album, there would be almost a hundred people before the afternoon. After this album, people stopped being eager to camp out in line all day. I don’t see people starting to show up until a couple hours before doors now, which is such a drastic difference than what it was back in 2015/2016. 
So..there’s a bittersweet feeling I get now when I see him. Peer Pressure sounds like his older stuff, which is great, but you can tell there was definitely a direction he was trying to go, but he stumbled. Either way!!!!!! I love everything he puts out, so..I’m here for the long haul. But that’s my opinion and overall experience with Electric Light. THIS TURNED INTO AN ESSAY BUT I HAD A LOT TO SAY. because!!! I’ll always be lowkey mad for him that it wasn’t appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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