#he’s probably not a pyromaniac anymore
morurui · 5 months
If there’s not a moment in chaos theory where they need a distraction and then they all proceed to turn around and look at Ben I don’t want it
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vendetta-if · 9 months
what would the cast have as their social media username?
Ooh, interesting! 🤔 I suck at coming up with social media handles/username 😂 I'll try to do for the ROs, but if you guys have any other ideas, do share in the comment section or in the reblogs 😆
@ pyro_maniac
They made theirs when they were still a teenager and I think it's fitting that they have some edgy sounding username relating to their power. Like, one day, they just saw the word pyromaniac and looked up what it meant and was like, "Yeah, sounds good enough for me, plus it sounds cool." They then stick with it because they just never bother to change or make a new account for.
@ rinaikawa
Boring but also professional and straight to the point.
@ sanvaldez_97
The classic first and last name plus year of birth, probably because the username they went for has already been taken, so they just add an underscore and their birth year.
@ sky_moore
For superheroes, there are usually two types: Those who are more open publicly (not-so-secret personal life, people know their real identity behind the mask and what they look like, and stuff) and those who are more private and try their best to completely separate their personal life from their career (if successful enough, people won't even know your real face and real name and identity).
Skylar is more of the first category; they are already the son of the Mayor anyway, so they just use their real name for their social media handle. And Skylar still actually manages their own social media and sometimes posts some random stuff from their daily life or respond to some lucky fans' comments.
The upside to that is that their fans feel really connected to them and feel like they're more down-to-earth; the downside is that it fosters parasocial relationships even faster and worse than Yvette ever did 😬
If you're wondering, Yvette is kind of the first category, but not really to the point like Skylar. People know what she looks like and her real name, but she rarely shares really personal and private info about her life on social media or TV or to her fans. I think she'll have PR people manage her official social media accounts while she keeps a secret, private accounts she uses daily to just scroll through stuff.
Oh and almost forgot, but Newton is more of the second type. Only his colleagues and some fellow superheroes kind of saw his face and probably knew his first name. But now that he's pretty much close to fully retire, he doesn't really need to be so secretive anymore since he will leave the spotlight and his superhero persona behind him soon for good and just focus on his personal life.
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getyourjollies · 6 months
Dallas HCs cause i love him!!!!
• illiterate
• new york accent gets heavier when he’s tired
• robs little kids
• burnt a few toes in NY in a fire he made and he can’t feel them anymore (the gang tried to get him to feel pain in them and he literally cannot)
• sells weed to socs for way higher prices cause he knows they are too rich to care
• is farsighted and does the old man holding the object far away and squinting at it
• big fan of the sonics (the band, not the hedgehog 😭)
• everyone in the gang is a pyro, but dallas is the worst.. except for johnny who is an extreme pyromaniac and lights everything on fire
• if he was alive during modern times he would definitely hate fortnite- steve and soda would try to play with him and he would scream at them to go away
• no self confidence but acts like he’s the best thing since jesus
• i’m sorry but he would not!!! say “where my hug at” i just don’t see it
• he is a horrible hugger and doesn’t like full body contact- only side hugs
• only person he would hug is darry and maybe johnny
• super sensitive skin- he would get red at just people touching him and would burn sooo easily
• probably has scandinavian parents- would explain his paleness (hair, skin, eyes)
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viperixsworld · 7 months
Tales of a Baratheon in a lion's den
Sack of King's Landing
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This story takes place before, during and after Robert's Rebellion, following the life of Margellyn Baratheon, lady in waiting of late Princess Elia of Dorne; sister of the future king Robert Baratheon.
Kingslayer's friend.
The night is dark and full of terrors.
The Red Keep was being besieged by the Rebel Army. They were at the Gates, waiting for their pray to either die holding their doors or starve to death. The people from the city gathered on the entry of the red walls, trying and failing to get in, as the royal guards protected the king, throwing boiling oil and shooting them arrows from above.
The Mad King had commanded quarentine.
All the servants remaining will do their chores with their mouth shut, or else they would have it sew up. The few lords and ladies that stayed regretted not having fled when they had the chance. Not that they were not loyal to House Targaryen anymore, but loyalty turns really unuseful once you have a knife to your neck, especially in the losing party.
As to the Royal Family itself, there were different situations going on. The king had locked himself in the throne room, accompanied only by his newest hand, a pyromancer called Rossart, and with the doors of said rooms guarded by the entire Kingsguard. Meanwhile, princess Elia roamed around her room, with the little princesses sleeping peacefully on the bed, unbothered by the chaos that devastated Westeros, unawered that their father was probably dead.
The night sky covered the battered city, leaving the fortress in a gloomy aura. Margellyn Baratheon, lady in waiting for Princess Elia, was praying in her dorm, as she usually did since the rebellion began. The king held her hostage as well as her princess and the children, as a bargain for House Martell.
Margie had been sended to the capital three years ago, only twelve at the time, by her brothers Robert and Stannis, like a present for the Royal Family.
Sure as the Seven Hells, they were regretting every decision now.
But Robert had just arrive from the Vale, the brand-new Lord of Storms End, knew how to deal with all women except his own sister, who was barely ten years older than his bastard daughter. He loved her, of course, but sure she was infuriating. Stannis also did love her, but he had enough in his plate, although at first he was reluctant to send a twelve-year-old girl who had never left the walls of Storms End to the big and dangerous city, he gave in to his brother's ideas, since it was already too difficult to raise a newborn Renly and clean up Robert's political disasters as lord, to do all that and control a naughty and talkative young girl.
She was perfect for the job, they thought, had a good hand with kids and the presence of the correct Princess Elia would surely be a very good influence on that rascall they call sister. But they had not thought about the Starks deaths, they had not thought Robert would lead a rebellion and that Stannis would been reclused in Storms End almost starving to death with Renly. The oldest one couldn't even imagine that he would be marching to the capital now, with the blood of Rhaegar Targaryen in his hands, with his sister being hostage within the same Keep as a pyromaniac king.
Robert would rather have his tongue torn out than admit this, but he hadn't seen Margie in two years. He was afraid of arriving at a fortress consumed by fire and not being able to recognize his sister's body.
Of losing another girl he loved to a Targaryen.
When the news of Lyanna's kidnapping came to the capital, Margie was horrified, couldn't even think of Rhaegar doing something like that. It left her Princess weak in the heart and she was angry at the Crown Prince for it, he deserved a punch in his pretty face. And when the Battle of the Trident was known, Margie was not angry anymore, she was scared.
She thought of all the ways the king could torture her or kill her as revenge for his son. She became paranoid, only seeing her Princess and the kids, not speaking to anyone else. She burned all the letters she had from her brothers, only wore orange dressed as the Dorne standard, refusing any kind of black and yellow.
But she was still alive.
Third day of siege, and she was still alive. In her prayers, she plead for her brothers to save her or the famine to kill her, whathever that came first.
But please, please, do not burn me alive.
She prayed for the children as well, little beings that didn't ask to be born in this mess and that awful family. And she prayed for her good princess, who she loved like no other, brokenhearted by that stupid prince.
"What are you doing?". ask the little princess wathing her dark-haired friend.
"Just praying" Margie responded " For a short Winter and a Spring full of wheat".
"Can you pray the Gods for a new dress?"
Margie laughed at her occurrence.
"I can try"
She prayed for her brothers, the three of them, Robert, Stannis and Renly. It's been a long time since she saw them. She wondered if Renly remembered her, if Stannis still had hair in his head or if Robert could have grown more, if that was possible.
She prayed for a sunny day among those clouded wars, for the blood to stop raining upon her and her loved ones and a sky full of peace.
But it was night.
And the night is dark and full of terrors.
The obscured city bagan to light, but it wasn't the sun. It was fire. Fire and blood.
Margellyn approached the window of her room, the capital of Westeros plunged into chaos and pain, among the banners of the rebel army, one stands out from the rest, one that does not belong to the lands of the North, or the Riverlands, or the Vale, or her own.
A golden lion on a red floor.
The Lannister have betrayed the King.
"We're doomed".
The Baratheon girl breathed out all the air in her body. It was the end, the King was going to set everyone on fire, she had heard him say it, she had heard what was inside the Keep, in under the city. It was the end.
She grabbed the first robe she saw, a pale pink over her white nightgown, shoeless. She left the room, on her way to the princess's royal chambers in the other wing of the Red Keep.
But on the way she found a crowd of servants fleeing in terror, pushing each other to escape the terror that was unleashed at the foot of the fortress. She saw royal guards drag the fleeing man back through the corridors. Among the chaos, there was a loud crash.
Everyone remained silent, looking at the gate in terror. That he was being beaten by the Rebel army. A moment of stillness, before the door fell.
"They're inside!" Targaryen guard raised the alarm.
The Lannister army entered the interior of the imposing keep to slaughter. They did not stop to ask questions or to save the servants from the edge of their swords. They killed everything that moved. Not that Margie wanted to stay and find out.
She ran as fast as her cold feet allowed her to the stairs of the royal wing. He had to alert his princess and get her out of here. She pushed every body that crossed her path with all the strength she possessed, if Robert saw her he would applaud her and laugh saying "Fury moves mountains, doesn't it, kiddo?"
Suddenly, she felt a tug on her arm. Terror invaded her mind, she was not a naive girl, she knew what happened to girls and women during sacks. The women of the court are cruel, and they tell stories of even crueler men to the girls newly arrived from all around the Seven Kingdoms. What those men did to women during the looting was the worst fate for a lady. The harlots suffered it daily, but at least they received reward for it. She knew what that meant, they took away their humanity, forcing them and leaving them dying at the end if they were lucky. The best thing to do, they said, was to close your eyes and pray that they won't leave you a bastard. "Don't scream" the most cynical would say "Don't give them the pleasure."
But Margie wasn't about to give anyone any kind of pleasure.
When the man pushed her against one of the walls and pressed against her, she wanted to vomit, but first her eyes caught a glimpse of an unlit candelabrum with a sharp ornament. She felt the man rip her silk robe with a knife that scarred her shoulder, then she reached for the candelabrum, stabbing him in the eye with it.
Shouts and curses were said to her by the man, as she returned to her way to the princess room.
Maybe they were safe. She thought.
Elia had told her before, that Maegor Targaryen built secret passages throughout the fortress, Rhaegar had told Elia that after the Dance of Dragons, many were sealed and over the years people considered this one of the many myths of the Red Keep. Rumors arose again after Queen Rhaella's escape.
Maybe they had used them and were already safe on their way to Dorne. She hoped.
When she reached the hallway of the princess's chambers, her heart began to relax. However, even in the darkness, an uneasiness settled on the back of Margie's neck, as she didn't see a single soul in the corridor.
The closer she got to the door, the farther away it seemed. The hum of the crowd riddled at the entrance was replaced by subtle, weak whimpers of pain... and the cry of a baby.
The door is open, leaving a small line of light that showed the interior of the room.
She saw it all.
The little girl being dragged from her hiding place and stabbed by one of the men, living her little lifeless body on the floor. The next thing left Margie with her heart pounding and vomit rising up her throat. The other man was larger, bulkier, similar to Robert, he took the babys from Elia as she cried being held by the first man. Blood and remains were everywhere, no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't look away from that grotesque scene and she couldn't stop hearing the cries of her poor princess.
Just when Margellyn herself was about to scream in agony, alerting the murderers of her presence, a hand covered her mouth, stoping the shout.
A third accomplice got her and took her aside, right behind a column, pushing her against a wall. Her screams and cries were muffled up by the globed hand of this new person in the scene.
Maybe the Seven thought loud girls had to go screaming.
"Shut it, girl!" the stranger urged her with an familiar voice "Margellyn, please, stop it! You're gettin us killed!"
She knew that voice.
It was Jaime Fucking Lannister.
Her teary eyes focused on his sweaty face. He was dressed with his armour and that bloody white cloack. His golden locks look dirty and darkish, his esmerald eyes lacked of his usual spark. He wasn't grinning like an idiot as he would normally be when she was around.
He looked miserable.
But she wouldn't want to know how she looked.
The warm and stinky weather of King's Landing was no help with the stench of corpses and smoke from fires. Hiding behind a column in the middle of a dark hallway, which in other circumstances would have been completely unseemly, was now a moment of absolute pain and sorrow for the two, as they listened to the last breaths of the princess of Dorne.
His right hand still covering the girl's mouth, his left one held her hand, hoping it would soothed her.
He wanted to leave that spot as soon as possible, get back to his father and give that hardheaded Robert Baratheon his sister back. That was the wise decision.
But Jaime wasn't known for his wise decisions.
So he waited for the girl in front of him to stop crying. Normally, he would have complained about the girls' sentimentality and forced her to go with him to the throne room where her father and the rest of the army were gathered for their victory. Yet he just watched her calm down slowly, still covering her sobs in case the Mountain catch them and tried to harm her.
At this proximity, Jaime could see how her bloodshot eyes did not stop crying. And he also felt like crying, after everything he had done for the kingdom, he had broken his oath and the promise he made to the Dragon Prince.
"Don't get angry, Jaime" Rhaegar Targaryen said "But this is a job for prepared knights"
"But i am prepared, way more than these old men. What if they brake their hip?"
"OI! Be careful boy,I can smack you!"
The rest laughed but Jaime didn't.
The Prince put a hand on his shoulder.
"You have an important role here, promise me you will take care of my wife and my kids and a will promise you, when I get back, things will be different"
"I promise".
He had broken his oath, to the Prince and to the Kingsguard. When the Mountain and his men were out the chambers and out of sight, Jaime realised that it the sun was rising and took Margie's out of their spot.
Jaime began to head to the throne room, they had a lot to do, Storm's End was under siege from what he had heard Jon Arryn and his father say. When he noticed that no one was following him, he turned around.
The Baratheon girl stood still next to the column that had been her hiding place for The Seven Knows How Long, the braid that held her long black hair was disheveled, her skin was pale, almost yellowish, and her tearful eyes did not take off from the door.
Margellyn wanted the earth to swallow her and spit her out into the stormlands again. She wanted her mother, to be a little girl again with a newborn brother to play with and two older ones to bother. She wanted to meet Elia and her children again and play with them in the gardens. And above all, she wanted to stop looking at the pool of blood that could be seen running across the floor.
Jaime took a step foward and closed the door once and for all, separating them from the inert and crushed bodies of Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon.
"Margellyn, come on, we have to go"
"They're dead" she murmured.
"I know"
"They done no wrong"
"I know"
"Why are they dead?"
"I don't know"
He did know.
Only one Targaryen alive was a danger to Westeros, they didn't need to have future crazy Targaryen that could want to take the Iron Throne in the name of their bloody House. It didn't matter they were kids.
If It didn't matter, why did his chest sting?
The ruins of the city rise as best they can after the settlement. Those loyal to the mad king try to flee but are intercepted. The rebels take power and Tywin Lannister prepares for his next step. While Eddard Stark marches to liberate Storm's End, Robert rampages through Maegor Holdfast in search of a young woman he has not seen in years.
As they head to the Council room, Jaime notices the bruises and marks visible behind her (now noticeable in daylight) thin nightgown. The boy fears the worst, it was a long night, and when he found her she already looked like this. He didn't want to think about how it would have ended if he had arrived just a second later. He also knew who was behind those doors. Men, most of them bordering on old age, who would not accept the girls' appearances kindly, regardless of what happened just a few hours ago.
It was too late to turn back to her room for her to change, so he did the only thing that croos his mind, and took off his white ( now spotted red ) cloack and put it over her shoulders.
"There you have" said the boy "You looked cold"
Margie didn't say a word, she just tried to hide within herself, to erase herself from this narrative. There wasn't many times she stayed quiet, but in those moments she couldn't even think of use her voice.
Jaime opened the door. The room fell quiet.
Pairs of wrinkled eyes watch her enter the room a few steps behind Tywin's son, covered in a blood stained cape. At the end of the table, sat with his leg crossed and a cup of wine in his hand, was Tywin Lannister, as victorious as ever.
"Ah" he sighed with delight, as if everything was falling into place "There's the girl, alive and kicking".
The rest of the Commanders of the Rebellion seemed relieved, all that was left was to recover the Stark girl and Robert would not vent his rage on anyone else, they would share the wonderful loot and return to their lands under the rule of a new puppet of Tywin Lannister.
Joan Arryn stood up from his seat, analyzing the girl's posture, fearing that she was going to faint at any moment. Aside from the obvious feminine features, the girl was an exact copy of her older brother, who looked just like their deceased father. A plump face, with stormy blue eyes that looked reddish after tears, the same voluminous, dark hair. It was like seeing his foster child in the body of a scared little girl.
"Call the maester for this girl, and someone bring Robert once and for all" he stated.
Margie felt dizzy and dehydrated, her head pouding crazy. The adrenaline had left her body, leaving her with the lingering pain of the blows and cuts she had suffered during the siege.
While she waited for a maid to come get her clean in her chambers, she sat in a chair in the corner of the room, while man played war. Like a little girl, still covered in that bloody cloack. Jaime was there too, listening to his father plans to hunt down the other wildfire pyromaniacs lefts, every now and then, he would turn his eyes to the girl in the corner, checking if she needed anything.
This did not go unnoticed by Lord Tywin, who was more than satisfied with it.
"Where the hell is Robert?" asked some lord.
"Probably smashing some heads out there yet" said another one.
The thought of it made Margellyn want to vomit.
The siege was days of terror and panic for everyone. The entire fortress shook with every scream of the mad king. Nobody imagined that Lannister himself would betray the king and change the situation in favor of Robert's side. Margie couldn't help but think about how she said goodbye to Elia and the children once they fell asleep, how she said goodbye to her without knowing that it was the last time she would see her alive.
A maid came to take her to the maester and bring her clean clothes. After the maester cleaned the cut and treated the bruises on her body, the maid helped her bathe and dress in a new nightgown and robe, since Maester Yandel had recommended using soft fabrics that would not irritate the wounds. While the maid gently scratched the dirt and blood from her skin, Margie drifted away in her mind, thinking of good Elia, sitting on her bench in the gardens, breastfeeding little Aegon and his fascinating platinum hair. While little Rhaenys played with Balerion the Cat near the fountains.
Maybe if she sank deep enough in the tub, she could resurface in one of the fountains and wake up from this horrible nightmare.
Robert entered her room with strong steps and bittersweet face. It was night again, but she wasn't praying when he came in, not like last night.
She was scared of the dark sky now.
Scared of look at the window and go back to Elia's door again.
Margellyn was happy to see Robert, just didn't have the strength to prove it. But it's okay, because he could put enough strength for the two of them.
He picked her up as he hugged her, squeezed her a little too hard, until her sister let out a whimper.
"My little sister" he claimed, once he let her on the ground "You look like horseshit".
"You smell like it, Bobby"
A spark jumped in his chest when she said that nickname. When Margie was younger and Robert came to visit from the Vale, Margie had trouble pronouncing her r's, so she invented Bobby, her big brother.
"I had a chat with the maester, said you were good but that the night had been tough on ya', that ya needed rest" he said as they sat on the edge of the bed.
Her eyes filled with tears again, thinking of the siege.
Robert felt uncomfortable, he had missed his sister, but she was still a 15-year-old girl who knew what had happened that night.
He was her guardian now, her safety and future fell in his hands, just like Stannis and Renly, who were on their way to King's Landing at that time.
Just like those of the entire kingdom, it seems.
"Listen, kiddo" he said suddenly in a much deeper tone "Things are about to change for me, for us, I was the leader of the rebellion and..."
"They're going to judge you?!" she asked terrified.
"No! Seven hells..." he cursed, leaving her confused "... is much worse indeed..."
Margie feared the worst for a second, then she wondered who the hell could want Robert executed, since everyone loyal to the mad king was either dead or on the way to being so.
"Now that the Mad King and all his spawns are dead..." he began. And Margie wanted to cry again "The Regent Council is looking for a new king, the closest to the Targaryens"
"Tywin Lannister is the king?"
For some reason, that was more scary than a Targaryen.
"No..." he sighed "Our father's mother, Rhaelle Baratheon, was Rhaelle Targaryen by birth, daughter of Aegon Targaryen the Fifth of His Name" he explained "which, by royal blood, make's me, our father's firstborn, the new King of the Seven Kingdoms".
Margellyn was totally speechless. Of all the possible candidates for ruler, they have chosen their idiot brother. She loved him, of course, but he would be an absolute disaster as king, he was born to be Lord Baratheon of Storms End, not King Baratheon of the Seven Kingdoms.
"That is..." she said
"NUTS! How could you even be King?" she wanted to say.
"... is unexpected"
"I knew I should have waited a bit to tell ya kiddo, but it had to be done, when the storm clears, the loyalist to Aerys would be gone and I will be king"
He didn't seem too keen on being the next monarch either.
Robert then prepared to leave, but not before saying.
"Stannis and Renly will arrive in the capital in a week, when they arrive we will talk about Storm's End. Tomorrow morning you will be with me in the throne room, when they announce my coronation and my engagement".
He left before she ask.
"What engagement?"
The door was shut.
Margellyn Baratheon was left alone in her room again. This time there was no danger. There was a storm outside, washing the sins of the streets away.
There was a storm outside.
Further away, a baby is born.
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thelaisydazy · 6 months
Ok I need to ask you. For the firefighter au! If the boys stubbled up on reader who likes fire. Like probably pyromaniac reader I don't know a thought
not exactly a "pyromaniac" but certainly a reader who is intent on burning things. also angst!
Hot air pushed past you and bright firelight lit up the little firepit you’d thrown together using an old trash can and some cinder blocks. You grin at the towering column of fire in front of you, though you can’t help the tightness in your chest. At your feet is a backpack filled with some old junk, things left behind by your ex. They’d left after you caught them cheating on you and now you were determined to be rid of any memory of them. Photos, hoodies, even that little stuffy you’d grown so fond of. You’d briefly thought of keeping it, but all it did was bring back memories you didn’t want to hold on to. 
Slowly you start tossing the photos in, taking a moment to look at each one for the last time before letting them burn. 
“Whit in th’ steamin’ Jesus is goin’ on ‘ere?” a voice calls out making you spin around. You see a broad man with a mohawk striding over to you. You notice he’s carrying a fire extinguisher in one hand and he’s wearing a t-shirt with the emblem of the local fire department on it, the name MacTavish emboldened on the breast. 
“It’s uh.. It’s nothing,” you say, suddenly feeling like it’s a bad idea to be burning all the shit your ex left behind behind your apartment building. 
“Disnae look lek nothin’,” he says. His blue eyes find the backpack at your feet. “Whit ye got thir?”
“I’m..” Your chest feels tight again and there’s a lump in your throat. “My ex left this all. I.. I don’t want it anymore so..”
“So yer burn’in it,” he supplies, and you nod. He sighs and walks a little closer, inspecting the fire. “This isn’t safe.” He motions to one of the blocks. “This one is gunna fall apart soon. Ye need tae build on summat sturdier.”
“Oh uh.. Thanks..” you say, looking down at the pile that you hadn’t thrown into the fire yet. 
The man watches you for a moment. “Am sure if ye hurry, ye can still get th’ rest o’ yer stuff on ‘fore Aye put it out.”
You blink back at him. “Really?” you ask. He nods and you start throwing things in, not wanting to miss your chance. You pause again when you come to your stuffy, frowning as you hold it in your hands before you toss it in the pile. The sight of it burning makes the pang in your heart so much worse though as tears finally sting your eyes. 
A strong arm wraps around your shoulder. “Whoe’er broke yer heart isn’t worth th’ tears, Bonnie,” he says. All you can manage is a quiet nod as you choke back another sob and bury your face in his chest.
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tagged by: @simplegenius042 @josephseedismyfather @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat and @thesingularityseries (thank you all!!)
tagging: @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @strangefable @stacispratt @eclecticwildflowers @ladyofedens-blog @poetikat @florbelles @v0idbuggy @theelderhazelnut @marivenah @josephslittledeputy @peppertheferalraccoon @neverthesameneveranother @statichvm @strafethesesinners @adelaidedrubman @kyber-infinitygems @clicheantagonist @voidika @roofgeese @nightbloodbix @confidentandgood @henbased @derelictheretic @trench-rot @chazz-anova @wrathfulrook @aceghosts @g0dspeeed @jillvalentinesday @madparadoxum (no pressure) and anyone else with something to share :)
Welp work continues on the current chapter of American Beasts, and it has become very Hurk and Sharky centric (thus making me take much longer to write it since I still struggle to get their voices right) anyhoo here's a bit of that, including some Adelaide Drubman. So warnings for discussions of a sexual nature towards the end because well Addie...:
Sitting out on the dock, the still lake lapped quietly against the wood beams below them, the warm afternoon sun beating down upon them, and despite the chill wind that blew it was comfortable to just sit outside and relax, especially considering it had snowed so recently and there was still remnants of it on the ground. 
Hurk leaned back in his deck chair, swigging back on his beer as his mother opened up a new stream of discussion.  
“Did y’all see the latest cult video? Had our friend the Deputy in it and everything. Though I guess we can’t call her that anymore.” Adelaide swigged back on a bottle of tequila as she leaned into Xander sharing a reclining deck chair with him. “Jesus, the way she tore that poor Peggie fuck apart. If it wasn’t a goddamn snuff film I’d be hornier for her.” She shook with a shiver and took another drink. “Who knew someone could be more of a monster than Jacob Seed?”
Sharky looked between the members of the group, eyes growing wide like a lost puppy. He was quiet, uncharacteristically so. 
Adelaide continued, “Can’t say I'm surprised she joined up with them. I had her pegged as a fan of that mountain man from the get go. Always knew under all that straight laced bullshit she was a freak underneath.”
“Wait, what?” Sharky sat forward in his seat, his hands quickly falling from the front pocket of his favorite hoodie. 
All eyes suddenly fell upon the pyromaniac, and Adelaide continued, “Oh yeah, I mean that little get up she had? The rubber apron with just her panties on. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good look for her but I’m surprised Joseph was okay with that sort of appearance.”
Sharky’s expression didn’t change, looking no more aware of what Adelaide was talking about. 
“Wait, you’re not talking about that, are you Sharky? Do you not know?” Adelaide’s head whipped around to face Hurk. “Has he not seen the video? I figured everyone had at this point, considerin’ it played across the county.”
“What’re you talkin’ about?” Sharky became more insistent. 
“Sharky, the Deputy,” Adelaide spoke quieter like she was reasoning with a young child. “Cross – she’s gone cult.”
“Nah, fuck off.” Sharky chuckled as if it was still just a joke. “Why would she want to join them? It’s like Hurky always says: no drugs, no alcohol, no fuckin’? No way she’d be into that.”
“Well based off how things have gone for her up in the mountains it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s been takin’ part in a little afternoon delight with Jacob.”
“What? Dude looks like an overcooked lasagna.”
“It’s the stature. The man has those big, broad shoulders and all that height.” Adelaide purred as she listed the pros of the eldest Seed in her head. “Plus. a woman like Cross? She’s probably into the rough stuff which I'm sure that caveman more than delivers on. He had her kept in a cage all that time at Saint Francis, can’t tell me they weren’t makin’ good use of it. Probably kinksters the both of ‘em.”
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
It's me again, this time with (again) something stolen that thanked me and it goes like this. how would overwatch react to an S/O who wanted (and wants) a nuclear weapon.
and before you ask I'm not a pyromaniac (or not at dangerous levels)
LMAO, I love that last bit. Very relatable. But yes! I can do this!
Not going to lie, he would be shocked to find this out.
If it makes you happy though, he don't mind.
Seeing as he uses "traditional armaments" he wouldn't use it personally.
He is loyal to Peacemaker and that's that.
However, he is curious about it, when you do get the weapon he's there, watching you learn to use it.
Now to get it, he would he there with you when you buy it (if that's how you want to get it), or tell someone at overwatch and help them build it. (Most likely Winston)
If you choose to buy it, he'll help you save up for it. (No clue where you'd buy it but this is overwatch, I would not be too shocked if they can buy that kind of stuff)
After watching you learn to use it, he'll have a new respect for said weapon and he'll be very respectful if your use in it.
At the end of the day though, he still loves you, it doesn't matter what weapon you have <3
You cannot convince me this man would try his hardest to talk you out of it, seeing as he's very much old school, he would definitely try and get you to change your mind at first.
He only does this because he's concerned about your safety, which he does tell you.
However, if you keep on the path and still want it and get it, he won't objectify.
If you ever get hurt by that thing though, he'll take you to Mercy ASAP, get you treated and scold you for not being more careful with it.
After that he'll probably have you go back to your training with the weapon before he relaxes completely about the weapon again.
Again, he is just worried about your safety, he doesn't want to see you hurt because he loves you too much to see you hurt.
Just try not to give him a heart attack with fake injuries.
Other than that, he doesn't really mind, once you're trained and know how to use it, he won't be all worried about it anymore.
He really wouldn't mind.
He would be supportive and try helping you to get that weapon.
He definitely would be the type to compare it to his sword in so many different ways.
He'd probably start calling you "Buh-Boom" because he thinks it's cute.
He definitely would love to learn how to use that weapon but also try not to let it overrun his peace he tries to keep.
Not that it would, seeing you happy brings him the most peace.
Hell, he'd probably even buy the weapon for you after asking what specifications you wanted on it.
He would even give you a mini keychain to put on the weapon of an explosion that says "Buh-Boom."
In the end, it's all worth it to see you smile. <3
She would be shocked and laugh at first, thinking it was a joke but once she finds out it's what you really want, she'd have Winston make it for you the surprise you with it.
She'd make sure that it didn't end up hurting you in some way, even if it did she would patch and heal you up ASAP.
She does love watching you run around with it. It's quite humorous to her.
She loves it when you yell whatever catch phrase you have after every big boom. It makes her smile, seeing that you're having fun while also working.
She would probably also give you some cute nickname like, "Boomie" or "Kaboom" because why not?
She would probably go to practice with you so she knows how much support boost she should use with you, just in case she ends up helping you blow up an entire building and she'd rather not do that.
She would still go to training so if you forget something she can remind you.
In the end, she still loves you and your chaotic tendencies, she thinks your weapon is very fitting for your personality (in a good way). <3
She would probably be confused as well, seeing as she grew up with Genji and Hanzo, but she would support it.
She would probably be the first to know about it so she would tease you here and there about it but you get her back so there's that.
She absolutely would love to add her own little designs to it, only if you let her!
If you let her, she'd paint a kitsune on it, then add some cute designs to it like flowers, waves, and some other stuff.
She would love to try to use it though.
She would let you tell her what she has to do then she'd try and use it during a training session or something, just for fun.
Hey, maybe she'd get one because she loves it.
She loves watching you use it, she thinks you're so cute running around with it. She can't help but giggle.
That's all! It's shorter than the other I'm sorry! However, I hope you like it! I think I made Mercy seem to mean but I tried 😭. Hope you like it though!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
you think genshin characters get their vision and then create an outfit to match it? or their vision just so happens to match their color palette?
but like,, what if their chosen signature outfit is blue themed and they're a pyro??? how will everyone know that they're a pyro vision wielder and not a hydro or a cryo????? god forbid its a teal blue and they're mistaken as an anemo and their friends are dead!!!!
- curse anon
on god fr, i have not given this anymore thought than surface level. random bullshit go
i think that the outfits we see aren’t their day to day colors. albedo’s is the closest one off the top of my head to what he typically wears, but most everyone else has… it’s like their more formal outfit?
like baizhu. man doesn’t have the time nor energy nor patience to go through all those charms, but for more formal occasions, such as news of the creator visiting the pharmacy…
ayato and ayaka may be an exception just cause they are both heavily involved in politics, but like. kujou sara? we all know how impractical the genshin outfits are, it’s insane sometimes
if i had to make a sort of ranked, non exhaustive list, then it would look kinda like this:
outfits closest to day to day wear: venti, albedo, xiao but that’s a bit of a stretch, the raiden shogun but idk if that technically counts
outfits are a ‘formal’ attire, but it’s still somewhat feasible that this could be somewhat daily wear: ningguang, kazoo, heizou, diluc, tighnari, a good proportion of the male cast
outfits are clothing reserved for special occasions/events: baizhu, yun jin, beidou, kokomi, noelle, nilou, a good proportion of the female cast (cause GOD knows how mhy feels about practical outfits for their fem characters)
the way i see it, they would want to make a good impression, typically by dressing up in their best! obviously there’s some bias what with hoyoverse and their failure of a believable design team, but we make do with what we have. i ranked them based off my entirely subjective opinion, so obviously this isn’t set in stone or any sort of authority, but hopefully that wasn’t a waste of your time to read.
to address visions… perhaps that ties into the prior chart. bringing back up albedo, our lab-safe king, nothing about him really says ‘geo.’ you could recolor his vision to anything and it would likely fit him fine. his design isn’t centered around visions, its about character and practicality. he’s an alchemist, he wears a uniform, it’s all plain white so he knows when there’s a spill, he wears gloves and tall boots with low heels, i went on a rant about his design before and i’m .2 centimeters away from doing it again.
the archons get free passes on their colors for obvious reasons, and klee is a borderline pyromaniac so she gets one too. jean, lisa, amber, and kaeya (to an extent) all fall in the last category from before, which would translate as.. like a way to signal “hey, this is what i’m good at”? i’m losing the words for it, but a “this is my vision, this is what i offer” sort of deal?
of course, this is biased data since from a game design standpoint, hoyoverse would obviously want it clear that gorou is geo, yelan is hydro, hu tao is pyro, etc etc so it makes sense i can’t explain everything (barbara isn’t all that obviously hydro, yet keqing is clearly electro, and yet their characters would clash on that… but whatever i’m not an artist). however, from a purely sagau standpoint, the best solution i can come up with is sometimes it’s because their formal attire draws attention to their vision (notably lisa, ningguang), and sometimes they just have a sense of style that differs (heizou, beidou probably), or sometimes it’s just for practicality’s sake (razor, albedo), and i have a feeling this is directly proportional to how close their outfits are to day to day wear
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thebrisingamen · 11 months
ESCAFLOWNE VOICE MEME; Read More for anyone who hasn't watched the series. Tons of spoilers ahead, you've been warned.
Introduce yourself! When did you first watch Escaflowne? What brought you into the fold?  Hi, I'm Norse, an internet Elder. My Uncle knew I liked anime from my watching Inuyasha, and he would buy me and my cousins birthday/Christmas presents. He, however, never asked what anime I liked lol. He picked up the Fox VHS tapes and I watched them so much my father started quoting parts of them and the tapes had lines in them. Nothing else truly compared to this story before or since in anime, especially in other Isekai stories; no other story genuinely gives me a feeling that this IS another world; there's no overpowered protagonist, just a teenage girl and the worst powers to have during wartime.
Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight?  Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series?  I like a lot of characters in the series, however, my psychotic boy Dilandau is probably my favorite. On the surface, he is just an insane, pyromaniac child soldier but there is SO MUCH to unpack with his character. Not only is he unstable and insane, when we get the reveal that Dilandau was/is a manipulation of Celena, it's very interesting. How many children were just like him in the Empire? He can't possibly have been the only "success" in the Empire. Aside from Celena, does he have any false memories implanted in him? Was his personality chosen for him or was in the influence of all the manipulation on his body and fate? With the Dragonslayers added in, are all of them also the same age as their commander? Does Zaibach regularly have child soldiers? He's just such a fascinating character to me, in these regards. I wish the transformation between Celena/Dilandau wasn't so thorough, though. Like that there were still some remnants of the Dilandau personality in her. Second favorite character is Folken, solely because of Paul Dobson voicing him, but his personality is also pretty interesting to me. As far as other characters, nah, I tend to like these psychos often, they just seem like they're fun.
Which side are you on? What do you think happens Post-Hitomi when she leaves? Who do you think will be the next opposing power?  I think the show does a good job of showing us that there are no good or bad sides; even Zaibach only started conquering because their new leader gave them the knowledge and power to defend themselves at first and they lived in a barren wasteland. I am on Fanelia's side, however and I hope that they are able to restore their Capital City in full and that everyone is able to reach a tenable peace I think a lot of peace talks and treaties and marriages of political convenience end up happening between several of the allied countries and that there will be a pause in the conflict; Zaibach will more than likely pull back and maybe crumble from the loss of leadership and the split in power. Though they were wiped out militarily; I can't imagine General Adelphos spending funds on the Sorcerers anymore. I forsee similar issues that plagued Europe in our history happening to the world of Gaea, but I think that the next opposing power will likely be Basram or Zaibach, potentially Asturia if their influence reaches over to Zaibach.
Least favorite plot point? Was there something you think should have changed? What do you think would have made it better.  I hate the love triangle here, as per usual. It makes sense and removing it would be bad because it is critical for our characters' growth, but I still hate the Allen/Hitomi interactions near the later half of the series solely because its there ONLY to delay Van/Hitomi. Which is the point, of course. I also really don't like the REVEAL that 'GASP' Emperor Dornkirk was...SIR ISSAC NEWTON?? All along??/ Like bitch how'd you fuckin' SURVIVE that long.
OTP? What kind of art and fiction would you like to see? What are some head canons you have for them? What is you NoTP OTP; Van/Hitomi; I think their romance is well developed and I like them. They definitely have more of an equal footing with one another and support one another, with believable roadblocks. SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW THEM KISSING WE NEVER GET IT IN THE SERIES. As for fan pairings, I actually liked Folken/Dilandau before some reveals, but honestly Folken getting TWO partners is pretty funny for me, even if it's in the afterlife. NOTP: Allen/Millerna or Allen/Hitomi; gross, he's SO MUCH older than both of them. Dilandau/Van is also a big No from me.
What would you like to see in a figurativ remake/sequel? Would you include more minor characters? Would you want a whole new story that could be a stand alone?  Honestly, I'd love a stand alone or if it's a sequel series, mostly focusing on the internal politics of Gaea. Possible focus on Merle, Chid and maybe Dryden and Millerna. Or maybe just references too them, I have questions about the world but I'd like to leave the main story alone.
Movie, Series, Game, or Manga preference? What are things you did/didnt like of each?  Series; The manga is awful and the movie is wildly different from the series. I'm most familiar with the series.
Do your favorite impression! Bonus points if you can do a conversation with a scene cut in! LORD VAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
What do you think about the idea of a re-dub? What are your feelings about the current cast selection for Van (and others if more are introduced)?   Well since we had the Funimation re-release at the time of doing this, I think a new dub really forgot the deeper charms of the original dub; there's no depth of feeling to most of the voices and the acting feels phoned in, not to mention that several of the characters that are supposed to have a commanding presence and deeper voices don't, and it sounds the same as all current Funimation voice work...Awful and Samey. I find that Aaron Dismuke was actually a good choice for Van, same with Alexis Tipton for Merle, as while Aaron gave a slightly different flavor for Van it was still a good portrayal, and Merle seems to be an easy character for VAs to portray. However, once again Funi ruins things by casting Vic Mignonana (idc how to spell his last name) as Folken, like are you SERIOUS? He can't compare to either Paul Dobson OR Jōji Nakata in terms of rich toned voice, or a commanding sort of voice at all. And my boy, Dilandau, is ruined. My poor little meow meow isn't psychotic enough, isn't funny enough and isn't threatening enough. Joel MacDonald sounds exactly like 30-year-old man reading for a teenager and doesn't understand Dilandau's character at all, even on basic level. Bring back Andrew Francis. Basically the Ocean Dub is superior, if you're gonna watch in dubs imo. I prefer the sub just because Maaya Sakamoto as Hitomi is just BETTER than either English VA imo and both English VAs made me actively hate her for a lonnnng time. But if I watch in Dub its gonna be Ocean Dub.
Recite your top five characters by name.  Dilandau, Folken, Van, Hitomi and Dryden
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katsune-nya · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers characters in Genshin Impact.
Takemichi doesnt have a vision. At first. He's a rare case, he earned his vision at a medianely late stage in life, he was 26 (hehe) and after sacrificing himself for his friends he got either anemo or hydro. He's a healer.
Mikey has a vision, but he doesnt use it. He isn't good with it so he's afraid, the first and only time he used it he accidentaly hurt Emma. He uses his fists to fight, but has a claymore.
Shinichiro doesn't have a vision, but he's just so likeable people don't even want to fight him.
Takashi is electro, geo, anemo or dendro. He's a healer and has a catalyst or a polearm. He got his vision because of his sisters ♡. He always heals his friends the first chance he gets.
Chifuyu is dendro. He has a sword and is actually really fucking good with it, but constantly needs healing cause he just throws himself into battle and doesn't care if he gets hurt.
Keisuke is an obvious pyromaniac. He has a sword and one of his attacks is many kitten-head shaped fireballs.
Takeomi got his vision later in life, i see him with electro but he doesnt think its right, he also just, doesnt use it? He believes he didnt deserve it. He uses a claymore sometimes but also ends up getting bored and uses his fists.
I don't know why but i think it would be hilarious if Tetta was a healer. He is a student at the Academy in Sumeru. His weapon is a catalyst. Everyone thinks he's electro, cryo or geo... He's anemo. He hated it at first but after some time working through his issues he realized it actually fits him.
Ran is cryo and Rindo electro. They do elemental reactions all the fucking time. Ran has a polearm and Rindo a catalyst. Rindo is the problem child and Ran has to constantly heal his ass.
Sanzu is an electro healer. He heals Mikey and everyone Mikey asks him to all the time. He actually healed Emma that one time. He has a polearm.
I actually can't see Draken having a vision, i feel like if he gets one he gets it when he's older. Geo. Claypole for sure. Another one who likes to throw fists.
Wakasa is a healer funnily enough. He only helps his close friends and is a little bitch about it. He waits until they can barely take a hit anymore and THEN he heals them. That fucking... He's cryo. Probably has a sword but doesn't use it, he just throws punches.
Senju has a claymore and is either anemo or electro. She's so careless poor Wakasa has to heal her every fucking day. She beats everyone's asses honestly. Keisuke picked a fight with her once and got his ass handed to him with a pretty pink bow.
Shion is anemo and he HATES it. He has a sword and beats the shit out of people too, though he also comes back beat up himself.
Izana has a catalyst. He's electro, anemo, dendro or cryo. One of his attacks makes a spiral with his element that constricts on his oponent.
Shuji is geo or pyro. He has a claymore or a catalyst. He never gets fucking hit and is always covering Tetta's ass cause he doesn't use his vision, then annoying him to heal him.
Benkei is geo and has a claymore. One of his attacks is a bear made of rock/dirt that punches people into the floor ♡.
I might add more if anyone is interested.
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soulmateprinciple · 2 months
"the record" by boygenius.
@acourtcfmuses sent: "you don't get to tell me to calm down." (To Blaise from Dylan )
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"Calm. Down," she repeated, her eyes levelled with his. There was an unfazed look on Blaise's features, knowing that she was most likely bothering him further. Her fingers had been in the midst of tinkering with new metals, having started her own little side gig in jewelry construction. How witches decided to enchant them was their own business. Blaise's eyes slipped to the necklace that was in his hands, recognizing it instantly.
"Yes, it is my craftmanship. No, I did not enchant it. It was purchased by someone else. I only constructed the material. They most likely enchanted it." Whatever the situation was, it wasn't really her business. She didn't care. People could do whatever they wanted with it. "Despite popular belief, I don't really practice love spells anymore." Not unless she had to, but thus far, they have really only done more harm than good. It was fun as a kid, but now, she didn't want to deal with the trouble afterwards. "It's just a little love spell. It'll pass soon enough. Your friend will go back to normal." Or he would become a pyromaniac like Randy, but she didn't deem that her problem. "Aren't you a warlock? Unenchant it then." Easier said than done. He probably didn't even know what lovespell was used. But warlocks were so popular amongst witches. They might as well show what they were good for.
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my-weird-news · 1 year
Raging Washington Wildfires: 2 Lives Lost, Hundreds of Buildings Devastated 😢
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Wildfires: Nature's Uninvited BBQ Party Gone Wrong Well, well, well, if it isn't the latest episode of "Mother Nature's Hot Mess Express"! 🌲🔥 And let's just say, this time she really outdid herself. Wildfires have decided to set up camp in eastern Washington, leaving destruction and chaos in their blazing wake. Two people have already met their unfortunate demise, probably thinking, "Well, at least I won't need sunscreen anymore." One unlucky soul was discovered lifeless in the midst of the Gray fire, which sounds more like a failed color experiment in a paint factory than a wildfire. 🎨 Another unfortunate person was found crisped to a golden brown in the Oregon fire. I guess even the wildfires thought "Portlandia" was a bit overrated. So, let's get this straight: the Gray fire thought it was a good idea to spark up near Medical Lake in Spokane County. Not exactly the ideal spot for a lakeside vacation, I'd say. By the time Monday rolled around, this fire had transformed 15.6 square miles of land into its personal barbecue pit. Meanwhile, over 5,000 residents were forced to pack their bags and experience an unexpected "camping trip" in the city's evacuation centers. What a way to test your survival skills! Hold on to your marshmallows, because those brave Canadian firefighters are battling these infernos too. It's like a cross-border firefighting exchange program! Thousands of people are huddled in evacuation centers, probably exchanging stories about how their pets are the real MVPs in a crisis. And here's the kicker – at least 185 buildings have been roasted, toasted, and generally reduced to ashes by the Gray fire's pyromaniac tendencies. But fear not, folks, the number is expected to skyrocket as officials play the world's most depressing game of "Where's Waldo: Charred Edition." Isabelle Hoygaard, the official spokesperson for the Gray fire circus, confirmed that the small town of Medical Lake and its not-so-distant neighbor, Silver Lake, have received special attention from the flames. It's like a twisted real estate makeover show hosted by a fire-breathing dragon. Now, let's not forget the Oregon fire, which decided it was a great idea to join the blazing party. This fire started its own little forest rave northeast of Elk, Washington. It's like the forest version of a college frat party gone wrong, complete with too much heat and not enough water to go around. The flames devoured 15.8 square miles of land, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake. But wait, there's more! Over 80 buildings have been turned into s'mores by the Oregon fire, and about 150 more are eagerly awaiting their turn to experience the crispy crunch. It's like the universe's worst bake sale – instead of cookies, you get burnt shingles and a side of regret. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee took a little field trip to the charred remains and decided to declare a statewide emergency. And, of course, he took to social media to announce his findings, probably with a selfie in front of a smoking tree stump. He's even had a chat with President Biden and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about getting some federal aid. Both of them agree that these wildfires are the Earth's way of reminding us that it's really mad about climate change. In the meantime, investigators are on the hunt to find out what exactly sparked these fiery fiestas. Dry, windy conditions were obviously the uninvited guests, turning a barbecue into an all-you-can-burn bonanza. 🔥 So, let's hope Mother Nature gets the memo and starts sending invites to cooler events. Until then, remember: when nature throws a party, it's always BYOB (Bring Your Own Buckets). Stay safe out there, folks! 🚒🔥🌲# Wildfires: Nature's Uninvited BBQ Party Gone Wrong Well, well, well, if it isn't the latest episode of "Mother Nature's Hot Mess Express"! 🌲🔥 And let's just say, this time she really outdid herself. Wildfires have decided to set up camp in eastern Washington, leaving destruction and chaos in their blazing wake. Two people have already met their unfortunate demise, probably thinking, "Well, at least I won't need sunscreen anymore." One unlucky soul was discovered lifeless in the midst of the Gray fire, which sounds more like a failed color experiment in a paint factory than a wildfire. 🎨 Another unfortunate person was found crisped to a golden brown in the Oregon fire. I guess even the wildfires thought "Portlandia" was a bit overrated. So, let's get this straight: the Gray fire thought it was a good idea to spark up near Medical Lake in Spokane County. Not exactly the ideal spot for a lakeside vacation, I'd say. By the time Monday rolled around, this fire had transformed 15.6 square miles of land into its personal barbecue pit. Meanwhile, over 5,000 residents were forced to pack their bags and experience an unexpected "camping trip" in the city's evacuation centers. What a way to test your survival skills! Hold on to your marshmallows, because those brave Canadian firefighters are battling these infernos too. It's like a cross-border firefighting exchange program! Thousands of people are huddled in evacuation centers, probably exchanging stories about how their pets are the real MVPs in a crisis. And here's the kicker – at least 185 buildings have been roasted, toasted, and generally reduced to ashes by the Gray fire's pyromaniac tendencies. But fear not, folks, the number is expected to skyrocket as officials play the world's most depressing game of "Where's Waldo: Charred Edition." Isabelle Hoygaard, the official spokesperson for the Gray fire circus, confirmed that the small town of Medical Lake and its not-so-distant neighbor, Silver Lake, have received special attention from the flames. It's like a twisted real estate makeover show hosted by a fire-breathing dragon. Now, let's not forget the Oregon fire, which decided it was a great idea to join the blazing party. This fire started its own little forest rave northeast of Elk, Washington. It's like the forest version of a college frat party gone wrong, complete with too much heat and not enough water to go around. The flames devoured 15.8 square miles of land, leaving a trail of disappointment in its wake. But wait, there's more! Over 80 buildings have been turned into s'mores by the Oregon fire, and about 150 more are eagerly awaiting their turn to experience the crispy crunch. It's like the universe's worst bake sale – instead of cookies, you get burnt shingles and a side of regret. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee took a little field trip to the charred remains and decided to declare a statewide emergency. And, of course, he took to social media to announce his findings, probably with a selfie in front of a smoking tree stump. He's even had a chat with President Biden and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about getting some federal aid. Both of them agree that these wildfires are the Earth's way of reminding us that it's really mad about climate change. In the meantime, investigators are on the hunt to find out what exactly sparked these fiery fiestas. Dry, windy conditions were obviously the uninvited guests, turning a barbecue into an all-you-can-burn bonanza. 🔥 So, let's hope Mother Nature gets the memo and starts sending invites to cooler events. Until then, remember: when nature throws a party, it's always BYOB (Bring Your Own Buckets). Stay safe out there, folks! 🚒🔥🌲 Read the full article
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blissfulalchemist · 1 year
6, 14, 33, 47, 50 for sugar mommy x old man 🤍
Hi Kate I didn’t forget about this one! But here’s the last of these two!
6. Do they have any pet names/nicknames for eachother?
She calls this man Daddy. She doesn't need anything else that's it. And he doesn’t really have any for her. Old school a little in that way.
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Sib would describe Lahabrea as spicy, but if a pyromaniac, really great in bed, sure he was once a villain and a terrible father but he got better about being a father a bit. He’s a bit hot headed, loves the sound of his own voice, and just an overall complex mystery of a man that just keeps her guessing.
Lahabrea would describe her as stubborn, impulsive, beautiful, bit of a hopeless romantic, god killer, probably needs to learn when not to speak (she does just chooses to do so anyway), and frankly amazing at what she does because it was checks notes 13,000 years since last they fucked and never forgot it.
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
On a technicality Lahabrea was. Did he mean it at the time? No, he was simply trying to keep a front so the Scions wouldn’t expect anything was wrong and saying that he loved her while in the body of someone else she was trying to fuck worked wonders. But it was Sib as it takes a man with little to no emotions to come to terms with what he's feeling.
47. Who made the first move?
Sib. She can be very straight forward and once she got past a certain point of “Well I cannot deny the feelings anymore I might just actually be in love” she just went for it and pushed that old man against a wall to get things started and thank god that man responded as quickly to it as he did because it sealed the deal between them.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
For Lahabrea his past coming once again to bite him in the ass (it does and probably will continue to do so). They already had to try and work around the fact that his very judgmental co-worker was still on his plan and well.....well let's just say that old man was not happy seeing the man he assumed dead which in turn meant he had to delay his (well earned) nap. They both kind of half worry about how they are perceived from the outside. He was a villain that has committed many acts of genocide, tried to kill her at one point, she's tried to kill him, oh and the most important one! The age difference is something else man. She's a Grave Robber (he's at minumum 15,000 years old) and he's a Cradle Robber (Sib is a respectable 30 years old), but its all fine really. No one else just seems to get it. The only other thing is that there are quite a few people that believe he's only dating her for her money.
However! The biggest current problem that scares them is his eldest daughter, Stasia. She’s……less than thrilled about the new stepmom 🙃 from Sib being one of her enemies, the fact that she’s younger than her, Lahabrea was a very absent father, Sib will use it to win fights, he sees absolutely nothing wrong with what’s happening, and overall Stasia has a tendency to just make her own problems as it is. Overall Stasia has a lot of choice words for them both and wishes she killed them both at some point.
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bloustorm · 2 years
Proto I'm kissing you, I love that apparently that au is stuck in your brain xD
Now let me check the google doc to know what you know and if i remember something not in there that you don't know :')
... Oh boy is the doc empty
Cale learns enough magic to summon and control flames on a small scale but nothing much, in terms of power he is basically just a fancy lighter. Though he knows how to use that fire very efficiently if he needs to. One of the older workers actually helped him with that after deciding that the color of fire would go nicely with his complexion. He hadn't had much of an interest in it to begin with until she showed him some neat little tricks. Though while he can use some magic now he tends not too as it is usually too much for him with the shows and stuff.
I've just decided that in the case that he adopts Raon (and why wouldn't he?? It would be too sad if he didn't) he turns him and the other two into little pyromaniacs. With On and Hong they mostly had to test out which poisons were save but gave a nice special effect, and weren't flammable as well. Which of course opened a whole new world of possibilities for the little cats who hadn't even really considered that fact. (Spreading poisonous fog and then setting it aflame for massive ground covering damage).
With On and Hong seeing Cale as a big brother rather than a father it's kind of complicated at first when Raon enters the mix, because he views Cale as a kind of father figure (not that he would say that or that Cale is aware enough to notice) and On (Hong not that much) is torn at first between "I'm his older sister, I',m still a kid as well" and "I'm his aunt, I should be more responsible" before she looks at how the others behave and decides that it doesn't matter, family is family after all.
It takes a while before the Henituse family notices that Cale left the city, the people who were supposed to keep a "subtle" eye on Cale had been neglecting their jobs for a while. Of course they are very panicked and worried about it and are trying to find Cale, but it's like he just vanished. No one knows what happened. While they search his home they find a letter that explains that Cale found a job that pays good so he wouldn't bother them anymore with leeching off (of course it wasn't written with these words but a devastated Deruth read it that way). Meanwhile Cale was kinda heartbroken because he noticed that nothing changed, he had suspected that maybe his family didn't care but it hurt to see it happening, by the time he could have noticed the change he was however to far away and distracted by other problems to notice anything.
I'm not sure yet when it should be set timeline-wise besides around the age of 18 and the family Vassals managed to get him kicked out, right now after all I'm entertaining the idea that he managed to rescue Raon by being the distraction (aka dancing) or at least asking his fellow dancers to distract the guards because there was something fishy going on here and then investigating himself and rescuing Raon, of course that would mean that he would need to build up enough trust with these people (more like learn that he can depend on others) for that to work hmmm wait this isn't a hc
Cale probably has some faint burn scars that didn't heal right or that he thought weren't bad enough to get healed, it's not easy to notice but they shimmer a bit in the light, and while it adds a bit of a mystical allure to him when he dances with fire and his skin seems to shimmer he and the kids are a bit frowny about it, also everyone who recognizes them realizes that Cale actually had to work really hard on the control he has now and that it didn't come to him easy in any way
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Shy // Junkrat x F!Reader
Request:  What about hmmmmmm junkrat having a small shy cute gf and no ome knew about her til ome day she shows up at HQ looking for him.
Requested by: ​anon
Summary: the request
Warnings: none
Words: 1K
Notes: Yes, the first nickname Junkrat uses is allegedly one used by Australian men for their other halves :) I’m aware that this may not be the best of my work, I just find Junkrat a little hard to write for at times. My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!
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Not my gif 
Not many people knew all that much about Jamison Fawkes- or Junkrat as most ‘knew’ him. The man was indeed mysterious- but not in the conventional sense. He kept mostly to himself, and seemed to backtrack on his own words in conversations. Not even the harshest of interrogations could get past the deranged mind of this pyromaniac, all they could draw was that he had little to no filter, and once tried to kill the leader of Junkertown after a world-wide heist spree. They had tried over and over again, and each time their efforts proved useless.  It was this lack of closeness to the other force members that often protected Fawkes, and the few people that were in fact close to him. There weren’t many people ‘close’ to Junkrat- one person in particular, besides Mako, of course; if Mako even counted anymore. This one person was his girlfriend- and yes, the crazed pyromaniac had one. This was more than just a surprise to those at the Overwatch complex when the news came out- it was an outright shock. It shocked Junkrat too, to some extent. He had not expected you to turn up that day. 
You hadn’t heard from James in nearly a week, and though you knew he could be scatterbrained at times, but even that was unlike him. So, here you were now, standing outside of the Overwatch complex, waiting to be granted entry inside. You rocked back and forth slowly on your feet, sighing quietly before a rather loud buzz caught your attention, signalling for you to move past the first set of gates and doorways and into the foyer of the building, primarily used for new recruits or official visitors.  The man who greeted you was not Junkrat, naturally, as the pyromaniac would have scared off any new recruits more likely than not. He wouldn’t have made the best impression on official visitors either, that was for sure. Instead this six foot tall man, with greying hair and a back as straight as a board was the one to approach you. He cleared his throat before he began to speak to you, “We weren’t expecting any visitors today.” He stated plainly, looking you up and down- at least, that’s what you think he’s doing. There’s a rather strange visor covering his eyes. It’s more the way he moves his head- though subtle- that gives you this clue. 
“I know that me turning up like this is a little unexpected,” You nodded, you understand this to be a little strange for those on the force, but you couldn’t let yourself rest till you knew that Jamison was alright. “But I’m here looking for my partner- his name is Jamison Fawkes, you probably know him as-” “Junkrat?” The older man finishes, and you nod slowly in confirmation. The man sighed softly at this information, rubbing the back of his head slowly as he pondered over what to do. You could practically feel the shock and surprise rolling off of him in waves, making way for shock of your own. Had he not told anyone of you? “Can you wait here for a moment, please?” The man asked you, to which you nodded again, unable to refuse the order. 
You had to wait about five minutes or so, and you let your eyes wander. There wasn’t much to entertain you or your mind in the room- it was largely painted in a blueish grey, very monotonous. There were white highlights- which you assumed someone had suggested to be painted on to try and break up the bland colour. There was only one embellishment on the walls- a large, circular symbol,  with a curved bar of orange at the top, and two, almost arrow like spikes at the bottom. You had seen it in a few places before, and recognised it to be the symbol of the Overwatch force- you had seen it not only on walls as propaganda and a means for hope, but also on a few things that Jamison had received when you were both living together.  You heard Junkrat heading your way long before you saw him- his makeshift prosthetic leg made quite a loud clack against the cold hard floor as he walked. That’s when his Aussie accent hit your ears.  “What do ya mean, ya don’t know if she actually knows me?” He asked, presumably talking to the man who had greeted you. “I’ve told you about her loads!” He exclaimed, as the pair rounded the corner and came into view.  “I had to make sure.” The other man replied, sounding almost tired of Fawkes’ over-excited demeanour. 
When Junkrat’s eyes fell on you, his face lit up- his eyes went wide and a smile split his face. Though he always looked rather joyed, he was overjoyed at your appearance here. “Ah, there she is! My bomb-thrower!” The other man gave you an almost shocked look as Junkrat quickly hobbled over to you, embracing you tightly.  “Hey there, honey.” You wrap your arms around his shoulders, holding him close for a second. “You had me worried for you- you didn’t write or nothing!” You scold, and the pyromaniac gives you a slightly sheepish smile as he pulls away from the hug.  “I meant to write to you... I just kept gettin’ distracted.” He explained to you, and you give him an unimpressed look. “Aw, come on, duck; there’s a lot of distractions here! Well, not in this room, but you know what I mean...” He babbled.  The entire time, the man also in the foyer with you was still trying to figure out what on earth was going on in front of him. He could hardly believe that Junkrat had any friends, let alone a girlfriend. It was just... Beyond him. He cleared his throat quietly, interrupting the moment between you. “I’m sorry, but I’m slightly confused about what-”  “She’s my girlfriend, dummy.” Junkrat answered, before the man could finish speaking. “Look at her. Ain’t she somethin’?” He chuckled softly as he spoke, before taking your arm in his. “Now, c’mon, sweets, let’s go introduce you to Mako an’ the others, yeah?” He suggested, and you nodded a little bit. He then lead you off down the hallway he had arrived through, off to take you to the rest of the force. 
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I find Belos' reaction to Collector's words SO fascinating. Like, very little of what people say phases him anymore, and on the rare occasions it does he's extremely good at pretending otherwise. He was called a liar and a murderer and he didn't care. He was ran out of towns and villages countless times and probably had a reputation of a local weirdo with a pyromaniac tendencies and wasn't deterred in the slightest. He eats palismen for breakfast in broad daylight. He is called a witch hunter and he's proud. He tunes out the Collector's teasing and inane chatter and hides his annoyance and disgust at all witch things like a pro.
But the moment it is insinuated that he's not fully human anymore? His mask slips and he lashes out in a blind fit of rage.
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