#he   h a t e s   her
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slashingdisneypasta · 26 days
Wait wait wait.
I just read (On Tik Tok, which is why I'm asking) that Catherine Parr was named after Catherine of Aragon??? Is that true??
Cuz-... that-... I don't even know where to begin.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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i miss renrennnnnnnnnn
#woke up this morning and thought of him so now y’all have to think of him too#and so. once again. i try to bypass the preview website paywall for the renren chapter… (i’m not successful)#i want to see more of him (it’s a need at this point) i’ll settle for it if he shows up on the cover for vol 2 (im begging)#though i also wouldn’t mind if sahara ‘concon’ yuna shows up on vol 2 instead!!!! women’s wrongs yay#i’d l o s e it if he turns out to be another sicks and. like. dates nagisa while chizuhiyo becomes a thing#(all while concon and juri become bffs in the bg and bond over styling tips or sth)#i hope he gets a focus song some time soon (pls) i need him to inject some sanity into the chizuutan manga#though for some reason i think he looks like he’d be voiced by ono.ken…#he just has that vibe to him idk w h y#but. man. i want to see where he is and what he does during the events of the 2nd half of the [redacted] anime#i think it’d be super funny if renren and concon had to smack some sense into chizuutan behind the scenes to get her to make up with hiyo#yes it’d retcon. like. chizumama’s permission of hiyo’s unlawful entry but the [redacted] anime retcons everything anyway so why not#if the [redacted] anime can retcon yuko’s relocation to france the chizuutan manga can totally retcon a buncha other stuff r i g h t —#ok yup yeah enough renren thoughts for today; there’s not enough non region-locked info about him yet after all—#s o b s why is the chizuutan manga so hard to access worldwide why must you gatekeep renren from usssssss
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
could we possibly get a little angsty mermaid au action? missing that one! thank you for continuing to share your masterpieces with us!
I almost didn't recognise you, it's been so long.
Thena blinked, the only time needed for her friend to go from being a speck in the distance to right in front of her. She sighed, bubbles rising from her mouth. Sorry.
What's wrong? Makkari asked, despite her feelings about Thena spending more time on land than in the water, these days. She swam around her friend, resting on a sandbank like a beached whale. It must be bad for you to leave your precious human.
Thena snarled her lips, letting her fangs poke out. She turned over in the sand, her tail dusting it up around them. "Leave it alone."
Makkari swam around to her other side, though, real concern on her face now. Hey, it was a joke. Is there something I should know?
Thena's lip wobbled. If she were on land, her eyes would be pouring salt. They had done so a few times, like when she was sick, or when she watched a heartbreaking movie with Gil that felt very much like how they had come to fall in love.
But underwater, the vacuum of it swallowed her sorrows. Her gills expanded and contracted with her heavy heart. "We are quarrelling."
You and the land walker? Makkari tilted her head a few times, the gold charms she liked on the ends of her hair floating with the motion. What did he do?
Thena swiped at her eyes, another human habit she had picked up. She sighed again, adjusting herself on her sand bed. He didn't do anything. I...I learned something.
Makkari - against any mer's instincts and natural inclination - also settled herself on the sand. She rested her chin on her arms folded in front of her, the red sparkle of her scales reflecting on the beautiful tone of her skin. She raised her brows.
Thena smiled at her friend. There was nothing about the ocean she missed quite so much as Makkari. We were out walking in town. A woman approached Gil, and he knew who she was. They spoke for some time, and he introduced me. She seemed nice.
Makkari nodded along with her very factual recounting of the story. She was used to it with her, after all. She would ask her questions as they came.
I asked Gil who she was when we got back to the boat. Thena blinked, laying her head on the sand again like a pathetic guppy lost in a strange reef. She was his mate.
Makkari shot up again, her tail swishing and her hands poised as if she had the human man's throat there for the strangling. His what?!
Thena nodded, feeling the rush of foolishness and resentment and anger and envy all over again. Humans don't mate for life. Apparently, it is not uncommon for them to have numerous partners.
It wasn't that it was impossible for mers to have multiple mates. Sometimes things didn't work out, that wasn't so incomprehensible. But it wasn't something taken lightly, to become bound mates at all. Certainly it wasn't common to encounter someone's past mate and strike up pleasantries.
She nuzzled the sand, pressing her temple to it in a poor substitute for the soft but firm feeling of Gil's chest under her. He said it was a long time ago. That they had been young and parted amicably. That they were 'still friends'.
Makkari watched the way she punctuated his verbatim statement. She lifted her lips around her fangs. That sounds like a clown who wants more than one anemone.
She agreed. It was hard to communicate that to him, though, when all she had felt was rage. Anger with him for smiling at his past mate wit her right there, on his arm no less! How dare he greet this woman so normally as if they hadn't been entangled from the inside out?!
She knew it was normal for them. She knew Gil didn't mean to hurt her and she knew that she shouldn't have thrown herself right over the side of the boat to avoid him. But just the sight of him made her want to shatter coral right off his thick skull.
Humans actually had very thin skulls compared to theirs, Sersi said.
What else did he say?
Thena shook her head. The sun moved above them, or a cloud did, and she lost her comforting warm spot. She let herself drift off the sand and listlessly ride the currents around them.
Hey, Makkari nudged her arm as she began swimming next to her. I never thought I'd see the day you were limping around because of some bull.
Nor did she, in all honesty. But she had never felt quite like this, either. She let herself drift down and down until some shelves of coral made themselves known. Her tail flopped limply after her; the tail Gil said was so beautiful.
Makkari swam to face her again. Now I'm really worried.
"Sorry," Thena squeaked out. She couldn't help it. She wanted to be in a bed and to tug the covers up over her head. She wanted to run a hot bath and fold herself up in it, letting just her tail hang out in the open air.
Okay, Makkari also sighed, moving to lean against the edge of her coral refuge. I may not be the biggest admirer of your...human. But I know how much you care about him. Are you going to go back to him?
Of course--of course she would. She just came to get out her feelings. The question of going back or not was not even an option. But maybe that was part of the problem. Thena looked at her oldest and dearest friend in all the seas. Kari, I can't leave him. We're...
Makkari's eyes widened. Perhaps she'd had some inkling of things, but this was a damning admission nonetheless. She waved her fingers. You, and him, you're...you mated with him?!
Thena pursed her lips, tempted to roll over again as if she were in bed at home. "You don't have to make that face."
How is that...how? Makkari concluded, rather mildly all things considered.
How humans do it, Thena sufficed to say. She didn't have to go over the gruesome details.
To her credit, Makkari restrained herself from further reaction. She crossed her arms again. Do you feel different?
She did, but she also didn't. She had never taken a mate of her own kind, but she had never even desired to. With Gil...it had happened so naturally, come of natural events. Perhaps she had experienced new mate-hood, in which she had become so infatuated that she had nary desired to leave Gil's side.
But then she thought of the human woman again, of her hanging on Gil's arm, and kissing him and eating his food. And it made her stomach clench like when she had fallen ill with a human 'bug'.
Thena blinked as she felt the touch of a hand on her arm. Makkari gave her a sympathetic look. Mers were not the type to exchange physical gestures meaninglessly, and they in particular were not partial to it. But she smiled, "thanks."
Makkari patted her arm before fiddling with the gold on her fingers (also stolen little trinkets). Well, you'll go back, you said. When?
She was asking if Thena would stay in the water for some time. But she hadn't considered it. For all she had done to storm off and leave poor Gil all alone in the small motorboat, she hadn't considered staying past the height of the moon. For how miserable she was feeling, she still wanted to return to his arms to sleep.
How foolish mating with a partner made someone.
I don't know, Thena answered more properly. She at least lifted herself from the coral. I wanted time to think clearly.
Makkari shrugged. Bulls--what can be done about them?
Thena offered a somewhat sardonic but genuine smile. She was inclined to agree, but she still wished to return to her bull in question. I promise I will return soon, and in better spirits.
Makkari followed her as she began swimming upward again. As soon as she had tossed herself from the boat, she had swam straight down, desiring nothing more than getting Gil out of her sight. Does Ikaris know?
Thena rolled her eyes. No, and he never can. I had to worry about him drowning Gil before they had even met. This will not help.
Fine, but I can't say I'm completely against it, Makkari offered neither her complete support nor condemnation. But it was support either way, and Thena appreciated it.
Thena eyed the bait that was hanging in the water. They weren't deep enough for mers yet, but it was deep enough that most wouldn't be fishing with a regular manual rod in such an odd spot.
Makkari beat her to it, of course, swimming right up to it. There's something tied around it.
Thena floated next to it, undoing the strip of cloth tied around the line. The ink was already being eaten at by the salt, but the sloth was scrawled with a very sad SORRY on it in horrific lettering. "Oh, Gil."
Has he just been sitting here? Makkari asked, looking up at the bottom of the boat.
That was exactly what he had been doing. Because that was Gil; he wouldn't have gone home without her. Even if she had, she would have discovered he wasn't back and come to find him. So he had stayed put, cast the line with a message for her to come back to him, unable to come after her properly.
Okay, fine, he's not bad for a human, Makkari conceded with minimal eye rolling. She gave Thena's fin a friendly smack with her own on her way past. Come back another time you don't want to just cry about your boyfriend and his legs?
Thena waved to her friend's swiftly retreating image before Makkari truly put her power into her tail and shot off with blinding speed. She did owe her more visits, and it was nice to truly swim completely uninhibited for a time.
She poked her head up slowly, the water lapping around her. It was dusk, and soon would be completely dark. She rose until she could peek over the side of the boat.
Gil was tearing another strip of fabric off his emergency canvas, writing the word over and over and over to get the ink to penetrate the cloth properly.
Oh, her sweet, sweet human man. Thena sighed, once again feeling the air in her lungs, even with her gills in her neck. She brought her hands up to the boat's edge, "Gil?"
"Th-Thena!" he startled, but his head whipped up to her. He had been crying. "Angelfish!"
The boat tipped dangerously as he rushed over to her. As much as she could get them back home, she wasn't strong enough to tip over a boat by herself. "Gil!"
He stopped his rush to hug her, or lift her out of the water and back onboard with him. His shoulders sagged, "oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I should have explained more--a-about my ex. I didn't mean for you to find out that way."
She still didn't enjoy the concept of Gil and his ex-mate, doing mating things. But she pulled herself up and into the boat for herself, settling on the bench, still with her tail on. "I know you were put in a difficult position, Gil. I...I shouldn't have swam off."
He plunked himself back down to the other seat by the motor. "No, I don't blame you for being mad. I probably wouldn't want to find out about any ex of yours by running into him on a date."
Yes, exactly! She had her vindication, which did soothe the stubborn part of her. But she split her tail into legs again, leaning forward. "Gil."
He let her lift his chin, happy to accept her kiss. He slipped his fingers into her hair. "I'm sorry, Angelfish. I didn't want you to get hurt like that."
It had hurt, in an odd way. Humans had such interesting concepts of pain--so internal and self reflective. But Thena smiled, running her thumb over his cheek, "I know."
He accepted her acceptance. He wasn't forgiven, but he wasn't asking for that. He reached behind him, putting his jacket over her, "let's get home, okay?"
Thena nodded, pulling the jacket up and zipping it. It was cold in the air, even as the salt beaded off her skin. "I'm sorry, I don't know where the dress ended up."
"It's okay, Cuddlefish, we can get you another one," he smiled, eager to maintain their lifted spirits. He held his arm out, inviting her to sit next to him for the boat ride home.
She obliged him, settling herself in the crook of his arm. She pressed her temple to his chest, finally soothed after the sand failed where he was succeeding. "I want that seafood stew you make for dinner."
What he called 'Jjampong' was one of her favourites, not only for the seafood, but for the pleasant spiciness it possessed.
He kissed her hair, speeding ahead and back to their home, on the island, with Titania waiting for them at the dock. "Anything you want, Thena."
She wanted him to swear to be her one and only mate from now on. But dinner would suffice for now.
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stevethehairington · 2 months
no because like. okay i KNOW eddie does have wife related trauma but ALSO there are Layers here and it is s o o o o fascinating that eddie is getting CRIPPLING panic attacks over someone being called his wife. like. you would think maybe said wife related trauma would be the cause of that — like yknow. the woman i called my WIFE died, so now im terrified of ever having anyone else be called my wife , because what if that happens to her TOO. only NO. THATS ACTUALLY NOT IT AT ALL. it's anxiety about what having a wife means for HIM. like. LIKE. INSANE IMPLICATIONS INSAAAAANE IMPLICATIONS!!!!!!!!
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dogtiber · 2 months
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biitchcakes · 8 months
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(** Fair warning, this is a bit of a long post due to pictures**) To start off, the way they first encounter each other is just so perfect ⸺ Max just flat out VULCAN NERVE PINCHES her while she's at her receptionist job. And the fact it works. It's Spider-Woman's weakness and that's simply just hilarious to me.
Then after meeting each other properly ( he breaks into her house while she's in the shower ), he stays the night on her couch. In the morning, she wakes up to find him cooking her some breakfast. . . 🥺🥺
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❝ Ms. Drew ❞ just tickles me coming from him idc.
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I Love The Way They FLIRT.
❝ If you're embarrassed to hold hands ⸺ ❞ actually teasing her rn. Can't believe he took her hand after using it to blast someone please.
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AND IT !! WORKS !!! This is what she's thinking in that moment.
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No comment really this is cute af ❤️
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Read this as you will :))) U ask me, it's because he would Blush A Lil. Also I just. . . ❝ Mr. Shroud ❞ ❝ Ms. Spider ❞ 😌🖤
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Literally INSISTS on taking her out for steak and wine !!! Could have suggested anything else but that's the first dinner he thinks of. ( truly tragic they didn't draw them out to dinner and there's a time skip instead 😔 ).
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While they are waiting for their targets, he listens to her and tries to Ease Her Woes for over an hour. . .
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❝ See you in the dark, babe. ❞ GIGGLING !!! Needs someone just as melodramatic as her.
One of those SHIELD agents, for the record, is Jerry LOL.
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A long time later, when Jessica basically fkin dies, she requests Magnus wipes the memories of those who knew her. They all remember her in some form, though vaguely, distantly. . . But Max just KNOWS. . .
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:') 🥹
Look, I gotta include the bit below bc I love the way he gd throws himself off the roof without second thought because he sensed her ghost.
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❝ anyway she was gone by the time the lovesick fool saved himself ⸺ ❞
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I mean ⸺
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After a hellish battle with Morgan Le Fay, he and the rest of the present Avengers are able to help save Jessica Drew's life. And there he is. . . Holding Her Hand. . .
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Below is unfortunately the last time they are seen together for a looong time ( fkin 1984 to 2023 !! 😭 ). And it's just so damn adorable.
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Her powers are gone at this time, they start to come back at a later date. Yet still such confidence in her !! Love him !!
Dr. Strange is watching this whole thing from afar, and the comment he makes about them, I ⸺
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The most recent time they've been together was pretty Bare Bones flirtation wise :(((( given the Dire Situation™️.
But we do have this. . .
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It's just so soft. . .
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mondaymelon · 9 months
yes anon, go on.
i'd like to hear more.
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margindoodles2407 · 2 months
Tonight on Margin Watches The Bad Batch:
Margin and her siblings spend the entirety of S2E2 in shock and awe and yelling at the television because Tech, apparently, has superhuman levels of pain tolerance
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thedragonagelesbian · 7 months
the fluidity of orin's body versus the rigidity of cyrus', both matter to be shaped by someone else's hands but the difference between chiseling away marble and pouring hot glass without ever letting it cool, the shapeshifter without any originary self and the angel broken down so many times he finally found something of his own in the bone dust...
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
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l e t m e i n ! ! !
#d a m m i t d to the h to the l whyyyyy did you have to increase the shipping cost by 20 bucks the literal day before the preorders shipped—#thanks to that it only shipped today auuuuuuuuuaughdjejdjdjdhd#wdymmmmmmm the package is still in the same place from 4 hours agoooooooo#auauaaaauauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want in s o b a d l y#s o bs the only song jp twt is talking about is last stage#i don’t care about last stage (for now) i want m e o t o ! ! !#s. s o b s. unless a surprise mv drops ig im gonna have to wait till 12am for the midnight release… 7 hours to go…#ig i’ll just skip a few hundred times and do some pushups while i wait… im lich rally bouncing off the walls here i cant even auauauauaaaaaa#this. seriously hasn’t been a good couple of weeks for online purchases for me…#first my local shipment for [insert item] was delayed bc of last week’s oddly rainy weather#and t h e n that item was apparently mislabelled and locked in shipment purgatory for the weekend (sadge)#it only arrived yesterday (sadded) though ig i should be glad it even arrived at all#and nowwwwwww. this happens. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh#idk there’s so many other things i’ve been meaning to do while i wait for the cd but. i just. can’t#this sucks i wanna be marginally more productive too heyyyyyyyyyy#i wonder how long meoto is though… hopefully between 3-5 minutes…#if the song’s like. m. ilgram t2-length im gonna cry#but ymk said that it’s her favourite song on the album so it should be good!!!! right??!!!!!!!!#ausgshhssh he l p i should really go back to. like. cleaning idol sengen pages instead or sth.#see you in a few hours for meoto tl/if they decide to drop a sudden mv or sth idk
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*through desperately held back tears* die young by ke$ha is a dior and nimloth song im sorry i dont make the rules
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coconut530 · 1 year
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biitchcakes · 7 months
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these just mean a lot to me and i gotta post them that's all.
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lesenbyan · 1 year
the only thing that motivates my darling girl child more than food is catnip. and I personally lover how fucking ADHD & autistic she gets when high
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yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
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