#he's gonna have a major headache later on-
mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
cute glasses ◦◦ d. winchester
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summary: your eyes are dry because of your contacts, so you have no choice but to put your glasses on
pairings: established dean winchester x reader, dean winchester x gn! reader
word count: 1.3K
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warnings: none really, no use of 'y/n', major fluff, some insecure thoughts, but mainly fluff
a/n: first official fic for dean!! also this was intentionally written as a blurb but as always, it seems i have more write than intended lol
please reblog and comment, i love to see your thoughts!
𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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You had to fight the temptation to rub your eyes as you stared hard at your laptop, the screen emitting a blue light that was beginning to give you a headache alongside the dryness of your contacts as you sat at the table in the motel room. You blinked hard multiple times, trying to bring moisture to your contacts and find some relief from the dryness, but nothing was working.
You were still dressed in the FBI garb you had put on in the morning when you and Dean were going to the station to gather information on the hunt the two of you were working. Sam would have joined the two of you, but he had come down with a cold, and Dean forced him to stay back at the bunker while the two of you would work the hunt.
You glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, seeing that 10 minutes had passed since Dean went out to get dinner for you two. You threw your head back with a groan, feeling the soreness in your shoulders as you sat down and hunched over your laptop, researching for hours on end.
You stood up from the seat and stretched out your limbs like a cat waking up from a nap and stalking over to your bag to grab your pajamas and glasses, and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get comfortable.
You jumped into the shower and rinsed off the day. After showering, you took out the dry contacts that were irritating your eyes, put them back into their case, and let out a sigh of relief when you blinked, and moisture was restored to your eyes.
You put on your glasses and strolled back into the room to find Dean sitting at the table and pulling the food out of the takeout bag.
"Took you long enough, sweetheart. I got us Chinese since there was a place I saw when driving in an-" He stopped talking as you crossed the room to see what he ordered.
"And what?" You asked him, looking at him with furrowed brows as you took in Dean's stunned expression, his mouth agape as his eyes flickered around and all over your face.
"You have glasses." Dean pointed out, blinking slowly as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh, yeah I do."
"Since when?"
"Since I was a freshman in high school." You told him as casually as you could, not wanting to make a big deal out of you wearing glasses.
"How come I've never seen you with them on?" Dean asked you with knitted brows.
"Err…" You trailed off. You didn't really want the boys to know you had glasses since you could be considered a liability if anything were to happen to your contacts or glasses. But hey, you've managed this long hunting with them, and you haven't died yet because of them. You just didn't want the boys to look down on you because you had them, and they could potentially hinder you in hunts.
"I wear contacts, and I try to keep them in for as long as I can until I can get back to my room and put my glasses on." You finally explained with a sheepish smile as you rubbed the back of your neck.
Dean's face turned into one of realization. "Is that why I sometimes feel you slip out of bed and then come back a couple of minutes later?"
You felt your face flush with heat as you nodded in response. Dean chuckled lightly at your embarrassment and leaned in to kiss your forehead. Then, a chaste peck on your lips before turning back to the food.
"You're not gonna ask me why I kept this from you?" You asked, confusion coloring your words as you saw him sit down in front of your closed laptop and dig into one of the takeout boxes with a plastic fork.
"Do you want me to?" Dean questioned through a mouthful of chow mein.
"Uh, not really. I was just ready for you to go all Spanish inquisition on me." You sat down across from him and looked through the takeout boxes before opening one of them to find the orange chicken.
Dean swallowed the food he was chewing. "Look, you had your reasons, and yeah, I have many questions about them but right now I just want to stare at you with them on."
You raised an eyebrow at him again. "You like them?"
"Yeah," He shrugged. "You look beautiful with or without them on." Dean reached across the table and traded chow mein for the orange chicken box in your hands.
You smiled at him, feeling your cheeks flush with heat again before huffing an amused breath through your nose. You narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned forward, taking Dean, who was still in his FBI suit, minus the jacket, tie, and a few of the buttons on his shirt unbuttoned.
"The glasses are doing something for you aren't they?" You teased him as you took a bite of the chow mein.
"Yeah, you have this sexy librarian thing going on. Could only imagine how much hotter you would have been if you left your FBI suit on." Dean's mouth pulled into a coy smirk, his green eyes alight with mischief and desire.
You chuckled as you shook your head. "Of course, you'd be into that."
Dean shrugged again as he popped a piece of orange chicken in his mouth.
Later, when the two of you finished eating and did a little more research and while you were doing your skincare, a sliver of worry still sat with you as you thought about how this would affect Dean and hunting. When you climbed into bed with Dean and placed your glasses on the nightstand, your world got a little blurry, but you could still see Dean's slight smile on his face as he pulled you into his side, wrapping an arm around your waist.
Dean pressed a warm kiss on your forehead. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asked lowly, his voice laced with care and fatigue.
"S'nothing." You shook your head.
"Come on, don't like seeing you like this before we go to bed." Dean squeezed your waist.
You sighed before propping your chin on his chest. "Just concerned that you might worry about me because of my bad eyesight."
Dean looked at you before leaning forward to press another kiss to your forehead and brought his hand to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against the soft skin. You leaned into his warm touch, pressing a kiss into his palm.
"I'm always going to worry about you," He started, pausing before finding his following words.
"But you've been hunting with your contacts and glasses for a long time before you met me, and you've been able to keep up with me and Sam without us knowing. I don't care that you have glasses or contacts because you're still a damn good hunter."
You smiled at his words before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss against Dean's full lips. Dean kissed you just as softly as you pressed your lips against yours and chased your lips as you pulled away.
You rested your forehead against his. "Thank you." You whispered, your lips brushing against his as you did.
"No problem, sweetheart. Let's get to bed, we've got a bastard to hunt."
You chuckled softly at his words and pressed a quick kiss on his lips before settling beside him and melting into his side as you guys slowly fell asleep, finding that your dreams were filled with Dean's joyous laughter and playful kisses.
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wynnyfryd · 9 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 39
part 1 | part 38 | ao3
Eight hours, four pizzas, and one — yes, one, Henderson, Jesus — job-well-done beer each later, Steve waves the kids out the door and promptly collapses facedown on his shiny new vinyl flooring.
"God," he groans, rolling his forehead on the floor.
Eddie's not much better off. He's slumped against the front door, bracing his weight with one hand, head hung low between his shoulders. His hair's all frizzed out with sweat, and Steve can hear his soft panting over the hum of the radio. "Yeah," he says in breathless agreement. "Fatherhood is exhausting."
Steve snorts a quiet laugh. "Welcome to the babysitters club."
"Not even getting paid for this shit," Eddie complains, but Steve can see the smile tugging at his mouth when he steps over him. "I'm gonna grab a shower. That okay?"
"Go ahead," Steve mumbles, eyelids heavy as he waves Eddie down the hall. "Towels are in the closet. Borrow whatever you want."
His limbs feel like lead. Shoulders throbbing; headache worse. He's also... maybe, possibly having some major regrets about moving all the couches out onto the front lawn along with the rolled-up carpet earlier (a fact he'd sooner eat his own shirt than admit to Eddie, because Eddie warned him not to do it; told him he was going to be too tired after installing the floors to bring them all back inside, and Steve had shrugged him off at the time because Steve's an overconfident dipshit.) Anyway, he's pretty sure the spasm in his spine is price enough to pay for not listening. He's not about to put up with Eddie's gloating, too.
Eddie pauses in the hallway, rings tapping against the wall, smug little bastard look on his face. "You doin' okay down there, champ?"
It's a serious effort to raise his arm to flip him the bird, but Steve manages.
"Hey, sunshine."
Eddie's voice is gentle as Steve blinks himself awake, neck cracking horribly, little puddle of drool under his chin. He's not sure when he drifted off. The last thing he remembers is nuzzling his cheek against the floor, feeling the weirdly papery material slide against his stubble; thinking about how it was cheap and it was tacky but it was new and it was his. How it felt like as good of a fresh start as anyone in Forrest Hills was going to get.
"How long was I out for?" he groans, rolling onto his back to stretch out his stiff limbs.
Long enough, apparently. Eddie got a whole pillow fort situation sorted out while Steve was snoozing — dragged all the pillows and blankets off Steve's bed and arranged them in a pile in the middle of the empty room, pulled a side table and lamp over from the corner, gathered up the radio and the last box of leftover pizza and his black lunchbox and a couple of beers to share.
He's also freshly showered and wearing Steve's pajamas. Looks clean and warm and soft; borrowed Hawkins High green sweats, a thin, white undershirt, the shoulders damp where his hair hangs in pretty wet waves.
Steve is so, so normal about the picture Eddie paints.
So normal.
Not at all popping a boner over a guy in ratty loungewear.
Steve crosses his legs — subtly, left ankle to right knee, but Eddie gives him a knowing smirk over the lip of his beer bottle anyway.
"Shut up," Steve blushes.
"Did I speak?" Eddie asks.
part 40
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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thenewgirl76 · 2 months
Why Can't We Be Friends?
Before John can spend his rare downtime bonding with his childhood friend Angela Foley's son for the next two weeks, he first has to find someone to babysit the... weird looking creature that's apparently his nephew in all but blood's best friend. Not an easy feat given how clingy to the point of being attached to the hip the ferret shaped thing is.
Tucker has to bribe his pet(?) with hanging with the Green Lanterns along with the rest of the Justice League up in the Watchtower(they'll definitely be discussing that later) just to convince him to not try and tagalong. And that's how Hal finds himself dealing with the major headache that is Phantom.
No, he's not exaggerating. That's exactly what the measly gremlin is with his constant demands for food, affection, or playtime from anyone who's present and insistence on getting into whatever he can, one never-ending headache. What makes it even more taxing is how everyone else, even Batman is so wrapped up in how "cute and lovable" the little bugger is they see nothing wrong with his annoying antics.
And as if it couldn't get any worse, the tiny menace seems to have taken a liking to him the most out of all the League and won't quit following him around. It's like dealing with an abnormally needy and scarily intelligent cat, and Hal absolutely abhors cats.
That said, he does find himself feeling just a smidge of regret when he allows his stress over a grueling patrol to get the best of him and yells at the little creep for drinking his coffee. If it'll get everyone off his back and stop Phantom from making those hurt puppy dog eyes at him he'll make it up to the diminutive devil later somehow. Right after he sneaks a nap in while he's stuck on monitor duty.
But of course Phantom won't even allow him that, as he's now pestering him rather persistently with that aggravating chirping and trilling. Since napping is no longer an option he'll just see what Phantom wants and hopefully get rid of him for at least a few minutes afterwards. So Hal slowly drags himself into consciousness, and is met with a large oddly colored hunk of swiss cheese?
Waking up a bit more he starts hearing the swiss cheese begging him for death. Okay, clearly something's wrong with this picture. Wiping the last of the sleep from his eyes Hal looks again, and is instantly screaming in horror upon realizing what he had mistook for swiss cheese in his sleepy haze is actually Sinestro, looking very much like he'd fought a school of piranhas and the piranhas won. With all the blood and all the chunks of missing flesh and skin Hal can see why his former mentor was pleading with him to end him.
And throughout all this that little monster Phantom is staring up at him, perched on the barely alive korugaran, covered in his blood and looking far too pleased with himself. If it weren't for Hal's training and fortitude he'd either be running scared or having a nervous breakdown. That doesn't stop him from being immensely relieved over no longer having to be on guard around Phantom once John finally comes to get the miniscule hellion off the Watchtower.
Though it would be nice if; Superman stopped trying to guilt trip him. *He swears on everything holy he's gonna find the biggest piece of kryptonite and shove it where the sun don't shine if he has to listen to how Phantom never would have did what he did if Hal hadn't been so harsh one more time.*
Wonder Woman ceased with her badgering about how he should have shown more appreciation towards Phantom and the gift he had bestowed upon him.*He'd love to see just how appreciative she'd be if it was Cheetah getting dumped in front of her all chewed... oh wait.*
Flash quit laughing at him. *Shut the hell up Allen. He did NOT scream like a little girl.*
And most of all, John and all the other GL dropped it about how they were so jealous he was the one Phantom gifted instead of them. *Seriously guys? With all that little miser put him through, that's what you're taking from it?*
Missing Scene
*When Sinestro was confronted by Little Baby Man*
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*What Little Baby Man did to him before hauling him off to present to Hal*
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bloggerspam · 6 months
Chapter 1: Beginning of an End
For @sheabeeprime and @uniasus for this year's @phicphight !
The thing about Fenton is that he’s not…..subtle. 
Star thinks about this as she watches him struggle with his locker. Kwan’s just about to offer to help—she can see it in her peripherals—before Fenton groans, looks left and right (completely missing them loitering across the hall directly behind him) and sticks his hand into the locker. 
He’s fiddling around with the lock, trying to unlock it, instead of doing the completely reasonable thing and just. Grabbing the thing he wanted to grab. Why bother with the lock at all if he’s just gonna stick his hand in anyway?
She and Kwan share a look at that. Kwan scratches the back of his head, looking around to see if anybody else could tell him what to do, before settling on her pleadingly. 
She sighs, shaking her head and closing her eyes against the headache that she feels coming on. It’s Senior Year. You’d think after 3 years, Fenton would get better at hiding, not worse. 
But then again…it did take the majority of Casper High a year to even realize something was wrong with the boy.
She thinks about that, before correcting herself. There’s nothing wrong with him. He’s just….not all right either. She shakes her head, walking off to the nearest classroom door. It’s early in the morning so the halls are still relatively empty. Star and Kwan are only here because of morning practice. 
She wonders, idly, why Fenton is so early. He’s usually late, but then again the ghosts have been getting better about leaving him alone these days. Fenton’s lost those wretched eye-bags he kept carrying around like Paulina and her prada bags. 
She opens the door softly, placing Kwan in front of her and placing her hand on his broad back, as if pushing him out. She slams the door behind her, pushing Kwan who blessedly goes with it. 
“Star! What’s the rush?” Fenton jumps, yanking his hand out and inadvertently tripping the locker open. 
“We’re gonna be late to practice.” She says, primly. 
“Alright alright, oh, hey Fentino.” Kwan chuckles, as they pass by Danny. 
He flinches, picking up the books that spilled out. “Hey, Kwan. Star.” 
He starts pulling at his sleeves, always long sleeved nowadays, but no sleeve is long enough to cover the scars that litter his wrists and fists. She gives him a sweet smile, staunchly ignoring the way his answering nervous smile has too many teeth. 
“Morning Danny. See you later.” She stops pushing at Kwan to pull up beside him. He takes her hand, squeezing it gently as they make their way down the hall. Just before they turn the corner she sees Danny stare at his hand in fear. He flexes it, and she notices that it has claws, before they disappear and he breathes out a shakey sigh.
“It’s getting worse, isn’t it?” Kwan says softly. She looks up at him, and his sad far away stare. 
She doesn’t want to answer–doesn’t want to face the truth of it. But this is Kwan.
“Yes.” Of all the A-listers, she’s the only one that seems to be on neutral terms with Danny, and the only one who see exactly how many times it’s been a close call. 
His hand squeezes hers, and the rest of the walk to practice is deathly silent. Because what can you say to that? Nothing. 
She squeezes back. 
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arvandus · 3 months
Obey Me: OG + NB Theory - Something's Fishy About Barbatos...
Look, I'm just gonna scream into the void and see if the void screams back cuz I'm hyperfixating and need to sleep. Sorry if this has been done before btw; I know OG has been out for forever and I’m finally catching up to everyone else… but humor me. 😅
I'm calling it now, OG lesson 80 and NB are CONNECTED.
(read more for length and OG spoilers)
This black crevasse thing isn't over, and NB is a continuation of that.
What makes me say that?? Because it's hinted at during the morning after interactions with Barbatos in Lesson 80-12.
To recap what happened at the end of OG, a dark crevasse was accidentally opened and Mammon, Levi, and Asmo were sucked in. Solomon called on Barbatos to save them and bring them back, and then seal the crevasse. Later, it's pointed out that while Solomon was strong enough to close the crevasse, he didn't have the ability to save the brothers. He used Barbatos and his time powers to save them.
Which MEANS that they were technically dead once they were sucked in, and Barbatos reversed their deaths using his time ability when he pulled them out.
Afterwards, Barbatos started having horrible headaches, and the brothers started to cease to exist - Levi turned invisible, no one could remember Mammon's name, and Asmo no longer had a reflection. By the end of it, when the group has opened a new dark crevasse and are trying to throw the magical item (the treasure chest) into the abyss to fix it, all three brothers are invisible, Levi can no longer touch solid objects, and Barbatos is barely clinging to consciousness.
Of course, the magic from the chest is released, it's sucked into the dark crevasse, the crevasse is sealed, etc. etc. The brothers are back to normal, and Barbatos's headaches are no more. It seems as if all's well that ends well...
We get to stay the night at the castle, and the next morning, Barbatos wakes us up. This is already suspicious, since it's pretty much implied that we went to bed with one of the brothers (Mammon, Beel, or Belphie). So the fact that Barbatos is waking us up for breakfast instead of whatever brother we selected to go to bed with...?? Weird. Normally, I'd expect Mammon to nag us awake, Belphie to still be in bed with us, and Beel to probably bring food to us in bed. But nope, we get Barbatos.
Sus. Very sus.
And for good reason. As it turns out, Barbatos is acting... different. There's so many ways I can dive into how exactly based on the different interaction options, but that will add too much length to this post, so I might make a separate one later.
Either way, he's definitely not quite acting himself. So much so, that we get a chance to point it out to him as a dialogue option regardless of what romantic/nonromantic option we chose prior:
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I'll type it here for those who need it:
MC: Is it just me, or is something different about you? Barbatos: About me? No, I don't think... Barbatos: ...Wait. Actually, perhaps you're right.
Then he just proceeds to be like, "Okay, come meet us for breakfast! Toodles!"
It's not even the fact that he doesn't expand on it - that part is actually very normal for him. He's never one to tell more information than he wants. But I DID find it interesting that he straight up agrees/admits it to MC that something is different about him. AKA, we as the readers are SUPPOSED to notice this. It's important to the plot.
So, to recap, we know the following:
The brothers were sucked into the crevasse and essentially died as soon as they entered it
Barbatos saved them using his time abilities
Barbatos had SERIOUS consequences to doing so - really bad headaches, nearly incapacitated by the end of the finale, so much so that it was taking everything he had just to stay conscious with MC after they caught him. (This is MAJOR because he's always been so OP and invincible up to this point. Whatever this black crevasse power is, it's strong enough to bring him to his knees. Terrifying.)
Something is "different" about him afterwards, which he even acknowledges but doesn't expand on.
Whatever happened with that black crevasse impacted Barbatos. It did something to him. I'm not saying I know what that is, even though I have my theories (I'll save that for another post too). But I'm pretty damn sure this is going to tie into Nightbringer in some way. Barbatos has become a much more major character for the NB storyline, and there's a reason for it.
OG is the "fuck around" and NB is the "find out." Right now, we're finding out (...hopefully... if the writers can get their shit together).
(Also, as a side note, the idea of Nightbringer coming from the Dark Crevasse just tickles a part of my brain that I can't really describe.)
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biblio-smia · 9 months
Hiiii! Love your work! This is gonna be a lengthy I apologize in advance lol. Do you think you can pls do a tasm! x fashion designer reader? (I’m a fashion major lmaooo) Like where the reader has a big debit show coming up and Peter misses bc he’s out on his spiderly duties. The reader doesn’t know he’s Spider-Man. Very angsty then very fluffy. Love confessions. Thank you!!!!!!
thank you + thank you for the request!! i loveee this idea <3 also definitely watched barbie a fashion fairytale while writing this LMAO
masterlist | requests are open!
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Emotions swirled in your chest - beginning with anxiety and just a touch of nausea.
Then came the elation - it was like the feeling when people praised you for your designs only intensified by about a thousand.
You'd spent hours on the pieces now being carried on the runway, survived on less hours of sleep than you'd thought possible, and worked through headaches you were positive where going to split your skull open. You'd pricked your fingers, created permanent callouses on your fingers, and probably caused irreversible damage to your back to make your patterns and ideas come to life. It was one thing to draw them out on paper and another to create them, altering them and scratching out ideas that had looked good on paper but had not ended up liked you'd imagines - and something completely different to see them on models, to watch the audience awe and clap for what you'd created.
Your heart pounded with each excited congratulations! and hug after the show had ended, still reeling a little from the experience. It'd been over so quickly for all the time you'd poured into the preparation and how long the show would take to clean up, but you were sure your work had made an impression that would outlive the night.
But as the crowd died down and people filed out, you stood, waiting, for the congratulations you'd been anticipating all night - the one that'd probably mattered the most to you.
But as the crowd thinned into only a few heads of people that had begun occupying themselves with cleaning up, so dispersed there was no way Peter could've possibly missed you, that's when the realization had set in.
Peter hadn't come.
Now, there was a new feeling a chest. Your heart hadn't stopped pounding, but now there was a pain accompanying it in your chest and a lump in your throat you were struggling to swallow down.
You turned when you heard your name called, not sure what you were expecting - it was only one of your colleagues, asking if you'd like to grab drinks to celebrate.
You teeter, almost let the idea persuade you, but ultimately decide against it with a small maybe next time! - because you're not really sure if you'd be able to hold the tears in if you got intoxicated.
Plus, a little piece of your heart holds out hope that maybe your boy would still show up - maybe he got pushed out by the crowd, or couldn't find you and decided to wait for you outside.
But as you stepped out into the dark night and looked around at the empty street, any last hope died.
The journey home created an ideal environment for your disappointment to brew into a strong, dark anger, scowl on your face sure to scare any strangers on the sidewalk off and away from you. You were nearing furious by the time you reached your door, shoving your keys into the lock and hurting your hands with the intensity you pulled them out with, cold metal painfully digging into your hot fingers.
Your anger didn't mellow as you turned your phone off, refusing to let Peter have any way to contact you - at least for tonight. You needed a few hours away from him. Maybe longer. You'd decide that later.
A shower tamed your flames, water burning you out and leaving behind something that craved only the soft comfort of your bed.
You'd only made it a few steps into your room when your ears perked at the sound of tapping at your window. Your eyes followed, trying to identify the source of the noise, and you jumped when you saw Peter on your fire escape.
If it hadn't been so cold out, you would've left him outside.
At least, that's what you told yourself afterwards.
But that searing rage had returned, warming your entire body and making you resistant to the cold air that blew in along with Peter the second you opened the window.
"Did you climb up here?" You spat out, immediately backing up and crossing your arms, scowl making its way on your face again.
Peter didn't need to look at you to feel your anger.
He'd been so close to making it this time - but, like always, something had come up. That'd been his excuse so many times, to so many people, it was starting to become pathetic even to Peter. He'd paced for close to an hour, biting the inside of his cheek raw while wondering how he was going to make it up to you. Peter knew how much this night had meant to you. He'd promised to be there, to support you and all the work you'd put in; the long hours you spent beside Peter, refusing to accept his help. The days where Peter had to force you away from your desk to have a break, all the snacks he'd made to fuel you and your beautiful brain.
And now, as Peter was so famous for doing, he blew it.
"W...what? Oh, yeah, I just-" Well, Peter had swung here, but he'd get around to explaining that. For now, he was more focused on trying to get his words out without stuttering pathetically. "I just- I needed to tell you something."
You stood, silent, arms crossed and eyes dark. Peter didn't need a translation to know you were telling him to spit it out.
Peter swallows thickly. He takes a deep breath. He forces himself to look straight into your eyes.
"I'm Spiderman." Peter goes the extra mile and tugs on the neckline of his shirt, revealing a sliver of the suit in case you don't believe him.
It's silent, which Peter begins to believe is the worst outcome with each second it drags on. You falter for just a few moments before your eyebrows furrow, somehow even angrier this time, because you, in all your hot anger, cannot bring yourself to fully process the information Peter has just thrown at you - or, frankly, care.
"So? You think that's just gonna fix everything?" You step closer to Peter, words like venom.
"You what? You think I'm just gonna forgive you because you're Spiderman? Peter, you know how much this meant to me. And now you show up, hours after you're supposed to, telling me you're Spiderman?"
"Well, I brought these," Peter offers weakly, pulling a bouquet of flowers out of his bag. Crushed. Peter watches as a petal falls lamely to the ground.
"Impressive," you say so sarcastically it hurts, rolling your eyes with a sigh. "God, Peter, you are such a dick!"
Peter can sense you're about to send him out of that window flying, but he just can't leave before saying everything he needed to say.
"W-wait! Please, just hang on, I... I am so sorry," Peter starts, hands on your shoulders desperately. "I really am. Truly. I wanted to be there tonight, I tried so hard to be there, something got in the way... but that doesn't matter. I should've been there, or at least texted, or something, you're right, I'm sorry. And this," Peter motions to his chest. "is not an excuse, at all. I just wanted to tell the truth. I owe you at least that."
"Yeah, you owe a lot more than that," you scoff, shoving Peter's shoulder. It's not hard but Peter winces painfully in a way that fills you immediately with guilt. You roll up Peter's sleeve but see only a pattern of red and black. You look at him expectantly and he does his best to slide his arm out of his suit from under his shirt - all to reveal a nasty bruise, right where you'd hit him.
"Well, now I feel bad," you murmur, dragging Peter to your kitchen for some ice, trying not to think about how dangerous the things he got involved with as Spiderman probably were - how he'd clearly been doing something more important while missing the show.
"Don't," Peter insists, letting you sit him down and press ice against the bruise, focusing on not wincing. "I deserve it."
"You don't, Pete," you sigh, careful not to let your eyes wander to Peter's - it's hard, though, feeling him stare at you so woefully from your peripheral.
But you slip eventually, Peter catching your eyes before you can look away.
"I'm sorry," he says again, reaching for your hand slowly, tenderly, wondering if you'll let him.
You do.
"I know you are, Peter."
It's quiet for a few moments before you sigh, examining Peter's arm for any other bruises.
"It's just the one," Peter confirms, before asking shyly, "Kiss it better?"
You roll your eyes but you push Peter's sleeve up further, careful not to touch the bruise as you place your lips on the top of Peter's shoulder, right next to a small freckle.
"I meant here," Peter taps his lips with a smile.
"Don't push it." You move away from Peter and he stands, following you around as you stop at a cupboard and dig around until you find an empty vase. Peter watches silently as you fill it with water and wordlessly back into your room, where you pick up the flowers from where Peter had left them on your nightstand and place them carefully inside the vase.
"They were beautiful when I bought them," Peter mutters.
"They're still nice," you insist. "So," you begin, taking a seat on your bed. "Do I really want to hear the details about all the dangers Spiderman has faced?"
"Depends on how much you still hate me," Peter replies, opening up a drawer full of your sleep shirts, sure he'll find one (or a few) of his among them. He does, and he's quick to start pulling his clothes off. Unfortunately, Peter hasn't come up with a better way of getting his suit off just yet.
"Is watching people undress part of the job?" Peter asks with a grin, slipping his head through your (his) shirt.
"No, we usually watch them get dressed," you hum.
"So it's just me then?" Peter drops next to you on your bed, pulling your laptop from its place on your nightstand.
"Okay, you were the one who started taking your clothes off in front of me."
"You looked."
You rolled your eyes but you smiled as Peter pulled you into his side, balancing your laptop between the two of you. He's quick to pull up clips of the show and you're surprised to see it already online; you're also surprised to see the few hundreds of views already, considering it had only been a few hours since the show.
"Tell me everything," Peter insists, propping himself up to focus his attention back on you.
So you do.
Peter has always been a good listener when it came to you, captivated by the way you speak. He's told you before that he could listen to you talk about nothing for hours, but he makes an extra effort to really pay attention tonight. He asks questions about the show and about intricacies that he doesn't quite understand.
You can tell when you're beginning to lose him, at some point where you're talking about the different stitches you had to use to create a certain design on one of your pieces.
Some of it Peter has heard already, but he listens regardless. He's set the laptop aside now, fingers drawing figures on your arm as he hums and nods.
You've gotten to the end, where you casually mention the invitation for drinks you got. Peter frowns, head propped on his hand so you can see the severity of his pout.
"What would you have done then?" You ask curiously.
"Waited," Peter said like it was obvious.
"What if I stayed out all night?"
"Well then I would've had to break in," Peter grins.
"You're a nuisance."
"The person you've turned me into," Peter rolls onto you, pressing his head into your neck.
"I have a feeling you've always been like this."
"Maybe," Peter hums against your skin, pressing his lips into your skin.
"I haven't forgiven you yet. You're still a dick."
"I am," Peter agrees, pulling his head away to look at you, arms caging you in at your sides. "The worst. Call me Penis Parker."
You can't help but laugh at that one, which of course makes Peter grin.
"You still owe me," you say sternly, hands meeting at the back of Peter's neck, capturing him in a loose hold. "For, like, the rest of your life."
"I owe you," Peter nods quickly, pressing a kiss to the inside of your arm. "For the rest of my life. Just as long as you're in it."
Peter's voice goes quiet towards the end, implicating something you hadn't intended for originally. Peter notices how your eyes widen slightly and he bites his lip.
"Uh, well, I don't think this is really the best time to tell you, but... uh," Peter hesitates, moving off of you, choosing to sit up next to you instead. "I... I love you."
You're sitting him, mouth slightly agape. All you'd expected tonight was a congratulations from Peter, not a love confession.
The silence scares him until Peter manages to hear your elevated heart rate (only barely over his own). Your face is hot and Peter's about to insist that you don't have to respond right now when you're pulling him in, slowly. Your hand is on his cheek and Peter's arms have shyly wrapped around you. Your noses bump and Peter tilts his head, not quite shutting his eyes just yet. His breath comes out a little strained and you know he's not gonna go for it until you do.
"I love you, Peter," you whisper. "But don't ever do that again."
Peter nods, moving to place a hand on your chin. "Wouldn't dream of it."
And you lean in, finally, capturing Peter's lips in a kiss he was terrified he'd never experience again. He savored it now, hungry, refusing to let you go. He relished the funny feeling that your words created in his chest, pulling you close and making you feel every little ounce of love he had for you.
Peter wouldn't risk losing you again as long as he could help it.
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alinmihai · 2 months
What happened that night at school?
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Content: enemies to lovers, fluff/comfort, modern/high school au, fem reader, terror, geto being a good brother, gojo ends up traumatized, the story keeps getting darker
Word count: 15223
Author's note: it's my first post :D and english isn't my first language so sorry if there's any error in the grammar!
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{Reader} is sitting on the classroom, listening to the history teacher while she says something about the agricultural revolution. Satoru, sitting right behind her is the heir of his family's company, a rich handsome boy who is new to the school. For what she heard from her brother, Satoru had always went to private elite schools, so he didn't have so much friends.
They're not close to each other by any means, but they've had interactions here and there because of Suguru, {reader's} brother and Satoru's friend. Satoru's a business major, but he decided to go to a public school just for the fun of it.
He takes a quick glance at {reader}, and sees how focused she looks.
"So... you free later?" he whispers to her with a small grin on his lips as he half pays attention to the professor.
You try to pay attention to class and ignore him.
"Not a talker, huh...?" He murmurs to himself. He leans a bit closer to you with a smirk and teases, "You're cute when you're so uptight."
You narrowed your eyebrows but keep paying attention to class, ignoring him one more time.
He grins, noticing that you are not talking but noticing your reaction, and says, "So cold... it's almost as if you hate me." He pokes your cheek with a finger, amused by your attitude.
"Stop it!"
Your scream fill the classroom and suddenly everyone, including the teacher, is looking at yours and Satoru's seat. Your cheeks turn into a dark red and Satoru seems shocked for a moment, but to your surprise he laughs gleefully.
"You're so damn loud."
The teacher pauses and looks over, shaking her head in disapproval. "Disturbing the class again... Mr. Gojo and Miss {Surname}... You two are going to get a detention due to your behavior during my class and for distracting the rest of your classmates. At the end of the day I want you here to clean this classroom. Understood? Now... What was I saying? Ah! The agricultural revolutions affected how people worked and got their food. The first caused people to grow crops and raise animals for food..."
As the teacher gets back to explaining the subject, you look back at Satoru, he grins, amused that he got you to yell out loud. He can't deny that he was happy to spend some time alone with you.
Satoru sighs after the class ends. He's slightly annoyed that he got detention, and yet he's also amused that *you* got detention as well. He looks at {reader} from the side and says with a smirk, "Looks like we're gonna be together for a while."
"You're a nightmare! You have many girls to bother! Why always me?"
He shrugs, unbothered by her words, and says, "You're different. You don't swoon over me like the other girls do, and I find it interesting." He grins and asks, "...You hate me that much, huh?"
"Oh so you're starting to get it... Finally..."
He smirks confidently, not bothered by your answer, "You don't drool at the sight of me, and you don't act like you're obsessed with my attention or my money. You also just said I was a headache. Not exactly the words someone would use if they were swooning over me."
You stayed in silence this time. It's true that you think that Satoru is annoying as hell, but you don't really hate him. In fact, you feel a little bad for him. He always has that arrogant and haughty attitude but he's a lonely boy. He has money. A lot of money. He was not raised by his parents, they were always busy at work, so they give Satoru whatever he wanted to try to cover the lack of love with expensive things. At all the private schools he went he was idolized by his intelligence, strength and good looks. This leaded to a spoiled rude boy who thinks that he can do anything. But he wasn't stupid, he knew that all the "friends" he had just were with him because of status. All the girls that were interested in him was because of his money, not because of him as a person. Satoru, when a kid, liked the attention, but as more he grew he started getting tired. So he decided to go to a public school to try to start again.
His first friend was Suguru, your brother. Those two couldn't be more different: Suguru (and you) came from a humble but amorous family, he's kind and caring, more emotional yet serious when it's needed. He likes to help the others and it's loved by everyone. On the other side, Satoru is more rational but tries to hide it with a nonchalant facade. He's boastful because of his past but really cares for the ones who he love.
Besides being this distinct, they got along very fast. Suguru invited Satoru to your house a few times and that was when Satoru started getting interest in you. Even if you don't like his attitude you can't deny he's very handsome... and attractive... and clever... and tall...
Satoru grins while you were lost in your thoughts, enjoying your silence, and leans back in his seat. He says with a cheeky smile, "You're blushing like crazy right now. Are you thinking of me princess?"
You woke up from your mental sleep, seeing that everyone was already gone, leaving just you and Satoru in the class, where the orange tones of the sunset came through the windows, creating a comfortable atmosphere. "I was not thinking of you..."
He laughs and says, "You were! Don't lie." He gently pries your hands away from your face with a smirk, wanting to see your embarrassed expression again.
"Step out! Stop harassing me!"
He grins even more. "Not until you admit you're blushing." He gently pins your wrists down so you can't try to cover your face again and leans closer with a sly smile.
"Satoru I told you to step out" you try to move away from him, just for him to come even closer.
He smirks at the sound of his name coming from your sweet voice and shakes his head, amused. "Nah." He leans closer until his face is only a few inches away. "I'm not stepping away until you admit you're blushing because of me."
Without any of you noticing, the history teacher entered the classroom to tell you where were the cleaning supplies. The teacher freezes at the sight, a shocked yet disapproving look on her face. She quickly clear her throat and say in a stern tone, "Mr. Gojo, step away from Miss {Surname} and sit in your own seat."
You and Satoru seat on your chairs as the teachers gives you a lecture about how do students should behave in class. She glances at you with a frown while explains how you must clean the room. "...mopping, wiping the desks and putting all the things back in place. Understood?"
"Understood." You say in chorus.
The teacher nods, satisfied with your response. "Good. I'll be in my office until 8PM. Call me if you need anything." The teacher leaves the classroom, leaving the two of you alone.
"Satoru, we need to get the cleaning supplies."
He sighs, getting up from his seat and stretches his arms above his head. "Alright, alright. I'll go get them." He looks at you, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "You gonna watch me do all the work?"
"Yeah... I would like that. I did my nails yesterday, I don't want to ruin them." You tease him showing him your white nails.
He laughs and says, "Too bad. You're helping as well. No complaining." He walks out of the classroom to get the cleaning supplies, leaving you alone for a moment. When Satoru is coming back your phone begins to ring. He looks at you curious, "Who's calling?"
"Why do you want to know? It's none of your business." You said taking your phone from your backpack.
His eyes narrow slightly, and he responds with a slight glare, "It's not important. Just get the call." He tries to act nonchalant, but it's apparent he's bothered trying to read the name appearing on your phone.
You get out of the classroom answering the call. It's your brother.
Satoru watches as {reader} leaves the classroom to pick up the call and crosses his arms, a slight frown still present on his face. He can't help but try to eavesdrop on the conversation, even though he knows it's not his business.
"Hello?" you greet while you walk through the hallway looking at the sunset rays flooding the school courtyard through the large windows. Suguru's voice can be heard through the call. "Hey there, how are you doing? You're late." Suguru's classes ended 3 hours ago, so he must be home waiting for you, since your parents are out of town this week.
"Yeah... I'm fine, it's just that I might be late for dinner... You can eat without me. I got detention today..."
Suguru's voice sounds surprised yet amused. "Detention? I never would've pinned you for the type to get detention. Who'd you piss off?"
You laugh a little. "Who'd I piss off? You must be kidding... You know that friend of yours? The one who is always wearing sunglasses? What was his name?..." You act like you don't know Gojo Satoru damn well. Suguru's voice is laced with a hint of annoyance, but he chuckles. "Ah, you're talking about Satoru? What did he did to you? You know he is hard to ignore and he likes to tease you. What happened? Do I need to talk with him?" He seems to try to hide a laugh but he seems worried too.
You sigh. "When I get home I'll tell you everything. Now we have to clean the whole class... It's our punishment."
"What? You have to clean the classroom?! Let me guess... It was the history teacher that gave you detention. You know she has a cleaning compulsion..." Your brother laughs a bit before getting serious again, "And you get to clean up because of Satoru? I'm going to talk with him, so he stops bothering you. I know that you don't like him that much but... Try to be nice... Even if he's a hard person to live with... He's a good guy." Suguru seems more annoyed and sighs again, "I swear that guy is such a damn troublemaker..."
"Oh if you'll go talk to him tell him to stop flirting and bothering me in class..." You say, tired of having Satoru behind you in class. He often tries to talk with you and throws rubbers when you don't answer him. If that doesn't work too he would kick your chair. You have already tried to change places but nobody wants to be in front of Satoru, so you stayed in the same place.
Suguru goes quiet for a moment, processing the information, and then he exclaims in disbelief. "Wait, what? He was flirting with YOU?!? How the hell did that happen? He knows you're my sister! I'm going to have a serious conversation with him tomorrow..."
"Suguru I have to go now... We can talk latter, I want to do this quick so I can go home. When I end up cleaning I'll call you." Your brother had always been protective over you so his tone doesn't scare you. You wait for a moment before his response.
"Alright, alright. Call me when you're done. And be careful around Satoru. Stay away from him. He's a charmer and he knows how to use his charm to get what he wants."
You let out a giggle, imagining your brother's face. "Okay okay I'll be careful... He might bite me", you joke a little since Suguru is now being overprotective, "I'll be home in less than 2 hours, anything is going to happend. Bye, I love you!" Suguru's voice seems to smile: "Love you too, see you latter".
The call ends, and Satoru, who overheard everything, raises an eyebrow, a slight frown on his face, "So, you have a boyfriend, huh?"
"None of your business." you said getting into the classroom again, leaving the long silent corridor behind.
His smirk returns, and he leans against the wall, his arms crossed. "Oh, it is my concern. I'm interested in you, and finding out there's a boyfriend involved is definitely relevant information for me."
"And if I have would you stop bothering me?" He laughs and says: "Of course not. A boyfriend might make things a bit more complex, but it won't stop me from pursuing you."
You stop when you heard his words and look at him in shock. He looks at you and finally says, "...Don't worry... I was just kidding... You know, if you have a boyfriend I respect that..." He seems sad now. His smirk disappeard and now he has a grimace on his face. You feel a little bad.
"It was not my boyfriend. It was my brother..."
He pauses mid-step, surprise flickering across his face. He blinks once, then bursts out laughing. "Your brother? Suguru? Seriously? I thought you had a boyfriend! I was getting worried!"
You sigh, "I don't have a boyfriend at the moment..."
His laughter subsides, and he grins, his arrogance returning. "Well, that makes things a lot easier for me then." He stands closer, towering over you and looks down with a smirk. He's much taller.
"Get of me. Go find another girl to bother."
He laughs mockingly and leans in closer, his smirk widening. "And why would I do that? You're the one who's caught my attention, and I don't give up on what I want easily. But now that you said that I admit that I can easily get any girl I want."
Is he trying to make you jealous? Probably... But you can handle the provocation, after all you know you to tease too.
"You're such a virgin... That's why you keep chasing me, no girl wants a guy too full of himself like you."
His smirk falters for a moment, and a hint of annoyance crosses his face. "What did you just call me?"
"A virgin. That's what you are. You can even talk to a girl properly without shaking."
He scowls, his irritation growing, and pins you against the wall, trapping you between his arms. "You think you know everything about me, huh? Think I can't talk to girls? I can talk to girls just fine, thank you."
"Not what it seems, everyone in our class seems to hate you because of that atitude." When he heard this his expression darkens, and he grips your wrists tighter.
"They hate me because they're jealous. They can't handle the fact that I'm rich, smart, and handsome. But what do you know about me anyway? You don't know anything." Wrong, you know Gojo Satoru better than he thinks because of his best friend who is also your brother.
"And I don't need too know much to see that you are nothing more than a spoiled brat that have parents with money, nothing more!" You didn't mean to say this, but your argument seem more serious now, even if it started just by teasing each other.
He sneers and presses against you more, his eyes narrowing. "You have no clue. I've got more to offer than just money. Way more. I'm confident, talented, charismatic, and damn good at what I do. You just haven't seen my true potential yet."
"If you have that much talent clean the fucking classroom!" You scream to him trying to get out of his grip. He grins arrogantly.
"So bossy. You really think you have the authority to order me around, huh? You're just a little insect compared to me." You try to push him away one more time and you succeeded.
"You know what? I'm going home! I'm in detention because of you! You must deal with this alone! Clean this fucking classroom by yourself!" He stumbles back a bit but regains his footing quickly.
"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going? We're not done here yet."
"It's your fault that we're here!" You yell again.
He scowls and steps forward, closing the distance between you and says: "My fault? You're the one who got caught for not paying attention in class. You're just as responsible as I am."
You don't want to fight anymore. And you have to admit that it was your fault too. You have to clean the classroom as much as Satoru.
"Sorry... Let's just... Forget this fight and start cleaning... After we clean the class we can ignore each other and act like nothing had happened." You said while you pick up a cloth and start wiping the desks.
His smirk returns, and he crosses his arms. "You think it's gonna be that easy? I said I was interested in you, and I meant it. This won't be the last time we see each other, sweetheart."
You didn't answer. Even though you want to deny it, you have a little crush on Satoru. Even with that attitude. But does he feels the same? Or is this just a game for him? Are you just another girl on his list? Or he just want to tease Suguru flirting with his younger sister? You were lost in your thoughts again.
"Did the cat got your tongue?" Satoru asked, noticing your mood change, while he grabbed a mop and starts mopping the floor.
"Like... Are you really into me? Or just on my looks? Or just..." He interrupted you.
"I'd be lying if I said your looks didn't catch my attention initially, but there's more to it than that. Your sharp wit and feisty attitude intrigue me just as much as your looks." He chuckles softly and looks at you.
You didn't say anything. He stops mopping and leans against the mop handle, studying your expression: "You seem surprised. Did you really think I was only interested in you for your looks or something? Trust me, I've met plenty of beautiful girls before, but none of them have captivated me like you have."
You throw a cloth on him. "Than stop calling other girls beautiful! That's not a complement when you call other girls pretty! You men are mindless..." You said this but inside you were happy. Really happy. After all he really likes you, you're not just a toy for him to play.
He blinks in surprise as the cloth hits him straight on the face, but then he laughs and peels it off. "Hey, hey! Calm down. I didn't mean it like that. Fine... I won't call other girls beautiful. You're the only beautiful girl to me."
You look at him trying to stay serious but you let out a little giggle. Suguru was right. He's quite charming.
"{Reader}, I don't want to argue with you anymore, I really like you. I've never met a girl like you. You're smart, feisty, sarcastic, and not afraid to put me in my place. I find all of those traits really attractive. I know that Im hard to deal with but I don't want to hurt your feelings you know... I genuinely like you..." He admits while he takes a step in your direction, leaving the mop where he was cleaning. It's the first time that he uses your name and not some stupid nickname.
You look down. Your heart is beating fast. This is the first time that someone confessed their love for you and you don't know how to act. You have a crush on Satoru but you are not ready to have a relationship yet. You have to know him better, spend more time with him. "Satoru... I like you, but not at the point to date you already, we must spend more time together so I can be sure about my feelings..."
He reaches out and gently lifts your chin up, meeting your gaze. "I get that. I'm not expecting you to agree to go out with me right this moment. I understand that you want to know more about me first... But give me a chance, alright? Let me prove that I'm not just a spoiled rich kid with a charming smile. I'm more than that."
You look at him and smiled, "Thank you." He grins and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I'll be good. Now that you know that I like you I have no need of bothering you that much, I was trying to get your attention you know. And you have my word, no more complimenting other girls. I'll save all my compliments for you, sweetheart. You're the only one I have eyes for. Happy now?"
"Happy." You let out a genuine smile.
He grins and ruffles your hair affectionately. "Good. I like knowing that I've made you happy. That's a start, right?"
"Yeah... Just one more thing. I don't want my brother to know about us." He frowns and raises an eyebrow.
"Suguru can't know? Well... He doesn't know that I like you... At least I think so... But I had to tell him at any moment. Why can't he know? Is he gonna go all protective older brother on me or something?"
"Well, I told him that you flirted with me while we were on the call and he almost got crazy." He scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Oh, please. I'm not afraid of him. I can take a few hits. Besides, I'm not gonna let some overprotective brother stop me from pursuing you." You laugh a little.
"So you're saying that if it's necessary you would fight Suguru for me? You know he's strong right?" You teased him a little. He grins confidently and puffs out his chest.
"Of course I'd fight for you. If it came down to it, I'd take on your brother in a heartbeat. I'm not afraid of a few punches. Besides, I'm not weak myself. I'm pretty strong too, you know."
You laugh again. "Yeah yeah I get it you're strong... But seriously, don't tell him by now."
He smirks and flexes his muscles jokingly, "What, you don't believe me? I'll have you know I work out, sweetheart. I may have a pretty face, but I can also throw a punch. Suguru won't stand a chance against me."
"You're really tall, I can confirm that... But you seem too skinny." You continue teasing Satoru.
He pretends to be offended and scoffs, "Skinny, huh? You wound me, sweetheart. You don't think I have muscles under this shirt? I'll have you know, I have muscles in all the right places."
You laugh once more. "You're funnier than I expected!"
He grins and flexes his arm jokingly. "What can I say? I'm a package deal - good looks, charm, and a sense of humor. A little slice of heaven, if you will."
"You've repeated that like 5 times today. I know that you have a high self-esteem but that's too much." You replied, throwing another cloth at him.
It was already night when you finished cleaning the classroom. You talked about everything and got some fun while cleaning. The class was finally shining.
"Okay, it's done! We can go home now."
Satoru looks around and smirks. "Finally, we're done. That took way longer than it should have." He grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder before offering you his hand, "Ready to head out, princess?"
"Yes! It's already night and I'm hungry." You accepted his hand while you putted your other hand on your belly.
He chuckles and leads you out of the classroom: "Of course you're hungry. Well, lucky for you, I know a great place we can go to grab a bite. My treat, of course."
You gave him a sad smile, "I would like to go with you, but I told Suguru that I was going home when I got out of school..."
He feigns disappointment and pouts dramatically. "Aww, that's a shame. I was looking forward to spending some more time with you, baby. But I suppose family comes first. Next time, then." You look at him without saying anything, just pouting, and he gave you a reassuring smile: "Hey, it's alright. I understand. Like I said, family comes first. But promise me, next time you're free, we'll go out together. Just the two of us. No older brothers interrupting us."
"I promise." You smile.
As you and Satoru went to the school gate, it was already closed. Satoru tried to open it with his strength but it didn't work. His hands were in a dark tone of red now, a little scratched with some blood as he tried to force the gate before.
"What are we gonna do now? I've tried but it didn't open... And it's too high for just two people climb..." Satoru says.
"I don't want to get locked all night in school!" You replied. You were hungry and tired. All the cleaning thing tooked like 2 hours, you and Satoru were exhausted.
He looks around the empty grounds of the school and sighs in frustration. "Neither do I. This is a pain in the ass. What are we supposed to do now?"
"Well... I think we have to wait till morning... Someone has to open the gate for us to get out." You sigh as you respond Satoru.
He groans and leans back against the wall, "Great. Just great. So we're stuck here for the whole night, huh?"
"Yeah... Where do you want to go... Maybe the canteen has some food...? I'm hungry..."
He rubs the back of his neck and sighs, "The canteen's probably our best bet. Let's check it out and see if we can find something to snack on while we're stuck here."
You two were on your way to the school canteen. It was dark... Really dark. All the lights were off, just Satoru's phone flashlight illuminatting the path. Since it's late at night you start getting cold. The wind was hitting the trees and bushes and they were both swaying. It was possible to hear what seemed to be animals walking through the gardens.
As you walked you decided to call your brother to warn him that you were not coming back home that night. Suguru answers after a few rings: "Hey, what's up? You're calling pretty late. Are you coming home?"
You tell suguru what happened. After a minute he answer: "So you're locked in school with satoru? And you are gonna be there all night?"
Suguru sighs and sounds annoyed, "I can't believe this... You're stuck in school all night with that punk... I don't like it. Why did you two take so long to clean a fucking classroom?!"
"Suguru calm down! We're going to be fine... There's food in the canteen, there are many restrooms, and we can stay inside a classroom or something to get warm. When the gatekeeper arrives we'll get out."
You heard Suguru sighing, "Ok, ok... Be careful and try to eat something... And tell Satoru to keep his hands to himself and to not try to do something funny or I'll break every bone in his body. Understood?"
"Understood..." Your brother is reminding you of your history teacher when she was yelling at you and Satoru. You say goodbye to him as you arrive the canteen, turning the lights on.
"Was big bro concerned about his baby sister?" Satoru speaks after minutes in silence due to your call.
"He's just... Too protective sometimes... He's always been like that."
Satoru grins, "Yeah, he definitely seems like the protective type. I can't say I blame him though. You're pretty easy to look at." He teases you with a smirk. "Aw, come on, no need to blush. I'm just calling it like I see it. You're beautiful, sweetheart."
You let out a shy smile as you two explore the canteen, you eat at school sometimes but you haven't entered into the kitchen zone. It was all tidy and clean, without any living soul or noise.
"Alright, so this is the kitchen. Doesn't look like there's much left to eat, though. I guess we'll have to make do with whatever we can find."
"After we eat our food where do want to spend the night?"
Satoru thinks for a moment before responding, "Hmm... that's a good question. Maybe the gym? It might be a bit cold, but at least there's plenty of space, and we can use the exercise equipment as makeshift beds to get comfortable."
"Good idea! You're intelligent when you want to be, you know?" You tease him a little.
"Oh, so you're finally admitting that I have brain after all? I thought you thought I was just a pretty face."
"Hum...Not even a pretty face... Just a wealthy boy."
Satoru feigns offense and dramatically gasps, "Oh, you wound me with your harsh words! I'm not just a rich boy. I'm also ridiculously handsome, charming, and strong."
You laugh because of how repetitive Satoru can be, "Oh, so can the rich handsome strong amazing boy cook?"
He responds confidently, "Of course I can cook. As I said, I'm a man of many talents, and cooking happens to be one of them. Why? You want me to make you a five-star gourmet meal with only a few random ingredients we can find in the canteen?"
You laugh again before answering, "Not a five start gourmet meal, but just something edible."
The boy scratches his cheek, "Heh, well, I can at least promise you something edible. I can whip up something simple like pasta or a sandwich with whatever we can find here."
"All right! You cook, i seat here and watch!"
Satoru rolls his eyes playfully and responds sarcastically, "Great, so I'll be the chef while you sit back and relax. Just don't complain when it doesn't come out looking like a work of art, okay?"
"Okay okay... Can you do me scrambled eggs chef?"
"I got it, your highness. Scrambled eggs comin' right up. Just sit back and watch the chef work his magic."
He then starts searching for all the ingredients, organizing the kitchen as you sit in a chair near him. You stay there a few minutes watching Satoru before your bladder begged you to empty it. You told Satoru that you were going to the restroom really quick. He waved at you and you went out of the canteen.
You finished your business in the restroom and exit the cabin to wash your hands. The sink is clean and the water runs clear. You look at yourself in the mirror, taking a moment to freshen yourself up before heading back out to the canteen. The restroom was clean and well-lit. The cabins doors were all closed, and there's no sign of anyone else inside. The only sounds are the usual hum of the fluorescent lights and the distant sound of dripping water from one of the pipes. As you leave the restroom and start walking through the corridor that leads to the canteen area.
The corridors of this school are really big and have large windows so everyone can see all the school thanks to them. You look through that big windows. It's night and dark. No one is at school at this hour, just you and Satoru. The atmosphere is strangely quiet, without students shouting in the hallways, teachers screaming at them or any other school staff talking to each other. You keep walking still looking through the windows. And you saw it. The music classroom.
You freeze.
You just can't move or look away.
You pause as you notice the light emitting from the music classroom at the other building of the school. There's a faint glow, and the sound of a piano playing can be heard gently wafting from inside.
You must be dreaming.
You need to be dreaming.
The rumors about that class come rushing into your mind. Many students say that classroom is haunted by a ghost of a professor that died 40 years ago there. The causes of death are unknown, but it is said that he was a music teacher, he didn't notice that he died, so he continued to go to the room to give his piano lessons. You've heard many rumors from your friends, students reported hearings piano sounds when nobody was inside the room, others claim to hear a man singing and other even say that they have seen the ghost. At night everyone says that the spirit of that professor plays the piano all night, his favourite song.
The same that you were hearing right at this moment.
You went pale and you feel your knees giving up. You couldn't move.
After what seemed hours looking at that classroom you gain control of your body and run back to the canteen where Satoru was waiting for you.
He is still busy cooking the eggs, his back facing you as he stands over the stove, stirring the scrambled eggs in the pan. He heard you coming into the kitchen and looked over his shoulder, smiling as he sees you return, "Ah, there you are. Just in time. The eggs are almost ready."
You rush to hug him desesperated, still very pale. Satoru is caught off guard by your sudden hug. He can sense that something is wrong, "Hey, hey. What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost or something..."
You went even more pale after he said that. He frowns, noticing your paleness growing even more, "Hey, seriously, what's going on? You're looking really pale right now. Did something happen while you were gone?"
"Satoru..." You clutched his clothes even harder and tried to hide your face into his chest. His expression softens as he sees how distressed you are. He sets the pan down on the stove and wraps his arms around you, holding you close and stroking your hair gently.
"Calm down, it's okay. You can tell me. What's got you so frightened? "
"Let's eat first... I'll tell you when we finished eating..." You couldn't tell him right now, you need to calm now first. You couldn't even talk properly.
Satoru nods in understanding and releases his embrace but keeps one arm around your waist, "Alright, let's eat first. But you have to promise me you'll tell me what's going on once we're done eating. Deal?"
The boy smiles reassuringly and gives your waist a gentle squeeze before returning to the stove to finish cooking the eggs. "Okay then. Let me just finish up these eggs real quick, and then we can sit down and eat. You gonna be okay for a bit longer?"
"Yeah... Just don't leave me alone..."
He nods, acknowledging your need for reassurance, "Don't worry, I won't leave your side. Just give me a moment to plate up these eggs, and then you can cling to me as much as you want, okay? You can sit by now."
He puts the eggs on a plate for you eat and you two sit next to each other. You were calmer but still afraid. After a few minutes you told him everything, the light, the music, the rumours. Satoru listens intently as you recount your experience in the corridor, his expression growing more and more serious. When you finished, he let out a sigh and putted down his fork, "Damn, so you actually saw something that confirms those rumors. I've always thought it was just an urban legend... You say the light was coming from the music room and you heard piano music?"
You nod and tell him that you don't want to get close to that class. You were planning on spending the night on the gym, and to go there you need to pass near the music classroom. He agrees, understanding your trepidation, "I can understand why you're frightened. Seeing something like that can really shake you up. We don't have to go anywhere near that class if you don't want to. We can just eat here in the canteen and then find somewhere else to spend the night. We could spend here but it's too cold and the food smell it's too strong."
"...Satoru... Be honest... Do you believe me?"
He looks at you, his expression serious and considerate, "Of course I believe you. You're not the kind of person to make up stories or jump at shadows. If you say you saw a light on and heard the piano music, then I trust that you did. Besides, there have been other reports of people experiencing similar things in that class before, remember? You're probably not the only one who saw something."
"...What do we do now?"
Satoru takes a moment to consider your options before responding, "Well, we have a two options. We could either go to the gym, which would mean passing by that class, or we could try to find a different room to spend the night in, like one of the classrooms. Neither option is ideal, but we have to make do with what we got."
He tooks a glance at you and sees that you were still pale and shaking a little, so he continues: "But if you don't want to go near to the music class we must spend the night in other place. We'll find somewhere cozy and safe. Don't worry, you are not alone, I'm here with you, and remember, I got to protect you no matter what, or Suguru would break all my bones"
He winks at you playfully and you let out a small smile because he was trying to make you laugh.
"Thank you Toru."
You give him a side hug and he wraps his arms around you and hugs you back tightly, his chin resting on the top of your head. His voice is soft and comforting, "You're welcome, {Reader}. I won't let anything harm you, I promise. Just focus on relaxing and eating, okay? We'll figure everything out together."
Satoru releases the hug but keep one arm around your shoulders, drawing you closer to his chest. "Now, come on. You need to finish your food. You're probably feeling shaken up, but you gotta keep your strength up. Eat a little bit more, alright? Just a few more bites, for me." You eat the rest of your food while he waits.
Satoru grins and gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze, "That's the spirit! See, you're already feeling a bit better after eating. That's good. Now, let's go find a room to stay in for the night. Are you good to walk or do you want me to carry you?"
"Would you carry me if I ask?" You giggle a little, trying to forget that image in your head.
He laughs at your question. "Of course, I will! Just say the word, and I'll carry you wherever you want. No need to trouble yourself with walking. I'll princess carry you if that's what you want."
Satoru starts walking out of the canteen, holding you in his arms like a princess. "We're heading to one of the empty classrooms. It'll be cleaner and more comfortable than staying here in the canteen. And it won't be near that haunted class at all."
You were happy that he didn't force you to go to the gym, but still worried when you thought about something: "But we have to pass through the corridor that have a window with a view of that class..."
Satoru nods, his expression becoming a little more serious, "Yeah, we do have to pass by the corridor, but I'll make sure you don't look out that window at the class. Just focus on me, okay? And if you start feeling uncomfortable, just bury your face in my chest and cling to me as tight as you want. I won't let anything happen to you."
You do what he said, you cling into him as your help depends on it. He holds you against his chest like a precious treasure, his arms securing you tightly. He walks down the corridor carefully, shielding you from any potential sight of the class. His body feels warm and solid against yours, and his scent is comforting as he keeps you close, "Don't look out that window. Just keep your face on my chest. We're almost there, you're doing great. Just a little bit more, alright?"
Satoru continues walking through the corridor, keeping you tucked securely in his arms. The sound of his footsteps and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat help to soothe your nerves. As you finally reach the end of the corridor, Satoru lets out a small sigh of relief.
"We made it. See, we're fine. That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"...Did you saw it?"
Satoru shakes his head. "No, I didn't see anything. I'm focused on you and you only. I didn't look at the class even once. You can trust me on that. "
"Thank you... Really."
"No need to thank me, I'm just looking out for you. You're safe with me. And once we get to the classroom, you can rest easy and forget all about that creepy class. Just a little bit further, and we're there. Just hang in there a bit longer, alright?"
You keep walking until you finally reach an empty classroom. The boy carefully places you down on your feet, opening the door and flicking on the lights. He then shuts the door behind himself, making sure it's locked.
"We made it. Finally somewhere safe and comfortable, without any spooky music classes nearby."
Satoru takes a moment to look around the classroom, making sure everything is secure. Seeing that everything's in order, he turns his attention back to you.
"Alright, we're good here. You can relax now. No windows, no haunted classes. Just you and me in this room."
You nod at him, thanking him again, "Do you have your phone with you? What time is it?"
Satoru nods and reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He quickly checks the time, "Yeah, I've got my phone. The time is..." He brings the phone closer to his face, checking the digital display. "... 11:47PM. Geez, it's already that late."
"And we have to wait until 6AM, that's when the school staff arrives to open the gates." You add.
Satoru lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, we have a long night ahead of us. We need to stay here in this classroom until someone comes in the morning. That means about 6 more hours..."
"Do you want to sleep?"
"Nah, I'm not tired just yet. Plus, I want to make sure you're alright. You've had quite an eventful night, huh?"
"...You're right... I'm exhausted but even if I want to I just can't sleep... I need do distract myself from that... thing... What do you want to do?"
"Well if you want to be awake we could play a game... Like truth or dare. We can get to know each other better and you'll distract yourself. What so you say?"
"Yes... That's a great idea." You liked his idea. Really. But you just can't get that music out of your head. You can't stay safe knowing that something or someone is with you at this school. Satoru is trying to cheer you up, so you force a smile while you sit in two chairs at the back of the class.
"Great! Let's start then. Since I suggested the game, you get to go first. Truth or dare?"
He smirks, thinking of a good question, "Okay, truth question... hmm, let me think... Oh! I got one! Did you ever dated someone? Like, did you have a boyfriend?"
You are surprised by his question. But you remembered what he said moments ago, with this game you can get to know each other better, so you finally answered, "No. Like... I never had a boyfriend before."
He raises an eyebrow, a hint of disbelief in his expression: "You're serious? You're saying you've never dated or had any experiences either?"
"No... There were a few boys that were interested in me... But Suguru won't let them get close. And if im being honest im not that concerned about relationships or anything, we're im high school, we're young. We have a whole life to experience that things. Now we need to focus on other things you know? But as I told you, even if I wanted to date anyone, Suguru would probably scare them away..."
"Ah, now it all makes sense. No wonder you're so untouchable. I guess your brother kept any potential boyfriends away, huh." He says jokingly, "So never dated before? Guess were in the same boat..."
"What do you mean? The great Gojo Satoru never had a girlfriend? Really?"
"I know it's hard to believe... But all the girls that were into me were more interested in my money or my family status, so I never had nothing serious."
His face flushes with embarrassement and he looks away. You laugh a little at his shyness, "Don't need to be shy! So were both inexperienced..."
"Okay okay..." He quickly changes the subject to hide his red cheeks, "Your turn to ask me."
"Truth or dare?"
Satoru grins and leans back against the wall, his cocky behavior coming back, "Dare! Hit me with your best shot. I'm not afraid."
You think for a bit. Even if Satoru is trying to make you feel happier and comfortable you're still frightenedd because of the music classroom. You can't take that moment from your mind, you were paralyzed, looking at the class while you heard a low sound of a piano playing. You can't stay here 6 entire hours at the dark while something is at school too. You tried to be more rational... It could be a person. Yeah... A person... Someone who stayed inside of the school like you and Satoru, maybe someone from the school staff or a student... Maybe even the current music teacher. It can't be a ghost or a spirit... Right? You were lost in your thoughts when Satoru called for you. After a few seconds you answered.
"Well... I'm gonna be honest. I'm still with that classroom in mind... Why don't you go check that it? You don't even need to enter, just get close and see if it's someone there."
The white haired boy raises an eyebrow at your dare and looks at you with a mix of amusement and curiosity, "You want me to go near that haunted classroom? Are you sure about this, princess?"
"Toru I'm still afraid, I need to confirm that's nothing wrong there... And you are not afraid as I am..."
Satoru studies your face, seeing the genuine fear in your eyes. He takes a deep breath and nods, "Alright, if it'll help put your mind at ease, I'll do it. Stay here. But if anything happens, scream and I'll be right there, okay?"
"Thank you. Go with your phone and if anything hapends call me, okay?" You give him a small but genuine smile, grabbing his hand to encourage him.
He nods, pulling out his phone and holding it in his hand, "Don't worry, I'll have my phone ready. Stay right here, princess. You're safe, I promise."
Satoru takes a deep breath, turns the knob, and slowly opens the music classroom door. The student slowly steps into the classroom, holding his phone as a makeshift flashlight. The room is eerily silent, and the air is cold. He glances around, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary... His eyes scan the space carefully, looking for any signs of movement or anything unnerving. The room seems deserted, but the dark shadows in the corners play tricks on his eyes, making him feel slightly uneasy. He takes a few more steps into the room, his phone flashlight illuminating the space in front of him.
Satoru continues exploring the classroom, his footsteps echoing in the empty area. He checks behind desks, peeks into supply closets, and surveys the entire room. He tries to keep his cool, but the eerie silence and darkness start to get under his skin. His heart rate picks up a bit as he continues to search the room. He checks every nook and cranny, searching for any sign of a ghost or anything out of the ordinary. The silence is deafening, and every sound he makes seems amplified in the empty space. As he turns to check behind the last row of desks, he suddenly hears a soft shuffling noise coming from the other side of the room.
He freezes immediately upon hearing the sound. His eyes widen, and his heart starts beating faster. He grips his phone tighter, the dim light trembling in his hand. He slowly and quietly turns in the direction of the noise, trying to pinpoint its location. The sound grows louder, a soft shuffling noise coming from the corner of the classroom. Satoru cautiously approaches the area, his mind racing with possibilities. He tries to keep his breathing steady as he shines his phone flashlight into the dark corner, bracing himself for what he might see.
As the boy approaches the pile of boxes, he can sense that something is off. The shuffling noise seems to be coming from directly behind the boxes. His hands shake slightly as he slowly moves the phone's light back and forth between the boxes, trying to see what's hiding behind them. The shadows dance around him, and he can't shake off the feeling that he's being watched. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves, then reaches out with a trembling hand and pushes the boxes aside, revealing... nothing.
The corner is empty, with just a few cobwebs and dust bunnies remaining. The shuffling noise suddenly cuts off, and Satoru's heart beats wildly in his chest as he stares into the dimly lit space.
Satoru stands there, frozen in place, his heart still racing. He shines his phone flashlight into the corner once more, just to make sure. The empty space seems almost mocking, with no signs of any creature or ghost. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart. Was it his imagination? Just the wind playing tricks on him? No, the windows were closed... Or was something there, hiding just out of sight?
He waits a moment, hoping the shuffling noise doesn't start up again. When everything stays quiet, he slowly backs away from the corner, his eyes still locked on the empty space. He takes a deep breath and finally tears his gaze away, trying to shake off the unease that he felt. He turns away from the corner and slowly makes his way to the classroom door, ready to leave that unsettling place behind.
Satoru walks out of the classroom and closes the door behind him, relieved to be out of that eerie space. He stands there for a moment, leaning against the door, and tries to catch his breath. The adrenaline from the experience slowly fades, and he realizes how tense he was. He takes a final deep breath and walks back toward you, a slight tremble in his step. As he approaches you, he forces a small smile, trying to hide the lingering unease he feels. He stops in front of you, pocketing his phone in his jeans, and shrugs slightly.
"Well.. good news, there's nothing wrong with that classroom... You were just imagining things. You are exhausted... You could have imagined it. Your subconscious may have associated the rumors at the music classroom and created an audiovisual effect on your mind."
"Really? So the light and the sounds?... It's true that I'm tired... You must be right."
"Yeah. There's nothing there. I checked the whole place, no sign of any ghost or even a person, whatever. The lights were off and the the cover that protects the piano keys was closed. We're safe."
Satoru was still trying to maintain his composure. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to dismiss your concerns. He heard something. He knows that something is wrong with that place. But he didn't want you to be scared.
"Thank god!" You get up and hug him, "You're my hero!" Finally you can rest. You don't need to be suspicious about a spirit of a dead professor.
Satoru smiles as you hug him, his arms wrapping around you instinctively. He laughs at your words and shakes his head, "Hey, no need to be dramatic. I just checked a dusty classroom, not saved the world or anything."
"You saved me! I was really worried... Now I know nothing is wrong with that class! Thank you!" He grins, enjoying the way you're clinging to him and leans down a bit and gently pats your head.
"You're welcome, princess. You don't have to worry about that classroom anymore. It's just a typical, boring classroom with nothing exciting going on." You laugh a little, you much happier and chill now.
"Yeah... So what do you want to do now?"
Satoru pretends to think for a moment before a mischievous grin spreads across his face, "Hmm, I can think of a few things we can do while it's just the two of us here in a completely deserted school..."
"You perv! We're not doing anything! Suguru would kill you!" You hit his arm jokingly. The boy laughs heartily and steps closer to you, still holding you in his arms. He raises an eyebrow and grins, "Hey, I didn't say anything perverted. But you're right, Suguru would probably kill me if he found out I did anything inappropriate with you. He's so overprotective sometimes..."
You laugh more, before saying, "Now that we know there's no ghost do you want to go to the gym? We can sleep there, we need to rest, and it's comfy, we have to pass through that class, but you checked so we're gonna be fine!" You smiled at him, not noticing that his eyes widened. Satoru considers your suggestion for a moment, weighing the options. He didn't want to go, but you needed to rest and he didn't want to scare you. He glances in the direction of the haunted classroom and then returns his gaze to you, "Hmm, the gym, huh? That doesn't sound bad. And yeah, I checked that classroom already, so we're good to go. Just, uh... stick close to me, okay?... Just in case."
"All right hero... Let's go!" Satoru grins at your nickname for him and tightens his arm around your waist, gently guiding you towards hallway. He keeps a close eye on you, making sure you're feeling safe and comfortable, even though he's the one who's shaking now, "Alright, princess. Let's make our way to the gym and settle in for the night. And don't worry, I'm the hero now, remember? I'll protect you from anything."
You start on your way to the gym, which is located at the back of the school, surrounded by tall large trees. The night is calm, silence settles throughout the school, with only the sound of the wind ruffling the leaves of the trees. Your crush walks alongside you, his arm still around your waist. He looks around the deserted school, taking note of the eerie silence. When you approach the last corridor you have to go through to get to the gym, the hallway of the music room, Satoru looks at you and tries to smile, "Almost there. Just a few more steps, and we'll be at the gym. Are you doing okay? Not too spooked out by this whole situation?"
"Not anymore. You checked. I trust you." You're not lying. You're a lot calmer now. If he told that wasn't anything there, you believe him, there was no reason to be afraid of silly rumours. But Satoru's sure there's something strange happening in this school. After all he heard it. In front of him.
As you both pass by the classroom where the strange shuffling sounds came from earlier, Satoru can't help but feel a pang of unease. He tries to brush it off, telling himself that he already checked the place and there's nothing there. But some lingering doubts remain in his mind, "Yeah, I checked and found nothing... Just an empty classroom... no need to worry." He continues to walk, but his pace is a bit slower now as he grapples with the nagging feeling in his gut. He keeps his arm protectively around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He tries to hide his unease, not wanting to worry you, "We're almost there... just a few more steps to the gym."
As you both finally arrive at the gym, Satoru releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding. The gym's welcoming atmosphere contrasts sharply with the unsettling feeling in his gut. He glances over at you, hoping you didn't notice his momentary discomfort.
"Ah, finally here. The gym is always a good spot to unwind and relax."
"Yeah. I'll go find the blankets or something that can keep us warm, you close the door."
Satoru nods and watches as you head off to find the blankets. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts and try to shake off the lingering unease from earlier. He walks over to the gymnasium's entrance and closes the door, securing it. He takes a final breath before turning back to look around the spacious room. The white hair boy looks around the gym, taking in the familiar surroundings. The familiar sight of basketball hoops and gym equipment brings a small sense of comfort. He walks over to where you are and notices you searching for blankets.
"Having any luck finding those blankets, princess?"
"I found one! We can share."
Satoru grins at your discovery and smirks, "Oh really? Just one, huh? I guess we'll have to share then. I hope you don't mind getting cozy with me under the same blanket."
"Pufff don't think anything stupid." He feigns innocence, putting on an exaggerated shocked expression, "Me? Thinking of something stupid? Perish the thought. I was just thinking about having a nice, friendly snuggle under a blanket. Nothing more, I swear."
You smile at him, "We're just cuddling you stupid." Satoru's grin widens at your invitation. He saunters over to where you are, a playful glimmer in his eyes, "Well, if you insist, baby. I won't say no to a cuddle session." He reaches out and takes the blanket from you, then sits down on the gym floor and gestures for you to join him.
After you sit he drapes the blanket over both of their laps, creating a cozy cocoon for the two of you. He puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him and resting his hand on your hip.
"Comfy? This blanket is thinner than I thought. I guess we'll have to cuddle closely to stay warm."
"You're right." You answer and add "We should sleep... All that ghost story made me tired..." You were so tired yet happy that the ghost was "false" that you didn't even notice that Satoru had a change on his mood. Satoru watches as you yawn and snuggle closer to him, oblivious to his lingering unease. He forces a small smile and nods, trying to hide his own tiredness and concern: "Yeah, you're right. It's been a long day with all that ghost talk. Let's get some sleep. You can rest your head on me if you want."
"Okay. Thank you. Just put an alarm for 6AM, so we can go to the gate and go to our houses to rest."
He pulls out his phone, setting an alarm for 6AM, saying "Alarm set for 6AM. We'll be up and out of here before you know it." He tucks his phone back into his pocket and looks down at you, wrapped up in the blanket with your head resting on his shoulder.
As you drift off to sleep, unaware of the turmoil in Satoru's mind, he remains awake, holding you close. The sounds he heard earlier still haunt him, and despite his efforts to dismiss them as his imagination, he can't shake off the feeling of unease. He glances around the gym, the dimly lit room taking on an eerie cast in his mind's eye. The white hair boy tries to stay focused on you, taking comfort in your presence. But every little sound, every shadow that moves in the dim light, sets his nerves on edge. He tries to rationalize with himself, reminding himself that he checked the place earlier and found nothing but the sounds he heard keep replaying in his mind. He can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. Satoru continues to hold you close, his heart racing. He looks down at your sleeping form, feeling a mix of protectiveness and worry. He knows he should wake you up, but he doesn't want to worry you, not when you're looking so peaceful. He tries to ignore the eerie sounds that seem to be getting louder, telling himself that it's just his imagination playing tricks on him. But as the minutes tick by, his unease grows.
Satoru's breath quickens as the sound of shuffling footsteps fills his ears. His grip on you tightens involuntarily, and he looks around the gym, trying to locate the source of the noise. The shadows seem to move more erratically, making it harder for him to tell what's real and what's his imagination. The shuffling footsteps grow louder, and a chill runs down Satoru's spine. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest as adrenaline surges through his body. He glances down at you, still asleep on his shoulder, and debates whether to wake you up or keep you blissfully unaware.
The footsteps seem to draw closer, and Satoru can hear a soft, shuffling noise as if something is approaching from the shadows. His mind races, torn between his desire to protect you and his fear of what's lurking in the darkness. He glances anxiously around the gym, trying to make out any shape or movement in the dim light. The footsteps come to a stop, and an eerie silence falls over the room. Satoru's breath catches in his throat as he strains his ears, listening for any sign of movement. His eyes dart around the gym, searching the shadows for any sign of an intruder. But as the seconds tick by, the silence becomes deafening, and his thoughts begin to race again. His heart beats faster as the tense silence stretches on. He feels a bead of sweat running down his forehead, and his grip on you tightens. He tries to maintain his composure, but the tension is palpable. The room feels charged, as if something is about to happen. Satoru's eyes scan the shadows, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios.
Suddenly, a loud thump echoes through the gym, causing Satoru to jump in surprise. It sounds like something heavy being dropped or moved. Satoru's heart rate spikes, and any lingering doubts about the reality of the situation disappear. He squeezes you protectively, his mind racing with fear. His breathing becomes ragged as the reality of the situation sets in. He quickly fishes out his phone from his pocket, careful not to wake you up. With shaking hands, he unlocks it and dials Suguru's number, desperately hoping his friend picks up. Satoru listens anxiously as the phone rings, each second feeling like an eternity. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he hears Suguru's groggy voice on the other end of the line.
Satoru's voice trembles as he whispers into the phone, "Suguru, it's me. Please tell me you're awake... I need your help. There's something... someone... here with us in the gym, and I don't know what to do."
Suguru, hearing the panic in Satoru's voice, instantly sits up, fully awake, "What? Satoru, what are you talking about? What's going on?"
The student glances around the gym, his eyes darting nervously as he tries to keep his voice steady, "There's... there's something in here with us. I can hear footsteps, and something just made a loud thump. I don't know who or what it is, and I... I'm scared, Suguru."
Suguru's voice is serious and concerned as he responds, "Stay where you are, and don't do anything stupid. I'm on my way. Just keep yourselves safe until I get there, okay?"
Satoru takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, "Okay, we'll stay put. Just please hurry, Suguru. I don't know what to do if that... thing decides to approach us."
Your brother's voice is reassuring as he responds, "I'm coming as fast as I can. Just stay safe, and don't worry. I'll be there soon."
Satoru nods, even though Suguru can't see him, "Okay, we'll be fine. Just hurry, please." He continues to hold you tightly, his mind racing with anxiety as he waits for Suguru's arrival.
Minutes feel like hours as he anxiously scans the gym for any signs of the intruder. The room is eerily silent, broken only by the sound of his ragged breaths. He desperately listens for any hint of his friend's arrival, his grip on you tightening with each passing second. And finally, after what feels like an eternity, Satoru hears a soft knocking on the gym doors. His heart races as he immediately recognizes the sound, relief flooding through him.
"Suguru's here...."
The boy gently shakes you awake, careful not to startle you too much, "Hey, wake up. Suguru's here, and he's at the door." You wake up groggy, "... What? What is he doing here? It's already 6AM?..." You ask a little confused while you rub your eyes.
Satoru nods, still feeling anxious, "No... It's not 6AM... But... we had a bit of a situation. Can you just go open the door for me, please? I'll explain everything in a second."
"Open the door?" He nods again, his tone gently imploring.
"Yes, can you go open the door, please? Suguru's waiting outside, and well... you're going to think I'm crazy once I explain."
You get up and cross the gym, still rubbing your eyes, looking for the door. It's still dark and there's no noise other than the loud knocking on the gym's large door. You finally reach the door and open it. Your older brother stands at the door, looking concerned and a little disheveled from being woken up suddenly. He glances at you with a mix of worry and relief in his eyes, "Is Gojo there with you? Is he okay?"
"Well... He is there... He looks weird... We planned to sleep and wait untill the gate of the school opened, but he woke me up and told me to open the door..." Your sleepy voice echoes through the big space.
Suguru's concern deepens as he listens to your words. First, he looks up and down at you, trying to catch any wound and when he sees that you're fine, he gives you a quick hug and then glances past you, trying to catch a glimpse of Satoru, "Is he okay? He didn't tell you what's going on? He just woke you up and told you to open the door?"
"He didn't told me anything, I was sleeping... what happened and how did you enter the school? The gates are closed..."
Suguru leans slightly closer, his voice lowered, "The gates are closed, yeah... but I know how to climb the fence. I was worried after Gojo called me and told me that you guys might be in danger. He was freaking out on the phone. Said he heard something in here with you, and he was scared something bad was going to happen. So I told him to stay where he was, and I'd come right over and check it out. That's why I'm here."
"...What?... He heard something?"
"Yeah, he was really panicked. He said he heard footsteps and something making noise in here with you. He sounded genuinely worried. That's why I came over as quickly as I could."
You stayed in silence, paralyzed as you were hours ago when you heard the piano sound and saw the light from the music classroom. Did Satoru heard something? On the gym? That's crazy... You thought that everything was fine, that you had just imagined things. But after all... You were right... That's something wrong in this place... Your older brother looks at you with concern, wondering how you're processing this information. He continues to speak in a quiet voice and a serious face.
"So, is he in there still? Is he okay? Can I come in and talk to him?"
"...Yes yes... Enter."
He nods and steps into the gym, his eyes immediately scanning the room for any signs of danger but nobody else is here. His senses are on high alert, and he cautiously approaches Satoru, who is still sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. Suguru crouches down next to Satoru, noticing his anxious and frightened demeanor, "Hey man, you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." He notices the look of fear in his friend's eyes and places a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Hey, talk to me. What happened? Did you really heard something in here? You look terrified." Suguru's voice is gentle as he tries to coax Satoru into speaking, "...Come on, man. Talk to me. I'm here. Just tell me what happened. I wanna help you. Me and {Reader} checked, there's nothing here..."
"Toru is everything all right? Did you heard anything when I was sleeping?" You ask this time. Satoru takes a deep breath, his voice shaking as he responds:
"Yeah... I heard... footsteps... and something moving around in here. It sounded like someone or something was in here with us while you were sleeping."
Suguru notices your paling complexion and the shock on your face, "Hey, take a deep breath. Everything's going to be okay. I'm here now, and I'll make sure nothing happens. You're safe. But first, why don't you sit down. You look like you're about to pass out." You sit down and you tell everything that happened to Suguru since your detention, the spirit of the music classroom, when satoru went to check and told you that everything was ok...
He listens intently, his expression becoming more serious as you recount the events, "So, you guys were just about to sleep in here when Gojo heard footsteps? But before he went out to check but came back saying everything was fine?" You nod and he continues, as his eyebrows furrow in concentration, "That's weird... He said he heard footsteps and something moving around... but when he went to check that classroom, he told you everything was fine. Why would he do that? Gojo wouldn't lie about something like that. He looked terrified when I came in."
*...I don't know Suguru, I just woke up... But since you're here we better get out of the school, you will help us climb the gates."
"Yeah, you're right. Let's get out of here. I'll help you climb the gates. Gojo, can you get up, or do you need a minute?"
Satoru stayed in silence.
Suguru offers him a hand, helping him to his feet, "Come on, man. You look shaken, but we need to get out of here. Can you walk?" He didn't answer again. Your brother puts a supportive arm around Satoru as they start making their way towards the exit, with you at the front, "Lean on me. I got you."
"It's still night... What time is it?" Suguru glances at his watch as they walk and responds you, "It's around 5am. The sun should start rising in about an hour." "Do you want to wait till someone came? It's just one hour left. Or you prefer to climb?" You asked.
Suguru considers the options for a moment before responding, "We can wait if you want, but I'm not comfortable staying here any longer than we have to. We don't know if whatever was in here is still lurking around. I think it might be better if we went ahead and climbed the gate. We'll be safer on the outside."
"Yeah... You're right... It was a stupid question, sorry... Satoru are you okay? You didn't talk since Suguru got here..." You said as you leave the gym passing through that class again. Satoru nods slowly, still shaken but slightly more composed than before, "Yeah... I... I'm okay. Just a little spooked. Let's just get out of here." As you pass through the haunted classroom, Satoru's eyes dart around nervously, straining to see or hear anything out of the ordinary. Suguru keeps a firm grip on Satoru, his eyes also scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.
You finally approach the gates and peer up at the towering fence.
"Alright, you ready? You're shorter than us... I'll boost you up, and you climb over. I'll follow right after." Suguru says and positions himself next to the gate as he prepares to give you a boost up. He laces his fingers together, creating a makeshift step for you to use as leverage, "Okay, step on my hands, and I'll hoist you up. Then you grab the top of the gate and swing your leg over. I'll be right behind you." Your sibling helps you out, and your outside the school. He climb the gate alone since he's stronger, but waits until his friend climb too. Just Satoru's inside now.
Suguru lets out a sigh of relief once you're safely on the other side of the fence. He turns his attention back to Satoru, who's still inside the school grounds, "Hey, Gojo, you need a boost? You can grab my hand. Hurry up and get out here."
Satoru looks one more time to the music class.
Suguru furrows his brow in confusion as he notices Satoru staring at the music class, "Hey, Gojo, what's wrong? What are you looking at?" He follows the blue eyed boy gaze towards the music class, his concern growing, "What do you see, Gojo? Is something there?"
Satoru saw it. Right in front of him. The man. The professor that died 40 years ago. Looking straight into his eyes.
Gojo Satoru freezed. He couldn't move. Not with that death glare staring into his soul. The man is wearing a fancy black suit, glasses and a beret. He's standing up with hands behind his back in front of the piano. A cold face and very pale skin.
Suguru notices the look of horror on Satoru's face and his gaze fixated on the music class, "Gojo, what is it? What do you see?" He looks into the music class, trying to spot the object of Satoru's fear, but didn't saw anything.
"Satoru get up! Suguru is waiting!" You scream this time, already on the other side, near Suguru's car.
Satoru snaps out of his trance upon hearing your voice. He peels his eyes away from the man, his heart pounding in his chest. With one last glance behind him, he quickly rushes over to where you and Suguru are. Your brother looks at Satoru with a mix of concern and curiosity, noting his rattled state, "Gojo, what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost... or maybe, like you actually saw one." His expression shifts to one of seriousness as he tries to make sense of the situation, "...What did you see in there? Be honest with me." Suguru leans closer, his voice gentle yet determined, "Come on, man... You need to tell me what you're thinking. There's something inside that scared you, yeah? You can trust me. Just tell me what you saw in there."He waits patiently, his gaze never wavering from his best friend. He can see the turmoil in his expression and the hesitation in his demeanor. He speaks softly but firmly, urging him to open up, "Satoru, whatever it is, you need to tell me. It's okay. Just let it out. I'm here for you."
"Suguru hurry! Put satoru down! And get in the car, we can talk about this at home!"
Suguru nods in agreement, realizing the urgency of the situation. He turns to Satoru and gently grabs his arm, "Come on, Gojo. We're going home. Let's get in the car and talk there." He leads Satoru towards the car, helping him into the passenger seat. Once he's settled, Suguru quickly rounds the car to the driver's side and gets in. He starts the engine and starts driving, the silence in the car tense as you make your way home.
"Toru you okay?" You finally broke the silence.
Satoru lets out a shaky sigh and nods weakly, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, "I... I don't know... I just... I saw something... something I can't explain."
Suguru glances over at the boy, his concern growing at the troubled look on his face. He decides to press further, "What did you saw, Gojo? What was it that has you so shaken up? It must have been something pretty damn scary if it's got you this messed up..."
"Satoru... You went to check on the music class... You told me that there was nothing there... I don't understand..."
He nods slowly, his voice barely above a whisper, "I... I know I did... but when I went in, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I just checked the halls and the classroom. Nothing weird or unusual. At least, nothing that I could see... I just... Heard noises... Weird sounds... But I didn't wanted to scare you more..." He tried to continue but his voice broke.
You and your brother can hear the uncertainty in Satoru's voice, the confusion and fear in his tone. Suguru takes a deep breath before speaking again, trying to find the right words to say, "So, you looked around, and everything seemed fine, right? Not mentioning the noises of course... Then why do you look so scared, Gojo? I know you saw something there." He glances over at Satoru again, trying to gauge his expression in the dim light of the car. He can sense the distress bubbling beneath the surface, and he wants to help, "Man, whatever you saw... or thought you saw... please tell me. I can't help you if I don't know what's going on, man. You're scaring me and my sister..." The car falls into a tense silence as the black haired boy continues to drive, the only sounds coming from the hum of the engine and the rain pattering against the windshield. Suguru can practically feel the tension radiating off of Satoru, and he can see the troubled expression on his face in the dim light cast from the street lamps.
"Suguru stop... If he don't want to tell us it's all right, maybe he needs time to think." Your sibling lets out a heavy sigh, realizing the truth in your words. He glances over at Satoru, who still looks shell-shocked, "Yeah... you're right. Maybe he just needs some time to process. But I'm worried about him. I've never seen him so shaken up before."
You grab your crush's hand and try to comfort him: "It's all right now, we're out of that school, and Suguru is here..."
Suguru watches as you gently take Satoru's trembling hand, offering him words of reassurance. Satoru's grip tightens around your hand, as if seeking comfort and support and he finally speaks, "I know... I know we're out... but... I can't shake this feeling... like something's watching us still..."
"Gross! Don't say that!"
At your outburst, Satoru lets out a small, strained chuckle and nods, "Yeah, sorry... you're right. I didn't mean to freak you out. It's just... it's like I can feel something lurking nearby. Watching us..."
"...Do you think it's following us?..."
"I… I don't know… maybe? It's just... this feeling won't go away. Like there's something or someone following us, just out of sight…"
He continues to hold your hand tightly, his grip growing increasingly more tense as they continue their drive. His eyes flit around the surroundings outside the car, searching the darkness for any signs of being followed. It's dark and your family's house is out of the town, a little far away. Your family doesn't have much money as Satoru's family so you live in a village in the middle of plantation fields where there isn't much movement, just huge trees and wild animals. You had to admit that was a bit of a scary path. But before you leave the city you had an idea to try to cheer up the boys.
"Suguru! I want to go to McDonald's before we get home, let's get food, me and Satoru didn't eat almost anything last night."
He chuckles softly at your outburst and your attempts to lift the mood, "Yeah, alright. McDonald's it is. Might take our minds off things, even if just for a bit."
The three of you now sit spread out on the floor of Suguru's room, surrounded by the remnants of your McDonald's meals. The atmosphere is somewhat lighter, but Satoru still seems distant and troubled, his mind clearly elsewhere. He excuses himself and heads to the bathroom, your brother turns to you, a concerned look on his face. He lowers his voice so that Satoru can't hear from the bathroom.
"Hey... you think he'll be alright? I haven't seen him like this before. It's starting to worry me."
"I think it's from the shock... From what he told us he heard something, but was trying to act cool for me not to freak out... Give him some time... He will get better..."
"Yeah, you're probably right... He's always been like that, trying to be the strong one and not let anyone see him struggle. But this... this is different. He couldn't hide how freaked out he was, and that... that's what's worrying me."
Suguru leans back against the wall, his eyes fixed on the bathroom door, waiting for Satoru to come out. The room is filled with a tense silence, broken only by the occasional sound of the rain tapping against the window. He glances over at you, a worried expression etched onto his face, and he mutters softly, the words barely above a whisper, "He'll be alright though, right? He's strong... he can handle this."
"...Do you think that the ghost was real? Or just our imagination?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure... I want to say it was just Satoru's imagination, that it was a product of fear and exhaustion. But... there's something about the look in his eyes, the way he's been acting... it's like he truly believes he saw something. But... spirits don't exist, right? They're just stories and superstitions. Something that our grandmother tell us to scare us when we were little, right?"
You don't answer. Instead you get closed to your brother trying to find any comfort. Suguru notices your gesture and immediately puts an arm around you, offering you a warm embrace. He gently rubs your back and ruffles your hair, trying to soothe your worries as he speaks, "Hey, hey... it's alright. No need to get so worked up. We're here for each other, remember? We'll figure things out and help Satoru, okay? Just rest your head on my shoulder for now. Everything's going to be fine."
"Thank you Suguru... If it wasn't you, me and Toru would be in that school with that... Thing..."
"No need to thank me. We're family, right? We look out for each other. I'd never leave you and Satoru alone in a situation like that. Besides, I'm the big brother. It's my job to protect both of you. So don't worry, okay? I won't let anything bad happen to you guys."
You notice that the sun is starting to rise but you're all exhausted due to want happend in the night, so you decided that's best if none of you go to school today. You can stay at home and rest all day. So when Satoru leaved the bathroom Suguru turned with a gentle smile and said:
"Hey, I think it's a good idea if we all just stay home today. None of us got much sleep last night, and you're clearly worn out. So why don't we just take the day off today? We can chill, relax, and sort through what happened last night."
"I agree with Suguru... What do you think Toru?
Satoru, who had just emerged from the bathroom and overheard your conversation, nods in agreement. He looks visibly exhausted and worn out himself, his eyes tired and heavy, "...Yeah... I think it's a good idea. I don't think I'd be able to focus on school today anyway, with everything that happened."
"Let's sleep a little. None of us slept."
Your brother nods, feeling relieved that everyone is in agreement. He glances towards his bed, which is big enough for all three of you to sleep on comfortably, "Okay, sleeping sounds good. This bed's big enough for all three of us, so let's just rest for a bit. We'll talk more once we've had some sleep."
You crawl into bed, finding a comfortable position on the spacious mattress. Suguru takes the middle, with you and Satoru on either side of him. The room is quiet and tranquil, the only sound coming from the soft breaths and shuffling of the sheets as you all try to get comfortable. The sun's rays enter through the cracks of the window creating a comfortable atmosphere, neither too bright nor too dark, for you sleep. Suguru gently wraps an arm around you as you snuggle closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder. The exhaustion from the previous night catches up with both of you, and slowly, you both drift off to sleep, a sense of comfort and security enveloping you in the safe confines of your big brother embrace.
Satoru tries his best to sleep, but his mind is restless, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. His eyes dart around the room as if anticipating something to come out of the shadows and jump at him. He can't seem to find comfort or peace, and even his closed eyelids fail to shield him from the unsettling sensation that something is still watching him closely. He continues to lay there, his mind racing and his heart beating anxiously. The teenager tries to distract himself by listening to the soft breaths coming from you and Suguru as you sleep, but the feeling of being watched only grows stronger. His eyes dart around the room, looking for any sign of something unusual or out of place, but all he sees is the comforting sight of his bestfriend and his (almost) girlfriend, peacefully asleep next to him. As the minutes tick by, Satoru's anxiety and unease continue to grow. The feeling that someone or something is watching him becomes increasingly intense, making it nearly impossible for him to find any semblance of peace or relaxation. He tenses up as he tries to discern what could be causing this sensation, his mind plagued by a myriad of possibilities and scenarios.
Now, in his mind there is only one question:
What happened that night at school?
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carlsangel · 5 months
carl grimes x reader
(you’re sick and carl takes care of you.)
tags: fluff but warning for sickness!
masterlist here!
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Living in the apocalypse, the only sort of sick you were ever worried about was getting infected. For some reason it’d never crossed your mind you’d actually maybe catch a cold or a fever until the prison. Even then you never got sick. The most you’d ever actually been ill was throwing up when you killed your first walker and you got a bit sniffly as the seasons changed.
Thankfully, Alexandria was the first place you actually gotten a cold at, which left you room to rest and get better without worrying about walkers n such. You didn’t worry much when you became sick, but Carl definitely did.
It’s not like you were extremely unwell, you had just a sore throat, unsteady body temperature, headache, all the annoying symptoms. You tried to act normal all morning as you were supposed to go on a supply run. You were exhausted though and it showed in your face. You arrived at the gates to meet with the group. Daryl, Rosita, and Aaron were waiting at the cars when you walked up.
“Where’s Carl?” You croaked out before clearing your throat. They all sort of consider the rasp in your voice before Daryl responds. “He’s comin. What’s wrong with you?” You try to act like you have no idea what he’s talking about. “What?” Before Daryl can respond, Carl arrives and taps your shoulder. You turn and greet him with a smile.
“Yeah, you’re definitely not going.” Rosita states, placing her hand on your forehead. “You’re burning up.” She adds. Carl looks to you and notices how pale you’re looking. He did look at you before but didn’t particularly think anything of it, he was excited to go on the run. “She’s right. I’ll stay with you.”
“No I’m going.” You complain, it’s practically a whine. “We won’t allow that.” Aaron chimes in. You release a sigh of frustration and look at Carl, realizing you’re definitely staying home for this one. “Such bullshit.” You roll your eyes and begin to walk back to the house.
“You’re welcome!” Rosita laughs and they begin to get in their cars, Carl behind you somewhat. “Hey we should get you checked out.” You hear him say. He speeds up a bit to catch up with you. “I’m okay I’d rather just go home.” You give him a small smile and continue to walk. “Well what’s wrong? I’ll try and get whatever you need-” You cut him off. “Carl it’s okay, seriously. I can handle myself.” Coincidentally, as you say this you feel an itch in your throat which prompts you to cough, turning into a chain of very violent coughing. How embarrassing.
“Yeah okay I’m gonna get the stuff you need.” Carl remarks concerned. You accept defeat and nod at him. “Fair. I’ll be at home.” You explain your symptoms and he nods, heading wherever he needed to go to find anything to help you. You go home in the meantime and change into comfortable clothes to sleep in. You grab a blanket as well as a comic and sit on the couch to wait for Carl to get back. He comes home about twenty minutes later with a bag in his hand. He greets you and goes to place the bag on the counter.
“Don’t get mad, but I told Denise to come check on you since you’re too stubborn to go to the infirmary.” Carl explains as he begins unloading random stuff from the bag he brought home. You look at him from the couch with a peeved look. “Seriously? The last thing I want is a checkup.” You frown. “It’s not a checkup if you know you’re unhealthy. Now just lay down and rest, I’ll take care of you in a moment.” He smiles. Your eyes linger on him for a moment before you continue to read your comic on the couch.
Carl later comes over with medicine that Denise told him would help with majority of your symptoms. Times like these made you appreciate being able to breathe through your nose regularly a lot more. Denise came over and checked on you as well to make sure your temperature wasn’t too high. After that you rested for a while.
“Hey.” You hear, feeling a nudge as your eyes are basically glued shut while you were napping on the couch. You pry them open to see a smiling Carl. “I made you soup.” You open your eyes fully and prop yourself up on the couch. You look at the coffee table to see a bowl of chicken soup and then back at him, sort of concerned. He wasn’t the best in the kitchen when it came to specific dishes. “Um…it was canned actually. Not sure why I lied but…yeah you can enjoy that.” He says awkwardly, you sort of giggle and he sits beside you on the couch.
“Aren’t you worried about getting sick?” You pull the bowl of soup onto your lap and stir it a bit. “I don’t care.” He responds shortly. “You don’t care?”
“Not if it’s because I’m taking care of you. You’re my top priority.”
You stare at him, sort of appalled that he cared that much. He was a great boyfriend, he was but…you never expected him to be that perfect. He stayed home from a supply run he was so excited to go to just because you were feeling under the weather. He isn’t making you feel bad about it either. There’s no way he can get any better than this. You find it a bit hard to respond to that but before you can muster up any sort of response, he continues.
“Anyway I asked around hoping people would spare some of their teabags since we’re out and so is the pantry. I got a few. Do you like honey?” You shake your head, still slightly appalled at the fact he’s putting this much effort in. He got up to go make your tea and you sit there silently as you eat your soup. He later comes back and sits next to you, placing the cup down on the table in front of you. “I hope I made it right. I had to ask Carol.” He giggles.
“Thank you.” You say genuinely. He kisses your forehead and then your cheek, not a care in the world if he were to get sick.
“No problem.”
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a/n: hey guyss i’m feeling a bit better and i thought i’d try and write today and i was able to do it comfortably soooo woot woot! i don’t love it butttt i’ll live :) sorry it’s so short. (mac read this first.)
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doyouknowbtsswag · 1 year
Do You Remember? |Chishiya|
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Part 2
I wanted to cry holding my side that was currently bleeding. I tore part of my shirt and wrapped it around trying to stop the bleeding. I looked around for Chishiya wanting to be with him as the world fell apart. I spotted him propped against a car. He was looking up at the sky unbothered by anything around him.
"Chishiya?" I called out which made him lazily look over.
"( Y/n)?" I heard him say his eyes widened.
"I'm so glad your okay" I teared up slowly making my way to sit next to him. I winced trying to sit down. He slowly guided me down to help me sit to prevent more pain as I held my side. "I thought you died"
"You should know I don't give up that easily." He smiled lazily before stopping looking at my side.
"Nasty isn't it" I chuckled in pain.
"Your gonna bleed out," He said panicking wincing himself as he moved.
"Hey hey" I stopped him from trying to push on my wound to stop the bleeding.
"Stop," He said as he fought back my hand.
"You're hurting yourself," I said finally getting his hands fully off of me holding them tightly. "You're injured too"
"I don't care your more important to me" He placed his forehead on mine. "I can't lose you and let you die"
"I'm always going to be by your side " I rubbed his hand.
"I wish we met before all this so we'd have more time together"
I felt tears streaming down my cheeks making Chishiya pull our faces away.
"Don't cry sweetheart" He said cupping my cheek with one hand and keeping one on my hand but I could see him holding back tears himself.
"I can't help it"
"We'll get out of this" He wiped my tears from my face. "And see each other again"
"Thank you" I whispered.
He smiled lightly and put his lips on mine. I kissed him back and I could tell this wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Our emotions were displayed all at once. It captured love, passion, and a hint of sadness knowing this could be the last. I laid my head on his shoulder and intertwined my fingers with his. The sky blue contrasted to the depressing ground. Chishiya ran his hand through my hair as we sat in silence. The silence was cut short as fireworks spewed out of the dark sky.
"All surviving players will be presented with two choices Players must now all decide whether to accept permanent residency in this country or decline it."
I smiled and squeezed his hand.
"I decline"
"I decline"
"You better not forget me" I joked.
"How could I ever forget you?"
"I love you" I kissed his cheek.
"I love you too."Not too long after I said that my sight was blurry until the world turned dark.
I woke up confused with a major headache. I looked around and saw curtains and white walls. I heard a beeping sound and looked next to me. I was hooked up to a monitor that showed a steady flow. I was indeed in the hospital. The last thing I remembered was walking to the mall holding a Starbucks cup I couldn't even think of how I ended up here, I wasn't near the road so I couldn't have been ran over. I pressed the red button next to me to alert the nurse I was up. A few minutes later a nurse came in and asked how I was feeling and explained what happened. She told me I could walk freely as long as I took my IV with me. If I felt dizzy or tired sit down immediately.
"Thank you" I smiled.
"Just make sure your back in your bed by 8 okay?" She said.
"I will"
"Oh! Your friends dropped off clothes for you"
"Really?" I asked happy I wouldn't be in a hospital gown.
"Would you like to change into them?"
"Yes please" I nodded.
"Your friends mentioned your parents aren't in town so they dropped them off"
"I'll have to thank them later"
"Do you think you'll need help?" She asked.
"I should be fine"
"I'll be behind the curtain so if you need help let me know"
Thank you" I smiled taking the IV out as she closed the curtain behind her.
I looked at the clothes and started changing but stopped looking at my patched-up side. I sighed and continued changing wincing a few times. I opened the curtain and let the nurse in. She walked over to grab another IV for me to take around. She rolled up one of the sleeves.
"1 2 3," She said and injected the IV in my arm.
"Remember what I said before. I'll see you at 8"
"I hope the food is decent it seems like I'll be here for a while" I sighed as the nurse left.
I got up and started walking observing how many people were around me. I slowly opened the door wincing slightly. I walked down the hallway and saw vending machines. I didn't have any money because my purse was apparently burned to death. I frowned but walked to the front desk shamefully asking for a dollar. I explained why and they gave me one as I kept thanking them till they smiled. I walked to the machines and got my favorite drink. I opened the can and made my way to their garden. As I did so I walked past a blonde who also had an IV. I felt like I'd seen him before, I looked back and saw that he was gone.
"It doesn't feel as stuffy anymore" I sighed in relief sitting on a bench that was in the garden. "I feel like I've met him but It's not possible maybe he was one of my friends' ex's?."
I took another sip from my drink and watched little kids run around freely making me smile softly. "Nothing makes sense anymore." There were so many people I walked by that seemed familiar but the blonde stood out the most. I put my head in my hands annoyed.
"Can I sit here?" I heard a voice say a familiar one.
I looked up and saw the blonde who was also carrying a IV around.
"Uh sure," I said maybe this could help jog my memory.
He just sat looking ahead as I gazed at him from the side trying to put pieces together. I looked at him up and down before noticing the outline of gauze wrapped around his side. He looked over and saw me staring which made me quickly look away. He gave a sly smirk I've definitely seen before.
"So what are you in here for?" He asked.
"The meteor accident and you?"
"Same thing, did your heart happen to stop beating?"
"Yeah I assume yours too"
"Yeah someone else next to me had the same problem"
"You really unbothered by this situation" I chuckled. "Especially since you could've died."
"You should know I don't give up that easily." He said which made my head pound.
I closed my eyes holding my head seeing debris and an abandoned-looking road. I opened my eyes my headache started to go away he looked confused but held out my drink for me.
"Are you okay?" He asked as I took the drunk from his hand which gave me butterflies.
"Yeah sorry the nurse did say I would get headaches" I reassured him but I was confused about what I saw.
"Just making sure"
"Thanks" I smiled. "This is going to sound really weird but have we met before?"
"I don't remember," He said looking ahead unbothered.
"You just seemed familiar that's all" I cringed on the inside.
"Well I'm going to go get something to eat," He said standing up and stretching. "Maybe I'll see you around"
"Bye," I waved smiling. I watched him walk away into the building.
I decided to go back to my room and lay down my head still hurting from whatever just happened. I got up and grabbed the can of soda to throw out. I walked to my room the hallways almost empty because of the time of day. Once I made it to my room I laid down looking at the ceiling. Maybe if I close my eyes and focus I could figure it out. Now thinking about it I forgot to ask him for his name. I put my blankets over myself and got comfortable. My eyes got heavy and I fell asleep into a dream land.
I walked along the cracked road kicking rocks every once in and while. I heard a chuckle next to me. I looked over and saw the blonde next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked closer to a game. Once we made it he let go and grabbed a collar handing me one. I nervously put it on scared of what the game would be.
"No matter what stay by my side" He whispered looking at the other players.
"What if it's a Heart game?"
"Then I guess you'll win" He shrugged unbothered. "I don't think it is though"
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"The atmosphere, the cells" He pointed out. "I highly doubt it is"
"I'll take your word for it"
"Well what are we gonna do"
"I have a plan," He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry sweetheart"
"Chishiya everything is set to go"
I jumped awake my head pounding out of control making me feel sick. I aggressively hit the red button for the nurse to come in. I waited and waited and waited. I pressed the button again and finally, a nurse came in.
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
"Can I have Ibuprofen or something like that? My head is pounding"
"Of course! Let me go get you some"
I was dazed and confused knowing that it felt too real to be a dream. The places I was at and the interactions felt weird. All the people I saw with bathing suits on including me and him. The nurse popped back in and handed me water and pills. I took the medicine and set the cup next to me.
"Would you like something to eat? You haven't eaten dinner you fell asleep early"
"I'm not really hungry Thanks for the offer" I smiled
"Alright well get a good night's sleep," She said and walked away.
I tossed and turned all night till the sun woke up. Every time I closed my eyes new faces popped up more memories of me and Chishiya. I enjoyed some of them but others freaked me out. The sun hit my face and I was awoken by the nurse who changed out my IV.
"Your taking a little bit to heal fully but this should be the last day," She said and we both went on our separate ways.
I didn't feel as weak which was a good thing. It was a lot easier to walk around and I barely felt any pain. I walked to the cafeteria starving from not eating. On my way there I saw the people in my short clips of when I closed my eyes for a few minutes and closed them. Once I got my food I sat in a random booth. How would I tell Chishiya what actually happened? How did I suddenly know his name? How do you even explain you played in games so you didn't die? How we literally dated? What would he say? I placed my head on the table defeated.
"You don't have many friends do you?" I looked up nervously.
"I have no- no you have no idea what you're talking about," I said stumbling over my words.
"So why were you sitting alone?" He teased.
"Because I wanted to," I said avoiding eye contact.
"You're acting weird. I'm a doctor but even if I wasn't anyone could tell.
I closed my eyes and put my head on the table again to avoid him from seeing my face.
"Shuntaro Chishiya" I whispered.
"Your name is Shuntaro Chishiya," I said looking up trying to keep a straight face.
"How did you-"
"So I am the only one who remembered" I chuckled lightly thinking back to when he said he wouldn't forget me. "You lied to me
"What do you mean by that?" He asked confused.
"It's nothing," I said faking a smile. "So do you even have any recollection of what happened?"
"What happened in borderland?"
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here4kpopfics · 1 year
Not Like The Movies (Teaser) | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x (f)reader 
Genre: Just angst for the teaser. big bundle of everything for the fic
AU: enemies to lovers, film industry!au
Wordcount: 720 for the teaser. probably 15k for the fic?
Summary: The biggest mistake you ever made was in college when you hooked up with the one and only Jeon Jungkook at a graduation party. You two had hated one another since high school when he betrayed you, and sleeping with him was a moment of weakness. Fast forward five years later, you’re a successful screenwriter, mainly for romcoms, and you just got an amazing opportunity to help write for a movie for a major production company. The only problem? Jungkook was signed onto the project as well and you two have to work together without killing one another in the process. 
Warnings: not much, just some language and angst ^_^
Rating: M/18+ for the fic. Probably NC17 for the teaser
AN: boy howdy this is going to be a time. This is gonna be part of a huge collab put together by the beautiful @jeonjcngkook and @mercurygguk. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. 🥺 Hoping to have it completed by April 11th before my birthday trip...banner and divider by @classicscreations
If you'd like to be tagged when it's done, let me know in the replies or send an ask! 💜
Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee? | Patreon
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You wake up the next morning with the feeling of being trapped. In a sense, you are. A large tattooed arm is wrapped around your waist, the body it’s connected to pressed against your backside, keeping you safe against it. 
This is anything but safe. This is a dangerous mistake you made. You need to get out before you’re forced to face it. Forced to face him. 
You gently wrap your fingers around his wrist, lifting his arm off you as slowly as you can to try not to wake him. When you think you’re free, you sit up at the edge of the bed, rubbing your face in your hands as you try to magically cure the pounding headache quickly forming behind your eyes. 
The feeling of fingers running up and down your spine snaps you to attention, stiffening immediately. 
“Where are you going?” His voice is deep, with a rough raspiness to it thanks to being asleep. You have to force yourself not to turn around and fall prey to the face you fell for last night. 
“Home. I have to finish packing before the movers get there.”
“I can help.” 
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
“Why not?” Why does he sound so whiny? Like a child being told he can’t have cookies before dinner. 
“This was never supposed to happen, you know that. I know that. The entire campus knows that.” 
You try to stand up, but the hand trailing on your back finds your waist, same as the other hand as he gets up to sit on his knees behind you, lips ghosting over the skin on your neck. “What if it was? I thought you believed in fate and all that stupid shit?”
What a sick joke.
You can’t cry in front of him. You can’t let him see how his words have such a big effect on you. Your breath shakes as you shove him off of you, quickly standing up and grabbing your phone and clothes from the piles on the floor and locking yourself in the bathroom. 
You unlock your phone and scan over the drunken messages from Gyuri saying she couldn’t find you, was going home with Jihoon, and to call her in the morning. 
So much for a designated driver. 
You send her a text asking if she’s awake. You can’t bring yourself to explain to her on the phone why you’re where you are. You just need to get back to the apartment. 
“Y/n.” He knocks on the door, causing you to jump in place, dropping your phone on the counter, “open the door.”
“No.” You state, pulling your jeans up past your hips, pulling your shirt on after, as well as your jacket. You ignore the mirror completely, too ashamed of yourself. 
Gyuri texts back that she’s heading to the apartment and you quickly place an order for a ride share.
“Y/n…we’re not going to just leave it at that.” He sounds annoyed. He should be. After everything you said last night, to revert back to this can only feel like whiplash. 
Your driver is two minutes away. 
Thank god. 
“Yes we are.” You open the door, glaring at him briefly before you walk past him and out the bedroom door. But of course, he follows you. 
“Seriously? After the years and years of this back and forth of whatever the fuck was happening, you’re just going to walk out and not talk about it?” He grabs your wrist when you get to the front door to put your shoes on but you smack his hand off you, turning to face him. The tears are starting to escape, but you’re too angry to care anymore.
You’re not even sure who you’re angry at. Him? Yourself? The world? The driver taking his time getting to your location? Gyuri for not finding you and stopping you last night?
“Yes. Yes I am. This never happened and that’s how I’m going to live the rest of my life. So should you. Goodbye, Jungkook. Have a great life. I hope I never cross paths with you again.” You ignore the way his face falls, slamming the door on your way out and getting in the car.
Thank god college is over and so is this part of your life.
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eeeeeeeeeeeee. hope you enjoy it when it's done. 😅 again, if you'd like to be tagged when it goes up, reply or send an ask. 💜💜💜💜
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blarefordaglare · 3 months
A very horrible, bad, never again prom
Gonna try to go all out with a modern AU in this one! Or in other words: time and malon adopted and raised/raising 8 children because why not. 
This takes place when sky is like 17 btw, so someone plz help me do the math for the rest, but just assume everyone is like children ig haha, this is Junior prom because I never went to any prom and Junior year is kinda easier maybe to write with? Because it’s just not the last one? Idk I sucked at school so what do I know
TW: swearing (uncensored), Overstimulation, alcohol, one small mention of sex, very poorly written high school dance scene from someone who had no experience with it so it sounds straight from Hollywood. 
“How come I can’t go?” Wind whined,   tugging on Time’s shirt, his grip stretching the grey fabric, “It’s not fair.” His brow creased, lips forming a pout.
Time sighed, detangling Wind’s hands from the cloth, “You’re going to get wrinkles like me if you keep scowling like that,” he chided gently, “And second graders have no major academic accomplishments to celebrate.” 
“I’ll let you know I memorized all my addition facts up to ten!” 
The conversation seized to a halt as soft footsteps pattered past the doorway, revealing Sky, hair finally combed, and a dark green suit fitting loosely around his physique, “Mom?” He called out, “Where did you put my tie?” 
The red haired mother in question peeked out from the kitchen, “I thought you didn’t want to wear one?” She sighed as she reached over to the kitchen counter, “Knew you’d change your mind though. And please, this time no stains. You know juice is impossible to get out.” 
The brunette nodded as he looked over to his father, “Can you please help me put it on?” He sheepishly asked. At seventeen he should have known to properly tie a tie, yet his fingers would never cooperate in said fashion, “I’m sorry.” 
Time gave a sympathetic smile, shaking his head, “We’ll learn another time, but it’s your big night tonight.” He quickly adjusted the fabric around the teenager’s neck, centering it to complete the outfit. 
“Freshman should be able to go,” Legend grumbled by the couch, flipping through channels, “Give me a break from all these menaces in here.” 
“Says the one who wears underwear with bunnies on it like a baby!” The long haired blonde shoved the boy, trying to steal the remote from him, “Give me that! I want to watch my shows! Not your boring ones!”
“Boys!” Time called, “This is no time to argue, now say goodbye to Sky.” The man’s head pierced with a developing headache, making a mental note to take some Tylenol later. 
Wild and Legend looked up at their older brother in shame, before slowly walking over to give him a hug, “Bye Sky, we’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you guys too,” He wrapped his arms around the children before quickly pulling away, “Love you!” He waved a quick goodbye before sprinting out of the house. 
“I’m worried for him.” Time deadpans, looking over to Malon, “First dance, no date.” 
“I didn’t even have a dance fairy boy.” 
A quick jog later, and the high school doors flew open. The room held a dark sprinkled with lights of color that the teenager didn’t even know existed until then. His eyes quickly scanned around the vast room, attempting to find someone-anyone-he remotely knew. 
“Hey man,” Sky quickly whipped his head around, stumbling on the ground that shook from the dancing, only to be met with a familiar red hair, confident smile, and amber eyes, “How are you enjoying the party?” Groose asked, “In my opinion it’s pretty boring.” 
Boring? Boring? Sky took a second to process what he just heard. It’s loud, flashy, and many people here, how could it be boring? “Yeah, it really could use some spicing up.” He quickly forced, trying to save face. 
As Groose waved a goodbye, Sky made a beeline for the food stand, silently praying to Hylia that the vast amount of options would give him the chance to focus on something and not go insane. 
His eyes of hope quickly went to eyes of disappointment as the options lay in front of him. Everything looked gross, nothing like mom’s cooking at home. He wanted to go home. He was going to stay and make the most of this party, prove that he’s mature enough to handle these kinds of situations. 
Grabbing a cup of fruit punch, the brunette quietly retreated into a quieter corner of the room, granted it still was bursting his ear drums, but at least there was a minuscule amount of peace involved. Bringing the plastic cup to his lips he attempted to down some of the liquid, yet his mouth felt a bitter taste as his eyes widened with panic at the unfamiliar sensation, and without a second thought his hand froze, dropping the punch onto the suit.
The moment of realization hit like a title wave, the suit! His mind screamed at him, go, clean it up! His body couldn’t move, frozen with embarrassment. His eyes burned with shame as his body wrapped in on itself, curling into a ball and finally resting on the cool, shaking ground.
The room spun around him, lights stabbing his sensitive eyes, music he hated waving over him like a title wave. Waves of anxiety washed through his body, his figure shaking perpendicular to the room. Fingers reaching out for his phone, he opened up messages.
Dad can help. Dad can come get me. 
His fingers tried to type an explanation, but it all ended up futile, the bright phone screen shutting down to an eerie black. No contact. No safety. No desire to stay. 
The held tears in his eyes finally released, saltwater falling down his face, a quiet, yet painful sob escaped his throat, his eyes shut closed, in attempt to block out the intensity taking place in front of him. 
“Hey, Mom told me you forgot your shoes-“ Sky blinked up at the voice above him, noticing a familiar blonde wearing a signature blue scarf, “Woah, what happened to you?” 
The brunette couldn’t find the words to describe the horrors of this dance, it wasn’t even a dance! It was a death party at best, “I wanna go home.” He mumbled, tears pooling onto the ground, “I hate it here.” 
“But prom is so much fun!” Warriors quickly spoke, then realized his mistake, “Well, granted I went to boarding school. Are you sure you want to leave?” He grabbed a cloth from his pocket, urging his younger brother to wipe his tears before standing up, “Come on, let’s go.” 
As they exited through the big doors, Sky could feel his ears burn. Everyone else was having fun, so why couldn’t he? Stupid, his mind rang out again, couldn’t even handle a small dance. 
As he stepped into the passenger seat, he couldn’t deny the mix of relief and shame swirling in his heart, as he gazed longingly at the window, he felt the urge to speak up, “Are you going to tell dad?” He knew that he tried to text him before, but the feeling of embarrassment wasn’t any less.
“Only if you want me to.” His brother’s eyes were focused on the road, hands gripping tightly, but not tensely on the wheel, “My first dance I got laid and you didn’t see me tell them.” 
A wet giggle escaped the other, tears finally drying onto his face as he looked down at his socks, how did he forget shoes? “Well you’re gonna have to come up with a lie on why we are home so early.” 
“Who said anything about going home?” Pulling over to a small cafe, Warriors urged Sky out of the car, “You must be starving, and no spoiled drinks this time, I promise.”
“How did you..?”
“Please, it’s a room full of teenagers that finally get a night out, who wouldn’t want to remember, or I guess, forget it?”
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coyfsh · 10 days
Whole Again
Chapter Five: Red Fizz
link to all chapters:
Warning: Swearing, Alcohol, Drugs, Groping, kissing without consent, violence, suggestive.
17+ -===============================-
Chapter Five
Red Fizz 
      The next few weeks had been sort of a dream. At least it felt that way. You found yourself taking more photos, and writing things down. You wanted to remember everything. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been so happy. 
      Guzma was one of your closest friends. You hung out a lot more now, and the Grunts showed a little more respect towards you. They still teased you, but you started to recognize that it was how they showed affection. 
      You found yourself eating a lot more too. It felt like every time you hung out with Guzma, you always ended up eating something. Weather you realized it or not.
      Guzma had a lot of snacks in his room. He called it ‘the stash’, which made it sound more hardcore than it really was. Since it was just chips and gummies. He called his drug stash his hoard.
      He didn’t really have anything hardcore when it came to drugs. Most of them were edibles of some kind, and a few joints. Despite his looks, he wasn’t much of a smoker. Although he liked getting high. 
      He couldn’t stop laughing the first time you had one of his edible. 
     “Fuck Softie! You got like, no tolerance at all do ya?!” He had said with a huge grin on his face. You had never tried drugs before, and barely any alcohol. Once you warmed up to the idea, boy did he show you a whole new world. 
       The next day you had a killer headache. You wouldn’t be doing that again very soon. 
      Today you woke up a lot later than normal, it was already almost 6 PM. You were up way too late last night. 
    You trudged down the steps to see the grunts huddled together, clearly plotting something. Not wanting to miss out, you scooted in. 
       “Ey’ softie! Just in time!” One of the male grunts said, a wide grin visible under his mask. “We’re throwin’ a huge rave tuts! We got us a whole stash of beer n’ shit!” You eyes the pile of cheap booze on the counter, unsure if they stole it or not . “Yeah! It’s gonna be awesome!” 
       You weren’t much of a partier. It was loud, and hot, and overwhelming. You didn’t hate them, but it wasn’t in your comfort zone. Normally you spent the majority of a party in the corner, with a bottle of water. 
       “I dunno..” you said, unsure. “Oh come on Softie! Even the Big Boss is gonna be there!” You perked up at that. “Guzma said that?” You asked, intrigued. One of the female grunts smirked. “Whats it to ya? Huh?” She nudged you. “You got a thing for the boss?” Your eyes widened, and suddenly you felt very embarrassed. “No! We’re friends. That’s it.” She raised an eyebrow, “whatever you say.” The grunts chuckled, some of them going “ooooo” like a group of little kids. 
         You didn’t know if you liked Guzma as more than a friend, it was too soon to tell. Or atleast that’s what you told yourself. You didn’t want to rush into anything, even if it was just a crush. 
        After the sun dipped beneath the horizon, and the sky became quiet, the lights in the shady house beamed throughout Po town. A few grunts chugged there drinks, not seeming to think about the next days hangover. Others cheered them on, bright red solo cups illuminated by the dark purple and green hue of the strobing LED lights around the first floor. 
       You were leaning against the wall in the corner, holding your usual plastic bottle of water, jokingly telling a few grunts it wad Vodka. Some of them were drunk enough to believe you. 
       After about an hour, your eyes found Guzma. He joined in a little late, but he was just as energetic. He was chugging a bottle of beer while a group of Grunts cheered him on, jumping up and down as he smashed the now empty bottle on the floor. Normally you found stuff like that repulsive, but you found your face heat as he turned, wiping a thin stream of liquid from his chin, a wide grin on his face. 
     His hair was tied back, his dark brown, almost black undercut on full display. His sunglasses sat on top of his thick brow. He wasn’t wearing his normal jacket. Instead, he wore a black tank top, the gold chain resting on his chest even more visible, shimmering in the light.. His normal baggy sweatpants hugged just under his hips. Occasionally his stomach was  exposed when he reached his arms into the air, a small dark brown line of hair starting from his belly button widened towards his waistband, before they disappeared beneath his pants. 
      You couldn’t stop looking at him. Something was different about him. He seemed, in his element. Reveling in the chaos. 
    After a few moments of staring, he finally noticed you, smirking a little. You watched as he made his way over to you, a bottle in hand. Your mind whirled as it tried to come up with something cool to say as he leaned on the wall next to you. 
    “Hey Softie, Watcha doin’ over here all alone, huh?” He turned to face you, his left forearm propping him up on the wall. “Hangin’ around.” You said semi-confidently. You hoped the loud music covered up your nervousness. 
    “Doncha wanna join the fun?” He looked down at you. You shrugged. “This is my way of having fun.”
 He cocked an eyebrow. “Really?”
“I ain’t buyin’ it.”
         Before you could react, he had grabbed your arm and pulled you into the dance floor. Way out of your comfort zone. You felt your heart rate skyrocket, your mind spiraling out of control as a loud, very suggestive song came on. 
      Guzma had already started dancing, and you frantically tried to keep up. You didn’t want to just run away. Guzma looked down at you and smiled a little, before carefully grabbing your hands. “Relax. Just feel.” You were shocked you could even hear him over the blasting speakers. 
       You felt out a rhythm and started to move your body to it. You could tell you were doing something right, because of the way he looked at you. 
       After you got tired, you both found your way to a more secluded area, on the second floor. A few lingering grunts were smoking, or taking a breather. You and Guzma leaned against a wall, as Guzma handed you a red solo cup.
      Normally, you wouldn’t except it, but you didn’t want to seem uncool. Plus, there was no way you were getting through tonight sober. You swirled the red fizzy liquid around in your cup, before drinking from it. 
      “You ain’t half bad softie.” Guzma took a sip from a red solo cup. You wondered how many drinks he had so far. 
       “You ain’t so bad yourself.” You took another sip, mimicking him. 
        He chuckled roughly, before pausing. “Your fuckin’ hot, Y’know that?”He looked down at you, wiping his wet lips. 
        You froze. What did he say? Did you mishear him? Did that damn music bust an eardrum? You shook it off. “Oh, thanks.” You scratched the back of your head. 
      Suddenly, you felt two rough hands slide around your small frame. One slid from your hips to the side of your face, then the back of your head. The other slipped around your waist and softly grabbed your ass, pulling you in. Your eyes widened as you looked up. Guzma’s lips crashed into yours, his tongue sloppily forcing its way into your mouth. You could taste the alcohol on his lips.
You dropped your cup as he squeezed you and pinned you against the wall, deepening the kiss. 
In that moment, you wanted so badly to let him, but you knew you couldn’t.
You slapped him across the face. As hard as you could.
He stumbled back, as you wiped your mouth, your mind and heart racing. You didn’t know what to say. What could you say? Your closest friend just kissed you, and you hit him. 
He stared at you blankly. 
Before you even knew what you were doing, your feet were moving. You flew up onto the roof, and into your room. You slammed the door behind you and locked it. 
Then came the tears. 
Not sure how I feel about this chapter :/
please let me know if you think the story is moving too fast, or if you have any suggestions. Sorry it took so long to write something this sad. :(
I wanted to add conflict but I kinda wanted this to be wholesome so I might delete and redo this chapter competely.
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Seeing Ghosts (!Platonic Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" Mactavish x GN! Reader)
TW for major character death, typical COD violence, descriptions of injuries, I broke my own heart writing this.
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2 Masterlist |
You groaned the burning in your shoulder getting worse as you leaned back against the wall. You were waiting for one of your team members to pick you up, get you to the rendezvous point for evac.
The mission went sideways, between the world changing betrayl, your allies being detained, and 2 out of the 3 of you being shot it was all around a nightmare that you couldn't wake up from. Shifting yourself slightly, the shooting pain made you hiss. Blinking the involuntarily tears out of your eyes, you noticed a worn down poster on the opposite wall.
When nothing goes right, go left!
You rolled your eyes, "charming"
"You're alive" your gaze shifted to the thick British accent from beside you. "Banged up, but alive". He continued as you smiled softly. Watching as Ghost kneeled beside you, pressing lightly around your shoulder.
"Just.." You started, biting back a wave of nausea "Just wrap it up, we'll let the medics deal with it" you sighed.
"Are you sure?" He questioned, still moving to wrap the gauze around the joint as you requested. "It's gonna hurt like hell if we have to fight back". Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the blood loss, but you lightly laughed to yourself.
"You and Soap didn't take care of everyone already? Whatever happened to your 2 man dream team" You teased, knowing the two worked rather well together. Even if Ghost refused to admit it.
"Need the entire trio for that" He deadpanned, tucking the gauze in on itself, offering you a hand off the floor.
"Are you two done? Shadows are still on the witchhunt. Have your girly sleepover later" you heard Soap through comms. "I'm downstairs, about 2 minutes from leaving your arse's behind".
You brushed the offered hand away, opting to hoist yourself off the floor using your good hand against the wall. Another wave of nausea and pain hit you when you were finally up straight. Leaning against the wall, you took a deep breath through your nose.
Get out of here alive, then feel horrible later.
Ghost was in the back, watching you like a hawk. While Soap led the way, leading you through the dark alleyways. Trying to find a way out of the city without being caught by the lingering Shadows. You hadn't run into any yet, which surprised and worried you.
Graves had his whole team out looking. Why call off the search? The number of dead Shadow Company soldiers in the streets, alongside the civilians who met the same fate, didn't add up. Where are they?
You felt your heart rate pick up, and your fingers began to lose feeling.
Not now.
Do not pass out now.
You pushed yourself further, make it to the field outside the old school. Make it to rendezvous.
Make it home.
A flashlight shining, followed by familiar voices calling your name. You pushed yourself to walk a bit faster, legs still losing feeling as your vision was punctuated by black dots.
The last thing you heard before falling into the cool darkness was Ghost and Soap yelling for you to keep going, while Price screamed your name.
You woke up with a massive headache, which was made worse by the fluorescent lights shining down on you.
"Hold on, I've got you" you heard Price whisper from somewhere beside you before the lights were dimmed. "Could never figure out why hospitals chose such obnoxious lighting. Would've went for something warmer toned myself".
You slowly opened your eyes, still squinting as you peered around the room. Nobody else was here yet, you figured Ghost and Soap were being assessed and treated for their own injuries.
"We thought we lost you too. 3 days before we found you in the field" you scrunched your eyebrows together.
3 days?
"Had to have been fate, we weren't even supposed to be searching that part of town yet" Fate? That you three went to the rendezvous point?
"What do you remember?" A gentle voice asked from the doorway, Laswell. Coffees in hand, eyes filled with pain while her face remained calm. Easily reading the confusion across your face.
"What do you mean? We got betrayed by Graves and Shepard at the base in Las Almas. We all got separated after Johnny got shot, then I caught a bullet to the shoulder while fighting a Shadow in a shop. Then Simon and Johnny came back for me and we made it to the rendezvous point. You guys reached them by comms to tell them where evac would be" you shook your head, how is this a question? It's a massive problem, leaving 3 of their soldiers in medical.
You missed the knowing look shared between the other adults in the room. A silent conversation of who's going to tell them?
"Um-" Price started, sighing.
"Where are they?" You cut him off, eyes full of hope. Which he was about to crush, unbeknownst to you. "Where's Ghost and Soap?" You pushed, heart rate increasing with the sad look you received from your superiors. Feeling the bed dip as Laswell sat at the foot. Hand resting on your leg.
"No, no. They were in better shape than I was in that field. This joke isn't funny. Where are they?" Your heart slamming inside your ribs, eyes stinging from unshed tears as the room remained silent. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, ignoring the tension and pulling of the wound in your shoulder.
"They didn't survive Las Almas the night Graves and Shepard turned" Price started slowly, gauging your reaction before continuing. "We recovered their bodies the first day after the Shadows took over the town. You were MIA....for 3 days" you could barely hear anything outside of the heartbeat in your ears. This was a cruel joke. It had to be.
Nobody goes MIA for 3 days without realizing...right? You were all gone for the one night together.
"We started searching for you that day, and continued until the night we found you. We were on our way back to base when you showed up in the field." You felt the tears falling down your face as the gentle hand on your leg squeezed softly.
"You're lying. They were right behind me! They told me to go to the field!" You sobbed, hands shaking. "They were there. They were fine. Simon and Johnny were fine!" You snapped, sobs catching in your chest. You watched as the tears Price had been fighting finally fell.
They were fine, they were there with you...
"I'm sorry--" you heard him start, as you shook your head. Feeling his hand lay on your shoulder as you processed the information.
You felt a hollow sensation build in your chest and body.
Ghost and Soap are gone.
Simon and Johnny are gone.
Your best friends are gone.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221
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shimmerwindow · 10 months
I Never Really
Part Five
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Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: None
Playlist | Masterlist
You could hear someone calling your name. Faintly, through the fog of sleep, it woke you just a bit, though not enough for full lucidity. Light was streaming in through the curtains, and an unfamiliar yet not unwelcome scent surrounded you. You heard a door creak open, then close abruptly, followed by quick footsteps. Not my business, you thought to yourself, and you faded back into the realm of sleep for a bit.
The sound of someone laughing loudly downstairs finally woke you up fully, eyes cracking open. You rubbed at your temples and groaned, a fierce headache already working its way into your brain. There was a glass of water on the bedside table next to you, and you greedily drank it down without even pausing to consider if it was for you or not, your mouth dry and foul-tasting.
This is Jake’s room. The few memories you had from the night before filtered in one at a time. Though you didn’t recognize the decor, you faintly remembered Jake guiding you into his bedroom right before you dozed off. It was only you in the bed, but the sheets were twisted and thrown around like you’d used up the entire width of it.
Finding the will to stand, you eased your aching body out of bed. I need to get home. I need to go study. The thoughts were almost as painful as the headache. The mere idea of sitting in front of a computer was inconceivable to you right now. You could hear idle chatter as you finally made your way down the stairs to the living room, where three of the four brothers sat drinking what looked like bloody marys.
“You're not dead!” Josh shouted, his face lighting up when he saw you.
Danny brought a hand to his eyes. “Josh, please. Just a little quieter.”
“Sorry,” Josh whispered. “How are you feeling, sunshine?”
You shook your head. “Like shit. Where’s Sam?”
Josh jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Outside. Cleaning up the yard, I think.”
You nodded and swallowed around the taste in your mouth. “I’m gonna go find him.” You thanked the guys for putting on a great party, and apologized for whatever drunk antics you’d gotten up to which you now couldn't remember.
Jake assuaged your anxieties. “You acted more normal than the majority of the girls that come over here, so don’t even worry about it.”
“Yeah, it was a pleasure having you,” Josh said, rising from his chair to wrap you tightly in a hug. “Go get some more sleep, you look tired.”
You waved goodbye and grabbed your coat off the back of the couch, making your way out into the brisk fall morning air. Sam was indeed out there, picking up cans that littered the yard and tossing them into one big pile to be picked up later. Willing back the urge to throw up, you made your way towards him, collapsing into a stray chair in the yard near the pile of cans. Sam didn't take his eyes off the ground in front of him, though he walked over to where you now sat.
“Let's get out of here. I need to go sleep,” you mumbled.
"You wanna leave already?" He asked.
"Yeah. I feel like shit. Everything hurts." You ran a hand over your eyes.
“Sore?” His voice sounded clipped.
“What?” You rubbed your temples.
“Are you sore?”
You shot him a glare, but he didn't look at you. “I’m not in the mood for some game, Sam.”
“Was just wondering.” His jaw was set, his brow furrowed. It dawned on you that he wasn’t just trying to tell you some riddle. He was genuinely angry, about something.
Thinking as quickly as your still-drunk mind could handle, you ran through the blurred events of the night before. Anxiety gripped your heart as you realized just how wide the gaps were in your memory. If you'd done something to make him angry, you genuinely didn't remember it. “I don't know…what would I be sore from?” The question came out as a statement.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe from fucking my brother.” He said it so flippantly, like he didn’t care. But you watched his fingers twitch as he finally looked you in the eyes.
“What? I didn’t–”
“Don’t fucking lie to me.”
“I’m not fucking lying to you. I didn’t fuck Jake.”
“Oh!” His tone was wild and furious. “So you picked Jake! Wouldn’t have been able to tell, they were both all over you. Guess I should have known, since you’re wearing his fucking clothes.” He gestured at you, his fingers pointing towards the part of your shirt that peeked out between the sides of your unzipped coat.
You glanced down at yourself. You had forgotten you were still wearing the old t-shirt Jake had given you. “I threw up on mine, and Jake was nice enough to lend me a shirt. The fuck are you so mad about?” You gave him a look of confused rage, your head pounding even harder when your brow furrowed.
“I have to share everything with them," He hissed, pointing a finger at you. "Apparently, even my…even the girl I bring to the party,” he faltered, his cheeks reddening a bit.
“I didn’t fuck your brother, Sam. And even if I did, what the fuck business is it to you? That shit would have nothing to do with you.”
“It has everything to do with me, actually!”
“You’re being a fucking dick right now, and for what?” You stood up, and your head was downright throbbing at this point. You’d had more than enough of his shit. “We’re barely even friends. I’m not your fucking girlfriend, not some property you get to control and dictate how I act at a party just because you invited me. So shut the fuck up about it. If you want me to walk myself home, then I will.”
“Well–” The anger left his eyes. “We’re barely friends?”
“Don’t pull that.”
“Pull what?” He sounded hurt now, genuinely, but you weren’t buying it.
“Act all sad because I said we’re barely friends. I don’t even know your birthday, Sam. Hell, I don't even know your last name. We don't know each other like that, for you to be getting up my ass for something I didn’t even do.”
“It’s Kiszka,” he mumbled, softly enough that you could barely hear it.
“I can't hear you.”
“It’s Kiszka,” he said, louder, dropping his eyes from your face. “My last name.”
“You know, I had a really good time last night. Why are you trying to fuck it all up now? Are you mad I didn’t sleep with you or something? Is that what this is all about?” You returned his energy, furious at this point.
“Oh my god, no!” He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. “No, listen to me, it’s not like that–”
You weren’t having any more of his shit. “Well, Sam Kiszka, I think I’ll walk myself home after I’m done throwing up from this headache you’ve given me. Thanks anyway.” You started to trudge back down the path to the house.
Sam called your name, sounding desperate. “Wait. I didn’t mean–” he reached an arm out towards you. “That all came out wrong. I just meant, I mean, you’re just…”
“I’m just what?” You stopped and looked back over your shoulder.
“You’re just important to me.” His words came out through a clenched jaw, his eyes only coming up to meet yours for a moment. There was pain behind that gaze, pain that didn’t seem to have a source, to you.
“Then act like it.”
Walking away from him, droplets of mist collided with your face. It felt nice on your skin, flushed from the heat of the argument. Sam didn’t argue, and before you were even halfway up the walk to the house you could hear his footsteps crunching on dead leaves as he walked the other way.
Jake was the first one to stand when you walked back into the house, a pair of sunglasses hiding his eyes. He called your name in a questioning tone, looking between you and the front door. “What the fuck just happened?” He raised his arms in a questioning shrug. “I heard shouting.”
“Your brother’s kind of an asshole.” Your voice wavered, and before you could stop it, tears were spilling down your cheeks. Whether from the headache or the argument, you weren’t sure.
“What? What did he do? I swear to god–” Jake took a few steps towards you, but you pushed past him.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
He called your name again as you stormed through the living room, locking yourself in the bathroom.
“Tell me what he did so I can go over there and kick his ass.” Jake’s voice came from outside the bathroom door.
“I said I don’t wanna fucking talk about it!” You weren’t lying. Between the hangover, the ache in your head, and the tears on your face, you needed to be alone for a second.
He didn’t push any further, and you heard his footfalls retreat from the door. Two other voices came from nearby, their words unintelligible, but you assumed it was Josh and Danny. They hadn’t moved a muscle while you walked past, likely too frightened of a woman scorned to do anything.
You sat on the floor in silence for a while, listening to your own breathing and letting tears fall into your lap, staring at the palms of your hands. It would have been one thing if Sam was right, if you had slept with one of them. But to be accused of something like that, like you were just some brother-hopping whore to him…it hurt in a way you couldn’t describe. You knew it shouldn’t hurt like this, that it was no business of his what you did with your body or who you did it with.
His words echoed in your mind and through the empty room. You’re just important to me. What a ridiculous thing for him to say in that moment. If you were really so important to him, he wouldn’t throw your budding friendship away over alleged sex you didn’t even have. You weren’t sure how long you sat there, mulling it over in your mind. A soft knock at the door pulled you out of your reverie, followed by Jake’s voice.
“Do you want to talk? If not, I can just take you home. It’s cold out. And it’s raining. I won’t let you walk.”
You lifted yourself from the floor, your body feeling like it was held down by the weight of the entire world. You didn’t speak as you opened the door and fell right into a hug from Jake, a repeat of your motions the night before.
“It’s alright,” he mumbled against the top of your head. “Do you want to tell me what he said? Maybe one of us can help clear the air.”
You backed away from him, steeling yourself to say it. “He thinks we fucked,” you sighed. “Me and you.”
You heard Danny mutter a surprised “ope” from the other room. Jake was silent, but his face contorted into a look of shock.
“He thinks…oh…”
“I don't understand,” you said, leaning against the door frame. “I hate being accused of shit I didn’t do. What even gave him that idea?”
“Listen, I think I know what happened. I’m pretty sure he…” He trailed off, holding up a finger to indicate he was gathering his thoughts. “Last night, we ended up in the same bed. Me and you.”
You widened your eyes. “But I don’t…we didn’t…”
“No, no, sweetheart. Nothing happened. Everywhere else was taken, and you were fast asleep, so I passed out next to you.”
The vision of the two of you in bed together was almost uncomfortably clear in your mind.
“I’m sorry. I should have slept on the floor or something.” He ran a thumb over the collar of his shirt.
You swallowed over a lump in your throat. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
“Well,” he sighed. “I’m pretty sure he saw us. Sam. He was probably looking for you this morning, and checked my room to see if you were in there. Probably assumed the worst.”
“But why would he even care in the first place?”
Jake shrugged. “Maybe he’s got some possessive streak I'm not privy to.”
“I’m not his girlfriend. And he’s your brother. Shouldn’t you know him better than that?”
“He can be a bit of an enigma sometimes. The only one who really gets him is that guy.” He pointed to the kitchen, where Daniel was pretending to mind his business, clearly listening in. “And even he doesn’t know why Sam would be such a dick to you.”
“Maybe he just doesn’t like me.”
“Nonsense. He thinks you’re great, he’s told me as much.”
“He talks about me?”
“Oh, he’s talked about you plenty,” Danny chimed in from the kitchen.
“Saying what, exactly?”
“Daniel–” Jake took a step in his direction, his tone pleading for Danny to stop, to not add any fuel to the fire.
Danny shrugged, staring at an empty glass in his hand. “He thinks you’re really cool. One of a kind, he says.”
Suddenly, you didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore. A chill ran down your spine, imagining Sam singing your praises to his brothers. “He still has no right to talk to me that way.”
Jake shook his head. “Absolutely not. Fuck him. I’ll give him his dues the next time I see him.”
“Don’t. I’ll talk to him myself.”
Jake looked you over, the fire in your eyes clear to him. “Fair enough.”
“Well,” you sighed, wiping the residue of tears from your eyes. “I guess I’ll go home now.”
“You want a ride?” Jake offered.
“That would be nice.”
* * *
The rest of the day was an anxious, painful blur. Jake had dropped you off at the dorms after a silent car ride. You call me if you need anything, he’d insisted, making you save his number in your phone. You’d tried to apologize for all the fuss, but he was having none of it, telling you that you absolutely deserved to be angry. But he promised he would keep his mouth shut until you’d had the chance to talk to Sam.
Memories came back to you in small pieces throughout the day, most of them good, some of them awkward enough to make you sweat. The one that you were stuck on, though, was the way Jake had called you perfect. So casually, too. He’d clearly been flirting with you, but you wouldn't let it go to your head. He was drunk when he said it, and you were sure he regretted it, if he could remember it too.
Though that didn’t feel like the truth, deep down. His eyes had caught on you one too many times throughout the night. There had been subtle signs, like the way he would run his fingers together when you looked back at him. He was captivating, similar to Sam, but much more purely primal. Your body wanted him, not your mind. Clearly, though, that would not be an option. Not unless you wanted to lose Sam as a friend. It felt like you were wading into treacherous waters.
You didn’t have time for any of this nonsense you were going through. Your suspicions had told you it would be a mistake to befriend Sam, but you'd followed your heart. What a foolish thing to do. Now you were roped into some drama over something you didn’t even do, daydreaming about two men, neither of which you had the space for in your life.
But there was something about Jake. If Sam was the stars in your sky, Jake was the moon, outshining them all. Dark and foreboding, with something magical about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It wasn't immediately obvious when you first met him. Sitting here now, under the covers of your bed, you could feel his presence. You still hadn’t taken off the shirt he gave you, its scent still strong enough to keep him lingering in your mind.
As if your feelings about Sam were not confusing you enough, you now had a new contender in the mix. A man who encaptured you and made your head spin, who played the guitar and gave tight hugs, who had calloused fingers and smelled like vanilla. These two would be the death of both you and your degree. You were sure of it.
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marksbear · 2 years
hello hello!
i'd like to request hughie (if you do write for him) x a male supe reader who has kinda the same vibe as homelander, like a powerful, asshole
(and lowkey homicidal, but lets gloss over that 🤗)
who's more of a villain (basically w/ vought/ an antagonist against the boys and all that)
anyways main idea is that hughie isn't supposed to be fucking the reader 'cause they're not even on the same team 💀 but is anyways cause how could he resist
Finally a request for the boys it's been such a long time since I had one! 😭 Hey! I hope you are doing good Anon! And I hope you like the fic!
I made sure that the reader can choose his own powers but I added one so the story can be better! And H/n= Hero name!
I hope you don't mind if I do a oneshot if you want a headcanons just send in another request for a headcanons! I don't mind it at all in fact i'll love it. I just have a thing for The Boys - Love, bear.
Hughie Campbell x SUPE MALE READER
Warnings, y/n is homicidal, manipulator Y/n, two faced reader, fluff interactions with Hughie and Y/n, mean reader, Y/n has a secret power
All the boys were in Hughie's house for some odd reason and sitting on the couch all gathered up together watching the news. H/n just broke the world record for saving the most people under five minutes.
It was two hundred and seventy six people he saved in such a short time. Him just saving people made the whole world go crazy. Over two hundred people in just five minutes made the people love him.
Hughie gets up from his spot off the couch and goes outside to call boyfriend.
"AHAH You should have seen me! I killed half the other people I didn't save! I'm telling you I convinced the whole world I saved every single body but in reality I killed about eighty!" Y/n says an underground hero that's just like him.
"You know what kid, you're gonna be just like me...Not as powerful and good looking though." Y/n tells the young supe who worships him like a god. "You think so Mr H/n?!" The young supe asks with such excitement in his voice.
"Kid. I know so. When have I ever been wrong?" Y/n says smugly with an evil smirk on his face. The young look up in awe stuck in a trance until Y/n ringer goes off.
"Well kid I gotta go." Y/n pats the kid on the back leaving with an evil smirk and snaps his fingers getting the young out of his trance.
That's the one Vought didn't know Y/n has. He gets people into a trance like he was the most interesting and best person ever. Manipulating people with his powers was easy just look them in the eye and just snap his fingers boom there under his control like hes a king or a god.
Some of the good perks are that it doesn't matter every bad thing he does He can make anyone see it as a good thing and it saved man-kind. His favorite thing to do is trick someone to do his mission for him or make interviewers leave him alone. And he can add new memories to people and take away old ones.
The down side to his hidden power is the major headaches he has and fainting spells. His fainting spells always seem to happen during missions that's why he tries to save the people fast before he passes out.
(Okay back to one shot because his little power is gonna be important later!)
"Hello?" Y/n says answering his phone not even bothering to see who's calling him. "Hey Y/n! Uhm I saw you on the news!" Hughie says giddy and all smiley once he hears Y/n voice and his smile is bigger when he hears Y/n chuckle.
Female, Frenchie, Mother milk and Billy look outside the window trying to eavesdrop the conversation.
"Oh really? Did I look good for you or what?" Y/n jokes making Hughie laugh. "Of course you did! You always look great." Hughie compliments making Y/n's heart skip a beat.
Y/n knew who Hughie works with. Hell that's how they even met. He was about to kill Hughie once he had to look for him it was either capture or kill him and he chose to kill him. Y/n didn't know why he couldn't bring himself to finish him off. He had Hughie on the ground bleeding to death but once they made eye-contact they locked in.
Y/n met hundreds of handsome men like Hughie but he was different so he decided to spare him but with a cost. With the snap of his fingers he entered memories of Hughie and himself dating for a very long time. He gave Hughie his number and called the ambulance for him and wiped his memory of the fight happening.
"Hughie. You're too kind I swear..." Y/n face becomes hot and leans on the wall. "How about I come to your place later huh? If you're not busy that is." Y/n offers putting his phone closer to his ear.
"Sorry can't kinda busy with work." Hughie lies to his boyfriend. "Oh. Uhm okay." Y/n heart aches a little knowing that his boyfriend is hiding something and lying to him. But he can't judge he lied for this whole relationship to be a thing. "Well gotta go. Y'know supe things." Y/n jokes with a straight face.
"Bye Y/n love you----" Y/n cuts Hughie off by hanging up. Y/n looks at young supe he was just talking to and smirks to himself.
If Hughie was too busy with his boy band for him how about he has something else to keep him company and entertained. As soon as he makes his move Homelander stops him talking about something. Everything he said becomes muffled and his vision blurry makes his head feel dizzy. "John catch meee.." Y/n slurs out passing out on the Number one hero.
Homelander catches him swiftly with a sigh and picks him up taking him to the meeting room. Lots of the other Seven members ask Homelander what happened and is Y/n okay. Homelander places Y/n in his seat and goes to his own starting the meeting.
By the time Y/n wakes up its dark and he's all alone. Y/n looks around with a major migraine feeling like hes gonna die with every single movement. Y/n forces himself to get out of the chair and his leg wobbles out of the room and out of Vought.
Y/n calls a cab and leans on the wall from a random shop. Once the cab arrives Y/n gets in quickly telling the driver to go to Hughie's job. Y/n groans from the music in the car. Once they arrived Y/n snapped his fingers and told the driver to leave so he didn't have to pay. Y/n opens the store door and gets into defense mode once he sees all the Boys members in the store staring back at him.
As everyone gets into their fighting stance Hughie quickly gets in front of Y/n blocking him. Even though Y/n can easily defend himself against the whole group maybe even kill them all he appreciates Hughie's kind gesture. "Oi Hughie the fuck are ya doin?!"
"H/n isn't like the rest of them! Hes different I swear!"Hughie shouts at Butcher. The Boys stare at Hughie like he has three heads. "H/n he actually cares about being a hero! He actually saves people not for the money or fame to actually save them to save them."
Oh boy if only the world knew the real H/n. A real fuckin bastard.
"How the hell do you know? What he saved you a couple times and what now hes your ideal? " Mothers Milk says full of confusion.
"We have been dating for almost eight months now and he already knows that I'm in the Boys. If he was like those fake supe's wouldn't he already turn me in?" When Hughie said that he had proved a valuable point. Making Y/n smirk a little before raising up his hands.
"Yeah. So what hes fucking with the enemy. If I was like my co-workers all of you would have been dead right now. So how about we make a trounce until further notice." Y/n offers giving his hand out to Billy. Billy knew countless innocent lives were taken by those very hands. He knew the truth about him. He can see through Y/n's gentle face and his kind words from the news.
He knew the K/n was a cold blooded killer, one of the reasons why he became a hero was to get an ego boost and powerful. As he looks into H/n eyes taking his hand in a tight grip as they shake on it.
"Don't fuck with me H/n." Billy whispers into his ear.
"Stay out of my way." H/n gives Billy a fake smile.
Editor bear! I'm going to remake this tomorrow! I know I can write better than this 😭
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Is it okay to request either Fujin, Raiden, or Rain as relationship headcannons with an atheist s/o? It's okay if you include Fire God Liu Kang since he would be new to being a God himself.
ooooh im gonna have a field day with this one >:)
MK Deities x Atheist!S/O
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To be honest, being an atheist is kind of valid, he's not gonna lie
He understands that you're atheism probably stems from religious attitudes towards gods and less about gods themselves. He's pretty sure you wouldn't be dating him if you didn't like any gods, after all
There is a brief moment of panic where he thinks that you don't believe in him, and he will start crying unless you specify that your atheism doesn't extend to him
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This would be the first major hiccup in your relationship, honestly. Everything is great until he hears you state that you're an atheist.
That immediately throws Raiden through a loop. What do you mean you don't believe in gods? You are literally dating one! Like you are dating him and he is a god standing right in front of you in the flesh!! How is there any doubt in your mind that gods don't exist?? What do you mean you're an atheist??? There is literally so much evidence to the contrary!
You believe in him but you don't believe in the Elder Gods?? Raiden is about to lose his mind, he talks to the Elder Gods literally every other day! This fight will eventually die down when he gets a headache but it will continue to confuse him until you admit that some gods do in fact exist
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Guy-named-after-a-Prince-song is about to be so fucking salty with you
Um, clearly there is one god who is exempt from your atheism, thank you very much. He's fine if you're discrediting all other gods, but being an atheist is kind of saying that you don't think he's a god, which is like, the worst insult you could ever give him
If you don't genuinely believe he's a god, then that is like the biggest red flag for Rain, he will immediately dump you for this and no, he isn't being dramatic. He takes insults on his identity very seriously!
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Fire God!Liu Kang
If you only told Kang after he became a god, he's like "Oh, so now you tell me?"
Merging with Raiden has given him a lot of god-like introspection on the situation, but he mostly handles it with humour
Frankly, he's not quite sure if he believes in his own godhood yet, but he will joke about you being an atheist and dating him later on
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