#he’s super pissed at clover for killing everyone and
sixoclocker · 4 months
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wish upon a shooting star.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hiya there!
Could I maybe ask for a mha match-up?
kool. so,
Clover. that's her name
(she's an oc of mine)
Her quirk is honey bee
(features of a honey bee)
An extremely gentle soul but not to be taken for granted. Because her kind nature was taken advantage of, she got trust issues. Clover has ADHD and is medicated. loves outdoors and sugar. u could say she's a real sweetheart. hahahahah
thought that was funny.
if it's kool, I'd like to repost if u do.
-madam prince.
Hello! Thankie Thankie for your request! Your oc sounds so cool and gave me an idea for a really cute pair so...DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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I don't know why, but I just got a gut feeling that Clover and Bakugo would make a good couple. I don't even fully understand it myself it just came to me instantly when I saw this ask my brain was like yep Bakugo.
The mor I thought about it the more the idea grew on me. They are that sunshine and raincloud trope and for some reason it works. Bakugo is just like I hate everyone and everything...except you. He won't admit it but if anything happened to her, he would kill everyone and then himself.
He doesn't understand why, but Clover just makes him feel all soft and warm and not hella pissed off for once. She's like a small kitten or puppy that just looks so soft, and he wants to cuddle it so bad because even Bakugo can't hate kittens/puppies.
The day he met Clover she had just kinda been dragged into the Bakugo squad by Denki and Kirishima and he just couldn't say no because 1. It's those two even if he said no they would do what they wanted anyway and 2. he thought she was super cute ok.
Ever since that day he basically became her guard dog and anyone who tries to mess with her or take advantage of her would have to deal with King Lord Explosion Murder!!! (DIEEEEEEEE *BOOM*) even though he knows and acknowledges the fact that she can absolutely protect herself.
Bakugo also has a tendency to swear less and be less violent around Clover. He doesn't want to scare her off (although if you asked him about it, he would just deny it and call you a dumba$$). Especially when they are alone, he is an overall much gentler person when she's there.
If Clover is struggling with any of her classes Bakugo will over to tutor her (although he'll pretend, he doesn't want to like the true tsundere he is). Now Bakugo isn't the most patient person even with Clover, but he will try his absolute hardest to stay calm while helping her even if her ADHD is acting up more that day. He will also make sure to explain it in a way she can really understand and grasp before moving to the next subject or problem. (This isn't a stereotype jab at adhd btw I just thought tutor Bakugo was a cute idea plz dnt hate me)
I feel like once they got together Clover and Bakugo would take a lot of dates outdoors. Hiking, camping, picnics especially picnics we all know Bakugo is basically anime Gordon Ramsey and would make some top tier food.
Lowkey Bakugo really likes to spoil Clover with his cooking especially since he isn't very touchy feely or open with his emotions. She may wanna watch out she may gain a few pounds because man knows how much she likes sweets and will make her a LOOOOOT of them because he can't resist how her face lights up when she's eating them (He doesn't mind the pounds though because it means he's a good cook and more Clover to love so sue him.
Overall, Bakugo and Clover would be opposites attract kind of couple. People would be surprised at how well they get along, and grateful there is someone around to keep Bakugo calm.
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I had a lot of fun doing this one. Hope you like it also ofc you can repost this <3 (p.s DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND A PICTURE OF THIS KID SMILING OR NOT LOOKING ABSOLUTELY PSYCOTIC-)
Runners Up: No one because I really like this pairing.
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51 + 67? love your writing by the way 🥰
Thank you so much! I appreciate you saying that and reading my stuff!
Okay fanfic trope mashup based on this post
With prompts Accidently Married/ Character in Peril requested by @suchagallabitch
Mickey Milkovich was NOT freaking out, he was just mentally acrobatting his options.
As the top rated Event Planner in Chicago his reputation was in peril if he couldn't pull off this wedding.
Fucking TikTok, fucking influencers, fucking Instagram.
How did social media go from Myspace and fun shit on tumblr to people making money off of shit they posted? It boggled his mind.
He had been booked as a wedding planner for an Instagram makeup artist named Kember Bay, and her basketball player boyfriend Hutch Kline. And they wanted all the stops pulled, practically a fucking Cirque de Solei show.
But if he bombed this he would be out, done with the business, it would ruin him and he would be back doing kiddie parties dressed as a super hero.
At the moment there was only a couple days before the wedding, they were in the middle of doing the pre rehearsal dinner where Mickey usually had two people act out the wedding while the bride and groom watched and noted anything they wanted changed before the actual rehearsal dinner. Then at the real rehearsal dinner the bride and groom would practice and usually it all went without a hitch.
Except the subs for the prehearsal didn't show.
Mickey was practically running through the corridor looking for someone, anyone who would step in for him, but everyone seemed to be out of the hotel or in bed because he didn't see a soul.
He passed the hall that led to the gym and then stuttered to a stop a tall redhead was coming out of the gym.
"Yo Red, wanna make a hundred bucks?" Mickey called to him to get his attention. 
The redhead looked around to see where the words had come from, then seeing Mickey he raised an eyebrow and walked towards him. Mickey's breath caught in his throat as he got a better look of the redhead. He was tall, taller than he looked initially, Mickey barely came up to his nose, his hair had a curl to it, he was spattered with freckles, and his eyes were the color of clovers.
"Did you just ask if I wanted to make a hundred bucks?" He asked, his voice confused.
"Yes, I'm in a jam, my subs for the event I'm planning didn't show and I need someone to just follow my cues for like an hour. I'll give you two hundred if you just come with me now." Mickey wasn't trying to come off as desperate, but that's what it sounded like.
"Uh sure, I guess. Want me to change first? I just finished a workout and I'm a fucking mess." He asked gesturing to himself, he was in a pair of long basketball shorts and a black tank top that clung to him tightly.
Mickey shook his head, "There's no time, it starts in five minutes, and these little influencer bitches will kill my business if i piss them off in any way."
The redhead nodded, "Alright, lead the way then." He said with a shrug.
Mickey grabbed the redhead's wrist and broke out into a run pulling him along behind him.
They reached the ballroom just as Kember and Hutch did, Mickey nearly causing the redhead to run into him as he stopped abruptly.
"Mr. Milkovich, we are excited to see the prehearsal." Kember greeted him with a hug and air kisses, Mickey fucking hated how people thought that was fancy acting, but she was signing his paycheck so he wasn't gonna complain.
"Thank you Kember, Can I get you and Hutch anything to drink?" Mickey asked looking between them.
They shook their heads no, but the redhead seemed to need some water so Mickey went to the small mini fridge that was hidden behind the ballroom bar and grabbed some water for him.
"Thanks." He murmured taking the bottle from Mickey, his fingertips brushing Mickey's.
"Thank you man, I need the help, what's your name?" Mickey asked trying not to mentally catalogue every bulging muscle that the tank top clung to on the ginger.
"Ian, Ian Gallagher." he said with a nod.
"Thank you Ian, alright I'm gonna go over the plan with those two, then you and me are gonna act it out, okay?" Mickey asked.
Ian nodded, "Sure."
Mickey smiled, his heart warm as he turned to Kember and Hutch.
"Alright, so we'll start at the other end of the ballroom, Ian will come down the walkway here and walk down to the platform here, we'll each climb a side, then the German Mennonite minister Guengerich that Hutch's grandfather picked out, who is here," Mickey nodded to the older man standing at the risers.
"Will recite the words, we'll recite the vows, then that part of the prehearsal is done and then we'll play the song set and taste test the cupcakes that are prepared. Sound good?" Mickey asked looking between Kember, Hutch, and Ian, glad to see all of them nodding.
Mickey nodded at Ian to go to the end of the walkway while he waited at the platform, he started some music on his bluetooth speaker using the phone in his pocket.
Kember and Hutch turned to watch Ian walk up the aisle, Mickey couldn't help but watch him either, he was a fire touched god among men, he was freckled and tall and fucking beautiful.
Mickey gulped as Ian made it to the platform and waited at the side Mickey indicated. As the chorus on the song began Ian and Mickey both began to climb the steps to the risers until they reached the top and stopped in front of Father Guengerich.
Mickey had learned that day that Father Guengerich didn't speak engligh, just German, so he had google translated as much as he could about the prehearsal and run through with the vows.
Father Guengerich nodded and pulled a bible out of his pocket as well as a piece of paper, he waved it and a pen out to Mickey.
"He needs to know our names so he can say em right or some shit." Mickey said scribbling his name on the line the pastor had indicated then passed it to Ian who did the same.
Father Geungerich took the paper back and slid it into the pages of his bible, then he began speaking, nodding at Mickey and Ian's hands indicating for them to hold each others.
Mickey reached for Ian's as he turned and held Mickey's, Mickey felt a breath escape him at the warmth encompassing him.
Father Guengerich's voice was flitting in and out of Mickey's head, he didn't speak a fucking word of German, and as far as he knew he didn't speak english, which didn't seem to matter because he started speaking in Plautdietsch.
After he said some words he looked at Ian, who seemed to get the hint, "Ian Gallagher," he said softly, his hand gripping Mickey tighter.
Father Guengerich then nodded at Mickey who gulped and said, "Mikhailo Milkovich."
Father Guengerich smiled and then recited some more words and then gestured to Ian.
"I do." Ian smiled.
Mickey chuckled, knowing that they were probably supposed to say more, but I do did it enough to keep it going and wrap it up quickly.
Father Geungerich looked from Ian to Mickey who cleared his throat, "I do."
Father Geungerich said a few more words and then made some hand gestures, then nodded his head, as if letting Mickey and Ian know it was okay to kiss.
Mickey blushed furiously, but he got on his tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to Ian's cheek.
He stepped back looking at him, catching the dreamy look in his green eyes.
They stood there looking for each other for a moment before Father Guengerich cleared his throat.
Ian and Mickey looked at him, he was producing a piece of paper with his signature at the bottom.
Mickey, confused, took the paper and read it over, his mouth falling open witch terror and shock.
"What is it?" Ian asked trying to look over the paper over Mickey's shoulder.
"That motherfucker actually married us!" Mickey couldn't help but yelp looking up at Ian in shock.
"What?!" Ian shouted reaching for the paper in Mickey's hands.
"He must not have understood that this was a dry run, fuck now I've got to get a new marriage certificate for the actual wedding tomorrow, then get another fucker in here that can understand him and translate shit. Then..." Mickey trailed off looking up at Ian.
"Fuck, we're married." He said softly.
Ian raised an eyebrow, "And you didn't even propose." He clucked his tongue in mock disappointment shaking his head from side to side.
Mickey eyed the smart ass redhead then felt a blush swirling in his cheeks, "Well, you didn't get us rings." he pointed out with a grin.
"Guess my new husband and I will have to go out and find rings and have dinner after our wedding is over." Ian said unable to suppress a giggle.
Mickey laughed, "Is my husband asking me out on a date?" he asked arching his eyebrows at Ian.
"That's how you keep the romance alive babe, keep dating even after you're married." Ian grinned mischieviously.
"Alright hot stuff, let me wrap this shit up here then we can go on a date." Mickey challenged.
"Sounds good to me husband." Ian said leaning down and pressing a kiss to Mickey's forehead.
"Fuck, I'm in trouble." Mickey muttered to himself.
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kingofkate · 4 years
Random Rant on Heart no Kuni no Alice (because I want to)
This is going to be stupid long, but I’m not sorry because I want to put these thoughts down.
Basically, this long rant is going to look at the three main games where Alice’s relationship with Peter White is explored: Heart (game 1), Clover (game 2), and Twin World (1.5?????). I’ll look at how their relationship is portrayed and the differences between them.
Let’s start with Heart no Kuni no Alice, the first game in the series. (I’ll be referring to the remake version that only focuses on the main story)
The story of the first game is the introduction to the series, and so Alice’s relationship (no matter who you choose) is pretty basic and there isn’t much story beyond her the romancing. This is most true with Peter.
The entirety of this game, and Alice’s relationship with Peter, is one long stream of Peter pushing Alice’s boundaries to see how far he can get. It’s actually a little scary looking at the way he slowly inches his way through the relationship.
It starts with Peter coming to Alice’s room on his breaks to rest his head in her lap. Even though she doesn’t like it, nothing stops him (she moves room and locks her door but he always finds her and uses a key to unlock the door). Then, he get’s her more comfortable with touching him and with the fact that he is a rabbit.
After it makes the move to them sleeping together (in Rabbit form), Peter starts only sleeping in human form. Once Peter has a nightmare.... uh.... bad dream, he hugs Alice, which leads to this becoming a more common thing. He starts kissing her. Even when she tries to get him to stop he tells her that if she doesn’t give him permission to kiss her, he’s going to do it anyway.
He does try to take it further, but thankfully Alice puts her foot down and he respects that... for a while... Outside of the bedroom, Peter starts trying to get her to advance their relationship status in front of others. 
Alice admits they are friends, which makes him happy, but he isn’t satisfied. He gets her to eventually admit they are “lovers” after pointing out that most people don’t make out every night with their “friends”. (somebody hasn’t heard of friends with benefits)
The ball comes around and the canon choice has Alice and Peter go back to his room for the first time. Peter admits that he hasn’t brought her there before because he was afraid that he would scare her away. He was probably right about that, since he proceeds to tie her to the bed and start getting freaky while telling her that HE is scared. Whatever.
Like everything else, this becomes the new normal for them and Alice starts spending more time in his room. This also marks the change in Peter from being unnervingly kind to Alice, to starting to torment her more. He puts this down to trying to get her to “stay”, as her return to her world is approaching. 
When the time comes, she does choose to stay. This leads to a conversation with Peter where he admits that he wants her to love him, a huge change to what he used to say. This brings him to tears as he realizes he has become “selfish” by wanting her to love him, even though he doesn’t think she can.
Spoiler Alert (wait why am I putting this at the end of the story?!) Alice already loves him, although she’s pissed at herself for it and refuses to tell him.
The story basically ends with them just deciding to go forward with the relationship and Alice will stay. The End.
I’m not going to talk more about the “No-stay route” where basically Peter just force kisses Alice anytime she asks anyone for information about the medicine Peter gave her at the beginning until she just decides they are dating.
I’ll analyze this more as we go through the second game.
 Clover no Kuni no Alice (game 2 I guessssssss?????)
This game starts much later after Alice’s decision to stay. It also goes off the assumption that Alice didn’t have a relationship in the first game and was just friends with everyone. 
Right off the bat I’ll say that I LOVE the progression of this game way more than the first game.
The game starts with Alice waking up to realize that both Peter, Ace, and Vivaldi are hiding in her bed. After a long confrontation they all say they were there to tell her about the country straight up moving from Heart to Clover.
They go to the assembly and after getting used to the new world, Alice and Peter (who are already friends at this point) go for dinner.
The second best thing here is that Peter is more chill and happy with them being friends, so the relationship doesn’t start outright. The actual best part of the game is that the relationship is defined and pursued entirely by Alice.
The starting of this relationship is Alice making the point that Peter doesn’t seem to treat her like someone who was “in love with her” would. The point even make more when he tried to kiss her but just ends up kissing her lightly on the cheek.
They start going to dinner because they have to eat and Alice likes having Peter along with her. At the castle, the story focuses more on Peter’s acceptance of her working as a maid (because he doesn’t understand her need to work) and his treatment of the other maids.
There is a great scene where Peter and the maids are arguing with Alice because they all want her to hit them (since they relate hitting with affection). When Peter insults the maids Alice hits him, which makes him grumpy. When she confronts him about it, he admits he wanted her to hit him for him, not to defend the maids. Peter actually understands that Alice was angry and they talk it through.
The two go to town and Peter shoots some guy for bumping into Alice. He then gets in trouble for not cleaning up the “mess” after leaving the man alive at Alice’s pleading. 
When Alice sees him later at the castle he runs from her. After a comical chance Alice gives up and sits on the ground, hitting her head lightly against the wall in frustration. Peter comes back to make sure she is ok.
He states that he suddenly felt nervous seeing her happy to see him and ran. They talk about it a bit. Alice tells him that as long as he respects her wishes, he can kiss her. They kiss. 
This is a HUGE change from the first game. 1) this kiss comes from a lead up and discussion of advancing their relationship and 2) Alice is the one who initiates it. They kiss more as the days go on, but Peter always asks first since he knows she is uncomfortable showing affection in public.
One time, when they go back to her room at the Clover Tower, Peter actually stops the kissing to talk with her about her past relationships. This is where it is revealed that he wants to kill her ex for breaking her heart, and also doesn’t really like her dad for abandoning her after her mother’s death.
It doesn’t take long after this for Alice to suggest they go on a date. This comes as such a surprise to Peter that he falls off the couch they were sitting on and goes into a panic. 
Some time passes and they go on an official date to a field to have a picnic together. Peter changes into a rabbit and they talk. Alice admits to Peter that she thinks she’s fallen in love with him. He is completely silent and changes back. Quietly, he asks if it’s ok for him to hug her (he’s asking permission still) and when she says yes she notices that he’s crying. He begs her not to run away from him. She’s not going anywhere.
But the game doesn’t end here. 
The rest of the game is them developing the relationship and dealing with the fact that Peter can’t accept Alice’s decision to keep working as a maid. She eventually asks if they should break up since he doesn’t like her job. He freaks out at this and threatens to kill the other maids if she does. They talk it through together and he relents and says he isn’t happy about her job, but won’t bring it up again.
After this nothing of too much note happens. The game ends (good ending) with them getting freaky in bed. And by that, I mean Alice says she wants to hurt him and Peter is like “yes, that sounds nice.” Then Alice says she won’t and he’s like well that wasn’t nice. And it ends with them in a relationship. 
The End.
Obviously the second game is a huge improvement on the relationship of the first game. Alice has been in Wonderland long enough to get to know the people and Peter has been friends with Alice long enough to respect her decisions. They spend more time developing their relationship in a more healthy and realistic way. I love this game.
None of this compares to Wonderful Twin World, which is set in Country of Heart, but takes place after the end of the first game. And this game is just... amazing.
It picks up with Alice already in a relationship with whoever you choose. There is a strange storm coming that will change everyone in a random way that will end after the storm and they won’t have any recollection of what happened to them. And the whole story of this game is Alice working through the issues in whatever relationship she is in. No matter who you play, it’s great.
I particularly like Julius’ route, where Julius changes into a super affectionate man who is obsessed with Alice and acts like the boyfriend she wanted him to be. This helps her work through the fact that Julius is generally neglectful of her and doesn’t show affection often. 
Peter’s route is nice because it shows them sort of working through his anxiety of the instability of their relationship. While he starts off not worried about the storm, he goes through the steps to help Alice get more comfortable by taking her on fun dates.
When the storm comes the only change with Peter is that he can’t change into a rabbit anymore, and has no memory of being able to do so. At first he isn’t worried, but when they run into Eliot, who can now change into a rabbit, Peter’s anxieties start to show.
Alice always used Peter’s rabbit form as a way to destress after a long day (who doesn’t love cuddling a cute rabbit, right?). After having a dream where she spends time with Eliot in bunny form, she accidentally says her name in her sleep, causing Peter to spiral.
Instead of him going off the handle, they sit together and talk about his anxieties. He admits that though he is happy they are in a relationship, he doesn’t actually understand why Alice chose him. He’s constantly worried that she will change her mind. Now that he can’t become a rabbit, he wonders if she wouldn’t be happier with Eliot.
Alice handles this pretty well and tells him that she loves him for him, not just the rabbit form. And while it doesn’t fix everything, she is now aware that Peter has concerns about her feelings for him and she can make changes to improve things.
Once the storm ends Peter doesn’t remember anything that happened. The go to a church and Peter discusses his interest in getting married to Alice. She turns him down and he asks when she’ll be ready. It ends with her uncertain when that time will be.
Basically, I love some healthy relationships. And I really love open conversation and respect in a relationship. The first game is somewhat excusable because it was the first game and the start of the series.
The fact that the creators improved on the relationships in the other games says a lot. 
The biggest problem I’ve always had with the first game is Alice’s unwillingness to set clear boundaries and the others willingness to just do whatever they want. That’s why I also really like Julius since he is the most adult of the lot and is too busy to treat Alice like garbage. He’s not great for a relationship because he’s so neglectful of her, but since he spends more time defining his relationship with Alice it’s fine. Basically, a relationship is fine as long as both sides set their boundaries and respect the other. This is why Twin World is amazing.
So many “dating sim” games don’t give the main character much of a personality. Alice is great that she has a personality and a clear set of standards. 
I’m not super happy of the exclusion of Peter in the remaining games and I would love to see him make a comeback now that the creators have developed further. 
The new game will be released soon and we will see if there is any conclusion to the series of not. 
So in summary: Peter in Heart --> Hot trash, Peter in Clover --> Good Bun, Peter in Twin --> Best Bun.
Rant finished, I guess.
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Top 5 worst male characters and Top 5 worst female characters in RWBY, and brief reasons why?
This is the type of ask that’s gonna get me shit but I have known no hubris in my life so let’s go. These won’t be in the case of being intentionally bad, I’m doing more on personal taste and the quality of their writing. 
Worst Male Characters
1. Adam Taurus
Obviously, Adam is at the top of the list for me. His storyline was butchered from a story of racism and vigilantism to a story about domestic abuse, his brand was cheap shock value with very little substance, he stopped being threatening after the Fall of Beacon and instead became a whiny little bitch, and his voice acting is just bad.
He sounds like he’s gonna call me a slur on Xbox Live.
2. Jacques Schnee
Yeah, the abusive rich man who runs slave mines is bad, but that’s not the main reason he’s on this list. I could accept a character like that if the writers made him good, but they didn’t. Jacques wasn’t intimidating at all. He wasn’t smart at all. The man who conned his father in law and wife into giving him complete control of the most powerful company in Remnant is not the same man we get in the actual show.
He’s whiny, cowardly, and a useless villain who’s entire downfall was treated like a poorly made joke, and now only serves as comic relief in the Jailbirds scenes in V8. 
3. Hazel Rainart
Same issues with Jacques and Adam, but less egregious. Hazel was actually a pretty interesting villain in his earlier volumes, and even after his blunder at the Batlle of Haven, he went back to being kinda good in V6 with his protective behaviour towards Emerald. And then V8 came around and I grew to hate how stupid his reasons for joining Salem were, and the fact that he just beat the shit outta Oscar while whining about his dead sister.
Bro, Idgaf about someone I never met while you’re maiming a 15 year old boy because you wanna be mad at the guy in his head. 
4. Qrow Branwen
It’s the same case with Hazel. I actually liked Qrow up until V6, and even then I cared enough to try and see where his alcoholism arc went since it’s a serious issue that affects not only my family, but my people. I started to dislike him after he punched Oscar and kept being horrible to the boy, all without apologising in the end, but v7 and 8 made me really hate him. 
I don’t care for his edgy attitude, and I don’t care that he got his self-help book boyfriend murdered by a crackhead. Add onto CRWBY butchering a serious topic about alcoholism with him, and he’s just sank right down writing sense.
5. Ghira Belladonna
I never liked Ghira. I think the others are higher than him on this list just on the virtue that I liked them, or the idea of them, and the writing just pulled them down so much.
But I never had that problem with Ghira, so the disappointment doesn’t sting as bad. He’s just an unnecessary character that cheapens Blake since she’s now a princess, a useless father who somehow couldn’t get his own 12 year old daughter back even thought she didn’t even bother to change her own name, and then featured live on a tournament channel that the whole world saw. He was a useless leader, his ideology was stupid and almost got him and others killed, and he was so ungrateful towards Adam for saving his stupid furry ass that I completely sided with Sienna calling him the fuck out.
At least he’s not on my screen anymore, but I know that won’t last forever and I gotta look at his dumb face again.
Worst Female Characters
1. Cinder Fall
God, she is the worst villain and character in this show. She’s so flat, her stans are annoying as fuck, her voice leaves a lot to be desired, and the fact that there’s hardly anything to her for seven years makes it even worse now that we finally got a backstory for her, and it’s one we ALL GUESSED.
Who would’ve thought she’d be a Cinderella who killed her abusive family, I am shooketh. 
2. Blake Belladonna
Blake was my favourite girl in RWBY and I’m mad at CRWBY for what they’ve done to her.
It says a lot that a girl still affected by the abuse and trauma of fighting in a terrorist organisation has more personality and backbone than one who’s supposedly broken free of her traumatic past and moved forward. Blake now is spineless, flat, boring ass cardboard cutout of what she once was, who would rather let her human friends defend her from racists than call them out herself like she did to Weiss in Volume 1. 
She’s spoiled, priviledged, annoying, and Arryn has such a flat voice on top of being a gross ass person that I get annoyed every time she speaks. She’s no longer an oppressed minority fighting for the rights of her people, she’s a princess who would rather go to a club with people she didn’t even like than a rally against the man who caused so much suffering to her people. Even her talk with Nora about not letting yourself be taken over by who you’re with romantically is hypocritical, since that’s exactly what’s happened to her since she’s been paired up with Yang.
She couldn’t even have the spotlight of fighting her own VILLAIN, Yang was the one who broke Adam’s Aura and had the big triumphant moment of throwing his sword in the river while she was too busy fucking rock climbing. 
3. Yang Xiao Long
Yang was my second favourite girl in RWBY and I’m mad at CRWBY for what they’ve done to her.
Yang wasn’t super developed in the earlier volumes. Honestly, I didn’t think much until her talk with Blake about Raven in Burning The Candle, and her dismemberment leading her towards depression and PTSD. Come Volume 4, I was alright with the portrayal of her recovery. I don’t think they gave enough time between her trying on the arm and then being good enough to leave, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t bad. 
What was bad was everything after. Yang became a hypocritical, moody bitch who would drag everyone for their bad decisions while ignoring her own. Her PTSD, something VERY personal to me, was ruined and up and vanished by V7 since she’s now killed the man who gave her the disorder so obviously it’s cured! She is always on Ozpin’s case for the birds shit, and then keeping secrets, but then goes and does the exact same thing while giving little resistance to others doing it because they’re family.
Even her argument with Ruby in V8 was tame as fuck. She blamed Ruby for things not going well while ignoring that it was her own dumbass decisions that contributed to it. Ruby didn’t tell Yang to go and spill the beans to Robyn, her stupid cat girlfriend did that, and Yang went along with it while being unrepentant later on when Ironwood was RIGHTFULLY pissed about it.
Add onto v8 then having her worry about how BLAKE thought about her, rather than RUBY, and I just hate her. This ain’t Yang, I want Yang back. 
4. Nora Valkyrie
Nora is just a flat character. Her voice is annoyingly high pitched and screechy, her jokes aren’t funny, and all the things I loved that she got in v4 was later dropped entirely. She had such good moments in V4 that actually made me appreciate her more, and then she just became another hypocrite in v7 who wanted to yell at Ironwood while refusing to look at her own flaws.
On top of her kissing Ren when he was clearly not in the mood to talk, and it made me hate her. It’s not a cute ship moment, it’s a creepy disrespect of someone’s personal space. If it was the other way around, no one would think it was cute.
5. Robyn Hill
Similar to Ghira’s reasons, I never liked Robyn, so she’s low down on the list compared to the others since at one point I loved the others (Minus Cinder but she’s just so bad that she’s #1).
Robyn isn’t a good freedom fighter. She runs in without thinking about things and then proceeds to deny any responsibility of her actions. She won’t accept that maybe her agreeing with the same serial killer that nearly killed her and Fiona, on top of succeeding in murdering some of her supporters and Forest, and starting a fight with Clover in an enclosed space wasn’t a good idea. 
Add onto the fact that she’s really just incompetent. She steals supplies from Ironwood to fix the wall and help Mantle, but after time we see that nothing has been done. 
Christina Vee is wasted on her honestly.
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thespiralgrimoire · 4 years
I. NEED. TO. LEARN. MORE. ABOUT. FERRO's. UNIVERSE. Like are you kidding me? Fuego and Leo pulled a coup and killed every non-vermillion??! that's, wow, that's rich!! What's the heck is wrong with /THAT/ timeline? What about Asta's story there? the elves? the devils? Fuego really killed everyone? including NOZEL? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!
HONESTLY this AU is underdeveloped because of the way it came to fruition in the first place, so nothing would make me happier but to make it a collaborative fandom project but here’s everything I’ve got on it
Under a Read More because it might get lengthy
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First, a disclaimer: This AU was born out of a dream. I had a dream about a plucky teenager participating in a Magic Knight’s exam that was designed more like The Hunger Games, and when I woke up, I said to myself, I gotta get in on that. So that’s why some of the details of this AU are a little fucky. Dream logic.
Now, the inciting event for this AU is twofold: First, Acier lives. SECOND, her sister, Kirsch and Mimosa’s mother, dies giving birth to Mimosa.
Sister’s death completely breaks down any bond between the Vermillions and the Silvas. It’s just. Messy. A lot of finger pointing, a lot of people not handling things well. Because while the Silvas were taught from a young age to bottle up their feelings, Vermillions tend to use their feelings as a weapon. And relations go south fast.
Acier has still been training Meoroleona. Nozel and Fuegoleon have still been rivals. But when this happens, everyone is forced to pick a side. Acier and Meoroleona don’t end their relationship on bad terms, but they do end it. Nozel and Fuegoleon’s relationship swiftly turns hostile. In hindsight, nobody is happy about the way things went down, but at this point there’s a No Man’s Land to civility that nobody is willing to cross, and nobody will cross it.
The Vermillions have the roughest time with this, but unlike the way the Silvas handled Noelle, nobody actually blames Mimosa for her mother’s death. They turn their grief into what they see as righteous fury and determine to turn this into a “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” situation. This takes different forms over the years, but what basically happens is that everyone internalizes these feelings so deeply that while they all grow stronger, they also sort of grow apart.
Fuegoleon and Meoroleona have a blowout that completely shakes House Vermillion, and when Meoroleona leaves, she vows to never come back. No one believes that she would actually stay away, what with how close Fuego and Meoro were as kids, but when she leaves, she leaves. They see her once a year TOPS, and it’s never for a happy reason.
Fuegoleon, who has let his anger completely isolate him from the rest of his family, throws himself into being the Crimson Lion King, and while he’s incredibly successful, he loses parts of himself along the way. His ambitions override his caring nature and his inclination to share his strengths with others, and he becomes cold and determined, with a methodical outlook on relationships.
Leopold doesn’t become so callous-- he wasn’t old enough to remember his aunt’s death, he just had to grow up in the aftermath of it --but he follows in his brother’s footsteps, and while he’s not as mean about the way he does it, he’s not afraid to make some harsh decisions if it means being the best.
Kirsch and Mimosa decide that the best way to deal with this is to keep their heads down. Kirsch is fiercely protective of his little sister, because even though nobody is blaming Mimosa, he can’t shake the feeling that she may still have a target on her back. This makes Mimosa jumpy and clingy, never really developing the confidence to be her own person. While she can’t really nail down a particular reason for it, she’s scared of Fuegoleon and doesn’t trust Leopold. She can’t help but wonder how her cousins in House Silva are doing, but knows that all hell would break loose if she actually sought them out, so she feels constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place; the living embodiment of a schism between the royal houses.
The Silvas, on the other hand, go the other direction. Acier is still here, and she’s not letting her family rip itself apart like it did in canon. She remains the captain of the Silver Eagles and well-respected. Her kids have an even easier ride to the top with her still there to pave the way. She misses Meoroleona terribly. She knows that none of this was fair to any of them, and losing her sister AND her star pupil is a lot to work through. She keeps thinking that eventually she’ll get a letter or a surprise visit from the Undefeated Lioness, but she never does.
Nozel is genuinely heartbroken to have lost his rival and best friend, and, consequently, be left in the dust when he can’t keep up with Fuegoleon’s ambition, but he’s still got his mother and three little siblings, so they become his whole life. Without Fuegoleon’s rivalry to spur him on, he becomes good but not great, and is content to coast. He’s a mama’s boy, and as long as his mother is satisfied, he’d rather read and organize missions than go on them. On the bright side, he doesn’t deal with 90% of the stress he deals with in the canon universe. He’s actually pretty happy most of the time.
Nebra ends up being the classic middle sibling. Her magic is nothing special, but she’s a Silva, so she can go with the flow and still come out looking a little better than everyone else. While Nozel would rather spend time with books and Solid and Noelle would rather spend time with each other, she’s a drifter; she can hang with any of her siblings, or her mother, but she’s no one’s first pick. It doesn’t really bother her all that much unless she feels genuinely left out, and Mom never forgets about her, so it’s all good.
Solid and Noelle are thick as thieves, and the Silver Eagles’ superstars. They bring out the worst of each other and have a great time doing it. They’re a dynamic duo on the battle field and harbor unfathomable chaotic energy off of it. Getting sucked into their gravitational pull is dangerous, so Nebra, Nozel, and Acier tread lightly, lest they get dragged into, or end up the victim of their shenanigans. Of all combinations of Silva duos, they are by far the closest. Totally ride or die. That doesn’t mean that they don’t drive each other absolutely batshit crazy, and have some HUGE blowouts that waterlog half the castle, but that’s what siblings do. The nice thing about having each other is that neither of them end up in their siblings’ or mother’s shadows. The not nice thing about that is that they’re just. Little shits. Imagine Noelle acting the way she does in the beginning of the series, but being sincere about it. Imagine Solid acting the way he does, except he’s never checking to see if he’s got his siblings’ approval. Now imagine them patting each other on the back for acting like that. Yikes.
Then Ferro comes along. He’s the result of Solid knocking up his unnamed noble girlfriend when he’s 16-17. Acier is PISSED. All the other Silvas are scandalized. Solid is in big trouble. Acier suspends him from the Silver Eagles while she does damage control. What she eventually ends up doing is paying the girl off, and when the baby is born, she takes him into House Silva to raise him in secret. Nobody outside House Silva ever knows about him. He is House Silva’s best kept secret. This is an important detail.
The coup comes together. Fuegoleon has been working on this plan for a long time. Years. Leopold is on board, because Leopold would follow him off a cliff. But he’s also scared shitless. This is a much bigger deal than stepping on a few comrades to rise through the ranks. He slips a little. Kirsch catches wind of the plan. He gets in Leo’s and Fuego’s ear to remind them, hey, we’re Vermillions, too. So we’re cool, right?
Yeah, they’re cool. All they have to do is help their cousins kill everyone whose last name isn’t Vermillion. Kirsch thinks this is a pretty good deal to save him and his sister. Mimosa will later have her doubts, but we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it.
Meoroleona was invited, but never shows up.
We’re about at the beginning of the show when the coup begins. I don’t have a good reason that it goes off as smoothly as it does. But everyone in Houses Kira and Silva dies, except Acier and Ferro. Ferro, now two, manages to watch his entire family get bodied without getting a scratch on him, because no one anticipated him being there. Acier is only able to defend herself and him before sneaking away.
Acier and Ferro flee to the Forbidden Realm, to a little town in bumfuck nowhere, to hide. They are never discovered by the Vermillions.
Fuegoleon becomes the Clover King. As far as they can tell, the coup is 100% successful. But the thing about fire is that it’s super useful for making people really dead, but when people are dying in heaps and being burned to ash it’s kind of hard to count how many bodies you’ve got. They don’t realize that they’re one short. With no one to stand in their way, Fuegoleon crowns himself Clover King. He disbands the Silver Eagles, and within the next few years, will crown himself Wizard King. It actually becomes pretty easy after Julius nerfs himself, whoops.
Unfortunately, Fuegoleon is starting to unravel. He gained a LOT of enemies doing all this heinous shit, and he is not a beloved king. Leopold is now the head of the Crimson Lion Kings, and he’s reporting back a lot of hostility among the captains. Not that they didn’t expect that, but there’s no way to practice sleeping with one eye open. That’s not to mention that the people are scared and confused, and that doesn’t make for a peaceful kingdom.
Over the course of years, he puts greater and greater restrictions on magic. It starts as permits to use spells in public places and soon grows into a near-total ban on grimoires for anyone outside the magic knights. With absolute power, he can kick people out of the magic knights AND take their grimoires. These rules both ease and exacerbate his growing paranoia. Everyone is pissed, but effectively stripped of their power, there isn’t much they can do about it.
Meanwhile, Acier is raising her grandson as a peasant, but never forgets that they’re royals. She teaches Ferro all of their family history, even though they have to keep it a secret. That gets kind of tricky since Ferro has royal-level magic in the middle of a town of peasants, but, you know, who’s gonna call him on it?
When Ferro is ten, he get recruited by a mysterious hooded figure to train his magic in secret. 90% of his magic training happens in a location he is taken to by a spatial mage. He, along with about a dozen other kids, are trained by a small band of mages who claim to be the resistance. Their goal is simple: Train the next generation of mages to take out the king and restore order to the kingdom. Ferro thinks this is pretty cool, and the honor isn’t lost on him, but he’s mostly glad that he can learn to control his magic in a way that makes his grandmother proud.
By the time Ferro is 15, grimoire ceremonies have been almost completely outlawed, so it’s a big deal when the resistance throws their trainees a grimoire ceremony. Once they’ve received their grimoires, they begin the next leg of their journey: become magic knights.
The Magic Knights Entrance Exam has changed a LOT in the last 15 years. This exam is deadly. In many instances, the point is to kill or be killed. Magic knights are being trained as a military force first and foremost, and their most important feature must be that they take orders unblinkingly. This does not fly with Ferro. While he’s extremely qualified for the position in every other way, he’s too nice to let people die, let alone kill them. He fails the exam. However, some of the other kids he’s trained with make it in.
So he needs a new plan. Spurned on by his grandmother and his teachers through the resistance, he decides to travel the Clover Kingdom. In the midst of his travels, Acier dies. At 20 years old, he is now the last Silva.
This fact makes Ferro pretty fatalistic, and at this point he decides the only rational thing to do is to force an audience with King Fuegoleon. Surely this won’t end in disaster. Definitely won’t be his untimely end by flames.
So there are a lot of holes in this AU, because it sprang up around this one character I had a wild dream about. A few mores notes:
Noelle joined the Silver Eagles, if that wasn’t obvious
The Vermillion coup takes place 1-2 years after the start of the show, and I have no explanation for how those events could fit into this timeline. They would definitely look a LOT different, that’s for sure
My notes on this end where they do because at the point where Ferro breaks into the royal castle to force this audience with the king, he actually gets thrown out of this universe and into another. So I guess for all intents and purposes, the Silva line ends for good in this universe
I know exactly where Meoroleona is and what she’s doing
I don’t know where exactly Kirsch and Mimosa are and what they’re doing when they disappear
So that’s all I’ve got! This isn’t a super duper happy AU, and definitely not flattering for everyone, but I was forced to flesh it out because I was told, very emphatically, “Evil Vermillions sexy.” I don’t disagree.
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
(1) i understand how the other feel about ozpins lies but I don't thi k how they act with Oscar is awful ,I hope he snaps at them ,and stands up for ozpin an himself
(2) I was hoping that oscar would some how thanks to ozpins memories ,would bring the people in the city of mantel together to fight the grim some how get them all to atlus,
(3) I was hoping that oscar would get a episode to him self were maybe a few days go by and he on his own but v8 going to b 2 episodes even if he did get time to him self for an episode or 2 I feel like I would get to see him do as much as I'm hoping 4
(4) like ur self I'd like to see ruby reaction to him maybe being maybe gone,I'd like to see Oscar feeling on losing the lamp an letting ruby down
(5) I think oscar should get gravity dust or wind to help him keep up with the others
(6) I now we're going to see Oscar with y,j, and r but i want him to be with Weiss and Blake
Uhm…since I already gave my answers to Points 2, 3, 5 and 6 in other RWBY response posts, I’m just gonna only answer Points 1 and 4 for this one to avoid having to repeat myself XD
 “…I understand how the others feel about Ozpin’s lies but I don’t think how they act with Oscar is awful. I hope he snaps at them and stands up for Ozpin and himself…”
Assuming that you meant that you think the way how the group treated Oscar back in Argus was bad and you’re hoping for him to go off on them, I don’t blame you for feeling that way anon-chan. Not to sound overdramatic or anything like that but V6CH9 is still considered my most despised episode of that season and RWBY in general and I’ll even toss in V6CH8 as well since I didn’t and still don’t like how the show basically had everyone stand idly by and allowed Jaune to walk across the room and slam Oscar into the wall.
And what was even worse is that no one dared to pull Jaune off of Oscar as he practically shook the kid while screaming accusations in his face for actions that weren’t even his. And the real kicker to me is that even when I rewatch that scene it just feels so out of character for the others to just let that happen. They all literally just stood there as Jaune wrongfully manhandled Oscar.
Sure we had Weiss attempt to stop Jaune but outside of that and Ruby barking at Jaune to back off of Oscar, nothing else was done. No one thought to step in front of Oscar and come between him and Jaune before the Arc boy could lay a finger on Oscar.
And what sucks even more is that even after watching what Jaune did to Oscar, NO ONE thought to check in on him and see if he was alright after such an ordeal. Instead Ren and Nora leave to comfort Jaune---Oscar’s accoster mind you----while the others divided to do other things. And yet one of them wasn’t making sure that Oscar was fine emotionally. Yet they all act surprise when they find him gone from the house?
Which makes the fact that all he did was leave to go shopping so utterly bad that it’s not even funny. I know it’s a meme in the Pinehead community (along with Oscar’s missing character development and the fact that he’s practically the pet gold fish of the hero team that they keep neglecting and losing each season yet he always comes back and still loves those silly bastards anyways) but I honestly hate that that’s canon. Anyways, I’m not here to rant about V6CH9. In respect to Oscar telling off the others for the way they treated him and Oz back in V6, I think it could be mighty swell for that to happen.
As a Pinehead, I am genuinely tired of this weird approach that the show has of having Oscar be perfectly complacent with everything that’s happened to him---even when he’s downright being practically abused to some degree. It’s not fun to watch as a fan of his character. Oscar has been through a lot since his introduction and outside of the dojo moment from V5 where he confessed his fears to Ruby, we haven’t really gotten any more moments of Oscar coming clean about his true feelings over his current experiences.
And NO I am not counting his speech in V6CH9 where the showrunners deadass had the audacity to have Oscar say to the hero group that he’s been contemplating about all that happened between him, Oz and the whole reveal of Ozma and the events of the Lost Fable despite never showing the audience scenes where we can see Oscar doing just that.
It is insulting at this point how poorly the CRWBY Writers have handled Oscar’s treatment in the show. While V7 was definitely an improvement (albeit except for that one episode where Double D Rivas downright forgot Oscar in the episode while all his so-called teammates and friends were up in Amity celebrating), it still doesn’t quite make up for the mistakes of V6 nor does it erase my disappointment for that volume in terms of how they handled Oscar’s side of the story.
All the more reason to hope for better things to be done for Oscar in V8. Like you, I would like to see Oscar speak up against the team and their past actions (especially with the mistakes they made with Ironwood and still have yet to take responsibility for), not necessarily in defence of himself since Oscar has been shown to be a selfless individual---always placing others before himself---but more so for Oz.
I want Oscar to be the one to mend the tethered bond within his team between the others and the other half of himself. After all, while two differing souls, Oz is still a part of Oscar especially once the Merge occurs. They may not be the same person but they are a part of each other and will come together to complete one another. Or at least complete Oscar since according to V5, Oz is the one meant to change with the Merge. Not Oscar. I mean Oscar will technically change but I’d still like to strongly believe that his soul will become the dominating personality and persona as Oz’s fades more into the background as it combines with his.
And while the other heroes may like and trust Oscar, they can’t favour only half of him. This is especially the case since Oscar and Oz are expected to become one entity at some point. So I’m hoping that before that happens, Oscar uses this time to get everyone back on the same page---burying the hatchet after all that transpired between the last two volumes and thus starting things anew with everyone having a clean slate.
This needs to be done in order for the heroes to move forward and work together since uniting against the common foe will be what helps not just them but all of humanity and Remnant. At least that’s what I assume. While I don’t necessarily need Oscar to go off on the other heroes, I would like it if it he did call them out for their past mistakes with Ironwood---mistakes that he unfortunately partook in encouraging---as well as their treatment of Oz, finally helping them to see the bigger picture and what’s more at stake. I’m honestly tired of the story having our heroes pin all the blame on Ozpin while making it appear as if RWBY were in the right despite doing the exact same thing that got Oz in trouble with them.
So for what it’s worth, I hope that’s addressed in the series and I hope it lends to Oscar aiding to patch things between the team and Oz especially now that he’s returned. The group and Oz need to reconcile and I’d like to believe that Oscar is the key to helping with that.
“…Like yourself, I’d like to see Ruby’s reaction to him maybe being gone. I’d like to see Oscar’s feelings on losing the lamp and letting Ruby down…”
Ooooh I’d love it if V8 kicks off with Ruby learning that Ironwood had ‘killed’ Oscar. That’s a scene I am literally praying would happen when the group split up and RWBN_P head up to Atlas or Amity Arena to confront Ironwood. I want Ironwood to just blurt it out like it meant nothing to him that he shot and killed a child---I want to see Ironwood basically treat Oscar as nothing more than another face for Oz---not even his own person despite promising him in the second episode of V7 that so long as Oscar was in Atlas, he would be safe.
And most of all, I want to see the reactions of everyone---Ruby and Nora especially---when Ironwood says with the straightest and most cold-hearted of expressions that he killed Oscar. If we don’t get a scene like that then not gonna lie anon-chan, I will be beyond disappointed. Because what’s the point of having Ironwood shoot Oscar to his death if it wasn’t going to be brought up at some point, ey?
Give me that angsty scene where either Ruby or Nora---most likely Nora--- get super pissed at the reveal of Oscar’s alleged death, thus sparking her to attack Ironwood and thus, a fight breaks out between RWBN_P and the Ace Ops, talks of negotiation completely out the window since Ironwood killing one of their own (Oscar) practically meant war.
I also wonder if Qrow being framed for killing Clover might also come up as well. Like imagine a scene where one of the Ace Ops accuses our heroes of treason after letting them know that Qrow was charged for Clover’s murder, much to RWBN_P’s surprise only for Ironwood to indifferently say something to the extent of the group being even in some way---Qrow allegedly killed one of his own (meaning Clover) while Ironwood killed one of theirs (meaning Oscar) and that’s how it’s revealed. Or something to that level. Who knows? All in all, I want that scene to happen and I really, really, REALLY want it to see Ruby’s response to Oscar’s alleged murder since she’s someone whose always protected him since the start. It’ll be even worse if she learns that her actions resulted in Ironwood killing Oscar for that added double whammy. That could be great storytelling and character-building-wise! Buuuuut we’ll see for next season.
As for Oscar being saddened over losing the lamp and letting Ruby down---well technically we kind of got a scene like that already last volume anon-chan. It was during the moment in the finale episode after JNPR 2.0 had managed to evade capture and were hiding away in the training room. While taking a breather, Oscar apologized for losing the lamp leading to Jaune trying to reassure him only for Ren to ruin the moment by bringing up the fact that the villains now have possession of the Lamp of Knowledge while the Staff of Creation was still in Ironwood’s grasps.
In that scene, the camera made sure to focus on Oscar’s troubled expression as Ren went on his tangent. As a matter of fact, it was Ren going off that made Oscar run off to go confront Ironwood in the first place as his way of trying to fix everything on his own.
I’m not sure if we’ll get to see Oscar apologizing to Ruby personally for losing the lamp after she entrusted him. However I think it could be a potentially cute Rosegarden moment if the first thing Oscar does when reuniting with the others is apologize to Ruby specifically for losing the lamp only for Ruby to disregard his apology completely and straight up just embrace Oscar on the spot; more relieved to discover that he was alive to even care about the relic. That’s something I’d like to see done for V8 but who knows?
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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calliecat93 · 4 years
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Well... this is late. Several weeks late at that. Stupid life getting in the way. Anyways, yeah due to sickness, dog sickness, the holidays, and everything in between I am three chapters behind on reviews. I am going to do what I can to catch back up before Saturday, starting now. Also since I am behind, this and the next review won’t include a Predictions section since... well, that’s pretty pointless now. On the upside, the wait has given me plenty to think over regarding the past few episodes and get my thoughts sorted out.
So last week we had the team splitting up, Ironwood shooting a man in cold-blood, and Salem sending her Grimm... thing to capture Oscar. A tense, but very well done setup for the volume. So with the tension and stakes already this high, what’s going to happen next? Well... we already know, but let’s talk about it anyways.
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We begin in the Atlas prison, where Qrow, Robyn, Watts, and Jacques are being held. Robyn is understandably pissed off at everything that happened, Jacques tries to shift his blame (even using the famous “I’m a victim!” quote) but is otherwise confident about Whitley bailing him out, and Watts clearly just doesn’t give a damn about anything and is chilling. Qrow however is quiet, merely sitting in the hard light cell and staring at Clover’s badge. Some guards come in and enter Watts’ cell, smacking him with their guns and dragging him out. Qrow also finally talks, having a suggestion on what they can do: kill the man who put them behind bars to begin with. Yeah... 
In Mantle, Atlas is reporting on the going-ons before Joanna takes the mic to inform the people of the plan to head for The Crater. Team JYRO make it to Pietro’s pharmacy and discover what he left for them: three hoverbikes. Yang is especially overjoyed while Oscar I think has developed a fear of flying things. The four work to get a section of people to The Crater, also facing some Grimm in the process. There is one elderly woman however who is uncooperative, wanting to go up to Atlas and not to the slums with a bunch of Faunus. But Yang properly shuts her up by pointing out how Atlas bailed, clearly deciding that they weren’t with while the Faunus are willing to help regardless of if the people deserve it. Yang Xiao Long, Destroyer of Racism.
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Even though the citizens agree to go, it’s still rough. Ren uses his semblance to mask everyone with Jaune amping him up. The old woman is still complaining about the conditions. Oscar, driving behind everyone, is frustrated at how people just can’t cooperate. Boy is THAT the most relatable scene in the current times. Ozpin takes this moment to try talking to him, even apologizing for abandoning him. But Oscar isn’t mad about that, he’s mad that Oz came back, especially since after so long he finally felt like his own person. But Oz reminds him that the merger is still on track, to the dismay of both. Ren is also struggling to keep his Semblance powered up and when Jaune tries to give him a pep talk, he snaps that he just needs to focus, clearly upsetting Jaune.
Meanwhile,, RWBNP have been joined by May in their efforts to break into Atlas. Weiss had an idea on how to do so: via the SDC’s shipping department that sends Dust up to Atlas via tubes. This includes the military facility. As they look for the correct one, Ruby goes to Penny who is understandably upset by what’s happening. Ruby tries to console her regarding the argument with Yang, but Penny is actually hurt by Winter, Ironwood, and the others fighting against them as they were their friends. She also feels guilty as she is now even more than just the Protector of Mantle and is still clearly hurt by ironwood’s words last chapter. Ruby assures her that Ironwood was only trying to hurt her and that they are doing good. It helps some, but not to the extent that we’d normally see. The good news is that they found the tube... and Nora promptly shoots Weiss up it. Whoops.
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Back in Mantle, Fiona has taken over coordinating the evacuations with May gone. JYRO returns with their group, with Fiona and Joanna impressed. Fiona comments that she was concerned due to half their team being gone, which clearly upsets the four. SO much so that Ren walks off in a huff and Yang gets defensive about how they clearly were able to handle it. The Faunus welcome the refugees and the Happy Huntresses and others are doing their best to get everyone settled. We earn see Fiona’s uncle, who was the man who gave Oscar soup last chapter. A call comes in about a Grimm attack, so Team JYRO go to deal with it. It goes well at first, but more Grimm begin to come in... at least, that is, until they suddenly retreat. Much to the confusion of the others.
Before anyone can contemplate on it, the Grimm from last time that we now know is called The Hound attacks Oscar. It very quickly grabs him, beats him up to the point of breaking his Aura, and knocks him out. Yang tries to help, but to her shock The Hound uses Oscar as a human shield. It easily faces Jaune and Ren as well, with all of them confused as the Grimm are usually not this smart. Ren demands The Hound release Oscar... but to the group’s utter horror the Hound says “N”. yeah, you read that right. The Hound talked. It gets worse as it sprouts wings, the black ooze landing on Oscar as the Hound’s whole body contorts in a gruesome matter. It grabs Oscar and flies off. JYR are all understandably shocked, but give chase as the episode ends.
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Two chapters in, and already things have gone to Hell. At least Volume 6 gave them one triumphant moment in Chapter 1 before piling on the ‘Oh Crap’. This volume is holding back zero punches people... and I love it!
This is a natural follow-up to the premiere and was paced very well. It covers both the things we didn’t see last time, and shows us the progress of the events set in motion. We see what has happened to Robyn and Qrow. We see how the evacuations are being handled. We have both sets of heroes well underway of their objectives. And of course we have The Hound succeeding in capturing Oscar. It’s a lot of things, but nothing felt rushed or crammed in just for the sake of getting it over with. It all felt natural and exactly what we needed to see. Like I said, holding back zero punches.
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One thing I really enjoyed about this is seeing more of the Happy Huntresses. Probably one criticism I have about Volume 7 is how only Robyn, and to a lesser degree Fiona, got any real characterization of the group. We saw they were effective, but otherwise Robyn’s companions just kind of... existed. But now with her in jail, it allows the three to really shine. Joanna is a no-nonsense woman more or less now taking charge, but also friendly to her companions as we saw with her complimenting Fiona. May is sassy and confident as well as quite useful with her Invisibility Semblance, and it’s real cool to see her teaming up with RWBNP. We already know that Fiona is a cutie, but we see how she’s organizing the masses and more or less coordinating settling people in, which as we learn she’s from the slums makes sense. I’ve really enjoyed seeing more of these three, and it really helps make them feel like actual characters and not just there to fill out Robyn’s team.
Speaking of Robyn, we have the prison scene, and it’s as glorious as I was hoping. Her telling off Jacques for his part in all of this was perfection. Of course Jacques tries to shift blame, but still. Watts not giving a single damn about anything was also freakin’ great. But then there’s Qrow... oh golly Qrow. As expected, e\he’s not doing okay due to Clover dying but... him wanting t kill Ironwood makes me... worried. Oh don’t get me wrong, with the path he’s heading Ironwood dying is probably going to be necessary. IDK if I necessarily want it, but I can’t say he hasn’t brought it upon himself. I just don’t think that would do Qrow any good at all, especially because it would be out of revenge and not for the good of Mantle or Remnant. It’s him slipping into that Branwen bandit mentality, and that is NOT a path that will lead him anywhere good. I’m worried, but hopefully whatever happens will do good for Qrow and his mental state.
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Then we have Team JYRO and Team RWBNP. First, it was really nice to have some humor in this one. While everything is super tense, we really need some levity so it doesn’t become overly depressing, RWBY loves feels, but it’s never been one to go grimdark and serious every waking moment either. I mean gosh, Weiss getting sucked up the tube in and of itself is one of the funniest scenes they’ve had in a while, especially with Kara Eberle’s perfect high-pitched scream and Nora’s reaction. Moments like Blake teasing Weiss about her family owning everything, Yang’s reaction to he bikes, Oscar likely never wanting to fly again after riding with Yang al made me giggle and was a nice break from the tension, especially when the end brought it roaring back.
But at the same time, it’s clear that the tension is very much there. We see how defensive Yang gets with Fiona’s comment, and how bitter Nora is about her disagreement with Ren. Speaking of Ren, we see how he’s more snappy and closed off he’s becoming, the seeds planted last volume now coming into bloom. Despite how evacuations are going smoothly so far, the sense of looming doom and desperation is very much present. The Grimm horde is unrelenting and the people are scared, upset, and uncooperative. Yeah, despite the situation, we see an old woman unable to but her biases aside and just complains about the slums instead of being in the more cushiony Atlas, who as Yang points out, left them for dead. And the woman STILL complains during the trek to the slums. Needless to say especially after this year, Oscar’s annoyance is VERY understandable. 
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But speaking of Oscar, we see a lot of parallels with him and Penny here. Both are struggling with their sense of identity and self-worth. Both are now something greater than they ever imagined, but struggling with the sense of responsibility and what it means for them. Oscar finally began to feel like his own person again. He felt like he was crating his own identity and like he was finally being seen as well... him. And I agree, especially since I had complained before how it felt like Oscar didn’t have an identify up to last volume. Penny of course is struggling with her feelings and wanting to be seen as a real girl. How the people she trusted like Ironwood and Winter have turned on them and personally hurt her. How she’s now the Winter Maiden and not just the Protector of Mantle and worried that she’s hurting more people than helping, especially since she now has the responsibility of protecting everyone. 
Sadly. things aren’t going their way. Oscar is still on the track of merging with Ozpin, and has no idea who he’ll be at the end of it. Penny is a Maiden, burden with tremendous responsibility that will not only prevent her form doing what she wants. but continue to restrict her identity. It’s just... sad when you think about it. These are two kids who just want to have their lives, but they can’t and it’s all due to circumstances beyond their control. Oscar got zero say in bonding with Ozpin and had to abandon his life for the greater good. Penny had to take the Maiden powers to keep it away from Cinder. Seeing them both lament on this is just... heartbreaking. But at least Penny has Ruby to comfort her. Sure it doesn’t help too much, but Ruby is still there as support. Oscar has no one but Ozpin, and he can’t really do much to help the kid at this point. Oscar has to burden it alone, and that’s especially true when we get to the end.
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That brings us to The Hound. So... I freakin’ love this monster, even though it terrifies me. It is legit creepy. The way it contorts and shifts it’s body, that gross lack goo oozing all over like blood. It hasn’t topped The Apathy for ‘Scariest Grimm’, but it’s certainly up there. But what’s even scarier is that it is intelligent. Now we know that Grimm CAN be smart, Oobleck gave us a whole lesson on it in Volume 2. But we’ve never, EVE R seen a Grimm this intelligent before. Not only did it throw JYR off by using Oscar deliberately as a shield, but if you look closely you can see it in other shots clearly watching Oscar. It was on the hunt, watching and observing until the moment to strike came. And, of course, it was able to talk. While IDT Jason Liebrecht doing the voice is as significant as others say (likely they wanted to distinguish from William Orendorff’s voice and Jason was available, it has nothing to do with Qrow), the fact that a Grimm who isn’t Salem can talk, even if briefly, is horrifying.
There have been a lot of theories going around since the episode aired. Many believe that the Grimm used to be human, which I agree with. The most popular candidate for who is Summer... which I’m more mixed about. On the one hand, it just feels unnecessarily cruel especially to Ruby and I personally am not 10% sure if I’d like that happening. On the other hand it would be a horrifying tragic twist that would greatly affect Ruby (not to mention Yang and the remains of Team STRQ) and raise a LOT of questions about what happened in between Summer’s ‘death’ and now. Still I’m not fully convinced it’s her. nut I’m not fully against it depending on how it’s played out. But I do agree that it is most likely a former human, and considering Cinder is a human well on her way on becoming a Grimm... yeah...
Chapter Stats
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Favorite Character: Happy Huntresses Favorite Scene: The Hound vs. Team JYRO Least Favorite Scene: Umm... IDK, the Atlas reporter maybe? Favorite Voice Actor: Kdin Jenzen (May Marigold) Favorite Animation: The Hound’s contorting body Rating: 9.9/10
Final Thoughts
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It was a tough job following up the premiere, but this chapter succeeded in keeping everything on track. It as funny, it was insightful, it was scary, it was... everything! The stakes continue to feel high, yet nothing feels forced or rushed. We have good glimpses at certain characters mindsets, the plot is continuing to push forward, the dead is strong yet still has room of some fun stuff, and the end fight is both awesome and sets up a LOT of tension as we continue forward. Like i said, the volume is not holding back. I’m still terrified about everything upcoming, but if the volume continues with this kind of quality (which having seen 3 and 4 I know they are), then we are in for one Hell of a fantastic volume~
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resplendentroses324 · 5 years
Finally cooled off a reasonable amount to gather my thoughts.
The 2v1 on Robyn and Qrow vs Clover? Sure, and they were actually pretty close to resolving that and everyone calming down. Even the 1v1v1 of Qrow Tyrian and Clover? SURE I GUESS Clover just HAS to make arresting Qrow a priority as well as RECAPTURING THE KILLER. But the fucking 2v1 of Tyrian and Qrow vs Clover was SO STUPID. You needed THREE HUNTSMAN to originally capture him! You’re down Robyn, WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY HAVE BOTH QROW AND CLOVER ACTIVELY CHOOSE TO TAKE OUT THE ONLY OTHER PERSON WHO COULD FIGHT TYRIAN WITH HIM AND PROBABLY WIN.
(The rest of this post has been edited from what it once was to be a little more analytical of the characters in-show choices, but let the record show that I still HATE how the show did this and the writing was still bad for Qrow this episode. I’m reeling. Fucking TYRIAN. Seriously. )
Qrow I can KINDA understand because it’s a “do i fight both people who are trying to come at me at once or do I accept the offer to get at least one of them out of the way so I can handle the other” situation, and Clover definitely brought that on himself by refusing to stop going after Qrow.
If Qrow had given himself up to Clover he’d have been arrested and it would have left Clover to fight Tyrian by himself, but if Clover had given himself up to Qrow they could have taken Tyrian together and finished their shit later. THAT’S on Clover. Clover didn’t even give Qrow the option. Granted I’m sure Qrow could have said “you can arrest me after we deal with HIM” and then just...say sike afterwards.
Qrow’s biggest fault here is just not fucking paying attention. Qrow shouldn’t have trusted Tyrian even minimally to take out Clover without killing him. I mean did he really expect the serial killer to....not kill him?
Somewhat props to Qrow and Clover for trying to diffuse the situation innitially in favor of DEALING WITH THE KILLER FIRST and going to Atlas to sort things out with James. But uh, I haven’t liked Robyn since the beginning and honestly it’s her fucking fault for this by refusing to back off of Clover even though he and Qrow were ON TRACK AND WILLING to cooperate with each other to get to Atlas safely and deal with Tyrian. But she just wouldn’t give it up. I like characters, especially women, that fight for the people as much as the next guy but Robyn’s tactics (while it’s valid and necessary to resort to stealing and violence when up against oppression) has ALWAYS been to pick fights. Even when talking things out, she just has this attitude with people that she wants to pick a fight with them and it’s been super annoying. Since Clover initially wouldn’t tell her abt Amity she’s consistently been refusing to listen or hear other people out and try to cooperate even after Blake and Yang confided in her. But still when it all went to shit Clover should have given up on apprehending Qrow to, idk, FUCKING FIGHT THE KILLER.
But calming down. I’m not really gonna call this one a Bury Your Gays, and while I’m as tired of it as the rest of you as a gay person, and fucking pissed that this is what they chose to do with Clover and a new relationship with some of the most potential, we all have to remember that from a hard standpoint this volume was already written and done with before we got our hands on the ship, and if they really were intending on the friends thing at first, they couldn’t just rework the volume’s whole ending to appease some tidbits that people saw between two characters. But I’m still angry, they still could have done it different. But I’m numb to it and not gonna cry over spilled milk and accuse the show writers of all kinds of bullshit because it’s not worth it. What’s done is done. I hope they do better.
But Clover was also scraping the barrel on our part for the rep, WE’re the ones that hyped him up and he was set up as a trusted loyal ally of Ironwood from the beginning and we’re all acting surprised that he made his choices.
We were all HOPING Clover wouldn’t follow Ironwood, but it’s not like we were seriously lead to believe he would, and Clover’s choice to blindly follow got him killed in an unfortunate circumstance. He walked and talked like he was completely loyal to Ironwood and if he wasn’t going to (surprise) be completely loyal to Ironwood, they would have built that hesitance and questioning up more. Fuck, MARROW was more hesitant to fight than Clover was.
That being said, what I am most upset and kind of mad about was how cruel it was for them to rescind all of Qrow’s growth and budding happiness, even if it was just in finding a good friend, one that had good luck and he didn’t really have to worry about him getting hurt by his misfortune. Someone who actually forced Qrow to see the good things he’s done and should be rewarded for when pretty much everyone has been putting him down up until now. While real life struggles like addiction ARE an on and off fight, In fiction it can get repetetive and somethings NEED to be put behind characters and resolved. If Qrow goes back to drinking Season 8’s gonna look a lot like season 6 but worse for our birb and with stakes rising and bigger fish to fry I don’t think anyone will have the patience to help him this time
100% pleased with every other part of the episode, ESPECIALLY Winter and Penny, the complexity of those two’s interactions was very intriguing and hopefully if not them, SOMEONE will fucking kill Cinder next week because she hasn’t been interesting as a villain since Volume 4. 100% pleased with RWBY vs the Ace Ops. Wasn’t expecting Elm to go off so hard. I like that RWBY has confidence in themselves and have proven they really aren’t just students or children anymore and that they can and will hold their own and they’ll win too. They’ve improved so well as fighters and I think the establishment of them as the strongest is key for why they’re the heroes of the story. If they weren’t going to end up as the best why would focus on them and not a more powerful group to oppose Cinder. AND proving that their bonds are what gave them that victory. The Ace Ops were demolished the second there was even a fraction of dissonance in them because they refused to be friends and cooperate and trust each other beyond their jobs, so their teamwork crumbled because Marrow and even slightly Vine were hesitant while Harriet and Elm were off the walls. Other than that, im maybe .5% pleased with THAT whole...Thing, ONLY because they were actually on their way to calming down and backing off before Tyrian crashed the plane.
It was 99% phenomenal and 1% bad choices but the gravity of that choice made the episode like, 20% less enjoyable than it should have been over all.
Here’s hoping that good luck kicks in and Clover still has a chance.
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sweetlydraws · 5 years
Painted Lady AU Two Weeks. Old Friends, New Enemy.
Slight spoilers but I think the only way for Chloe to be redeemed at this point is to leave. Her father is a horrible influence and I don’t think the class will ever let Chloe change. They all hate her too much. I also tried to improve Lila’s lies. Her lies were too grand and too far fetched and she has no proof. So I tried to fix that, make her a better manipulator.
Warnings: Adult language. Character bashing (Adrien/Chat really bad. And if you squint Ayla.)
Marinette P.O.V
 Looking out the window. No one around. No one walking or driving. I yawn, maybe I should have let mom and dad close up the shop. I go back to my tablet. I have two outfits done, and only Nooroo’s and Tikki’s left to do. I start working on Tikki pajamas set.
 *Chime Chime*
 “Hello! Welcome to Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Please-” I stop. In front of me, I see Nino on the verge of tears, and Chloe looking very uncomfortable. We all stand there in silence. I go to open my mouth, but quickly shut it.
 “Hey.” Nino’s voice sounds so hoarse.
 “Hey.” Is all I can say. Chloe clears her throat.
 “Can we sit and talk. Please.” Chloe asked gesturing to a table. I take off my apron, and without them seeing move Pollen into the counter drawer. I make my way over to the table. I sit opposite of them, they next to each other.
 “How have you been?” Chloe asks. I don’t sense anything bad, she asking genuinely?
 “Better than the past year,” I answer truthfully. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nino flinch. I sigh. “I didn’t mean for that to sound so rude.”
 “No. It's fine. You should be pissed.” Nino whispers looking at his hands.
 “Why are you both here?” I ask. Chloe meets my eyes before looking at Nino.
 “We came to apologize,” Chloe said. I sigh and go to stand up. I feel Chloe's hand grab my wrist. Then pull away. “Sorry, please let us say what we have to say.” She whispers. I sit back down. She looks at Nino, then sighs.
 “I’ll go first. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a total bitch to you ever since we were kids. I’m sorry that I never called the bitch out on her lies. And I’m sorry I failed you as Queen Bee.” Chloe said, her hands are making tight fists.
 “How did you fail me as Queen Bee?” I ask. She shouldn’t know I’m.. I was Ladybug.
 “I was Queen Bee. Ladybug trusted me. Trusted me to be a better person. To CHANGE!” She cried. “ She wanted me to change, and I refused to. I thought I was fine. I-I-I don’t know. I didn’t hate you.” She revealed.
 “You didn’t?” I was taken aback.
 “No. I was jealous of you. You have amazing parents, a happy home, and you were so happy all the time. My mom was never around and when she was she didn’t care. Dad only cared when I was in trouble, or when I was upset. Then he gave me whatever I wanted. But he was never there. For god's sake I live in a hotel. A HOTEL! That’s not a home.” Chloe cried. “You know when I found the Bee miraculous, I wanted to keep it a secret. Be like Ladybug, be a hero! But then that stupid voice told me, maybe if I revealed this Mom would love me. She would be proud that I was a hero.” She hiccuped. “You saw how that ended.” She ran her hands through her hair.
 “None of this can excuse my actions. I could have changed. I should have changed. I didn’t. I’m so fucking sorry Marinette.” She looks me in the eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
 “Chloe,” I whispered. I don’t know what to say. I can’t forgive her. Not right now. But this-this is so genuine.
 “Stop. You don’t have to forgive me. You don’t even have to care. I just had to say this.” She interrupted. “Can I use your bathroom.” I nod, pointing to where it is. She quickly leaves.
 “Hey,” Nino said.
 “Hey again,” I said.
 “I’m sorry. I really am.” Nino isn’t looking at me. “We were best friends as kids, and I kicked you to the curb when she showed up.” He was fidgeting with his hood strings. The turtle hoody I made him for his birthday two years ago. “Can… Can I explain why?” He looks at me with pleading eyes.
 “When she first showed up, her stories were fun to listen to. They seemed far fetched.”
 “Wait?! So you didn’t believe her!” I gasped.
 “No, not at first. One day she saw me mixing a track. She came up to me telling me all about these producers she new and this and that. Then she showed me text messages between her and them. And I fell for it. You know that my parents support me, but are worried that I won’t make. She made me believe that when I graduate that I’ll have this path right to a producer and I’ll be set.” Nino explained. Nodding along, he continued.
 “Some things were hard to believe, like her knowing Prince Ali. Maybe that why she stopped mentioning him. I know anything I would have second doubts she would show me messages or emails or anything else to calm me. In hindsight, she most likely faked those messages.” He looking at me. He looks on the verge of tears.
 “Was she the one to tell you all to isolate me?” I asked. Nino looked down at his hands then back to me.
 “She never said straight out not to invite you to things or to not talk to you. She would hint at you not wanting to come, or generally make it seems like you were being a bitch to us behind our back.” Nino shook his head.
 “I knew your sense were kids! You were never like that. Even with Chloe. But I had so much faith in her. So much faith in my future that she had control over, that I bought it.” Nino was crying now. I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Chloe sits back down. She pats Nino on the back.
 “She has been kicked out of the school,” Chloe said.
 “For many reasons. For lying about having disabilities, for cheating on multiple tests, and for missing god knows how many school days. Bustier is in trouble. For letting her get away with all these things. She’s not fired but under heavy review.” Chloe said.
 “How is Ayla? Or Adrian, the rest of the class?” I ask.
 “Ayla and I broke up,” Nino said. I gasped. “She tried to defend her. We fought and broke up. As far as I know, Ayla doesn’t believe her anymore but her blog is in chaos.” The Ladyblog. I haven’t gone on it in forever.
 “Turns out, when you use a ‘Professional’ blog for unchecked stories your fans will be mad,” Chloe growled. I nod. Even if I didn’t check the blog I still know that Lila made a lot of appearance on it. She liked to brag.
 “As for Adrian... Did he know?” Chloe asked. I nod. Not wanting to say it. Chloe's eyes had a fire that was bright and angry.
 “Bastard. He knew and didn’t call her out!” Chloe starts laughing. “No, I’m not shocked! I’m not! He knew I was a bitch from hell and never called me out. Why would he with her!”
 “He tried to put the blame on me,” I whispered.
 “What.” They both said.
 “He said if I called her out and someone got akumatized because of it, it would be my fault. Cause her lies aren’t hurting anyone!” I laughed as I cried.
 “I’m going to kill him. I’m going to his mansion and rip his head off.” Chloe slammed her fist on the table.
 “The rest of the class is scattered. Some are mad, others are in denial. I know that the Kitty section broke up because of this.” Nino said. The Kitty section. I still remember Rose telling that Lila was going to make designs for them from then on. I also remember Luka walking into our class looking for Lila because their outfits weren’t done and they were going to miss an important try out if they didn’t get them. Lila happened to miss school that day.
 “I take it Luka wasn’t happy when he found out about Lila lying?” I ask.
 ‘You mean Jukela brother? Then yes. He came into class a few days after you.. you know. He started to yell up a storm. He kicked all four of them out. And said he never wanted to see them again.” Chloe laughed. Jeez, for as long as I knew Luka he only got that mad before he became Silencer. Then again, he did put alot into Kitty Section. “I’m surprised that he wasn’t akumatized.” Chloe said.
 “What happens now?” I ask.
 “I’m leaving. I won’t get better staying in Paris, not with my father enabling me, and not with a class that will hate me no matter what I do.” Chloe answered. “I’m going to a private school in England. For a new start. My grades aren’t the best, but they should improve. Until then I’m being home-schooled.”
 “I have to finish the rest of the school year. But next year I’m going to try to change classes. I need to get my grades up and focus on my music. I slaked off.” Nino replied. “What about you?”
 “I’m going to a Private trades school. Clover-Bloom Academy.” I said. “ Hopefully anyway. I need to finish 2 more designs and turn them in.”
 “Clover-Bloom! That is a super hard school to get in!” Chloe gasped.
 “If anyone could it would be you Marinette.” Nino smiled. I look at the clock.
 “I need to close up.” I thought out loud.
 “We should get out of your hair then,” Nino said. We all stood up. I look at them. Chloe looks more mature and Nino looks more at ease.
 “I accept your apologies. But I can’t say were friends again.” I spoke. “But! That doesn’t mean in the future we can’t be friends again or for the first time.” I smile wide at them. Nino smiles back. Chloe gives me a sheepish smile. I follow them to the exit. “If you guys hear that anyone else is going to try to come here, please tell them not to,” I ask nicely.
 “If I see Adrian even think of coming here, I’ll castrate him,” Chloe said with a toothy smile.
 “I’ll just tell everyone your parents are getting pissed that people keep bothering them,” Nino said looking concerned at Chloe. Standing outside I can see Chloe car just outside of view.
 “Goodbye, guys.” I wave. Nino waves and heads right. Chloe nod and waves, she heads to the car. Heading back inside I lock the door and turn the sign to close.
 When I finishing closing up before I can head upstairs. I see Pollen deep in thought by the stairs.
 “You okay Pollen?” I break them out of their trance.
 “Do you think if I pushed on Chloe to keep me a secret, things would be better?” Pollen asked in a hushed tone. They look at me with sad, pleading eyes.
 “I don’t know. What I do know is that we can’t go back and change things.” I take Pollen into my hand. Pollen just nods. “Come on I have leftovers to eat and two outfits to finish.”
 Else Where in Paris.
Unknown P.O.V
 Finishing the last of my work. In a few days my dorm room will be fixed and I can go back to school. I pet Ginger-Snap. She softly meows.
 “You know in a few days, you’ll be given to an animal shelter,” I tell her. She suddenly stands. She looks me in the eyes. “Ginger? You okay.” As I reach to her, my phone starts to ring. Getting up, I answer the phone.
 “Jesus! Everything is so boring without you!” My friend cries over the phone.
 “It’s only been about 3 weeks.” I laugh. We converse about random things. Looking at my wall, I notice a red light coming from behind me. Turning, I see instead of my cat. This small red and black bug monster thing. “I gonna call you back.” And hang up. Not breaking eye contact with it. I reach or anything to throw.
 “Hello. My name is Tikki. The kwami of creation, the kwami of Ladybug. I have chosen you to be the next Ladybug.” It- Tikki said. What Ladybug?!
 “What happened to Ladybug?!” I ask.
 “She has chosen to retire.”
 ‘Retire? Well with a partner like Chat Noir I would quit to.” I scoffed.
 “You don’t like Chat Noir?”
 “No, during a akuma attack his slacking off cause one of my friends to get hit by a car. He had to quit the sports team he was playing.” I got mad just thinking about it.
 “And the Lucky Charm didn’t heal them?” Tikki asks floating towards me.
 “Apparently not.” Sitting on my desk. I hold my hand out to Tikki. Tikki drops a pair of earring onto my hand. “Well this is a problem, I don’t have pierced ears.”
 “That’s not a problem, the Ladybug miraculous will pierce your ear for you,” Tikki explains.
 “And if I refused?” I asked. Tikki looks heartbroken. “Okay, fine. Will this hurt?” I ask as I put the earring near my ear. *STAB* “Fuck!” I grab my ear. Yes, that hurt. Wait. The pain is gone. I look at Tikki. She smiles. One down one to go. *STAB* Grabbing my ear again.
 “Okay, now what?” Is say standing up.
 “Will you call yourself Ladybug?”
 “No. I’ll be… The Crimson Beetle.”
 “Okay. Say Tikki spots on.”
 “Tikki. Spots on!” As the words leave my mouth, I feel a rush come over me. My body is moving but I’m not moving it. A warmth washes over me. When this feeling fades. I’m still standing in my room. Looking down at my hands. They are covered with a pair of gloves? They’re red with darker red dots. Walking in front of the mirror. I have a hoodie with the same red, dark red pattern. A dark red mask, and a black bodysuit. That stop at my mid thigh. My legs have the same pattern as the hoodie. My feet have black boots that are high in the front and low in the back. When I pull the hoodie up, my face is in shadow. Nothing can be seen.
 “Okay Tikki now what?” Nothing. “Tikki?” Looking around I don’t see her anywhere. I feel an urge to go out of my window. Luckily my aunt is sleeping on the second floor. I go to the window, grabbing the yo-yo on my hip. I swing. I land on a nearby roof. This is a rush. I start Laughing. Running along the roof. Jumping from roof to roof. I start swinging again. I’m not sure how, but I ended up at the Eiffel Tower.
 “Wow. It's beautiful up here.” The lights are beautiful. Paris is beau- a horrible pain hits me in my spine. I fall forward, I almost fall off the tower. After I stopped my fall, turning I’m met face to face with Chat Noir. Looking down I see his baton.
 “Did you fucking hit me!?” I yelled. Grabbing the baton.
 “Who are you! What have you done to MY LADY!” He yelled. His lady?! What a bastard.
 “Ladybug has retired! And as far as I know, Ladybug is not yours! Matter of fact, she went on record several times and said you’re not together!” I screamed back, throwing his baton at him.
 “She would never retire! Not without telling me first!” Funny, he completely skipped over the dating thing.
 “Funny, the Ladybug kwami told me that!” I see Noir grab his head.
 “Tikki?” Noir’s voice was different. His eyes glowing. I feel a deep anger glow in my chest. ‘Leave. They’re not worth it.’
 “Screw off Noir.” I throw my yo-yo and swing away. Looking behind me. Noir is just standing there. If this is what I’m going to have to deal with, I rather quit. ‘Please don’t let this discourage you.’ Tikki? ‘Yes.’ I land on a roof.
 “Tikki was Noir like that with Ladybug?”
 ‘He was persistent with his one-sided love towards her. Even when she rejected him, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.’
 ‘It was…’
 ‘I’ll tell you more later. You should head home.’
 “Fine. But if he attacks me again. He will regret it.”
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Fallout 3 companions react to LW performing a magic trick with a grenade for a raider holding them at gunpoint. It disappears from their hands and goes off seconds later in the raider's pants.
Star Paladin Cross -
She was irritated at first. Lone had prevented her from ending this miserable raider’s life just to show them some trick meant for a child’s amusement.
Her stoic expression was able to hide her distaste well as she watched the scene unfold before her.
Cross’ eyebrow cocked curiously when the grenade disappeared, where had they managed to hide it that quickly? The possibilities wandered about her mind, and she had to admit that she had grown confused as the moments passed by.
The second the explosion occurred, she took a step back, eyes wide in shock. Bits and pieces of body scattered about at her feet and the paladin gave a small gasp.
“Dear god.. It’s everywhere!”
Lone was proud that the trick went so well, but they were even happier to know that they had even managed to impress the most impassive woman in D.C.
Butch DeLoria -
“Lone! This is stupid, just lemme shank this bastard!
Butch had become annoyed with the situation rather quickly, but he was much more expressive about it. Toe tapping and small huffs could be heard from the sidelines as the show went on.
He didn’t want to waste time with shit like this, he had important Tunnel Snake business to attend to. It was a bit surprising to him when the wanderer pulled out a grenade and showed it to the audience of one. Where the hell did they get that?
Maybe this wouldn’t be as boring as he thought. The raider seemed a bit suspicious of it, and if they were to walk away from Lone, Butch would take care of them himself for hurting his friend.
When it disappeared, he gave more of a reaction than the man/woman it was meant for. What?! How did they manage to do that?! They had to tell him their secret. His expression similar to that of a small child at the circus, he wanted to know where it went.
“Hey! Where the hell did the–” He wasn’t able to finish the sentence. Interrupted by the sound of an explosion, the raider before him ballooned into a wave of blood and body parts. “Holy shit! Lone that was amazing! You have to show me how you did that!”
Clover -
Was this really happening? Yes, yes it really was. For some odd reason, the man/woman she had been traveling with suddenly had a change of heart. Instead of murdering the raider before them, like usual, they pulled out a grenade from their pocket with the intentions of performing a magic trick.
Clover had to admit that she was a sucker for this sort of thing, for tricks, but the lack of bloodshed was disappointing. She wondered what they were even planning to do with that item inside their hand.  
Standing next to Lone, she kept a close eye on both bodies’ movements. It was a miracle that the raider hadn’t tried to kill them yet, so she kept ready just in case. No one was going to interrupt her companion while they were gracious enough to provide such entertainment.
When the grenade vanished out of Lone’s hands, she couldn’t help but gasp softly. Where did it go? She could’ve sworn that she was watching them the entire time. Where would you even hide something like that?
The raider seemed confused too, and in turn, pissed them off. Pulling a gun on Lone, they began to exclaim that the trick was stupid, pointless, and a waste of time. The insults angered Clover, but before she was able to do something, they imploded into a bloody mess. Splattering across her dress, it earned a scowl from the woman, nevertheless, her negative emotions turned into excitement.
“That was amazing! And here I was worried you’d gone soft on me.”
Sergeant RL-3 -
They had the gall to stop him from engaging the hostilities. It was his duty as a Mister Gutsy to take care of those who would do harm to innocent people. The fact that Lone had stopped him for this was extremely ridiculous.
The fact that they had a grenade in the first place did not surprise him. He was used to being around weaponry like that all the time, it was also unlikely that he could feel surprise at all.
That was why when the bomb disappeared, he had no external or internal reaction to it. Was the wanderer stupid enough to drop it? Hopefully they didn’t pull the pin or they would have little to no time to avoid the damage.
The moment he was about to bring the issue up, stating that they needed to get the hell out, the man/woman the trick was performed for exploded. Moving a few feet back to avoid the wreck of human innards, RL-3 grew silent for a long while.
Due to this, Lone assumed that they had done a great job in giving the robot a good shock.
“Did I get ya this time?”
“Negative, soldier. Stop trying to impress me with a child’s game.”
Jericho -
It would be a surprise if this ex-raider actually let Lone go on with the trick. He didn’t want to waste time on foolish activities like this, there were much better things to do.
Lone had to beg him to not kill, and he reluctantly gave in, putting his gun back into the holster. The raider seemed relieved, but that would not last long the moment the man/woman pulled out a grenade.
To avoid any sort of escape, Jericho kept close to the audience. The last thing he needed was to deal with an upset companion if the trick failed or the raider got away.
He hadn’t been paying attention throughout the duration of the trick. Something off in the distance appeared more interesting, and while it annoyed Lone, they did not bring it up. Making the grenade vanish, they hoped that the finale of this show would earn some respect from the man.
Upon explosion, Jericho snapped out of his train of thought and looked to the now grisly corpse of the raider. Holy shit, what happened? He actually sort of regretted looking away, he had missed what had occurred and knew that Lone would more than likely leave him in the dark for being so rude.
It must’ve been something and Lone was happy that their plan had actually worked. It was hard enough to catch Jericho’s attention, even if they traveled together all the time.
“Yeah, yeah… You can think whatever you want, but I’m still not impressed, alright?”
Fawkes -
After all that time spent within the vault, he had not been exposed to “magic tricks.” Lone had attempted to explain it to him, however, he always had some sort of scientific explanation behind it. How can someone be cut in half inside a box? There must be some sort of false set up in one of the halves…
For this very reason, Lone tried to avoid doing such things around him. Nonetheless, when the prime occasion rose, they had to take it by the horns. This raider was absolutely clueless and they just had to take advantage of it.
Fawkes did not mind taking a break from the fighting, it was nice to rest every now and then. He was interested in what the wanderer had planned anyway and with the appearance of the grenade, it had to be something worth while.
Similar to Butch, he behaved like a small child the moment the trick took place. He was more well mannered about it, which is a bit ironic considering he is a super mutant.
“Where did it go? It’s impossible to just have vanished.”
He yelped in surprise at the sound of the grenade going off. Showered in blood, Fawkes gawked at his companion. Out of all their adventures in the Wasteland, this had been a first for him. They eventually explained the trick to him, how they managed to slip the bomb inside their clothing, so on and so forth to relieve any unnecessary frustration.
Dogmeat -
The pup growled towards the raider, heeled back at the command of his owner. If he had the opportunity, he would not hesitate to sink his teeth into the leg of someone who had tried to hurt Lone. The only scent he detected at the moment was a mixture of hostility, fear, and impatience.
He was confused as to what Lone was doing. They were taking a long time in killing this man/woman. It made him worry that something was wrong and a soft whimper escaped towards his owner.
Reassured by a friendly pat on the head, relief washed over the dog only to be replaced with anxiety at the sight of the grenade. What were they going to do?!
Watching the magic trick take place, he took a seat and stared up intently. He seemed more interested than the raider was. It caused him to tilt his head when the object was gone from Lone’s hand. The other was puzzled as well, but the bewilderment turned to horror as a soft beeping echoed from their pocket.
Before they had the chance to fully react, they were killed in a sudden explosion. Dogmeat jumped back and barked at the noise, his companion trying to calm him down. Eventually, when he did, he received another series of pats before continuing on down the road, no longer phased by lingering danger.
Charon -
The boss was up to their usual antics, he was used to this by now. They were always doing something odd, even for the Wasteland. The current position they were in was no different, Lone preparing some sort of presentation involving a grenade they borrowed off his person.
It would be much quicker to just take care of the damned raider ahead of them, but Charon had no choice but to play along with whatever Lone wanted to do. It was in his contract, and since they were the current holder of said agreement, they were in control of him. Luckily, they didn’t necessarily abuse the privilege, they just pulled ridiculous stunts like this every now and then.
Lone gave him a friendly nudge with their elbow. He guessed that they wanted him to pay attention as well, so he turned his attention to their hands and let out a silent sigh. He really hoped that this would be over soon.
“Come on, boss.. We haven’t got all day.”
His companion ignored him and continued to “dazzle” the raider that was on the verge of attacking them both. Taking the borrowed grenade, they held it up for everyone to see. A few fancy hand tricks later, it was gone, causing Charon to grow baffled.
Much like Paladin Cross, he hid it well behind his stoic demeanor and even when the raider exploded, he showed no emotion towards it. It happened every day in a world like this, minus all of the magic nonsense. People blew up all the time, and this would’ve been the sixth or seventh time he saw it himself. The one thing he was impressed about is the fact that Lone got such a hostile monster of a person to sit still for so long.
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
My gf and I have been playing the zero escape/999 games together and we’re on the third one. I like, narrated the entire first game myself (INCLUDING THE SUPER LONG SECTIONS DESCRIBING DEAD BODIES IN GRAPHIC, WORSHIPFUL DETAIL, I THINK THE AUTHOR HAS A THING. I DON’T KNOW WHAT BUT THERE IS DEFINITELY A THING). (the second and third games don’t have that though so maybe people complained or maybe that was supposed to be a specific personality trait for the first games narrator.) 
I just voiced the investigation parts of the second and third games, since the cutscene/novel sections are voiced in those. It’s really my greatest contribution to the gameplay experiences since my girlfriend ends up solving most to the puzzles (she can math and I can’t).
I’ve liked the first game best so far- I really didn’t like it much at the beginning, but then the twist ending was really well done and ACTUALLY THE TWIST I WAS HOPING FOR. How many times during the game did I say “I hope our girlfriend is zero, the mastermind” and “I hope our girlfriend is the one who murdered this guy” just because I wanted there to be more to Akane’s character than “our generically sweet love interest”. THEN she turns out to be a Machiavellian well-intentioned extremist mastermind and the real narrator of the game (Akane why do you like dead bodies so much) and i was like “YES”. 
The second game was all right. I like Phi a lot, but god Sigma was an annoying protagonist. Me and gf kept saying we wanted Junpei back.
Junpei was a fairly generic protag, but only annoyed me a few times (I did come to like him a lil bit when it was revealed Akane was the mastermind and he...did not mind at all. Like there was no “my sweet innocent helpless Akane was a lie oh no” he’s just like “ok whatever i still love her even if she stuck me in a deadly game and arranged the deaths of a bunch of assholes”. Like not only is that is an incredibly unhealthy way of thinking, which is interesting, it’s also just kind of nice he apparently likes Akane for who she actually is, Machiavellian scheming and all)
Meanwhile Sigma was just super creepy to all the girls and filled with machismo and ugh. The twist at the end also was nowhere near as effective for me, like how the fuck did Sigma never notice he was 67 years old  instead of 22  and that he had a really obvious cyborg eye thing YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO FEEL THAT. how did he never run into any reflective surfaces and see himself. he has to be the least aware person on the planet. This is further proven by the fact he talks to Akane for FIVE MINUTES at the end of the game before looking down and realizing he has skeletal metal arms now. I LAUGHED FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES AT THAT.
As for the rest of the second game, i totally called that Tenmyouji was future Junpei btw, which i was very proud of. i like that Akane continued being a Machiavellian asshole but still seems to have mostly good intentions- like she seems to care about Junpei in a way, but also just. does not give a fuck about his feelings or anyone else's if its to serve her plan for revenge/the greater good. it's rare to see female characters get to be really morally grey and puppet-master-y like that. 
 I also liked that future Junpei drew the line at Akane putting his ten year old adopted child in a murder game and also deliberately infecting him with a deadly disease that made him want to kill himself. He didn’t want anything to do with her after that . 
It actually makes me like Junpei a lot more to know he's sort of obsessively protective and dedicated to anyone he really forms an attachment to, not just Akane, so her endangering someone he considered family, especially a kid, actually pisses him off. 
Other than that aspect though, the characters in the second game didn’t really feel as strongas they were in the first game overall. I overall liked Lotus, Snake and Clover’s development in the first game, but in this game it’s like...Luna, Clover and Alice were okay? But just kinda eh. And everyone else was urgh.
Now we’re on the third game and i have no idea wtf is going on. Junpei is like emo/goth now and being mean to everyone, even Akane, and being like “LET’S JUST KILL PEOPLE YO”. Akane said something happened to him in the last year and he changed, so i guess at least it will be explained. JUNPEI’S IN A GOTH PHASE. Also the third guy in Akane and Junpei’s team looks just like Steve Rogers so I’ve named him Captain America (his real name is Carlos). Which just leads to me being very annoying when a lot of the dialogue ends up fitting that
Junpei to Carlos: So you’re like a hero of justice, aren’t you
Akane: (describes how Junpei used to be really nice and always like “I will rush 2 ur aid no matter what Akane”)
Carlos: He sounds like a hero from a comic book
Carlos: I don’t really date or hang out with people much...
I also tend to “enhance” Akane’s dialogue by having her mention constantly how she’s an asshole mastermind and I feel the game is better this way.
Akane: st-stop Carlos! I can’t possibly tell Junpei how I feel!
Akane: let’s solve this puzzle zero set
I don’t know how my gf puts up with me.
Anyway Junpei ended up getting like. decapitated in the fragment of the game we just played. also i guess we found his body parts all over the room before hand but Carlos kept insisting it was a model. WOULDN’T YOU BE ABLE TO TELL IT WAS REAL??? ESPECIALLY AKANE WHO HAS SEEN SEVERAL AND DESCRIBED THEM IN GRAPHIC DETAIL?
but nope. So upon this revelation Akane assumed Carlos killed Junpei. She was not at all impressed with his tragic “i have an ill little sister and America’s healthcare is fucked” backstory and WENT AFTER HIM WITH A CHAINSAW. I wanted to see if I could get an ending where she actually got him with the chainsaw but ended up making him improbably kill himself with an axe instead. WHOOPS.
And that’s where we are with this series. I’m glad I finally documented some of this because wow have these games been an overly convoluted wild ride. But kind of a cool one! We’ll see how things end.
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