#he's spinning perfectly in sync with my music
Hi! I saw your post for Nightcrawler prompts, and I thought maybe some simple fluff; what might it be like to binge an adventure series (like Pirates of the Caribbean) with our beloved teleporter? Thanks bunches, and take care!
Swashbuckling with Nightcrawler
The living room lights were dimmed, casting long shadows across the furniture as the closing credits of the final movie in the series rolled. A triumphant score filled the air, the kind of music that made you want to stand up, grab a sword, and declare yourself the ruler of the seas. You glanced over at Kurt—better known as Nightcrawler—his golden eyes wide with excitement, his tail twitching in sync with the music.
"Ach, what an adventure!" Kurt exclaimed, his German accent thick with enthusiasm. "The way they captured the sea, the sword fights, the danger—so exhilarating!"
You smiled, sharing his enthusiasm. "The best part was the sword fights, though," you replied. "They looked like they were having so much fun."
Kurt's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Why don't we try it for ourselves?" he suggested, his grin widening as he teleported in a puff of smoke, reappearing beside the coat rack by the door. He grabbed two umbrellas, holding one out to you with a flourish.
"Ready to duel, mein freund?" he challenged, a playful glint in his eye.
You took the umbrella, feeling the weight of it in your hand. It wasn't a real sword, but with Kurt's imagination—and his powers—it would certainly feel like one. You twirled the makeshift weapon, trying to mimic the fluid, confident movements of the pirates from the movies.
Kurt chuckled, teleporting again to the other side of the room, now perched on the back of the couch. "En garde!" he called, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished, only to reappear directly in front of you, his umbrella clashing with yours.
The sound of metal-on-metal rang out in your mind, even though you both knew it was just the swish of fabric against fabric. You parried his strike, spinning around to counter with a playful jab of your own. Kurt teleported again, this time behind you, and tapped your shoulder with the tip of his umbrella.
"Too slow!" he teased, laughing as he flipped gracefully over the coffee table.
"That's cheating, you know!" you said, laughing breathlessly as you tried to keep up with him. You could never tell where he'd reappear next; it was like fighting a phantom. The entire living room had transformed into a pirate ship—at least in your minds. The couch was the deck, the coffee table a treasure chest, and the curtains billowed like sails in the imagined sea breeze.
Kurt leaped onto the arm of the couch, balancing perfectly as he parried another one of your strikes. His teleportation made him nearly impossible to catch, but that didn't stop you from trying. The two of you were grinning like children, caught up in the sheer joy of play.
You managed to land a hit, tapping him on the side with your umbrella. "Gotcha!" you exclaimed, feeling a surge of triumph.
Kurt staggered dramatically, clutching his side as though mortally wounded. "Oh, you’ve bested me!" he cried, falling back onto the couch in an exaggerated faint. "But I shall have my revenge!"
Before you could react, he teleported again, this time appearing upside-down, hanging from the chandelier. He grinned down at you, his tail wrapped around the chain, swinging slightly as though he were dangling from a ship’s rigging.
"Are you ready for the final duel?" he asked, eyes glowing with excitement.
"Bring it on," you replied, raising your umbrella in challenge.
Kurt dropped from the chandelier, landing nimbly in front of you. The room seemed to shrink as your duel became faster, more intense, your laughter mixing with the imagined clashing of swords. He moved with a speed and agility that was almost impossible to follow, yet you found yourself matching him blow for blow, the rhythm of the fight becoming almost like a dance.
Finally, with one last, dramatic swing, you both clashed in the middle of the room, the momentum causing you to spin around and fall back onto the couch, breathless and laughing. Kurt collapsed beside you, his tail flicking lazily as he caught his breath.
"That was—amazing," you said between gasps, your heart pounding with exhilaration.
Kurt grinned, his fangs flashing in the dim light. "Ja, it was," he agreed, his voice filled with contentment. "I haven’t had that much fun in a long time."
You lay there for a moment, the remnants of your imaginary battle still playing out in your mind. The excitement slowly ebbed, leaving behind a warm, satisfied glow.
"Next time, we’ll have to make it a real adventure," Kurt said thoughtfully, his gaze distant as if imagining what that might be like. "With real swords, and maybe even a ship."
"Deal," you said, chuckling at the thought. "But you have to promise not to teleport all the time."
Kurt laughed, a soft, joyful sound that made you smile. "No promises," he replied, his tail wrapping around your arm in a gentle, friendly gesture. "After all, what’s a pirate without a few tricks up his sleeve?"
As you both settled into the comfortable silence, the night stretching out ahead of you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for moments like this. Adventures with Kurt were always full of surprises—whether they were real or imagined.
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freshlove-sturn · 3 months
house on the cape IV
pt 1, pt2, pt3, pt4
a/n: FINALE!!
summary: when the triplets come back home from la, they reunite with their favorite summer tradition, staying in the house on the cape. amidst all of the familiar laughter, and reminiscing on old memories, y/n can’t ignore the feeling stirring in her heart. something that went deeper than friendship. as she grapples with the fact that her feelings for her lifelong best friend, matt, are more than what’s just at the surface, she must learn to navigate and balance the unspoken feelings, and the gut wrenching fear of risking it all.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
nick, chris, and nate had all just left to go pick up food, leaving matt and i by ourselves.
i sit perched on the counter top, matt has his body leaned up against the counter across from me. music plays softly from the tv. it’s nearing midnight, the only light illuminating the room coming from the street lights shining through the windows.
“i’m kinda sad this is our last night.” matt says.
“me too.” i agree. “it’s been so fun.”
i cherish every moment with matt. especially ones like these, where it’s just the two of us. ever since he moved across the country, i realized just how much i took for granted. before he left, i had real interactions to pine over and over romanticize. but now, i just have texts to dissect. and when him and his brothers are back in boston, they want to spend as much time as possible with friends and family, rightfully so. so it’s rare to have matt all to myself like this, even if it were just for a little while.
“whatcha thinkin’ about?” matt’s soft voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
i hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to respond. “i’m just gonna miss you.”
“i’m gonna miss you too y/n. a lot. i always do.”
something about the way he added that he “always” misses me makes my heart skip a beat.
“but hey let’s not think about that right now, alright? we’re with each other now and that’s all that matters, right?” he smiles sweetly at me, making it damn near impossible to be upset.
just before i could say anything, the first few notes of “fade into you” by mazzy star play through the speakers of the tv. we immediately look at each other. we coined it as our song years ago, when it played at a family friends wedding, being the very first song we had ever slow danced to. ever since that day, whenever it played while we were together, it was practically a requirement that we dance.
matt smiles cheekily at me, walking toward my spot on counter. he extends his arm, holding his hand out for me to take.
“may i have this dance, m’lady?” he smiles.
“of course.” i take his hand, and he gently helps me off of the counter.
he leads me over to the middle of the kitchen, opening the refrigerator for more light.
“classy.” i giggle, bringing my arms up around his neck. he places his hands on either side of my hips.
the cool air from the fridge contrasts the warmth of his hands, as well as the heat of my cheeks. we begin to sway, our steps falling into pace perfectly. i can almost feel the world around us melt away, leaving us in our own little world, a world where us in this moment is the only thing that matters.
the light from the refrigerator casts a soft halo around our bodies as we moved in sync. matt’s familiar gentle touch feels so different. like there was more to it than just participating in a silly tradition we came up with. as my heart races, i wonder if he can hear it.
i rest my head against matt’s chest, and i soon feel the weight of his chin press against the top of my head. after a few moment, i look up at him. our eyes meet, and for a second i swear i can see a flicker of something more. something that goes deeper than friendship, but then that moment passes just as quickly as it came, and we’re back to being two best friends dancing in the glow of the refrigerator light.
matt gives me a playful smile before intertwining our fingers and spinning me around. the motion slow and tender, as the air brushes across my face in a gentle breeze. while my body twirls, everything around me becomes a soft blur, the one thing remaining the same however was matt’s gaze fixated on me.
when my body stills and we come back to facing each other, my arms find his neck again, and his hands come back to their place on my hips. our laughter fills the room.
“we’re getting prettty good at that if i do say so myself.” matt smiles cheekily.
“i think so too.” i giggle.
our eyes remain on each other, but our faces closer now than they were before. matt’s breath mingling with mine.
time seems like it has halted to a stop. it feels as though matt’s lips have a magnetic pull, every second threatening to close the gap between us. something that i craved, but i could never bring myself to act on.
that’s when the front door opens, forcing us to act casual. my hands drop back to my sides, and matt folds his across his chest as the boys file into the kitchen with pizza boxes.
“why do i feel like we’re interrupting something?” nate questions, looking between the both of us.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
i lie in bed, staring at the ceiling above me. my mind is racing. although the room around me is dark, the thoughts swirling around my head are anything but. keeping me awake. i toss and turn, searching for a comfortable position, wanting nothing more than to sleep. something to turn off my mind. my feeling for matt eating away at me.
i knew i needed to confess my feelings for him before it was too late, but the fear of what might happen if i do keeps me awake.
for years, i’ve teetered the edge of friendship and something more with matt. our every interaction acting as a breeze, threatening to knock me off. threatening my feelings for him to spill out of me in a confession that could potentially ruin everything.
matt is my best friend. he always has been. and risking that was nothing short of terrifying. but the thought of never knowing if we could ever become something is almost scarier. my heart aches with the unspoken words.
a wave of realization and courage crashes over me. i knew my only way to find peace was being honest with myself and matt. i can’t keep living in this abyss torn between hope and fear. the what ifs and buts.
it’s like i lose all control of my body when i stand up from bed and move towards my door. on a mission to be completely honest with matt.
the door handle is cold in my grasp, i pull it open and to my surprise, im met with matt’s blue eyes on the other side.
we stare at each other in shock for a second before matt speaks.
“fuck it.” he says under his breath before speaking again. “look y/n, this has been killing me forever and i- shit. we’ve been friends for so long. you’ve always been my person and ive jusy been too scared to say anything because i didn’t want to lose this with you but i seriously can’t keep it to myself anymore. i love you. and not just as a friend, like im IN love with you y/n. and i have been for so fucking long. i had to tell you because you deserve to know. i completely understand if this is a lot to take in but i-“
“i love you too matt.” i cut him off, looking up at him. a smile tugging at my lips.
i felt a rush of warmth encase my chest. a mix of happiness and disbelief showering over me. was this seriously happening? all those years of hoping, wondering, and longing for this moment— suddenly it all became real.
matt’s lips crash into mine with a sense of pent up desperation. i kiss him back. his lips feeling even better than i had imagined. it felt so natural, so right. this was meant to happen. our lips danced together in a perfect rhythm, smooth and sweet like honey.
matt pulls away for a second. “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that” he smiles.
“me too.” i say, trying to catch my breath.
matt peppers my lips in sweet pecks, his hands cupping my cheeks.
“so… what now?” i ask.
“i guess we try this out.” matt’s forehead presses against mine.
“i guess so.” i smile.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
i wake up, one of my legs draped over matt’s, my arm rested on his chest and my head barked in the crook of his arm.
i look up at his sleeping face and smile. i brush his hair out of his face, causing him to wake up.
he smiles down at me. “good morning pretty girl.” his voice tired and gravelly.
i could definitely get used to that nickname.
“morning” i smile back at him.
after a few minutes, we decide to go join everyone else out in the living room.
as soon as we become visible to the 3 of them, their jaws immediately drop.
“no fucking way.” chris says, shocked. looking around at the others and then back to us.
“about fucking time. i didn’t know how much longer i could be the middle man. do you know how hard it is to listen to yall yap about being in love with each other and being scared about it not being reciprocated, knowing full well the other feels the exact same way?” nate asks. causing both of us to smile.
“you have so much explaining to do.” nick tells us, looking back and forth between us.
“i called it. did i not? nick you owe me 50 bucks.” chris makes a forking over motion with his hand.
“no shot you bet on us getting together.” matt shakes his head.
who knew that i would fall in love, and get together with the boy of my dreams all at the same place?
i couldn’t help but smile. i finally had what i’ve wanted and craved more than anything for years.
and it was all thanks to the house on the cape.
✧・: *✧・゚:* the end ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
taglist: @ribread03 @billy9669 @lovesturni0l0s @p4lxouterbanks @blablablabla2525 @bbernard-03 @sturniololvrrr @hayhjelmstad15
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mochatsin · 1 year
You may have gotten a few dance lessons during your time up in the human world. Before you were summoned, you’ve already familiarized yourself with different forms of dance and the brothers are in for a treat.
Lucifer is the first among the brothers to know about your talents ever since he asked you to dance with him in one of the events in Diavolo’s castle. It was a ballroom waltz and of course, he was able to beat his brothers to the punch by being first to dance with you. 
Being the Avatar of Pride, he refuses to be second. He wants to be your first dance and he has a smile on his face when you agree. Your lovely outfit, classical music, and romantic atmosphere fits all too well. Though he hopes your skills in dancing are just as perfect. 
He was fully prepared to have his feet stepped on, or catch the human should they trip and fall. But to his surprise you were able to match his movements and dance with him comfortably. The way you can spin and how your feet moved so perfectly with him in sync, he was awed.
“I never knew you were so good at waltzing like this MC. You’re better than my brothers, they can’t seem to grasp the grace required of this dance even after I taught them back when we were angels.” He would compliment you while you two danced, his arms around your waist pulling you closer. 
He wouldn’t miss this opportunity to have this mischievous smile on his face while he twirls you in the ballroom, watching the envious face of his brothers as Lucifer pulls you closer. They have no choice but to wait for their turn and it’s killing them, but amusing to him. 
Whenever you’re free, he takes you to the music room and plays one of his classical music records that’s safe for your ears to listen to. The ballroom was fun, but he wants you all for himself this time. No prince, no brothers, just him with his favorite music with his favorite human. 
You both would exchange bows and he would kiss the back of your hand like the gentleman he is “my dearest, shall we?” and you would both dance. Whether you’re in your uniforms, casual clothes, or even pajamas, Lucifer would cherish this moment with you. 
It's like you two were made to dance together. No matter what song he plays, whether it has a fast or slow tempo, you can keep up with his feet. But of course, he’d rather play a slow romantic song so he can hold you in his arms for longer. 
Would absolutely scold his brothers if they ever try to interrupt these moments with you. If there was another ball and a demon would ask you for a dance, expect Lucifer to be looming behind that poor soul. No one gets to be your first dance other than the Morningstar and he’s going to make that very clear once all eyes are on both of you at the dancefloor. 
For a small date, he wanted to take you to the lively streets of Devildom. Mammon knew some good places that you both can explore at night, and he made sure first that taking you here would be safe. Though getting his brothers off his back was difficult, he managed and now you two got some quality alone time. 
The streets were filled with so many colorful lights and music. There’s not a single week that goes by where there’s not an event in this realm, and Mammon wanted to treat you to stalls and booths. It just so happens that while he was gone, there was a small group of demons and spirits dancing at the sidewalk. 
Mammon was trying to look for you out of panic because how could he lose you in just 2 minutes?! When he overheard gossip about demons crowding over the human exchange student, he’s inches away from turning into demon form as he searches for the biggest crowd and once he does… well he wasn’t expecting quite the scene. 
You’re in the middle of the crowd dancing and shuffling to the music. The way you could move your feet like that was mesmerizing every time you switched from one footwork to another. Heel toe, criss cross, charleston, you can do a variety of these moves and dance to the beat perfectly. 
When you did the moonwalk, everyone was cheering. Mammon was impressed as hell, but he wants to stick to the original agenda and go back to your date. “OI! If you want to see more of this talent then ya better pay up! They ain't for free!” he says as he drags you out of the crowd. 
You pout, wondering if perhaps he didn’t like it since he was in a rush but you see the redness from his cheeks. “Y-you were great duh! But tonight’s s’posed to be OUR night! Don’t want other demons makin’ googly eyes on ya. When we get home, you gotta show me more of yer stuff!” 
He’ll be smug if he’s the first among the brothers to know how great you are at hip hop. The rest finds out before you even got home when you started trending all over Devilgram with your little performance earlier, and Mammon loves the fact he saw that in person “That’ll remind the lot of you that I’m their first!” 
Spent a portion of the night wanting to use your dance skills to earn a quick buck. With one speaker playing music on blast, he hopes to have a can pilling in grimm at the end of the song. Though the brothers would have to put a stop to this before he exploits it. 
There’s this new hyped up anime about idols and whatnot that’s been released. The brothers are tortured by the songs he’s been playing on blast, but not you though because you somehow found this new show very entertaining and sometimes the two of you would watch it together. 
One time you wanted to talk to ask Levi about how to get over this new level of this game you both play, but you find him in front of his screen watching a tutorial on one of the dance routines done in the series. 
You call out his name and he immediately screams, exiting the tab as quick as he could like he was looking at something indecent. After calming him down, he explains that he wants to learn the routine but is struggling with the steps. He thought you’d laugh at him but you offered to help him instead.
You both watched the routine and while doing so, you break down the moves to its simple components so it’s easier to understand. Levi stares at you as if you were preaching sacred text before he mumbles “... can you actually dance?” 
Since you’ve been watching this dance on the show for a while and it’s easier to perform compared to routines you’ve done up in the human world, you were able to perform this with ease. 
Levi is shocked to see you dance this routine that took him hours to even get past the first chorus, when you only took a matter of minutes to get most of it right. When his curiosity is piqued, he starts asking more questions like how did you learn that fast and if you’re actually secretly an idol like the protagonist of the series. 
He’s glad you have more patience with him than Lucifer when teaching him how to dance. It’s a little difficult at first but you at least got Levi to get to the best parts of the routine until he can do it flawlessly. 
If he’s not practicing, he’s happy enough to watch you dance. You can see the biggest smile on his face when you perform a song he’s bound to recognize. He’d probably have light sticks and a chant dedicated to you when you dance.
It takes a lot out of him but Levi starts asking more about you and dancing, it doesn’t have to be about his interests anymore. He wants to learn what kind of songs you like to dance to and what forms are your favorite kind.
If you let him, he would take time to record and do those edits of you dancing. He wants you to show off how amazing you are! Levi’s not as good as moving his body as you are, but he knows his way around the computer. 
Failed pranks and cleaning after his brother's messes didn’t leave the fourth one in the best of moods. When one of his tricks to get Lucifer be caught in a trap backfires, he’s sure as hell irritated just as soon as he got out of that 2 hour lecture. 
Reading books wasn’t working in elevating his mood since he can’t focus. Petting cats was always his go-to plan so that he won’t explode and destroy the rest of the house, but first, he wanted to look for you so you two could go to Cats Eye together. Being in the company of his feline friends and favorite human is bound to cheer him up. 
He couldn’t find you in your room and before he tries to call your D.D.D. He hears a faint song from the music room. Satan knows it can’t be Lucifer because he just got out of the lecture from his office, so he goes in to inspect. 
He finds you in the middle of the room, playing one of the classic musicals up in the human world and dancing to it. You used to do a ballet routine to this song so you wanted to dust off your skills again.
Satan was awed as he watched you twirl in the room countless times like it was nothing. You seem so weightless as you glide through the floor. You dance like festive spirits in the air, perhaps even more graceful than them. You’re captivating when you dance, and he’s completely under your spell. 
When you finished, expect him to applaud with a big smile on his face. “MC, care to tell me more about this hidden talent of yours?” He would chuckle as he entered the room with you. “It was truly quite the show, 
You’d show him pictures and videos of you up in the human world when you performed the dance, but this time complete with a whole attire. He wonders if he can make a deal with Levi to sew you some clothes, one perfect for such performance. 
Unlike you, demons aren’t normally flexible. Asmo and other lust demons are but only to a certain extent. So when Satan gets to see how a ballerina stretches by walking in on you, leg up in the air while on your toes, he turns red. Is he embarrassed or confused? It's both.
Since it was always spas, salons, and nightclubs, Asmo wanted to try to do something new with you. It was Solomon’s idea that he should take you out for dancing in your next night out together. 
The boy was excited at the thought of holding you while you two danced the night away, hand in hand while staring into each other’s eyes. And what better way to sweep you off your feet by learning a dance made for pairs. 
Of all sorts of human dances, he found the Tango to be the most appealing to it for its sensual themes and how close you two would be. But of course, he wants it to be perfect if all eyes are going to be on him. Just like his looks, his moves must be flawless! 
When you accept his idea of dancing out for a night, Asmo invites you to practice with him in his room. He makes space for both of you and he fully intends on making you fall harder for him after just practicing. 
Though out of everything, nothing prepared Asmo when you decided to take the lead in this dance. Each step and twirl, how you would brush your fingers against his arms, or the eye contact that seems to last forever before you take him by the hand and move to the next step. 
He ends up bending back while you hold his hips firmly, leaning forward as part of the dance he showed you. He was speechless at your talent and he stayed that way after you let go of him. 
Did Solomon already know about this talent? And is that why he suggested you both should dance? Asmo wondered if the sorcerer set him up to this and if he did, he needs to give thanks. 
It’s like you turned into a completely different person when you danced the Tango and oh, he wanted to see more of that side of you again. He’s very… excited to say the least. 
“I can already imagine all eyes on us on the dance floor! We should get some matching outfits perfect for the dance. Come! No time to waste! We can practice in them later”
Maybe with Levi’s help he could start a Devilgram account dedicated to you just dancing. Levi’s editing skills, Asmo's influence, and your talents? You’re reaching 5 digits within the day
Beel is always looking forward to finding new ways to exercise his muscles. His workout routine is no joke when he did the 666 exercise challenge in one day. From muscle building to stamina increasing, he doesn’t limit himself to one type of exercise and it explains his monstrous strength.
Beel asked you what are your ways to stay physically fit and active, since maybe you could be his new training buddy. His twin is always asleep and the rest usually have something else to do, he figured he could give this a shot. 
You told him that you normally keep yourself fit by dancing and he looks at you like a confused puppy. He’s not the kind who would consume much content revolving around dancing so you decided to show him by making space in your room and playing a song from your world.
Beel is surprised to see you when you start dancing to the upbeat music. Hip Hop requires a lot of body movement and you are absolutely killing it that the demon already forgot what he’s in your room for. 
“I… I thought you were talking about Zumba, like what Asmo does…” he mumbles but smiles at you, genuinely really impressed about your skills. “How long did it take for you to dance like that though? Can you teach me?” 
At some point you were able to breakdance to demonstrate your balance and how athletic dancing can really be. Beel initially panicked to see you balance yourself with one arm or spin your legs around like that, but at the end he’s staring at you as if he’s staring at food. So intent and so full of wonder.
When he’s free, you teach him a few moves to songs you both would like. If Beel ever tries to breakdance, you have to make sure he won't end up crashing and hurting himself on the floor. Goodluck MC!
You wanted to drag Belphie out of the house more and Barbatos was the one who suggested a local ice rink in Devildom. The idea of ice skating was fun to you, but of course putting in more effort and the cold temperatures… Just the thought makes Belphie sleepy. Though he still goes with you anyways.
He’s not as talented as the royal butler when it comes to skating, but he’s at least good enough to be able to go through the rink without falling. He assumed that maybe you’re good at ice skating too since this was your idea, or maybe you’re one of those people who just wants to goof around the rink despite falling too many times (like Mammon). He’s going to find out eventually when you step in with your skates. 
To him, you looked like you were having so much fun, as if you were in your element. Belphie was prepared to maybe tease you if you ever fell down while skating, but skating looked so natural to you. And that’s until the rink started playing music.
You knew how to figure skate before and the youngest brother finds you doing all sorts of spins and jumps on the beat. You’re so graceful when you skate, he wondered why you never told him you could dance like this. Especially in skating! You were absolutely mesmerizing he can’t take his eyes off you. 
Belphie could swear that maybe he’s still dreaming but when you call out his name after your little performance, with that smile on your face, he would wish he could stay longer in this dream. But he gets so distracted at the idea that maybe he’s really just enjoying such a beautiful dream that he accidentally falls backwards as a wake up call.
You just let out a chuckle as you skate over to help him up and he would deny the blush on his cheeks as he faces you. “Hey, you didn’t bring me here to skate so you could show off right?” he would tease before patting your head “you were amazing. How do you not get dizzy spinning around like that?”
The brothers are baffled at the amount of times Belphie has gone out to the ice rink recently. Though the youngest would playfully snicker at their annoyance for keeping your talent a secret once they see you in action on ice. 
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eyelessfog · 2 months
different beast ‼️
Different Beast
The actor for penelope[playing siren] screams as Odysseus shoves her away from the platform, returning her to the floor of the stage. He stands tall, a harsh spotlight coming from behind him. the lights black out when odysseus stops singing and the haunting music plays, and between blackouts, penelope's actor and a siren in full makeup wearing penelope's robe and a white veil over her face switch places.
As the song continues, after the switch, the siren scrambles to her feet, all previous smoothness forgotten after she's been shoved. In contrast, Odysseus stands calmly. Angrily.
Sirens begin to slowly come on stage as odysseus mentions there being packs of them hiding. they are meant to appear wavelike and perfectly in sync. they are movements in the corner of the eye. they do not draw attention.
At the word siren, the siren's white robe and veil falls, leaving behind a more siren-like body underneath, matching with the sirens that continue to come in through the sides.
she continues to appear panicked as odysseus explains where she falters, and then when she asks, "what?" the soldiers begin marching on stage, equipped with harpoons. it is made clear, then, that the sirens walking on stage are being ushered by soldiers
in a two part dance, the soldiers and sirens continue further onto stage, before beginning to, together, act out what odysseus sings. slowly, the soldiers move to the right of the stage, separating from the sirens who have gathered to the left. odysseus, as he sings, begins making his way down the right stairs, spotlight following him. as odysseus walks past them, his crew kneels, making him still clear among them as they mime placing beeswax in their ears.
odysseus picks up the robe left on the floor and throws it around the siren's shoulders as he says that she pretended to be his wife. he takes her hand, holds her close, spins her around, and then, at "Now I know how to get back to my island," shoves her away.
The soldiers pull themselves up from crouching, spearing their harpoons forward. the sirens begin to fall over each other, ending up in almost a cape that reaches for the siren that pretended to be odysseus' wife. they call to be spared, raising their arms in a grabbing motion all at once, then falling down again as their voices swell and fall.
odysseus turns his back on them, climbing back up the stairs, sometimes stopping and turning back to the sirens for emphasis, gripping at the railing with both hands.
when he gets to the top, he shouts orders, waving his arm at his men without sparing them a glance.
as the sirens scream, the soldiers surge over, beat by beat. they are marching, adding to the beat with the base of their harpoons. the soldiers create a formation facing the audience as the sirens are pushed off of the stage. odysseus stands atop the platform, facing the open door, calling out "kill them all," as he is meant to.
he only leaves once the soldiers call their final "odysseus!", the door slamming shut behind him.
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certifieddilfenjoyer · 6 months
A Statement of a Soul - sneak peak to the new chapter
Gosh, I really liked writing this. TAGS: Dance, banter, It's just xReader so can work as !Male or GN! Tav, but the hand placement is the usual for a female dance partner.
'May I have this dance?' He asks, extending his right arm towards you.
You take a step forward, but don't accept his hand. 'Raphael, I don't think it's very proper,' you remind gently. 'It feels very wrong considering what happened between us,' you add in a quiet tone.
Raphael takes another slice of the space separating the two of you and lowers his voice sweetly.
'My dear,' he looks at you with half-lidded eyes and you can feel your heart skip a beat or two. 'Whatever's wrong is right with me. Come and indulge me.'
You gently place your left hand on his right arm, making him smirk. He leads you closer to the source of the music, but outside of the hearing range of your allies. You look down at his feet, trying to find your own, comfortable place on the improvised dancefloor. Your right hand settles on his broad shoulder and his ventures down to your waist. The fabric of your shirt – a borrowed shirt from his House of Hope, to be more precise – is thin enough to let his searing palm lick at your skin. You gasp, feeling the difference between his body heat and the cool, but pleasant air of the spring night.
He waits a few moments, no doubt measuring the rhythm of the song and leads you perfectly, making the two of you join the melody with the dance. His eyes are intense, never really leaving yours and you find yourself looking back at your feet again.
'Oh, come now,' he says with a note of condescending. 'Have you got no manners?'
You meet his gaze. 'Didn't you say a moment ago that what's wrong is right with you?'
He chuckles at your little jab and spins you once, pulling your arm behind his back to decrease the distance between the two of you. You involuntarily place a hand on his chest and look away, intoxicated by his proximity. Suddenly, you become aware of the pleasant texture of his palm, holding your hand in his. It's so big, he could wrap your whole fist, you realize, as he returns his palm back to your waist. The notes take a more intense turn and in a surprising wave of courage, you push him on the chest, sending him back a few steps. He makes you follow.
'Getting too comfortable, it seems,' he warns, but his eyes are melting a hole right through you.
As the string bass plays its last sharp note, he slides his leg, knocking you down from the ground. Your eyes widen in a mixture of shock and fear, but his hold on you is firm, allowing him to tilt your body towards the grass. The music pauses.
'Asshole,' you remark, filling the silence. The instruments resume, so he pulls you up and leads you again. If the two of you were dueling, you would be currently on the defense.
The flame from the torches sways in his eyes, igniting the amber irises, bringing forth the dangerously captivating red hue. Your gaze slides across his sun-kissed cheek darkened with the facial hair lurking just beneath the surface. He's beautiful, you have always known that, but rarely you have a chance to admire him from up close.
He spins you one more time but you slide away from his grasp and circle around him, tracing your fingertips across his muscular arm and across his broad shoulders. You stare at his neat, wavy tips of dark hair and as your hand quickly glides across the back of his neck, you extend your thumb hoping to brush his strands. He turns his head away from your hand, as if sensing your intention and shortens the distance between the two of you. His hands land on your waist and he half-turns your body, positioning you against him. You are surprised at how intense, yet respectful the dance is. Neither of you cross each other's boundaries, because neither of you want to admit that they are gone. Your bodies are in sync, pushing and pulling like two magnets changing their poles.
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luxrayblues · 2 years
Can you do a Kabu x Reader where the reader is doing some fire performing (with their pokemon, similar to a Pokémon contest) and Kabu is just very impressed with the reader's skills?
Excited for some Kabu! Thank you for the request, I hope you like it!
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Kabu x reader - Set Ablaze (SFW)
Pokemon contests weren't as common in Galar as they had been in Hoenn. When he heard about the impromptu contest going on, he simply had to visit and see what sort of displays the contest-goers would exhibit.
He had come quite a long way, but he was incredibly excited as he sat down with a bottle of water he'd bought. No one would be able to tell he was elated from his stoic expression, but he certainly was.
You take a deep breath and glance at the arcanine at your side who was all amped up because you were. You had dreamed about being part of a contest since you were young and now you finally had the chance to show off your skills. Maybe this would lead to something greater for you and your companion.
The announcer excitedly tells the crowd that you're next as you step out into the arena. You can hear people in the enormous crowd gasp and clap at the outfit you had made yourself which matched arcanine's fluff and stripes. It was a little cheesy, but it was perfect for something like a contest. You could feel the heat radiating off of arcanine in his excitement, which got you all the more excited, letting go of the fear you'd had up to this point.
Kabu can't help but to smile as he watches you walk out there, looking small next to the large dog-pokemon. It was only a moment before the music started up and you began to move, skillfully dancing opposite arcanine who began to move in a similar way. It's a mix of fire and dancing as you move around one another, perfectly in sync.
The crowd was amazed by you. None more than the fire gym leader himself who sat front and center, absolutely blown away by your blazing show. The way you moved around arcanine and the fire it created without being burned was a talent in itself, but the fact that you were dancing and telling a story with your body was simply incredible. He had signed up for a makeshift contest, he hadn't expected to see the most beautiful display he'd ever witnessed.
The crowd cheered during lulls in the music. As the song came toward the building end and you lifted up a stick which arcanine caught on fire for you, the crowd went wild. Everyone clapping for you as you spin and toss it skillfully between yourself and arcanine, making a display of both of you. You had gone to a lot of effort to perfect the choreography and clearly it had paid off.
As you finish and both of you bow, panting heavily, Kabu is the first to stand up. He claps loudly for you both. Seeing such a brilliant display of fiery perfection at really left an impression on him. Even he, the often stony man, had a slight smile on his face as he admired you both taking your bows.
The rest of the contest was more of a blur than your own performance. You were so excited and wracked with nerves because of the other acts being so amazing. Each one seemed to be better than the last, though as the ending ceremony neared and they gave everyone a short intermission while the judges contemplated you felt like your heart was in your throat. You were worked up enough that the sound of Kabu's voice made you jump and scream.
He holds his hands up to show his innocence as you whip around to see him. Instantly your face is as red as flame when you realize you'd just screamed at Kabu of all people?! "Oh my Arceus? Kabu! ...? I.. I'm so sorry, oh gosh!"
You watch as he calmly waves off your panic and embarrassment. "I didn't mean to startle you." He says simply, his expression up close seemed less intense and more kind than you expected. Before you can respond he opens his mouth again. "I simply had to come find you. I've never seen such a display of power and skill combined into something so beautiful. I thought I might learn something today, but I'm blown away by your passion!" His excitement at you was shown in the slight smile he wore as he spoke.
"Oh wow.. thank you, I.. That means so much. Especially coming from you, Kabu!" Of course you admired the older gentleman. Watching his battles with his own arcanine had only given you more resolve to become the best at what you did. His words were always so encouraging, even when he lost battles.
He smiles slightly and nods, closing his eyes for a moment before looking at you again. "Would you join me after the contest for a victory meal? I'd love to ask you about your techniques." He gives you a long look as your heart beats like crazy. Kabu- KABU was seriously asking YOU about YOUR techniques?! How could you say no? You couldn't, that's how!
"Of course, absolutely!" You beam up at him excitedly. You couldn't believe how impressed he was with you. It would be hard for this day to get any better, though it surely did when you found out you had won. Rushing back out, you cling to the ribbon as you meet up with Kabu who was almost as excited for you as you were. It didn't show on his older features the way it did on yours, but you could tell he was happy for you and happier still to pick your brain over a well-earned meal.
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theaceofflamesposts · 7 months
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Thatch - 49, 59, 63
49. "C'mon, I'll show you how to dance." 59. "I like the way your hand fits in mine." 63. "Wait, don't pull away... Not yet."
For: Sefona
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You’ve never seen men that dance the way they do on the Moby Dick before. It’s not just movement to noise – some of it is, sure, just arms around shoulders and swaying while they sing (often off-key at this point because they’re a bit drunk) – but proper dancing. Izou is at the centre of it, moving perfectly with the beat, sometimes on his own but occasionally with others too. It’s kind of fun to watch how flushed Ace gets when Izou does something like dipping him. Haruta is light on his feet, and some of the men who were Spade pirates under Ace prior to joining Whitebeard are also great dancers. Cornelia and Deuce in particular, but for a big guy Skull is also pretty good at keeping rhythm.
Marco usually waits patiently to join in until he sees a place to dance with both Ace and Izou at once, and often Thatch joins in like the four of them just know how to move in sync with one another. You wonder briefly if the dancing helps with being able to fight together. Mostly you just like the joy they all seem to show with one another. You’re not sure where Thatch is yet, but a presence just behind you to your left solves the internal query a moment later.
“You never join in.” He says, studying you quietly. His hair is a little messier than usual and it makes you want to run your fingers through it until it’s loose and hanging free. Maybe later.
“I – I don’t really know how to dance.” You confess, cheeks getting warm. Thatch just smiles at you though.
“Come on. I’ll show you how to dance.” He offers you a hand, and although you glance nervously at your dancing crew mates, you slide your hand into his. Thatch beams as he leads you closer to all the others, tugging you in closer to him until you rest a hand on his chest. His free hand drops to your waist before he leans in.
“Don’t worry about anyone else, just follow my lead okay?” Thatch murmurs soothingly, and you nod, curling your fingers around the hand you hold a little more tightly. Luckily the song playing at the moment is a little slower, so you don’t trip over your own feet as you try to relax and just go with the flow. Luckily the cook is patient, and you can feel him pressing you a little closer as you continue.
It only takes a couple of songs before he has you dancing just as fast as anyone else there, laughing softly sometimes as he adds a dramatic flourish. While sometimes another crew mate will spin you away for a jaunt, you always end up back in Thatch’s arms, hand linked firmly with his. 
By the time the music begins to wind down, you’re exhausted, yawning widely and about ready to head to bed. You look up at Thatch and you’re about to say goodnight when what almost looks like panic flashes across his face.
“Wait, don’t pull away… not yet.” He says, and you don’t, instead you almost melt against him. You lean in and rest your head against his shoulder, afraid something is wrong and wanting to wordlessly comfort him. Thatch makes a soft sound and just holds you, your linked hands down by your side. He’s well aware of a gaggle of division commanders watching expectantly and knows chatter will have spread all across the ship by morning. But you don’t seem to be aware, or at the least, if you are you don’t seem to care so Thatch tries to ignore the feeling as well.
“Are you okay?” You ask after a little while, pulling back just enough that you can look up at him. Your gaze makes Thatch’s breath catch in his throat, and his cheeks go slightly pink. He lifts your hand to his mouth and places a light kiss on it. 
“I’m fine.” He promises. “I just – I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
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zennybearr · 11 hours
Lucissa dancing to “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley???
Do whatever you want with it!!!
the grand ballroom of malfoy manor was bathed in the soft glow of enchanted candles. the shimmering light reflected off the polished marble floors and crystal chandeliers, creating an atmosphere that felt almost dreamlike. it was a rare evening of peace and quiet for the malfoys, one not filled with social obligations or the pressures of their standing. tonight, it was just the two of them.
narcissa stood by one of the tall windows, gazing out at the moonlit gardens below, her long, silvery-blonde hair cascading down her back. lucius, watching her from a distance, felt a soft smile tug at his lips. even after all their years together, she still had the power to take his breath away.
without a word, lucius crossed the room and gently took her hand. she turned to look at him, her blue eyes meeting his with a curious smile. “what are you up to?” she asked, her voice soft and teasing.
in response, lucius flicked his wand toward the gramophone in the corner. a familiar melody filled the air - a soft, slow tune that brought a smile to narcissa's lips.
“lucius, you don’t seriously want to dance to this?” she asked, recognising the opening notes of the song - their song. it was a muggle song, one she had secretly loved for years, though she would never admit it in public.
but lucius wasn’t concerned with public appearances tonight. he gently pulled her close, his arm sliding around her waist, and led her into a slow dance.
“wise men say only fools rush in,” he began softly, his deep voice blending with the music, “but i can't help falling in love with you.”
narcissa chuckled softly, her head resting on his shoulder. “you’re such a fool, lucius malfoy,” she whispered, though there was nothing but affection in her voice.
“shall i keep going?” lucius asked, spinning her gently across the floor, their steps graceful and perfectly in sync.
“please do,” she replied, her smile widening.
lucius tightened his hold on her, their movements slow and tender as the lyrics of the song flowed around them.
“shall i stay? would it be a sin if i can’t help falling in love with you?”
as they swayed, narcissa let herself relax completely in his arms, her worries forgotten for the moment. she closed her eyes, letting the warmth of his embrace and the familiar lyrics wash over her. she’d never imagined that lucius, so composed and often rigid in his beliefs, would dance with her to something so simple, so unabashedly romantic.
“like a river flows surely to the sea, darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be.”
narcissa felt her heart swell as lucius softly sang along, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered the words. it was rare to see him so vulnerable, so open, and it made her love for him deepen even more.
“take my hand, take my whole life too, for i can’t help falling in love with you.”
lucius guided her through the final steps of the dance, his movements slowing as the song came to an end. they stood there for a moment, locked in each other's gaze, the world outside forgotten.
“thank you,” narcissa whispered, her voice barely audible.
“for what?” lucius asked, brushing a strand of hair from her face.
“for this.” she rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “for reminding me that even in the darkest of times, we can still find these moments.”
lucius gently tilted her chin up, his grey eyes searching hers. “i would give you the world if it meant seeing you smile like this.”
narcissa leaned up and kissed him softly, their lips meeting in the quiet of the ballroom, the last notes of the song lingering in the air like a promise.
as they pulled apart, lucius smiled - a rare, genuine smile - and whispered, “i’ll always dance with you, narcissa, no matter what.”
and in that moment, everything else seemed to fade away, leaving only the love they shared, as timeless and unwavering as the song itself.
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adamworu · 2 years
Hi, I was listening this NGE analysis/speculation from the time before 3.0+1.0 came out and as it mentioned Kaworu that left me a bit an odd feeling: "Shinji's relationships with Misato, Rei and Kaworu are very similar in one perspective, they all act as guardians to him, the first 2 being like distorted mother figures and Kaworu being like an older brother with a BL spin to it." (It overall trying to say that "therefore the relationship between Shinji and Asuka is the most special")
Shinji and Asuka had feelings for each other, sure, but that doesn't mean the relationship was wholesome. Neither of them saw eye to eye nor did they have any interest in doing so for much of the series. Misato is a guardian, but the relationship is unhealthy by virtue of Shinji being coerced into piloting the Eva. Misato’s ire toward her father unhealthily manifests toward a fronted anger at the angels which she pushes on Shinji. Shinji also pilots Eva to hear words of validation which ultimately... hold very little air. He is only lauded for as long as he’s obedient.
Rei wasn’t a guardian but her nature comes from being aggressively conditioned into motherhood roles, especially given the fact that she's a clone of Shinji's mother. She interacts with people should Gendo/Commander Ikari order it be done.
Kaworu never makes himself above Shinji, (hence my personal grievance with 'worth of my grace' in the Netflix version). Him wanting to make Shinji happy is of a romantic persuasion rather than a parental. The relationship Shinji and Kaworu have for one another is special because the happiness is mutual, though the relationship is far from perfect. Shinji sees Kaworu as an idealized version of himself rather than his own person. Kaworu misconstrues Shinji's happiness, having his feelings being dependent on Shinji's content rather than having happiness existent outside of him.
Kaworu states music as a form of communication and it’s alluded in the original series. In episode 9 (an episode I always allude to Shinji and Asuka’s relationship being detrimental with this getting the ball rolling), Shinji and Asuka have to sync up movements perfectly to kill the 7th Angel. The sync machine being always off with them is a sure canary in the coalmine. Rei’s being perfect with Shinji isn’t alluding to a good relationship but rather Rei doing as she’s told. Not only is she conditioned to be motherly, but she is conditioned to do things to a T. 
Kaworu and Shinji’s relationship is special on virtue that it’s the healthiest; there actually is a sense of communication. Nothing of it is actually forced. It’s chiefly mutual.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years
Halloween Mystery Girl–Steve Harrington
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Warnings: slight language, dirty dancing, suggested sex
Looking around the room, it looked like any other party. Other than the fact that everyone was dressed up. Even though the house was full of teenagers, half of them were already drunk. The other half were buzzed and on their way to full drunk.
Steve froze when his eyes landed on her. He had no idea who she was but he couldn't look away from her. She was wearing one of those dresses that was short in the front and a little longer in the back. The dress hugged her body in a way that would make any guy's mouth go dry. She had a mask that matched her dress perfectly.
Maybe it was because of what she was wearing. Maybe it was because of the way she was dancing. She threw her head back, downing the rest of her drink. She flirtatiously winked at the guy she was dancing with and he bent to her will. He grabbed the empty red solo cup and ran to the kitchen.
This was Steve's chance. If he wanted this girl's attention, he had to act now. He walked onto the dance floor, grabbed the girl's wrist, and turned her towards him.
"Hi," he said, trying to sound sexy and mysterious.
"Hello to you too," she chuckled as she obviously checked him out.
"Want to dance?"
"Seems like we already are," the mystery girl smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck and started moving her hips with his.
"Want to keep going?"
"We'll see how you do with this first song," the girl smirked. "We'll go from there."
                                * * * * *
Clearly, Steve impressed the mystery girl because she danced the next three songs with him. The song changed to a slow one so Steve grabbed her hand and spun her around. She laughed as he started grinding the front of his hips against her ass.
"Damn," he moaned as they continued to grind against each other. "You're so sexy."
"Thank you, baby," she sighed in a tone of voice that made Steve want her.
She reached up and behind herself, running her fingers through his hair. He moaned as she pulled on the strands she was holding. He slid his hands down her hips, slowly making his way forward.
"Easy there, hot stuff," she giggled as she moved her hands from his hair to his hands on her hips. "If you get any lower, I'm going to have to take you upstairs, find a room, and do naughty things to you."
"Fuck," he growled. He leaned down and started kissing her neck. He went back and forth between kissing, sucking, and biting her skin.
"Damn," she moaned. "This feels so good, sexy."
"If you like this," Steve chuckled, "imagine what I could do to the rest of your body."
"I don't want to imagine it," the girl said, quickly spinning around. She grabbed Steve's face and pressed her lips to his.
Steve moaned as he roughly moved his lips in sync with hers. The two continued to make out in the middle of the dance floor. They were moments away from tearing each other's clothes off.
The music changed, making the two pull away from each other. They were both breathing heavily as they stared into each other's eyes.
Suddenly, the mystery girl laughed. She grabbed Steve's hand and turned around. She instantly started dancing, pulling Steve until he was wrapped around her. He leaned down and went back to kissing her neck, not wanting to do anything other than touch her.
"I want you, my Dancing Queen," he moaned as he sucked on her ear lobe. "So fucking bad."
The mystery girl opened her mouth to respond but the last person she wanted to see walked in. Steve noticed her freeze, his stomach dropping.
Had he said too much? Was he wrong to assume that she wanted him too?
He was about to take it all back when she ran out of the party.
                                * * * * *
Steve woke up the next morning with a hangover that he knew would last the weekend. He stayed in his room all weekend, thinking about the mystery girl. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her. He dreamed about what could've been and what they would've done.
He walked into school Monday morning, still thinking about this girl. All he could do was think about her. He thought about her instead of algebra. He thought about her instead of history. He thought about her instead of the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
He was about to walk into the lunchroom but froze. Walking down the hallway with her eyes glued to the paper in her hand was the girl he couldn't stop thinking about.
"Dancing Queen."
When he spoke up, she froze. She slowly lifted her head until her eyes landed on him.
"Well well well. . ."
They didn't break eye contact as they closed the gap between them. They instantly stepped into each other's arms, pressing their lips together. They made out, not thinking about where they were. Until they heard someone whistle.
Steve broke the kiss and glared at them. He grabbed his mystery girl's hand and started leading her down the hallway. She laughed as she jogged to keep up with him.
"Where are we going, sexy?"
He sent her a teasing smirk before pulling her into the janitor's closet. The second the door shut behind them, Steve pushed her up against it and pressed his lips to hers. The two quickly got lost in the kiss.
Reader's POV
As we fought for dominance, I reached behind me and locked the door. The sound echoed in the dark closet, making him moan. He roughly broke the kiss, the look in his eyes dark. I bit my lip hard as he tore his shirt off. I couldn't help but dance my hands over his torso.
I chewed on my bottom lip as I took in his shirtless form. When I finally made my way back up to his eyes, he was smirking. Unable to control myself any longer, I grabbed his face and roughly pressed my lips to his. He instantly moaned as he started kissing me back.
I grabbed his hips and pulled him towards me. We let out matching laughs as we hit the door.
"Wait," I mumbled between kisses, "can we. . . Can we stop for a second?"
"Sure," he answered breathlessly.
"I really want to keep going," I said with a small pout, "but there's something we have to do first."
"What's your name?"
My question made him laugh. "Steve," he introduced.
"Y/N," I said. My moan got muffled as he smashed his lips onto mine. We instantly fell into a fast and hot rhythm.
We didn't bother to break the kiss as we took off our pants. Once they were discarded, we wrapped our arms around each other. As we made out, Steve grabbed my leg and wrapped it around his waist. I bit his tongue when he squeezed my thigh.
I pouted when he broke the kiss. I bit back a moan when Steve tore open my shirt, immediately pressing his face between my breasts. I took a shaky breath as he started biting my exposed skin.
I leaned my head against the door, barely stopping myself from screaming his name. But it slipped out.
"Oh Steve."
He moaned in response, finally leaving my chest and returning to my lips. Our lips immediately moved in sync.
"Wait," Steve gasped, breaking the kiss. "Before we keep going, and believe me, I have no intention of stopping, I need to ask you something."
"Okay," I said, breathing heavily. "What is it?"
"At the party, I thought we were having fun," he said, sounding a little nervous. "But suddenly, you were gone."
"That wasn't your fault," I sighed. I stepped out of his embrace, wrapping my arms around myself. He instantly grabbed my hands, unwrapping my arms, and pulled me back into his chest.
"What do you mean?" He asked sweetly.
"It was Billy."
"What?" He asked, his whole demeanor changing. His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. "What does he have to do with the other night?"
"The truth is," I started slowly, "Billy Hargrove and I went to high school before I moved here. We weren't friends. . . He tormented me every day. He made fun of me, spread rumors about me, sexualized me."
"Y/N," Steve whispered.
"It was horrible," I said my voice breaking. "I cried myself to sleep every night. There were times when I thought. . . I thought about. . ."
"Please don't say it," Steve mumbled.
"I was miserable, Steve. I couldn't. . . I couldn't take it anymore."
Steve pulled me closer into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.
"I'm glad you didn't," he whispered.
"Me too," I blushed. I cleared my throat, remembering what we were talking about. "Look, I didn't run out of the party because of what you suggested. I ran out because the second Billy walked in, I recognized him and I got scared. I had to get out of there."
"I understand," Steve said softly. He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering.
"Listen," he whispered, "I want you to know that you can trust me. I don't care who he is, I will not let him hurt you. Not again."
"I trust you," I whispered.
"Good," he said. I felt a blush rise as the sweet look in his eyes was replaced with longing. "Now, Dancing Queen, I want you to choose."
"Choose what?" I asked as I tightened my arms around his neck.
"Stay here or go back to my place."
"I mean," I said slowly, "we're already here. And we're already half dressed."
"You're okay doing this at school?"
"If you want to get dressed, get in the car, drive all the way to your house, get undressed again before we can finally. . ."
I laughed as he cut me off and pressed his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync as our hands roamed each other's bodies.
"We have to make sure we're really quiet," he whispered. "And after. . ."
"After?" I asked when he didn't continue.
"After, I'm taking you on a date."
"Don't people usually do the date thing first?" I teased.
"Usually," he shrugged. "But who says anything about us is usual?"
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daintyduck99 · 10 months
There's an angel in the loft, already. 
She whirls around at Reggie’s approach, wide-eyed and moon-kissed. It's distracting, the way the light catches in her curls and plays over her sweetly surprised face. The things he should ask disappear. 
All he can say instead is, “Hello.” 
He isn't sure if she hears him over the plucky music floating from below, but she cocks her head and comes a little closer. 
Her eyes are the most radiant he's ever seen—and he grew up with Luke, whose own eyes glitter like every kind of Jewel.
But he's always been a sucker for the natural warmth in a pair of big brown eyes.
“Hi.” She smiles tentatively. “Are barn parties not really your scene, either?” 
He shakes himself out of his mental stupor and smiles back. He shrugs. “Not tonight.” 
She doesn't press—just offers her hand.
“I'm Julie. Julie Molina. I'm new here.” 
She looks away, biting her lip, and he can practically hear the obviously she's berating herself with. He does that, too.
Her eyes snap back to his as he takes her hand, squeezing it softly. Her lips part like moonflower petals, and their fingers linger even as they start to slide apart. 
Reggie swallows. His heart gallops hard.
“Reggie,” he says hoarsely. “Reggie Peters. I've lived here my whole life, so—if you have any questions, I'm your guy.” 
She hums. It has a note of laughter in it.
But her eyes hold a whole joyful tune. 
“Is that so, Reggie Peters?” 
His name sounds so melodic in her mouth.
It sends a tingle down his spine. 
“If you'll have me.” 
He hesitates—but only barely. 
“Julie Molina.” 
She stuns him with a gorgeous, gap-toothed grin. She was beautiful before—she's ethereal now. 
And her eyes—he could get lost in them. 
Her voice is alluring, too, though, which might be the only thing that saves him. 
She asks him what instrument he plays, first, which is a pleasant surprise. But then, Julie's probably the only person here who doesn't realize whose barn she's in, aside from maybe her parents. Even though she'd tested his full name, here, with her—
He gets to simply be Reggie. 
And he's quickly learning that he likes Julie. She's funny, and smart, and kind, and it's like—she sees the music in him, too. She gets it, and it resonates with her.
She makes him promise to play piano with her soon—he hears a melody right then. 
He's half-convinced that she must be an angel he conjured up. She can't be real. 
A slower song starts to play, and she stops mid-sentence. Her eyes are bright. 
She holds out her hands. 
And for the second time, he takes them. 
It's like he blinks and she's nestled in his arms. She lays her head on his shoulder.
She fits perfectly, and his heart is bound to burst—it takes a very different tempo.
They sway to the song without stumbling, though. He doesn't know it, but it's sweet. 
You lift my feet off the ground 
You spin me around 
You make me crazier, crazier 
God, he really hopes that's a good thing.
Feels like I'm falling, and I 
I'm lost in your eyes 
You make me crazier, crazier 
And whoever is singing is doing an excellent job—but Julie could do it better. 
He's not sure how, but Reggie just knows. 
She lifts her head, lips parting like she wants to say something, eyes shining, and he lets himself do the next crazy thing. 
Slowly, still to the beat of the song despite the rapid thrum of his heart, he leans in, encouraged by the way she tilts her face. 
Her eyes flutter shut, as do his—
And he captures her lips in a tender kiss. 
He'd swear that the music swells—maybe it's finally in sync with his heart—and Julie melts, sighing as the kiss starts to deepen.
She totally must be an angel. He's floating. 
So is she, if the dazed sound she makes when they finally break apart is any sign. 
Her eyes open slowly, and she looks at him through her lashes, awed and almost shy. She breathes out a little, “Whoa.” 
A pleased blush burns high in his cheeks. He grins at her. “Told you. I'm yours.” 
She nods, then wets her lips, and he wants to kiss her again when she tilts her face up once more— 
But then she says, “That was my first kiss.” 
He crashes back to earth. Of course—
This is why he should've asked. 
Well, he should've asked period, but. 
Fuck, he can't undo it. All he can do is—
“Julie, I'm sorry—” 
She cuts him off with her eyes. They broadcast her question before she says it.
“Why? I wanted you to do it. Now you'll always be mine, in some way.” 
God, that's—
What can he say to something that sweet?
She smiles, and then he knows—
He doesn't need to reply with words. 
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
Love Just Happens
Part 5 - Fairytales
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Description: Bill Skarsgård, a 40 years old separated father of three tries to live as simple as he can but then he meet Aurora Lou and life becomes even more complicated.
Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters.
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on.
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, alcohol, ageism, mentions of animal abuse, mentions of cheating, kinks and fetishes, toxic relationships, jealousy, posessiveness.
"Arms stretched! Booty out!"
Aurora's dance choreographer shouted loudly over one of Aurora's latest songs, playing from the speakers. Aurora danced with her four dancers, dressed in black leggings, a pink sports bra and high heels, in the dance studio. One of the dancers was Roxy and just like Aurora she had a new hair color. While Aurora had a mesmerizing shade of baby blue, Roxy had a new more discreet hair color, dark brown, that was gathered in a low ponytail. Bill sat on the floor in the corner, watching Aurora spin her fairytale hair around seductivly. He nodded along to the music and even lip-synced to the refrain. He had learned her songs now, it wasn't the music he would have chosen to listen to but being in love with the singer and songwriter made it easier to like it. He smiled at seeing her smile and when it was obvious she felt sexy. She often looked towards him when she danced and stuck her tongue out playfully but did it also because she was embarrassed to have him watching her every move. The choreographer stopped the music and then looked towards Bill with a pointed stare. Bill swallowed hard and looked at the guy. He was young and athletic with his hair perfectly styled, it didn't seem like he had danced at all.
"If you come into my studio you will dance," said he strictly to Bill and crossed his arms. Bill laughed nervously and looked towards Aurora, she smiled teasingly and when Bill realized she actually thought he would say no he stood up with a smirk.
"Okay, give me the choreography then." Aurora laughed and moved closer to him unconsciously. Bill smiled towards her and once again they felt like the other people around them disappeared. Aurora was so happy Bill showed such interest in her job and also dared to have fun with it. The choreographer moved so he stood between them, irritated he had lost their attention.
"Okay 'Messy', from the bridge!" Said the choreographer loudly and Bill looked confused. Wouldn't he get the choreography?
"This is a couples dance so Bill, look at me first," said the choreographer and took Aurora's hand. She looked on amused towards Bill but made herself ready to dance. One of the other dancers started the music while Bill moved backwards to make room for them. The choreographer and Aurora started to dance a seductive dance, it didn't look that hard, mostly they walked towards each other, some sort of spins and then he lifted her up and let her down so she could continue to dance by herself. During the bridge there wasn't any singing so Aurora could lay all her attention on the dance. The dancer stopped the music where the singing would start again and the choreographer turned to Bill with raised brows. Bill laughed a bit unsure and looked at Aurora who giggled and took his hand encouragingly.
"Okay… Let’s try…" Bill laughed nervously and took Aurora's hand just like the choreographer had. She gave him a calming smile and shrugged her shoulders to say that it was just for fun. The choreographer started the music and Bill started the dance doubtfully. Aurora looked him straight in the eyes, like she could telepathically tell him the next step. Just after ten seconds the choreographer stopped the music.
Bill looked confused at the choreographer but didn't let Aurora go. He was too used to having her close to just let her go. He knew he didn’t do anything wrong, he learned choreography fast and was used to trying new things.
"More smoothly! And less sex!" Said the choreographer but that made Bill laugh and Aurora blush.
"Then I'm the wrong man for the job," he joked with a funny face and hugged Aurora closer to him. She giggled and looked towards the choreographer and the dancers. Everyone smiled upon seeing them but Roxy smiled stiffly.
The choreographer let Bill sit down in his corner again and then continued the practice with the ones "that actually can dance" as he said. Just when Bill started to get tired of watching them, in came Andrew through the door. Bill had met him a few times but didn't like him, not just because of what Aurora had told him but also of the vibe he exuded. Bill greeted him with a nod but then turned his eyes towards Aurora again so he wouldn't come up and talk to him but to Bill's disappointment he did that anyway.
"Bill… Hello…" Andrew said, looking at him quickly but then looked away like he couldn't dare to look at Bill too long.
"Hello Andrew," said Bill coldly without trying to cover it. He didn't feel a need to be polite to Andrew at all.
"I need to talk to you. And Aurora of course."
Bill gave him a quick glance but then stood up so he towered over him. He had noticed Andrew didn't like how easy it was for him to make him feel small. Aurora looked towards Bill and Andrew and clearly saw Bill's cold expression and Andrew looking nervous. She didn't like conflicts even if she knew it didn't matter that Bill didn't try to get along with Andrew.
"I think we should stop here," she said loudly over the music and the choreographer stopped the music fast. He might have sounded bossy but everyone knew Aurora was the real boss. The only one that didn't understand that was Andrew. Aurora walked up to Bill and Andrew who gave her a smile. Bill gave him a look because he could see how fake he was.
"Hey Princess," said Andrew who gave her a hug. Aurora hugged back but then sat down on the floor.
"Sorry, I'm must take off these fucking shoes. They're killing me!" She said with annoyance. Bill smirked a little towards her and she gave him a playful stare.
"Don't you dare say anything, you have never danced in heels."
"I wasn't! But like�� You kinda have to dance in heels otherwise people in the audience won’t be able to see you," he joked and helped Aurora up when she had taken the shoes off. She hit him playfully on the arm and stuck her tongue out. Bill smirked and laid his arm around her, as usual he first put it on her head but laid it down over her shoulders when she protested. They had their own inside jokes now and it amused them but not so much for others. Andrew stood and watched them and became more and more irritated that they were essentially ignoring him.
"Should we go home to yours?" Andrew said loudly to get their attention. Bill looked at Aurora, it was her choice, but then he saw that Roxy stood behind them with her jacket on along with her bag on her shoulder, waiting on them. He liked Roxy, she was a really caring friend but she would often show up uninvited many times to things when Bill had thought it would just be him and Aurora.
"Sure, I guess. Is something up?" Aurora asked Andrew and took Bill's zipper hoodie that he had taken off earlier. He sighed a little when he saw her take it and she smirked as an answer.
"We just need to talk."
Aurora's assistant was on sick leave so when they got home Bill took the role as coffee maker and served Aurora with her laptop and papers when she sat with Andrew and Roxy at the coffee table in the living room. Her house was big and luxurious, modern and decorated to perfection. The living room was vintage inspired. Art deco and 1960s inspired, mostly in pink hues and gold but with green plants everywhere. They were Aurora's babies and when she wasn't home she had a person caring for the plants and another to care for her fur babies. She had an old golden retriever and a younger corgi. It was the corgi Timmy had kicked down the stairs during a fight and the dog had broken its leg. Now it was just as healthy again and speed ran up and down the stairs like a comet.
Aurora took Bill's hand when he was going to run away again. He created reasons to not sit down with Andrew and Roxy but gave up when Aurora looked at him beggingly. He sat down with a sigh and laid his arm on the head rest behind Aurora. Roxy gave them a look but then focused on her coffee. Andrew sat and looked at Aurora who fixed things on her computer and read the papers Bill had put next to her. Bill looked over her shoulder, she didn't have any secrets for him and he could see the crazy amounts of money her tour dealt with. He had been in big movie productions but never seen such ridiculous amounts of money.
"I guess you want to talk about the show in Las Vegas?" Aurora said, looking up at Andrew. She took off Bill's hoodie. She wished she could have been able to shower before but Andrew seemed stressed and she knew Bill just wanted Andrew to leave as soon as possible.
"No, no. Or we can talk about that too. The last Vegas show was boring as hell," Andrew said with a resigned tone. Aurora rolled her eyes. Bill looked at the man in front of him tiredly. He couldn't see anything else other than a really small person.
"But right now…" Andrew searched after something in his phone. "We must look at this," he gave his phone to Aurora who took it.
"It will be posted tomorrow."
24 year old Aurora Lou has found love in actor Bill Skarsgård, 40!
It was an article from a gossip site with a picture of Aurora from her latest interview. She was dressed in a white off shoulder top paired with white fluffy earmuffs. Her make up was also white, even her eyelashes which looked like there was frost on them. Next to her picture was one of Bill. They had taken a still from one of his movies where he played an eccentric addict with questionable hygiene and the contrast between their pictures was laughable. Bill looked over her shoulder and didn't know how to react. He began to laugh a little because of the choice of picture but also understood that now everyone would know about their relationship and that would probably change everything for him. Aurora looked at Bill who wiped the corner of his mouth in deep thoughts. She had wanted to announce their relationship for a while but not like this. She wanted it to be on their terms. Maybe on her Instagram or at an event.
"Do you know who the source is?" Aurora asked Andrew. Andrew sat and watched Bill and gave Roxy a glance before looking at Aurora.
"No, it can be anybody. I mean, the whole team has seen you together."
Bill had followed her to meetings about the tour, dance practice and onset of music videos. He had been everywhere but all of the staff had an obligation to observe silence.
Aurora sighed and looked at Bill again who dragged a finger through his eyebrow with a distant expression.
"But it's also this, Lou…" said Andrew and put her Instagram in front of her. She gave him a confused look.
"The rumors about cheating against Timmy, soon they will reveal that about you too and then this?"
He played a video. It was a video of Aurora sucking a lollipop suggestively but she wasn't holding it herself but a man was, Bill. You could only see a hand but it was clearly a masculine hand, much bigger than Aurora's. Bill looked between Aurora and the video.
"Did you post that?" He asked calmly but felt a strong annoyance. He knew Aurora had posted more revealing pictures and written suggestive texts but he had no idea she had actually shared videos he was a part of.
"That's not the only one…" Andrew took his phone and showed Bill the picture of Aurora laying on his naked chest and you could see a bit of his full lips in a small smile and his dimple. He was familiar with the picture because in the whole picture you could see both of them. But it wasn't just that, the champagne colored sheet laid low on Aurora's back so you could see the shape of her bare breast but it also revealed her tattoo. Bill wasn't pleased by the B tattoo when she showed it to him but he didn't want to hurt her feelings so he had faked appreciation to avoid making her sad. Bill looked at the picture and then dragged his hands over his face. His oldest daughter followed Aurora and now pictures of him bordering sexual situations were out there, for her eyes to see. Many might believe it wouldn't be weird for them because he had done sex scenes and so on but it was an entirely different thing that she would see her father in real intimate situations.
"Fuck… What is this Lou?" He asked as he dragged his hands through his hair. Aurora looked at him nervously. She hadn't thought he would care that much, he was hardly in the pictures.
"It was just a fun thing…" She said nervously to Bill without meeting his eyes. She looked down at her long pink glitter nails and tried to pretend like it wasn't a big deal. Bill dragged his hands through his hair again.
"Delete them. Right now."
Andrew smirked pleased and once again gave Roxy a look.
"What? Why? It's nothing serious," said Aurora to Bill with a bit of an attitude. She felt he was making a bigger thing of it than it was. She just sucked on a lollipop.
"Okay, but I still want you to take it down," Bill said forcely. He gave Andrew and Roxy a look to say that they maybe should leave them alone for a bit but Andrew just smirked and Roxy looked away. He often felt like others wanted to be a part of their relationship.
"Why? I don't get it Bill." You could hear that Aurora was close to tears but she really tried to not break down, she wanted to be able to talk to Bill about serious things without crying and then needing to be comforted.
He sighed and took her hand so they could walk into the kitchen by themselves.
"I have daughters. One will be a teenager soon. I don't want her to see me in those kinds of situations." Aurora looked down at her feet, dressed in fluffy socks, and sighed.
"Okay… Okay… I just thought it was cute and… You make me feel good about myself, you know…"
Bill sighed and moved closer to her. He lifted her up on the counter so they were almost at the same height. Aurora was used to that move by now and put her arms around his neck and gave him a look of shame.
"I love that you say that. And I want you to feel great with me but…" He sighed. He had said "I am a father" so many times that he was tired of his own words.
"You have daughters. I get it…" she said lowly. She did get it but it could be hard to deal with. She just wanted to show how happy and sexy he made her feel but he didn't want to be a part of such things at all.
Aurora took her phone and deleted several of her posts, also the posts where she wrote something about "daddy" as a caption.
Bill gave her a grateful look and kissed her lips softly.
"I love you babe… And you can post whatever you like, but just leave me out of it, okay?" He said with a small smile.
Aurora nodded and played with the hair on his neck, dragged her long nails over his shoulders until he shivered.
"But now… It's time for us to tell my kids," Bill said and gave Aurora a crooked smile. She looked up at him surprised and made a short giggle.
"Yeah, I want them to hear it from me so we must be up late tonight so we can call them when they have gotten up."
Aurora continued to drag her nails over Bill's broad shoulders and played with the sleeves of his dark blue t-shirt.
"Are you ready for that?" She asked carefully. Bill laughed and dragged his hands over the skin between her top and leggings.
"I've been ready for it for a long time, the problem is that I don't know if they are ready but I guess they must be now? I can't control what they read."
Aurora smiled a little but then thought for a moment.
"What did you mean that 'we can call them'?"
Bill laid his hands on her thighs and gave her a pointed smile.
"We video call them so you can say hi to each other. My girls know English, not the little one that much but my oldest is better than me with English. They will understand you. Then it may take some time for the youngest to be able to talk to you but that's a problem for the future."
Aurora felt her heart beat hard in her chest. Suddenly everything happened so fast. She had gotten used to just being some sort of mistress to Bill and suddenly hearing that she would actually have a relationship with his daughters sounded awfully scary. To see Bill as a dad felt also foreign, he was her boyfriend, more or less, but with his daughters he would be a grown up, a dad. Did she even want to see that side of him?
Bill continued to talk about his daughters and how he thought they would react but Aurora didn't really listen to him any more, she just tried to imagine herself having a functional relationship with them. She was twelve when Bill became a father for the first time. She lost her virginity the same year his second child was born. She looked at him closely. He was really 40. A dad with three kids. He was handsome but behaved as if he were younger but she could also picture him as a gentle father. His daughters probably loved him deeply and maybe they would have problems sharing him with his girlfriend.
"Lou? Are you okay?" Bill asked when he saw her sitting in her deep thoughts. She looked up at him and smiled. She booped his nose with her index finger and smiled bigger. She was so in love with him but she could see that it would have probably been easier if she met someone younger.
Andrew left not long after that, Aurora and Bill went back to the living room but Roxy didn't make a move not even when Bill followed Aurora into the shower. While shampooing Aurora's hair he could no longer shut up about it.
"Isn't it really weird how much Roxy is here?"
Aurora was quiet for a moment and let Bill finish the shampooing so she could wash it out under the shower head.
"She is one of my best friends…" she just said and gave Bill the conditioner. He took it with a sigh and squeezed some out in his hand.
"Yeah but she always hangs around here? Sorry, but sometimes it feels like she's watching me or something." Slowly he put conditioner in her hair the way she had taught him. Aurora knew Roxy was protective of her so maybe Bill was right.
"But there is actually one weird thing… She was actually pissed at me in the beginning of the week and yet she’s still here now. Andrew forced her to change her hair color because he thought she stood out too much behind me and she seemed to believe that was my idea."
Bill smirked a little to himself because it sounded like petty shit. He had changed his looks for a job many times and Roxy's job was actually being behind Aurora, not competing for the attention.
"I don't think that sounds weird at all. It's a visual performance with you as the focus." Aurora smiled a little while she washed the conditioner out. Bill always said the right things, her ex mostly laughed when she had disputes with her friends. It was probably a childish thing but Bill didn't make her feel silly for mentioning it. When she had washed out the conditioner she pulled Bill under the shower, pressed her back against his chest and laid his hand over her sex. Bill answered quickly by toying with her pussy.
"Are you a bit needy?" He whispered and dragged his other hand over her tattoo. In one way he liked it, because it triggered his possessiveness to know she had marked herself so permanently for him.
"Please just give me something I feel so empty…" She looked up at him and dragged her hand down from her chest to lay on top of his, encouraging him to penetrate her with a finger. Bill leaned down and kissed her shoulder and at the same time lifted one of her legs up in his hand so he could slip her a finger more easily. He pushed two in and could feel her clench around them.
"Forever a virgin…" He whispered and smirked when she moaned with pain and pleasure. He was hard now but he knew their wasn't a chance he could fuck her in the shower. They had tried and it was much more of an acrobatic session than a good lay. He was just too tall and the floor too slippery. Bill opened the shower while fingering her and even lifted her up with his finger still inside her. It made her giggle but when he pulled his finger out she made a sound of disappointment.
"Wait just a moment…” he said and sat down on the closed toilet lid.
"Can you ride me like this?" He asked and dragged his hand over his erection. She could never really get used to him naked. He was so much man with his thick thighs, broad chest and strong arms. She looked down at his cock and dragged her fingertips over his balls while he continued to play with his cock.
"I can try…"
She often had a hard time riding him because she didn't really have the power in her legs to create a good rhythm. Bill was most often forced to take over, either help her ride him with two strong hands on her hips or he let her stand on her knees so he could work himself in and out while laying on his back. Bill smiled a little by seeing Aurora's doubtful face.
"If you talk to your friend and make her leave we can fuck where ever you want…" he laid his hand on her hips and pulled her closer. She stood between his legs and took a firm grip around his cock and while Bill breathed heavily. In theory they could have just gone up to the second floor and chosen a bedroom of their liking but Aurora wouldn't be comfortable just leaving Roxy in the living room and Bill knew that. He bit his lip and watched her drag her thumb over his tip. She sighed a little, like she was upset she must let his cock go.
"I'll go out and talk to her…" she said and released Bill from her grip and took the light pink silk kimono that hung on a hook. Bill nodded a little, encouraging and stayed on the toilet lid. When Aurora had gone out and closed the door after her, he stood up in front of the mirror. In the beginning of being in her house he had wondered if she maybe had cameras up so he became self conscious while doing some things but now he knew she didn't and relaxed in his loneliness. He looked at himself in the mirror, tried to fix his wet hair and inspected his skin closely. He had some shaving pimples on his jawline and his lips were dry again. He wetted them with his tongue and then looked down at his body. He was pleased with his body at the moment, he had abs even without flexing and his hips were narrow. He pumped himself a few times to maintain his erection and looked at his body pleased. Maybe he could understand why he had a 24 year old girlfriend. He looked quite good. Just when he moved his stance to view his profile and look at his hard on, Aurora opened the door. Bill scratched his neck and relaxed, to make it look like he just stood and waited on her.
"Umm… I've forgotten I have promised Roxy to go out for some drinks…" Aurora said and looked at Bill's erection with a blush. It was one thing seeing him hard in the moment but seeing him standing hard when she had just spoken to Roxy made her realize how erotic he actually looked. Bill grabbed a robe that was hanging on one of the hooks and put it on. It was a bit short but it still covered him.
"Okay… But… Now? While I'm here? I'm going back to the hotel tomorrow, I'm filming on Monday," he said disappointedly. To be interrupted when he thought he would get laid wasn't his favorite and he could feel a strong annoyance growing in him. He really tried to like Roxy at that moment but it was hard.
"I'm sorry baby… I don't know why I double booked but like… I think she really needs to talk…" Aurora laid her hands on Bill's chest and looked up at him with big eyes. He dragged his hands over the soft fabric of the kimono and made a pained sound when he opened it up to look at her. Aurora smirked and closed it again.
"I promise I will come home so we can have a bit of fun… Before we talk to your daughters."
Bill pushed back his wet hair and nodded a little.
"You owe me," he said, squeezing her ass a bit too hard so Aurora shrieked.
Aurora came home later than planned and found Bill sleeping in the TV room with a series on. He laid in just his black Calvin Klein boxers on his back with a hand under his head. Aurora used the moment to watch him, his long body and the calm facial expression. She couldn't stop herself from comparing him with her exes. Before Timmy it was Chase and during a short period she and Timmy broke up, she dated Philip. All three of them were at the max only a couple years older than her and working in the music industry. They were all kind of short and seemed to like that she made them look taller, yet Timmy still had a thing for long legged models. She looked at Bill's broad collarbones and a big hand lying on his naked chest. She had never been with a guy like him. He didn't seem to think about his image like her exes had and cared more about being professional than seeming cool. He cared about his look but not to the extreme and cared himself calmly and silently. He didn't talk just to hear his own voice and didn't belittle her even if they were different from each other. He was a man and gave her respect like she was a woman.
Carefully she patted his cheek to wake him up and continued down over his neck and chest. Bill woke up slowly and looked at her confused like he didn't remember he had fallen asleep in the coach.
"Sorry for being late…" She said softly, sitting down next to him and patting his chest. Bill looked her up and down, she was dressed in white long sleeved crop top and a baby blue skirt in patent leather. Her hair matched the skirt and was gathered in a high ponytail. Bill smirked because he knew his daughter would look at her with the biggest eyes.
"What time is it?" He asked with a tired voice and sat up a bit.
"12. I guess it's time to call soon…" She said with nervousness.
"Yeah… But are you sober?" He looked at her examining. Aurora laughed a little.
"I don't drink alcohol in public, you know that. I drank something that was basically juice."
Bill smiled amused and rubbed his eyes. Aurora looked down at his sweatpants and hoodie that laid on the floor.
"What happend with your clothes?"
"Aaah, so uncomfortable to lay down in and I was alone."
"Like you need to be alone to take off your clothes. I don't mind," she said teasingly and dragged her nails over his thigh. Bill leaned forward and kissed her with a smile.
"But I think we should wait with that… First I must be a dad and an ex and… Yeah you get it," he shrugged his shoulders and put on his sweatpants.
They walked up to the bedroom where Bill had his iPad and he pulled on a t-shirt.
"I need to talk with my ex first… To prepare her." He looked at Aurora carefully but she understood better than he thought; she was quite famous and young.
"Sure, do you want to be alone or..?" She asked while Bill sat down on the bed.
"I don't mind and to be honest, you will not understand a thing anyway." He looked at her amused and Aurora sighed with a smile.
"Yeah, yeah. But don't say anything mean about me."
Bill laughed.
"Of course not!"
Bill called his ex while Aurora checked her hair and makeup by the vanity table. She sat so his ex couldn't see her and she could feel the nerves grow in her stomach, she even felt a bit sick. Bill said hi to his ex with some polite questions and some questions about his daughters well being but then he took a deep breath.
"Can you walk away a bit so we can talk alone?" He asked in Swedish to his ex who gave him a questioning look.
"Okay?" She said and walked into one of the bedrooms. Bill looked toward Aurora quickly and then his ex. His new girlfriend looked really young in her blue hair and youthful outfit.
"Tomorrow an article will be posted about me and my new girlfriend…" He continued in Swedish and gave his ex a look.
"Okay, why? I mean…"
He knew what she meant, he wasn't that famous and the tabloids had never had an interest in him.
"She's quite famous I guess… And I want to tell the girls before they see it online or something…"
His ex looked at him in silence for a long time and licked her lips. She laughed unamused.
"Bill what the fuck are you up to now? God, I've told you so many times you must put the girls first!"
Bill sighed and dragged his hand through his hair annoyed.
"Okay, who is she?" Continued his ex with just as an annoyed tone.
"Her name is Aurora Lou." Bill said it confidently but knew his ex would hate him for it.
"Oh god… God.. You got to be fucking kidding me? Did you do this on purpose? Because you know that the girls love her?" She dragged a hand over her face and looked away with a hurt look. "And isn't she like twenty years old?"
"She's 24."
His ex shook her head and continued to look away. Bill could see a light shine in her eyes but knew he couldn't give way to it. He often did that but this was actually important. She shouldn't affect his and Aurora's relationship.
"And now you want to tell the girls?" She asked.
"Yeah, otherwise they will find out in another way."
His ex sighed.
"Is she there now?" She looked at the pink velvety headboard and the furry pillow next to Bill.
"Yeah, but she doesn't understand what you're saying…"
He looked towards Aurora who was fixing her eyeliner and her lashes. He knew they were fake, extensions made by Erica, her cosmetologist.
"And you want the girls to meet her like this, now?"
"Yeah." He just said and looked at his ex seriously. After a long moment of silence she accepted it and Bill got to talk with his daughters, all at the same time. They began to talk about what they had done in school and daycare and what they had done that weekend. They then talked about what they would do when they visited their father in L.A., which gave Bill the opportunity to introduce his new girlfriend. Aurora sat now turned to him playing with her fingers and nails.
"When you're here you may also want to meet my girlfriend," he said carefully to his daughters who looked at him confused. His oldest looked at him, examining, and he got a feeling she had suspected this. His youngest didn't seem to listen that much and just continued to show him her new bracelet for him and he commented once again that it was pretty.
"Who is she?" His middle daughter asked with a smile. It was obvious she was the most interested.
"She's a singer. And has blue hair," said he dramatically.
"Blue??" Said his youngest and looked up from her bracelet.
"Yeah and she loves to dance and has a home that is really pink."
"A singer?" Asked his oldest carefully. Bill smiled softly but felt his nerves.
"Yeah, I think you know who she is. Her name is Aurora Lou." He smiled like it wasn't a big deal but he knew it would be for them. His oldest sat quiet with big eyes.
"Aurora?? Like the fairy girl??" Said his middle daughter. Aurora had a video where she more or less looked like Tinker Bell.
"Yeah." Bill said and gave her a smile. His youngest once again showed her bracelet for him and he, once again, said it was pretty.
"Are you serious?" Asked his twelve year old daughter with furrowed brows.
"Yeah. She's here, with me, and I want you to meet her." Bill smiled towards them. "Do you want to meet her? She doesn't speak Swedish but I know you will be kind and try to use your English. You're all so good at it," he said sweetly.
"Yes!" Said his seven year old daughter in English and smiled excitedly. He looked at his oldest. He recognized her thinking face and he turned to her.
"You okay, honey?"
She smiled a little and nodded. It was probably a bit much to her, to see her dad with someone new and on top of that an artist she listened to. Bill gave them a smile then looked towards Aurora and gestured with his hand for her to come over. Aurora felt her heart beat fast and how her hands shook. She sat down next to Bill and looked at the screen where she could see his daughters by a table. It looked like they had just eaten breakfast.
"Hi," she said and waved at them. She thought you could hear that she was nervous and cringed by her own voice.
"Blue hair!" Said his youngest daughter in Swedish and Bill smiled at her and then at Aurora.
"Yeah, blue hair," He translated his daughter's words to English. He knew his youngest could understand simple phrases like that in English. He had many American friends so they were used to hearing it.
"They understand the most," he said to Aurora and smiled towards her. She giggled nervously and looked at them. She could feel the pressure to be liked, would Bill break up with her otherwise?
"Your dad has said that you will visit him here in L.A. Do you maybe want to visit me then?"
"Yes!" Said his middle daughter again excitedly and even clapped her hands.
His oldest still looked unsure. She looked closely at Aurora, her colorful presence and perfect makeup and then her father, dressed in an old Hammarby t-shirt and messy hair.
"Do you know that dad has the worst music taste?" She asked a bit jokingly and smiled shyly. Both Bill and Aurora laughed.
"Yeah, it's quite a lot of depressing shit. But he has been with me a while now and I think it's growing on him," said Aurora and gave Bill a teasing look. "What do you listen to?" Aurora genuinely asked.
"Ehh… I don't know."
"She listens to Timmy," said Bill and gave Aurora an amused smile. He knew she wouldn't care. His daughter blushed.
"I don't!" She protested and looked angrily at her father.
"It's okay if you do. Timmy does some great music. He wouldn't be as popular as he is if he wasn't good," said Aurora but she got a warm feeling in her chest that his daughter wanted to make a good impression on her.
His oldest daughter smiled a little and nodded.
"I listen to you," said his middle daughter and smiled big. "You are so pretty." She said and crawled closer to the screen. Aurora giggled.
"I think you're pretty, you all are. I can see your father in all of you."
"But dad isn't pretty!" Said his youngest in Swedish and Bill laughed.
"She said that dad isn't pretty," said his oldest with a blushing smile.
"But I think your dad is pretty and you are too," said Aurora and looked at Bill who smirked. He had a warm feeling in his chest seeing Aurora communicate with his daughters so freely. They didn't seem to care that she was young and quickly forgot how famous she was. They continued to talk some more but his youngest became restless and just wanted to show drawings and other things for her dad so it was hard to talk about anything else. When they had said goodbye, his ex took the iPad. She gave Bill and Aurora a small smile but it was obvious there were mixed feelings behind it.
"I guess it's in the middle of the night at yours so… Good night," she said in English.
"Yeah, and you have a good day."
Aurora smiled a little and laid her hand on Bill's chest. She didn't think about it then but after she would think about it and wonder if she did it on purpose.
Bill dragged his fingertips down Aurora's naked spine until she shivered. He moved the sheet so he could crawl closer to her naked backside. Aurora smiled but pretended to sleep even if she could feel Bill poke her thigh. She pretended to move in her sleep but pushed her bum on purpose against Bill's cock.
"Are you awake?" He asked with a raspy morning voice and dragged his hand down her arm. She couldn't stop herself from smiling but continued to pretend to sleep and move her bum against him. Bill smirked and crawled closer so he could support his head in his hand and look down at her face. He dragged his finger over her nose, eyelid and then her lips. She continued to pretend to sleep and Bill separated her lips with the tips of his fingers.
"Do you need something to suck on, baby?" He asked with his raspy voice and pushed two fingers into her mouth. Aurora made a sound like she was sleeping and laid down on her back but sucked his fingers.
"Mm… Baby…" he dragged her closer to him so one of his legs were between hers and Aurora started to move against him while having his fingers in her mouth. Bill pushed his leg up so she could ride his thigh better.
"Sleeping beauty begging for cock…" He whispered and spanked her ass. Aurora jumped but tried to stay in character. She moved away because it wasn't cock she wanted. Instead she continued to "sleep" and separated her legs. Bill looked down between her legs and shook his head amused.
"No, you're just thinking about yourself… Want to use me…" He crawled down between her legs and gave her wet clit a kiss.
"Dirty little girl… Dreaming filthy dreams… All wet and needy…" he kissed her again and teased her with the tip of his tongue. Aurora smiled and sucked her own fingers. Bill dragged his tongue up and down her pussy but looked up when he saw her suck her fingers.
"Daddy…" she moaned and while her mouth was empty Bill pushed in his own again.
"Yeah baby… Daddy will help you sleep…" he moved down to her pussy again but kept his fingers in her mouth and continued to tease her clit with the tip of his tongue with fast movement when he noticed that Aurora tensed up and sucked harder around his fingers he started to suck and moved his jaw fast to make his tongue vibrate. That move always made her come and when he pushed one finger into her she came undone loudly.
They laid close together, full of post sex hormones and talked about the call they've had with his daughters. They laughed lovingly at his younger daughters and talked closer about his oldest daughter who was more skeptical but as a whole the both of them had a good feeling about it all and they didn't think further than about their love for each other and the call with his daughters until Bill's phone rang. When he took it up he saw that he had several missed calls and messages. It was his agent that was calling and he rarely called on a Sunday so he answered with nerves. He just realized that the article was probably out and that his agent wanted to talk about that.
"Yeah, Bill?" He answered. Aurora looked at him with big eyes. She still had the make up from the day before on and it layed smudged around her eyes.
"Hey Bill… I've read about your new girlfriend and many others have too… It was probably not your plan but congratulations, this will give you so much work. So many people have already called me."
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tornsurvivors · 1 year
Five times kisses Jaina and Sylvanas
[ from my favorite kiss prompt. ]
i. Nothing else existed, save for the wistful sigh of the violins and the warmth of the Ranger-General's hands guiding her. Actually, Sylvanas doesn't even need to take the lead, nor did Jaina. They glided across the ballroom floor in perfect sync, almost as if they had been doing it for years. She was wholly enraptured by the the elf's gaze that was soft yet piercing all the same. Had she been conscious of what's going on around them, or aware of her thoughts -- she would have noticed how the other couples on the dance floor looked upon them in silent awe and envy. She would also be surprised by how easily Sylvanas made her forget everything and everyone else. It was a powerful effect that swept her away like the undertow. Like she belonged.
She even forgot about Kael'thas. The one who invited her, and was currently glowering at the Ranger-General for stealing his date away. Then again, that's sort of on him... he kept excusing himself every now and then during the ball. So, Jaina had been left available and Sylvanas had the heart to keep a mere human mage company.
When the music ended and applause rang out, Jaina had to remind her to catch her breath again... almost as if she had been snapped out of some wonderful trance. She blushed when Sylvanas bowed, but more so because of the sensation of warm lips against the back of her hand. A kiss. "I guess I better allow Kael'thas have the next dance with you, Miss Proudmoore." Jaina almost forgot how to speak -- brain shorting out due to the sight of the smirk on the Ranger-General's face. "Jaina. Just... Jaina." She breathed out, luckily, because her next one had been stolen by the genuine smile Sylvanas gave. For the remainder of that night, she couldn't stop thinking about how amazing her name sounded coming out of the Ranger-General's mouth.
ii. It's always been men, because you know... that was normal, right? At least that's how she was raised to think that women are supposed to like men. No one really told her or taught her that it's perfectly natural for a woman to like another woman... or for a man to like another man, like how opposite sex are supposed to with each other. It was mostly self-taught and learned from friends who happened to fall in love with the same sex. But now as Jaina was slowly backing up towards the bed in Sylvanas's room at the Windrunner Spire... being guided by warm and strong hands on her hips, she realized something -- her mother only encouraged her to meet men, just so she could marry and give birth to the next heir or heiress of the Proudmoore lineage. 'Sorry to disappoint you, mother...' No, she's not really sorry. She's not sorry for falling head over heels for this stunning quel'dorei woman. She was certain that she liked women now, or at least Sylvanas. Just as certain as her heartbeats was pounding at the way the elf was gazing at her with hooded eyes. The way those long ears canted slightly with the emotion she was openly displaying. Licking her lips and swallowing thickly, she reached up with lightly trembling hands -- they're trembling because she's so overwhelmed in the good way. Overwhelmed by the desire she felt, the wanting and knowing Sylvanas felt the same way. It was making her head spin. The soft smile from Sylvanas reassured her that it was so okay, and her hands steadied again... allowing her to trace her thumb along Sylvanas's bottom lip, at the same time her eyes flicked down to the said lips. Then back up to the pair of glowing blue. "Kiss me again? Please." It was a murmur, so soft that it could've been missed. But thankfully Sylvanas had Elven hearing. And Tides, what a kiss. It started off with a slow caress of lips, gradually deepening and becoming fervent. Like they couldn't get enough. Like they would suffocate without one other.
iii. Broken was an understatement. There aren't enough words in the entire vocabularies of Azeroth to express just how empty Jaina felt in this moment. The Garrosh Trial was taking every ounce of energy she had left, despite that it also helped her realize her mistakes and how her rage almost turned her into what she fought against. She also learned something else -- not every broken person is completely dead. She learned that despite how utterly broken a person may be, there's always a possibility that a part of their soul would remain somewhere within the shell of their former self. Fighting. It reminded her of the moment her locket had been returned to her and she was told that Arthas, as the Lich King, still had possession of it. The Trial did not teach her this.
Jaina was storming through the halls of the Violet Citadel, cheeks streaked with angry tears and her hands clenched into fists tightly. She just wanted to get back to her temporary accommodation and put up soundproof wards so she could scream. But before she could reach her room, a mass of black smoke stopped her dead in her tracks and she snarled when the mist became corporeal -- gaining a form of someone she did NOT want to see right now. "Get out of my way, Banshee." She definitely noted how Sylvanas's ears flattened against her skull and how burning crimson eyes did not narrow. Instead, looking a little... forlorn? Jaina stiffened when Sylvanas took a tentative step towards the mage, prompting her to step back but then she stopped.
The traumatized parts of her beseeched her to flee -- to not trust the monster Arthas- no, the Lich King had created. Momentarily forgetting that Sylvanas had broken free from his control on her own. Yet, she could not move. It's as if she had been paralyzed... or it was merely that she was clinging to a hope that could turn out to be false? Most likely the latter. Her mind shut down when she felt cold lips on hers and the whisper that followed gave her the answer: "Elu'meniel mal alann." Eyes snapped open as she gasped softly, and the glimpse of Sylvanas's cloak disappearing around the corner confirmed that she wasn't dreaming.
Sylvanas was the reason why she gave this answer to Tyrande's question of whether she didn't want to be like Garrosh or that she didn't want to be like the Horde: "The Horde wasn't Garrosh."
iv. The fury of the tempest only seemed to intensify with Jaina's arrival into the fray. Almost as if she had the Tidemother by her side, and she did. After all, she is the Daughter of the Sea. She was seeing red, but the difference this time is -- her rage wasn't out of control. It was not driving her. It was a more controlled and justified rage. It did not take long for eyes that glowed white-hot to find the source of her reason to show up. A flash of crimson was spotted halfway across the battlefield and the next second, a loud crackle of arcane energy exploded as Jaina teleported directly through the battle and reappeared in front of the Banshee Queen. If she hadn't been too angry with the choices Sylvanas had been making up to this point, a part of her might would have taken delight into the momentary startled reaction. Perhaps Sylvanas hadn't been expecting her... or maybe it's the fact that Jaina looked different now in her new attire and with the wild look in her eyes. Fleeting but not missed. Though Jaina was somewhat surprised that Sylvanas lowered her bow instead of taking aim-- likely provoked by the banshee.
It made Jaina have second thoughts about giving her infamous Kul Tiran right hook in the face. Instead, she decided to piss the banshee within Sylvanas's head off even more by seizing the top of the elf's cuirass and roughly pulled her in for a fierce kiss. Not giving a single fuck if anyone else on the battlefield witnessed it.
When the kiss was broken, Jaina pulled back just enough to witness the shock across Sylvanas's features and the way those long ears were perked straight up. The mage could only smirk in response and spoke lowly, her mainlander accent absolutely non-existent: "Are ye goin' to stop being bloody idiotic now?" Jaina didn't even wait for an answer, simply releasing Sylvana's cuirass and disappearing in a flash of arcane.
v. Finally... finally, the Horde and Alliance were beginning to see eye to eye. For a peace between two factions to fight against greater evils. They had done it before, more than once. Why not try again? For the first time in a very long time, Jaina felt calm. Lighter. Much lighter. Okay, maybe the unification of two factions wasn't the biggest cause of that. Maybe it had to do with a certain elf who redeemed herself. The same elf who was able to find a sliver of peace within herself and no longer be driven by a force of dark hatred. The thought made her smile for what would probably be the umpteenth time that afternoon, and she turned her head -- raising a brow in response to the soft noise of amusement from the former banshee queen. Tides, it never fails to catch her off guard... the way Sylvanas would gaze at her. Especially with the fact she was no longer looking into burning crimson.
'...And there you go with that fanged grin again.' Jaina tried, she really tried to keep a straight face But she broke when Sylvanas reached out and touched her hand, pulling her closer. It was a genuine chuckle as she straddled Sylvanas's lap, grateful that she left her Admiral pauldrons and gauntlet back at the house, along with Sylvanas's battle armor. Once settled down comfortably, Jaina draped her arms over the elf's shoulders. "Ah... so that is what has been on your mind. I should have known."
"Oh, shut up and kiss me, you fool." She murmured all while leaning in and pressed her lips against Sylvanas's in a loving kiss. A kiss that quietly shared their joy to be together once again without a world trying to tear them apart.
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elisela · 2 years
hold me closer marrish, 1k, college au, jordan & stiles friendship  (also on ao3)
The chill of the rink is welcome against his overheated skin. Jordan hates cardio if it’s not racing around a rink, and Stiles’ insistence that running the four miles from their off-campus apartment to the rink would give them an edge when the season started had somehow made sense when they’d started at the end of spring, though he couldn’t for the life of him tell you why now.
They’ve gotten faster, though, so maybe it’s not for nothing.
“I hate you,” Stiles pants out, bending at the waist with his hands on his knees. Coach Finstock has told him not to do it a hundred times—at this point, Jordan’s pretty sure he’s doing it specifically to be contrary. “Fuck. Jesus. I know this was my idea but I didn’t mean we should fucking sprint the last half a mile. You’re a fucking sadist, man.”
Jordan’s too busy working on getting his breath back to talk, and frankly, if Stiles can spit all that out he’s probably good to push himself more. “Just making the most of it.”
Stiles straightens up and makes a face at him, tongue half hanging out of his mouth. “What, the extra time to drool over someone way out of your league?”
He doesn’t deny it. She’s still on the ice—he can’t see her yet, but the sound of her skating is familiar, the sharp swish of two people perfectly in sync. He’s spent so long watching her practice that he can see it in his mind: the way her copper hair whips out behind her as she glides across the ice, the slight arch of her back when her partner takes her weight and spins her around, footwork moving so quickly that he can’t begin to make sense what they’re doing.
“Like you’re not doing the same thing,” he says.
“Hey, I’m equal opportunity. I’m drooling over two people way out of my league.” He nudges Jordan’s side before draping one sweaty arm that Jordan doesn’t bother to shrug off over his shoulder.
“You have a girlfriend.”
“And she’d think they’re hot, too,” Stiles says brightly. “Bisexuality is a beautiful thing. But hey, you should try talking to her this time.”
“Maybe next time,” Jordan says just like he always does, only to hear Stiles say it along with him, high pitched and mocking.
“Loser,” Stiles says fondly, pushing him the final step out of the lobby and into the rink—before he promptly stumbles and nearly knocks them both to the floor. “Whoa. Dude.”
Jordan’s mouth goes a little dry when he looks out at the ice. For weeks he and Stiles have been arriving at the end of the practice sessions for the pair, getting little glimpses of them going through motions, always dressed down in practice gear. But this looks like a full run-through of their program—the rink lights are down, the music playing through the speakers, the sparkles on her costume throwing a dazzling rainbow of lights onto the ice as the spotlight follows them.
For weeks, he’s been pretending he’s not watching, and all it takes is one look at her to give up that pretense completely.
Figure skating has never been his thing—the only thing he’s ever really felt about it was annoyance at having to share ice time when he wanted to practice—but he can’t take his eyes off her. He tracks her movements around the rink, forgets completely about her partner until she’s lifted in the air or spinning around him, and then, horrifying, feels the smallest twinge of jealousy deep in his chest when the music ends and they’re wrapped up in each other.
The rink lights come up just after the music ends, and Jordan makes accidental eye-contact with her partner, who says something that he has no hope of hearing from a hundred feet away, but that makes her tense and smack at his arm before pushing off and skating backwards—and right towards them.
“Hey,” Stiles calls out, “that was awesome. Gold medal for sure.”
When she turns, her eyes flick over Stiles quickly before she turns her gaze to him. “And what did you think?”
“Uh,” he says, trying not to wince when he clearly doesn’t respond fast enough and Stiles kicks his ankle, “you’ll score ten out of ten. You were really good.”
She breaks out into a smile that softens her whole face, and Jordan is so screwed. “You don’t know anything about figure skating, do you?”
“Not a thing,” he admits, grinning back a little helplessly.
“Well, Lydia doesn’t know anything about hockey,” her partner says, “so maybe you two could teach each other. Give him your number, Lydia.”
It’s not until later, when he and Stiles are alone in the locker room and her number is saved in his phone, that he catches Stiles grinning at him like he has a secret, like he’s figured something out that Jordan had completely missed. It’s not an unusual look, sadly. “What?”
“She doesn’t know anything about hockey,” Stiles says, his grin getting wider. “But she knows you play.”
He frowns. “Yeah? We’re here to practice—” he cuts himself off. He’s never actually seen her when they practice, and he would have if she’d stuck around. And thanks to Stiles growing up in this rink and knowing the owner, they’re allowed to store all their gear in the locker rooms instead of carrying it back and forth all summer, so he’s not sure how she knows that he plays.
“Someone has a crush,” Stiles sing-songs, laughing when Jordan reaches out and tries to push him off the bench. “Ooh, you gotta impress her now, she probably thinks you’re some kinda smooth motherfucker and you’re really just a big idiot—”
“Shut up, Stiles,” he says, feeling his cheeks heat up, but he can’t help but laugh as he bends to tie his skates. “Smooth motherfucker, really?”
“Yeah dude, you’re so much cooler on the ice than off.”
“Sounds like you’re talking about yourself. This all stuff Allison has told you?”
“No, she’s still laboring under the delusion that I’m charming and funny,” Stiles says, grabbing Jordan’s hand and allowing himself to be pulled upright off the bench; Jordan almost falls over the sneakers he’d left on the floor when Stiles cuts in front of him suddenly. “Come on, first one to the ice gets to choose where you take Lydia on your first date!”
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thenihilistofthevoid · 10 months
Thunder and Flames
(A starter for @the-winter-dork-rp)
"Oh, what's this? I really don't think so." He snickered to himself, flicking through some very classified information on a server he definitely shouldn't have access to on a work tablet, tutting. "That won't do, Contessa. Naughty naughty, I don't like those thoughts... He's my plaything, not yours." Locking the device, he went into a deep trance for a moment, disabling the locks in his brain and feeling the rush of his unrestrained powers. "Now, for the first mission- Contessa Valentina began before hearing something. "Can someone turn that off?" She asked, the pop music growing louder. "Where is that coming from?" Ava asked, looking around. "Ma'am, look." John drew their attention to the electronic screen, the map had been replaced by one phrase. [What's a hero group without a villain?] The music got louder, the tune recognizeable. "Spice Girls?" Yelena asked, before the paperwork turned into confetti and exploded, the music reaching a crescendo as the air cracked, the dancing form of Phoenix appearing from a flash of fire as he began dancing to the music, lip syncing the lyrics. 🎵When you're feelin' sad and low🎵 🎵We will take you where you gotta go🎵 🎵Smilin', dancin', everything is free🎵 🎵All you need is positivity🎵
The computers around them exploded as soldiers rushed in, drawn by the music as Saburo began teleporting around, posing and still dancing to the music, the Thunderbolts unsure on what to do. "Stop this!" Valentina demand, but Phoenix clearly wasn't listening to her. "Detain him!" She ordered. 🎵Colours Of The World🎵 🎵Spice Up Your Life🎵 The dark-haired mutant suddenly teleported, apparently ballroom dancing with John Walker, before spinning the man round and round and letting him go, using his powers to constantly accelerate him to several thousand RPM before he hit the concrete wall hard enough to shatter it, blood pouring from a bad head wound, Saburo still lip-syncing the lyrics. 🎵Every Boy And Every Girl🎵 🎵Spice Up Your Life🎵
Taskmaster was next, their attempted punch met a forcefield as they were simply thrown into a wall by telekinesis as phone and computer cables came to life, coiling around her limbs and neck like serpents and squeezing. Two soldiers rushed in but soon joined in the dancing, the blue fire dancing in their irises and the blank expressions of joy indicating absolute mind control as he soon had them as backup dancers, mirroring his moves perfectly. "Shoot to kill!" The Contessa was losing control, clearly either terrified or unsure how to counter this bizzareness.
🎵People Of The World🎵 🎵Spice Up Your Life🎵
Red Guardian rushed in, but the floor underfoot him turned into liquid and he sank through, which quickly resolidified. The remaining soldiers who hadn't joined Phoenix's impromptu dance troupe fired their automatic machine guns, only for rose petals to erupt from the muzzles and scatter in the air, Phoenix dancing in them.
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simthorium · 2 years
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Kamaria, Amar, Tafari, Sarah Jane, and Isaac all sat in attendance for the winter ballet recital for Shea, Luna, and Jordyn. “I’m so proud of our Luna, getting principal dancer,” Sarah whispered to Tafari beside her. In the back row, Kamaria rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak. Amar placed his hand over hers. “Don’t,” he said softly. “Not worth it.”
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“They’re just kids, it’s not that serious,” Isaac whispered to Sarah Jane. Kamaria snickered loudly at the comment. Amar rubbed his eyes; he knew this was about to snowball into a big thing. His wife hated her sister-in-law, and with each passing moment, it seemed like the chances for a normal night out were dwindling. “Be quiet and pay attention,” Sarah Jane hissed back at Isaac.
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On stage, Luna and Jordyn were performing their dance moves perfectly, just as they’d practiced over and over again in class. Shea was having a hard time keeping up, but she was determined to get through this.
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The music quickened and the girls fell more and more out of sync, with Shea lagging behind. Kamaria looked over to Amar, but he motioned for her to pay attention. Regardless of how the kids performed, they had to stay calm and let them know they did a good job.
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The recital was coming to an end, which meant it was time for a special move. Shea had struggled with it time and time again in class, never able to really nail it. As the music hit a crescendo, Luna and Jordyn did a deep bow into an elegant move, while Shea nearly tripped over her feet. “Get it together, dyke,” Luna called back to her cousin.
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Shea dropped her arms to her side. “What did you just call me!?” she exclaimed. “Oh no,” Isaac said from the crowd.
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“You heard me!” Luna said, spinning around and crossing her arms. “I called you a dyke, cus you are!” “Don’t call me names!” Shea shouted, shoving her cousin in the shoulders. “Don’t push me!” Luna shouted back, pushing Shea right back. “Ok, ok, let’s break it up girls!” the dance instructor called. “That was a great performance, right everyone?” Commotion trickled into the audience as the recital ended.
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“I want that child kicked out of class and punished!” Sarah Jane shouted. “Oh, of course you do!” Kamaria shouted back. “We all heard what your daughter called mine! Shea was completely in her right to defend herself.”
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“By physically attacking my child!?” Sarah Jane exclaimed, incredulous. “You’re a monster if you’re raising your kid to think that that behavior is ok!” “And your homophobic views are obviously influencing your kid, too,” Kamaria said, crossing her arms. “Where’d Luna even learn that word, huh? Is that how you talk about my daughter in your home?” “Uncle Isaac, I’m scared! I wanna go home!” Jordyn called from on stage.
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“You see what you’ve caused!?” Sarah Jane spat. “Teaching kids that it’s ok to fight, now you’re scaring the children. Real classy.” “You know what, I’m not gonna play this game with you,” Kamaria said, gathering her things. “Tafari, get a handle on your wife and how she speaks to me and my family, or you’ll never see me again.” Sarah Jane huffed out a breath, then grabbed onto Luna and marched them out the door.
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