#Gregor x reader
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zoeykallus · 9 months ago
hai!!! how are you doing? i saw ur doing requests again soon... and i wanted to request a tbb something ^^
how would they react to their s/o like. BITING THEM. not full on CHOMP! duh. but a little soft nibble anywhere(jaw, cheek, neck, hand, nose, YOU GET THE POINT)... like the same way you would bite when giving a hickey or biting an earlobe. cuz holy moly i need to bite the FLIP out of these guys.
thank you and i hope you're doing well :D
Aloha! Interesting Question 😁
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - That Little Bite
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Warnings: Mostly Fluff/ Partly Suggestive
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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If you suddenly nibble his ear while he is cuddling, you will certainly not hear any complaints from him. In fact, it doesn't matter where you're gently nibbling, you'll hear Hunter humming contentedly. The next moment, you have at least one of his arms wrapped around you and are pressed close to his body.
He's crazy about your every touch anyway, and the more sensual and closer, the better. Small bites and nibbles are actually a good way to get his motor running if you're in the mood for more.
In any case, Hunter is a big fan and not shy when it comes to returning the gesture.
At first, he may be perplexed and keep completely still. Echo is trying to make sense of what is happening, but shortly afterwards you hear a soft laugh coming from his mouth.
“Am I that appetizing?” he teases you.
An approving coo from you and more small, gentle bites make him melt away. Whatever jokes may have occurred to him a moment ago are quickly gone again.
Don't be surprised if he sighs and shivers under your teasing touches, he enjoys every second.
He giggles, surprised, perhaps a little startled at first, but quite taken with the very sensual touch.
“Didn't you get enough to eat today?” he asks you teasingly.
Cling to him and keep nibbling, the jokes will soon be forgotten. His strong arms will pull you closer to him and a little later you will hear pleasurable sounds coming from his mouth.
As he gives in, he says softly, “Go ahead, make me your feast”
Your gentle nibble triggers a very abrupt, unexpected reaction. Tech jumps up and stares at you with wide eyes from behind his lenses.
“What's wrong?” you ask gently.
Tech clears his throat, pushes his goggles up the bridge of his nose with his index finger and seems to collect himself before answering in his trademark matter-of-fact tone.
“I'm confused. At the moment, I'm trying to categorize your actions on my body, which are new to me. Are these touches of an erotic nature? Do you just want to cuddle? Or should I perhaps be worried about a previously hidden tendency towards cannibalism?”
Disguising and suppressing the impulse to laugh with a cough, you finally answer, “Well, I'd say the first two options are true to a certain extent”
A small sigh of relief crosses his lips, then a smile twitches at the corners of his mouth before he lies back down with you and says, “I'm not averse to that. Go on if you like”
You hear a coo coming from his throat, a satisfied grin on his face. Crosshair is a connoisseur, especially when it comes to physical contact between the two of you. You certainly won't hear any complaints from him.
He lolls around like a cat, snuggled up to you, his long fingers trailing under the fabric of your clothes. Physical contact between you is like a balm for him.
But he doesn't just take, he's also only too happy to give. Don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself lying under him, his teeth gently grazing your neck or nibbling teasingly on your earlobe. Basically, he's interested in just about every sensual touch in your relationship.
Don't hold back, you won't regret it.
Little Bonus
He giggles his adorable giggle.
“Pretty daring today, I like that,” he says, quite taken with it.
Expect him to want a nibble too and very likely to leave a tender mark or two. Gregor is sensual and playful. Such moments often end in you rolling around in the sheets.
But it doesn't necessarily have to end like that, Gregor is also a cuddly bear and his strong arms are a great place to rest and recharge your batteries.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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pxstelmxsings · 2 months ago
He is rough around the edges. He'll snap and lash out when stressed or scared, or maybe he goes cold and distant. There is a wall reaching the heavens around him. You might not understand why that wall is there, but you respect that it exists. Emotional and mental walls do not happen over night after all.
Walls so tall come from countless nights of fear, of pain.
However there is a secret gateway past his walls, one that only a few selective souls have the key to. The holders of that key are the children in his life. No matter what they have his attention and care. There is a level of protection that radiates from so deep within him that you can feel across the room.
At first he is his normal self to everyone, but you notice slight differences. There is no over looking the way his normally gruff voice grows softer around the kids. He'll kneel down to their levels to show them respect when speaking. Every single little gift the kids give to him he keeps in a box hidden away under his bed.
Once everyone in the group notices, they all know no child shall ever be hurt under his watchful eye.
୨୧ Naruto: Obito, Kisame,
⁀➴ TWD: Daryl
ᯓᡣ SDV: Marlon
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Fire Emblem: Xander, Gregor, Jaffar
♡ APH: Germany, Russia
ᥫ᭡ JJK: Nanami
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inkbitten · 5 months ago
gregor and meursault helping out a low-stamina reader who’s drained and tired from a long day of work perchance… (get well soon! thought i’d leave something ahead of time for you later when you are doing better)
GREGOR has always been one of your kinder coworkers. perhaps it's the ex—soldier in him, but he understands how draining a job where you must bare witness to constant blood and gore can change you in the long run.
he implores you to accompany him when you're tired and burned out. he lends you an ear as you vent about the job; how vergilius constantly withholds information, how don quixote gets you in trouble in the pursuit of justice, how you never really even wanted to join limbus company to begin with.
you finish up your rant with teary eyes, and gregor extends a hand to gently brush a droplet away when it threatens to fall down your cheek.
“ aah, that was a lot, wasn't it? ” he asks, hand moving to firmly grasp your shoulder to offer further comforts. ” come on, let's have a cup of cocoa. the warmth'll get you back to yourself. ”
MEURSAULT notices the way your eyelids droop, how your shoulders begin to slouch. his eyebrows crease with worriments. is it alright for him to wish to comfort you? he isn't entirely accustomed to acting by his own wishes.
his comforts are brief. he gently brushes against you in passing like a cat, offering one soft glance over his shoulder as he walks by. another day, he cooks you breakfast. it's a hearty meal—— eggs, sausage, bacon.. by the end of it, you feel refreshed and renewed.
” that was so good! ” you merrily compliment, much to meursault's joy.
“ i'm glad, ” he calmly replies, posture perked as he clears the table of your dishes. “ ..the next time you need me, i will also be here. ”
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vodika-vibes · 6 months ago
Hello, love your stories and I saw the alpha fic you wrote recently. It’s funny that someone asked something similar to what I was thinking for Gregor. I’ve never requested a story before but here goes. Would you write a sweet (spicy if you’d like) story about Gregors recovery and the person who helped him. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a nurse. Maybe it can be someone he meets as he’s recovering someone who he learns some cooking tips from. I dunno cover all the bases if you like or not ?
Thank you .
I'm Still Here
Summary: A large part of you dreads the day that Gregor regains his memory and he leaves. You’re not stupid. Or blind. You know he’s a clone. You know he’s going to leave. But for now, you don’t have to share him with the galaxy, and that will have to be enough.
Pairing: Captain Gregor x F!Reader
Word Count: 1611
Warnings: None
A/N: I'm not sure I managed to fill this the way that you asked, but I hope you like it anyway!
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“I don’t think I’m doing this right,”
You stop kneading the dough that you’re working on to look over your shoulder at the man standing at the counter on the other side of your kitchen, “What’s wrong?”
Gregor glances at you and makes a face, “I don’t think this soup is supposed to be so runny.”
You release a thoughtful hum and set the dough back in the bowl to rise for a couple more hours, and then you wipe your hands on the rag hanging from your belt.
“Well, it does need to simmer for the rest of the afternoon,” You point out as you walk over to him and duck under his arm to peek into the pot, “It should thicken as it simmers.”
“Don’t worry so much, Gregor. You’re doing great!” You beam up at him, and you watch, amused, as color spreads across his cheeks and he averts his gaze. You almost want to coo at him, but you don’t actually want to embarrass him so you restrain yourself.
“I just don’t want to ruin this,” He says, “They’re your family.”
“They’re going to think you’re great, Gregor. Just like I do.”
“I don’t think most people in the galaxy are as kind as you are,” He counters dryly.
“Nonsense, people are inherently good.”
You can feel Gregor staring at you, and then you squeak in surprise when his strong arm slides around your shoulders, tugging you back against his chest, “That hasn’t been my experience.” He replies, and his arm tightens, “I worry about you, you know that?”
“How so?”
“People are going to take advantage of you. You’re too nice.”
You twist in his embrace and grin up at him, “Good thing I have you here to be mean for me.”
He laughs and releases you so he can set the lid on the pot, and you absently turn the heat down a little. Gregor’s smile is warm and focused on you, and it makes you feel a little warm.
But then, you’ve been crushing on him since the day you met him. You’d be more surprised if his smile didn’t make you feel like this.
“So, are we all set?” Gregor asks.
“Um…” You run down your mental checklist, and then you nod, “Yep. All set. Soup is cooking, dough is rising, veggies are marinating, and you’re here! All that’s left is to put everything together and wait for my parents to arrive.”
He pushes his hand through his hair, “What if they hate me?”
“Then they can go and eat dinner somewhere else.” You reply loftily as if it doesn’t matter. In truth, it’s hit or miss on whether they’ll like Gregor or not. Your father has always hated the people you introduced to him, and your mother would always go along with what he did.
And him being a clone won’t even have anything to do with why they’d hate him.
Your parents have always been funny about controlling the people you surround yourself with.
Needless to say, you had a very lonely childhood.
“That easy?” Gregor asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
“That easy.” You agree, and then you grin at him, “And you remembered the whole recipe on your own.”
He looks surprised for a moment, and then a bright smile crosses his face, “Yeah. I did, didn’t I?”
“That’s a huge step, Gregor!”
The brain injury he sustained, somehow, messed with his memory pretty badly. He’s been working on it for months now, and his doctor suggested that cooking might be a way to help his rehab.
Honestly, you thought that his doctor was a quack, but since it seems to be helping, you’re beginning to reevaluate your opinion of him. 
Though, you still think that not telling him that he’s a Clone is a shitty thing to do to someone. Surely Gregor deserves to know that he has an army of brothers out there?
But, even thinking that, you still haven’t told him. 
Oh, you’ve come close a time or two. But when he learns the truth, he’ll leave.
And he’s the only friend you’ve ever had.
You’re pulled from your spiraling thoughts at the sound of your comm ringing. You reach into your pocket to grab it, only it’s not there. Quickly, you scan the kitchen and then step into your living room.
Your comm is sitting on the table in front of the holo, and it’s still ringing.
You grab the comm and press it to your ear, and the person on the other end speaks before you’re even able to say hello. “It’s about time you answered.”
“Not important. Listen, your father and I aren’t going to make it to dinner.”
“You—” Once again, you’re cut off.
“To be honest, darling, we don’t want to come. Also, we’re moving to Alderaan.”
“We’re leaving in an hour, and you know how much I hate long goodbyes. Alright! Good talk! Bye, darling!” And then she hangs up.
You try calling her back, but she clearly turned her comm off after getting off the call with you.
A heavy sigh falls from your lips, and you drop your comm back on the table.
“Well, that was a conversation.” Gregor says from the doorway to the kitchen, “Everything alright?”
“...my parents aren’t coming.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, “No, it’s…” Your shoulders slump, “It’s fine. I shouldn’t have expected them to come in the first place.”
“They’re your parents. It’s alright to expect them to want to know the people in your life.” He flashes an awkward smile at you, “Besides, it’s not like I have any family that I know of.”
His words were like a punch to the gut, and you try to swallow your guilt, but this time you can’t.
“Yeah? What’s wrong?”
“You do have family.”
He blinks at you, “What?”
“I just…I…” You grab your datapad and pull open a recent article surrounding the clone army, and you pass it to him, “You’re a Clone, Gregor. I knew it as soon as I saw you.”
He scans the article, and then scrolls to look at the picture at the top of the article, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You’re doctor—” You pause and then you close your eyes and sigh, “No, that’s an easy answer. The truth is, you’re the only friend I have and I knew that if you knew that you had family you’d leave. I was being…selfish. As per usual.”
Gregor is quiet for a moment, “Do you know where my armor is?”
“I don’t,” You admit honestly, “I wasn’t the one who found you. No one knows who found you.”
He frowns at you for a moment and then turns on his heel. You hear your front door open, and then the sound of the door clicking shut behind him. You fall back on your couch and bury your face in your hands.
You can’t even be mad about him leaving. It was exactly what you thought would happen when he found out.
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You honestly don’t expect to see Gregor again, so when your doorbell rings right before you get into bed, you don’t know who you expect to see.
So you wrap your robe tightly around your body, and open the door just a crack.
You, very nearly, jump out of your skin when you see the man in armor standing in front of your door, though the fright turns to confusion when he pulls his helmet off and reveals a clean-shaven Gregor.
“Gregor?” You ask, bewildered.
“I found my armor.” Gregor replies, “Can I come in?”
“Oh, uh…yeah. Of course.” You move to the side to let him into your home and then shut the door behind him. “Where was it?”
“Oh, just laying around,” Gregor replies with a shrug as he starts pulling his armor off and stacking it near the front door.
You watch him, politely bewildered, and then finally ask, “What are you doing?”
He glances at you, confusion on his face, and then he favors you with a tiny smile, “Did you really think I was just going to leave?”
“Not a chance.” He walks over to you and lightly cups your face, “Come on, how could I just leave you?”
“I lied to you.”
“Yeah, maybe. But I wasn’t in any condition to return to the frontlines anyway.” One of his hands slides to the back of your neck, and the other settles low on your hip, and he tugs you so that you stumble against his body.
“I’m still here, cyare.” He interrupts, “And I’m not going anywhere until we settle this.”
“This?” You repeat, uncertainly.
Gregor giggles and his eyes glitter with mischief, “While I do have to return to the frontlines, I’m not leaving without giving you a night to remember.” He leans in and ghosts his lips against yours, “And I’ll definitely be coming back.”
He doesn’t answer, instead, his grin widens and he closes the distance between your lips, pulling you into a deep kiss. “Well,” He mumbles against your lips, “That depends on you.” He moves so that his lips are trailing against your jaw, “I don’t think I was imagining the thing between us.”
“You weren’t,” You whisper, a soft gasp falling from you as his lips move to your throat.
And, when Gregor leaves the following morning, he leaves with the promise that he’ll come back as often as he’s able, several dark hickys, and a promise of his love.
He also leaves you pregnant, though you don’t figure that out until several months later.
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @n0vqni @bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98 @mira-loves-star-wars
@tiredbi-peach @dukeoftheblackstar @trixie2023 @kimiheartblade @padawancat97
@falconfeather23435 @etod @bb8-99 @kiss-anon @continous-mistakes
@yoitsjay @liz-stat @cc--2224
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nahoney22 · 10 months ago
Hiiii ! ❤️ I love your fics , they makes me dream 💕
I would like to make a request with the fluff prompt 7: “You’re comfy.” and the NSFW prompt 7: “Come on, you can be louder. It’s just us.” for Rebels!Gregor , please , with a female reader , if that's okay for you 😊
In the Morning*** 🌊
🫧 Pairings: Rebels Gregor X Female Reader
word count: 1.1k
“You’re comfy.”
“Come on, you can be louder. It’s just us.”
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Summary: Alone time was rare with Gregor so the two of you make the most of the moment.
warnings: NSFW, 18+ only. Established relationship, morning sex, p in v, oral sex ie cunnilingus, soft smut, dirty talk, explicit sexual content and language, creampie.
Authors note: Thanks for the request bestie! Enjoy 🩶 @griffedeloup
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The morning sun filters through the crevices of the AT-TE, rousing you from sleep with its gentle warmth kissing your skin. Not only the sun, but the warmth of your beloved beside you. You roll over to face him, his handsome features captivating even in slumber. With tender fingers, you trace the lines of his aging face, finding beauty in every detail.
Nestling closer, you inadvertently awaken Gregor, who greets you with a husky voice and open arms. "Good mornin’, my sweet," he murmurs, offering you a cozy place at his side.
"Mmm, morning," you reply, savouring the tranquility of the moment as your eyes flutter back close.
Turning to you, Gregor's warm gaze traces along your face before he presses a kiss to your hair. "Did you sleep well?" he inquires softly.
You chuckle, teasing him gently. "I sleep best when I'm with you, until the snoring starts," you jest, peeking at him with a playful glint in your eye.
“Hey, I don’t snore.” He protests with mock offense, clutching his chest.
“Oh and Wolffe is always a ray of sunshine.” You counter with a smirk making him chuckle and hold you close.
“Alright, alright, you got me there.” The two of you lay with another for a while, your fingers tracing along his bare torso whilst his hand rests on your hip. “We getting up?”
“Not yet,” you saw softly, cuddling closer to him, “you’re comfy.”
As the morning stretches ahead, a sudden surge of longing and sexual desire ignites within you. With Rex and Wolffe still absent, leaving just you and Gregor alone, the opportunity for intimacy after a long time of not having a moment together was very tempting.
Turning to Gregor, a playful glint in your eyes, you ask about their return. "Are Rex and Wolffe back yet?" you ask, your voice soft and laden with anticipation.
Gregor's hand traces the curve of your side as he shifts to face you. "I don't think so... Why?" he responds, his interest piqued.
With a teasing smile, you lean in closer, your breath mingling with his. "I was just wondering if my Commando would be up for some... fun?" you suggest, your lips hovering tantalisingly close to his, eyes flickering from his lips to his eyes.
A flicker of amusement dances in Gregor's eyes, his desire evident as a sudden erection grows in his pants. "You know I'd never say no to that, babe," he murmurs huskily.
In a swift motion, he captures your lips in a passionate kiss, one you return with heat as your hands entwine around his neck. He moves ontop of you, the shared duvet forgotten and tossed to the floor as he eagerly strips away your shorts.
With a soft moan escaping your lips, Gregor's kisses trail down your neck, his touch sending shivers of pleasure through your body. His skilled hand cups your heat, massaging his fingers between your folds that elicits gasps of desire from you as he expertly teases and tantalises your most sensitive areas. His thumb flicks across your clit, making you arch into him and make a whiny cry of need.
“Spread your legs for me.” He whispers, placing your bare thighs.
You obey, spreading them as you watch him
settle between your legs. “A little wider,” he instructs, humming in approval when your legs spread to the perfect angle, allowing Gregor to bury his face between your thighs and more importantly, letting his lips kiss at your skin before resting on your glistening folds. He kisses them, whispering how delicious you taste before licking a long stripe between your folds.
“Gregor…that’s…” your words fail you, your hand resting on the back of his head as Gregor enjoys his morning snack, eating your pussy like a man starved.
“What? Come on, you can be louder. It’s just us.” He looks at you from between your legs, his eyes shining as he laps at your clit, watching you squirm as your moans get loud and louder.
“It’s so good, so fucking good.” You blush, fingers gripping onto the bed as your knees begin to shake, toes curling as you watch him.
His tongue makes circular motions and soon stars are blurring your vision. But, Gregor was forever a tease and pulls away before you were about to hit your high. “Wha- why did you do that?” You whine in frustration but suddenly gasping as his large hands grip at your hips, pulling you close before he pulls his cock out of his pants and palms himself in front of you.
“I want you to cum on my cock,” he states, your eyes blown in lust as you admire his pearly white precum that was already dripping from his tip, “and then I can cum in you.”
You pull him back into a sloppy, passionate kiss, tongues licking and swirling against one another. “Do it then.” You purr into his hot mouth.
Gregor grins as he slips sluggishly inside you, his eyes fluttering closed as he thrusts slowly, giving you time to adjust to his girth. You groan, tilting your hips up so he could hit you with perfectly angled thrusts. It feels divine and you can’t help but bury your face in his shoulder as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
His hand’s indecisively caress your breasts, pulling them free from your tank top as your legs wrap around his build. “I want this to last forever,” you moan, hands almost clawing at his back as his pace quickens. The bed squeaks, loud, but neither of you seemed to mind. Especially since the other two weren’t here.
“Me too,” he chuckles, kissing your neck before he sits up, admiring your bouncing breasts and how good it looked seeing him slip inside you, “but I’m not as young as I - oh fuck - used to be.”
“Still perfect for me.” You sigh, whimpering as his hands clasp your waist again as he thrust becomes sporadic but intense, thighs slapping against your own. “Right there, r-right there.”
“You like that, hm? Such a good girl.” He growls but his breath becomes ragged and you knew he was close. And so were you.
The familiar heat in your core burns, your vision blurred as you pant his name pathetically, gripping onto him as he falls forward, burying himself into your neck as he spills completely inside you. You hit your own high soon after, legs twitching as you become absolutely spent.
He rolls off the top of you, panting and wiping sweat from his brow. He holds you close, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles softly. “Was that alright?”
You smile, your mind in the heavens as you come down from your climax. “Perfect.”’
Both laying in a comfortable silence, Gregor turns to you again and smirks softly. “Would you… would you be up for another round?”
You blink, a smirk on your lips as you look back at him. “How could I say no to an offer like that?”
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 1 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 2: Titfucking
Summary: Gregor really loves your tits.
Pairing: Gregor x reader
Warnings: Reader is implied to have larger breasts, desperate Gregor, Gregor’s love of breasts, grinding, titfucking, facial, cum eating, slight handjob
A/N: And here we have day two. Again, rather short since it's just kinky smut. Enjoy your juice, Gregor girlies.
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He’s on you as soon as he walks through the door. His lips are on yours, almost as if he’s trying to devour you. His hands tug at your shirt as he backs you through your small apartment towards your bedroom. You stumble back through the door, Gregor’s hands keeping you steady and locked against him. 
“Gregor,” You gasp as he pulls away long enough to tug your shirt over your head. “Missed you too.” 
“Kriff, baby.” He groans against your lips, calloused hands dragging down your sides. “Missed you so much. Got hard in the taxi on the trip over.” 
You giggle against his lips as he tugs your pants down, hands squeezing your bare ass. He groans against your lips, pulling your body tight against his. You can feel the hard bulge trapped in his pants pressing against your stomach. His hips begin to grind against you, desperately seeking any sort of friction. He keeps his hands on your ass, using your body for leverage as he grinds against your stomach. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, gasping as your nipples drag against the rough fabric of his shirt. “Kriff, Gregor!”
He whines against your lips, pausing his movements before he can cum. His hands slide lower, grabbing your thighs before he tosses you onto the bed. His eyes lock onto the way your bare breasts bounce as you land on the mattress, his teeth sinking into his lower lip. He quickly tugs his shirt over his head, revealing his broad chest. He tugs his pants off, revealing his hard, leaking cock. 
He crawls onto the bed, situating himself over you. He stares down at you for a moment before pressing his lips to yours. You hum against his lips, dragging your hands up his back. Your fingers find rough spots, scars that weren’t there the last time you were together. His lips drag down your jaw to your neck, tongue and teeth making work of the sensitive skin. 
His lips trail further downward, skirting over your sternum before he reaches your breasts. He pushes himself up, straddling your stomach. His hands cup your breasts, gently squeezing them. 
“Kriff, I love these tits.” He says, biting his lip as he squishes them together. 
“I know, babe.” You say, gasping quietly as his thumbs brush your nipples. 
“One of my favorite parts of you.” He says, eyes focused on your breasts. 
Your lips part in a quiet gasp as he continues to squeeze and massage them, his eyes wide and lust blown. Your chest rises and falls with your heavy breaths, his thumbs flicking over your nipples again. 
“Can I fuck them?” He asks, finally looking up at your face. 
You bite your lip, staring up into his eager eyes. “Sure, baby. Go for it.” 
He reaches over, grabbing the bottle of lube from your nightstand before squeezing some on his hands. He rubs the lube over your breasts, doing the same to his cock before he shifts himself higher on your stomach, his hard cock coming to rest in the space between your breasts. You move your hands, pushing your breasts together around his cock. He groans, his hands holding onto your headboard as he begins to move his hips, thrusting his cock between your breasts. 
You stare up at him as he fucks your breasts, his eyes lowered, watching the way his cock slides back and forth against your skin. Quiet moans leave his lips as he rolls his hips, rocking the bed a bit. 
“Kriff,” He hisses, hips jerking a bit. He’s close, already so worked up. 
You push your breasts closer around his cock, squeezing it as he moans your name. You close your eyes as hot spurts of cum paint your face and neck, his cock twitching between your breasts. You hold him there as he cums, licking the salty seed that lands on your lips. 
He's panting, holding himself up over your head. You hold his gaze, gathering the cum on your neck before licking it off your fingers. He lets out a pathetic groan, eyes blowing wide as he watches you clean yourself of his cum. 
He's already growing hard again where he's resting on your chest. You wrap your hand around his cock, squeezing the base lightly. 
"So needy." You smirk. "Missed me that much, huh?"
His lips part as he nods, another groan leaving him as you squeeze him once more. 
"Let me take care of you, baby." You say, slowly pumping his cock. 
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 5 months ago
Hiii , I just come with a last idea for this event , I was listening to "I want to live" , Astarion's song from Baldur's Gate 3 and I thought about "There's more to do, if we can only live. The clock won't stop and this is what we get." , like it would maybe be a good prompt ... for Rebels!Gregor x reader , please 😊
Thank you for this wonderful event 💚
@griffedeloup Thank you for your request, and it was such a good prompt to end this event.
I want to say thank you to everyone who read, reblogged, and submitted a request. Thank you for making this event successful. Love oo
Let Me Count The Ways
Warnings: Fluff, flirting, cuteness, kissing, discussion of cute butt, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Gregor opened his eyes as he looked at the ceiling, reminding himself he was on a transport ship. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes, it had been way too long since he slept in one of these types of bunks. He shifted to move but stopped when he felt your arm gripping his waist. 
He chuckled lightly, even in a tiny bed such as this you didn’t want him moving away from you. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, “Cyare…” he whispered.
There was a slight smile as you hummed in your sleep.
You hummed again in annoyance.
He pressed another kiss to the top of your head, “I need you to wake up, love. Need to use the bathroom.”
“Ugh… fine…” you shifted away from him, “meanie.”
“Hey, blame my bladder. It’s what happens when you’re old.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, “I mean that you’re stealing my heater away.”
He laughed, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “Better a cold bed than a wet one.” He laughed getting up and heading to the fresher.
As you watched him leave, you couldn’t help smiling as you saw his cute butt disappear into the fresher, you decided to get up as well. You grabbed your flight suit and waited for him to finish in the refresher so you could shower. There were many things about Gregor that made you love him, but what probably made you love him most was the fact he never stopped trying to do more. Even when he had amnesia and was stuck on the god awful planet, as soon as he regained his memories he didn’t hesitate to do more. 
“What’s got you so pensive?” Gregor chuckled as he sat down beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist, and pulling you into his side.
“Yeah. Just thinking about how much I love you. And the reasons I love you.”
“Oh, really? Well tell me, what are the reasons you love me? I’m all excited to hear.” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your neck. 
“Well let’s see. There’s the way you smile.”
“Oh so my smile makes your little heart beat faster.”
“Shut up.” You chuckled, “There’s also the way you look at me.”
He let out a chuckle that implied more than he said, “How do I look at you?”
“As though I’m the only one you see.”
“You are the only one I see. No one else is even remotely close to your beauty, your sense of humour or even your kindness. No one else makes me half as happy as you make me.”
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and lips, “See, that’s another reason I love you. But what I admire most of all, is the fact you never give up. You don’t back down. Ever. You always try and do the best you can regardless of the odds or what you’re facing.”
Gregor pressed his forehead against yours, gently cupping your cheek, “I didn’t think it was possible but I do believe I love you more.”
You giggled as you leaned into his touch.
“You my dear, give me too much credit though,” he clarified, “I’ve only done what I needed to do. After all, there's more to do, if we can only live. Regardless of what we may want, the clock won't stop and this is what we get. One life to live, one life to make the most of. And I’m glad I did, because if I hadn’t given it my all, I wouldn’t be here with you today.”
He moved his head back and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, “You, my love, are the best gift this galaxy has ever given me, and I’ll always be grateful for having you by my side. Always.”
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kaminocasey · 1 year ago
25 Days of Life Day: Day 21 - Warm Bath with Gregor
Summary: You get stuck out in the snow with Gregor, you find a hot spring and then put it to good use.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, Fingering, cream pies, p in v unprotected
WC: 1.4K
A/N: I knew the moment I came up with this idea that it was just gonna be some good ol' Gregor smut. I hope you guys are okay with that. The things I would do with this man, literally anywhere, anytime lol. Also, I know that the days are just kinda going out of order at this point, but I'll have them organized on a masterlist soon hopefully!
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The snow had fallen the night before, creating a fluffy white blanket that looked like something of a Winter dream. It looks absolutely magical. Almost ethereal.
Walking through it with Gregor, just off base, feels magical. That is until it started to get just a little too cold… And then your fingers started to get a little too numb… And soon the quick pace at which you’re trying to make your way back to base is making your feet exhausted.
“I think we’re lost.” You mutter.
“We’re not lost.” Gregor smirks down at you, his arm thrown around your shoulder. “We’re lost.” You shrug. “Darling, we aren’t lost.” He insists, but you don’t necessarily believe him.
And then as if on great comedic timing, it starts snowing again.
“Oh great.” You groan. 
You continue walking, quietly, clinging to each other as the snow starts coming down a little heavier, making you shiver so hard it hurts. 
“Would it help if I describe something that would make you warm?” He suddenly murmurs. 
“Like the sun?” You laugh.
“I was thinking something hotter.” He stops to look down at you, smirking.
You look up at him and he suddenly backs you up against a tree, his knee immediately finding itself between your legs, his stare focused on your cold lips. He’s right. This is way hotter than the sun.
“Open up for me, mesh’la.” He whispers and you open your mouth to take his cold gloved finger in between your teeth so he can slip it off. 
He wastes no time as his warm hand pulls up your coat slightly so it can slip into the band of your pants and down further toward your warmth. Letting out a sharp gasp, followed with a moan, he groans with you.
“So warm here… I could just bury myself into you. Would you like that, sweet girl?” He whispers.
You nod, pathetically. “P-please…” 
He hums, satisfied, looking slightly past you. “Oh. That’s convenient.” 
You follow his gaze and see an opening to a cave. 
“I can start a fire, get you nice and warm, and fuck you until-” He starts but you practically drag him to the cave, craving him immediately, already drunk off his provocative promises. 
When you reach the cave, you walk further into it, and immediately sigh with relief as you find a steaming hot spring. It trails into some sort of river, deeper into the cave. 
“Hold on, darling.” Gregor takes off his pack and grabs his sensor running it over the hot spring to make sure it’s alright. “Okay, it’s safe.” 
“Thank the Maker.” You sigh, immediately taking your clothes off.
Gregor watches with lust blown pupils, groaning at the sight of you. He starts to shed his own clothing as you get into the water, letting out the most satisfying sigh at the feeling. All the tension seems to drain out of you right away.
“Look at you.” Gregor sighs as he palms his hardened length. 
You stand back up so that your breasts are on full display for your partner, your nipples instantly turning hard from the cool air. He steps into the water, backing you up against the damp but warm cave wall and takes your hands, pulling your arms up above your head so he can pin your wrists together with one of his strong hands. 
The cold unforgiving snow is completely forgotten as Gregor’s other hand travels down to your eager warmth, your legs separating for him automatically. 
“Good girl. You know just what to do don’t you?” He purrs. 
You nod, looking up into his usual warm brown eyes that look black right now. You can see the need for you in his eyes. 
A soft needy whimper leaves your throat when his middle finger finds your clit, warmth flooding your veins. 
“Please… Gregor… I need you.” You beg him. 
“I know you do.” He grins. “I always take care of you, don’t I, sweet girl?”
You nod. “Y-yes.”
He nods with you. “You want to cum, don’t you?” 
“P-please.” You’re absolutely drunk off the seduction in his voice. 
He could’ve told you to drop your pants out in the cold, and you probably would’ve listened if his voice sounded like it does right now. 
His finger slips down into your warmth and you moan loud enough that it echoes off the cave walls and it spurs Gregor on straightaway. He crushes his lips to yours, practically swallowing your moans, feeling drunk himself. 
Your tongues dance together as your hips grind against his hand as his finger pumps in and out of you, skillfully. 
Maker, he’s so good with those fingers, you think about them every single day. When he’s washing his gear, when he’s filling out reports, when he’s holding your hand… 
“Want another?” He already sounds so wrecked and you’ve not even fucked yet. 
“Stars, yes.” You moan. 
“Atta girl.” He sighs, proudly. “I love when you’re so eager for me.”
You smile proudly against his mouth as he inserts a second finger into your cunt, making you melt against him with a needy whimper. 
“So good…” Your eyes roll back in your head once his own fingers curl against that soft, velvety part inside of you. 
“Yeah it is.” He agrees, his lips find your neck, hotly, sucking against your damp skin. 
Your bodies already feel so warm and slick from the steam of the spring. You’re definitely not complaining. 
When Gregor’s thumb connects with your clit, and rubs ever so gently, you’re thrown over your edge quicker than you would’ve liked. Your eager moans fill the cave so deliciously that Gregor’s cock hardens painfully. 
“Maker, I love when you cum all over my hand. Too bad the spring is washing it away.” He tuts.
“Let me cum on your cock then.” You offer, your voice slightly hoarse. 
With a soft groan, he lets your wrists go and assertively spins you around, sitting you on the rocky edge of the spring, pushing into you with zero resistance. Both of you groan against the other’s mouths as they clash together, needing to feel each other even more. You wrap your entire body around him as he thrusts deeply into you, holding you so perfectly. One of his hands wraps in your hair so he can hold your head back and kiss you however much he wants. 
“Definitely gonna cum again.” You bite his bottom lip gently and he pulls you even closer.
“I swear you know just what to say…” He grunts with each thrust, his smile never faltering. “Not going to last much longer.”
You grin and clench around his cock, making him groan loudly as he shudders against you. You love the way he gets so vocal just for you. His moans alone have been known to make you cum. 
“Then fill me up, baby.” You practically beg. 
“Gotta make my darling girl finish again first.” He winks. 
“Let me help.” You bite your lip and slip your hand in between the two of you and rub your clit. “Fuck, Gregor…”
“That’s right, love. Keep saying my name.” He practically growls.
His name escapes your lips like a prayer, unable to stop saying it as he fucks you so perfectly, so deeply, that you can’t help but cum even harder than the first time. It always feels so planet shattering with him. 
Gregor follows quickly after, having held out just for you, always the gentleman. His cum leaks out of you and down the rock into the spring, the sight rightfully seared into his memory, hopefully forever. 
“My perfect girl.” He kisses you again. 
You sit up and sink down into the water with him, wrapping yourself around him, and he buries his face in your neck.
“Can we live here?” You groan as your sore muscles start to relax again. 
Gregor chuckles. “For the night.” 
When you get out of the spring, you wrap up in Gregor’s emergency blanket, next to the fire that he expertly starts from just the little bit of stuff he found. You both decide it’s best to wait the night out and then try to head back to base in the morning when the snow is settled and you can see more clearly. 
For now, you’re just thankful for your loving partner who keeps his promises of keeping you warm, all through the night.
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clone-anon-after-dark · 1 year ago
So Good (Gregor x F!Reader)
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Word Count: 1557
Warnings: dom!Gregor, foreplay, light bondage (leg restraints, no pain), use of safety colors / safewords (yellow used, but no need for red) and option to tap out during oral (never used), oral sex / gentle face fucking of reader, unprotected PiV sex, sex toy, little bit of edging, praise, telling reader they can take it but backing off when they seem unsure, aftercare with a shared shower. I think that's it. Oh yeah, NSFW, Minors DNI
A/N: established relationship. This fic was inspired by this post and subsequent interaction with @deewithani. Thank you!
There are two versions of this fic. The m!reader version can be found here.
He kissed your neck as he helped you undress. His touch was firm but tender. Grounding. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his hands glide down your hips and legs as he removed your last piece of clothing. 
“Doesn’t seem fair,” you said, kissing just below his ear. “You’re still dressed and I’m bare.”
“Just how I want it,” he replied with an involuntary giggle. He had a dark, but slightly playful look. “Lay back,” he instructed.  You did as you were told and he pressed kisses along your collarbones and breasts.  You’d talked about the plan over dinner and just talking about it was enough to leave you more than a little wet. You waited, wanting to make the anticipation last and get the dishes clean. Now you had the rest of the night together.
You were brought back to the current moment by Gregor kissing the skin where your legs met your folds. You wiggled a little, causing him to hold you down as he placed more kisses. You smiled at him. 
“Take your clothes off,” you said sweetly. “I want to see you.”
“Now, now,” he replied. “I’m the one calling the shots. You’ll get to see and feel plenty of me soon enough.” He pulled out a pair of soft leather restraints, a toy, and a bottle of lube.  The toy was one of your favorites. It stimulated your g-spot and your clit.  He took his time touching every inch of you as he lovingly strapped each of your calves to your thighs using the restraints. You tried closing your legs, but really couldn’t. He chuckled and pulled his shirt over his head. 
“That’s right,” he said with a grin. “Completely exposed for me.”  You relaxed into the vulnerable position. Before he could ask, you offered “green” and he continued.  He lubed up the toy, making sure nothing would feel raw, and placed it inside you with the small suction spot right over your clit. Gregor took the small remote controller for the toy and turned it on.  He started on the lowest intensity, not wanting to overdo it and still getting you warmed up.  He watched you respond to the stimulation, adding kisses along your breasts, the inside of your elbow, and the back of your hand.  He slowly turned up the intensity as he stripped and continued to watch while you moaned and played with your nipples.  Once his cock was free he started lazily playing with himself to the tune of your vocalizations.  He could touch you in all the right places simply by pressing a button. He switched up the rhythm of the toy’s vibrations, just to keep it interesting and to make sure you didn’t get too close too soon.
“Good girl,” he said, watching you respond.
You smiled up at him as he propped your head and upper back up with a few pillows. He straddled your chest with his now hard cock right in front of your needy mouth.  Your legs twitched against the restraints in anticipation of what was next.  You loved the taste of him.
“Hands on my hips,” he instructed.  “Open your mouth. Relax your jaw and throat.”
You did so, already struggling to focus with the pleasure still being pressed deep inside your core.  He used the remote to calm the vibration just enough so you could focus on his cock.
“Two finger taps and I’ll stop,” he reminded.
You tried to relax your jaw some more, allowing him to push himself further into your mouth and just hitting the back of your throat.  He paused there with a grunt.  Gregor was never comfortable pressing in so deep you couldn’t breathe, but he loved the feeling of your mouth around his length.  He pulled most of the way out and started to fuck your face with short thrusts, enjoying the feeling of the head running over your lips.  You squeezed his ass, spurring him on.  He started longer movements of his hips, groaning at the feeling of your tongue on the underside of his cock. He turned the vibrator up and you started moaning along his length. His familiar smell and taste permeated your senses. Your gaze moved up his body as he pleasured himself using your mouth.  You looked up toward his kind eyes. Even when he took charge, he looked like he was so in love.
He switched the pattern on the vibrator, causing a new surge of heat through your body.   Not a minute later, your moans came stronger and he knew you were close.  You felt the familiar build and knew he would make you wait to finish.  He turned the vibrator down all the way and paused, leaving the head of his length in your mouth. You held your mouth open so he could rub the tip over your tongue as he talked.
“You’re close,” he said knowingly with a little chuckle. “Now, do you want to come with my cock buried in your pretty mouth or buried in your gorgeous cunt?” He studied your face. “Either way, I’m going to enjoy filling you.”  He held his cock off your tongue just enough that you could speak.
“My pussy,” you answered.
Gregor grinned and moved down the bed, placing himself between your legs.  He smiled at the sight of the restraints putting you in the perfect position.
“Let’s keep this in,” he said, tapping the end of the toy buried inside you. “You can take it.”  He hovered over you, holding your hands above your head and kissing your jaw.  He felt you tighten up at the thought of taking him with a toy stuffed inside you.  
“Color,” he asked, looking into your eyes for the truth.
“Yellow,” you answered quietly.  He simply nodded, let go of your hands, and removed the toy.  He left it on a towel off to the side and went back to hovering over you and kissing your jaw.
“Better,” he asked.  
You nodded and added, “green” with a smile. 
With that, he was pressing into you, groaning as he bottomed out. He adjusted his position so he could watch you take him.  You felt the familiar stretch as he took you, rubbing up at the perfect angle and bringing you closer to the brink.  He picked up the pace and pulled you further down the bed, lifting your hips to meet his own.  Your breath started coming in fast pants and moans.
“Gregor,” you almost whined, “I need more, please.”
“Go on,” he said with a grin, pausing enough to turn on the toy and hand it to you so you could use one end on yourself.  “I want to see.”
He started fucking you again, your bodies now making squelching sounds. Your mind was barely functioning with what he was doing to you, but you pressed the tip of the toy to your nub and started moaning his name. Gregor kept a steady pace, determined for you to finish first.  He kept pressing at the perfect angle and with your sensitive bud now vibrating at a glorious speed. It was enough to send you over the edge and you came while crying his name.  He helped you ride out your orgasm and whispered “so pretty.” You put the toy aside as you recovered from your high, content to let him use your body for his own pleasure. Watching you climax beneath him was just as fun as finishing himself and in no time he painted your walls, burying himself inside you while whispering praises.  
Once he started to catch his breath, he eased himself out of you, sat up, and loosened the leather straps.  You stretched out and Gregor took his time to rub your legs.  His hands worked to massage down your thighs and calves in slow circles.  He kissed the spots under your knees and smiled at you like he was drunk with love.
“You did such a good job for me,” he said, helping you sit up so he could rub your back.
“I had fun,” you replied, leaning into his touch.  He kissed your neck and wrapped his arms around you, holding your back to his chest. You sighed and leaned against him for a moment before trying to reach for the towel.
“Oh no,” he said.  A giggle overtook him as he held you closer before adding, “I take care of you when I’m in charge. That’s how that works.” 
A soft smile spread across your face and you turned to look at him. “If you insist.”
“I do,” he replied.  “Actually, instead of the towel, how about a shower?”
You nodded. 
Gregor stood up and gave you a hand, making sure to stabilize you if your legs weren’t feeling totally ready.  He turned the water on at the temperature you liked and you both got in.  He washed your body with the utmost gentleness and washed himself off while you pressed kisses along his chest and back.  He wrapped you both in fresh towels and you found yourselves back in bed, lingering kisses accompanied with content hums.  You whispered your love to each other before you fell asleep together, Gregor holding you in his arms and making sure you felt secure.
Tagging: @staycalmandhugaclone @trixie2023 @dukeoftheblackstar
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neyswxrld · 1 year ago
afternoon tickles
Gregor x reader (gn)
summary: Making a blanket fort with Gregor! ...or something like that.
warnings: reader gets pinned down, reader pins down, hand is put on readers mouth in a way to keep them from speaking (playfully), tickles
word count: ~910
advent calendar masterlist
a/n: this is the twentieth fic for my advent calendar! i had nostalgic feelings when i wrote this and i decided that i should make a blanket fort again, sometime.
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"You're doing it all wrong," Gregor says, shaking his head.
"What? No, I'm not. It fits just fine," you shake your head too.
"No, if you would do it like I said, you wouldn't need to use the pillows, and we could have them for inside," he says, shoving your hand away playfully.
"But then we won't be able to just relax in there, because the ceiling would crash down on us every two seconds," you disagree.
"No, because the sofa will hold the blanket. There isn't anything crashing down on us," he says, throwing said thing over the back of the couch.
You look at it with raised eyebrows, waiting for the new made ceiling to fall down - but nothing happens.
"See?" Gregor asks, chuckling lightly and pushing the now free pillows in the small cave.
"That was the first step, now we can make it bigger and cozier," he says, as if you've never built a blanked fort before, but you just play along.
He seems to have built his caves in another way than you've had, so in a way, it's the first time for you making one after another plan.
You don't even know how all of this started. One moment, you were laying on the couch together, then suddenly you found yourselves setting up blankets above some of your furniture.
You don't mind when other people would think you're too old for that. It brings up nostalgic feelings, you have fun and... well, no one else is here, so nobody would mind either way. You haven't built a pillow fort in what feels like ages, and doing it now, with Gregor, makes some warm feelings bubble in your stomach.
After a few rounds around the house, you come back to him, with a few other fluffy pillows and blankets stacked on your arms.
Gregor immediately comes to your help, takes some of them and positions them around the small cave.
After some minutes, he finally finishes his work and pulls you beneath the blankets with him.
Laughing and giggling, you snuggle up in the small space, moving all the different things around a little bit to get even more comfortable, and finally laying down together. 
Just as you're about to praise him for his good work, the blanket-ceiling snaps and falls down on you.
For a few seconds, no one says a word. Neither you nor Gregor moves, waiting for the other to break the silence.
"Well-" you start, but Gregor puts a hand above your mouth.
"Don't say it," he says, and you feel some rapid movements as he shakes his head.
"Sdob, Gr'gor," you say, starting to laugh, wanting to push his hand away from your face. He holds on relentlessly, even your wet tongue licking the palm of his hand didn't do anything.
"I don't want to hear that you knew better!" he giggles lightly, ignoring the way your tongue presses against his hand again.
You try to muffle something again, but with his hand you and the chuckles that break through, all you say is unintelligible.
"I wouldn't lick that, Cyare. Don't know where my hand was in the last few hours," he says playfully.
Immediately, your tongue snaps back. Instead of trying to get his hand off, you reach for a pillow, throwing it at his head.
"Hey!" he protests, trying to hold your hands down, but due to his already occupied hand, you're faster and able to hit him again and again.
Suddenly, he lets go of you, grabbing for another pillow, also starting to hit you with it. With that, a war breaks out.
"Ah! Gregor!" you laugh, dodging another hit, but swinging your pillow again.
You start to wrangle and roll around the floor, pulling all the blankets with you.
At one point, you suddenly stop and try to keep him pinned beneath you.
You sit on his tights and hold his hands above his head, panting heavily. You know that he is much stronger that you and you're just in this position because he wants to.
"I didn't want to tell you, that I knew better," you giggle, looking in his eyes that had a happy glint in them.
"Is that so?" he asks, a wide grin on his lips.
"Yes," you assure him, "actually, I wanted to point out how well you build that thing."
You start to grin at his now confused face. "Well, at least until it broke down, and I realized that I indeed was right," you start to laugh.
You don't expect him to flip you both around so suddenly, letting out a small surprised yell before starting to giggle uncontrollably again.
"Told you, I don't wanna hear it," Gregor says as he digs his fingers into your sides, starting to tickle you.
Laughing and squirming, you try to escape, but he is so much stronger than you- you can't even move an inch.
You know exactly what he wants to hear -that his cave was perfectly fine- but you're not willing enough to give him that win, so instead you put your fingers on his waist, starting a game of tickles and teasing, that drags over quite some time.
Only after both of you are exhausted and tired, you make it stop.
Laying next to each other, both of you try to catch your breath, still amused by that spontaneous afternoon full of giggles.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Hi! Im a long time fan! I have a pretty spicy HC request if you are interested. I like to imagine that the Bad Batch are all very well endowed 😉How would each of them handle this great responsibility and power? What naughty things would they whisper in your ear as they try to fit inside you for the first time? Could you also include Gregor? 😊 ok I’m going to go hide now thanks!
Hmm, interesting thought, let me see...
The Bad Batch/Gregor x Fem!Reader HCs - Well Endowed
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Warnings: Smut Mentioned/Dirty Talk/PiV/ BD-Energy/Fluff/Comfort/Strongly Suggestive/18+
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He is passionate, sensual. But he is also very sensitive, considerate and adapts. Hunter knows how aroused and excited you are, but he also senses the underlying fear that's smoldering there inside you. "There's nothing to be afraid of". He is naked next to you, in all his glory. Beneath his tanned skin, hard muscles, but his touch is gentle, purposeful, tender. Your eyes fall to his crotch and you swallow. "Are you okay?" he inquires cautiously, looking at you. "Sure," you say evasively. "Are you sure?" "Of course." Hunter is pretty well hung, his cock long, thick. Your fingers gently feel for it, feeling the heat radiating from it, eliciting a soft, sigh. When he finally lies over you, his hard length pressed against your body, your heart beats up to your throat. He kisses your shoulders, your neck, your face and whispers soft words to you. "My love, my beautiful, you don't have to worry, I'll be gentle, I promise". And Hunter keeps his word. As he brings his tip to your gate, you automatically tense up, but he patiently pauses, kissing and caressing your tension away. Finally, very slowly, he penetrates you, pausing after every inch, kissing you, praising you. "Look at you, so beautiful, you're doing great, darling, taking me so well".
Hunter is in no hurry. Spending this time with you, exchanging these intimacies, is a privilege that he fully enjoys and treats with respect. He would never intentionally hurt you, and he does everything he can to make you feel comfortable and let go. The fear will quickly evaporate, and you can be sure that Hunter will give you a lot of pleasure.
You kiss each other. Heat has spread between you and you have undressed each other. Now you lie there naked, Echo gently kissing every bit of bare skin he can reach. You're like putty under his lips. As exciting and stimulating as the whole thing is for him, he is still very attentive. He doesn't miss your glance at his hard length, which admittedly, is far larger than you expected. He sits up, takes your hand and gently pulls you onto his lap. "Come here sweetie" He looks up into your face. You see the dilated pupils, you know what he wants, and you want it too. But you're unsure, his size has unsettled you. "I know what you're thinking. I've seen the look on your face," he says softly. Again your gaze travels down, between you, there stands his cock erect, thick and long. Echo gently places a finger under your chin and lifts it. "That's why I pulled you onto my lap. I think you should have full control the first time. You decide how deep and how fast we go. Agreed?"
You nod, the idea makes sense. You lift your pelvis, and he guides his tip to your wet opening. Very slowly, you lower yourself onto it. You immediately feel the stretch, it's overwhelming. Your thighs tremble. Echo moans softly, he has to hold on to himself because even for him the feeling is intense. He nevertheless gently kisses your sternum, your collarbone, your neck, your chin and whispers, "You don't have to rush, take your time". Bit by bit, you sink further down, taking him in until he fills you completely. The feeling is so intense, so overwhelming, not just physically. Echo breathes heavily beneath you. "Good girl, you're doing wonderfully," he says breathlessly. With Echo, you never have to worry or feel insecure. Be open with him, don't pretend, and the two of you will have a wonderful time.
He is sweet, playful and gigantic. Of course, Wrecker knows that his physical build is a challenge for you, he behaves accordingly. The foreplay is long, and he spoils you very much, he sucked on your pearl until your thighs trembled around his ears. With two of his thick fingers, he has fingered you very carefully and stretched a little in gentle scissor movements. You are more than wet, but Wrecker also has lube ready just in case. Several times he offers you that you do not have to do that, that there are other wonderful ways to satisfy each other. But you insist, today is the day, you don't want to put it off any longer. "You'll be gentle, won't you?" you ask, a little uncertainly, nonetheless. He puts his hand on his heart and says, "Of course, beauty." Wrecker is really gentle, he is much more skilled than it might seem at first glance when you look at him. Besides, he is in no hurry, every tenderness he exchanges with you is a feast for him.
As your bodies unite, his thick cock nudges your gate, your whole body tingles. His slow advance is accompanied by gentle words and kisses. Wrecker takes his time. He communicates with you, seeks eye contact, wants to be sure that he does not hurt you. You are always in good, caring, big hands with him.
It took forever for you to get close at all. Tech has been rather reserved and reserved about being physical before you got close. He sometimes has a reserved shyness about him that others might find exhausting or annoying, but not you. You find him incredibly sweet, and you like that he's not one of those who has to rush everything. In the meantime, he has thawed out. He loves to cuddle, gentle kisses, little caresses. He is a spider monkey, some part of his body is always wrapped around you when he is near you and gets the chance. One of your cuddle moments has now led to a hot make out session and you feel that heat has risen not only in you. Tech is not wearing his armor during your hours of cuddling, and there is an unmistakable bulge in his pants as your tongue slides over his lower lip. He's pressed up against you, his kisses a little more fiery than before, his fingers suddenly everywhere, even under your clothes. Before you know it, you're both naked. You pause and look at each other.
"That was quick... and surprising," Tech says quietly, glancing down at the pile of clothes you've carelessly tossed aside, "But that doesn't mean we have to have intercourse, I don't want you to feel obligated for any reason." You smile shyly and say somewhat breathlessly with your heart pounding, "I very much want to merge with you, but I just saw how well-endowed you are and.... I'm not sure how that's going to fit in." Tech blinks, then his cheeks flush, and he says softly in a matter-of-fact way, "A woman's vagina is made to stretch and adapt to accommodate both sexual partners for fertilization and to bear children naturally. I'm pretty sure... um, that I fit in there." Your ears are getting hot. "I know that Tech... it's just, I'm a little afraid it's going to hurt" "Oh," he says softly, "But we can prevent that." You smile and say, "Knowing you, I'm sure you already have some ideas."
Of course, he does. Apart from appropriate preparatory foreplay, lubricant and gentle words, he also got toys, on the one hand just in case and on the other out of curiosity. Anyone who gets involved with Tech should bring a certain openness and willingness to experiment. You both have a long but wonderful and interesting night ahead of you. He may often be very matter of fact, but he has a very passionate and sensual side to him that is reserved only for you as his partner.
He's so wild, so hot. Until now, you never had the time to really have sex. But his kisses and touches are always like fire. He knows exactly how to touch you, over which parts of your body his long fingers have to glide, so that you want to tear off your panties and mount him. However, this is something that always slows you down and makes you glad that it hasn't come to that yet and that you were either directly disturbed or interrupted. Every time you feel his hard length through your clothes, it's a turn on, but once you felt over the fabric for it. To put it a bit exaggerated, you had to feel several times to be sure that you really touched his cock and not his leg. But now you have all the time in the world and Crosshair is very eager to get under your clothes. He is hungry, has been waiting for a while to be undisturbed with you. He makes you incredibly hot, his touches are perfect, but the more covers fall, the more nervous you get.
Finally, you lie there naked and his pelvis pushes between your thighs, his massive cock rubbing over your pussy. He pauses, though, when he sees the look on your face. "What's going on?" he asks somewhat breathlessly, his thoughts in a fog of horniness through which he tries to understand what's going on. You don't know how to say it, so you say it freely, you know Crosshair likes it better when you say what you want or think directly anyway. "I'm a little scared. You're so big down there." He raises his brows, gathers his thoughts, but then smiles. "Kitten, you are way too cute" he says gentle, "Don't worry, we'll take it slow. Bit by bit. I'll be tender, I promise." He keeps his word, Crosshair always does. He penetrates you very slowly, accompanied by soft words of praise and kisses. "My good girl, you are doing great". More kisses, a little moan, "Damn you're tight, Kitten". Sweat is on his forehead, but he holds back. It takes half an eternity before he's completely absorbed in you. "See, Kitten, it's working. You did great, girl" He bites your neck very gently and starts to move inside you very slowly. Close to your skin, he says, "Let's see what heights we can take you to".
He is a cuddler. As soon as you have a moment to yourselves, he pulls you into his arms, presses you against him, spreads kisses on every bit of skin he can reach. Very tenderly, almost languidly, his lips wander. His hands are strong but careful. However, he has never tried to push you into anything or to undress you completely, even though you have often felt his hard length through your clothes, Gregor has never really tried to make love to you. You don't know if he's doing this out of consideration and wants you to signal your willingness first, or if something is wrong. So you talk to him about it. He holds you pressed against him, between you under the fabric of his pants his cock is hard again. Gregor blinks and looks at you. "Why? What should be wrong?" You shrug your shoulders uncertainly, whereupon he smiles at you. "Do you want us to?" You bite your bottom lip, barely able to ignore the dampness in your panties. You have a huge crush on him, excited, pulse racing. Being near him, his touches, are like a rush. Of course, you want to have sex with him, and you tell him so.
Gregor takes his time undressing you, every piece of skin he exposes gets kissed and caressed. When your eyes fall on his exposed length, you are startled for a moment. You have felt through the fabric that he is big, but to see it is different again. Gregor, who has seen your gaze, says softly, "You trust me, don't you?" "Of course" He chuckles his own little laugh and says, "Then my love, let yourself go, don't worry and leave everything else to me, I promise you won't feel anything but pleasure". He kisses his way to your clitoris, working your pearl with tongue and lips, the swollen little bundle of nerves is twitching under his skillful tongue. His touch makes you twitch and tremble with tense arousal. To feel him so intimately is a whole new rush in itself. The moment he penetrates you, you've already had an orgasm, are wetter than wet and completely relaxed. Of course, you feel it, even how big it is, but Gregor proceeds slowly and tenderly and instead of nervousness, you take it in with deep affection and pleasant anticipation. When he is completely sunk into you, he says a little breathlessly, "You see, my beautiful girl, you can trust me completely".
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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freesia-writes · 9 months ago
What's your favorite piece you've written to date, and is there a link to read it?
Cheers <3
Oh geez. What a good question. Dang. The pressure. 😂
The longfic is the easiest answer -- the Hunter one that's currently being posted 2x/week. It's by far the most complex, fun, thorough, enjoyable full-length one I've done.
As for one-shots? The one that came to mind, and I'm gonna stick with, is the First Date with Gregor. It ended up inspiring a few more as a mini-series, but it's warm and fuzzy as a stand-alone, and I think his effervescent personality is just so endearing and fun.
If it's smut you're lookin for, the Crosshair x Reader longfic Sharp Edges, a collaboration with @lightwise, is awesome because it had two author brains and just flowed really well.
And a smutty one shot is REALLY hard to choose... The two that stand out are recent works exploring established relationships after years together on Pabu. The Hunter x Reader one is simultaneously warm and fuzzy and deliciously hot, and the Tech x Reader one is probably one of the most moving, meaningful, deeply affirming pieces I've ever written. Plus some smut, LOL.
I'm so sorry I didn't stick to just one. But I hope one per category will be allowed. ;) Super fun ask; thank you so much!
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vodika-vibes · 3 months ago
What I Know Now
Summary: When Gregor gets a call informing him that his cyare’s family decided to take a three-month long vacation, rather than spend the summer with her, he decides it’s up to him to make things right.
Pairing: Captain Gregor x F!Reader
Word Count: 575
Warnings: None
A/N: Guess who's fever finally broke, but still isn't at 100%? If you guessed me, you'd be right. Anyway here's a short little Gregor fic, I hope you all like it~
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Cody is going to kill him.
Full-on murder him.
No one will ever find his body.
But, Gregor can’t help but think as he knocks on the dark wooden door of the beach house his cyare rented, it’ll be worth it.
Sure, he had to call in some favors from a few vod’e to get here, but there are worse things than owing a few debts to his brothers. Especially if it means he can be here for his cyare while her family continues to be terrible people.
The door creaks open, and there she is. Hair messy, red-rimmed eyes, and dressed in one of his shirts…she looks miserable, but even so. She’s still the most stunning woman he’s ever met.
And he’d know. He’s met several other women since being decanted.
Confusion morphs into surprise as she tilts her head to the side, “Gregor?”
“In the flesh! Gonna let me in, cyare?”
“Uh…right. Sorry.” She moves to the side, and he cheerfully steps into the beach house. The whole building smells like coconut and flowers, and he can’t help but wonder if that’s just what resort rentals smell like.
“You don’t have to apologize, lovey.” Gregor says as he tosses a grin over his shoulder, “Where’s your room, I want to toss my stuff in there.”
She’s still staring at him, as if she can’t believe her eyes, “Gregor? What are you doing here?”
“Your friend, Momo, called me. Said that your shitty family is living up to their reputation. So, I came to help salvage the vacation. Momo and her boyfriend will be here in a couple of days.” Gregor sets his duffle bag on the couch, “You know Gree is a Commander, he can’t just up and leave like I can.”
“You’re a Captain. You can’t just up and leave either, Gregor.”
His grin widens, “Eh, I’ll be fine.”
“Cody is going to kill you.”
“I can take him.”
“...he’s going to kill you twice, Gregor!”
Gregor laughs and opens his arm. And, immediately, she slides into them, her arms wrapping around his neck while his close around her waist. “I’m not worried. You’re more important to me than anything else.”
He shivers when he feels one of her soft fingers tracing random shapes against the back of his neck, “Stubborn man. I’d have been fine.”
“Oh, I know.” Gregor lightly bumps his nose against hers, “But now you’ll be even better.”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble on my behalf.”
“You’re worth it.”
She sighs and then, finally, a smile lifts her lips. “I’m glad you’re here, Gregor.”
“Course! Not even an act of god could keep me away!” He tightens his grip on her hips and then lifts her to spin her around, pulling a startled squeal from her lips.
And then she dissolves into giggles and slides her hands to cup his face before she leans in and presses her lips against his.
Gregor doesn’t bother to set her back on her feet, preferring to encourage her to wrap her legs around his waist while he supports her weight. She breaks the kiss, though keeps her lips hovering just over his.
“I’m glad you came.” She whispers.
“How could I stay away? You needed me.” Gregor catches her lips again in a much more heated kiss.
She hums into the kiss, and then mumbles, “Always. I’ll always need you.”
And Gregor laughs, “Then I’m a lucky man.”
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year ago
Going For A Ride
Summary: You ride Gregor's face. That's it. That's the plot.
Pairing: Gregor x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, oral, face-sitting, flirting
A/N: Apparently I should write more when I'm sick. Wrote this last night in a fugue state. Apologies if it's rough. Figured everyone could use a little Gregor love.
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His hands grab hold of your ass, squeezing hard enough to draw a sound from your lips where they're pressed against his. He pulls you closer against him, the very prominent bulge in his pants pressing against your stomach.
"Kriff." You gasp, carding your fingers through his hair. "You're so hard, baby."
He lets out a quiet giggle, kissing the corner of your lips. "Can't help it with you looking like that, mesh'la."
A smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. "Such a charmer."
"Only for you." He leans back down, pressing his lips to yours. 
His tongue drags across your bottom lip and you open your mouth for him, pulling him closer to you. His hands guide your hips to grind against him, and you swallow the small moans that leave his throat. 
"Kriff." He breathes, pulling away from your lips as he delivers a playful smack to your ass. "I want you to sit on my face."
You blink up at him before nodding slowly. "Okay."
He pulls away to tug off his shirt as you strip out of your own clothes, ignoring the way your panties stick to your slick folds. Gregor lays down on the bed, situating himself comfortably against the pillows. 
You kneel on the end of the bed, slowly crawling up to his head. You don't miss the way he gulps, throat bobbing with the action. His hands grip your thighs as soon as you're close enough, tugging you to hover over his face. 
You stay like that, hovering just above his mouth. He presses a wet kiss to your inner thigh, nipping gently at the sensitive skin. 
His hands close around your hips, tugging you downward, but you stop him. "What's wrong?" He asks, looking up at you. 
"I don't want to hurt you." You say, leaning back slightly to see his eyes. 
He smiles at you, his hands sliding down to grab handfuls of your thighs. "Oh mesh'la, you're not going to hurt me."
"But...what if I...smother you?" 
He uses his strength to tug you closer, pressing a kiss to your clit. "Then I will die a happy man." 
You let him pull you down completely, his lips closing around your clit. You let out a gasp, hands gripping the headboard for support as he suckles at your clit.
"Gregor!" You gasp as he sucks hard, toes curling. 
He lets out a hum, the sound vibrating right through your clit. You can practically feel his smirk as you gasp, reaching down to tangle a hand in his hair. You grind against his mouth, shifting your hips up until your clit bumps his nose. He moans against your pussy, lapping at your folds as you grind against his face. 
"Kriff, Gregor, feels so good." You pant, legs shaking from the exertion and the feeling of his mouth on you. 
His hands squeeze your thighs, eyes closed in bliss as you soak his face with your juices. You're close, moaning and babbling as you get nearer to your orgasm. 
His tongue prods your entrance, slipping inside as you continue to ride his face, thrusting in and out of you at the movement. You groan at the sensation, hand tightening in his hair as you grind hard against his mouth. 
You cum with a cry, legs shaking as you fight to hold yourself up. His tongue drags through your folds tasting your release and licking you clean. 
You push yourself back to sit on his chest as you come down from your high, his touch beginning to overstimulate you. He looks thoroughly fucked with his face shining with your juices and you haven't even touched him yet. He licks his lips, giving you a wicked grin as a quiet giggle rumbles through his chest. 
You're in for a long night. 
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Ragu list:
@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @sinfulsalutations @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips
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l-lend · 2 years ago
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18+ Content = 🧯
AWOL - Arc Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Budding Romance - Captain Rex x F!Reader
Date Night - Captain Howzer x F!Reader
Guest of Honor - Commander Wolffe x F!Reader
Hair Support - Tup x Reader
Just This Once, Everybody Lives - Captain Rex x Reader
Petals & Pauldrons - Commander Wolf x F!Reader
Shore Leave - Hardcase x F!Reader🧯
Summer Daze, Autumn Daydream - Captain Howzer x F!Reader
Thank You for Your Service - Captain Gregor x F!Reader🧯
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
Pt 1 of Limbus Speed Dating?
Vergilius took Charon’s hat and dropped a bunch of folded up pieces of paper in it as the sinners watched awkwardly waiting to know if they would be forced to be the first to try and woo you. You noticed Outis looked especially excited… only for Rodya’s name to be drawn much to Outis’s dismay. Rodion perked up “well this’ll be an easy win for sure” she exclaimed, “this isn’t a competition” you heard Gregor say from somewhere in the back of the bus, was it not a competition though?
You quickly tried to keep pace with Rodion who had her grip tightly around your hand and was leading you in the direction of a popular fried chicken place, of course you thought to yourself. Rodya started to talk about all the different flavors she wanted to try “Dante Dante they just released a new limited time spicy wings special for the new year we so have to try it and…” you had tuned her out as the sounds of city and a lonely street musician caught your attention. “Ah right” she said before dropping a small clock keychain into your hands, “what’s this” you asked? “Aha it’s a gift of course”! She said happily “pretty sure it’s customary to get your date a gift n’ stuff”. You got a bit flustered at the mention of it being a date but quickly regained composure as you two entered the restaurant. Rodya had ordered enough food for all the sinners combined, you wondered if Vergilius was paying for all these “dates” and started thinking of all the ways this was going to go wrong, as you only slightly acknowledged Rodya’s idle gossip. Once Rodya had finished you both started walking outside and in the direction of Mephistopheles, Rodion lightly tugged on your arm signaling for you to stop and face her outside of the restaurant “hey Dante I know you weren’t paying attention to me much but it was nice getting to hang out with you n’ stuff without all the other guy’s” she said before trying to place a quick peck on your clock face… however you were faster and quickly ran in the opposite direction as you heard Rodion yelling behind you “Dante the bus is the other way”!
Hong Lu
Leaving your bus quarters early the next morning to get absolutely no work done you were met with Hong Lu’s usual mischievous smile and a small piece of paper in his hands. “Looks like it’s our turn Dante” he said. You looked at him with a stern smile “did you just pick your name out of Charon’s hat when she wasn’t looking” you asked? Hong Lu faked a scandalized look and quickly returned to his normal smile “I would never” he giggled as you followed him off the bus and into the city’s boardwalk area. It seemed he had made a reservation at an expensive brunch place the night before, confirming your suspicions that he had not obtained his name from the hat randomly, you however decided not to bring it up. As you looked through the menu gawking at their prices, Hong Lu talked about how his family used to frequent the place when he was a child, while he casually slid a box across the table. You looked at the small box in front of you, it seemed Rodion hadn’t been the only one to bring a gift, opening it you were shocked to find an expensive looking watch inside. Was he trying to buy you’re favor? It wasn’t a competition… you think at least? Before you could chide him he interrupted “It was really interesting getting to eat at all those peasant restaurants I never got to taste food comparable to plastic before although I’m sure the rest of you have gotten used to it by now” …there was definitely an insult there but Hong Lu continued to look at you with pure innocence and intrigue his usual mischievous smile replaced with a more genuine one for once. He continued to recount memories from his childhood as you two ate until it was near the end of brunch hour and the two of you decided to take your leave. As you walked out of the restaurant you made sure to keep your distance just in case Hong Lu tried to pull a trick like Rodion had the night before, however he made no move to close the distance instead he simply flashed his usual mischievous grin and scurried off in the direction of the city leaving you confused as you made your way back to the bus alone.
It seemed like Vergilius decided to have a bit of sympathy for once and spared you a few hours before he gathered you and all the sinners into the main area of the bus excluding Rodion and Hong Lu of course. “Well it seems like we’re one name shorter then last nights count so… we’ll simply move ahead with the names remaining” and there it was… well hopefully Hong Lu wouldn’t be punished too severely for this. Charon then picked out a piece of paper unceremoniously and quickly walked down the bus to find a peacefully napping Gregor. “So where too” you asked Gregor as you stepped off the bus? “Ah I dunno I’m sure there’s a pub or maybe a bar or something around here” he replied. You two walked in silence until a shady looking dive bar came into view “eh I’m sure it’ll do” Gregor remarked, as you two found the staircase entrance leading down into the underground area. Gregor bought the both of you a few beers as he chatted away idly “you know Manager Bud I always wondered how your able to eat and drink without a mouth on that clockhead of yours” he said, you had often times found yourself wondering about that too but alas your ever persistent thoughts of such questions never seemed to wield any sort of answers. After a few hours of drinks and idle chit chat the two of you drunkenly stumble out of the dive bar. With the alcohol getting rid of your sense of shame and normal polite attitude you decided to ask Gregor if he had gotten you any sort of gift like the other sinners had. “Manager bud go easy on this old man’s wallet…” he said as you two somehow managed to make your way back to the bus where the rest of the sinners had a good laugh at the two of you and your drunken state.
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