#he's gonna wake up in the middle of the night and terrorize us lol i just know it
fly-sky-high-09 · 1 year
I can't make Teo get energized for play before bed time
It's so over
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m34gs · 1 year
An Anon ask from someone you definitely don't know, I swear.
Tell us your head canons for Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach 👀
Well, I wonder who this could be from. Hmmm. Not a clue. No idea at all. (based on this post)
Thank you for the ask, anon! It's been a hot minute since I talked about Bleach and Ichigo Kurosaki :D I have a few headcannons about Ichigo and I am rather excited to share them! (some of these are pretty heavy and serious headcannons...sorry, not sorry😅)
PTSD and Night-terrors: Ichigo has both. From flashbacks, to angry outbursts, to panic attacks, to waking up screaming in the middle of the night from a dream he can't even remember. Sometimes it's things directly related to Aizen, Ywach, and the wars. Sometimes, it's little things: a flash of something shiny moving too fast in the corner of his vision, an innocent noise from a tv show that sounds like a hollow, or even just not knowing where his sisters are when they're late in coming home. This boy literally died and became a hollow (briefly). There's no way he doesn't struggle with PTSD and/or night terrors.
Fear of Becoming a Parent: Let's be real. Even with a loving father, and knowing how much his mother loved him, Ichigo is probably gonna have issues. He's going to worry about another life to protect. He's going to stress and probably think "How can I be a dad, when I can barely get my shit together" every time he has a melt-down from one of his PTSD triggers. I would find it highly unlikely that anyone who's been through what he has would feel really confident in parenting. There's also the fact that Isshin, while definitely trying his best to parent and at the same time pretend he doesn't know anything about Soul Society, wasn't exactly the greatest dad to Ichigo. I just don't think he gave his son a lot of emotional support through the series, and I think that really messed with Ichigo's head. I don't think Ichigo would see him as a role model for parenting.
Substance Use Disorder: in the form of: addiction. I think, building on my other headcannons, Ichigo is probably not gonna cope very well. (We've seen how badly shit went down in the Fullbringer Arc. This boy has Issues and No Coping Skills whatsoever.) Whether he gets an addiction to some sort of drugs (probably pain killers or something else he has easy access to) or alcohol, I think he'll need a serious wake-up call (probably from Chad) before he's able to get through the addiction.
Fear of Being Alone: I think he would be very afraid of being left out and alone again. Especially after the Fullbringer arc. He can't handle not being able to protect his friends or family.
Let's have a couple slightly more light-hearted, not-so-heavy ones, lol:
Forgetting what's normal: I think Ichigo has been so wrapped up in fighting Hollows and Aizen and working with Soul Society for so long now, and through so many large events with so many people changing sides, that he sometimes forgets what is normal conversation for regular people. This leads to some very odd/concerning conversations that leave others wide-eyed and going 'what the fuuuuuuuck' and leave us, the audience, in stitches laughing. ("How did you and Grimmjow meet, Kurosaki?"/ "He tried to kill one of my best friends and then kidnapped the other one. We beat the shit out of each other"/ "...what")
Suspicion: Ok, so Ichigo has been burned so many times by someone promising him something or pretending to guide him, only to then turn around and demand something or betray him or some other form of deception. So, I think he'd be Extra Suspicious of people, especially in positions of authority. Which means, I'm picturing him going to university and the prof going "this assignment is worth 10% of your grade" and Ichigo going "Is it? Is it really? You're not gonna make it 20% at the last minute, are you? Hmmmm??? HMMMMM???????" except you know, in his Ichigo way. Meaning. He'll probably corner the prof after lecture and intimidate the shit out of him. Poor little old professor. Or: Other Professor: "As long as you follow what I say, you will do just fine and pass this class easily". Ichigo: "Fuck that" /does the opposite. gets a bad grade. Shocked Pikachu emoji/ LOL.
Tiredness x 1000: Ok, so this one is kind of not funny but also kind of funny. I think that due to being wired all the time from adrenaline and such, and not being able to get a good night's sleep, Ichigo is exceedingly tired. Always. And that leads to slightly funny (but also realistically dangerous) things on the surface because he becomes That Friend who will fall asleep on anything as long as the surface is vaguely horizontal. In class. In the cafeteria. While shopping with friends. On a train. On a bus. On the sidewalk. In the Park. On a bench. In a pool. Upside Down. One time, he falls very deeply asleep in the middle of a spar with Grimmjow, and Grimmjow freaks out and thinks he's actually killed Kurosaki. Grimmjow panics and starts planning the funeral to calm himself down. When Ichigo wakes up, Grimmjow is so relieved but also annoyed because how Dare he fool Grimmjow, that he kicks Ichigo.
Thanks again for the ask, anon! Hope you enjoyed these headcannons!!!
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
Sometimes, when sunny visits kels house for a sleepover, (or just anyones house except for basils) the host would always wake up to:
A missing sunny (who is most likely in some weird ass place like the roof)
A sunny that it staring at you from the foot of the bed or beside it
A sunny that stares from the doorway (he stares alot)
A sunny that is playing bo en my time at an unreasonable hour but at a reasonable volume (or vise versa)
Alright so a different nonnie also sent me “How many times do you think sunny scares people by staring at them from the foot of the bed / beside them when they wake up?” So I’m....combining these two XD Also if you guys like....resend things can you say they’re a resend LOL bc if I have another Cho double take situation I’m going to backflip into the sun. Also don’t resend more than twice (i’m gonna be putting that in my bio bc....yeah don’t do it makes me anxious D:)
Okay mini housekeeping thing aside! This got long it’s under a read more because it’s long, but it’s full of shenanigans, sleepovers, and our local fave cryptid Sunny
I’m going to focus this in on post-canon, because I think that Sunny’s ultimate cryptid energy flows forth in his teen years. Also I really want to include the hooligans in on this (I’m...love them)
So pre-canon Sunny and Mari’s house was the go to location for their group of six. They were almost always there, but there was some unspoken rules.
You called before you came over (Only Kel didn’t follow this rule, but he always knocked and waited patiently at the door) and you had to be invited to stay for dinner. If not you went home when Sunny’s mom called a fifteen minute warning before dinner. There was also no arguing within the house. If there was an issue that needed to be addressed, Mari and Sunny’s parents would immediately send everyone home.
Post-canon Mari is gone and the house has been sold. Hero and Kel’s house becomes the go to hang out house after that. Their house is nearly night and day to Mari and Sunny’s
Mari and Sunny’s house was always neat and tidy and very quiet. Their parents generally left the TV off and didn’t use the radio, so unless one of the two children were making noise, everything would be silent. Kel and Hero’s house is in constant motion and activity. Sally is usually either babbling or screaming, music is always playing on the radio, and their main form of communication is friendly yelling at one another. Kel and Hero’s house also has an open door policy- anyone can walk in at anytime and they all know where the spare keys are hidden.
Post-canon I see a quick friendship building between Aubrey’s gang and Basil Sunny and Kel. Hero enjoys them all, but it’s not really his scene now that he’s spent a year or so at college. He will get brought along for some adventures, and he’s always up for hanging around the house with them, but when it gets to be a bigger group he prefers to just let them have fun.
When it’s just his four kids, Hero is always a part of the group though.
So this is when school is in session and Hero is back at college. Kel tells Aubrey that Sunny is coming up for the long weekend, and they should all do a sleepover at his house like old times. She agrees and they arrange it with Basil. Kim overhears their plans and she has FOMO so she arranges herself to be there when they tell Basil
Normally Kel makes it a point to try and include Aubrey’s friends (who are slowly just becoming friends) but this time he just pretends she isn’t there and tells Basil to come right after school and they can drive together to get Sunny.
Kim weedles it out of Aubrey later that day when they’re alone in gym class. The reason that they didn’t immediately invite her and the others? Sunny is apparently weird at night
Kim fires back that Sunny is always a little weird, but Aubrey is being fully serious. Unfortunately all that does is make Kim more curious. She goes to find Kel afterward and half asks/half demands an invitation to the sleepover. Kel seems a little awkward about her involving herself, but he agrees that she and the others can join in if they like.
Aubrey and the others arrive
Kim soon finds out that Aubrey was 100% right. Sunny is...weird at night.
At around 10:00 pm, Sunny disappears. Basila nd Aubrey went into the kitchen to make popcorn, and Kel was busy fiddling with the TV to get the movie to start. When he turns back to the couch, he asks where Sunny is. They realize Sunny has vanished.
Aubrey and Basil come in with the bowls of snacks, and Kel asks them if they’ve seen Sunny. Basil says to check the roof.
The roof. The hooligans all laugh (Basil is a sweet kid when you get to know him, but his nerves make even his jokes strange) The other three don’t laugh. In fact Kel gets up and goes to the door.
The hooligans follow out bewildered, and Sunny is o n t h e r o o f. CASUALLY. JUST THERE PETTING AN ORANGE CAT WHO IS LOUNGING PURRING NEXT TO HIM. AND KEL AND AUBREY AND BASIL DONT REACT??? Kel just waves?? and Sunny waves back???
“We’re gonna watch Insidious now, I know you haven’t seen that one before. Wanna come in?” “Kay” “Do you want to bring your cat in with you? I’ll put Hector on his leash” “Yes please”
Then the three just walk back and tell the hooligans to follow them in. Sunny got himself up so Sunny can get himself down.
It’s only the beginning of the madness. Sunny walks in holding the still purring orange cat and settles himself down in his specific corner of the couch (They were prewarned not to sit in Sunny’s spot) Aubrey cuts Kim off before she can ask about the roof, and starts the movie. Kim looks over at the cat, and it locks eyes on her, hissing.
The movie begins and Sunny will randomly speak but only to say when a character is going to die/be scared. Right before it happens. Every single time. Didn’t Kel say before that he hadn’t seen this movie?? It doesn’t matter Sunny keeps going
A ghost. A ghost. Lost in an alternate dimension by shamanic journey. It’s bizarre. The cat continues to purr a rusty old engine noise in Sunny’s lap, periodically looking at one of the hooligans and hissing, choosing a different one every time. Who’s cat is that????
They finish the movie and start to play board games. They pick monopoly and decide to divvy up into teams. Kim immediately claims Aubrey, Vance decides to go with Kel and Kel grabs Mikhael to create a trio. Charlie and Sunny silently sit beside each other, and everyone assumes that makes them a team. Angel pulls Basil to his side and they’re prepped to play the game.
Kim likes to consider herself a pretty good monopoly player, and Aubrey is a whiz with money and numbers, so she assumes they have this in the bag.
She did not account for the Sunny factor.
Sunny stares her down through the entire time. Kim is sure he doesn’t blink. She forgets to bid on auctions for properties and gives him extra rent money. They go bankrupt first, and Sunny turns his eye onto Kel who just laughs and gives Sunny finger guns. Sunny finger guns back (his face still a blank slate) and proceeds to also take all of Kel’s money.
They go to bed shortly after, and Kim is relieved. Nothing also weird can happen. Now she just has to sleep.
She wakes up in the middle of the night and adjust her position, turning over to face the other side of teh room. Four shining eyes stare back at her, catching the dim light from the kitchen. Kim shakily grabs her phone and turns on the flashlight, whirling around to see Sunny staring at her, his orange cat on top of his head.
She wakes all the rest of them with her shriek of terror. The group of four quickly settle to sleep once more, even Sunny crashing down next to Aubrey and Basil. hissing cat caught firmly in his arms.
She and the other hooligans stay up for a bit, frantically whispering about the oddness of the situation. They resolve to leave early in the morning, and to distance themselves as much as they can from...whatever Sunny is. They’re certainly glad he doesn’t go to their school anymore.
The next morning, the group of four wake up before the hooligans and cook a big breakfast. They put the phone on speaker and chat with Hero as they do so, catching up on his latest college stories. Bo en is playing from the cd player in the corner of the kitchen, kept low so as not to wake the others.
The hooligans creep downstairs and peer inside. The scene is shockingly...normal.
Sunny is still carrying his cat, but now Kel is feeding it tiny bits of bacon and it is stretching out of Sunny’s arms to reach the next delicious morsel. He’s chatting with Hero over the phone, speaking in full long sentences which is a rarity for Sunny. He even laughs quietly at a joke Hero tells.
Kim tries to translate the horror she felt last night into this morning, but it’s not there. Sunny doesn’t seem like an eldritch horror during the day. Just another teenager happy to be with people he enjoys.
Hero hangs up shortly after, and the group of four settle back into a placid silence. Aubrey breaks it by turning to the others
“I know it was weird, but I’m glad that they came for last night.” the three boys agree, and Sunny leans against the counter near Aubrey so she can scratch one hand under his cat’s neck while still flipping pancakes. When he speaks, his voice is near silent, but they all hear it anyway.
“They’re nice. They didn’t treat me different.”
The hooligans share a look and simultaneously agree to stay for breakfast.
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shinishinigummy · 3 years
Whumptober 2021: Day 25
Poppy Playtime OC Fanfic | escape | flight | hiding
Summary: After quitting his nightly janitor job at Playtime Co., Ed takes a break to rest and recuperate. One night at 3 am, he gets a distressing call that sends shivers down his spine..
Note: I wrote this out of the sheer terror I had after watching multiple playthroughs of Poppy Playtime. I have never, EVER felt so scared of a toy in my life than Huggy-fuckin-Wuggy. Also, this is the first time I’m doing a sort of chase scene through the telephone so forgive mt for the poor execution (spoilers lol).
Now is not yet your time.
Get up.
I can hear the sounds of screams ringing in my ears, the eyes of a thousand toys that I swear are following my direction every time I look up from sweeping and scrubbing the floors. Each night, I can sense those eyes, those little beads of white on black that seem to want to break out of their manufactured boxes.
The worst I’ve ever seen of it were the employees that seemed to never have come back after their shift. The boss says that it was because they weren’t able to comply with factory standards, but I know that’s not true. Something’s being hidden here, but I don’t know what.
A week after I resigned, I kept some close contact with my buddy Eric. He’d always be on the shift after me, and everytime we switched places, I could see him looking terrified. I even tried talking to him about it, but all the time, he says that it’s nothing. It’s just our nerves getting the better of us.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I would wake up, screaming, but I don’t know what it is I saw. Something.. Like teeth. Rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth, threatening to swallow me whole.
I think I need to see the doctor. But.. I don’t know what to tell ‘em. That I’m crazy? That some kid’s factory’s messing with my brain? I don’t know. Maybe I’m just overthinking this. I never picked up a rosary before but I think I’m gonna try doing what my mom used to do. To calm me, maybe fall asleep.
I’m suddenly awake when my home phone rings.No one ever calls me anymore, but that’s my fault. I needed some time for myself. I wonder who it is. I stretch my limbs, bleary-eyed, looking at the digital clock on my bedside before getting chills down my spine.
3 am.
Holy shit.
The phone kept ringing, and suddenly I felt the urge to ignore it. I don’t want anything to do with this anymore, if it’s from the factory. Fuck that.
I go back to bed, trying to shake away my fear. I count sheep, wanting to forget. But the damned phone keeps ringing. It’s cold, but I’m sweating in fear. I don’t want anything happening. If I keep ignoring it, it’ll surely end the call, yeah?
But it doesn’t. The sound of the phone drones in my ear, and maybe after a minute, it still keeps on going. Fuck. If I don’t open it, I might wake the neighbors. I put my hands over my face and sigh, turning towards my bedside. 3:03 am. Fuck. Witching Hour. Fuck..
“Damn it, damn it, damn it..!” I reach out and put the receiver up to my ear.
There’s no response.
“Hello, who is this?”
Still no response. But I heard some sort of thump? Like someone banging on metal. It makes me think about the many vents and conveyor belts of the factory, where the multitude of plastic limbs and eyes would accompany my once-nightly cleanups. Fuck. I should stop thinking about them.
“Hey, it’s 3 am and I would love to get back to sleep. Uh.. who’s calling me?”
This time, I could hear some static, and someone.. Breathing? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my brain messing with me again. But I know something’s not right. Something’s happening, and I can feel the fight-or-flight response. I gotta hang up.
“Hey, is this a prank call? I’m hanging up. I don’t have time to play around.”
Suddenly there’s a voice on the other end, somehow disembodied and hollow? Like speaking through a can. My hands are sweating. I think I know who’s talking.
“E-Eric? Eric, man, is that you?”
Another thump, and I involuntarily shake. I sit upright, hyperfocusing on the call. I could hear footsteps (were they footsteps?) at the other end, and erratic breathing.
“Ed! ..fuck..!” there’s a sound of banging on the other end, and some blood curdling scream from the distance. I’m panicking. I think I’m panicking. “Ed.. listen! You’ve got to fucking help me! Th-the--” there’s another scream, and this time it’s nearer. I curl my toes, and close my eyes, trying to control my breathing. There’s a squeak of some hinge and a small thud.
“Eric, what the fuck is happening? Are you in the factory?!”
“Yeah!” He breathes erratically, but keeps his voice down.. “Dude, look, I don’t have much time, I’m hiding in one of the employee locker rooms, you know? The one on the second floor?”
“Yeah, yeah, I hear you. Listen, what the fuck is happening there?”
“Can you come pick me up, man? The fucking.. The fucking DOLL, it came alive! Oh god--”
There’s a thump on the other end, and skittering. There’s a moment of silence and Eric whimpers on the other end. I think he’s still in the locker, trying to not make a sound. I’m taking my wallet, trying to look at the floorplan I still have of the factory, then I take a pen from my drawer. I look at the second page and I nod to myself. I think I know where Eric is.
“Listen, Eric. I’m a state away from you. Even if I drive now, I won’t be able to make it there in two days. Buddy. I’m sorry, okay?”
Eric whimpers on the other end, and I swear I can imagine him gritting his teeth as there’s a sudden loud THUMP, and I’m standing at the edge of my bed. I’m shining a light on the map and I’m drawing a line, maybe the nearest exit possible. I think I know where he can go.
“Eric, my man, you there?”
“Y-yeah, I’m here. It’s uh..” there’s a slight pause, “it’s all quiet now. I think. I’m looking through the slits in the locker.. Oh fuck… why the fuck is there blood--”
He’s gurgling and I think he’s going to throw up.
“Buddy hold it in!”
Too late. I heard the sound of a heave and liquid pouring down.
“Man, look. Calm down. You’re not going to achieve anything from hiding there. Whatever’s pursuing you--” I look at the map again, “it can’t reach you if you get out of there as fast as you can. Alright? I know the way. I still have my map.”
“O-okay. Yeah.. you’re right..”
“You’re on the second floor. Which means you’re probably on the east wing, where the lockers are. There’s a fire exit on your right, if I’m right, that should be unlocked. You got that?”
“Y-yeah.. Yeah..”
“Alright. Go. Now. Be my eyes and ears, I’ll guide you.”
What I assume is the locker door opens, and I can hear Eric whimper on the other end. There’s a little bit of static and I can hear his footsteps. There’s a slight struggle as he tries to open what I assume is the fire exit door and it does, swinging open, really loudly. I cringed, my teeth gritting. Fuck.
“The..the coast is clear.. Um… fuck.. Okay.. uh down?”
“You’re in the fire exit now? Good. Okay, go up one flight of stairs. There’s supposed to be a door there that leads straight to the cafeteria. Then I think you already know from there yeah?”
I hear a flight of stairs and a piercing scream and my heart thumps in my chest. “Eric what the fuck was that--”
I hear Eric’s erratic breathing and his footsteps as he ascends the hallway, and I can hear small pitter-patter of footsteps behind him, and I’m sweating, trying to hold on to the phone and keeping my wits with me. Oh god. I’m in my house, I’m okay. But Eric isn’t. And I’m fearing for his life. His life depends on me. I have to save him. I have to--
I hear a door swinging open and I hear Eric dashing through an open area, I think it’s the cafeteria. I can hear the squeaks of his rubber shoes on the polished floor and all around him are the sounds, distorted sounds of the Playtime Co. anthem on speaker and it makes me want to hang up, but I won’t. I have to help him escape.
“Eric. Don’t look back. Just keep running. Once you get out of the cafeteria, make a quick right. You’ll be at the factory entrance. Just a bit more okay? Eric?”
“Yeah! Oh god, oh fuck, Ed it’s behind me, and it’s MASSIVE--”
“I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK BACK! Just keep running, yeah? There should be a double door--”
There’s a chill down my spine. The Grabpack. “Eric, you don’t have your Grabpack with you?”
I hear him screaming as he thumps on something repeatedly, and lastly, the swinging of the big double doors. It’s done. He’s out of there.
“Just keep running, keep running, Eric, turn right!”
“I AM!”
I continue to hear the squeak of his shoes and another thump, followed by another. Eric lets out a moan, I think it’s him. “Eric, bud, what happened?”
There’s sounds of something muffled on the line, intelligible. I don’t know what the fuck that is. I’m gripping the phone tight that my nails are already digging in my palms. “Eric, talk to me!”
There’s only silence. Then static. Then, the line drops. My heart wants to burst out of my chest. I try to dial the number, Eric’s number. I think that’s his phone. Just seven numbers. This is fine, this is fine, but Eric isn’t. I have to call. I hear the dial, but there’s no response. I’m sweating, pacing my room. What doll? What’s chasing after him, could it be..
Then, suddenly, my phone rings. I pick it up and answer even before the first chime ends. “Eric, bud, you ok?”
There’s only static on the other end.
“Hey, Ed.” I let out an audible sigh of relief, but at the same time, I kept my guard up. The jig’s probably not over yet. “Are you out already?”
There’s silence on the other end. I can barely hear anything. It’s as if it’s muffled. But I’m sure that’s Eric’s voice. “Yeah, I’m free now.”
Free? What..
“You mean, you got out of the factory already? Nothing’s chasing you anymore?”
More silence. My stomach sinks. Something’s wrong.
“Yeah. I’m fine now. It’s all good now.” I think I can hear a smile in his voice.. What..?
“Are you sure, Eric? You don’t.. You don’t sound like what you sounded a while ago.”
“I said, Ed, I’m okay now. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“You saying that makes me worry even more! Eric, if you need it, I can pick you up--”
“It’s okay now. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. Just.. forget it, okay? It was just my mind playing tricks on me again.”
I can feel something’s wrong. I don’t know. I have to start packing.
“Hey, I’m getting over there as early as I can. By tomorrow morning, I’ll be there. Go to the police, report whatever’s happening there, and stay there okay? I can help you. Drive you to your house if you need to.”
“Everything’s been taken care of, Ed. It’s alright now.”
“It doesn’t seem to be that way.”
There’s some laugh, and a rumble on the other end, but it seemed like more of a growl. I stop in my tracks.
“One way or another, everything will turn out for the best, Ed. Goodbye now.”
The line ends, and my phone doesn’t ring for the rest of the night.
It’s morning now.
I’m in my car and I’m driving across the country to head to Playtime Co. the fastest way possible. Eric, or if that even WAS him, scared me. That last line tells me that somehow, something’s happening. And if no one does anything, maybe there would be consequences.
I stop at the front of Playtime Co., the largest factory this side of the state.
I get out of my car, take my supplies, trusty map, and the Grabpack. Somehow they let me have this. A keepsake of fun times, I guess?
I head inside, like going into the belly of the beast.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What would happen at an s-class slumber party? Including Saitama I guess. Like who falls asleep first, who plays games, etc
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I got these two asks like, literally ten minutes apart and idk what prompted all of these sleepy time curiosities pertaining to the S-Class but I am HERE for it. I’m gonna put them together into one masterpost because they’re roughly the same thing lol. Thanks for requesting stuff y’all! 😄💖
I was having trouble thinking of a possible scenario that could explain why the S-Class would even want to be in the same room together for more than 30 minutes, let alone have a sleepover. The best I could come up with is Sitch paid them all a handsome sum to sleep in the Hero Association lobby and stand guard because there’s an S-Class threat hit squad on the hunt for his executive ass. And, being the cheap-asses that they all are, they took the offer.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get crackin fellas:
Tornado of Terror: She’s grumpy as all hell to be here (even though she got paid the most), so she just falls the fuck asleep and tells everyone to wake her up at the first sign of trouble because she thinks she’s the only one who’s capable enough to deal with it. She brings a pillow, a blanket, her jammies, and a teddy to sleep with. If anyone dares to open their mouth about Sir Stuffers then she’ll gladly explode their head.
Silverfang: Volunteers to take first watch, but because he’s an old shit he falls asleep 20 minutes into his shift. He doesn’t bring anything to sleep with because he convinced himself that he has the willpower to stay up all night but Charanko “accidentally” mixed melatonin into Silverfang’s tea before he left for the mission so now he’s passed the fuck out and not waking up anytime soon.
Atomic Samurai: Same as Silverfang: thinks he can stay up to stand watch and falls asleep 10 seconds into his shift. Except, he doesn’t need to be poisoned to accidentally fall asleep because dealing with his disciples is a triple full-time job and as a result, daddy Kami is always ready to pass the fuck out at any time. He’s basically a narcoleptic past 8pm. To sleep with, he brought a ratty-ass pillow and a bottle of night juice (saké).
Child Emperor: is nocturnal and completely fine with staying up all night, so he’s on watch the whole time. Although, the sound of candy wrappers makes it hard for anyone else to sleep and as a result, everyone is ready to punt this kid by 3am. He shows up in gym shorts and a t-shirt because what’s the point of getting dressed with these hooligans and spends the whole night hanging out with Zombieman. Although, he did bring a sleeping bag and pillow just incase he wants to take a power nap.
Metal Knight: Shows up in a power suit like this mf in Pacific Rim. Everyone thinks he’s just controlling a drone remotely but Sitch told him if he doesn’t show up in person then he doesn’t get the money, so he’s sitting in this tin can the whole time and trying his best to stay awake (he passes out by midnight). He’s also in his underwear. Idk why that was worth it to mention but there you go ❤️
King: Mentally on the verge of a breakdown at the thought of spending the whole night with these jackasses but shows up anyway because he wants that PS5 and is willing to do anything to get it. He gets there in his jammies, sets down his pikachu sleeping bag, and falls asleep without saying hi or offering to take watch. Everyone thinks that he’ll wake up naturally at the first sign of trouble and finds it really impressive that he fell asleep so fast, but he really just passed out from hyperventilating so hard. He would normally be perfectly fine with staying up all night because he’s a gamer and he does it all the time anyway, but anxiety really do be like that sometimes.
Zombieman: Is nocturnal like Child Emperor when he wants to be, but can also fall asleep in .2 seconds on a bed of nails. He’s perfectly fine with staying up all night because he constantly does it when following leads on a case and doesn’t bother bringing anything to sleep on. In fact, he shows up in full gear because he’s mildly paranoid and he wears it all the time anyway, it’s basically a second skin by now. He spends the night playing cards with CE and taking occasional sips from a flask to calm his nerves. They also take turns telling spooky ghost stories by the light of Zombieman’s lighter, to which he pretends to be scared. When he wants to smoke, he does it by Bofoi’s machine because fuck that guy.
Drive Knight: Forgot to change his Duracells the day before and falls over the second he walks in the door. Everyone thinks he’s a lazy ass for falling asleep so soon but he’s actually in a robo-medical emergency.
Pig God: is perfectly fine with staying up all night because, as I’ve said on multiple other hcs, he’s a hardcore gamer and being nocturnal is basically second nature. However, like Child Emperor, the sound of him constantly eating in the dark has everyone ready to jump his ass by midnight. He’s dressed in his pajamas as well, and they’re so big that they share the clothing measurements of an actual humpback whale.
Superalloy Darkshine: Falls asleep by 9pm on the dot every night and knows it’s pretty much impossible for him to stay up all night so he shows up in his Bedtime Thong(tm) with a sleeping bag and kindly asks everyone to wake him up if there’s trouble. Nobody listens but he pretends they do. He also brings a “small stash” (actual grocery bag filled to the brim) of protein bars to snack on incase he gets hungry in the middle of the night and offers a few to everyone, to which they decline (ultra-vegan keto-friendly gluten-free sugar-free flavor-free protein bars taste like actual garbage). And because he drinks a swimming pool of water every day (gotta stay at peak physique, yo), he gets up at least 12 times in the middle of the night to pee and he pisses so loud for no reason that it sounds like there’s a waterfall in the next room.
Watchdog Man: Carries his human-sized doggy bed in with his mouth and falls the fuck asleep without even announcing his presence. Nobody even notices he’s there. Sitch forgets to pay him.
Flashy Flash: Is fine with staying up all night to stand watch because he had to do it so many times in the ninja village anyway, but fuck me if he isn’t pissy about it. He shows up in full gear because, like Zombieman, he wears it so often that it’s basically a second skin at this point. By 2am he fucks off to take a shower because being in the same room with these people actually makes him feel unclean and he doesn’t leave the bathroom until the sun starts to rise. His hair, however, looks twice as shiny.
Genos: Shows up, points his arm cannon at the door incase of possible intruders, and doesn’t move for 12 hours. He brought Saitama along because why not and mr caped baldy greatly regrets it.
Metal Bat: Shows up in gym shorts with his bat, a blanket, and a pillow and fucks off to the corner of the room to brood. He takes watch for a few hours in between power naps, and sleeps with his phone .2 inches away from his face incase Zenko calls. When she does, he wakes up at the speed of light and loudly answers the phone like there isn’t at least 7 other people sleeping within close proximity to him. It’s never for an emergency, she just calls like 3 times into the night because she had a bad dream or she’s wondering how he’s doing. But regardless of what it is, Badd is ready to run all the way home and be with her. He just took the job because he wants to buy her a bigass gift with all the money he’ll be receiving.
Tanktop Master: Same as Superalloy, except he snores like a motherfucker. He doesn’t need waterfall piss to keep everyone up because this mf sounds like a lawn mower. He shows up in his Tanktop Pajamas (which is basically just a Tanktop with pajama bottoms) and takes watch in between power naps, to which he sleeps on a Tanktop Sleeping bag (just a regular sleeping bag, there’s literally nothing different about it) with his Tanktop Pillow (also just a regular pillow, literally nothing special about it).
Puri-Puri Prisoner: sleeps naked. Dick out.
Saitama: Gets bored as hell by 10pm and tries to wake up King so they can play video games together on his gameboy that he smuggled in, but the poor bastard is OUT. Saitama tries to sleep, however, he forgot to bring anything to sleep on so he tries to roll up his cape and use it as a pillow but, alas, he gets a neck cramp so bad that he actually almost starts to cry.
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Mangang New Years Eve Plans
The Girls + Mikorin wanted to go to a street fair and honestly who can say no to the combined cuteness of Chiyo, Kashima and Mikorin? And the terror instillled via Seo
So they went to the fair!
Mayu was physically dragged there but he went!
Originally they were all together but eventually the couples broke off on their own
Waka and Seo dipped first bc Seo ran off to a stall and Waka had to go find her and by the time he did the others were already gone
They spent the evening winning prizes at game booths...well Seo wining them and Waka trying.
Poor bby learned that night that basketball is very different from a ring toss
When the countdown hit midnight they were in the middle of a game so they kinda missed it lol
But when Seo walked Waka home she gave him the prizes(they were all things he likes and Waka didn’t even realize lmao) and patted him on the head so all in all good evening
Waka like 4 hours later waking up in a cold sweat: WAIT THAT WAS A DATE
Next to peace were Nozaki and Chiyo. Nozaki INSISTED to get photos of the fireworks they needed the OPTIMAL location and needed to start as early as possible(Nozaki it’s like 8pm chill)
So they got food from a stall and parked down on the grass with like 5 blankets bc Chiyo brought 1 to try and be romantic but Nozaki somehow ended up with all of the ones Mayu was wrapped in when he dragged him to the fair so. 5 blankets.
At least it’s comfy
Let’s assume here that they’re already together or at least like Nozaki is under the impression they are BUDDY YOU NEED TO COMMUNICATE
One they’re done eating Nozaki just pulls Chiyo into his lap and rests his chin on the top of her head and wraps the blankets around them both so it’s comfortable
Nozaki’s a hugger I’m sure of this
So Chiyo’s just malfunctioning bc she’s sitting in Nozaki’s lap?!?! Holy shit?!?!?
But it’s comfortable and warm so she fell asleep it’s very uwu and I don’t use that term lightly
She woke up to the fireworks going off at midnight and Nozaki thinking she was still asleep pressing a kiss to the top of her head it’s very soft we’re talking soft hours here people
After Chiyo “woke up” for real Nozaki walked her home. He offered to carry her but that plus carrying blankets did not end well
He kissed her on the cheek when he dropped her off and did a little victory dance once she closed the door bc he’s a DORK
Very wholesome very cute mildly chaotic we stan Chiyozaki in this household
Kashima, Mikorin, Hori, and Mayu actually stuck together for most of the fair
Bc Kashima and Mikorin are the cutest BFFs ever and Hori and Mayu are lowkey whipped
Eventually Mayu tapped out and went to go home around 10. Hori went in good senpai mode ™ and insisted he couldn’t walk home alone this late
Mikorin vibrating at a high frequency: I’ll walk him home no big deal
So they walked to the Nozaki place
Mayu was honestly half asleep at this point(lowkey I HC him with chronic fatigue) so Mikorin helped him upstairs to make sure he got back safely
Mayu invited him to stay and after Mikorin went through the cycle of a flirting line and then IMMIDIETLY panicking they hung out in Mayu’s room and played video games
Nozaki Mayu Mario Kart Champ I’m sure of it
When their phones beeped at midnight they were in the middle of a race but Mayu paused the game
“Dude why’d you pause the game I was-“
Mayu, master of absolutly zero subtly, yanks Mikorin in and kissed him
Mikorin.exe has stopped working
Did Mayu press play on the game and win while Mikorin was frozen? Yes. Yes he did.
After Mayu and Mikorin left Hori and Kashima just kinda chilled out at a table with some candy and fair desserts
It was getting later so they were just waiting for the fireworks at this point
Downside of them being stationary was that Kashima’s fan club had found them
Now Kashima is a sweetheart and she’ll flirt without hesitation like 99.8% of the time
This was that 0.1% she wouldn’t bc she was on a DATE! With HORI!
Did he know this was a date honestly probably not but that’s not the point
So Kashima’s talking and joking but Hori can tell her heart isn’t really into it. Yeah she looks kinda sad time for Hori to step in.
Kicking Kashima under the table HARD MIGHT I ADD Hori started fake coughing and put his head in his hands
“Ugh you know what I think I’m gonna head home I feel sick”
Kashima, catching on: “Oh no! I’ll take you home senpai! You ladies should go enjoy the fireworks for me. Admire their beauty though I’m sure your own surpasses all of them”
Yeah okay that line might actually make Hori sick for real
Eventually they made it to a secluded area of the fair that was still vaguely close so they could see the fireworks
They’re both slumped against the back of a game stall but the second they lock eyes they just burst out laughing bc of course that would happen to them
Once they calmed down a little Hori scooted closer and pulled Kashima into him with his arm around her waist and leaned his head on her shoulder as the fireworks started
These two asdfgghjkl I can’t
They had to walk home separate incase one of the fan girls said but they walked home happy and that’s what matters
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 years
Chapter 1 (ao3)
Prologue (ao3) (tumblr)
What if, when Jack was born, he stayed a baby?
A retelling of season 13, with a few key differences.
No planned schedule, will update when I finish chapters lol
Chapter 1 - Dean I
           Dean waited, watching Cas’s lips. He waited for his name to be spoken, said in that same mixture of fondness and exasperation and gravel that ticked the tempo of his heart up a notch. He waited for his angel to smile, then tell Dean that he’s fine; that it wasn’t more than a scratch, that he’s still here.
           Any minute now.
           “…Cas?” Dean’s voice sounded scratchy, raw, like a needle ripped through a spinning record. He blinked back his tears, embarrassed, because Cas might wake soon and see him break, see him not be strong enough. His gaze broke from Cas’s bluing lips, staring at the starless sky above. He saw night begin its transition to early morning, a sun sliver dipping into the horizon, and wondered how long Cas will play with him like this. How long will Cas pretend to lie there? How long will Cas insist that he’s –
           “Cas!” Even with the extra help from gravity, Dean couldn’t stop the pinprick tears tracing their way down to his ears, wetness setting his skin aflame. He choked on a sob, the rubber band of his body snapping and recoiling into itself. His shoulders shook. He squeezed tight to his stomach. Dean closed his eyes, but inside that shuttered darkness was Cas, emerging from the portal. Cas with the blade in his hand. Cas with a blade, poking out his chest. “Oh… oh, God…”
           He’s really gone. He’s gone and Dean hurt. Dean hurt so much.
           Dean cracked one eye open, then another. In his periphery, he saw the tips of Cas’s limp fingers lying in the dirt along with the rest of his body.
           It was something he has wanted to do for some time now. Dean noticed what happens halfway into its journey, his trembling hand hovering over Cas’s. He lowered it cautiously. When there’s barely an inch of space separating his middle finger from Cas’s knuckles, Dean stopped. Dean couldn’t close that final gap. He stared at the emptiness between them, small but terrifyingly infinite, and was frozen in terror.
           Sam’s call stirred him from that horrid trance, urgency reminding Dean of all else that happened. Of Crowley’s sacrifice, of the portal closing, of mom on the other side; those events crashed into him like a terrible wave, washing him out into a roaring sea that denied him any sense or reason. Standing, legs ready to give out on him at any moment, Dean stumbled towards where he last heard his brother.
           He forgot about the steps. Sam caught him, guiding him past the threshold and into the cabin with lumbering haste. Dean’s vision returned to him soon, though. He drew Sam further to his side, for a loose hug, then shoved his brother’s oafish frame off of him. Dean supported himself using the wall instead. “What?” he asked, growling, “What is it?”
           Sam tried to speak but got cutoff by a shrill cry coming from another room. Sam shrugged, jerking his head to where, Dean guesses, the crying originated. He’d also take a stab at who’s responsible for crying, too.
           Kelly’s son. Lucifer’s son. The whole damned reason Dean’s life lay shattered in the clearing out back.
           Hearing those whines and sobs rattle the cabin’s chilly silence helped harden what remained of his heart, enough so that the baby’s shrieking echoed in the hollow chambers of Dean’s chest. It made what he must ask next much easier. “You didn’t kill him yet?”
           Sam visibly startled, jaw clenched that familiar way Dean knows meant an argument brewed within; his brother’s puppy dog features deceived, hiding his true feelings. Again, as Sam readied to speak, the baby took his cue and interrupted with a damning wail. Sam pressed his lips into a thin, mangled line while he waited his turn.
           A minute passed, and it’s doubtful the little guy would lose steam soon. Dean sighed. He pushed off the wall, passing Sam as he followed the noisy little bastard. Sam stayed right behind him, heavy footsteps and chiding tone mixing with the crying to shred Dean’s nerves into oblivion. “You are not doing this, Dean,” Sam hissed, tugging on his elbow, “we need to talk about it first –“
           “Who can talk over all this racket!” He wrenched his arm free, storming into the baby’s nursery while Sam dawdled under the doorframe. Their entrance meant little to the newborn, who continued crying despite their entrance. “And I’m not killing him –“ he kept his yet stored in the barrel of his mouth, unfired, conscious of how it will be received in the moment – “gonna shut him up for a while, s’all…” Dean punctuated his claim by grabbing the baby, Jack if the painted name on the crib meant anything, and tucking him into the crook of his arm. He bounced him like he did Sam decades ago, like he would for any normal baby, cooing sweet nothing that tumbled out of him as if they were sand in a broken hourglass, shards mixed within. Dean spied a rocking chair in the corner and, with Sam’s piercing gaze studying him, Dean collapsed into it.
           That seemed to work. Dean’s gentle rocking, paired with a hummed lullaby cherrypicked from his past, put the hellion in his arms at ease. Jack stared up, transfixed by what Dean guessed is the tall lamp casting a gentle glow on them both; a lamp Sam, now in the room and by his side, flicked on after Dean sat down. It must be the center of his focus, because Dean wouldn’t believe the baby looked at him like he did; like he’s a bright and beautiful thing, deserving of attention, of being the center of his known universe. He didn’t want that, especially from him.
           Dean swallowed a curse and ended their contest, sure if he looked into the baby’s eyes any longer, he would damn the consequences and wring the life from this tiny body nestled in his hands. He waited for Jack’s fit to tamper lower and lower, rising only after a moment of uninterrupted silence. Dean carried Jack back, returning him to his crib. He added another mistake into the column of ever-increasing errors and glanced at Lucifer’s kid a final time. He examined him, searching for little horns or a tail or tattoos of sixes; he found nothing. Nothing that proved he’s more than a child, innocent and carefree.
           Sam hung by his shoulder, buzzing halo bothersome in Dean’s ear. “I think he likes you.”
           Dean huffed under breath, “I wish I could say the same.”
           He left. Sam trailed in his wake; tread heavy from being constipated with a smug righteousness Dean dreaded will be shat all over him when Sam had the chance. He was silent until the kitchen, then Sam struck. “His mother just died, Dean.”
           Dean shrugged, “So did ours.” He expected that to feel weird saying, but it hadn’t. Sam gaped at him, like it had. Maybe Dean’s in shock. Maybe he was too used to having a dead mom. Dean carried on regardless. “If you think a sob story’s gonna convince me of anything, try hitting me when the kids got enough pages to fill a book larger than Moby Dick’s, or ours. Right now, he’s a table of contents and not much else.”
           “Exactly,” Sam needled, poking Dean’s chest. Dean swat him away with the refrigerator door, creating a makeshift barrier to protect himself from Sam’s crusade. He dug around for something to drink, something boozy, as Sam prattled. “Look, Dean, we… I know our thing is – our thing is killing monsters but, Dean, he’s a baby. He – he didn’t do anything –“
           “He was conceived,” Dean said, “that’s enough for me.” His groping fingers pushed aside the carton of milk for a third time; he still couldn’t find the beer.
           “That wasn’t his fault.” Sam rested his hand over Dean’s where it rested on the refrigerator door, pleading for Dean to look at him by touch alone. Dean relented, darting his eyes for a fleeting glance. Sam’s brows were drawn in like a steep hill, and he appeared absolutely ghastly because of the refrigerator’s light. Dean fell back to his mission. “Lucifer… he set this in motion, and we’ve dealt with him.”
           “And what did it cost us?”
           Sam sighed. “Everyone we lost knew what this was about,” he told Dean, “knew how it might end. They were ready to risk their lives for this.”
           “We were here to take down Lucifer, end of story,” Dean spat, knocking items onto the floor in his fervor. He tore through like a whirlwind, throwing food everywhere. Eggs, lettuce, ketchup and pickles – no beer though. Dammit. “And with the kid kicking, we haven’t even finished our mission.”
           “Jack is not Lucifer!” Sam squeezed Dean’s wrist, begging for more attention. Dean’s spiteful, rigid glare burned a hole in the back of the fridge. He refused to move even an inch. “He’s a baby, and we… we kill monsters. We kill the ones who have no chance of being saved. He was just born, Dean. He had no choice in that.”
           “Who’s to say that he won’t choose to be a monster, once he’s old enough?”
           Sam strangled his wrist, now, Dean’s fingers numbing because of his brother’s impassioned grip. “We’ll make sure. We’ll raise him right.”
           This drew Dean out of the refrigerator. “We?” he laughed, bitterness churning in his gut. “We, really? You think…” Dean didn’t finish, speechless at the insanity Sam presented. He and Sam, raising Lucifer’s kid? He and Sam, sheltering the baby who ruined their lives? He and Sam… “I hate to break it to you, Sammy,” he continued, his voice returning, “but this ain’t the nineties. We can’t have it all, clearly. And we are not taking that kid in like some muddy stray.”
           “Cas wanted to raise him.”
           Dean gagged. The toxic rush of seconds ago disappeared, spilling out from the seam Sam pulled loose.
           Sam, at least, was aware enough to briefly mime an apology. His face contorted into a pained expression, exaggerated to better mangle his earlier fury. However, that’s smoothed and replaced with sterner features as he detached himself from his words, and the ugliness that they inspired. He stood tall, committed to the outburst, and from the curl of his scowl, Dean wouldn’t expect him to take back what’s been said. It will linger like the other ghosts.
           If that was how he wanted to do this.
           “Sure,” Dean agreed, “and that got him what, exactly?” He slammed the refrigerator door, startling both of them and the baby. Jack’s wailing picked up where he left off, although sharper and more annoying. Dean pushed into Sam, instinct urging him to soothe like he did earlier. Dean stopped himself, hesitating. He spun on his heel, leaving where he came in.
           Sam shouted, “You can’t just run away Dean!”
           “I’m getting some air, is all!” he yelled back, ripping the door off its hinges in his haste to leave.
           A terrifying gust rammed into him almost immediately, giving him the very air he craved. Then, a second wind blows in the opposite direction; stealing his breath as his gaze landed on the body of his angel, immobile, with black skid marks in a shoddy recreation of what might be wings splayed beside him like oddly bent branches. Dean blindly descended, too focused with Cas’s form than the stairs. When his feet reached solid, uneven ground, Dean slowed to a glacial pace. Cas didn’t react.
           Dean tried not to, too. Hand at his cheek, wiping some more stray tears, Dean failed.
           He ripped himself away, jogging from the backyard space towards the front where his true escape was. Dean white knuckled his keys, jagged teeth biting into the palm of his hand. Pain kept him from spiraling, from thinking, from staying there. And when he couldn’t use pain, key nestled in the ignition instead of his hand, Dean had the next best thing – open roads.
           The engine roared, overpowering the blood rushing past his ears. Dean demolished the speed limit easily, bulleting across the asphalt, pedal his trigger. It’s early enough he needn’t worry about highway patrolmen or wayward pedestrians. He drove fast, loose, and recklessly. Fuck Vin Diesel, Dean thought. Vin had nothing on him.
           Kelly’s cabin was a blurry spot in his rearview mirror, a speck he might scratch off with his nail if he pleased. Trees became indistinguishable from each other. Not that it mattered, Dean’s tunnel vision blocking his periphery. His eyes remained fixed ahead of him, uncharacteristically so. It took most his focus to keep like that, hands cramping on the wheel from throttling it. He counted dash after dash and tallied potholes as he hit them, stuffing his mind with senseless figures other than the lone one he abandoned in the field.
           Soon, Dean reached a nearby town. The greenery became sparser, leaves and wood replaced by buildings and city blocks and lampposts and streetlights. He hit his first light, a blip of red flashing for attention. Thoughtlessly, Dean flattened his foot against the brake; Baby’s tires squealing as she fought momentum. Dean knocked against his dashboard from the force, falling back only after his car fully stopped. He couldn’t see the streetlight dangling above. Dean knew he sat over the line, his Baby’s hood hanging in the intersection, asking for an accident.
           A second later, and what he was driving from caught up to him.
           Dean gasped, curling in on himself, hands glued to the wheel. His body seized with sobs that bruise, each tremor punching his gut. He used what little strength he had and glanced at his reflection. That speck on his rearview, that he foolishly clawed at, didn’t disappear; it was caught in his bloodshot eyes.
           He couldn’t continue driving like this.
           Red light, green light, it didn’t matter now. Dean crawled along to the nearest lot that belonged to a tacky chain eatery. Parking inside, Dean threw his car door open and spilled free of his Baby. He fell to his knees, hissing, denim ripping on impact and gravel scratching his skin. Dean staggered to his feet. Blood trickled down his leg from the open wound on his knee. He walked forward, dazed, while Baby idled at an angle, keys trapped in her ignition. If it were later in the day, someone might steal her. If Dean were acting like himself, he might care.
           He didn’t go far. Dean slowed as he approached the fast-food joint, stopping inches from the backdoor. His bottom lip wobbled, Dean raking his hair with twitching fingers. He stared at the door, at the wooden sign hanging by a single, rusted nail. It depicted a stereotypical pirate, with hat, beard, and eyepatch, painted on a blue background and encircled by cartoonish rope that framed this pirate’s face along with an oblong addition underneath of the word ‘BUCCANEERS’. The pirate glared ahead, at some far point, as if Dean weren’t there blocking it.
           But he was. Dean was here, while everyone else – everyone he cared about…
           “Why me?” he muttered, “Why’s it always… why do I have to deal with it, with the after, with picking up the pieces of someone else’s mess.” Dean growled, head bowed, eyes unflinchingly locked with the pirate’s. “Mom… Crowley… Ca” – he stuttered on his name, wounds still too fresh – “you’re gonna bring him back. You’re gonna bring them all back. After everything I’ve done for this shithole, that I’ve been through, it’s the least that I’m owed. I deserve to… I – I don’t deserve this.”
           The pirate ignored his pleas, it couldn’t answer him. And Chuck, apparently, wouldn’t answer him.
           Dean launched himself at the pirate, picturing a brown beard instead of black, and a grayish blue eye where a black one was painted. He smashed it with one punch, face splintering and spraying everywhere. Dean continued wrecking it, nearly destroying the door in his fury. Aiming a final blow, Dean hit the sign off the nail and sent it flying from view.
           Exhausted, knuckles as bloody as his knee, Dean collapsed near the stacked crates and leaning pallets.
           A shudder traveled across his body, from the top of his head, dragged along each vertebra like a sharp, clawed finger, and finally making his legs seize and stretch out in front of him. Dean vacuumed in a deep breath, chest ballooning to contain it. He won’t release it willingly.
           Coughing, Dean glanced up at some teenager standing nearby, gaping at the scene. He wore a large brown jacket a shade lighter than his skin over a deep blue polo that matches the visor currently worn like a headband, so his bangs wouldn’t  his face. A ring of keys dangled in his hands. Keys that, Dean guessed, were for opening the very door he pummeled as if it were a punching bag.
           “Hey, man,” the teen asked, glancing between Dean and the wrecked door, “are you… like, good? Do I need to call someone?”
           A repairman. The teen’s manager. Neither would do Dean any good, but both will need to know about the damage he did to the property.
           Dean groaned, climbing to his feet. He swayed with the breeze, a lone willow in this blacktop clearing. Some of the blood from his knuckles drippled like morning dew would off its leaves. He advanced, the teen tensing as he moves closer. Their shoulders brushed, the younger of the two stumbling back a few inches, cowering in Dean’s presence. Dean thought he should say something, let him know there’s nothing to be afraid of.
           That felt like too much of a damned lie, so he caught the words in his throat and swallowed them down.
           He returned to his car, starting it like nothing happened, like his skin hadn’t torn and tears weren’t drying on his cheeks as he refused to wipe them off. Dean tapped the pedal and drove off. He drove the same path he took earlier, only in reverse. He drove to Kelly’s cabin, and all that waited for him there.
           Dean parked sloppily, again; however, pocketing his keys this time as he left Baby. He didn’t acknowledge the front door, shuffling into the backyard for another glimpse of Cas’s body.
           Cas was gone. His wings were still there, and Sam was, too.
           Sam dropped a stack of branches onto a large pile he must have begun gathering after Dean fled. He rubbed at his neck, steadily avoiding where Dean’s gaze was by looking at the pile. “I moved him,” he explained, “I figured we might as well start on the… on the pyres for him, and Kelly.” Sam paused. He grabbed a lone branch, snapping a twig from it. “I didn’t do anything else. Figured you would want to…”
           “Yeah.” Dean blinked, then imagined the shadows burnt into the ground rising and rising, flapping determinately, until they vanished. He blinked. Those wings hadn’t moved an inch.
           Dean headed into the cabin.
           He spied Cas’s body immediately, laid atop the kitchen table. Sam rearranged him during transit, closing his eyes and setting Cas’s arms at his sides. If he weren’t thinking about it constantly, weren’t reminded of Cas’s current state with every beat of his own heart, Dean might believe Cas was asleep. Or, at the very least, imitating it, since angels can’t sleep. They can’t eat. There’s a lot they can’t do. And Cas won’t ever not do any of that, not anymore.
           Sighing, Dean circled the table while tracing the edges of it with his fingertips. He reached the other side, where a gauzy pair of curtains hung. Dean swung his arm outward, going through the motions to free them. It’s quick work.
           Wrapping Cas with these curtains will take a lifetime.
            Dean started by lifting Cas’s head and slipping a strip underneath. He cradled him, unnaturally soft tufts of hair tickling his fingers. Holding Cas in such a manner encouraged further action, tempted Dean to do more. He succumbed to these voices, the fast few hours since they last sung weakened his resolve. Dean ran his bloodied knuckles across Cas’s face. He stained deathly pale skin red. He hissed, stubble like sandpaper against his cuts. He left no wrinkle untouched.
           Finally, Dean switched to his thumb and pressed it just below Cas’s lips.
           It’s maddening, touching Cas like this, like he always wanted. He dreamt of being able to for longer than he could remember. Daydreams and fantasies of Dean, curled into Cas’s side, leisurely and lovingly memorizing every inch of the other’s face. Those moments were always pretend, too human to ever be real, to expect from an angel like Cas. Now, as his thumb swept along the bow of Cas’s lips, Dean paid his respects to the thousands of imagined mornings and nights that would not be. Dean worshiped Cas in a way he never wanted to, but in the only way he’d ever be allowed to.
           “I’m sorry…” Dean placed a featherlight kiss to the corner of Cas’s mouth. Then, unable to bear looking at him, he wrapped the curtain over his face.
           He shrouded the rest of Cas’s body with military precision, robotically completing his ritual. Dean hovered at his side, tightly clutching the final knot in Cas’s wrappings. His head hung listlessly, the foundations of a prayer forming on his tongue. He gnashed his teeth together, smashing it, and the sentiment’s remains tumbled backwards. It ripped apart his insides like glass. The only person who would listen, who’d care, who might heal this hurt, couldn’t.
           Cas was –
           Dean let go, marching into the backyard. Silently Dean joined Sam, amassing wood in his stead while Sam assembled the pyres.
           Together, they completed their duties by sundown. It might have been sooner if Sam didn’t slack off to play nursemaid to Lucifer’s kid. He ran off at the slightest bit of static coming from the garish, incongruently colored baby monitor clipped onto his belt loop, dragging their duties out because of intermittent breaks. When they finally set Cas and Kelly on their respective pyres, the sky darkened to the same shade it was that they lost both of them.
           Dean handled the fire. He struck two matches from a box buried in a kitchen drawer, then tossed them into the kindling. Sam, meanwhile, held a very fussy baby that showed no respect for ceremony. His piercing shrieks rung out clearly, somehow amplified by the open space. And as Jack’s cries mixed with the roar and crackle of flames, along with Sam mindlessly grunting back in a desperate plea for Jack to stop, Dean gave in. He stole Jack from Sam, nestling the baby against his chest.
           His temper lessened while in Dean’s arms, and Jack soon quieted.
           Dean felt Sam’s stare on his profile once more, an uncomfortable heat much different than what radiated from the cremating bodies before them. He hated it, being gawked at like some zoo animal. Yet Dean refused to turn, to bark at Sam that this momentary lapse meant nothing.
           He’s only exhausted. Too tired to shutter the devastation on his face, every crack of Dean’s heart was on full display. He’s not in the mood to fight with Sam, either, aware he needed him more than he needed to lash out. He’s broken and couldn’t even manage the energy to toss Jack into the fires like he imagined himself doing.
           Instead, Dean embraced him. He watched the smoke of his angel’s body drift upwards, Cas leaving him for good, forever, and rested his chin against the small, soft head of Cas’s destroyer.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Tandoori Chicken
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⚠️HORROR ,, by the name you wouldn’t guess right?? Lmao keep reading! It’s not like, that bad? Still could be scary!
| 🎞📽 ▹▹Mark x reader
🎙• For the sake of the story, we’re gonna pretend that college dorm rooms have normal sized beds with the phat sheets, and not the high beds where you can clearly see underneath. ALSO also, I got this from a video I saw on Instagram of a TIKTOK, explaining a story where the same thing happens, although it’s a BIT different. Lemme tell u when I wrote the climax sentence, my own stomach dropped and tears came to my eyes at the sheer fear of the situation. Lol ENJOY! 
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“Jesus, how late is it?” Mark mumbled as he leaned back from his hunched position over the desk to stretch, only to find the library basically empty, with only the two librarians and a student or two staggering about. You - sitting across from him - looking up at his words, and, when reaching over to your phone and turning it on, were surprised to find that is was 12:46am. You stared at Mark in disbelief, and you both were astounded at how long you two managed to study without checking the time.
“Maybe we should end it there for the night?” You questioned, and Mark nodded while beginning to pack up his stuff - you starting to do the same. Everything was going fine up until the two of you found yourself standing on the library steps; prepared to say goodbye.
“So how are you getting home?” Mark asked, scratching the back of his neck.
“Um, probably walking. I live on campus, so it won’t be long. How ‘bout you?” Mark sighed at your question.
“Well, the bus doesn’t run this late, and I’m in a frat - as you know -
“-right,” you nodded.
“-so we live kind of off campus, I’m not sure. I might have to call someone. Maybe hyuck will be up?” He had started mumbling to himself a bit, and you smiled at him awkwardly, before finally suggesting what had been on your mind.
“Well, you could always just, I don’t know, psh, stay the night with me? I mean - not with me, with me, but.. I mean my roommate is at her um, b-boyfriends tonight so there’s an empty bed and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you spending the night there once I explain the situation! I mean, you don’t have to or anything I totally understand if you just wann-“
“Y/N, y/n! Chill, sure, that’d be great actually. Hyuck would kill me if I woke him up - or worse, interrupted a gaming sess.” Mark gave his signature boyish laugh, and your heart leapt.
The thing is, you really liked Mark. You had him in your Political Science class, and the two of you had never spoken up until the moment you got paired together for a project - three months ago. You had already finished the project, but the two of you genuinely enjoyed each other’s company, so you liked to study together. It wasn’t much of a friendship, but it was something. Sometimes, you both studied in a cafe, and Mark would always buy your drink,
so yeahhh, it was love.
When the two of you finally got back to your bedroom, something felt, off. It was cold, first off, which was unusual - your roommate always left the room hot. Second, it was pitch black, but you could have sworn you left a lamp on - knowing how much you hated walking all the way across the room in the dark to turn on the light. The scariest thing, however, was that your door was unlocked. Had your roommate possibly changed all of this before she left? You were scared, but felt more calm with Mark walking in right after you.
After you turned on the lamp, you turned around to Mark, who was looking at all the photos on your desk. “I’ll see if Seulgi - my, uh, roommate - has anything you can wear. Her boyfriend stays over a lot.” You went and looked in her drawers, and successfully found a pair of shorts for Mark to wear. After giving them to him and turning around so he can change, he awkwardly coughed, and you both stood in silence; until Mark broke it.
“Um, I might just sleep on the floor. I already am wearing her clothes, I don’t want to take your roommates bed too. It might be more comfortable for me.”
“You sure?” Mark nodded in affirmation, and you gave him a quick, “ok,” before taking an extra blanket you had in your closest and handing it to him, along with a pillow of yours. After he comfortably was resting on the ground, and you were snuggled into your sheets, you wordlessly turned off the lamp and gave Mark a, “night, Mark,” to which he responded,
“Sweet dreams, y/n.”
You could hear the shuffling.
At first, you didn’t want to open your eyes - hoping you could will yourself back into your dreams - but eventually it got kind of annoying, so you turned your body to be facing outwards and opened your eyes. You could just barely make out a figure standing in the room, and in a moment of terror and surprise, you turned on your light.
Mark was standing in the middle of your dorm room, which would usually calm you down, but the look on his face just scared you more. He looked like a mix of confused, and also terrified - but it seemed like he was trying to keep that one in.
“Mark, what are you doing up?”
Mark quickly glanced at you, almost as if he didn’t know you were awake, and gave you the strangest look you’ve ever seen on someone’s face before.
“Y/n,” he suddenly says, “I’m hungry, let’s go get some tandoori chicken.” You were baffled, and sat up higher in your bed.
“Mark, no, it’s 2am. Just get something from the food cart thingy,” you said, and gestured to the food area of your dorm. Mark’s face went even more pale then it already was - you just now realized how pale it was - and before you knew it, he took two huge strides over to your spot on the bed, grabbed your forearm, and used all of his strength to pull you off the bed.
“No, we’re GETTING tandoori chicken, right now.” Once you’re successfully off the bed, he continues to pull you out of the room, not even letting you get your keys or shoes before you leave.
Once you both are successfully out of your room and a few feet down the hallway, Mark stops, and you pull your arm from his grip while you practically yell, “what the hell mark?” Mark turns around to face you, and he no longer tried to hide his blatant fear; you realized he was successfully holding back, because the look in his eyes at that moment chilled you to the bone.
“I’m not really hungry, we just needed to get out of that room. Y/n, there was someone under your bed.”
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Bonus (this is a bonus bc I don’t like it lol)•
You felt like you were about to throw up, but successfully kept it down as you asked,
“Okay, I woke up like, 4 minutes before you did with like this restless feeling that I was being watched, and no offense but I thought it was you because well, you’re the only one in the room with me, right? Well when I opened my eyes, and look up at you, you were dead asleep. I felt sick, because the feeling was still there, only heightened, like whoever was watching me knew that I knew. I just moved my line of sight to under the bed for a second, just a glance, and I saw someone staring back at me, y/n. A man, a whole ass person, just...watching me. I got up as casually as i could and started mumbling about wanting chicken just loud enough to where they could hopefully hear me, and you would hopefully wake up; thankfully you did.” You both quickly made a b-line straight for your RA’s dorm, but when the police checked your room, no one was there, but there was evidence of them being there. You guessed they left while you and Mark were out of the room, but it didn’t stop the fact that you now had a habit of checking every nook and cranny of your living space the minute you got home, and it didn’t definitely didn’t stop you and Mark from sleeping together most nights, possibly using the shared trauma to get closer.
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gingervitus · 4 years
Oh how fun! I think 4 would be lovely and you might have fun playing with 21? (It ties in quite nicely to some of the things you’ve set up before with the multiverse if you wanted to take it that way.) Happy Monday! (Or, technically, I suppose Tuesday, lol.)
Oh man okay! We’re gonna make this one a combo.
4 & 21.
“Please, don’t cry. I can’t stand seeing you cry.”
He blinked. The house was quiet in the middle of the night. Often, he found himself wandering downstairs when he would be stirred from his sleep. Panic usually found him around two in the morning. A flash. A bang. Crumbling rubble all around him. His eyes would shoot open half the time to discover that he wasn’t able to move. Or scream. He could barely breathe. Other times, he would snap up in bed, gasping for air. Entire body shaking. Heart pounding in his chest. 
That particular morning he had skittered out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He didn’t know how long he paced around the living room. His vision was so blurry, head so fuzzy, he couldn’t even think about looking at the clock. Hands raked through his hair. Breaths came out labored, scraping his wind pipe as they escaped. His mouth felt like it was full of dust, dry and dirty. It felt as though he had gargled gravel and then sent it grating down his throat all the way into his belly. 
Truthfully, he hadn’t realized he started crying. He had just been pacing and pacing and pacing. Maybe if he walked enough the dreams would stop. Logically, he knew he had just been dreaming. He was well aware of that. The logic was in the forefront of his mind, but the paranoia was louder. Something about waking up in the dark was disconcerting to him. Being lurched from the hell scape of his mind into the pitch black made him feel physically ill.
Then there were those nights where he couldn’t move. No panting. No walking. No playing with his hands. His eyes in those moments would dart around frantically. He knew what was coming. The night terrors started when he was little. A small boy screaming in the night for someone, anyone really, to come and save him once he finally found his voice. In his house, though, it took on a different shape. There were always monsters in the closet or under the bed, but now, it manifested in his jacket hanging off the back of his door.  Shifting and shaping into something horrific.
At the bottom of it, the thing wasn’t exactly scary. Not at first glance at least. It never came too close to him and was almost shaped like a person. A person just lingering in the far corner of his bedroom. He was told by almost everyone that it was just the dark playing tricks on his eyes no matter how much he argued that they were wrong. This was never just some sort of shadow his brain was forming into something it recognized and could have an anxiety attack over. The darkness was what he imagined a blackhole to look like. A swallowing black. Like deep space past all the stars and planets. The coldest and blackest shadow he had ever seen. One that didn’t disappear when slivers of moonlight slid over it. That stared back at him with empty navy eyes which almost glowed. What seemed to be a face covered in cracks as though it was made of porcelain. Like a mask in the darkness that was just watching and waiting for something.
So there he was in the living room, hands falling limp at his sides. Tears continued rolling down his cheeks. He didn’t even know why he was crying, but he couldn’t stop. She stared at him from across the dimly lit room, trying her best to suppress a yawn. Her eyes looked tired, face drawn long with exhaustion after back to back twelve hour shifts at Beanies. Now she had to deal with him freaking out over something that probably wasn’t real no matter how it felt. His mouth hung slack for a moment as he tried to muster up some sort of response to her. His head felt like it was stuck in a haze. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. And he was. Sorry to have woken her up. Sorry to have been so fucked up. Sorry that he was standing in the middle of the living room at nearly three in the morning crying but not knowing what he was crying about. “I... I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
Her brows knit together before she crossed the room to meet him. This time around he could feel the lump rising in his throat. One riddled with guilt and anxiety. “Hey, now.” Her hands were cool on his cheeks. The pads of her thumbs brushed away stray droplets. He choked out a sob. “Hey, come on. You’re okay.” He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping he would open them and be back in bed. It wasn’t going to happen, but that certainly didn’t stop him. His breaths were shallow and labored. “Look at me.” He couldn’t. “Hey.” His eyes opened slowly. While she did look like she could have fallen back asleep standing on her feet in front of him, those tired eyes were scanning all over his face like she was looking for an answer to how to help him. Another cry crawled out of his chest. “Shh, it was just a bad dream.” Her thumbs grazed across his cheekbones. “Just a dream, okay? None of it was reality.”
She was aware of the dreams. He had told her about them when they had initially started staying at each other’s places overnight. Just in case something happened, he wanted to make her aware. However, since they had been seeing each other, he hadn’t had any issues. Night after night of cool dark sleep. He thought she was the remedy to an illness he didn’t know he had. His shoulders sagged as he shook his head. “But... I don’t think it is, okay?” he babbled quietly. “And it was one thing when it was just me, but now, you’re here and I can’t...” The words died on his lips once he realized how crazy he sounded. He was going to tell her he couldn’t protect her from whatever it was because it paralyzed him. Made him absolutely useless. Almost like he was a sacrificial pawn in a game of chess. “I’m sorry.”
Her eyes were soft as they always were with him. She continued holding his face while she ducked hers closer to his. “Hey, I’ve got you, okay?” she assured him, face growing serious for a moment. “You’re alright.” He wanted to believe her, but his mind was still racing. “You’re not all on your own anymore, Paul. You know that, right?” That was the way it had been for years. Just him barely taking care of himself in the ways he really needed to. Just slightly keeping it together. “You asked me to live here, so this is my house, too. And no punkass... I don’t fucking know. No punkass demonass thing is allowed in my house bothering my favorite nerd, got it?” He let out a watery chuckle. A slight smile broke out on her lips. “Fuck getting the church or a psychic or whatever involved. I will beat the ever loving shit out of Beezlebub and send him back to hell with my size six boot lodged so far up his ass he won’t be getting it out for the next millenium.” 
Tears mixed with soft laughs as the heavy panic began to settle. It was one of his favorite things about her. How there was never a moment where she couldn’t bring light to his shitty situations. There was always something she could pull out of her hat to make him laugh. Even if it was three o’clock in the morning and he was smackdab in the middle of panicking. “Okay,” he agreed, sniffling. “Maybe do two, though. Because one boot isn’t much use.”
“Oh no, we put that on the porch, so all his little fucking demon friends know that I’m not fucking around and that there’s another boot good and ready for an ass.” She pulled his head down to hers, so she could kiss his forehead. When he returned to look at her again, her expression had changed to a soft seriousness. “I love you. You know that, right?”
Maybe it was just a dream. “I do.” It was very possible that was all it was. “I love you, too.” But god, he hoped and prayed she wasn’t.
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lallemanting · 4 years
i was just rereading “whatever makes you feel the sun, chase that” because i love it SO MUCH and i would be forever indebted to you if you wrote a tiny thing about lucas and eliott traveling after they get on the train together
my darling anon! thank you so much for this sweet message and request 💛💛 I honestly had no intention of returning to this version of Lucas and Eliott but then I got this request for a “tiny” thing about their trip and wrote nearly 7k words so…whoops? I really hope you enjoy!!
part 2 of whatever makes you feel the sun (chase that) // also on ao3 here!
Lucas leans back against the rough material of the train seat and just looks. He allows himself that, as Eliott sleeps lightly next to him, because he hasn’t really before.
Every look has been plagued by fear, deep and unyielding, the kind that arrests your heart and makes each beat painful. The kind that was sent away, if only briefly, by a pair of stormy eyes and a sweet voice. Eliott. 
It feels a bit like breaking out of the water after holding your breath for too long. Lungs burning, heart racing, a panic sitting there, beneath the skin, that fades as the air hits your face and the water drips away and there’s oxygen ready to gasped in, ready to fill your lungs again. 
It’s almost drowning, but being saved at the last second. It’s learning to breathe again. 
Eliott’s eyes are closed and his mouth is hanging open, just a little, as the sunlight fights its way past the built-in shades the people in the seats in front of them have pulled down. The light casts over him making lines on his t-shirt and his hair is messy, mussed from being pressed against the headrest of a train seat. But he’s beautiful all the same. 
He’s beautiful, really, in the kind of way that makes people look twice (Lucas certainly did). The kind of beauty that’s intimidating at first, that left Lucas reeling when he reached for him in that club, when he said he remembered Lucas of all people, just from a glance on the beach. 
But it was his smile, the disarming way he laughed, the light that seemed to shine even when in complete darkness that sent Lucas chasing after him. 
Eliott shifts in his sleep, his head falling onto Lucas’ shoulder and Lucas smiles, wide, as his heart hiccups in his chest. He turns his face to press a soft kiss to Eliott’s forehead and lets him sleep on.
Lucas’ phone buzzes a few times in his pocket and he pulls it out to see several texts in his group chat.
Le gang
hey lulu, you okay? haven’t heard from you in a few hours 
assuming you found your man 
or I was right about the serial killer thing 
but just know if you don’t respond soon I’m going to have to call the police and tell them to start looking for a handsomeman named eliott
why do you assume he’s handsome
He speaks!
I have faith in your taste bro 
so I assume that means you found him?
I found him
And you’re with him now?
on our way to amsterdam
whoa bas 
why are you thumbs-downing our boy?
more like 🥳🥂🍆💦❤️🌈
arthur wtf lol
im not thumbs-downing our boy 
i just still think it’s unfair that i was the one who was supposed to get with someone this trip 
and lucas got someone instead
sounds like jealousy to me
Bas shut up
Yeah Bas shut up 
Also Lucas do you really need me to spell out those emojis for you?
no I got it lol
point is we’re happy for you 
even bas
even bas?
Fine yeah 
even bas 
that’s the spirit 
you guys are dumb 
but thank you 
you don’t need to thank us lu 
we love you
We do!
we do
now get back to your man
love you guys too
It’s after lunch now, and Lucas can feel his stomach protesting as the only thing he’s had to eat so far that day is a croissant Eliott had bought him at the train station while they waited for the next train. They’re headed to Amsterdam still, since Eliott’s got a friend, who he’d told Lucas was also apparently named Lucas, that’s letting them crash in his and his boyfriend’s apartment while they’re on their own trip to Spain. They’d transferred an hour or so ago from a smaller, suburban train to this larger one that will take them all the way to Amsterdam.
Lucas thinks they’re probably nearing Brussels, one of the major stops before Amsterdam, and he finds himself wondering if Eliott is the kind of person who wakes when moving vehicles come to stop, even if just for a moment. There’s so much still that Lucas has to learn about him. And yet, this right now, is the closest he’s ever felt to trust, to being his whole self. Lucas’ stomach growls again, but Eliott shifts once more, his head nestling even closer in the crook of Lucas’ neck, and Lucas knows he won’t be going anywhere until Eliott wakes.
It’s a few hours, and stops later (it turns out Eliott is very much not the person who wakes up every time the train reaches a new station), when they finally reach Amsterdam. It’s late afternoon, nearing evening, when they step out of the station and into the sun, and Lucas feels his lungs expand as he breathes, really breathes, in the new air. His chest feels light, still unaccustomed to not feeling as though he’s been dragging around a weight in the form of a secret. A lightness in freedom. 
He flinches slightly, as Eliott takes his hand, but it’s muscle memory, desire that’s been told for so long to quiet down and hide away that it feels uncomfortable at first to let it be seen. 
Eliott must notice because he asks him, quietly, “Is this okay?” waiting for Lucas’ nod to interlace their fingers.
But Lucas does nod, and he whispers yes, Eliott and his chest fills with something new, or maybe it’s just his heart expanding. He squeezes Eliott’s hand back.
They wander for a while, hand in hand, along the canals and to a fries shop Eliott’s friend had told him was the best in the city. So they get some, Eliott going overboard on the sauces, and eat them sitting next to the water, legs crossed and knees touching.
“Can I ask what changed?” Eliott asks him after wiping a bit of sauce off his cheek and kissing him so slow and deep that Lucas had almost dropped the fries he’d been holding.
“You mean why I decided to come?”
Eliott nods, biting into another fry.
Lucas pauses, turning his gaze out away from Eliott and across the water, watching as a boat passes them, the people inside shrieking with laughter. 
“There were two reasons,” he says softly, turning back to catch Eliott’s eye. “One, I was tired of being so scared. I didn’t want to have to live with fear and I guess I realized I didn’t have to.”
Eliott smiles, soft and kind. A look, Lucas is quickly realizing, that’s a natural one on his face.
“And the second reason?” Eliott asks.
Lucas grins and leans in, his lips so close to Eliott’s they’re almost brushing, the promise of his touch making Lucas’ head spin.
Eliott kisses him.
They wander for a few more hours, grabbing dinner at a restaurant with cloth napkins where they’d actually sat down, ordered wine. It feels a little like something out of a movie, something Lucas had always wanted deep in his heart but never admitted to himself.
“Our first real date,” Eliott says when Lucas raises an eyebrow at the price. “I want to spoil you.”
Lucas rolls his eyes, but can’t hide the blush that coats his face. “You haven’t even asked me out!” he protests.
Eliott only looks at him at him.
“I did you one better,” Eliott says, reaching across the table and brushing his fingers across the back of Lucas’ hand.
“Oh, did you?”
Eliott nods. 
“I asked you to run away with me and you said yes.”
Lucas flushes, catching Eliott’s fingers in his hand and bringing his hand up to kiss the back of it gently. “I did,” he whispers back. There’s really nothing else to say.
They spend longer than they should at the restaurant, even splitting a dessert – a gooey chocolate lava cake that has Lucas nearly melting into the floor and Eliott, after swiping the bill out from under Lucas’ hand, tells him they should make their way to his friend’s apartment.
It’s set back a bit in the city, down a side row behind some shops. The evening is settling into night, the last dregs of summer sunlight disappearing as the sun fully melts beyond the horizon, but the world is buzzing still, the night fresh and young and full of hope.
Eliott punches in a code at the door on the street and leads Lucas up a narrow set of stairs to the fourth floor. The hallway is dark and damp smelling, the stairs an old, twisted set of terrors, meaning that Lucas is breathing heavy by the time they reach the top. 
Eliott finds the key tucked between a piece of loose molding and a flap of peeling wallpaper just where Eliott’s friend said it would be and puts it in the lock, the key twisting almost deafeningly, and the door swinging open.
The apartment is a studio, a kitchenette just to the left of the door and two large windows facing out onto the street, a small table and chairs placed between them. A mattress is pressed up against the wall across from the door on the floor and a small couch and tv are just to the right of the entrance. In the back corner Lucas sees a door which he can only assume leads to the bathroom. It’s dark, the light from outside nearly gone, and Eliott flicks the switch next to the door, bathing the room in a harsh yellow light from a single bulb placed in the middle of the ceiling.
“God, I hate overhead lighting,” Eliott says, moving to throw down his backpack and switch on the lamps next to the couch and the bed before returning to the door and switching the bulb back off. “There, that’s better.”
Lucas smiles, dropping his own bag into one of the seats at the table and turning to look out the window at the people walking through the city below them, each of them living lives so separate from their own.
“I’m just gonna, uh, use the bathroom,” Lucas hears from behind him and then the sound of a door clicking shut as Eliott goes in.
Lucas sighs and leans his forehead against the cool glass, but something picks at his brain that won’t let him relax. Not yet.
He fishes out his phone from his pocket and types out a message, one he’s typed out time and time again but hasn’t sent yet. But now, he feels like he can.
Lucas to Maman
I wanted to let you know that I won’t be coming home for a few weeks. I’ve decided to extend my trip. I met someone who I like very much and I want to be able to spend more time with them. With him. 
He’s a boy Maman. His name is Eliott and I think you’d like him very much.
I’m sorry if this disappoints you. I love you and I’ll try to call you tomorrow. X
He hits send before he can think about it too much and puts his phone down on the table, plugging it in. There’s other things he wants to focus on tonight.
Across the room, Eliott emerges from the bathroom, looking at Lucas leaning against the table and smiling sweetly, his hands digging into his pockets, his shoulders hunching in what Lucas is learning is a nervous gesture. 
Nervous. Around him of all people. Lucas will never get used to it.
“So what do you want to do tonight?” Eliott asks him, pulling his phone out of his pocket and swiping it open. “My friend recommended a few bars we could check out or I think there’s this one we passed on our way here…”
Lucas pushes himself off the table and walks across the room towards Eliott stopping just in front of him, close enough to reach out and touch.
“Or,” Lucas says, taking the phone out of Eliott’s hand and tossing it onto the couch, “we could stay in.”
Lucas reaches out and grabs the hem of Eliott’s shirt loosely, his fingertips brushing the skin at Eliott’s waist. Eliott inhales sharply and stumbles back, cursing as his hip makes contact with the couch.
“Yeah, god, okay, we can definitely stay in,” he says.
He reaches out to grasp Lucas’ face, his touch light against his cheekbones and Lucas leans into it, closing his eyes as Eliott closes the distance, their lips brushing together for the hundredth time that week, but something feeling new all the same.
It’s overwhelming in the best way, the feeling of Eliott so close, the way he’s holding onto Lucas like he’s a precious thing, not fragile but important. Something to be handled with care not out of fear of breaking, but affection. 
Lucas leans into him and grasps onto Eliott’s hips, pulling him closer to press them together, Eliott angling his head to kiss him deeper, his tongue swiping at the seam of Lucas’ lips, turning the kiss hot and messy.
Lucas gasps, Eliott taking advantage of it to walk him backwards towards the mattress. Lucas’ hands run along the skin of Eliott’s stomach and around towards his back, pulling at his shirt as they move.
“Off,” Lucas whispers against Eliott’s mouth and Eliott is quick to comply, pulling the shirt up and over his head, giving Lucas only a second to take him in with new messier hair before he’s on him again.
“Your turn,” Eliott says, pulling back to kiss Lucas’ jaw, behind his ear and down his neck as Lucas shivers, tugging on his shirt. Lucas quickly pulls it over his head.
And really, Lucas thinks, it shouldn’t be this good, it’s not supposed to be this good, with someone he only met a short time ago. Lucas has never imagined it could feel like this, especially not so soon.
There was a nervousness, a hesitation in name only, when they gotten together the first time, only because Lucas was new at it, still is new at it. But Eliott had smoothed it away with an understanding smile and a readiness to only go as far as Lucas was willing, as far as Lucas would take him.
But somehow, Eliott’s never really felt like a stranger, and his body has never really felt completely new. Lucas knows they’ve only just met but there’s always seemed to be this place they existed together, from the moment they locked eyes across the beach, that only they could get to. A frequency only they can tune into, hidden away from everything else that beckons Lucas to break the so-called rules he didn’t even realize he’d been imposing on himself. 
With Eliott, it’s just easy. And the parts that aren’t so easy Eliott is so calm and kind and understanding that it makes it easier to work through, to discuss and then deliver. It’s the kind of respect and desire, the kind of want with a preference that makes it clear Eliott, somehow, miraculously, feels just as lucky as Lucas that they found each other. A feeling that translates into comfort and vulnerability.
(And maybe, Lucas thinks as he recalls his words to the boys when he told them, it feels just a little bit like love . But it can’t be. 
Can love happen so fast? )
They collapse on the mattress and fumble at the buttons on their pants, Eliott straddling Lucas to pull them off with his boxers as Lucas lies among the pillows.
“Shit,” Eliott inhales, his eyes roaming Lucas’ body, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Lucas can feel himself blush, still not used to the kind of compliments Eliott doles out so freely. He’s not used to beautiful either, something he’d never thought of himself as, something he’d never thought someone would think of him. And yet here, hovering over him is the most beautiful man Lucas has ever seen and he’s looking at Lucas with the kind of fierce adoration that makes Lucas forget everything else and Lucas finds he believes him. Somehow, Eliott’s words cut through the rest.
Eliott makes Lucas okay with being brave is the thing. It’s not that Lucas wasn’t capable of it before, or that he’s doing everything now for Eliott, it’s that suddenly, somehow, Lucas can finally see himself making brave choices, trying new things, trusting himself to know what he wants. It’s that seeing the way Eliott has trusted himself and in his feelings has made it easier for Lucas to accept his own. Take on new challenges because he wants to, leave the fear behind.
Life, for Lucas, has been full of new experiences lately.
Eliott leans down to kiss him again, deep and encompassing, pressing Lucas into the mattress with the kind of fervor that leaves Lucas shaking.
“Wait,” Lucas gasps, grabbing Eliott’s hips as Eliott freezes and pulls back. “No, don’t stop I just…” Lucas presses back against him and flips them, coming to straddle Eliott’s waist. “I want to try something.”
Eliott blinks, once, twice, his eyes dark as his gaze roams Lucas’ face. “Yeah, okay,” he whispers, his voice hoarse.
Lucas kisses him, Eliott’s mouth soft and wet against him. Then he moves his way down Eliott’s neck, his chest, his stomach pressing searing kisses to the skin as Eliott pants beneath him. When he reaches the waistband of Eliott’s boxers he looks up and finds Eliott looking back at him with something akin to awe on his face.
“Okay?” he asks, his mouth pressing the question into Eliott’s waistline. 
“God. Yes. Please ,” Eliott pants out and Lucas can’t help but grin that he’s reduced eloquent romantic Eliott to single syllables.
“Okay,” Lucas replies, hooking his fingers in Eliott’s boxers and pulling them down, Eliott breathing out a punched out moan as Lucas returns and presses a kiss to his inner thigh.
Later, as Lucas lies in bed, a sheet pulled up around his hips, Eliott produces a joint from his bag and waves it excitedly at him as Lucas rolls his eyes.
“What? It’s Amsterdam!” Eliott says as he lights it, throwing open the window so the sounds from the street below float into the room.
“You’re so stupid,” Lucas says, but he can’t conceal his laughter, the way his happiness bubbles up, uncontained. 
“So, you don’t want any?” Eliott asks, lifting an eyebrow as he takes a drag.
“I never said that,” Lucas says quickly and opens his arms beckoning Eliott to him.
Eliott returns to him quickly and they lay there, passing the joint between them, wrapped up in each other, Eliott’s fingers tracing patterns on Lucas’ arms. It’s quiet and peaceful and Lucas can’t help but lean into the soft comfort of Eliott’s embrace, so relaxed and at ease it’s like he’s had it forever.
Is that what it is?
They wake late the next day, Lucas wrapped in the warm circle of Eliott’s arms, a brief spike of panic coursing through him until he remembers he has nowhere to be, nothing to hide from. He can just be.
He relaxes even more when he finally convinces himself to check his phone while Eliott’s in the shower and finds a text from his mother that takes away the last of the burden.
Maman to Lucas
You could never disappoint me my darling son. 
I love you. Call me when you can.
If his happiness is evident on his face, it’s only reflected in Eliott’s as he laughs when Lucas grabs him the minute he steps out of the bathroom, hugging him close and pressing his face into his neck.
“I’m so happy you found me,” Lucas whispers. 
Eliott pulls back and pecks him gently, once, twice, three times. 
“I think you’re the one who found me.”
They can agree to disagree.
Eliott drags him to a bakery his friend recommended and then across the city to the Van Gogh museum, telling Lucas it’s something they simply have to see. Lucas takes a brief stop to call his mother, who answers with her voice soft and warm, assuring Lucas she loves him and asking him to pass the phone to this Eliott boy . 
Lucas tries to protest but Eliott hears from where he’s sitting and grabs the phone from Lucas’ hand, talking and laughing with Lucas’ mother on the other end. Lucas gapes at him when he hands the phone back and Eliott just shrugs, telling him, she just made me promise to take care of you. I told her not to worry.
Lucas can only shake his head as he brings the phone back up to his ear, just to have her tell him that Eliott sounds like a wonderful boy and again that she loves him. And Lucas really doesn’t blame Eliott when he looks a little smug after that.
Once they get inside the museum, Eliott spends the whole time raving about color and brushstrokes and genius and Lucas understands almost none of it, but he doesn’t care, as long as it makes Eliott happy. Eliott gets a little quieter, for a moment, when he talks about Van Gogh’s personal struggles, the way pain had come and never quite left, so Lucas reaches out and takes Eliott’s hand, squeezing it, and leans over to lightly kiss Eliott’s shoulder.
He doesn’t say anything but he knows Eliott understands from the way he looks back and smiles. It’s a smile like that, private and reserved just for Lucas, that makes the feeling in his chest expand just a little.
Can it be named yet?
And just like that, their days in Amsterdam fall away. Lucas loses count at some point, how long they’ve been there, their time so full of Eliott’s laughter and Lucas’ heart beating and kissing, that they start to blend together. 
Lucas knows he’d never really been kissed before Eliott and certainly not like this. Lucas learns quickly that there are many different kinds, many more than he’d ever imagined and it seems like Eliott is on a mission to try out them all.
There’s kisses on his mouth and his cheeks and his jaw and his neck and searing ones that leave marks all over his body. There’s kisses in the street and in parks and on benches and pressed up against walls. At some point Lucas wonders if he should be getting used to these kisses, the way Eliott’s mouth feels against him, but then Eliott kisses him again and everything else is gone from Lucas’ mind and all he can remember is Eliott .
And even when they leave Amsterdam behind, Eliott seems to want to try everything all over again in each new place as if somehow the feeling of Lucas’ lips would have changed depending on the coordinates. Lucas wants to make fun of him, he really does, but then Eliott kisses him and it turns out he’s right. They’re all different. Every single one.
From Amsterdam they head to Belgium, stopping in Antwerp for a few days before making their way down to Brussels. Eliott takes a video of Lucas spinning around in the city center and when Lucas watches the video back he can hardly recognize the boy in it, his face full of the kind of joy Lucas didn’t think himself capable of. 
He sends the video to the boys only to have them all tease him about Eliott being the perfect instagram boyfriend. But later, Yann texts him separately and tells him it’s good to see him so happy, and Lucas can’t help but hold Eliott a little tighter that night.
From Brussels, they make their way up to Oslo and then back down to Germany where they make stops in Hamburg, Berlin and a few other small cities that Lucas can hardly remember the name of, culminating in a brief stint in an off-season ski lodge in the Alps because Eliott found a number and a discount online.
It’s seeing Eliott standing in the midst of a vast sea of green, swearing at the miles still left to climb that makes the thing in Lucas’ chest finally take root and sprout vines that weave around his heart, turning the feeling into something unescapable, something that’s been nurtured enough to grow. 
But there’s no fear as the vines begin to flower. Instead, it’s mostly wonder. And-
Lucas can’t think about that yet.
From there, there’s a quick flyover to Madrid, since Eliott had promised himself he’d get back to Spain and found cheap last minute flights. It’s become common along the way for Eliott to come to Lucas wide-eyed and excited, full of ideas and plans, and for Lucas to just say yes. He trusts Eliott, he does, and finds he really doesn’t care where he goes as long as he’s with Eliott.
Then they head back to Italy, starting in Venice, where Eliott insists they have to take a gondola ride because it’s romantic . Lucas balks a bit at the price but sees the way Eliott’s eyes shine with the thought, so he figures out a solution. In the end, they share a gondola with a pair of American students and an older British couple that had been standing near one of the pickup points so they can all split the cost. Lucas worries it’s not close enough to what Eliott had in mind. But as they sit there, fingers intertwined on Lucas’ lap, Eliott whispers, it’s perfect, in Lucas’ ear, and he can’t help the way his heart races. 
(It doesn’t hurt that the older woman tells them they’re a beautiful couple as they go to leave the boat. Eliott thanks her, but Lucas only manages a deep blush.)
And that feeling in Lucas’ chest grows with every touch, with every kiss, with every new place Eliott takes him. It’s a feeling that’s a bit like luck, and a bit like awe, and a bit like adoration and longing and desire and choice all wrapped up into one. And Lucas thinks he knows, but he hasn’t dared to say it.
This has to be love.
But it’s Rome, finally, that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
It’s the final stop on their nearly 6-week trip, culminating in a flight back to Paris the next Sunday morning – only three days away.
They’d splurged, just a bit, on a 3-star hotel because Eliott, after staying in their fair share of cramped hostels, had begged Lucas for a queen bed just so he could hold him, away from anyone else. And Lucas had been hard pressed to turn him down.
They’re in the middle of the Roman Forum when it hits him, a new kind of panic. Somehow, being surrounded by things so ancient and grand makes Lucas think of the things he’d been holding back on. The stories around him stitched together mostly in memory, and Lucas finds himself wondering if that’s what this will be too, a memory bolstered only by ticket stubs and material remnants rather than the person he lived it with.
It’s the word that’s been crawling out of his chest, trying to force its way out of his mouth every time he looks at Eliott. The feeling that had been demanding a name, the thing that Lucas isn’t quite sure Eliott reciprocates. Love. 
When they leave on Sunday will things change? Will Eliott want this, want him when grand spontaneous adventures are no longer a part of their daily life?
Lucas is aware, in a way, that none of this is normal. He knows he and Eliott have moved fast. Faster than he’d ever thought himself capable. One minute scared and alone by his own self imposition and the next alive and wanting under Eliott’s gentle honesty and daring gaze.
But Eliott had never signed up for this, for anything longer than these six or seven weeks. He’d called that first dinner in Amsterdam a date, yes, but there’s been no labeling beyond that. When they land in Paris will Eliott expect them to go back to being strangers? 
He holds the panic in, putting on a brave face for the rest of the day as Eliott continues to drag him around to all must-see spots on his list. He manages for most of it but then something must slip, as it’s wont to do, and without meaning for it, Eliott notices.
They’re walking down the street, on their way back to their hotel after dinner, when Eliott grabs his arm softly to stop him, and twists around so they’re facing each other on the sidewalk.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice gentle as he holds Lucas’ hands. 
Lucas shakes him off but keeps his eyes on the ground, something stopping him from looking at Eliott. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Eliott presses, making an aborted attempt to reach out to Lucas again only to catch himself. “Because if I did something to make you upset…”
“It’s nothing you did . And I’m not upset.”
It’s unfair to put this on Eliott, to expect him to take on Lucas’ fear again, to take on Lucas at all. He wishes that he could forget, even just for a day or two, that there’s an hourglass suspended above their heads, counting down the hours they have left. But he can’t.
“Okay,” Eliott says slowly, “but if something’s wrong, I’d want you to tell me…”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Lucas says, but his voice cracks as he feels the familiar tightness at the back of his throat, the shaking start in his hands.
“Baby,” Eliott says as he steps closer, cradling Lucas’ face in his hands and tilting his head up, “why are you crying?”
And that feeling in his chest starts at Eliott’s words, at the way he’s holding him, at the way he called him baby . Lucas can’t hold it in any longer.
“What happens when we get back to Paris?” he whispers.
Eliott stills. “What do you mean? You’re going to start uni and I’m going to get a job and we’ll figure it out from there, right?”
“But what about with us?”
“I mean, sure, I’ll have to take the bus to come and see you but it’s really not that far and you could always stay at my apartment if you needed on days you stay over late or…” Eliott looks at him, confused, and Lucas can’t speak, needs a minute to process what Eliott’s saying. “Is that not what you want?”
“No, I just,” he pauses, breaths. “So you’d still want to be with me once we’re back home?”
“Yes, of course,” Eliott says quickly. “Why would you think anything else?”
“You just never said,” Lucas replies, his hands coming up to rest over Eliott’s on his cheeks as he presses their foreheads together. “I don’t know, I thought that maybe it was just a summer fling or something for you.”
“It’s not. Is it to you?”
“No, never.”
Eliott smiles and then kisses him, so fully, so completely that Lucas sways where he stands, feels it all the way down to his toes.
“Would you like to put a label on it?” Eliott asks as he pulls away.
“Maybe,” Lucas says, grinning.
“How does boyfriend sound?”
And then they’re kissing again. Here, in the street, another new kiss for Lucas to check off their list.
They break away for a moment and as if Eliott can hear his thoughts, as though Eliott knows him better than he realized, he asks him, “Is that all?”
Lucas pauses, knows that he could say no, move on and hide away the feeling that’s been battling its way to the surface for weeks. Or he could let go, give himself over to it, say fuck fear, and say it, to hell with the consequences.
But this time the fear doesn’t feel like drowning, it feels a little more like skydiving. The kind that comes when you’re waiting to jump, when all you have left to do is leap.
“There might be something else.”
“Okay.” Eliott looks concerned, but runs a thumb across Lucas’ cheekbone.
And this is it – the moment of falling and hoping the parachute carries you down.
“I love you,” Lucas says, his voice surprisingly strong for the way his hands shake.
Eliott looks at him for a moment, eyes big, before a small smile starts to spread over his face, lighting up his features as he stands there. And then– 
“I love you too.”
The parachute opens behind him and Lucas lands safely on the ground.
They somehow make it back to their hotel, their time nearly doubled as Eliott takes advantage of every opportunity to press Lucas against a wall and kiss him, the kind that sends sparks down Lucas’ spine and makes him never want to let Eliott go.
They barely make it inside their room before Lucas is on him, pulling Eliott close and reaching to rid him of his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against him.
“Whoa, slow down,” Eliott says, laughing as Lucas tries to kiss him again.
“No,” Lucas mumbles from where he’s kissing Eliott’s neck. “I want you now.”
He hears Eliott groan and then he pulls Lucas’ mouth back to his own so he can kiss him again. His kisses are sweet and open-mouthed and remind Lucas that Eliott runs warm in all the best ways, his touch like fire on him.
“Okay,” Eliott says finally, as he pulls back panting. “Okay, you’re going to have to stop kissing me if you want me to ever take my clothes off.”
Lucas giggles, but backs off, hands raised, as he makes his way over to their bed, stopping to dig something out of his bag.
“Okay,” Eliott says again as he walks over to Lucas, now only wearing his boxers, “you need to catch up.”
“So help me,” Lucas whispers, reaching up to pull Eliott to him, and kisses him again.
They sway on the spot, Eliott’s hands running all over Lucas as he holds him, tilting his head to kiss him deeper, biting gently at Lucas’ bottom lip and taking advantage of his gasp to lick into his mouth.
It’s somehow gentle and intense all at once, the kind of toe-curling eagerness that sends Lucas’ head spinning. They break apart only for Eliott to pull Lucas’ shirt over his head and for Lucas to step out of his pants before they fall on the bed together, legs intertwined.
Lucas can’t think of anything but Eliott’s touch and his mind only knows one word – Eliott, Eliott, Eliott . Eliott surrounds him so completely that Lucas finds himself wondering how Eliott is managing to touch him, to hold him like that only to lose his thought when Eliott trails a hand down his back and pulls his hips closer.
Lucas moans at the contact and Eliott pulls away to bite a mark into his neck, Lucas writhing at the sting and the soothing swipe of Eliott’s tongue. Lucas runs his nails lightly down Eliott’s back and presses his fingers under the waistband of Eliott’s boxers and knows, as Eliott pants on top of him, that he’s going to ask. Lucas is ready.
“What do you want to do?” Eliott asks, his voice deep, his eyes dark. 
Lucas wordlessly reaches down next to the bed and produces a condom and lube from where he’d thrown them earlier. Eliott’s breath catches.
“Are you sure?” Eliott asks him.
“Completely sure,” Lucas replies.
And then Eliott is on him again, ridding them both of their boxers and moving back to lean over where Lucas is spread out on the mattress. His touch is gentle, his kisses deep as they move together, their skin burning in all the places they’re pressed together. 
Lucas , Eliott pants out as Lucas runs his hand down Eliott’s body, as he bites at the skin just below Eliott’s ear. Eliott , Lucas whispers back as Eliott touches him and takes him apart, bit by bit. Lucas has never known something like this – the overwhelming way everything becomes Eliott .
They come together finally, Eliott moving slowly as Lucas adjusts, his moans sprinkled with okay? and does that feel good? as Lucas moves below him. Lucas nods and whispers back a choked out yes as the feeling overwhelms him and the heat spreads fast and low in his stomach. Eliott’s all over him, his hands everywhere, Lucas just trying to hold on as their rhythm builds and starts to get sloppy, as they pull each other closer. And that’s enough, as Lucas’ back arches off the mattress and Eliott follows close behind, clutching Lucas to him as the waves ride through them.
They lay, after, clutching each other as their breathing settles. Eliott only leaving the bed to grab a cloth to wipe Lucas off and then lifting the covers to settle them under the blankets, pulling Lucas onto his chest.
It’s only after Eliott presses a kiss to his temple, whispers you’re beautiful into his hair and lies back on the pillows, his breath evening out as sleep takes over that Lucas allows himself to think it, really believe it, for the first time. Because, in the end, they’re the only ones who get to decide.
It is love.
Sunday comes just as Lucas knew it would. There’s packing and checking out of the hotel and a frantic run to the airport shuttle to make their flight in time. 
When they get to the airport, they get through security, buy a snack and go wait at their gate just like anyone else. Only Eliott refuses to let go of Lucas’ hand unless he absolutely has to. Lucas can’t help but smile every time he finds Eliott reaching for him.
It’s easy somehow, even though Lucas will miss the spontaneity of their lives during this trip, to be excited for what’s to come. For a life where they’ll be together, not just in front of each other, but surrounded by the people they already know. 
There’s grounding there somehow, a firmer foundation that will make Eliott feel less like a dream and more like reality. At first, it scared Lucas to think about them without the rosy glow of this fantasy thing. But the more he thinks about it, the more he knows it will be a relief to no longer have to pinch himself and expect that it’ll wake him up. 
Because Eliott isn’t a dream. He doesn’t just exist in this vacuum of worlds they’d explored together. But neither does Lucas. And somehow, it’s even more exciting to imagine what they’ll be when life picks them up again and takes them along for the routine of the everyday. Vibrant, but in other ways. In the variety of them.
Eliott takes his hand again as they board the plane and Lucas lets him lead them to their seats. Eliott’s out, almost as soon as the plane takes off, and Lucas finds himself shifting so that Eliott’s head falls to rest on his shoulder as he sleeps on, the weight sending a smile to Lucas’ face.
The thing in his chest shifts as the plane flies through the air, flowering now with something new, born of love and desire and longing. It replaces any fear left behind, chases it away to dark shadows and keeps it at bay for now, as Eliott shuffles closer to Lucas in his sleep.
So when the pilot comes on and announces their descent into Paris, Lucas finds nothing waiting there for him in his heart but love–
–and hope.
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🧡 Of All Things Spine-Chilling 💜
Soooo I tend to get spooked pretty easily. And some people who discover this fact find immense joy in using it against me 😂😭
Like when one of my coworkers snuck up and shouted right behind me while I was using the copier. I screamed and dropped all of my papers in the process of bringing my fists up—fight mode activated lol. Or when one of my students jumped out at me as I was rounding the corner...I nearly ALMOSt possibly lost my job when my arms did something like this:
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Minus the actual hit in that gif of course because, thank hEck, I controlled my reaction soon enough to avoid a lawsuit (the thought of which terrified me just as much as being jump-scared in the first place lol). My student however, thought it was the most hilarious thing to ever happen in the history of the universe because for the rest of the day it was, “Ms. H almost pUnched me!! Guys I scared Ms. H so baaad!!” 😭😭😭 lol gahtdangit. But anyway, I digress. It was all just a bit of amusement though with things like that because I didn’t really mind too much—it was definitely a rush of adrenaline, and the feeling of my bones nearly jumping out of my skin, but it wasn’t necessarily spine-chilling.
What was a spine-chilling moment for me though happened on a camping trip with some friends one summer years ago. It was the dead of night and we were all in a deep sleep, exhausted from the day’s adventurous activities. Except for one of our friends who was wide awake, staring through the tent window into the pitch black darkness of the night. He woke the rest of us with the following statement…
“Guys...I think there’s something out there.”
I’ve never seen people wake up faster than we all did that night. From sweet dreams to woke-ass terror in less than two seconds 😭😭😭
We all froze once we realized what was happening. There was definitely a rustling outside our tent and the first thing we all thought was: B.E.A.R.
If it was, then we were in trouble because there was food in the tent and Mr. Bear would probably come sniffing eventually. So we sat there deliberating what to do...should we turn on a flashlight and try to see what it was? Should we just wait it out and not draw any further attention to ourselves? The fear in the air was thiccc with three c’s lol. After what seemed like hours (but was really only like a 1.3 minutes), we heard more rustling...and then more—all in different locations around our campsite, and all of which sounded significantly smaller than a bear. So on the flashlight went. And…
A glowy pair of eyes glints back at us...
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And another.
And another.
And a-freakin-nother....
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Trash. Pandas. 😭😭😭
I could feel the tension leaving my body like a noodle going limp in hot water. Holy. Ballzzzzzz. That was pretty much our first camping trip in the wilderness too, so none of us were particularly experienced. And there wasn’t any wifi to be able to look up what to do. And our cars were a bit of a distance away from the tents. Definitely thought I was gonna be a goner that night. But alas, just some harmless lil racoons 😂😭😭
Okay, but reminiscing over this also made me headcannon a Lotor x Reader moment real hard…
Please imagine the following…
It’s middle of the night. Reader wakes up and can’t fall asleep so they get up to grab a midnight snack. However, reader and Lotor had been watching horror films all night, so reader is a little on edge. Shadows playing tricks on their eyes; creaks and random house noises making them jump; feeling like something is gonna grab them from behind - that sorta thing.
But reader makes it to the kitchen unscathed. Phew. Time to open the fridge, dig around for some stuff. Grab the juice carton maybe, take a swig...go to put it back...happen to look up in the process because the eerie feeling of something watching, and…
Dun dun dUNNNNNNNN 〜
Yellow eyes glowing from over in a dark corner by the kitchen table.
The juice drops all over the floor, “Lotor what the FECK!”
Lololol Lotor bein’ like a mischievous lil trash panda in the middle of the night, eyes glowing and gleaming as he sniggers at reader’s fright and just m0nches on more cookies.
And if I had more time, I would attempt to draw this scene because I liiiiiive for some cheeky, smug lil troublemaker Lotor 😭👌
Buuuut, that’s all I’ve got for now lol.
May you have a Super Heppi and Spooky Halloween ~ ! 🧡🔮🕸💜🖤👻
Annnnnd, Fairy out~ 😚✌️💖✨
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lavendersoft · 5 years
Until I met you.
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-Street Fighter! Jimin x Reader
Synopsis: While on a date for their 2nd anniversary, Jimin loses Yoongi while being attacked in an alleyway by a robber. Yoongi sacrificed himself for his lover and Jimin could never forgive himself for not being able to do the same. The survivor’s guilt ate away at him over the months and it definitely didn’t help that he saw Yoongi’s face everywhere. In mirrors, dreams, large crowds, on trains, and even when he closed his eyes. Although, Jimin found a way to cope. He began a rigorous training schedule. Boxing, self-defense classes, Tae Kwon Do, he even started street fighting and got caught up with bad people. Anything and everything. His hands would bleed, his muscles would ache, his bones would break. Jimin was offered multiple full scholarships to prestigious martial arts schools for his talent, all of which Jimin turned down. He didn’t want to make a career out of this, he just didn’t want to be haunted by his dead fiancé. The only time Yoongi wouldn’t haunt every moment of Jimin’s life was when he’s training as if Yoongi is saying “I won’t rest, nor will I let you rest until you’re stronger.” Jimin will never lose anyone that he loves again.
Everything felt like a downward spiral,
until he met you.
Warnings: (There’s a lot- and it’s kinda dark, be warned) PTSD, implied schizophrenia (sorta? take that with a grain of salt), PTSD induced delusions/hallucinations, depression, paranoia, night terrors, character death, major angst, unhealthy coping mechanisms, masochism(?), alcoholism, minor gore, mention of drug abuse, mention of blood, mention of sexual assault/ harassment, mention of asylums, profanity, Jimin goes through one hell of a mental breakdown.
Author’s notes: lil fluffy :)
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Jimin doesn’t visit Yoongi’s grave.
He hasn’t in a while, at least. He has seen Yoongi far too often since his death, actually. And he decided long ago that visiting graves only bring him grief and sorrow, not solace like most people.
Something was different this morning; off. Yoongi wasn't lurking. He wasn't staring at Jimin in the shadows or murmuring in Jimin’s ear. He’s just... gone.
But that doesn't stop Jimin from drinking his guilt away like he usually does. If he's being honest with himself, Jimin probably wouldn't be able to cope without his daily dose of alcohol.
He could just picture Hoseok and Jin laughing at him if they were here. They were always the big drinkers of the group. Jimin hardly drank and when he did, he’d get drunk faster than the rest. The memory brings Jimin no joy, knowing what came of everyone. In fact, he’d rather not remember.
The useless alarm clock rings beside Jimin’s bed. The machine never gets the chance to actually wake him up since he’s awake before dawn every morning due to the nightmares.
Hm. Maybe I should call Dr. Bang?
As he reaches over to dial his therapist’s number, her name pops up instead.
Y/n: I had a lot of fun last night, minus the weird guy in the alley lol
Jimin wonders how she could dilute such a pig to just a “weird guy” but he decided not to bring it up.
Jimin: me too. 
What? That’s it? Come on.
Jimin: um so if you ever want to do-
Jimin: cool. so do u wanna see a-
Flirting is a lot harder than Jimin remembers. He sighs heavily and tosses his phone down, opting to shower away his self-frustration. Right when he starts rinsing and lathering, however, an idea lights up his mind.
Of course.
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A few hours later he is standing outside of his old dance studio, the one he’d go frequently with Yoongi on their days off work.
He hasn’t been here in months. Nevertheless, this place hasn't changed a bit. This place was their own little private piece of paradise. It was a cozy, secluded building on the outskirts of the city, but it had the best view at any time of day. Jimin had the best memories here. Memories of his whole friend group coming and visiting him while he danced. Hoseok always had the best advice for him and they’d end up dancing together. 
Jimin stares at the oak door, then glances at the key in his hand. He contemplates if he is even ready to be back in there. But she’s going to be here soon. He’d asked her if she wanted to use his old studio to practice dancing and had given her the address. So, he bites his lip and turns the knob.
The angelic light that flows in from the window is the first thing he notices when he walks in. The room looks so much more spacious than he remembers, probably because he was never in here alone. The huge, wall-length mirror expands further than he remembered. You’d think that he’d still remember every detail of this room, being that he was here close to every day. But he doesn't. These last nine months have hurt more than his heart. I can’t remember worth a damn nowadays.
He closes his eyes and stands in the middle of the room, soaking in the sunlight, breathing in the familiar smell of the walls and floor. This building always had such a distinct smell. You’d probably call him crazy if he said he could just faintly hear the laughter that always filled this place. There was never a bad situation that happened here. It was untainted with the strife and stress of their daily lives. All of their struggles and grievances, they were dropped at the door.
They came here to forget. They came here because it was their haven. A pure haven. 
And now he’s sharing it with you.
Also, he thinks it could use a good dusting. So, he gets to work.
But he’s soon interrupted by one of those endlessly annoying, nagging thoughts that pop into his head as he sprays down the mirror with Windex.
I’m expecting too much. I don’t even know her. She doesn’t even know me. And I’m letting her into my most sacred place. It’s just too fast. It’s gonna scare her. 
He lifts his gaze and stares at himself in the foggy mirror for the first time in ages.
As if I could scare her any more than I have. I’ve practically beat the life out of a man on our first date. 
But she’s still coming. She’s still coming.
He tears his eyes away from the man lingering in front of him to get back to work.
After an hour of dusting, scrubbing, and polishing, the studio looked exactly how he left it the last time. Then, a knock at the door startles him. He’s not used to anyone knocking on the studio door, it was always open to his friends.
He jogs overhastily to let her in.
The moment the door reveals her, her eyes light up in awe.
“Wow! It’s huge!” She blushes when she realizes she hasn't even greeted him yet. 
“Uh, I mean good morning.” She scratches her head awkwardly. 
“Morning.” His reply seems bland compared to all the work he’d just put into cleaning the place up as to not embarrass himself... and possibly impress her. He’d never admit that, though.
“It’s so much bigger than the one I practice in! And it has natural light!” She saunters over the window, pulling open the curtain entirely. She freezes.
“Mine doesn't even have windows! And yours has-”
“Cool, huh?” He chuckles. She really is cute.
“A full view of the city? It’s more than cool, it’s like a dancers dream!”
It was. Once.
“So, do you like.. own it?” She asks the question as if it would offend him in some way.
“Sort of.”
It was Yoongi’s first gift to Jimin, before they’d even started dating. It was by far the greatest gift he’d ever received.
“I co-own it.”
“Ah.” She nods, dropping the subject entirely. “Oh, hey, a radio!”
She’s so enthusiastic about everything. Jimin smirks.
“Yeah. I’m not sure if it still work-” He cut off by a stream of soft music filling the room. He remembers this song well. It’s the last song he’d been listening to that night, before-
“Oh, I love this song.” She looks over her shoulder with a look that almost resembled mischief. “Wanna dance..?”
“Oh... uh.. I don’t know. I’m probably kind of rusty.”
“Please?” Oh, this could get dangerous. It’s really hard to say no to her.
“Okay, but don't laugh.”
“Promise.” She holds out her pinky finger, waiting for him to lock his with her own. He does so, gladly.
Take my hand.
She places her hand in his. He wraps his hand lightly around her waist.
Take my whole life, too.
They fumble a bit, awkwardly stepping on each other’s toes as if they weren't both trained professionals.
For I can't help falling in love with you.
She finds her balance, he finds his rhythm.
Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes-
They glide over the dance floor like water.
Some things are meant to be.
The chorus repeats once more. He looks into her eyes now, instead of at his feet. She has a smile on her face that says she hasn't a care in the world at the moment.
I can't help falling in love with you...
The music fades and Jimin curses the song for starting in the middle instead of the beginning. He wants longer with her.
The next song starts and it’s a more upbeat one. One he made a choreography to. He’s almost tempted to show her before-
She already dancing. The exact same dance he created. He stands in shock. Every move, every step, everything is smooth and right on beat.  But how did she know?
He struggles to find the words to ask. Instead, he slowly starts to dance along with her. The look of confusion that crosses her face when she glances in the mirror and spots him following along with her perfectly is priceless. She falters for just a brief seconds before turning around and facing him, still hitting each beat. 
He smirks at her when the song finishes, she at a loss for words.
“How did you..? Where did you learn that?”
“Learn? I didn't learn it. I created it.” A stark silence enters the room.
“I’m sorry, what?” She’s obviously having a hard time processing.
“I made it.”
“But.. my dance teacher said it was made by some prodigy, like, years ago.”
He holds up his index finger, gesturing to himself. “That’d be me.”
“Stop playing with me. There’s no way... I mean-”
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And so the afternoon went on. They discussed their dreams, their hopes, where they came from, favorite places to visit. 
Somewhere in between talking about her family home, she offered to order take out. He obliged and paid before she could oppose it. He felt terrible that they didn't have a proper place to eat- not even chairs. He’d pulled out an old blanket from the storage closet and made a makeshift picnic. He’d hoped to God that she didn't notice the faint musty odor from being in storage for so long. If she did, she didn't say anything.
 When they continued to talk, they even found out that they attended the same dance school when they were both beginners, not at the same time though. He has started dance much sooner in life than she.
He was called a prodigy, or so everyone told him. He was meant to be something. Something bigger than what he turned into.
“Hey. Wanna see something cool?” He asks when he notices the light in the room beginning to turn a deep gold, indicating the sun was setting. The really talked all day, huh?
He takes her hand and leads her into the hallway, all the way to end. They reach a door and he reaches up the top of the door frame to search for the key. After successfully unlocking it, the door opened to reveal an old, and he will admit, slightly sketching looking staircase. To his surprise, she enters without fear. She barely even waits for him.
Once they reach the top he opens the door and then stands out of her way, not wanting to block to the view. And he also wanted to make sure he could see her reaction.
There’s a silence that falls between them as she takes in the view of the city. Jimin inwardly praises himself for knowing all the best times of day to come to the roof, 6:22 pm sharp is one of those times. The world around them glows with golden, orange, and red light. The sun looks as if it’s searing the city, completely ablaze.
“Wow.” She takes in the sight of the tall shadows belonging to the buildings and trees as they grow even longer. 
Wise men say only fools rush in.
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poly Billy Loomis and Stu macher and their s/o scenario. string of fate leads them to their s/o and it turns out that both of their strings lead to one person😊 hope that makes sense
((I listened to the Peaches entire discography while writing this and I feel like it shows lol. When you say “string of fate”, I assume this is like a soulmate AU? Didn’t think to ask till I was halfway through writing it. I apologize in advance if I misunderstood. Also, the way this is requested this seems like more of a V than a triad poly relationship so that’s how I wrote it, Billy and Stu are still platonic soulmates though cause they’re the dynamic duo. Also, spot the movie reference(s)!
Poly Billy Loomis + Stu Macher Soulmate AU s/o:
Everyone always told them they would find their soulmates eventually. That they just needed to wait. However, for Billy and Stu there was always some doubt that they ever really could have soulmates. Sure, they had their strings, just like nearly everyone else, but it impossible that anyone could ever really understand them the way they understood each other. To them, while a soulmate would be nice, they at least talked like a soulmate was just an extra liability.
It was 8th grade and Billy and Stu were having one of their regular sleepover/movie-nights when Stu awkwardly broached the topic. “Hey Billy?”
The other looked up from the on-screen mutilation, “Yeah?”
“Do you ever, er, think about your string?”
Billy raised an eyebrow “What do you mean?”
“Well, I dunno. Just what your soulmate’s like. Or what you’ll do when you meet them?”
“Not really,” Billy admitted, “If they’re my soulmate they can’t be too bad right? And I guess it all depends on how we meet.”
Stu giggled, “That’s a pretty chill way to look at it.” He paused for a moment, “Hey…no matter what happens with our soulmates…we’ll still be friends right?”
Billy looked over at his friend, who was looking to him for reassurance. He was always like this, wanting Billy’s attention and encouragement, especially when he was doing something he knew would get him in trouble. Billy grinned, “Of course dude. No matter what.”
It was a perfectly normal job. Everything was going according to plan as Billy and Stu hid outside your house, while you sat unaware in your living room.
“They’re kinda cute,” Stu whispered to his accomplice.
“Focus jackass. I need you at the other door.”
“Alright alright. Yeesh.”
As Stu walked away, Billy turned back to watch you through your window. Stu was right, you were pretty cute. Shame you were going to die. He chuckled a little bit as he thought about the poor person who was gonna wake up with an unraveled sting tomorrow with no clue why. Speaking of, what the hell was going on with your string? It seemed to be split down the middle, going opposite directions. Did that mean you had two soulmates? He’d never seen something like that before. Still, it didn’t make a difference. He began to dial your number.
You were watching some old, campy horror movie on cable with a bowl of popcorn when the phone rang. You picked it up but saw no caller ID, “Hello?”
“Hey…who is this?”
“It’s (Y/N), and who are you?”
“Sorry, must have been a wrong number.”
“Guess so, well, bye-”
“What are you up to?”
Whoever this was, they weren’t jacking off and calling for Agnes, so you decided maybe he wasn’t a complete creep, and to humor him a bit. “Nothing much…just watching a movie.”
“Oh yeah… what kind?”
You looked over at the TV as some guy put glowstick fluid in some butt-naked corpse. “Horror.”
The person on the other end of the line giggled, “Oh yeah? You like scary movies?”
Rolling your eyes, you figured you should try going along with this, “Oh yeah. I love them.”
“What’s your favorite horror movie?”
With a complete deadpan voice, “Gingerdead Man.”
There’s a beat of silence on the other end, “The one with Gary Busey? What the fuck?”
You laughed at the dumbfoundedness in the guy’s voice, “I’m just messing with you dude. I can’t choose just one. I guess I like Friday the 13th.”
“Yeah, that’s a good one…Hey, let’s play a game.”
“Oh yeah…What kind of game?”
“A guessing game. It’ll be about horror…since you like it so much-”
“Well, I don’t know how good I’d be at trivia.”
“You’ll do fine…After all, your life is on the line.”
Your blood ran cold as it drained from your face, “Wha-What did you say?”
“I’m gonna ask you questions and if you win, you get to live. If you don’t get enough right, you get to watch as I disembowel you and string you up by your own intestines.”
You were surprisingly good, you even managed to remain a semblance of calm even when you missed a question. Stu admittedly was throwing you softball questions that most people could get. But it was still impressive. However, he could tell Billy was getting tired of messing with you, and even he was excited to get to the main event. “Final question,” he heard Billy say through his phone. “Get this one right, you live. Get it wrong, well…y’know.”
“Just tell me the question!” you yelled into the phone.
“Which door am I at right now?”
“There are two main doors to your house,” Stu added, “Which am I closest to?” This part always felt a little unfair to Stu, and it made him laugh. Him and Billy stood in front of one exit each, so no matter what you choose, you’re wrong, which means you have to die. Those are the rules of the game.
He’s not even really listening to your response as he creeps his way into your home. He hides in the doorway, knife poised. He hears Billy say, “Wrong answer…” and a vase smash on the other side of the house, his signal to move in. He stalked you from behind as you went to investigate, holding a kitchen knife in your trembling hand. He thought it was so cute, if a little pitiful. You eventually must have found Billy because you turn and ran the other way…right into him. Your eyes went wide with terror, as you shoved him and ran away again, right to where Billy was waiting.
Eventually, they managed to corner you in your living room. Stu was just about to lunge for you when he heard Billy cry out, “Wait!”
Stu looked at his partner, confused, “What is it?”
“Look at their strings dumbass.”
You and Stu looked down in near unison at your strings. You two followed them to see that both Billy and Stu’s strings connected to your’s. You looked up in horror at the two masked killers in front of you-your soulmates. “Please. Please don’t kill me.” The two masked figurers looked at each other for a second, then back to you.
A giggle came from the man on the right, “Why would we kill you? We’re soulmates…aren’t we?”
The other man spoke up, “This is just my fucking luck. We kinda have to kill them now though. Soulmate or not…no witnesses remember?”
You whipped your head to the one who had just spoken, “Nonononono, you don’t have to kill me! I won’t say anything, I swear! I-”
The taller, more cheerful one interjected, “They’re right. Look at them. They won’t be any trouble! Right, cutie?”
This guy seemed like he was going to be your only way out, “R-right! I promise. I’ll-I’ll be good!” The taller one pulled up his mask to reveal an impish, handsome face that looked about your age and a wicked grin, “Just wanted to get a better look at you.”
“Well since you already blew our god damn identities, I might as well unmask too,” the other man growled, yanking off his mask. He looked like a slightly older “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”-Era Johnny Depp, but a broody frown marred his handsome features.
“Oh man! We never introduced ourselves,” you decided not to mention that the reason for that was their attempted murder, “I’m Stu and that guy is Billy.”
“Um, nice to meet you…”
“Yeah,” Stu spoke again, “So, er, what do we do now?”
“They’re going to have to stay with us,” Billy interjected, looking at you with suspicion. “At least so we can keep an eye on them.”
Stu nodded, “That sounds fair. Is that alright with you (Y/N)?”
There was only one right answer to this question, and your life was clearly on the line. And, well, if you forgot that these two had just tried to kill you, they didn’t seem terrible. They were your soulmates. That has to count for something! You nodded and Stu grinned. Billy simply rolled his eyes, “Just don’t try anything stupid or we will kill you.”
Stu just slung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, “Good thing that won’t happen.” He noticed your look of unease and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t be so nervous,” he leaned down closer to your ear, “Me and Billy are real good at sharing.”
What were you getting yourself into?
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comicteaparty · 5 years
May 9th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 9th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Lodestar by SasstastiKim.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Lodestar by SasstastiKim~! (http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
My favorite scene has to be... the coffee shop book place thingy. With taylor! Sarcasm max.
Letter Bee
Elliot being told to trust his new friends by his mother.
Author note: chapter one is getting "remodeled" so any suggestions are welcome
My favorite scene? Probably be this one: http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ ...It's so atmospheric, and that is a very good and creepy looking heart. I'm into the atmosphere. Under @SpazztastiKim's cute artwork lies something deceptively dark...
I looooooovethe backgrounds in that sequence
Yes, very dark. >:3c
yeah i got second that as my favorite scene. cause the atmosphere is to die for. and i love how contrasted it is from the previous scenes cause you go into it and immediately go "oh no a spooky dream"
Also, Kim -- if you are interested in critique, etc, I can throw you thoughts in private, but I didnt' like, make any notes or anything. It's your comic and I figured that you were doin' errything to have fun! (And get some good creepiness in there too)
You are welcome to!
Okay. I'll do that offline and another day, then. But I do think you've got a good story here, so please don't feel obliged to open yourself up to such feedback!
Thank you
Let us gush over how superb becky's optimism is
im busy gushing over the dialogue on this page http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2749604/ch3-pg10/
Honestly I just really like the magic effects, not gonna lie
like its so silly and yet reminds me of youth
I'm looking forward to more magic and ghost stuff
cause these are random convos i would have as a youth with ppl
Same here!
It's so dramatic, and... man,... I remember being like that when I was younger
I don't recall if it's stated in-comic, but how old is everyone?
Not stated yet. You can guess tho XD
elliot was a 30 year old man this entire time
Ahahaha. I was guessing 14~15
Im not allowed to guess because i kinda know XD
Either way, I'm guessing high school for all of them, but nobody's a senior XD
Except for ally
Shes like younger, like idk maybe hr high ish?
I actually dont know for sure her age
i wouldve guessed middle school personally. but its hard to tell cause i need to see more adults
Maybe? She throws me a little bit? XD She's probably 13ish?
Shes a precious cinnamonroll and needs protected at all costs
yeah id peg 13ish for ally personally too.
idk if she need the protecting. she is not the one who got tackled to the ground
I would not fight her
She will tackle you to the ground in l o v e
I do also really like how everyone's designs are unique
So it's really easy to distinguish who's who (and I'm pretty sure if it was a greyscale comic, it'd still be very easy... Which is really good)
Yeah kim
I'm getting the feeling that there are spoilers in that answer
OP... someone noticed
I can't help but feel like there are some alternate world or reincarnation shenanigans afoot
elliot was an elf in a past life and the birth he witnessed was from back then
ya know what scratch that
he was the elf prince
Okay so I'm not the only one that thought that though
just make everyone a prince
Pfft yes
What's with the lanterns though... hahaha
But I really do have to wonder what all is going on there. The wolf skeleton was warning him about a thing he... sealed away.
Was it sealed tho?
.... Maybe not
but, I mean, it's hella vague I feel like the wolf is protecting Elliot tho
I get that vibe too, wasnt nice atthe end tho >:T
No, but this probably has happened before
Ya think?
when you say this are you talking about the dream itself or like the sealed away creature thing?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2612346/ch2-pg18/ Well, the wolf says that Elliot's been dragged away before
so the thing that's hunting Elliot in his dream proooooooooooooooooooooooooobably has gone after him before
unless the "Birth" in question means it manifested in physical form
that theory did occur to me
cause of the dream themes
that this is basically monster in the dreams
rip everyone
I mean, I know kim loves horror movies SO
Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Warriors II
so the thing about the pointy ears that actually interests me the most is that elliot didnt seem to notice all that much or care. and like i know there was a bloody skeleton wolf scaring the crap outta him, but i feel like hed have at least been a little like "hey i am an elf boy now"
also the fact that the dream did not start off with pointy ears
they only showed up with wolf dude
It might be a sign of magic or something. Or maybe he and his ghost are just used to the pointed ears showing up
I didn't notice tyhat!
I did have to re-read that part when I looked at this earlier this week -- it was like "waaaaaaaaaaait a minute"
Hmm WHEN did the change happen again?
Hm indeed
It seems to be a slow transition to be honest
you know who we haven't mentioned yet- TOM my favorite character.
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2456424/ch2-pg11/ On this page, they start to look slightly pointed http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2505393/ch2-pg12/ AND THEN He starts to hear things and cough... And magic shows up in the next page
Here for the moment, the little one is being very fussy this evening. I think my favourite scene was in the night terror in chapter 2, where we just had the glowing eyes - and then Mandy's glowing hand. Creepy and atmospheric.
Scrolling back to read, I liked how Elliot was thankful not to be a hobbit when he woke.
Imagine if he woke up and HAD POINTY EARS
the rest of the cast would have been howling
Also, he's focusing on the important things: Not being a dream zombie
i will be surprised if that doesnt happen one day. that he wakes up with elf ears and has to explain to everyone that surprise, hes an elf now
QUESTION 2. Dreams seem to be central to the story at hand. How do you interpret Elliot’s latest dream? Was it a dream, or was it something more? Whose birth did Elliot supposedly witness, and what exactly is it hungering for? Who is the black wolf that delivers the warnings to Elliot, and why is Elliot the one tasked with helping to defeat whatever the wolf is warning him about? Additionally, if this is no simple dream, why doesn’t Elliot remember this supposed event? Last but not least, what do you make of Elliot’s appearance change within the dream, and what do you think the meaning of the lantern is?
I don't think it's a nightmare on elm street kind of thing, because Crystal Lake was dropped as a reference, so these sorts of things already exist in the characters' universe.
Chapter 4, Elliot joins an elf help group.
but see thats the genius of it. drop the refs, nobody thinks anything of it and is like "ah just a red herring"
and then boom
dream murderer
THE DREAM WAS A WARNING I don't know if the "Starve it" Though... well. Maybe it wants to eat his dreams. Dream eater. OH MY GOD ELLIOT'S BEING HUNTED BY A DROWZEE
That would be sneaky!
It can't be a simple dream either way. Mandy joined him. That can't be a normal thing for ghosts. Can it?
yeah starve it really interesting. cause what do you have to deprive the creature or whatever it is of to starve it? is elliot just not supposed to get eaten? is it dreams? is it ghosts?
although maybe its the lantern
no way that was just a dream
Maybe. The lantern did come out as danger started to come near
that was a vision
what is Mandy anyway
didn't he say that she was never alive to begin with? Or was he speaking generally
....What if Mandy was a victim of the thing?
or even worse
mandy is the thing
Mandi is an imaginary friend taken form because of El? Maybe? Like, Can El manifest things?
Without knowing it-
that could also be true
but im now sticking to the she is the thing one
cause it would explain why the wolf kicked her out
and said "no dream warnings for you"
I know she's not like... real but she HAS FEELINGS DREAM WOLF
OH, but aside from just El having that one nightmare, apparently it's a prevalent problem going on- so it's not just isolated.
ya know, i just want to point out if the dream wolf is going around warning ppl, the strategy is not very effective. fear is not the answer wolf.
Based on the comic description... We'll have to see more about that though
I dunno, if you scare someone enough, they'll stay away
maybe el gets royal treatment of being warned
maybe the wolf is protecting the place where "it" is
while everyone else just gets stalked with EYES
it's because he's acutally Frodo Baggins
and the thing after them is Melkor. Or Sauron.
obviously its voldemort
you mean, he who should not be named!
What about the Babadook
my bad
where elliot lives the dream wolf is just how the letters are delivered
Baba Yaga
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ so i wonder who all the creepy ppl are in the bg
Maybe it's like regular dreams, you don't really remember them unless you're woken up in the middle. So the wolf is waking everyone up with love bites.
like was the creature born cause ppl were like "yaay sacrifice"
Oh, great, the wolf is my cat
if that's what you call a LOVE bite...>>
the wolf is reading the wrong book of how to talk to humans
There were five witnesses to the birth maybe, Rebel. They were summoned to the place in dreams.
I'mma go out on a limb and say the people in the BG were part of the creation. THE COUNCIL OF CREATION A bunch of high elves that decided one day, "hey, let's just do this whole thing and nothing can go wrong" And Elliot was like, "NOPE" And died and went into another world where it was nearly unleashed upon them.
Justin, what are your thoughts on the Wolf and the Five people on Chapter 2, Page 17?
They're looking at a heart.
Can I bring it home and call it Maniac?
good name for it
Anyways hey there, sorry I'm a bit late
Room's getting redesigned but to stray from going offtopic I wanted to drop in and hand out and see what we're all talknig about tonight
they are looking at a heart. Elliot was the mage who betrayed the council and realized his magic was for healing not the dark arts
Yep. We're talking about this week's comic -- Lodestar. As is the usual thing on the Thursday Bookclub~
Oh yea
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ But really, I wonder what "it" is. .... Maybe there was a ritual.
Is that white line it's eye
Also -- did Eliot's magical scratch appear when the lantern showed up I'm just noticing this Does magic have a price?
i assum eyes, the white line is its eye
that page did have the atmosphere of ritual
mostly cause of the heart
you dont hold beating hearts unless youre doing a ritual
idk i couldnt figure out when the scratch showed up. id have to look again super close
It's def. Skooky
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2547332/ch2-pg14/ It's this page, Rebel
I ruined the feel of this image
meme material
I mean- MAYBE the wolf thing, wants to be empathetci?
"The woods cried out: FEED ME pls can i haz yer dinner hoomin"
also likes hoomin heartz
The whole glowing eyes thing is pretty cool. Not sure how the effect is done, but nice.
It's not like I LIKE you or anything! B-BAKA!
kiss kiss fall in the lake!
Also likes hoomin necks They are like beef, but more gamey
Maybe the demon is actually that aunt, the one who made the tea.
Nom nom
... I mean, dreams can be representational
so you got a Mama Wolf protectin' her youngins
maybe- el is part dream wolf?
i'm dead
Yis. Summoned Elliot into town so the ghost Mandy could help.
"My other form is also a wolf."
elliot wasnt real all along
he was summon
Oh no
MAYBE- el is the creation woooooo
This isn't Final Fantasy 10, Rebel
unless we're getting meta, and we need El's father to be the wolf -- a summon from a dream becomes a dreaming summoned beast...
I mean like-
We haven't SEEN el's dad yet so
"Hey, you OK?" "Does this look "Okay" to you?!"
_okay I'm done
Back to the comic
yeah i was just about to say this is really gonna mess up the archives if it continues since i cant include images XD
Yeah lol
I feel like the joke has run it's course anyways
I'm crying
You can only hammer in a joke edit so many times before it stops being entertaining
onto the scratch. i get more the impression that the scratch was gonna happen anyway and the lantern showed up saying "hey stop scratching my boy"
image: [Elliot: don't make me Tidus- I wanna be Cloud]
you wanna be a Cloud?
giant SWORD
Oh that Cloud
QUESTION 3. Early on, we learn that Elliot is supposedly psychic or an empath. Do you think Elliot is telling the truth about mostly just seeing ghosts, or does he really have other psychic powers as the others accuse him of? Who exactly do you think Mandy is, and what do you make of her closeness with Elliot? In other words, how do you think the two met? Do you think Elliot was born with whatever powers he has, or does it somehow tie into the creature he was warned about in the dream? Overall, how do you think Elliot’s abilities will help or hinder him in his task? What about in general for his newfound life in the town?
Elliot would not be a good Cloud, honestly. He's got too much personality, and too little damage from experimentation
Well we've seen a demon and a ghost so...
I THINK Mandy is his sister from another life. Or his best friend. And she couldn't be reincarnated with him, so she stuck around.
was gonna go with his stillborn sister who never was
But she was stated as never having BEEN alive?
That she wasn't real?
She's real for sure
She could also be a magic spirit, so she was never alive in the sense that humans would comprehend
Real blue
Elliot is all digital. He's in the Cloud.
Elliot: I'm sorry Mandy but you're not real. Mandy: I'm...I'm floating right here and we're talking. Elliot: No, still not real.
Maybe- El got the magic powers? ? From his last enounter that almost took him? And maybe mandi is some form of like... side kick from that?
Cloud saves? @mathtans
I do think Elliot probably has other powers, but I don't think he actually knows about them. As to Mandy, I like Rebel's theory.(edited)
El goes on Dr. Phil, gets told "Perception is reality" Mandy laughs because... well
so basically mandy is his familiar?
>Dr Phil I haven't heard that in a long time
Seems like it
honestly, El would just sass his way out of dr. phil's show. they'd be like plz leave
thats when they send him to jerry springer
How did Mandy get her name? She must have existed at some point. Elliot doesn't seem like the type to just come up with that name, he's too introverted.
Maybe she has some sort of secret magic name
Maybe Mandi named herself?
or came with a name?
and "Mandy" is just short for like Almandiasoriginamyeriath
Bless you.
cough kabo that's... I'm dying XD
HEY I know what "Bless you" means in some places!
if we go with reincarnation being in this, maybe mandy isnt real cause she hasnt moved on in this life, has no memories of her past, and is basically just an empty shell floating around
That's an interesting theory
I've seen stories with spirits like this
I'm curious to see what Mandy is later in the story, though. Like, if she's not real, then what is she. I'm pretty sure if she got kicked out of the dream, she's got some substance to her.
well i guess it largely depends on what elliot's definition of real is
i could also argue elliot is just deluding himself as to whether shes real or not because its how he protects his sanity
cause elliot doesnt seem fond of the idea that he has powers
so if he pretends none of its real its fine
Yeah considering that he got REAL dark real fast when Becky kind of prodded him about the idea of it being... odd-
but thank god for Mandi she reeled that back in fast.
Elliot's been through some crap, hasn't he
I FEEL like it- He's been through something- :/ but what? WHO knows-
Elliot remembers the great elf war
maybe el is actually an elf from another world, and this is an isekai story and we have no idea
"Remembers" only in his dreams
reverse isekai?
i am ok with this
Y'all would be great at DnD
I'm going to get yelled at aren't I?
is not a DnD player(edited)
I'm also cool with it being a reincarnation story, or just that El gets to see all sorts of monstrous things because he's got some sort of magic shenanigans going on
poor unfortunate soooooul
im ok as long as elliot lives to tell the story cause the world would be a lesser place without his snark
I would cry
I would actually FLY TO KIM'S AND we'd have a long talk
-tosses the idea pretending I never planned it-
Maybe Mandy will start possessing people. Suddenly Becky gets real mellow. Suspicious.
Oh good just what we need
Ghosts doing ghost stuff
wait maybe mandy is just the manifestation of elliot's lantern hence why she was never alive and isnt real
WAIT, Is there a risk of people actually dying in this story ... ...Kim are you going to kill off Elliot
I feel like Becky would out.... do a ghost?
SHE IS JUST TOO MUICH spirit for them XD
Tom though is probably doomed for possession
Poor Tom
.... Oh god you're probably right Rebel
Becky is the one that would go " NO YOU DONT! " and unpossess herself with will power
Tom gets possessed and he seese EVERY HORRIBLE THING he's forced to do to feed the hunger
turns out the hunger is just really into chocolates
They break into a Godiva shop with Tom's body
Did someone say chocolates?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2771909/ch3-pg14/ I wonder what flavor everyone's getting then
The Wolf isn't super keen on the whole Chocolates thing though, because, y'know, theobromine poisoning...
so that's why the wolf says STARVE it
Tsundre wolf cannot consume ice cream
well at least a chocolate quest would be more pleasant than alternatives XD
Chocolate Ice Cream? :3
thats going too far in the sweets department questing O_O
Hey, at least Tom won't have to gorge himself on other things. But they do find out their local big box store was robbed of all its chocolate rabbits around easter...
Truly the worst that could happen to this town(edited)
but after Tom is freed hed never want to eat chocolate ever again
That's a tragedy.
RIP Chocolate rabbits.
i want to see more tom though. i appreciate his calm demeanor in the face of the girls rampant amounts of energy
Tom seems like the, solid rock founddation of the group type
I like that idea that Mandy is just the manifestation of some object. Maybe something Elliot carries with him. A watch? He was good at pegging tea time.
also cause tom is the useful one. cause becky is like "FARM FESTIVAL" and Ally is like "SWIMMING AND ICE CREAM" meanwhile tom is being a good boy and researching stuff for elliot
Tom is a good counterpoint. He understands all the characters too.
Like Hey let's do the job our club is suppose to do, shall we?
Elliot is a time lord
Oh yeah, the Farm Festival is sure to be a plot point. It's a metaphor for something.
mystery solved(edited)
I mean, if this were ouran host club, he's kyouya ... the only one that keeps the club on TASK
Elliot's consciousness is trapped in a pocketwatch. With Mandy.
ya know i could dig time lord elliot tho for reals. cause it explains why hes an elf or something. he just time travels and forgets he time travels. but why he knows how to save ppl from falling stuff
The farm festival will be... full of lore. About how they had the festival to appease a hungry beast.
oh boy
They farm
Hey, the heart could have been a Deer Heart
was it though?
Coulda been.
QUESTION 4. As the comic opens up, we meet a slew of characters and learn some notable things in regards to dream. What do you make of the fact another person is supposedly having intense dreams similar to Elliot’s? Does this have anything to do with the creature, or is it simply a red herring? If it does have something to do with it, what do you think Elliot will have to do about it to help the victim? In general, how do you think the dream club Elliot joined will help him in his overall task? Moving on from Elliot, which of Elliot’s friends are you looking forward to learning more about? In what ways do you think these friends might help Elliot deal with his problems and his quest?
How intense we talking? Like, Math Test insane?
WELL Becky has every intention of making sure el has a social life, some what-
Tom will probably ensure no one dies- or he'll die trying.
dark no
dont even suggest tom dies
What if
he does die tho
protect that child
no protect that child
Ally tho
or dont and be optimistic and assume him becoming a ghost will make him the most powerful being
Ghost Tom
Elliot's the replacement Chosen One. The current one in town is having trouble.
current one?
esplain Mathans
So, if we were to categorize these characters as horror characters...
like horror movie horror, or like scary movie parody horror?
Oh dear, this is gonna be fun >:3
.... Elliot's our Canary, though sometimes the canary lives Tom's dead. I'm sorry. Becky will be scarred for life, but probably will be the one carrying the plot and making sure everyone survives. Allison... She will not be in the horror parts. She'll be the character that calls the cops at the end.
rip Tom.
no all of you need to stop killing off tom
Just straight up kill off Tom
the next page of the comic is literally just a dagger flying through the window and stabbing tom in the heart
I'm pretty sure I saw the next page, can confirm
tom actually falls backwards out of his chair and LANDS on a dagger. effectively killing him off. Then the comic ends. Tom was the danger ALL ALONG(edited)
Dear god
That's cold
A twist to make m night shyamalan proud
Lol Justin if you believe that you obviously haven't read through this comic
no no the comic continues. the wolf comes back and is like "bro i told you to starve it not kill it. youre under arrest. this is a sting operation"
Elliot gets hauled off to DREAM JAIL
Mandi is denied visitation rights
Becky becomes his laywer
then elliot becomes a dream defense attorney and has to prove his own innocence
becky would be a scary lawyer
i could just see her taking the floor and talking for hours
and her client is found innocent just cause the jury wants to go home
She'd probably make a good case though-
@Kabocha Even if I did that's still pretty cold lol
Jury: She talked for 5 hours, but... she wasn't wrong innocent!
Wolf thing : damn it!
Ghost Tom: Language...
Elliot: @#$% the establishment! throws a chair
Everyone just has the surprised pikachu face, after that!
That face is glorious
at this point i think were just all drunk and have gone mad with power
lol probably
im really curious to see what happens at the farm festival tho. mostly just cause maybe nothing bad will happen and theyll just have fun. like go on a nice hay ride
that will not trigger unpleasant memories and not start a fire to the whole festival
hay rides are included tho
Maybe we'll find out that they have a sleep study at the contest
And then after it's been ALL good- and it's all fun and stuff-
why am I thinking contest
Oh god what's happennig here now
then it will go downhill
Yep. It'll be a hot mess. AND FREDDY RETUR--- wrong series
id really want to see elliot in a sleep study now tho
just imagine the scientists face afterwards
as theyre like wtf are these readings
oh boy
"This boy never enters REM sleep!?"
what is life
"How is he alive?!"
my question exactly ^^^ lol(edited)
elliot was the one to have never been alive to begin with. the whole mandy thing is him projecting
it would explain why some scenes have her split off of him?
oh that would be a twist.
Two souls one body?
i had considered that as a realistic possibility. or more that mandy is just an aspect of elliot's soul
-watches with entertained glee-
Oh maybe?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2704817/ch3-pg4/ off topic but i just noticed that computer has a pear on it and that makes me laugh
Like the NICE version of who El is, and all the snark remained in the actual body
El is just Snark
that's it
Shoutouts to Pear Products
Sorry, called to crib. Have we talked about the title yet? With "lode"star? Is that like a metaphor for Elliot's powers, or something else?
we have not talked about it.
(As to explaining about the chosen one thing, the person with night terrors in town wasn't responding properly, so that's how Elliot ended up in town too.)
We havent'
i assumed it was a play on a lodestone
I don't actually know about the title so much
What is a lodestone?
“A lodestone is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite. They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.”
elliot is the attracter of evil
el is an unlucky person
poor kid
Mandy being part of his soul is interesting. It reminds me, I liked in the first chapter how there were hints of her at times, and eventually it became clear.
Oh yeah, and I loved the Pear Computer, Rebel. Glad you remembered to mention it.
Yeah, I thought it was like lodestone, but being a star, maybe it's good somehow even though there's a burden involved.
i liked the small hints but at the same time i was confused and wondered if he was communicating telepathically with becky XD
I'm curious to see where this all goes. There's not enough information to really like, get super crazy with fandom yet
I did wonder where the thoughts were coming from.
Also, before the end, gotta mention the Becky and Ally ship. Those two can feed off each others' energy, it's sweet.
they can power the entire town with their energy
i will support the elliot/tom ship
Since the CTP is ending in a bit, thanks for the CTR, and thanks for the cool comic as well @SpazztastiKim, it was fun checking it out
There you go. Can't ship Tom with his sister, after all.
El == shippable with everyone honestly
El is shippable with the wolf?
I MEAN, as Friends?
El seems like he needs more FRIENDS
Anyway! Thank you Kim! I look forward to seeing where this comic goes~
and boy and his aggressive wolf friend
Wolf's name is probably Lodestar. Got it from a book.
Best with it, Kim!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to SasstastiKim, as well, for making Lodestar. If you liked the comic, make sure to support SasstastiKim’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/
SasstastiKim’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SpazztastiKim
SasstastiKim’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpazztastiKim
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“Sam” | “The Search” (New JSE Fanfic) Pt. 1
Finally got past writer’s block (got ideas while trying to sleep lol) and a new story has started! Time for part 1, hope you enjoy :)
@watermelonsinmyattic​ @themultiplefandomlover​ @steffid101​ @geekygirl0816​ @meisje450​ @odia13​ @theoddowldoodle​ @kodimint​ @tylerjoshjackmark​
Jack’s POV
Signe and I had been together for a number of years by the time our son, Sam, reached the age of four. He had grown up so quickly! He was just like me, energetic and beaming with happiness;  Sam was like his mother too, because he was beautiful, with the sweetest eyes. His eyes were the same colour as mine, but looked perfect like Signe’s; his hair was like hers, too. He was usually very well behaved but, of course, he would still test the boundaries sometimes as all children do. Signe and I felt so lucky to have him, and we were extremely happy together; our relationship was stronger than ever, as close to perfect as we could hope for. Being reality, and not a fairy tale, things were never perfect - but it was almost indistinguishable most of the time. We were both content with how things were going for us as a couple and a family; our YouTube careers made us happy, too, as they were going smoothly and successfully. It was harder to fit everything in now that we had Sam to take care of, but we made it work somehow. Signe and I’s relationship was perfect in the sense that we could laugh and joke together as well as being able to talk about more serious things when we needed to; we were always able to tell each other how we were feeling, and we avoided having secrets as much as we possibly could. We were as open as possible with each other at all times. She and I just wanted to do everything right, to ensure that we would never destroy our relationship; we adored one another, and we never wanted to spoil that - especially now that we had a son to think of. We did fight occasionally, because all couples with healthy relationships do, but it was never anything major. Not anything we couldn’t sort out quickly. We always made time for each other whenever we could, too, having date nights or playing games together. It wasn’t as easy to find time now, but we did; we knew we needed to, and we loved each other’s company too much not to. The three of us regularly had family time as well, both in and out of the house; we tried to make sure that Sam had the most fun and happy life he could possibly have.
It was a  Saturday afternoon. We were sat in front of the TV, watching some cartoons with Sam as he played with some toys on the floor. His attention was divided between watching the screen and stacking some toy bricks in a tower. He would then wheel his toy truck into the tower and laugh as he saw it collapse in a heap, before repeating the process over and over again like he would never get bored of it. If anything, he seemed to find it increasingly amusing with each time he did it. He would get our attention sometimes too, to watch him knock the tower down; it was impossible not to smile as we heard him giggle in response to it. To add to his amusement, he then decided to say ‘Mummy do it’ or ‘Daddy do it’, and we would build and destroy the tower in the manner that he had. He would burst out laughing as he watched us knock the stack of bricks down. When the cartoon was finished, he decided that the novelty had worn off and he wanted to go outside. We watched him run around with boundless energy, laughing and squealing with excitement; I felt tired just watching him go! Even when we were eventually back inside, he was still full of exuberance; he didn’t want to sit still and play with his toys, so I decided to take him upstairs and show him how I record. I showed him my intro and I taught it to him, before we looked at the equipment together. He was completely drawn in, and was desperate to make a video with me. So, that was exactly what I did, and he absolutely loved it. I, and the community, enjoyed it so much that it was definitely something that would happen again! Sam then asked Signe to do the same with her, and she agreed to it straight away. After all that, he still didn’t seem to have run out of energy yet. Soon, though, he started to get overexcited - which he often did when he was tired. He start throwing toys around, and had a bit of a tantrum when we told him not to. He got even more upset when he was asked to put the toys away; he refused, and only did it reluctantly when told he would have to go to bed without a story. We gave him one every night, and would only take it away if necessary. Sam kicked off when we said it was bedtime, arguing that he wasn’t tired - but we knew otherwise. Signe had to take him upstairs, literally kicking and screaming, to get him to bed. Despite his resistance, we calmed him down enough for his story and it wasn’t long before he was soundly asleep as he had completely exhausted himself. Now that he was in bed, it was time for Signe and I to relax together. We cuddled in front of the TV and watched some movies, sharing some popcorn. Afterwards, we just talked for a while. We always talked; communication was important to both of us, we knew that it mattered in keeping a relationship strong. Soon, we got tired and we took ourselves to bed; we cuddled there, too, as we usually did. We chatted for a small bit longer, before we both decided to go to sleep.
Later that night,  I woke up to the sound of Sam crying. He sounded rather distressed, and I alerted quickly from my sleepiness; I threw off my covers and I rushed out of my room and into his. He was sat up in his little bed, tears streaming down his face.
“Daddyyyy!” he cried as he saw me.
“Daddy’s here, little man,” I reassured him as I got closer. “C’mere,” I said softly as I lifted him out of his bed and held him close. He continued to cry loudly as he clung to me. “Shhh, shhh,” I comforted him as I gently stroked his head, feeling his soft hair under my hand. “It’s alright, soldier. It’s alright.”
“There is a monster, Daddy!” he gasped fearfully.
“Aww, there’s no monster, sweetheart,” I replied to him softly.
“It’s gonna eat me!” he told me with terror.
“Shhh, there’s no monster here, I promise,” I reiterated with reassurance.
“It’s in there, Daddy…” he cried, pointing to a cupboard in his room.
“There’s no monster in there,” I chuckled fondly. I took him to the cupboard and opened the door. “See? There’s nothing there, lil’ dude,” I said as I rubbed his back gently. He seemed to relax a little. “You know why there are no monsters in your room?” I asked him. He shook his head. “Because Septiceye Sam keeps them away. Shall we put Sam in here?”
“Yeah,” he sniffled. I picked up his Sam plush from his bed and put it inside the cupboard, and he seemed more reassured. He still held onto me, somewhat shaken.
“D’you wanna go to Mummy and Daddy’s room?” I asked him gently.
“Yeah,” he tearfully repeated.
“C’mon, then,” I responded softly as I took him to our room. I put him gently into the middle of the bed, before getting in beside him. He cuddled up to me, and he was asleep within minutes. I kissed his head gently as he slept in my arms, being careful not to wake him. It was actually Signe that woke then, slowly stirring and then realising that Sam was next to her.
“Is he alright?” she checked sleepily.
“He is now, yeah,” I replied quietly.
“Did he have a bad dream?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I sighed.
“Aww, poor thing,” Signe responded with sympathy, delicately caressing his head. “Thanks for getting him to sleep again,” she added gratefully.
“No need to thank me,” I smiled, before I carefully leaned over and kissed her. She cuddled up to Sam to be closer to both of us, facing me with her tired eyes meeting mine.
“I love you, spud,” she muttered adoringly.
“I love you too, skat,” I echoed. My hand gently on top of hers, I let my eyes close; I slowly caressed her hand with my thumb, the movement becoming smaller and slower still as I felt myself falling asleep. Things had been going well for us for such a long time now, and we felt ever so lucky. But do you ever wonder, when things go well for so long, that it’s a sign that something is eventually going to go terribly wrong at some point? I don’t like to think that, being a generally positive person, but occasionally this thought enters my mind. Things were fantastic, and showed no sign of changing - but would life stay this way?
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energonalucard · 7 years
Killer Kyoudai AU (pt. 3)
AU: The Killer Brothers are Magnum Ace’s brothers and the Silver/Fighter Brothers were made just to counter the murder sprees they go on as detectives. They also adopt Magnum at one point.
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 12:50 AM
they're scared of them and they're scared of them
Chaoit-Today at 12:50 AM
but they know that they're not welcome
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 12:50 AM
…geez, how to get around this
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 12:50 AM
Chaoit-Today at 12:51 AM
oh that's gonna be fun
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 12:52 AM
The UN is gonna be a major part of this and they're gonna bite hard. They don't buy out SC, they buy out a middle class League team and rebrand all the mechs and femmes for war. But they take it to the field.
Chaoit-Today at 12:54 AM
and holy shit it's going to be fun for SC
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 12:55 AM
This team rebrands as a casting call to all those who were Iron Soldiers. They named their teams after letter combinations and their moves based on things like the Black Box, X Section, and Dunk Guns. It's not a fun reminder for everyone who sees this and knows...
Chaoit-Today at 12:55 AM
because how are they supposed to relax or practice when the Killer bros are in their base? and mental games ahoy
They have to work it out. This is where things look better. They have to work together for this threat, and it's been about a year that they've joined SC.It goes...
Bad ➡ Good ➡ Better ➡ Gets Worse ➡ Oh shit no it's bad ➡ Gets better ➡ Tear jerker happy ending. We're at "Good" now
Chaoit-Today at 12:59 AM
that would be good
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:00 AM
This is where they start to get along and actually practise during the day. The team try to play as soon as they wake up but due to their neglect of their newer members, they noticed the KK are nocturnal now, as they'd do everything when SC was asleep. So they push them to sleep closer to sunsets to wake up at daybreak, and they slowly work them back into a normal schedule. They play baseball together, soccer, and a bit of hockey but that's dropped when the season is all soccer and baseball.
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:04 AM
I would like to point out that you writing 'oh sh!t no it's bad' on the plot chart fills me with terror
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:04 AM
The KK talking outside of each other for once as Magnum has a whole day planned for his main team to force the KK to speak up to win at practice. It works after day 42 of this and Killer B shouts during baseball, "Outfield, catch it already!" and since it's Magnum's plan for this, Windy jumps to catch it as told.
(( Thank you! ))
Integrating them into after games activities other then Ruri forcing them to watch TV with the team include; showering with the team at a comfortable distance, going to festivals, going on walks with Juurouta to clear their minds and souls a bit, and just having fun in general.
Chaoit-Today at 1:08 AM
((yeah, it kinda scares me too))
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:10 AM
(( I feel flattered! 😇))
Top Joy winding a wet towel and snapping it at Killer Q's aft in good nature in the shower as he's not looking... 
Killer B gasps, expecting his brother to break down or scream. But Killer Q just balls his fist, turns on Top Joy, and wraps Top Joy's face in a towel. "Eat cotton, pinky!" Q cries as everyone laughs, especially Killer B.Going to sleep and snuggling just because they want to instead of in fear.
Chaoit-Today at 1:14 AM
just flings it at Topjoy's face
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:15 AM
Wraps it. Threw it to surprise him, and pulls in tight in a knot to make sure it stays! He deserves it!
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:15 AM
it makes a 'whap' and top joy yelps in surprise, but the noise he makes it just too funny
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:16 AM
Killer Q walking out of the shower, hips swaying and shoulders bouncing as today's the first days he's been carefree for so long.
Mixing oils with Lavenders to see what they can take in late night after practice games. "Chug! Chug! Chug! HE DID IT!"
Games start in summer, and it's spring. Valentines Day!
Killer Q and Killer B just wanting to retreat to their room because they're not Valentine fans. And Top Joy says, "You guys are the literal colors of VA day" and makes B almost pop out paint to hide it.
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:20 AM
valentine's day is my favorite holiday, LOL!
Chaoit-Today at 1:20 AM
Q would actually have his hands on the paint before someone stops him
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:20 AM
ruri gets little cans of chocolate oils and hands them out to everyone. including the killer bros
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:21 AM
Q finds pride in rocking pink and Killer Q would down chocolate like air. Killer B would sip it regularly. Killer B trying to get Killer Q out of their before he thinks about getting drunk/overcharged and he's already drunk, okay this isn't ending well
Chaoit-Today at 1:24 AM
B having to haul his drunk bro's aft out of there and to their room
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:25 AM
Q just crying out like a kid, "But I wanna stay with the nice mechs! They don't harass us or hurt us! Please, can I stay?!"
*Pregnant pause*
The party grows quiet.
Chaoit-Today at 1:26 AM
B moves faster
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:26 AM
B flat out picks his brother up and fireman carries him out like "shit shit shit shit"
"In front of the team? Really?" B asks his drunk brother as he runs down the hall.
Chaoit-Today at 1:27 AM
dead lifts into a fireman carry and books it
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:28 AM
Bye felisha!
Killer Q was growing queezy from the bumpy ride, "But it's true... They don't hit us, and they help us..." he let's out a sad drunk noise. "I miss Magnum..."
"He's back there! You'll see him tomorrow!" B says as he books it.
"I miss Frontier... I miss Aniki..." Q groans on his shoulders
Chaoit-Today at 1:32 AM
"Don't throw up on me! We're almost there!"
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:33 AM
Killer B jumps down a stairwell more then use the steps but once he got to the private quarters, he stopped running and used the time to think. "My too Irepid. Me too... And you better wait till we get inside to puke, I have rags you ass!"
"I won't... it's just spital running down your back..."
"You always were the cute one, Q."
"Thank you... Wait, was that sarcasm...?"
"Oh look, pretty and smart!"
"Fuck... You..."
"Love you too, Q."
He shifts his bro on his shoulders so he can type the code in and goes into their room. He lays him down on his side and brings a bucket to him just in case. He gets a rag, places it in subspace and cuddles his brother from behind as he licks their door. Not tonight... They didn't want to be disturbed tonight.
Q purging about thirty minutes later and he just wakes up to a hand outstretching a rag from behind him. "Thanks... b."
"No prob, Q... Go to sleep when you feel better." He hugs his brother closer to him to reassure him as he wipes his face.
"I'm feeling more sane too... sorry for ruining Valentine's Day... And our lie..." Q said as he gripped the foul smelling rag.
"It's okay... They're smart... They'd find out eventually." B murmurs behind him.Q makes a sad noise. And he throws the rag across the room. 
"Damnit! I miss him so much now! I used to not care, now I want Frontier back and it hurts to sleep without him!"
"I know... I know..." He pats his brothers back gently.
Chaoit-Today at 1:48 AM
((depending on if Ace is shipped in this or not, that's gonna be interesting))
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:48 AM
"We were such assholes! What the hell did Girochi make us that way for?!" Q growls. "It's not fair!"
((Ship as you please, I don't care!))
B can only nuzzle his back as Q just faints from drunkenness. He makes sure to sent positive waves to his brother's prone form. Everyone outside their door. Magnum had tried the code to unlock but he got a red lock screen. Well... He doesn't try to barge in and they all filter in as they heard Q vomit and rage.It's quiet in the hall until everyone but Magnum leaves.
'I miss Frontier... Why did Girochi make us... It's not fair!'
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 2:00 AM
NEXT DAY is a little awkward for everyone except Killer Q, he's got a hangover so he can't focus. He can't play with his stupor but B gets bombarded with stares. It's just... unnerving and he almost loses his edge while playing and having to stare at Magnum. Killer Q has reopened an old wound and hes feels lightheaded and just... he misses every swing he does and quits after strike 11. He tells his brother to follow him, he's not in the mood for playing today.
Q just falls on the couch as his brother fetches coolant to drink and sat at the end of the couch that Q wasn't taking up. Q groaned as he tried to find the remote.
B turned the TV on with the remote and handed it to his brother's searching hand. "Watch what you want bro. I'm going to sleep... We stayed up late last night..."
Killer Q only watched TV for twenty minutes before someone threw a blanket over him. He assumed it was B and snuggled up to sleep again. Killer B had been asleep for ten minutes before this and he too got a blanket and the empty coolant taken from him. Magnum watched them and turned the TV down low, not changing their environment too much just incase they had their Soldier systems.
He leaves the room to see everyone gathered at the entrance way to the room. Some were concerned, others just had neutral faces."Are they...?" Ryuuken asked quietly.
"They're asleep, yes." Magnum says in a quiet voice. "Don't be too loud on this floor if you don't mind."
Everyone was silent. The air was serious.
"Look... what we heard last night was an invasion of privacy and was a very personal moment." Magnum saids as he makes to look at everyone. "Even I shouldn't have been there."
"Personal? They're both breathing anxiety." Top Joy says in concern. "It's really bothering..."
"They both radiate fear, anger, and dark energies of all kinds," Juurouta said with a deeper frown. "With a cloud of happiness around it. We made leeway but it's far from enough."
"Who cares." Windy says as half his team look at him in shock. "They're apart of this team, so they'll have to spill eventually."
"Windy!" Magnum warns. "This is dangerous ground. We don't know what's happened to them since last time we've met. We need to treed carefully."
"Can't be as bad as what happened to Gold Mask or-" Windy was cut off.
"WINDY!" Magnum's voice raised just enough to drowned Windy out. "We. Will. Treed. Carefully."
That was Magnum's final sentence as he walks away. He calls back, "Please don't wake them up. It's easier for mechs who are sad to sleep in, it's also healthier."
He makes it to the room he wanted. A call room and makes his way over to a stall. He turns on the screen and types in some numbers. He waits two minutes before two faces show up on screen.
"Nii-san." Magnum says as he looks at the two on video chat. "I need your guidance."
"Magnum, we're close to practising, we can't stay long." Silver Arrow says as he looks at Spirits who was holding a few too many bats for him to handle as he moved them around for the team. "Is it about them?"
Spirits perked up and came running, the bats making a thub as Spirits dropped the bats to come over.
Magnum almost laughed but he continued nonetheless. "They miss Frontier... They miss being able to call me brother."
They looked between each other and they seemed to have a silent conversation. They looked back. "That's up to you Magnum. If you think they can benefit from this and you are comfortable with it, go ahead. But no one-sided stuff."
There was a Leaguer in the background that slipped on the bats."Gotta go, Magnum. Practise calls." Spirits says as 'Who's the f#cking genius who did this?' was heard before the screen went black.
Magnum sighs at the short talk and walked back to the room he'd found the KK in and they weren't disturbed a bit. He let out a happy smile as he notices a show he likes was on.
He looked around and closed the door quietly as he grabs an oil can and looks at the shared couch. He gently pushed Q's feet up to make him curl up and make room for him. He gently sat down, covered himself up with a secondary blanket and reached for the remote. He turned it up so he could hear his show when B stirred.His eyes never opened but his head boded in his tired state. 
"Q... stop moving." 
Q heard his name being called from the realm of sleep and replied, "You moved asshole... I haven't..."
They both reached their arms out sleepily to smack at Magnum's thighs, thinking they hit the other.
Did they....? Oh my god they were cute.
Magnum sat back as he smiled widely. "Goodnight... Nii-chan."
"Goodnight Q..." Killer B mumbled and drifted away.
"I love you, B... G'night..." Killer Q said as he fell asleep as well.
It's 11:56 AM.
They were adorable. Magnum undid his straw and drank as he watched his show for a while...
Chaoit-Today at 2:57 AM
((is magnum being a troll?
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 2:57 AM
1:19 PM
They were all asleep on the couch, Magnum leaning against Killer B and Killer Q on his side. They had never been so soundly in oblivion.
((Nope, he's genuine!))
Chaoit-Today at 2:58 AM
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