#he's at 10/8/9 atm
yanfei-impact · 6 months
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b-blushes · 1 year
creating something to look forward to tomorrow: i'm gonna sit in the garden >:)
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jasongracestan12 · 2 months
My Unpopular Riordanverse Opinions
Disclaimer: none of these are fact all are my opinions. I'm happy to hear your disagreements but please do so respectfully because some of my opinions are really unpopular lol, so just be ready. Also spoilers obvs.
Also, as a random fact, I read the Heroes of Olympus about once a year, sometimes more. Lol I love that series actually, its low-key my comfort series.
1. Every time someone suggests Grover should've been on the quest over Coach Hedge, an angel loses their wings lmao. I just love him so much and all of his short tempered anger.
2. I don't like Valgrace. I almost literally got my ass ate off for saying this last time 💀 PLEASEEE leave me alone!! I just don't enjoy this ship, I didn't see the chemistry that other people saw with them. With that being said.
3. I don't like theyna (see above reasons)
4. I do, however, like Valzhang and ValZhangEsque and I think they're horribly underrated ships.
5. But tbh I think there is too much ship content. In the fandom and the books. I wish so much that there was most character centric content than there is. Not just of Jason, of all characters.
6. I love Frank. I love that he doesn't seem as morally bound as the other Roman characters. It interests me. That and I find him funny and endearing low-key.
7. I like Heroes of Olympus better than PJO. Not necessarily because of the writing, but because I liked all the different characters and world building of hoo better.
8. Blood of Olympus was a flop but it had some slay parts, especially on the characterization of Jason and Reyna.
9. Not unpopular, but I never liked Caleo. Specifically because I think solving Leo's arc by giving him a gf is not good writing and low-key disrespects his character.
10. I was not originally a fan of Reyna upon initially reading the books. I found her too authoritarian and someone I would actively fight irl. I would lose, but it would be worth it. I ended up liking her more as I got older especially with BoO, but y'all she is, like, unstandable in Camp Jupiter Classified.
11. I didn't really like Nico either, and I still feel indifferent towards him. Listen, I've had my fair share of trauma, but it is still really difficult for me to connect to cynical/ pessimistic characters. It's just not who I am.
12. Fandom obsession with Percy and Percabeth annoys me. It wouldn't be so bad except for people are hellbent on using comparison to make Percy and percabeth look better than quite literally every other character or ship. It's so irritating to me.
Anyways! That's all I have atm. Let me know if you agree or don't! Honestly I'm open to hearing opinions just please be nice lmao
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Strawberry's Whumptober masterlist!
warning!! some of these post will contain gore, death, mental distress and other themes that may be disturbing to some readers! Please pay attention to they tags on each post and read with caution!
note: These will be 'x reader' posts because as this is an 'x reader' blog. Most if not all characters will be genshin characters simply because I know them better. If you have a character you want with a certain prompt, feel free to request it and I will write it when I get to it
if I am late some days please rest assured the fics will be uploaded eventually!
PRONOUNS: majority of my works will have no pronouns or gendered terms used for reader, if they are used they will be gender neutral or they/them. If you'd prefer she/her or he/him, there will be a link on the gn fics for both other options. If there is a specific set of pronouns you want me to use, i can edit upload another version with those pronouns, just let me know<3
Update (17th of Oct): whumptober is being put in hold temporarily, some things are going on and I can't really write atm. Everything will eventually be written by the end of October! Just a little delayed is all. Please be patient<3
Day 1: "how many fingers am I holding up?" with Albedo from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 2: "They don't care about you" with Alhaitham from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 3: "Make it stop" with Xiao from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 4: "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes" with Beidou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 5: Debris with Wanderer from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 6: Made to watch with Kaveh from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 7: "Can you hear me?" with Kokomi from Genshin impacy [Here!]
Day 8: "It's all for nothing" with Abyss!Aether from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 9: "You're a liar" with Brother!Kaeya (and brother!Diluc) from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave" with brother!Bennet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 11: "No one will find you" with Cyno from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 12: "I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?" with Freminet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 13: "I don't feel so good" with Tighnari from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 14: "Just hold on" with Heizou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 15: "I don't need you to help me, I can handle things myself" with Ayato from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 16: "Don't go where I can't follow" with Lyney from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 17: "Leave me alone!" with brother!Mika from Genshin impact [On hold]
Day 18: Blindfold/tortured for information with Venti from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 19: "I'll take one final step, all you have to do is make me" with Ningguang from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 20: "You will regret touching them"/found family with Siblings!Bennet, Razor and Fischl from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 21: "Don't move" with Kazuha from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 22: "Watch out!" with Neuvillette from Genshin impact [in prohress]
Day 23: "Who's there?" with Childe from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 24: Neglect with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 25: "They're not breathing!" with Cyno from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 26: "You look awful" with sibling!Chongyun from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 27: "Let me see" with Xiao from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 28: "You'll have to go through me" with Lynette from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 29: "I only sink deeper the deeper I think" with Baizhu from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 30: "It's ok to say 'I'm not ok'" with Lyney from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 31: "Take it easy" with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
If there are prompts you want to see with certain characters send a request and ill write something for them and add it to the masterlist<3
masterlist will be updated as I make the posts!
last update: 14th of october 2023, 10:53pm (AEST)
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luvangelbreak · 6 months
Deprived | Twenty-two
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, injuries, angst, mentions of drugs word count: 2.9k a/n: I’ve run out of things to say honestly just hope y’all won’t kill me atp
Tumblr media
pov: matt
After giving Layla a change of clothes which consisted of a plain grey hoodie and the shorts Allie had left here which she now claimed as her own, I let her get comfortable in the corner of my bed with the bag of frozen peas pressed against her back. I sent my mom a message letting her know that Layla was staying over and that I'd be staying home from school tomorrow. My phone vibrated as soon as I put it on the bedside table and I picked it up to see a message from Nick in the group chat with him, Chris and me.
Triple threat
Nicolas she okay? 11:23pm
You yea she's just tired atm 11:23pm
Christopher do u want me to put the bandage on now so u guys can sleep 11:24pm
You yea we're not gonna go to school tmrw btw 11:24pm
Nicolas figured i'll msg nate 11:24pm
You thanks 11:25pm
"Chris is gonna come put the bandage on for you and then we can rest, okay?" I told Layla softly as I plugged my phone on charge and she nodded in response. A moment passed before I heard a soft knock on my door before it swung open, a tired-looking Chris appeared from behind it with medical tape and a clean gauze from the first aid kit.
"Hey, you feelin' any better?" Chris asked with his eyebrows threaded in slight worry and Layla sat up from where she lay on the bed with a shrug of her shoulders.
"A little," she spoke quietly and he gave her a comforting smile as he sat on the bed. She lifted the gauze away from her face and I turned on the light so Chris could see what he was doing better.
"The bleeding has stopped which is good," Chris mumbled as he looked at her face and grabbed the clean gauze, placing it over the cut, "Can you hold that while I put the tape on? Just so it doesn't move."
"Yeah," her voice came out in a whisper as she moved her hand up to hold the gauze. Chris quickly ripped off a few pieces of tape and stuck them around the gauze before he nodded.
"That should stay there overnight. I'll get some butterfly tape for it tomorrow and that will help heal it faster," he explained as he picked up a few things from the bed. A moment of silence fell into the room as Layla looked at Chris and unexpectedly, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"Thank you," I heard her small voice mumble into his shoulder and he glanced at me in shock. I furrowed my eyebrows, making a hugging motion with my arms to silently tell him to hug her back. He quickly wrapped his arms around her torso, patting her back gently as he avoided the bruise on her lower back.
"Anytime," he said softly and I let out a breath, a weird sense of pride flooding through me at the sight of them somewhat getting along. Layla quickly pulled back and Chris grabbed the rest of his things off the bed before making his way to the door, "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," I gave him a fist bump as Layla gave him a small smile and he exited the room once again. I closed the door behind him before I locked it and made my way back over to the bed. I slipped out of my hoodie as I left my plaid pyjama pants on and my grey wife-beater.
"My back hurts," Layla whispered as I slipped under the covers and she immediately curled into my side, placing her head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her, "Everything hurts."
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked softly as I traced my fingers against the cotton of the hoodie along her arm.
"I can't," she mumbled, picking at the lint of my shirt and I pursed my lips.
"Why not?" I asked, trying not to pry but when she looked like she'd been through hell and back, it was hard.
"It's too hard to explain," she sighed, sitting up as she slowly moved her arm up with a wince, running her hand through her hair.
"Can you at least try?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing as she pursed her lips and looked at the covers that fell over my lap, "I can't go to sleep not knowing how this happened to you, Layls."
She sighed, placing her hands over her face as she breathed for a moment. I placed my hand on her thigh gently before she lifted her head.
"Can I write it? It's easier than trying to explain it out loud," she asked and I nodded understandingly. I quickly jumped off of the bed, finding a random pen and a notepad. I climbed back under the cover before I handed it to her. She sighed, flipping over to a random blank page and beginning to quickly scribble.
I left my hand on her thigh as she wrote quickly along the page and I stared at the ceiling, my mind racing at the possibilities of how this could've happened. I don't know how long we sat there in silence, the only sound being heard was pen on paper and my laboured breathing before she tapped my hand that was on her thigh. I looked over to her to see her handing me the open notepad, the plethora of words surprised me but I grabbed it and began reading.
I don't really know how to explain all of this but after my mum left, my dad started mixing with the wrong people. It's gotten worse over the years and about 4 years ago, he got fired as a mechanic and started dealing instead. At first he kept me out of it but after a year he asked me to deliver to people for him every now and then. I've been delivering for him for 2 years and I've had run-ins with a couple of his regulars but they've never really done anything to me, only empty threats.
I didn't come over after school because I went to deliver to these guys my dad had only dealt with two or three times. Apparently they asked for more coke than what my dad gave them and they said this was the third time in a row. They said what they did to me was a warning for next time. I don't even know their names and they didn't give me the money so I don't know what to do because it will just make my dad more mad if I show up without the money.
I told my dad I only wanted to deliver to regulars because they are nice like Wes but these guys are nothing like anyone I've delivered to. They know I'm scared of them but they don't know that hurting me like this won't affect my dad in any way, it will only cause me more damage and I just don't know what to do anymore. I can't get out of it because if I do, my dad will kick me out and I'll have nowhere to go. If I stay and do deliveries, I'll probably end up like this again soon or worst case scenario, I'll be dead.
I just feel trapped and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I do all of this shit sooner, I didn't want you to get involved because this is something I've dealt with my whole life and I can't drag you into this. I'm just scared and I don't want to do it anymore, I want to be normal.
You make me feel normal.
I put the notepad down on the bed and I looked up at her to see her head was back in her hands. I felt helpless, I didn't know how to handle this and I knew none of my friends did either. I sighed, placing the notebook on the bedside table as I sat up, running a hand across my face to process what was happening.
How did I not know she was dealing drugs? Why didn't it click to me when she said she was dropping something off for a friend and came to me high out of her mind? Why didn't I ask sooner how she was getting money when I knew her dad didn't have a lot?
How could someone do this to my pretty girl?
"Are you mad at me?" she whispered, her voice small and shaky as I lifted my head from my hand. Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she held her torso, hunched forward to help the pain in her back.
"No baby," I furrowed my eyebrows as I lifted my hand, running it through her bleached hair that was quickly growing out and showing her natural brunette hair at the roots, "I'm just processing everything."
"I'm sorry," her bottom lip quivered as a few tears spilled down her cheeks and I tilted my head, using my thumb to wipe away the tears as she leaned into my touch, "I don't have anyone else to help me. I know it's not fair to you but I just don't know what to do anymore."
"Hey," I whispered, lifting her chin so she would look me in the eyes, "We'll figure it out, okay? I'll talk to Mia or something-"
"No," she interjected, shaking her head as she pulled away from my hand, "My dad will go to jail and then I'll go to jail and then everything will be fucked. You can't tell Mia, she'll ruin everything."
"She won't," I spoke strongly, knowing that if I talked to Mia she would be willing to help. Even if she didn't want to help Layla, she would do it for me, "If we can figure out how to make sure there's no evidence of you involved in this then you won't have to go anywhere."
"What about my dad?" she asked, her voice breaking as more tears slid down her face, "He's the only family I have."
"Baby," I spoke softly as I reached into her lap and laced her hand with mine, "I know you love him because he's your dad but he's not your family. Your family will care when you get hurt. You just said he will only care about the money and if that's the case, you need to know that him being in your life will only mean you're gonna get hurt more."
She shook her head reluctantly, more tears spilling out of her eyes as she mumbled, "No."
I could tell she was exhausted and all of her pent up emotions were spilling over in an instant. I just let her feel everything she needed to in that moment as I held her hand, running circles on the back of her hand with my thumb to let her know I was there.
"I want my mom," she croaked out before her body broke into a sob and my shoulders dropped. I immediately pulled her towards me as she cried into my chest and I held onto her tightly, her sorrow seeping into me as I felt my eyes prick with tears. I didn't let them fall, knowing I had to be strong for her and I couldn't let my emotions overrule anything.
We stayed like that for a moment before suddenly there was a gentle knock at my door and my eyebrows furrowed. Layla lifted herself away from me as she caught her breath and I kissed the top of her head.
"I'll check who it is," I told her gently and she nodded as she wiped her tears with the sleeve of the hoodie. I slid out of the bed before trotting to the door, unlocking it and opening it slightly to see my mother standing there.
"I saw your message. Is everything okay?" her tone worried and her eyebrows threaded in concern and I let my mouth hang open.
"Layla's just going through a lot right now, Mom," I told her quietly and she pursed her lips, glancing behind me.
"Can I come in?" she asked and I turned back to look at Layla, hesitant to show my mother how Layla looked in such a vulnerable state. Layla nodded as she sniffled, hugging her knees to her chest and I turned around, opening the door wider to let my mom inside. She stepped inside the room and I could feel the concern radiating off of her as she looked at Layla, "Oh honey. Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Layla's voice was shaky and unconvincing as my Mom walked towards her. I closed my bedroom door to make sure no one else would come in as Layla hung her head low.
"Come here," my mother said gently as she opened her arms while she sat down on the bed and I smiled at her nurturing behaviour. Layla hesitated, looking over at me briefly before she curled into my mother's arms like a scared child. My mom engulfed her in her warmth, gently rubbing her back as Layla hugged her torso.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up," Layla mumbled as she pulled away from my mom and my mom shook her head with a comforting smile on her lips.
"I'd rather be awake to make sure you're okay," she told her softly, running a hand through Layla's dishevelled hair, "What happened?"
"I uh, some guys jumped me while I was walking home," she lied as she shook her head. I understood why she didn't tell my mom the truth, I wouldn't either now knowing the circumstances.
"Sweetheart, we have to file a police report," my mom told her and Layla immediately shook her head.
"I didn't see their faces. It would be no use," she conjured up another lie on the spot and it made me uneasy how quickly she would spin the truth.
"Does your dad know about this?" she asked and Layla pursed her lips as she shook her head.
"He's at work late. That's why I came here," she whispered and I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning against the wall beside my door and my mother glanced towards me, "I'm sorry for showing up like this. I didn't really have anywhere else to go."
"There's no need to apologise, honey. I'm glad you have my boy to take care of you," she gently ran her hand along Layla's bicep and Layla gave her an apologetic smile, "You stay here as long as you like, okay? We have plenty of room for you and help yourself to food."
"I couldn't ask you to do that," Layla denied her hospitality to which my mother unsurprisingly waved off.
"You're not asking. I'm offering," my mother insisted and Layla hesitantly nodded, picking at her fingernails nervously.
"Thank you," she whispered and my mom nodded, standing up from the bed before she walked over to me.
"We will talk about this tomorrow. Get some rest, the both of you," she said softly before she leaned up and kissed my cheek, "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," I mumbled back as she opened the door before closing it behind herself and I locked it before making my way back to the bed, "I didn't think she'd wake up."
"Your mom is too nice to me," she pursed her lips with a frown as I slid under the covers, "I feel so bad having to lie to her."
"I know why you did," I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her temple as she sighed, "Let's try to get some rest, pretty girl. We can talk more about it tomorrow."
She nodded as she curled into my side and I laid back on the pillows, pulling the covers over both of us as she sighed. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, holding her close to me as she steadied her breathing. She kept shuffling to get comfortable every now and then but eventually, I grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of me. She looked up at me, chin against my chest as her eyes scanned my face.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her eyes heavy as they met mine and I wrapped my arms around her back, careful not to touch the bruise.
“Stop apologising. You know I’m always here,” I answered softly, moving my right hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear and I got lost in the feeling of her against my skin, “My pretty girl.”
“My pretty boy,” she whispered back and my face couldn’t help but break into a smile. Her expression mimicked my own and I felt my heart swell knowing that even after all the shit she had been put through, I was still able to see her beautiful smile.
My mind was reeling with how to fix this, how to help her, but it all floated away when she rested her head on my chest as her breathing became one with mine and her heart matched the beat of my own. She shifted to get herself comfortable again and before I knew it, soft snores emitted into the air from her mouth.
I let my mind float away into all the possibilities on how to solve this. How to make sure she was safe. How to not have Mia fuck this up. How to tell Chris and Nick without making them flip out. How to make sure Layla had a place to stay with enough money to go to college if she wanted to. How to make sure her dad gets what he deserves for putting his own daughter in this position. How to get Layla’s mother and sister in contact with her again.
How to help her feel normal again.
@dsturniolo @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @pinklittleflower @thatcrazybitch-69 @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn @chrizznmetswife @ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @sturniolowhore @jebbie-project-blog @jaxyy219 @junnniiieee07 @mattsobvimyfav
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theeeveetamer · 25 days
Fields of Mistria initial thoughts
As you may or may not know I am a total sucker for farming simulator games. I don't usually go for Early Access games, but Fields of Mistria seemed extremely promising even though it's just launched into Early Access. So I want to talk about a few of the things I really like about it (and maybe a few that I don't). I will probably be drawing comparisons to Stardew Valley since it's the current preeminent Farming Sim of our time (but I'm not dissing it I love Stardew Valley as well. I think Fields of Mistria does a good job of taking what worked about Stardew and tweaking some things to improve even further)
But the tl;dr if you want it: I think this game is worth the money even in its current state
Trying to keep things as spoiler-free as possible, not that it's hard since the story isn't really too far yet in early access
Things that I like:
1 There is a wide range of cosmetics! Also, you don't have to store them anywhere. You "unlock" them, and then you can change your clothes, hair, skin tone, etc. at any time from the character customization menu. I'd have to check because I don't have the game right in front of me atm, but I think you can even change your name and the name of your farm at any time as well?
2) You don't actually need to have materials on hand to construct farm buildings, nor do you need to pre-clear the space! You buy the blueprint from the carpenter shop, which goes to your inventory. You take it back to your farm yourself and lay it down. Once you lay it down it spawns a drop box for materials, and you can put the materials in at your own pace. This makes it super easy to just drop a couple of wood in at the end of every day until it's done. This is a godsend for me especially, since I never remember to bring all the materials with me when I want to build things in Stardew
3) Speaking of convenience: you don't need to have any materials on hand when you're crafting! This is a godsend because when you initially start the game, all the crafting stations are in town and you have like no bag space. It'll just automatically withdraw things from your chest
The downside is, if you were trying to save stuff you have to be careful (the game will indicate when it starts drawing from your chests to craft the next item though, which is nice!)
4) Also speaking of convenience: shops are open and unlocked 24/7, and you don't have to have someone working there to buy things! This means if you realize you forgot to re-plant your crops at 10 pm you can still pop up to the general store to buy more seeds before the day is done
5) The romance events are all interesting and done well so far! I've only seen a couple though. It also appears that triggering them is based on completing a request on the community board, so you can't miss them like you might in Stardew
The downside is that there's so many community board quests that it's easy for these to get buried. I'm sure I've picked up half a dozen that I just haven't done yet because I haven't gotten around to knocking out some of these requests
6) I like that progressing in the mines requires you to collect items from the previous set of floors in the mines. It's good incentive to go back and collect more resources while still feeling like you're advancing
7) Dropping stuff on the ground and leaving it there won't de-spawn it. That means you can go around and "collect" resources, leave them there, and then circle back in a few hours or even a few days!
8) There's at least one older bachelor and bachelorette option! For the guys you have fellow farmer Hayden (who has a bit of a dad bod build) and the town's doctor Valen (she's a bit more masc looking). I'll take it
9) You can bang a dragon. They haven't completed the story enough to get events with him yet in Early Access, but he's a dragon. nuff said
10) You don't have to upgrade your tools in sequence, and equipment is separate from your cosmetics. This means you can skip straight from the worn pickaxe to the silver one!
Things I don't like (honestly most of these are minor nitpicks that can/might be improved upon):
1 I do wish there was some more body diversity, especially among the women. With the exception of Hayden pretty much all the romance options are pretty/handsome and slender (with pretty decently sized chests in the case of the women and pretty decently sized muscles in the case of the men)
I know they can design different body types because one of the Saturday Market vendors is a bit bigger (but she's not a romance option obviously), so why not?
2) Pretty much every item sells for less than it would if you were to craft it into something else. E.g. Iron ore sells for less than iron bars, and iron bars sell for less than an iron pickaxe
This is kind of half positive, half negative. It's good incentive to craft stuff! On the other hand, I'm a massive video-game hoarder so if I know I might be able to craft something that's worth more down the line I'll just save the item. This has turned my organization into a nightmare, and because I sell almost nothing money is much harder to come by
3) Backpack and storage management is. Woof. You start out with only ten item slots, and if you're like me and you carry all your tools all the time then that's going to fill up fast. At the start you'll only have ~2 slots to actually carry things other than tools. I think it only goes up in increments of 10 too, so even with the third bag upgrade you have about 30 slots (for reference, Stardew starts you with 12 and goes up in increments of 12 before capping out at 36)
I don't think this would be a problem if they just gave you a separate "tool bag" inventory where you could keep all your tools all the time, that didn't also take up bag space. Tools taking up bag space is honestly one of those "we should be over this by now" things in farming sims, IMO
4) Speaking of the bag... this is probably only a consideration if you play on controller, but the controls for swapping between items could use some work
If you've played Stardew with a controller then you know how it works. The left and right bumpers will swap between bag "tabs" and the triggers will move you between items in the currently selected tab. I haven't played around with trying to remap it, but by default Mistria doesn't do this.
Instead one of the triggers is to use a magic spell, the other is to throw items, and the bumpers are to swap between items in your bag. This means if you're on tab "A" and you need an item in tab "C" you need to manually press the bumper 10+ times until it scrolls aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way around to tab "C"
I think if you play with keyboard and mouse then you can just tap the different tabs so it's less of a problem
5) Minor nitpick, but when I play with a controller it doesn't get rid of the cursor. The cursor is pretty big and chunky so this is pretty distracting (I play on a dual monitor setup so I just move the mouse to the other monitor while I play, but it'd be nice if the cursor stayed gone while I played
6) So far the magic is a bit underutilized. I think I've only used the restore spell a handful of times when I was deep in the mines or fishing (fishing takes SO much energy). You have VERY limited magical stamina so you're probably not going to be using spells too much
I'll try to add to this if I think of more, but this is the stuff that's sticking out to me right now!
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specialgradefckr · 13 days
Is your heatwave series still ongoing? Going crazy over it atm
I must say that I just loooove it! I'm crazy about Omegaverse especially since you can mess with the universe lots— the thought of feral men💕
And you do it sooo well aaah! I love your stuff<333
I adore adding a trope of inner wolf (think of inner monologue/their institutional primal side that's absolutely unhinged) makes me giggle— hear me out : they *try* to be nice and polite and a good alpha to the sweet little omega it's just... they smell so good and their wolf is just soooo hungry!!
Even better if there's like a forbidden trope >:) he knows he shouldn't and it's wrong but he can't help it!! That dumb little mutt brain of his doesn't care about what's wrong or right, cheating or whatnot hehe
Or a servere commitment issues Gojo who's wold is practically *drooling* over sweet lil omega y/n!! he tried to fight it so much but he failed:( he must look sooo pathetic all panting and growling like a wild dog but it feels sooo good! He hates the idea of commitment but his wolf is so desperate that its almost as if the omega is his owner >:) perhaps commitment isn't so bad...
Anyway, a little unplanned rant, thank you for the food!!
You're very welcome <3
The Heatwave series has three fics left to go - day 8 and 10 are half-written, and day 9 I'm kinda worried about but I'll get there when I get there skjfhglhdg.
I've gotten pretty distracted with this yandere fic ngl sdfkghlsdhg
But yeah!! Omegaverse stuff has been really fun to write for the most part. It helps that I've mixed it up a bit - beta reader, alpha reader, and omega reader. The final day is omega/omega and I'm really excited for that!
I'm glad you enjoy it so much! Sometimes I do look at the works and go "is this even really omegaverse" so it's nice to know I'm doing well on that front.
See, the "inner wolf" thing makes me think too much of werewolf stuff (which I don't necessarily hate but it's not the angle I'm going for). But I can achieve basically the same effect with like, "your omega instincts compel you", and I also really like how that can blend with the reader's internal monologue.
Like your omega instincts are telling you to jump on his knot, sure, but that's also just you wanting to jump on his knot. It feels less distant, more like an intrusive thought than a separate entity. I've enjoyed some stuff that had the "inner wolf" stuff going on, though! It can be great for breaking up the more stoic characters.
I am definitely all for characters going feral and wild with need. Is it?? Even LOVE? If it isn't driving them completely insane???
As for Gojo being a commitment-phobe - I do see it, and I do also see Gojo going so wild and impulsive that he accidentally ties himself into something he doesn't want.
Would be absolutely hilarious to see him fighting mate-withdrawal, alpha protector/provider instincts, etc. I think a lot of the appeal there would be him trying to walk back on the mating but not being able to, and then you're also in the picture bringing your own complicated feelings to the table and maybe throwing his shitty behavior in the face... so many fun ways to go about it.
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amusementofaprincess · 3 months
Ok! My thoughts on characters of The Magnus Protocol after listening to the 1st 20 episodes in less than a day:
1) Lena. I don’t trust the British government. I don’t trust most governments. But in this case I really don’t trust them
2) I like Celia. I’d love to know why she apparently sleepwalks for miles and I think she should chance a better childcare backup plan than “call Georgie when I wake up”. Plus her flirting with Sam is cute.
In my head her wardrobe varies wildly depending how close it is to laundry day.
3) Sam. Sam seems like a very intelligent,kind, sweet person who is either going get killed by an entity (external?) or go completely insane
In my head he wears a lot of sweater vests
4) I don’t know how I feel about Alice. Her personality is very… chronically online and I find that a bit grating. She also doesn’t see to completely be over Sam. She definitely cares about her friends and coworkers- trying to check up on Teddy, checking in with Collin, try to keep Sam and Celia from something that could get them killed.
She reminds me a lot of Tim.
In my head she wears a lot of galaxy prints
5) Gwen I think looks perpetually annoyed. She obviously is intelligent and curious with NO sense of dangers - that is a bad combination. She needs to be more careful around Externals. “Can he READ?” Is probably one of my favorite reactions to an entity.
In my Gwen always looks perfectly put together. Even if she’s just wearing jeans and a comfy top
6) Mr Bonzo. Again I say WTF. I assume, if the fears here follow Smirks 13, he is associated with the Flesh based on his description.
I don’t think about what he’s wearing. I don’t think about him at all if I can avoid it
7) Lady Mowbray. Rich. Probably associated with THE HUNT.
I bet she dresses like she’s about to hop on a horse at any moment 
8) Georgie! I love Georgie. I know she’s not the same Georgie but I don’t care. She is good friend to Celia, takes good care of Jack. I hope she has a cat. I feel like any reality Georgie needs a cat.
In my head Georgie was at Celia’s in something comfy. Maybe even sweatpants
9) the voices - Chester and Norris - not surprised they are voices in the computer. Also when they talked about the “jmj” error I just keep thinking it stands for Jon/Martin/Jonah since they were near each other in Ep 200 and we don’t know where they went. Jonah’s body might have gotten all swept up in it.
Augustus -at first I thought Jurgen Lightner was back but I checked the credits and he isn’t voiced by Jonathan Sims’ dad (I can’t remember his name atm) but he sounded so similar. So I am intrigued by Augustus
All in all I am very happy with the first 20 eps of season 1 and can’t wait for the next 10!
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cressthebest · 3 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 38
chapter 57:
1. starting out with gay panic i see. not for pandora, but for me. good lily is SO HOT
2. lily and remus’ freindship is pure angst atm
3. “I love you, Lily, then and now and the past six years and the next six and all the years I've got in this life. All of them will be spent loving you, and I would do it all over again; I would do it tomorrow.” 😧 IM IN SO MUCH PAIN
4. the loss of dorlily 😔😔 BUT we we lost in dorlily, we gained in marylily and dorlene
5. i love the emphasis put on the importance of freindships in crimson rivers. remus even says himself that he loves lily just as much as sirius, just differently
6. “"You know, Red, I feel like I need to go shake Remus Lupin's hand," Kingsley says dryly. "He's working miracles, clearly."” kingsley is showing KING behavior
7. omg the absolute LOSS OF DORLILY
8. damn lily went to mary and spilled everything
9. “Regulus is snatched out of his near-daily daydream of taking Slughorn by the back of his head and smashing his face down against the table he sits at until he's just a smear on it” MOOD
10. barty and regulus taking care of each other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
chapter 58:
1. “He's not above killing an old man” 🥰🥰💞💖💞✨regulus✨💞💖💞🥰🥰
3. albus killed ariana. that’s- that’s wild. i’d- i’d never. holy shit. HE KILLED HIS OWN SISTER TO WIN THE ARENA?? THEY WERE THE LAST TWO AND HE KILLED HER??? holy FUCK
5. this is such whiplash. i was unprepared for this knowledge
6. 😐😒 side EYE at albus. he fell in love with the person that literally tore his family apart. i don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest. he’s insane.
7. OHHH got it. grindlewald killed ariana. so then albus killed him. revenge >:)
(i still have no sympathy for him. he’s still in love with grindlewald. the little bitch)
8. regulus does not play around. his deal with albus is feeling a lot like his ahb self and i’m love with these characterizations of him.
9. 😭😭😭 tiny nymphadora kicking a man’s ankles for hating on james
10. dumbledore: i have a mission for you-
remus: fuck no
dumbledore: to save james and sirius
remus: FUCK YES! OKAY!!!!
11. before i know if dorcas and marlene switched who goes on the mission, i make my guess right now: this mission kills marlene. she goes on it and dies.
12. “"I'd rather you kill me, I think," Dorcas tells her, and it comes out as a whimper, her heart clenching violently in her chest.
A shaky laugh spills out of Marlene's mouth. "Honestly, that could be arranged."
"Make it hurt," Dorcas mumbles.
"No, for you, I'd be so gentle," Marlene whispers, breath spilling out hot and trembling along Dorcas' jaw.””
13. “"I promise," Marlene vows immediately, fiercely, and then she kisses her, holding her face in her hands and kissing her like that's enough to make sure that promise never breaks.”” zar, i’m so tired. please, i’m so tired. she’s gonna die and i’m so tired. 😞
14. the theme of harry potter is literally supposed to be about how love is more powerful than anything else, yet jkr sucked at portraying that. crimson rivers does it wonderfully, over and over and over again.
15. i forgot about mary being trans until it was casually dropped in again, and honestly, i’m glad it’s that way.
16. i like how everyone’s like: reg no!!!
17. every. damn. time. reg is like “if you do this, i am explicitly telling you the pain i will make you feel in return.” and every single time, people do it anyways and are surprised.
18. “Marlene, a woman who rolls with the punches, and keeps going, and wears her bruises like jewelry.”
19. zars comments on lily at the end of the chapter 😭😭 “i love this transition for her going from having sex with a lot of women to being like I'm A Family Woman Now 😭 she really said, i found a wife and a kid, and im done with the drama”
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yellowbunnydreams · 10 months
Mechanised Devotion (Part 10) ~Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader~
~My first chapter is reaching 100 notes, so I might as well keep going! Also, I am obsessed with writing this story atm~
Word count so far (all parts:) 19,504
Tag List!: @ruh--roh-raggy @likoplays
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, afab reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 40's), mention of crimes and violence, blood, mentions of child death (it's FNAF, what did you expect?), past trauma; abusive relationships. Stalking.
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Your shift at Freddy's started as usual. Arriving and greeting the animatronics like somewhat friends, you noticed a shape in the corner and peered at it with suspicion, eyes widening as you recognised the yellow fur of the suit and the imposing height. The Spring Bonnie in the corner seemed so out of place, but you assumed it had been roaming about again and was prepared for the bastard that time. Giving it an evil eye before making haste to your security office, plopping yourself down on the chair, making sure to close and lock the door this time since you knew it was lurking about.
Flipping the breaker as per usual, it wasn't long before Freddy arrived to take his shift as your guard again. Making sure that you passed a drawing to him on the way past, resulting in happy wiggling ears from him as he stood at the end of the hall, staring down at the cute drawing of him and you playing together in the pizzeria. There was something so unexpectedly child-like about him sometimes that it made you smile. Sure that he was popular with the kids when the restaurant was functional.
The night crawled by slowly, your fingers occasionally returning to your lips and smiling as you recalled kissing Steve Raglan and leaving him speechless, the taste of his kiss lingered on your lips, and you wished somewhat that he had reciprocated more, you thought that he was surely a good kisser. Something told you that he was the kind of man you would cup the back of your head and leave you breathless with them if he was so inclined. Letting your thoughts slip towards fantasy until a 'thud' at the door caught your attention, looking up and screaming slightly as you spotted the skeletal grin of the Spring Bonnie pressed against the small glass pane.
Standing up, you made sure that you double checked the door jam, stepping to one side and gesturing to the newly covered vent, making a cross with your arms to gesture to it that it wasn't going to pull the same stunt as a few nights before. The eyes remained unmoving, but the head moved slightly, as if it was observing what you were saying. The thick, articulated fingers banged against the glass in frustration. An eerily human motion, but you remembered that it was animatronic, that both Mr. Raglan and the owner had assured you of that fact.
"Go away." You hissed at it, watching it remained pressed up against the glass, you got the distinct feeling that it was there to stay for the night with a sigh. Taking your seat back up and curling in on yourself as you tried to ignore the mascot that didn't seem to want to leave you be.
Inside the mask, Steve Raglan shuddered hungrily at your disapproving gaze. He'd seen you smiling and touching your lips, knowing that you were thinking of him lit a fire that burned brightly in his core and made him ache. There was the concern that his breath would fog up the glass of the window, but in that moment, he just wanted to watch you. He regretted the fact that the sugary sweetness of your lips had faded so quickly, but there was some soft part of him that was glad he hadn't scared you away by giving in to his instincts then and there.
To take your head in his hand, fingers in your hair and claim your mouth, claim all of you for himself. To ruin and unravel you then and rather in public, on the hood of his car that you had been bleeding in days before. To bite at your neck and instate the bruises he had decorated you with before but this time with his teeth. He wanted to hear the noises you made when you struggled to escape his hands roaming your body and feeling all that was his.
Because whether you knew it or not, or even whether you wanted it.
You were his.
Eventually however, he moved away from the door, keeping the blade in his hand out of sight and carving a subtle heart in the door just at his hip height. Small enough that you wouldn't notice it unless you were looking, but he knew it was there, marking you as his to the others should they disobey him. Looking down the corridor to Freddy, his most obedient child, nodding approvingly as the bear looked up quizzically from the drawing you had given him. Steve found himself somewhat jealous that they received presents and he didn't, but he knew he would always have the upper hand on them. They were weak, controllable things to him.
He wanted to stay, but he had plans to set into motion. A grin spreading across his face as he wondered what you would think to them, chuckling to himself as he headed for the shadows, eager to climb out of the suit and act on this new-found passion of his.
After the Spring Bonnie moved, you opened up your door and allowed Freddy to check in on you. The hours passed quickly by when you were no longer being stared down, but they still passed by slowly in your mind as all you could think of was Steve Raglan.
Heading home after your shift however, you began to wonder if you had done the right thing. He was, in a round-about way, your boss, and you didn't think that it was appropriate, but the way he looked after you kissed him lingered on your mind and made you smile giddily, feeling like you were experiencing your first ever crush all over again. The rising Utah sun casting long shadows as you half-expected to see his car driving up behind you. Though no such thing occured.
You didn't phone him when you got home, nor at any point that day. The walk home had let you think and you had begun to doubt what you had done, fearing that he was pissed at you for being inappropriate. You wanted to give the man time to process and come to his own conclusions about what had transpired between the pair of you. Every time the phone rang however, you let your house-mates answer it, hoping secretly that they would say it was for you.
He did not call that day.
The next, however, he did. But you found yourself nervous to talk to him, anxiety welling up in your chest as you found panic settling in that it was the call to tell you that you were out of line, that you were fired. Your housemate held the phone to their chest, raising an eyebrow before you shook your head, letting them tell him that you were unavailable in that moment. The same thing repeated the next day even, letting the housemates tell him that you were unavailable at that moment, which you heard led to the phone being slammed down angrily. Something turned in the pit of your stomach as you tried to work normally, the fear that your key would no longer work or perhaps that your termination papers would be on your desk lingering in your mind.
You decided to walk to Sparky's the morning of Friday, the last shift of the week being later that night. Entering the quiet restaurant, you sat at the counter and waited to be served, one of the only patrons inside in the early morning. A young man coming over to you in the classic white and blue shirt that you now associated the the place, he was more to your age, boyishly good looking and had sandy blonde hair in curls around his head. If you hadn't had an older man on your mind, you might have found him cute.
"What can I get you this morning, buttercup?" He asked, surprising you enough to recieve a raised eyebrow and a head-tilt, looking quizzically at him.
"Sure, you're like a little ray of sunshine! You work night right? I see you come in sometimes and it's like a little ray of sunshine when you come in because that means I get to go home soon." He laughed, making you giggle in return as you realise it was a harmless nickname he had given you. Brushing some strands of hair behind your ear, you decided to order whilst he was nearby, laughing at the puns he cracked whilst you were doing so, watching him from the corner of your eye as he leaned against the counter to peer at the menu and help you with your choices.
Outside however, Steve Raglan was just about gone. William Afton however, stewed with white knuckles gripping the steering wheel of his different than usual car. Watching through the windows as the young man clearly flirted with you. He'd been following you since you kissed him. Changing which car he drove, making sure you never spotted him as he made sure that nothing happened to you, although he had felt his rage boiling up as he had watched through binoculars as you stood in your kitchen and refused his calls that he made from his car. His hands had clenched tightly into fists as he wondered why you were avoiding him.
But seeing you being flirted with had hit some button inside of him that left him shaking and desperate for a more violent release. He waited until you had left the diner, taking a to-go box back home with you for him to pull a pair of thick, leather gloves on. Opening the glove box and pulling out a wickedly sharp knife, the same one he had cut you with before infact. Looking into the backseat, he smiled coldly as he made sure his bag was there, filled with bottles of water, cologne, soap and a change of clothes. The edge of a rope appearing from under the pile of items.
Turning his attention back to the diner, he began to wait. A grim expression on his face as he focused all his energy in that moment in holding back for the right time to strike.
Later that afternoon, you were surprised when one of your house-mates knocked on your door and informed you that you had a visitor. You had been moping in bed, knowing you had ruined your chance to know Steve by kissing him. Your eyes were slightly blood-shot from tears spilling down your cheeks, and you had dressed down in an oversized hoodie. So large it would have fitted Steve as well fitting item of clothing. The hem coming down to your knees and hands entirely swallowed up by the soft, dark blue fabric. The hood would have engulfed your head if you had put it up, but you told your house-mate to guide your guest through whilst you pulled on a pair of shorts. Your eyes tearing up as you realised they were Steve's boxers that you had forgotten to give back to him after you washed them.
Opening your door again after you were decent, you gasped as you almost walked into a wall of shirt and muscle. Glancing up and paling as you realised it was Steve stood infront of your door. His sharp, handsome features somewhat strained into a smile, dressed in a yellow plaid shirt and a purple tie as well as some dark slacks. Adjusting the glasses on his face, he seemed as if he was smiling through you, rather than at you.
"Hi..Mr.Raglan, sir." You swallowed nervously, feeling your body shaking softly as you realised he was pissed at you. Your hands suddenly sweaty as the much larger man spoke coldly, evenly in a way that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up slightly.
"Hello, it is nice of you to finally decide to answer me."
Without another word, he pushed inside your room and forced you to step back to accomodate for his hulking stature in the smaller room. Practically forced onto your bed as he closed the door behind him with an air of finality before turning to you, his usually pleasant features dark and ominous as you found yourself backing against a wall, trying to put some distance between you that he simply closed easily with his large strides.
"I...I'm sorry ,sir, I-I know I-"
"Know what? Why have you been avoiding me, little girl? Do I make you nervous?" He asked icly, one hand leaning against the wall and boxing you into his arms as he stared you down. Tilting his head to one side with a dark intensity in his gaze that made you afraid, and you didn't want to admit, made your knees weak too.
"N-No I-"
"Do you think it's cute when you ignored my calls for days? Or perhaps you wanted to string me along all along? Kissing me like that and then fucking off into the night like some little slut who wanted to make me angry." His voice was hot and cold at the same time, lacing your heart in fear and making you want to melt at the same time. This wasn't your Steve Raglan, this was somebody darker, more demanding of you as you tried to find the words that were stuck in your throat.
His large calloused hand reached for around your throat, making your heart race so fast you thought you might pass out, wondering if you were about to be strangled to death before you felt the feather-light touch of his fingers against your skin. Leaning in and letting his cologne wash over you, hot breath against the side of your face as he whispered to you, his hand moving to grab your jaw and force your to look at him.
"The least you could have done was let me show you what a proper kiss feels like." His voice still burned darkly, eyes briefly meeting together before his lips slammed onto yours with bruising intensity.
A squeak escaped you at the impact, your hands reaching out and pushing at his broad shoulders, trying to push away the large man which only served to spurr him on more. Growling against your lips, his large hands moved, one moving to the back of your neck and pushing his fingers into your hair, gripping it tightly as the other reached for your thigh, easily pulling you up against his larger body.
You couldn't help but groan as he slammed you into the wall, pressing his body weight against you as your legs instinctually wrapped around his waist. His beard tickled your skin as you tried to catch breaths between his hungry kisses, feeling your core heating up at the rough treatment somewhat ashamedly and gasping as he bit your lip. Hard enough to make you bruise slightly on the delicate skin, but not to break it. You could feel his body shaking as he pressed himself fully against you, feeling his body responding equally to your presence as your arms wrapped around his neck, one hand moving shyly into his hair and hearing a guttural growl as his hips pressed into your core and he began to kiss again with a renewed passion.
Eventually he pulled back, looking at his handiwork as your lips trembled, almost purple with the intensity of which he had kissed you. His bite mark inside your lip, pupils dilated, breathing ragged as your delicate body trembled deliciously against his. He could also feel your heat burning against his cock, making it twitch and harden, aching to bury himself inside you then and there. But he took a deep, shaking breath as he moved the hand from the back of your head and stroked the side of your cheek tenderly. Looking at the beautiful mess you had become in his hunger.
"Now, doll, wasn't that a much better kiss?" Chuckling as you managed to weakly nod and he smiled, planting a much softer, easier kiss on your lips with his tongue flickering across the bottom one, requesting more should you open up to him.
"Are you going to fuck off like that again?" He asked, his voice sweet and warm again, almost cooing as he continued to stroke your face, holding you against his body.
"N-No sir." you managed to breathe, and felt your heart leaping with elation as his expression softened, letting him manoeuvre you easily as he sat on your bed, the mattress complaining under his bulk as he positioned you in his lap, letting you feel him beneath your own arousal.
"Good girl. Now, how about we continue that kiss from where we should have left off? Wouldn't that be nice?" Cooing softly and barely waiting for your approving nod before his lips joined yours again. Softer, more sweet this time than the bruising possessiveness that had been started with.
"Now if you want kisses again, you just have to ask sweetie, okay? You don't need to go anywhere else or think when you're with me."
And those words seemed all the more possible as than man who you didn't really know's lips captured yours with a sweetness that made your heart soar, and a passion that would tattoo you as his.
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eternal-sacrifice · 11 months
Been thinking about winners.... Then I thought too hard... Here's my thoughts on.. all of them,,,,
• IF bdubs won next season: he has earned it. It would be great seeing as last season was a 3rd life throwback and sort of a redemption, if the next season was his most difficult we could go full heros journey with this bitch and the win would be incredibly satisfying.
9/10 didn't realize I wanted him to win but, I'm rooting for him now! Convinced me
• If bigB won next season: please let him win. I need him to win. He hasn't gotten a single ounce of attention from the fandom in any of his 4 amazing story arcs, and maybe just maybe they would care about him if he won. With new members joining he could have a fresh start (again), maybe with a win he could pull ahead all on his own, just like he started 2 years ago.
1000/10 I NEEED IT
• if Cleo won next season: hggfhhfjg. Hfhfhgfgg... Divorce quartet real... The animations... The fanart..... It would be so cool. I don't think Cleos character has much motivation to win atm, but if she was forced into a position where she needed to take the win it could be a very refreshing twist on the story.
7/10 we love to see a king winning
• if etho won next season: hey sorry ethogirls I don't know him well enough- all I know is that the fans would become crazy and I'd become an ethogirl. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
• if gem won next season: okay, gem win would be awesome, yeah. Doesn't matter if everyone loves her, doesn't matter if everyone hates her, I just need her to be the main character, be confused, be crazy, die. It would hurt her character so deeply and would be genuinely amazing for her lore.
8/10 this would be sick
• if grian won next season: let's try that again baby! He might have won the first time with kindness, trust, loyalty and true friendship- but it can't be like that anymore can it. Everyone's left him, everyone's moved on, his life is falling apart, and for once he's barely stopping it. He's just trying to understand what's going on. He ends up in a similar situation to s1, and can't take it- he snaps, kills the other players, and wins once more, making everyone go crazy and the fandom die from shock immediately.
4/10 hmmmm
• if impulse won next season: HES BEEN SOOOOOO CLOSE FOR THE PAST 4 SEASONS. GIVE IT TO HIM PLEASE. only if he weasels his way in though, I love it when he's a lying little cheat and a freaky lil traitor. He needs everyone in his life to leave him or trust him completely and I will die on that hill.
7/10 hehehehe impman
• if Jimmy won next season: ughhhhhhh. Okay. So. Canary boy. He has never experienced pain before in his entire life. For those reasons 1. I'd love for him to win so he can finally understand the series he's in 2. I'd hate for him to win because nooo he broke the curse :((
• if Joel won next season: SBDBDJSKXBJDBXKSDBJDHSHAHDH THAT WOULD BE SO GOOOOOOOD WAIT WAIT WAIT I HADN'T EVEN CONSIDERED- so he's been alone the past 4 seasons, yeah. Even during double life with his loving husband, he knew he would end up alone again in the end, so it was all for nothing in his eyes. He gave his full trust and loyalty to his boys, something he's not used to, and if next season he's alone again- he can't take it. He goes about it smarter then last life, though- he keeps to himself, makes himself stronger the whole season, builds companionship with people (they're not used to him being so friendly), and wins with a last minute betrayal or simply being the last man standing. He would barely expect it, but it would heal his character so much, and also break him.
9/10 WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you better do this right asshole. Just kidding however he wins will be perfect
• if Lizzie won next season: similar to gem, but with more spite, and more guarenteed loneliness. It would be- really hard for her to take another season. All of her allyships would be strained, and I can totally see her joining or even commanding another big group, but she'd be alone in reality. A win for her would be cruel.
5/10 queen please
• if martyn won next season: illegal
• If mumbo won next season: I'd go crazy. Mumbos got so many satisfying ways to take his character, and the FANART and god lhbevfuebejrkje. Hes only been there once. He never learned how to play the game. If he won this time- hendndjdjbthekdndkelkebek 500/10 I need it
• if pearl won next season: as much as I would love for her to win again, 1. Too soon, she hasn't recovered from the first one please 2. The fandom would hate her for it 3. She already got what she needed from her first win. It'd be unnecessary for her character arc. It's very unlikely anyways, I'm sure if she got in that situation again, which might happen, she'd give it to whoever else is there.
3/10 I'm sorry goddess
• if Ren won next season: PLEASEEEEEE BE KIND TO HIMMMMMM honestly I think they would just give him the win. He's gonna get in a nice group, they're gonna have loyalty to him and he's gonna have loyalty to them, and wherever it goes he's gonna end up in the endgame again. Everyone there will understand that he deserves that win. If they don't martyn will kill em all into understanding lol. Maybe we could get a desert duo "you can kill me" moment but martyn refuses and kills himself. That would be so cool of him actually
7/10 my doggo deserves love but not like this
• if scar won next season: :3c
He need to okay. He needs to. I don't care how it happens I don't care when it happens I just need him to murder grian and get the win. I need him to understand that HE DESERVES TO WIN. he's gone through so much and he still doesn't understand his self worth, but if he kills that stupid bitch and calls upon old allies to help him get to the end- it could be so lovely oh my god
10/10 my brother in Christ
• if Scott won next season: this would kill him he would leave
0/0 I'm scared
9/10 he's pretty give me a break
• if tango wins next season: okay while all of his seasons other then last life have been boring it could be fun. I mean okay, double life wasn't boring. And I can't say anything about 3rd life. Sure, jeez, he can win. Just need him to get mad and kill some guys first ^_^
5/10 go for it guy
Sorry I advance to everyone I angered deeply with this post, I don't know all the characters perfectly. I can't wait to see this age like fine wine with the next season, honestly whoever wins I'll be crazy about no matter what. I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this!
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Master list
All fics are cross-posted on A03 more chapters are available on AO3 atm. Will add chapters to tumblr likely this weekend.
A list of all in-progress or completed fics. As well as a link to all my prompts/ideas.
In Progress
Dates are very subject to change right now. Things have been very wonky due to an illness. Hoping by mid April to get a bunch of stuff posted.
Run ghost run (fic)
The GIW/Fenton parents ignore the Realms. Danny runs to try and prevent a war with only the advice when running he should follow the birds and bats to guide him
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Art: 3 in 1 Tim + Danny = coffee
A shared Core (series)
Umm, I'm an ambassador: 1 2 3 Ellie is captured, and Danny rescues her. Upon a confrontation, Danny claims to be an ambassador. Not mentioning he is king. A bats eye views: 1 Tims's Perspective of Umm, I'm an ambassador
The acts unmasked: 1 2 3
The league discuss the acts and Ellie and Danny go to space.
Order of below three pending
Amity exposed (?)
Tucker and Sam catch two little birds snooping around. Nightwing and Robin weren’t expecting to be called out mid report.
That’s not a dairy king (?)
What’s going on in Wisconsin? Why is spoiler investigating? Why is there a Maddie hologram? Stephanie is perplexed.
Seeing Red (?)
Vlads perspective on the events transpiring. The demand for revenge.
One Shots
The go bag: Danny struggles to pack his backpack all while the situation gets worse and worse. If he is a Monster, what were they?: Danny is used to nicknames after being exposed they changed for the worst. Falling into the zone: Danny gets lost in the ghost zone having entered via natural portal. The one good thing about it is he catches a vigilante An Electric Core: Danny has an electric core Are we to blame?: After a reveal, Maddie reflects on everything. A shattered Core: Danny gets turned over to the GIW. A core gets shattered. What Caused the Grave: An explosion in the lab leads to the Fenton blaming Phantom for their son's death while they grieve.
The Fall of a King
A blizzard of his own making: 1 Danny has a breakdown creating a blizzard. The fall: 1 Danny takes on Pariah, gets revealed, and his parent's reactions.
Snippet Idea things??
Secrets of amity park
Twin Misconception
Random Ideas/prompts
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whentherewerebicycles · 3 months
I am worried that this is going to sound judgemental / passive aggressive and I really really really do not mean it that way, I am just confused and curious - what is it that keeps parents of newborns so busy? I thought they didn't really... do much until they got more mobile? I know you have to change the diapers and clean the bottles etc but what actually takes up your time on a daily basis atm? needless to say I have zero experience with newborns lol
I also wondered this!! but it turns out it’s really more all the other Stuff that takes up so much time + the fact that you only have very short windows of time to do that stuff before the baby needs you again. like here is an average morning and early afternoon right now:
6:30-7 wake up, take dogs out, get pump parts out of sterilizer, grab breakfast to take upstairs if he’s not already screaming
7-7:35 feed baby (babies are such slow eaters I’m told they get faster but for the first three weeks it would often take him an hour to finish a bottle and you can’t do anything else while he’s doing it)
7:40-8:20 pump and hang out with baby (I have to pump for a long time bc my supply is so low)
8:20-8:30 put milk away, change him, get him dressed (a battle of wills but I’m bigger)
8:30-9:45ish he naps if I’m lucky! race around the house cleaning out all the bottles from overnight, mixing new formula for the day, emptying the dishwasher, doing any other house chores
9:45-10ish he’s awake again and HUNGRY!! try to distract him a bit to determine if he’s actually hungry or just cranky/gassy
10-10:35ish feed him again
10:35-11:45ish he’s awake and wants to be held and entertained so I hang out with him or try to do stuff one-handed while carrying him around the house. also often I have to change him again.
12-1ish longish crib nap if I’m lucky!! try to shower, take the dogs out again, maybe start laundry bc babies make SO much laundry, do anything else on my list. sometimes he skips the nap and just decides to spend that time screaming. sometimes he wants to nap but will only do it while being held in which case none of the above stuff can get done
1-2 feed him! but this time he’s gassy and grumpy and refusing the bottle or sleepy and refusing the bottle so it takes forever and I have to burp him a bunch or do stuff to wake him up more so he’ll eat
2-2:40 whoops I forgot to pump again and I’m leaking everywhere gotta do that while I hang out with him
2:45-3:45 try to walk the dogs with the baby while he naps in the stroller except I have to walk the dogs separately bc I can’t handle them both + the stroller so we do two 20-30 min walks with a cooldown break to change him at home & make sure he’s not too hot
3:45-4:15 whoops I forgot to eat lunch but now he’s screaming for no reason that I can discern so I gotta walk around bouncing him or do skin to skin time to help him calm down
4:30ish time to feed him again! I’ll never eat lunch but I have high hopes for dinner maybe like a poptart around 9pm!
etc etc
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vacantgodling · 3 months
Character Cuddle Scale
thank you for the tag @ceph-the-ghost-writer! i'm still obsessed with btaf atm so i'm gonna do it for those losers :))
How-to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
Based on a scale of 0 (cuddly as a cactus) to 10 (could be paid to cuddle professionally):
Sjaak -> 6/10. tbh he would need a reason to want to hold someone; and because he's so up biscella's ass he probably wouldn't want to hug you if you're not her (or azelie but that's kind of a different story that he's extremely in denial about). if you aren't biscella, then he's probably going to be the little spoon; and you're going to have to hold him, whilst he curls into a ball about something or other that's stressing him out. because he's a wolf he radiates heat though so. he's proabbly a good heater if you're a cold person.
Biscella -> 8/10. oh she's one of the best cuddlers on this list. she's very open and caring and no matter what the circumstance she's always down to hold someone and cuddle with them to forget about life's woes. she gets some points knocked off just bc if you cuddled her during her pregnancy, she very quickly enters 'walking corpse' territory and would be too bony and emaciated to give a proper cuddle. she's a huge proponent of running fingers thorugh hair though and will sing you soothing lullabies to help you sleep.
Azelie -> 5/10. she wants to cuddle, but she doesn't quite grasp the whole affection and intimacy thing that isn't just straight fucking. it's something modern times (and sjaak being a crybaby) would kind of help with. but in general she's stiff, but means well. she's much better at giving advice and mental comfort than physical affection. she'd also rather just fuck than try to understand what's to be gained by holding onto each other for long periods of time. also, because she's a human-born-vampire, she's cold. so like. if you're into that ig lol.
Dalal -> 2/10. don't touch her, fr. she's not touch avoidant per se, and if someone was like. having a breakdown she may awkwardly let them cry on her, but she's really not about that touchy-feely life.
Eduard -> 9/10. despite everything, he's a very good romantic and cuddling is under his wing as something he is quite good at. his strength means his arm will never get tired when he puts it under you to hold you or be a pillow for your head, his composition (having 2 vampiric parents) makes him run much warmer than those like azelie or silvano, and he's got a deep rumbling voice that's very soothing to listen to.
Rosita -> 0/10. not because she couldn't be a good cuddler (i GUESS) but like why would you want that for yourself? literally love yourself and don't even talk to her. unless you're eduard she wants nada to do with anyone touching her in any capacity and she'd probably try to strangle you in your sleep. ig 1/10 if you're into that tho lmao;;;; with eduard she'd be a 10/10 cuddler but he doesn't want shit to do with her rip.
Silvano -> -1/10. he's a creep don't let that man touch you. i could provide more context but like. i don't want to lmao. he's weird (derogatory). also similarly to rosita, he'd probably try to cuddle you to get close enough to kill you and while rosita would end your life quickly... he wouldn't. by the time he was done with you, you'd wish you were dead. so like would not recommend.
Maritxell -> 6/10. surprising everyone maritxell can be very motherly. to rosita and eduard she was very loving and open, and is more likely to see anyone who cuddles her as a child and not a romantic partner. helps that she's a super ancient vampire milf. she definitely wouldn't have the same compassion if you aren't a vampire tho so like 0/10 for humans, but if you were a vampire she'd be very loving towards you. though after a certain point she'd tell you to get off lol.
Luis -> 3/10. like. he has the makings of being a good cuddler, and similarly to maritxell, if you were a vampire he might consider it. but he's also one of those... stoic toxic masculinity kind of guys so i wouldn't really expect much from him if i were you. also he's a creep. derogatory.
Florissa -> 9/10. not only is florissa a good cuddler, she deserves hugs almost more than everyone on this list. she smells good, her skin is soft and supple, and she's a gentle person so like honestly go hug her after everything she's been through she deserves to have some friendly companionship and you'll thank me later for it.
Gust -> 7/10. i will admit, he's hot. he's tall, hairy, musky, radiates heat like a mf, and knows how to toe the line between romantic and sexual enough to make a sensual cuddle turn into a spicy cuddle if you're catching my drift. he's definitely questionable as a person, but like, if you have no morals or enjoy morally grey wolfmen then he's definitely your guy. you probably wouldn't just be cuddling with him for long frfr.
i'll tag @multi-lefaiye @void-botanist @jezifster @kk7-rbs @kudzucataclysm
@ink-flavored @galactic-mystics-writes & anyone else who'd like to do this :)
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sneakerguybln · 6 months
Prison revolt at the Morton prison - part 1
Morton is a prison in the Nevada desert. In the prison system of the Federal Republic of Dystopia it's on grade 5 of the 7 grade security scheme - ranking from grade 1 "Low security" to grade 7 "Super Max security". In 2098 a huge prison revolt happened and lasted for 3 weeks with several guards wounded and 3 guards dead. The revolt was planned, organized and started by the "Honourable Council of the Ten". This self-styled council saw themself as leaders of the inmates. This council was part of a trial of inmate self-administration and was introduced in some pilot prisons of grade 1 to 5 prisons. Within the legislation it was called "Help council" and was planned to be an elected body of 10 inmates. It quickly switched to be an instrument of criminals to control other inmates and use ressources to continue criminal activities. In most prisons it was renamed by the inmates - inofficially - and never elected freely. It was abolished after the Morton prison revolt.
All participants of this riot will be charged - all 904 inmates of the cellblocks that participated in the riots are counted as participants - under the Prison Mutiny Law (PML) that sets draconic measures.
In this first part we look at the 10 members of the former council who were the ringleaders. Under the PML the ringleaders are charged for the murders committed in a revolt or mutiny regardless wether they did the murder(s) or someone else.
They were split into 5 groups and sent to different places in the Federal Republic of Dystopia to reduce their influence.
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Giorgio (28, left) and Vittorio (30, right) Marconi are brothers and grew up in a crime family. Their father, uncle and the two brothers were accused several times for drug trafficking but acquitted each time. They were sentenced two years ago for the brutal beating of two police officers. They were sentenced to 31 years prison sentence each. Three months before the revolt, new evidences emerged about their connections to drug trafficking, human trafficking and murder of two witnesses in a case against their father. They saw the revolt as their last opportunity to be in freedom. It was quite sure that the new evidence would send them right into a life sentence in a grade 7 prison, most likely in solitary confinement.
Their new sentence is: 5 life sentences, 90 years, 12 strokes of the cane after this trial and every second year 10 strokes of the cane until they turn 60. They'll spend the rest of their lives shackled in solitary confinement in a grade 7 prison.
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Eric Mosley (24, left) and Damian Hintz (23, right) are both bisexual and fell in love in prison. They were molested and tortured by homophobic guards after one guard saw them having sex and instigated his colleagues to mistreat the couple. They killed that guard while the revolt was running. Mosley was at Morton for six months when the revolt broke out. He was sentenced to 9 years for an armed robbery with possibility of parole after 7 years. Damian Hintz was sentenced to 13 years of prison for manipulating ATMs, gambling machines and hacking into computers. He was a mastermind and made for his bosses more than 11 million $. They promised him 10%. He never saw a penny. He was offered to snitch his bosses to see his sentence reduced to 3 years under house arrest but he refused as the bosses threatened his wife, his parents and his young sister. He was 21 as he was arrested.
Mosley and Hintz got three life sentences in addition to their former sentences. They'll spend the rest of their lives shackled in a double cell in a grade 7 prison. They'll get 8 strokes of the cane each after the trial and 4 strokes every second year until they turn 60.
In the aftermath of their trial 7 former guards of the Morton prison will be tried for molesting and torturing inmates.
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Ciro Vallanzasca (34, left) and Marvin Colb (25, right) will be the two lucky guys of the ringleaders. Ciro is the nephew of a senator of the Federal Republic of Dystopia and Marvin is his assistant. Ciro had a long criminal career but avoided prison until he turned 32. He was sentenced to 7 years for money laundering. He was transferred to Morton prison after he beat his cellmate on his second day after his sentence. Marvin Colb was sentenced 5 years ago for drugging other people - men and women - and selling their explicit pictures on porn sites or blackmailing them. He was nearly killed by one of his victims what led to his arrest and trial. He turned assistant of Ciro Vallanzasca a short time after they became cellmates. The remainder of his prison term was just 1 year. Both guys were against the revolt and expelled for that from the council a few days before the revolt. At the court they told everything about the council decisions and about the plannings. At the end they were acquitted from the murders of the three guards but had to face another harsh punishment for prison mutinies.
They were sentenced each to 5 additional years for enabling conspiracy and mutiny (instead of telling the guards beforehand). In addition they'll receive 5 strokes of cane each and additional 4 strokes six months before their planned release. They'll get a mandatory vasectomy as ringleaders of mutinies as these people are barred from reproducing (along with some other crimes). It will be a so-called "ultra vasectomy" removing large parts of the vas deferens to make a reversal operation impossible. They'll spend the next five years shackled in a grade 7 prison together in one cell. After these five years they go into a grade 4 prison where a cousin of the Marconis cut the word "traitor" into their faces.
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Timothey "Red Timmy" Claus (30, left) and Marlon Estrada (32, right) are communist activist who planned a terrorist attack on an economic meeting three years ago. That plan was foiled but they were sentenced to 60 years in prison each. At the beginning of the revolt they beat two guards nearly to death.
They got an additional sentence of four life sentences, 12 strokes of the cane after the trial and 10 strokes each year until they turn 60. They'll spend the rest of their lives shackled in total solitary confinement of a grade 7 prison. These two convinced the other members of the council to start the revolt. They planned a huge prison break out and were in hope that all prisoner support their communist ideas. Claus and Estrada have three weapon arsenals that remained undiscovered and they wanted to infiltrate army posts with their fellow inmates. Claus styled himself as general secretary of the council and Estrada styled himself as president of the council despite these titles didn't exist. On the way to the prison Claus and Estrada tried to kill a guard in the prisoner transport van in the hope to get killed to avoid their life sentences. But that didn't work. Both tried to go on hunger strikes but were force fed and started eating after few days of force feeding. They lived until their 70s in prison.
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Steve Lee (19, left) and Kevin Calvert (25, right) are the last two of the ringleaders to be sentenced. Steve Lee split from his religious family at the age of 15 and began his short criminal career. He sold drugs and convinced friends to take drugs while being abstinent. He loved to make videos of people who got the drugs from him. At the age of 16 he stole a car as cops chased him. With that car he injured two guys. Despite his criminal behavuiour he stopped and tried to help the two injured. So he was arrested. He was sentenced for drug selling, for the car theft and for the accident. His sentence was 15 years in prison with possible parole after 12 years. Because of his calculating nature he was sentenced as an adult and transferred immediately to the adult prison. He gained huge respect in prison quickly and forced another inmate to retire from his post in the council.
Kevin Calvert worked together with two cops to set up a trap for a group of four pedophiles. He killed all four by torturing them to death. He was sentenced to life in prison. He was called up into the council on the first day at Morton prison.
Both guys were sentenced to additional three life sentences and 7 strokes of the cane after sentence and 4 strokes every year until they turn 60. They were set to spend the rest of their lives shackled in solitary confinement in a grade 7 prison. But Steve Lee was offered to take part in a "harvesting program". This was set up to get blood donations. Inmates in this program get special food and a fitness program. This treatment makes it possible to recreate blood quicker - and donate more often. Inmates of the harvesting program are released at the age of 35 into a 5 year probation period. After 4 years of solitary confinement Kevin Calvert was sent to a grade 3 prison. At the age of 35 he got sterilized and pardoned next day. He lived a good life later as he got donations from several groups fighting pedophilia.
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nitrozem · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @natolesims ! I love doing these.
Think I'll do my werewolf boi, Ajay this time (I did Miguel for the last one)
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1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
The dude acts fearless but he has one fear and it's stink bugs. Why? Well werewolf pups like practicing their hunting on small insects and stuff that cross their path and young Ajay decided to pounce on a stink bug and had a very bad time lol
bonus pic of smol pup Ajay
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2. Do they have any pet peeves?
He doesn't like it when people move his stuff around. He's not organized but it works for him cause he has his weird disorganized places he keeps his things.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
his werewolf toy, this crystal light shaped like a moon that Sid made for him, something random he may have dug up during a rampage and forgot about (usually shoes, rocks and trash)
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their smell, werewolf super smell and all. He can figure out if a person is an occult by the smell.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
A 10, he's been in so many werewolf brawls, and running through the forest, it takes a lot to actually get him to be very bothered by pain and he heals quickly. He wears his scars like badges of honor lol
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight fight fight! He likes fighting and hates to appear like a wimp.
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
No, he was an only child, had a mom and dad and that's it. He has a big family now though. (4 children, his husband, and his father who is still kicking) I would say he is a family person, he loves all his kids and is protective over them and his husband.
bonus family photo :)
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and grandpa (ajay's father, Ravi) cause we love him and his terrible dad jokes
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8. What animal represents them best?
Well...a wolf
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Vampires have a necrotic undead smell he hates like most werewolves. He also hates coming across somewhere that was "marked" by another werewolf and gets territorial.
10. Have they broken any bones?
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Depends. If he's dressed nicely and calm, people see he's sure of himself or confident. When he's high fury/wearing his torn or rocker clothes, he still has that confident vibe but in a more intimidating way.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night Owl because werewolves are nocturnal, he'll be up in the morning anyway because he doesn't sleep much.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He hates all artificial fruit candy, as for a flavor he loves, a steak, seasoned right (and very very rare)
14. Do they have any hobbies?
Yes, he likes to knit and paint mostly. He likes to read and likes tor forage/hunt for crystals or mushrooms that Sid might need
15. Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
I'd say he's pretty stoked
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yeah, his moon necklace his mother gave him and other bracelets Sid makes him
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's actually very neat!
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Energetic and confident
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
really soft fleece, he'll fall asleep real quick in a pile of fleece sweaters lol
20. What kind of accent do they have?
subtle indian accent (mother had an indian accent, father has a southern usa accent so it's a mix of that)
The closest voice claim I have for him is Dr. Carrington from Fallout 4 I like imagining that he sounds very eloquent and chill (well at least until his fury gets high enough, then he's just loud, rough sounding and growly)
If you just want to talk about yours OC's just do this and say I tagged you or w/e, use all excuses to talk about your OC's and stories 👍🏼
(that and I'm not very active on here atm due to not wanting to play sims, social media detox and attempts at better habits in life.)
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