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Call me Mari! This is my A Song of Ice and Fire and House of the Dragon sideblog
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
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princess elia & lady lyanna (my shaylas)
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
Sansa Stark in different drawing styles
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It took me 2 months to finish this challenge but I'm proud.
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1. The dress is in the grey color of her house, and a pattern similar to Margaret Pole's on her wedding day in TWP, but simpler because she's still a child.
2. In BNHA there isn't much reference, the medieval AU didn't help much, so I imagined her as part of a school play like in the School Festival, the golden/yellow dress is based on Sansa's dream, as well as Lucrezia Borgia's from the first season
3. I don't know if Rumiko achieved the same style that she colored, there is only one dress of Akane as a princess, so I made reference to Akane's dresses in general, and a crown of winter roses that grow in her house, as well as a light blue color that if you haven't used it you have described.
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4. Don't ask me, I don't remember where I got Sansa's dress, the green one is from another damask dress and a small hennin
5. Here we start things since KNY is possibly the furthest from drawing western dresses, so I was inspired by Sansa and Cersei's oriental style dresses from the first season, and the purple dress that she sometimes wears
6. Naruto is another one that doesn't have one, so I imagined her as a princess of a clan like Hinata but happier and calmer because she had an older brother heir like Robb. Her bandana has the Stark direwolf on it
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7. Hanako-kun is inspired by a school uniform, possibly my least favorite, but I couldn't think of another, sorry
8. It's a chibi of a quiet moment of Sansa with Lady baby.
9. Arcane, I got inspired by dresses inspired by the modern Victorian age, also the land is loosely based on Robb's in the books
Son estilos de dibujos que tanto me parecen bonitos o que me marcaron en su tiempo, o ambos
Pueden ayudarme en mi kofi
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
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messy drawing i did of my beautiful princess with a disorder
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
The cringe bastard supporting show!Rhaenys vs the based trueborn daughter supporting book!Catelyn
"It was ever my husband's will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him."- HotD 1x08
"I know who he is, Corlys. Alyn's past is no fault of his. He saved his lord's life. He should be raised up and honored, not hidden beneath the tides."- HotD 2x04
"Have you considered your sisters? What of their rights? I agree that the north must not be permitted to pass to the Imp, but what of Arya? By law she comes after Sansa... your own sister, trueborn..."- ASoS, Catelyn V, 521
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
You know those fics where Catelyn Tully Stark is depicted as this evil bitch who disrespect the North, its people, its culture, its Gods? That the Northmen hate her because she's one of the southern ladies throughout centuries that become the Lady of Winterfell and believe in the Faith of the Seven? That she somehow always insists for her children to stay away from their direwolves till the end? Where, I ask? Where tf those craps ever written in canon?! WHERE?!
Because I tell you I'm reading A Storm of Swords right now, and I find nothing of those shits. She's always courteous to the Northmen, even those who are huge-rawdy-closer to wildling type and don't give a shit about propriety like Greatjon Umber. She doesn't look down on Maege Mormont who fights just as good as men like those crap fics suggest. When Robb comes back to Riverrun from his campaign in Westerlands and they learn about what she's done, Maege sympathizes with Cat and tells her that she would've done the same if it were her daughters that's been taken. The Greatjon lifts her in the air and tells her some optimistic motivational words about how Robb gonna beat Jaime again. What else, she's horrified when Robb tells her that Grey Wind is not allowed inside the keep because he doesn't like Jeyne Westerling's uncle. She REMINDS Robb that Grey Wind is part of him, and BELIEVES that the Old Gods has sent the direwolves for her children to be their protectors. A chill literally "went through her" when she believes that Jeyne's uncle is not good for her son, all because Grey Wind also doesn't trust him (or as Robb says, "doesn't like the smell of him). She has to beg Robb to send Jeyne's uncle away.
All I'm saying is that, I won't give any Catelyn haters a minute of my life if I can help it. Just say you are a misogynist and be done with it. The fandom really hates her all because she refuses to mother a child that is not her responsiblity, that she owes nothing of. They hate her because she's just trying to save her remaining children--two little girls whom in the eyes of her eldest son worth next to nothing. Robb refuses to save his sisters, and when his mother takes matter in her own hands, they condemn her, as if they wouldn't have done the same thing in her position. It's so easy to see her as the obstacle to Robb's campaign, yet people tend to forget that any decent parent would do the exact same thing. Especially when ASOIAF universe is filled with murdered children.
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
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I would be so mad if Viserys was my dad. I kinda imagined this scene when Aemond was young and this was the last time him and Viserys talked. 
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alicent-apologist · 2 months ago
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Princess Shireen Baratheon
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alicent-apologist · 7 months ago
When I first wrote the scene, I wanted so much to commission someone to draw it. And now the wonderful didoleonina has and it's all I imagined and more! 🥰🥰🥰
Little Alyssa with her eyes two different shades of blue 💚💚 Camyla and Aemond looking at her with so much love 💚💚 I love every bit of it 😍😍😍😍
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Commission for @alicent-apologist, from her fanfic The Targaryen Doe on AO3 ✧˚₊‧
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alicent-apologist · 8 months ago
I love how viscerally upset Baela was by how quick her father remarried. A lot of viewers of the show consider Alicent’s marriage, only half a year after Aemma’s death, to Viserys as this huge betrayal to Rhaenyra and to Aemma’s memory. Even though Alicent had no idea that Viserys wanted to marry her since she point blank told him that Laena would make a good queen & all their discussions were purely conversational & there was nothing romantic or sexual happening. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra f*d Daemon the night of Laena’s wedding and was the one who suggested they marry and put the Velaryons through even more grief by faking the death of their son the day after they buried their daughter.
I loved Baela ratting them out. Also screw Daemon, what he said to Rhaena was so outta line. I am glad that the twins will be staying at Driftmark with their grandparents. They’ll definitely be better off for it in the long run. I hope the green kids + Camyla and the twins become good friends and that Aemond and the twins have a heart to heart about what went down that night. Like how Rhaena was depressed about the death of their mother (especially bc she’s not close with her father which Aemond can definitely relate to) and she wanted to claim Vhagar to 1) feel close to her mother and 2) impress everyone but especially her dad. Aemond can explain how he’s always felt different as the only non dragon rider in the family and how he’s been bullied by the other kids for not having one. He can also explain the Pink dread incident so he can explain the pig comment to the girls. Idk, I just want everyone to get along
I always felt like the kids looked so disgusted by Rhaenyra and Daemon's wedding and then with the time skip we didn't see any of it. Not that we would have seen any of it regardless ...
Viserys' marriage was a betrayal of Aemma, but only on Viserys' side. Alicent was 14, the same age as his daughter. When Rhaenyra slept with Daemon after Laena's funeral, Rhaenyra was like 26! Both Daemon and Rhaenyra betrayed Laena completely and their children should have been allowed to express that! Also Baela was described as being like Daemon in the books and being quite quick-tempered so of course she would be the one to be so angry that she yelled it out in front of everyone 😂
Considering that Rhaena already felt neglected and less loved by Daemon because she doesn't have a dragon before Laena's death, I feel like he must have spoken harshly about it before.
They'll all definitely get closer! Not straight away because they're children and things are rough for them. But yeah, Aemond and Rhaena have a lot in common and they'll see that eventually!
Thank you so much for the comment! I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer 💚💚💚💚
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alicent-apologist · 8 months ago
Please please please drop a new chapter of Something’s Coming (so out of breath). The writers on HOTD are killing me. Season 2 is like season 8 of GOT. Fanfic writers like you are the only thing keeping me interested in this fandom.
Hi 😊 New chapter has dropped! I hope you like it!
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alicent-apologist · 8 months ago
Look at them! They're so cute and tiny! I love them so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍
Thank you so much @didoleonina , they look exactly like how I imagined them! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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Commission for @alicent-apologist ✧˚₊‧
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alicent-apologist · 8 months ago
What do you think about the fact that they’re going to be merging Rhaena and Nettles’s storyline? Apparently Rhaena will claim Sheepstealer while she’s in the Vale instead of hatching Morning
Well now that this seems like it's actually happening and it's not just a rumour, I can say that I do not like it.
A disservice to Nettles and a disservice to Rhaena. Also, it's boring.
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alicent-apologist · 8 months ago
Hello, I am thinking of writing a story where Alicent claims a dragon either before or after she marries viserys (either cannibal or vermithor, which do you think is better?) and I wanted to ask for your opinion on what would that change? Thank you for reading this.
Oooh okay, this is all just a personal opinion so take this all with a pinch of salt!
I would suggest Vermithor over the Cannibal, personally. The Cannibal doesn't really fit Alicent's personality and he seems like a dragon that she would have to actually try to tame whilst Vermithor has had riders and so might choose Alicent.
The implications? Well no-one would believe that Otto was her father. They'd assume that her mother slept with a Targaryen - Jaehaerys, Viserys or Daemon - take your pic and that she had Targaryen blood. If it's after she marries Viserys, um, questions will definitely be asked.
Daemon would both hate it and be having the time of his life. Alicent 'not being' Otto's daughter would be sooo embarrassing for Otto which Daemon would really enjoy. On the other hand, Alicent, a girl he scorns would have a dragon, one that is bigger and stronger than Daemon's own.
Rhaenyra - hmm - that depends on the level of their friendship. Pre-Viserys marriage, Rhaenyra probably loves it, loves that she can fly with Alicent and that she can teach her Valyrian things. There will be a bit of resentment there because Rhaenyra is quite selfish. But her love for Alicent will overcome that. If it's post-Viserys marriage, I don't think their relationship would recover. Not only did Alicent marry her father, but she's one-upping Rhaenyra's mother by having a dragon. God forbid she also has a son! I think she would take it as a personal slight.
Otto would be publically humiliated. Alicent's parentage is in question and so would his manhood. Alicent's Hightower heritage would be in question. Her relationship with her father and her extended family would likely never recover.
Viserys, if it's after the marriage, would probably ignore Alicent even more. For the same reason as Rhaenyra.
Alicent could end up completely alone.
But she'd have a dragon. A very powerful one. And if Driftmark happens and Aemond claims Vhagar, the Greens would have the three biggest dragons on their side. And if Aemond loses his eye like in Driftmark, well, Alicent's rage and sense of injustice will probably have a bodycount.
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alicent-apologist · 8 months ago
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alicent-apologist · 9 months ago
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"Kosem has lost loved ones before and has suffered from losses. However, this time is different." -Safiye Sultan, Magnificent Century: Kosem.
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alicent-apologist · 9 months ago
God, they're not letting Helaena feel her trauma at all. Even taking aside the fact that they defanged B&C, it was still a wildy traumatic experience for her.
'Smallfolk have babies die all the time'. I doubt the 'smallfolk' have to choose whether to give up their infant son or their infant daughter. Did the writers forget that Helaena had to point Jaehaerys out?? She had to choose to either give up her son to death and escape with her daughter or give up her daughter and potentially have her daughter, her son and herself die.
That's not nothing! The death of a child is inherently traumatic, this is worse! There's a culpability that is being unfairly forced onto her. And they're doing nothing with the emotional fallout that she should be feeling.
And it's not 'Helena' who doesn't think she should be sad, it's the writers saying this!
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alicent-apologist · 9 months ago
«Горе и гнев от потери ребёнка могут сжечь мир дотла»
Эйгон и тень Джейхериса от kyberstalker 🖤
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