Mia 😍😍
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 3 months ago
Holy shit guys I’m so sorry school has been kicking my ass, literally beating me up and throwing me down the stairs then throwing shit at me for fun, I swear, I will try to update as soon as I can, again I’m so sorry and I love yall 😇
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 6 months ago
It’s so easy to love you
(Luke Hughes x reader/OC)
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HEY GUYS!!! I am back in business, sorry I was swamped with school work and was sick and had to deal with a bitch tryna apologize like no 😆 anyways
Warnings: implied sexual acts, suggestive language, swearing, smoking
It was an early morning for everyone, they went to bed pretty late last night, especially since Trevor thought it was a good idea to roll down a wet hill with a poll at the end of it, smacked his head right on it. You look over to your right to see your boyfriend sleeping next to you, you reach over to mess with his curls, then you remember where you are and abruptly sit up. You shake your Luke awake “wake up Luke! Shit!” You say while moving to grab his clothes from your floor, he wakes with a start and groans, everyone had a little bit too much to drink last night and while you and Luke thought everyone to be asleep he snuck into your room, I mean what did we expect, to keep our hands off each other for months? Absolutely not.
“Shit I’m sorry baby” Luke says and begins dressing with the clothes your throwing at him, once finished you both peak out the door and look both ways as if crossing the road, and Luke sneaks back into his room quietly sending a pity glance behind him. You shut your door and let out a breath of relief and start dressing yourself, as well as quickly fluffing your hair and putting on some makeup, once finished you make your way down the stairs to the rowdy group of boys in a heated debate about what breakfast food is better. “It’s definitely French fucking toast are you kidding??” Jack yells in Cole’s face, Cole waves his han in his face as if wafting away jacks breath. “First of all you idiot French toast gets soggy way to fast, waffles with that crunch? AMAZING.” He shoots back waving his hands in astonishment, you giggle “I personally believe chocolate chip pancakes are the best” you say then hear a hum of agreement behind you, looking back to find your boyfriend now in new clothes.
A series of “heys” and “sups” are let out from the boys as you and Luke make your way to the table. “So what’s on the agenda for today” you say and pick up a spatula to grab some eggs. “Well we need to go shopping so since you so graciously offered why don’t you go” Trevor says with a grin in your direction “hey now I didn’t
 you know what fine I would rather it be me than you children, but who is coming with cuz I’m not loading those groceries into the car by myself.” I say pointing around accusingly. Quinn glances up from his plate of food “I’ll go, we all know I’m the most responsible here anyways” he says with a roll of his eyes. The boys all give him an offended look and scoff as if it’s not true. We all resume eating but soon after we hear two elephants stomping down the stairs with grains, Matt and Brady. “Jesus you guys look like hell” Luke says with a laugh. “It’s no wonder, they always drink the most” Cole says looking them up and down amused, you giggle at your brothers and hand them both plates, they make their plates and have a seat as you all wait for them to get out of the non-verbal stage. Finally one of them speaks up “hey what was all the commotion I heard coming from the bathroom last night” Matthew says raising his eye brow
Trevor let’s put a groan and touches his head “I was trying to patch up this fucking cartoon bump, I was up until like 4 in the morning with this dumb shit.” He says and rubs his bump. Your eyes go wide and you almost choke on your food but hold it back, you look over to Luke who has the most guilty ‘I fucked up’ look on his face. Luke came into your room at 3 thinking everyone was asleep, does that mean Trevor heard anything??? He would’ve said something by now but he hasn’t so I guess we’re fine. I hope. “Hey vik how about we head out to grab the groceries now so we can spend the rest of the day on the boat” Quinn says and stands up from his chair, his words snap you out of your daze, and you make a move to the door “yeah good idea, boys please don’t do anything outstandingly dumb while the responsible ones are gone.” You say and slam the door behind you to hide the groans of their protests, you and Quinn make it to his car and the way to the store you make casual small talk, how’s your life, anything new, all that jazz
Once you make it in the store you both suggest things to get “we should get some regular chips for our picky eaters” you say pointing at the lays yellow bag “oh right I forgot about Jack and Trevor’s habits” he said and throws the bag into the cart. “Soooo” he says turning back to you, you look at him with a confused look and hum confusingly. “You and Luke then?” He says and you stop in your tracks with an astonished face “what.” Was all you could mutter in reply
I fear I’m leaving you guys on a cliff hanger, I know this is short sorry 😞 I’ll make it up to you, somehow
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 6 months ago
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 6 months ago
Okay kiddies, school unfortunately starts back up tomorrow (the horror 💔) so I fear I probably won’t be able to update the series for a while but I swear when I have time I 150% will, just for yall, love ya
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 6 months ago
It’s so easy to love you
(Luke Hughes x reader/oc)
Pt. 3
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Hey guys I’m back, I know you missed me đŸ˜»đŸ˜», it’s been a hectic couple of days with a lot of hair dye, but we’re back now so without further of due? That’s not how you say that.
Warnings: underage drinking, smoking, and language
It’s been a couple of days at the lake house, everyone’s settled in and getting comfortable, today should be the day Trevor and Cole show up finally, but they’ve always been the ones late to show up. You’ve just woken up and are making your way to your dresser to change when you hear your door very quietly open, there in the doorway you see a very tired Luke with messy curls and no shirt. You let out a quiet giggle at the state of your boyfriend “well hello handsome” you say with a smile on your face. He turns around from trying to close the creaky door quietly and silently walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “I miss you” he says tucking his face into your shoulder, you pout and play with his curls “I know baby but we can’t have them finding out yet, at least not until we’re both ready” you say and glance at the door when you hear the creaking of floor boards. You feel Luke’s head snap up too, but settle back into you when you both hear the creaking of someone going down the stairs. You let out a long sigh and pat Luke’s hands as a sign to let go “we will tell them before this summers over I promise” you say and press a short kiss to Luke’s lips. He lightly nods his head and makes his way to go back to his own room, as you see the door shut behind him you look at your dresser to see the L necklace he gave you still sitting there.
You get dressed and make a move for the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your makeup but can’t help to glance back at the necklace. You can’t help yourself and wind it around your neck a do the clasp up, then tuck it into your shirt “well what they can’t see won’t hurt them” you say to yourself and finally make your way to the bathroom. After finishing getting ready you make your way downstairs to the kitchen to see all the boys making breakfast +2. “Hey Victoria long time no see” Trevor says and makes his way over to give you a side hug “hey trev” you say returning the hug. You let go and meet Cole halfway “hey Vikki how ya been” Cole says giving you a bear hug, you return it but half to say “better a second ago when I could breath Cole” he lets you go and let’s out a mumbled ‘sorry’ and the rest of the boys laugh. You make your way over to Luke and peer over his shoulder to see what he’s cooking. He looks back at you and moves you with his hip a little “stop hovering vik I’m cooking” he says flipping a pancake. You return to his shoulder “yeah I know that’s exactly why I’m hovering I wanna see what your makin” you say, looks to be just eggs, sausages, and pancakes, Luke is the cook of the family, has to be with how much this fuckin kid eats. He turn, picks you up by ur waist and sets you on the counter and returns to his pans. “Hey! What did I say about picking me up just because I’m shorter than you, you little shit!” You say crossing ur arms and huffing, he looks back and sticks his tongue out at you. You stick yours at him back “so I see you two got closer over the time you spent in college together?” Quinn points out, you look back to see all the boys watching your encounter with smiles or confused looks. “Well yeah I guess, if you always gotta see each other why not embrace it I guess” you say and look away from Quinn hoping the blush on your face isn’t too apparent, breaking the silence Luke’s phone begins to ring, he groans and looks back “fuck, someone grab that I’m a bit busy” he says taking a pancake off the pan. You grab his phone since ur the closest and answer it without looking at the name “Luke’s phone” you say into the speaker. “Oh hey Luke’s wife how’s it hanging” the person on the other end reply’s, “duker I told you to stop calling me that.” You say with a roll of your eyes. At the name like turns around now interested “oh what’s the harm” he reply’s, you turn to make sure no one’s listening and when you see all the boys other than Luke are in conversation “what if you were on speaker you little shit, then there would be a lot of harm, to your face.” You say smiling up at Luke after, he lets out a hearty chuckle and turns back to his pancake. “
. Won’t happen again
 anyways I was just calling cuz I’m bored and wanted drama and I figured you two got caught fuckin or something already” he says with a casual tone, your face flares up red “well we didn’t you prick, have fun being bored all summer see ya” you say and hang up the phone.
Luke turns to you and smiles and your blush “what did he say now” he says and grabs his phone to check if there’s any texts “he said he was bored, wanted drama and figured we go caugh
 yk already” you say with a very annoyed look. Luke lets out a loud laugh, and you begin to hit his shoulder. “It’s not funny your both pricks and next time I see him he’s gonna have a hand mark on his face” you exclaim angered, he smiles at you “alright alright I’m sorry, breakfast is done!” He yells to get the boys attention, as soon as he yells that all hell breaks loose and the boys begin running for food and arguing. After checking that everyone is preoccupied Luke presses a kiss you your lips, then neck and pulls away with a smile. You sit there shocked and look over at him, he shrugs with a smirk and grabs two plates for you both. “Don’t do that again that was risky as all fuck.” You say with an astonished look on your face, he laughs and you both make ur way over to the food, little do you both know someone was looking your way during the encounter
Ah don’t you just love cliff hangers, sorry again this is short cuz I’m lazy and it’s pretty wild around here, who do we think saw? I mean I know, but you guys don’t.
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 7 months ago
Hey guys! So I just wanted to make a post and let yall know that I would love some feedback on my series and that my requests are open and to please use them cuz I love writing for yall 🙏
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 7 months ago
It’s so easy to love you
Luke HughesxOc/reader
Pt. 2
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Okay fuckers we’re back, probably not better, but back.
I also wanna mention I fell down the stairs trying to pick out that gif so be grateful.
Warnings: language, underage drinking, kissing, also luke joking about throwing the reader in the trunk of his car? I think that’s it but again tell me if I missed anything please and thank you
After you were finished unpacking you start to make your way downstairs again. As you make ur way to the end of the staircase you are greeted with the sight of the boys brining in wood, and about 3 cases of beer. “Hey kid wanna help start the fire?” Quinn asks opening the sliding glass door to make his way to the fire pit. “You walk to the door and let all the others go out first before starting to make your way out “I sure would” you say skipping a bit towards the torch as Quinn sprays a bit of lighter fluid just to get a kick to it, you start up the torch and hold it to the wood and back up as it lights up in beautiful vibrant flames. You look up to Quinn to see him smiling at you and give a slight grin back “oh crap the chairs we brought are in the car I’ll be right back” you say setting down the torch and making your way to the front of the house. As you get to your car you open the back and make a move to grab the foldable chairs stuffed as much as they can, but before you make contact you feel a hand at your hip. Your eyes widen and in a state of panic you rush back and push the perpetrator off of you “woah! Easy there vik it’s just me” Luke says raising his hands in surrender. You place a hand over your heart “geez lukey I thought you were some creep that was gonna kidnap me, a warning maybe?” You say pushing your free hand to his chest, he moves your hand with a chuckle and pulls you into a gentle hug “sorry princess” he says with a slight kiss to your hair.
You both stay like that for a good chunk of time before you hear hooting and hollering coming from the back of the house. You both let out long sighs and let go “alright we better get back there and make sure one of them isn’t on fire” you say grabbing a chair. Luke makes a move to grab the other “my bets on Jack” he says with an annoyed look on his face. You chuckle and start to walk till you feel a finger slip into the belt loop on the back of your jeans and pulling you back. “Hey!” You yell with a smile, only to be cut off by Luke’s lips on your own, you melt into the kiss and use your free hand to tug at the back of his curls. He lets out a low groan and pulls away “okay now we really need to get back before I end up throwing you in the trunk and closing the door” he says with a glint in his eye that tells you he actually might. “Oh so you were a creep trying to kidnap me all alone, got it!” You say turning around and resuming your walk to the back of the house. He chuckles from behind you and knees you in the ass playfully, you two finally make it back to the scene of Brady on his knees and Matthew trying to aim beer into his mouth and missing completely. “Matty you need to work on your aim” you say unfolding your chair and plopping (I love that word.) down in it. “Hey guys thought you got lost on the way back with how long you were taking” Jack says with a giggle, shit shit shit, “Luke packed a chair weird and we had trouble getting it out” you lie quickly and naturally, Jack hums in acknowledgment and looks back to the boys playing with alcohol. You risk a glance over to Luke and he gives you and impressed nod, you give a ‘yeah I know I’m great’ look back and finally stand up to grab yourself and Luke a drink. You make your way back with two beers and toss one to Luke “hey you two cannot drink!” Your brother Brady slurs, you let out a hearty laugh “says you, you have beer all over you Brady!” You say with an astonished face. Quinn pats him on the back “let them have a couple, it’s not like they aren’t doing it already at college party’s” he says sending a wink your way. You smile gratefully “he’s right” Luke says cracking his open, you do have to watch him though, he gets handsy when he’s drunk, I mean how do you think duker found out?
A couple drinks in your all feeling hazy, some more than others, ahem Brady and Jack ahem. “Alright guys it’s late why don’t we take this party inside” you say sitting up from your chair. “Yep way ahead of ya” Quinn says and starts to put out the fire, you look over to Luke trying to help all the drunks inside while they’re giggling and tripping over themselves. He seems to give up not even half way through and just walks inside, you smile at them before putting on a stern face and getting ready to use ur premature mom voice. “Alright boys time to sober up and get ur asses inside
 now!” You say making sure to add ur last word when they only stopped giggling a little. They all stop what they’re doing and go red in the face, then start sloppily making there way inside, tripping over each other every now and again. You all finally make it inside and you leave the door open behind you for Quinn when the fire puts out, all three boys lazily make there way up the stairs and mumble half ass goodnights, you look over at your boyfriend sitting on the couch. After you head doors close, and slam unfortunately, you scan the room and make sure Quinn isn’t coming inside before making your way over to the messy head of curls and raking your finger through them. Luke tilts his head back to look and you and smiles, he stands up and makes his way around the couch to embrace you into a warm hug. You breath in the scent of his cologne mixed with the smoky smell of the fire “goodnight Vicki” he says and kisses your lips gently “night Lukey” you say with a smile. You both move a safe distance away when you hear the wood of the stairs to the deck creek, you see Quinn appear in the door shortly after, he closes the door behind him and looks at you both. “The boys head up?” He says with a nod to the stairs “yeah thank god.” You reply in a teasing tone, he lets out a short chuckle and makes his way over to you and your Luke. He ruffles both of your guys hair “alright well goodnight Victoria, night Lukey boy” he says making his way up the stairs. You and Luke follow his trail and make your way to your own rooms, Luke slyly takes your hand into his own and looks back at you when he makes his way into his room. When he finally lets go and closes the door behind him you sigh and open your own door, you really wish you could’ve kissed him goodnight.
Okay I’m gonna stop this here cuz, I’m lazy, sorry love ya!! Also the amount of times I said stairs in this is insane I’m gonna start saying yellow brick road like actually. Guys I’m like actually sorry this is so short
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 7 months ago
It’s so easy to love you
Luke HughesXOc/reader
Okay let’s get this show on the road
 I guess
Uhm description yeah
I cannot stand the y/n thing so sorry but we’re gonna give her a name, Victoria Tkachuk, as you could guess she’s Brady and Matt’s sister, her other sister is away at college, justice for Taryn

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Handsome ass? Sorry, we’re gonna kick it off with Victoria and Luke on the way to the lake house
Warnings: language, implied sex but nothing explicit, having each others underwear? It’s an accident I swear, I think that’s it but let me know if you catch anything else
You look over to Luke from your position in the passenger seat, he looks troubled. Although, that’s to be expected when you’re going to be spending practically the entire summer cooped up in a house with your brothers and his brothers, while still trying to manage keeping this a secret from them. It’s not like it happened on purpose, it just kinda happened. It’s been going on for 5 months pretty much smoothly, other than duker being a pain in the ass and flaunting that he’s the only one who knows. You guys didn’t even tell him, he just walked in at an inconvenient time

“You good lukey?” You ask with a concerned smile, he glances from the road to you in one fleeting moment and returns a nice smile. “Yeah Vicky don’t worry about me, just worried about how much time I’m gonna be losing with you cuz of those dimwits” he says while keeping his focus on the road “I know honey but your just gonna have to endure it for the time being, besides we’ll be back to the dorms before you know it” you say while raising a hand to rub at his arm. As far as your brothers are concerned you and Luke barely know each other, just because it was like that before. Your parents use to own a lake house just like the Hughes down here and you would spend a lot of time together but you and Luke never really spoke despite being the closest in age. You only started talking when you both got into Umich, you didn’t really know anyone when you started so when you saw Luke at a party you ran to him as a safety net, turns out he only really knew his hockey buddies and also needed a bit of a safety net. From then on you two were inseparable, the best of friends, then after one night at a party, things got a bit heated and you became more than the best of friends. You snap out of your small flashback when Luke reaches over the dash to grab your thigh “it’s gonna be hard keeping my hands to myself all summer long baby” he says with a sly smirk on his face “oh well your just gonna have to manage now won’t you?” You say with a chuckle and grab his hand on your thigh.
You guys pull up to the house and Luke takes his hand out of yours and places it back on the dash
 wow an entire summer of this. You look over at him with a small frown and check your surroundings before placing a small kiss on his lips, “for all the times I won’t be able to do that when I want to these next couple of months” you say leaning back into your own seat. “Great cuz that’ll make up for it” Luke says with a small smile and a roll of his eyes. You look to the house to see all the annoying little shits come running out
 oh lord.
“Hey matty!” You say as you get out of the car, of course Matthew is the first one to get to you. “Hey little sis!!” Matthew says as he bear hugs you. As you’re struggling to breath, you feel another familiar pair of arms wrap around you further cutting off your air flow. “Hi Brady! Alrighty boys let’s loosen up a bit and remember not to strangle our sister please!” You say hitting Matthew’s chest a bit. “Right sorry” Brady says a bit flustered, you smile at the two that you haven’t seen in so long and risk a glance over at Luke who seems to be going through a similar process trying try pry Jack off of him, while Quinn is on the sidelines laughing. You chuckle at their antics and look back to your own fuck faces “alright dumb and dumber how about we start unloading the car please and thank you!” You say with a snap of your fingers. They look annoyed at the nicknames and you can definitely hear Brady mumbling about some “bossy” but don’t care. You step to the trunk and pull it open with the press of a latch, “okay so orange bags are mine, red bags are Luke’s” you say pointing to the luggage, the boys take the orange bags and begin the walk up to where you’ll be staying, you grab the last bag of yours and make your way to the front to grab your blanket.
As you open the door to the house your greeted with the familiar sight of the home you grew to be so fond of, as well as the familiar sent of candles and air fresheners Ellen must have stocked before she left a couple weeks ago with Jim, they came to visit Luke at the dorms and popped by yours to see how you were doing as well, you do truly love them. You look over to the flight of stairs and messily make your way up trying not to drop your blanket you are hanging onto by a fingernail, as you finally make it to the top you follow the sound of laughter and thuds, it’s gonna be a long two months. You push open the door to see the boys messing with your bags and throwing your clothes at each other. Children you swear “boys!” You yell starting them into dropping whatever is in their hands “put whatever you threw around back into my bags and at least let me try to unpack before messing with my things.” You say already tired of them. They have guilty looks on their faces and start putting things back, they give you a measly little smile each and scatter out of the room. You sigh and set your things on the bed before making your way back downstairs. You see Jack, Quinn, and your Luke talking and laughing, the boys spot you and Jack comes running. He hugs you and picks you up a little “hey little Tkachuk how’s it going” he says setting you down, you’re still a bit startled by the interaction and laugh with wide eyes “I’m good, how are you rowdy?” You ask and glance over to Quinn who hugs you gently and back away “hey kid” he says “hey quinny” you say with a grin, you put your attention back on Jack who looks to be vibrating with excitement “okay who gave this kid caffeine” you say with a small laugh and point to Jack looking him up and down “shutup” he says hiding a small smirk. You just roll your eyes and look over to Luke who seems to already be looking at you “bags unpacked yet?” he asks you with a slight nod of his head “nooo
” you say looking to the staircase, “well then how about you go do that” he says sounding annoyed, but he’s still sporting a small smile “finnneee” you say and make your way back upstairs.
As you make it to your small room again you head to the bed where you’ve set your bags, and unzip them one by one, you start to slowly go through them and lazily throw them in your drawers, top drawer will be bras and underwear, other top drawer will be socks and bathing suits, the drawer under that will be shirts, the drawer next will be pants, the drawer under that with be shorts and the final drawer will be hoodies, what you didn’t have a drawer for though would be Luke’s boxers
 when the fuck did that get into your luggage, sure you had a few shirts and hoodies and maybe even sleep shorts but you do not remember this being in here. You ball them up in your hands and make your way across the hall to your boyfriend’s room, you don’t bother knocking and just walk in and close the door behind you. He looks behind him with an unimpressed expression until he sees it’s you, his eyes widening in surprise and his eyebrows raising “oh hey what are you doing in here, couldn’t take it, needed to be with me so soon?” He says in a mocking tone. You roll your eyes “no you little shit because of what I just found in my duffle” you say and throw the boxers at him with a surprising amount of strength for it being a thin piece of clothing. He looks down and starts laughing “what is so funny.” You say annoyed. “You packed my boxers?” He says still chuckling “oh no I did not fucker egg, or at least I didn’t mean to, stop leaving ur shit in my room” you say and start to make your way out. You stop when you hear Luke’s voice from behind you pipe up “oh you’re one to talk princess” he says pulling a pair of red lace panties from his duffel. “What!” You say making a move to grab them, he pulls them away at the last second “uh uh, finders keepers” he says with an annoying smirk on his face.
“Oh what do you even need those for give them back” you say reaching for them again “whatever I want.” He says with a smile and shoves them back into his bag. “Oh yeah what if someone sees those in your room huh, there’s only one girl in this house” you say crossing your arms. “I’m willing to take that risk, but are you willing to take the risk of being in my room with no explanation, when we aren’t even that close Victoria?” He says pushing you towards the door. You scoff and open the door “this is not over
 perv” you say walking out the door and closing his harder than necessary and make your way back to your own room.
Okay we’re gonna end it here, because this is gonna be a series, sorry this is so short but it’s late and I’m tired but hey at least we started it right? 
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miaisinlovewithlukehughes · 7 months ago
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I’m gonna make a post, it’s my first so please bear with me 🙏 how tf do I work this I need to add tags ok nvm I got it

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