#he's just one greedy mf
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Deals and Revelry, Quin's Backstory
The lovely @fyrenwater requested some more pieces for Deals and Revelry and I started with Quin's backstory. Hopefully it's a fun read! With Quin there is of course a warning ahead for implied murder.
The temple was old and not in the broken, long abandoned kind of way, overgrown and damp and too dangerous to enter. Quin had seen plenty of old places, had walked through plenty of runes. He lived for the danger, made a living out of going where no one else wanted to thread.
The upper temple had looked like one would expect, half swallowed by the swamp, covered with plants and little pieces of walls and fallen pillars stuck out of the knee-deep water and morass.
He had even found the remains of a statue's face, nearly whittled to be unrecognizable by time and the environment.
The place clearly had been looted to hell and back, but something had felt different. Something had compelled him to stay. So he had looked around, using every single ounce of his talent and bullheaded tenacity until he had found it three days later. A hidden entrance.
The temple that laid below the broken skeleton husk above ground was not destroyed or crumbling. It was perfectly preserved, even if water had clearly found its way in. Nothing had grown, however. There was no slick algae, no signs at all that nature and the elements had wriggled through the cracks.
A few roots dangled from the ceiling, but they were all dead, crumbling when he reached up to touch them.
The temple was old, old in a way that told Quin it had withstood the tooth of time without a single scar for centuries. Something was still alive in these halls, even as everything that touched it died.
For just a brief moment he felt like he inhaled something otherworldly, a strange kind of power permeating the air. Whatever was down here wasn't even hiding that it existed, even if its presence had barely made it above ground.
This was what he had felt, what had made him trudge through mud and water and get bitten relentlessly by mosquitos for days.
His steps echoed as he walked, a heavy presence to the silence around him. The sort of presence that only came with something ancient that refused to disappear. That refused to die even after it had been forgotten.
Quin wasn't a fool, however. He took his time, carefully examining his surroundings, disarming traps and escaping the few he didn't notice in time by the skin of his teeth.
The first time his blood spilled he felt the entire temple around him sigh and tremble. As if a great beast had tried to move in its cage.
And this temple was a cage, he realized as he walked and considered the ancient writing on the walls, his rations dwindling by the day. But he couldn't leave, it was almost feverish how he kept looking and searching, being drawn ever deeper into the temple.
Or rather, the tomb. This was meant to be a final resting place for something too powerful and ancient to comprehend.
A part of him knew he was pulled along by whatever was entombed here, but he allowed it to happen. He wanted to know what was down here.
He found his answer in a comparatively small, circular room. Paintings glittered on the wall as through freshly finished, the paint still wet.
Plaques with text were left below the artworks, as well as big words pressed into the floor. A strange kind of metal had been used to form the letters of a civilization long gone.
The presence was strongest here and Quin set up his camp, studying the ancient texts. A warning was on one part of the wall, showing two giant beings battle it out. The next text was easier to guess, if only because of the depiction of one giant being slain and the people at its feet using its blood and bones to seal the other.
Just as his last crumb of food was devoured and his last sip of water swallowed, Quin figured out the ritual. He still didn't understand too much about what exactly was down here and what exactly had been done to it to put it there, but he knew how to at least...wriggle loose the bars of its prison a bit, so to speak.
He used his blood to write, each ancient letter precisely placed between the metal writing on the floor. The moment he finished, his blood glowed a dark and deep red and he heard a sigh in the very air itself.
The being's presence became cloying and overpowering and while he couldn't quite make out words or any kind of spoken language, he could make out intent. A pact. A promise of power and wealth and everything he could possibly ever want, so long as he carried it out into the world.
Quin didn't hesitate so much as he turned the offer over in his head. He knew the stories of deals made with devils, with sealed away entities and rumored demi-gods and of course with very human monsters. He knew they were always a bad idea.
One could not trick or out-deal creatures that lived and thrived on such things.
But this deal was the very thing he had been searching for when he had first started dungeon delving. Power. Purpose. To be more than he was now, to no longer walk with blunt teeth and hidden daggers.
He wanted to be sharp and dangerous and deadly and powerful.
So he reached out with all that he desired and the being accepted. His world turned dark and black as, in his mind, a maw massive enough to swallow the sky opened wide.
The thing was in his head now, kind of. Quin was not fond of this part, but he managed to figure out how to shield his thoughts as he traversed the ruin, collecting the treasure the thing was guiding him to. Wealth was a part of power after all and power was what he had wanted, first and foremost.
It was...exhilarating. He was no longer human, he knew that in the very marrow of his bones. He bled red still, he learned and his emotions and thoughts were the same as before. He hadn't lost his humanity, however much of it he had possessed in the first place.
But he was stronger, faster and sharper now. As dangerous as he had always wanted to be and he reveled in it.
His bags filled with gold and jewels he emerged from the tomb-temple and the world was just slightly sharper around him, his senses stronger. He knew he could actually track something down by scent alone if necessary and it made him grin.
He set out with a confident stride, tall and fierce in ways he hadn't been able to even emulate as a human. He was different now and as he traveled, he slowly got used to all the changes.
Of course, every pact came with its downsides. People who had spoken freely with him before or had been willing to share information or even secrets over a couple of drinks shied away from him now.
Quin found that no one dared to meet his gaze and he checked his small pocket mirror multiple times, but his eyes were still the same. Dark and soulful, as his mother had once said. Gods rest her soul, she had always encouraged him to do what he wanted. To take what he wanted.
Quin traveled on swiftly, outstaying his welcome at every new place within mere moments. The thing in his head wanted something, but communication was still iffy and frustrated the both of them.
Then Quin stumbled across a whip-thin young woman, left bleeding at the side of the road. She was dying, that was easy to see, but her eyes told a different story. She did not shy from him the way everyone else did, a defiance to her as though she believed him to be the reaper and she was going to cling to this life with all she had.
Quin wasn't her end. If anything, he was her knew beginning, as he produced a contract for her through his...what was the thing, a patron? It was no benign entity, that was for damn sure. It roiled with malice and bloodlust whenever he focused on it.
The woman took the contract and found herself healed and changed, much like Quin had. They traveled onward together and Quin realized that people avoided her as much as they avoided him.
"What are we?" the woman asked as they camped outside a village that had refused to house them.
Quin shrugged. "Better," was all he said with a smile he knew was too sharp, dangerous in a way human smiles weren't. "Eat up, we're having a long road ahead tomorrow."
Treasure weighed heavy and it soon brought the unsavory attention of bandits and robbers. Quin had never shied from bloodshed, from protecting what was his and this was no different.
The fight was almost too easy with all that he was capable of now. He and the woman stood over the dead once it was done and dealt with. He inhaled the smell of blood, sweet and coppery, iron and salt and smiled to himself.
"You are right," the woman said quietly as she helped him loot the bodies. "We are better now."
They continued on together, picking up a couple more people along the way. A man tossed out on his ear by his family for loving another man, twins who were rumored to be born with black magic, a couple that had fled from their wrathful noble families. A betrayed merchant left in rags.
They all accepted the contract Quin offered them and soon he called them his hunters. They were vicious when necessary, absolutely deadly and no longer quite human. They weren't as strong as he, the contract he could offer a diluted version of the pact he carried in his soul and mind.
They approached a city a couple of weeks later and the thing in the back of his head stirred, hungry and greedy, feeling all those souls within calling out. It pressed images into his mind, of deals and contracts, of all the ways he could feed it. Make it stronger. Help it break its cage in given time.
Quin did not like that he didn't have much of a choice in this matter. The thing would take back the pact if he didn't listen and that would kill him and his hunters. And curse him, but he had grown fond of this lot of lost souls that followed him like he was their shepherd.
Maybe he was, in a way.
His treasure got him what his charm no longer could: people willing to listen. He found an empty, unexpectedly large tavern and settled in. It was nice to have a home, he had to admit, after traveling for so long.
He soon had to concede the business side to employees who had no deals with him. For if he or his hunters were behind the bar or walking around with serving trays, the few that had shown up left swiftly.
It took time and effort to build a bit of a reputation, but slowly he carved out a place for himself in this large city. Mostly he was known for his deals and his tavern for offering nice ale and food to acceptable prices.
As he sat in his usual booth, waiting for people to approach him for a piece of his patron's powers, he realized that this wasn't quite the life he had wanted for himself.
Sure, he had gotten quite a lot out of the pact, but mostly he had wanted to be free. To do whatever he wanted. To have all the different versions of power to be untouchable and uncontrollable. To be really, truly free.
He watched a man gather the courage to approach him, his arms gripping a clearly sick babe. He'd get the mildest contract Quin could create.
Quin would help the guy for free if his patron allowed such things, which it of course didn't. For all of Quin's occasional depravity and ease at murdering, he did not like to take advantage of the truly helpless.
Of the people his parents had once been.
'Well,' he thought to himself as he smiled as mildly as he could when the father walked towards him at last. 'If this is my lot in life, I better make it a damn fucking good one.'
So he remodeled the tavern, hired performers and grabbed his carefully hoarded treasure. He spent and invested the gold, bartered and made deals that had nothing to do with the coiling darkness connected to his mind and soul.
He set himself free in almost all aspects. The pact had given him many things while shackling him down and even if the shackle was something he had to live with until his dying day, there were still other chains to break.
Chains made by society and stupid rules even he had stuck in his head despite his best efforts.
So Quin set himself free as much as he could and built his reputation anew. He built the Revelry and it grew beyond the bounds of his tavern with every year, gold flowing back to him first in a small trickle and then in a big river and he took it and invested it into his business, his street. His life.
Within a couple of years he was as powerful and untouchable as he had always dreamed of being. He had the sort of reputation that made people avoid his gaze for more reasons than one.
Some days he could delude himself into thinking that it was his bloody and dangerous reputation alone that made folks inch away from him, rather than what his patron had turned him into.
Sometimes it was a lonely life, sure, but he had a...yes, a family now. His hunters meant the world to him and he cared for his employees, making sure they had everything they needed to be happy.
In return, they were fiercely loyal, bringing him rumors and secrets and warning him of backhanded deals and impending betrayals by business partners. He grew untouchable in more ways than one thanks to them.
He kept his patron fed and content, made sure it had everything it could possibly want. He was careful, however, never quite feeding it as much as it really wanted.
He didn't want it to get out of its tomb and while he knew some day it would happen, he'd drag it out as long as he possibly could.
Quin made the Revelry and dedicated himself to it, gave it his heart and blood and most of the time it was enough. Most of the time he felt like his life was nearly perfect.
As long as his patron was quiet, he pretended as though every part of him, his everything, could be dedicated to what he had built. That all his choices were his own and could not be controlled by another.
This was a good life, he reminded himself, trying to ignore the greed for more within him. The greed to reach that extra little inch to true freedom, the shackle on his foot keeping him firmly grounded.
He had a rich, free, powerful life. The sort of life written about in stories and that he had dreamed about as a boy while helping his mother scrub pots and pans and his father with mending clothes.
He almost wished they were still alive to see him now. Sometimes he poured a drink in their honor and hoped they were watching from whatever afterlife they were in now.
He hoped they were proud, that he had taken all their lessons and challenged the world. That he had come out the other side as the person he wanted to be.
He hunted and made pacts, terrified foolish nobles and bartered for information to get the city guard fully under his thumb. He already had a number of people on his payroll, but he really wanted to get his claws into the captain. Then the city really would be his at long last.
He had no idea how soon his wish would be fulfilled.
It was a night like many others, filled with joy and laughter, wild partying and people cutting loose in a way that fed his very soul and spirit. Quin was in a very good mood as he made a contract with a burly man who could scarcely stand to even glance in his direction.
"My right hand will take care of things," he said, gesturing lazily and his first hunter melted out of the shadows.
His oldest friend, sometimes pain in his ass and a stalwart, loyal companion. Quin knew, deep down, that he would have withered away emotionally without his hunters at his side.
The deal made and on its way to being fulfilled, he got up just as someone tripped, stumbling towards him. He caught that person just in time, casting a brief glare at the drunk woman that had decided shoving his guests was a good idea.
The woman hurriedly looked away and Quin plastered on his best smile, straightening up the one in his arms. "Now there, usually I have to put in some work to make people swoon like this."
And the first thing he noticed was that the stranger met his eyes, unafraid and unflinching, before listing a bit to the side. Ah, a drunkard.
Or not, he realized when, for the first time, someone refused to be parted from him. Cold fingers clung to his silk doublet and the feeling that something was wrong tingled in the back of his mind.
So he reached out, hooking his finger under an equally cold chin, not yet knowing that he was looking at the one who would change his life forever in all the best ways.
The one to set him free, truly free, at long last.
Tag List:
@those-damn-snippets @the-cash-cache @queenofbooknerds @14-lizards-in-a-trenchcoat @fern-writes-whump @bexterbaileyw @setsailforthestars @piperjistic @addrai @catloverlawyer @permanentlydepressedpigeon @tama-on-vetta @marateleam @transparentdiplomatlandgoth @cheesecakev2 @myst3rious-figur3 @warriorofbooks @aprilraine
#my writing#short story#quin was so chatty#I hope this is an enjoyable read#implied murder#i have no idea why the tagging didn't work for everyone#going to look into it#anyway#hope you enjoy this little thing I cobbled together for quin#and his very much not really tragic backstory#he's just one greedy mf#it's a bit weird to me that there is so little dialogue#but it just worked better this way somehow#anywho#there might be a Drabble for Deals and Revelry later#for quin and his love#he's really just a very fun character to write for#hope I didn't overlook too many spelling mistakes
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YEAHHH U WRITE FOR CHUBBY READERS ? may you write something about pete with a chubby s/o ? sfw or nsfw is fineee
mmph this is so late i’m so sorry babycakes :(
18+, afab reader, pete is a short mf with tiny hands, blood/marking, technically autoerotic asphyxiation hehe
y’all i used fuck like a million times i’m SORRY. like=fuck for me idk idk idk idk
everything with pete is so fucking messy and he fucking loves it.
kisses are filled with nipping and spit and moans, greedy little hands always roaming and groping and pinching and squishing, sex was full of screaming and tears and cum and blood,
but you sitting on his face might be his favorite.
thick thighs shaking and covered in ugly fucking yellow and purple bruises and bites, blood still leaking from the deep teeth marks he’d left, your cunt just centimeters away from his hooked nose and salivating mouth, your blood and slick still shining on his cracked lips.
He scoffed quietly at your hovering, landing a heavy swat to your ass and relishing in the breathy gasp you let out, “‘s called face-sitting, ma, not this shit yer doin’” he chided. his tone was so fucking smug and arrogant, hands warm as he pinched and squeezed the pockets of chub along your hips, thumbs pushing down on your hanging tummy while he tried to drag you down to actually sit in his face.
you squirmed, body vibrating with an intoxicating mix of pleasure and dull pain, your flushed face was pulled into a grimace, baby hairs stick to your sweat slicked skin, “don’t wanna fucking break you neck, baby..” another smack to your ass, god that one was gonna leave a welt. pete yanked in your hips again, internally fuming at the fact he couldn’t force your hips down with just his brute strength, “i’ll bite yer fuckin’ clit off if you don’t” another hard yank, you drop just a bit more, “sit th’fuck down,”
seconds pass and you stay still hovering, so naturally, pete’s mouth starts running, “fuckin’ tease.” he snarled, angling his head up to nip and lick at your puffy cunt lips, “gonna touch n’ rub all up on me then pussy out when ‘m right fuckin’” he nudged your clit with his nose, grinning like a fucking maniac at your soft moan, feeling your thighs give a bit more, “hmm— ‘m right here, don’t fuckin’ keep my pussy from me,”
his voice was muffled by your thighs and yet it it still felt like he was talking right in your fucking ear, “jus’ cause your lame ass ex couldn’t man up n’ eat this fat cunt don’t mean i won’t,” pinching just above the inside of your knees, pete gets you just lost enough to finally sit you down in him, moaning like a bitch at the feeling of your full weight pressing in him.
immediately, you’re gasping and yanking at that short black hair, you can feel his nose smushed against the sensitive little bundle of nerves and his tongue slotted as deep as he can get it in you, you can still hear his fucking slurping and sucking, such a nasty fucking sound. His hands are constantly moving, one almost mindlessly feeling up your side, becoming you to curl down so he can flick and pinch your pebbled nipple while the other wrapped around his weeping cock, red and almost angry.
pete felt like he was fucking floating, he couldn’t breathe at all, throat closed and nose covered by your juicy cunt, his cock was throbbing, already so fucking close just from a few strokes. he was getting lightheaded, could feel your hips rocking back and forth, down into his face, using him to get yourself off. he could hear your muffled moans, hardly audible through your tummy and fat legs suffocating him, the sounds shot right to his dick, legs squirming and hips desperately humping up into his hand.
you got lost in the feeling, mind blank except for the friction of his nose and mouth against your cunt, the almost ticklish touch of pete sucking and lazily biting your lips. you didn’t even notice him cum, painting his hand and stomach in spunk while you just grinded harder and harder down into his face. pete didn’t try to pull you off, both hands now gripping your thighs, blunt nails leaving angry red marks all in the soft skin.
the band in your belly was pulled taut, you were at the cusp of your orgasm, one hand shakily gripping the headboard while the other yanked at his hair, “o-oh! i’mm’onna c-cum— ohmygod i’m gonna cum s-so fucking ha-ard!” all it took to snap the string was pete angling that fucking nose and wrapping his lips around your pulsing clit, nipping and biting the fucking thing.
you screamed, actually screamed, as your hips stilled, shaking and panting and sweating while your cunt gushed on his face. pete slurped it all up, blood trickling down from where his nails had broken skin while you moaned and gently rocked your hips to ride it out.
after a while you tried to lift off his face, only to gasp in pain when pete’s razors of teeth nipped your cunt lip again, beady little eyes glaring up at you, “sit th’fuck back down,” hand suddenly stronger than your limp thighs pulled you back down, “‘m not fuckin’ done with m’pussy.”
#pete dinunzio#the eltingville club#[starring: pete dinunzio]#pete dinunzio x reader#eltingville club x reader#x fat reader#x chubby reader#i listened to Wesley’s Theory the ENTIRE time i wrote this btw#I NEED TO ORACTICE WRITJNG MORE NASTY#someone teach me how to write more disgusting shit PLEASE OLEASE OLEASE#lowk don’t like this ;(#[rated r]
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Little minx.
;; slut!sub!aether x reader
cw: slutty aether just for you babes! established relationship, teasing, voyeurism, rough sex, nipple play, grinding, mating press, blowjob, deepthroating, facefucking, overstimulation, cumming inside, horny aether that just needs your dick in him 24/7, kinda power!sub aether like a bit, reader has a dick
slut aether is the best!! just for you tho cause we possesive like that lol we just like a man who knows what he wants i've seen people who liked what i first posted and i am very happy! thank you so much! i will work hard! ^^ so here's a back to back post before i sleep hehe let me know if i missed anything!

slut!aether tsk tsk tsk, he's such a slut, a whore even. he knows how to work you up. he knows the right buttons to press, just right that by the time then, his body is shaking from pleasure and begging for more.
slut!aether who audibly moans when he stretches, making sure you get an eyeful of his stomach. he smirking to himself as he takes a sneaky glance at you (not really, mf is straight up side eying you to see if you're looking lmao), seeing you looking at his stomach.
slut!aether who subtly not so subtly grinds his ass onto you as he sits on your lap. slut!aether who feigns innocence when you ask what the hell is he doing, "but i'm not doing anything, [name]." all the while wiggling his ass back into you more, giggling as you groan and grab his waist, pulling him closer to your growing hard on.
slut!aether who teases from across the room as you read a book. he comes in the room and takes a seat across you. you pay him no mind, focusing back to your book. then, you hear a slight shuffle of clothes and you look up to see aether with his shirt lifted up and biting down onto it, pretty pink, perky nipples in display for you. slut!aether who directly stares at you, drinking up your attention as he seductively drags his hands from his waist, stomach, and landing to his nipples. slut!aether who lightly flicks his nipples, mewling onto the shirt. he continues flicking and toying with them, watching as your breathe begins to deepen, watching him intently. he then pinches his nipples harshly, making him cry out, drool sliding out the side of his mouth. he's now humping the air, hips writhing around as he continues to play with nipples. "[na-name]!♡♡ sho goood!~~ my nipples feel sho goood! fhuck!", "hahh, hnghh!~~ angghh, sho good..! 'm gonna cum..!! my nipples feelshh tooo good!!♡" it's taking you every bits of your sanity not to jump on him as he toys with his nipples faster. with on final harsh pinch, he lets out a loud moan of your name as he cums.
slut!aether pushes you back in the bathroom wall after you've take a bath, kneeling down and dragging your towel by your hips. "[nameee]... i miss your dick.. why did you bathe without me? i wanted to have you in my mouth while you bathed..." he pouts and tears the towel off of you. he happily licks his lips and eyes your cock hanging by your thigh. "greedy boy," you mutter as you watch him grab your cock and stroke it, licking the tip. he opens his mouth and sinks down your cock, taking you in one go. you hiss as you feel his warm mouth envelope you, grabbing his hair. "fuuck, aether, fuuck.." slut!aether who smiles and looks up at you as he hears your groans, sliding his mouth back and forth on your dick and setting a pace. "[nameee]...♡" the way he spoke sends vibrations down your cock. you grab the back of his head and begin fucking his face, making him choke and gag, grabbing your thigh and dragging his nails as he tries to swallow your cock down his throat,. "ghhk! [name]! aghhk, hghhk!~~♡♡" slut!aether who takes all of your cum in his mouth, opening his mouth as heavy breathes come from him, showing your cum on his tongue then audibly swallowing it. "hehe, thanks for the treat♡♡."
slut!aether who couldn't just take it anymore! why won't you fuck his hole? he's done everything but you just won't do it! he wants your dick in him! he needs it. he needs your hot, heavy cum inside him! slut!aether who drags you by the collar to your shared bedroom and pushing you down the bed. he straddles you and looks down at your confused face before undressing hurriedly. "fuck me.", "what -", "you heard me, fuck me. i need your cock in me, [name]. stop teasing me, i want it now. so you're going shove your fat dick up in me, make me cum, cum everything you have inside me, and make me beg for more." slut!aether who squeals as you keep hitting his prostate, hair in a mess, legs wrapped around you, and nails clawing down your back as your hips thrust roughly into his already sensitive hole. how many times did he cum? three? five? he doesn't know neither does he care, he just wants to keep cumming. "[name]! 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna cum, cummingcummingcumming♡♡-" he cuts himself off as his orgasm hits him, little cum spurting out his pretty dick. "fucking slut." you mutter. you grab his legs and push it back until it reaches his ears, earning a gasp from him as he feels your dick hit his insides deeper. "[n-name]?!" his hands scrambles for purchase on the sheets as you begin to thrust, making him mewl. their so deep in me, so deep.. slut!aether who screams as your thrusts become ruthless, hole swallowing your dick back in as he moans and screams out your name. "haaaaahhh~~! [name], [name], [name]♡♡! fhuck me harderrr!♡ your cock, your cock, hgnhhh♡♡~!". slut!aether who feels your face fasten, you're about to come. he moans out, telling you to cum! cum! cum! "yesyesyes, cum in me! harder~~!! i need your cum in me! fuck your cum in me, [name]♡♡!" slut!aether who's eyes roll back when he finally feels the warmth of your cum, you groaning as your let go inside him. slut!aether who giggles as you stare back down at him, kissing his forehead. "[name].. one more, please♡?"
#ems.writes#ems.nsfw#aether x reader#aether smut#sub aether#sub aether x reader#sub!aether x reader#genshin x reader#genshin smut#genshin impact smut#sub genshin#sub genshin impact#dom reader#dom!reader#sub character#sub!character
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WARNING:Religious themes, cult themes, semi existencisl crisis, Boothill leaks(backstory)
Now listen ever since Boothill leaks dropped of his backstory i hated the IPC, and then i went on to learn more about them and damn. If Sahsr were real theyd be dead by now.
Like i take my hatred seriously, i just started Topaz's quest and i was nitpicking the most humbling options and the ones that were most pessimistic towards IPC, i decided to not pull ANY IPC CHARACTER, Topaz, Aventurine, Jade, Im not pulling any of them, f the shield and f the treasure, and my love for Boothill is visible, hes the reason i redownloaded (i was still very much in the tutorial part) and kept the game this time, and while my saving could have been bigger(i got a bit greedy on standard pulls) their at 110 with no pity on both character and weapon banner, i am getting that mf
And thew self aware lenses the Astral express is debating, the IPC arent perfect, yes, but they have friends there, they DID help places, but their grace refused to have anything even remotely positive towards them, should they...cut off all ties? If it pleases their grace maybe, and they cant deny how valid your concerns are, they are bad people, they have disapointed their grace, in fact youd be happy if they got wiped wouldnt you? No, youd want them alive. To torture them, and then... For their last breath will serve as a suficient offering
The IPC meanwhile are sweating bullets, some of them are aware of how rotten they are, some genuanly believe they are good, Topaz unfortunatly falls into the second category, she and Numpy are reaching high and low for only the best treasure for your offerings, pleading, begging you to forgive their actions, and maybe you could, if she felt and never looked back, burning away what was left, Aventurine's hands better off being choped off, its vibrating from panic, hes pacing back and forth, chewing on his glowes, can he even leave if he wanted to? who would he turn to? what would he do then? He may have been blessed by Mama Fengu but you... You are anything else, he doesnt like the IPC either but he knows that if you could, youd travel back in time and give him the coldest responses, and death threats behind that beautiful, safe screen. Jade, Miss Jade, Powerful and in control Jade, knew she was the most screwed from the three, it was no secret, what she did to Aventurine, her slaves, they held their usual expressions but she knew they were smilling on the inside, awaiting your rescuse from her hands, she knows turning over a new lief wasnt an option, youd just laugh at the idea she could reddem what she did, all she can do is call Diamond and seek a solution, what else is there
Boothill, Ive never seen him happier, he cant wait for hes release, for you to come pick him up, get him a brand new gun, give him all those thingamagics to make him stronger, to better make you happy, you care so much about him, hes your favorite, he hopes youll be happy w ith his trial and still choose him, hell do his best there! Oh he can already hear and see it all when the prophecy comes true, for when that stupid, cage breaks.... The wedding bells... The little rascals.... He already has a few names planned! Isnt he so great?
#sahsrau#honkai star rail#hsr boothill#boothill x reader#boothill#the IPC#Sahsrau boothill#yandere hsr#yandere boothill
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hello pookie i’m the anon who got injured while playing football during PE!! (update on the injury: it doenst hurt as much anymore, but it’s fucking black?? around the corners?? AM I DYING 💀)
ok but anygays i saw someone else comment on the post who also wanted another part so i can now overcome the guilt of potentially asking for too much and ask for that infirmary part 2 anyways 😍😍 (nvm it’s not working. i still feel bad.)
and ofc i was thinking of the bllk boys during PE we were literally playing football and i was thinking about how funny it would be if i pulled a chigiri and broke my leg right then and there because of how bad i was at it (i’m so sorry.)
fr tho i cannot play for shit 😭 these mfs make it look so damn easy but football is too damn difficult 💀(i don’t exercise. if i have the option to stay at home every day of my life with everything in it and unlimited supply of food and other essentials, i would. i also failed my school’s fitness test and struggle to open bottle caps sometimes.) i’m just a girl 🎀
i don’t mean to be greedy or demanding but an infirmary scene would really heal my soul (and hopefully my nose. i still dk why it’s turning a bit black. 💀 maybe it’s bruising idk 💀)
p.s. i think my nose is fine but idk. it doesn’t feel pain or anything, and the wound is quite inconspicuous. like i have to squint to see it and the weird black parts (haha 400 eye degree 😍)

You never have to feel bad about asking for anything from me, I'm happy to really do whatever lol! I'm actually so excited to write this, I mean it's such a cute idea!!
Chigiri Hyoma
-> Bro fought with the nurses to stay with you, so that man is not leaving your side the whole time you are there. I mean he's sitting next to your bed, or next to you if you're in a chair, and not leaving for anything.. well unless you asked for something, but that's not the point here
✮ - He sighed and watched as they started to take some tissues making sure that the bleeding was stopping, and applying an ice pack on your nose. He laughed slightly when he saw you flinch due to the cold, but made sure to squeeze your hand slightly to show that it would be fine. Once the ice was applied they made you sit and wait for a little, just to help with the healing, and came by every couple minutes at first to make sure that everything was okay and that you weren't getting freezer burn by any chance. The nurses were all really sweet, and Chigiri was making sure you were following what they said, no matter how cold that ice pack was, your ass, was not taking it off around him. Man already has a good track record of listening to what the doctors say, he trusts them, so in due turn you're following everything that they say as well. He sighs when you finally can take off the ice pack and he can already see the bruise forming under the red from the cold.
"Next time make sure you're not in dream land, because I'm gonna be way worse then these people when taking care of your stupid ass."
Rin Itoshi -> He might have left because the nurses told him to go back, but he also might have accidently put somebody else in the infirmary because he wasn't paying attention and went a little too hard on one of the newbies, so he ended up being back after only a couple minutes. Though the second he got back he was sitting next to you and making sure that you were okay, more with his actions then his words
✮ - This man hurried back over to the infirmary, he was almost asked by a couple teachers to slow down on the way there but when they saw he also looked pissed off (It's really just his rbf) they decided to just leave him alone. Assumed he was gonna like murder then if they had said something. The second he got back he rushed over to where you were, immediately asking if you were okay. Though it might not have sounded like he cared, the way that he almost plowed through like 3 teachers on the way here made up for it. The nurses were hella confused but once they saw him sitting right next to you and slightly holding onto your hand making sure they you didn't remove the ice pack, no matter how cold it was, they kinda just aww-ed and continued their work, checking up on you making sure that you didn't accidently get freezer burn and checking for bruising and things like that. He stayed holding your hand the whole time, letting you squeeze his hand whenever they tried to mess with your nose, pushing it around. He sighed when they finally walked away, looking up at you.
"I hope you know that I almost sent another lukewarm player from your team to the infirmary.. never do that shit again."
Nagi Seishiro
-> He will stay with you the whole time, mostly because he was too lazy to go back to class, and the fact that he was really only trying to impress you and since you're not there anymore it didn't matter to him. Though he will make sure to ask every couple minutes if you're okay, even if he looks like he's falling asleep against your shoulder
✮ - Was actually half falling asleep against your shoulder before you had to move him slightly when the nurse gave you an ice pack, which woke him up and that’s when he realized what was actually happening, to which he did end up staying awake to make sure that you were okay. Checking on you every couple minutes with a quick “You good?” or “You’re not dying. Right?”. He’s trying his best, but normally Reo takes care of him, he’s never been on the other side of this. The nurses will always slightly laugh at him, because he looks kinda worried but actually has no idea on what to do to help you. Is the only one who will actually take the ice pack off of you, not because he was trying to prevent healing, but you said your nose was cold and bro just fixed the problem, well that was until you laughed at him and he was hella confused. (please explain to this man about the great thing to athletes and injuries that is an Ice pack). Though he was super sweet other than that and did try to learn a bit and pay attention when the nurse finally let you leave with just some instructions on how to take care of it.
“Next time, just pay attention.. So we don’t have to go through all of this again. How I wished first aid kids that just auto healed worked in real life..”
Bachira Meguru
-> Stayed with you, but he laughed. The whole time. Man has almost been in tears twice sitting next to you, thinking about the way the ball came right in the center of your face and now it's all bruised. The nurses at this point also wanna give him a bruised nose so he can finally shut up
✮ - He was trying to contain his laugh the whole time he walked you there, plus in the office when the nurses were trying to help you, by getting tissues, an ice pack, and possibly some sort of pain medication. You probably have already given this man so many dirty looks and glares, but he just doesn’t seem to care whatsoever. Now, not to get this confused. He is concerned for your safety, but the fact that you got smack dabbed hit in the center of your face with a football is just so freaking funny to him and he’s just watching it over and over in his head. Had it been a whole different injury, one that didn’t look so funny, he would probably be more serious about it, but come on, it was pretty funny. Though, he’s probably also gotten hit a couple times with a ball so he does at least know the basics of making sure that you’re okay. So another one that makes sure that you keep that ice pack on the whole goddamn time, unless obviously, freezer burn. (I’ve had it, it sucks.) Though again, everytime he sees your nose, all red and starting to get bruised he will indeed laugh. But at the end of the day he’ll also be pretty helpful in making sure that it gets better, since his past experiences, if you can deal with the constant teasing.
“Oh come onnnn, It’s pretty funny! I mean how far out were you to get hit in the middle of the god damn face- Oh wait, here I have some bandaids so you can compress it”
Isagi Yoichi
-> Always making sure that you're okay. You move? He's asking. You made a funny face of pain? He's asking. You even looked at him? he's asking. He's really just worried and wants to make sure that you're okay and that it won't be all that bad or anything
✮ - This man has not left your side the whole time you’ve been sitting there. He’s constantly asking and making sure you’re okay and don’t need anything. Not to mention, he’s also been holding your hand the whole time, just in case. The only time he ever lets go is when the nurses come to make sure you’re okay. He’s just being cautious, hey, maybe you’ll need two hands to hold something or whatever. The only time he will keep his hold on you is when they come to move it around to make sure it’s not like broken or anything, then he’ll keep it there so you can squeeze it to deal with the pain, hey, hurt noses are nothing to sneeze at (please somebody laugh at that). Whenever your hand gets tired (or just cold) of holding your ice pack, he’ll take over. He’s just so freaking helpful and all the nurses love him for that. Though being an athlete himself does help a lot, he’s pretty good at knowing how all this stuff works. Checking to make sure that you’re following what the nurses said and making sure that it’s not getting too bad. Though once he sees that it’s all red and stuff he will chuckle a little, as worried as he is.
“Maybe next time you keep your attention on the field and not in whatever world you were in, okay?”
Reo Mikage
-> He was still laughing a little bit, and chuckled when he was reminded of the event, but for the most part was pretty worried about you and made sure that you didn't touch it too much so you didn't accidently hurt it anymore. Like Isagi, he also made sure to ask if you were okay every couple minutes, he just really wants to make sure that it won't cause anything long term.
✮ - He was sitting in the nurse's office with you, making sure that you were okay, asking if you needed anything. Water? To take off the ice pack for a second? Another tissue? He’s got it all covered. I mean he’s been taking care of Nagi for how long, this isn’t all that different. Well besides the fact he also gets a laugh or two out of it. (he won’t actually let out a laugh until you’re leaving the nurse’s office, and when he’s sure that it’s starting to get better). He just thinks it’s a little funny, watching the scene replay in his head of you getting hit in the face with the football. He knows that he shouldn’t laugh at your demise, but you can’t blame him. Though he’ll make sure that you always have everything you need for the next couple weeks, or at least until it’s healed. After the initial injury he might be a little more easy to make laugh, and by that I mean every time he sees your slightly bruised nose he’s letting out a chuckle. Was he worried at first? Yeah. But now he just sees it as a memory of you spacing out at the worst time.
“I know that I look good on the field, but next time pay attention to the flying ball and not at your amazing boyfriend~”
Sae Itoshi
-> Staying with you. No matter what. The nurses most likely hate him at this point, he's silent and he really isn't doing anything besides being next to you. Though, what they don't know is that fact every time he sees you twist with discomfort or make a face he's reaching over to ask if you're okay or you need anything
✮ - The nurses have come over a couple times at this point, once to give you an ice pack, once just to double check that you were okay, and once to give you some pain medication and water. Though on the right side of you, Sae has just been looking over at some of the other patients, and nurses walking around the office. After everytime one of the nurses walks up to you or does anything he will turn his attention back over to you and ask you a quick “you okay.” slightly looking at either your face or body language. If he ever can see that you’re lying to him, good luck to you. He’s an athlete, man has most likely gotten hurt in his career, and he knows lying and saying you’re fine isn’t doing anything, it’s actually most likely making it worse. So in turn he will glare at you until you finally say that you’re not okay. He just wants you to be honest, especially if it hurts and it’s something that can be fixed. Though also with his background he knows how to take care of things like that, and might possibly be the best one to have in this scenario, well if you can deal with him constantly not (facial) showing that he cares.
“You’re stupid, I hope you know that. And now you’re being even more stupid, don’t touch it.”
#blue lock x reader#blue lock#bllk#bllk x reader#chigiri hyoma x reader#chigiri hyoma#rin itoshi x reader#rin itoshi#nagi seishiro x reader#nagi seishiro#meguru bachira x reader#bachira meguru#isagi yoichi x reader#isagi yoichi#reo mikage x reader#reo mikage#sae itoshi x reader#sae itoshi#xokohaneazusawa’s writings!
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relating to your dad!jj headcanons: he wants so many damn kids that his partner can barely keep up.
any chance he gets, jj’s just pumping them full of cum, anytime anywhere bc he wants to keep seeing them carry his babies one after the other 🥵
like you said, anytime, anywhere, all jj wants to do is fill you up and knock you up. his philosophy is that trying for kids stresses a lot of parents-to-be out beyond comprehension, and he just wants to make things fun. i mean, what better excuse to fuck like bunnies — and raw, at that?
you're always excusing yourselves from the group to run off somewhere and go at it.
"j, we can't do this here. what if someone comes looking for us?" you giggle as he faces you toward the back of the wreck. your hands brace on the wall in front of you, and you feel jj tug down your shorts and pull your panties to the side with ease. "shhh," he coaxes, running the tip of his cock through your wet folds, "just let me fill you up, pretty girl. wanna get you nice and round with my baby."
even if you're late for work, a party, etc., he does not care one bit. he has one goal, and one goal only.
"baby, i'm already late. i really have to get up now," you scold, though there’s little fire behind your words. he’s been filling you to the brim since the two of you woke up, but he can’t stop or get enough of you. “not the kind of late i want you to be, princess.” he gives you a deep thrust, pushing his cum deeper into your walls to prevent it from spewing out of you. “you got plenty of time. gimme one more.”
not to mention, the thought of you being pregnant with his kid in there sends him over the edge.
“god, this pussy’s holding so much of my cum and she’s still milking me for more,” he grunts as he pummels his cock into you. you moan louder at his words, and your walls squeeze him tighter. “beg me to give you a baby. cry for it,” he instructs. he goes harder, and you’re already close to finishing. “oh, god. please, j. want you to give me your baby,” you plead. you whimper when you feel his cock reach the depths of your walls, and you reach your high. “fuck, you’re so good for me. my good fucking girl. gonna give you all my cum, knock you up real good. as many times as i want.”
#₊‧°𐐪 daydreams 𐑂°‧₊#꒰ — dad!jj ꒱#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank smut#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank blurb#jj maybank brainrot#jj maybank brain rot#jj maybank x you#jj obx#jj outer banks
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Hongjoong playing rough and losing control with biting and scratching is so mf HOT ‼️‼️‼️‼️ His bunny sinking her nails into his hair and tugging his face to her pussy after he threatened to bite her, then he realises she actually WANTS it.. wants him to bite her weeping pussy 😵💫😵💫😵💫 his dick would actually genuinely hurt the way it hardened even MORE, maybe his knot would swell up so much more this time round too.
And his eyes rolling back into his head when he sinks his teeth onto the sweet mound oof...
All right, I'm definitely in the mood for a bit of rough and tumble today. Sorry to keep you waiting bunny 💓
Hongjoong is a lover of the hunt, perhaps a little too much for your tastes. But what could make a bunny sweeter than sugar then a good primal game? Absolutely nothing, especially with the approach of the full moon. As a result, it has become a tradition for you to venture into the forest at night, when the moon is at its brightest and the excitement is palpable. Your whole body was usually wrapped in Seonghwa's luxurious furs, which made moving around uncomfortable and slow. However, being in this wolf clan's house, you had little choice but to comply with your mommy's wishes. It was natural for wolves to have a desire for wild hunting and a sense of chase. God, they go mad thinking about cornering you and sinking their teeth into your delicious, fertile body. You were an irresistible temptation; they simply couldn't resist you. It was your third full moon, and once again, you found yourself exactly where you were meant to be at this time of the month. In reality, you are in no danger at all; it's just a game you're playing with them. The game starts when you're instructed to run and hide deep in the forest. You're given thirty minutes to find a spot, and then one of the wolves must find you, their sweet little prey, and ravage you. He will consume your body as his reward, knot you up, and fuck you madly. Today was Hongjoong's turn to be your hunter through the forest, and he was determined to catch you. With the full moon bringing out his darkest carnal instincts, he relished the challenge of pursuing you. You cried out, whimpered, and squealed in his arms as he caught you, but he was relentless. You cried out, whimpered, and squealed in his arms as he caught you, but he was relentless. Your little cotton tail twitched with pleasure as you both succumbed to your primal desires. Today, he was bursting with excitement because of the tantalisingly fertile scent that you emitted, as if you were begging to be bred and filled. Hongjoong ran through the trees, following the trace of your fragrance—a mixture of peaches and cream, along with the heavy, intoxicating aroma of bitter almond and black cherry—Seonghwa. It didn't take him long to find you. Soon, his hot, hoarse breath will be tickling your neck, and your whole body will be frozen in an instant with fear and lust. As always, it has an effect on you! You obediently throw your head to the side and allow Hongjoong's long tongue to lick the bite marks on your own body. The skin there is still raw and inflamed, despite the fact that several months have passed since then. But Hongjoong sucks and bites at the area like a man possessed as soon as you fall into his hands. "I found you, my little bunny." The sound of his sombre laughter is a shudder through your body. "D-daddy…" "You played amazingly well for daddy, my little angel." Alpha purred, his fingers greedily tracing along your sides. He then firmly grasped your flesh, eliciting a gasp of both fear and pleasure from you. You couldn't help but notice viscous moisture beginning to collect between the folds of your pussy.
Hongjoong takes his time to fucking you, prolonging his anticipation, becoming more aggressive and greedy, all to make you the perfect meal for his feast.
First he has to taste you.
The air around you is cold, but your body is burning under his touch, under the luxurious fur soaked with intoxicating with sweet alpha pheromones. Your head begins to spin with the knowledge of what is about to happen as Hongjoong pushes you against the tree. Seonghwa and Yeosang went different ways before they fucked you to within an inch of your life. But you know exactly where Hongjoong will start. First he will bite and scratch you until you bleed and bruise, then he will greedily devour your pussy, slobbering and licking every available spot, and only then he will tie you up with his knot and keep you on his dick all night until dawn. Until Seonghwa takes you to the mandatory morning bath, and even then you can't be sure that Hongjoong will let you go.
"Oh my God, Alpha!" You let out a loud squeal as Hongjoong slides down your body, leaving angry, swollen lines from his sharp claws in his wake. His fingers immediately dig into your hips to hold you in place as he kneels in front of you, aggressively opening the sides of your gorgeous fur coat. He will probably hurt your thighs with the force he exerts, though there is no need; one look from those wolfish, hungry eyes was enough to make you not want to run away from him.
He looks depraved and wild, like a true predator: swollen red lips curled into a devilish grin, feverishly glittering eyes reflecting the moon and the lust hidden deep within, his silky hair dishevelled, and you can see his whole body trembling slightly with excess energy.
"I'm so hungry for you, bunny." Hongjoong growls in a deep, dangerous voice. He is more wolf than man now, but you, you like it in a strange way. And it cannot stop the wave of lust in your body, despite the natural fear of the predator whose sharp teeth are only a millimetre away from your neck. Bunnies are horrible whores.
You squirm in his grip as you feel his hot, ragged breath on your clit.
"I beg you, Alpha. I'm so ready for you…"
The Alpha rests his face between your legs, inhaling noisily your smel, his snow-white tail whipping behind his back like a whip.
As soon as his mouth touches your cunt, honey slime begins to flow from your hole, and Hongjun moans. His tongue pushes the soft, wet folds of your pussy with brutal, animal insistence; he licks you shamelessly, noisily sucking all your juices as if he can't get enough of them, and you wriggle in his clawed hands. The sharp tips of his fangs lightly scratch your sensitive labia. And God, it does something to you. How can you explain it? You felt needy and hungry for something unexplored—a sensation unlike anything you've ever felt before, much stronger than you could have imagined.
"Don't fucking move, pet." Honjun growled, and the vibration of his voice sent a new wave of slime rushing out of you. "Or do you want me to bite this lecherous little cunt?" His teeth lightly bit down on your tender mound.
You squeal into his arms, your fur slipping off your shoulders and your nipples instantly hardening as the cold night air licks at your naked breasts.
This is it; this is exactly what you want. You want him to bite you. Bite you on your slutty little pussy.
The realisation of this was a source of even greater despair for you. This would hurt. But you were in need of that pain anyway. He sucks the tender folds of your pussy hard into his devilishly beautiful mouth, and a loud moan escapes from your lips. Your hips unconsciously start to rub against Hongjoong's face.
"Please … please, daddy bite me. Bite my pussy." That's what suddenly bursts out of you. Your little hands get tangled up in the silky strands of the Alpha's hair, and you dig your nails lightly into the skin of his head, which only makes him get more excited.
The moment that Hongjoong hears your desperate plea, his mouth opens wide to reveal sharp fangs, which a second later are closing in on your tender flesh.
The cry of your pleasure is so loud and so deafening that you could swear that all the wolves in the house would be able to hear it very clearly. Your eyes are wide open, and hot tears are streaming down your face, like the tears of the moon itself that shine in this night. Honjun growls, his claws digging deeper and deeper into your thighs, and warm liquid begins to seep out from beneath them. He has made you bleed. The Alpha lifts his eyes to you, and for you, it's impossible to look away from his eyes as Honjun stares at you through his long lashes. His eyes, shimmering with scarlet—not a mesmerising ruby like Songhwa's eyes, but dark and bloody—seemed to penetrate your very soul. They made you flinch and squeal involuntarily.
He pulled his mouth away from your сunt, only to lick greedily at the blood that ran down your thighs, his face smeared with your juices and the scarlet liquid that looked almost black in the moonlight.
"I've always known that behind that sweet, angelic facade, there was a real bitch in there. What are we going to do with you now, Fluffy?" Alpha bites you lightly on the thigh, and you throw your head back in a strange, painful pleasure, your eyes rolling back into the back of your head. It's all so horrible, so vicious. But you… you love it. Where is the sweet little bunny that you used to be just a few short months ago?
"I think daddy just has to punish you well. Don't you? Because I don't like bad girls, bunny, and you've behaved so badly."
#ateez smut#kpop smut#atz smut#ateez hard hours#ateez unholy hours#smut#seonghwa x reader#seonghwa smut#park seonghwa smut#ateez au#hongjoong x reader#hongjoong smut#kim hongjoong smut
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Its the cycle of History. Civilizations rise up. He watches them thrive. They eventually fall. Witnessing an expected event over and over with no Change can be desensitizating. After all, there's no reason in madness! (Timekeeper being in a similar boat of boredom only satiated by causing problems on purpose in roundabout ways for lols)
One might say that all he does with Destruction gives him a sense of control. Finally he can play HIS way. Speeding up things so he doesn't end up getting attached. Even better if he can be destroyed in turn some day. The combo of adrenaline and spices make for quite the addiction :3 If it turns out he sent spiced out cookies to Mystic then not even his supposed friend is safe from bull
It's rather interesting with what we've seen in Mystic Flour as the first Beast release. Girlie cared too much til she had no more f to give. BS destroys everything before he could prolly care. Can't wait to see Smilk spiraling into silly[tm] from knowing too much! Time to crave tragedy!!
I know, brother. Trust me. I've made a post addressing this before, and... Well. What I work on and study irl has an awful lot to do with history as a subject lol. I really need you wll to believe me when I say I understand the cycle of history. I know it so well, it hurts. It's part of why I'm such a cynic irl. I know exactly how awful history and people are. I really, truly do.
And you have a point, yeah. It could be a play for control. For things to be the way Burning Spice wants them to be, if only once. Sort of like what I suggested in that post: just cut out the middleman and end it all yourself. Be the "solution" to the "problem", before the problem even actually happens. It's a valid theory. Certainly an interesting one.
It's still bullshit at the end, though. Same with Mystic Flour's reasons for turning bad. Same as all the others' reasons probably will be.
Idk I think I'm just... tired at this point. History is a subject that is very near and dear to my heart for many reasons, and has been my whole life. In studying history, you learn a lot about people and life and the human condition. And part of that is hearing every single excuse for doing evil deeds possible. And in hearing Mystic Flour's backstory, and even Burning Spice's (how little we actually see), all I heard were all those same excuses all over again. And I got sick of hearing them a long time ago.
I'm not sure I necessarily see what Mystic Flour did as "caring too much until she had nothing left to give". I see it, I see what you're saying and it's valid, I just... it reads more as outright naivety to me. Girlie acts like she's never heard of greedy people before. "There were people who wished for selfish things and wanted my powers for themselves" uh yeah lol. That happens. There are people like that out there. You should know better than to think otherwise. You should also know better than to just go ahead and grant every single person's wishes. It inevitably leads to greed and entitlement. But regardless, that's no fucking reason to want to wipe out all of man/cookiekind. That's fucking stupid. Some shitty people took advantage of me, therefore every single person on earth should lose their individuality and die. Fuck you, you miserable bitch (I know it's more complicated than that, I'm just distilling it because MF legitimately does irritate me as a character lol)
"I'm bored" oh man. Oh jeez. That's the worst thing that could ever happen to someone, now isn't it. You're so bored, it seems, that you can't even be bothered to explain why or how. Are you tired of building something up and caring about it, only for it to be destroyed, over and over again? Did you lose someone important to you while enforcing that cycle? Are you overwhelmed by the burden of the responsibility you were given without choice, and thus slowly driven to madness? All of the above? None? It doesn't matter because those are stupid, too. And they're rendered stupid because you use them as an excuse to hurt people that have nothing to do with anything. "I destroy things to regain a semblance of control over my life and to prevent attachment" cool motive, still murder. If you (and MF, too) are that bothered by the way things are then just fucking kill yourself. Why not? End your oh so terrible suffering instead of inflicting it on everyone else. But they won't, and neither did the other Beasts, because they are all fundamentally dumb, selfish, hypocritical cowards.
Or, how about this: ABDICATE. You don't want the power and responsibility? Give it to somebody else. You don't want to help uphold balance? Fine, that's fair. LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT, THEN. Have the humility and integrity to admit you're not cut out for the job instead of doing this heinous shit. The Ancients worked for the power and accepted the responsibility that came with it. That's why they're better than you and always will be. They're not bummed out by immortality or the cycle of history or whatever else you want to cry about. They live their lives and do right by others and get the job done. It's obvious you can't, so just man up and step down. Or don't. Hoard the power and neglect the responsibility and be a blight on society instead of coming to terms with your own shortcomings. Because that's easier, isn't it? Being evil is the easy way out. That's why so many people are. Because they're too weak to try anything else.
That's all the Beasts were and continue to me, to me. Weak. They are right to be unhappy with whatever unfortunate circumstances befell them. They are right to resent their creators and the burden they bestowed upon them. But they are wrong to punish everyone else for it. It's selfishness. Weak moral and spiritual fiber. Congratulations, Mystic Flour, you've proven that your apathy is fake by trying so hard to get the Soul Jam back and wanting to steamroll everyone else's rights, thoughts and feelings with your own. Congratulations, Burning Spice, you're still perpetuating the cycle of history by being the exact same bloodthirsty tyrant as every single one before and after you. I've seen these clowns before, history is full of them. And they all start grating on you after a while lol.
Idk if any of this made sense. I think I'm just irritated with the Beasts (and with villains in general, maybe, to a degree) and your ask gave me an excuse to ramble semi-coherently about it lol. I nevertheless appreciate you telling me your thoughts. You have good and interesting ones. I wish you a wonderful New Year and a big basket full of delicious bonbons
#and yeah you're probably right about Shadow Milk#spiralling into silly from knowing too much... yeah lol. Predictable but probably true. Can't wait for his bullshit excuses for being awful#cookie run kingdom#burning spice cookie#mystic flour cookie#burning spice crk#mystic flour crk#merchant asks
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his birth date is approximative. this is what the foster told me and they were monitoring him since he was a couple weeks old, so i went with it.
menu — forms — readings open.
comfort over everything. and he gon lay on whatever make him feel comfy, he don’t gaf.
grooms himself. naps for like an hour. wakes up. then he grooms again. cycle continues.
he’s very patient. it takes a lot to get him to be upset with u. he don’t hiss or anything, he’ll complain meow when annoyed.
i have a very greedy cat. he is so loud and demanding when he wants to eat ur food.
pretty shy and sensitive. he can be easy to overwhelm if u don’t know him.
he don’t like feeling smothered in any capacity and he don’t like being held too long. pushing him will cause him to hide.
he feels safe when given space (if u don’t know him) and then letting him decide if he wanna be closer. he’s a vibe reader.
very empathetic. when i was or felt sad, he’d always come in and check on me. he’d meow like “what’s wrong?” then just purr and lay with me. cats definitely aren’t always asocial.
because he’s so docile he usually won’t assert boundaries himself. i’d have to step in.
a real yapper. especially about food. makes sense b/c taurus rules the vocal chords.
makes a wide variety of sounds. chirps, chatters, trills (he sounds like a pigeon).
always purring. sometimes all i have to do is look at him and he’ll start purring.
his voice is light for the most part!
mercury is ur sense of community. Rx mercury people might be more on the shy side, and he prefers a small community.
a real cuddle bug. his love language is probably quality time or physical touch.
he is very clingy. will walk between my legs as i walk around. and i trip over him often.
he’s very sensuous in my opinion. he loves looking outside the window and loafing as he just takes the outside world in. very zen 🧘🏾
again loves to eat. food brings him great joy.
conflict avoidant, but he can be territorial and defensive about whatever he considers to be his domain. he act like he run shit
the first day he met another dog, i saw a side of him i never seen. he puffed up big and crab walked, trying to dominate the energy.
my cat was definitely like “aight now…” like… i was pretty proud of him for trying!
but in tense situations, he kinda doesn’t hold his own. i remember i got a female cat (i surrendered her b/c the shelter thought it was best). she was lowkey hoeing him. 💀
the shelter named him “Superman” because they said he was the bravest out of his litter mates, as he was born to a feral cat mother.
he is very adventurous and curious, despite his shyness. he just isn’t adventurous about people. but he loves to explore otherwise.
“carpe diem” is his expression for sure.
he’s so destructive though. and too curious sometimes. once he jumped on our closet shelf to knock down the muffins we purposefully hid from him. then he ate them
he also bit through my tarot cards
he jumped on the fridge and ate our baguette. imagine my shock when i saw the baguette with a cartoonish bite mark in it.
he appreciates a good nap. which is something i love. because one thang i know two thangs certain, he gon take a mf nap.
saturn shows how we rest / work. so his being in pisces really shows that he values the rest aspect of saturn.
he so hardheaded sometimes but that’s because (1) he has the comparable of a two year old but (2) he doesn’t believe in rules.
because well… he’s a cat.
but i love the way he doesn’t let my human values stop him from living his best life
and i love our chart energies.
his sun is conjunct my venus (in the eleventh house). like it’s giving best friends, lmao. his south node is conjunct my fifth house moon too, it’s giving we really been besties.
his south node is conjunct my bf/co guardian’s moon too. tbh we all are just super watery (lmao) so it’s a lot of emotion in our trio dynamic. i also love how his venus and mars is in my first house/in my bf’s eleventh house.
it’s wild cuz i deadass feel like this cat can read my mind sometimes. he just knows me. and i wish i could explain to him how much i love him.
i’ll love him to the end of time. he’s my best friend, confidant, and there will never be a cat like him. 🤍 the universe sent u to me. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

#cat mutha#astrology#astro community#astro notes#astro observations#random#pets#cats#cats of tumblr#kitty#kitten
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matchup for.. @ethereal-moonglow!
Based off of what you told me, i think you’d be good with. A supportive partner, one where you can act yous self without hiding anything! Someone that likes listening to you, and can recuperate that.
Lets get started!
Possible candidates-

1st Runner up: Ranpo Edogawa!
I mean cmon, i feel like you guys would be such a cute couple! It would be giving sunshine x sunshine. You guys love yapping, both are pretty responsible, and smart!
Ranpo is super playful, which would be good for you once you get comfy. And he would love how you could be nurturing, this man also loves being babied and dotted on. Smh.
Butttt, even tho his appearance could be unassuming, like how he gobbles down candy, or how he lazes around work. Ranpo is incredibly smart, scarily smart, i mean, the type that could see through ANYTHING. Especially you, he’d take extra notice to make sure you’re comfortable. Because you’re so precious to him,
Cute headcanon(s):
by the public, (especially his co workes) yall would be known as that couple 😭 everyone would find it adorable how you both talk to each other. Excited about your interests
We all know this guy’s greedy, this man does NOT share. But not to you. You're sad? He’ll slide his snack pile over to you, while you both talk about it.
I feel like you guys would definitely talk about deep topics, psychology, things you’re passionate about, maybe even practicing debates.
I feel like something you guys would do is match clothes
Would think your smile is absolutely adorable 😭
This man would constantly squish and play with your face, especially your dimples

2nd Runner up: Atsushi!
Atsushi!! My poor boy needs someone to take care of him after his poor taruma 😭. Atsushi it the type of guy to always think of you, i mean, whenever he runs errands for the ada he’d constantly be thinking,: “would she like this?” Or just daydreaming of your smile.
Atsushi would also be totally shy in the beginning of your relationship, but once gets comfortable? Hes super touchy so expect ALOT of hand holding, and cuddles
atsushi would absolutely love how your face lights up when you ramble. This dude would nod and smile, admiring your face even if he has no idea what youre talking about anymore
Definition of soft love, even if he’s too shy to say something, hed slip little notes into your books or bag.
Atsushi would be so love sick, dear god. When you’re distracted, maybe having a tune in your head, atsushi would stare at you, wondering how he got so lucky 😭

Final Matchup: Dazai Osamu!
You definitely had to know id matchup up with him! I mean hes 100% your best match! Ok so, dazais super chaotic, but beneath that he's caring under all the mischief (sigh 😔) and he would absolutely love how you can go from talking to someone with grace and elegance, to yapping and flirting with him in private.
Your nurturing? Oh god dazai milks that like hell. Fake injuries? Dramatic sighs for attention? Sigh.. its daily.
would THRIVE in deep convos
Just think about it, late at night, you 2 are vulnerable, just talking abt life
He adores how you can get excited like a little kid, he thinks its the cutest thing ever
Would absolutely be the most protective mf ever, i dont even want to THINK ABOUT IT
If someone ever hurts you, or makes you uncomfortable, this man would be cracking his knuckles, muttering threats, with a disgustingly scary look 😭
There would definitely be people gossiping, wondering how dazai could pull you
okkk omg im done! Hope you like it, I honestly didn’t expect me to take it this long, anyways hope you like it!
#matchups#bsd#bsd dazai#bsd ranpo#atsushi nakajima#atsushi x reader#dazai x reader#ranpo edogawa#ranpo x reader#dazai osamu#bungou stray dogs#bsd x reader
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(Peter Maximoff x Reader)
Word count:4.3k
Warnings: Smut with a LOT of plot below. Mutual pining. Female reader. Oral (f receiving), riding. So much sap it makes your teeth rot because I'm an unapologetically corny mf.
The snow gently falls to the ground with a sense of elegance you find yourself encaptured with. Today has made for the perfect white Christmas as a hefty coating of fluffy snowfall stretches for as far as you can see. Your window is rather small, perfect for the modestly sized room you have in the X-mansion. The festivities around this time of year always excite you. Lights of every color illuminate your room in contrast with the dark night air from outside. Unfortunately, the weather hindered you from visiting any family, as they too were trapped in the security of their own homes. Nevertheless, your day was still rather enjoyable.
A knock at your door pulls you out of your relaxed state. It's already rather late, and the day is nearly over. Visitors at this trifling hour are typically frowned upon by Charles. Although you're a teacher, he always claims that it sets a "bad example" for the students. Luckily for your visitor, rules are only flexible guidelines in your eyes. You open the door and to your delight it's Peter.
His hands are behind his back, and he grins mischievously. Peter's balance switches as he moves back and forth on his heel, unable to contain his insurmountable joy. You already have a suspicion for what he's about to do. Perhaps the reason is because of the noticeable glittery bag he has in his hands that he is blatantly failing at hiding. You laugh at his antics, allowing him to come inside.
"Thanks, babe." Peter takes no time in allowing himself to get comfortable. After handing you your gift, he lazily flops down into your loveseat, right next to the tree. He props his feet up in a flash and stretches out comfortably.
This was nothing out of the normal for the two of you. Peter would often drop by just to keep you company. He himself bought the very couch he sits on just for that reason. Or at least you'd like to assume he bought it with his own hard-earned money. Chances are that he snatched it from a display window. Not that you felt bad for the greedy corporation he likely took it from. Peter would never steal from a small business, which truly was all you believed mattered. Peter grabs a sucker from his pocket, one of the ones you stuffed his stocking with earlier in the day. "I told ya' I got you a present, I just left it in my room."
You raise an eyebrow at him, grinning. "You're so full of it, I bet whatever is in this bag you got today." You begin to take out the red paper at the top, taking a seat on your bed. "But thank you regardless. This is sweet." There's a few filler candies, all notably your favorites that he's observed through the past couple of years you've known him. Your final gift is at the bottom, wrapped sloppily in perfect Peter fashion. There's multiple layers of paper wound around the small box, one of his trademarks he does every year to mess with you. You've counted five so far before there's a layer made entirely of ducktape. With that, you dramatically sigh and glare at him from your seat.
Peter cackles at your aggravation, offering absolutely no assistance. It doesn't help that your nails are short and give you no leverage in peeling the material away. After lots of triumph, the final layer is torn away at your desperate hands. A black jewelry box is revealed. Peter raises from his spot, standing in front of you. "I promise it's worth it."
He bites into his sucker impatiently, which makes a loud crunching noise that makes you cringe. Then, he places the stick back in his pocket. His eyes are locked on you, awaiting your reaction. The anticipation had nearly killed you already. Your thumb quickly pops off the top of the box to reveal whatever is inside.
It's a beautiful necklace, one that suits your style perfectly. It has sparkling diamond chippings shaped in the form of an infinity symbol. You gasp in awe at how thoughtful of a gift this is, especially from Peter. In the past, he'd never gotten you anything so sentimental. Granted, his gifts are always delightful, but this one in particular leaves you dumbfounded. The DVDs you'd gifted him earlier that day suddenly felt underwhelming in comparison.
"You like it?" Peter inquires. "It's because we're gonna be friends forever. Try putting it on." He gestures at the piece. For only a moment, you wonder if this is truly an act of simply friendship. A part of you hopes there's something more. But Peter remains nonchalant, acting as if this gift is casual. Shoving your feelings inside, you take the necklace out of the box and fidget with the hook.
Peter gently takes it from your hands. "Don't want ya' dropping it, aye? Am I the greatest gift finder or what?" He instructs you to turn around. You can hardly find yourself the will to deny him. His fingers tease the sensitive back of your neck as he fiddles with the chain. It sends a shiver down your spine. Your silence seems to worry your friend. Once Peter attaches the necklace together, he taps your shoulder. "You alright, bud?"
You swallow, turning around quickly to face him. "Oh! Yeah, totally. This was just so thoughtful of you, Peter. Seriously. How did you even come up with this?" You hope he doesn't notice the shakiness in your tone. Suddenly, rather riled up, you find it hard to sit still and speak to him.
He offers a grin you find assuring, his big brown eyes looking into yours. "Ah well, you know. I happened to be passing by this suuuper large jewelry place. I'm talking three stories alone were dedicated to just bracelets. And I thought, 'I know someone who wears this stuff all of the time!' So I walked in, saw it, and thought it was totally you!" Peter expressively talks with his hands, insisting on gesturing how large this place was by stretching his arms out as far as possible. His hand bumps your shoulder, leaving you laughing at his dramatics.
He stands up from your bed, which makes you feel rather upset at the now lack of closeness. "Anyways, it is getting kinda late. I guess I'll let ya' sleep. I heard from Raven that Hank is gonna be putting us to work during training tomorrow since we didn't do anything today." He slides by the door. You groan with frustration. No part of you doubts that statement. Peter nods his head in agreement, his eyebrows raising. "Oh, yeah, one final thing!"
You look at him, giving all of your attention. He turns the door knob getting ready to exit. "I figured, since neither of us really has anyone to be with for the New Years Party, that it might be cool if we kiss at midnight? You know, just cause' were pals, and it would be weird kissing anyone else. I mean, Jean has Scott, Raven and Hank will obviously go for one another like last year. And I trust that you don't wanna kiss Charles anytime soon. So it would probably be best for you and me to do it, that is if you're down?"
This leaves you stunned to silence, face red hot from the proposition. Your mouth is wide open, and you try to speak, but only a few incoherent noises come out. Peter throws his head back, laughing. "Don't stress, bud. I'll leave you to think about it. Later!" Without another moment to spare, he zips away.
Sleep doesn't come easily that night. Nor does it for the next six days at the thought of Peter suggesting kissing you.
New Years Day comes all too soon. The topic had not resurfaced since Christmas night. You'd thought about it daily. The topic had made you an absolute wreck, and Peter seemed truly unbothered. Everything had to be perfect. You spent nearly two hours preparing. From doing your hair to ensuring your lipstick went on just right. You chose a flattering black dress that did marvels for your curves.
It only made sense that at the beginning of the party, you'd taken a few shots of liquid courage to prepare you for what was to come. There isn't enough in your system to leave you incompetent, just to make your doubts feel a little lighter. Everyone gives you a kind word when you enter the room. Ororo is the first to shoot you a wink and compliment your outfit. You curiously scan the room, looking for your best friend that you did all of this for. Unable to spot him, you waltz over to the punch bowl. Whoever made it put edible glitter in the mix, which you found rather charming. There was also an array of different finger sandwiches, a cheese plate, fruits, and other mouth-watering treats you couldn't deny yourself from. Grabbing the largest plate available, you pick your fair share of what is there to offer. Loading the last small cookie onto your plate at the end of the line, you turn around only to jump at the sight of Peter right in front of you.
He catches your tray that slips out of your grasp for you expectantly. "Woah there, wouldn't wanna lose all of the snacks I prepared." He hands you back your plate graciously. "I'm glad someone wants them." Peter's eyes check out what's on your plate, scanning the items before taking a sandwich off it. You frown in disapproval as he takes a bite. "Hey! Get your own." You jokingly scold him. His hand cups his ear as he leans forward, acting as if he can not hear you. The sandwich is gone in three bites at his mercy. He guides you away from the snack station, pulling you to the side.
"Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about the other night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable at all. I'm sorry if what I said made you feel kinda creeped out. I promise that by me asking that I didn't wanna -" Quickly you object the rest of his sentence, shaking your head no at his apology. To silence him, you take a cookie off your plate and shove it into his mouth. His eyes grow wide when you do, but he takes bite and allows you to speak.
"No! I agree. You were right. It only makes sense that we kiss. No hard feelings at all!" You stammer with your words, the composure from earlier slipping away as you begin to already sober up.
Peter sighs with relief, putting his hand to his chest. "Good, I was getting a little worried. I guess we should get ready then. The countdown is about to start." He throws away the remaining scraps of your treats and leads you to the TV screen broadcasting the ball drop.
There's five minutes on the clock still, which gives you only a few moments to prepare. When Peter looks away, you check to make sure your breath smells fine. You hope he doesn't take too much notice of it. Adjusting your hair, you make sure all knots are untangled. There's a lingering thought that wonders what he'll do while he kisses you. Will he run his hand through your hair? Or will he pull you in by the waist? Your nerves begin to heighten when you remember how long it's been since you kissed someone last. What if you'd forgotten how to do it right, and it just makes the entire experience awkward? Peter is encaptured by the screen in front of him and takes no notice of your frenzied panic. There's thirty seconds on the clock now. You can hear your heart beating in your chest when everyone around you begins to count down.
Surely there's no way he'd judge you? He's your best friend. If the kiss goes badly, the two of you could just make a huge joke out of it, and it won't be an issue.
Peter finally turns to face you, grinning. Your doubts still ramble on. What if it is a big deal and he actually likes you, and every chance of the two of you getting together is ruined by this one single moment?
Peter pulls a festive paper hat with polkadots and streamers on it out of his pocket and places it on top of your head. There's a soft look in his eyes as he adjusts the string comfortably underneath your chin. Finally, your final doubts flow into the idea that this kiss could make your relationship more than just a friendship. You question everything leading up to this moment and think about the fact that there is a chance that Peter may truly love you in the same way.
The ball finally reaches the ground, and everyone cheers around you. There's no thinking allowed now, only action. Peter cheers with the others, blowing into his party horn before finally leaning in.
He places his hand underneath your chin delicately in order to tilt your face up to his. His free arm pulls you in closely. Like the fireworks being set off right outside, his lips ignite you with overwhelming emotions. He's soft with his kiss, sucking your lip with a sense tenderness you could only dream of receiving. You return it to the best of your ability, melting your lips with his in harmony. His nose brushes against your own as he pulls away, leaving you breathless.
It ends all too soon. You desperately crave for more and wish more than anything that he would pull you back into his arms and kiss you again. But instead of voicing this, you cheer giddily. Grabbing his obnoxiously loud party horn, you blow into it as well.
You look around at everyone else in the room who seemingly are also enjoying the party. This is because you can't bring yourself to meet his eyes, or else you'll become a mess. Peter was right on the money, predicting all of the couples that would be kissing at midnight. Hank and Raven are secluded in the corner, sharing a glass of wine. Scott and Jane laugh together by the fire before he pulls her in again. Erik and Charles sit together as if nothing had happened and continue their chess match like normal. It's a wonderful sight to see that fills you with joy.
That is, until there's a sudden blur of colors as you can feel yourself fly in the air. You're brought back to your room, coming to an abrupt stop. Peter clutches your shoulders with his hands, looking your face over a dozen times. Your brow raises in confusion. "Peter, why did you take me here? Are you alright?" He only shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath you can't make out. "What? I can't hear you."
He meets your eyes, trailing his hand down your back. "I can't - I mean, I just." He inhales sharply. "Please just stop me if you don't want this." Before you can even respond, his lips meet yours once again. They're just as soft as before, transcending you to a greater state of mind. Each one of his kisses pulls you in more. It's only when you need to breathe that he pauses for a second. He pants, leaving you equally as spent.
You trail your hand up and push his silver locs to the side in order to get a better view of his face. "I didn't actually care about having someone to kiss tonight. I just wanted an excuse for it to be you." Peter gently pecks your lips. "I didn't just come across a jewelry store and randomly think about getting you something there, I thought about it months in advance." He traces his finger across your lips. "I'm really really sorry if you think all of this is too much. I know I've been really pushy with this, but you just kissed me back. I feel like if you didn't sorta kinda feel the same way, you wouldn't do that. I'm not trying to force you into anything you don't want, and if this is not it, then your words the way and I will skedaddle."
Peter points his thumb in a backward motion, clicking his tongue. "But if you also want this, and there is some formidable God out there that has granted me the honor of having someone like you like me, I promise I'll make sure you don't regret it for a single second." He presses his hands to his sides as if he's scared of breaking you with his touch.
You can't find the words to describe how you feel. It's far too overwhelming to try. Instead, you crash your lips into his, never wanting to break away again. Peter wastes no time in grabbing you by the hips. You wrap your arms fully around his neck, allowing him to consume you for all you're worth. You lead him back to your bed as his kisses trail down your neck. The sensation of his hand coming up your thigh is so delightful that it makes you want to scream. All of this time that you've longed for him has made you sensitive to his touch. You tug at his jacket, which he gladly removes at your request.
Finally, he lays you across the bed. This allows you to wrap your legs around his waist eagerly. "Fuck, you've gotta be careful with that babe. It's hard to control myself when you make it so damn hard." Peter runs his hand through your hair delicately. "I don't want this to be just a one-time thing. I really care about ya." You can feel your eyes gloss over ever so slightly at his loving words. Your head nods in agreement. "I know, I'd love to be a real thing with you. I've liked you for a long time." Confidence has finally made its way back into your body, allowing you to freely speak. "Please kiss me."
Peter flashes you a cheesy grin. "Yes, ma'am!" His hands trail up and down your body in ways you'd never felt before while he kisses you. They trail down your back and across your rear imploringly. His thick finger slips underneath the strap of your dress, tugging it down your shoulder. He freezes, resting his forehead against your own. "Is this okay?"
You nod fervently, begging for his touch. He begins, moving the sleeves expertly off your arms before pausing yet again. "You sure?" He's teasing you now, and it's driving you insane. You can tell by the smirk you can feel against your neck. You smack him on his arm without doing any harm to get your point across. Peter lets out a deep chuckle and continues to pull your dress down, eventually discarding it on the floor.
You're eager to touch him. Tentatively, you trail your fingers down to the zipper of his jeans. You can feel his hard on and slightly squeeze, which makes him gasp at the contact. Imploringly, you continue, unbuttoning his jeans. Peter's hand reaches down to grab yours. He intertwines his fingers with you. "Hey there, eager beaver. I'm not finished with just you yet." His kisses sloppily start at your chest, right between the mount between your breasts. Your bra is very quickly discarded, which Peter shows clear delight about. His eyes light up at the sight of you, almost bear beneath him. "You're really beautiful, babe. Do you know that? I'd hope you do."
He rolls a nipple between his fingers, sending a tingling sensation throughout your body. You're blushing more at the fact that Peter just called your beautiful more than him seeing you naked. You gasp when Peter's hand cups your clothed cunt, still not yet breaking that boundry. Your thighs squeeze together in anticipation, holding him there.
Peter curses under his breath, moving his kisses down your body to your lower abdomen. His finger loops under the delicate lace as he finally reveals all of yourself to him. You're elated to see his cheesy grin as he gawks at the sight, staring at you as if he's a pirate and you're his lost treasure. His hands come up your thighs and halt at the curve of your hip. It's only now that you realize what he's going to do and try to stop him. "Peter, it's okay! You really don't have to do that for me." There's a slight panic that drills you as his head lowers to your heat.
He softly laughs at you. "Trust me, I'm gonna love this. You just sit back and relax, madam." His tongue trails through your folds, leaving your further protests caught in your throat. There was no arguing now with the undeniably pleasurable feelings Peter was drawing out of you. His mouth works into you more, kitten licking your sensitive clit. The strong feeling of him holding you in place only elevates the sheer delight. Every noise you make in response only pushes him more to continue. His ministrations get unfathomably better after every second.
You gasp his name. "Peter, I want you. All of you." He meets your pleading eyes that tears threaten to spill out of from the pure extacy. Peter finally stops, removing his t-shirt. His toned body is a sight to see. With his pants already halfway undone from your previous handiwork, they slide off with ease. You bring yourself to sit up on the edge of the bed to meet him. He plays with your hair, smiling at you sweetly. Your thumb hooks under his boxers, which are Star Wars themed. Something you note that you can tease him about later. With that, you tug away the final layer of clothing that separates you.
Peter goes to climb on top of you once again, but you take the initiative and flip him onto his back. He doesn't dare to stop you as you rub against his cock with your wet cunt, teasing the idea of it slipping inside you. You kiss him, allowing the sweetness of his lips to put you in a comfortable daze. His arm reaches up your back and soothes you. Lining him up with your entrance, he thrusts his hips slowly forward and pushes inside of you.
The stretch you feel is heavenly. Your plush walls suck him in completely. Peter can only bring himself to roll his head back with delight. He struggles with holding in every little noise that he feels the urge to make at your ministrations. You raise your hips up as far as you can without him sliding out, only to sink back down and take him fully once more. Repeating this, Peter brings a hand to his forehead and squeezes his eyes shut. "You're doing so well- fuck." He leans up, kissing you fiercely. His tongue sloppily explores your mouth with a sense of desperation you could never imagine would be over you. He uses his now free hands to guide you up and down his cock, doing most of the lifting to spare your aching legs.
Peter rolls you beneath him, staying connected to you still. His thrusts become relentless and almost too much to bear from the inhuman speed. Your orgasm is steadily approaching. You can feel your senses highten from it. His sensual touches and praise leave you in a state of bliss. Nothing else matters, only the tight coil in your stomach and Peter's lips that precariously suck your neck. He's surely already left a mark you'd have to explain the next day, but this is a concern for another time.
"You're so good. So fuckin' perfect. Why have we never done this? You're the best thing that could've happened to me. I'm not gonna last much longer, baby." Peter groans in your ear, bringing his hand down between the two of you. His fingers trail over your swollen clit and a rippling sensation that follows makes you gasp with suprise. It sends you over the edge immediately, which makes your entire body quake beneath him. Your back arches uncontrollably, and your mind goes blank.
Peter stiffs above you, pulling out. He paints your stomach with his cum opting not to do so inside. You're both short of breath, Peter especially. He collapses beside you, looping his arm around you for a hug. "Thank you so much. So, so much." He pecks your temple. "Give me one sec."
The space beside you becomes empty for just a moment before he returns, wiping you softly with a wet cloth. "I'm so sorry, that probably feels disgusting." He laughs, "Maybe we should take a bath together."
You raise at last to peek at him, the beaming expression on your face being incredibly obvious. "Yeah, I'd like that." With another fluid motion, he sprints back to the bathroom and starts the flowing water for the tub.
You pull Peter into a tight hug when he returns. His skin is comforting and warm against your own. He brings his strong arms tightly around you. A euphoric buzz flows through your brain. This was better than anything you could ever dream of. Taking a deep breath, you bask in the wonderful scent of him.
You press your cheek against his chest. "So, I see you like Obi-Wan Kenobi." You laugh and recall the design on his boxers from earlier.
Peter confidently replies, "Damn right. I have a whole set of them I'll have to show you."
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anissa, if you dont share your mean! dilf jake thoughts with the class🤔
sam ily so bad hello??
mean!dilf jake thoughts under the cut ! NSFW - MINORS DNI
content warnings: hc style, mean jake, p in v, afab!reader, marking/biting, thigh riding, slightly public sex (you’ll see), edging/orgasm denial/control (wtv u wanna call it), clit spanking (grrrrrr!), dacryphilia, aftercare ; i think that is all lol
this mf is possessive! but it’s so subtle (to you) you don’t even notice!
marking/biting is something he’s so into, like he finds it so funny that you try to cover up his bite mark, or the way your face burns darker when you notice other people staring at the indentation
AND HE WOULD BITE YOU IN THE SAME PLACE EVERY TIME (you love it even though you grumble about it)
he's always touching you, like he always has you on his lap, or wrapping his tail around your leg, hand on your neck etc
when he has you sitting on his lap (especially if you're joining in a meeting) he’ll purposely be shifting his legs under you, so he can lightly grind you against his thigh, just to see you squirm and try to hide how overwhelmed you’re getting.
this mf is laughing in your ear, purposely dragging his fingers along your lower stomach or your thighs but won’t even bat an eye in your direction. going over plans for the next raid as if he’s not getting you off on his thigh
when he notices your unable to keep still he’ll pin your hips down with one of his big hands, keeping you from moving and his chest will literally puff at the pathetic little whimpers you’re trying to hide because you were so fucking close
then he’ll send you off, as is nothing happened and make you wait till the nighttime to finally get your fix
and he’ll keep edging you until you’re a crying mess
your hips are trying to grind into his hand and he’ll mumble over how greedy you’re being
“always trying to take more than what i’m giving you”
clit slaps (mhm!)
he’ll feel bad but then notices the way you tighten around his fingers and he gets over it pretty quickly
he’ll only slip the tip in and pin your hips to the floor as you try push him in deeper because it’s been hours and he still hasn’t let you cum
he’ll tsk quietly trying to rile you up more, “think this is all you’re gonna get, honey.”
you’re whining and whimpering, hot tears falling down your face, your words all jumbled up together but he understands what you need
you’re so sensitive and you swallow him eagerly, your fluttering around him and soooo desperate but still trying to be so good for him he finally caves
he’ll be maneuvering you any which way he wants and he fucking loves it
you come pretty quickly because you’re so overstimulated and he’ll make sure to make up for it by getting another one out of you
almost always cums inside of you cause you both enjoy it, the first time you told him to do it he came so hard he swore he got dizzy
aftercare goes fucking crazy
it’s like a switch and he’s so fucking sweet, cleaning you up, making sure you’re hydrated, massaging your body to ease all the tension
so many kisses and sweet words and praises
“did s’good for me”
“i love you!” like after every five words
makes sure you fall asleep before him, just trying to make sure you’re comfortable and pleased (you are)
lowkey feels bad the next day when he sees you wobbling around w sore legs so he’ll tell you to take a day off and tends to your every need! (as he should)
#jake sully#jake sully x reader#jake sully x reader smut#jake sully imagine#jake sully smut#dilf jake sully#avatar jake sully#avatar smut#avatar headcanons#avatar#avatar the way of water
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pheww let me tell u right now that suguru gets off on you and satoru bickering over him !!
im talking you and satoru between sugurus legs, pouting and insulting each other while mouthing over sugu’s cock, Satoru whining because you won’t stop hogging the tip, moving up to try and suck on it too but it just makes your tongues touch each other.
“toruuu stop being greedy, it’s my turn!”
“Mmn, no, it’s my turn, you’re not even taking him all the way down your throat. tell her, sugu!”
suguru can’t even respond, genuinely in awe that his two precious darlings are messily slobbering all over his, fighting over his cock…it makes his head tip back with a shaky groan, hips canting up a little bit into your warm mouth to satoru’s disappointment.
“you’re cheating by making him speechless!”
“fine, I’ll share with you.”
poor suguru nearly cums right then and there with you grab satoru’s hair and pull him into a nasty kiss, rubbing your tongue on his so he could get a taste of sugu’s cock
idk idk I just love me some poly satosugu ☺️
….oh wow…….lasering this into the walls of my brain rn👁👁
suguru’s an instigator so ik after one of u insults the other (after being insulted first) he’d be like “___ behave” just to see one of you pouting <3 or to bait you into arguing with him so he can really have a reason to punish you (suguru the notorious facefucker because his dacryphilia kink goes crazy and he likes to see u and satoru cry😩)
“Ur not even taking him all the way down ur throat” and if I grabbed a fistful of satoru’s hair and started makin him deepthroat that mf THEN WHAT‼️ mocking and degrading him and everything like “okay throat goat ! YEW take it all.” suguru gripping the sheets for dear life, sweating and all like really will have him going through it <3 thrusting up into satoru’s mouth to meet him halfway everytime u push his head down :3
alternatively…..satoru “”helping”” you by pushing UR head down and if u couldnt take all of suguru b4, bby u definitely can now ! gagging and choking on his cock while satoru is half praising/half degrading you: “good slut, just like that!” And bc he’s an asshole: “hear that?” (you gagging) “that means you’re doing a great job!”
extra nasty and perverted…….making out with suguru’s cum in your mouths….disgusting 😩🫶🏾 (suguru has the video in his phone)
#ooohh wee ! hawt#u were insane for this KEEP TALKING LET BRO COOK‼️‼️#⋆。゚☁︎ summy is thinking . . . 。⋆
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Hihihi! okayokay so I'm really into the idea of being so very undeniably attracted to someone and them just being so cocky and arrogant about it idk how you feel about that but if it's okay would you do hcs for the obey me bros (any you think could fit this) knowing how bad the reader wants them and them just being such a dick about it idk I feel like this sounds weird but like I want to want them like an embarrassing amount the line 'you want to fuck them so bad it makes you look stupid' comes to mind because well yeah I do you can totally ignore this if you want but if you don't then how smutty or not smuty it is is totally up to you
Hsbsjzhwnsk my first ask and it's damn long, slay anon slay (also let's ignore the fact that I'm writing this in middle of lake)
Obey me bros teasing a simp(aka u) 18+
Includes: reader being hard simp because yes, some cursing, mentions of sex and more sex so pls kids don't read
Of course I needed to throw this damn dilf here
He would know straight away that you took liking to him
In private he would com so close to you to the point you feel dizzy, him whispering right into your ear and it would be the most casual thing yet with that arrogant and prideful tone of his
"Oh my, your face is very red, perhaps you have a fever? I think you should stay in bed today"
Going straight into your ear, making you secretly hope that you won't be alone in that bed
Each time he would lean back from you, a smirk would be on his face, watching you trying to control yourself not to just jump at this man and suck the life out of him
Before his brothers he would just talk and talk about how you can't live without him
In private it's different story but let's not talk about it
Basically two simps holding hands and acting like you just played 7 minutes in heaven and fucked in there
But back to the topic
He's such a touchy person omfg
In front of his brothers or just anyone, he would NEED to touch you, your hand, waist, thigh, anything
He's hella possessive and greedy (what a suprise), when Levi or Satan (usually those two) would try to make fun of him for being a simp, oh boy, he would bite right into your neck, making you squeak in suprise, and proudly smiling to them, some of your blood on his lips
Later he didn't talk with you for two days, he was too embarrassed, fucking simp(affectionately)
A bitch
That's it
He's a bitch about it
"Oh you like me? I like you too friend" mf said with evil smile that says "fool"
You could fucking propose to him and he would be like "it's such a nice gift, I should get you one too my friend"
He's so, so fucking evil and he enjoys your frustration
He enjoys it even more than mad Lucifer
Pro tip: steal random cat and said that it could be your baby, he will give up
Bro would fuck you after your confession send then boom "yeah it was nice but good thing it was once"
Secretly wants more but I didn't tell you
He would randomly come to you, kiss the living shit out of you and then leave like nothing happened
Next second would come to you, dressed very nicely but still slutty and "do you think my date would like it?"
You would be both dumbfounded and jealous because fuck the date, be with me
Get him drunk and he will take you right here and there, not caring if anyone will come, bro's too horny for you to care in the end

Do I think I did what was asked? No, did I enjoy it? Yes
#obey me hcs#obey me#obey me x reader#obey me smut#lucifer x reader#mammon x reader#satan x reader#asmodeus x reader
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New "Phantom Ramblings" post (oh wow!)
The soundtrack is really good, i really enjoyed its songs (listening to the soundtrack rn, haha)
It is really fast paced and chaotic (especially when Winslow hasn't become the Phantom yet), not a bad thing I just wasn't expecting it, but it works well.
This version is really distant from it's original, however its aim is not being a PotO adaptation, but more of a critique towards the music business while using the PotO story to convey its message.
Yk... With predatory contracts, getting to perform only because you sold your body to a powerful mf, the unhealthy relationship between the performers and the public, the constant search for sensationalism (like when Swan wanted to kill Phoenix, or when no one batted an eye when Beef died), prioritising everything else but music (with greedy execs that change the whole soul of a song to make easy money), etc...
Leaving all of this sad stuff behind, heh... Spoilers ahead.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WINSLOW!!!! (Already on the 15 min mark I was "I love him sm") SWAN DID HIM SO SO DIRTY!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! Not only he took his music, but then he got also HIS VOICE (thus taking his soul, even tho he literally takes his soul with a contract, but I digress). Swan being: "Plugged here you can sing" while giving him a robotic voice to talk was really cruel >:(. Here idk if we can say that he is in love with Phoenix... He did want her to sing... Ok, now that i think about it he rewrote his songs with her in mind and was destroyed when he saw her sleeping with Swan... Yeah he loved her, but in a totally different way from the original. The way he got his music stolen and got disfigured while trying to destroy copies of his work (here Faust iirc) is really similar to what happened in the '62 PotO movie. The Phantom's design here is really cool, I like it (but also so fucking hard to draw rhaaaaa). Also him tryng to stop Phoenix for going to Swan's house T.T THE WAY HE DIES!!!! NOOOOO!!!! *sobs and cries*
FUCK SWAN that mf sold his soul to remain always young (obviously takes inspo from Faust, but made me also think of Dorian Gray, especially because of the whole tape thing and eternal beauty). Acting a lot like your typical phantom, talking from behind mirrors, having hidden passages, asking for THE VOICE of Chr- ahem Phoenix.
Ngl I loved Beef, he didn't really deserve to die, he just did what he was asked to do, he even wanted to go away... Ohh! I just realised that he is this movie's version of LaCarlotta (sorry guys, I'm dumb). He was such a DIVA, haha.
Loved Phoenix's singing, such a beautiful voice <333. A bit sad to see her being lured by Swan, but I don't really blame her... Imagine receiving so much praise and attention for the first time... Obviously you will want more. Fortunately she ended up unscathed from this whole deal (thanks to Winslow).
Btw the movie is really fun, I highly suggest watching it :)<3
I'll try to draw THE SILLY, wish me luck. We need more potp art around here, ngl.
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I rewrote the entirety of ATHF Plantasm at midnight in my notes app and now my discord is making me post it. So here it is completely unedited.
Rewritten Plantasm
Same concept of split up team
Frylock and Shake talk a couple times. Shake is having nightmares about freyja and plants and Frylock assumes it’s about his fuck up with her again- Meatwad is missing.
Shake stumbles upon the plants displaying life signs earlier than the ginger does because he went to go harvest Meatwad (who was chewed up into little bits by dogs and then comically found in the plant food)
They both try and tell Frylock who isn’t having none of it.
Meatwad has Freyja’s faceplate or something inside him but is too congested to cough it up. Shake beats him to try and get it out but it doesn’t work
Carl has the rest of her and she’s creepy asl- he doesn’t mind and doesn’t even do anything explicit to her at the moment. The robot actually getting hacked and the red LED’s changing to a neon green color and saying something ominous before it cuts back to Frylock making some kind of power suit for the short Elon musk dude to wear and make himself taller.
They bicker going back and forth, Shake and Meatwad are seen banging on the windows in the background- the ginger laughing at him before Frylock eventually has a break to go outside and whisper yell at them. To which they forget why they were so adamant about getting him out. Meatwad mumbles something about plants, maybe dogs, robot ladies, the moon. Shake harps on about Freja- but Frylock stops him when he mentions the plants, the fries indeed noticing the bigass greenhouse he’d never been inside..somehow.
The ginger lets himself into the conversation and talks about it for a bit, nobody gives af. In fact they cut him off halfway and tell him that. The ginger tells them all to shut the fuck up as they go back inside, to which the little musk guy is dead and covered in roots. They all freak out. The ginger guy tries to talk to the plants but the plants proceed to go up inside him and turn him into the tree guy that isn’t outwardly sentient, unless it’s funny. The teens book it, but not before Shake’s greedy ass nabs the power suit.
They book it all the way to carls place because of course they do. Frylock yelling at Shake that the power suit isn’t even done yet. Carl telling them to go away- except he doesn’t even know what’s going on. They go in anyways. The mooninites have hacked into the old robot of freja (big lame reveal). Shake (now in the power suit that’s hardly working and much too small, but still kinda sexy) didn’t notice this immediately and had gone up to hug and or kiss the robotic woman- who responded in a duo of male voices. Shake didn’t care actually.
Carl laughed. Frylock was gay. Meatwad was meat.
They explained the plant thing and somehow came to the conclusion of just jackassing it would work. The mooninites were just going to prank Carl but halfway through they were like man this is pretty fun. Frylock does a “we’re going to need everyone we can get for this.” Moment and the only other person to show up is Willie Nelson who peeks out of the attic and slowly walks down.
Anyways they get their shit rocked by some trees and take the big weird spaceship with everything on it into space. The plutonians are there- they’re like seen. In fact Carl signs help me to them and those mfs blast off as soon as they see what’s going on in the ship. Shake has a badass moment.
Alien reference. One emotional moment where they get back together. Willie Nelson hard carries most likely. They kill the thing? No not really they just dump it in the Arctic Ocean after like 20 minutes of fighting and watch it freeze to death while flying above the water.
The ending is them going home in the ship and then in their house like nothing happened.
Shake gets diagnosed with some disease in the after credits scene due to the suit with Frylock being like “I fucking told you so” and Shake doesn’t bother to take it off even though he looks like a wrinkly ballsack
#athf#aqua teen forever#aqua teen#athf fanfic#aqua teen hunger force#athf Plantasm#aqua teen hunger force Plantasm#I seriously thought I ate with this guys
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