#he’s not transphobic he’s just confused
arsonisticscholar · 21 days
Shen Yuan was a very normal straight girl who was a girl so girly and totally a girl for sure
Until one day when s(he) woke up in the body of scum villain Shen Qingqiu
Shen Qingqiu who was a male
Obviously she’s just a girl in a man’s body, even if looking like a man and being addressed as a man and dressing as a man is much more enjoyable than as a woman that doesn’t mean anything right?
And then he meets Binghe
Binghe who is a male
Well obviously this is so straight because maybe Shen Yuan fell into the male peak lord role a little too easily he was still a girl in his last life so obviously it’s so straight
(So if you haven’t picked up on it already trans masc sqq but only realizes until after transitioning and then furthering the gay denial by saying it’s straight because obviously this new body doesn’t mean anything and it’s still straight of him)
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nukacourier · 4 months
I remember one time seeing comments on a post where some people were crying over op just calling Arcade queer because they were supposedly "erasing his identity as a gay man" by using the term queer
To me that's like saying you're somehow erasing the existence of chocolate ice cream by just saying ice cream instead. Strange take and I think Arcade actually WOULD call himself queer honestly
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sadlilxlut · 9 months
brook going like "but if yamato-san doesn't have a dick... how are you a man?" and yamato simply responding with a "you don't have one, either..."
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emperornero · 1 year
my parents dont even know im in a relationship and honestly. good.
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very-uncorrect · 7 months
Tomorrow (11 February) is the one year anniversary of Brianna Ghey's death
I hope that her killers never see the life of day again and that people stop fucking misgendering this dead child on twitter holy shit
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ib disco, adira's boyfriend has such powerful femboy vibes that my sister keeps misgendering him as "she"
ok so this has been in my drafts for so long because I looked it up and accidentally found out that the actor is actually trans so I should really get my sister to stop doing tha- wait we already watched them all, it's too late, crap
We had all been correcting her every time, (she thought he was a girl the very first time his character was onscreen and didn't ever fully get that he wasn't) but she didn't really try very hard to get his pronouns right, or adira's, once they came out as non-binary, so nearly every time one or both of them was on screen, my brother and sister (who, annoyingly, like to talk about the show during it) would be trying to ask their questions or laugh about what was going on by retelling it, but just constantly tripped over all the pronouns in a mess of gender confusion
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daydreamerwonderkid · 10 months
Trying to politely explain to a cishet dude why I don't think us dating would be a good idea by pointing out that I plan on medically transitioning in the near future only for him to come back with:
"Oh .... but like how soon?"
🤣🤣DUDE WTF PLEASE!!!!!!! 🤣🤣
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altair214 · 1 year
i wish my family weren’t so transphobic
#so today my father informed me that my cousin is 'confused' and thinks he's trans and a lesbian- worded in the most transphobic way possible#of course i already knew this because my cousin and i had come out to each other years ago#but i just played it off and didn't give anything about what i thought away#honestly i think my father thought that i had transphobic thoughts about it and was afraid to say it out loud#like what did you think i thought you weren't transphobic?????#my dear father i am not an idiot#so yeah i don't think he suspects that i'm not transphobic#which honestly just makes me laugh#because i'm doing a terrible job of hiding my political opinions from my parents#i guess it goes to show how far a parent's denial of their child's ability to have a completely different world view from them can go#anyway but after that conversation i talked with my cousin because i'm going to visit him in a few days#and i wanted to clear up who he had come out to so i didn't accidentally out him or drag him into any unwanted arguments#but the whole interaction with my father nearly made me have a panic attack#i guess it was a reminder that my life is about to change a lot#that i'll come out to my parents as trans and probably be met with lots of 'you're just confused'#they'll probably be infuriatingly condecending#and there are few things i hate more than being told that i don't know what i'm doing or who i am#i hate it so much#but it'll be fine#i'll be an adult and they can't control me#i won't let them#i just wish i didn't have do deal with this alone
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I need to talk with my transphobic friend bc he keeps traumatizing me lmao hahahahahhahahhaha
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 years
Making a trans Morty because I'm trans and find comfort in drawing my favorite characters/oc's as trans :)
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He's in Void's dimension, will definitely draw them together
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prehistorictriforce · 3 months
happy pride it’s almost 2 am and i’m being plagued with memories of the time i was invited to a friend’s bday party at medieval times and i was so excited bc they invited someone i used to hang out with through mutual friends that had moved away a couple years before. i hadn’t seen this person since they moved away and had no way to stay in touch w them so i was excited to see them again but when i got there everyone kept saying there was only one person missing and it was a guy named alex and that. was not my old friend by name or pronouns so i kept correcting them that we were missing alex AND old friend. and everyone just ignored me and said it again and again and i kept getting really angry bc this old friend was one of the quietest ppl i’ve ever known and i didn’t want them to be forgotten. so i got steadily more heated and kept correcting them that no we are missing TWO PEOPLE!!! and they again kept giving me weird looks and ignoring me until alex showed up
alex WAS my fucking friend. he had transitioned and i didn’t know about it so i had been just deadnaming him and calling him the wrong pronouns all night and NO ONE CORRECTED ME and NO ONE TOLD ME TO SHUT THE FUCK UP. i think about this four times a week at least
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pey-up · 3 months
just want to check something totally unrelated to my irl life ahahaha
Please if you said no to either, tell me why! And dont say something like "theyre under 18, it's their parents decision" because kids deserve to be able to have a say in their body and looks<33
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sadistic-softie · 7 months
Recently got asked "What pushed you into making the decision to become a guy?"
My brain fucking short circuited I wanted to die so bad. I was so confused for a hot second and all I could say was, "it's complicated" because I didn't wanna just sit there gawking stupidly.
(For context, I'm genderfluid, born female, and the place I was at, I told staff to just use any pronouns they wanted so most of the people there preferred to use he/they pronouns for me because I dress more masculine)
I finally realized what was going on after a moment after the confusion wore off. I gathered my thoughts, matched his energy, and explained myself. We had a chill conversation about it. He was curious about gender identity and explained that he has a fairly religious background with certain belief systems, so he wanted to learn more about it in general from someone outside of that circle. Answered his questions for a bit, but at some point, he asked me if I was gonna get "the surgery," and was hilariously BAFFLED when I said no. He almost didn't believe it. I explained myself, of course. Surgery like that is a huge, costly decision. But...I did have to hold back my laughter-
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pastadoughie · 7 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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looks-at-you · 11 months
shout out to my dad a few days ago
"I just don't fully understand why someone would want to change from you they were at birth"
This is because you are cis father
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