#he's pan she's a lesbian
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kentuckycaverats · 7 months ago
delphine tsuga fujinami and mitra harker
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del is my thinblood pc and mitra is bandit.bones.dice's ravnos pc in an edinburgh by night chronicle. we're nearing the end of the chronicle and just finished up mitra's individual story arc, and i NEED to talk about them i NEED to
on paper del and mitra are polar opposites: he's an impulsive, charismatic, flamboyant partyboy who has ingratiated himself to both the camarilla and anarchs; she's standoffish, blunt, aloof, bloodthirsty, and wants no part in politics of any kind. but they're both broadly misunderstood--mitra gets a bad rap as a vapid, flaky hedonist and del is assumed to be callously self-serving.
they express it in drastically different ways, but at their cores they're both driven by the profound desire to protect the people they love, and they've seen more and more of this as the chronicle has progressed. they have enough common ground to understand one another but are different enough to temper the other's weaknesses--mitra has less than zero self esteem and del refuses to let him allow his partners to treat him like shit, and mitra drags her kicking and screaming into accepting that she can't do everything herself. he's the first one she tells about her namesake and her blood leech predator type, and she's the first to know about his precious mortal daughter.
and then!! there is ralfy.
ralfy is a brujah anarch and serial fuckup. can't stay out of his own way, botched the embrace of his only childe, constantly on the verge of a masquerade breach due to being a clueless dumbass. the anarchs aren't thrilled about claiming him and the cam sheriff is constantly waiting for an opportunity to ash him for good. ralfy is one of mitra's lovers, and while del knows he's not good enough for mitra she tolerates ralf for his sake.
when another of mitra's lovers--a crazy dangerous ministry independent--tries to coerce mitra into a blood bond, he asks ralfy to bind him instead and keep him safe. not long after, mitra is exposed to a ritual that turns him mortal again for one night only. at the end of the night he dies again, painfully, and goes to ralfy distraught asking for comfort. ralf wants to undergo the ritual himself. mitra reminds him that the bond makes it impossible for him to say no and begs ralfy not to ask him again. ralf asks again, mitra tells him, and leaves. when he tells del what's happened she shows up at ralfy's apartment to kick his ass and trash the place. she tells him he's going to apologize to mitra, then leave him alone until mitra decides he's ready to see ralf's worthless ass again. she tells him he'd better use this time to become the person mitra believes he is.
a few nights later, mitra feels the bond to ralfy snap. ralf's car (stolen) is found on the side of the road riddled with bullet holes and in flames. he tried to run, like a coward. attacker unclear.
mitra is distraught and del is pissed. she feels no remorse in the slightest.
only, ralfy isn't dead. he's been compromised by the sabbat and made the right hand of baali / methuselah petaniqua, who has been after del as a sacrificial lamb since del's mortal birth. petaniqua needs del's estranged fae soul, aelsidhe, to feed to a demon named foebok to fulfill an end times prophecy.
sabbat!ralfy pops up over and over again, causing soooo many problems for the coterie and the city. including but not limited to destroying mitra's club/the coterie's haven; working with del's abusive biological parents to create a horrifying fleshcrafted warehouse; and fully blowing up elysium. meanwhile, mitra's on a quest to earn a rare ravnos weapon crafted by the progenitor himself, and his trial is to either destroy or rescue ralfy. having been indirectly responsible for the deaths of 3 shitty exes already (ralf, driven away by del; ministry lover, killed on del's behest by a primogen; his sire, beheaded by del - all calls that mitra couldn't bring himself to make) mitra wants to save ralfy.
del haaaaaaaaaaaaaaates ralf. he abused her best friend. he's second in command to petaniqua, the monster responsible for every single awful thing that ever happened to her in life and death, who has tried to or succeeded in murdering everyone del has ever loved. he worked alongside her abusive bio parents. he's sabbat. and for some goddamned reason mitra sees something worth saving in him.
del will never forgive ralfy. she thinks he should've killed himself rather than bow to petaniqua's power. like she did. she thinks he's a spineless worm who lacks the desire or willpower to change. but mitra wants to save him, and she loves mitra more than she hates ralf.
so when the time comes, and ralf's pack is destroyed and he's been exorcised of the demon petaniqua bound to him, she cedes to mitra's wishes and lets ralf go. and it could only be for mitra--she loves the rest of the coterie too, but she wouldn't have been able to let ralfy walk even for them. only for him. even when petaniqua's last trick via ralfy was to disguise one of her minions as del's late mortal sister--the sister petaniqua herself had murdered by del's sire--she lets him go. she lets him go!!!!!!!!!! most spiteful vengeance-driven hatergirl lover of violence stands there and watches while her enemy walks himself into a fresh new life. do you get it yet do you understand
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pant--eater · 7 months ago
I've seen plenty of autistic Wallace headcanons (DESERVED because that man is Autism Incarnate. He also gives me low empathy energy, which makes me happy because it's so rare to see low empathy heroic characters in media 💖)
and I've yapped a lot about autistic Mr. Tweedy before, so now imma throw to the table the girl with croissant hair
🥕🥕Autistic Lady Tottington 🥕🥕
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hyperfixates on vegetables. Girl dresses up as a carrot for the fair and has a whole ass fancy royal greenhouse dedicated for veggies. Queen shit 🎉 Hell, all of her outfits are somehow nature inspired and I hc she sews many of them herself! :> Ask her about growing them, fertilizing and reaping, and she will NOT shut up. (also yes my Willace hc still stands that after some first inital difficulties, she and Mr. Tweedy become besties who infodump to each other about veggies and apples respectively <3)
Just like Wallace with cheese, her safefood and continual samefood is vegetables. She was that rare child who always ate her greens LMAO and preferred them to candy
Animals and caring for them is absolutely another hyperfixation point!! Her mansion after the movie's events becomes a bunny haven and she grows rabbits, both as pets for herself, and to give them away to people that she trusts would be caring owners
(more under cut)
She also has a soft spot for other creatures too that are seen as pests or otherwise disgusting, and will always be open to adopting them instead of letting them get killed. Such as rats, cockroaches, ants, possums, raccoons, you name it.
(in fact Nick and Fetcher have more than often crashed in her place LMAO, pretty much using the mansion as a midway resting location, during their big trips to the mainland from Chicken Island. And I imagine they would at some point tell Ginger about Totty, which makes Ginger and the chickens wonder that maybe not all humans are evil to animals!)
Totty has a very strong extreme moral drive, and stirring away from it upsets her to the point of tears. (protecting innocent animals and getting rid of pests in humane ways, no matter how dangerous the situation gets. It does get irrational sometimes but she just can't bring herself to see any sort of critters in pain 💔💔💔💔THIS LADY HAS A BIG HEART OKAY???) She tries her best to make Lord Victor bend to that and be kinder to animals, even if that asshat is a lost cause.
The videogame adaptation also mentions she is a vegan, so she def gets massive discomfort from eating anything animal related
Her kind and forgiving, sentimental nature sometimes makes her stress herself out and put her energy to people who don't deserve it. It's clear that she is not happy with Victor, but she stays and tries to make it all work with him, because she wants to believe she can change him and bring out a kind man in him. (Girl please, your "I can fix him" game is off the charts) And she only dumps him for good once he crosses a line and tries to kill Wallace. Heck, maybe she does not have many genuine friends, also due to her noblewoman status being intimidating to many :( And that's also why she stayed with Victor, and it wasn't until meeting Wallace and Gromit that she was able to get out of the toxic relationship.
Victor clearly sees her as naive and annoying for her autistic quirks and personality during the movie, and is only after her because of her status, money and looks. Reducing her to a trophy. If that ain't a relatable autistic experience I don't know what is
In my hc universe she does not get romantically involved with Wallace. I know Aardman likes to shiptease them as canon and I don't have a problem with it, it's cute! I just personally prefer them as platonic friends, especially since the Were-Rabbit movie subverted the "love triangle" and "nice guy gets the girl" tropes where the whole punchline was that Totty in fact did NOT marry Wallace after him pining for her the whole movie, and it was so refreshing to see. Especially since Wallace was not upset at all about being rejected!! We stan a king 🫶🫶🫶
The whole scene of Totty going "I have caught feelings for you" was, in my hcs, Totty being comphet :''') 💔💔💔She has grown fond of Wallace because he is the first man in a long time who does not treat her like a pretty prize like Victor. And poor Totty, being the affection starved girlie that she is, who also has grown in a heteronormative British noble society, thinks that it means automatically romantic feelings. PLUS she is very touchy and affectionate when it comes to interacting with people she likes, so it's easy for people to mistake it for romantic interest
Either way she and Wallace are very good friends with autism 2 autism solidarity, and THIS SCENE LEGIT MAKES ME SO HAPPY, Totty showing her appreciation by copying Wallace's stim <3
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n1ghteeea · 4 months ago
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None of you guys get them like I do (they are t4t sapphics in a committed but not legally stated polyamorous on one side relationship)
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accirax · 2 years ago
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Did you know? The letters in LGBT actually stand for Leden G Bwhit Tnico
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saturnniidae · 9 months ago
Big four queer headcanons bc it's pride month
Hiccup – transman, he/him, bisexual & aspec
Jack – demiromantic & gay, he/him
Merida – aroace & lesbian, she/her, firmly identifies as a woman but enjoys the concept of being gnc & wouldn't object to they/them (rip merdia you would've loved being allowed to wear pants 💔)
Rapunzel – pansexual & poly, she/her but she doesn't mind other pronouns and is casually exploring gender identity, but isn't ready to label it yet
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sammys-magical-au · 7 months ago
Ben, to Leia: I don’t understand what’s up with you and Luke and BOYS. I don’t get it, what’s so great about them? What’re you acting crazy for? I-
Ben: *sees Lando, a boy who is also a girl*
Ben: … shit.
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sarehime · 1 year ago
me when someone said Hellspawn isn’t so great ship or they are besties…
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sofiaruelle · 1 year ago
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My cute lil children~💕
from this
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sapphicmcmean · 8 months ago
u guys dont get my sapphic polycule of drew katie and travis the way i do
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So I have realized of my best friends (?) is like,, kinda mean and I feel so uncomfortable
shes saying things like 'eww the pimples in his hairline are sooo gross he probably doesn't even wash his face' and I've learned that if people are making fun of someone but I don't want to say it's mean, I just say something about myself so I said 'oh yeah I have lots of pimples in my hairline cause my hair is really oily' and she said well yeah but that's different
and then today our class smelled like fish (it's also a cooking class) and she started saying it was one of the girls and I felt really bad and then another girl said it's proably you (to my friend) and she got upset but I mean she was doing it to someone else so
asdfkjshda teenagers are really fucking mean
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lemonxlimee · 3 months ago
I HAAAATE when people say they hate ships because "that's a gay man and a lesbian" MAYBE TO YOU. THEY'RE BISEXUAL TO ME. ALSO THEY'RE NOT EVEN CANONICALLY GAY/LESBIAN LET PEOPLE THINK WHAT THEY WANT. God
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milesmoerales · 11 months ago
the thing about shokugeki is that the show is literally so queer coded. it's v obvious each character is part of lgbtq but what a shame the fandom has bunchs of entitled home of phobic straights who are so oblivious/denial
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xenosandneos · 2 years ago
Happy pride to everyone
You're all valid and loved
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hoperays-song · 2 years ago
Sing Alignment Chart Again: The Troupe Friend Group
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unladielike · 7 months ago
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I think the whole reason Vivian often feels like a sham of a sapphic is because she's on the aromantic spectrum, meaning due to the fact she has never fallen in love with another woman besides Alex, her attraction towards women is more frequently sexual, making it seem shallow and invalid. It also doesn't help that lesbians often frame love between two women as a 'pure, wholesome thing', to the point where she gets the sense they think her sexual attraction towards women is dirty somehow... which in turn makes her feel very isolated from the sapphic community as a whole.
Honestly, she doesn't even like all women either, because compared to 2D ones at least, real women tend to be harder to get along with and would usually conclude she's a loser based on her hobbies and fictional tastes, to the point where it's rare to come across one that matches her at her freak, let alone one that supports her wholeheartedly. To that end, Vivian cannot really bring herself to relate whenever a fellow sapphic proclaims, 'God, I love women!', because at the end of the day, she's used to only being fond of Judith until Alex came along; in fact, the one other girl I can think of that Vivian was canonically able to form a close friendship with is Anita, and even then, it should be noted that the women she gravitates to are those who are either unconventionally attractive or share some similarity to her *coughs* Rina *coughs*, meaning it's no coincidence most of her interactions have been with men thus far.
Also, Vivian is a tad... touchy, making it incredibly harder for her to maintain relationships with woman as opposed to men (hence why I would usually throw my male canon muses at female OCs/muses instead). Why, despite not always agreeing with Hayate's viewpoints, I'm sure Vivian is able to partially understand his annoyance towards other women due to the fact she has unfortunately seen them at their most vile; in fact, her mother and older sister happen to be women who have both let her down and frustrated her, so she unfortunately has this 'not like other girls/queers' mindset, which is further exacerbated by the fact women continue to treat her as if she weren't one of them.
Heck, knowing Vivian, I could even see her straight up decking one in the face for spewing transphobic remarks about Alex... and Alex having to stop her before she ends up pressing further charges against her. Regardless, my point still stands that while I wouldn't be opposed to shipping her with more women, Vivian herself is complicated and someone who is easy to set off; therefore, she's selective, regarding which woman she wants to date, much less befriend.
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
I was abt to be like hey guys here's the clangen sprites for the main characters of spiraling upwards ^-^ but luckily I caught myself before I accidentally dropped some Massive spoilers by doing so lol. Anyways take Whimsygoose, Pumpkin, and Daisystar instead because they're so cutsies <3
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#rat rambles#spiraling upwards#warriors posting#idc if pumpkin has nothing going on except having a wife I Will make her relevant to the plot somehow mark my word#ok ok tbf whimsygoose and pumpkin will likely have similar levels of relevance since theyre both murtlepaw's clanmates#and both get a lil boost since I like them lol#well whimsygoose is the deputy's mate so it's not like he has no reason to come up#daisystar is very much relevant tho even if his screentime is probably going to be a lil limited#mostly because of ~plot reasons~#aka he gets real fucking paranoid over the course of the plot#oh also fun fact whimsygoose is deaf! guy who's always been loud looses ability to tell hes loud thousands found dead#and pumpkin is a lesbian and also my best friend and thats all that truly matters <3#oh unrelated but one of whimsygoose and thistlepeaks's kids ended up named fireice so thats fun#he is another guy who doesnt matter to the plot but I like him anyways he's silly#oh also daisystar is also gay he has a husband 👍#alas not all of the leaders are gay firestar (previously firenip) is alas probably straight#I wanna believe she could be bi or pan but thatd just make me feel more bad for blazebelly girlie was so in love with her#conestar is a lesbian tho and honeystar is. a weird one.#like she technically has a mate kind of but its more of a. coping mechanism for them both than anything?#long story short the clans first medic died a couple moons ago and his medic husband silentfleck and honeystar took it poorly#he was both of their closest friend and neither knew what to do with themselves afterwards#their current relationship is a mix of a rebound and a qpr sort of#theyre depression buddies who constantly worry eachother but know that if they vocalized this the other would mention their worries#andneither of them want to be confronted with their downward spiral directly so they just normalize it for themselves and eachother instead#so this is my long way of saying I have no idea what honeystar's sexuality is Ive thought abt it and I don't know what I wanna do with that#like Im leaning towards aro cause of my aro bias but I almost kinda wanna make her demiro or even pan#it doesn't rly matter to the main story tho so I've been not thinking abt it too hard for now#oh also speaking of aro characters I should mention murtlepaw's name is mispelled on purpose#as a kit murtle met a cat with a nickname and was like I want one of those and then made one up#so they just took turtle and replaced the t to combine it and their deadname
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