#he's pathetic and annoying... compels me though
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sugarcube-stillabookworm · 1 year ago
so. Gawyn exists
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saintsenara · 4 days ago
Hi, do you have an analysis for why you prefer bottom Tom? Most fics have him as a top, but I'm very interested in your perspective ma'am.
well, the short answer is because i want to and because i can.
the longer answer is that i just don't find any of the arguments for why voldemort would never bottom under any circumstances to be as convincing and definitive as their proponents claim them to be.
my issue - to be clear - isn't with people having a preference for reading or writing about him being a top. it's with the fact that him only being a top - and not only that, but him being repulsed or humiliated by the idea of bottoming - is typically presented as such an objective fact that preferring to read or write about him being a bottom provokes responses which range from the simply annoying - "this is out of character!" [any fic in which he consensually shags his prophesied child-enemy is out of character, be serious] - to the genuinely troubling - "it's disgusting! voldemort is a real man and real men don't want anything up their arses!".
obviously - let's be real - a lot of the arguments about why bottom!voldemort is impossible are just typical "slash fandom reinvents gender roles" shit - they essentially boil down to "omg no harry would bottom because he's the girl".
but others do come with more weight behind them. and two of these are:
that the gender norms voldemort was raised with would inculcate in him a big lump of internalised homophobia which would make him see bottoming as feminine, and - in seeing it as feminine - see it as weak, humiliating, dependent, and incompatible with his understanding of control and power. that voldemort would be horrified by the idea of being penetrated, because he would see it as something which polluted or profaned the body he considers to be sacred.
i do think it's possible to argue both of these points robustly, using actual readings of the text rather than just vibes. i've just never found any of these readings compelling.
and the reason why all comes down to this:
"I knew I was different," he whispered to his own quivering fingers. "I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something." [HBP 13]
he's talking about something specific - how he's always known that he's a wizard - here, of course. but we can also take this statement and use it to think more generally about how he views being perceived as deviant, strange, or wrong by the norms of the society in which he lives.
by which i mean... he's somebody who believes that being different makes him special and that people who try to punish or shame him for his difference are idiots who simply haven't yet worked out that he's superior to them in literally everything he does. he's not someone who perceives being different in a self-flagellating way - he doesn't think there's something wrong with him, he doesn't think that his difference makes him a pathetic or unimpressive person. and he's also not somebody who views being criticised or punished for his difference as something which causes him sorrow or anxiety. it causes him rage - because it inconveniences him [it creates obstacles he has to overcome, although he entirely believes he can overcome them] and because it doesn't recognise his self-conception as the protagonist of reality:
Riddle's reaction to this was most surprising. He leapt from the bed and backed away from Dumbledore, looking furious. "You can't kid me! The asylum, that's where you're from, isn't it? 'Professor,' yes, of course - well, I'm not going, see? That old cat's the one who should be in the asylum. I never did anything to little Amy Benson or Dennis Bishop, and you can ask them, they'll tell you!"   "I am not from the asylum," said Dumbledore patiently. "I am a teacher and, if you will sit down calmly, I shall tell you about Hogwarts. Of course, if you would rather not come to the school, nobody will force you -" "I'd like to see them try," sneered Riddle. "Hogwarts," Dumbledore went on, as though he had not heard Riddle's last words, "is a school for people with special abilities -"   "I'm not mad!" [HBP 13]
you can entertain a very dark reading of this scene - in fact, i have - but it's also possible to entertain a liberating one, and see the child voldemort as someone who has always been proud of his difference and prepared to defend that pride in the face of censure, and who is absolutely delighted to be given the language to define and describe his difference and to be given access to a community of people who are similarly - in his words - special.
all of which is to say... the standard interpretation in fandom seems to be that a queer voldemort would fall somewhere on a spectrum from indifferent to his sexuality to actively ashamed of it.
but i think it's much, much more plausible that he'd actually be proud of it, and for his statement - "i knew i was different... i knew i was special" - to be used as the starting point for how we might imagine him realising that he's queer.
and this is why the "he'd have so much internalised homophobia he'd never bottom" argument always falls flat for me - it rests on an assumption that queer men having to grow past a childhood/teenage fear that there's something wrong with them is the default position. it overlooks the fact that there are many ways for somebody to come to understand their own sexuality.
and that two of those ways are "defiantly" and "spitefully". aka the lord voldemort special.
something which always stands out to me about the canonical voldemort, both when he's a good-looking teenager/young man and a monstrous, serpentine adult, is that - even with all the phallic symbolism which surrounds him [enormous snakes and ultra-powerful wands and so on] - the text presents him as somebody who comes across as fairly effeminate:
he's typically described - as we can see from this excellent analysis from @said-snape-softly - as speaking "softly" or "quietly". when he isn't, he's often "shrill", "shrieking", "screeching", or "screaming".
he has a hair-trigger temper and he's extremely emotionally volatile.
he's typically described as moving in ways which have similarly feminine connotations - he "drifts" and "glides". while the primary doylist reason for this is clearly so the reader associates him with snakes, ghosts, and dementors, it ends up giving him a quality of movement which is fey, rather than powerful and purposeful. indeed, we only ever see him do one thing which requires physical, as well as magical, prowess - duelling. but, like fencing - which is its real-world equivalent - good duellists aren't people who are physically strong or imposing, they're people who are cunning and nimble [and the other men the text emphasises are good at it are snape, flitwick, and harry - with harry's quick reflexes being explicitly given as a reason why [i.e. GoF 34] ]. his ability to fly is a demonstration of his magical power alone, since it allows him to circumvent the need to use a broom, which does appear to require physical strength [hence why the only main characters who aren't fond of using brooms are either women or fat, cowardly little boys like neville...]
building on this, he's often described in ways which make him sound quite physically fragile - he's very thin, he's very pale, he's always cold, every time his heartbeat is described it seems to be irregular and so on.
his reputation in his teens and young adulthood is as a "polite [and] quiet" goody-two-shoes who "showed no sign of outward arrogance or aggression at all" [HBP 17]. i think that point about aggression is really important - it builds on what mrs cole tells dumbledore about it being "very hard to catch him" bullying other orphans [HBP 13]. he's not dudley - or james and sirius - using his physical talents to subdue and control people. he's sneakier... more insidious... indeed, in chamber of secrets, ron explicitly compares him to percy - somebody else the text presents as fairly effete - in order to complain about him "squealing" - aka, running to tell a teacher, like a girl, instead of settling things like a man - on hagrid [CoS 14].
when he's a young man, living alone for the first time, the text thinks it's very important to tell us that he has "slightly longer hair" than he does at school [HBP 20]. "slightly" is obviously the operative word here - i don't think he's strutting into hepzibah smith's house in a twenty-four inch lace-front - but we can certainly imagine him with the sort of greaser or pompadour haircut which was understood in the 1950s as being a bit counter-cultural...
of the five horcruxes which are objects - rather than harry and nagini [who is, of course, female] - three [cup, diadem, locket] originally belonged to a woman and are acquired from a woman, two [cup, locket] are acquired by killing a woman using a stereotypically female murder method [poison], two are connected to voldemort's rage at his mother being disparaged [locket - he's furious to hear hepzibah say that merope must have stolen it, ring - he attacks morfin immediately after morfin calls his mother a "slut"]. and all five of these horcruxes also depend on women to introduce them into the narrative in a way that facilitates their destruction: the diary is given to ginny; dumbledore puts on the ring in order to speak to his sister; the locket is associated both with walburga's grief [it's literally moved from the cave - voldemort's grave for his mother - to the house which is walburga's own tomb!] and with umbridge's performance of femininity; the cup is given to bellatrix [and the text is very clear that both she and voldemort understand it as having only been given to her, rather than to her and rodolphus] and is then destroyed - albeit off-stage - by hermione; and harry is given the tools to acquire the diadem by cho, luna, and mcgonagall, although he has to overcome the obstacles of alecto carrow and helena ravenclaw to get hold of it. harry - of course - also only becomes a horcrux because of a woman - lily's - sacrifice.
his favourite death eaters are a woman and a very feminine-coded man. but - more interestingly - what the text finds unimpressive isn't that he likes bellatrix and snape... it's that he leaves a lot of his dirty work to male minions who are characterised by their brutish strength - people like greyback, hagrid [who he makes carry harry up to hogwarts], rowle, gibbon, amycus carrow and so on. there's the heavy implication in the text that voldemort's preference for leaving the violence to others - as i'm always pointing out, his canonical kill count is really low; most of the murders in the series are done by other death eaters acting on his orders - is something we should see as weak.
the text associates him with this effeminacy - i think it's really important to note, given who jkr is - as a criticism. it's something - much like the text's presentation of him as aromantic, and the fact that the degradation of his looks via the creation of the horcruxes makes him look sexless/eunuch-like - being used to underscore his villainy. he's feminine-coded in a toxic way.
but let's take this in another direction [and let's also return to the actual question you asked me...] and read him as someone who has always had to deal with being perceived as queer by other people, and having that perception be associated with negative assumptions.
he's very easy to imagine as a child/teenager who's the target of ridicule from his fellow orphans/fellow students [for not being sporty, for liking to sit in the library for hours on end coming up with anagrams of his own name, for the way he walks and speaks] which hinges on the idea that his failure to conform to the expected conventions of "proper" masculinity mean that he's not a proper man... and that if he's not a proper man then... he's not straight.
but then we have to come back to the "i knew i was special" point, don't we?
voldemort's belief in his own superiority can - in my view - be used to read him as somebody who would embrace being camp or effeminate or whatever term we want to use, in order both to express his contempt for people who criticise him ["think i'm a messed up little deviant, do you, mrs cole? well, you don't know the half of it!"] and who conform to social norms he thinks are reprehensible ["oh, do purebloods frown upon bottoming, abraxas? well - guess what - so do muggles. do you agree with what muggles think?"] and to humiliate, subjugate, and control them ["you think i'm a faggot, do you...? well, you're right... i'm a faggot who's defeated you in battle and now i'm about to kill you... still feel like a man?"].
while - obviously - appearance/gender presentation has nothing to do with preferred sexual roles - the manliest men on earth can be bottoms! being femme doesn't prevent you topping! - i really do think that voldemort is someone who can be written entirely canon-coherently as thinking that the homophobic perception of bottoming as weak, powerless, or humiliating is complete nonsense, and who would actively flaunt his rejection of this perception as a way to mock people who subscribe to it.
after all, we see him do something similar in canon when it comes to his blood-status and social class. the death eaters - lots of whom are posh pureblood men who conceive of themselves as the most important people in the universe - are made to kneel at the feet of and kiss the robes of and be branded like cattle by and be at the beck and call of someone who's neither pureblood nor posh. there are - as lupin tells us - no wizarding princes... and yet the closest things the wizarding world has to an aristocracy are rolling around on the ground debasing themselves and calling a half-blood orphan "my lord".
voldemort does this to humiliate them. but he also does this to amuse himself - à la logan roy making men who've displeased him play "boar on the floor".
[wormtail being forced to care for him when he's in his half-form at the start of goblet of fire, for example. he's not humiliated in the slightest by his dependence on wormtail... wormtail is humiliated by it, and voldemort finds it hilarious.]
and so i think we can plausibly imagine him also deeply enjoying making his straight, married, "i would die before i let anything near my arse", "i'm not getting changed for quidditch with so-and-so there, he's queer", "i'd disown my son if i found out he let other men fuck him" death eaters grovel for the favour of someone who loves getting railed...
this deeply aligns with how voldemort understands things like power and control - and it's why the argument that he'd only top because he would regard it as the only way of being powerful and controlling never hits for me.
because this also rests on an assumption - that the bottom always understands themselves as the passive partner. i do think the fandom is broadly getting better at recognising that bottoms and submissives are different things [although the bar was on the floor...], but i think there's still a tendency to default to the idea that the two people involved in sex are an active partner and a passive partner, and that the passive partner is - for want of a better term - the receptacle.
the language used around bottoming reinforces this assumption. its voice is passive - the bottom is penetrated, is bred, is fucked, is taken - its verbs are passive too - the top does, the bottom receives.
but the thing is... this is just semantics. and it's a semantic argument directly rooted in misogyny, and the homophobia which stems from and connects to it.
and - since it's just semantics - we can change the language we use at any time to completely reconfigure the assumed power dynamic.
the bottom grants access. the bottom consumes. the bottom takes. the bottom absorbs. the bottom uses. the bottom captures. the bottom detains. the bottom grips. the bottom devours. the bottom permits. the bottom destroys.
the top is the person who's passive - who receives permission, who is granted access, who is consumed, who is absorbed, who is captured. the top is the person having their life-force leached from them. they're just a toy, just a piece of meat. they literally don't matter.
and the text already uses this sort of language - the language of consumption and capture and permission to cross thresholds and so on - to talk about voldemort's attitude to power, magic, and the body.
he drains the blood of unicorns; he uses up the life-force of the people and animals he possesses; he grows stronger by consuming ginny's secrets; he is restored to his body by taking from his father, wormtail, and harry; he takes the money dumbledore offers without feeling the need to thank him or regard it as a gift; he offers up gifts to people he wants to use for his own gain; he "doesn't march up to people's houses and bang on their front doors" [OotP 6]; he hoards and conceals precious things; his soul is kept safe by being encased by the horcruxes; his locket is guarded by something which has to be drunk, which destroys anyone who assumes they can simply take it without his permission; he "would be glad to see anything miss hepzibah shows me" [HBP 20] and then seizes her secrets and uses them to bring about her doom; his descent from slytherin is proven by his control of the threshold of the chamber of secrets; he places himself and his talents at dumbledore's disposal, "i am yours to command" [HBP 20]; he controls snakes and they do his bidding; he drains the ministry of its secrets; he controls the dementors, who devour joy; augustus rookwood "has lord voldemort's gratitude... i shall need all the information you can give me" [OotP 26]; he is the greatest legilimens - that is to say, he is excellent at pulling other people's secrets into his own mind and using them as he wishes - the world has ever seen; he has seen ron's heart and it is his; his followers live to serve him...
his followers are called death eaters, not death fuckers.
and so it's inarguable, really, that he'd have a legion of service tops under his command...
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months ago
Yandare gun park who got obsessed with a foreigner reader working for him as his secretary of something head canons ?
Sure :)
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Love was something Gun never had a positive opinion of, he always viewed it as something trivial when he had better things to do in life like extort money from gangs and traumatize people. The only things he desired was power and money, he honestly couldn't care less about anything else till he met you. He needed someone to take of some mundane paperwork Charles Choi decided to throw towards him and thought of making Goo do it till he realized he'd have to deal with his incessant whining which was something he wasn't overly fond of till he got the idea of hiring a secretary for himself. He could tell from the get go you weren't from around here since you spoke in a different accent and looked out of place. Gun's eyes were focused on you and he didn't understand why he felt intrigued by you. You worked as a barista and the way your apron hugged your frame and you spoke to people with a smile, you looked...innocent and somewhat gullible in his opinion as his eyes never left your figure
He spotted your manager yelling at you a while later and you had tears streaming down your face while your lousy scumbag of a manager berated and insulted you. Something inside him told him to intervene, he couldn't believe he was actually doing this for someone who he didn't even talk to yet but something in him compelled him to do so. "Hey...shut up. It's annoying to hear you scream like a whining man child. Get lost'' said Gun as he waved his hand dismissively and lit a cigarette and let out a puff as he glared at your manager. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO-'' screamed your manager on top of his lungs however he was cut off when Gun grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and his hands gripped his face in a vice like grip as he leaned closer towards him and whispered something in his ear. You didn't know what he whispered into your manager's ear since it wasn't audible to you but whatever it was that the stranger said to your manager, he went pale and shivered slightly as he let out a pathetic whimper and scampered off. You've never seen your manager reduced to such a state as you looked at the stranger in apprehension and slight fear as you fidgeted nervously
"Don't worry, I won't bite...unless you want me to'' said the stranger as he smirked at you and you could feel his intense gaze behind his glasses you had an awkward smile on your face. "Um...thank you I guess...I don't know how to repay you though'' you said as his smirk widened. What an eager polite little thing you were, you looked like a typical goody two shoes and he felt a strange desire growing inside him to corrupt you, to have you for himself and devour you whole, to OWN you. "There is something you can do for me...'' he started as he took another puff of his cigarette and watched your confused and nervous look as you reminded him of a helpless little prey which gave him a power surge and a sense of satisfaction to see you squirm. He made a mental note to make you squirm for him even more later on in the future, your expressions were so amusing for him
"Work for me...as my secretary. You can start tomorrow'' he said in a tone which indicated you didn't really have a choice in the matter as you took the card and looked at it. You looked at the man in front of you and you couldn't help but get an uneasy feeling that he was dangerous. "You shouldn't refuse if you know what's good for you. It would be...unwise'' said the man in front of you as your heart almost stopped beating at his words. You slowly nodded as you sighed and went back to your house. You were too tired to comprehend what to do anymore as you headed for bed after you had a quiet dinner. Meanwhile Gun headed back to his residence and pulled out his phone. "Oi brat, I need a favor from you'' said Gun. "You call me that one more time, I swear I'll kill you'' grumbled Kouji from the other end as Gun chuckled slightly. "I'd like to see you try pipsqueak. I need some information on Y/N, think you're up for the job?" he asked Kouji as he was met with a few moments of silence. "You really think I have nothing better to do in life huh? Fine...but I'm charging you double. You interrupted my game MF'' he grumbled as he cut the call. 15 minutes later Kouji sent a file to Gun as he spent the rest of the night reading everything about you from your likes, dislikes, hobbies and such. The fact that you weren't from Korea made things better, he could make you rely on him more, make you dependent on him and have you for himself easily as he smirked to himself, waiting for the next day when he'd see you again
The next day, sure enough, you showed up to his residence and you had a smart attire and Gun was somewhat surprised you actually held up your end of the promise. You were so easy to take advantage of and he couldn't wait to have you in his clutches. "You actually showed up...congratulations, you got the job'' said Gun as you quirked your brow in slight confusion. "Aren't you going to conduct an interview or something?" you asked him curiously as his mouth curved into an amused grin. He wondered whether or not he should tell you how he already knew everything there was about you including how you lived alone and your current address and such but he didn't want to scare you off just yet so he decided to withhold that information. For now at least as he mentioned some vague answer of not wanting to bother with tedious and nonsensical procedures and preferred a more direct approach towards things
He's amused how skittish and nervous you're around him. Your actions never cease to delight and amuse him and he loves to call you out on your flustered and shy behavior at times and gets a kick of your cheeks going red whenever he makes slightly suggestive comments towards you. Which just proved his theory that even the devil had his day. He always insists that you have lunch with him and don't even think of skipping out on lunch with him, he'll drag you to eat with him anyway telling you that you can always work later. He'll take you out to fancy restaurants at times to a private booth where the two of you would be undisturbed and he'll ask you questions about your life and such. Even if you hide something from him he'll find out eventually through his sources so there's no room for you to keep a secret from him anymore
It kind of goes without saying you know, when you're working for Gun, you'll meet Goo as well and Goo knows Gun inside and out and he immediately understands his fighting obsessed psychotic friend has taken an obsessive unhealthy liking towards you when he caught him stalking you in the shadows when you went back home. Of course Gun immediately warned Goo to keep his mouth shut as Goo grinned at him in amusement but honored his wish. Goo being the infuriating little brat he is at times loves to tease Gun and getting a rise out of him by hanging out with you, it's amusing to see his eyes get all fired up with possessiveness and jealousy, an emotion he'd never expected him to have before but at the same time, he acts like a wingman for him and encourages his twisted obsessive love for you, snitching on you to Gun anytime you have plans with your pesky little friends in which case Gun would have to personally take care of them for being a distraction for you. Don't feel too upset when they don't lift your calls anymore, you still have him. You wouldn't know about what he actually does, you're in the dark regarding all the money extortion and the crew related things he does, he wants to keep you in that sheltered little bubble and make you rely SOLELY on him alone
Personal space be damned, he's always doing things to make you flustered like kissing the back of your hand or being too close to you. He'll find a way to monopolize your time and attention to be focused on him and only him, nothing else should matter to you. He likes to trace his thumb over your bottom lip and whenever he speaks to you in that husky deep voice of his, his lips would teasingly graze over to your ear and the nape of your neck which would send shivers and tingles down your spine as he has a firm grasp around your waist. It just feeds into his god complex of an ego how much of an effect he has on you. He's looking forward to having you on his lap one of these days, while he runs his hands over your beautiful body meant for him
When you spring the news that you're going back to your country permanently and want to live there, he stops whatever he's doing and simply glares at you. Even though he's wearing his glasses you could feel the heat and intensity of his heated stare which was practically burning a hole through your soul. However, he has a fake smile on his face and invites you to one last dinner before you leave. Little did you know, there was quite an unexpected surprise in store for you. You headed to his residence for dinner that night and he loved how shy and bashful you were being. No way in HELL would he allow you to leave him, you were his since the moment he laid his eyes on you. You couldn't exactly put a finger on it but you felt like the food tasted somewhat strange and by the time you finished your last bite, you started feeling drowsy and sleepy. "I'm...I'm feeling tired. I think...I think I better go home'' you mumbled sleepily and yawned. A few seconds later your vision started becoming blurry and you blacked out on his couch as he gently ran his fingers through your hair and caressed your cheek. How dare you try to leave him? He'll have to discipline and punish you later for trying to leave him. It doesn't matter if you'd hate him after you wake up, you'll love him eventually, he'll MAKE you love him even if he needs to use force...
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billys-slutcherson · 9 months ago
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'Nightshift Degeneracy P.T 2' 18+ MDNI
Mike Schmidt x F!Reader
────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───────────────
Chapter 2/2:
After his near miss of being caught up to no good on the nightshift, Mike thinks he might be in the clear. However, you relish in letting him know you caught him. Desperate to fulfil his urges completely.
Handjobs, Semi-Public Sex, Orgasm Edging, Edging, Begging, Submissive/Soft-Dom, Exhibitionism, Shyness/Nervousness, Riding, Wet Kisses, Wet & Messy, Non-Plot Heavy, Smut
────────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───────────────
Mike hunched over, gripping his knees as he sighed with relief. Thinking he was in the clear, albeit the utter humiliation wracked his senses. Standing more upright one hand moved to his waist, whilst the other pressed over his forehead.
"So close, such an idiot, Mike." He berated himself. Cringing as his eyes darted back to the sloppy mess on the table. Hoping you perhaps didn't notice. How naïve. He rushed to the desk, pulling the drawers open.
Looking for something to clean it, and hide any evidence of his late-night depravity.
With no luck he turned on his heel, so focused as he wandered to the locker. Yanking the door open. He physically flinched, raising his hand to his face as he yelped. "Fucking Christ..." He sighed, knocking over the silly little balloon boy figurine. Annoyed at how it caught him off guard.
After the initial frustration, he chuckled at the scare. Crouching as he snatched the tissues from his backpack, making his way back to the desk.
Mike leaned against the edge of it, rolling up the security jacket, as the cuffs of his sleeves clenched against his forearms. Cheeks pink as he tried to clean the splatters of his excitement, trying to hide what a pathetic loser he was, at least that was how he felt anyway.
Quickly, moving to wipe the keys. The main monitor switched accidentally. As his eyes swerved to catch you on-screen. Walking into the party room. Lips parted as he stared. Like a puppy, his eyes wide.
Wetting his lips slightly. Crouching in front of the desk. Compelled by you.
"So pretty..." He almost whined. Blinking slowly.
Your footsteps pressed into the old shag carpet, splayed with bright patterns. The colours of the old building are dulled by decay. A smell that lingered in the air. Sweet yet putrid. Flashlight in hand, raised beside your head as you survey the pizzeria.
Checking your watch, it was just hitting 02:00 am. It always had an eerie unnerved feeling this late into the shift. Yet, your thoughts existed elsewhere. Remembering how you almost caught him in the act. How his cheeks burned red, the way he pulled away from the simple little touch of your hand. Weirdly though, you felt his shame was cute. Somehow, endearing. Recalling catching his stare during your recent shifts. The way he seemed to stutter more when you watched him speak. It wasn't like you hadn't been toying with him, quipping back with little flirtful comments. But, he was oblivious. Clumsy with you.
Approaching the main stage, your fingers traced the edge of the curtains, curling the tips over the fabric as you tugged it open, only a little. Swallowing firmly as you looked up at 'them'.
The animatronics, weren't how they seemed when you were young. The years were unkind. Your eyes drifted between the three on the 'Show Stage'. Dishevelled, decrepit, and god the fucking smell of them. It gave you the heave. They loomed ominously, the height of them alone was enough to creep you out. Every night without fail, the song seemed stuck in your mind. As you softly hummed 'talking in your sleep'.
'You tell me that you want me,
You tell me that you need me'
The lyrics softly left your lips as you sang, staring up at the monster-like animatronics.
Suddenly startled, you heard the ruffle of the curtains at 'Pirate Cove'. You about jumped into the air as you turned to check it. Trembling as your flashlight wobbled in hand.
In the office, Mike's brow furrowed, the security cameras were too shitty to have audio. Nevertheless, he watched as your startled body jerked back against the stage. You seemed, anxious to him. He watched only for a moment till he noticed the shaking of your hands. Tilting his head to the side as he snatched his flashlight from the drawer. Wheels squeaked against the checkered vinyl floor as he moved to his feet. Wandering
the hallway towards the 'Party Room'. The silence always made his stomach feel like a rock. Like he was filtering towards a liminal void. He didn't care for the animatronics, and was certain somehow, they likely felt similarly to him.
Looming in the entranceway. One of the bulbs on the arch flickered.
You heard the scuff of his sneakers and gasped. Dropping the flashlight. Grabbing at your chest with fright. Glaring at him.
"What the hell are you doing creeping in the shadows!" You scolded. Bending to grab your light once more. Flashing it towards his face, your eyes still startled.
"I-I saw you on the cameras... Something seemed, wrong. I just-... I wanted to check you were okay..." He falters.
Shy as he admitted to essentially spying on you.
Sighing as you lowered the light from his scrunched face. Embarrassed that the place seemed to get to you more tonight than usual.
"I- it's fine, sorry for shouting. I just-... Foxy's curtain moved." You raised your arm pointing. Stepping closer to his platform. Mike hesitated, watching carefully, before stepping closer. His presence eased you.
Peeking through the crack in the curtain. As your light filtered through. Reflecting over the old rusting metal.
"They used to be, magical... now they are just...creepy." You remark.
He raised an eyebrow, noting you knew the place before, well, before the 'rumours'.
You pulled the curtain back closed, dragging your hands over it. Tension easing some as you turned scoffing.
"At least they haven't run off, just being quirky is all." You smirked.
"Not yet anyway." He retorted with a grin. Smiling suited him, you liked to see that morose little face light up.
Playfully narrowing your eyes at Mike. You sauntered over to the 'prize desk'. Humming that familiar tune. It was adorned with old toys, strips of tickets slung over the desk. You hopped up and slid your rear over the countertop. He followed, eyes tracing over your hips as you scooted over the other side. The corners of his lips tugged upwards. Watching you closely, as you flash him a smile. Tossing your hands up in the air. Practically shouting.
"Step up, step up...Pick your prize, Mikey boy!" You teased with a sneaky wink. Bending against the counter cockily. The smile grew on your face, as you caught his eyes trailing down your body as you pressed over the desk.
He stifled a little, as he scratched the back of his head. Approaching.
"Well..." Hesitating as he speaks
You rest your chin in your palms.
"I already know the best prize.." You hummed in a sing-song tone.
"What are you doing..?" He laughed with an almost look of nervousness, though his smile never left. Not for a moment. Resting his palms on the edge of the counter.
Careful, trying to bite your tongue. But you couldn't help but remark.
"What were you doing?" He watched as you snickered while saying it.
Stuck in time, it felt like the words were choking him as his breath hitched.
"What do you mean?.." Responding so quickly he tripped over his words, trying to play dumb. You could see the pink wash over his freckled cheeks.
'Gotcha!' You thought to yourself. Tilting your head to the side. Batting your eyes at him.
Repeating slowly, mockingly even and you relished in his cute flustered little face.
"I asked, what were you doing? Earlier, when I came in. You seemed... on edge?" You couldn't hide your delight at his discomfort.
He scoffed a little. Leaning on the counter just across from you his fingers pushing his curls back slightly.
"I-I just got a fright from the door... that's all" He lied, it was painful how bad he was at it.
"No, I don't think that was it. Lie better." You grilled him playfully.
"I- I am not lying." He continued to fib. "W-what do you think I was doing?" He deflected.
"Oh, I don't know... But you better have cleaned your little mess." Pushing him further. Revealing you did in fact notice.
He was caught, stammering and ashamed. Why did he feel the need to keep denying it? He felt a twinge in his jeans. He couldn't help but think you 'enjoyed' the fact you'd caught him. Did you know he was thinking about you? His heart thudded in his chest.
"I don't know what you're talking about." His tongue poked against his inner cheek. Fiddling shyly with his hands, staring at the counter. 'Don't look at her, do not'. He thought to himself. She knows.
The distance slowly closed between you both as you leaned that little more towards him.
"You are cute when you are embarrassed, aren't you?" Stroking his nervous palms with your fingertips, feeling him freeze. His hands practically vibrated under your touch.
"What were you thinking about, while you...?" Enjoying how he squirmed, craving to hear him admit it. Your mind wondered how he sounded. Did he call out for you? You hoped so. Knew so.   
You were used to this cold, moody, quiet spirit. Though now, he was suddenly defenceless. Showing how powerless he was around you. Uncovering how much of a little pervert he embodied. Pathetic. Cute, but pathetic.
He stayed quiet. For what felt like an eternity to him. His lip trembled a little, as he felt himself unravelling. Sighing, as he thumbed over your palm. The simple touches riled him.
Leaning till you were inches from his face.
"... Was it me? Is that why you panicked?..." You asked in a sly, little whisper.
You caught how he blinked in defeat. Tilting his head down.
"I... I really didn't know you were in tonight..." Cut off as he lifted his head.
Indulging in the heat of the moment you pressed your lips to his, hand cupping his cheek. This is all you wanted, right now. Tasting his lips on yours. He hesitated as his body stiffened. Shoulders pulled up. You drew your lips back from his. Uncertain if he wanted this. Though, he followed you, clutching at your hand.
"N-no please.." He whispered. Leaning towards you as his fingertips found your hair. Touching so gently. Lips brushing yours. Hesitating.
You didn't overstep, letting him follow at his pace as you couldn't refrain from smiling. Sweetly, he stuttered an apology.
"I just-... it was you... I-I'm sorry.." He stammered guiltily. You could have melted there at how desperately needy he was being. Brushing your fingers over his warmed cheeks.
Moving both hands to his face, his cheeks squishing in your palms. He nudged his forehead against yours, desperate to find your lips again.
You mumbled teasingly against his lips.
"I already knew... I am not stupid... but, God, you made such a mess... So messy, Mike." Purring against his lips as he kissed further. Trying to bury his shame. Having yearned for you, for such a long time.
The kisses between you both, are filled with precious passion. You lean over the counter on your tippy toes. Trying to close the distance of the counter between your bodies.
Mike felt lightheaded, gripping your wrists as you held his face in your hands.
Palming them back down on the counter, dragging his nails along it. You broke the kiss, your hands shifting to grip the scruff of his jacket.
"Come here." You urged, giggling in a way he hungered to hear. Longing to be the reason for your laughter. Quickly, he sprung into motion, climbing over the countertop clumsily. Not at all like you had. Tumbling off of it he stumbled into you. Trembling hands grazed at your waist, as he nudged his lips back to to yours. Mesmerised by you.
Your giggles washed over his lips, making him wait a moment. Pushing at his chest. As his body pleaded with you.
Your tongue slipping into his mouth aroused him to no end, as you felt his hard-on press into your leg.
Catching one another's stare. You pulled back from the kiss.
"Clearly, you needed my help the first time..." You quipped as he scoffed looking away. You dragged his stare back to you, as you gripped his jaw. Catching a silly smile on his lips.
His hands were still wrapped against your waist. Stroking his fingertips against the small of your back, teasing your spine.
Reaching between you both, you unbuttoned your shirt. His eyes drifted from yours. Watching him glimpse downwards. You allowed it. This time.
He kept playing with your hair. Totally fawning over you.
Soon your shirt is off and falling to the floor. His fingers dance against the straps of your bra. Images of tearing it between his teeth filtered back to him.
"Tell me what you pictured... in the office?" You teased. Slowly reaching to unbutton his jeans, slipping your hand inside. Massaging lightly. Knowing he is likely still sensitive.
The breaths escaped him as you touched him, finally. Even if clothed, he was still overcome. He pressed his eyes shut, savouring the moment. Slow down, please, please. His poor mind raced, so fragile against you.
"Uh...I hm.." He breathed out heavily. Eyes flickering back. Panting.
"I th-thought of you on your knees.." He grunted a little as your fingers laced around his shaft. Stroking his already hard cock.
Hunching against you, he gripped your shoulders. Squeaking out sharp little whimpers.
"Only my mouth?" You toyed with him, your lips touching his, though not kissing.
"No.." He swallowed.
"Then on top, and you...didn't stop till...s-shit" His words trailed off. You smiled deviously but knew he couldn't possibly cope for long. Nudging him back to the counter, smooching him softly. Fumbling as you pushed your trousers down. Kicking your boots with them. Pulling him to the floor with you. His back was pushed into the counter, as you kneeled between his legs, pulling his jeans back down to his knees.
Mike was so flustered, his shame still threatened him as he watched you slowly stroke. Bending.
"N-no, please, I... I won't last..." He fumbled. Reaching to guide you over him. Clutching at your hips, you didn't stop him. All he could bear was to feel you. To be inside of you.
"I love it when you are all flustered..." You smiled over him as you straddled his waist. His lips curled as you caught his small smile.
Tracing his fingers against your underwear. He shyly played with the waistband. Raising your hips, you helped him pull them down your thighs. Kicking them off your ankle, as you adjusted your body. Pressing your hips down to feel his length glide against you. Fingers stroked over his cheeks as he pressed his head back into the wood.
Eyes never moving from yours as you whisper.
"So adorable..." You breathed against his lips.
"You...make me so pathetic." He whines out, bucking his hips up against yours. Visibly desperate to feel you wrapped around his dick.
"I like seeing you be such a horny loser..." You smirk. The hot and breathless laugh that escaped his lips only served to make you need him more.
You felt his fingertips dig against your waist. Sinking your hips downward, stretching around him, his girth much more than expected. Your breath rushed against his neck, letting out a moan that surprised you both, feeling him twitch within. Wrapping your arms against his shoulders to steady yourself. The pair of you losing composure, in the moment, wanting nothing but to feel one another.
Mike's hips jerked upwards, his cry of relief so sweet, as his nails dragged over your spine. Showering his lips with kisses, as you inhaled his breaths. His mind whirled with lust. Watching you, caressing and softly crying out.
"Fuck..fuck, you are so fucking hot..." The words rushed from him disjointedly. His lips hung open, as he grew closer. His climax built within, threatening. Cursing at himself. You could feel as he throbbed, he was fucking you so clumsily. The jut of his hips quick, like a piston slamming up into your cunt.
"Is this what you jerked for, huh? This is what you needed, I know... you need this." You taunted. It felt so good watching him under you grovelling for more.
Nodding as he tightened his lips closing his gawping mouth. He could only nod. Straining his back as he bucked you up and down his length. You kissed his lips, working little kisses down his jaw, till you reached his ear. Sucking on the lobe, tugging only gently.
"You are so close, huh..." You teased, hips bouncing now. As you felt his whimpers against your neck. "That's it, Mike...Cum for me... P-please" You faltered, he could hear that whimper. How you needed this, just as much. It ruined him.  
He felt so intensely embarrassed at how quickly he was losing all control. Your encouragement unravelled him. Cracking at the edges of his quiet exterior, he was quickly coming undone. Unable to admit, nor warn, as his orgasm rushed through. His cock spasmed inside you and released a thick stream of his cum. So much so, that his white sticky finish seeped from you.
Your hips still riding, as he burst through that orgasm, crying out sharply. As you didn't slow, he gripped at your back, stroking harshly. Marking your skin, feeling your hips halt. As his tender cock ached. Mike's eyes rolled back, as he felt you slam down, a wet rush flowed over his skin as he heard you wail against his neck. Another weaker rope splurged from his tip as he twitched under you.
Taking a breather you held yourself against him. Feeling his palms cradle you a moment before lifting off of him. With a moan, till the cold air washed over his shaft. Resting your hips back against his. The twitching against you made you shiver, your weight pinning him down.
He finally opened his eyes. A goofy smile on his lips, as you stroked his cheek with the back of your hand.
"That was... fucking.." He rasped, trailing off as he struggled to find the words. Quickly leaning to kiss your neck softly. Drool on his mouth, before resting back against the counter, looking up at you.
"I know... " Breathily scoffing, as you playfully patted his cheek.
I had fun writing this! It is totally smut, if you ignore the sexual tension? LMAO.
If you made it to this point, see you in hell (●'◡'●)
In no way did I intend for it to be 3,041 words, oopsie.
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rebouks · 1 year ago
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Previous // Next
[wind rustling] Alex: I don’t know what it is, or what’s inside. [Robin smirked teasingly, correctly implying that she’d been too afraid to venture inside alone] Alex: The last kid I brought here wouldn’t come with me, so… [Robin blew a raspberry, what a loser] Alex: Right?! C’mon, I wanna uncover some mysteries! [Alex took off, leaving Robin with no choice but to follow as she slammed through the gates with reckless abandon] Alex: Wow, this is-… [Robin yawned with exaggerated phoniness] Alex: Yeah, it’s way more boring than I imagined-.. lame. Alex: What do you think it used to be? [Robin shrugged; his guess was as good as hers] Alex: Let’s see what’s downstairs! There’s got to be something good in here. [Alex and Robin stared at the vault door helplessly; their attempts to open it had been brief, pathetic, and in vain] Alex: What do you reckon-.. treasure? A secret lab? Zombies?! [Robin lunged forward with an abrupt grunt, aka his best zombie impression, causing Alex to squeal shrilly] Alex: Geeez-.. that’s not even funny! [Robin giggled, shoving Alex playfully; it totally was] Alex: Okay, maybe it was a little funny-.. but you’re still a butthead! … Alex: I wish you didn’t have to go so soon… [Alex’s sudden vulnerability almost compelled Robin to say me too, though she hastily added to her sentence…] Alex: Y’know-.. ‘cause I bet we’d eventually get those doors open if we had more time. [Robin shrugged; maybe they would, maybe they wouldn’t-.. that wasn’t what she was getting at though and Robin gave her a quick but pointed look, suggesting he knew as much] Alex: You don’t think I’m annoying, do you? [Robin shook his head vehemently, wishing he could explain to Alex that whoever called her that was probably just projecting-.. not that she’d believe him, how could he know for sure?] Alex: I wanna know what you sound like-.. say something, anything. [Alex frowned with dismay as Robin chuckled and rolled his eyes, once again ignoring her demands-.. she didn’t understand why it wasn’t working on him, it always worked] Alex: Fine. I guess you can keep your secrets, for now.
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sh1-n0bu · 11 months ago
Dear Judal/Judar, (From Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic),
Hello! How are you doing these days? I've heard from a source that you've been busy with your duties lately. It's not easy being a Magi, from what a little boy with blue hair told me.
Do you still take time to care for yourself, such as doing your makeup and hair? I remember it being really pretty the last time I saw it, though, my memory might not be the best. Years of working yourself as a slave in the slave trade does that for you, I suppose.
Right, the reason I'm writing this letter. Today is actually my last day of being a slave. I wish I could say that I'm finally being freed from my shackles from all these years, but that isn't the case.
Unfortunately, I will be killed tomorrow for the death of my master.
I'm writing this letter from my cell while waiting for the executioners to take me away, to the person I value the most. I still can't think of a reason why you helped me that day when I was attacked by those bandits. Perhaps it was for your own benefit, or you simply did it out of boredom. That seems like something you would do.
Or the occasional nights where you visited my barren room to accompany me. Those visits might've been small to you, but to me, they were more precious than any gold or gems I've seen. You made life feel like it was worth living a little longer in.
I may have only met you sparingly, but you've given me advice and wisdom that helped push me forward, to keep striving for what I wanted. Even if it was selfish.
In the end, all I truly wanted was you.
Sincerely, a friend.
I hope this letter finds its way to you, even after I pass.
𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜! 𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙪’𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙚!
to: judar from magi
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being a magi was, in all honesty, fucking boring. at least, to someone like judar.
he hated the constant bows and kneeling, the constant titles, names that are bestowed upon him. the duties of a magi, of having to choose a king so that one day, his chosen king would actually become a successful one rather than some pathetic excuse of a ruler. don’t even get him started on the annoying meetings, rituals, magoi training, diplomatic reasonings and travelings. ugh. at least he can run away from those boring, long, arduous meeting to have some fun in the gardens.
by fun, the arrogant magi meant slacking off as he bites into another random peach he stole from the kitchen on the way there. or even by running away from the castle’s depressing walls to see what was different on the outside world since the last time he visited. he could also hear some of those pathetic elder magicians cry out as they chase after him in a measly attempt to bring him back to his "duties" as they call it. duties, his ass. all the magi saw were bunch of papers, scrolls and more boring meetings with diplomats. he wanted to have some fun, y'know?!
it was during one of those usual running away from duty moment when he saw something that barely managed to pique his interest. a slave, judging by the chains keeping their feet together to not let them run away, but somehow protecting a kid as they face off against a bunch of hooligans looking to make names for themselves. judging by the lack of magoi fluttering around the adult slave, they weren't a magician, a dungeon capturer, a household vessel user nor even a fanalis. the slave was just some random human who was acting as a hero to protect the kid covering behind them.
judar should have left when the first punch landed and yet something compelled him to stay. to watch how the common, unlucky folk suffer while he goes on about his day and night like nothing is out of place within the safety and comfort of the palace walls. watch as how even when threatened with the most vile and terrifying actions imaginable against them, the human persists to keep a random child safe.
to intervene when the third punch landed.
the dark magi doesn’t know what compelled him to act out or to protect this random slave and a homeless child. they meant nothing to him, just some random poor folk that he saw. yet something felt weird. seeing how the unlucky get treated simply for being born unlucky caused him to stay and to protect them when they could provide him absolutely nothing. not even a fickle of entertainment. magis are the ones who have stayed at the top of the food chain since the beginning of time and will continue to do so. the magois and rukh of the world and people are at their disposal, ready to carry out their command at any given moment.
yet here judar was, protecting some two strangers whose rukhs barely flickered enough to cause some color. such fickle beings, such unlucky creatures and yet here he was… here he was reaching a hand out to help them on their feet, accompanied with a “are you two alright?”. what has gotten into him all of a sudden? whatever it was, it didn’t go away after saving their lives. no, it stayed and lingered on forcing him to do the same.
since there was nothing else to give the twisted magi some sort of entertainment at the time, he decided to continue to stay with the pair. and he continued to do so even at the following days when he no longer needed to save them. just his presence hovering around the pair was enough to shoo away any other assholes that wanted to cause them harm. and in a way, judar felt happy that no one was hurting them, at being their protecter in a sense.
everyday, judar would find himself running away from his duties at the kou castle to pay a visit to the slave he helped. the child had disappeared one day he returned and all the explanation he got was that the child had escaped. how? no one knows. but the adult who was left behind had an odd sense around them. their rukh was starting to dim and become more slower. were they sick? they didn’t look like it. but just in case they were indeed getting sick, he whispered a few health spells on them alongside a protection one before leaving.
each day judar comes to spend some time with the slave — while also using it as an excuse to run away from his magi work — he started to look forward to these little moments in his life. a peach from the castle one day, a fruit on the market square he saw on another day, a beautiful yet a simple looking ring one of the merchants were selling. each time he brings a little gift, the slave always bashfully denies it at first, saying that they were a slave and not a worker. each time judar made them accept his gifts.
judar will never confirm it out loud but he loved the little meetings he had with them. they were… nice. kind to him. not the bootlicking type of kind that he runs into everyday but the kind that is genuinely coming from the bottom of the heart and he felt that. judar enjoyed the little laughs the slave would make whenever he tells a joke or a funny story from the castle. the little dimple in their cheeks and the bright smiles. judar liked the look of awe on their face whenever he showed them a small trick — a little show of rukhs swarming at the tip of his wand or the icy flower he creates at random before tucking it behind their ear.
the prideful magi would never say it, but… he loved this person. this kind person who just gotten unlucky.
“i’ll get you out of here, alright? wait for me. i’ll come back tomorrow to set you free”
yet where were you? the rooms that you usually clean were being cleaned by another servant. when the servant in the room saw him, they dropped their towel to the floor in shock. but judar didn’t care if the servant was about to drop to their knees to honor his title or anything. he had no time for it.
“you didn’t knew, high magi? their master was killed and so, all the master’s slaves must be killed as well” the poor shaken up servant explains, handing him a letter as well. taking the letter, the magi wasted no time in ripping open the letter to read its content. judar was seeing red. he always had a certain amount of hate towards those who worked in the slave trades. he may be egotistical at times but judar still had feelings and emotions.
and right now, he was enraged.
“where? where did the executioners took them?” he asked frantically, almost sounding like a madman as he forces the poor servant to answer him. if his past self had looked at himself now, he would have laughed at the look on his face. maybe even mock himself for even daring to become this soft. but he didn’t care for that or how soft he had grown since meeting them. right now, he was just focused on finding them. and this time, he will hold his promise and set them free.
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secretmellowblog · 1 year ago
One of my favorite Deeply Pathetic Javert Things is how often he puts on a big show of loyal bootlicking self-martyrdom only for no one to even notice. I love it when a long-winded description of Javert haughtily martyring himself for the unjust government he worships is followed up with a short comedic note about how literally no one even sees him or cares. Things like:
Javert, who, bound to his post, had not so much as moved his head during the whole of the attack on the barricade, and who had gazed on the revolt seething around him with the resignation of a martyr and the majesty of a judge.
Marius had not even seen him.
Javert bestowed a respectful salute on the mayor, whose back was turned to him.
The mayor did not look at him, but went on annotating this docket.
On entering he bowed to M. Madeleine with a look in which there was neither rancor, anger, nor distrust; he halted a few paces in the rear of the mayor’s armchair, and there he stood, perfectly erect, in an attitude almost of discipline, with the cold, ingenuous roughness of a man who has never been gentle and who has always been patient; he waited without uttering a word, without making a movement, in genuine humility and tranquil resignation, calm, serious, hat in hand, with eyes cast down, and an expression which was half-way between that of a soldier in the presence of his officer and a criminal in the presence of his judge, until it should please the mayor to turn round. All the sentiments as well as all the memories which one might have attributed to him had disappeared. That face, as impenetrable and simple as granite, no longer bore any trace of anything but a melancholy depression. His whole person breathed lowliness and firmness and an indescribable courageous despondency.
At last the mayor laid down his pen and turned half round.
“Well! What is it? What is the matter, Javert?”
And then my favorite one:
“This man was at the barricade,” said he in a low voice and as though speaking to himself. “He is the one they called Marius.”
A spy of the first quality, who had observed everything, listened to everything, and taken in everything, even when he thought that he was to die; who had played the spy even in his agony, and who, with his elbows leaning on the first step of the sepulchre, had taken notes.
Javert spends the hours before his death pointlessly “taking notes” he expected no one to ever receive, solely because it’s what the government ordered him to do and he has no purpose outside of licking boots and following orders.
And there is something really compelling about that, in contrast to characters like Thenardier and even Jean Valjean?
Thenardier and Jean Valjean act overly conciliatory and submissive to their “social superiors” while in public, and then secretly express resentment for them in private. Jean Valjean will speak politely to a cop like Javert in public but calls him “that Javert who has been annoying me so long, that frightful hunting dog” in private. Thenardier will praise the wealthy bourgeois “Leblanc” when he has no other choice but threaten and torment him the moment he has the power to do that instead.
But Javert is an authoritarian who is completely earnest in his bootlicking. He doesn’t just worship his superiors to their faces; he continues worshipping them when he’s alone. He salutes them respectfully even when their backs are turned.
Javert bestowed a respectful salute on the mayor, whose back was turned to him.
In the one moment where Javert believes he’s acted out of resentment—daring to outwardly express and act on his personal negative feelings for a superior, by accusing Mayor Madeleine of being Jean Valjean — he confesses his crime immediately and tries to force “Mayor Madeleine” to fire him for what he sees as a horrific unforgivable offense.
When there’s no one else around to police Javert’s behavior, he polices himself. He forces himself into this state of constant, unending, horrible, pathetic, bootlicking deference to a government that does not value his life and never will.
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umahumahumah · 7 months ago
Can you rate all hetalia ships and your fav
I'll try. Let's go alphabetical order!
America/Australia: 0/10
It feels incestuous. I do find it funny how apparently Australia, someone clearly younger than America, is apparently in his 20's while the latter is 19.
America/Austria: 5/10
I think the fun part about this ship is how America has the potential to annoy Austria so much. Still, I can't really see the appeal.
America/Belarus: 5/10
I like the concept of this ship because both characters have contrasting personalities and are on opposing sides! I'm a sucker for that type of thing, which is kind of surprising that this ship doesn't compell me too much. At least not enough to make content of them.
America/Belgium: 6/10
I think America would really like Belgium's waffles, that fatass...
America/Bulgaria: 5/10
Clearly Bulgaria has dedicated his heart to one man and one man only. I don't see any chemistry between him and America... Actually maybe a little. I like the dynamic between normie and pathetic loser. Though I think if Bulgaria is not with Romania he would kill himself
America/Cameroon: 4/10
I think America would take a liking to Cameroon due to their shared interests in sports, but Cameroon feels way too mature to take any of America's tomfoolery.
America/Canada: 0/10
Blatantly incest.
America/China: 8/10
It feels like an alternate version of RusAme, with one side clearly maturer than the other. Though tbh I think the fun of this ship would be seeing how long it takes for America to break China
(+1 Point for that Wash My Belly Dude! Roblox game)
America/Croatia: 6/10
I think I made fanart of this ship once. I never finished it and it's on my dead phone, so... From the very minor appearance Croatia made in the entirety of Hetalia's existence, he seems like a very lethargic character, a great contrast to America's personality. Unfortunately, since Croatia is less than bare bones, I can't rank it any higher. If he was developed more I could easily ship him with America.
America/Cuba: 7/10
Cuba has a very strong hatred for America, doesn't he? Though whether America reciprocates that hatred or not is up to question. Considering his other rivalries though, America is probably very dismissive or unaware about Cuba's hatred. Whether it is reciprocated or not, I love a good ol' rivalry!
America/Cyprus: 3/10
I guess there's nothing bad about it, but what can I say about this? Cyprus would probably be scared of America or at least uncomfortable with his presence.
America/Czechia: 6/10
Anything to cuck Slovakia.
America/Denmark: 7/10
I think these two would be a very chaotic duo! They'd get into all sorts of shenanigans and probably plant a stink bomb somewhere in the meeting room. Them in a romantic context doesn't compell me, but they seem like they'd be good friends.
America/Ecuador: 6/10
There's nothing wrong with it, but I can't say much about it since Ecuador's barely a character. I can imagine them being good friends though.
America/Egypt: 6/10
There's something interesting about the dynamic of someone who doesn't talk and someone who doesn't know how to shut up.
America/England: -100000000/10
We got to USUK.... Honestly man I don't think I can describe the absolute HATE BONER I have for this ship. Reading the world itself feels like a walk through the fiery coals that make up the ground of hell. The ship is a bastardization of the characters involved and I am glad that it is finally dying out. Putting aside the incestuous and pedophilic undertones, most USUK content I've seen heavily mischaracterize America and England. I could probably replace the two characters with Generic Yaoi Couple™ and nobody would be able to tell the difference!!!!
America/Estonia: 0/10
No idea why but Himaruya made Estonia 17... I know ages are almost obsolete in Hetalia nowadays but maaan still
America/Finland: 1/10
Honestly I've always imagined Finland acting more like a father figure to America than anything romantic.
America/France: 0/10
America/Germany: 7/10
Couples with one wild party and one that keeps them in check are always fun!
America/Greece: 3/10
Honestly I'd feel bad for Greece if he has to deal with America all the time. Let him nap pls
America/Hong Kong: 0/10
Hong Kong is 16-17
America/Hungary: 3/10
I think she'd just be trying her hardest trying to set him up with Austria instead.
America/Iceland: 0/10
Iceland is 16-17.
America/India: 4/10
I think I see potential in this ship. The two are both described as pretty wild characters, with India still being pretty mature. I see America instigating India to act more upon his wild side. But honestly I don't know much about India to actually determine what the nature of their relationship would be like.
America/Indonesia: 6/10
Again, I see potential. I think these two might be cute together, but I can't really get invested in it.
America/Ireland: 7/10
I think America and Ireland would be really close considering the history of Irish immigrants in America. Maybe they could've lived with each other at some point? Considering there were a lot of Irish immigrants to the country back then....
America/Italy: 7/10
It sounds pretty fun! I like both characters, I think a relationship with each other is enjoyable. Dumb + dumb stick together!
America/Japan: 9/10
I think America and Japan have a pretty wholesome relationship, I really like them together. Their dynamic also interests me with it being extrovert x introvert. Also also cultural exchanges between the two are always fun
America/Korea: 0/10
Korea is 15-16
America/Latvia: 0/10
Latvia is 15
America/Liechtenstein: 0/10
Liechtenstein feels too young.
America/Lithuania: 5/10
Ehhh, I think it's fine. Most of the content I've seen of Ameliet falls into the pitfalls of typical yaoi tropes and I can't really get into it. It seems homey though so extra point.
America/Luxembourg: 0/10
Luxembourg is under 18... Apparently? I'm not sure where this age came from but I got it from the wiki.
America/Macau: 4/10
Ehhhh.... I guess it's fine. + Extra points for gambling
America/Malaysia: 5/10
This ship seems fun. Malaysia kun is such a cute character and he would have very funny interactions with America, I like imagining the latter helping him build his confidence.
America/Moldova: 0/10
America/Monaco: 0/10
Monaco is under 18.
America/Netherlands: 2/10
I don't know, doesn't seem that interesting to me.
America/New Zealand: 0/10
Feels kind of incestuous but idk
America/Norway: 1/10
It's not bad but I'm not that invested in Norway.
America/Philippines: 0/10
There's a dynamic between them I built in my head that makes it hard to put them in a relationship...
America/Poland: 6/10
Dense Character x Cheeky Character? I wonder how long it'll take for either party to become annoyed.
America/Prussia: 0/10
While I think a ship between two characters with both of their personalities would be cute, it's important to note that Prussia was America's mentor during the American revolution. So it just kinda feels weird tbh....
America/Romania: 3/10
It's fine, I could see how it may interest some people but ultimately I don't really care about it.
America/Romano: 2/10
I think it's fine but explosive tsunderes aren't really my cup of tea anymore, I've grown out of that phase :( a platonic relationship between them would be fun though.
America/Russia: 9/10
OTP!!! Honestly though I've gotten quite bored of it, but I especially like this ship because America and Russia are my favourite characters in Hetalia.
America/Seychelles: 0/10
I think Seychelles is underaged... Idk
America/Singapore: 0/10
Singapore is under 18, I guess.
America/Slovakia: 2/10
I don't think Slovakia is able to be with anyone other than Czechia.
America/Spain: 5/10
It seems interesting! I see potential in it but I can't really bring myself to ship it.
America/Sweden: 1/10
Same as Finland, for some reason Sweden/Finland and America have been depicted in a lot of parental relationships in the fandom. Can't unseen it tbh.
America/Switzerland: 2/10
I think it could be interesting, but I really can't see these two work at all.
America/Taiwan: 0/10
Pretty sure Taiwan's underaged + shipping her with a guy feels wrong.
America/Thailand: 3/10
These two could be interesting together, but ultimately... ?idk
America/Turkey: 3/10
Don't see any romance between them but I think these guys would be pretty epic drinking buddies.
America/Ukraine: 2/10
I'm gonna be tbh guys I don't think Ukraine will be able to handle a manchild like America, then again, I don't think anybody can handle America.
America/Vietnam: 2/10
Idk most of the content I've seen of this ship involves Vietnam War stuff and sometimes it does feel a little messed up but... I do think that if I researched more about it it could be more interesting
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queenvhagar · 5 days ago
Found your blog and i have to rantt. How do you deal with tb targies? They are insufferable to the core and bath in deluluship hypocrisy all day every day but the worst thing is they are VERY stupid. You could smell a targie mile away by their stinking stupidity and being in the majority they have ruined fandom and canon like their idol ryan condom. It is vexing as hell.
LMAO this gave me a good laugh so thanks 😂
Welcome to the blog!
The majority of the fandom is just so disconnected from the actual story itself and reliant on symbols of Hollywood white feminism that they can turn into memes and reaction images to share on socials with each other. For the most part that is the extent of their understanding of and engagement with the show. Never mind the logic of the decades long and several books deep preexisting world in which the story takes place, coherent and thematically resonant storytelling, and development of three dimensional characters with realistic motivations.
The overly active TB stans in the fandom honestly thrive on the surface level symbols the show presents. Girlboss with a dragon (even adding scenes that never existed or are stolen from other characters even if it doesn't make sense)? Slay. Girlboss makes out with another girl (even though there's zero build up and it's never mentioned again therefore having no narrative impact)? Slay and amazing storytelling obviously. Two royal women in secret love with each other (despite it being so pathetically one-sided and it quite literally breaking the story and gutting one of the involved characters)? Malewife bows and simps before girlboss (even though he's her decades older uncle who groomed her from childhood and repeatedly abuses her)? Jealous ex is a loser misogynist incel (even though it's clearly the case that he was wronged by a single woman and he dislikes her because of this, and he clearly is actively devoted to the woman he is sworn to protect)? Black dragonrider exists onscreen (but no development or storyline whatsoever and the actual Black character with a dragon and a compelling story is cut)? MAJOR SLAY as long as they can get the surface level read and not have to think too deeply about the story. Bonus if they can make the memes and posts on their phone while watching the show in the background! All good shows should let you be able to be on your phone at the same time and still tell a story doncha know 🤪
How do I deal with the BS? Well first of all I'm not on TB majority apps like Facebook and Twitter anymore. As for on Tumblr, this is my general approach: try me with nonsensical arguments and takes on my posts and you will get corrected. Continue to make noise and try to contest basic facts and you're gonna be blocked. Rude asks are immediately blocked with pleasure. I avoid annoying tags related to TB stans and properly tag my own posts to keep them away.
A side note because I feel like I see this a lot is that TBs seem to assume people who support TGs are somehow all conservative and sexist and condoning of violence against women because we support the Green cause. The weird conflagration of liking fictional characters equalling wholeheartedly endorsing such actions in the real world and in our personal lives aside... it's like they think queer leftists can't support TG for some reason. It's wild. And so extremely weird because truly the Green story is a story of what happens when societal systems of power create problems for people who have less of it and what people will do to survive. Like what's not there to resonate with? Of course I'm going to sympathize with the struggle of a woman and her kids in a sensitive and precarious societal position as they band together to survive (especially when the other side is made up of the most privileged people in society flaunting their wealth and power over others because they can). As much as the show wants to say it, Viserys and Rhaenyra are not the ultimate victims of the story nor are they blameless for the way it plays out.
Anyway basically I know that I know this universe and story and that many people being loud on TB simply do not. Just like almost everyone involved in HOTD's production (not you Rhys Ifans shhh) (and probably some other actors like Bethany Antonia, who has said she has begged Ryan Condal not to change her story in the past). And of course GRRM has confirmed this as well on his blog, in detail. Production willfully misinterprets and picks apart the story, thinks they know more than the author himself about how the story should be told, and refuses to listen to his input.
I wouldn't even say GRRM is Team Green. He just knows his story and how the point is that choosing sides was the problem, which is antithetical to what HOTD has done with the material, missing entirely its themes and destroying the story's logic, consistency, and characters in the process.
As for me, the only reason I'm so strongly Team Green is in reaction to the show and the incoherent stans it created. They are so wrong on almost every level and I cannot be on their side about any of it. Team Green it is then 😂
Well, long post again, but thanks for the ask! Best of luck out there 🫡
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izvmimi · 1 year ago
mimiloves! for your drabble game, can i request shinso with the #8?
a clock ticks, ticks, ticks in the corner of a nearly empty living room. it's decorated in a spartan fashion, sparse furniture aside from one couch and a single end table with a dim lamp suggesting that it's barely lived in. you're seated on the couch, waiting. you know you shouldn't be here.
hitoshi should be here any time now. multiple messages and calls he's blocked and you're too selectively prideful to send emails or resort to socials (although he'll probably have you blocked there as well). regardless, you still need to see him. it's a desire deep in your bones, a drive as compelling as what can be induced by his Quirk. time continues to pass, and the rushing of blood in your ears is so loud, painfully so.
he doesn't understand. he can't possibly understand what it's like for you to imagine the rest of your life without him, not after your extensive planning for the future, and definitely not after the time you spent caring for him, loving him, making sure he grew into the Hero he never though he could become. even if you carted all your things out of your shared home, you haven't been able to remove him from your heart.
when hitoshi finally arrives, he's barely startled to even see you there. after all, he didn't bother to change the passcode, and given that he is just as insane as you are, he's unblocked and re-blocked your phone number enough times to know just how many times you've tried.
"why are you back? i meant what i said," he says, coolly. you know to give yourself a few moments to prevent him from using his Quirk, the thing he said he'd never use against you, then smile despite your eyes welling up in tears.
"i thought we could talk, 'toshi."
he watches you for a moment, cool, cruel violet eyes studying your countenance. you look hurt, but otherwise well contained, not the disheveled mess he's heard through voicemail messages or the prideful bitch he'd hoped he could push you into becoming. just yourself, distanced from him, sad but not torn apart. it annoys him that despite your behavior, you look like you're carrying on without him.
he grits his teeth.
"there's nothing more to say."
you rise to your feet, slowly advancing. tentative and careful, like a human would approach a hurt animal, as though you're not the one that's pathetic, slipping in here, begging for him to change his mind about the two of you.
your hands reach and press against the sides of his face. he stiffens, his heart stops, then races, but he can't bring himself to pull them off of him.
"please," you whisper. hitoshi swallows. he's used as much power as he could to steel himself with anger and avoidant behavior but the feel of your touch is as usual more than he can ever handle.
but it's too late now.
and yet he practically trembles as you look up at him, wet eyes impossible to deny anything - he loves you, and you know what you're doing, you know that he can't refuse you when you're in front of him, face to face like this. his hands cover yours, slowly, carefully, and you imagine he'll pull them off, and hurt you with his words again, but instead he asks.
"do you even really love me?"
"yes," an automatic response. your eyes go white and shinsou's voice shakes as he commands you to turn, and walk right back out that door.
prompt inspo here.
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namisweatheria · 7 months ago
Tumblr media
I have a complicated relationship with zosan. On one hand, I find making Sanji out to be a deeeeeeeeply pathetic, repressed homosexual that's deeply in love with the guy he's been constantly picking fights with to be a very cathartic experience. I can even find him compelling through that lens, since he is very important whenever the story explores themes of insecurity or gender norms. The actual story explores insecurity very thoroughly in a really compelling way, whole cake island rules, but gender norms only subtly and very incompletely.
So using him as a character to pick up the thread that's there and improve and deepen it is a fun game. I simply love Zoro, and I think he is very gay, and it's fun to see him in any situation. Zosan was the first and easiest ship reading for me.
I've come to suspect that's a lot of people's experiences. It's almost like a starter ship. Once you explore literally any other Strawhat dynamic through a queer lens though, it is so over for you. They are all so compelling and generally a lot more so than these two together monogamously.
Usopp especially is wildly interesting for both insecurity and gender norms, way more than Sanji, and as soon as you bring him into the mix you really can't go back.
Zosan does irritate me with it's popularity and the endless boring versions of it out there. It does feel like sticking the most conventionally attractive guys in the show together to project the same damn dynamic onto and calling it a day. Which is a shame! Because they can be interesting!
I do especially get annoyed with it when people seem more interested in only paying attention to them and never the female characters or Usopp. Humongous side-eye. Or like, not exploring the whole polycule of strawhat dynamics in favor of acting like one single pair of them is more specially connected than any of the rest. That is simply not true, and I do not appreciate it. They are all obsessed with each other. Go find two other cardboard cutouts to project your yaoi fantasies on I'm trying to have a good time.
Oh wait my screenshot. HA. So yes all that. I feel all that. But I also did stop and go omg. the first time they said their insult nicknames....<333333333
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biggie-chcese · 7 months ago
Idk anything about raincode but can u tell me about that one sopping wet detective
How I feel about this character
im so obscenely mentally ill about him that it makes me genuinely violent. sometimes i think about him too hard and i start shaking like a rabid animal. i dont have any merch of him because it would be covered in chew marks by the first hour.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
almost everyone. im so serious. it'd be easier to say who i dont ship romantically with bc him he's my little bicycle lmao. my favorites to pair with him are makoto, yakou, shinigami and vivia tho. there is one ship for him i straight up dont like tho but ill say that in the next question
My non-romantic OTP for this character
him and kurumi!! i actually really fucking hate the canon attempt at some sort of budding romance. it's so forced and it hinders kurumi as a character so much because they want her to be a palatable love interest so much that anything compelling about her gets completely cut off in favor of them dumbly blushing as other characters obnoxiously say "woooow is that your girlfriend teehee" it actually annoys me so damn much. but the thing is... i like their dynamic when they aren't pushing the romance. they make a really good investigative duo and i really really love the idea of yuma mentoring her in a potential sequel because i can see her wanting to be a detective. he should be the phoenix to her apollo <3 she already admires and sees him as a role model (terrible choice) so i would love to see her learn not to idolize her heroes while also learning useful detective skills from him
My unpopular opinion about this character
hrmm... for the most part im in pretty good agreement with the fandom. though i think people consider him more of a doormat than he actually is. like, dont get me wrong, he is very pathetic, but when he's not literally in danger of getting killed, there's a pretty surprising amount of snark from him which fans often forget. for good comparison, it's kinda like how ace attorney fans forget that phoenix is kind of a bitch lol
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
i wish that he actually had better reasons to enter the mystery labyrinths (this is like... the metaverse in persona 5 except for mystery solving and it killedthe criminal(s) when u complete it) because it... rarely actually gets him out of a situation. he calls upon it when cornered, but it only saved him exactly one time. the rest of his bad situations were stopped by outside forces. it makes a certain endgame interaction seem really disingenuous. like, he kills a lot of people for absolutely no reason, which would be great if the game chose to expand on that as a plot point! but it instead only frames his actions as what saved him despite that really not being the case.
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pillowfriends · 10 months ago
my thoughts on the WoT characters after book 5
before I start posting Lord of Chaos thoughts, I wanted to sum up what I think of the characters after The Fires of Heaven (and New Spring) so I can look back on it later. I’m sure I’m missing some, just listing everyone I have thoughts on.
Alanna: I have my eye on her after those sus forced bonding comments… time will tell but I don’t trust her at all. I like her though, she’s fun.
Asmodean: he was funny as hell, what a pathetic guy, and had objectively the most hilarious death in the series so far.
Aviendha: this is probably the character I have the least complicated feelings about. I just like her. she’s funny, she’s badass, her relationship with Rand is great.
Birgitte: a hot bicon. every word that comes out of her mouth is gold. she’s such a bro.
Egeanin: standout side character to me I love her so much. yes girl unlearn your cultural biases! and be unhinged and horny on main!! she better come back!!
Egwene: girl I want to like you but you're making it so hard 😭 as a character she's great. as a person I'm struggling with her dumbassery and her superiority complex and the way she's treating Nynaeve.
Elaida: she’s cringe and bad at her job but I kind of stan. she’s doing her best and it is absolutely not good enough and she’s being puppeted by the Black Ajah and only succeeded at deposing Siuan because a bunch of teenage boys stabbed people for her. I can’t even be angry at her tbh.
Elayne: book 5 was so great for Elayne. she's maturing a lot and she really shot up the list for me. her interpersonal relationships are so funny and I love how excited she is about making ter'angreal.
Faile: maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder but I miss her and want her back. she was so silly but also loved Perrin so much and I’m such a hopeless romantic that I loved the sappy parts.
Gareth Bryne: this man is a CREEP!! Siuan get AWAY from him! ugh ugh ugh. and I know it’s only going to get worse.
Galad: unfortunately this man is one of my favorite character archetypes. I didn’t vibe with him at first but now I really do.
Gawyn: I want to put him in a paper shredder. I am so angry at this man even after a full book to cool down post-coup. please let me deck him. I do think my feelings will change but right now I’m still angry as shit.
Graendal: problematic queen. do I think RJ will do anything interesting with her, probably not, but am I intrigued, yes.
Lan: THIS MAN BREAKS MY HEART DAILY. ohhhhh my god. not normal about him.
Lanfear: hmmm complicated feelings about book Lanfear. I found her introduction painful and annoying - it’s way too obvious - but she improved and I do love how crazy she is. it didn’t really sink in for me until her conversation with Rand in Tear that she’s delusional and obsessed with LTT to the point of being completely out of touch with reality, and therefore v scary. TLDR I love her now. RIP gone too soon.
Leane: I have no idea what’s cooking with her, I just have to RAFO. I’m either going to think she’s an icon or get angry at RJ for being sexist and I don’t know which.
Liandrin: the balls on this woman are actually insane, trying to Compel Moggy. she’s way too cartoonishly evil to be really interesting though. but she makes so many sexually charged dog references which I love tbh.
Logain: he’s fine I guess. hard to tell where his story is heading and he kind of hasn’t done anything.
Loial: he has never done anything wrong in his entire life, he's perfect and I love him.
Mat: I've come around and I like him now. his memory stuff is really interesting and so is the way he interacts with fate/the Pattern.
Melaine: best Wise One I love her so much.
Min: she’s never clicked with me as a character and I think her motivation is kind of dumb and repetitive. I also really dislike how salty and disrespectful she is towards Siuan but that has to do with my personal issues about the Siuan plotline so I can’t totally blame her for that.
Moghedien: I NEED to put her in a petri dish and poke her with a stick. girl you are not subtle about your petplay kink. somehow she’s scary and pathetic at the same time and I just love her a lot.
Moiraine: I can’t even put it into words. she’s my everything.
Morgase: I feel so fucking bad for her, her POVs were horrific, what a survivor. I'm excited for when she gets a bigger plotline.
Nynaeve: my favorite character who’s on page at present. first of all she has a Forsaken collared. second of all she’s so angry and I love angry women. also she has no self awareness which makes her POVs very amusing, but also sometimes devastating — I love her struggling with fear and her perceived cowardice in TFOH.
Perrin: I constantly forget he exists. not in a bad way but not really in a good way either - he’s just bland to me.
Rand: he is my idiot baby boy. go insane faster please it’s interesting.
Rahvin: good riddance you creepy fuck. not even awful in a compelling way to me, just awful. good as a character, well-written, but AAAA.
Siuan: her arc after being stilled is distressing to me and I don’t like reading it - her loss of power and influence, the way the other Aes Sedai all treat her, the sexual harassment… so I have a hard time separating that out from Siuan herself. I’m… torn. I love some of her scenes and some feel very out of left field. we’ll RAFO again.
Suroth: GIVE ME MORE. her POV was fascinating and she’s so awful.
Thom: against my best wishes, I actually like him now. he’s so dad coded and protective of Nynaeve and Elayne, and a badass, and has a good sense of humor.
Verin: what an icon!! favorite Aes Sedai bar none now that Moiraine is gone.
[inevitably there will be a part 2 when I realize I forgot some really obvious people]
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feline-evil · 9 months ago
Tagged by @cyberstevie yay ty!! :3 I’m gonna do Clay for this because he’s my special favourite freakfuck! 5 words to physically describe your oc: Wet, Meaty, Off-putting, Hairy, Toothy, Lanky.
Who inspired your OC?: HE WAS MAINLY JUST A SELF INSERT AT FIRST TBH, but he’s very much developed into his own guy since i pulled him, Jack and Damien into the worldbuilding of Flesh and Bone; and while obviously that story and world are very clearly heavily inspired by John Carpenters The Thing i wouldn’t say that Clay initially was, purely because he existed before i built this story or made him a fucked up fleshbeast! In recent times a lot of inspiration points i’ve been pulling from for him personality-wise have been Dennis, Mac and Charlie from IASIP (though mostly Charlie lol), DJ from Event Horizon, a smiiiiidge of Arcade Gannon here and there though i wouldn’t say it’s the most obvious, and just like. Probably a bunch of other guys i’m forgetting off the top of my head because my memory is swiss cheese. I take a lot from a myriad of fictional weird doctors and pathetic, selfish men from him tbh LOL. 
Give me a song to define your OC: Legit don’t think i can just pick ONE song, so much of my OC work is inspired by music and enhanced by it and i have so, so many songs that are definitive to my OC’s so instead why dont’cha take a peek at his playlist here? It’s intended to work somewhat chronologically, moving through moods he moves through over the course of Flesh and Bone! 
If I met your OC on the street, how would they greet me?: If you’re a complete stranger? HE WOULDN’T, he is a highly suspicious twitchy little man he does not trust people easily.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?: Well, on one hand he’s very me and we share many of the same flaws (his are just magnified and tweaked to be more compelling and intense) so you’d think we might get along. But on the other hand he’s very me and we share many of the same flaws. The dickhead would get on my nerves. I don’t know really! I really am deeply fond of him and he means so much to me, out of all my oc’s he’s like. My everything. But he’s also not always the best guy and i think he’d annoy me; not to mention what he’d think of me, yeesh i’m the guy who killed him and made him come back as an abomination.
1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC: Frightened Meat.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year ago
Vicarious (Part 11)
“I take it that things didn’t go well with Jin?” Toph mentions.
“What makes you think that?” Azula asks. 
“We’ve been at the beach for like three hours now and you haven’t tried splashing Katara while she tries to read yet. Which is kind of annoying because that’s usually the highlight of my beach trip.” 
“Pestering my sister?”
Toph nods. “It’s a hobby. I wait until you annoy her a bit and then I come in and completely agitate her. I thought that you were aware of our unspoken partnership.”
“I was wondering about that, but I wasn’t certain.” Azula replies. 
“So are we going to give her a good splash or what?”
“Not right now, Toph.”
“See! Something is bothering you, I knew it! What happened with Jin?”
“We broke up. I don’t want to talk about it.” Rather she doesn’t want to have to pretend to be heartbroken. Not over something so stupid. “We didn’t really have much of a relationship anyways.”
“Yeah, I could tell.” Toph shrugs. “Your heart wasn’t doing that fluttery thing that it always did when you were around Suki. It still probably sucked though.” 
Azula shrugs. “I’ll find someone else soon enough.”
Toph rams her fist into her bicep. Azula grits her teeth, frankly she hadn’t anticipating the woman hitting that hard. Hard enough to bruise even Sokka’s rock solid arm. “See that’s your problem, Sokka. You jump from one girl to the next. Maybe you should take a break. I’m single and I’m having the time of my life.”
“Maybe I should.” She agrees. 
“Okay, starting now!” Toph declares. “Instead of moping about Jin and women, we’re going to play kuai ball and pretend like it’s an accident when we nail Zuko in the back of the head!”
“While he’s trying to kiss Mai?”
“Exactly!” Toph leaps to her feet. “You get me, Sokka!” 
He catches her in the hallway. Her hair is wet and she is patting at it with a beach towel. She seems almost happy. Happy in spite of having lost Jin. Happy in spite, or maybe because of  their current predicament. He almost doesn’t want to pull her away from that. But he needs something to alleviate the uninterrupted distress that he has been feeling these days. “Hey, can I talk to you?” Sokka asks. 
“About what?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. I just want someone to talk to about anything.” Perhaps about trying to get their own bodies back. Or at least about how they had ended up in this situation. “You can pick the subject.” 
Azula sighs. “Fine.” She props herself up against the wall. “Talk.”
“Can we…?” He nods in the direction of her room. 
“We’re not going to be talking for that long, I can only tolerate you for a few minutes at a time.”
“I guess that I just wanted to let you know that I’m not mad about Jin.”
“You told me that already.” She shrugs. “You were using her.” Sokka opens his mouth but she raises a hand. “Look, I don’t really care. It isn’t as though I haven’t used my share of people. I just think that it’s funny how it’s fine when you do it…”
“It isn’t! It’s not fine when I do it. You were right! I should have just broken it off with Jin.” He is beginning to think that this is some sort of punishment. A punishment for taking his friends for granted and a punishment twice over for his open skepticism and constant mocking of the spirits. He had laughed in their faces so they have taken his laughter away. 
“Pathetic, Sokka.”
She fixes his blue eyes upon him and sighs. “What is the point of this? Why are you trying to appeal to me? You never cared how I felt about you before. Nobody particularly cared how I felt in general. So why should I care if you’re upset now?”
“Because you know what it’s like to be alone.” 
“Well I don’t have to worry about that right now.” 
And that’s it, that is enough. More than enough. He can’t say for certain exactly which aspect of her response has taken the feelings simmering inside of him to their highest boiling point. What compels him to shove her against the wall…“They’re my friends! They hate you, trust me, I know that now. And they’re going to be my friends again eventually once we switch back.”
“Perhaps I’m not quite as eager as you are to make that happen.” He hates the sound of his snickering when he isn’t the one laughing.
She may as well just strike him where he stands, slap his face until it is red and bruising. “Well then I’ll make it happen on my own. I want to fix my own problems, not yours!”
“Of course. Because mine her much harder to manage. You’re complaining and crying over some girl that you didn’t even like. Perhaps it stings, but you have your friends. They won’t let it sting for very long, will they, Sokka? They know what to say and what to do. They know how to help you. When my problems get to be too much people look the other way and pretend like they don’t see them.”
“I know!” Sokka shouts. “How do I get them to care?”
“When you figure that out, you can let me know. And then we can work on switching back.”
His lips curl into a snarl. “So that’s it, I’m supposed to solve all of your problems while you make my life harder?”
“I’m not making your life harder. I’m just not making it any easier.”
“You did make it harder!”
“By ending a relationship that just wasn’t working? You said it yourself, she didn’t mean anything to you. It’s better to just get it over with. If you don’t like someone, you tell them that you don’t like them or you can pretend to like them until you get angry enough to whip your knives out and chi block them and let them put two and two together, whatever suits your fancy.” Her head is throbbing. Absolutely pounding with frustration. 
Sokka rubs his hands over his face. “That’s not what I was going to do to Jin and she wouldn’t do that to me. Not every relationship ends on bad terms.”
“Maybe for you they don’t.” She shoulders past him, thanking the spirits that she is now taller than he. Big enough to shake him off of her. “Are we done talking?”
“No?” She quirks a brow. 
“Believe it or not, I wanted to have a friendly conversation with you.”
“So now you want to force one?” She rolls her eyes. “You tried to force things with Jin and look how that turned out. And you’ve been trying to force some kind of friendship on me. That’s going to turn out just as well or worse. Jin actually liked you at one point…”
“Believe it or not, I did want to help you.” Sokka says quietly and she doesn’t believe it. Not at all. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I keep saying the wrong things. But I did want to help you. I wanted…I hoped that…”
“What?” Azula crosses her arms. 
“I did hope that this could help make us friends or something.” He pauses. “I thought that the whole bath thing was going to be a start”
“I said that I would consider being on good terms with you.”
“We were supposed to bond or something over a common struggle.” His voice cracks. She hates how it sounds. How she sounds when she is desperate and breaking.
“Stop it!” She shouts. “Don’t you dare cry on me.” She is such an ugly crier and she has no desire to witness it from the outside. 
“What else am I supposed to do. Nothing else works.” 
The sound of footsteps makes her regret her petty decision to have this conversation in the hallway. She grits her teeth. 
“I don’t know why you’re so angry at me about Jin.”
“Your idiocy frustrates me.” And it frustrates her that he can flounder and fuck up so many times and still have so many people doting over him.  
“You don’t even like her. Why do you care?”
“Don’t like her?” Azula furrows her brows. “I don’t even know her.” She pauses. “She might resent you, Sokka. But she…”
“She doesn’t have any history with you.” Sokka mutters as the footsteps grow closer. He allows himself a smile. “I can make a friend for you!” He can help Azula while putting an end to his loneliness. And maybe, just maybe, after they get their own bodies back he can explain to Jin that it had been him the whole time, that they are compatible. “Thanks, Azula!” Without thinking about it, he throws his arms around her. 
Her face bunches up in disgust. “For what?”
“For giving me an idea.”
“Does this mean that you are going to stop relentlessly pushing for my approval?” He could swear that he hears a faint hint of disappointment in her voice.
“I still want to be your friend, Azula. I just don’t think that the feeling is mutual.” 
She leaves just enough hesitation before replying, “because it isn’t” for him to say that she doesn’t entirely mean that. 
“Well, I guess that if you change your mind, the offer is still open. You might not need me though if things work out with Jin.” He forces a smile. 
“If they didn’t work out between…” she lowers her voice as Zuko and Toph round the corner. “You and Jin what makes you think that you can win her over while posing as me?” 
“Because Jin likes clever and witty people.”
Zuko looks between he and Azula. “Sokka?”
Azula stiffens in his arms and he is abundantly aware that neither of them have broken the hug yet. Without thinking he leans forward and tackles her to the ground. He holds a small blade of fire to her throat. “Looks like I win, peasant.”
“You’re lucky.” She mutters. “Very lucky.”
“I’m a quick thinker, that’s different than luck.”
Sokka stands up and brushes himself off as flippantly and dignified as he can manage for all of his fluster and all of the anxiety that is building up inside of him. Anxiety that spikes when Zuko’s hand yanks him back.
“Leave Sokka alone!”
“Relax, Zuko, it’s just a little sparring match.”
“A sparring match?” Zuko asks. 
Azula rises and nods. 
“I get board and he keeps saying stupid things that make me mad.” It isn’t a lie by any means. “So we decided to have a little match; since I won he has to shut up for at least a day, Katara can thank me later. If he would have won, I would have had to endure at least three hours of him chattering like a hog-monkey.” 
“I didn’t realize that the two of you talked.” Toph mentions. 
“Let alone enough to have sparring matches.” Zuko adds. 
“We don’t.” Sokka says at the same time as Azula grumbles, “well you know me, I can’t go for more than a few hours without pestering someone. One thing led to another.”
“And you have this beautiful friendship now?” Toph cracks a smirk. 
This time they are very much in unison when they reply with a firm no. 
“It’s more like a…” Azula begins. 
“Hostage situation.” Sokka fills in. “I keep telling him to go away…” he can just feel her rolling her eyes. “But he can’t take the hint. So I thought that I would humor him.”
“By sparring him for silence?” Zuko asks.
“Isn’t that what you Fire Nationals do?” Toph asks. “Challenge each other to Agni Kais to resolve arguments. Even the stupid ones.”
Zuko pinches the bridge of his nose. “Not all of us.” 
“You do though.” Azula, apparently, couldn’t resist. 
“I used to, Sokka!” 
She lifts her hands. “No need to get defensive.”
Zuko inhales sharply. “Just be careful, Sokka. Azula isn’t…” 
“She’s fine.” Azula cuts him off. “I’m fine. We had our match and that’s it. I’ll be quiet now and she can go back to…” 
“Being alone.” He slips. “Where I have some peace and quiet.” He adds quickly. 
“We’re all going on a walk? Why don’t you join us?” Toph asks. “I kind of want to hear all about how you kicked Sokka’s ass!”
He looks at Azula who shakes her head. And now he is torn; he had told her that he wants to help her make friends but he doesn’t want to go against her wishes. 
“Are you alright with her coming along, Sokka.” 
“Because you’re embarrassed?” Toph laughs. 
“I am not! I…fine she can come.” 
Sokka purses his lips as if contemplating the request. “I suppose that I can tag along for at least a little while but I won’t put up with any silly antics. And I…” 
“You can just say yes and leave it at that.” Azula says through gritted teeth. 
Agni, she has never met such an idiot! Such a complete and utter dolt! He has just opened up the door to making a complete fool of both of them and just after having avoiding exactly that so narrowly. 
She wants to ask him just what he was thinking, hugging her in the middle of the hallway. And then taking them up on their offer. She wants to know what exactly had gone through her mind in telling Toph that it was fine if he came along. She had opened that door and he wasn’t supposed to walk in. 
Him trying to befriend Jin on her behalf is daunting enough. 
For as much as she doesn’t want to be alone, she also has no interest in gaining friends that she won’t be able to keep when she is thrust back into her own body. 
Spirits, she wishes that she could just take Sokka’s life for her own. Spirits, she wishes that she could leap from one body to the next, a nomad soul that can jump from one body to the next until she finds one whose conditions are just right. 
She doesn’t want her life back. 
She doesn’t want to help Sokka on his quest to ‘fix’ this situation.
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semper-legens · 1 year ago
189. Salt to the Sea, by Ruta Sepetys
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Owned: No, library Page count: 378 My summary: Emilia. Florian. Joana. Alfred. Four young people from different lands, all thrown together in the chaos of the Second World War. East Prussia is being evacuated. Desperate people are fleeing the country to the ships promised to take them far away. But disaster is lurking on the horizon. When it's every person for themselves, who will live and who will die? My rating: 3/5 My commentary:
I thought I'd never read this book before. And yet, when I got about 50 pages in, it started to seem familiar - strangely familiar. I've read a couple of Ruta Sepetys' books before, namely I Must Betray You and Out of the Easy, which I haven't covered here. The former I didn't like, the latter I actually enjoyed. This is one of her earlier works, though not the earliest - it's apparently something of a sequel to a book called Between Shades of Gray, which I'm 90% sure that I haven't read. To its credit, I don't think not having read the earlier book hampered my engagement with this one. But less charitably…I wasn't all too keen on this one, it has to be said. While it wasn't bad in and of itself, I found it to be sensationalist and simplistic, and overall didn't quite live up to my expectations.
This story is about the Wilhelm Gustoff, a ship that was meant to be evacuating refugees from East Prussia during World War Two, but was sunk by Russian torpedoes, killing roughly nine thousand of the ten thousand people aboard. The story follows four teenagers - pregnant Polish girl Emilia, Lithuanian nurse Joana, Prussian boy Florian, and Nazi recruit Alfred. More on them later. The story follows the refugees as they travel to the ship, and the trials they face along the way, then ends with the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustoff. There's a lot of promise here - the chaos towards the end of the Second World War, the point of view of civilians from Eastern Europe which isn't so often told, an eye on a historical tragedy which the average reader might not have heard about.
But everything here was just a little bit too simplistic. Alfred's parts of the story kept hammering in how cowardly and weaselly and pathetic he is, Emilia's chapters made her seem like a saint, Florian's angst and brooding over how he's totally gonna be killed if he gets found out really doesn't fit the crime he's committing, and Joana's past is ill-defined and her story focuses more on her relationship with Florian. It's obvious that Florian and Joana are going to be the survivors. Emilia is too innocent, and Alfred is too bad. Even factoring in the extended cast - blind Ingrid is the first to go, then rude giantess Eva, then the sympathetic Shoe Poet. The child survives, because he's an innocent in a much purer way than Emilia. It's basic storytelling, and once that who's-going-to-make-it tension is gone, there really isn't that much left in the narrative to write home about.
And the narrative style is just too overblown for me. Every chapter is screaming look I've got secrets am I not the most mysterious thing to you, to the point where it just gets annoying. And the secrets themselves aren't all that shocking. It doesn't take a genius to guess that Emilia is a fantasist and the child she's carrying was concieved after an assault, or that Alfred's apparent sweetheart Hannelore isn't actually his sweetheart, and that he turned her in to the Nazis. Florian's whole thing, that he's carrying a small part of the Amber Room in defiance of Nazi Gauleiter Erich Koch, isn't all that compelling either. I was assuming he was involved in some anti-Nazi action - while this is technically anti-Nazi, it's hardly lifesaving revolutionary work. Joana, meanwhile, the audience is expected to be familiar with, which means I couldn't get much of a read on her. It's so disappointing, this could have been really good, but I was just taken out of it at every turn.
Next, three brave girls escape captivity in Australia.
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