Music and YouTube are Life
17K posts
Hi! I'm Laura! (she/her) | Used to be super-septic-pewdie-plier | 28 year old music nerd and Youtube fangirl! | Jack is my hero | YouTube blog is allthingsmusicofficial | Here to spread love and smiles to everyone I can! | Cursor by confused-sketching | Depression and Social Anxiety | Proud ace | side blog is swiishmatic-coldpie-cranken-phan |
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 8 months ago
Omg you hadn’t forgotten about me 🥹 love you too friendo! <3
I know it’s been like a million years since I last posted but I just wanted you to know that I haven’t forgotten you. This community is amazing and got me through some of my darkest times and that will stay in my heart forever. I love you all 💚
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 8 months ago
I know it’s been like a million years since I last posted but I just wanted you to know that I haven’t forgotten you. This community is amazing and got me through some of my darkest times and that will stay in my heart forever. I love you all 💚
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
Happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 you are all valid, and I love you all so much ❤️❤️❤️
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
Captain Anti!
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The first in a new pirate series!
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
This one is one of my favorites! I hope you like it!
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
Ray-Ban scams are back!!
Don't click that link
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
You guys mean the world to me! I love you!
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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Finding the greatest treasure!
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
I just HAD to make art with this audio
Lip syncing doesn't exist jskskd but it was fun to do a slight bit of animation to go with it!
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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[ Chase Brody ⭐ Heartbroken! ]
[ Press START to begin a new game! ]
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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I made this a few days ago and realised I never fucking posted it
click for better quality
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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Sam swimming in the dirty bean water gif!
A little silly animation I did to test procreates animation extent! Also miss Jack’s videos :3
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
your writing is really good! i'm not entirely sure if this even counts as a rarepair, but i havent seen much marvin & jj content out there, if you'd like to write something with them <3?? oh, and the word... "truth" or "smooth"? thank u to that online word generator for those lol
The brush moves taughtly through the new housemates limp curls. A small scraping noise practically echoes in the small bathroom. Shhk, shhk, shkk, goes the brush through the weak, dry hair.  
Marvin’s hands are shaking, very aware of the bandage on their hand from the new housemate’s daggers of canines. Marvin lets out a shaky sigh, setting the brush on the sink. “Okay... Jameson, you’re all clean now, it’s all okay.” They try to make their words as soft and comforting as possible. Jack trusted them and Henrik to watch over him, after stealing him back from the monster, the antithesis. 
Jameson does not move, sitting up straight in his chair, his eyes closed and body completely stiff. Marvin holds his shoulders softly, patting him. “Hey, hey lovely, you need to get up and finish getting dressed now, come o-”
“Bad clothes,” his hands slash, face suddenly snarling. 
“What er... what do you mean?”
“Give back my shirt. Give back my shoes. Give give.”
“You don’t have to sign like a baby, blue bird...” Marvin grouses. “You know you don’t have to wear those. See, look, we got nice black jeans and a nice clean shirt, it’ll all be-” Jameson swings around suddenly, gripping Marvin’s wrists, his eyes like a hunted fawn. 
“Need clothes. Need need need. Punishment.” He signs through panicky breathing. A-knife, A-knife, A-knife, he repeats over and over. 
“Hey, hey now,” Marvin shushes, just soft, and touches their foreheads together. “Little man, you know you’re free. You know the monster is gone, Jack and I took care of him. Remember what he said to you? New story, new life. No monster will take you now.” Jameson has closed his watering eyes, panting softly, his chest rising frantically. But he lets them touch him, he lets them comfort his anxiety. 
“I want...” his hands pause, fall, then rise again. “I want to wear t-shirts,” he states simply, pulling back from their forehead touch. Marvin blinks slowly at the taller man. They nod, a smile breaking their lips apart. 
“Of course you can, of course,” they say joyfully. 
Jameson suddenly jerks his hand up, causing Marvin to flinch. But the hand only falls softly on their hair. Their hair is long, dip-dyed purple and green on the tips. Jameson closes his eyes as he feels their hair. “Anti would stroke my hair like this,” Jameson muses. Marvin hums nervously in response, tilting their head questioningly. “Anti was comforting sometimes...” he trails off, eyes nearly pinned open and lips pulled tightly together. 
Marvin reaches to the counter, aware of the hunted eyes following his hand closely. He grabs the brush and softly presses it into the Jameson’s hands. He turns it over in his hands, as though not sure what to do. 
“Want to brush mine now? Like I did for you, lovely? It’s comforting, as you said.” Marvin nudges him, causing him to jump, then they turn and sit with their back facing him. The haunting gaze of Carver gazes at their hair. He lifts a lock of it softly, pressing the bristles of the brush into it. “Smooth... Nice...” he signs around the brush, knowing Marvin cannot see it. Jameson shuts his eyes and pulls the brush away, giving a trembling sigh. 
Intimacy. Comfort between familiars. The brush falls from his hands and he moves, puppet-like and stiff, to a hunched over hedgehog ball. Too much. He misses his soul. He grapples at his chest looking for the locket from Anti, but Jack had taken it away in the hospital. Marvin notices something has changes, swinging around and pressing their chest softly to Jameson’s back, holding him. 
“It will all be alright. I don’t know what’s upset you, but I know it’ll be okay. You are here with us, me and Henrik, and we’ll take good care of you. We will be your friends if you want us. We will be-” they trail on and on, words of comfort that neither of them fully believe pouring over him like the hot shower from earlier. 
Jameson lifts his wooden-like hands and runs his hand along Marvin’s hair softly. Smooth, that is them. Running like a gentle river through their life without a care, at least as Jameson perceives. He feel hate in his heart. Hate for the ones who stole him from his monster. There is something else too. An oozing warmth and love like he never has felt before, the smooth, softness of being held. The gentleness of hair brushing. Intimacy with someone besides his soul. Fuck, it feels lovely. Carver sighs in annoyance while Jameson nearly weeps from relief.
Smooth hair, smooth words, gentle hands on his scarred wrists, a warm river sliding through Jameson’s heart. Marvin holds him close through his weeping and exhaustion. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to have some friends after all... 
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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Videos Red Stitches Story
I’ve been working on this on and off since May, and I’m glad it’s finally finished! I hope it came out okay! 
You’re welcome :))
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
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septic-heart-and-mind ¡ 4 years ago
something about aba therapy that i feel is worth noting:
aba therapists are the only type of therapists in the united states that are not required to have a college degree in order to practice. the vast majority of aba therapists i’ve met don’t have one.
then what are the requirements, you may ask?
be at least 18. have a high school diploma. complete a few hours of general training.
that’s it.
they’re also allowed to teach your child literally whatever they want. i saw a video of someone the other day who was put thru aba as a child. they were obsessed with the color blue, so what did the aba therapist do? gave every child in their class except them a blue piece of paper for weeks until they stopped crying about it. aka, until they were too numb to the emotional pain of being left out to react anymore.
i guess the end goal was to make them…not like…the color blue anymore? like, seriously. what was the point of that???
they teach children to smile on command even when they don’t feel happy. they teach autistic children not to stim - something that has been proven not only beneficial but necessary for autistic people’s wellbeing.
they can withhold water, food, or affection from your child until the child complies with whatever behavior they want them to complete. i wish i was joking.
this is literal child abuse.
the only therapy that does not require a degree to practice, abusive as hell, manipulative, they are literally allowed to teach your child whatever the hell they want…and yet it’s also the only therapy for autistic children that is covered by most insurance companies.
make it make sense.
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