#he’ll find a way to get her :3c
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pink-anonymous-person · 9 months ago
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bye bye smelly golf man 👋 /jk
meme reference ⬇️
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yourheart-inmyhands · 1 year ago
Hi! since your req box is open again can i ask for a reader who is a fallen god x the yandere archons? :3
this was a really interesting one, really got me thinking haha :D i hope you enjoy :3c
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, being held against will, being mocked, being treated poorly, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti with a beloved who is a fallen god would find it amusing. You were so weak that you had fallen from grace, leaving you nothing more than a weak, helpless human now. He’ll of course take advantage of this, because while he no longer is at full power himself, he still has more power than you do.
If falling from grace wasn’t enough torment for you, the loss of your power, your divinity, your everything, somehow Venti made it worse. He had been the one to find you, finding your bruised, battered body lying beneath the Statue of Barbatos at Windrise. It was like it was destiny, fate, whatever sick twisted game Celestia was playing that day. Not only had you fallen beneath a Statue of Barbatos, but you’d fallen right into Barbatos’ hands. He had taken care of you, nursed you back to health and made you believe he only had your best interest in mind, but really he was doing this for himself. After all, you were perfect and he refused to let you leave.
Yandere!Zhongli would feel no differently about you. Whether he finds you after having just fallen or meets you afterwards and finds out, it doesn’t change his opinion of you. He is still well aware of the power he holds over you, sure of himself in being able to keep you in check. You were powerless now, nothing beyond a human at this point. He was still an Archon, even if he was gnosisless and currently away from the place of power.
Zhongli sighed as he sat across you from the table, sipping his tea as he watched you push the food around your plate. It had been a while since you’d last eaten and to ensure you actually ate he decided to sit and watch you. Setting his cup down, he sets his hands in his lap, watching you for another moment. When you show no signs of eating anything, he gently raises his hand, clenching it into a fist before slamming it onto the table. He stares down at you from his seat, watching the way you jump and his teacup rattles loudly. “Eat.” His tone didn’t need to be harsh to spur you into action, his glare and actions were enough to remind you who held the power here. Him.
Yandere!Raiden would chastise you for it, telling you that you fell for a reason and not that you belong to her, you’ll do as she says. You aren’t good for anything else with your lack of powers so you may as well serve her, after all she’s the closest you’ll ever get to divinity at this point.
“Walk faster, I have things to get done.” Raiden’s tone was even harsh as she spoke, more calm-mannered and flat as she ushered you to move faster. She kept you on a tight leash, demanding you kept pace with her stride as she moved about Tenshukaku, strolling the streets at her own, swift pace. Anything she didn’t want to hold would be passed to you, any task, chore, or favor she didn’t feel like doing she would order you to do, and any person she did not wish to deal with would be sent your way. All this was done under the expectation that you would still manage to remain by her side, perfect and quiet as she demanded of you. Even a single thought of breaking order would result in punishment upon returning to her palace.
Yandere!Furina would find it humorous, often bringing it up just to get a laugh as she mocks you for your weakness. She thinks it’s funny that you had messed up so badly that you fell from power and while she didn’t exactly earn hers, at least she was able to maintain it. 
Another loud cackle from Furina echoed through the dining hall, her boisterous laughter bouncing off the walls as you painfully swallowed your food. Ever since falling from grace, being banished from Celestia, Furina hadn’t let you live it down. She thought it was funny that you couldn’t even hold on to the little power you had before this, often bringing it up at random times just so she could get a laugh. You didn’t know how she seemed to find it so funny everytime, you’d think she’d have gotten sick of it the first five times, but as the number steadily creeped up on twenty it was clear she wouldn’t change her point of view on it anytime soon. Dinner no longer seemed appetizing as she continued to laugh loudly, her fist hitting the table as she even snorted occasionally. As much as you wanted to ask her to stop or simply excuse yourself from the room, you knew you were not allowed, forced to endure the endless mockery.
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boldlyvoid · 1 year ago
I Know Places: Living Children
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader | Masterlist | AO3 link
Summary: After coming home from Canada, they head to their separate apartments for a night of rest before their next case… only that case comes 4 hours later and Aaron isn't answering his phone.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (murder, stabbing, assault, mentions of death) Anxiety, panicking, blood tw, Haley and Reader interacting, Reid gets shot, the whole team is in a panic.
Word count: 10.8k
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She dropped him off at his apartment late that night, he asked her to come up but she said no. For the first time in months, she said no. She wanted to actually get some sleep after everything they went through these last few weeks. She knew if she went to his house, or if he came to hers, they would end up talking or fucking all night and her body needed rest… real rest, even though she didn’t quite know what it was like to sleep without him anymore. 
She was asleep maybe 5 hours when JJ called and said they had an emergency case pop up. 
She gets to the scene first, JJ not far behind her being dropped off by Will. She watches as JJ kisses her boyfriend and looks back at their sleeping baby in the backseat before she joins her on the curb. They’re on the scene for almost 15 minutes before Morgan and Reid roll up, tired, a couple coffees in hand, begrudgingly starting what should’ve been their day off together.
“Where’s the big man?” Derek asks. 
Y/N shrugs, “he should be here soon.” 
“Have you not talked to him?” JJ asks. “I couldn’t get ahold of him at all?” 
“No? That’s weird,” she doesn’t like the anxiety that immediately pools in her stomach. “He tosses his phone and things onto the couch once he gets inside and leaves them there till the morning, he’ll get the massages and be here soon. I’m sure,” she says more for herself than the others. Knowing no one had heard from him yet made her a little anxious but what else could she do? 
“I’m surprised you didn’t go home with him,” Derek teases her, bumping his elbow off hers. 
“Unlike you and the good doctor, I actually wanted to sleep last night,” she teases him. 
“3 hours is still something,” Spencer teases, a rosy pink blush spreading across his cheeks. 
“Alright kids,” Rossi announces his presence behind them. “What’s going on here? Why were we called to a crime scene if we’re not working a case?” 
“I got a call from Detective Walker, you guys remember him?” JJ explains. “He’s inside, apartment 3C, he says it’s urgent.” 
“It better be,” Derek scoffs. 
The case is strange… Detective Walker, a DC cop they knew from a few other local cases called JJ when he received word of an interesting killer. Someone sent a doctor, Tom Barton, a letter saying he was planning to kill his son. Every day that his son stayed inside, out of harm's way or with protection, another person would be shot and killed in retaliation. 2 victims so far have died, and the letter is signed “L.C.” and even written in chalk beside victim number 2’s body. 
There isn’t much for them to look at while at the crime scene, the man simply opened his door and was shot in the chest, falling back into his apartment. The police were called when neighbours heard gunshots, no one saw the man leave and the apartment complex doesn’t have security footage. So, they all head over to the doctor's house to ask him questions, find out who has a grudge or vendetta against him, and go from there. 
JJ calls Hotch again on their drive over, Y/N’s driving her to the doctor's house, but Aaron doesn’t pick up. It’s weird, but, he also really just wanted to sleep last night. 
“Why didn’t you go home with him?” JJ asks, “The real answer this time.” 
She laughs, “I was being serious, I was tired. We both were. But when we’re together at night we don’t really sleep, no matter how tired we are.” 
“I want to say ew, but I’m glad you’re both happy,” she teases. 
“It’s not always sex, sometimes we just talk all night,” she assures her. “And when we go to his place we drink. You get a couple glasses of whisky in him and he doesn’t know how to shut up.” 
“Will’s like that too, he has such a high tolerance from growing up in New Orleans but he doesn’t drink that much anymore. Ever since we had Henry and I went back to work, he’s always scared that if he has even a few sips he’ll get a call that I was hurt or Henry will need to go to the hospital in the middle of the night and so he doesn’t risk it,” she explains. It sounds like she’s been dying to talk about this with someone. 
“You’ve found yourself one good man there, Jayj,” she gives her a quick smile. “We both have.” 
She doesn’t have her full attention on the case. She listens to the doctor explain what he received and why he doesn’t understand how he could be a target, but she doesn’t fully care. Yes, she wants people to stop dying and yes she wants to keep this man's family safe… but her own family is on her mind right now. 
No one has heard from Aaron, he’s not answering his phone, he’s not at work, Anderson hasn’t seen him at the office… it’s starting to really scare her. 
The team disburses after they realize that Dr. Barton's son has left the house, he’s gone to school in an attempt to save lives like his father does for a living. He’s a good kid. Derek, JJ and Dave head over to the school to make sure he’s okay and keep him safe until the final bell of the day. She and Reid stay with the doctor to look through his case files for Hispanic males or people with the initials L.C, seeing as Reid can read a million words a minute. More like 20,000 but, still, faster than anyone else. 
After about 30 files, she reaches her breaking point. So does Dr. Barton. “Jeffery is leaving school in 5 hours, there’s no way we can get through all these patients in this time.” 
“Well, we’ve narrowed it down already,” she tries to sympathize with him. It is a lot. 
“And we still have 100 left!” He shouts. “I’m sorry, I-I-I don't mean to be callous but when you work in the ER you don’t remember names. You operate and you move on.” 
“He’s right,” she gives in. “There are too many files here for us to profile in such a short period of time. Um,” she stands up, getting ready to leave. “I can get to Hotch’s apartment and get back here in half an hour?” 
“Who’s that?” He asks. 
“He's our supervisor,” Spencer explains. “We weren’t supposed to work today we’re having trouble getting ahold of him.” 
“But we need more eyes,” Y/N says, hoping it bribes Dr. Barton to let her go.
He nods, and so she leaves. 
Driving like a bat out of hell, she somehow manages to hit every red light on her way downtown and there’s construction 2 blocks before Aarons street. Her heart is in her stomach, she’s so sure she’s going to be met with something bad that she’s afraid to breathe. She arrives at 715 Langham in just 10 minutes and parks her SUV just in front of the building. Aaron's SUV is in the parking lot around the side, so she knows he’s here. That eases her anxiety just a bit. 
She hops out, locks the car and rushes inside. He lives on the first floor, at the back, apartment 121. She knocks as soon as she gets there. “Hotch? It’s me, Y/N… Aaron? Aaron, are you in there?” 
When she doesn’t get an answer she pulls out her cell phone and calls his number again.. it starts to ring and she can hear it going off inside his apartment. Probably on the couch like she assumed. But her heart still stops beating in her chest for a moment. She reaches for the doorknob next, going to jiggle it but it opens right up. He doesn’t lock it right away when he gets home, it’s often her who locks it when they get in at night… but still, he’d lock it before going to bed. That’s his routine. 
She unholsters her gun, holds it up and slams the door open. She looks both ways, clearing the room with her eyes, she notices his keys on the entryway table his phone and briefcase tossed on the couch. She slowly starts to enter, observing the room slowly… she notices there’s a bullet hole in the wall. No blood splatter or brain matter surrounding it. But that’s definitely a bullet hole. 
Aaron's gun is on the kitchen table and on the floor beside the table there is a human torso-sized puddle of blood on the white carpet. Under the wall with the bullet hole, opposite of the bloody carpet, there is linoleum leading into the kitchen, and it's covered in glass. She prepares herself to enter the kitchen, she turns into it with her gun ready to shoot anyone who’s there but the place is empty. Unlocked, bloody, and empty. 
Aarons gone. 
He was attacked. Someone was standing in his kitchen, unbeknownst to him, when he came in. He tossed his things on the couch, unclipped his gun placed it on the table and went to make a drink when the attacker made themself known. He dropped his glass when he was started, they went to shoot him and missed and then got him on the ground. She looks for the bullet casings, but there aren’t any to be found. Either they were both taken or he wasn’t shot on the ground. There’s too much blood for it to be a single bullet wound… too spread out. He was hit multiple times across his chest. But it doesn’t look like enough blood to kill someone. 
As soon as she’s able to breathe again, she gathers herself back together and calls Penelope. 
“Overtime shift-Penelope speaking,” she answers, breath heavy like she just ran into he room. 
“Garcia this is Y/N, I need you to listen carefully,” she leads. “Somethings happened to Hotch.” 
“What do you mean something happened?” She asks, immediately panicking. 
“I don’t know. I’m in his apartment, he’s not here but there’s blood.” 
“Oh my god.” 
“I need you to send police and FBI techs here right away, everyone available,” Y/N orders, she needs to start building a profile and she needs crime scene to be here in order to do that.
“Uh, d-do we need an APB?” She asks, already typing. 
“Only on hotch, I checked out front, his car’s still here,” she explains. 
“Someone took him?” 
“I don’t know,” she wants to scream but she can’t. “There’s blood but I can’t be sure who’s it is. Just get people here.”
“Okay I’m sending an army—
“Garcia, I’m gonna have to tell reid because he’s expecting me back but you can’t tell the others. They cannot be distracted,” she reminds her. 
“Okay,” Penny understands. “Okay.” 
And just like that, she hangs up. And now she’s all alone in Aaron’s apartment, the place he hated to be more than anywhere… she never went home with him. She never invited him up to her place. And now he’s hurt. He’s bleeding and somewhere without her and she’s so scared this is all her fault. 
But instead of freaking out, she calls Spencer. 
“Hey,” he answers. 
“Something happened to Aaron,” she says. 
“he’s not here but there’s about a pint of blood on his carpet. Something happened. I don’t know what happened or who did it or if he’s alive—” 
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” 
“Someone came into his apartment and hurt him and then took him. All his stuff is here.” 
She heats Dr. Barton asking if this is about Jeffery and Spencer saying it’s not, shushing him and then holding his hand over the phone. “I’m really sorry I have to take this call, okay?” 
“What could be more important than my son right now?!” The man screams. 
“I assure you this will take one second!” Spencer argues back. “Please, I promise.” 
“I’m here, what do you know?” 
“There’s a huge hole in the wall. Probably a .44? But there’s no blood or tissue spray around it.” 
“Any idea how he got out?” 
“If he was shot there are no drag marks, but a body could’ve been wrapped in something,” she explains, cringing at the words. She hates this so much. 
“And bureau techs are on the way?” 
“Any second now,” she assures him. Trying to keep herself calm and okay.
“Alright, um, write down everything you see and we’ll profile form your notes when you get back,” Spencer says, knowing she needs order to keep sane. “It’ll be okay. We’ll find him.” 
“Okay… thank you. How’s Dr. Barton?” 
“It’s a huge list of cases to go through,” Spencer reminds her, so clearly, the man is stressing. 
“Okay, don’t worry about here. I’ve got this. Stay focused, try and find a way to narrow them down further… I know you can do it.” 
“Thanks, call me if you need me?”
“I will.” 
The door is already open when the cops and crime scene techs start coming in. She’s pulled out of the room and told she can go back in once the techs have what they need. She can’t fuck with the crime scene and she knows that. So she stays back, she watches the men in white jump-suits and gloves start taking samples and pictures and a cop comes up to start asking her questions. 
“And who are you to the victim?” 
“Co-worker and girlfriend,” she admits, wanting to be as honest as possible. She shows him her badge and everything.
“Okay, and when did you last talk to him?” 
“Last night at 2:30ish, I drove home after our flight got in. I dropped him off at his apartment and then went home,” she explains. “We tried calling him all morning to tell him a new case has come in but he wasn’t answering the phone so I came here to get him myself. His door was unlocked and his phone was ringing in the living room.” 
“Does he have any enemies that would do this to him?” 
She laughs, “he’s the supervisory special agent in charge of the behavioural analysis unit and before that, he was an attorney on criminal cases. The list of people who want him dead is a long one.” 
“Okay,” the man's eyes widen and he breathes in deeply through his nose as he writes it all down in his little book. “So, your teams on this then too, I guess?” 
She shakes her head, “They’re busy, we can’t get them distracted. It’s just me and you guys right now… and our tech girl, she’s calling hospitals to see if Aaron or any John Doe’s were brought in. Have you seen his wallet in there at all?” 
“I’m not sure… hey, Gomez?” He calls into the apartment, “found a wallet?” 
“Not yet,” he calls back. 
“So that’s really all we know right now—
Her phone starts to ring and so she pulls away from the conversation. “Talk to me, Garcia?” 
“Okay I-I called hospitals to see if Hotch had gotten himself admitted into an emergency room—
“And?” She’s so impatient it comes off mean. 
“He’s not listed as a patient but someone dropped a John Doe off at St. Sebastian Hospital and that someones name was FBI Agent Derek Morgan,” she explains, confused and slightly pissed off. 
“That doesn’t make sense?” She says, shaking her head, racking her brain for a reason that could make sense… 
“I know, do you think they got their credentials mixed up?”
Just then it dawns on her and her stomach drops even further. Her eyes start to blur and the world stops as she figures it out. “The Reaper.” 
“Foyet stole Morgans Creds…” 
“Why would he drop him off at the ER?” Penelope asks. 
“What hospital did you say, again?” 
“St. Sebastian Hopsital—
“I’ll call you with an update when I get there,” she says, hanging up she starts to run out of the room but the detective stops her. 
“He’s alive, he’s at St. Sebastian Hospital the man who did this is George Foyet also known as the Boston Reaper. We arrested him a few months back but he escaped prison and we’ve been on the hunt for him ever since, he did this,” she explains in a hurry. 
“Okay, go, go see him! I've got this here,” he lets her go. 
She runs down the hallways, out the front doors and to her car. She flicks her lights on once she’s inside and she speeds to the hospital, bypassing every car, she gets there right away at every red light and stop sign, she’s doing almost 120 the whole way there. 
She throws the car into the first parking spot she can find and runs towards the ER doors, getting deja vu from the last time she rushed to his bedside at a hospital in New York, she loves him a million times more now. It’s the same yet so, so different. With her chest heaving, she feels like she might pass out as she grips onto the counter of the front desk. 
“Hi, hi, sorry,” she needs a second, so she pulls out her badge, “an agent… brought in a man— sorry,” she holds her free hand to her heart and stands up straighter as she breathes. “An agent brought in a man last night, said his name was Derek Morgan?”
“Yes, he did, the man he brought in is in the intensive care unit right now,” she explains. “Do you know who he is?” 
She nods, “His name is Aaron Hotchner, he’s also an FBI agent. The man who brought him in is not. Agent Morgan had his credentials stolen by a criminal, I have reason to believe the man who brought him in is said criminal.” 
“Oh, oh dear,” the woman can’t believe it. “We can take you up to him?” 
“Yes please, and can you have someone send the security footage of the man bringing him here to my analyst at Quantico?” She asks. 
“I certainly can,” the woman agrees. She stands from her seat and walks around the desk to her, she places her hand on Y/N’s back. “Come with me.” 
They follow the blue line on the floor towards the elevators and inside she presses floor 3. They get off at the intensive care unit and the nurse gets the attention of another doctor. “The John Doe, she knows him.” 
“Hi,” she reaches out to shake the doctor's hand. “How is he?” 
“Stable, follow me,” she takes over for the nurse. She leads Y/N over to one of the rooms, she slides open the glass doors and lets her inside. 
She rushes to his side and rests her hands on his bedrails. “Can I touch his hands?” 
“Sure,” the doctor doesn’t mind. 
She grabs hold of his hand and her heart starts to beat regularly again. She can see straight. Her legs aren’t numb anymore. She’s better now that she knows he’s alive. “What happened?” 
“He was stabbed 9 times in the chest but no major arteries were hit,” she explains. “It’s a miracle he’s alive.” 
“When will he wake up?” 
“The anesthesia should wear off within the hour but he’s bout to be out of it,” she says with a sigh. “Can we get you to fill out some paperwork for us?” 
She nods, “yeah… do you have his stuff?” 
“It’s right there,” she points at the bag with his bloody shirt sitting right at the top. It’s all cut up and gross but they kept it. 
“let me just grab his wallet and I can do everything for you.” She lets go of his hand, she places it back on the bed and taps it gently, giving him a small smile. 
She gets his wallet from the bag, she follows the doctor out of the room and she’s handed a clipboard with papers on it. She fills it out with everything she knows about him. His name, first middle and last. She always thought it was funny that he was born in the 60s, the same year that Star Trek was airing and his parents never watched it but still gave him the middle name Tiberius. All good captains have that middle name. 
She knows his birthday and his blood type and that he’d want to be an organ donor if the time came. She has his insurance information cause it’s in his wallet and lists that he has a 4 year old son as well as a brother named Sean. But his emergency contact is still Haley no matter how long they’ve been together. And she’s okay with that. She’s going to have to call her. After their chat in Oregon, she got Haley’s number and put it in her phone so as soon as she finished the paperwork, she stepped out to call her. 
“Hi, is this Haley Brooks?” 
“It is…” 
“hi this is Y/N I work with Aaron,” she leads and she can hear the way Haley’s breathing changes. 
“What happened.” 
“He’s in the hospital, he was stabbed a few times last night,” she explains, wanting to cry. “He wanted me to call you if anything ever happened to him.” 
She lets out a shaky breath, “Okay… but he’s okay?” 
“Yeah, he will be. He isn’t awake yet and I know Jack's at school so when he does wake up, maybe you guys can stop by?” 
“Yeah, we definitely can… he has a playdate tonight after school though so I’m not sure what time we can come?” 
“That’s okay, I’ll talk to him when he wakes up and see if he even wants Jack to see him in this condition, if not, he’ll probably still be here tomorrow.” 
“Okay… and thank you, Y/N, for letting me know.” 
“Of course,” she doesn’t mind. “I can text you with updates?”
“I’d like that, thank you.” 
“Anytime,” she says with a smile and then they both hang up. 
She heads back over to Aaron's room to see a nurse switching out his chart with his accurate information on it. She gets a peak over the woman’s shoulder and sees the L.C. written on it. 
“Excuse me,” she says in her most polite voice. “What does that stand for?” 
“Living Children,” she explains. “It's so if a patient has to go on life support and they don’t have a DNR order, we know who to contact to make such a decision. Seeing as he doesn’t have a wife currently and you’re not his medical decision maker or power of attorney, that question goes to his next of kin.” 
“Thanks,” she nods, taking her phone back out she heads out to make yet another phone call.  
Once she relays the message to him, he goes quiet, “Reid?” 
“What if the unsub was trying to tell Dr. Barton that He is actually the target?” Spencer asks. “And that he’s going to leave his son without a father?” 
She goes to answer but then Spencer starts to panic, “Barton!” He calls out after him. 
“Reid?” She calls out, wondering what’s going on. There’s the sound of him running and then a gunshot. “Reid, Answer me! Spencer!!” 
There’s no response. So she hangs up and dials 911. “This is Special Agent Y/N Y/L/N from the FBI. I need police and an ambulance at 120 Kensington Road, McLean Virginia. Shots fired. Federal agent possibly down,” she calls down the line as soon as they pick up. 
“Yes ma’am, I have police and medical on their way now, do you have a description of the suspect?” 
“No, I was on the phone with my partner when I heard the shot and he wasn’t responding, he’s there with Doctor Thomas Barton working on a case, the man was being stalked and his life was being threatened, it seems the man found him.” 
“Okay, thank you, we’ve got it from here.” 
“Thanks,” she hangs up and finds the first seat she sees. 
She has to sit down. Today has been too much. Aaron was stabbed, Spencer possibly shot, they’re all working on 4 hours of sleep and it’s all catching up to her now. She starts to cry, her head in her hands, she lets herself have a couple minutes to panic before she goes back to being a professional. 
When the team arrives, it’s just JJ and Dave that come up to the ICU. Spencer and Derek are at another hospital, he was shot in the leg, the bullet went in and right back out, hitting bone and fracturing it. He’s going to need surgery and a cast as he’ll be on crutches for a few months. 
“How is he?” Dave asks. 
“He’s still not conscious.” 
“Are you sure it was Foyet?” He asks, still processing the news. 
She nods. “He had Morgans creds.” 
“Did they catch him on the security cameras?” JJ asks. 
“You could see him drop Aaron off but the cameras only on the entrance so I have no idea what direction he went once he left the hospital,” she explains. 
“It doesn’t make sense to have brought Hotch to the ER?” JJ can’t fathom it either. 
“We know Foyet gets off on power and control, maybe what he wants is for Hotch to know his life was in his hands?” Dave suggests. 
“He could do that without risking the hospital?” Y/N combats. 
“Agents,” the doctor calls them over, “he’s waking up.” They all rush to his side, “Now, remember, he’s weak. Don’t push him.” 
She gets the closest to him, holding his hand, she leans in and brushes his hair back, “Hey, there.” 
“Where am I?” He asks, voice weak and throat dry from having a tube down it earlier. 
“The hospital,” Dave answers, on the other side of the bed. 
“How’d I get here?” 
“Foyet drove you,” Y/N says, worried he doesn’t remember the attack. “Do you remember what happened?”
He doesn’t answer, his eyes stay closed and he swallows a few times, thinking back to last night. “What did he take?” 
“The reaper always takes one thing from his victims. Do we know what he took?” 
“Uh,” Y/N thinks back. “There was a page missing from your day planner, the techs said it had been ripped out. The B’s page.” 
“What did he leave?” He asks, trying to piece it all together on his own as if he didn’t just almost die. 
“I don’t know, honey,” she says, feeling bad she doesn’t have more answers for him. 
“He also leaves something with his victims,” Aaron rewords his request. He needs to know. 
“I looked over your whole apartment with the techs, we couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary,” she says. As if the blood stain and the shattered glass were ordinary. 
“Where are my clothes?” 
“over there, but I have your wallet?” She takes it out of her pocket. 
“my pants,” he tries to turn to look at the bag but he’s too weak. 
“I’ve got it,” JJ says, pulling the bag off the table she places it on the foot of his bed and takes his pants out. “What pocket?” 
“Any. Look for something,” he orders, trying to sit up. 
JJ pulls out a picture of Jack and Haley and hands it to him. He tosses his head back and huffs. “Haley’s maiden name is Brooks.” 
JJ and Dave look at each other knowingly. 
“I always listed her in the B’s in my personal information in case it fell into the wrong hands,” he explains. “He knows where they live.” 
“Jacks at a playdate,” Y/N explains. “I called her, I told her what was going on, and she was fine. That was an hour ago, maybe 90 minutes at most.” 
“Go,” Aaron waves them off. “Go make sure they’re okay.” 
“I’ll make the phone calls,” Y/N assures them, “go!” 
And so she’s back on the phone, she calls Garcia to get SWAT to Aaron's old address and then she calls Strauss. This is bigger than them now. They needed the Marshalls. Haley and Jack needed to stay safe until Foyet was either dead or behind bars. And she really wanted him dead for this. 
She hangs up just as Aaron's machines start to beep out of control and she’s told to leave as the doctors assess him. He almost passes out, they get him back on a steady rhythm and check his breathing and his brain activity. He’s okay, but she gets reprimanded for pushing him too hard. He’s been through too much today. He can’t take much more. 
He’s okay, they give him some pain meds and he asks to be able to sit up straight again. She gets a call from JJ, they have Haley and she’s okay. Daves going to pick up Jack from his friend's place and they’re packing their bags to go into witness protection as soon as possible. “I’m going to get a SWAT Team to come here too, there’s no telling what Foyet is capable of and if he’s still here, waiting for us to bring Haley to him, I want to be one step ahead of him.” 
“Okay,” JJ agrees. “You tell the hospital they should go on lockdown, I’ll call Garcia to get the team to head over there.” 
“Thanks,” she says taking a deep breath. “I don’t know how many more phone calls I can make today before I go insane.” 
“Just stay with Hotch, we’ll do the rest.” 
“Thanks again, Jayj,” she smiles to herself before hanging up. 
She pops back into Aaron's room and gives him a smile too, “they’re safe. They’re packing their bags.” 
“Okay,” he nods, relieved but too high on whatever they gave him to show emotion. 
She heads out again, pulls the head doctor over and tells her what’s happening. The hospital is put on a code green: emergency activation. They’re placed on bypass for the time being and if she remembers correctly from New York that means no one new can enter the hospital, and everyone who leaves from every exit is monitored by a police officer. Security roams the halls with 2 SWAT team members, they clear every single room from the basement to the roof, and Foyet is nowhere to be seen. 
Once she knows that she simply pulls the chair over to Aaron’s bedside and sits down beside him, she holds his hand and she doesn’t say anything else. 
“You were at my place?” He asks. 
She nods, “mhm. I went to get you. We had a case.” 
“Oh,” he didn’t even think to ask. “Could you tell how he got in?” 
She shakes her head, “No, sorry, we’re still not sure of that.” 
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” She asks, not wanting to push, but she wants him to remember she’s his sounding board, she’s there for whatever he needs.
He suddenly can’t meet her eye. He looks down and away, shaking his head lightly. She can tell by the look on his face that he’s lying but she’ll let him tell her the truth when he’s ready. 
“I don’t know.” 
She just nods. Supporting him even though she knows there’s more. 
Still avoiding her eye, he speaks again. “After he stabbed me the first time it all goes blank.” 
Just then, Haley walks up to his room and she looks upset. Rightfully so. Y/N lets them have the room, she pats Haley’s shoulder on the way out with a smile and she feels awkward for doing it but she did it. She watches them talk from the front desk, JJ brings over Jack and asks her to watch him for a moment. 
“Hey buddy,” she says, getting down on his level, he gives her a hug. She picks him up, setting him down on top of the counter, “You’re getting so big, are you sure you aren’t part Hulk?” 
That makes him laugh and starts talking about other superheroes while she glances back at Aaron. She knows by the look on his face that Haley’s not happy with him. Of course, she isn’t, but still… you’d think she’d be a little concerned for him after being stabbed that many times. 
She comes out a few moments later and helps Jack down from the counter and onto Aaron’s hospital bed before retreating back out of the room. She can just watch from afar, they deserved at least a minute to say goodbye to each other in peace. 
She looks at Y/N, looks her up and down and then cocks her head to the side. “You’re his girlfriend, aren’t you?” 
“Not here. Not now,” she puts her foot down. She’s not playing these little games. “You are the last person to have a say in what he does with his free time.” 
“Wow,” Haley scoffs. “I’m getting kicked out of my house and sent halfway across the country because some serial killer is after me and I’m still the bad guy?” 
She steps closer to Haley, just a little bit taller than her, she looks down at her. “If you died he would never be the same. I have spent the last year picking up his pieces over and over again and I don’t think he’ll be able to be put back together if you or Jack die. So yeah. Suck it up, hide for a bit, and let us catch him so you can go back to living in his house with half of his money and most of his heart.” 
“You love him?” Haley whispers. She stared back and forth between her lips and her eyes, reading everything in Y/N’s expression. “Like really, love him.” 
She nods, fighting the urge to cry. “And I’m going to have to live with the fact that he also loves you for the rest of my life. So please, do me a favour and live.” 
“I will,” Haley promises. “We both will.” 
“And I know you’re not supposed to call anyone or have contact with anyone because Foyet can track you down… but you need to know this guy is a master manipulator. He stole Derek's credentials back in Boston just so he could attack Aaron today and bring him here as a federal agent,” she explains. “He stabbed himself in the same places he stabbed Aaron and pretended to be the only living victim of The Reaper for like 10 years… knowing his previous behaviour, he’s going to try and draw you out by pretending someone in your family has died, even pretending to kill your appointed Marshall to get you to come to him. So if you get a call or someone shows up at your door and they say Aaron, or your sister or anyone has died, don’t go with them. Don’t go to where they want to meet up. Don’t believe anything unless it comes from the Marshall we assigned you today or someone from our team. If you second guess anything, you call me or Penelope, or hell, if you’re close enough, drive right to Quantico and come up to the 6th floor and you find one of us. Buy a gun. Buy a couple, even. Keep one in the kitchen, one in your room and one in your purse. Be prepared to fight. I need you to come home to him.” 
She nods along to everything Y/N says, following everything with a worried look on her face. “I can do that… Aaron taught me how to shoot. I can protect myself. I can protect us.” 
“Good,” Y/N gives her a little smile. “I hope that when this is all over... when you come home, we can talk? Like really talk. I hope that whatever me and Aaron have lasts and we can all get along… I want his family to stay together, I don’t want to have to pick up his pieces again. But I will. I need you to know that. If anything happens, I’ve got him. But I’d like to have him while he still has you, too.” 
“That would be nice,” Haley agrees. 
“Now, the hospital is on lockdown and we have agents scanning the building and parking lot for Foyet in case he stuck around to watch you leave here,” she keeps going with information. “I had JJ run to the store to pick up some hair dye so we’re going to turn you into a brunette to keep you hidden and I’ve asked for 5 identical cars with blacked-out windows to come into the ambulance bay to pick you guys up and all head in different directions so he can’t follow everyone. We’re getting you out of here without a single hitch. Even if I have to do it all myself.” 
“Thank you,” Haley whispers, trying not to cry now that it’s hitting her how real this is. 
“Don’t thank me until you’re home, safe, and all this is over,” she says, placing her hand on Haley's shoulder. “Come on, let’s go get Jack and I’ll take you to the room where we’re going to do your hair.” 
“What shade of brown?” She asks, not excited. 
“It’s more of a red-toned brown… Penelope actually went to hairdressing school for a couple months before she got recruited so she’s going to be doing it,” Y/N explains. 
They walk into the room together, smiling, and Aaron looks like he’s shocked to see them happy together. “You ready to go, Jack?” Haley asks. 
He nods, “can I have another hug?” He asks his dad.
“Of course, buddy,” Aaron takes him in as gently as he can. “I love you so much, you remember that while you’re on vacation with mommy, okay?” 
JJ shows up in the doorway behind them then, too. “Penelope’s all set up and ready.”
“You know,” Haley looks at Y/N. “Why don’t you guys keep Jack here while I get my hair done? He’s going to be bored in the room with us anyway… if Aaron needs some rest, I trust you with him. You can watch him?” 
“Yeah, okay,” Y/N doesn’t mind at all. “We’ll come and find you if Aaron needs to rest at all.” 
“Okay,” she gives them all one last smile and then heads out with JJ. 
“I think this TV gets some kid's channels,” Y/N says, pointing up at the old TV that’s screwed into the wall at the top right corner of the room. She takes the remote off the wall where it’s been velcroed to stay safe and turns it on. “What kind of shows do you like, Jackers?” 
“Teenage mutant ninja turtles,” he says with a smile. 
“Well then, let’s see if they’ve got it.” 
Derek shows up at St. Sebastian an hour later. Spencer has gone into surgery which should take 2 or more hours so Derek felt like he could leave his side for a while. Dave stays at Aaron’s bedside, keeping him company while Y/N, Derek and JJ bring Haley and Jack down to the ambulance bay. It’s underground, dark and completely empty. The security footage has been turned off down there, so if there is a hack Foyet won’t know what car they’re in. 
They get into the 4th of the 5 cars. Typically, someone important would take the 3rd, the one in the middle, in case of an ambush. Everyone knows this. The president does this. Michael Jackson does this, hell even the fucking pope stays in the middle. Foyet doesn’t have the manpower to orchestrate an ambush. Even so, they put them in the 4th one to be on the safer side. 
The plan is that they’ll all leave the same way and then break off in 5 directions. Again, Foyet doesn’t have the manpower behind him to track down each car. If he were to follow one, chances are it wouldn’t be Haleys and if he does somehow pick car number 4, they would clue into the fact someone is following them well before they make it to their destination. Where that is? They don’t know. That’s the whole point of witness protection. 
There will be unmarked police cars travelling along the same route that Haley and Jack are going, meaning the police are simply 1 call away if someone is following them. In that case, the police will intervene, either pulling him over or… causing an accident. Either way, they’ll get Foyet off their tail in time for them to get off the road and head to a new safe house. 
Her name has already changed, they don’t know what it is. She’ll find out once she’s in the car with her US Marshal. She’ll get new IDs and a backstory she has to learn. Jack will have to be called something else but it will be similar enough that it’s not weird for him to be called something new and it won’t stick if this goes on a while. The last thing they want to do is give this 4 year old an identity crisis. 
She explains most of it to Haley on the ride down to the ambulance bay where JJ and Derek are waiting with the other SWAT members. “You ready?” She asks one final time. 
Haley nods. “Keep him safe for us?” 
“Absolutely. And you remember what I said?”
“He’s a master manipulator, don’t listen to anything unless it comes from my Marshal or you guys, buy a couple guns and come back to Quantico if I don’t feel safe with the information given to me,” she recounts it all back to her. 
“You’re gonna do great,” she assures her, pulling Haley in for a hug, they embrace each other for a moment and then pull away with similar press-lipped smiles. It was awkward but they were going to get through it no matter what. 
“See ya, Jack,” she reaches out her hand to give him a high five. “Have fun on your vacation.” 
“Bye!” He waves, giddy and excited to leave. He has no idea what’s going on and she’s so glad. 
Once Jack is safely buckled into his booster seat and Haley sits down beside him, they close the door and each car starts to pull out of the ambulance bay. They wave, unable to see past the tinted windows but just in case Jack is waving to them… and then they’re gone. 
She lets out a shaky breath and her calm, cool and collected demeanour disappears. She turns to Derek and almost falls into his arms, crying. He rubs her back, “Hey, hey it’s okay. We’re going to get this guy. It’s all good.” 
“Today was so hard,” she cries. “I couldn’t find him and then we realized it was Foyet and then I heard Spencer get shot I had to call 911 and I-I-I... I didn’t know what to do.” 
“Shh, it’s okay,” he assures her. “Spencer is okay. Aaron is okay. Our team is strong. You’re so incredibly strong. You kept your cool through all of this, you could’ve gotten cold and mean and instead you made sure Haley and Jack were okay and you waited to do this. I wouldn’t have been able to do all this if some psycho was after my man.” 
She manages to laugh at that, it’s absurd. Fucking insane, actually. She pulls away and wipes her tears, “I’m also so fucking tired.” 
“I hear you!” Derek agrees, “I feel like I could sleep for 3 days straight if you let me.”
She wraps her arm around him and they all start to head over to the elevator, JJ being quiet the whole time because she doesn’t know what to really say. “we’ve had a hard week, I think we should all take a few vacation days… maybe I can talk to Strauss and agree we only come in if there’s a terrorist attack to amber alert?” 
“Yes please,” she would love that. “Although, I’m going to ask Strauss for more than just a few days off. I want to take all my vacation days either until I run out or until Aaron can come back.” 
“I still find it so weird that you can call him Aaron,” JJ teases. 
She shrugs, “rolls off the tongue pretty easy if you ask me.” 
“Ew,” she says it proudly this time. “Ew! You both are so gross. I’m so glad we don’t work with Will all the time.” 
“No but we still know you two are freaky,” Derek teases her. “I mean… you have a kid.”
“whats that supposed to mean?” She asks, slightly offended. 
“you let him hit it raw,” Derek teases. “Ya nasty.” 
JJ smacks him. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know that? You have a stupid response to literally everything!” 
Derek simply wraps her up in a hug, “what are brothers for?” 
“I wouldn’t know, I had a sister,” she says begrudgingly, but she hugs him back none the less. 
She’s with Aaron all night. She sits beside him and holds his hand and she wipes his tears when things get too intense for him. It breaks her heart. She knows he’s going to be traumatized by this, he’s not going to want to talk about it and the trauma is going to fester and spread and it might affect his work. It’s going to be a long road, she’s prepared for it but she just doesn’t know how to broach these topics. 
She’s not going to ask now, right now is about his healing. The nurses have made it clear that any stress could cause him to tense up and move too fast and pull a stitch or start bleeding internally. He’s very delicate right now. She hasn’t seen what it looks like under his bandages, she won’t for a while, but before they leave the hospital she’s going to be shown how to help him clean and redress them so she can care for him at home. 
He gets more medicine, it helps him sleep and sleep helps him heal, so she just sits there beside him and the nurses say they can bring up a cot for her if she wants it, but she’s good just sitting beside him. She rests her head on his bed, still holding his hand, she’s so close to falling asleep when someone rubs her shoulder. She turns around, thinking it's a nurse and she looks up with blurry, tired vision to see Section Chief Strauss. 
“Oh, hi?” 
“Can you step away for a minute?” She asks. 
Y/N nods, rubs her eyes and stands up to follow her out of the room. They head a little down the hallway, away from the nurses but still in view of Aaron's ICU room. 
“How is he?” She asks. 
“He’s okay, he has 9 stab wounds around 2 inches deep, Foyet missed his major arteries and organs on purpose… he’s going to need a while to heal and I’d like you to request he has mandatory therapy for a few months to process what happened,” she asks, all but begging. “If you intervene he has to, if I ask then I’m just a worrier and he won’t do it.” 
“what are you?” 
“We haven’t filled the paperwork and we know that goes against the rules but we didn’t want to be separated during all this. We’ve been dating a little over 2 months now,” she reluctantly answers. 
“Okay,” Strauss nods, slightly upset but she gets it. “And I suppose you’ll want time off to care for him?” 
She nods, “Foyet knows we're together, he called our hotel room to try and make a deal with Aaron during the Reaper case in Boston, we weren’t dating back then but we were sharing a bed… I-I know that looks bad, but we weren’t doing anything inappropriate during cases I can assure you of that, we had both been through a tough few months with our injuries and me being held hostage and sleeping side by side was good for my anxiety after everything and—
“I understand,” Strauss reaches out and places her hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I know, I met my own husband at work, these things just happen.” 
She’s surprised that she’s being so nice… so she uses it to her advantage. “I have 5 weeks of vacation days banked from the last few years, and 3 weeks of sick days, can I have them all?” 
Strauss nods, “You, Aaron and Reid are all going to be off for a while, so I’m already interviewing someone to come in and fill your and Spencer’s shoes. Derek is stepping up to Unit Chief for the time being, Dave will stay second in command and when Spencer can come back to the office he will be working with Penelope in her room, on the phone with the team.” 
“Okay,” she likes this plan. “Do we know the people you’re interviewing?” 
“They’re the same people who were finalists when you were hired, so Aaron should know all of them,” she assures. “I’ll go off his notes and Derek will have an opinion on the final hire as well.” 
“Thank you for making this easy for us,” she gives her a small smile. 
“I just need you to do something for me.”
And there it is. Erin Strauss is a very transactional woman. She doesn’t do anything unless she gets something out of it. She did this before, when Aaron got suspended and she refused to give any dirt on the team. 
“What do you want?” she asks, giving in with a sigh. She leans against the wall and crosses her arms. 
“I need you to get him to agree to step down,” she explains. “While Derek will be the interim chief, I think that going forward... it would be best if when Aaron returns, he steps down for good. When this whole Foyet thing is done, we can asses his mental health and see if he would be able to take his role back, however, until then, I think he should step down. After Gideon's girlfriend was murdered he went a little crazy, we don’t need Aaron going through the same thing.” 
While she understands her reasoning, she doesn’t really want to agree. “Foyet wants to ruin his life, he wants him to be so depressed, so defeated, that he doesn’t have the energy to keep hunting him… stepping down would be smart.”
“Good, you agree. Well, that’s really all I wanted to talk to you about… is there anything else you need?” She asks. 
Y/N shakes her head. “No… um, I don’t know where we’re going to go yet but I know we can’t stay in DC while he’s healing. I just don’t feel safe with Foyet knowing where we live so when we do get settled somewhere can you maybe call us once a week or send emails with any updates about the case?” 
“I can definitely do that. You two take care, I’ll be in touch,” Strauss lightly touches her arm and smiles, and then she walks away. 
She just takes in a deep breath and lets it out with the slump of her shoulders. She hasn’t really slept since last week. Being in Canada, seeing what they saw, not being able to find Aaron, thinking he and Spencer were going to die… it’s all actually catching up to her now and she’s exhausted. She wanders back into his room, sits back down at her chair beside his bed and rests her head on his thigh. This is where she’ll be for the next few hours. 
Sleeping peacefully with the love of her life safely beside her. 
Aarons has been in the hospital for 3 days now, she hasn’t left his side more than a handful of times.
And she hasn’t gone home at all.
She convinces the nurses to let her use the residents' locker room showers to feel a little less gross and she changes into an outfit from her go bag that lives in her car. She’s scared to leave him, she’s scared to go back to her own apartment, she’s scared to walk the halls at night… she knows the reaper is like a ghost, he could pop up anywhere and so she’s terrified he’ll show up behind her and stab her to death. He knows about them. He knows Aaron was happy, even while divorced, and she’s sure that if he can’t get to Haley, he’s going to come after Her. 
She wants to get out of here, run as fast as she can as far as she can go and she wants to bring Aaron with her. He’s just not ready to be moved yet. She’s been thinking over the last 3 days, where could they go when he is ready? Her parents live down in Florida now at a retirement village so that’s not a place they can hide. His brother lives in New York in a small apartment and they’re not friendly and it could just put Sean in harm's way. And then it hits her. 
West Virginia. 
That’s where they’re going to go.
The team, well, Rossi, Morgan and JJ headed off on a case yesterday, something in Idaho regarding a missing child. She had planned on calling Derek if he wasn’t busy, she wanted to ask him to come to her apartment with her cause she was afraid to go alone and she needed to pack and change and shower with her own things. But he’s busy. And he’s only going to get busier. 
So she calls Anderson. He is the BAU’s equivalent of a head resident in a hospital. He makes schedules, he makes sure people are where they need to be, he makes calls and fills out paperwork and he ensures that Aaron's job—well, Morgans now, goes smoothly. He’s trained just like every other agent in the FBI, he just hasn’t been in the field in 5 years now. He likes his office job. This is where he shines the most. He could help her, too. 
He meets her outside her home with his gun on his hip and a sorrowful look on his face. He asked about Aaron, or Hotch as they all called him. No matter what happened, no one but she seemed to be able to call him Aaron. It felt too intimate. Nevertheless, he goes into her apartment with her, helps her clear it to ensure no one is hiding in wait, and stays in the living area while she packs. 
In her bedroom, in the box under her bed full of memories, she finds a brochure for the Bed ’n Breakfast they stayed in last year and she immediately calls the number on the back. 
“Evergreen Bed and Breakfast, Mary speaking,” the elderly British woman answers the phone. 
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me but my friend Aaron and I stayed with you last year we were in Room 6,” she explains, hoping that rings any bells. But if it didn’t, she adds: “We work for the FBI and we were just coworkers who wanted two queens but you didn’t have any left?” 
“Oh, yes! Hello, dear, how are you?” She asks, chipper as ever. 
“I’m good, um, I was wondering if you knew anyone in the area who has a cabin for rent? We’d like to have a little getaway, we’re thinking 6 to 8 weeks…” 
“We have one,” she offers right away. “We were going to head up to clean it out for the fall and winterize it, but we can put that off until you’re done with it?” 
“Are you sure? I’d never want to inconvenience you—
“Oh, hush, it’s no worry on our end,” she assures Y/N. “When were you thinking you’d be needing it?” 
“Early next week? Um, Aaron was in an accident and he’s coming out of the hospital soon and we’d like a place to hide away while he’s in recovery… and if we could book it under a fake name, that would be good. I can pay cash, I really don’t want us to be found at all.” 
“Oh, my,” Mary can’t believe it. “Can I ask what happened?” 
“The most I can say is that a criminal we were after attacked him in his home,” she explains. “He’s going to need a while to recover, and I don’t think he can do it in that environment and I feel too exposed having him at my home in case the man knows where I live too.” 
“Holy,” is all Mary can say. Flabbergasted, Y/N can hear her breathing through her mouth, like it’s still left open, shocked at that answer. “It’s all yours.” 
“Thank you, thank you so much,” she feels so relieved. “How much do I owe you?” 
“For 8 weeks… 2 grand?” 
“Are you sure?” She asks, that seems a little low. “Does it have electricity and running water?” 
“Oh yes, it’s been in our family a long time. There are 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom with a nice tub and a fireplace in the lounge. We normally close it down right before Halloween so it’s not of use to us and that money will cover the bills to keep it open longer, we won’t take anything more. Consider it a thank you for what you two do for a living,” she explains. “I’ll tell Eileen about this and she and her eldest son Marshall will go up there this weekend and make sure it’s up to standard, you can stop here and get the key and pay and no one will ever know you’re staying there.”
“I appreciate this endlessly, seriously, thank you. I have been so scared about what I’m going to do to keep him safe going forward, this is such a weight off my shoulders.” 
“You’re very welcome, dearie, we’ll see you next week,” Mary says, signing off. They say their goodbyes and then she’s alone in her room again. 
She has a moment to smile and take a deep breath. This will be okay. Haley is a strong woman, she’s going to fight for them. Aaron is a strong man but he’s also good at listening to her. She can get him to open up on their trip. She can use some of her psychology skills and help him if he is exhibiting any PTSD symptoms. She can clean his wounds and nurture his mind and love him and protect him and when he’s okay, they’ll go back to work and they’ll catch this fucker. 
She puts all her clothes in a suitcase, and she also packs everything of Aarons that she has at her apartment. Then, she grabs a laundry basket and fills it with other things they’ll need while in a cabin in the woods. All their shower things, towels and face cloths, laundry detergent and dryer sheets, a pair of scissors, nail clippers, tweezers, moisturizer, deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissues, wet wipes, napkins, dish soap, a can opener… they’ll get anything else they need while they’re there, but she’s not sure how far a grocery store will be from this cabin. 
She throws in some cans of soup just to cover her bases. She cleans out her fridge of anything that will go bad while they’re gone. She plugs the sinks and the tub in the bathroom so bugs don’t get in with the pipes being dry for so long. She locks every window and Anderson helps her carry everything down to her car. She then calls her landlord and leaves a message about her going away for a while so he can turn off her water to prevent any flooding or pipe breaking in her absence and then she takes another deep breath. 
“anywhere else you need to go?” Anderson asks. 
“Aaron’s place,” she says reluctantly. “I need to pack his things… I don’t want to go there.” 
“It’s okay, I can help,” Anderson assures her. “I actually called a good crime scene clean-up crew right after the police were done with it and they tore up the carpet yesterday so you won’t have to see that again.”
“Thank you, Grant,” she reaches out and touches his arm and smiles. “I’ll see you over there.” 
They part ways to get in their own cars and drive to where Aaron lives on the other side of town. When they get there, the tape is still up on the outside of Aaron's door, the cleaning people must’ve just ducked under it… she takes it down and hesitates before going in.
“Now, I don’t know what Foyet did while he was here. We shouldn’t talk about anything confidential, or where we’re going just in case he has a listening device in there now,” she says, worried as ever. 
“Yeah, smart… but you were talking on the phone with someone making plans at your house, what if he—
“There’s no proof he was ever in my place but even still I never mentioned any names or locations on the phone,” she assures him. 
“Smart, okay, let’s go in,” Anderson says, handing her the keys to Aaron’s place. He got them surrendered to him from evidence after the police wrapped everything up. 
Inside, they clear the space quickly and then she does the same things she did at her own place. She packs Aaron's bag with all his comfy clothes, sweats and t-shirts and underwear and then a couple pairs of jeans and nice shirts— polos and button-ups, for when he’s feeling like he wants to go out and be a real person again. 
She knows what that’s like. In her senior year of high school, she had her appendix removed, she had 11 staples and she was out of school for a month. It was hard, she couldn’t shower often and laughing hurt, but the day she was able to get her staples out she got all dressed up for it. Simply because she could. 
And that was with just 1 wound. Aaron has 9. 
He’s going to hate feeling like he can’t do anything. He’s going to try and move and do things too soon because he’s impatient. She’s going to have to monitor his medicine intake and help him bathe and clean the wounds and redress for a few weeks… and she’s completely okay with that. She wants the rest of her life with him and if that means the "in sickness and in health" part starts now. She’s going to do it. 
Once she has everything he’d need clothing-wise, she throws out things in his refrigerator, plugs all the drains and talks to the super of his building to get everything turned off while they’re gone. 
While Anderson is bringing the suitcase out to her car, she has 2 more things she wants to bring. Aaron's gun safe sits on his night table, it’s fingerprint-activated and both his and her own thumbprint are in it. She opens it up to see that his spare gun is in there. The one day he didn’t wear it on his ankle was the one day he was attacked… his passport and some cash are in there too. She locks it up again and unplugs it from the wall and starts to carry it out into the main room. 
“Woah, let me get that,” Grant says as he walks back in. “You’re bringing this?” 
She nods, “Yeah. We’re bringing our guns with us, we need to keep them somewhere?” 
“Yeah, I mean, it’s not like you’re gonna be at a h—
“Grant,” she cuts him off. Knowing he was about to say a hotel with a safe. “No specifics while we’re in here.” 
“Right, sorry,” he apologizes. “I’ll go put this in your car.” 
“I’ll be right out.” 
He heads down the hallway and she has a moment to look around. She grabs another laundry basket and puts in some of Aaron's running shoes and slacks. A bottle of his favourite whisky from the bar cart and Aaron's laptop. His phone is still in evidence so she’ll have to go get that, and his gun is with the police too so she’ll have to sign it out… and last but not least she grabs his two photo albums. One is full of his childhood memories and the other is all of Jack's baby pictures. He’s going to need this. 
She takes the basket with her out into the hall and sets it down as she locks up and then heads back out to her car with it. It’s pretty packed now. All she needs is Aaron to be released from the hospital and they can run away together. 
She can’t wait to run away with him. 
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ryuichirou · 10 months ago
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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fruitsoxs · 2 years ago
How about give me tristamp post-july headcanons on what you think Meryl and Wolfwood did during the 2 years that was skipped and not shown in the last episode. What were they doing or thinking? :3c Be creative with it! -@millionsvash
anything for you <3
warning! there are spoilers for tristamp underneath the cut! if you haven't finished it yet, i suggest you don't read pairing(s); none warnings; spoilers! notes; i went ham with meryl- but I had to think like extra hard about wolfwood for some reason
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Okay so as far as her feelings go, i I don’t think Meryl ever really went through a depression arc afterwards. She really strikes me as the type of person who would go “wow that was crazy” and immediately get back into the groove of living
Of course her life is forever changed, and how she views the world is completely different. She’s not the same person she was before
This is just a cute little personal headcanon but I imagine she got in trouble with her work for pulling such a  huge stunt and got put on paperwork for awhile as punishment and she HATED it
I also think she desperately wanted to spread the truth about Vash, but nobody would ever believe her. 
I get the feeling that after what she went through,  she now knows that things are always deeper than they seem
She always was a truth seeker, and I think that traits has just been multiplied by 10
I headcanon that Meryl is off actively searching for the deeper meaning to every story she can find.
She's still a risk taker. Willing to step foot into dangerous territory to find what she's looking for
I kind of see her developing bits of Roberto’s personality. She really looked up to him, especially towards the end. Specifically I see her becoming more of a hard ass like he was. 
This is a little sad, but what if she smokes every once in a while because the smell reminds her of her old friend. Sometimes on late nights, she lights up a cigarette just to remember Roberto.
Now, did Meryl search for Vash? Probably a little bit. Meryl doesn’t strike me as the type of person who gets stuck in time. If she can’t find him right away then she’ll move on. She probably knows he’s out there somewhere, but she can’t stay stuck.
She continues her search by chasing stories. She knows that man is prone to accidents.
Maybe she even chases rumors about him?
Meryl definitely thinks her higher ups have a stick up their ass, and refuses to listen to them. She does what she wants, and since she’s good at what she does they just have to let her 
Ugh what a tricky little feral boy
Here’s what I think would happen with Wolfwood; he’d be in a cycle of self destruction.
Basically I kind of think he would search for Vash, obviously, but he’d come up fruitless and get really upset about it
So he’d search, get mad he isn’t finding him and go self destructive mode (drinking, being edgy overall) and then try again
OH! He does have that orphanage that he might go back to every once in awhile. He might even raise money for them while he’s out searching for Vash?
I do think he’d probably have little contact with Meryl. If he does chat with her, it’s only for a second. Maybe he’ll share a smoke with her, then be on his way
He strikes me as the type of person who pretends like he thinks Vash is dead, despite actively looking for him
He’d see Meryl and go “I don't understand why you’re still searching for him, he’s gone.” but he’s also out there chasing rumors 
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haysprite · 2 years ago
JOEY HEADCANON TIME !!! <3 I don't talk about him enough despite how much I adore him, so this was long overdue ! As per usual, this is just my interpretation of his character n whatnot.
• AuDHD haver :3c
• He loves cosplaying SO much like holy shit !!! He will spend DAYS working on a cosplay of his favorite comic book characters, even if he’ll only wear it once! He just wants to look cool
• Has an extensive collection of comic books, and will show em off to anybody who shows any interest in them whatsoever
• I feel like he’s really good at dancing! It's not something that he does a lot, but boy does he love to do it! He loves to dance with Susie a lot, who isn’t very good herself but she has a super fun time dancing with him
• Has the lowest energy of the group, so though he likes to do a lot of shit and cause trouble, he needs to spend a lot longer recuperating than the other three, whether he’s reading comics alone or just chilling with his friends
• Is a bit more quiet compared to the other three, though he can get VERY loud when he wants (or needs) to be
• Carries a little notebook around in his pocket to write down random ideas he gets
• He LOVES dogs so much!!! Whenever he passes by a dog, he just has to stop and say hi to it and pet it if he can! He’s always wanted one, and dreams of getting one when he’s finally moved out
• Loves the look of skulls, he thinks they’re really cool 
• Middle child of five kids, and defo has a bit of middle child syndrome, so he tries hard to stand out amongst the five of em. His younger siblings look up to him a lot, though, and he has an alright bond with his older siblings. 
• He and Julie may share the braincell of the group,, but sometimes his impulsiveness just gets the best of him :o) 
• The most trustworthy driver of the bunch, and tends to be the chauffeur for their late night shenanigans. He also knows quite a bit about cars, so he’s the first person Julie will call if she’s having trouble with her own. Joey’s had to drive out to the middle of nowhere to help Julie out with a flat tire or busted engine a couple times
• Besides wanting to earn money so he can move out as soon as he graduates, he really wanted to work so that he could stay away from home more often, since he tended to feel really confined there. Thankfully that motive died down a bit after The Legion was formed, since he was out hanging out with them more often outside of school and work
   -Speaking of work, he was NOT the biggest fan of any of his jobs. He’d get really bored and tend to daydream or ignore a lot of the tasks at hand, which is typically why he got fired. Julie would help him jobhunt despite knowing that he’d eventually get fired, since she really did wanna try and help him out somehow
• Really smart academically! Unlike Julie, though, he tended to do most of his work since he found it ridiculously easy and didn’t wanna deal with the consequences at home nor school
• Despite typically dressing in all black, his favorite color is actually blue, specifically navy blue and cyan
• Finds sports ridiculously boring, and hated being dragged to Frank’s basketball games by Julie. He’d still find some fun in it, since he was with his friends, but he wasn’t the happiest camper about it
• Has a bit of RBF 🙏 Tends to intimidate a lot of people without trying to because of this
• He’s the one everyone will go to whenever they need to talk about something, whether it's to rant about their day or show off something that they found! Just overall really great to talk to
• Gets frustrated very easily if something isn’t turning out the way he wanted it to, and will tend to brute force shit until he gets them to work
 • He’s able to read people decently well, more so in a “I can figure out their motives and what they want from me” than a “I know exactly what that person is feeling” kind of way
• Whenever Julie is havin’ a rough day and Frank isn’t around, he’ll typically snatch her and take her to the gas station to get her a snack and just talk to help her feel better
• When he met Frank, he almost immediately figured out somethin’ was gonna happen between him and Julie, and low and behold, Joey was right. He likes to tease them about this sometimes, since he found it really obvious when neither of them did
• He and Frank will often make stupid bets with each other, most of them including pretty dangerous or idiotic dares that have a high chance of landing one of ‘em in the hospital if they aren’t careful. Susie tends to panic over these, meanwhile Julie is both extremely entertained by their stupidity while also going into mom mode and trying to get them to stop, mainly just cause she doesn’t want them to get too hurt
• He and Frank are each other's right-hand man 👍 They’ll typically confide in each other whenever they need some sort of relationship advice (Joey’s never been in a relationship until Susie and Frank knows how close Julie and Joey are so he requires his help sometimes lmfao)
• Does the lil foot tapping thing that cartoon characters do whenever he’s waiting for something, since he does tend to get a bit impatient
• He’s pretty strong, so sometimes he likes to just,,, pick up his friends and carry them around, mainly ‘cause he finds their reactions pretty funny when he just yoinks them away from whatever they’re doing. Susie enjoys it a lot, Julie can’t help but laugh since he tends to do it when she and Frank are in the middle of talking, leaving Frank to chase after them, and Frank tends to protest and try to get Joey to drop him
• Has difficulties falling asleep, so he’ll either read his comics or call one of his friends to talk to until he eventually falls asleep
• Has a few plushies lying around that Susie has gifted him throughout the years, one of which he struggles to sleep without
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me-myself-and-my-fos · 11 months ago
So how does Guy handle being a father? Is there a moment where after he confides in you about his worries about becoming his dad, you see him being gentle with the kiddo and realize his fears aren't going to come to pass? :3c (@proton-selfships)
I think there were a lot of times, especially leading up to the birth of our oldest, where he just had this almost paralyzing fear of being like his father. I do think as soon as she was born he quit drinking for the most part and it continues with the other kids. Like he refuses to drink in front of them or drink enough to get drunk. He’ll only have a beer or two if we’re out with friends or home alone
His fears would alleviate in time, especially by the time our youngest is born. He’d be a lot more comfortable as a dad and parenting the kids. I think he’d make it a point to never raise his voice in an aggressive way when the kids are within earshot. And he’d really avoid having a favorite child because he was the afterthought kid in his family. So he’d really do his best to show all of the kids he loves them equally and no expectations for them outside of them being good people and pursuing what they’re passionate about
Like yes, as Hannah gets older he does spend a lot of time with her but that’s mainly because she develops meta powers extremely similar to Green Lantern abilities and she stubbornly insisted on becoming a hero. He absolutely takes strides to spend time with each of the kids individually and as a family and learn their interests. When Vivian starts to take an interest in plants and expresses she wants a little garden in the backyard, he takes her to Home Depot immediately to get the supplies and do research. When Hal starts to get into physics and mechanical engineering, Guy takes him to the library to check out as many books as he wants and uses his ring to make mechanical constructs for Hal to safely take stuff apart and build. Emma takes a while to find herself? That’s okay, because her dad is right there to support whatever her current interest/hobby is
And every day when the kids are little and he’s tucking them into bed after telling them a (totally made up) story about his adventures in space, I remind him he’s an amazing dad and 100x the man his father could ever be
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kyukins · 2 years ago
glamrock lolbit
part 2: relationships within the pizza plex
freddy gets along with it, but doesn’t always appreciate its sense of humour. even when it’s jokes aren’t necessarily inappropriate, they often just don’t make sense to poor freddy. he can’t keep up with the way teens are talking nowadays. freddy is a friendly and polite bear however, so he doesn’t have anything against lolbit. he says he appreciates how happy it seems to be – it’s always laughing, anyways
chica thinks lolbit is just a hoot! sometimes she finds herself confused at its jokes, but she’ll ask for clarification and lolbit is more than happy to explain the lore behind the things it says. she picks up a lot of phrases from it
roxy finds lolbit a bit annoying, so she doesn’t talk to it very much. she doesn’t like how much it laughs, what’s it even laughing at? it’s not laughing at her, is it?! she finds it slightly stressful to be around
monty has a love-hate relationship with it. on one hand it can be hilarious (monty enjoys its more vulgar jokes), but on the other it can be obnoxious as hell. it doesn’t shut up. ever. it also seems to enjoy picking at monty – it likes trying to jumpscare him and whatnot. it thinks it’s funny to see a big guy like monty get spooked. regardless, monty enjoys having someone around who not only won’t get upset at him for swearing, but will swear back just as much
the daycare attendant and lolbit have a sort of ‘opposites attract’ relationship. lolbit isn’t very good with younger children, and both sun and moon struggle with teenagers. they sort of admire each other for that. lolbit likes to hang out in the daycare when the plex is closed, mainly because it likes climbing around on the jungle gyms. sun and moon don’t seem to mind. however, neither of them appreciate its crude humour. they’re constantly telling it not to use profanities in the daycare (yes, even though there aren’t currently any children around). moon also occasionally likes to visit it in the arcade! he’s good friends with djmm too – they’re a bit of a trio
DJ music man is also a big fan of lolbit, and lolbit’s an even bigger fan of him! they both work in the arcade together, so they’re rather close. since DJ music man doesn’t speak, lolbit can ramble on and on as much as it wants – and djmm is always sure to respond in his own way. sometimes he’ll use funny audio clips to respond to it. lolbit enjoys djmm’s music taste, and the two swap songs a lot. they both enjoy being silly together :3c
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prismatoxic · 11 months ago
tox. tox. tox. i cant even. THE LATEST CHAPTER???? HELLO???? i was gonna comment but i felt like i wouldnt be able to get my energy across- OUFUGGHPGIHGHO???? OUHOGIDHAJAIGOHA????;!??!!?? THE CALL!!?!??!!! "wow, you really ARE different..." "whats that supposed to mean?" AREUGGGOGFURHHHGFRGHTH
CHIL REPEATING THE WORD "DOG" IN HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE. I CAN HEAR IT. well i mean i actually hear it in Filipino because thats my native language but still. i can imagine it so well. i love them your honor... they are silly...
"what are you even doing???"
"dont worry about it. anyways let me send you thousands of dollars-"
anyways great chapter thank you thank you thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶
~ phio phoefickle ✌️
(p.s. meijack you are in SO much unserious trouble....)
both direct comments and tumblr asks are good for me, it's serotonin right to my veins either way :3 there's a thread in my chilaios server where people also just liveblog their thoughts at me and i'm very hinged about the praise (<- lying)
honestly i love when people think of chilchuck in their own culture... i've seen some friends talk about latino chilchuck, it's so fun. and it's not like we have a tolkien-esque dictionary of half-foot so imagining it in your own language makes sense to me!!
AND YEAH... HONESTLY... you have picked up on something there that i did intentionally, LMAO. so while it's not the vibe chilchuck intended, it's the one that's going to get him in trouble later <3 puckpatti may be willing to gloss over all of this in the name of her dad being happy, but there are others who may take it as something to be concerned about... :3c
i've started chapter 7, and your ask made me very happy so how about i share the beginning with you:
The night before the trip, Laios invites Chilchuck out to Senshi’s, and he finds himself agreeing far more readily than he did the first time. What’s more, everyone can make it; it’s nice to see Falin again, but he also gets to see Marcille when she’s not tired and overworked.
He’s not actually sure if that’s a good thing, in the end.
She hugs Laios when he and Chilchuck arrive (not as tightly as Falin does, but still with a certain degree of overt fondness), then sits herself down and immediately launches into the friendliest interrogation Chilchuck has ever found himself subject to. He can barely half-answer her before she’s launched into another question; about where he’s from, about what he does, about how Laios has been treating him… She asks about his family, too, but it’s Laios who gently deflects her when Chilchuck stalls out about it.
“He’s kind of a private person,” Laios laughs, raising a glass of soda to his lips. “Let him actually get to know you first, Marcille. Then he’ll tell you himself.”
Chilchuck doesn’t want to tell anyone anything about his life without prompting, but he thinks Laios knows that; the easy escape from the line of questioning is appreciated, either way.
“I hope you stick around long enough for that to happen!” Marcille enthuses. “You seem like a really interesting person, Chilchuck. And clearly you’ve got Laios under control.”
Chilchuck laughs at that, and he’s not the only one; Falin and Namari laugh too (and even Shuro smiles a little). A glance Laios's way reveals he’s flustered, but similarly amused. “He’s not hard to direct,” Chilchuck muses over the rim of his water glass. “He just needs to be told exactly what to do.”
He pretends he doesn’t notice the look Falin gives her brother.
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spookyboywhump · 1 year ago
⚰️- if whumpee died, how would you react?
⛓- do you need to restrain whumpee often?
🪝- how did you lure whumpee in?
🍬-what’s whumpee’s cutest feature?
🕸- what do you dislike most about them?
Please and thank you!
Ehehe Anastasia’s turn :3c
⚰️- if whumpee died, how would you react?
“Well, of course I’d be awfully sad if something happened to any of my pets, but especially to Jet. I don’t think I could ever replace him, it would be devastating, but… I’m certain I can find a way to keep him with me forever, even after that unfortunate time comes.” She says with a smile. It’s entirely possible she’s planned for a long time what she will do when this happens.
⛓- do you need to restrain whumpee often?
“Oh no, hardly ever.” She says. “I’ve trained him so well, I just have to tell him to sit and stay and he’ll do as he’s told, he’s very good like that.” She seems quite proud of herself for instilling this in him. “Of course he still slips up sometimes, all pets do, and then I will restrain him if necessary, but really it rarely happens these days.”
🪝- how did you lure whumpee in?
“I got lucky with Jet, I didn’t have to lure him in at all. He was a rather cheap purchase, honestly I don’t think they knew what they really had, I would’ve gladly paid a lot more for him, but I’m certainly not complaining.” She laughs.
🍬-what’s whumpee’s cutest feature?
“He has just the cutest face, while he’s trained to be quite an intimidating guard dog, I can’t help but see him as just an adorable puppy.” She talks about him like she genuinely adores him, like he’s just her most prized possession. “He has a lovely smile and the prettiest eyes, and sometimes he’ll give me just the cutest look, I really can’t say no to him when he looks at me like that.”
🕸- what do you dislike most about them?
“Hm… while I love him dearly and he’s usually so good for me, there are times he gets… distracted. He’s very protective, but sometimes he loses his focus and gets attached to other pets. I’ve been thinking about how to fix this issue, it’s a rather new problem that we’ve been dealing with.” She doesn’t like to talk badly about Jet, most of the time she thinks he’s perfect, but apparently this habit of his has been a problem for her.
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teawithaphd · 2 years ago
For the 30 random questions: 6, 11, and 21 :3c
Ooo, these are some interesting questions!
6. How are they at taking care of plants?
She’s on her feet way too often to settle down and take care of a plant, and if she were to have one, she’d probably completely forget about it while getting caught up with other things.
He’s far too impatient to grow plants, and would probably bombard them with all sorts of growth formulas and potions to try to get them to grow faster. Alas, they would wilt in the process instead, leaving him frustrated.
11. How do they behave when confronted with deadlines?
She wouldn’t really care about deadlines, and would just take care of what’s right in front of her. It’s less the deadline that concerns her and more the task that needs getting done.
He’s a micromanager and tactician, so he calculates every step he has to take in order to fulfill the deadline, down to even the most minute details. Chronic min-max-er; a real “Dandori” enthusiast.
21. Are they outdoorsy? Do they enjoy hiking, camping, etc.?
She grew up mostly outdoors, so she lives and breathes being out in the wilderness. Hiking trips and camping would totally be up her alley, especially if she’s doing something like tracking down a massive animal to hunt and bring to friends or family so that they can cook it and eat it together in a big feast.
He’s not big on hiking or camping, but he’s rather fond of the serenity being outdoors brings. He especially enjoys finding a place very high up and watching the world below him. Sometimes, he’ll even bring a sketchbook with him and draw some local wildlife (he wouldn’t tell a soul, though).
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pointedly-foolish · 2 years ago
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“Well I tried to draw Yuu being limp while being hugged, (decided it would be my oc hugging since I’ve been wanting to draw her) but I’m not sure it really looks like that. I did try to look up a reference photo but putting “limp in someone’s hold” into google images didn’t really help. Got one image that was from a wiki help article titled “how to do a sleeper choke hold”.So I also just drew Yuu by himself in my chibi style, but it seems I can only submit one photo at a time?”
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Oooooooh this is so cute !! thank you for drawing him !!! i love the way you drew yuu ! and your oc looks sweet :3c
and not google being unhelpful for references sobbing 😭 i swear you have to talk to it like its a dumb 5 year old to find decent ref images hahahah but it would be funny to see him get choke holded (choke held? 🤔) 
but it’s trueeeee yuu never did say he’ll hug back , i think u conveyed the limp noodle energy well !
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etruatcaelum · 5 months ago
🍁 + Taiyang, is it true that you favor Yang? :3c (I wanna see what he says, you see)
“Uh–?” Tai blinks, grimacing, coughing out something halfway between a scoff and, “Huh??—what kind of a– of course I don’t play favorites! I love both my girls!”
He’s so taken aback by the question that it riles up Zwei, who bolts away to race in circles around the yard, yapping up a storm. Tai groans and staggers up from where he’s crouched by the sunflowers. Good a reason as any to take a minute to stretch.
But, really? Who asks stuff like that?
“Look,” he says with a long, rattling sigh, “I love Ruby and Yang with all my heart, but that doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge they are… very different people. I know that Qrow–” his face darkens. “—is of the opinion that me training with Yang more’n Ruby’s some kind of proof that I like Yang better, but what’s really going on with that is—seven years old, okay, Yang comes to me, ‘dad, I wanna learn kickboxing!’ I say, sure thing, I find her a class to go to, we practice on weekends. Right. Two years later, Ruby’s turning seven, I say, ‘hey, Rubes, you’re old enough to start going to kickboxing lessons with your sister, you want in on that?’ and she says no, she wants to learn how to use a scythe like her cool Uncle Qrow.”
He chuckles.
“Well, there’s no scythe-wielding classes for seven year olds on offer in Vale, so I go to Qrow and I ask him if he’d be willing to train Ruby if I carve up some wasters, and he goes sure, man.” Tai shrugs. “I’m not gonna tell my kid she has to be a hand-to-hand specialist like me if she doesn’t want to, that’s bullshit. And, sorry, have you seen how good Ruby’s gotten with Crescent Rose? Couple more years of training and I’d say she could kick her uncle’s butt. An’ I’ll be right there cheering her on.”
Tai flashes a broad grin. He’ll admit there’s also an… itty, bitty part of him champing at the bit to see Qrow get his ass kicked just for the satisfaction of seeing the dude’s humongous ego get taken down a peg, but mostly: Ruby’s really come into her own in the last few years, and he’s so proud he could combust.
“…Anyways,” he continues, whistling for Zwei. “It’s stuff like that. Qrow doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he’s not a parent—” a grunt. Tai squats down again to resume weeding the flowerbeds. “Not like he’s even here half the time, with how much runnin’ around the world he does for Oz, huh?”
That jerk.
“Yang’s… got some challenges Ruby doesn’t. She definitely got her mom’s temper, and… kinda pigheaded way of looking at the world.” He sighs again, sobering. “I do worry about Yang more. I don’t… want her to fall down the same kind of path her mom did. I’m glad she has Ruby to look after—I think being responsible’s good for her.”
Of course, he doesn’t want Ruby following in Summer’s footsteps, either. But that’s… different. He can protect her from that just by keeping her away from Oz and swearing Qrow to secrecy about all of it—Salem, the relics, all that silver-eyed destiny crap.
Yang, though… hot-tempered and stubborn aren’t a great combination in any walk of life. So, yeah, he’s a bit harder on Yang than he is with Ruby. Like he said, they’re different people. Different interests, different needs.
“But I don’t play favorites,” he grumbles. “All I do is try’n meet both my girls where they’re at.”
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flakytartart · 2 years ago
making a rarepair/crackship headcanon/info list for myself because it sounds fun and I’m suffering from brainrot. platonic and romantic. will update whenever I feel like it 🤔
first set of ships all involve Kiyotaka but I’ll eventually throw in some Persona peeps too (looking at my boys Mitsuo and Teddie)
❤  Hiyoko Saionji (SDR2) / Kiyotaka Ishimaru (DR:THH)
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- Romantic. One-sided (Hiyoko -> Taka) is preferred, but mutual is cute too!!
- Taka adores watching her dance and attends her performances/practices when possible. Hiyoko loves performing knowing that he’s in the crowd
- He isn’t the biggest with physical affection but for some reason it happens naturally with Hiyoko. In the beginning he’d tense up when she’d tug on his uniform or grab his arm but he eventually got used to it. He’s gotten so comfortable that he lets her hug him during school hours
- They sometimes - usually upon Hiyoko’s request - hold hands when walking around/hanging out. More than once Taka has grabbed Hiyoko’s hand without asking. He also sometimes gives her piggyback rides
- Everyone but Taka knows that Hiyoko is a mega bitch - she’s nothing but kind and sweet whenever he’s around. Because of this, he vehemently defends Hiyoko whenever someone claims that she’s mean or a bully
❤ Mukuro Ikusaba / Kiyotaka Ishimaru (DR:THH)
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- Platonic or romantic!! They’re so adorable I’m so normal about them (I’m lying)
- Autism buddies!!!! Taka really appreciates Mukuro’s willingness to explain and give advice on navigating social situations. Mukuro likes listening to Taka ramble about insignificant/unimportant things and sometimes asks questions about why he does certain things
- They’re both excellent students. They often study for tests together in the library (usually in complete silence), and participate in morning stretches together
- Junko likes to tease Mukuro about her “little moral compass” but the older sister doesn’t let it get to her. Mukuro never lets her gossip about Kiyotaka to others or tease him directly.
[ Credit to XxGoldMadnessxX and Drakidor for Mukuro’s sprite {X} ]
❤ Sayaka Maizono / Kiyotaka Ishimaru (DR:THH)
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- Platonic or romantic. If romantic, usually one-sided (Sayaka -> Taka)
- Sayaka loves to flirt with Taka whenever he’s patrolling the halls. He gets flustered very easily and tries to avoid her/get away as quickly as possible so that he can carry on his duties without interruption
- He thinks she’s sweet but finds her advances extremely overwhelming. Taka isn’t used to affection (especially from girls) and always gets nervous whenever she invades his personal space
- I think I like platonic more? Like they’re good friends but Sayaka just likes to push his buttons. She thinks the way he tenses up and blushes like a tomato is adorable!
- If they were dating I think their dynamic would be the same as above, but Taka would sometimes fold. For example, if Sayaka begs him enough and/or nobody is looking, he might give her a small peck on the cheek or lips.
- She’s constantly holding onto his arm and pressing into his side. Because he’s reluctant to participate in PDA, he’ll sometimes find subtle ways to show affection (gently guiding her towards her class, complimenting academic/any achievements, offering to straighten out her uniform...then fixing her hair :3c)
- Sometimes I like to throw them, Mondo, Chihiro, and/or Leon into a polycule because why not :p
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twistedr0se · 4 years ago
Diasomnia members with a bubbly princess s/o 👑 🌸
Notes: Fem!Reader
Malleus Draconia
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Poor mal mal is pining SO HARD for you ;w;
He's very confused at your mannerisms. Growing up as a royal himself, the ettiquette that comes with royalty don't usually fit someone so outspoken and bubbly
Gets somewhat flustered when you're around him. He’s not used to this kind of warmth, especially coming from a princess given his draconic fae bloodline
Often goes to lilia for advice on how to properly court you, don't be surprised when he often comes baring flowers and gifts on your next outing
He spends a lot of time trying to write letters to you, he hasn't known of love as a lone fae, so words don't come easy for him
Gets incredibly possessive of you due to how much you mean to him, he won’t let any prince steal you away from him
He daydreams and fantasizes a lot about what his future with you would look like. Once he graduated he would love to bring you to the valley of thorns and officially make you his queen
Lilia Vanrouge
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Oya oya? What do we have here?
He gets along with you very well due to your bubbly and sociable nature, he finds it interesting and absolutely adorable!!
Once he finds out that you are a princess, he’ll start to call you more regal petnames like “your highness” and “my liege”
Like malleus, he will do more old school ways of courtship, albeit more laid back
He’ll text you every now and then to see how you’re doing and if you need a fairy godfather (tm) to be by your side
Dancing and waltzing is almost a daily activity for you two. Residents of diasomnia will find you two echoing the halls of their dormitory with laughter and footsteps
He tells you a lot about silver, sebek and malleus during your dates. Like the proud father he is, they’re all his pride and joys. Perhaps in the future you’ll feel the same maternal love Lilia shares with his boys 👀
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At first he didn’t know about your status as a princess and thought you were just a regular social butterfly
Tbh nothing much changes once he knows about your status as a princess, he’ll still love you all the same, albeit being more chivalrous.
He jokes about how he is now your knight in shining armor despite him being sleepy most of the time
Your bubbly personality doesn’t bother him, even if he wakes up from your antics he’d gladly stay awake if it’s with you :3c
Loving kisses the palm of your hand and your forehead every now and then to show you he loves you dearly
Wouldn’t mind becoming your personal knight and bodyguard if malleus and Lilia allow it (and they will hehe :3c)
You’ll have a loyal and quiet knight guarding and protecting you every step of the way, he swears by his sword that he will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Sebek Zigvolt
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If you think malleus is overprotective then BOY are you in for a surprise 😭
He finds your persona a mild annoyance, but he won’t admit that he secretly likes your vibrant presence. The minute he finds out about your royal status he’ll start to be very protective of you
He wont treat you like you’re fragile, but he’ll certainly be willing to fight anyone who dares to disrespect you
Bless your ears because you’ve earned a bodyguard (tm) boyfriend
Despite insisting that he’s a serious and tough knight, all it takes is a hug or a kiss to render him speechless
He would invite you to go on horse rides with him during his free time, and maybe you can accompany him during knightly training with silver. He wants to show off his swordsmanship too!!
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aceofshitposts · 3 years ago
All Roads To The Sea - Chapter Three
okay so, super late BUT i mean it's here!! so, this is technically out of order with the jaytim week prompts cuz this is actually for Wet Clothes rather than Shooting Star/Eclipse cuz it made more sense for the story progression to go this way 😂 so next chapter will be shooting star :3c
JayTim Week Day Three - Wet Clothes
Tim manages to turn the SUV around in record time, Chrys and Danger's figures blurring in the rain as Tim begins to speed away. There's a loud PING from a bullet hitting the bumper causing Jason to jump where he's twisting around in his seat to see out the rear window.
He turns back to Tim, reaching out to grab Tim's wrist and it's a good thing Tim is a good driver because otherwise he might have swerved at the sudden contact.
BACK, is the immediate thought he gets from Jason, concern and fear bubbling over like a tidal wave.
"We can't," Tim says, eyes flicking to the rearview mirror. They're too far to see anything except the vague shape of the overturned truck in the distance in the torrential rain. "It's too dangerous."
Vicious fury rips through Tim, Jason squeezing his wrist hard enough to bruise.
“I don’t want to leave her either! But how, exactly, are we going to take down Danger? He’s covered from head to toe and how would you even make it far enough to touch him anyway? He’s got a gun, several actually. If we go back there, you’re never getting out and you’ll never see Chrys again anyway.”
Jason withdraws his hand, leaving Tim with one last pulse of bitterness, and crosses his arms over his chest. Tim dares a quick glance towards him, his displeasure at the situation evident by his expression.
“I’m sorry, but she told us to go. She wouldn’t want to put you in more danger by coming to rescue her.”
Jason huffs in response, turning his head to stare out the window.
He hopes Chrys is okay. That she found something she could do and got away from Danger. It was no use dwelling on worrying about her now, though. Tim had a mission to fulfill and he intended to see it through.
They needed to ditch the SUV as soon as possible and Tim needed an easier method of getting Jason between cars and motels.
Evanston is a quiet town at almost midnight, few cars looming on its roads. It’s easy enough to follow a few road signs and find the city’s hospital.
The parking lot is about half full with cars of various types and it doesn’t take long for Tim to find one someone has fortunately left unlocked. He parks so that the two passenger sides face each other and begins helping Jason maneuver into the smaller car. Despite the direct contact, Jason is uncharacteristically quiet; the little Tim gets is muted and feels far away.
Jason is still mad and Tim doesn’t necessarily blame him. He was probably not the one Jason would have chosen to be stuck with if given a choice, after all he had only known Tim for two days. Barely.
Once safely inside the new car, he leaves Jason to curl in on himself, leaning against the window.
The last thing he needs is thankfully easy to get. He stalks over to the entrance of the ER where there are several folded wheelchairs leaning against a wall for people to use. Walking up and taking one isn’t a problem, any nurse watching from the lobby thinking he’s simply going to return with a person.
By the time they realize he isn’t coming back he’ll be long gone.
After putting the wheelchair away in the backseat and removing the duffle bag Chrys left from the SUV, Tim gets to work getting the car to start. It takes him longer than he would’ve liked but eventually the engine roars to life and Tim is peeling out of the parking lot and back onto the road.
The rain peters out a few hours North, the clouds breaking to reveal a waxing moon and a brilliant display of stars. Jason’s breathing has evened out, head pressed against the glass window when Tim looks over.
With the immediate danger behind them Tim can feel his own exhaustion beginning to take over. His body aches from the car crash and a headache simmers behind his eyes.
But Tim refuses to stop.
Not yet.
Paranoia nips at his heels just enough that Tim keeps driving through the night, turning into a roadside motel just before dawn. They’ve put a lot of distance between them by now and Tim hopes that Danger will assume they’ve either continued along the original route or doubled back towards the west coast rather than meandering northwards.
Either way, Tim is exhausted and needs rest.
The motel seems quiet, few cars parked in front of the small individual units, tucked away between towering pine trees. The boy working the intake office happily gives Tim the key to the unit farthest back in the lot when Tim tips him an extra fifty as a tip.
Early dawn light filters down through the trees, too early for most people to be awake. A row over Tim can hear the sounds of someone packing up their own car and getting ready to leave.
Getting Jason into the wheelchair is easy enough, although Jason is evidently still mad at Tim from the glare he gives him. 
Tim is grabbing the duffle bag from the back when there’s a sharp gasp coming from nearby the car’s bumper. He scrambles backwards, looking to see a little girl with blonde pigtails staring wide eyed at him and Jason.
“Uuh,” Tim says, somewhat uselessly. Jason swats his arm.
“Oh my gosh,” the little girl breathes, beginning to look a little like Christmas had come early. “Are you a real mermaid?”
To her credit, at least, she keeps her voice low.
“Yes,” Tim says slowly as an idea forms in his head. He walks over, kneeling down in front of the little girl who shuffles backwards a step. “But a Sea Witch stole his voice.”
She gasps again before clapping both hands over her mouth.
“Do you think you can keep a secret? The Sea Witch could be anywhere.”
She nods rapidly, both hands still over her mouth. She opens her hands slowly, mock whispering, “I promise I won’t tell anyone, mister mermaid.”
Tim looks over his shoulder at Jason, who smiles gently at the little girl and waves. She giggles, gives a mock salute to Tim and runs off; heading in the direction Tim heard the other people packing up for the day earlier.
When Tim starts to push Jason towards the open door he reaches up a hand, lightly touching the top of Tim’s, sea witch?
Tim chuckles, “there’s this Disney movie… I guess you won’t know what Disney is, huh? It’s a story about a mermaid and she saves this prince from drowning and falls in love with him. She tries to become human by making a deal with a sea witch, her voice for legs.”
Jason hums, a low sound that also reverberates in his head. Tim can tell Jason retreats, just a little bit, the connection going muted as Tim continues to maneuver the wheelchair into the cramped motel unit until Jason drops his hand into his lap entirely. Just as Tim locks the breaks on the wheelchair Jason reaches back up, tell me more? 
Which leads to Tim trying to retell the plot of The Little Mermaid while filling the motel bathtub with water. He tries to remember all the details the best he can, hoping Jason is picking up on the spotty memory of the movie as he goes. The rendition of Part of Your World in his head repeats a verse where Tim finds he can’t remember the exact lyrics but the point gets across well enough… hopefully.
Jason settles in the tub, water splashing over the edge, the end of his tail fin hanging over the edge of the tub while his torso is only partially submerged.
“It’d probably be easier to just show you the movie, you know,” Tim muses as he struggles to remember what happens between Ariel getting legs and the Kiss The Girl song. “Most of these motels have vcrs and video rental stores are everywhere.”
Jason’s tail slaps the edge of the tub in the merperson version of tapping their foot. He tilts his head to the size, grinning lazily at Tim. It’s so much more fun listening to you struggle.
“Ha ha, okay that’s enough for now then,” Tim says, standing up. As he moves, slipping his arm from Jason’s touch he feels the fading echoes of mirth.
Tim retrieves the duffle bag, digging through it to find two capped syringes and seven fist sized white tablets. Tim picks one up, the texture lightly crumbles against his fingers. For one insane moment Tim wonders if Chrys packed a bunch of cocaine before he remembers– Jason needs salt water. A quick taste off once finger confirms, these are black blocks of salt. 
“Uh, do you know how many of these are supposed to go in the water?” Tim asks, holding up a tablet.
Jason looks at him blankly and shrugs.
“Okay, one it is since we only have six after this.”
He drops the tablet into the water, half expecting it to fizz but it just sinks, rolling off Jason's tail and sitting at the bottom of the tub beside him. Jason rolls his eyes and picks it up, crumbling it between his fingers and dispersing it as best he can. 
"Huh, I guess I should have put that in when I was filling the tub."
Jason gives him a withering stare.
"Okay, uh, I've gotta take a nap"–and a shower if Tim was being honest but that could wait–"will you be okay?"
Jason glances around the sparsely decorated room, giving a shrug.
"Oh, I know, can you read English? I have a book?"
Jason perks up slightly, wiggling a hand back and forth in a "kind of" motion. Tim grins, grabbing an extra pillow from one of the twin beds and digging through his backpack to find the other paperback he'd bought. Unfortunately, he didn't remember to grab his murder mystery from the floor after the crash but he did also have some sort of mushy looking period romance that he grabbed entirely by accident. 
Jason settles in with his head against the pillow after drying his hands off on a nearby towel. He makes a shooing motion with his hand when he notices Tim still standing beside the tub.
He'll sleep for a couple hours. That's all. The room is quiet except for the faint sound of water lapping in the tub and the sound of pages being turned. Tim falls head first into the pillows and passes out.
It should be no surprise that Tim wakes with a start over six hours later, the analogue clock on the wall reading 12:23. Panic arcs through his veins, causing him to scramble off the bed, stalking over to the sidelite to look into the motel parking lot.
Heart pounding, Tim looks outside. He’s convinced that he’s going to see Danger, staring him right in the eye with the barrel of his gun. That the parking lot is going to be filled with government vehicles, all ready to take him and Jason away forever–
The parking lot is quiet. Midday sun casts shadows from the towering pines, not a single person to be seen.
They’re still okay. They’re fine, they haven’t been found, it's– It’s all okay.
Tim sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face and goes to check on Jason. He finds Jason with his nose still in the book, tailfin thumping lightly against the edge of the tub along to Jason humming Part of Your World. It’s a low, slightly gravely and broken sound, reminding Tim of times he would get sick and go without talking for days at a time and any sound he made came out sounding like a paper shredder.
“Still reading?” Tim asks, leaning on the doorframe.
Jason doesn’t even look up, nodding his head once and holding up his hand in a victory sign…
“Oh, you’re rereading it?”
Jason nods again, turning a page.
“I’m going to go get some food and other supplies, are you alright here?”
Return of the shooing motion. Alright then.
The nearby town is a short drive away through a single narrow road flanked by towering trees. There’s a singular main street that contains all the town’s major stores, a number of which appear to be kitschy tourist gift shops centred around the town’s only attraction: fishing at the nearby lake.
As Tim is driving past the residential area, a smattering of small wooden houses, he sees an old looking, beat up Jeep parked along the side of the road with a red FOR SALE sign in the back window.
Tim slows to a stop, giving the slate gray vehicle a quick look over before reversing back the way he came. They’ll need a proper vehicle, one that Tim isn’t risking burning his fingers on everytime he needs to start it and hasn’t been reported stolen. But first, to get rid of this one. Tim drives along the abandoned stretch of road, finding an old dirt path into the woods. The Sedan wasn’t really built for off roading but Tim pushes through anyway, looking for a good spot that’s far enough away from the main road the car was unlikely to be seen.
Tim abandons the vehicle as it rolls forward down a short decline, enough of a distance that nobody was going to see it if they weren’t looking down. Somebody would find it, eventually, and if Tim ever found out who it belonged to he would have to repay them but he had bigger things to worry about at the moment.
After half an hour of hiking he finally makes it back to the house with the Jeep in front of it.
In hindsight, Tim realizes he probably should have checked that somebody was home before abandoning his vehicle to the woods.
Welp. Too late now.
Tim knocks on the door.
The woman who answers has white hair pulled back in a loose bun, strands of hair falling in her face, and manages to be shorter than Tim is. She looks up at him with a single raised, white eyebrow.
“You here to spread the good news?”
Tim blinks, straightening his back slightly. “No, ma’am, uh, I saw the for sale sign on that Jeep?”
“You’re interested?”
“As long as it works” –another thing Tim probably should have checked before getting rid of his car–”I’ve got cash.”
“Huh,” she says as if that were particularly interesting. It makes Tim want to squirm. “Why don’t you come in?”
He tries to refuse but the woman pins him down with a glare and leaves the door open when she moves further back into the squat building.
At her kitchen table she sets a glass of lemonade down in front of Tim, a noisy fan clunking away in the background to provide a palty breeze in the midday heat. Tim learns her name is Ophelia.
“Now, what is it you’re running from, boy?”
Tim grimaces, is he really that obvious? Ophelia simply takes a sip from her drink, patiently waiting for an answer. He can’t tell her the truth, that much is for certain. Besides endangering him and Jason, it might endanger her, and Tim had enough peoples’ blood on his hands.
“My parents,” he blurts out, grasping for anything that would sound plausible, “they wanted me to take over the family business and if I didn’t they’d kick me out. So, I called their bluff. They… aren’t really happy about it.”
Eh. Not Tim’s best lie but good enough.
Ophelia nods along. “Sounds like a bitch,” she says amiably. “The car works, she’s just old. How much cash you got?”
“Seven hundred,” Tim says automatically, knowing better than to tell anyone the full amount.
“Five hundred, then, and she’s yours. We got a deal?”
Ophelia sends Tim away with the car keys and, on her insistence, a tent and camping stove tucked into the back along with a package of chocolate chip cookies. The engine rumbles to life, just as Ophelia said it would, and Tim heads into town; Ophelia waving at him in the rear view mirror.
It’s over an hour before Tim gets back to the motel, hands full of plastic shopping bags and take-out from the single diner.
Jason is lounging in the tub when Tim returns, book left on top of the toilet seat. His eyes are closed but he perks up when he hears the rustling of the paper bag Tim is holding.
“Sorry that took so long”–Tim passes him one styrofoam container filled with chicken strips and fries–”but I got a new car, not even stolen, and a bunch of supplies that should last us a little while at least. Especially if we can’t stop at a motel.”
Tim spent most of his time shopping thinking about what to do next. With any luck Chrys had hopefully told Danger they were going to head back west, buying them time to put more distance between them. Tim had also dropped his credit card before the convoy had left the last motel in the hopes someone would start using it elsewhere, further obfuscating their location.
“And,” Tim says, dropping the two plastic bags that had been cutting off the circulation in his fingers on the floor, “I figured you were bored so I got a bunch more books in different genres and” –Tim can’t help the grin that splits his face– “a disguise for you to wear.”
Jason raises a single eyebrow at Tim. The effect is slightly marred by the way his cheeks are puffed out from stuffing an entire handful of fries in his mouth at once.
They wait for nightfall before leaving, Tim sitting on the closed toilet seat and reading to Jason, clarifying any terms he’s unfamiliar with or other human mannerisms he doesn’t understand. It’s a quiet evening, Jason relaxing further and further as Tim reads out loud.
When the sun has finally begun sinking beneath the horizon, Tim sits out to get the car ready. He fills a large square bucket halfway with water and fits it into the footrest on the passenger side seat and lays down a plastic seat cover to protect it from water. 
Jason is less thrilled about Tim’s other present.
He looks down at the hoodie Tim had soaked under the tap before handing it to him and then back up at Tim, who’s desperately trying to keep his giggles under control. 
Declares the hoodie, underneath a simple black line drawing of a carp, which Tim’s fairly sure isn’t a species of fish that lives in the ocean to begin with.
“C’mon, it’s perfect for you,” Tim says, voice shaking under the effort to not burst into laughter.
Jason frowns deeply, crossing his arms over the large carp emblazoned across his chest.
“And this hat!” Tim ignores Jason’s sulking to fit the black baseball cap over Jason’s head.
Jason bats Tim’s hands away, sitting up straight in the seat and turning the cap in order to read the front:
The look on Jason’s face is so unimpressed that Tim finally loses his composure, one hand clutched across his stomach as he laughs. Jason huffs but fits the cap back on his head, brim low over his eyes, and turns away from Tim.
It takes Tim a full five minutes to get himself under control enough to start the car.
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