#he's cool 😡...but also very cute 😳
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mirai-e-jump · 11 months ago
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TV Guide Dan Vol.51, April 2024 Issue ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Cast Members Iuchi Haruhi x Hayama Yuki Interview (translations below)
Publication: April 5, 2024
"Please tell us about the other person's role in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger."
Iuchi: Ishiro Meita, played by Yuki-kun, may look cool at first glance, but that's just him hiding his true character. Whenever I play the role of Taiya Hando, he's a character that makes me think, "Ishiro trusts Taiya." Going forward, we'll gradually get to see his cute side.
Hayama: It's true that Ishiro has a wide range of emotions (laughs). My impression of Taiya is that he values his intuition. So far, there aren't that many scenes in the show where the two of them talk together, so we don't know what led to their relationship of trusting each other, but I have a vague idea of what part of Taiya made Ishiro fall for him.
"Can you name some similarities between your roles and each other?"
Hayama: This isn't just me, as other cast members and Director Nakazawa Shojiro have also mentioned it, but Haruhi's personality is getting closer to Taiya's day after day. At first I thought I was the only one who thought that way, but when I told everyone, it seems like they think so too. I feel like he was chosen because he was the one meant to be Taiya.
Iuchi: That makes me happy (he's embarrassed). I didn't know you were talking about that.
Hayama: Taiya's a character who works quietly by himself, and Haruhi's the same way on set. During break time or when he's with the cast, he's always in a talkative mood, but before filming, he reads the script quietly by himself.
Iuchi: Now that you mention it, I think I may be like that. I like to spend time with others, but I'm also the type of person who values alone time. Yuki-kun is…
Hayama: (leaning towards him) I'm cool, just like Ishiro, right?
Iuchi: Uh, y-yeah (laughs). But, to tell you the truth, I feel that both Ishiro and Yuki-kun have a gap. They look cool at first glance, but in reality, they're cute…
Hayama: Isn't that just gap moe?! (*being attracted to the gap between one's appearance and personality)
Iuchi: That's right (laughs). In particular, I was amused by the fact that Yuki-kun recently won a figure and tote bag in a lottery for his favorite anime, and he's been carrying the tote bag with him all the time. He even takes it when moving from the waiting room, where you normally don't have to take anything with you. Seeing him do things like that, even though he's older, I think Yuki-kun is so cute that it's unfair.
"How did you become friends?"
Hayama: My hobbies are to go ramen hopping and going to saunas. When I mentioned this, Haruhi said, "I'm interested!" From there, we started going together for awhile.
Iuchi: Right! I was interested in both and wanted to get into them, but I had just moved to Tokyo and didn't know the city at all…Now, I've started to follow Yuki-kun's example, and made a photo folder with just ramen.
"What kind of ramen do you like?"
Hayama: Basically, I like everything, but I especially love Chinese soba with a soy sauce base. What kind of flavor do you like Haruhi?
Iuchi: Originally I was a soy sauce person, and liked thin, hard noodles, but recently, Yuki-kun took me to a restaurant similar to "Jiro" and I became addicted.
Hayama: It might've been a bad thing that I told you about it (laughs). The next time we have a day off from filming, us four guys, including Saito Ryu-kun and Soma Satoru-kun, should go together.
Iuchi: Yeah! It can be like alittle treat for us.
"To begin with, are you two outdoor or indoor people?"
Hayama: I'm a total indoor person. My hobbies are watching anime and reading manga.
Iuchi: We're the same. I also watch anime, movies, dramas, and have recently gotten into reading, I also play the guitar as a hobby.
Hayama: Well, if we were going to spend time together indoors, Haruhi should play the guitar as background music while I read manga. That way we can enjoy each other's hobbies.
Iuchi: Ah~ I see. But, if we were to spend time together, I'd like to go to Akihabara. I don't really go out if I'm alone, so I'd like to look around at the things we share a similar interest in.
Hayama: Alright! Come to think of it, it might be fun since we have so many things we like in common. The other three main cast members of Boonboomger are outdoor people, so it's good to have people like that by our side!
"What's something you'd like to ask each other?"
Iuchi: Ummm…when you were a student, were you smart?
Hayama: So suddenly?! why?
Iuchi: Yuki-kun, you seem like a smart guy. However, when I thought you were cool, you turned out to be surprisingly different.
Hayama: I see (laughs). I think my grade level was above half? It was alittle above the average score, but it wasn't really that high…wait, Haruhi! Are you trying to ruin my image with this interview?!
Iuchi: No, no! I'm not! (laughs).
Hayama: (laughs). This is going to be a serious question, but as I mentioned earlier, I feel that in a very short period of time, Haruhi has become more and more like Taiya, and that everyone views him as such. I read the script and make a certain plan before going to the set, but once I saw the way that Haruhi played Taiya after I got there, I changed my plans. When acting, do you do anything in addition to reading the script?
Iuchi: Hmmm…If I had to say so, I'd say that at random moments during my daily life, I think to myself, "Taiya would make a move like this right now." For example, I've always been the type of person who looks down while walking fast, but I think that Taiya would straighten his posture and walk slowly, so I've been trying to do that.
Hayama: Heh~. So, Taiya's character is taken from daily life?
Iuchi: Yeah. Otherwise, even though I'm playing the role of Taiya, I feel like I'd inadvertently come off as Iuchi Haruhi…As an extension of that, from the moment I read the script, I try to read it while keeping in mind that, "I'm Taiya Hando."
Hayama: Amazing. I'd love to learn from you!
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jukipptx · 1 year ago
omg thank u so much for doing my request i loved ittttt!!! <3333 AND YES U SHOULD SOOO DO IT FOR THE OTHER MEMBERS
I’m sorry I disappeared. I have zero reasons about it, I just felt a little bit down in general 😪 but I’m feeling better and I’m still as delulu as ever 🥰🩷
Following the series, next is Jisung 😭 you’re both idols figuring it out I guess 👩🏻‍🦯 this one is so long omg I love jisung so much what do I do 😭😭😭😭😭 🩷 Requests are being written! And they’re still open 🎀🩷
- You both met backstage. It was merely a coincidence, an embarrassing one for Jisung who gets embarrassed about everything, but this one almost killed him literally. You crossed ways on the corridor, both your group and his. You didn’t know, but he already had an eye 👁️ on you. He thought you were cute omg 😭😭😭 but he would never ever EVER admit it. So when you crossed paths for the first time he was soooo nervous, wearing his embarrassing Candy fluffy outfit (embarrassing for him, because you thought he looked so cute). First of all he was so sweaty because they’ve just come back from stage, he was also so red just from realizing you were both about to cross paths. He thought maybe it was the perfect time for him to act cool and impress you, but it went the other way. Both your group and his group exchanged bows as it normally goes, but when it was Jisung’s turn to bow, his big fluffy hat went flying straight to your face because of how hard he bowed. You started cackling, you couldn’t help it, making your member hit you in your arm. Clearing your throat you picked his hat and gave it back to him who was all red and holding his laugh as well. “Nice hat” You said trying not to laugh again. “Nice laugh” He said, then he ran. And that was it, that’s when you knew you loved him hahahahahahaha it wasn’t that hard.
- The start of your relationship was full of what you thought were coincidental encounters, but little did you know they were carefully planned by Jisung. All of them mostly backstage at music shows. Finding him on the corridor constantly, not knowing he was coooonstantly looking at the performance schedule, systematically studying at what time you would perform and at what time you would go in and out of the waiting room. “Hi” “Hi Ji” “Jisung!” turned to “Baby” “Andy” in about 4 months time.
- Your first date was backstage as well. He didn’t want it to be, but it was what you both could manage. You basically had a picnic on your waiting room during your solo promotions where no one could see you. You both brought food from home and made yourselves comfortable with pillows and blankets and music with shared earphones 😭😭😭 Eventually you were caught by one of your members who came by to visit by surprise. Jisung went 😳, but when he was about to leave you held onto his hand and made him sit back down 😡 “This is Andy. He’s my boyfriend.” Is what you told your member. Jisung was speechless, he could only stutter a “hi”, but that’s how it happened.
- After meeting all of your members, he started chilling down. He started visiting your dorm from time to time, until it became an everyday occurrence, and then an every night occurrence 😅 He’s so quiet that no one ever caught him, until he met your manager at the door instead of you 🥶 He froze and then ran the other way. It took him two weeks to come back.
- Everytime he sees you, he brings a totally different and unexpected gift for you. Could be anything really!!! Chocolates, a beaded ring, a gallon of ice cream, anything with the letter J, a single flower or a 50 flower bouquet, a new puffer jacket, one of his hoodies, he’s very lowkey like that.
- Even though he was shy, he was so eager to reveal himself as your boyfriend to his and your fans. You doubted him a lot, but you accepted his idea of carrying each others photocard on your phone case. He said it was such a cute way to reveal it and that it would take some time for the fans to figure it out (it took a day or two…)
Ok it wasn’t as long as I thought… hope you enjoyed 🩷 I may or may not continue these series 🥶
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tacticalhimbo · 2 years ago
more of the same. more unedited, stream of consciousness reactions to the showcase
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- Vegetable Enthusiast. He cute honestly.
- The graphics are pretty and I love the idea of normal guy in fantasy world sm.
- is this thumbalina???? or whateva her name is????
- FABLE??? remake??? new game???
South of Midnight
- ooo swamp
- oooo stop motiony animation! i like the style
- baby possum baby possum baby!!
- i love the protagonist's style. she looks cool as fuck
- very interesting concept!
Star Wars: Outlaws
- massive and ubisoft?
- oh the protag seems cool! i love her little pet
- already wanna rp her fr she's gonna be my babygirl who i defend to the death IDC!!!
33 Immortals
- ooh thunder lotus making another game! didnt play their other big one but it looked so nice
- pretty visuals as always tho!
- the death animation slapped honestly
- not my cup of tea gameplay wise buuut looks good
- do these games have a story?? i've only ever seen multiplayer maps and stuff.
- it looks fun honestly. like siege if it was cops and robbers
- dubstep gameplay edit holy shit
Persona 3 Reload
- ooh anime in unreal engine- PERSONA!
- i played a bit of 5 and i liked it honestly
- idk shit abt it but cool!
- oo pirate game
- obsidian?? oh it's gonna be good
- it looks cool honestly. i love their style.
- battlemage combat fr
- i wanna play it
Sea of Thieves: Legend of the Monkey Island
- rare and lucas film???
- sea of thieves and star wars?????
- i mean get it ig!
- i didn't mind sea of thieves but it seemed repetitive
- m o n k e
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
- okay but the added mechanics and mission type approach seems fun
- it looks visually stunning as always
Microsoft Flight Simulator • Dune Expansion
- desert
- oh. it's dune
- is it bad i haven't seen that or read it? probably
- i mean cool tho! y'all have fun
- theatre experience too??? aight
Senua's Saga; Hellblade 2
- cave! scary. but pretty
- it looks pretty,, i like the character rendering
- the whispering is throwing me off i cant understand shit (and there's no subtitles)
- ohhhh that was trippy
- it's got my curiosity; i support women's wrongs fr (joking)
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- ooh another look at like a dragon?
- ong wait is he in MIAMI?? IT LOOKS LIKE MIAMI
- HELP HIM!!!!
- oh new game
Fallout 76
- Another DLC? Probably
- I don't hate 76 but I am very >_> toward the direction
- 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😡
Path of the Goddess
- ooh capcom. i s2g if it's more final fantasy.
- nothing against the series but man after sgf i'm salty
- okay it looks different. and pretty! love the mythos elements
- Oh my godddd fucking cars
- i mean cool! i just don't get the racing games 🤷‍♂️
- it looks nice tho? i can't tell what's real footage and what's game tbh
- the cadillac does look snazzy i cant even lie
- ALL THIS FOR 2 CARS?? shit's wild
ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE: Necrom (Shadow Over Morrowind)
- oh shit bethesda
- eso was boring to me... then again i didnt play much bc paying for live is so tedious
- i am always a slut for this daedra tho. i dont remember his name
- tentacles yum yum
- overwatch??? fuck that game
- fuck the studio but also just fuck the game. it's not even any different from ov1 they didnt even do pve
- i mean cool heroes and design and lore but man. 😐
- story missions??? yeah right lmao
Persona 5 Tactica P5T
- chibi perdona
- cute style! see my last persona notes tho
- no new thoughts, looks aight
- bethesda 3!
- the music is giving outer worlds.... tell me y'all hate that obsidian did better without telling me LSJDKDKD
- i mean. okay! it looks decent tho i can't be too mad
- it's got me curious about the story and lore if anything. i love space games 😌
- even the gameplay looks good... hm.
Jusant(?) // Font was hard to read
- ooo this style is nice. reminds me a bit of road 96
- i love the little blob. feeling very much cuteness aggression
- gameplay looks nice too! dunno about the lack of ui but maybe that's trailer purposes
Still Wakes the Deep
- ooh the water looks pretty
- so does the interior
- im curious!
Dungeons of Hinterburg
- i thought this was the postal worker game honestly the style was similar
- it looks cute! again not my cup of tea but yea!
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
- KEANU!!!!
- YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 👁👄👁
- Still mad I won't be able to play it but I'll write my V's canon
- "Johnny, I'm dying. Nothing can stop that" OUGH
- wait... "i can save your life" DLC BASED ENDING???? NEW ENDING????
- Oh this district fucks
- wait is it not coming to other consoles or?? they only showed an xbox release 🤨
Cities Skylines 2
- oh another cities skylines thing.
- this management system confused me honestly
- but i like watching ppl play it so! huge win
- it looks visually appealing
- curious about 2 because??? what are they changin
- atlus again okay
- is this another personal thing? i really am confused abt this aeries
- doesn't seem like it tho they said it was a new story
- it looks cool tho!
- creator of the who?
- this conematic style is interesting
- looks like a cute fantasy rpg
- nice that it's co-op and such
Clockwork Revolution
- oou bioshock infinite core
- the guy with the mechanical red carpet... iconic
- wait no stop this is looking more like bioshock with the gameplay i'm scared
- oh god oh fuck oh god oh fuck
- bioshock infinite if it was good
- bioshock infinite if it didn't demonize bipoc revolutions against the white upper class
- bioshock infinite if ken levine was dead 😌💕
- ooh-be soft??? is it not you-be soft??? i've never heard it said like that
- okay "we made it easier to find new gen consoles" but why stop supporting current gen entirely????
- also the "new" series s... i hate the fully digitalized concept
Then Starfield direct started and I couldn't be assed to write notes
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alexthefly · 3 years ago
So, I finally watched the 2004 Thunderbirds movie, and I have some thoughts...
First of all, this is completely, entirely, 100% @uniwolfcorn's fault.
Secondly, yes it's true. Never watched it. Not even accidentally.
Until now.
Come with me on this journey and listen to my insane ramblings...
- So this is a nice little credits sequen-
- JONATHAN FREAKIN' FRAKES?!?! You're telling me this movie was directed by Commander William Riker?!
- This teacher is giving me Colonel Casey vibes...
- How did this reporter lady get to the oil rig before the boys did?
- Okay, Fermat is adorable and I would die for him. ❤️
- So, our first look at the Thunderbirds in action...
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... ::adjusts brightness settings:: ...Nope, still nothing...
- What did they do to FAB1? It's gone from classy machine with classic lines to a goddamn bubble car!
- "Try not to run over any children, Parker." Gee, thanks for that M'lady, I was just h'about to plow h'into them like they was bowling pins(!)
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- Wait, that's not...Fuse, is it?
- Ah, finally a decent look at the 'birds: hmmm, One looks pretty good, but Two seems a bit...Flight of the Navigator?
- Hmmm, perhaps TAG has spoiled me with all the lovely brotherly cuteness, 'cos this dinner scene is not it. Movie Jeff is a big improvement on TOS though.
- Alan, I know you're upset, but you let Fermat finish his dinner goddammit!
- Yay John! Oh, this scene is just gorgeous! John the agony aunt and voice of reason, Jeff worrying about his sons and talking to them like a dad instead of just a commander... It's just so damn wholesome. ::chef kiss::
- Thunderbird Five actually looks pretty goo- ...Aaand they blew it up. 😱 John!!!
- Five: ::floating around in bits::
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- "So this is Mount Olympus, and these are the Thunderbirds..." Oof. Mixing your mythologies there, Hood.
- "Like a puppet on a string." ::Sobs in meta::
- Hood: [resumes monologuing]
- Wait, that reporter got to the scene again? In Singapore? *Checks notes* Wasn't she in Russia?
- "Don't you think Tintin is blossoming?" 😳 #cringe
- First question from Jeff is whether the kids are safe, and be still my heart!
- Hoverbikes!!!
- Alan's being a reckless idiot and OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST MOCK MY ANGEL'S STUTTER!!!
- This chase sequence is...oof. Was it always bad, or is it just the naughties CGI shining through?
- UnFuse coming in strong with the evil laugh there...
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- Again, brotherly dynamics here is...off: Scott losing hope, Gordon being a condescending knob? Uh-uh. Nope.
- Jeff: "He's a Tracy." 🤍🤍🤍
- Parker is an absolute treasure and I love him.
- Penny, stop quipping and spinning like a top; just kick her in the face!
- "Don't go to sleep." 😭😭😭😭😭
- "We've got to be quick; the Hood is getting away." ...Aaaand your father and brothers? Remember them? Suffocating in space?
- ::gasp:: Two is launching! Cannot wait for this!!
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- Bra jokes. 🙄😩 This whole last ten minutes has been a hard steer off the edge of a cliff, quality-wise. Not happy...
- OK, Brains yelling Jeff awake makes everything better! 👓😁 Very very silly but I am here for it.
- That little nod between John and Jeff is everything. 🥰
- ...I see Lady P found time to change outfits during this very urgent and time-sensitive crisis.
- Ah, the obligatory product placement for... Wall's Ice Cream? 😶 Huh.
- The same bloody reporter's in London now!! Seriously, it's been what, a couple of hours tops! Did the studio spring for a bloody TARDIS?
- Accident Zone? Accident Zone?! Firstly, it's clearly not an accident, and secondly, 🔥😡🤬🔥
- Thunderbird Four! ... ::resumes squinting::
- That steering mechanism is going to play murder on their elbows... That said, this rescue sequence is kinda fun.
- The boys cheering and whooping for Alan and Tintin made my heart sing! Why wasn't there more of this earlier?
- Did Lady P get changed AGAIN?!
- And apparently she also forgot all the cool martial arts she knew half an hour ago...
- Aww, Jeff and Alan having a moment. ❤️🤍
- Mr Scriptwriter, if you need a character to be kept alive when by all logic the bad guys should kill her, don't bring that fact up and then leave it totally unresolved! You don't need to start pointing the movie's flaws out to us - we can see them.
- Parker and Fermat my beloveds!
- Veering between awful bits and lovely bits is starting to give me whiplash...
- 🤣😂🤣 The Hood's gone full M Bison! 🤣
- Jeff displaying genuine fear for Alan's safety is giving me life right now.
- "I don't want to save your life, but it's what we do." ::bounces excitedly:: Grandma and Scott said it better in TAG, but the sentiment is the same and I'm thrilled!
- "See you soon, Jeff." Did they...did they think there was going to be a sequel?! Bless their hearts.
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- The boys are all dicking about in the pool together and everything is right with the world. ☺️🥰
- See? I knew that "blossoming" thing was creepy!!
- I'm not going to mention John's mutant healing abilities. Not at all. Nope.
- They ALL get to be Thunderbirds? Fermat my baby!!
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...You and me both, Parker. 🥲
- Pink pedalo. Because reasons. Apparently.
It absolutely had its flaws but honestly? Not even close to as bad as I thought it would be. Perhaps in 2004 I would have been mad, but today, knowing that TAG exists and fixed so much of what went wrong here, I can dig it. 👍
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theworldisstoty · 3 years ago
Story by N
today I will start my life over again, leaving all the pain behind me.
Good luck my life 🎉"
As I closed my dairy a tall handsome guy sat beside me in the flight and started introducing himself( hello, my name is sam. What's your pretty girl).
Wtf 😒, I didn't even know him and he is talking like we have known each other since we born. He started talking random things when I only replied" hii"😐.
I closed my dairy and put it beside me and put earphone on my ears to stop hearing unless things. I didn't know when I fell asleep because as I woke up, I already arrived to my destination. To avoid him further, I left in hurry from there, gosh that guy 🤦.
Guy: "Weird 🙄. I was just trying to make her laugh because she looked like she was gonna cry anytime.
I am a very tender hearted person, I cannot see people in pain😌.
as she left in hurry, I picked my belongings too. I saw her dairy which was her I suppose. I chatted with her because I like talking with people and she was getting annoyed which exited me more since I also like teasing others. I called her many times but she just didn't listen to and went away by a taxi.( Suits you well, you will regret losing your memory. Let's see what is inside😏)
Dairy: today was my first day at that big University. I hope for nothing would happen there since I read in stories that there are bully who makes others life uneasy.
But nothing like that happened, strange 🙄.
There was a party in the university for all the new and old students. Yeah 🤦, I also went there because I wanted to know people and make friends. I saw that one guy who was hot🤤, suddenly started beating a guy, wtf 😳.
The guy who was getting beaten was a freshman since I also saw him in the principal office with me this morning👀.
I couldn't help but jumped into the fight because of my unbearing personality( today would be your last day as bully🤦).
I adjusted my sleeves and ran towards him. He fell on the ground by the force of my foot slap🤦.
Everybody was shocked but I didn't know why🤷. He didn't say anything to me that night and I left the party after that(I know I am cool 😆).
Soon I learned that he was school no 1 school bully on top of that he was principal son so everyone were afraid of him( oh fuck, this time I definitely had dig up my own grave 😭). I felt a little nervous but stayed strong. After that day, he especially started picking on me. We have our fights whenever we crossed the path.
Sometimes even beating anywhere whenever we hit the limit( you gross, you destroyed my food, I am gonna destroy you today 😡). As a result we always got punishment. We don't care because I was straight A student and he was principal son that's what I thought.
But he was also straight A student. Cound not believe it😅.
It's been almost 2 months like that.
One day he came to my table and started beating the guy who sat with me( you rascal, you dared to sit with my girl😡👊👊).
He was my new friend because he was smart and cute😍.
I tried to stop him but he seemed a different person at that time( holy crap, I didn't know he can be this mad 💢) and beat him to the hospital. I was so angry that I reported him. But things didn't turn out in my favour since he had big influence in people💢.
Unexpectedly, he came to the hospital and apologized which I couldn't understand why🤷. I have been avoiding him since that day. It's been a week now. One day he dragged me in an empty classroom and asked the reason for avoiding him( clay, why are you avoiding me god damn 💢).
When I pushed him away, he kissed me roughly💏. I slapped him hard and tried to run away😑. But got cought of gaurd when he confessed to me( I..i like you ☺️). I couldn't believe in my ear but my heart had different plans🤷.
I also didn't know when I started liking him after that much fighting and harter.
He also told me the reason of beating my friend that he was jealous and angry for giving my attention to someone else rather than him. But he acknowledged his mistake and want to start everything over again but with a different way🎉🎉🎉💃💃💃.
We became friends and I saw his loving and caring sight which made me fell for him, and started dating each other😍.
One day I cought him kissing another girl, why😭. It broke my heart and I ran away.
He must have played with my feelings this time. So disgusting. I stopped going to school and without telling anyone I transferred into a different university to start everything over again😔.
Driver: boss, we arrived
Guy: damn, I was so into reading that forgot the track of time. Intresting personality. See you again ms stranger 😏.
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