#he'd name the queens
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diazsdimples · 5 months ago
I think Buck becoming a beekeeper after this would be hilarious actually. Like sure, the bees he faces are killer bees, stinging their was through half the population of Los Angeles and causing untold amounts of chaos, but I think he'd be like "🥺 but they were just following their instincts! People kept swatting at them and I'd sting someone that swatted me!" Anyways, after all that's done and the bees are safely collected and carted off to where they belong, Buck hops online and starts searching beehives and how to keep bees. He's still in his loft so he nominates Tommy and Eddie's backyards to be the Bee Lands (he argues bees will help cancel out Eddie's uncanny ability to kill every plant ever and Tommy's his boyfriend so he's gotta) and gets a couple of hives and a whole heap of honeybees delivered to both of their houses. It's a little difficult having split custody, especially considering the bee suits still give Eddie a nervous twitch, but Buck has the best time going over to each house and just chilling with the little guys, he initially doesn't want to take their honey but then does a bit more research and figures out a way to do it that's respectful and kind to the bees, and it becomes his favourite little hobby. He offers for the other members of the 118 to come over and look at the bees and see that they're really not so bad but for some reason no one really jumps at the offer.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year ago
imagine if regina realised she wanted kids like 18 years earlier and accidentally adopted emma swan. how fucking funny would that have been. she goes to ALL this effort to ruin snow's life and then ends up raising her daughter
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months ago
WxS Swan Lake
WxS Swan Lake
WxS Swan Lake
WxS Swan Lake
WxS Swan Lake
WxS Swan Lake
WxS Swan Lake
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gingersnaptaff · 1 month ago
I need u all to know it's loving Peredur/Percival hours. I'm obsessed with how he's portrayed okay, I will not shut up about it. Do u think he and Guin would be besties? I think they'd say the most heinous shit about the rest of the court in Welsh and teach Gawain all the swear words until he's gleefully spouting them at Tristan, ngl.
Do you see my vision? Lemme know. Like I'm going crazy over this okay? I think Guin would just be like omg can we ask in Welsh my English isn't Englishing today and Percival - Peredur - is like 'Yes, absolutely, do u want me to tell u the hottest gossip about Geraint?'
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luneemeritus · 7 months ago
Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you
Erik in drag
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Yeah I know I can't draw but honestly I'm satisfied with the result. Specially because I designed this dress based on Red Death and this one here:
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But anyway. Hope yall liked it (btw yes he is wearing a wig and has many scars for obvious reasons)
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saccharinesatoru · 6 months ago
ever thought of how good jeno would be as ur sub? he'd be the prettiest, cutest puppy u could ever want, and with their tour, i keep on manifesting because of that damned choker around his neck, so a puppy sub sound just like it? whatcha say?
it... has literally been over a year... since you sent this... and I am so sorry... that I am only now answering...
but you're RIGHT ! this boy can be so subby pls he lives for praise and is so sensitive it's not even funny. do you remember when he said that some staff member at sm didn't wave back to him once and he still remembered it years after LMAO this boy is so, so, so soft and it totally reflects in sex. baby boy just wants to know he's doing a good job :(((( he just wants to make you feel good :(((( he would love a choker around his neck or some sort of article of clothing, accessory, etc. that shows he belongs to you. i imagine a choker in private, just you and him, but in public, he wears a necklace or ring with your initials so he always has a part of you wherever he goes. i can just imagine how he pounces on you after a show bc he's been hard and trying to cover his boner for like the last 1/3 of the concert. he's just begging you for release and so you're sat on the hotel bed while he grinds against your leg like a bitch in heat fr ! and since he did such a good job during the show, his reward ?? you sitting on his face. he could die a happy man between your thighs. he's moaning and whining so much that his throat is raw and has to lie to the members the next day at soundcheck about why his voice is so raspy- as if they didn't hear him all night long, begging for you to cum on his fingers, tongue, and cock again <3
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year ago
yo, respectfully, i don't understand why some of yall are so worried about jim and olu kissing other people?
we already got "see, we don't own each other" from lucius & pete in s1, the writers seem comfortable writing not-entirely-monogamous relationships. and like. they both clearly still have feelings for each other, i'm sure they'll be fine my dudes
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kayetra-spade-queen · 7 months ago
Time for another ramble.
This time, it's about Arjun, Prince of Bali. Some things that bothered me as an Indo.
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Look, I know the show had long ended (with only 3 years of runtime and it has been 7 years since it had ended), but the show is surprisingly underwhelming, and I'm saying this as someone who used to watch some of the episodes that showed on TV (dubbed in Indo obv) when I was younger, and also as someone who's taken the time to watch the episodes in order or not.
Keep in mind, I'm not here to bash the show. I liked this show, because it's actually interesting if you actually took the time to enjoy it. It's just that my overanalyzing ass couldn't stfu, so that's why I'm whipping this up out of my ass. It's my job dawg- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
They lack Indo names. Like, ok. Aci and Ayu are there, and ig Wangi is also there. But like how their names are pronounced are butchered, especially the twins, they're so Americanized in terms of their name pronunciation.
Tanya is questionable cuz that's not even an Indo name. Tanya in Indo means question, and idk wtf came over the king and queen's head thinking naming their child Question is a good idea.
Everyone else had Hindi names.
I'd propose alternative names for Wangi and Tanya (personally, the name Wangi, wrongly pronounced or otherwise is weird, just saying-).
Funnily enough, I've searched up Balinese names, and I read names are supposed to be given depending on their birth order.
Meaning, if Arjun isn't name the way he is, his name could be Wayan due to being a firstborn child.
Tanya could be named Ni Luh, as a firstborn daughter. Yes, she's a second born, which also give her the option of Ni Made. Honestly it depends, it could be either of them, but my point still stands.
And for Wangi, I'd give her the name Bunga instead, meaning flower.
Lack of Indo Language Overall
Look, I know it's an Indian cartoon, but if you're going to put a set in other places other than India, might as well do proper research.
Like, I get it, Balinese is especially a difficult language, and I understand as a Javanese and Maduranese who doesn't understand squat of Java at the slightest.
But at the very least, you could use normal Indo. But then again, I think they'll butcher pronunciation regardless if they did or not, looking how they ruined Aci and Ayu's name.
All I'm saying is that, yes, although the overall language use is Hindi, at the very least, use some Indo words in there, even if it's just a little bit. Music, clothing, and architecture isn't the only thing that should be shown, our language, the local or the country-wide one should be represented as well. But I guess it's hard given that there's literally no Indo person in their team.
I get that Arjun and Tanya are biracial, and Hindi also had the right to be represented even if the setting isn't at India. But my point still stands.
Arjun's Lack of Hair Care
Listen, Arjun probably had the most flawless hair known to mankind, and I think he knows it, so that's why he's embracing it. But the point is, similar way of how Bheem's dhoti never got in the way of his fighting, Arjun's hair also never got in the way of training and fighting.
Realistically, he'd tie it up so his hair won't block his view. But god forbid that times of he did get his eyes blocked from view, it won't because of his hair, more like it's from other things like blowing leaves and flying papers.
I would personally love to see more of Arjun looking like this more.
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That hairstyle is equally gorgeous as his free hair. He'd still look girly either way lmfao.
Look, he deserve his own column due to reasons.
First and foremost; he's a ginger, so are his father. Having a hair color other than black and brown in Asia is rather unusual unless his father had like a foreign lineage. Not to mention they're weirdly pale as well. I have red on my hair naturally, but he's literally just straight up ginger dawg-
And what is this obsession over getting rid of Arjun so Khojo could become prince instead? Like, I get that Arjun is an heir, but isn't usually if the heir couldn't take over or just no more at all, shouldn't the other borns took over instead? If in the events Arjun is to be eliminated, Tanya would be successor instead. Why would a Minister's kid be appointed as prince instead? Like, I don't know if it works like in other countries (I'm not familiar with Indo royal hierarchy system, much less Bali), but just saying that appointing someone who's not even part of the family as an heir when there's clearly someone else other than the initial heir who could take over and is part of the family.
Take is from Bheem for example; sure, he's not royalty and not even part of the royal family. But he was appointed as a substitute king for a while because both the king and the princess are absent. Bheem is appointed to be king because he's trusted and can protect the kingdom just fine.
Khojo is different, and even if scenario plays in a similar manner but still differs; like if the king and queen ceased to exist anymore, Arjun would assume the throne from the get-go despite how still very young he is. If Arjun is also ceased to exist, Tanya would assume the throne. There's literally no place for Khojo at all, and even if Tanya is also gone, I don't think Khojo or even any of the Ministers are gonna assume the throne regardless, especially Khojo's father. Khojo's father literally once planned of Arjun and Zimmbu's kidnapping and tiger-napping all for the sake of getting his son to the seat of prince, yet that is literally not how it works. Who would even trust the throne to him dawg?? Arjun isn't the only child royalty in the family, Tanya is still there. If Arjun is killed after he got kidnapped, she'll assume to be heir right away.
Oh, and he's trying so hard for Tanya, even though she's not interested. He's so desperate for what?
Now I'm moving onto something I don't really wanna bitch off of, just wanted to point things out and maybe throw some scenarios here and there because I think it's neat.
Arjun As A Girl In Disguise
Tell me if you see this pic out of context, you'd tell me whether this kid is a girl or a boy;
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Anyways, my point is, if you give him more feminine clothes and he wears it, 100% he'd be mistaken as a girl. And if situation requires it, he'd effortlessly lie that he is a girl, and no one will suspect shit.
He's not even just androgynous anymore, he's straight up feminine, and I liked it that not all men should all look broad and jacked. They could be feminine asf and still look badass.
Both Arjun and Tanya Represents Arjuna of Mahabarata
Now, what do I mean by that?
We all know Arjuna's personality. Arjun had the exact same personality as Arjuna (hence literally being a spinoff version of Arjuna himself). From enjoying attention, how girls fall for them, even as wielding the same weapons (bow and arrow). I think Arjun represents Arjuna in the warfare aspect.
And where do Tanya fit into this?
See, Tanya is more artistic; she danced and done more things in the arts compared to when she actually did anything relating with combat (mentioning the times she once did archery and another episode where broke into Arjun's room with Wangi to get his weapons to train while Arjun is away). Tanya represents Arjuna who were taught and enjoys dancing and music aspect during the exile.
Now I just want answers to my questions;
Who tf is Sankat? Ik he's also a prince, but I can't tell if he's related to Arjun in some way (I don't understand Hindi)
Why is Wangi even in the forest?
Why is Wangi blue?
That's probably all. If there's more I want to talk about, I'll add it in a reblog.
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acourtofquestions · 5 months ago
Kingdom of Ash Chapter 24
"What is this place?" Manon asked Glennis as she found the crone polishing the handle of a gold-bound broom beside the fire. Two others lay on a cloak nearby. Menial work for the witch in charge of this camp.
"This is an ancient camp-one of the oldest we claim." Glennis's knobbed fingers flew over the broom handle. "Each of the seven Great Hearths has a fire here, as do many others." Indeed, there were far more than seven in the camp. "It was a gathering place for us after the war, and since then, it had become a place to usher in some of our younger witches to adulthood. It is a rite we've developed over the years—to send them into the deep wilds for a few weeks to hunt and survive with only their brooms and a knife. We remain here while they do so."
Manon asked quietly, "Do you know what our initiation rite is?"
Glennis's face tightened. "I do. We all do." Which hearth had the witch she'd killed at age sixteen belonged to?
"You're not a cold person."
He arched a brow. "Is that your professional opinion?"
Manon studied him. "You can descend to those levels when you are angry, when your friends are threatened. But you are not cold, not at heart. I've seen men who are, and you are not."
"Neither are you," he said a bit quietly.
The wrong thing to say.
Manon stiffened, her chin lifting. "I am one hundred seventeen years old," she said flatly. "I have spent the majority of that time killing. Don't convince yourself that the events of the past few months have erased that."
"Keep telling yourself that." He doubted anyone had ever spoken to her that baldly-relished that he now did, and kept his throat intact.
She snarled in his face. "You're a fool if you believe the fact that I am their queen wipes away the truth that I have killed scores of Crochans."
"That fact will always remain. It's how you make it count now that matters."
Make it count. Aelin had said as much back in those initial days after he'd been freed of the collar. He tried not to wonder whether the icy bite of Wyrdstone would soon clamp around his neck once more.
"I am not a softhearted Crochan. I will never be, even if I wear their crown of stars."
He'd heard the whispers about that crown amongst the Crochans this week-about whether it would be found at last. Rhiannon Crochan's crown of stars, stolen from her dying body by Baba Yellowlegs herself. Where it had gone after Aelin had killed the Matron, Dorian had not the faintest idea. If it had stayed with that strange carnival she'd traveled with, it could be anywhere. Could have been sold for quick coin.
Manon went on, "If that is what the Crochans expect me to become before they join in this war, then I will let them venture to Eyllwe tomorrow alone."
"Is it so bad, to care?" The gods knew he'd been struggling to do so himself.
"I don't know how to," she growled.
Ridiculous. An outright lie. Perhaps it was because of the high likelihood that he'd be collared again at Morath, perhaps it was because he was a king who'd left his kingdom in an enemy's grip, but Dorian found himself saying, "You do care. You know it, too. It's what makes you so damn scared of all this."
Her golden eyes raged, but she said nothing.
"Caring doesn't make you weak," he offered.
"Then why don't you heed your own advice?"
"I care." His temper rose to meet hers. And he decided to hell with it-decided to let go of that leash he'd put on himself. Let go of that restraint. "I care about more than I should. I even care about you."
Another wrong thing to say.
Manon stood—as high as the tent would allow. "Then you're a fool." She shoved on her boots and stomped into the frigid night.
I even care about you.
Manon scowled as she turned in her sleep, wedged between Asterin and Sorrel. Only hours remained until they were to move out—to head to Eyllwe and whatever force might be waiting to ally with the Crochans. And in need of help.
Caring doesn't make you weak.
The king was a fool. Little more than a boy.
What did he know of anything?
Still the words burrowed under her skin, her bones. Is it so bad, to care?
She didn't know. Didn't want to know.
#Chapter 24#Kingdom of Ash#Sarah J. Maas#Manon Blackbeak#no spoilers please#first read#read with me#read along#more notes and annotations in the tags spoilers for the chapter & priors#anyone else getting Ramaelle vibes#we fly with you. — the significance of that line#Dorian and Vesta dynamics lol I love it#It'd be a boon for his friends. If they could survive it would be enough.#the heart mothers and fire and witch queen + just manon being manon at her best allowed proving even to her like Asterin said etc#It was now a matter of convincing his magic to become like that shifter's power.#Be what you wish Cyrene had told him. Nothing. He wished to be nothing.#Your wyvern seems like more of a dog than anything. It was not an insult Manon reminded herself. The Crochans kept dogs as pets.#Adored them as humans did. His name is Abraxos Manon said. He is ... different. He and the blue one are mates.#her mom mode and then her and Asterin realizing lol#“For love. These beasts despite their dark master are capable of love.#Nonsense yet some kernel in her realized it to be true.#Hurry northward the wind sang day and night. Hurry Blackbeak.#say It took you long enough to figure it out.#Gods above she was beautiful. He wondered when it would stop feeling like a betrayal to think so.#but Dorian kept peering inward a kind of therapy I guess and ignoring the whisper presence which is also good#None of this could end well. For either of them.#I am not a softhearted Crochan. I will never be even if I wear their crown of stars.#I like the ice best… Narene and Abraxos sitting in a tree… so much foreshadowing… change and liar… damaris is real or not real… many things#When they awoke something sharp in his chest had dulled-just a fraction#What he'd opened up revealed to her. A sort of freedom that letting go.
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theshinazugawaslut · 1 year ago
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he's a strawberry ! :D - xoxo, angeliiix (u can call me saeyo if u want !) >:D
Saeyo's such a lovely name! Love you so much baby!
And may I just say how gorgeous the entire aesthetic of your account is? It's everything I could ever want!!
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mechahero · 8 months ago
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@demonsfate asked- 🍎 Favorite fruit? favorite foods of the muse (accepting!)
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"Apples." Well, that was quick! He lets the answer hang there for a moment before he realizes, oh right. He should probably clarify. "The uh... the red ones. Any of 'em, I guess."
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lovediarymp3 · 1 year ago
late night thoughtssss
emperor calling me princess
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cheetour · 2 years ago
thinking ab making a little story for the nimona movie for the sole purpose of characterising the movie ver of ambrosius as shittier & meaner. I miss him
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 8 months ago
candace flynn is THE most teenage girl character of all time. she is at level 100 anxiety 24/7. she shows her love for her brothers by trying to get them in trouble constantly. her neck is as long as her forearm. she features on a blues album after having an allergic reaction. she has a shrine to her boyfriend in her room. she can't live without her phone. she has a panic room in the basement. she plays 20 instruments that all start with the letter B. she read all of sherlock holmes in one night. she's seen their platypus running around as a secret agent more than once, assumed she was hallucinating each time, and moved on with her life while telling no one. she likes wrestling video games. she was rutabaga princess. she has a billion people to email memes to but when she's trying to think of friends she can only think of four people and one of them is her mom. most animals hate her except monkeys. she invented grilled cheese flavored ice cream. she pretended to be irish for a week. she's autistically obsessed with her universe's version of barney. she writes marvel fanfiction. she does parkour. there's an entire archive of her voice actress screaming just in case her voice ever gave out while recording. she sees her brothers build time machines and rollercoasters every day but doesn't believe in santa. when she starts scheming the wicked witch of the west theme starts playing in the background. she was elected queen of mars. she won a "mayor for the day" essay competition. there's a random person in town who's been avoiding her to the point she doesn't know he exists. she learned how to parallel park by driving a monster truck. she thinks the plural of moose is "meese." she tracks her mom with a GPS. she doesn't know her little brother's full name. she's scared of heights, spiders, and the number seven. when her boyfriend told her he'd call "soon" she started doing complex math to try and figure out when exactly that would be. her first thought upon seeing her royal doppelganger was to go to the laundromat and fill all the dryers with cheese. she earned 50 not-girl-scout patches in one day through sheer determination. she can run fast enough to catch up to moving cars. she can sense when ground is broken in the backyard and when people are judging her. one time she got her face caught in the sink. her brothers carved her into mount rushmore. every now and again a magical zebra appears, calls her kevin, and then disappears again. she killed 99% of an alien invasion with a t-shirt cannon. in an alternate universe she's leading a regime-destroying resistance at the age of 15. she's being accidentally gaslit every day of her life.
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f0ofishies · 5 months ago
tsukishima kei, ushijima wakatoshi, oikawa tōru
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Tsukishima Kei, your beloved fiance. You loved the man to death, you swear.. it's just that he's always been like this. All of the damn time. There was one time when you argued over dinner because someone didn't want to eat Italian. Seriously? How'd you even date this guy and later on accept a ring from him.
Just kidding, he has his cute moments. The man had prioritized you a lot during his college days. He must've fallen hard for you, huh? When he did get on one knee, you thought it was a prank. Nonetheless, you said yes— already being engaged for 4 months, too!
Back on topic, he's always been a cranky mother fucker and even more when he lose that volleyball match. You looked at him— in astonishment. This man had the audacity to even be too confident in a little fun of chess?
You couldn't even believe the audacity of him. He'd been laughing at your move on your black horse.. "Gee, just get one with it, babe..!" Another ridiculing sentence from him could've sparked a fire inside you. "Hah? Seriously, why'd you even do this rematch— when you clearly don't know chess."
Your eye must've twitched at that, you love him, and you swear to that on your life. But, seriously, he's getting on your last nerve. As he quickly moved his queen, grabbing your knight in the process. You moved another piece as he smiled. "Thank god, we don't do rematches in volleyball."
Your joke immediately made his smirk turn sour. As you chuckled to your own statement, your eyes glanced up to his. He immediately gave a disgusted face at you. "What, Tsuki?—" You tease, almost pinching his face as he has moved away from your hand.
"What is your problem..?" Now that made you raise an eyebrow. "My problem—?" He can't be serious right now. And that's how he ended up giving you the silent treatment, ending the chess match when it just started. You were utterly confused... even bewildered by his actions
Knowing your fiance won't crumble to a piece of you, you just quickly called out. "Kei?" He didn't even look at you.. oh, so that's how he was going to play. "Tsuki?" No budge, huh? The man had some nerves for ignoring his future wife. "Tsukishima Kei." Last call, he finally whipped his head to you.
Rolling your shirt up— his golden brown eyes dilated at the sight of your perky, wait, wait, this was cheating. "That's right, doofus.. I know you can't ignore them." You could totally hear the clogs in his brain working. Even bouncing them a bit— He quickly pulled your shirt down. "Hey—! what was that for??"
"You're in one hell of a ride, do that shit again. I dare you, baby."
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How much aura did you gain after marrying the Ushijima Wakatoshi? You, the lovely wife, as ever.. had always been the cheeky one in the marriage. During one of his games, you'd literally chant his name out so loud. Maybe the whole stadium could hear you.
He'd be there happily, holding the ring chained around his neck. Giving you a small smile— You couldn't help but beam as you show off your ring finger too! Now that was months ago, your husband came home in a sour face after meeting his parents.
"Baby, how were your parents?" You asked him, quickly smiling as you cooked your signature curry. "Fine like usual." His deep voice caught you off guard as you felt a hand crept behind you. "Oh, so what did they—" "Can we not." You tilted your head.. "Sure.. okay." You compiled because who were you to say anything about that?
You looked at him as he ate, he felt your stare. "Yes, love?" The way your hand had been tapping on to counter.. like crazy. Lost in thought, you look up at him. "Toshi.. you know you can tell me anything?" Of course he knew that so he raised an eyebrow. "I know."
You were itching to know why he's so persistent on not telling you why.. he would usually just tell you at this point. But he seriously didn't want to talk about it, so he dismissed your concerns once again. "But babe.." You whined.. something in him just snapped.
"No, can you stop trying?" You huffed at his tone of language.. it was kind of your fault for being this nosy. So now here you were having a full blow argument. Were you petty? Definitely, a hundred percent. So when your husband had genuinely left you in the kitchen. You huffed—
Clearly, he needed a lot of space, huh? Shutting the bedroom door very tight— you wanted to go sleep there, but how? He had locked it from the inside. "Toshi..?" You called out. No answer. "Ushijima Wakatoshi!" You yelled out and finally the familiar 'click!' You finally let out a sigh and practically go in fast.
He's still on the bed, clearly trying to sleep. "Toshi..~" Your sweet velvety voice intoxicating him then sliding onto the bed— even straddling onto him. Still, the man laid bare, not even checking you out. You intentionally grind, trying to find the best friction. His hands finally with all of its glory wrapped around your hips.
"Look up." Your command might've sent a shudder on your poor husband. The blood pumping down to his familiar friend down there— oh how a vixen you were.. Seriously, he saw the way you held your shirt up. Those breasts out in the air just for him. "Mmm? Want it bad?"
"I swear, wife— you're always all talk and no action.."
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That Argentinan volleyball player was taken by you! Who knew he had the hots for you. Tōru Oikawa, he had recently left Japan for Argentina.. then he met you. Somehow, you two clicked. Clearly, you only thought he was just getting into your pants but nope!
The infamous girlfriend of the volleyball player never really visited his games. Probably because your work always consumed your time. Tōru was beyond okay with that— of course he was. But after such a long tiring game, all he wanted to do was a date night with you. Sadly, you were still out at work.. in overtime. How could you not remember it at all? When you came home, his first response was immediate silence. Seriously nothing!!
"Tōru?" You called out in the shared apartment, finally slipping off your shoes. Stretching your arms wide as no response. "...Babe?" You called out once more. Absolutely nothing— you panicked, of course. Already running around to find him.That's when you spotted your sulky boyfriend, buried deep into the bed among all the plushies you have.
"Shit, babe.. did something happen at practice?" You asked him as he finally noticed your presence. An immediate huffed was heard, thanks to him. "Babe..? Baby..!!" You whined the petname, trying to uncover the blankets.
There he was, your lovely boyfriend. Tōru glared at you, those dark brown hues of his. "What's made you so sour..?" You asked him once more, trying to coerce him out of his moodiness. "I wonder why." He interrupted you, that made you raise an eyebrow. "Babe..."
You were utterly clueless, even when he avoided your touches. It suddenly clicked to you, a promise to him on for a date. You internally groan at that, "Shit, Tōru you know I didn't mean to forget.." Your hand itching to grasp his— yet he pulled away once again. "You always forget about me.." He whined into your shared pillows. "No I don't.. baby.. I'll make it up to you!!" You try to reason with him.
That's what got him to lash out at you. You did kind of deserve it— so here you are on the bed trying to get a sulky Tōru out of your shared bedroom once more. An idea popped into your head! "Tōru.. I have something to show you.." You found the man finally walk out of the bedroom. His disheveled appearance still looked way too good for your own eyes.
Your fingers found their way to your blouse— giving him a sweet smile. Only halfway through, you were damn thankful for picking a good bra for today. "Baby, I'm really sorry.." You whispered. And finally— your breasts were in full view of his sight. Nothing could have prepared you for the feral Tōru ravishing you!
The man was full on groping your breasts, even fiddling with those buds.. was he really that turned on? You couldn't believe you've let him play with you like this. On the tips of your heels— you needed more friction down there, too. So you whined at him, how your cunt needed his fingers too! And that's what he did, dipped them into your soaked panties.
"Fffuck— that's not fair, babe.. yknow your boobs and pussy are my weakness..!"
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miupow · 3 months ago
beeeestie i am a new follower aaaand im just in love w ur blog 😩❤️
plllllsssss talk about husband!skz, i just cant go to sleep without this on mind 😫😫😫
you can include nsfw if you are comfortable with
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╰┈⪼ ot8 x fem!reader ✦ fluff + smut , NSFW minors do not interact !
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 。。。public sex , unprotected sex , creampies , breeding kink , marking , public sex , spanking , bondage , dom/sub dynamics , brat tamer minho , sex toys , shibari , oral (f. rec) , squirting , voice kink , oral (m. rec) mention , orgasm control , pet play sort of
notes from lia。ouuu husbant. my favorite genre of skz.. hehe thank u for the follow!! i hope u enjoy this.. it makes me so happy to hear that u love my blog ^^
husband!bangchan who acts like he's your sugar daddy on top of being your husband. you could ask for the entire nation of korea and he'd try his best to give it to you. anything you want and more, it doesn't matter the price; chan just loves spoiling his baby girl. designer bags and jewelry, pretty clothes and expensive dinners... you don't even have to ask.
husband!minho who loves to cook with you, even though he acts like he doesn't. when he's complaining about you being in his way and making snide remarks about your culinary skills, it's out of endearment instead of actual irritation. he just finds it so funny when you throw your own retorts back at him, pouting in that way he adores so much <3 he just loves riling you up
husband!changbin who loves to work out with you! he sees it as a bonding activity, something for the two of you to do together to spend time with eachother. he helps you with all of your stretches, you spot eachother when you need to, exchanging kisses inbetween sets <3 holding his feet while he does sit ups, kissing u every time he comes up hehe
husband!hyunjin who views you as his greatest muse. his favorite subject to draw or paint is your pretty face, your smile his favorite to photograph. he shows you some of it, but most he keeps for himself-- for his eyes only, to admire when he's away on tour and he misses you.
husband!jisung who has an endless amount of inside jokes with you from all of your years together, showing up in gag gifts and one-liners that make you double over in laughter. ji loves to make you laugh, it’s his favorite sound in the entire world <3 he’s always doing something silly in hopes that you’ll give him a pretty giggle, smile and roll your eyes, make his heart skip a beat in his chest ~
husband!felix who treats you like a princess, maybe even a queen— he all but worships the ground you walk on, forever gushing about how beautiful and amazing his wife is <3 the honeymoon phase never ends with him, you’re still as disgustingly in love with each other as you were when you first started dating. he calls you all sorts of sappy pet names, giving you kisses everywhere he can reach, always needing to be touching you even if it’s just holding your hand
husband!seungmin who still acts like a tsundere even when you’ve been married for years lol. he complains about you being lazy but he’ll never let you lift a finger, he groans about you being needy when he’s the one always reaching for you and demanding ur attention >< you love him just the way he is, and he loves you more than he’ll ever care to admit. it’s so obvious that he adores you cos he’s always looking at you when he thinks you aren’t paying attention, eyes lit up like you hung the stars yourself <3
husband!jeongin who wants to spend absolutely every moment he can by your side, and he hates being away from you for any reason. a perfect day for him would be glued to your hip, from when you wake up to when you go to sleep, his favorite person and his partner in crime, his ride or die… he’d take you with him on tour if he could, but he’ll settle for being on facetime 24/7 while he’s away lol
husband!bangchan who can't wait to start a family <3 he figures that now you're married, it's only natural to start trying for a baby... fucks you hard and fills you up every night, fully intent on getting your belly all swollen with his babies… so much cum it’s spilling out of your hole down your hickey-marked thighs, chan pushing it back inside with his thick fingers talking about making sure it takes…
husband!minho who will put you back in your place when you’re being bratty. he will not tolerate his wife having an attitude with him!! he’ll put you over his lap and make you count in an instant, or tie you up and torture you with your favorite vibrator for hours, and he won’t stop until you’re crying and begging for his forgiveness <3 he doesn’t care if you’re out in public or out with friends, he’s whispering threats in your ear, and if you still don’t stop he’ll grab you by the wrist and drag you back home.
husband!changbin who can't help but find your workout wear incredibly sexy, the way your leggings hug your ass and curves, the way ur sports bra pushes up ur tits.. and he knows you find him sexy too, in his tank top and gym shorts, sweaty muscles all out on display.... he's drooling over you while you're drooling over him, and you can both only take so much... its not uncommon for the two of you to end up fucking in the gym showers or in the locker rooms, sometimes even getting touchy in the weight room if it's empty!! changbin slapping and gripping on your ass cos he can't stop himself from touching anymore, and you grind back onto his crotch to feel his erection... his fat dick splitting you open in the showers, his thick buff arms holding you up against the cold shower wall with your legs apart..
husband!hyunjin who loves to tie you up, more than any of the other boys. it’s like an art form to him and he takes it very seriously, buying expensive rope in pretty colors, taking immaculate care of it.. he loves to take pictures of his work, the intricate knots that bind you in place or suspend you from the ceiling— you look so beautiful like that to him, his perfect tied up angel for him to admire and destroy <3
husband!jisung who is an absolute pussy fiend… he could spend all day with his face buried between your legs, talented tongue making you cum over and over again until you squirt hehe <3 he’s not satisfied until his entire face is drenched with ur arousal, dripping slick from his nose and chin, and then he wants to fuck you until you can’t walk ! and you better believe he’s going in raw, because why would he wear a condom when his ring is on your finger? you better be careful, because jisung wants to fuck every day and every night… you wouldn’t mind if you got pregnant, would you? because he definitely wouldn’t
husband!felix who thinks it’s so cute that you find his voice so hot. all he has to do is whisper some dirty words in your ear and you’re blushing and squirming like a virgin… he just can’t help but do it all of the time. deep aussie accent mumbling about how he’s going to ruin your pussy when you get home, or about how hard and needy he is for you to take care of him <3 his hand on your thigh dangerously close to where you need him most… he loves to rile you up until you can’t take any more, till you snap <3
husband!seungmin who loves his wife submissive and needy <3 he won’t let you touch yourself without his permission, just because he loves to listen to you beg, so desperate and dependent on him … he’s trained you to be a perfect pup for him, down to the collar he likes to have you wear. you’d do anything to hear him say “good girl”, wouldn’t you?
husband!jeongin who loves to fuck in public !! getting head in the park, balls deep in your pussy in a bathroom stall, fucking under a blanket in the dorm living room, loud movie covering up your sounds. the riskiness of it gets him so hot, the idea of getting caught slutting you out in a dressing room, closet, break room… maybe it’s because he’s so possessive, that nasty freaky part of him relishing the idea of showing off to others how you belong to him… and he loves watching you stumble around with cum dripping down your legs from under your skirt, disheveled and redfaced desperate to hide what you and your husband were just up to…
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