#he's in the kitchen getting drinks for everyone and ur a little ways behind the doorway
likeumeanit9497 · 2 months
loyalty test | c.s. |
chris sturniolo x fem! reader
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summary: y/n's boyfriend, luke, notices how she stares at his roommate, chris. when they have an argument about it, y/n tells him that he's just reading into things. but when she finds herself completely alone with chris, will she be able to prove her loyalty?
warnings: smut; cheating (don't do this pls); unprotected p in v (don't do this either); oral (m/f receiving); hair pulling; dirty talk; toxic relationships; 18+
notes: IM BACK YAY!!!! y'all have no idea how happy i am to be writing again i was literally dying for the past couple of months. i got back about a week ago but i've been genuinely so jet lagged that i couldn't finish this one shot. but im finally starting to feel better so here i am at 2am finally posting. i hope y'all enjoy this one (ps it should go without saying that i do NOT condone cheating on ur partners EVER!!! this is fiction okay). love uuuuuu
pps im half asleep posting this so even though i made an attempt at proof reading, im sure this is not my best work so pls try to ignore any grammar errors u may come across ill fix them all eventually <3
“How many shots am I pouring here?” Asked my boyfriend Luke as I watched him begin to place rows of shot glasses on his kitchen counter with a bottle of tequila in his hand before his teammates all began flooding in his direction happily awaiting their drinks. From my place on the couch, I was content watching them all celebrate their big win while I nursed one or two seltzers. The night was originally supposed to be just me and Luke having dinner and watching a movie, but the adrenaline from the win along with pleas from various teammates had suddenly turned the night into one where Luke’s apartment was flooded with sweaty men and various bottles of liquor.
Even though I had been looking forward to a quiet evening with my boyfriend of six months, I was happy to see him so happy and of course wanted him to be able to celebrate with everyone. So I watched with a smile as they all lifted their shot glasses in the air, chanted in a borderline cultish way, and took their shots. “Shit, it’s getting late. We should call the Ubers soon if we want to get into the club.” Luke announced after glancing at his watch, to which the other guys all mumbled in agreement.
I watched as Luke walked over to my place on the couch, putting his hands on my shoulders and leaning towards me. “Club?” I asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow as this was the first time I was hearing about these plans for the night. Luke smirked before responding. “You don’t mind if we go out for a little bit right? The other guys were really wanting to check that new place out that I’ve been going to lately, and as team captain I kinda have to go.” I stayed silent, trying to figure out a way to answer that wouldn’t make me sound like a needy girlfriend, when my attention was suddenly grabbed by the door behind Luke opening. From that room came Luke’s roommate, Chris, and I watched over Luke’s shoulder as he ruffled his hair, heading in the direction of the bustling kitchen.
My eyes followed his movements as he walked, stopping every few seconds to greet a handful of Luke’s teammates on his way. He was wearing pyjamas, and truly looked like he had just woken up from hibernation, but he gave the room warm smiles as his eyes travelled across it before finally landing on me. He stared at mine and Luke’s place for a brief moment, his eyes shifting between me on the couch and Luke’s large frame above me, and seemed curious, but after a moment went back to doing whatever he needed to do in the kitchen.
I continued to watch as he grabbed a drink from the fridge, and listened as some of the guys tried to convince him to go out with them. He kept shaking his head, a strong smile plastered across his face, and I felt my cheeks grow hot when he lifted his shirt slightly to scratch his stomach; exposing a few inches of skin and the low band of his boxers.
Just then, I was shaken — quite literally — out of my trance by Luke’s hand on my shoulder. “Y/n! Hello!” My eyes immediately shot to his, and I felt red hot shame cover my face as anger consumed his. “The fuck was that?” He kept his voice low, but his tone was so menacing that I felt the hair raise on the back of my neck. I stuttered, trying to come up with some excuse, before he lifted me off of the couch and practically dragged me into his bedroom. As soon as the door was shut behind us, he repeated himself. “What the fuck was that Y/n.” I stood tentatively in the middle of his room, trying desperately to find the words. “I-I just hadn’t realized that Chris was home, I was just shocked I guess?” I knew my excuse was weak — and my execution was even weaker — and that knowledge was confirmed by Luke rolling his eyes.
“Sure,” He scoffed. “I’m not stupid, Y/n. I notice it literally every single time you and him are in the same room. You stare at him, you laugh at everything he says, and you always find some excuse to be close to him.” His words embarrassed me, and I stared down at my feet in shame because I knew they were true. “It’s not like that Luke I just-” He cut off my excuse. “It doesn’t take a fucking rocket scientist to know that he’s a good looking guy, but you are mine. It’s fuckin embarrassing catching you looking at him all the time.” He stopped pacing around the room and stormed up to me, causing me to flinch slightly.
“You have anything you wanna say?” His breath was hot against my ashamed face, and I couldn’t bear to look up at him. “I-I’m sorry Luke.” My voice was barely above a whisper and I felt tears well up in my eyes. We stood there in silence for a short while, the only sound his heaving breaths and the muffled conversations from the guys in the kitchen. “I’m going. Not sure when I’ll be back, but do your best to behave when I’m gone.” His words were clipped, and he quickly exited his bedroom without so much as hugging me.
As soon as I heard his door shut behind him, I dissolved into tears of guilt. I couldn’t be upset at him for being so angry with me, because everything that he had accused me of was true. I knew that my attraction to Chris was beyond the simple acknowledgement that he was a good looking person, and that wasn’t fair to Luke. But I never meant for it to become something so noticeable, and I felt more ashamed than I had ever been before. I perched onto the edge of Luke’s bed as I attempted to regain my composure, listening to the excited chatter of the guys on the other side of the door as they prepared to head out to the club.
I hated that Luke was going out while being angry at me, and I hated even more that I had the audacity to be worried about his behaviour with other girls while he was out. Luke was a pretty decent guy, but when he was angry he had a tendency to do or say things that were really hurtful. The thought of this made me sob even harder. “God, I need a drink.” I said aloud to the empty room, and I fought with my emotions as I tried to straighten myself up.
After a few moments, the entire apartment grew silent as the guys must have all left for the club. In my solitude, I was able to catch my breath and stop the tears from flowing before getting back on my feet. Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, I wiped the dried tears from my face and fixed my running mascara before heading towards the bedroom door. As I walked towards the kitchen, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of Chris sitting at the kitchen island.
Even after the horrible conversation I had just had with Luke, I felt my stomach flip at the sight of his loose t-shirt clad back and his messy curls. Frustrated with myself, I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before continuing in his direction to grab a drink. “Hey Y/n.” He said once he saw me, a warm smile covering his face. “Hey Chris.” I replied, forcing myself to avoid looking at him by searching aimlessly for another seltzer.
“Everything okay?” He asked, and I felt myself tense at his question as I finally used common sense and opened the fridge to find a cold drink. “Yeah all good. Luke and I just had a little bit of an argument is all.” I replied, trying to keep my voice light hearted and hoping he hadn’t noticed my puffy eyes or runny nose. “Ah, I see.” He replied as I bent over to reach into the back of the fridge where I saw the last seltzer. “Would that argument have anything to do with him asking me to make a move on you to see if you would stay loyal?” His question shocked me so severely that I dropped the seltzer on the ground, causing it to explode its carbonated contents all over the kitchen floor.
“Shit!” I exclaimed, picking up the cracked can and throwing it into the sink. Turning back around to face the mess, I found Chris with a roll of paper towel wiping up the liquid. “I got it, thank you.” I said, getting down onto my knees to begin cleaning up. Chris handed me the paper towel before standing up and leaning his frame against the counter. The room was silent as I compulsively wiped away at the floor, using the task as a distraction from the question Chris had just asked me. I felt his gaze on me from above, and all it did was add fuel to the fire that was burning hazardously strong inside of me.
After some time, I realized that the floor couldn’t get much cleaner so I had to put an end to my procrastination and face the conversation. “So, uh,” I hesitantly looked up at Chris through my lashes, feeling more ashamed than ever before. “What did Luke say to you exactly?” I watched as he shrugged. “He really didn’t say much. He just pulled me to the side right before they all headed out and asked me to ‘test you’.” He added air quotes to the end of his sentence, and I felt a small sizzle of anger in my core at Luke’s audacity.
I stood up and grabbed the half finished bottle of tequila from the counter, pouring it into a cup and adding a bit of pineapple juice before drinking the whole thing in one sip. At this, Chris raised an eyebrow. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asked, and I felt nerves flood my body. “Give me a second.” I replied, grabbing the tequila again but this time taking one, two, three sips directly from the bottle. I winced at the burn that traveled from my throat down to my stomach, and Chris waited in silence as I squeezed my eyes shut; taking deep breaths in preparation.
“Long story short,” I began, turning my body so that I was now facing Chris, “Luke confronted me tonight because he caught me staring at you.” I watched as Chris’ eyes widened slightly before going back to normal. “I told him that I just hadn’t known that you were home so I was just surprised to see you, but he didn’t believe me, and it sort of caused this big fight between us.” I explained, feeling my nerves flutter around my stomach; shocked that I was able to tell him what had happened. Chris stayed silent, his eyes searching my face but staying completely unreadable and I felt like my chest might explode from nerves.
“I mean, obviously he’s just being insecure but-” My rambling was cut off then by Chris. “Is he?” His question caught me off guard, and my eyes snapped to his as I felt my face fall. A small smirk toyed with the corner of his mouth as I stared at him blankly, unsure of what I could even say. After a moment, I blinked quickly and scoffed. “Ah I see, this is the test.” I chuckled and reached once again for the tequila before taking a few more sips; this interaction being far too much for me.
“No, it was a real question, I swear.” Chris repositioned his body so that he was now facing me head on, and took a step closer to me. “You think I haven’t noticed you looking at me? And I’m not just talking about tonight. I notice, Y/n.” Once again, all of my words failed me and I could only stare blankly at his questioning figure. “And don’t think I forgot about that one night.” I gasped and instinctively squeezed my eyes shut, already knowing where he was going with this.
“Just out there, when we were sharing that cigarette,” He nudged his head in the direction of the sliding glass doors in the living room that led to their large balcony, “We were drunk, but I remember you blowing the smoke into my mouth.” I felt him take another step closer to me; the heat radiating from his body causing my own to shudder. “Your lips touched mine, Y/n. I can still remember how soft they were.” His voice seemed to drop an octave, and he was whispering now as he spoke of that night five months ago, when I met him for the first time.
Luke had wanted me to meet his friends, so a big group of us had all gone to a bar together. Although I don’t usually make it a habit, I got extremely drunk that night thanks to the nerves that came from meeting a large group of new people, and ended up wanting to go home early. Luke was still having a good time and didn’t want to leave the bar with me, so Chris had offered to take me back to their apartment where Luke could meet us later. Once the two of us had made it back to the apartment, I asked Chris to sit with me while I smoked out on the balcony.
We talked for a while, learning about each others’ lives, while we shared a few cigarettes. What he was now talking about had happened, and I truly don’t know what came over me when I had done it, but I had spent the past five months trying to pretend that it was just a dream. But now, standing alone in the kitchen, we were talking about it for the first time since it happened, and I couldn’t ignore the flutter in my stomach that his hushed tone caused.
As if reading my mind, he continued. “I know we haven’t spoken about it, and maybe we should have sooner. But we haven’t been alone together once since then.” I stared blankly as he took yet another step towards me; closing the space between us almost entirely. My heart was beating so hard that I was sure that he could hear it, but once he placed a gentle hand on my hip I was pulled back to reality; immediately taking a few steps away from him while shaking my head.
“This is crazy,” I made a weak attempt at laughter as I backed away from him, “I don’t know how you expect me to fail this ‘test’ that Luke put you up to after literally telling me all about it.” I suddenly grew slightly hot with anger after reminding myself of Luke’s request to him, and the alcohol that was beginning to flood my veins wasn’t making it any easier to get over. I turned away from Chris, busying myself by starting to throw away the empty beer bottles, when he continued.
“I never told you that I agreed to do it.”
I froze, his words causing my fuzzy brain to turn onto high alert. Slowly, I turned to face him, more confused than ever before. He was leaning casually against the countertop still, with a small smirk across his lips. Noticing the confusion laced through my features, he shrugged before expanding. “I told him I don’t do that kind of shit, that if there was an issue between you two you’d have to work it out between yourselves.” None of his explanation was making things make sense, if anything I was just becoming more and more confused.
“Then what was all that just a minute ago?” I asked weakly, nervous to hear his explanation. Again, there was that dangerous smirk that I would have almost missed if my eyes weren’t glued to him in desperation for things to make sense. “That was real.” He replied simply, and my jaw almost dropped in utter shock. “Chris, he’s your roommate. You guys are friends, aren’t you?” My stomach was in knots, and my cheeks felt hot. He shook his head solemnly, “He’s not a good guy, Y/n.” As if I could read his mind, I knew what he meant without him even having to say anything else. But still, he continued.
“Why do you think he never ever asks you to go out with him to clubs anymore?” Chris asked, his voice taking on a gentle tone as if that would minimize the hurt of what I knew was coming. Weakly, I shrugged, too afraid to ask him to continue but hoping beyond anything else that he would. He sighed. “Apparently there’s this bottle girl that works at that new club that they’ve been going to lately.” My stomach dropped, but somehow I wasn’t surprised. Painfully, Chris continued. “I overheard him talking about her to one of the guys a few weeks ago. Something about going to her place after she finished her shift that night.”
At that, a single tear fell down my cheek. Not out of shock, or even sadness, but anger. “I’m sorry, Y/n.” Chris said at nearly a whisper, and I simply nodded my head; jaw clenched to keep myself from losing my cool. “W-why didn’t you say anything to me before?” I finally managed to ask, crossing my arms over my chest to hide my shaking hands. That same look of shame he had before confessing to me clouded his face once again. “I didn’t want to be the one to hurt you.” One more lonely tear fell down my cheek, and I angrily swiped it away.
“I see how much you do for him around here, and it’s obvious that you love him.” He took a step towards me, tentatively, before continuing. “But I also see the way he treats you, and you don’t deserve that.” He paused for a moment, seemingly trying to find his next words. “I honestly never really liked the guy. Sure we’re roommates, but only out of convenience. Once I overheard that conversation a few weeks ago, I started genuinely hating the guy. So, when he asked me to test you tonight, it actually gave me a good idea.”
He paused for a moment, and once again I felt my heart racing in anticipation. His usually confident expression had shifted into one of hesitation, and it did nothing to help calm my nerves. “Chris…” I started, trying to get him to continue. I watched as he took a deep breath before speaking once again. “Okay. I’m going to suggest something to you, but it’s only a suggestion. If you don’t want to do it, we can 100% pretend that this conversation never happened, and you can decide how you’re going to handle all of this in your own way.” I stayed silent, trying to wait as patiently as possible for him to get to his point.
“I think you should get back at him.” He said, finally. Still confused, I raised an eyebrow. “Get back at him? How?” I asked, to which he stayed silent. In his silence, I found my answer. “You think I should…with you?” Even to my own ears, my voice sounded weak. He stayed silent, not granting me a response with words but the small glint in his blue eyes told me enough. “Do you really think that’s the most ethical option?” I asked, trying to use what little logic I had available in my brain fizzling not just from the alcohol now but from the very situation I was finding myself in.
He shrugged again. “I know guys like him. There’s no point in confronting him about it, because you know he’s just gonna lie to your face. And if you break up with him — which I hope you do, by the way — he’s really not going to care as much as he should.” Trying to ignore the twinge of hurt that his last point caused, I nodded slowly; beginning to understand. “But if you do him the way he’s been doing you, that’s gonna fuck him up. And the best part is he doesn’t even have any right to be pissed off, because all you’re doing is exactly what he’s been doing to you.” As he spoke, I nodded my head; absorbing everything he said and recognizing it as truth.
“I mean I get it but…don’t you think us doing it would be a bad idea?” I used my hand to gesture between us. “Considering him and I literally just fought about this very situation less than an hour ago?” His smirk returned at this. “That’s my point. No other scenario has the potential to hurt him the way that ours does. You want to get back at him? I’m your guy.” A laugh that sounded almost painful fell from my lips at this, but as his face suddenly grew serious, so did mine.
“Plus,” He began, closing the space between us so that our bodies were nearly touching. I stared at him, fallen completely mute, as he brought his thumb to my lower lip — brushing it ever so lightly against my pouted mouth — before he continued, “I haven’t stopped thinking about this mouth since you left me on the balcony that night.” His voice was nearly at a whisper, and it didn’t take anymore than that for my walls to crash down.
Without hesitation, I pressed my lips to his. The kiss was soft, tentative, and gentle; our unsure mouths slowly moving against one another a physical representation of the wavering confidence in my decision. But the taste of his skin was addictive, and the feeling of his firm grasp on my waist caused my body to grow warm. So with each second, my cautious movements turned more and more desperate, and when his tongue brushed against my lower lip I opened my mouth to grant it entrance. I melted into his strong hands like putty, so when he lifted me by my ass with ease and placed me on the counter, my legs wrapped around his waist like they belonged there.
Each part of me he touched lit on fire in his trail, and as his mouth dropped lazily to my neck where he began nibbling and biting the thin skin below my ear, the very existence of Luke seemed to disappear from my thoughts — with only one word repeatedly crossing my mind: Chris, Chris, Chris.
With my spinning head, I almost didn’t notice myself being gently pushed back so that I was lying against the cold surface of the counter. Chris’ mouth was still sucking indulgently against my neck, but I felt his strong hands run up and down my bare legs; stopping just below the hemline of my shorts. I felt his hands begin to toy with my front button, and I removed my hands from the base of his curls to help him pull them down; desperate to feel his hands on my skin again.
Once the material of my shorts were dropped to the floor, I felt Chris tauntingly play with the lace of my underwear as his mouth slowly moved down my neck towards my chest. Wearing only a big t-shirt, I used my idle hands to pull the material up over my chest; exposing my breasts to Chris who immediately took one into his mouth. I moaned at the sensation of his warm tongue swirling around my nipple, and felt a dangerous shudder go down my spine once he groaned against my skin.
His hands were still flirting with my underwear, and the almost-but-not-quite contact with my core was making me go almost delirious, so in my impatience I grabbed his hand and pressed his long fingers against the place I needed him the most. The contact caused a moan to fall from my lips just as a pleased grunt fell from his. “So wet for me already, hmm?” His voice had dropped nearly a whole octave through his arousal, and his words caused even more heat to flood to my core.
In one quick motion, he slipped my thong down my legs and let it fall to the floor as his hand began exploring my slippery folds. A shocked moan burst through my lips from the relief of his touch finally against my bare heat, and as he began to rub circles into my clit, I began losing myself to the ripples of pleasure radiating from my centre down to my limbs.
His travelling mouth continued its journey from my tits down my stomach, leaving small kisses along the way. I watched in awe as his head descended along my body, feeling an unknown sensation of excitement from my view as he got closer and closer to where his fingers continued to work me. Once he reached the crest of my pelvis, he grabbed each of my legs and positioned them on his shoulders before leaning down and admiring my dripping core.
“W-what are you doing?” I asked, my voice shaking partially from nerves but mostly from the sheer adrenaline that was coursing through my veins. He dragged his eyes from my cunt up to meet my face and gave me a soft smile. “Gonna make you feel good. Is that okay with you?” His voice was still hoarse from arousal, but there was a playful tone in it that calmed my heaving chest. “Luke never…” I trailed off my sentence and his eyebrows flew up in surprise. “Never?” He asked, seeming to be completely shocked, and I shook my head. “He said he thinks it’s gross.” I confessed, suddenly feeling more exposed by my words than I had felt by my nakedness. At this, Chris’ eyes somehow darkened and softened simultaneously. “He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.” He replied, bending down further so that he could place a soft kiss against my clit, “There’s nothing gross about this; about you.”
His words were said with such sincerity, such certainty, that I felt a small flutter in my chest. However, this feeling was abruptly interrupted by a much stronger feeling — a feeling of indescribable pleasure — once Chris attached his mouth to my clit. As he feverishly sucked and twirled his tongue expertly around my bundle of nerves, my vision became blurry and all I could see was a flash of bright light. When my vision returned, the sight before me caused the pleasure I was feeling to intensify so severely that, had my hips not been held firmly in place, I would have slipped to the floor as aimlessly as my underwear had just moments before.
There, right in the centre of my legs, was Chris. His generally messy curls even more disheveled than normal framing his face in the perfect way that it does; his already sharp cheekbones accentuated by his sucking; his bright pink lips wrapped tightly around me making me feel things I had never felt before; and his piercing blue eyes staring right up at me — seeming to take in every facial expression, every gasp, every moan that I made.
Overwhelmed, my hands flew to his hair where I held on for dear life; wanting to pull his mouth away but absolutely needing it to keep going. The build up of pressure in the pit of my stomach was almost too much to handle, and as I trembled around his face he maintained every ounce of pressure; every movement of his performed with expert precision. “C-Chris. Oh god!” I couldn’t stop myself from crying out, as the pleasure was causing my mind to scramble. “Just like that, please.” I heard myself continue, shocked even in the moment as I had never once said those words and truly meant it.
Chris released a soft moan against my core at my words, and the vibration from it was enough to get me to the point of no return. “Gonna c-cum, p-please don’t stop.” I begged desperately, and he didn’t. Like a machine, his movements never wavered — he never changed his rhythm, nor did he try any new tricks. The consistency of his swirling tongue threw me into a shocking tidal wave of pleasure, and with shaking legs and an arched back I practically screamed out his name over and over; riding out my high with no thoughts in my mind but him.
Only when my moans subsided and my grip on his hair loosened did Chris detach his mouth from my nerves before climbing back up my body. Once he reached my face, he placed a gentle kiss on my lips; the slightly sweet taste of my orgasm still coating his lips. “See,” He began, looking deep into my eyes, “Nothing gross about that. As a matter of fact, I could do that all day.” I felt my stomach do a flip and my core once again flood with a new wave of arousal from his words, and I allowed him to kiss me once more; this one much deeper than the last.
As we kissed, Chris helped me sit up, and then finally stand up on shaky legs. Once I was stable, he pulled my t-shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor with the rest of my clothing before doing the same with his own. With his top half now fully exposed, I allowed myself to take a moment to admire his body — his creamy smooth skin; slight muscle; sprinkle of hair below his belly button — as he started untying the drawstring on his pants.
He removed his pyjamas and boxers in one swift motion, and my eyes immediately fell to his hard member. Its size was otherworldly, and the veins that were wrapped around it caused my mouth to water. Mindlessly, I dropped to my knees in front of him and took his cock in my hand, pumping it a few times and relishing in the weight of it against my palm. I took a moment to glance up at him, and I found him staring down at me as his chest rose and fell rapidly; his eyes almost glazed over in arousal.
Turning my attention back to his member, I leaned forward and ran my tongue up his slit to collect the bead of pre-cum that had been gleaning in the light. As my tongue connected to his skin, I felt, more than heard, him intake a sharp breath. Eager to make him feel even a fraction as good as he made me feel, I attached my mouth to his tip and began bobbing my head up and down; swirling my tongue around the base of his tip as I did. Immediately, Chris’ hands found my hair and he began collecting it into a ponytail to pull it away from my face. Small moans left his mouth occasionally, and each time it did I felt my core grow wetter and wetter.
I brought my right hand up to the base of his shaft, where I began pumping it up and down in rhythm with my mouth. “Oh fuck.” He groaned out, gripping onto the countertop behind me with his free hand. With each bob of my head and pump of my hand, Chris released small grunts; and I relished in the fact that he was feeling so good because of me. I continued at the same pace, trying to stay focused on what I was doing, but his pleasure was adding to my pleasure, and I selfishly pulled away from him — his cock springing out of my mouth with a pop — and looked up at him through my eyelashes.
“Need more of you Chris.” I admitted, my arousal overtaking any urge I had to be coy in that moment. At my confession, Chris’ blue eyes darkened, and he didn’t hesitate before lifting me from the ground and pressing my back against the counter. His lips found mine once again, and the taste of both of our arousals melted into one as our tongues danced together; creating an addicting combination that made me ache.
A gasp fell from my lips as I was suddenly turned around, my bare chest now pressing against the cold stone counter. Chris had one hand pressed to the small of my back, where he rubbed small comforting circles as I felt his other hand guide the tip of his cock towards my opening. “You know,” Chris leaned forward towards my ear, “I always had a feeling that you wanted me too,” He let just the very tip of his member rest in my opening, “But if I knew you needed me the way I’ve been needing you, I would have fucked you much sooner.”
At that, Chris slid his cock into me, its girth stretching out my walls unforgivingly. Both of us released groans as he bottomed out, and he paused for a moment to allow me to adjust to his size as I fought against my trembling legs. After a brief moment, I felt Chris grab both of my hips before he began to thrust into me. His movements were slow and careful, as if he knew I was struggling to take his size. “You’re so tight baby.” He breathed, and I released a soft moan from his words.
He continued to move at a slow but deep pace, and with each thrust I felt my walls envelope his member with grateful acceptance. I started to feel my body relax more and more, and began to feel the earliest signs of pressure in my lower stomach once again. With each of his movements, I adjusted to him more, and I suddenly needed more. “Harder, please C-Chris.” I cried out softly, and without a moment’s hesitation he began to pick up the pace. Still driving his cock deep into me, his hips began to slam against mine at a much faster rate; causing my body to flood with even more arousal.
“You like that baby?” He asked through his grunts, and I was only able to moan in response; too fucked out to respond with words as I was constantly slammed against the countertop. The kitchen was flooded with the slick sounds of my arousal, and it was the perfect harmony to the verbal sounds of pleasure that fell from our tongues. I felt one of Chris’ hands snake up my back to the base of my neck before he grabbed a fistful of my hair; using his grip on it to pull me up off of the counter. With my back now pressed tightly against his front, he turned my head to the side so that — through blurry vision — I was able to see him and he was able to see me.
His glossed over eyes were focused on my o-shaped mouth, and he just stared at me for what felt like centuries as he continued to drive himself into me. The intensity of the moment was so startling that, if I wasn’t approaching my second orgasm of the night, I would have been brought back down to earth. But at that moment, a strong wave of pleasure shot through my body and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. “You look so pretty, taking my cock so good Y/n. You feeling good?” I was barely able to nod my head in response as the pressure in my core began to feel overwhelming. “G-gonna cum again.” I managed to squeak out through high pitched moans that I hardly recognized as my own.
“Me too baby. Just hold on for me, wanna cum together.” His words were coming out strained just as mine were, and I felt his rhythm begin to grow choppier as his orgasm approached. Screwing my eyes shut, I fought against the raging urge to release all over him right then and there; wanting so badly to do what he said to do and wait for him. Luckily, it wasn’t long before I was interrupted from my focused state by a loud grunt behind me. “Fuck, gonna cum. Where do you want me Y/n?”
His words unraveled the last string of self-control I had, and I felt my legs begin to shake beneath me as I struggled to answer. “In m-me. Oh god, please.” I cried out just as my second orgasm tore through me; this one even stronger than the first. As the waves rolled through me and I released a plethora of guttural moans, I felt Chris’ hand on my jaw; grabbing my attention. As I opened my eyes to meet with his, I felt his movements stop almost entirely. His eyes had a far-away look and his jaw was clenched, but still he stared deep into my half-lidded eyes as I felt his member pulse deep in my core — painting my walls white with his cum.
Once all of our movements stopped and our breathing returned close to normal, I winced as he slowly pulled his length out of me. He turned me around gently, and I was met with a lazy smile and a soft kiss on my forehead. Still recovering, I was at a loss for words; and so we stayed silent as he first helped me get dressed and then dressed himself.
“Well,” He finally started, “Do you feel better?” I stared at him for a moment, confused by what he meant, before I at last remembered the events that had unfolded not long before. I released a soft chuckle as I reached for a nearby red solo cup to fill with water. “Would you think I’m a bad person if I told you that I actually forgot about the whole point of this until just now?” He laughed as I chugged the water before refilling the glass and handing it to him. “No, I wouldn’t. As a matter of fact I’d think that made this whole thing even better.” He replied before bringing the glass to his lips.
I laughed as I reached for my phone, turning it on and checking my notifications. “Oh shit.” My face fell and my stomach tied itself in a knot. “Luke texted me ten minutes ago saying that the club was a bust and he’s on his way back.” Even in my immediate panic, I scoffed. “That probably means she wasn’t working tonight, huh?” I felt Chris walk up behind me and peer over my shoulder at the text message. “You okay?” He placed a gentle hand on the small of my back, and I cursed myself once I felt my heart flutter at his comforting gesture. I nodded. “More than okay, honestly.” I turned around to face him, and before I could stop myself I reached up and kissed him softly. “But he’s gonna be back any minute, and we can’t be standing in the middle of the kitchen looking freshly fucked. Let’s move.”
As promised, a few minutes later I heard the keys rattle at the front door — announcing Luke’s arrival. I was standing in the kitchen still — busying myself with washing the dirty glasses and wiping the sticky residue from the liquor, and possibly our cum, off of the counter — while Chris sat on the couch in the living room; pretending to be in the middle of a movie.
Once he walked through the door, Luke paused there a moment to take in the scene in front of him. He looked first at me, then at Chris; then me, then Chris. His expression was unreadable, like it usually was when he was drunk, and it did nothing to ease my racing heart. My mouth dried out, completely fearful that he knew exactly what had taken place just moments before right where I was standing. Did I have a hickey? Did the apartment smell like sex? Did my guilty face give it all away?
Finally, Luke moved from his place at the front door and walked right by me; heading directly for Chris on the couch. Still pretending to be busy drying and polishing the glassware, I secretly watched as they spoke to each other. With the tv still playing and their decision to speak in hushed tones, I was unable to hear what they were saying. But, I watched Chris as he shook his head no before Luke threw his hands up in exacerbation. They continued to speak to each other for a few more moments, Luke seeming to grow more and more upset and Chris maintaining his superb level of calm, before Luke finally mumbled “You fucking suck” and stormed away towards his room.
Once his door was shut with him safely behind it, my eyes immediately fell back to Chris, who was already staring at me with that cheeky smirk back on his face. Wanting desperately to know exactly what he said but too afraid to go over and speak to him about it, I stared desperately at Chris; hoping that he would give me some sort of inclination that all was good. Then, like he was reading my mind, he sent me a sharp wink. Immediately, my whole body relaxed and I released a deep breath that I hadn’t even known I was holding.
Test passed.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
absolutely live for ur roommate!james could you maybe write one on him meeting some of readers friends for the first time or calling james to pick u up after a girls night 😇would love to see him finally feel “included” in our life like we are in his
Thank you for requesting lovely!
cw: alcohol
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9 │ part 10 │ part 11 │part 12 │ part 13
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1k words
James is so absorbed in the football match on his phone that when there’s a tap on the window next to his face, he jolts halfway across the center console and squeaks like he’s twelve years old again. 
You’re beaming outside the car. Your shoulders shake with quiet, un-self-conscious laughter, so it’s impossible for James to be any kind of upset. Still, he makes a show of huffing a little as his own smile spreads. He reaches over and opens his door. 
“Sorry,” you say. You don’t look it, so he lets you off the hook for your over-apologizing. 
“Who do you think would drive you home if I had a heart attack?” James asks. He’s somewhat breathless, either because of the scare or the easier-than-usual grin still fixed on your face. 
You lean against the side of his car and roll your eyes. “Oh, your heart’s too healthy to be in danger of attacks.” 
“What are you doing on this side of the car? You’re the passenger, you know.”
“Okay, listen.” You give him a very intentional look. It’s more eye contact than he’s used to from you, and it makes his guts go all twisty in a surprisingly nice way. “It’s completely up to you, of course, but I think I’m about to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” 
It clicks into place. “You’re drunk.” 
“Not very.” Your grin is a short fall from impish. Your eyes sparkle. God help him. “But you’re about to be.” 
James feels his eyebrows float up. “How do you figure?” 
“Because I’ve come to collect you. If you want.” 
“To collect me…where?”
“Inside,” you say, as though this should be obvious. You tip your head towards the restaurant. “We’ve just closed, and we have so much wine. Pleasepleaseplease, James, come in.” 
“Okay.” He’s letting you tug him from his car before he knows what he’s agreed to, only that one please will always be enough to get whatever you want from him. “Alright, love, but doesn’t your manager mind that you’re drinking their wine?” 
You let loose a bark of laughter, loud and sharp and totally unlike you. “Tom? Yeah, right.” 
Tom, James learns quickly upon entering the rowdy atmosphere of your workplace after hours, is younger than the both of you, hardly old enough to serve alcohol and yet managing the restaurant. And the wine isn’t stolen, necessarily, but the fortunate leavings of a wealthy customer who bought more bottles than his table could handle and then left nearly all of them. 
Everyone who’d been on the night shift is strewn about the empty restaurant. Servers and busboys and dishwashers all perched on stools, standing behind the bar, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on tables. You take James by the hand, first reclaiming the bottle of wine you’d evidently stored behind the host’s station and then leading him around the room to introduce him to various coworkers. His hand feels warm and tingly. You have an easy repartee and a million in-jokes with the servers, but even the kitchen staff seems to adore you. As they rightly should, James thinks. It’s obvious you’re as kind and considerate here as you are at home, and he feels a bit silly for not having been able to picture you in this place so clearly before now. 
Art is working with you again tonight. It’s embarrassing, the warm wave of relief that James feels when he notices you don’t pay him any extra attention. He makes a mental note to extend his offer of a ride home more often. Every time your hand starts to slip from James’, you readjust your grip before he can even think of doing it himself. Suits him just fine; ever since your mugging incident, suddenly James is in this weird place where he always wants a hand on you.
You say his name, and then the lip of a bottle is being pushed against his lips. 
“You haven’t had hardly any.” You look like you’re trying to pout, but your eyes are smiling. 
James takes the bottle from you. He looks you in the eyes as he takes a sip as if to say, Happy? It’s barely enough to warm his throat. “I am still driving us home, you know.”  
The pout is getting better. “I know, but I’m trying to be fun for you. You don’t have to drive us if you don’t want to! You’re always the one doing the nice things.” 
“Oh, don’t.” His tone is fonder than he means for it to be, but luckily you’re too tipsy to mind. “You’re plenty fun. You do nice things for me all the time.” 
“Yeah, but not enough to balance out.” You make your eyes big and pitiful. James feels fortunate this isn’t a skill you seem inclined to utilize sober. “Obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but—Jamie, don’t hold back because of me, please.” 
His stomach does an impressive flip. He doesn’t think you realize you’ve called him that, doubts you’d have done it under normal circumstances, but his nervous system cares not for rationalizations. He wants desperately to hear you say it again. 
You beam as James lifts the bottle to his lips again, taking a few hearty gulps. You both end up walking home that night, but you wake even before James to go retrieve his car in the morning.
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marksmelodies · 11 months
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nct dream reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member
genre: idol x fem reader au
warnings: cussing, suggestive, sex
mark was currently running to the convenience store quickly getting some drinks as the rest of the boys were hanging out in the kitchen of their dorm.
“ man mark left his phone here” renjun says picking it up seeing spam messages from you
y/n: i cant wait to see you tonight markie <3
y/n: what time are you planning on leaving ur place?
y/n: just tell them you’re going to the studio or something
y/n: let me know when you’re on the way later, i wanna get all pretty for you, i’m gonna wear the new lingerie set you got me
y/n: even though you’re just gonna rip it right off
y/n: we haven’t fucked in so long, i might be really tight for you, i know you always complain how you finish super quick when i’m really tight, you might wanna cum once before heading to my place so you’ll last longer
renjun face immediately turns red after reading the messages, he knew he messed up, slamming the phone back down on the table he looks up at the members
“ i just read something i definitely shouldn’t have.”
you had just gotten out of the shower getting ready for a get together with the dream members, renjun came over before everyone else to help set up.
“babe did you buy more condoms like i asked, we used the last ones last night?” you yell to renjun through the house before the thought leaves your mind.unbeknownst to you the boys had arrived while you were showering, renjun mentally face palmed himself knowing the guys would never let this go… dreading looking up to see the boy’s reactions, before he could look up you walked out of your room “ junnie did yo - oh” you cut yourself off as you realized who all was in your living room already.
“babe??” jaemin questions
“ CONDOMS?!?! EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!!” haechan screams with his eyebrow raised.
“ i think it’s pretty self explanatory haechan, they’re fucking” chenle laughs
“ you guys heard nothing, i did not say a thing” you say walking over to renjun hiding your red face in the crook of his neck
“ good going babe” you hear him whisper in you ear.
you have known the boy for years now, you and jeno had been friends for a long time but just this year you decided to take it a step further, not exactly dating but not just friends, some would call it friends with benefits but it was more than that. today you and jeno were hanging with all of nct, once a month they hold parties where all the members get to hang out, some even bring their significant others.some members playing beer pong, some gaming others doing karaoke and chitchatting, everyone was having a good time. accept jeno.
you haven’t met all the members before being that you primarily hang out with the dreamies most often, yangyang approached you a little bit ago challenging you to a beer pong game, so as you two were playing jeno stood against the kitchen counter glaring at you with his arms crossed.
if looks could kill yangyang would’ve been long gone.
you jump as you win the game making yangyang chug the last cup of beer, he approaches you complementing you in your win, as you two stand there getting closer with eachother, asking questions about yourselves you look over to jeno who’s squinting his eyes in an intimidating way just waiting for the right moment to approach you two. as time goes by you realize that yangyang is in fact flirting, you awkwardly laugh trying your best to get out of the conversation however he keeps dragging you back, soon enough yangyang places his hand around your waist, you immediately back away as you bump into someone behind you, that very someone being jeno.
“ hey babe i’ve been looking everywhere for you” jeno says as he grabs your hips placing one hand around it as the other one goes to your ass, leaving a peck on your lips.
“ i see you’ve been talking to yangyang, yangyang this is my GIRLFRIEND y/n” he smiles
“ oh shit girlfriend?? my bad bro i thought you two were just friends” he says
“ it was nice talking to you, i think i should go” yangyang hurried away extremely intimidated by jeno
“ babe what are doing, there’s so many people here i thought we were keeping us a secret, and girlfriend.. i don’t remember you asking me out unless i’m so drunk i can’t remember” you push past him, he pulls you back into him with his strong arms
“ maybe i’m hinting something sweet girl, we’ll talk about it when we’re both sober”
as the night goes on jeno decides to play a shot game against a few members, taking shot by shot. members backing out one by one leaving jeno as the champion. the crowd watching as he takes his last shot, when he finishes everyone cheers for him, jeno clearly not sober, grabs you and kisses you on the spot in front of everyone, gasps heard from a distance you and jenos tongue fight for dominance, grabbing up on you he squeeze your ass pulling away
“ i knew it haechan yells”
“ let’s go to the bathroom babe i need my dick in you immediately” he yells loud enough for almost everyone to hear.
“ oh my god jeno you’re so embarrassing” you say leading him into the bathroom as the group freaks out over what just happened.
you and haechan we’re currently thousands of miles away from each other due to nct dreams tour.
“ i miss you pretty girl” haechan says over videocall
“ i miss you more hyuckie” you smile at him through the camera
“ where are the rest of the boys? aren’t you rooming with someone?” you ask
“ i’m sharing the room with mark but he’s in the shower right now, i think the others are asleep it’s pretty late here”
“ oh that’s right it’s nearly midnight for you, you should get some sleep love”
“ i’m not tired baby, actually i’m quite the opposite” he smerks at you
“ oh my god haechan don’t give me that look”
“ it’s not my fault i haven’t had your life changing pussy in so long” he sighs
“ you’re so dramatic.. but i admit i’m having the same problem over here”
haechans face drops into a serious look
“ come fly out here, i’ll pay for everything”
“ haechan be serious for five seconds”
“ i’m so serious y/n i need you so bad, i miss you so much, i miss your body and how it rides me so well, i miss your taste, i miss everything about you”
“ i’ll tell you what, go focus on your shows and do your best for me and when you get back you can sleep at my place and i’ll let you do everything you desire”
“ EVERYTHING?!?!” haechan shouts
“ yes baby everything, we can go at it all night if you really want” you laugh
“ YES ” he says in an excited tone
“ you’re the best, i could kiss you right now” he kisses the phone
once you two end your conversation and say goodnight hanging up the phone, mark walks out of the bathroom and lays on his bed casually scrolling through his phone.
“ so you’re fucking y/n? i would’ve never expected that” mark stares nonchalantly turning towards haechan
haechan stares at him with wide eyes
“ the walls are very thin” mark laughed
“ how much of our conversation did you hear??” haechan asks
“ enough to make me want to puke”
haechan rolls his eyes
“ don’t worry your little secret is safe with me”
jaemin had to be back on stage in 15 minutes.
“ babe come on you’re going to be late,everyone’s looking for you” you say trying to push him off of you
you and jaemin are best friends at least that’s what you tell everyone, in reality you’ve been seeing each other romantically for a few months now. currently backstage in the dressing room jaemin has you sitting on the table, shirt pulled up exposing your chest as he feels you up, kissing every inch of you.
“ i’ll go back out in a minute i’m not done feeling all of you yet my love”
jaemin quickly lifts your skirt up pulling your panties to the side as he slips his pants down pulling his dick out and lining it up with you, he quickly thrusts into you
“ oh my god jaemin you feel so good” you moan
“ fuck your so tight” he curses under his breath
the door suddenly swings open as the members appear in the door way
“ oh shit, oh my god im so sorry, continue” chenle says immediately closing the door
“ oh my god your entire group just saw my titties” you say wanting to cry of embarrassment
“ it’s okay baby we can worry about that later, focus on me right now ” jaemin coos
you and jaemin open the door to see the members in the hallway, you grab jaemins hand looking to the ground in embarrassment
“i’m so sorry you had to see that” you say
“ i’m not, that was hot as fuck” haechan jokes as jaemin gives him the death stare
“ just remind me to never go near that table again” chenle says disgusted
“ by the way, you all owe haechan and i 20 bucks, i told y’all they were fucking” jeno says.
the boys decided for chenles birthday that they would go to his house and prank him by waking him up for practice screaming happy birthday and jumping on his bed.as they all approached his bedroom mark counted down and they all busted through the door, to their surprise they found chenle and you cuddled up in bed, your bare back facing the door and both of your clothes from last night scattered on the floor hinting that you were both naked under the sheets
thankfully you’re a heavy sleeper, so the boys sudden entrance had no affect on you whatsoever however chenle not so much, the boys stand frozen for a second before chenle groans shooing them to go away
“ shit go go go” they whisper leaving the room in a hurry
“ sorry” renjun whispers leaving the room shutting the door it abruptly opens again and a hushed
“hope y’all used protection” was said before shutting the door again.
due to jisungs recent ankle injury he wasn’t able to attend practice with the rest of the dreamies, the boys walked down the hall heading to their dorm after a long practice
“ i hope jisungs doing okay, he’s probably lonely being all cooped up in his room all day” mark says
“ are you kidding that kid is having the time of his life playing endless video games” jeno chuckles,getting closer to the dorm they hear slight banging getting louder the closer they get
“ what the hell” jaemin says turning door handle to their place
“ oh my god, yes jisung right there” you moan loudly
the dorm is filled with loud moans shared between you and jisung,the bed squeaking and the headboard banging into the wall slightly causing the picture frames on the other side of it to shake
“ cum for me baby” jisungs voice echos across the dorm
“ oh my god” jeno says as they all walk back out into the hallway quickly evacuating the dorm after realizing whats going on
“ holy shit our little innocent jisung is getting laid” haechan says as everyone stands there shocked on what to do next
“ there’s a good place to eat right down the road why won’t we give them some time” jaemin suggests
“ god i just cant believe jisung is corrupted, he’s been putting on a façade this whole time” haechan continues
“ let him be haechan at least he’s getting some unlike you” renjun laughs
“ man our youngest is all grown up” mark says “ he better have wrapped it” he adds
“ OH MY GOD WAIT WAS HE FUCKING Y/N” chenle gasps as the whole groups come to a halt, the boys stand there in the middle of the street contemplating what to do
“ we have to go back and see for ourselves” they say in unison, running back to the dorms
Thanks for reading lovelies!!! hopes you enjoyed!!! <3
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hqbaby · 1 year
six — best
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. swearing, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, slight dacryphilia, cum eating, use of pet names
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“Pay up, fuckers!”
The boys groan as you hold your hands out for them to drop their money into. One by one, they reach into their pockets and begrudgingly hand you their bets. You’ve just bested them a beer pong again.
“Fuckin’ cheerleaders, man,” Aran murmurs. “Yukie fucked us up at the last party too.”
You walk over to Atsumu with a shit-eating grin on your face. “You still owe me.”
He rolls his eyes at you then takes your face with one hand, planting a kiss on your lips. When he pulls away to find you looking stunned, he smirks. “That’s worth at least a thousand yen.”
Your grin is back. “Cocky,” you say. “I kinda dig it.”
So wrapped up being the center of attention, you don’t seem to feel Suna’s unrelenting gaze on you. He just can’t look away. It’s like his eyes are glued to your figure, taking it all in. The way you charm everyone until they’re eating out of your hand. The way you always have a witty little quip to say when they try to get under your skin. The way you light up when you’re near Atsumu and the way you close your eyes when he kisses you. 
He sees it all from the corner of the room, nursing his beer. And the whole time, there’s only one thing on his mind: He really needs to fuck you right now.
You pull away from the rest of the group and head to the kitchen to get another drink.
“Hey, Suna,” you greet when you pass by him. “Haven’t seen much of you tonight. You find a girl you like?”
He follows you out of the room, the two of you walking into an empty corridor. Well, it’s more or less empty. The only people there are passed out on the floor.
Before you know it, your back is pressed against the wall and Suna’s lips are on yours. It’s messy and harsh, all teeth and force. There’s no method to how he touches you, his hands are just everywhere, grabbing any part of you that he can.
You withdraw your lips from his, lightly pushing him away. “Wait, wait, wait,” you say, trying to get a good look at him in the dimly-lit corridor. You can’t see much, but you can see his eyes. The way they stare at you, hungry. “What’s going on, Suna?”
His voice is low and rough. “Don’t call me that.”
“Suna,” he says. “It’s Rin to you.”
You crack a smile at the request. “Rin,” you say quietly, obliging, “what’s going on?”
“I need to fuck you.”
His hands are on your shoulders, face just inches away from yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, but you know he’s sober. Just really horny, you guess.
“Like… right now?” You give him a bemused look. “Your friends are right there,” you try to remind him, nodding your head at the door to the living room. “They aren’t exactly supposed to know about this, right?”
He answers you with another searing kiss. “I don’t care,” he says against your lips. “I want you.”
At that, you kiss him back, melting into his frantic touch. “I want you too.”
Your words shoot straight to his cock and he lets out a groan. Careful not to step over the people on the floor around you, you both stumble into the closest bathroom, mouths still linked and hands still searching one another.
“Get on the counter,” he commands, locking the door behind him.
You do as he says and reach your hands out for him. The heat between your legs grows. “Rin, I need you.”
He’s back on you, hands running up and down your back as he lets you slip your tongue into his mouth. He moves his fingers between your legs, pushing your panties aside to touch your dripping core. “Fuck, baby.” He pulls his soaked hand up for you to see. “Would you look at that?”
You nod mindlessly, trying to pull him as close to you as you can. When he starts pressing his fingers against your clit, you grab his wrist. “No,” you say desperately. “I want you in me now.”
“You sure you can take me?” His voice is teasing. “Might break you.”
Your hands go up to his hair, yanking him forward to crash your lips into his. “I don’t care. Please, Rin.”
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me.”
You don’t have to tell him twice. In a second, he pulls you off the counter, turns you around, and bends you over. He lifts your skirt up and rips your panties away like they’re nothing.
“Rin,” you whine. “Why’d you do that?”
He places the piece of fabric in his pocket. “It’s fine,” he tells you, landing a harsh blow to your ass. “I won’t let anyone see you.”
You moan at the sting of his touch. Your eyes land on the mirror in front of you, catching a glimpse of your fucked out state. It’s filthy, the way Suna has you bent over, your tits threatening to spill out of your top, legs spread to the side for him. Behind you, you can see him unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down, eyes focused on your pussy.
Then, you feel it. The head of his cock pressed against your folds, moving up and down as he gathers your slick.
“Don’t tease.”
He chuckles. “Just making sure you’re ready to take me.”
Without warning, he slides all the way inside of you. You scream at the mix of pain and pleasure overtaking your senses as Suna’s hand comes to cover your mouth.
“Gotta keep it down, babe,” he tells you as he starts to thrust. He goes faster every time he moves, impatiently fucking into you, your walls clenching around him. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
You grip the edge of the counter as the knot in your stomach tightens. Suna moves in and out of you at a brutal pace, your entire body being tossed back and forth by the sheer force of it. Muffled moans spill out of your lips and your eyes roll so far back into your head you swear you can see your skull.
“Taking me so well,” he hisses. One hand moves away from your mouth and goes to grip your hips while the other comes up to grab your hair and yank your head up. “Open your eyes, baby. Look at yourself. All fucked out on my cock.”
You try your best to look at the sight in front of you, the way Suna uses your body like it’s nothing, the way he pounds into you from behind. Tears slip out the corners of your eyes as your pleasure reaches immeasurable heights.
He snickers. “Is my pretty baby crying?” he asks. “Am I fucking you too good?”
No words come out of you, just endless whimpers. You try to keep yourself quiet knowing that, even if the music outside is blaring, you’re being loud enough for anyone passing by to hear. Then, a sharp thrust sends your entire body lurching forward and a borderline pornographic moan slips out of your mouth. There’s no way you can keep quiet, not when Suna’s fucking you like this.
“Can’t even speak now, can you? Too drunk on my cock.” He knows you’re close, he can feel you clenching around him, so tight it’s making it harder for him to move. His hand pulls away from your head and goes down to rub your swollen clit. “Such a pretty fucking girl,” he says. “So pretty when I fuck you.”
Without his support, your head drops, mind too focused on your impending orgasm. You rock back and forth with each relentless thrust, your chest heaving with effort and adrenaline. “Rin,” you moan. “I’m so close.”
“I know, baby, I know,” he murmurs, leaning over your back until his lips are right beside your ear. “I’m right there with you. Come for me.”
And, just like that, a wave hits you, riding your high as Suna continues to fuck you through it. You swear the counter should be crumbling from just how hard your grip is, clinging onto it for dear life. The sounds falling out of your mouth are sinful, downright sacrilege.
With a few more thrusts, Suna stills, cum spurting deep inside you. He grabs your hips so tight that you already know they’ll bruise in the morning. His body slumps over yours, just as spent as you are. He wraps his arms around you as the two of you try to get your bearings, slouched over the counter for a moment, Suna’s dick softening inside of you.
After a beat, you start giggling. “Where did that come from?”
You can feel him smile against your shoulder. “I told you. Your skirt’s cute,” he says, peeling himself off you as you both pull apart. You wobble a little and he catches you just in time, holding you against his chest. “That’s got to be at least in the top 5.”
Your hand slaps his chest at the comment. “Oh definitely,” you tell him with a smile. “Maybe even in the top 3.”
He pumps his fist. “I still got it.”
You laugh.
Suna pulls his pants back up and fixes his belt while you retouch your makeup in the mirror. You’re focused on applying your lipstick when he notices his cum sliding down the insides of your thigh. He turns to look for some toilet paper and pales a little when he sees the empty dispenser.
You look at him with concern. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, no, it’s just…” He motions at your legs. “There’s no toilet paper here. I can go out and find something.”
You glance down, see what he’s talking about, then look back at him and shake your head. “It’s fine.”
“What? Y/N—”
What you do next has him stunned, gaping at you. You slide two fingers up your thigh, gathering the cum spilling out of you, and pop your fingers in your mouth, sucking on them as your eyes stare right into his.
After rendering him speechless, you come closer, chest pressed against his. Then, you cup a hand to his ear and whisper with a smirk, “I know I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
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“Ya good?” Atsumu asks when you come back to join the group. “I was just ‘bout to go lookin’ for ya.”
You coo at him. “Aw, aren’t you sweet?” you say, grabbing his hand. “I’m fine. I just had to make a call.”
“Everythin’ okay?”
“Yeah. Just forgot to tell my roommate I was going out tonight.”
Suna walks into the room a little while after you. It wasn’t really like you were trying to hide it. Besides, you highly doubted anyone would even suspect that there was something going on between the two of you, but you tried to stagger your entrances anyway. Just in case.
He finds you on the couch, huddled over a game of Uno with some of the other guys. You’re sitting on Atsumu’s lap with your brows furrowed in concentration. When you look up to see him, you beam.
“Suna, come join us!” you say like you weren’t just fucking him in the bathroom ten minutes ago. “There’s room over there beside Hinata.”
The bright-haired boy waves at him and pats the spot to his right, on the floor beside the coffee table. “Come on,” he says. “We’re trying to beat Y/N.”
As he takes a seat, you pull a reverse on Aran’s “Draw 4.” He curses loudly. “How the hell?”
Atsumu laughs as you lean back into his chest. He kisses the crown of your head and places a hand on top of your thigh (your legs are crossed… for obvious reasons), rubbing tiny circles into your skin. “Fuckin’ told ya, man,” he says. “Y/N’s just the best.”
Suna clenches his fists on his lap. It shouldn’t bother him, but it does. It’s not like he didn’t see it coming.
He always knew you were the best. He should’ve known that didn’t just apply to him.
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notes. this one is for the suna girlies 🫡 and also totally not bc the angst is real!1!!1! i also realize now that i made the reader in this series too hot for her own good like i would fall in love with her too yk?? i’m not choosing a side i’m team reader all the way🧎‍♀️
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It’s so easy to love you
(Luke Hughes x reader/oc)
Pt. 3
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Hey guys I’m back, I know you missed me 😻😻, it’s been a hectic couple of days with a lot of hair dye, but we’re back now so without further of due? That’s not how you say that.
Warnings: underage drinking, smoking, and language
It’s been a couple of days at the lake house, everyone’s settled in and getting comfortable, today should be the day Trevor and Cole show up finally, but they’ve always been the ones late to show up. You’ve just woken up and are making your way to your dresser to change when you hear your door very quietly open, there in the doorway you see a very tired Luke with messy curls and no shirt. You let out a quiet giggle at the state of your boyfriend “well hello handsome” you say with a smile on your face. He turns around from trying to close the creaky door quietly and silently walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “I miss you” he says tucking his face into your shoulder, you pout and play with his curls “I know baby but we can’t have them finding out yet, at least not until we’re both ready” you say and glance at the door when you hear the creaking of floor boards. You feel Luke’s head snap up too, but settle back into you when you both hear the creaking of someone going down the stairs. You let out a long sigh and pat Luke’s hands as a sign to let go “we will tell them before this summers over I promise” you say and press a short kiss to Luke’s lips. He lightly nods his head and makes his way to go back to his own room, as you see the door shut behind him you look at your dresser to see the L necklace he gave you still sitting there.
You get dressed and make a move for the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your makeup but can’t help to glance back at the necklace. You can’t help yourself and wind it around your neck a do the clasp up, then tuck it into your shirt “well what they can’t see won’t hurt them” you say to yourself and finally make your way to the bathroom. After finishing getting ready you make your way downstairs to the kitchen to see all the boys making breakfast +2. “Hey Victoria long time no see” Trevor says and makes his way over to give you a side hug “hey trev” you say returning the hug. You let go and meet Cole halfway “hey Vikki how ya been” Cole says giving you a bear hug, you return it but half to say “better a second ago when I could breath Cole” he lets you go and let’s out a mumbled ‘sorry’ and the rest of the boys laugh. You make your way over to Luke and peer over his shoulder to see what he’s cooking. He looks back at you and moves you with his hip a little “stop hovering vik I’m cooking” he says flipping a pancake. You return to his shoulder “yeah I know that’s exactly why I’m hovering I wanna see what your makin” you say, looks to be just eggs, sausages, and pancakes, Luke is the cook of the family, has to be with how much this fuckin kid eats. He turn, picks you up by ur waist and sets you on the counter and returns to his pans. “Hey! What did I say about picking me up just because I’m shorter than you, you little shit!” You say crossing ur arms and huffing, he looks back and sticks his tongue out at you. You stick yours at him back “so I see you two got closer over the time you spent in college together?” Quinn points out, you look back to see all the boys watching your encounter with smiles or confused looks. “Well yeah I guess, if you always gotta see each other why not embrace it I guess” you say and look away from Quinn hoping the blush on your face isn’t too apparent, breaking the silence Luke’s phone begins to ring, he groans and looks back “fuck, someone grab that I’m a bit busy” he says taking a pancake off the pan. You grab his phone since ur the closest and answer it without looking at the name “Luke’s phone” you say into the speaker. “Oh hey Luke’s wife how’s it hanging” the person on the other end reply’s, “duker I told you to stop calling me that.” You say with a roll of your eyes. At the name like turns around now interested “oh what’s the harm” he reply’s, you turn to make sure no one’s listening and when you see all the boys other than Luke are in conversation “what if you were on speaker you little shit, then there would be a lot of harm, to your face.” You say smiling up at Luke after, he lets out a hearty chuckle and turns back to his pancake. “…. Won’t happen again… anyways I was just calling cuz I’m bored and wanted drama and I figured you two got caught fuckin or something already” he says with a casual tone, your face flares up red “well we didn’t you prick, have fun being bored all summer see ya” you say and hang up the phone.
Luke turns to you and smiles and your blush “what did he say now” he says and grabs his phone to check if there’s any texts “he said he was bored, wanted drama and figured we go caugh… yk already” you say with a very annoyed look. Luke lets out a loud laugh, and you begin to hit his shoulder. “It’s not funny your both pricks and next time I see him he’s gonna have a hand mark on his face” you exclaim angered, he smiles at you “alright alright I’m sorry, breakfast is done!” He yells to get the boys attention, as soon as he yells that all hell breaks loose and the boys begin running for food and arguing. After checking that everyone is preoccupied Luke presses a kiss you your lips, then neck and pulls away with a smile. You sit there shocked and look over at him, he shrugs with a smirk and grabs two plates for you both. “Don’t do that again that was risky as all fuck.” You say with an astonished look on your face, he laughs and you both make ur way over to the food, little do you both know someone was looking your way during the encounter
Ah don’t you just love cliff hangers, sorry again this is short cuz I’m lazy and it’s pretty wild around here, who do we think saw? I mean I know, but you guys don’t.
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catiuskaa · 9 months
this close to begging
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SUMMARY: an angsty tension formed out of pent-up feelings. a mix of alcohol, changbin and you might find just the way of solving it.
WC: 1.6k
CW: swearing, angsty feelings, drinking, drunk oral sex (f rec.), mentions of degradation and size kink, use of nicknames: bubs, my love, bunny, recreational use of pussydrunk!changbin because I say so, why not, and I think that’s all, folks! (pls tell me if I missed anything!)
TAGGING! @ur-boyfiends-reading, from a fellow seolar <3 hope you like it! (feel no pressure at all if it isn’t your kind of thing tho)
You hadn’t meant it. Of course you hadn’t.
You had been fed up with everyone’s bullshit in the past week. Dealing with the cons of dating an idol was usually fine, but added to the recent stress in your minimum-wage job, with your boss constanltly prancing around and making everyone’s mood so fucking crispy, roaming and firing people in several departments— including yours.
Let’s just say you weren’t in your best of days. Or… weeks.
And Changbin, well, you hadn’t had the heart to tell him just yet. Or to talk. Much to your and his despair, his schedule had also been against you seeing each other. Always full to the brim. Packed to the infinity.
You had barely seen him the past week. Maybe even the one before, which didn’t help at all with your current exhaustion.
Still, it wasn’t an excuse for the argument that stroke between both of you. You couldn’t point out who or what had started it, but the tension made the focal point of the loud discussion change.
“Leave me the fuck alone for a minute, okay!? You’re always clinging to me like a desperate little bitch.”
You froze, hands slightly trembling after those lies came out of your mouth. You hadn’t meant it, at all. You loved your smol little cuddly Binnie. You loved how you would usually wake up with his hands beneath your shirt as he pampered your face and neck with kisses, his hair messy and fluffy and his face puffy from sleep. You couldn’t figure in your head how that sentence had come off. You couldn’t understand it.
Still, for both his and your sanity, you had moved from your shared bed to the first floor, and locked yourself inside the guest’s room, which was never really used by anyone else than the rest of the members whenever they wanted to stay the night.
After you entered the spare room, you heard a ruffle of sorts and then the loud slam of the main door closing.
And since then, a couple of hours had passed.
You didn’t have the heart to text or apologize. You wouldn’t know where to start, and being honest, you weren’t sure he was going to forgive you. In your mind, that was totally plausible and justifiably so.
Where could Changbin gone? Your chest tightened, not daring to get out. What if he had left to stay elsewhere? No, Chan would’ve texted you.
You sighed, slowly banging your head against the door behind you, feeling the guilt spread through your body.
Brushing off the tears on your cheeks, you stood up, shaking your head, and decided to step out and head to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.
The silence in the apartment was killing you slowly. Usually, as loud as he could be, Changbin would leave traces of where he was or what he was doing with small sounds. Like the little giggles when he was texting the members. The loud cackles when he watched instagram reels, and the proud snicker when he encountered edits of himself. The low humming when a song got stuck in his head, there it be one of his own creations or the ones he listened to. The small thuds as he practiced choreographys in his study, for tiktok trends or for Felix’s enjoyment.
Now, it was just silence as you sipped from he mug. It was probably not a good idea to have coffee past one am, but you didn’t care.
And then, you heard the struggles of a drunk man trying to open the door.
You hesitated. He was a mess when he was drunk, but now he’d probably be mad. And you kind of deserved it.
Shaking your head, you opened the door, and his body, slightly taller than yours, fell like a puppet, his head nuzzling into your neck as his arms closed around your waist.
“Bubs, y-you’re so preettty,” he sniffed. He was… crying? “Ah… I- m-missed you, sooo, so muchh…” he trailed off, his eyes teary.
You tried to craddle his face or to move him away, and failed to guide him upstairs.
“N-no!” He refused, tightening his grip around you.
“My love, you should go to bed.” You mentioned softly.
His eyes widened, and his head shot up, his hands now cradling your face.
“W-what did you just say?” He muttered. “D-don’t say that. If you… do that… n-no…”
You blinked, pouting unconciously.
“What, baby?” He shivered under your touch when your hands softly grabbed his wrists.
“Remember how… I uh… said that… alcohol… uh…”
The intense blush in his face made you almost jump in your place, your eyebrows shot up slightly.
You were unable to control a smile that creeped from underneath. “My love…” you started, and he almost whimpered. “Are you getting horny?” You whispered, and he nodded against your neck.
“You… you’re just s’prettyy… ‘n you keep wearing my clothes…” his fingers started to trail patterns, slowly riding up an old hoodie of his that you had most definetely stolen.
You licked your lips.
“Let’s get you to bed, yeah? Lemme take care of you.”
His body fell on the bed like dead weight. His eyes were closed, his features so soft you thought he had fallen asleep.
You started taking his shoes off, followed by his socks, because you knew he hated sleeping with them on.
Changbin sighed, and you stopped.
“Bubs, please,” his hand tugged your sleeve. “P-please… just. Just… this once. ‘M so sorry. I’ll fix this. I’ll do whatever I can. I’ll talk to the company or something.” He blabbered messily, and tugged your sleeve harder, swiftly taking your other arm and pulling towards him, making you fall on top of him.
He brushed a couple of stray hairs from your face, and you struggled you find a comfortable position to lie on him.
“B-bunny, w-wait.” His hands stopped your waist. “Fuck, I need you. Please. I know ‘m drunk… just…” his features scrunched up, thinking.
“Love…” you started.
“Wait, I know!” He blurted out. “Just lemme taste you.” He smiled, breathing against your lips, in a way that you could almost taste what he had drinked earlier.
He whined. “You always taste s’good, bubs. Please. Binnie need this, pleaaase…” he trailed off, peppering messy kisses on your neck.
You felt him harden underneath you as you thought for an answer.
“But we had a fight, love. I don’t want you to do this and feel wrong about it tomorrow.” You said lowly, biting your lip. “Are you sure about this?”
“I know, I know. ‘m drunk, sure, but you still taste so fucking good ‘nd look like a goddess. Thinking I’ll regret this ‘s bullshit.” He mumbled against your skin.
You got lost in thought, and he took that in advantage, rolling his hips against yours.
“You said you’d take care of me,” he whimpers lowly, his voice hoarse. “Kiss me.” Changbin licked his lips, his mouth dry. “Please.”
There was an urgency, a burning desire that crashed through your body as his lips devoured yours after a shy nod. Each touch of his lips sent ripples of warmth through your body, making both of you more hot and bothered as it grew in intensity. It was a kiss that spoke volumes without uttering a word, a language of emotions conveyed through the mixture of breaths. A way of apologizing from before and a form of drunk reassurance.
The taste was a mixture of the drinks he had taken and your flavoured chapstick, tongues clashing against one another as his hands moved to your waist and turned both of you. With his figure over yours, he parted your legs with soft strokes on your thigh, leaning in, unable to separate from your lips, taste stronger and more addicting than any drink he could’ve found over at the bar.
When you broke apart, a thin strand of drool followed your lips, and without missing a beat, Changbin licked it clean. You panted, your hand on his chest as both of you stared at each other, eyes, lips, taking in the other’s untamed beauty. It was a moment suspended in time, entering your shared bubble back in what felt like months of craving.
Changbin went right back, biting your bottom lip, trailing lustful kisses down your neck, taking your and his clothes off as if they burned, nonchalantly throwing them elsewhere.
“So good, my cute little bunny… already wet, huh?” He snickered, leaving marks on your neck and trailing dow, playfully biting the inside of your thighs. “Binnie’ll make ya feel s’good.”
His kisses started to get closer and closer to your core, making your sigh impatiently, whimpering. He cooead at you, and planted a teasing kiss on your cunt.
You squirmed on your place. “B-binnie…!”
“Shhh, bunny. S’okay.” Changbin smirked slyly, dragging his tongue on you in languid strokes. He grunted when you started moaning louder, your hands now in his hair, his mouth spread wide on you.
As you started babbling in pleasure, he started making out with your sloppy cunt more vigorously, tugging at your thighs, like he wanted to be crushed by them.
“Y’know, fuck…” he moans, and it travels all through your body. “when ya said I was a desperate lil’ bitch… fuck… made me so horny…”
He stared at you from in between your legs. “Binnie’s such a desperate slut for bunny, huh?”
He spread you open with two slender finger, moaning just by feeling how small you are and how you clenched around his fingers, imagining how tight you'd be around him, and he started grinding against the matress unconciously.
He stops grinding when you moan his name and grasp his hair, and lets you ride his face as you reel in pleasure.
You whine when his kisses get too intense and he comes up, his arousal all over his lips and chin, kissing you with all tongue and teeth, allowing you to taste yourself.
“We’ll keep going in the morning,” he panted. “Can’t have enough of you.” Changbin murmured against your neck, falling asleep with you.
~kats, who wrote this while blasting ‘careless whisper’ on her headphones just to see how far she could take it.
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
Heyyy i have a random request, I read your Colby X reader called “unholy” and I was wondering if you could do one where it’s still smutty (if you’re okay with that) and basically Colby and the reader are at a party and Colby basically saved the reader from another dude trying to force himself on her and when he’s trying to soothe the reader he basically admits he’s had feeling for her for a while and things get steamy
Hate The Game
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Angst, slight smut
Hello bby, sorry for the long wait, but i find it so hard to right anything. Also, another apology to the fact that, for now, i'm not writing Colby smut, but i transformed it in a way to involve ur full request.
Hope u enjoy it ♥️
The amount of people who are singing takes me by surprise as i enter the house party, rather shy. I look backwards and i laugh along with Colby, both of us noticing how everyone's already fired up by alcohol in a pretty small time frame.
We both enter the house and Jake's wide smile greets us in the small hallway, before the rest of the living room and kitchen space open up in front of us. With a bottle of champagne in his hand, he hugs us both and we wish him a happy birthday, patting him on the back and smiling.
"Have a great one, buddy", Colby smiles widely at his friend and i can tell he's reminiscing all the memories he's had with Jake throughout the years. I quickly look away when Colby catches me staring at him, but he chuckles and comes by my side so we would walk around the party together.
We get a drink and find an empty spot right around the open-space kitchen and i jump on the counter, trying to get a better view above all the people who are playing beer pong, Sam included as a competitor.
"I bet 5 bucks Sam is going to ace the game, but when there are 2 more cups to go, he'll lose", Colby laughs as i take a sip of my beer bottle. I laugh beside him and nod, agreeing with him.
"Everything works so smoothly until he's so close to winning", i agree with him and he bumps into me playfully when i jump next to him on the counter. "But, i bet you 10 bucks that it's not gonna be the case this time.", proudly and sure on himself, Colby takes a shot of the tequila he's just poured. We shake hands to seal the deal and watch the intense beer pong game, cheering every time Sam got the ping pong ball into the other's cups. The game went on for a few more minutes, ending in Colby handing me the $10. With a smirk on my face, i gladly grab the money and purse my lips. "i would've let you keep it, but i hate it when you play the I'm so sure on myself card."
He puts a hand on his chest, mimicking he's hurt. "I thought you liked confident guys."
"I do, but the way you portrait confidence has me a little bit nervous and i don't like it when i lose control over my emotions", the conversation goes from 0 to 100 pretty quick, but I've never been this honest with Colby before. The numerous shots of tequila and beer we took throughout the beer pong game make me bring out a certain honesty out of me. I've only known Sam and Colby for 8 months, meeting them when i got to film a ghost investigation with them in New York. Ever since then, whenever either of us had free time, we linked up. Now it's one of those times when i decided to take a break and enjoy a week of holiday and i chose to fly to Vegas to catch up with them.
"I'm not gonna lie, i knew there was something about you that caught my attention that very moment we met", Colby's eyes sparkle, but he almost gulps as he wasn't prepared either for the sentence that came out. "Uhm, I'm gonna go check on Sam real quick", he offers me a quick smile and i nod, my face morphed in a what the fuck expression.
I don't leave the open space living room, but instead of sitting at the counter, i sit behind it and look around the place for more familiar faces, but it looks like not even the other guests know anyone else other than the people that came with them.
"Is this seat taken?", a deep voice comes from behind me. A tall man with the features of an Instagram model, which i actually think he is, stands behind me with a whiskey bottle in his right hand, his left one touching my shoulder. The way he holds it makes me wonder if he can actually stand on his own 2 feet.
"Uhm, sure", i take the chair and move it a bir further from the counter so he could sit down directly and not fall with the chair and the bottle, causing a total mess. Call me practical. I study his face closer as he fights his own balance to sit down, but he keeps pushing the chair with one leg. He's now a lot further than at the beginning and i try my hardest not to roll my eyes, laugh in his face and leave to find Sam, because Colby looks like he lost himself. He has red cheeks and his eyes look heavy, like he's on the verge of falling asleep.
"I'm Ryan", he extends the Jack bottle towards me, only to realise he can't shake hands with the bottle. I bite my lip to hold my laughter.
"Too beautiful to be alone at a party", Ryan eyes me up and down and i cross my legs, feeling weird because of his unwelcomed stare.
"Well, it's not much of a party anymore, everything toned down after the beer pong", i let out a soft laugh
"We should have our own game", his words make me raise a brow, giving him a sign to provide me more information. "But not something lame like beer pong", he looks somewhere in the corner of the room, basically zoning out as the alcohol keeps ruining his neurons for the night.
"What game?", i cross my arms at my chest, already out of patience with this stranger that definitely doesn't deserve the platform he has, in case he has one. His smirk and the fact that he fights to get closer to me are the only signs i needed to realise that i shouldn't had asked.
"You see, it's me, you, naked and whoever takes more shots off that person's body wins.", he leans in closer and i lean further, but because of the corner cut of the counter, i don't have anywhere else to move. I push him back in his place, but he grabs my hand in his." And if we're not naked, it doesn't work, you know? Cause the glass wouldn't stay in place", he places a kiss kn my hand and i snap it away from him with disgust written all over my face.
"You should go take a shower, an Advil and never leave your room out of respect for yourself. You're making such a fool of yourself, I'm glad nobody's paying attention to you.", i snap and i get up from my chair, only for him to do the same and trap me between him and the counter.
"Where are you going? We didn't even start the game", Ryan's fingers run up my exposed arms and i try pushing him, but this time he doesn't move at all. Instead, he leans in more towards me. He tries to kiss me and i move my head, closing my eyes. I feel a gust of wind and then i hear, a whine. I open my eyes and i see Ryan on the floor, with Colby almost hovering over him.
"Get 10 meters close to her next time and you'll be flying out the window. Knock some sense into yourself, Ryan. Look how pathetic you are. You're hitting on my girlfriend now, tomorrow you'll be hitting on your mate's. You'll get your eyes black before you know it. Be happy i didn't touch your pretty face, otherwise you wouldn't be making bucks on Instagram.", Colby looks down at Ryan who just whines because the room is spinning and he can't grab a hold on himself to get up. We scoff at him at the same time.
"She didn't mention she has a boyfriend"
"She shouldn't. If she doesn't want you, you just let go", Colby grabs my hand and guides me outside the house, Sam following behind. I get inside Colby's Corolla and Sam gets behind the wheel of his car as well, both cars leaving towards their house to spend some time together.
"Thank you for that. I would've done the same to him, i just needed to push him one more time", i fake my confidence as i look out the window, my fingers trembling still
"Didn't you say something about confidence earlier?", Colby asks and we both laugh.
"Shut up", i pinch his bicep.
"You're welcome, I'm glad i could be there to help you", i smile at him one more time before silence takes over the car. We get to their house in less than 10 minutes, the silence being actually bearable and very needed after such a busy evening. "Don't go out yet", Colby stops me before i take one leg outside the car. "I need to talk to you"
"Oh no, am i getting grounded?", i laugh, hoping to get rid of some of the tension building inside. I close the car door and shift in my seat to look at him. He sighs and opens and closes his mouth, unable to come up with words.
"I was selfish tonight. I didn't want to rescue you, i didn't know he was actually forcing himself on you. I got there and snatched him away from you because i thought you were kissing or something", Colby looks away from me and shakes his head. "It was only after that, when i saw your face, that it was something else. And oh man how it got my blood boiling", he looks back at me and half a smirk lights up his face. I give him a small smile.
"I never thought a guy's jealousy would save me one day from a crappy interaction with a dickhead", we both laugh and he cups my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "What did you call me back there?", he blushes at my question
"My girlfriend?"
"Oooh, that sounds good. Maybe we should rehearse-", he cuts me off by placing his lips on mine, the softness making me push my face closer to his to maks sure they're actually touching. A smile forms on his lips at my move and he pushes back just the way i did. His teeth find my bottom lip and i grab him by the collar as he slips his tongue in my mouth. He pulls me on his lap, our kiss deepening and making my head spin at the taste of him. We both gasp for air, looking in each other's eyes before closing the gap once again. I hold him by the neck and i place quick kisses on his lips, cheek and down his neck, his hand grabbing my ass. A surprised moan escapes my lips and his groan lets me know he liked my reaction. "That was amazing", i barely get the words out, feeling dizzy. Colby's hands rest on my hips and his eyes stare back into mine after he's done checking me out.
"You are amazing. Gosh you're beautiful", he leans in again and i take control of the kiss, biting his lip and running my tongue on top of his.
He lifts me off him to adjust himself better in the car seat, but because of the tight space, my ass presses on the honk, making both of us jump and curse under our breaths.
"Fuck, that's a mood killer", i say as i struggle to get back to my seat
"We have all the time in the world", he smiles widely at me and i nod with the same smile, his statement making me happy from many points of view.
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dovand · 9 months
i am as always thinking about 14 and the nobles... specifically 14 & shaun. CRIMINAL lack of 14 & shaun content . excuse me that is my emotional support deranged lovers-in-law prongs of a queerplatonic throuple V. that is my little scrinkly wet cat and his chill saint bernard friend. that is my symbiotic relationship weirdos who sleep back-to-back to 14 can a) leech his body heat b) cuddle donna c) not fall off the bed. that is my favourite “both wake up early but one of them is being clung to like they are a teddy bear and it is Not Shaun, who is making ‘too bad’ faces at 14 and tiptoeing away” dynamic.
(14 either ends up dozing again after he wakes up early or just lays there curled up thinking—but, either way, when shaun shows up with breakfast in bed every sunday, he is treated to the beautiful sight of the two huge autism creature eyes peering up at him from behind the most bedraggled mop of hair ever seen. whether there are any thoughts behind those eyes depends on whether their owner has been napping or Pondering)
(yes this is all made up in my head!!! yes i am dismayed by there only being FOUR FICS (4!!) using it as a tag and none of them (afaict) doing it in a qpr way. where is my deranged weirdplatonic polycule!!!)
further insanity under the cut pleasseee please please read. please i need to be insane about this with people
(also btw this post is about queerplatonic doctordonna, doctordonna shippers i love you and you are welcome to contribute but it is a Little squicky for me so if tag ur additions (so i have a heads-up) that would be so lovely and i would adore you forever <3)
shaun likes listening to people ramble and 14 likes rambling so it is a regular occurrence to find the two of them like. standing in the kitchen holding cups of tea except one of them is actually drinking the tea and one of them is talking too rapidly about equivalent exchange to remember to blink, let alone have a sip of earl gray that has veered violently past lukewarm and is headed straight for room temperature
if 14 is in a not-wordy mood tho… thru shaun’s expert tutelage he has mastered the art of the Dad Nod. he passes shaun in the hall and gives him a little nod. shaun gives him one back. 0 words are spoken but they understand each other on a deeper level than if there had been.
they go on a Family Outing to a thrift store. rose and donna disappear to the dressier sections. shaun creeps along the racks of trousers, solemnly comparing seemingly identical pairs of jeans. 14 follows him and stares for a while, then silently hands him a loudly patterned pair of shorts. shaun takes them without question and adds them to his basket & sylvia loses her mind just a little bit when she sees him wearing them
(^ this inspired by going thrifting w my friend and looking @ everything and then finding her dad looking thru the racks of shorts comparing two beige ones, and my friend handing him a pair of pink shorts with penguins on and him buying them. because he has some . i think plaid shorts? at home and when he wore them his wife said he looked gay. so he’s trying to do it More) (it's an incredible family dynamic there. i have no idea what is going on)
god jesus. 14 learns how to cook so he can be the housething (as opposed to housewife or househusband. he is just a weirdgenderthing. little creature). someone buys him a nice apron and he wears it with so much delight. chases everyone else out of the kitchen so he can concoct something lovely. runs out into the garden to stick something into an oven in the tardis kitchen because “i am not working with enough ovens, here, people!”. organises the pantry and gets this crazed look if anyone tries to stop him. “how will i know where things a—” “it will be LABELLED.” brandishes a label maker that DEFINITELY is not from modern-day earth given that it seems to take dictation as input and can print in colour and has not needed a refill of paper even though he has extensively labelled EVERY PLASTIC BOX of stuff in the pantry
sometimes he gets into Moods where he needs to solve a problem before it makes his head explode and that used to be a like. tinkering in the tardis thing. where he’d have himself and whatever poor companion he was with just floating in the time vortex for a week while he tries to make this bit of the tardis do what he wants it to. now it’s a day or two spent almost entirely in the kitchen trying to find the scientifically optimal method by which to make meringues. he starts gesturing dramatically with a spatula forgetting it is not a sonic screwdriver. makes a sonic spatula. realises he doesn’t often need to like. scan a pancake for malware. sadly puts the sonic spatula away
he is absolutely a nightmare to watch movies with btw bc a) can’t sit still b) so tall. either he is bouncing his leg and shaking the whole couch or he is stretched out across the entire sofa. no in between. donna buys a thick rug so he can just lay on the floor. the rug is TOO comfortable and he starts just spending time laying on the floor which would be fine if he thought to turn the lights on because people keep almost stepping on him while he’s having 4am Floor Time (on the nights he's not drooling all over donna's pillow)
if anyone else has thoughts about Them PLEASe share i will love you so much and forever. doctor~donna/shaun weirdcule is the only thing in my head
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
strawberry wine - joel miller x ofc!liv stone/fem!reader
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during - part sixteen
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
the aftermath (and after that).
a/n: I swear this is the last time liv and joel will fight for a while 🫠 we’re working through some shit, but we come out the other side! ALSO TUMBLR IS STILL BEING A BITCH AND CUTTING OFF THE ENDING SOMETIMES but not other times?? READ ON AO3 IF YOU CAN!!!!!
word count: 5.8k
warnings: MY BLOG IS 18+, MINORS DNI, canon typical violence/injuries, blood, treatment of injuries, angst, everyone says a lot of shitty things but we come full circle, unprotected p-in-v (wrap ur shit in the apocalypse folks), let me know if i missed anything!
✨follow @friskito-library for updates on new chapters/works!✨
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2 months later - May 2009
You’re standing at the stove, nursing a cup of shitty coffee. It’s lukewarm by now; your mind has been wandering all morning, and you keep forgetting about it, leaving it on the counter or the bookshelf or the kitchen table.
There’s too much on your mind, not enough, too much, not enough.
Where are they, now? Are they alive, are they safe? Is he still with—
You shake your head, blink back the tears that have crawled up your throat. It’s the same feeling, every day since it happened. You can’t shake the guilt, the grief, the fear. It just comes back up again the next morning, strong enough to knock you to your knees if you let it. You don’t, most days, but other days, you can’t help it.
The curtains are drawn, mid-morning light filtering through the gauzy material. You should really find something better, something that blocks out the light more thoroughly. Maybe then you could both get some half-decent sleep that wasn’t alcohol or drug-induced. 
You’ve done a lot of drinking in the two months, which, given the circumstance, isn’t shocking, but you’re running out of bottles in your stash behind the fridge. Tess has brought you back a few more, but you want to go back to a few places you haven’t shown her yet, and you know full well Joel isn’t about to let you go for a run anytime soon.
Sitting on the couch makes you antsy, so you park yourself at the kitchen table, bringing your coffee with you. There’s a bottle for whiskey on the table, and you reach for it, pour a healthy amount into your mug. The sound of the bottle hitting the table feels ten times louder than it really is, and you sigh heavily as you lift the mug.
From the corner of your eye, you see Joel rise from the bed. His movements are slow, his boots dragging a bit with every step. You see him push his hand through his hair — it’s grown out on the side where you’d had to cut it away, more of a mop than it was before. You should trim it, the beard too, make him look a little less unkempt.
He makes his way into the kitchen, but you don’t turn your head. He stops behind your chair, bends at the waist to brush a kiss at your temple, and carries on to the stove. “Mornin’.”
You return the sentiment, sipping your spiked coffee. You set the mug back down, reach for the bottle again. You can feel him watching. “What?”
“That kind of morning, huh?”
Saying nothing, you top up your mug.
It’s quiet, mostly, for a few minutes, as Joel makes his coffee, fishes a granola bar out of the cabinet. He tosses one to you, too, grumbles something about putting food in your stomach if you’re intent on drinking. You let it sit on the table, right smack in the middle of your map of Boston, and just stare it down.
The scar on your side prickles with memories of the last two months. It’s a strange feeling, not like any of the other scars you have, accompanied by the strange raised lines that spread from the bite itself, spidering out across your skin. The infection, you figure, trying to work it’s way through your bloodstream and failing, by some stroke of luck.
Is that what it is? You’re lucky?
The bite healed easily, once you were able to give it the proper attention. There were other things that took priority.
Another stroke of luck, that Nick’s aim failed him miserably that night.
They both fired at the same time. Joel’s bullet found a home in Nick’s shoulder, knocking him back a step, but Nick’s…
Joel shoved you backwards as the shots sounded, and you sprawled back on the pavement, stuck watching as the bullet from Nick’s gun hit Joel in the head. Horror rose like bile in your throat as he stumbled back, tripped over his boots, landed on top of you. You screamed, scrambled beneath him, grabbing for his head, yelling his name.
Nick stood there and stared, one hand gripping his bleeding shoulder. His gun clattered to the pavement.
There were fresh tears on your face, your movements frantic as you turned Joel over, tried to see his face. The fear sparked with relief when you saw he was still breathing, saw his eyes were cracked open. The bullet had hit just above his temple, and skimmed along the right side his skull. There was blood everywhere already, pouring down the side of his face, making his hair clump together. You reached for his bag, pulled a bandage out and pressed it against his head. Joel hissed, his hand reaching up to cover yours.
And then Nick spoke.
“Liv, I just—”
Everything in you screamed as you grabbed Joel’s gun from where it had landed, scrambling to your feet and lifting it, pointing it at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
His eyes were wide, pupils blown, as he stared back at you. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
You took a step forward, pulled back the hammer on the gun. “What do you think?”
“I’m doing my fucking job, Liv! You’ve been bit, and you think I’m just gonna let you back in here? I can’t, y-you could get people killed. You could turn, you could—”
“I was bit yesterday, you fucking jackass,” you spat, taking another step. There was only a few feet between you. “Why do you think we were out there all night? You know what, it doesn’t fucking matter. It’s not—”
“Yesterday?” Nick repeated, and his eyes got impossibly wider. “If you were bit yesterday…” He trailed off, and you could see the wheels turning in his head. “Liv, that means you’re—”
You took another step, until the barrel of Joel’s gun was pressed right to Nick’s chest. “Don’t you fucking dare. I’m not, as far as you know. You tell FEDRA that I am, and I’ll tell them about the smuggling, about the sneaking out, all of it. I will drag you down with me, Nick, so help me god.” The corner of your mouth twitched, an unkind smile on your face. “Guess I’m just as terrible as you thought.”
Joel called your name, and everything in you froze.
“Olivia.” You couldn’t move, staring at Nick’s face, rage making your gut twist. “Put the gun down.”
Slowly but surely, you did. You shoved it into the waist of your jeans, turned back to Joel. You were both grunting with pain as you got him to his feet. He was pale, his hands shaking as he gripped your forearms, used you as leverage. Worry filled your gut.
When you turned around, Nick was gone.
As quickly as you could, you took Joel home. He held the bandage to his head the entire way, and you supported his sagging weight as much as you could, your side screaming in pain with every step, but you knew whatever you were feeling, he was feeling too. You stopped a few times, propped him against the brick and wiped the blood from his face.
No one dared approach you as you walked. Your guns were hidden, the bat slid between the straps of your backpack, but you paid it no mind. Even the few FEDRA soldiers that crossed your path looked the other way, and it made your gut twist. No one wanted to get involved, risk themselves for someone else, and as you approached the building, you knew you couldn’t go to Deanna. You couldn’t go to Tess or Tommy. You had to help Joel, then help yourself. If anyone saw the bite, it put them at risk. You were already a risk. 
Leaving Nick alive was a risk.
Joel nearly passed out on the stairs, and you had to half-drag him down the hallway to your apartment door. He came to again in the doorway, stayed alert long enough to get to the couch, but then he was out again. You hastily threw a clean bandage on your bite, grabbed what first aid supplies you could find, and set to work.
You had to cut his hair, baring the wound along his scalp. There was blood everywhere, sticking to your fingers and clumping his hair together, and you found the cleanest towel you could to wipe it away. He hissed loudly when you wiped at it with alcohol, one hand flying out and curling around your thigh, fingers digging into your jeans. You shushed him, tried to work as quickly as your shaking hands would allow. “I know, baby. I know.”
It felt like forever, sitting there, cleaning the blood from him. It was deep enough in one spot to need a stitch or two, and you were grateful as all hell that Deanna had taught you what she had, that you knew enough to fix it, to make him better. Tears slipped out of his shut eyes as you stitched it, and you fished an oxy out of your stash, pushed it between his lips.
 Finally, his breathing evened out. The wound was still nasty-looking, but the blood had slowed, the few stitches you’d given him were holding, and his grip on you was relaxed. Not completely limp, but relaxed. You smoothed your hand over his hair, brushing it away from the wound. Joel mumbled your name, and you leaned down to kiss his forehead, wincing at the pain in your side. You needed to tend to that. “Get some sleep,” you murmured, rubbing your hand across his chest. “I’ll be right back.”
He didn’t nod so much as just lift his chin, but it was confirmation enough, and you got to your feet, taking the first aid supplies with you, heading for the bathroom.
You were a mess, just as blood-covered as Joel, if not more so, crimson streaked across your middle, dragged down your hips, disappearing beneath your waistband. You peeled off your jeans, pulled off the bandage, bit your lip as the pain spiked. Your hands shook as you reached for the rubbing alcohol, tried to stifle your whimper as you poured it over the bite. If you were too loud, you knew Joel would try to come and help, and you didn’t want that. He needed rest.
You’d stashed some of the same medical glue stuff that Deanna had used on you years back, and you reached for that. It stung just as bad as the alcohol, but it seemed to work. The bleeding slowed, you wrapped yourself up, tying the gauze around your middle to keep the bandages in place. You popped an oxy yourself, swallowed it dry, spread your blood-covered hands across the counter.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, and cried.
It wouldn’t stop, as you washed the blood from your hands, cleared away the dirty bandages and towels. You didn’t dare make a sound, didn’t want Joel to hear, as you moved through the apartment, cleaned up. He was out cold, hand dangling off the edge of the couch. You circled back to him every few minutes, hot tears on your face, checked his pulse, made sure he was still breathing. You fished a bottle of whiskey out from behind the fridge, drank until your throat felt raw with it. You perched in the chair across from the couch, watched Joel, eyes glued to the rise and fall of his chest. He was mumbling in his sleep, his face pinched, and you got up, sat at the edge of the coffee table instead. You smoothed your hand over his hair, careful of the bandages, over and over and over until his face relaxed, and he leaned into your touch.
Then someone knocked at the door.
Your heart raced as you walked towards it. What if it was Nick? Or FEDRA? Had he ratted you out? It had been maybe two hours since the alleyway. What was—
“Tess,” you breathed, sighing heavily as you pulled the door open, but the relief was temporary, fresh fear crawling up your throat when you saw the expression on her face. She reached for you, hands wrapping around your biceps.
“They’re gone, Liv,” she said, and confusion prickled at you, obviously clear on your face as she continued. “Deanna and the kids. I just went up there, and the door was open. All of their stuff is gone, and I found this on the table.”
She handed you a piece of notebook paper, folded in half, your name scrawled in an unfamiliar hand on the front.
Tess stepped into the apartment with you, closing the door behind her. From the corner of your eye, you saw her gaze snap to Joel laid out on the couch, but she didn’t say anything as she lead you to the kitchen table, sat you down in the chair as you unfolded the note.
I won’t tell anyone what you are, but I won’t let you put them at risk. Don’t come looking, Liv. You’ve done enough. Stay in Boston. Keep yourself alive. — N.C.
Your hands shook as you read the words, over and over again, as if they might change if you read them just one more time. Tess just stared at you, her eyes occasionally flicking over to Joel on the couch. You laid one hand on the table, shaking so much your fingertips tapped against the wood. “Did you read this?”
“Can I have your lighter?”
“Lighter?” Tess repeated, but nodded, fishing it out from the pocket of her jacket. “Liv, what does it say?”
Wordlessly, you took it from her, got to your feet, walked towards the kitchen sink. You folded the note in half again, flicked the lighter, and let the corner catch, holding it over the sink as the flame ate at the paper, until your name curled to ash, until the fire grew too close to your hand and you dropped it into the sink, watched until the paper crumbled into nothing.
“I need you to understand something,” you said, still staring at the sink. You heard the scrape of a chair, felt Tess moving to stand behind you a moment later. She reached for you, and you flinched, but let her grab your arm, turn you towards her. “Nick took them. I can’t tell you what happened. Ever. Joel’s alive, and I’m alive, and that’s all that matters, but I can never tell you what happened. And I need you to be okay with that.”
She stared at you for a long moment, eyes raking over your face. You held your ground, curled your fingers around the sink to try and keep yourself upright. The air felt still, the both of you just staring at each other, her eyes searching yours. Your side twinged with pain, and you put your arm around your middle, flattening your palm over the bandage. And then finally, Tess broke first, rubbing a hand over her face. “Okay.”
She didn’t stay long. Long enough to have a drink with you, both of you sitting in silence, the only noise in the apartment Joel’s slow breathing and the clink of your glasses. “I’ll cover for you, if Tommy asks,” she said, halfway out the door. “Clearly you two need some rest.”
“Thank you.”
And then she was gone. As soon as the door swung closed, you reeled, planting your hands agains the wood, hanging your head between your shoulders.
They were gone. Deanna, Henry, Emily. Nick. Gone. You didn’t know where; you knew Nick had enough sway with FEDRA that he could get transferred to another QZ if he asked, but taking the three of them with him? That was different. There’s no way FEDRA would sign off on something like that, which meant he was sneaking them out, and instantly, you were so worried you felt ill. The thought of those kids out beyond the wall, it made bile crawl up your throat, and you sprinted for the bathroom, emptied your stomach into the sink.
There was a hand on your head a few minutes later, and Joel sank onto the tile behind you, pulling you back against his chest. You protested, whining as you wiped at your mouth, but he just held you tighter. Neither of you said a word, leaned against the bathroom cabinet, until the sun disappeared outside and the dark was all that remained.
“You need to eat something,” Joel says to you, sinking into the chair across from you. He pushes the granola bar across the table to you, and you just stare him down, lifting the mug to your lips again defiantly. He stares back, his brow going hard before he looks away, pushes his hand through his hair. “You can’t keep doing this, Liv.”
“Can’t keep doing what, Joel?” you throw back, your tone nearly mocking. “Please, enlighten me. There’s a fucking laundry list of shit I shouldn’t be doing — living included — yet here I am.”
He bristles, shoulders going tense. “You can’t keep shoving your shit away,” he says, hand curling around his own mug. “I know that you’re upset, about Deanna and the kids, but they weren’t—” Joel cuts himself off, staring down into his coffee, and now you’re the one bristling, planting your feet on the ground and learning forward.
“They weren’t what?”
He won’t meet your eyes, shaking his head as he keeps staring down into the mug. “Nothin’.”
“They weren’t what, Joel?”
Finally, his eyes lift to yours, and you can’t read them, can’t understand the expression in that dark gaze. “They weren’t your kids, Liv.”
It hits you like a punch to the gut. “I’m sorry?”
“I know that you…that you cared for them, and you helped Deanna raise them, but—”
“Shut up.” The words are nearly spit from your mouth, shoving your chair back and getting to your feet. The whiskey crawls up your throat, buzzing in the back of your mind, threatening to send you sideways, but you grip the table, lean against it. “You don’t know everything that happened here before you showed up, Joel. You don’t know what we—”
“Sarah died in my arms,” he throws back, still sitting, shoulders still tense, still not looking at you. “And I couldn’t do anything to stop it. So don’t talk to me about what happened before, or what you went through. There’s a lot of shit we haven’t told each other, Liv, but don’t you dare try to throw this in my face.”
Your hand curls into a fist, and you press your knuckles into the tabletop. “Oh, you want all the details, Joel? You wanna know how Emily watched her father rip her mother’s throat out, right in front of her? That kid hasn’t said a word since the outbreak, you ever wondered why? And me, well, where do I start? You want the list of the people I’ve killed? The shit I pulled to stay alive after the walls first went up?
“And you, fuck, I should be furious at you. All this time, you’ve been here, right in front of me, but my sister was alive, and you didn’t have the balls to tell me? You’re right, Joel, there is a lot of shit we haven’t told each other, and I let it slide. But Anna? How could you?”
Your voice snaps on the last word, and you don’t bother wiping at your face, tears dripping off your chin, splattering onto the table. He finally stares back at you, his expression still unreadable. “I didn’t want to hurt you any more than I already was, when we got here,” he says, his voice gruff and low. “And then when you got bit, I knew it was the only thing that would stop you from losing it, stop you from telling me to put a goddamned bullet in your head. I’m sorry, that I kept it from you, Liv, I am. I just didn’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your bottom lip quivers, and you sink your teeth into it, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment. “Well, you are.”
With that, you turn on your heel, yanking your jacket from the back of the chair and walking out the door. If Joel calls after you, you don’t hear it.
Your head is spinning with every step you take up the stairs. Deanna’s apartment is still empty. FEDRA tried to shuffle new tenants in a few days after they were gone, but you wouldn’t let them. You expected pushback, but got none, and part of you wondered if Nick had anything to do with it.
Now, you step through the unlocked door, and your heart sinks into your toes. Whatever they hadn’t taken with them has been rummaged through, picked over, anything useful long gone. Not that it shocks you. But there are still remnants of them, Henry’s math homework spread out on the kitchen table, Emily’s pictures taped onto the walls, Lego pieces and Monopoly money scattered across the living room floor. A long-empty bottle of gin sits in the sink, and you wonder if it was empty before they left, or if Deanna needed the liquid courage to agree to go with Nick.
You wander, your hand skimming along Emily’s drawings on the wall. The paper is torn in some places, crinkled in others, and as you move, one of them flutters to the floor, facedown. You crouch down, picking it back up, and your heart breaks even more. 
It’s a classic little kid drawing, stick figures of different colours on the page. Four of them, total, each with a name scrawled beneath.
Joel’s right, they’re not your kids. You didn’t hold them as they died, you didn’t watch the life leave their bodies. You didn’t give birth to them, but it doesn’t matter. Since the mall, you and Deanna have been the closest those kids have to family. Before Joel had come back, they were the only things keeping you going, and providing for them was what kept you on your feet, kept you going beyond the wall. To keep them safe, keep them alive, keep them healthy. They were your family.
If it weren’t for Nick, you know that FEDRA would have dragged them off to the schools for orphans, that you would have lost them much earlier than you did. But now he’s undone all of that, left you reeling.
Now they’re gone.
You don’t come home, and Joel gets anxious with every hour that passes.
It was unfair of him, to say what he did. He knows he shouldn’t have kept Anna from you, that he should have told you what had happened a long time ago. But the look on your face, the crack in your voice, that’s exactly what he was trying to avoid, and yet here he is. Right where he didn’t want to be.
His hands shake as he props his elbows on the table, leans his face into his palms. The memory of Sarah will forever leave him reeling, and the guilt eats at him for using it against you. He knows how much you loved those kids, knows that their being gone, not knowing to where, not knowing if they made it, it’s not the same, but it’s still awful. The fact that Cowan’s the one who took them from you just makes matters worst.
The scar along his scalp prickles. It’s healed nicely; you pulled the stitches out when they were ready, kept him bandaged, forced him to take it easy. You had enough ration cards to get you by for some time, and while you weren’t telling Tess or Tommy what had happened, Tess showed up once a week with some food, spare cans of soup or beans or whatever she could get her hands on.
He hasn’t told you that his hearing has been off, ever since that night. It took a while for him to notice it himself. Things have been so tense between you since that night, there hasn’t been enough conversation for him to realize something was wrong. It wasn’t until Tommy asked him for help with a job at the other building — a door that needed replacing — that Joel even noticed. His brother had called his name four times before Joel had even responded, and once Tommy said what needed to be said, Joel took a step back, lifted his hand to his ear, snapped his fingers. The sound was there, but it was muffled, like there was cotton in his ear.
Most of the scar is hidden by his hair, and he touches his middle finger to the bit along his temple, the line slightly jagged, imperfect.
You’ll come home, and he’ll apologize. Part of him wonders if he should hide the whiskey, stash the pills somewhere you won’t find them. He’s worried. He’s always worried.
And the ring, the one he found that day in the jewelry store, still sits heavily in his pocket, a weight that follows him around.
He loves you, so much sometimes it’s like he can’t breathe. The world you’ve found yourself in, it’s not fair, none of it. 
If he had his way, he’d still be in Austin, with you and him and Sarah all together in that house. You never would have left for Boston, would have stayed instead. He would have asked you to move in at the end of the summer, asked you to marry him by Christmas. He would have done things properly, would have asked your dad for permission first, asked Anna for input on what ring to give you. He would have talked it over with Sarah, made sure she was okay with it.
He would have married you a long time ago.
The clock ticks closer and closer to curfew, you still haven’t come home, and Joel only worries more. Finally, he gets up, pulls his coat on, locks the door behind him. He checks all your usual places; the food bank, the pharmacy, the warehouse that used to be the donation hall. He sees McCoy out on patrol, but the soldier hasn’t seen you either.
It’s not until he’s circling back to the apartment that he runs into Tess. “I saw her heading up the stairs to Deanna’s floor on my way out a few hours ago,” she tells him, crossing her arms over her chest. “What happened?”
Joel gives her the short version, and by the end of it, Tess shakes her head, shoves at his shoulder.
“You’re a dick, Joel.”
“I know.”
“Go apologize.”
The door’s locked when he gets up to Deanna’s. He can see light from under the door, shadows like you’re moving around. He wonders if you’re standing on the other side, waiting for him to say something. Hastily, he runs back down to your apartment, finds a piece of paper and writes a message across it. Then he goes back out, stops in front of the door, bends down and slides the note through the gap.
You can hear him on the other side of the door, the shift of his boots across the floor. You hear the rustle of paper beneath the door from where you’re standing, Emily’s picture clutched in your hands. Still a tear-stained mess, you walk towards the door slowly.
The paper is face up, Joel’s handwriting scrawled across the page.
Please come home.
It’s a few hours still before you find the courage. Joel’s note and Emily’s picture held to your chest, you leave Deanna’s, you boots echoing with every step down to your floor. The door is unlocked, and when you push it open, your heart leaps in your chest.
Joel’s standing at the stove. It smells like spaghetti sauce, and there are two plates set at the table, your place and his. As the door swings shut, he turns to look at you, and you nearly burst into tears all over again. You put the papers on the counter, step towards him, right into his arms when he holds them out to you. You bury your face in his chest, sling your arms around his waist.
“I was a jackass,” he says into your hair, “m’sorry.”
“I don’t wanna fight you anymore,” you reply, resting your hand at the small of his back. “There’s enough shit out there out to get us, Joel, please. I’m sorry, too.” You squeeze him slightly. “What you went through with Sarah, I…” You bite your lip, shaking your head, and Joel pulls back slightly, one hand lifting into your hair, angling your face so he can look at you. “I know losing Em and Henry isn’t the same, but…”
“No, baby,” he murmurs, turning off the hot burners before taking your face in his hands. “I shouldn’t have…I shouldn’t have said that. You love them, and I’m sorry they’re gone, and you…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Anna sooner, and I’m sorry I’ve done nothing but fuck everything up with us since I got here.”
“You didn’t fuck everything up,” you tell him, and you both crack smiles, Joel rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks. “The world’s fucked up. We’re fucked up.”
“Still love you though,” he jokes, and you pinch his hip, making him yelp. 
“Still love you too, even when you’re a jackass.”
He kisses you then, his mouth warm against yours. You fall into it, letting everything else melt away until it’s just you and him, the world outside forgotten for the moment. You let yourself push away everything that’s happened, losing yourself in Joel as he claims your mouth, his tongue laced with whiskey when it pushes past your teeth.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” he mumbles against your lips, the words broken up by your insistent mouth. He walks you back until your ass hits the kitchen table, and you slide on top of it, wrapping around him when he lifts your legs around his hips, your arms around his neck. He drops his head onto your shoulder and you turn yours, your lips glancing across the scar at his temple.
“Dinner can wait,” you reply, pushing yourself against him. You can feel how hard he is, bulging against his jeans, and a shudder wracks through him when you close your teeth around his earlobe, cheat your hand between your bodies to palm him through the denim.
He scoops you up a moment later, one of the chairs toppling to the floor as he makes for the bed, laying you out on top of the blankets. His movements are frantic, Joel yanking your boots from your feet, your jeans down your legs. You reach for his belt with the same fervour, the metal clanging against the floor when you toss it away. He pushes his jeans down just enough to free himself, and then he’s leaning over you, your legs wide either side of him, your back arching until your chest is pressed to his.
There’s no preamble to it, not that you need it. It’s been a while, since you had him like this. Since that night, since that awful tension had formed between you, you’d barely reached for each other, too wrapped up in your own heads, too broken from what had happened.
And when he pushes into you, you nearly cry with relief. You toss your head back against the blankets, arms curling under his shoulders. His own cage around your head, mouth seeking yours as he rolls his hips against yours. You’re nearly blind with the pleasure, nails scrabbling at his back, teeth sinking into his lower lip.
“Fucking christ, Joel.”
“Whaddaya need, baby?”
“Harder, please. Fuck me harder.”
He listens. Joel pulls his hips back, until just the tip of him is nestled inside you, before slamming back in with such force that the air is punched from your lungs. You moan loudly, pushing your face into his neck. He doesn’t let up, giving you that same intense thrust again and again until the bed is creaking beneath you, the mattress shaking with the movement. The pace grows faster, the tip of his cock dragging along that devastating spot inside you until you’re cumming, tangling one hand in his hair as you press your cheek to his, your mouth dropped open as your thighs twitch against his ribs, pure fucking ecstasy rumbling through your veins.
“You got another one for me, baby?” he growls in your ear, and you don’t have words, just a frantic nod as the pleasure ebbs only to ramp up once more when he starts up again, having slowed only slightly to let you ride out your orgasm. The bed creaks louder, wobbling, but you both ignore it, your ankles locked together against the small of Joel’s back as he drives into you again and again.
You pull his hair as you cum a second time, everything inside you going tighter than sin as the second one barrels through you. He growls in your ear, gritting out praise that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You can feel his body start to tense, his mouth dragged across yours, hot breath spilling past your lips as his eyes screw shut, hips stuttering as he spills inside you. You’ll never get over that warmth.
Joel kisses you, both of you spent, and just as he settles some of his weight on you, there’s a loud crack and the bed frame gives out, snapping in the middle, both of you thudding to the floor, padded by the mattress. Joel curses under his breath, and you just start laughing.
“Y’alright, baby?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
You lie there for hours, sprawled atop the broken bed. You only move when the position makes your hips ache, and even then, you’re still holding onto each other. And you just…talk. You’ve done this before — the night he admitted he couldn’t stay away from you — but there are new stories, things you haven’t told each other, things you were too ashamed to share, gaps in your timelines filled in. You both ask the other questions, pry as much as you dare, but you’re both laid completely bare to each other by the end of it — your pasts, your sins, your regrets, it’s all right there in the open.
And after, when hunger has gotten the best of you both, you disentangle slowly, sliding towards the edge of the now much lower mattress. You’re pulling your boots back on, Joel stood in front of you, when he slowly sinks back down, onto his knees, fitting himself between your legs.
“There’s one more thing I gotta ask you, Liv,” he says, and your brow furrows as he reaches into the pocket of his jeans.
The ring is simple, rose gold etched with flowers, glinting in the streetlight coming in through the window. Your whole body stalls, breath hitching in your throat as he holds it up, pinched between his index finger and his thumb.
“Will you marry me?”
(tumblr has been eating the last few paragraphs of my posts lately
idk why
i’m doing this to hopefully avoid that
read on ao3 if you can just in case!)
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xxrhxysxx · 1 year
Heyyyyy saw ur requests were open for ghost can I get like reader(gn or fem idc) x Simon where like reader needs to borrow a shirt for whatever reason (idk it got ruined or something) and Simon ends up giving them one and they wear it around the safe house or around the others and bro goes feral idk just a thot
(hopefully smut but totally get it if not thx)
Him giving you his shirt is so baby girl of himΨ(≧ω≦)Ψ also thank you for requesting, sorry this took oh so long ☆
Simon(Ghost) Riley giving you his shirt
Gn reader x Simon Riley
. Warnings: sugestive, swearing,
(Sub coded!)Simon
. It had been really busy around the safe house in an attempt to calm down you made yourself cup of hot chocolate and were ready to head back to your room, on the way back bumped into Gaz who was play fighting with Soap, that causes you to spill the hot chocolate all over yourself, lucky you it wasn't hot but warm.
When you first knock on Simons door and ask for a shirt he's confused and flustered, he gives you the shirt and tells you you don't have to give it back, little did he know that this decision was the cause of soon to be problems. The next day when he woke up and came to the kitchen to make some tea the first thing he saw was you with a coffee in hand "good morning" you said but instead of replying he just looked at you, it made you nervous he stared at you a lot but this time it was different, it was intense, hungry almost, he had to snap himself out of the trance he was in, "good morning" his voice was a bit breathy and small. he was sweating trying not to say how good you look in his shirt, how much he wants to kiss you, despite how awkward the silence is you graciously excuse yourself from the room and go to the rest of the team. Whilst talking with the others soap points out how hard ghost is staring at you but decide to ignore it. Later that evening everyone decides to go out to a bar you decline because you aren't a big fan of drinking, while making yourself a cup another of hot chocolate since you didn't really get to enjoy the first one you spot a figure out of the corner of your eye you turn around to see Simon staring at you again but this time you decide to say something "Is there something wrong with how I look? This the the 3rd time I've caught you looking at me" he doesn't respond but you can tell he heard you after a few seconds pass you hear heavy foot steps that stopped right behind you. You turn around to Simon abnormally close you give him a look that hints at him to move, he scoots back a bit and with a apologetic look in his eyes " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare " it's quiet , barely audible "It's fine... Can I know why you're staring at me so much? " there's a pause, you can tell he wants to say something, but he's not, it frustrates you almost because you two have history, you both joined at the same time, you trained together, hell he had stayed over at your house a few times, you weren't besties but he could at least tell you why he was staring. After a few seconds you go back to making your hot chocolate "If you won't tell me it's fine. I'm just curious that's all" "It's just... you look really good in my shirt" he looks away from you, fidgeting with his hands you can tell he more to say than that but you don't push "Is that a bad thing? " you spoke "No but the things I'm thinking about doing to you are" you're in shock you never took Simon for the kind of guy to get hard from you wearing his clothes. You feel heat run though your whole body, you start to sweat as he steps closer to you he won't look at you though and to look into his eyes is the only thing you need right now. "Simon look at me please" he obeys "If you want me I'm yours but I need you to tell me exactly what you need ok? " "Okay" you guide as him to his room. As you both lay on his bed you can hear his heartbeat get louder, and you notice him sweating "are you nervous" you speak "a bit yeah" "why" he looks away as if he Hiding something. "I've wanted to do this for a while but I never thought I'd get the chance" he whispers. "Well now you have the chance so show me how much you wanted this".
. Once again I'm so so sorry that I took so long I just couldn't find the motivation to write but I hope you enjoyed and again thank you for requesting 🤎☆
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marleysfinest · 1 year
You know what. I don't even have to give you any suggestions. You have a brain big enough. You already know all the peeps I'm trying to keep away so I'm just gonna say... enemies to lovers. Whoever you want, whenever you feel like to, however you like. Nsfw? Sfw? I'll take any crumbs. Although you unfortunately have a talent for the former. Now I'll go take a cold shower
really ur gonna shower? now? what would toji think....anyway.....
[mostly sfw below the cut just to blue ball V but will say nsfw just to be safe. sexual tension, references to anatomy but nothing explicit.]
huge eren vibes when it comes to enemies to lovers. that little asshole is so arrogant and sure of himself that you've no choice but to hate him at first, and the way he high fives everyone as he walks past, all of them thinking him God's gift.
going out with him and the others after work one day, a day that you're feeling especially prickly and unreceptive to his so called "charm", and within 10 minutes of being at the bar you're wondering why you agreed to come in the first place. he's so loud; laughing with jean and bertholdt over some shit that happened earlier in the day, you don't care enough to pay attention. he makes a flippant comment about his performance and you can't stop yourself before you scoff, drawing his attention.
"what?" he asks, "something funny?"
it was no secret that he didn't much like you, either, with the way you were constantly on his back about the way he left the communal kitchen in a mess and the fact that he always stole your mug. he glared at you, legs spread as he perched on the barstool, awaiting your answer, and you could've sworn you felt a shy wave of heat in your chest. despite your former reserved feelings over coming out tonight, you feel a strike of bravery.
"yeah, you sound like a pig," you reply, eliciting quiet gasps from your co-workers, "and close your legs, do you have to put yourself on display like that?"
despite his very obvious disapproval at your sudden outburst, he lets the comments slide, shrugging and delving back into a quieter conversation. the conversation around you picks up, everyone apparently keen to move past the incident. you approach the bar to order another drink when you feel a presence behind you.
"bathroom, 2 minutes."
you know immediately that it's him, his voice is unmistakable. the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and from your head to your toes you feel suddenly alert, as if an electric current is flowing just beneath your skin. his tone isn't angry nor arrogant, but tempting and firm. you hated him so much that you had to see what he had to say for himself.
you leave your drink safely with a colleague before excusing yourself to the bathroom, climbing the stairs to the quieter mezzanine floor where you can see eren waiting for you at the end of the hallway. that current returns, or is it a magnet? why do you want to keep walking so badly? you continue towards him with blinding ease, and when you're only a couple of feet apart, you stop.
"yes?" you ask, trying not to sound too aggressive. a heavy sigh escaped his nostrils, almost indicating that he was being driven mad by something, and he made no effort to conceal his examination of you. looking at your silly little high-heels, your skirt, your blouse. everything about his expression gave him away, it's a hunger you've not seen on him before. you feel somewhat relieved; the stress of the evening hadn't escaped you, and in all honesty, you were growing tired of this feud. if you can't get on top of him at work, why not get under him in your own free time? as he reaches out to brush your hair away from your face - only to gently grab a fistful of it right after - you feel that warm flush in your chest, and the blood rush between your legs. with his other hand, eren is unbuttoning his trousers to reveal his cock aching to be freed from his boxers.
"oh," you sigh with one eyebrow raised, "that's why you need to sit like that..."
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ihatebnha · 2 years
if i lived with bkg i'd feel the need to flash him my boobs like 20 times a day
OMG NO because I love the imagery of like...
Him, glancing at you: "Hey, what do you want for—"
You: *flashes tits*
Him, looking back: WHAT THE—
You, already put your shirt down: what? What happened?
AND IT HAPPENING ALL THE TIME LMFAOOO. When he's cooking, when you come into the office to ask something, when he gets out of the shower... just, nonstop ajeksfkajdsk.
Soooo funny because he gets incredibly... fake upset, but like... can't actually punish you for anything because you just deny the whole thing and it's not like you did anything... THAT wrong.
It's repeatedly, though. And he gets soooo exasperated trying to keep up w/ it; the vein in his neck probably never goes down in your house LMAOOO.
But... just makes so better sex at the end of the day I suppose, right? When you find out, let us know <333
(@iiomilo cuz I remember you posting something like this for Ibiza <3)
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angelst4re · 2 years
this is my second ask aaaaa. So what about milf!reader having 2 childs and a husband alr. And they move into another country and thei neighbour is the only one jamie bower jejaksbabs. He helps her packing out their stuff and they talk and talk ykk... after some months of the reader breaking things only for jamie to fix them the reader finally gives in and thes fuck on the kitchen counter. LOVE YOUR WORKS BAE!!!! UR SO UNDERRATED TAKE YOUR TIME <333
ahh hi my love!!! i was so happy to see you in my requests again <3 i hope you like it darling :)
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Treat You Better- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
୨♡୧ warnings: smut!! cheating, praise and degradation! not proof read!! pls point out any mistakes loves!
୨♡୧ note: MY TAGS ARE FIXED!!! YAYY!! if you're seeing this on any tags and you haven't seen me before, check out my jamie masterlist!! i've been shadowbanned or something like that for a month now so there's quite a lot on there you may have not seen before!! anyways...
When your husband told you he had a new job, you were thrilled. Hoping it meant that you’d have more money to spend on your kids as you were a full-time housewife. You had never wished for this life, but you didn’t mind it. Your children, Max and Leah, were 2 and 10, meaning it was almost impossible to find work flexible enough around your husband’s, and you didn’t yet have enough money for a full-time babysitter, they’re expensive! So your husband’s new promotion was definitely needed. Although, you had to move for it. 
Packing up your life felt strange, yet oddly freeing. In this new town nobody knew who you were, meaning you could have a fresh start. When you first saw your new house, you couldn’t believe the size of it! And the neighbourhood looked very welcoming and pretty. 
All afternoon, you had neighbours visiting to introduce themselves. Which would have been lovely under any other circumstances, but you were currently chasing your children around the house, making sure they don’t get lost or break anything valuable from the dozens of boxes in the house. When you heard another knock on the door, you just sighed. Preparing to tell the person you were too busy to talk, you pick up a box and open the door. 
And holy shit, you were glad you did. 
“Hi, I’m Jamie I live at number 46- oh, are you busy? I can come back another time?” You stared at the man. He was beautiful. He was the kind of man that would be on magazine covers, the kind of man to model and fly across the world first class. 
“Of course not! Come in!” You grinned, putting the box back down as you shut the door behind him. You walk him to the kitchen- the tidiest room in the house so far- and offer him a drink. He accepts, and then shows you he had bought a bottle of wine with him for you as a ‘housewarming gift.’ How sweet. 
“So, how do you like it around here so far?” He asks, pouring the wine into a glass for you- he had opted for just a glass of water, he had to drive somewhere later. 
“It’s great! Everyone’s so welcoming, the area is beautiful and- Max put that down!” You quickly rush to your son, who had picked up a coffee mug from one of the many kitchen boxes. You take it from him before any damage was caused. 
“You have a kid?” Jamie grinned, waving to the little boy in the corner of the kitchen who had started to giggle. 
“I do,” you smile, “two of them actually, this is Max. Leah is upstairs starting to unpack. I had them quite young- Do you have any kids?” You ask, sipping on your wine. 
“No, I’m only 33! I want to one day, though. When-”
“You’re 33?!” You almost spat out your drink in surprise, “there’s no way you’re older than me! What’s your secret?” 
“Now that would be telling,” Jamie laughed. You liked his company. In these few minutes, you had felt more of a connection that you have with your husband since Max was born. “Do you need any help with that?” He asks, motioning towards the box of plates, bowls and glasses that you were trying to put away. You should’ve said no, but with your husband at work any help was better than none. 
“Only if you don’t mind, please?”
“Of course! I wouldn’t have asked otherwise, darling.” He says, standing up. You didn’t have the time to notice earlier that he was quite tall, and he had tattoos?! You should be careful around him. You knew this could end up getting messy. 
Jamie helps you around the house, unpacking and doing some heavy lifting, you were so grateful. You end up telling him about your husband, how he’s rarely home, how he leaves you to look after the kids… And Jamie isn’t scared off- much to your surprise. Instead, he suggests helping out when he’s home, whether it means looking after Max whilst you pick Leah up from school, fixing the broken door handle on the bathroom door or even just being there for you to talk to, seeing as you haven’t made any friends yet. Although this may be quite sudden, you trusted Jamie. You could tell he had no bad intentions. 
Before you knew it, it was 5pm, and your children were hungry. You and Jamie spent all afternoon getting to know each other, talking about your upbringings and childhoods, your old home town, his career as a tattoo artist, and then, as if a dagger had hit you in the chest, he told you about his girlfriend, who was currently in Malibu on a girls’ weekend, but y/n, you have a husband!
“I don’t know, what do you want for dinner?” You ask your daughter, who had also taken an interest in Jamie and convinced him to play uno with her. 
“I could pay for us to get something in? There’s a Domino’s in town if you like pizza?”
“Yes please!” Leah grins, looking to you with pleading eyes. 
“I couldn’t expect you to pay, not after all the help this afternoon-”
“I get discount! My girlfriend’s brother is the manager, and I’ve had dinner by myself for too long.” Me too, you thought. 
“Fine.” You gave in, “but only if you let me pay for Leah and Max’s.”
Months had passed since moving in, and you had seen Jamie almost everyday since. You met his girlfriend, Emma, when she got back from Malibu, she seemed nice enough but there was something off about her. The way she flinched when Jamie kissed her goodbye didn’t sit right with you. 
To see more of Jamie on a one to one basis, you had started calling him when Max was napping, Leah was at school and your husband was working. You’d tell him you’d broken something and he’d come over to fix it, this included the loose door handle, squeaky kitchen cupboards and the broken wheel on your husband’s office chair. He never seemed to mind, he was happy to help, giving you the feeling that your feelings towards him were in fact requited. 
One day, your husband decided to take the kids out for the day to ‘give you a break’, which clearly you didn’t mind, as you could only think of one thing- having the house to yourself with Jamie. A couple hours after they had left, you were dressed in only a skimpy nightdress and a long silk robe, your hair tied up messily. You found Jamie’s contact on your phone and called him, he picked up almost instantly. 
“Y/n, listen I’m a bit… busy right now.” 
“Oh, I wasn’t calling to ask for your help this time,” you say with a smile on your face, “I’m home alone, I was wondering if you’d like to come over? Just to talk, of course.”
“I could do with that after the day I’ve had,” he mutters, “sure. Give me 15 minutes and I’ll be there.”
Grinning as you hung up the phone, you quickly ran downstairs to begin tidying the house- making sure there was nothing on the floor to trip on. 
The sexual tension between you and Jamie had drastically risen over the last two weeks, there was one time where he had held your hips in place as he moved around you- this had playing on your mind ever since it happened, you had even touched yourself to the thought of his hands gripping your hips as you-
Knock knock knock
You were quickly ripped from your fantasies. 
“Hey,” you smile seductively as you open the door to Jamie. Something about him looked different, you couldn’t quite tell what it was. 
“Hey,” he says back, his eyes scanning your body. 
You step to the side to let him in, and you lead him to the kitchen. Something still didn’t seem right with him. Neither of you spoke for a couple moments, you just stood opposite each other. You leaned against the countertop, tapping your nails gently on the edge as Jamie typed away on his phone. 
“I broke up with Emma.” He says, breaking the silence, “I found out she’s been cheating on me.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t be,” he chuckles, “I’ve been wanting to end things with her for a while now. I think I sort of fell out of love with her, if that’s even possible.”
“I know what you mean.” You say, a sympathetic look in your eyes, “I’ve been feeling that way with Rob- my husband- ever since I had Max. I don’t feel like I love him anymore, and I think he feels the same way, it’s like the spark we used to have just…”
“Vanished,” Jamie finished your sentence, coming closer to you, wiping away tears you didn't realise had rolled down your cheeks with his thumb. His hand resting on your face, cupping your cheek. “It’s like I met somebody new, and she made me realise I wasn’t truly happy with Emma anymore. Instead, it’s been you. I knew you were purposely breaking things for me to come over and fix them, it’s so obvious, y/n. I’ve seen the way you look at me, I’m not as stupid as you think-” 
Not letting him say anymore, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He seemed rather surprised at first, but as he began to kiss back you realised how right this felt. As if it were meant to happen.
“Jamie,” you gasp as his kisses trail down your neck, his hands knocking your robe from your body, “I need you.”
“What do you need, darling?” 
“Need you to touch me.” You whimper as he sucks on the sweet spot on your neck, not caring about him leaving marks on you- you had plenty of concealer. 
“Oh yeah?” Jamie’s hands move to your breasts, massaging them through the thin fabric, “like this?” 
You nod your head vigorously, getting lost in the feeling. It had been years since your husband had touched you like this. 
“More,” you whisper, “please, Jamie.” 
“More? You’re so needy, baby. We’ve only just started.”
Giving you what you wanted, his hand slips between your thighs, and he was pleasantly surprised to feel you had no panties on, he whispered a low ‘fuck’ as he felt the wetness dripping from your cunt for him. His fingers rub slow circles on your clit as he smashes your lips together again, this time more hungry and passionate than the last. 
You break free from the kiss, lifting yourself on to the counter with a little help from Jamie. You wrap your legs around him, gasping as the fabric of his jeans grazes your clit. He slips your dress over your head, revealing your body to him. Every inch of you was pure beauty, he had never seen anything like it. You were his definition of an angel, and he planned to bring heaven to you. 
His face became buried in your cunt, the sounds slipping from your lips were music to his ears. He started slowly, licking a straight line from your hole to your clit, his mouth latching on to the bundle of nerves and sucking gently. Although this sensation was rather new to you, you needed him to stop. You were getting close to the edge, and when you came you wanted it to be with his cock inside you. 
“Jamie… baby, stop.” You whine, his head quickly retracks, coming back up in line with you. 
“Is everything okay?” He asks, slightly panicked. However you nod your head, grinning devilishly. 
“Fuck me. Right here, please. I need to feel your cock inside me, please.” You began babbling as he unzipped his jeans, pushing them down his thighs as you reached out to take his top off. 
“Such a pretty slut,” he chuckles, looking up at you through his lashes as he lined himself up against you, “begging for my cock, wanting me to ruin her. You just couldn’t wait for me to have my fun with you, could you? You couldn’t wait for me to make you cum on my face, could you love?” He says with a groan as he pushes all of him inside you with no warning, causing you to gasp and tangle your fingers into his hair. “You like it when I talk to you like that, hm?” 
All you can do is nod your head, the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you was becoming too much, and as you feel his hand slide down to your clit, you could only hope and pray that you wouldn’t float away. Your mind was already fuzzy, and the feeling of his thumb rubbing small circles on your clit only made it worse. You never wanted this moment to end. 
“Jamie,” you whimper against his lips.
“Yes, darling?” 
You took his hand that was playing with your clit and sucked on his fingers briefly, causing him to groan as his thrust became sloppy. You moved his hand to your throat and looked up at him with pleading eyes. 
“Fuck, you dirty girl.” He whispers, his grip on your throat tightening enough to make your breath hitch. After collecting himself again, he got a good rhythm going with his hips as he fucked into you. He moved things out of the way as you laid back further onto the counter, your legs still wrapped around his wait, your nails clawing at his back. You had only just noticed the tattoos on his chest and abdomen, and you thought he couldn’t get any more beautiful. 
You felt a familiar tightness in your stomach, it was a delicious feeling that caused you to see stars and throw your head back when you finally got there. In 10 years, your husband had only made you feel this once- although you did have your own hand between your legs- and now Jamie had created this feeling in less than 10 minutes. 
“I’m close,” you manage to say through your restricted airways.
“I thought so, just wait a bit longer, sweet girl. Hold it for me, okay?” 
You nod your head, Jamie knew you were on birth control- you complained to it almost every day, the way it had made you feel sick or given you a headache. So when you told him to cum inside you, he couldn’t help himself. 
“Need to feel full,” you whimper, holding tightly onto Jamie’s shoulders as you looked him in the eye, there was something about keeping eye contact whilst getting fucked that was so attractive. 
“I’ll fill you up, baby. I promise- I’m so close, fuck.” His thrusts start to slow down, becoming more rough and hard than fast now, as he holds you close to him, “cum for me, darling.” He whispers into your ear, his hand on your throat squeezes the tiniest bit harder as you were thrown over the edge, getting lost in the pleasure he gave you. With one final gasp, Jamie came undone, his forehead coming down to rest against yours.
After you had caught your breath, you lightly pushed Jamie back so you could stand again. 
“I’m going to clean up quickly,” you say, your hands still on his shoulders, “meet me in my room, you know which one it is, right?” 
“Of course, you made me put a new lightbulb in it. Twice! In a week! I-”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry- just wait for me in there. We’re not finished yet.” You say with a final kiss to his lips before walking to the bathroom, trying to hide the fact that your legs were still shaking.
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duckugou · 3 years
one night stand (nsfw)
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Bakugou x fem!reader
smut and fluff
Inspired by a line from nightstand by justus bennetts- "It was a one night stand turned to ur picture on my night stand"
CW: SMUT, one night stand, use of cunt, unprotected sex, creampie, lil overstimulation, being "fucked dumb", not a ton of after care
!!come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!!!
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"Hey pretty lady." A deep voice took your attention from behind you.
Turning around, you were met with gorgeous red eyes.
"Hello to you too, handsome." You smiled back.
"What are you drinking tonight?" He asked, looking you up and down.
"Lemon Martini." You answered, returning the scan of his body, earning a smirk.
"Let me get you another one- you're running low." He offered, nodding his head in the direction of the bar.
You followed his lead, sitting down at the bar while he stood next to you, leaning against the bar and ordering your martini.
"So what's a pretty girl like you doing in-" He began before you interrupted him.
"-in a place like this? Obviously I'm desperate for a good time." You answered the question, making him chuckle.
"Bakugou." He said his name and passed you the martini.
"Y/n, and thank you." You replied, smiling.
"You come here with anyone?" He asked, leaning closer to you.
"No, just myself. I was honestly just looking for a drink and loud music. I had a rough week that I'm dying to forget about." You admitted, taking the lemon slice off the small glass and sucking the sour juice off of it.
"Well," He began, eyes locked on the way your lips wrapped around the lemon slice, leaning even closer to you. "I can think of a few ways to make you forget."
"Yeah?" You were more than intrigued, and more than ready to leave with him. The way his eyes glittered in the lights of the club, his shirt clinging to his abdomen, and his blonde hair a little messy made you excited in more ways that one. His hands were rough but so inviting when he took you hand in his and pulled you off the stool you were sitting on.
"Where are we going?" You giggled, following behind him through the crowd of people.
"My place, princess." He assured you, walking outside to catch a cab.
Walking into his apartment, you took in your surroundings as you took your heels off, watching Bakugou walk into his kitchen to get drinks. The living room was welcoming and spotless. Reds, blacks, and tans all complimented each other as you sat on the couch, crossing your legs.
"Here ya go- closest thing I have to a lemon martini." He set down a vodka lemonade mixture on a coaster in front of you on the table and took a seat next to you, a glass of whiskey in his hand.
"Thank you, Bakugou." You said, picking up the drink and taking a sip.
"Katsuki. Call me Katsuki." He replied, looking you in the eyes.
"Okay, Katsuki." You giggle lightly, his hand finding a place to rest on your thigh right under the hem of your dress.
You edge a little closer to him, feeling the need grow between your thighs just from a simple touch.
"What do you do during the day, princess?" He tried to start a casual conversation, not used to wanting to talk to a girl before fucking her and kicking her out.
"Oh I just have a boring office job, nothing great. I get by." You respond, loving the feeling of his hand lightly squeezing your thigh.
"Oh, does she have her own desk and everything?" He asked, smirking, needing to hear your giggle again.
"Yeah I sure do. I'm super important." You gave him the giggle he craved, and straightened your posture, feigning importance.
"Do you get bossed around at work, or are you the one who bosses people around?" He asked.
"I do things for everyone in that damned office- theyre so fucking needy too." You sigh. He got the feeling you needed to forget the week due to work and was determined to make you forget it all and give you the relief he knew you needed.
"So tell me, Y/n. Are you-," He leaned closer, whispering in your ear. "-Needy tonight?" His hand travelled under your dress a tiny bit, making your breath hitch.
"At least show me your bedroom first, Katsuki." You sighed, laughing lightly at the shivers that went down your back.
"Your wish is my command, princess." He replied, standing up, his hand moving from your thigh to your hand, leading you to the bedroom, leaving the drinks on the table.
His room smelled of citrus and cedarwood, and it was surprisingly comforting.
"You always keep your place this neat or were you hoping to bring someone home tonight, Katsuki?" You asked, wandering over to the night stand, looking at his neatly placed coaster, reading glasses, and romance manga.
"Oh, I guess I just got lucky that I decided to clean up today, huh?" He asked from behind you, hands trailing around your waist, breath on your ear as he leaned in to leave kisses up and down your neck.
"Guess so." You sighed, leaning into his kisses.
"What do you do during the day?" You questioned, realizing he asked you but you never returned the gesture.
"I'm the best damn hero around." He responded turning you around.
You suddenly realized why his eyes were familiar. He was Ground Zero- number 2 hero. Realizing you were in the hottest hero's room made your knees weak.
"How did I not realize-" You began, interrupted by Bakugou.
"You didn't?" He questioned, the thought of you wanting him for reasons other than the status of being with him making his heart skip a beat.
"No- I'm also a little drunk though- and like I said, my week was awful so my head has been-" You started rambling.
"Stop talking." He ordered, pushing your knees to the bed and making you sit, spreading your legs with his rough hands as he crouched down in front of you.
You didn't respond, listening to his request.
"Good girl." He praised, making you wetter, his fingers finding the top of your panties under your dress as he kneeled in front of you.
You stood slightly, letting him take your panties off and sat back down of the bed, your dress above your thighs.
"Shit, princess. Look at how pretty this pussy is." He praised, his fingers running up and down your slit.
"Katsuki, please." You moaned out, hips bucking into this hand.
He held your hips to the bed with his free hand as he chuckled, toying with you more.
"What good manners you have. Unfortunately, you're not the boss here, either."
You laid back on the bed with your feet dangling off the bed still, completely vulnerable to Bakugou's touch.
Once his tongue met your clit, you melted into the bed, hands flying to this hair.
"Shit! Oh my god." You moaned out, at his mercy.
He licked up and down your slit, a finger slipping into the tight hole he suddenly needed more than air. The hand that was holding your hips down found one of your hands, removing it from his hair as he held it down onto the bed, fingers interlocked.
Your mind spun as this suddenly felt way more intimate than what you thought it was at first, and honestly you didn't hate it.
He pushed another finger into you, making you scream in pleasure. His grip on your hand tightened and his only thought was to make you forget everything, make your brain empty, fuck you dumb.
He could feel you tighten around his fingers and he just went harder, craving the taste of your essence when you let go finally. And you did, feeling the coil in your abdomen snap, moaning his name over and over as his tongue and fingers never slowed down.
"Katsuki! Please- more! Fuck- Katsuuuu." You moaned out, enjoying the feeling of his name on your tongue.
Pulling away, he stood above you, staring in your eyes as you heard the sound of a belt buckle coming undone and his pants hitting the floor. Kicking the clothes behind him, he stripped his shirt off of himself.
"Dress and bra off. Now." He ordered, sending you scrambling to take off the garments left on your body, leaving you both completely exposed.
He stood for a moment, the both of you admiring the other's body. His dick was bigger than anything you've had, and the thought of him stretching you out made you both lose control.
His hands found your tits, squeezing them lightly, fingers tweaking both of your nipples and you moaned out.
He pulled away from them, fingers finding your wet pussy again, making him smirk at how soaked you were.
"Want it, princess?" He asked, rubbing the head of his cock against your entrance.
"Pleasepleaseplease- Katsu please." You moaned out, hands all over him.
"How can i say no when you sound so pretty begging?" He sarcastically asked, pushing his head into your tight pussy.
"Fuck- you're reall-ly bi-ig." You sputtered out, feeling a slight twinge of pain as he pushed in.
"You can take it, right, princess?" He asked, continuing to push in further.
"Yes yes yes," You replied, arms wrapping around him.
Moans sounded from both of you when Bakugou bottomed out inside of your cunt, his head spinning from how tight you were.
Not moving, he felt you flutter around him as you keened and moaned, whispering your need for him to move.
"God damn, princess. This pussy is too fuckin good." He muttered, pushing himself in and out, earning moans from you.
He lifted your leg up, going impossibly deeper, feeling you tighten around his dick as you babbled mindlessly.
He knew he had fucked you stupid at that point, and he felt prouder than ever.
"Moremoremore please Katsu-" You spoke, making him thrust faster, hitting that spot over and over again. "Gonn-a cu-um!" You moaned out, feeling yourself closer than you thought you could get this fast.
"Shit, cum on my dick then, princess. Show me what you can do." He demanded, feeling himself closer than he would like to admit.
You screamed his name as you came on his cock, making his head go as fuzzy as yours.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum too." He admitted.
"In-in! I'm on the pill- it's okay! Fuck I need you to cum in me please Katsu!"
The mixture of your moans, your cunt tightening on his dick, and the way you said his new nickname from you pushed him over the edge, cumming inside of you.
"Fill- you- up- fuck-" His hips bucked messily with each word, pushing you both into overstimulation and absolutely no thoughts.
Finally, after he fucked his cum into you, making you give him scratches up and down his back and abdomen, he collapsed on top of you.
Heavy breathing filled the room as you both came down from your highs, and you felt your eyes fluttering closed.
He pulled out and off of you with a groan, making you squeal.
You both laughed lightly, and Bakugou couldn't fight the urge to kiss you. So he did. It was slow and sweet, you could taste yourself on his mouth. He pulled away, asking if you needed to use the bathroom- which of course you did.
He led you to the bathroom, handing you a wash cloth from the closet inside and leaving you to your business.
He walked back into his room and took note of the way his heart was still pounding in this chest and he was unable to stop thinking about kissing you more.
He wanted you to stay.
After putting on a pair of boxers, he went into his drawer and grabbed a t-shirt for you.
When you walked back into the room, you looked to the floor for your dress before your vison was obstructed by a shirt in Bakugou's hand.
You looked up to meet his eyes, wordlessly questioning him.
"Stay the night. It's too late for you to go home alone." He suggested. shoving the shirt closer to you.
You smiled, taking it and thanking him. He couldn't stop himself from smiling at how his shirt looked on you.
That night, you cuddled with a man that was meant to be a fuck and chuck, and he cuddled with a woman that was meant to be another one night stand.
A year later, you were walking into Bakugou's apartment with dinner in hand.
"Hey fucker- dinner's here!" You shouted back to his room.
His apartment was still neat as you found out he actually does just clean it every day.
After the two of you had woken up the morning after, you exchanged number and he surprised you and himself by asking you on a date. It made his heart jump that you treated him like a human being and not just a hero. You made him feel normal and at ease.
He made you feel special- buying you flowers and being more romantic than he thought he ever could be. Granted- you still acted like an old married couple most of the time. But the small "I love you"s before bed and before each of you worked made you fall in love all over again each time.
You stayed in your own apartment for the first few months, but lately, a lot of your clothes were at his place, as well as a toothbrush of your own. Neither of you knew how to say you wanted to live together but figured it would eventually happen. It wasn't something either of you felt like rushing in to.
"Bring it here! I'm putting clothes away!" He yelled back as you took your shoes off.
Walking back to his room, you took note of the way he was hanging your work shirts up next to his in the closet and smiled.
"Here it is- but you really wanna eat in bed?" You questioned, knowing it would be a rule of his broken.
"Yeah, fuck it. Movie night in bed with chinese and my favorite woman- why not? Just don't fuckin spill it." He said, walking over to you and kissing your head.
"Fine- but if you spill I'm gonna be forced to laugh at your misery." You shrugged, setting the food down on the night stand and grabbing one of his shirts to wear to bed.
Once you changed and Bakugou finished putting everything away, you both settled into the bed.
Grabbing the bag of take out from the night stand, you noticed a new addition.
"When did you put that picture of us on the nightstand?" You asked, looking at him with a smile and giving him his food.
"Got it printed 2 days ago- just put it there yesterday. We look good, huh?" He said, smirking and shoving you lightly with his shoulder.
"We do! You're such a cheesy fucker, Katsu." You teased, opening your box of take out.
"Fuck off- eat your dumb food and pick a movie." He blushed as you laughed.
You both were forever thankful for needing to blow off steam with a stranger a year ago and couldn't wait to see where the rest of your lives take you.
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 4 years
Ok but can u also do this but with ron + the twins, I love ur smuts !!!!!!!
pairing: reader x ron weasley x fred weasley x george weasley 
warning(s): 18+, unprotected sex, foursome, double penetration, oral (female and male receiving), face fucking, fingering
word count: 4.2k 
a/n: soooo this is the longest thing i’ve ever written on this account but if anyone deserves it its the damn weasleys. i tried to make this as non sweet home alabama as possible and that’s probably why it’s so long. anyways, enjoy this ungodly amount of smut while i decompress. 
You had been spending a majority of your summer at The Burrow, where you boyfriend Ron lived. You spent day in and day out with him, practically on top of one another whenever you could be, but that didn’t stop you from spending time with his family. His mother was incredible, albeit a little scary at times, his father was charming, and Ginny was becoming a fast friend. But you couldn’t help the particular draw you felt towards the twins, Fred and George. 
You couldn't deny they were attractive, the genes were strong in the Weasley family. And you often did a poor job at hiding your attraction. 
You didn’t think any of them had noticed your subtle glances or blushes. Little did you know, all three of them had noticed over the few weeks you had been there. They were just waiting you out. 
Tonight you were all cozied around the fire pit, drinking some firewhiskey, taking advantage of the fact that Molly and Arthur had gone to visit Ron’s oldest brother Bill and his wife, Fluer, for the weekend. You weren’t drunk by any means, but you were certainly feeling good. 
You were cuddled up to Ron’s side, his arm slung around your shoulders, a knitted blanket draped over your laps. You were so wrapped up in your boyfriend that you had barely noticed that Fred had taken the spot on your other side until his leg brushed against yours, making you still. 
“Do you need another drink, sweetheart?” Fred asked when you finally looked his way, his face far too close to yours in the situation to be normal. 
You blushed at his proximity, but nodded. “Um, yes, thank you,” you added bashfully. 
Fred dashed a charming smile at you and placed a soft kiss to your cheek before dashing off to get you another glass of whiskey, your blush only intensifying when you felt his lips on your skin. You prayed no one could see it through the light of the fire. 
Ron tugged you back into his side and dropped his lips to your ear. “Whatever you think you’re doing, stop,” he said lowly, clearly not pleased by the situation. 
“He kissed me,” you argued softly, your head turning to press a kiss against his neck. He pulled back and shot a look down at you, his brow raised. A look you couldn’t exactly argue with. You got caught and you knew it. 
You stayed quiet, trying to keep your eyes anywhere except the two men that currently had your stomach in knots. But that effort was broken when Fred made his way back over to you, plopping down beside you. He passed you your new drink and you thanked him for it, sitting up straight to take a sip. 
You were caught off guard when you were pulled into his body and away from Ron, Fred’s strong arm now wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Have you been enjoying your summer here so far?” He asked quietly, making sure only you could hear him. 
Your eyes flitted cautiously over the group around the fire, making sure no one was noticing the strange behavior. You paused when you met George’s eyes, his own trained on the interaction between you and Fred, but you tried your best to ignore it. 
“Um, yes. You’ve all been quite lovely. I like it here,” you told him genuinely. You had been enjoying your summer despite tonights most recent turn of events. 
“Mm, good,” Fred mused, shooting another smile down at you. You couldn’t help but notice the little mischievous glint in his eyes that he got every time he was thinking something that was likely to either end brilliantly or disastourly. “I saw we play a little game. Are you in?” He asked. 
You swallowed nervously, knowing this could end very poorly. “And what is this game?” You questioned. 
“Let’s see how jealous we can get Ron,” he whispered, the smile never leaving his face. 
“I- I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you argued, knowing fully well Ron had already told you to stop… doing whatever you were doing. 
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. Live a little. Anyhow, you already know how this is going to end,” he told you. 
“And how will this end?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. 
He moved closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your face. Your whole body was hot and the blush was creeping back onto your face and you knew he could see it. 
“Judging by the noises I hear coming from his room almost every night, he’ll fuck you stupid. And I get to hear those pretty noises again,” he told you shamelessly, pulling you into him closer. 
You shot a nervous glance at Ron, only to find that he was already looking at you over the rim of his own cup, fire in his eyes. He raised a brow at you and you could see the way the corners of his lips were tugging up into a smirk, practically daring you to continue on. As if he knew exactly what you and Fred were talking about. 
“By the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to mind,” Fred added from behind you, making you whip your head around back to him. 
“Of course he’d mind. You’re his brother,” you argued incredulously, still not believing this conversation was even truly happening. 
“You think he doesn’t see the way you look at me and Georgie? You look at us like you want us to devour you,” he told you. 
You snuck a glance at George only to find that he was still looking at you. You could feel Ron’s eyes still on the back of your head. You gulped nervously, your brain short circuiting for a half a second. Did they… did they plan this? 
“I - I haven’t been -,” you went to argue, but Fred cut you off. 
“Don’t play coy with me. Maybe if you beg him nicely like I hear you do so well, he might let us join you tonight,” Fred teased, causing your core to pulse and drip with arousal at the thought. 
You could only stare back at him, his breath fanning your face as you took in his words. He knew he planted a seed in you that wouldn’t go away until it was satisfied. The smug look on his face only proved it. You didn’t get the chance to reply before you could hear Ron getting up from his place on the bench. 
“Bunny, come with me,” he said innocently enough to the ears of everyone else in the group, but you could hear the edge in his voice. 
You detangled yourself from Fred and rose up from your spot, taking Ron’s hand as he silently led you back into the house. Once you had passed through the threshold into the kitchen and away from the eyes of everyone else, he spun around to face you. 
“And what was all that about?” He asked, stepping right into your space so you had no other choice but to look up at him. 
“N-nothing. We were just having a chat,” you stuttered out, trying to not seem intimidated. 
“Wasn’t what it looked like to me. Spill it,” he said roughly, continuing to back you up until your back hit the counter, leaving you nowhere to go when his hands were placed on either side of your body. 
“Promise you won’t get mad,” you half heartedly requested. 
“Just tell me.” 
“He- he said, um, he said that we should try to make you jealous,” you told him. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it was only a half truth at best. 
“That’s not what has you blushing like a virgin though, is it? What did he say to you?” He pressed, the fire in his eyes growing larger by the second. 
You swallowed and took a deep breath before you even opened your mouth, knowing this could only go one of two ways. He’d either blow up entirely, or you’d have a night you’d never forget. “He said that if I begged you you’d let him and George join us,” you said quickly, all in one breath. 
You shut your eyes, waiting for his response. But when a chuckle fell from his lips your eyes shot back open in shock. 
“Is that what you want, bunny? Do you want them to join us?” He asked, his eyes now more playful than they had been just seconds prior. 
“Are you serious?” You asked after a moment, you head spinning that he was just offering this to you on a silver platter. You expected yelling, anger, the whole fit. You didn’t expect a cheeky smirk and twinkling eyes. 
“Do I look like I’m joking?”  
“They’re your brothers,” you argued. Why you were even arguing this, you weren’t sure. You wanted this and he knew it and they knew it. You just couldn’t understand why he was letting it happen. 
“It’s not like I’ll be fucking them,” he said with a laugh. “So, tell me what you want.” 
“If it’s okay with you…,” you started, trailing off. You looked up at him nervously, hoping your eyes conveyed enough of a plea that he would continue agreeing with you. 
“So beg,” he said, his voice dropping low as he continued to stare down at you. 
“I’ll be good, I promise. Just this once. I just - I - please,” you said, launching right into it but quickly running out of words as you watched the smirk grow on his face. 
“Go to my room. Strip. I’ll be up in a minute,” he told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back outside. You watched his figure walk away for a moment, letting your mind race until you booked it up the stairs not wanting to wait any longer for the night to truly begin. 
You were waiting in your position on the bed for what felt like hours, but you knew it had only been a few minutes before you heard multiple sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. You moved to cover your chest when you heard the doorknob turn, unsure if you should be exposed or not right away. 
Ron came in first but left the door open just enough so your guests could hear. “Last chance, bun. Do you want this?” He asked, slowly coming over to rest his hands on the bed, leaning over slightly so his tall form was eye level with you. 
You knew it wasn’t your last chance to say no, but it was your last chance before the twins waltzed in. 
You took a shaky breath and nodded your head, saying “Yes,” loud enough so Fred and George could hear. 
The door was opening once more, the twins walking through, both pairs of eyes immediately on you. When the door shut, you stared up at them, unsure what to do or say, but their matching smirk told you they already had plans. 
Ron walked around the bed until he crawled on to it behind you, his legs bracketing your hips as you knelt between his spread thighs. 
“Let them see you,” he coaxed gently, hands coming around you to grip your forearms. 
He only put a light pressure on your skin, letting you move on your own as you exposed your chest to them. They took you in with hungry eyes but they didn’t move from where they both stood before you, waiting. 
“All of you,” Ron spoke again, his hands trailing down to your thighs, gently prying them apart. 
You leaned back and hid your face in his neck as he repositioned you, unable to look the two men in the eyes as your entire body got exposed to them. You knew you were a dripping mess over the situation and the embarrassment of it being so obvious made you squirm. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re more perfect than I imaged,” you heard George say, the bed dipping down infront of you. 
Your eyes snapped to him, watching him as he looked down at your glistening sex. His eyes were hungry when they met yours, desperate. Probably the exact mirror of your own. 
“Can I touch you?” George asked, his fingers twitching against the sheets, waiting. 
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for one of them to do anything right now. 
George wasted no time in bringing his fingers directly to your cunt, trailing one long finger through your slit while his thumb trailed soft circles onto your clit. You couldn’t hold back the moan that fell from your lips when he pushed his finger in, immediately searching for you g-spot. 
As if your noises were a cue for Fred, the bed dipped on your other side and without a word, he was kissing down your chest. Soon enough, he was attacking your nipples when George was working your from the inside out. Your back was arching and your hips were moving at their own volition, unable to stop yourself under their ministrations.
“Does that feel good?” George asked you softly, placing kisses on your shoulder. 
When you only nodded, Ron grabbed your chin and forced you to look directly at George. “I won’t remind you again, bunny. Use yours words,” he said sweetly, but you knew there was danger laced in his words. You knew better than anyone else what he could do to you if he reminded you one more time. 
“Yes. Feels so good. Please don’t stop,” you told George, already breathless from the three men surrounding you. 
You felt Fred chuckle against your skin and you knew the smirk George was wearing was only mimicked by Ron’s behind you. They knew exactly what they were doing to you. 
You couldn’t stop the whine that left you when George removed his hand, but your eyes lit up when you saw him go to kneel at the edge of the bed. He pulled up his to the edge, draped your legs over his shoulder, and started trailing kitten licks all along your slit until his tongue was swirling around your clit. 
You held fell back against Ron’s shoulder, a moan falling from your lips as Fred moved to your other side to attack your opposite nipple. 
“Having fun?” Ron asked, beaming down at you. 
You nodded breathlessly, your eyes rolling back in your head with a flushed smile on your face. “Want you too,” you told him. 
“Of course you do, my greedy girl,” Ron mused, his finger coming to tilt your lips back and locking your lips in a kiss. 
Your body was overwhelmed with just their lips. You weren’t sure how you would handle it when their pants came off. 
Your hips were grinding down onto George’s face without you sparing it a second thought and you kept pushing your chest into Fred’s lips, your entire body grinding back on Ron’s body. 
“She tastes like fucking heaven,” George said, finally coming up for a breath. His entire chin was soaked in his own saliva and your juices and his eyes were blown with lust. 
Ron made a noise of agreement that was swallowed up by your lips, but you were ripped away from your boyfriend by George’s grip on your neck. He pulled you into a kiss with him, tasting yourself on his tongue, as Fred trailed kisses down your body until he was getting a taste of you for himself. 
Fred quickly brought you your orgasm, his tongue so deep inside of you that your toes were curling. Your hands had a monster grip on Ron’s thighs and every noise you made got swallowed by George, his lips hot on yours. 
You finally relaxed your body against Ron’s, his chest being the perfect place to settle against, as your body calmed down. 
“Think you can handle all three of us?” Fred asked cheekily, looking up at you from his place on the floor. 
You gave a shaky nod, but in your head you were unsure how this would even work. You never thought you’t get this far to even have considered it. 
That line of thought was abruptly cut off when Ron grabbed your hair and yanked back so you were looking up at him again. “What did I say about using your words?” He asked darkly.
“Yes, I want to. I can,” you got out breathlessly, still basking in the sting of your scalp. 
“Good,” Ron said, now satiated with your words. “Get on your hands and knees for us, bunny.” 
He gave you one last searing kiss before releasing you, letting you adjust your own shaky limbs on the bed until you were in the position he instructed you to be in. As you did that, the boys began stripping themselves of their clothes, Fred and George both strategically in your line of sight depending on which way you turned your head. 
You watched as they both ripped their shirts over their heads, a sight you were accustomed to thanks to many sweaty afternoons in the yard playing Quidditch. But you didn’t know where to look as they peeled down their jeans and briefs, relieving both of their impressive lengths. They were both around the same length, but Ron was thicker than both of them. No matter what, you knew you’d be sore in the morning. 
“This is how it’s gonna work, bunny,” Ron said, finally rounding the bed so he could see you. “I’m gonna fuck this pretty little cunt,” he told you, adding emphasis of his possession when he bent over and easily hooked two fingers inside of you, pressing directly on your g-spot. You jumped at the abrupt action, but you never broke your eye contact with him.
“Fred’s going to fuck that tight ass,” he continued, and you watched as Fred rounded the bed until he was behind you. 
“And George is gonna fuck that cute face,” Ron finished, George coming up on the other side of you to grip your face to force you to look at him. 
“Does that sound good, sweetheart?” George asked, looking down at you fondly. 
“Yes, fuck. Please,” you said, your hips beginning to move against nothing now that Ron had removed his fingers, searching for any ounce of friction you can get. 
They moved in almost perfect sync. Ron maneuvered his way underneath you swiftly, George pulled your head off to the side so your mouth was lined up with the tip of his cock, and you could feel Fred’s lube covered fingers breach the entrance of your tightest hole all at once. You were overwhelmed in the best way, unsure what to do with yourself but totally just along for whatever ride they were about to bring you on. 
When Ron fucked up into you roughly, George immediately pushed your head down to feel the full effects of your moan of his cock, causing a shiver to run through his body. They were practically fucking your mouth and core in tandem, one pulling out while the other brutally thrust in. 
You felt as if you were splitting open for them already, but when Fred’s cock finally lined up with your entrance and began pushing in, you practically saw stars. 
George let you pull away from him for a moment so you could breath through the new pressure inside of you, your head now buried in Ron’s neck as you panted and moaned. Ron had slowed down his thrusts to match with Fred, balancing you on the precipice of pain and pleasure. 
“You’re doing so fucking good for us, Y/N. Just give it a minute and it’ll feel so good. You’re gonna be so pretty when you cum for us,” Ron mused quietly in your ear, knowing that you’d latch on to his voice to get you through the intensity. 
Finally, your hips starting moving against theirs, a silent signal you were ready for them to fuck you, all three of them truly went wild with you body. 
George dragged your face back over to him, letting you do your own thing but keeping a steady hand in your hair in case you tried to pull away. Ron and Fred were fucking into you in perfect sync, pulling out and fucking into you at the same time. 
It was so intense you were shaking, only being held up by three strong pairs of hands at this point. But you couldn’t hide how good it was making you feel. Even as deep as George’s cock was down your throat, it was barely muffling the screams of pleasure you were giving them. You just hoped someone remembered to cast a silencing charm. 
You could hear them talking around you, a mix of praises directed at you and words shared between themselves. “Fuck, you feel so good” and “Just like that” mixed with “She feels like fucking heaven” and “Her mouth is a dream”. You could barely hear them over the blood pumping through you, but you knew you’d remember it later with a blush and a smile. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. Swallow it all for me,” George told you, bruising your hair out of your sweaty face. You felt the unmistakable twitch of his cock just before he spilled his cum inside of your mouth and fucked it down your throat, giving you no choice but to follow his request. He came with one of the prettiest noises you had ever heard, and you knew you’d want to hear it again someday if you were lucky enough. 
You pulled away from George panting, finally able to have a minute to catch your breath as Fred and Ron continued to pound furiously into you, your body jolting with every deliberate thrust. 
“Ron, please I’m so close,” you begged, for what you weren’t entirely sure, but you knew he’d know what to do. All you could focus on was how close you were, how tightly you were gripping both of your cocks, and trying your best to balance on shaky arms so you didn’t collapse. 
Without missing a beat, Ron turned his head to George. “Touch her clit,” he told him, finally sounding breathless from all the work he was putting in. 
Fred’s arms came around you to pull you up until your back was against his chest, giving George full access to your most sensitive spot. 
“Cum for us. Show us how much you loved this and cum for us,” Fred said low in your ear. 
Your eyes never left Ron’s as all three of them worked you closer and closer to the edge. As much as the twins were turning you on, this orgasm was for you boyfriend. Everyone you had was. He was the one that let this happen. Let them take you like this. And he was the one currently fucking your g-spot with every thrust it made your head spin. 
“Cum for me” was all Ron had to say, seeing and feeling just how close you were, for you to explode. 
Your vision went white and your whole body shook, the only thing keeping you grounded was Fred’s warm chest pressed against you. You knew the scream you were hearing was your own, but you couldn’t keep it quiet no matter how hard you tried. You pulsed around their cocks, milking them of their own orgasms as you were going through yours. You felt their cum fill you completely, another moan leaving your mouth at how erotic it felt. 
When you finally felt as though you had come back down to real life, you were settled against Ron’s chest, his cock still in you, while the twins were busying themselves with getting dressed. They were talking quietly while Ron ran his hand up and down along your back, just waiting until you were finally back in the present. 
George was the first one to notice your eyes had opened again when he finally got his pants back on. He walked over to the bed and knelt down so he was almost eye level with you. 
“That was wonderful, darling. You were perfect,” he told you, placing a quick kiss to your forehead before righting himself only for Fred to take his place. 
“What he said,” Fred told you with a smirk and mimicking his twin's kiss to your forehead. “We’ll see you two lovebirds in the morning,” he added with a wink. 
They both made their way out of the room, the door clicking behind them, leaving you and Ron in a blissed out silence. 
“Did you have fun?” He finally asked, tilting his neck so he was looking down at you. 
“I did. Thank you,” you said with a soft smile. 
“My girl always gets what she wants. You just have to ask, bunny,” He said, placing a kiss on your nose. 
When you moved your lips up to move against his, he stopped you with a chuckle. “No offense but my brother did just cum in your mouth. So let’s go get you cleaned up so I can kiss you properly, yeah?” He asked, wrapping a blanket around you so he could get you down the hallway and into the bathroom. 
“I thought you weren’t going to be weird about it,” you grumbled under your breath as he adjusted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. 
“That’s different and you know it,” he said defensively as he made his way for the door, making you giggle.
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years
Moments in-between
Description: HC's of aot characters that are all kinda madly in love with y/n, if only just in different ways. Aspects of Modern au.
Character(s): Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Sasha, Connie, Historia, Ymir, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Levi, Erwin, Hanje
POV: 2nd, 3rd
A/n: I know I said that I was ending my aot works but after the last episode's intense trauma I need some home groan therapy. Also please don't make fun of me for misspelling both Bertolt and Hange's names continually. Enjoy
Word Count: x
Song: lmao listen to everywhere I go by Hollywood undead.
*none of the gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker.
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Y/n invites the AOT gang to a party.
You looked around for your friends, having foolish lost track of the chaotic group after you paused to hang your coat up. You warned them all to remain close, these college parties tended to get a little wild for your liking, but of course, they were all too stubborn.
"Hey you! I already said that we weren't playing Lady Gaga here!" Your ears prickled, and you turned, seeing Hanje at the DJ's box. You quirked a brow but made a mental note of where she was for later.
You moved on, searching for the rest of your friends. You opened the door to a bathroom, finding several girls hunched over, puking into the toilet, sink, and tub. Erwin was standing in the midst of the chaos, holding their hair as they drunkenly emptied their guts.
"Erwin? We've been here five minutes!" Erwin looked up at your newfound appearance. "Y/n! Quick, I think something in their drinks made them sick, you need to warn the other people at this party!" You met his blue eyes, "What?" He made a motion with his right hand, accidentally tugging on a girl's hair and bobbing her head. "Hey!" She squeaked before puking again. "Hurry, Y/l/n! They may not have much time left."
You rolled your eyes. "Erwin, they're drunk, not suffering from food poisoning." He looked down at the girls. "Really?" You sighed.
Later, you came upon Levi, who had been keeping a practiced eye on Hanje and other various members of your friend group. He had designated himself the designated driver of the group, which was admirable but you made sure not too drink too much either, knowing that there was no way Levi could possibly deal with all of you being wasted.
Reiner had challenged Annie to a drinking game, and was in the midst of losing miserably, whilst Bertholdt silently cleaned up the mess that Reiner and Annie created with their squashed beer cans.
You also found ymir and Historia cheerfully dancing to Poker face, and you marveled at the way the two seemed to be in their own world. You smiled, at the red that dusted ymir's cheeks and at Historia's hand on her cheek. A crash from the kitchen behind you caused you to cringe and jump slightly, before you rushed in.
Not unsurprisingly you found Connie and Sasha at the epicenter of the chaos. Neither were drunk but both were still idiots. A broken dish and what had been cheese fries was on the floor at their feet. "Hey! What'd I say about getting into their food?" You pointed threateningly at the duo. "If we do it don't get caught?" Sasha had a fry in her mouth and big eyes. "Clean this up, I'll go get Levi." "Oh, no don't get Levi!" Connie whined, waving his hands dramatically. "I'm getting him!"
Marco and Armin had found a old monopoly game and had sat down to play it in the dinning room of the house. You found it especially funny at the amount of girls the two had unwittingly attracted, who sat down to play with them.
"Y/n!" You perked up and turned, careful to not spill your drink. Jean smiled at you, his eyes the tiniest bit lidded. "Care for a dance?" You had actually been expecting this, since Jean's flirtiness doubled with the mix of alcohol. "You look hot, y/n!" He gently wrapped his hands around you as the two of you slid onto the dance floor. You laughed, enjoying Jean's wild dance moves. Finally he popped into a Russian dig, "hype me up best friend!" He called, and you whooped until he ran right into Eren.
"You drunk idiot! Hello, Y/n!" Eren glared at Jean, but smiled at you. "Look at this drink I made! It was clear but now it's brown!" Before you could respond, Jean hopped up. "y/n doesn't care about your shit drink!" You sighed as the two began arguing, which slowly developed into a tense dance battle between the two men.
Mikasa had been with Eren, you guessed most likely protectively watching over him. She watched with you, before you smirked and outstretched your hand. Mikasa took it, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
In the soft glow of a living room, you and Mikasa danced together to an old 80's tune, the rest of your friends giving elsewhere. It was a nice party.
Y/n wears a skimpy outfit
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, tugging gently on your new top. Oftentimes you found it hard to truly appreciate your body, but the corseted top made you feel like a definite hot girl. You wore long black shoes, tight leather pants, dark jewelry. You just looked ready to step on some bitches.
You exited your room, and grabbed your purse, ready to head out with your girls. Eren was sitting on your coach, playing some video game. "Hey we'll be heading out soon so I left some numbers to order pizza for when you get hungry." You turned, digging in your purse for your keys. "Y/n, I'm not a child! I can take care of- holy shit, y/n!" You turned, Eren had dropped his controller, no longer focused on his game. "You can't go out like that! There are men out there!" You smiled and pulled out ur taser, flashing it a couple times. "I know."
Mikasa exited her room from the same hall, entering the living room. "Y/n, you look nice." You smiled and put your taser up. "thanks Mikasa!" "Wait, Mikasa you're going out too?" Eren stood up. "it's girls night out, Eren." You rolled your eyes. "but I wanna go too!" Mikasa opened her mouth but you beat her to it. "No."
The front door opened and Armin entered, his blonde hair flittering in his eyes. "Hey; Eren, Mikasa, and..." A blush erupted onto his cheeks. "Y/n!" His blues casted panicked glances around the room as if he wasn't sure he should make direct eye contact with you.
Eren pointed to his flustered friend. "See!" Again you rolled your eyes. "You look v-very nice, y/n." Armin mumbled before he sat down. "Thanks, sweetie." Armin's face reddened.
Suddenly the front door to the apartment flung open, allowing Jean, Marco, and Connie to enter. They were in the midst of conversation, laughing at a joke Connie had said. "Hey bitch-" Jean's words caught somewhere in the back of his throat as he saw you. His cheeks erupted into fire and he stopped, causing Connie and Marco to slam into him. "Hey!" Connie looked past Jean's frozen position, and smiled knowingly. "Bark, Bark, Bark! Y/n you look a sexy grim reaper!" Jean blinked as you laughed. Connie slid past Jean and made his way to the kitchen, giving the others a greeting as he did so.
Marco smiled at your outfit. "You look so pretty y/n!" Your cheeks were beginning to hurt from happiness and you wondered if you should wear this stuff more often and not just in your dreams. Jean seemed to snap out of it. "You...you...nice, y/n." He managed to get out, not right before Eren made fun of his stuttering.
Sasha exited her room, and to the delight of everyone gave a twirl in her little dress. "y/n! You look very nice!" She may or not have said whilst grabbing your boob. Historia admitted to helping you pick out the fit, and ymir made everyone thank her for her service.
"you should wear this more often, y/n. Or at least less more often." Annie nudged you from behind. You were amazed at her sauveness but also the blush that dusted the tips of her ears.
Reiner and Bertholdt came through the fire escape (because Reiner has been on a "parkour!" Kick recently. But Reiner made sure to call you hot, (effectively pissing off both Jean and Eren.) And Bertholdt simply blushed, quickly agreeing with Reiner.
Finally Hanje, Erwin, and Levi arrived, Levi bringing leftovers from his tea shop. Hanje had squealed and called you "hot!" Erwin was certain you were only wearing a bra and refused to look at you, whilst Levi couldn't take his eyes off of you, but said nothing all the same.
"Well ladies, I hope you all are ready!" Hanje smirked. "Who's riding with me?"
Y/n gets a tattoo
"So...what do you think?" You stood in front of Hanje, Annie, and Ymir, your shirt raised to your underboob. Hanje clapped excitedly. "It looks great, y/n!" "I like the view." Annie said dryly. Ymir nodded. "yeah it's nice, just don't show Historia."
"Don't show me what?" Historia entered the living room via the kitchen. Immediately her eyes found your tattoo, and she smiled. "lovely!"
The others found the tattoo under different circumstances however.
Sasha had known first, since she went with you to get it originally, having helped you pick out the design. By that I mean, she mainly just agreed with whatever you said but helped you out none the less. Mikasa found out before you were training together, (she thought it looked cool).
Eren found out because he walked in on you in the shower. "Shit! Wait is that a tattoo!?" He would've told you he liked it had you not kicked the shit out of him and lectured him about coming over to your apartment constantly, blah, blah, blah.
Armin found out because you showed him, (and he promptly died a bit) but he also really liked it and you invited him to come get another one with you some time. Maybe, just maybe you had a weak spot for the blonde.
Jean and Connie found out because you sent Marco a snap of it, and they looked at it from over his shoulder. Connie laughed at Jean's sharp in take of breathe and Jean tackled Connie. Meanwhile as they fought in the background Marco sent you a video snap of his response.
Reiner found out via a training session, much like Mikasa. "Why, y/n I never knew what a sly devil you could be!"
Bertholdt knew because Reiner made sure to describe it to him in great detail, knowing that the tall fellow would get flustered.
Erwin was probably told at some point but forgot so anytime he sees in you in a bikini or something skimpy he gets his mind blown.
Levi found out because, you may or may not have sent him a snap (with much different intentions then the one you had sent Marco.) Levi thought it was badass, though.
Y/n kisses the AOT gang
Yes, you had kissed each member of the gang. For any of these bitches, they could get it, let's be real.
You had given Eren forehead kisses many a time between he and you. This had been pretty random but regardless, it was something the two of you did often.
You often kissed Armin on the cheek, pinching them together whilst you smushed his face and pulled him in for hugs. Really, you loved Armin.
You kissed Jean on several occasions, partially because you weren't one to refuse an offer from an attractive man and also it was the quickest way to fluster the boy. He has the king of talking the talk but never actually walking the walk.
You give Marco and Connie platonic cheek kisses everytime you see each other. They also give you cheek kisses back. Marco also gives hugs!
You blow Reiner kisses all the time because that's exactly what your friendship is.
You give Bertholdt sweet little cheek kisses and he's always a blushing mess afterwards.
You give Erwin goodbye kisses and he always returns them.
You've made out with Levi. His tongue's been in your mouth. Yes, you kiss.
You give Hanje cheek kisses all the time. You seriously love this woman.
You've made out with Annie too. You also give her kisses on her neck just to hear her giggle.
You and ymir don't usually kiss, but you and Historia kiss each other's cheek.
You've kissed Sasha smack on the lips before, and you two cuddle all da time.
You give Mikasa forehead kisses because touch isn't necessarily her love language but you know when she needs it.
Y/n gets into a fight
You don't get in trouble, like ever. You're reliable, kind, level headed. However sometimes you come across a Titan of an issue and need your friends to rally behind you.
Historia will get into an argument for you, but she isn't scary at all, nor is she very powerful when it comes to muscle might.
Mikasa will kill a bitch for you. Straight up. She may not always show it outright but she loves you.
Ymir would video tape the ass whooping of whoever dares to cross you until they tried to come after Historia. Then she's seeing red.
Annie would laugh at whoever is trying to fight you. She won't step into the fray directly until you need her though, she trusts you do take care of it.
Eren doesn't care if they haven't even thrown a punch if they even say a damn thing that he doesn't feel you deserve he will start the fight. He has no self control. He's an aries.
Jean will also fight for you. He'd be a hundred percent more levelheaded about the problem but he won't let you take shit.
Connie will at first be confused and then pull his signature "bruh" face. He'll be the one that takes the phone from Ymir after Historia gets involved.
Sasha will try to protect you the best she can. She doesn't want you hurt so she'll probably grab a spoon as a weapon and charge.
Reiner is just trying to vibe and then suddenly he's pulled into an all out war. Sigh. But at least it's for you.
Hange will find this all very funny, but she'll help out in between snorts.
Erwin will just stand there looking at your antagonist dead in the eye with the slightest raise of his brow. That's the end of it all.
Armin will go all manipulative bestie on however is bothering you.
Levi merely get in between you. He may be short but nothing scare him and he's literally willing to kick some ass if need be.
Bertolt would just take you somewhere else. Yes he's super annoyed and upset at this person, but he has better things to do with his time.
Y/n gets a dog
To be honest, you'd wanted a pet for a long long time. Living closely with seven other women- and essentially nine men, had made that prospect rather slim, until one day approximately four months ago when you dropped the question.
The response was rather positive, so you carefully crafted a schedule and supplies.
The little puppy had been the runt of the litter, but that didn't bother you one bit (your not so secret infatuation of a certain 5'2" raven haired fellow solidified that.)
You were the first person to arrive home that day, and when you did you hurried to get the house puppified.
Bertolt came by early that day and was the first to see the puppy. At first he wasn't so sure about the little rascal. It seemed so hyper, a little too hyper, actually. But then, it licked him and he fell in love. He actually completely forgot you were even there he was so enthralled.
Levi came by with takeout, and much like Bertolt he wasn't sure about this creature. He'd always been more of a cat person, but even then he wasn't exactly an animal person. Just too messy. But for your sake he pat the pup on the head. (And to both your and bertolt's shock the puppy began to follow Levi around.
Armin loved the puppy. He immediately scooped it up and sang to it. You had never seen the blonde so happy as he cooed over the little Beasty. He raised it up into the air and swung it until Levi yelled at him for waving the animal over the takeout.
Erwin seemed a bit indifferent to the dog, almost as if the animal had just always been there. He did make sure however to share his food with it.
Hange tickled the poor animal savagely, vowing to buy it a sweater for the winter. You told them they didn't have to, but they refused. "What's a godparent for?"
Sasha vowed to help feed it and promised it that she would only buy it the best food possible.
Marco adored the tiny thing. "have you named him yet?" He had asked while lovingly scratching behind it's ears. "he looks like a sugar...or a Coco?"
Connie immediately sat down and started playing with newly named Sugar. "Connie! You're getting Sugar too riled up." Levi warned, but right then Connie was attacked by the tiny pup, and despite the small size of the dog the sheer force almost knocked Connie over. "Tch, idiot."
Jean was the first to take Sugar for a walk and you joined him. Together the two of you laughed at how cute Sugar looked as he bounced around in the grass. You made sure to have Jean clean up after him though, don't worry.
Sugar immediately fell asleep on Eren who threatened anyone that would dare touch or wake up him. Eren was extremely content with this little ball of joy.
Annie wasn't really excited for the puppy but she did promise to train Sugar when it was time, so there's that.
Ymir tried to act similar to Annie but Ymir is a total dog person, and after a bit she scoped up Sugar and put the sleeping pup on her own lap.
Mikasa was just happy everyone else seemed happy. She did sit by ymir though so she could get a few good pats in.
Later that night Historia grabbed the puppy and took him into her room, which she shared with Ymir. Really this puppy wasn't yours, it was everyone's.
The AOT gang goes to a concert
You pulled into Eren's hand practically dragging him through the crowd. "That's the last time I'm letting you lead us anywhere, Eren!" He groaned behind you. "I thought the sign said Row one, it was an honest mistake!" You shot him a dangerous glare. "It was a sign for the bathroom!"
Finally you met up with your friends, who were all already comfortably seated, waiting for the concert to begin. "Hey guys sorry we're late, we had some...sign trouble."
You and Eren found your seats, "Good news is if anyone wants to know where the bathrooms are.." you elbowed your brunette friend.
When the concert began, it was immediately pretty damn hype. You and Jean clasped hands and danced together, shouting out the lyrics to the first song at the top of your lungs.
At the second song and Sasha took orders for food, and grabbed some grub. As you waited in the unnecessarily long line you pulled her into a hug and took a quick picture.
When you returned you stood by Reiner, but some big headed bastard had moved in front of your spot. So you climbed into Reiner's shoulders and screamed at the stage from your pretty impressive view.
Connie dared you to throw your bra on stage, but didn't actually think you'd do it. His face, and literally everyone around you, was priceless. In fact, you got a round of applause.
Hanje was video tapping about 90% of it, but they often drapped a hand around your shoulders and pulled you into the video, the two of you singing along to the musicians voice.
You and Levi held hands when a soft song came on, him pulling you into his chest at just the right note. You dipped your head into the chin, enjoying the soft thud of his heartbeat against the deep bass of the speakers. It was nice.
You face timed Bertolt, who unfortunately couldn't attend because he had "work". He enjoyed the concert better from that angle anyways.
You and Historia took a ton of pictures! So many! Some weren't even in focus! But you two didn't care!
Marco grabbed his phone light every chance he got and kept accidentally flashing it in people's eyes. He got you like seven times.
Erwin kept complaining that it was too loud, but you literally saw him full on do the sprinkler because he was vibing so hard.
You and Mikasa went to the bathroom together, and you forced her to take a picture with you. You also got lost on the way back but Mikasa helped guide you back. What would you do without her?
When you returned you ran into ymir and Historia dancing together, laughing and giggling. Damn them and their happiness.
After the show you and Armin went and met the people you watched and got a picture with them. They kept referring to Armin as your boyfriend so in the photo he looks like a tomato. He swore you to secrecy.
On the way back to the apartment you switched riders with Hanje so that she could take Eren home and you could just take Annie back to the apartment you shared. The whole way back you just let loose in the car. Annie could be very loud when with people she trusts entirely.
Y/n flirts with the AOT gang
Unfortunately for you y/n you're not the sad drunk, clumsy drunk, dancer drunk, you're the flirty drunk. I guess there are worse things, though. These are the times when drunk you has flirted with your friends and their reactions.
One time you got blasted at a work party and Eren had to come drive you home. He was shocked at first, but he truly does care about you and is also the most oblivious person ever so he was just like "okay."
Annie was super confused at first, but she actually really liked the attention. She'd never admit that to you though. So she just kinda bumped shoulders with you and almost knocked you down, had she not caught you.
Jean actually almost shit himself your flirting flustered him so bad. But he realized that you were drunk and immediately lifted you up and took you home.
Armin blushed, squeaked, and giggled. He knew you were drunk but he just couldn't help it. He helped you to bed and you fell asleep next to each other.
Sasha took you out to eat immediately after you said you wanted to go on a date with a hot babe like her, because she just needs one reason to go get something to munch on. It helped sober you up and when you puked she held your hair. Besties.
You did have a line though and you never actually flirted with Historia or Ymir but Ymir always took videos of you drunk and Historia always made sure to help you to bed. Those two were your constant watch dogs though when you were having fun.
Reiner "pretends" to go along with your flirting. He really just likes it because your hawt. "oh really? Tell me more about my eyes." He does however makes sure no one messes with you and always makes sure you get home safely.
When you get drunk around Mikasa the Ackerman always just pats you on the head. Sometimes though she makes fun of you.
Whenever you flirt with Connie hes also drunk so he flirts back. The two of you are the most chaotic drunk duo though and always end up breaking shit.
Erwin tells you to stop. "Stop that y/n, it's weird." But he's always blushing when he says that and he acts like a parent. "No, no more tequila!"
Hange will literally just have fun with drunk you. She'd vibe and even give you her glasses.
Marco would think it's really funny, but he'd stick with you for as long as he needs to to make sure you're okay and then he'll take you home.
Levi will look so annoyed and so done but he'll blush and wrap his fingers with yours. Much like Jean, he'll try to take you home as soon as possible. He gets jealous way too easily for this and often he'll stay the night with you.
Bertolt's brain literally melts. Reiner has to drag him away from you. You've broken the poor man.
They walk in on you changing
Annie- She opened the door and come in without even paying attention, realized you were essentially naked when you squealed. She rolls her eyes, and mutters "look the door next time," but that's a mental image she'll be keeping for a while.
Armin- he doesn't even allow himself a second peak, immediately putting his hand over his eyes. "Oh! I'm so sorry y/n! I-i-yeah!" He practically runs out of there faster than lightening.
Bertolt- He freezes, and you have to push him out. His brain dies and he stands outside your door for several minutes still trying to process.
Connie- he doesn't even notice you, but when you yell at him he simply turns and farts at you.
Eren- "If you were changing why didn't you lock the door?"
Erwin- "I'm sorry I thought this was the bathroom. Did you get a new book shelf?"
Hanje- She comes in, sees that your changing and puts a hand over her eyes, continuing to tell you what she wanted.
Jean- he puts his hands on his hips and smiles, "you knew I was coming, didn't you?"
Levi- he doesn't really care and neither do you (nothing he hasn't seen before) but he doesn't make sure to shut the door and wrap you on the head. "you have a lock, brat, use it."
Marco- opens door. "Whoops." Closes door. "Sorry y/n!"
Mikasa- "hey y/n," just continues.
Sasha had half a donut in her mouth when she walked in on you and then immediately it fell from her mouth when she turned and saw your body. she blinked and quickly bent over, grabbing her donut and covered her eyes, but only partially.
Reiner- "Hey, y/n I- Woah! Nice ra-" you effectively cut him off by throwing a shoe at his face.
Historia- "Oh! Sorry sweetie, you're so pretty, oh my goodness!"
Ymir- after storming in she proclaims, "Historia saw you naked, I have to kill you now."
They find you crying
We all have those days, and this is when they find you having one.
Ymir found you in the your bedroom, completely bundled in blankets with the lights shut off. She notices that you've been crying because your sniffing loudly, but says nothing about it. "Hey, Y/n, do you have the wifi password?"
She'd leave, but tell Historia, knowing Historia is better suited to check on and deal with helping you. Historia will walk in and raise her hands, in an open hug. You'll wordlessly scootch over and allow her to slide in beside you and gently pull you into her grasp.
Sasha heard you crying and grabbed her comfort snacks, a blanket, and the puppy. All of which she carried into your bedroom. The two of you would sit, eat, and watch some comfort shows. "it's the best medicine!"
Reiner saw your car parked outside the apartments and thought he'd knock on your car window. When he got up to your window though, he noticed the tears that were streaking down your face. He'd immediately climb into the other side of the car, hopping into the passenger seat. You're shocked, having not even noticed him hanging outside your car to begin with. "Uh, Reiner?" "So," he buckles up. "Who did it?"
Mikasa could hear you crying when she was up late at night, (your door had been open a crack.) So she grabbed some ice cream and two spoons, and wordlessly walked into your room. She said nothing and didn't press you for information, and the two of you shared Sasha's favorite ice cream.
Marco witnessed you go full on break down mode after a ROUGH day and immediately gave you the greatest pep talk known to man. You were so amazed at his genuinely kind words you stopped crying, but Marco had become so touched that he had started.
You had actually went to Levi's apartment, and sat with him. He made you tea and listened silently as you told him about what had happened and how sad you felt. He didn't press any advice on you or dry your tears with grandiose words, but he genuinely listened and acknowledged your feelings. Then you cuddled, and it was more than enough.
Jean said something flirty to you and for one reason or another it set you off and tears were aflowing. At first he panicked because he thought he made you cry. When he realized it wasn't him, he gently brought you into him and held you as you cried into his shirt. Finally you looked up at him and he wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, "Would sex make you feel better?"
You called Hanje and told what happened after a particularly rough day, so she and moblit went and grabbed you some takeout and spent the day with you. They even took you to egg the offenders house. Revenge is sweet.
Erwin thought you were sick, so he left after finding you crying in your room, bought you soup, made it and just acted like you were sick. You didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.
Eren saw you crying and then flicked you in the head and promptly left. You were stunned, but also found it funny and confusing, so you stopped crying.
Connie facetimed you and by the end you weren't crying because you were sad, but because Connie's really fucking stupid.
Bertolt noticed you were in your room for a while so he checked on you. He gave you a hug and then asked you very nicely to "stop crying."
Armin literally sat his ass down and stayed with you until the two of you fell asleep. He's a top tier friend who cares deeply about your emotional health so he does everything he can to sort you out. He holds your hand, nods, listens, gives you advice, and agrees with you.
Annie calls you a crybaby but she sits down beside you none the less. She doesn't press nor did she speak. But she wants you to know that's she's here in her own special Annie way.
Thanks for reading! Remember, requests are open!
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