#he’s demiromantic <33
raginggrenade · 3 months
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Happy pride month love u all sm <33
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tamryisk · 10 months
BroZone + Poppy & Viva headcanons!
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I feel like infodumping about my headcanons for the crew so here they are!!!
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Has ADHD (mainly attention deficit and hyperactivity)
She's Latina (Salvadorian, Mexican and Black)
More of a King Peppy hc but he's Salvadorian and Mexican, their mom is probably black and Mexican
Has Synesthesia (mainly being seeing color when others speak or when she hears noises)
Was a premature baby
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/him
Has autism
He's Black and Filipino
His common stims are flapping his hands and biting his lip
Has BPD (borderline personality disorder) due to his trauma from a young age
Had extensive singing training as a kiddo
Was nicknamed Twig cuz he was small as a baby
Quite fond of kids and finds them cute
Age: 28
Pronouns: She/they
Autistic and ADHD
She loves playing with people's hair, mainly Clay's
Calls Clay "Clayton" to mess with him/piss him off
Has a form of adjustment disorder and severe attachment issues (in the sense that she is constantly trying to keep those she loves in a place where she thinks is safe)
Has been singing since she could talk
Her first word was probably "music"
John Dory
Age: 45
Pronouns: He/him
Aromantic & asexual
He feels forced to make sure he and his brother's are perfect just because he's the oldest
He doesn't like it when he's called bossy
Tends to speak a little too honestly (he's vv blunt)
Cares a lot for his brothers, especially Branch since he's the youngest
Not fond of kids, but loves his niece and nephews
Supports his gay brothers (Floyd and Branch) the best he can as an ace-aro (he's not interested in love but tries to for all of his brothers sake 😭 but they don't mind his disinterest)
Enjoys rap and pop music, maybe even hip-hop
Age: 40
Pronouns: he/him
He could rant about Brandi for ages, he loves her so much
Knows sign language because one of his kids are deaf (all the brothers know sign language mainly cuz branch was nonverbal for a while and spoke with sign)
Plays bass guitar
Age: 35
Pronouns: he/they
Asexual & demiromantic
QPP's with Viva
Doesn't understand why Floyd is emo 💀
He LOVES *NSYNC's music and had no idea Branch was the lead singer
Loves to crochet things for Viva and now he can make things for all of his brothers
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
HE IS GAY. PERIOD. he's also demisexual!
Nearly cried when Branch came out to him, didn't stop hugging him and telling him how proud he was of his little brother
Isn't too fond that Branch had vocal training at such a young age
He's emo, he likes emo shit and he's an emo FREAK‼️‼️‼️ (he's silly tho)
Good friends with Veneer and visits him sometimes (he's kinda scared of Velvet)
Doesn't like being stereotyped as a typical gay man
Taught Branch how to walk and speak sign language before he taught the rest of his brothers how to speak ASL (American Sign Language)
That's all I got :33 fell free to share ur headcanons in the tags if you wanna!!!!!!
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parniathedevil · 30 days
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Age: 33
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Color magic: every color?
Orientation: Demiromantic
-his restaurant
-His son, daughter and his wife Muffet
-Making French fries
-Sans jokes
-the women
-Bad mouthed people
Extra info:
-He spends time with his family and is more with his son
-He met Muffet when he was a child and Muffet saved him from her mother who wanted to eat him
-He has a big restaurant and inside is a small coffee shop for his wife
-He spends time with Sans because he is his closest friend
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tsamsheadcanons · 12 days
I’ve come to bless with more hcs!!
Sunshine (EAPS sun)- gay ass lithromantic man, he just doesn’t realize it yet, oh and also maybe on the nonbinary/trans umbrella
Moonlight (EAPS moon)- somewhere on the aroace spectrum, that fucking enigma /silly
The computer AIs (pre-Spaniard)- since y’know sentient computer, aroace just like their father babyy
Spaniard- aroace, and also pan if they would wanna date someone
Glam Ballora (EAPS)- lesbian
Monty (EAPS)- still bi, just w/ female preference :33
Foxy- to contrary belief, I think he’s straight (an ally of course)
Gemini- pan, sprinkle of demiromantic
Nebula- lesbian ace hehe
Sven (Nice Creator)- bi-curious
V1 Eclipse (I’m including him bc he’s diff than current Eclipse)- unlabeled, he would probably find labels stupid and/or not important
Solar again (apparently he has a crush)- demiromantic ehe
Atlas- demisexual gay, that seems right
Taurus- he seems like a gay man
Molten- probably ace
Lord Eclipse- gayest ass bitch ever
Servant Sun- maybe ace, and agender with all prns :3
Puppet- bi or straight, idk
That’s all my brain can think of at the moment :33
Even more sexuality headcanons 💕
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sleeping-at-sea · 2 months
PJO Queer HC
update to a old post of mine!! :33
Percy - Transmasc, bisexual, and aroace | He/Him
Annabeth - Bisexual | She/Her
Grover - Bisexual | He/Him
Luke - Homophobic (JKJK Gay, Cis Male)
Tyson - Aroace | He/Him
Hazel - Straight Ally | She/Her (She's totally confused abt queer ppl but frank,nico, and percy explained it to her)
Piper - Lesbian, Demigirl / Xeno user | She/They/Pearl/Love
Jason - Bisexual Aroace | He/Him
Frank - Pansexual, Asexual | He/Him
Leo - Transmasc/Xeno User, Demiromantic | He/They/Spark(y/s)
Nico - Gay, Demiboy | They/He
Will - Bisexual (Possibly transmasc...?) | He/Him
Reyna - Aroace, (Possible) Transfem | She/Her
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getosbf · 1 year
I saw some people talking about yuumori character sexualities and just wanted to add my own headcanons <33
Sherlock: see now, we all know sherlock has been explicitly stating his... Repulsion (yes, not "oh im not attracted to them" straight up repulsion at the thought of being in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with them)
And im not saying sherlock is misogynistic. He has been seen very happily helping women with their cases. And might i add that on the Noahtic, while everyone was prancing around with a lady on his arm, sherlock was standing in the corner. Even though he was also with ladies he was CLEARLY in it only for their appreciation of him. Because you see, Sherlock is a clever man. He saw these bunch of women who had no one to dance with and was aware that they would be head over heels for his skills. And he was probably sent to the Noahtic by mycroft, so why not pass some time and get some praise?
But as soon as he met Liam he felt an instant obsession connection. Not necessarily romantic, but this is where that japanese feeling that i forgot the name of comes in. The feeling of meeting someone and instantly knowing that while you dont feel anything now, you could potentially be dynamic (is that the correct word, for sherliam i think it is)
And as i said and will say again, sherlock is a clever man. Of course he's not gonna sit around sexually frustrated, when he can easily use his charms and skills to find the right people. But as per literally canon, until he met Liam he didnt feel romantic (that comes later though, first was obsession) "attraction".
Conclusion? Gay demiromantic.
William: now while william never had a "repulsion" to women, I'd say he quite literally has a repulsion to any idea of a romantic relationship at all. He looked at london and got his "lemme fix that" hyperfixation game so heavy that he forgot he was alive most of the times. That man falls asleep on random occasions at literally anywhere at any time because he avoids sleep for his plans. Do you expect him to have any sort of romantic or sexual relationship? No, sir.
Then waltzes in Sherlock. Like i said, instant obsession. Though for William, that japanese feeling never came. While he was always hoping for a different reality where he and sherlock could be together, he never acknowledged his feelings enough to let himself feel something.
But talking about sexual attraction, while i do firmly believe Liam doesnt feel it for the better part of his life, he did start to feel some things a while after meeting sherlock. He fucking KNEW what he was doing with that "catch me if you can, mr holmes~" I think it surprised him too, all this strange emotions trickling in slowly after years of not feeling anything.
Conclusion? Demisexual AND demiromantic.
John: thought he was straight, but you all have seen his reaction to irene when they dressed up as the king of bohamia right? I'd say bisexual, but he's still learning to embrace that part of his identity. And even when he does embrace it, i dont think he's gonna do anything about it. Cuz like cmon, its 19th century London. Do you think he'll damn himself by loving a man when he is capable of what most people like him are not (to love someone of the opposite gender)? But I DO think he had a crush on louis for a while but i think that just for shits and giggles hehe
Louis: aroace. No questions asked. He loves in a very... Devotional way. Like liam and possibly albert, he has an unbreakable attachment to them. His love for their found family? He is soooo aro ace coded.
Albert: wineromantic. bisexual disaster.
Moran: pansexual just cuz. He loves his women but he has had something with albert and possibly james that is simply not heterosexual. And he was in the army cmon if there's a hole there's a goal
James: pansexual BECAUSE, hear me out, he had known this since he was a teenager. Which is why it took him until he got to Moriarty's to realise he actually wants to be a man. He had known men love him, so he was styling his hair and wearing tight corsets. He had known women loved him, so he was putting on disguises to kiss and snog. I think he was just so comfortable in his identity he never felt the need to be the opposite gender. But he was and, well, we're happy for our boy.
Fred: ace, maybe demi, and genderfluid. I might be projecting on the genderfluid part here but can you blame me? He/they pronouns.
Jack: he's above such measly attractions (idk maybe he was young he could have had something but idk anything while looking at him now)
Mycroft: gay gay homosexual gay. No straight man spends 30 minutes every morning putting pomade in his hair (hiding a part of your identity, already? Huh myckey?)
Miss hudson: straight because she didn't feel any (okay maybe somewhat) attraction to irene but when she met JAMES ouahahahaha
Herder: married to the grind 💪💪💪 making love to the game 💯💯💯 he only loves one thing and thats his craft 🔥🔥🔥
Just kidding he definitely has something gay going on
Billy: he has some WAY GAYER going on. Have never seen him interact with women (how gay) so i can't say much but he definitely gives bi/leaning on gay vibes
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sunset-bobby · 4 months
9-1-1 rambles pt2 (it’s only 1 am this time)
now that i’m like taking introspective looks into like the 9-1-1 couple’s relationships I think it’s interesting how a lot of the canon couples are bolter x clinger pairings
I mean like the buckleys siblings discussed how maddie’s a bolter and buck is a clinger
chimney is a clinger i mean the whole tatiana thing and then you know boston
i think athena and bobby are a mix of both because in the early stages bobby was bolting and athena was clinging i mean the whole discussion of bobby moving in is an example but as time goes on bobby gets more secure he is a clinger and athena on the cruise and that whole arc was bolter behavior
hen and karen are hard bc they’re both very committed to each other and have had the longest relationship so neither of them are bolting or clinging but in henren begins (idk the actual title ya’ll) we literally see hen leave in the morning post date/hookup but idk if she said goodbye…im not discussing the season 1/2 cheating arc bc that’s just a different scenario but they get mad they reflect they reconcile there’s no one person doing the chasing or the distancing
buck is a clinger who stays dating bolters and even the relationships he ended they were bolters my mans got a type i guess lol…idk i think tommy could be either the restaurant was bolter behavior but once he got the confirmation buck is all in my man stays showing up so i think he has potential to be a clinger but also has self preservation skills and a fear of getting his heartbroken
lastly eddie…ngl i can’t tell u what eddie is doing it really depends on the person (i can make serious points for demisexual/demiromantic eddie diaz) but he’s overall clinging to an idea…i feel like we don’t discuss how like im 75% sure eddie has only ever been in 3 relationships his entire 33 years of life (no judgement in that) so unless he’s had his own slut era the man’s romantic experience is the equivalent of like the youths of today (again no judgement and i am one of those youths) in those 3 1/2 (Kim can be a half) experiences he’s got his idealized life and he’s tryna make it a reality and half way then he’s like wait i like the life but im not really into the person here Ana (my queen i miss you), Marisol and the idea isn’t shannon herself but the family life they almost had
truthfully idk what eddie is bc he’s clinging but bc he’s clinging he’s bolting and right now he’s doing who knows what lmao he’s building a roster i guess
anyway TLDR: everyone’s got their matching pair and eddie’s got the romantic experience of most college students (minus the kid and 1/4 of the trauma)
edit: “he’s attempting to bolt on his relationship with marisol (but not really) because he’s clinging to the idea of his relationship with shannon” my brain finally supplied an example of eddie being both so here
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skelexguts · 3 months
Smiling critters pride headcanons!!! + Pronouns and sexuality hcs!! (these headcanons will change if another hc gets added, so stay tuned)
Dogday- Panromantic asexual, trans (ftm) use he/him
Catnap- bisexual (leans towards male pef) asexual, non binary, use they/them or he/they
Bobby bearhug- transfem, lesbian, use she/her
Craftycorn- bisexual, gender-fluid, use he/she
Hoppy Hopscotch- (Butch) Lesbian, use she/him
Kickin Chicken- bisexual, trans (ftm), use he/him
Bubba Bubbaphant- omnisexual, asexual, gender-fluid, use he/she/they
Picky Piggy- sapphic, demiromantic, demigirl, use she/they
So chat, do you fw with my pride headcanons!?!?! Also planning to make pride art based on my headcanons so stay tuned for that!!! :33
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zombiiefactory · 3 months
im rlly bored so dropping like ages/jobs/prns & whatnot for funsies loll
- 25 years old + she/her lesbian
- works as the waitress at russell’s diner, also sells her homemade baked goods there
- wants to study for nursing
- engaged to petunia
- 24 years old + he/they nonbinary homosexual
- town mailman (mailbunny lol)
- dating toothy
- 22 years old + he/him asexual bisexual
- local grocery store cashier/manager
- dating cuddles
- 25 years old + she/her trans [ mtf ] pansexual
- owns her own boutique
- engaged to giggles
- 28 years old + he/it greysexual bisexual
- stocker/general associate at same local grocery store with toothy
- adhd
- dating sniffles
- 30 years old + he/him trans [ ftm ] homosexual
- is a scientist/inventor but also serves as emergency medical against his will
- autistic
- dating nutty
- 28 years old + he/him heterosexual
- con-artist/scammer as well as thief
- adhd
- 28 years old + he/him homosexual
- con-artist/scammer as well as thief
- adhd
- incredibly closeted trans girl
- dating mime
- 27 years old + he/him heterosexual
- fisherman who sells catch to russell, captain of his own ship
- lives out of town
- 23 years old + she/her bi-curious
- unemployed but currently attending college
- lives out of town
- 26 years old + he/they/it nonbinary pansexual
- street performer/for-hire party entertainer
- autistic
- dating lifty
- 47 years old + he/him homosexual [ recently out of the closet ]
- stay-at-home-father during the day, works at russell’s diner at night as a bartender
- undiagnosed autistic
- married to disco bear
- 1 1/2 years old + he/him
- undiagnosed autistic
- 49 years old + he/him bisexual
- used to be retired but went stir crazy, now works as librarian/book club organizer alongside flaky, babysitter at night for pop + cub
disco bear
- 52 years old + he/him homosexual
- flashy hairdresser (or furdresser in this case)
- 38 years old + they/she nonbinary [ amab ] demiromantic
- owner of their own flower shop,mostly sells what she grows themself, also book club organizer alongside flippy
- 33 years old + he/him heterosexual [ closeted homosexual ]
- handyman idk what else id expect him to be lmao
- 45 years old + he/him bisexual depending on the day
- chef/owner of his own diner, slowed down on the seas due to bodily stress
- 48 years old + he/him lumpy
- farmer for the town/main produce exporter, seems to also work in every other odd spot hes not supposed to for no reason
- lumpy
the mole ( mr. mole )
- 73 years old + he/him ??? [ wont tell you ]
- ex-spy currently retired, likes to take up random jobs for fun even if incredibly unqualified
- can speak chooses not too
more relationship stuff under the cut cause this is already long enough lol
giggles, cuddles, petunia, & toothy have been best friends since early childhood and are mostly all seen together. most residents deem them the “four horsemen of the apocalypse”
giggles & cuddles dated for a bit in their teenage years before mutually breaking it off realizing they werent attracted to the opposite sex
giggles proposed to petunia !!
mime & nutty are best friends, they met as young kids in school and instantly clicked. they have a bit of a gap in their friendship due to nuttys disappearance but are now back together and inseparable !
nutty was the only one to know about mimes secret admiration for lifty and set them up together
toothy, nutty, & lifty all play video games together over voice-chat whenever theyre free
flaky & nutty are each others sibling figure stemming from them being neighbors during youth. they see him as the younger brother they never had and he sees them as the older sibling he never had
all the younger residents ( mostly the four horsemen ) all see pop as a father figure. he watched them all grow up and hes their metaphorically adopted dad being completely comfortable to go to him any time they need any sort of help
giggles & russell have a very close relationship, seeing each other nearly every single day of the year. he sees her to be the daughter he never had and enjoys the moments where they get to just talk. even if he doesnt have the proper words at the time
pop & flippy are cousins but treated each other like close brothers before flippy left for the military. their relationship was rocky after his return 25 years later but theyre doing a great job at patching it up
flippy & flaky attempted to “date” for a bit but neither were ready for romance. they pushed the mushy stuff out of the way and are much much happier being best friends. they couldnt imagine a life without each other in it but cant seem to put their fingers on the fact theyre soulmates
russell & handy act like an old married couple they seem to be best buds having a laugh and a beer together one minute but then argue over nothing the next. still incredibly good friends though
lumpy is everyones friend !! even if a scatterbrain, his heart is filled to the brim with love and gets along with every resident he meets
pop & disco have had feelings for each other for decades. each others first love but pop wasnt ready to accept his attraction to men due to his upbringing. he hid himself and married a woman, started a family, pretended to feel happy. his wife unfortunately passed in a tragic accident but fortunately disco was there to comfort pop after the loss. pop at this age decided it was safe to not hide anymore and accepted his love for disco. theyve been married for a few months now
nutty had a love at first sight spark for sniffles after meeting the newly moved in anteater. flaky & mime helped nutty get closer to sniff as he was well too nervous to do so itself
truffles & russell have been buds since truff demanded russ to take him out on the sea and be apart of the crew as a young kid. russell admired the little pigs tough spirit not afraid of a pirate waving a weapon in his face after the rude order and decided to take him up on this letting him sail the seas. he was a good man for just a little thing being quickly taken up under the pirate wing. truffles grew on that ship to become the captains first mate even so much so when russell decided that it was maybe time for him to start thinking about taking a break, he offered the ship to truffles to be the new captain but he declined. a captain should always go down with his lady and russell admired this thought. even if the two dont see each other much anymore with truff being out on the waters, every time he comes back to the dock russell is waiting with big open arms
shifty does not have many friends unlike lifty. hes a small bit jealous of his brother over this. lifty is growing and managing his childhood trauma slowly putting himself together healing from the past while shifty revels having difficulties accepting what happened
lumpy, handy, & russell love hanging out ! lumpy seems to be the glue that keep handy and russell from bickering
pop, flippy, & disco all also love hanging out having laughs and beers together
sniffles isnt great at making friends rather putting his studies above socializing but bonds with toothy over their shared admiration for splendid/nerdy media
flippy & flaky met while flaky was employed as the librarian. flippy thought they were cute but was too anxious/not mentally ready to take that step. pop coaxed flippy into talking to her where they clicked almost immediately. flippy became assistant librarian before taking over with flakys departure
mime is the only one lifty is comfortable enough to be out to. mime buys her gender affirming clothes/does her makeup, they love their princess !!
the four horsemen beg pop to babysit cub as they adore him! but only the girls actually take care of him, cuddles & toothy have more fun teaching him naughty words. they got caught once when cub repeated something and were suspended from watching him
flippy had a secret fling with disco bear years ago
sniffles & handy get along when they want to. handy does admire sniffles abilities but will come over about once a week to nag the anteater about inventing some mechanical arms. sniffles stated he can’t and if he could’ve, he would. handy never takes this for an answer and will be back next week
shifty has had a massive crush on petunia for ages that never goes away, meanwhile lifty is secretly incredibly jealous of her. both avoid her
mr. mole once moved in with handy for a bit as his home collapsed in. handy offered the extra bed and mole took it graciously. turns out, they both have a lot more in common than they thought and became good friends. mr. moles home was renovated allowing him to move back but still stayed in contact with the beaver. they still take roadtrips every now and then just to bond
flippy was unfortunately not invited to pop and his ladys wedding. specifically being banned from attending by her. after the incident, she wanted nothing to do with him. fortunately though, pop and flippy were closer this time and flippy was asked to be best man at he and discos wedding. flippy never agreed to anything faster, it was a great honor
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reve-ro · 7 months
rise orientation head cannons?
oh, sure
- Leo; gay (since it's almost entirely confirmed it feels a bit like queer erasure to see him in a straight relationship? idk) yes i love leosagi
- Donnie; aroace-- please let us have this-- i could also see agender
- Raph; pan, i could also see poly
- Mikey; pan, gender nonconforming (gender fluid?)
- Spliter; i dont ship him and draxum, but yes he's very bi
- Casey/April/Suinta; all lesbians, any combination of these lovlies is very cute
- Draxum; demiromantic and bi, possibly asexual
homophobia not welcome please and thank you
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hisuiregionontop · 6 months
it's international asexuality day, so I wanna share some aspec headcanons!! (might be spoilers so read with caution <33)
1) Saiki from The Disasterous Life of Saiki K: aroace
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If you've seen the show, this one probably seems pretty obvious lol. This is a pretty popular one so I'm starting here :]
2) Rei Hino from Sailor Moon: aroflux & asexual
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It's been YEARS since I've seen this show, but I'm pretty sure they depict her fairly differently when it comes to the anime and the manga. iirc, they have her super obsessed with boys in the anime, but in the manga she flat-out says she isn't interested in men/dating. My headcanon is that she's an asexual aroflux :]
3) Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100: ace & demiromantic
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"Is sexual desire always apart of love, though?" and while you could argue he's referring to family or friends, which is completely valid, in the manga he specifically says "is having a crush always related to sex?"
Personally I don't see him as being completely aromantic but I also don't think he's alloromantic.
4) Maya Fey from Ace Attorney: asexual
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It's Ace Attorney.
Jokes aside, she just never seems to he sexually attracted to anyone, and idk I just really enjoy this headcanon.
5) Abed Nadir from Community: aspec
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I don't think Abed has himself remotely figured out, and he doesn't seem interested in sex. I think he'd just use whatever broad label fit him best :]
6) Atsushi Otani from Lovely Complex: recipromantic and asexual
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This one is spoiler-heavy so if you haven't seen Lovely Complex be prepared:
Otani obviously has romantic feelings for others, but only after he knows they like him. For instance, only after Seiko kisses him does he become infatuated with her. He also doesn't show any romantic feelings towards Risa until after she confesses to him. I think he's ace as it feels incredibly natural to his character, plus I don't think he'd care too much about more obscure labels.
Bonus: Gregory House from House M.D.: asexual!!
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Why? Because I hate the writers 🥰
Anyway these are all headcanons, which means you're allowed to disagree! Thank you <3
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erporo · 6 months
SO. (some of) ARAN HCS
onto the hcs tho.. i haven't got much & new stuff so ur in luck:
so ik that one's pretty much canon? but. dude may seem insane on the ring but. you'd actually be surprised how mellow & chill he is outside of the ring
like in fact, in certain scenarioz? dude may be just as mellow as glass mfing joe
despite being a huge bastard, dude always knew how being lucky feels like. he doesn't know entirely why but he's proud of that & wears it like a cloak & will def shove that fact into ur face constantly
dude's got a ma and a sis. but he's pretty much never seen his father... prob because they're divorced or smth
dude's also a very very homey person 2 me. like he misses Dublin, his ma (he's a huge mama's boy yesss) there more than he cares to admit not only to others but also to himself.
he and his sis r also. v silly with each other. they def fight each other over things not worth fighting over on a daily basis
aran is a huge dog person:
there was this hc of him having an Irish Wolfhound? i think? from a while back. and like that changed my brain chemistry 4ever- these puppers are HUUGE YK
but I also adore the idea of him having a little pet rat, that only the closest of people and relatives know about :33
dude LOVES to draw- he doesn't give a crap about learning how to draw or developing his own style- hes in it purely for the enjoyment
he's also a huge motorcycle nerd methinks
dropkick murphys's one of his absolute favorite bands <3 i also imagine dude loves bands like pantera, black sabbath, slayer tho
arn's also. gay: demiromantic bisexual
dude's also rly into leather. in every sense :)
narcis's his pookie bear <3 4ever & ever
& soda is his only friendo among all his colleagues. they're great drinking buddies- they just love to get absolutely wasted on fridays or something (w/ narcis too, also chiming in from time to time). id imagine it's one of the only reasons why arn looks forward to the end of every single week too
but their friendship goes beyond just being drinking buds- like soda understands like. 0.1% of english <- that's me being generous. & arn doesn't understand a lick of russian. yet they perfectly understand each other
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ari omg i saw ur ace!gojo rb... 😞ace!stsg is so important to me they r both sooooo
ALEXIS MY LOVE MY LIGHTHOUSE MY SAFE HARBOUR <333333 .. you Get it. you understand.
obv it’s just a self-indulgent comfort hc let’s be clear but like. it makes sense.. in my brain… let it be known that every single one of my gojo fics are written w ace!gojo in mind 🤞 he just gives me those vibes and by that i mean the Voices told me. they speak nothing but the truth.
also have you seen this loser’s colour scheme…. whole ace flag just walking around. he knows what he is!!
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phdjshdjs NO BUT GENUINELY ace!gojo is one of my favorite jjk hcs Ever and ace!stsg in general is very good and real…. i remember making a post once that was like. the sashisu aroace pipeline… and it was just demisexual (sugu) -> demiromantic asexual (gojo) -> aromantic asexual (shoko)….. they mean the world 2 me T_T aaa at some point i’m gonna have to write the explicitly ace!gojo fic myself i think….. making my own food 🍳🍳🍳
alexis i’m genuinely so so happy that you see the Vision btw ilysm we are holding hands in my brain <33 imagine him sneakily buying one of those ace rings… none of his coworkers know what it is except shoko and he loves it. calls himself the undercover ace and makes the most insufferable puns known to mankind…. he Cannot be stopped 😔😔😔
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psych0t1c-bread · 21 days
♡ Intro:
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♡ Total time taken: 33 hours and 25 mins!
(Tumblr killed the quality of this 💀)
♡ Hi!!! Welcome to my page!
♡ You can call me Emzy or Psychee, either one. I go by he/she/they.
♡ I am a majority Undertale AU poster (but i will reblog literally anything I want, so I do have tags to weed through things) and have a few of my own AU's that I have yet to flesh out fully, so stay tuned for that!!
♡About me:
♡ Creator of 'The Outcasts' on Wattpad (go give it a read!! /nf)
♡ She/her, bisexual(?), aceflux (maybe demiromantic+sexual? Idk)
♡ Christian (not the bad kind don't worry 🙏)
♡ Delta Sans enthusiast 🧡 (I have been hyperfixated on him for 5+ years)
♡ Neurodivergent + disabled (ADHD, PTSD, FND; feel free to ask questions about any of these!!)
♡ Came to Tumblr on 03/19/2024
♡ Anyone can PM/DM me at any time for any reason!! Vents are welcomed!! (If you vent, make sure to go to the 'send a message option' and not any of the other ones.) However, I am not the fastest at replies, so it might take me a while to read and respond to your message.
♡ Feel free to tag me in anything!!
♡ If you threaten me, I will threaten you back. Please do not try me. I have no shame
♡ Tetrachromat
♡ Please do not ship my characters unless I have specifically stated that they are either dating or that I am ok with those certain characters being shipped in general. None of my child OC's (anyone under 13) are allowed to be shipped unless I have stated clearly in the book that the kids have crushes on each other, or until they are aged up in the future books. DO NOT ship my adult characters with anyone under 20
♡ Fandoms:
♡ Undertale + AU's
♡ Musicals (Hamilton, Newsies, EPIC)
♡ Music
♡ Gacha
♡ Sanders Sides
♡ Star Wars (specifically Mandalorian)
♡ Creatives (writing, art, singing)
♡ Steven Universe
♡ Gravity Falls
♡ My other socials:
♡ Wattpad: Psych0t1c_Bread
♡ TikTok: psyc0t1c_bread
♡ AO3 (I don't post but I do read): Idk_random
♡ Rules for donating:
♡ Please don't send the same ask twice in one day
♡ My account is currently frozen due to lack of money, so I will support and post your asks/GFM's but will not be able to donate
♡ Please don't pressure me to donate, I am literally broke
♡ Please be respectful in my ask box
♡ I have learned how to call out scammers, so if you try to scam me, I'm putting you on blast
♡ My tags are:
#(Emzy/Psychee)'s Art - for my art
#(Emzy/Psychee)'s Drabbles - for my writing WIPS
#Outcasts - for anything relating to my book
#Delta - for anything to do with him
#Character Rants - for info on characters
#Trauma Rants - for any vents/rants I do
#(Emzy/Psychee)'s Posts - for my posts
#Headcanons - for any character headcanon
#Outcast Angst - for anything traumatizing that I post abt relating to the Outcasts, including whump and angst
#Writing/Art Tips/prompts - for any tips or prompts relating to writing and/or art
#🍉 - for anything about/relating to Palestine
#Donations - for finding people to donate to
#(Emzy/Psychee)'s tags/comments - for anything I tag or comment on that's random
#Scams - for anything that someone tells me is a scam (I will be making a list of the scams that I've been told about so no one gets confused!)
♡ Anything un-tagged is a reblog or a like!
♡ List of current scams that I've reblogged or posted on accident (as in I didn't know it was a scam before I posted/reblogged it):
♡ devotedlyclassycollector
♡ foggyruinspost
♡ tremendouskidcoffee
♡ casualmusicbird/Bitita Nyaata
♡ bettermentgiver
♡ scentedsublimenightmare
♡ deepestheartcreator
♡ freebelieverobservation
♡ happydefendorhologram
♡ furiouslystarmark
♡ choppedstrawberryglitter
♡ lovelytoolgladiator
♡ gloriousdestinycollector
♡ furiousinternetenemy
♡ gaziianaliifatmaah
♡ sopostreview
♡ omahe
♡ yusufzalka
♡ luciamkir
♡ janet cheptoo
♡ friedgardenlady
♡ shinytastemakerphantom
♡ reallyuniquedaze
♡ What I've noticed is that these scammers have a pattern of having 3 specific types of words put together, some examples of word types being adjectives, descriptor words, places, emotions, actions, or animals.
♡ If there are any more scams that I've accidentally reblogged, please let me know! I've been trying to check on the accounts that I post about, but clearly the methods I've been using to check aren't working, so I'll try my best to do better.
♡ DNI:
Pro-isreal, pedos, proship, TERFs, bigots, racists, narcissists, scammers, Trump supporters, etc.
♡ Ok, that's all! Thank you!
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xaytheloser · 7 months
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Hiii!!! I'm Xaiver!! here's a bit about me :33 pronouns: they/he +neos Pansexual Demiromantic I'm autistic and also have ADHD!! !!Minor!! please don't be nsfw, I dont mind interacting with adults but please don't be weird Fandoms!! : -Cookie run -Transformers (mainly TFA) -Murder Drones -Delicious in Dungeon -Pokemon -MLP + many others that would take forever to list lmao DNI if: Proship, MAP/ProMAP, Racist, homophobic, transmedicalist, Truscum, Neo/Xeno pronoun exclusionists, TERFS, Zoophile, irl yanderes, Zionist, and other gross people
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izzyfizzykitty · 9 days
about time to post a new intro :33
ABOUT ME: izzy!! she/her (but i will/dont care if you use any other prns on me:3) im having a bit of a crisis but im pretty sure im bicurious and demiromantic :), not giving my age but a minor!! (13-16)
CURRENT FANDOMS (hyperfixations in blue): PERCY JACKSON, SKEPPY & BBH (not dsmp!!), be more chill, the music freaks, aphmau roleplays, heathers, ride the cyclone, musical theater (a bit of a fake fan tho), dear evan hansen, and prob more!!
OTHER INTERESTS: olivia rodrigo, conan gray, cavetown, boywithuke, undertale, 80s-90s movies,
FAV BOOKS: ill give you the sun by jandy nelson and the song of achilles by madeline miller <3
FUN FACTS: i got to see conan gray live!!! im going to see cavetown!! and im going to meet jandy nelson :)) i have 4 cats! i had a pet frog but he died. annnddd i love george salazar a lot (sort of gotten noticed by him???)
OTHER: im v new to tumblr so please if i get stuff wrong no no judgey. i have a very dark humor (im gonna kms, etc) so please be careful!!
hmm and thats about it for now >v<
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