#he`s standing on chair to look more high then his wife
tenyardstowitchyard · 29 days
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Quick sketch with my human design for Pale King and White Lady
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igotanidea · 6 months
Too much : Anthony Bridgerton x reader
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Request: yes! Anthony and his wife having an argument.
„My lord.”
One of Bridgertons’ most trusted servant knocked on the door of his office and was bold enough to enter inside without invitation.
„I specifically told everyone to not disturb me.” Anthony muttered, not giving his man more than a grunt of annoyance.
Viscount’s sudden change of attitude has been the talk of the whole house lately. After months of sweetness and caring and love between him and his beloved wife Lady Y/N Bridgerton of house Y/H/N something has switched.
For worse.
Man of the house has became distant (again), leaving his wife to tend to herself. Suddenly, his duties, his visits to the sibling’s, social activities (which was a synonim of spending hours at gentleman’s club) and travels to the other parts of the kingdom (seemingly to inspect the state of assets) took most of, if not whole of his time.
Everyone’s noticed.
And even without the viscount and his wife ending up on lady Whistledown’s latest brochure.
But truthfully with lord Bridgerton’s stubborn nature and finality there wasn’t much anyone could do, even considering all the sympathy for his young wife.
„I’m afraid you have a very important visit my lord.”
„Just tell whoever it is, that I’m not taking visits at the moment.”
„My lord -”
„Thomson, did you not hear what I said?” finally Anthony raised his gaze on the poor servant.
„It’s the viscountess, my lord.” the other man stuttered.
‘My mother?”
„Your wife, sir.”
„Oh, right....” of course, now Y/N was the viscountess, but somehow it was easy to forget she has been holding that title.
„Shall I - shall I tell the lady to come back another-?”
„No. No I’ll see my wife now.” Anthony sighed and since there was no other word from him the butler froze, unsure of how to behave „Well? Let her in, will you?” there was the annoyance again.
The door was opened and there she was.
Y/N. In all her glory, looking beautiful as always, wearing that dress that always took Anthony;s breath away since she nearly glowed while walking. Her smile did not even falter for a second as she nodded to the servant in a silent acknowledgement, but her eyes were cold and sad, uncovering she hasn’t in fact been well lately. Regardless of the rumours, allegations that the viscount stopped loving her after no more than a year since marriage and got himself a lover (please don’t let it be Sienna all over) she held her head high and kept the appearances. No one had to know that the cheerful, graceful viscountess Bridgerton were spending her nights alone in a cold marriage bed, tossing, turning, tormenting herself with thoughts and longing for the embrace of the man she loved with all her heart.
‘Husband.” she said calmly once the door closed behind her, leaving her just standing in front of him awkwardly.
„I didn’t have the faintest idea I do need to announce my visit in advance. I shall correct that mistake in the future if that’s your wish my lord.”
„Is there any specific reason of why you’re here Y/N?”
„Is my presence here this disturbing to you my lord?”
The scribbling on the paper was the only answer she got and it finally broke all her inhibitions and pretences.
"What?" he snapped looking up at her from the pile of documents on his desk.
"Talk to me!"
"I'm busy!"
"And I'm lonely! You've been spending time with Benedict and Colin and Daphne and your siblings and god knows where else but not me!"
"They are my family, Y/N."
"I am your family! This is not what your mother-"
"Don’t you dare-" he stood up abruptly almost tripping the chair, throwing daggers at her. "Don't you dare say a word about my mother!"
Now that's a drama the whole household heard.
„Your mother-” she tried again, this time more sternly taking one step forward „showed me nothing but kindness. Your whole family showed me nothing but kindness. All of them. Except-”
„Don’t finish it.” he warned but it came much more like a spat.
„Well I didn’t force you to marry me!”
The silence that fell between them after that one sentence was deafening. Nothing has ever hurt Y/N this much in her entire life. Never before Anthony has let himself say such cruel words in the moment of weakness and anger. All because he felt too much, because he needed and loved her too much.
„No.” she said with a tiny voice, her face going as pale as the wall behind her. „no, you didn’t force me. Not sure if you didn't do it to yourself.”
‘Y/N....” Anthony took a step towards her reaching his hand in a poor attempt to form a word that would remedy the situation, help him explain himself and bring her some comfort. „I didn’t mean-”
„I’m sorry I’ve seemingly ruined your life, my lord.”
„That is not-”
„Please accept my deepest condolences and apologies for ruining your blooming love life with that actress you knew. Know. Shall you remind me her name?”
„Y/N!” he shouted in pure desperation.
„Her name, Anthony!” now she was using her noble voice, leaving no word for discussion even to the viscount.
„Sienna.” Y/N hissed through clenched teeth, her behaviour far from lady-like. „That’s her name isn’t it? Sienna?”
„You can’t help but remind me of the past mistakes, don’t you, my lady?” her husband  growled turning her back to her not wanting to see her face anymore. „You’re the one I vowed to.”
‘Forcefully, apparently. Maybe the only mistake you made was letting me walk the aisle and taking my hand while saying I do.”
„Maybe it was! Maybe I didn’t give enough thought to it! Perhaps I didn’t consider that seeing you every day, walking the rooms of my house, using the title of my wife, naming yourself viscountess Bridgerton will be too much to bare to my heart!”
What Anthony did not consider at that moment was that Y/N would take it way differently than he intended.
He was merely thinking that it was too much too handle cause he was not used to being so attached, so dependant, so - well,forgive me the word - needy. Of her, her touch, her words, her presence, her everything. Hence the distant he put between him and his wife. Perverse nature made him run away before loosing her.
Ironically, causing her to turn away, barely holding back tears, instead of falling into his arms. (such a surprise, right?)
„Forgive me my lord, for keeping your mind occupied with my humble person for too long. I am but nothing if not a modest woman, unworthy of the attention of the viscount.”
Oh god, what did he do...?
„You are -”
„Below you. Obviously. Perhaps I should have considered your coldness and self-isolation as well. I don’t -” she gulped „I don’t understand what happened to you, Anthony.”
„I-” as pathetic as that was her husband was trying to explain himself to her.
„Feelings overwhelm you Anthony.” that was something he could not disagree with „Now, my lord, if you’ll excuse me, I shall leave, since as you said - you’re busy and I clearly bring you this much displeasure. I shall not bother you again any time soon.”
Before he could stop her Y/N bowed to him in a way more formal and distant way Anthony would wish for, and simply walked away. Leaving him frozen, desperate and broken with the urge to run after her, apologise and reason with that fiery woman who always knew how to make his blood boil. He wanted to hold her, love her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear while feeling her in the most intimate way a man and a wife could ever be together.
But did nothing while she disappeared behind the door.
„Prepare my carriage” she  commanded the first servant that came her way.
„Yes, my lady, may I ask to what destination?”
„I’m going to visit my sister-in-law.”
„Certainly lady Briderton. It’ll be ready for you.”
„And not a word of it to my husband.”
„But my lady -”
‘Not a single word. This is an order, not a request.”
She needed a word with the only person who could possibly understand.
part 2 possible... (I think ;) )
edit: not enough
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asuyaka · 7 months
Gojo-Sensei has a husband?!
★ - drabble s part of m' first Satoru oneshot !!૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
☆ - Gojo Satoru x Househusband! Reader
♡ - f m' manga readers, how we feelin' 'bout nurse kenny ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ (she's m wife m callin' it rn!!)
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Gojo [Name], the loved and unknown husband of The Strongest, Gojo Satoru.
Satoru was at work, most likely teaching the first years he loved to talk about. You were at home. Cleaning the house and making preparations for dinner when Satoru got home like the good husband you were.
You brought out a chicken broth cube from the cupboard, brushing the slight dust on your pretty light-blue apron that Satoru brought for you (then ended up fucking you in but that's on days when you're being a brat).
Your eyes scan the countertop, looking for the knife holder until they land on a sage-green bag dusted with flowers that you hand-painted. It was Satoru's lunch bag that he had forgotten.
You weren't a sorcerer, but you're able to see curses. Ironically, that's how you and Satoru met. A younger you (who just got unemployed) was walking home when something you couldn't describe stopped you in the alleyway you took sometimes as a shortcut.
It was tall, with eyes running along its skinny, dark-red arm. You were only twenty-two at the time and have only ever seen things like that in shitty horror-flicks. You never thought they were real.
As if you were in a cliché love story, a patch of white hair stands in front of you. He has sunglasses on despite the sun being nowhere in sight.
Due to you being (obviously) weaker than the average sorcerer, Satoru always discouraged you from going to Jujutsu High unless it was an emergency.
You huff diligently, grabbing the lunch bag and putting your shoes on. You'll make sure Satoru gets his lunch. What kind of husband would you be if you didn't?
Turns out, the people at Jujutsu High are either scary or odd. There's absolutely no in-between.
You've only been at Jujutsu High a handful of times. More times than not, it was to help Megumi.
You make your way to the main school building, holding the bag close to your chest for safekeeping. You didn't bust your ass making cute shapes out of food just for Satoru to go eat fast food instead.
Reaching the door of Satoru's class, you knock softly. It’s quiet, and you guess Satoru must be out training with his students. You turned around to try and find just where the training grounds could be on this huge campus. 
All of a sudden, the door opens and there he is. Your beautiful husband, wearing his black blindfold and Jujutsu uniform. “Baby? What are you doing here?”
Baby. That’s right, you’re his baby. No one else's. “You left your lunch, so I…” Your voice trails off as you gesture toward the bag in your hands. Satoru smiles, opening the door wider and pulling you in.
He keeps your hands intertwined, softly pushing you against a chair. “You’re so nice, baby. Going out of your way to bring me my lunch?” His hands are on your cheeks now, still smiling sweetly even with a saccharine voice.
Your face flushes and your hands are stiff. You don’t know where his students are, but you’re sure they’ll be back soon. This is risky— irresponsible even. 
“Satoru, ‘s risky..” You mutter under your breath, your hands cupping his. They’re warm like they always are when you two are close. You wish you could see what his eyes looked like, but they’re for his comfortability, you’re aware.
“You know I love you, right baby?” He leans closer, to the point you can smell the cologne on him. It’s the one you bought him a few weeks ago because it smelt like home. 
Satoru smells like home.
Shakily you nod. “Are you sure this is safe…? I don’t want you—”
“Shh… let me worry about all that.”
And with that, he closes the space between your lips. Satoru’s strong– dominant even; and no matter what he does, it always manages to show through his actions.
His tongue breaches past your lips, slotting perfectly against yours. You can hear the clicking of teeth as Satoru sits across your lap. It’s hot and you can feel your cock start to rise in your pants. 
“Wore this cute fuckin’ apron all f’me–” He plants a kiss on your cheek, your face flushed and breathing heaved.
“Satoru– sir, I need—”
“But baby…” He whines.
He fucking whines.
His face is pouty and it looks like he’s getting off your lap. Is he denying you? You haven’t done anythin’ wrong– did he give you instructions and you didn’t see them?
“I’m at work, and as much as I want to fuck you ‘till you can’t think– you can’t have my students seein’ you all messed up like that, can you?”
Satoru’s words bring your attention to your appearance. Your apron is messed up and so is your hair (most likely from Satoru gripping on it). Your lips are slightly swollen and your cock is half-hard.
Embarrassment brings you back to your senses, your arms covering what's between your thighs. If you stood up, your apron would cover it (hopefully), but your pants weren’t going to do you any justice. “‘M sorry ‘toru…”
Satoru cocks his head, sitting on his desk and crossing his legs. “It’s okay baby, I know you just can’t help yourself when I’m around.” His tone sounds mean like he’s mocking you. It’s condescending.
“But that’s what makes you my good boy, isn’t it?” His foot brings the chair closer to the point where your body is sandwiched between his legs. “Always so plaint f’me to fuck you, right?”
God. You can’t do this, and it isn’t helping your slowly growing problem go down.
Satoru must sense your nervousness (he knows you and your emotions like the back of your hand) because his expression turns soft again. “Just wait till I get home, okay baby? Relax for me.”
His fingers caress your cheek gently. It’s lulling you, pulling you in. Like he’s a siren, and you’re a plaint, very easy sailor.
You nod because you’re his good boy and you want it to stay that way.
Satoru smiles before pulling you in again for a kiss.
It’s gentler this time. There’s less kiss and more gentleness behind it. It feels like the kiss you shared at the altar. It makes you calmer, it makes you happy.
All of a sudden, the door slams open. Revealing three, very surprised teenagers.
Satoru breaks the kiss, briefly smiling coyly at you before looking at his students. “Hello, my favorite first-years! I didn’t know lunch had already ended…”
A boy with pink hair and what seems to be two sets of eyes stares at you, then back at Satoru. “Lunch ended five minutes ago. Nobara stayed to eat more watermelon.”
The girl, who is shorter than all of them and who you assume is Nobara, kicks the boy in the knee. “Shut it Yuuji! Not my fault somebody decided to eat all my food while I was gone!”
“Gojo-san, I thought you’d be at home.”Megumi looks at you with a confused expression. Your heart tugs in fondness when he says ‘home’ like all three of you share it together (legally, you do but Megumi would never admit that).
“Why would Gojo-sensei be at home? He has to teach us, stupid.” Nobara rolls her eyes, before pointing at you accusingly. 
“All I wanna know is why this random man and Gojo-sensei were kissing!”
Satoru steps off the desk, grabs your arm, and pulls you up as well. He slings his arm around your shoulder, slightly leaning on you with a bright smile on his face. “Yuuji, Nobara, this is my husband, [Name]!”
“Husband?!” Yuuji and Nobara parrot, staring at each other before staring back at you. 
Nobara notices it first, the sleek ring on your finger. There’s an initial that she can’t make out but can only assume it’s the one that belongs to her teacher.
“Why would anyone date you?” She says suddenly, causing Yuuji to laugh.
Megumi rolls his eyes. “I thought that at first too. Gojo-san is too good for him.”
Satoru gasps. “Rude! You cried during our wedding, or do I have to ask [Name] to pull up the photos?”
“Wedding?! Why wasn’t I invited?” Nobara looks at Satoru like he committed a war crime. 
You don’t notice it, but somehow Yuuji is right in front of you. “Hello! I’m super glad Gojo-sensei has someone to love!! He’s always saying something about how he misses his ‘hubby’ randomly during class but we never thought he was being serious!”
You smile bashfully. You never thought Satoru would think of you during work, and for him to call you his “hubby”? 
Megumi stands beside him, handing you a book. “That’s because Gojo-sensei can’t shut up. They’re so lovey-dovey behind closed doors it makes me sick.”
Yuuji smiles. “That’s ‘cause they’re in love Megumi! Shouldn’t it be sweet that your dads love each other?”
Megumi frowns. “They aren’t my dads.”
“They totally are! You called Gojo-sensei dad one time during a mission, don’t think I’d ever forget that!” Nobara teases, holding Satoru’s ring in her other hand to presumably examine it.
Satoru claps his hands. “Okkayy! I appreciate that you two love my husband, not as much as me of course, but he’s got stuff to do! And we have to learn about the boring sorcerer families. Ew.”
His students groan but make their way to their seats. Satoru walks you to the door of the classroom, a small apologetic smile on his face. “I can’t walk you all the way to the door, Yaga would kill me, but I’ll see you at home?”
You nod with a soft smile on your face.
Satoru kisses you one last time. It’s more of a peck than anything, then leans into your ear. “Prep yourself for me before I get home okay? I have to reward you for being so good today.”
Blush rises up to your cheeks as you nod again. Pushing your hands down to your lap and turning away from his classroom door. The blush gets harder when you hear a loud “See you at home baby!” from the door.
Satoru watches you until he can’t anymore. A relieved sigh leaves his face as he closes the door and sits on his desk. Legs crossed and a ring adorning his finger, with your initials on them.
“Ask away, and I’ll show you any pictures you want.”
Yuuji and Nobara visibly light up and begin asking questions about where he met you, how long you’ve been together, and how long you’ve been married, plus the pictures of Megumi crying.
He shows them every photo and answers every question without hesitation.
After all, they’re all questions about you, his husband.
And he knows you’ll be home waiting for him with dinner, and dessert.
Your ass (that he loves to watch jiggle every time he fucks you), and ice cream.
He loves you, and he’s glad his students (and son) love you too.
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alexiroflife · 4 days
crack, fluff, ft: first years
satoru gojo x reader
Synopsis: satoru walks in on you showing his students a paper fortune teller
to sum it up: no productivity occurs when you, satoru, and the students are together
WC: 1,489
Warning(s): none
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“Where the hell are my students?” Satoru mumbles to himself when he makes his way to the training field and finds it completely empty. He raises a hand to his hip in thought. He thinks he told them to meet here, but not even Yuji is anywhere to be found. 
He imagines he’s going to hear a mouthful and then some if Yaga somehow finds out about this, so the sorcerer searches everywhere for his kids; the gym, the dorms, classrooms, but still nothing. 
With his mind now completely riddled with confusion, he texts Megumi on his way to his office and, not shockingly, receives no reply. Gojo isn’t terribly shocked or worried, but a heads up if they decided to skip today would have been nice.
He throws open his office door with his face stuck in his phone when he looks up and finally locates all three of his missing students within his space. Satoru is surprised when he sees the kids crowding around your figure, which sits in his desk chair hunched over with a folded paper fortune teller in your hands. 
Itadori and Nobara lean in closer, engaged with the activity as Nobara demands to know if the fortune says anything about her becoming a model in the near future, while Itadori talks over her to beg you to do his fortune for the twentieth time. Megumi sits nearby and watches calmly.
When Satoru’s presence is made known, the four of you turn and look up at him, momentarily falling silent. You smile brightly when you see him. “Hi, Satoru! Sorry, I forgot to tell you I was visiting today.”
The white haired professor tucks his phone back into his pocket with a grin. “Baby!” he exclaims, sauntering over to you to lean down and kiss your cheek lovingly. “Stealing my students from me, I see,” he says smugly, rubbing your cheek softly with his thumb.
“She wouldn’t have had to if you weren’t twenty minutes late,” Fushiguro chimes in tiredly, and Satoru shrugs bashfully when you toss him a knowing look. 
“What can I say? I’m a busy man.”
“Gojo!” Itadori exclaims, rushing to stand from his previous “criss-cross” position on the floor at your feet. “Your wife was just showing us this cool game she said you used to play! Look, the paper shows you your future,” the pink haired teen points to the dome-shaped object clutched over your fingers and you beam, opening it back and forth proudly. 
“Ohhhh, I remember those!” Satoru exclaims quietly yet excitedly as he rests his hand on the back of his chair behind you, leaning over you to take a closer look. 
“I thought it’d be fun to show them while they waited since they’ve never made one before,” you say, handing the fortune teller to Satoru.
“And Yuji’s been hogging it this whole time,” Nobara crosses her arms and glares at the said boy angrily. “You had your fortune read at least fourteen times already.”
“Because I have to make sure I get the most accurate results!” he fumes, and the two start bickering once more.
“Man, we used to make these things all the time,” Satoru marvels. “It’s actually thanks to these fortune tellers that (Y/n) and I are even together now.”
The kids freeze, looking over at Satoru inquisitively. “Huh?” Nobara and Yuji unify, while you roll your eyes and Megumi tries to shrink away from the conversation completely, sensing incoming bullshit from a mile away. 
“Satoru, stop telling that lie,” you exhale and he looks down at you with a smirk.
“What? It’s true!” he swears.
“So it really works?” Itadori gasps, turning to his sensei with glittering eyes. Satoru only nods with a wide smile, holding up the paper in his grasp.
“Mhm. We were here at Jujutsu High, just about your age, and I had the fattest crush on the prettiest girl in school,” the blindfolded man reminisces and you groan to yourself, flushing and turning away. “We were all in a big friend group, so one day we all decided that we’d make some fortune tellers like we did when we were kids- you know, just for the fun of it. I filled one with a message saying ‘you will marry (Y/n) (L/n)’ and the rest was history.”
Nobara stares at him as if he is ridiculous, squinting her eyes and curling her lips while Yuji absorbs the entire story believingly.. “Wait… aren’t the fortunes random though? Wouldn’t that just mean that a bunch of other people got the same message that you wrote at one point?”
“And you wrote the fortune yourself,” Megumi adds. “I don’t think fortunes are supposed to work like that.”
“Well, sure, if you wanna get all technical, but it worked, didn’t it?” he beams, tossing the paper to Yuji and craning over to gather your cheeks in his hands adoringly, bringing your face to squish against his. “Now (Y/n) and I are happily married,” he coos, Nobara and Megumi practically gagging while Itadori blushes happily at the sentiment.
You grip Satoru’s wrists as he squeezes your cheeks, pouting when he presses another loud kiss to your temple. “Satoru, please, you’re gonna scare off the kids.”
“Mrs. Gojo! Make me one that says I’ll meet Megan Thee Stallion one day,” Yuji exclaims passionately, heart set on the notion that these fortunes are meant to breathe truth into manifestation.
“You pervert! Megan would never have the time to even think about meeting you,” Nobara argues.
“Not if it’s put into a fortune! You know what, I’ll do it myself!” he rushes around the office to find a new sheet of paper and slams it onto the floor, laying on his stomach to pour his intense focus into crafting a new fortune teller the way you showed them.
“If you’re gonna just write whatever you want, then put a message in there that says I’ll get famous,” she crouches beside him, and Yuji immediately shields her from his work with his forearm.
“No, go make your own! I don’t need your juju rubbing off on me and ruining my fortune’s accuracy.”
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
“I don’t care, just don’t touch mine!”
“Will you idiots shut up?” Megumi hisses, moving to stand over them as they bicker. “It’s a piece of damn paper for kids. Give it a rest already.”
The two on the floor turn to glare boredly at the Fushiguro, putting their feud on hold to ridicule him. “And that attitude right there, Megumi, is why your fortune will tell you that you’ll end up alone with forty cats in twenty years,” Itadori deadpans and Nobara nods enthusiastically.
Megumi grits his teeth and punches the top of Itadori’s head, the boy ducking and clutching his dome. “Like hell I will! I hate cats!”
“Then why don’t you be a little more positive, hm?” Nobara grins evilly, leading Megumi to tighten his fists.
“Give me that damn piece of paper,” he demands, reaching down for Yuji’s when the said boy yells and throws his body over his sheet to keep his friends away.
Gojo chuckles, watching the scene unfold as he pulls away slowly from you, rubbing your back gently. You shake your head with a small smile, gazing up at your husband. “You started this,” you accuse, to which he laughs.
“How could I possibly have when you’re the one who showed them the fortune teller?”
“Only because you were late to training,” you raise a brow.
He gives in. “Fair enough.”
“You think they’ll make it to training today?”
“Mmmm,” Satoru thinks for a moment, watching his students fight to write their own little desires on a paper that holds no further power outside of your own conviction. “Nah. I'll give them the day. They’ve been working hard.”
You smile. “Okay,” you nod. “Just don’t let Yaga know about this.”
“If you promise to keep it a secret, we won’t have anything to worry about,” the white haired man says suavely, ducking down to meet your eyes. Though his blindfold serves as a barrier, you can feel his gaze soaking you in. 
You click your teeth with a playful smile. “Fine,” you say, and his grin widens, lips meeting yours swiftly with his hand pressed to his desk and the other still gripping the back of your seat. He kisses you once more on the corner of your mouth then pushes himself up, turning his focus back to his students.
“Alright, guys, whoever makes the most fortune tellers in the next five minutes gets to pick the place to eat tomorrow after the mission!”
You watch as further chaos ensues, papers flying and arguments rising, Satoru standing blissfully in the midst of it all. You sigh once more and prop your chin in your hand, pondering over how Satoru gets away with this behavior as a teacher so often.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
Would you ever write for like rockstar!eddie and reader like maybe she's an actor or something or she's his high-school sweet heart and even after he got famous he stayed with her
rockstar! eddie x wife! reader
OMG, ok so you caught my attention. i’ve always wanted to write for rockstar! eddie. i also daydreamed a lot that the reader is his wife (and yes, his highschool sweetheart as well) you know like that bombshell wife that even his fans simp for her as well, gets featured in some magazines and shows. alongside tour interviews and such.
i can imagine the dynamic between them sort of like ozzy & sharon (without the major toxicity but the yelling is there) but overall, you’re just one hella of a wife to corroded coffin’s frontman. and he’s very proud to show you off every interview he gets.
this time they’re doing a reality tv one! like the Osbourne’s.
suggestive themes under the cut
another day in the munson household… 
“eddie!” you shouted amidst the large canopy of the munson LA mansion. the camera man swerves the camera to eddie munson’s face, eddie fucking munson, leader of one of the grossing rock bands alive in the 90’s. he lets out a sigh as he can hear your heels stomp against the hardwood large stairs as he looks to the camera with a smirk, counting in his head for your barge in as he speaks. it was another filming day for their own reality tv show, his manager urged him to do this, fans demanding wanting to know more about him and his darling wife. you.
“ah, and here comes my smoking hot angry wife—“
the door slams open inside the studio room, the camera whips to you. all dolled up, fresh from your make-up room, wearing a very tight dress that hugged your body nicely. he wasn’t even focused on the terrifying anger written on your pretty face, just that he’s very focused now on your chest. the camera man backs away, slightly scared, seeing as you had something in your hand. fan mail apparently! tons of it in your hand as the other was situated on your hip, very angry stance.
it was cute to him.
“baby, darling.” he greeted with a smirk, urging your hothead to come closer to him, he was sitting on his office chair, the one he always sat on whenever he would spend nights in this studio room to write or compose a song.
“send panties in the mail! panties? are you out of your fucking mind!?” you threw the mail at him, huffing and puffing with anger. the camera man captured this one moment they all knew would be another hit on mainstream. your fights with eddie were certainly a blockbuster for every corroded coffin fan, plus you were hot in it.
“sweetheart, chill! i meant it as a fucking joke, geez—“
another mail was thrown at him, this time he can clearly see the lace of some fan’s panties were peeking out. oh, was he dead. he is popular with the ladies, you were very hyperaware of that and you despised some groupies for getting a lil’ close during concerts or meet-ups, mainly the obsessed ones you couldn’t stand, but they’re not the wife. you are, so in perspective, you won when it comes to them. and you trust eddie, he’s not that stupid.
“baby, what did you expect? they’re fucking crazy.” he snorts, tossing the mail away. you crossed your arms, boobs squishing, eddie gawked at it with no shame.
“you’re laughing at this? i can’t believe you! you’re such an ass—“ you pouted, fuming red in your eyes. eddie shook his head as he grabbed your arm, knowing well you were going to calm down once he gets in you in his lap. you noticed it.
“that’s not gonna fucking work—“
“try me.” he hums, wrapping his arms around your waist as you sat snuggly. leaning your back against his naked chest littered with tattoos, your name tattooed above his heart. your face somehow manage to soften yet still annoyed at how it worked. munson charm. damn him.
“you okay, baby?” he asks kissing your neck, looking to the camera with a wink and a smirk.
“i will strangle you.”
“i thought that was for the bedroom—“
“i will shove this remaining mail up your ass if you open your mouth again.” you warned, pinching his arm. he yelped at how sharp your nails were as you sighed, simmering down now as he placed kisses on your bare shoulder. the expensive scent of your perfume and body wash making him buck his hips up a bit. so addicting. the camera focuses on the sweet moment as you rubbed your forehead, a headache coming in.
“oh, baby. ‘m sorry.” he cooed.
“don’t.” you huffed. “i don’t like this.” you emphasized to the mails on the ground.
“ ‘course baby, i haven’t even fucking opened them yet.” he place a sloppy kiss on your neck. “and i never will. if that makes up for it.”
“thank you, eds.” you sighed in relief. his heart bloomed as he winked to the camera again. mouthing ‘munson charm’.
“gotta remind them, sweetheart, you’re my wife. nothing’s gonna come between that, ey? not even fucking panties.” he reminds you, grasping your chin to look at him. reminding you how many years you two have been together, since highschool, since that incident back in the upside down, being each other’s first experiences and all. you are the love of his life.
his large thumb caressing your bottom crimson lip. you nodded silently, still a little annoyed, his handsome grin widen as he kissed you. tongue and all, still not ashamed he’s showing this intimate moment on camera then probably on television soon. you wriggled, feeling the bulge in his sweatpants form. you hummed on his mouth, liking the sloppiness as you pulled away, all shy now noticing the camera again.
“and stop sending me panties!” he pointed to the camera. “i’m flattered, but i got plenty already.” he joked, earning a smack from you again. the camera man eventually said cut as you both relaxed in each other’s arms.
“today’s film was great, mr. & mrs. munson. thank you so much.” the cameraman smiled nervously as you smiled back widely, still seated on eddie’s lap.
“no problem, lemonade’s downstairs in the kitchen. help yourself!” you kindly offered as eddie placed kisses again on your neck. hot and heavy he is, it was such a turn-on whenever you got mad at him. the door closed shut as eddie finally got a breather. focusing on you now and his ache in his pants.
“so sexy today, baby.” he mumbles, voice low and deep. “getting you all riled up.”
“mhm. if you ever say stupid shit to your fans, munson. i will kick you out.” you hummed tilting your neck to the side as he nipped your soft skin making you let out a quiet whimper.
“hey, they love you getting mad as well, can’t blame ‘em.” he laughs, squeezing your boobs. the fans were crazy for you as much as they are for him. you chuckled remembering the time you got featured on the front page of playboy magazine, everyone went wild. eddie was fuming at that time but he didn’t hide the fact that he bought at least numerous copies of it, supporting your fame. “you’re such a fucking bombshell. ‘m so lucky.”
“i swear, eddie!” you swatted his hands away as he whined.
“i promise!” he laughs heartily as you smiled again. a moment of silence transpires, you two have been together since ‘86, the large mansion was awfully lonely when he’s away on tour, leaving you here sometimes. you love him, really. since the day he clumsily asked you out by the bench in the woods. supporting him throughout, until his band got in with a label. signing them up. being his soulmate, sticking with him until now. something was just missing in the munson household. the thought a important one for you, and you knew clearly what you wanted next. knowing eddie gives you everything.
“what do you think about a little munson running around here, eds?”
wrote this in one sitting!
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kirishimasbabygirl · 2 years
🌄Early Morning🌄
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Hey y'all!!! Long time no see! This is the first part of a three part series I have whooped up for ya! I really hope you like angst this holiday season.
TW. Cheating (Katsuki is an asshole), Drinking, The word cum idk.
I hope you guys like it! I haven't written anything in about two years.
2 am.
He was supposed to be home six hours ago; you had called him over forty times with no answer and later went straight to voice mail.
You called his office and spoke to his secretary, who told you that he had left with his friends, so you called his best friend, who said they did go for drinks, but they all had left by 10 pm.
So here you are, sitting in your living room drinking.
Drinking whatever you could find in your cabinets.
You and Katsuki have been together since you were in your second year of high school; that was six years ago.
While the two of you did go to UA, only he could make it as a hero; once he broke the Top 10, he'd convinced you to quit your 9-5 and be a stay-at-home wife, more like a stay-at-home girlfriend.
You thought he would've proposed by now, but he would always say, "We're practically married already; why do we need a piece of paper to prove it?" and that was that.
It wasn't long after that he started coming home late.
You were always understanding about his work, so coming home late wasn't a problem; it didn't bother you; why would it? You trusted him.
Until now.
You downed your last glass of wine when you heard the front door open; you looked down at your phone.
3:30 am.
You hear Katsuki sigh and the thunk of his boot hitting the ground as he takes them off; you look over your shoulder, staring into the black hallway that leads to the entryway waiting for him to appear.
He slowly emerges from the darkness, groaning as he rolls his shoulders back.
He jumps, dropping his keys and wallet.
He glares at you as he reaches down to pick them up.
"What the fuck are you doing up?"
You drunkenly stand up. You are wobbling as you walk up to him.
He sets his belongings on the side table as you reach out and lay your hands on his chest, his hands coming up and engulfing yours.
He frowns.
"Are you drunk?"
You nod, leaning into his shirt, smelling him.
You roughly shove him back.
"S-shit!" He yells, grabbing the archway
"What the fuck!?"
He screams at you; his scowl softens as he sees your eyes welling up with tears.
He calls your name as he slowly reaches for you.
You turn your back to him, crying into your hands, shoulders shaking.
His heart breaks a little more; it's been hurting him all night.
"Who?" you sob.
He could feel his blood run cold.
You turn to him, face red and snotty
"Who is she?"
He swallows. "Baby, I don't know what you're talking about."
He reaches for you again, causing you to stumble back drunkenly.
"No! No, you liar!"
He hurries to catch you.
"No!" You wiggle in his grip.
He holds you tighter, pressing you into his chest.
"I called and called!" You scream, pounding on his chest.
"I called you! I called your office! Kirishima! And no one knew where you were!"
He feels his gut tie up in knots.
"And now… you come back smelling like a whore!"
You scream, thrashing around.
"Hey! Calm down; I need you to fucking calm down!"
You slump in his hold.
He ran a hand down his face as he sat in the leather reading chair in the corner of the room; he thought back on the night it went wrong.
"I hate you." You mumble as he picks you up, cradling you in his arms.
"I know."
"You're a liar."
He nods, walking you down to your shared bedroom.
"I know."
"I…I'm so tired."
He nods, pushing the door open.
"I know, baby."
"Don't call me that."
He nods again, laying you down on the bed.
"You don't get to call me that."
It wasn't long before you nodded off, leaving him awake.
Was it when he was getting ready to leave the office?
Was it when his friends dragged him out to some club?
Was it ignoring your calls in favor of talking to some blonde he knew from a modeling shoot his done?
Was it when he took her home?
Was it when he slept with her?
Was it that he thought he could come home and think everything would be alright?
5 am.
His phone dings.
He looks down at it; It's her. She sent him a picture.
He opens it.
It's a picture of his cum leaking out of her with the message, "Come fuck it back into me."
He glances up from his phone and looks at you, sprawled out on the bed, softly snoring.
He sent her some money and said, "Don't talk to me. Buy some plan B."
He looks at the time.
Fuck. Katsuki throws his head back and groans.
He has work in an hour.
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satrs · 1 year
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ; you're interested in your mayjor professor? What a scandal.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ; 2.3k
Tags; NSFW CONTENT! MDNI!. age gap(reader in early 20's aki in late 30's). bit exhibitionism(risky). nicknames(sir, slut, good girl). Breeding kink. Unprotected sex.
ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ 18+!
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It was one day, when you got introduced to your new major professor for your semester, and boom- you had a crush. A big one at that.
You just found everything about him enthralling, from his little ponytail to his stoic expressions and serious manner. But it was his mysterious private life that got you going.
Normally, some of your previous professors would at least be a bit open about their private lives, mentioning their kids or wives- but him? Nothing.
He came, taught his classes, and went on his merry way. It frustrated you. You wanted to know more about him, did he have a wife? Hopefully not. Or kids? You were good with kids, to be honest.
What was his type in women? Petite ones? Shy? Or was he a votary of the body? Voluptuous? Or did he prefer slim women?
You had an urgent need to know, to know what the likelihood of him being drawn to you would be. It was not like you wanted to build up a life with him- a good fuck would be satisfactory.
"Miss Y/N? If you're not paying attention to my teaching, you are free to leave this classroom."
Mr. Hayakawa's voice lets your hair stand on end, drawing your attention back to him at the very front of the class. Everyone turned their heads in your direction, non-readable expressions on their faces.
You were embarrassed. This was the second time, in one day that you got a warning from the one teacher you were trying to get into your panties.
Very well done Y/N. He must think you're some impolite brat, still stuck in your high school years. Chance blown.
"I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again", you mumbled under your breath while averting your gaze from your class, hoping they would soon recover their attention back to his teachings.
But his resistant gaze never wavered, piercing your skull. His eyes soon lifted, leaving a sour expression on his face.
Your heart was beating in your chest, hands growing sweaty the more you fumbled with the end of your pitiful short skirt.
His eyes quickly flickered to where your hands were, quickly swallowing the lump in his throat as he caught the sight of your plush tighs. Damned be those short dresses, and you unconsciously winding it up didn't help him at all.
His sense holding his thoughts by a thread, he returned his gaze to your face, "You should come to me after class. We should discuss your behavior to prevent future inconveniences."
Your breath hitched, fingers tightly gripping your skirt in anticipation and embarrassment, "Yes sir."
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest as the bell rang, signaling the end of this lesson. You saw Mister Hayakawa clean the chalkboard, doing some things on his table after.
You sat on your chair, glued, unable to stand up or move, eyes inspecting your professor's movements.
More and more of your classmate left the room, the atmosphere growing more quiet with every student disappearing.
Soon, you felt your professor's blue eyes bore through yours. He motioned you to move him to the front with his index and middle finger, returning to doing something on his documents.
You gathered all your courage and stood up, making your way to the front. With every step you took, you felt excitement rushing through your veins, his attention soon on you as you stood on the opposite of where he was seated.
He rested his chin on his open palm, eyeing you up and down. Did he... just look at your skirt? Oh my god, he's still looking.
"The dress code of this University clearly states to wear the skirt over the knees, not thighs." You felt your face heat up at his comment, quickly mumbling endless apologies, and adjusting your skirt correctly.
His eyes now flew to your blouse, "Your blouse it's not how it's supposed to be, is it?"
This was the worst and best day of your life at the same time. Yes, you did get humiliated in front of your class and crush, but it was your crush who we're talking about right now.
Hands flying to your blouse to fully close the buttons, his voice made you halt your movements and glance at him through your lashes.
"Do you think I'm some dumb fuck? I know what you're doing, miss Y/N."
You bit the inside of your cheek, slyly looking anywhere but at him, "I don't know what you're talking about sir."
He let out a pity laugh at your answer, telling you to take a seat in front of him. He stood up, walking around the table until he stood right next to you, eyes glaring down at your form.
"Your skirt is always rilled up so high, blouse barely buttoned up," his fingers made contact with the wooden table, your eyes following the way his fingers neared you.
"I don't mind. I'm flattered, really.", his hand was mere inches from your face, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear, "but do you know what I do mind?"
You were completely at his mercy, unable to protest nor look him in the eye. "N-no sir, I don't."
His movements stopped, hand softly taking hold of your chin, making your eyes meet his tempting ones. His gaze flickered between your eyes and mouth, unable to find rest in just one feature.
"Being rock hard during lessons because of your dirty little antics."
Your breath hitched in your throat, eyes slowly lowering to look at his pants, the imprint of his aching length visible through the fabric.
As he noticed where your eyes were fixated on, his hand slid down to the back of your neck, thumb sensually brushing it. "Be a good girl and help me out, yeah?"
You nodded and complied, hands making quick work to undo the belt on his pants, placing yourself on your knees before him while looking up at him with those eyes of yours.
Fuck, he was about to lose it. If you would continue looking at him like that, he would take you right there and then on this table. Your professor's mouth was slightly agape as you undid the last piece of his clothing, cock springing free.
You were quick to open your mouth and close it around his leaking tip. The feral growl he let out made you clench your thighs together, eager to hear more of him.
Your tongue flicked over his sensitive tip, causing the man above you to slightly hiss at your action. "Quit the teasing naughty girl. We don't got that much time."
His reminder caused you to speed up the bopping of your head, hand stroking what your mouth couldn't take in any more. His tip repeatedly hit the back of your throat, causing low moans to erupt from his lungs and you to choke around his length.
He soon was growing impatient, hand taking a firm hold of your hair, nails scraping your scalp. Your professor moved your head to a speed of his liking, throwing his head back as he steadied himself on the desk with his other hand.
And as he looked down at your form, tears welling at your eyes and brows frowning in concentration, he was about to burst right then and there. "Shit, you never look so concentrated in my lessons. What a dirty little slut."
Your mind was filled with pleasure, desperate for the man above you. You tore your mouth from his length, looking up at him with a desperate look on your face. "For you. Only for you professor. Please, I need you in me. Now."
Fuck. You'll be the death of him. His breathing was ragged, taking a glance at the clock while his chest heaved up and down from your actions. Only 25 more minutes before his new class came in. The both of you would need to be quick, or he would lose his job and you, your scholarship if anyone were to walk in on you both in such a scandalous act.
His eyes returned to your face, motioning you to get up to your feet. "We need to be quick alright?" You nodded quickly, understanding his intentions as you jumped onto his desk, quick to spread your legs.
He stood right between them, admiring your state for a second. Hair out of place and face completely drenched in utter desire- for him. Oh how long he had longed to have you like this. He could finally touch those thighs he always gawked at, the panties he only always caught a glips off now fully laid on display for him.
His hand was quick to lift your thigh, his still hard tip coming in contact with your aching clit in the process, causing you to let out a desperate mewl.
He cursed under his breath at the feeling, hand squeezing your thigh lightly.
He knew that he shouldn't do this-hell, the both of you knew. But this was what the both of you longed for for so so long. And now that you and he were able to give into your sinful thoughts and make them a reality, you couldn't find the strength to think about right and wrong.
His eyes were fixated between your legs, wet puddle on your panties, the outline of your glistening pussy visible through the thin fabric.
"Sir." your voice made him look up at you, eyes hanging low in pleasure. "Please." That was all it took him to slide your panties to the side, taking in the view of your aching heat, motioning his tip through your folds.
You bit your lip at the feeling, a soft sigh escaping your lips as you threw your head back at the feeling of his cock against your desperate cunt.
"Oh fuck.", he muttered, eyes closed as he pushed his cock into your warm heat, walls wrapping tightly around him as he bottomed out. "So fucking tight. Should've done this- fuck! earlier."
His hips began to move at a steady pace, his hand tightly gripping your thigh while his other hand was occupied with the bottom of your blouse, tearing it down before foundling your breasts.
You failed at the attempt of hiding your moans of pleasure, loud whines, and mewls filling the classroom alongside the slapping of skin.
"So good! s' so good!" you were a mess. Hair disheveled and face a complete filth sight: drool escaping the sides of your mouth while your tongue threatened to hang out of your mouth.
„Good, huh? Who‘s making this filthy pussy feel good?“ the man above you questioned, still hitting every spot imaginable inside of you, walls molding around his cock. The hand on your thigh placed a stinging slap on it, causing you to yelp in its grasp.
„You sir. Only you.“ Your legs began to betray you, turning into jelly as your trembling body reached its limit. Your orgasm hit you in an intense wave, causing you to bite into your hand in an attempt to muffle your loud moans. „Fuckfuckfuck!“
The relentless pounding of the dark-haired male soon began to flatter, him also nearing his orgasm with every clench of your tight and desperate cunt, longing to milk him dry. „I‘m gonna cum inside you yeah pretty? Make a mess in you, stuff you full.
You whined in response, overstimulated cunt grabbing his throbbing cock like a vice. „Yes sir! Please fill me up. ‚Want it so bad!“ That was all it took, your whiny voice, desperate look, and the hold you had around his neck, mere inches apart from his lips as you desperately rutted your hips into his. „Fuck.“
His head flew into your neck, biting down onto it, not too hard, but intense enough for you to hiss at the feeling. His movements halted and you felt his hot fluid paint your walls, a satisfying sigh escaping from the both of you.
He stayed like that for a brief minute, the both of you coming down from your intense orgasms. Your grip on his shoulders eased, and heavy breathing soon calmed down.
You felt his hot breath against your neck, a tingling sensation rushing through your body at the feeling. He lifted his head, eyes landing on the clock behind you as he cursed under his breath, emptiness filling your body as he slid out of you, some of his cum decorating your folds in a glistening white color.
He retreated into his pants, clearing his throat in an attempt to catch your attention. „Fix up pretty girl. Or do you want your classmates to see you like this?“ You jumped to your feet in fear at his words, quickly wiggling yourself back into your panties and speeding up your movements as you heard the sound of the bell, signaling the next lesson incoming.
The sound of people approaching and chattering filled your ears, looking at your professor in hectic as you adjusted your skirt and hair. He only lazily smirked at you, straightening the wrinkles of his shirt. „You got lessons too, right? You better hurry, don‘t wanna come in late right?“
You were shocked by his smirk and unbothered statement, pursing your lips together as you grabbed your stuff, ready to leave the room. The first students already came in, barely acknowledging you- to your luck.
„Miss Y/N.“ The sound of your name made you turn on your heels, looking at the man behind you. His gaze was fixated on your blouse, a light bite mark from his previous actions still visible. Your eyes wandered to where his eyes where pupils widening in realization as you quickly bottomed up your blouse to hide the mark he left on your delicate skin.
„We should discuss your current grade later. Please meet me after your last lesson. I think there‘s a need for an adjustment.“
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©︎𝐊-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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ellievickstar · 1 year
I Found You…<3
A/N: I was kinda playing around with ‘i would burn this world for you’ and this came out. I might do this with other phrases…Also I just was to say that someone’s inability to love you does not make you unlovable, always remember that <3
Summary: During an argument with the female that his father forced him to marry, Eris realises that he wants her more than he could ever admit, and would love to prove it to her.
Request: N/A
Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Reader
Warnings: Domestic abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse.
Banging his fist against the table, he rose. There was rage in his eyes, pure unfaltering rage. You flinched slightly as he pointed accusingly at you, almost screaming. “How dare you disrespect a direct order from your father and High Lord! We have decided that you and Eris will be wed. You have no say! Do you hear me?” Opening your mouth to try and reason with your father, but he cut you off again. “If I hear another protest out of you, I will ensure that they will need much more than makeup to cover that HIDEOUS face of yours!” This was final, leaving no room for negotiation, your father stared at you as tears formed in your eyes, forcing you to look down, your hands shaking as you mumbled as many apologies as you could. 
This wasn’t the first time your father had abused his power to get what he wanted, seeing as he was a close friend of Beron Vanserra, the two of them seemed to find some sort of twisted pleasure in bringing pain to their children. Gasping as your father grabbed your face and pulled it to meet his, he snarled one more time, “And don’t even think about getting out of this like that whore from the Night Court, I won’t be nearly as merciful and that will be the last day you ever see the sky,” Nodding your understanding, your father looked at your face for any sign of dishonesty, satisfied to find only pure terror in your eyes. In his eyes, fear was a weapon that he would wield. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he finally let go of you, tears beginning to escape the corners of your eyes and flowed down your face. Pushing your chair out, you clumsily blurted the words to be excused, dazed as you swiftly exited the dining hall. The only thing guiding you in that moment was the voice in your head that told you to stay in your room until the next day. To follow your father’s instructions until the wedding, and to then play the perfect wife, a shell of the person she would have been, just like the Lady of Autumn. Part of you couldn’t bear it, screaming at you to run, to find solace in another court, to hide from your father and live out the rest of your days happily, free. But how could you? 
Your thoughts travelled to your sister…so so young. Your father had guaranteed that one of his daughters would marry one of the High Lord’s sons, and if Beron Vanserra or his mad sons got their hands on your sister- you would not stand for it. You would much rather be the one to enter that damned manor, to be the trophy wife for a mad man’s son. Maybe it would appease your father and he would be gentler on your sister, maybe if all was well you would be able to send her enough coin to help her run away, far from this cursed family. Far from a place that the both of you could never call home. 
Shaking your head, you knew it was impossible. All you could do was follow your father’s orders as best you could and pray that you could support your sister even after the ceremony was finished. 
The days passed in a blink of an eye as you slowly forced yourself to endure a gruelling week of preparation to meet your betrothed. Father was getting more irritable, constantly screaming at servants for everything to be perfection. Everyone was walking on eggshells around him.  He was so demanding, especially now that the meeting was so near.  
Meanwhile, you dreaded the day more than anything, silently praying that an assassin from another land would come and end your life because of some agenda they have against your father. That would have been much better than marrying Eris Vanserra. You only had met him a handful of times, and all you recalled was his rudeness, his cruelty, how the servants feared him. It was well-known that he was just like Baron in many ways, especially when it came to being violent. 
“Shoulders straight, smile,”He snarled, “I don’t need any scandal, so behave.” 
“Your hair is out of place! And I can still see your bruises, which incompetent servant did your makeup!?” Your father fumed as you sat in the drawing room of your family house. You trembled silently, taking in every criticism as you prayed for the day to be over as soon as possible, willing yourself to hold back your tears as much as possible. 
Your fate was sealed as a servant crept into the room, informing your father that the guest had arrived. Baron Vanserra and his son were here. And they were here for you. The terror that you had hidden away began to creep up your spine. This was it. If you failed to make a good impression, you would remain in your own household and your father would beat you to death, or worse, beat your sister in front of you. If you made a good impression, you would be dragged away to the Vanserra Manor and be wed to what might be the cruellest man alive. 
They weren’t great options, but you wouldn’t take a risk on your sister’s safety. So you folded your hands in your lap, blinked back the tears, and smiled politely as the two males entered the room. Eris trailed behind his father, who shook your hands with your father, who ordered you and Eris to speak to each other while they discussed the details and formalities of this matrimony. 
Your smile dropped slightly, but you tried your best to mutter out an introduction under the searing gaze of the future High Lord.
“I am Y/N Y/L/N,” Eris nodded. “Eris Vanserra, Lord of Autumn,” It stayed silent after, the awkwardness hanging in the air. Part of you seemed to sigh in relief. Awkwardness, which meant he probably wasn’t as mean as you had imagined. Still you couldn’t completely skip over the possibility that he was hiding his true self in order to manipulate you. 
A few minutes of looking at anything but each other — the walls, the ceiling, even the creepy statue you had always hated — had passed before Eris had cleared his throat, grabbing your attention. “So you’re the girl he wants me to marry,” In which you retorted back before you could stop yourself, “So you’re the mad man’s son.” Surprised by your own boldness, your face heated as a grin began to creep onto Eris’s face.
"Feisty, thought you would be quiet since the last time i saw you you were so soft, little flame," You paused at the nickname but quickly smirked back. "I was nine at the time, forgive me if you intimidated me. But now I see there was nothing to be afraid of because I think I could easily kick you ass," He chuckled. However, his laughter died down as you stared at him expectantly.
"You never told me you were Eris Vanserra," "But I did tell you I was someone important, not my fault you never recognised me at masquerades," He grumbled. You wanted to smile but there were still the problems that have just been precedent.
"The last time we met, you said that you'd burn the world for me, is that still true?" He thought for a moment as you braced yourself for he rejection that might come. But what he said next was so unexpected that it made your heart bleed.
"I wouldn't just burn the world for you, I'd live in it. Every single damn day I will bear the pains of this world for the rest of my life, if it means that I'll be with you. I found you, little flame, and i won't ever let go."
taglist: - no taglist for Eris yet -
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torgerandsuzanne · 1 year
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This weekend, all the major movers and shakers in Formula 1 have descended on Silverstone for the British Grand Prix. On track, seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton will attempt to slow Max Verstappen’s seemingly inexorable charge towards a third successive title. Off it, their respective team principals, Mercedes’ Toto Wolff and his nemesis, Red Bull’s Christian Horner, will also do battle. But arguably the most significant power move made in motorsport this week may already have taken place. Its architect was none other than Susie Wolff, wife of Toto. And just quietly, she is hoping she may have triggered a revolution.
As managing director of F1 Academy, a new all-female single-seater series, she is currently thrashing out what she believes could be a ‘game-changing deal’ with F1’s 10 teams, which she hopes will boost female participation in motorsport like nothing before.
Leaning back in a chair in the library of the Monaco Yacht Club, Wolff lets out a snigger. ‘It’s true,’ she nods. ‘He really did once describe me as a donkey!’ We are talking about her husband, Toto Wolff. The donkey reference actually cropped up in an interview the couple gave to Ben and Georgie Ainslie’s Performance People podcast last year. In the YouTube version of the podcast, you can see Susie, by this point in hysterics, miming someone digging a hole ever-deeper. The exchange is a window into their relationship: playful, loving, with Susie giving as good as she gets. But it also says something about both of their characters. Toto is a high performer, there is no doubt about that. And Susie? Well, ‘donkey’ may be a bit harsh for a woman who once gave Hamilton a run for his money in karting. But she knows what her husband meant. ‘Don’t underestimate the donkey,’ she says, grinning. ‘It gets there in the end. I do have a lot of tenacity.’ She is going to need it in her latest role. 
There have been various attempts down the years to drive female participation in motorsport and achieve the ultimate breakthrough: returning a woman to the F1 grid. Wolff believes F1 Academy is different. For starters, it is the first all-female series launched and owned by Formula 1 itself. That means it is in F1’s interests for it to succeed. So whereas W Series, for instance, was given an enviable platform by the sport the fate of F1 Academy is far more intertwined with the brand. Not only will it compete on the F1 circuit from next season, but the two series will collaborate far more closely. Wolff cannot speak just yet about what that might look like, as the finer details are still being ironed out. Suffice to say there are some very exciting plans in the offing that she hopes to announce soon. ‘I think there are some forward-thinking team principals in Formula 1,’ she says. ‘I certainly feel a real commitment from within the paddock to help change things now.’ ‘When I met them all after my announcement in Bahrain, I said to all of them, “Please don’t think of this as a ‘woman’s thing’ being run by a woman. This is for the greater good of this sport. I hope it will add value to Formula 1 long-term. And we need to be on this journey together.” So far, the response has been very positive, I have to say.’ Wolff smiles. ‘But F1 Academy cannot just be about 15 young women racing. And we cannot have the sole purpose of trying to find the next female F1 driver. We have to stand for something much more. It’s about creating opportunity. How are we making motorsport accessible to girls? That’s why I’m spending a lot of my time in the world of karting right now, trying to understand, OK, who’s out there racing? At what level? What is stopping girls from racing? I think that’s where we’ve got to be really proactive. Because that talent pool is what we need to grow.’
Wolff is uniquely well-placed to do so. Born in Oban she had a typically outdoorsy upbringing. Both she and older brother David, were put on skis and bikes as toddlers. Her parents, owned a motorcycle dealership and her father raced bikes competitively, so racing was ‘in the blood’. But, Wolff says, she was ‘never a typical tomboy’. ‘I had my Barbie. I had my dolls. I liked that stuff. But I also loved going fast.’ Eventually the family got a second-hand kart and that was it, although Wolff insists it was just ‘for fun’ until she was taken to a Formula 3 race at Donington Park one year and watched Jenson Button win. ‘That’s when I was like: “This is what I want.” After that I started racing in the European and world championships.’ It was at that point, too, that Wolff began to experience sexism for the first time. She had always been ‘the only girl’ in karting races. Or at least one of very few. But as her participation became more serious, so too did the feeling of being not just different but unwanted. ‘Funnily enough, half of my battle was with the parents of my competitors,’ she recalls. ‘For them, it was not wanting their sons to get beaten by a girl.’
Sometimes her own teams, supposedly on her side, were just as culpable. When she reached DTM, the German touring car championship, Wolff was famously made to drive a pink car. ‘I hated it,’ she says. ‘It was such a cliché. No one wanted to be overtaken by that car.’  Wolff recalls one particularly awkward episode when three-time F1 world champion Niki Lauda came to watch his son Mathias. ‘Mathias and I were teammates and it was a real thrill that Niki was coming to watch,’ she says, wincing. ‘So anyway, he walks into the garage, and all the drivers were in there, and without even saying hi to Mathias or anything, he took one look at me and said to Mathias: “Whatever you do, beat her.” Even Mathias was embarrassed.’ ‘Years later, when we obviously became friends at Mercedes I brought it up and Niki was like, “Yeah, I know. But I knew it wouldn’t have been helpful to Mathias if he got beaten by you.” I said, “But Niki, I was an impressionable young driver.” Obviously he was of a certain generation. But I think that still exists. That stigma. Not wanting to be beaten by a girl. The preconception that women are bad drivers. We have to change that.’
In other times during Wolff’s career it has been double standards that infuriated her. Male drivers could advertise products or cash in on their celebrity. But when Wolff did the same she would be accused of ‘using her body’ to further her career. This is someone who had, and still has, a genuine interest in fashion. ‘It was frustrating,’ she admits. ‘I turned down loads of things. I remember being questioned about one shoot, with Vogue Japan. “What? You’re going to turn down Vogue? No! It’s one of the top titles…”’ ‘Ultimately, I think it’s about finding a balance and doing what you’re comfortable with. I had one golden rule. I would never date another driver. I wanted to look after my reputation and just be someone that was seen as credible. But I think this idea that you just put your helmet on and race and nothing else matters… that’s not the case. Take Lewis. What he brings to the table is his outstanding talent on track. But also, all of the stuff he represents off-track. So if anything, I look back and say, I should have gone even harder.’
Does she believe she was held back? Wolff shakes her head. ‘I think I fulfilled my potential. If I look back now, with more perspective, I wasn’t one of the most talented. I had a lot of tenacity and a lot of determination. A lot of thick skin. So I look back with no bitterness whatsoever. There were a lot of tough moments, I won’t lie. But I also met Toto, which led me to where I am now.’ They met in 2009 when Wolff was competing in DTM. Toto, 11 years her senior and with two young children from a previous marriage, was the co-owner of HWA AG, which ran the DTM race programme for Mercedes. He proposed one year later on a boat in Venice (well, on a boat back to the airport after his original plan to propose at a romantic restaurant was scuppered when a couple they knew sat down at the next table) and they were married in Capri in 2011. Inevitably their relationship, her subsequent role at Williams, and rise through senior management positions at Venturi Racing, a Monaco-based Formula E team, to F1 Academy, have led to allegations of nepotism. 
‘I am completely fine with that because in the end, I know the truth,’ Wolff says. ‘I got the drive with Williams after I met Frank at a DTM event at Brands Hatch and told him I’d done a school project on Williams as a 12-year-old girl and it was always my dream to drive an F1 car. At the end of the conversation he said, “I’ll give you 25 laps at Silverstone.” It kind of snowballed from there. How much of that was Toto? It’s impossible to judge. But I feel I grabbed my chance.’ ‘Toto was never on the radio telling me how to drive a Formula 1 car. He wasn’t holding my hand telling me how to run a Formula E team. I did all of that on my own two feet. I know I’ve got what it takes to be successful, I don’t need Toto to open doors for me.’ She pauses. ‘I think in some instances, it can be very helpful having the Wolff surname, in others very unhelpful. But I wouldn’t change it for a second.’
Marrying up their schedules can’t be easy. The couple’s main home is in Monaco, but when we meet, Toto is back at the factory in Brackley, having just returned from the Canadian Grand Prix. He will fly out to take over parental duties from Susie when she heads to Zandvoort at the end of the week. ‘I don’t think we’re dissimilar to many couples who have busy jobs,’ Wolff says. ‘I have Toto’s schedule on my phone so I always know which country he is in, or at least when he’s coming home. And we just have to prioritise. If that means Jack and I jumping on a plane to wherever he is to make it work, we make it work.’  Wolff admits it is her who generally compromises. ‘Someone has to,’ she shrugs. ‘And right now it’s me, for sure. I’m based here. And Toto is in and out. It’s a big advantage that I understand the industry so well; why he has to be away, why he has to stay longer at the factory. All of that means I’m not giving him a headache at home when he does return. I get it.’
Have Mercedes’ recent struggles on track made things more stressful? ‘Actually I’d say he is in a better place than he was a few years ago,’ Wolff replies. ‘I think he had a moment in lockdown where he didn’t know whether he wanted to stay in the sport. But now he has really got the bit between his teeth again. Sometimes I’m in a room when he’s on a very difficult call and I’m starting to feel, “F--k, this is some serious pressure!” But he can just pile it on. It’s definitely one of his strengths.’ In 2021 the couple moved to Monaco from Switzerland, although they also keep a place in Oxford from which Toto can commute to the factory. ‘Believe me, I never imagined I would be living here,’ Wolff says, laughing. ‘Obviously I started coming out a lot when I joined Venturi. I’d leave cold, grey England and land here in blue skies. I just started thinking, it’s not so bad out here… It works for us now.’  As you would expect, Jack attends a school with the sons and daughters of other international jetsetters. ‘His best friend is Augusto Farfus’ son. Naila Rosberg is a year older, her sister is a year younger,’ Wolff says. But really, she insists, they do not have a lavish lifestyle. ‘My son spends every school holiday back in Scotland because I want him to have that balance. You know, this is a bubble. It’s not quite reality. So he goes camping with my parents.’ As for the Monte Carlo nightlife, Wolff says, ‘We keep ourselves to ourselves. The buzzing social life is just not my thing at all. You find your tribe but we spend so much time away, I’d much rather stay in during the evening than go out somewhere.’
Susie's interview with The Telegraph where she talks about F1 Academy, sexism and double standards she experienced as a female racing driver and her relationship with Toto.
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topguncortez · 2 years
CONGRATS ON 3K 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 could i request #19 “You know, how about a little fun before we go to bed?” from the hot in herre list with my fav dilf jake
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Shy!Wifey warnings: suggestive, a bit smutty, Jake can't keep his hands to himself, making out, dry humping, cuming in ones pants Opposites Attract Masterlist | Jake Seresin Masterlist Main Masterlist 3 fucking K celebration!
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It had been the longest week of their lives. Y/N and Jake Seresin had been running on empty the whole week from taking their kids to various events, their jobs, making dinner, keeping the house clean and five kids out of trouble. And to make things even worse, it was the week of Christmas.
Their house had been decorated to perfection thanks to Y/N and Penny. Over the years, Y/N had gotten more and more creative when it came to decorating their home. Jake would bring up the boxes from the basement and stand back, lending a hand when she'd ask for it.
Christmas Eve was usually held at Penny's house for the whole Dagger Squad. It used to be just a small gathering of the aviators. But slowly, over the years it had grown thanks to partners, spouses, and kids being added to the growing family. Even Rooster had managed to grow a pair and ask Dragon to be his girlfriend.
Y/N was sitting on Jake's lap as they were sitting in the den Penny's house. The kids were running around, burning off the Christmas cookies that Rooster had fed them. Val, Javy's wife scolded the pilot but Rooster just smiled and said he gets the "Uncle Pass" on Christmas. Jake rubbed his hand up and down Y/N's thighs as she looked over at Bob and his girlfriend, Bea, who was heavily pregnant.
"Remember when that was you?" Jake asked and Y/N looked at him.
"Mhm," She nodded, "And remember when you got pulled over while trying to get me to the hospital."
"Hey! I wasn't trying to get baby juice all over my new carseats," Jake said and Y/N rolled her eyes, "But, we got there in time anyway."
"Yeah, we did," Y/N sighed and gently touched her belly, "Sometimes I forget that we are done having kids, and then I remember and get sad."
"Well the vasectomy is reversible, if you want more babies-"
"Oh no, Seresin, we are done. I'm just reminiscing," Y/N laughed and pushed herself up from Jake's lap, "We gotta get going soon. Got G-I-F-T-S to wrap."
"They're staying with Rooster and Dragon right?" Jake got up from his chair and followed his wife towards where the kids laughter was coming from. Y/N nodded and Jake smirked, "Good."
"I have their sleep over bags in the car. I'll go grab my coat and then get them."
"Okay, but uh, Mrs. Seresin, you're forgetting something," Jake said, putting his hands behind his back.
Jake pointed up at the mistletoe that was directly above them. Y/N looked up at it and then at her husband, who had a boyish grin on his face.
"Can't break the rules, baby," Jake said.
"You're so childish," Y/N giggled and grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him in for a kiss.
"EW THAT'S COOTIES!" A young child yelled out. Y/N pulled away from Jake to see Clara Fitch, Payback's little girl standing in the doorway with Elena Machado and Ella.
"Oh, I'm gonna get you three!" Jake exclaimed and started chasing after the little girls. Loud laughter came from their mouthes as they ran back towards the play room, and Y/N couldn't help but laugh and shake her head.
"He's so different with them," Phoenix said, walking over to you, "How did you do it? How did you tame him?"
"Not quite sure," Y/N sighed, "Ya know what they say, opposites attract."
When the night dwindled down, and the kids were starting to come down from their sugar highs, everyone slowly started to gather their things and kids to go home for the night. Max and Jasper were both asleep, one of each of Y/N's hips, their little heads on her shoulders. Jake was always amazed how she managed to hold both of them. They would be turning two tomorrow, and already exceeding their milestones for their age.
Bradley was helping get the older three Seresin kids in his car with Dragon putting their bags in the back.
"Are you sure you're okay with taking them?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, for the thousandth time," Bradley said, "I'll cook breakfast in the morning, Dragon and I have some gifts for them to open. It allows you two to W-R-A-P their G-I-F-T-S, and set up stuff for dinner. It's fine."
"It gives this one practice for Christmas mornings," Dragon said, walking to Bradley. Y/N watched as he put his arm around the girl and she rested her hand on his chest, the diamond ring catching her eye.
"Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw, when did you do this?" Y/N's eyes were wide as she nodded her head towards the ring.
"This morning," Bradley looked down at the girl. It made Y/N's heart warm in her chest. All she had ever wanted for Bradley since meeting him all those years ago, was for him to be loved and happy. She had seen him struggle to find his place, but he had finally found it. Allowing himself to be welcomed into Y/N and Jake's family, and finding the one person he loved more than anything.
"Well congrats," Y/N said and Jasper let out a yawn in her arms.
"I'll take them in my car. Jake put the booster seats in there," Dragon said, leading Y/N to her car. Jake walked over to his wife and took one of his boys from her arms, and put Max into his carseat, kissing his forehead as he buckled him in.
"I plan to be up and ready around 10, if you want to bring them by then. I'm guessing they'll sleep in," Y/N said, as she adjusted the buckle of Jasper's booster seat.
"Bradley has been gathering stuff all week for this breakfast. You guys are welcome to come. Mav, Penny, Amelia and Phoenix are," Dragon said.
"Sounds good! Thank you so much," Y/N hugged the Trace girl, before saying one last good night to her boys and then over to Bradley's truck to say good night to her older kids.
--- --- ---
The living room looked like Santa's workshop as Y/N and Jake wrapped presents for various kids. They found it easier to have different wrapping paper for different kids. Jake was starting to get frustrated as he tried to wrap Ella's Barbie Dream house she begged for. He looked over at Y/N's perfectly wrapped gifts and frowned. She was only using about three-four pieces of tape and Jake felt like he was using the whole roll.
"I can't just put a garbage sack over this and a bow on top?" Jake asked and Y/N looked at him.
Jake huffed, "I can't wrap things as good as you."
"It takes practice," Y/N answered, grabbing the fancy sharpie and writing on the gift tag, "Come on, these gifts aren't wrapping themselves."
"Who made you head elf?"
"I did because I can see your wrapping skills. Santa would've fired you by now."
Jake playfully shoved her, and went back to wrapping the dream house.
About an hour later, the tree was packed full of gifts. Y/N put out the milk and cookies plate, with a handwritten note from "Santa" for the kids to find when they come home tomorrow morning. She also laid out the kids Christmas dinner outfits on their bed. They had decided after the twins first birthday to do Christmas dinner for their families as a way to celebrate their birthday.
They were snuggled up on the couch, as "A Christmas Story" played in the background, both clad in their pajamas and sipping on hot chocolate and baileys. The house was quiet, and they couldn't remember the last time that had happened. Probably before they even had kids. Jake looked down at his wife, who was laughing at Ralphie getting pushed down the slide by Santa.
"Baby?" Jake asked.
“We're home alone," He pointed out and Y/N looked up at him, "You know, how about a little fun before we go to bed?” He smirked, running his hand over her thigh.
"Okay," Y/N didn't need much convincing as she moved her body to straddle her husbands lap, and pressed her lips to his.
Jake groaned in response, his hands roaming her back, before settling on her hips. Neither one could remember the last time they just sat on the couch, and made out with each other like a bunch of horny teenagers. Even worse, they couldn't remember the last time they had actually had a moment to touch each other besides the fleeting little touch in passing. They were desperate for each other.
"Baby, I missed you," Jake said against her lips, "Missed everything about you."
"I missed you too, daddy," Y/N whimpered and Jake felt himself harden underneath her.
Jake's hands started guiding her hips, moving her lazily over his hard on through his pajama pants. Her hands tangled in his blonde locks, pulling on it gently, knowing how crazy it drives him. Jake slipped his tongue in her mouth, exploring the taste of cocoa and bailey's. He leaned forward a bit, wrapping his strong arms around her body, before standing up from the couch. A squeal left her lips as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"Where are we going?" Y/N asked.
"To the floor," Jake said, and maneuvered to the space in front of the fire place. Jake gently laid her down onto the white fluffy rug that she only got out for Christmas.
"This has always been on my bucket list. To fuck you by the fire place on Christmas Eve."
"Yeah?" Y/N asked, and pushed herself up enough that she could grab the hem of her sleep shirt, and pull it over her head. Jake's eyes widened as he saw the red and white lace bra that left little to the imagination that she was wearing.
"Holy fuck."
"Merry Christmas," Y/N said, and leaned in to kiss him, but let her lips ghost his, "Unwrap your gift baby."
"Oh baby, I'm gonna do more than unwrap you."
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dc418writes · 10 months
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✨Pairing✨: firefighter!Curtis Everettxblack,nanny!reader
Summary🪄: It’s hard to sleep when you’re worried sick (Dipped in Guilt addition)
⚠️: tiny bit of angst, mention of building being on fire, mention of death, fluff💕
*Disclaimer!: although visual made by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of photos used as they were all found via Pinterest*
All night they’ve shown the massive fire downtown currently engulfing one of the local grocery stores- the one you tended to frequent actually
No one knows how it started, according to the newscasters, but it didn’t take long to spread first filling the building with thick smoke
Luckily everyone made it out with the brave work of all the stations involved - including station 3
Where Curtis worked
Your heart sunk and hands became sweaty watching his uniform clad body run into the fiery building earlier. The “Everett” on his helmet bouncing as it briefly came into the overhead cameras view before he was gone in the wall of smoke and crimson-orange
Finn’s little whines were the distraction you needed, carefully unbuckling him from his high chair before gently bouncing him in your arms and patting his back. Immediately he begins to quiet lying his head in the crook of your neck
“It’s okay. Your dad’s gonna be fine.” You hoped
Multiple times you tried to will yourself into changing the channel and give your emotions a break, but every time you’d get sucked back in worried about Curtis
Everyone in the crew really, but Curtis tended to appear in your mind more frequently
Eventually you must’ve fallen asleep now being awoken by the front door shutting. Curtis now inside turning the locks and kicking off his boots with shoulders slightly sagged from his noticeable exhaustion
“Hey, you’re home,” you smile. More excited to see him safe than you probably should admit
“Yea,” he sighs moving towards the kitchen. “Finn was okay?”
“Yea, he ate all his food and knocked out a little after his bath.”
Red throw wrapped around your shoulders, your feet softly pad against the light hardwood to the island standing across from him pulling a beer from the fridge
“There’s leftover lasagna in there too. I-If you’re hungry.” He only hums with a slight nod taking a long swig from the glass bottle. His attention still somewhere else having not looked at you since he arrived
You start to think maybe you should leave him be, but deep down you don’t feel right leaving him alone. Especially not after tonight
“How’s the crew?,” you ask wrapping the blanket tighter around yourself
“They’re good. Jensen got a bit of smoke inhalation but he’ll be okay.”
You gently nod, “and you?”
“Not my first fire. Definitely not the worst one I’ve seen.”
“Doesn’t mean it has no effect though.”
He pauses for a moment letting your words sink in before lifting the bottle to his lips again. You were definitely right
As they rushed to the fire engine and hurriedly put on their equipment all he could think was if this could be his last. How he’d be leaving behind a son that barely knew him, his mother, and friends. You
He kept those thoughts and fears buried though so he could do his job, and well after that
When she was alive, his wife would try to pull it out of him but those efforts tended to be unsuccessful from his continued silence or mumbled, “I’m fine,” as he pecked her cheek or lips
Feeling something around his middle, he looks down to see the corners of the red blanket briefly covering his shirt before it’s gone and he hears you shuffle back a couple steps
“S-Sorry I…I know I overstepped..but I’m glad you’re okay. And I get it if you don’t want to talk.”
Just as you round the island, you hear the small clank of Curtis setting down his bottle as he turns to lean against the counter. Finally looking at you with tired, reddened eyes
“Mind uh..staying..for a while?,” he softly asks. And how could you say no when he’s looking at you like that? Clearly in need of someone, but either too proud - or maybe even scared - to reach out
You’re silent as you return to stand in front of him. His arms slightly opening to give you just enough room so you can step forward and press against him. Both of you wrapped in that red throw as you nuzzle into his chest and his chin rests on your head
For so long he’s been used to coming home and sleeping with the trauma’s of the day. Taking in your sweet scent and heartbeat against his skin is enough to have him break down right there finally having that intimacy again, but as usual he locks those feelings away.
The muffled “thanks,” slipping from his mouth while your hands glide along the ridges of his muscled back warm you better than any blanket ever could
“Anytime Curtis.”
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andydrysdalerogers · 5 months
The Type You Save ~ S I X T E E N
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James "Bucky" Barnes and OFC Alexandra "Alex" Richards
Detective James Barnes hasn't seen the love of his life in three years. Since the night she was almost caught stealing a painting. He knows it was her and she disappeared leaving him confused and heart broken.
Alexandra Richards never expected to be pulled back into her old life two years after she left it. She had found love and a home and was happy. Until a note blackmailed her to take one last job. Three years later she walked into the last person she expected to see in San Francisco. Because he lived in New York right?
They always put family before everything. And he would do anything to get his family back. Because she's the type you save.
TW: mob, death, smut, rape intentions, angst, guns, family abandonment, dub-con, manipulation
A/N: the penaultimate chapter
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: F I F T E E N
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Steve woke up with pain.  Shit, he thought to himself.  The light in the room was blinding, not helping the headache he had at all.  He blinked slowly trying to orient himself.  He went to massage his head but found he couldn’t move. This is what finally brought him into full consciousness.  He looked to see Nate sitting next to him, tied to the chair with his arms behind his back. He finally lifted his head and saw Alex in front of him, also tied to a chair but gagged.  He could see that she had been crying.  “Alex?” 
“Ah, Captain Rogers, good to see you are finally awake.”  A man in a crisp suit stood in front of him. “I don’t believe we have met.  Christian Grey.”  
Steve stared daggers at the man. “You’re the asshole that is trying to rip my family apart. Trying to take my brother’s wife.  My nephew’s mother.”  
“She is mine,” Christian snarled.  “She was always mine.” He punched Steve in the face. Steve raised his face back up, a trickle of blood running from the corner of his lip. Alex muffled scream came from across the room.  A laugh could be heard, and he looked to see another man with Zemo standing next to him.  
Christian walked over to Nate. “I knew you would betray me, Nathaniel.  You were always weak, especially for my girl.”  
“She was never your girl.” Nate looked defiantly towards him.  “You took an innocent girl and ruined her.  I did everything to protect her.  You just wanted to fuck her up.  We had a code, ethics.”  
Grey got right in his face. “Don’t act like you had to moral high ground,” he snarled.  “You were right there next to us, doing my dirty work without a second thought.  You lusted after Alex just like every other man. Let me rephrase, you were in love with her.”  
Nate didn’t blink.  “Yes, I do.  I loved her so much, but she deserved more than this life.  I had no problem helping her escape if it meant she was happy. I couldn’t save my soul, but I could save hers.”  
Alex let the tears openly flow.  She knew Nate had a crush, but she hadn’t known how deep it had gone. She looked at him with sorrow.  Nate knew what she wanted to say but he simply nodded.  
“That is so romantic.  A declaration of love,” Grey mocked.  
“Well, it’s better than what you think you are calling love.” Nate threw back.  “Tell her.  Tell her how you made her an orphan. How Walker ran them off that cliff. That you actually found her brother a few days after he tried to leave and tortured him when he refused to give his blessing.  How he begged you to spare her life. How you slit his throat and watched him bled out on the same floor you made her bedroom in.”  
Alex’s eyes widen at Nate’s words.  She started to scream through the gag and buck in the chair. Her mind on Simon.  She had assumed he was alive but underground.  Underground was right but he hadn’t been alive in years.  
Christian roared at Nate. “You think giving her these truths would make it better? I should kill you first, so she knows she is powerless to stop this. Walker.” Christian turned to face Alex as Walker went up to Nate and punched him in the gut, the force tipping the chair over and sending Nate onto his back.  Walker picked him back up and swung at his face, his nose now bleeding but unconscious.  
Alex continued to scream until Grey went and ripped the gag from her mouth.  “You’re a monster! You killed my family!” 
“I only did what I had to do to keep you, Alexandra.  I wanted you from the moment I saw you.”  He saw the confusion in her eyes. “You don’t remember? You wandered into a game one night, looking so innocent and beautiful.  I knew I had to have you.  But Simon refused.  So, I eliminated the obstacles.”  He laughed with such malice that it made Alex flinch.  “You were so easy to mold into what I needed.  Now, it’s time for some negotiations.”  
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Outside, the police were slowly surrounding the home and garage.  Infrared camera detected no one in the house but they still send a team in to make sure.  James and Tony were waiting at the command center with the local police captain Thor Odinson.  “The house is clear, but it looks like someone was injured.  They found blood in one of the bedrooms.”  
“Alex,” James whispered and closed his eyes.  He snapped them open.  “Have you found Captain Rogers?” 
“No, but we still have the garage that is a ways back.”  Thor looked at his colleagues. “I would ask but I already know you won’t stay put.”  
“Sorry, but my entire family is in this.”  James pulled on his vest.  
Tony moved to stop him.  “Bucky, are you sure you can handle this?” 
“I need to bring them back to Drew.  He can’t lose them.” He checked the clip on his gun.  “I’m taking Grey dead or alive.”  
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“What negotiations?” Alex kept breathing deep, trying to level her head.  But all she saw were thoughts of her parents, her brother, ripped away from her.  
“I have some paperwork that needs to be signed.”  Grey smirked.  “Formalities, really.”  
“Formalities?  For what?” 
“For you to be completely mine.  We have things that need to be resolved.”  
Alex lifted her chin.  “I won’t sign anything for you, you fucking prick.”  
Christian didn’t say a word as stepped towards her.  About six inches away, he leaned to her face.  “Watch. Your. Mouth.”  And without another warning he slapped her, her face rearing as it moved from the force.  A cry left her mouth as the pain radiated.  
“Don’t touch her!” Steve yelled, trying to move the restraints.  He felt one of the ropes slip but didn’t let on as he slowly freed one of his hands.  
“I won’t touch her again Captain.  Not until we finished at least, and I claim my prize.”  He whipped back to Alex.  “These papers.”  He threw them on the table next to her and turned her in her chair. “You will sign them.  Otherwise,” he grasped her chin to have her face the men tied up, “I will make you watch as we began to play with them.  Walker, as you know, loves to have fun with new friends.”  
Alex’s eyes glanced at Walker, an evil smile gracing his face as he played with a knife from his belt, twirling, glinting with menace. “What are they?” she whispered.  
“Marriage dissolution papers.  I want you to be mine and first I need to end your joke of a marriage to that cop.”  
Steve pleads with her. “Don’t sign them, Alex.  Its ok. Everything is going to be ok.” 
Alex could barely see him through the tears building up in her eyes. “I have too Stevie.  I need to save you.”  
“No, you don’t Ale. You were the one we needed to save. Everything will be ok.  Please don’t sign them.” 
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The SWAT team approached the garage silently, James and Tony among them.  They all positioned themselves near the windows and doors.  James glanced in to see the three people tied up, Alex’s face red but could see someone with their head down and Steve with what looked like a hand free but playing it off.  “We have three hostages in there, one who looks unconscious,” he whispered.  They could now hear the conversation going on.  
“This is all so sweet,” he heard Grey say, but now is not the time.  A gun cocked back, ready to fire.  “Now, Alexandra.  What have you decided?” 
He could hear Alex sobbing quietly.  “What happens if he doesn’t sign?  You need two signatures.”  
“To save your life, I’m pretty sure I can get your officer to sign them.  He gets everything after all.  Your business, your money.  Everything but your son.  I’ll raise him after this.  Bring him up to be a good soldier and eventual heir.  You will still be his mother, but you will be my queen.”  
Alex face was one of horror, matching the one she could see on Steve’s and unknowingly James’s as well.  “You can’t have him,” she whispered.  
“Oh, I will pet.  And we will have others.  Our own little family.” Christian laughed, echoing in the garage. 
Steve saw out of the corner of his eye that Nate was waking up.  Nate looked around and saw Steve waving his loose hand at him.  He gestures to charge, and Nate understood.  He waited until Walker turned his back on the men.  Steve loosened his other hand holding the rope, so no noise was made.  He glanced around for a weapon and saw James in the window.  James winked and Steve understood.  They were no longer alone.  
He saw the men waiting for Alex to make her decision.  He subtly glanced at Nate and nodded once.  
James got ready after explaining what he saw.  He made it to the main door. And took a breath. Please God, make sure they are ok. He closed his eyes and opened them with focus. The SWAT team took position in front, their tactical gear making the practical choice for all.  Odinson counted down in his ear piece.  “Breach in three, two, one… “  
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“Let’s have it, Alex.  I want an answer.  NOW!” 
Alex pulled in a breath as she could see that Steve was free and motioning Nate, looked in her direction.  But not at her.  And it hit her.  He was here. James was here. “Fine, I’ll sign.  But I need my hands.  I want to read it.  To understand what you are taking away from me.”  
Grey smirked.  “Sure.”  He let go of the tie on her wrist and she flexed.  She picked up the papers and started to read them, her eyes moving but actually observing the scene. Walker and Zemo had their backs to Steve and Nate, a huge mistake on their part.  Grey had his body turned as well.  
Steve saw that he had Alex’s attention.  He held up a hand counting down.  Closing his fist, he quietly went up to Walker, Nate up to Zemo and charged.  Steve put Walker in a choke hold while Nate charged into Zemo’s stomach, dropping both.  Grey turned to the commotion and then back as the door burst open.  
Grey didn’t hesitate, firing at the officers as he ducked behind the desk.  Alex pushed herself back out of the way, but Grey grabbed her. Walker loosened Steve’s hold, turned and pointed his gun at Steve, but a SWAT officer took him out before he had a chance.  
Nate was loose from the chair and began to wail on Zemo.  Zemo pushed him off, but Steve got there with Walker’s gun.  “Move and you die, “ cocking the gun back.  
As the police moved in, Grey took hold of Alex and used her as a shield, his gun at her head, arm around her neck.  James ran in and stopped.  “Ah, Sargent Barnes. Nice of you to join us.”  
“Stop!” James put his hand up to stop the other officers.  Steve looked up and his face fell.  Nate’s face twisted in anger at the scene.  “Ok, just let her go.”  
“Let her go?  No, I don’t think I will.”  
“Jamie!” Alex cried.  
“Its ok Allie.  Everything is going to be ok, doll.” James took in her disheveled state.  “Are you hurt?” 
She shook her head slightly. “No.”  
“Ok enough chatter. You are going to talk to these nice officers and let us walk away.  I’m going to put her in the car with me and we are going to drive far away.  I won’t hurt her, and you get to live.”  
“That’s not going to happen.” James kept his gun trained on him but had no clean shot.  
A movement in his peripherals caused Grey to shift.  “Think about what you are going Captain.  I just need to pull and the world ends,” stopping Steve in his tracks.  
“Ok, let’s just remain calm,” James called out.  “You have no clean exit, Grey.  I don’t want to kill you, but I will if you try and take her from me again.”  
“Take her?  She was mine to begin with!  She was always mine!  And you, you just charmed her with your Brooklyn ways!” Grey screamed.  “You took the only thing I have ever loved!” 
“She ran from you.  What does that tell you?” 
“Alex just needed time.” Grey was letting his delusions out. “Didn’t you just need time pet?”  He grasped her neck harder, making her cry out.  “She’ll see that we are perfect together. I just need to get rid of the obstacles.  I just...” his eyes moved to James.  “I just need to get rid of you.”  He moved his gun away from Alex and pointed it at James.  
“No, please!” Alex yelled.  “I’ll leave, I’ll stay with you.  Please don’t hurt him.” She cried harder.  “Please don’t kill him.”  
“You need to stay with me Alex and the only way is if he is gone.” His attention was now on Alex, watching her beg for her husband.  
“Please Christian, I’m begging you to leave him alone.”  
In the chaos of her pleas, Nate moved closer to James.  He knew how unstable Grey could be.  He got around Steve just as Grey refocused the gun on James.  
“Thanks for keeping her safe Barnes.  But it’s time to go.”  
Alex screamed as the gun fired at James.  “Jamie!” 
James fell over, the wind knocked out of him after he hit the floor. He coughed and looked up to see Alex fall to her knees leaving Grey wide open.  He fired and hit Grey right in the chest, the blood splattering onto Alex as Grey fell over on top of her.  
That’s when James realized a body was pinning him down.  
“Nate!” Alex screamed  
James realized that this was Alex’s friend who jumped in the way to save his life. He pushed him over to see blood seeping from his stomach.  James immediately put pressure on the wound.  “Steve! Get Alex!” 
Steve pushed Grey off of Alex.  Steve checked her over as she thrashed to get to James and Nate.  “Stevie please, I’m fine!” She finally pulled free. “Alex, wait.”  
She fell next to Nate.  His eyes looked around panicking until he saw her face.  “Its ok Nate, it’s going to be ok,” she whispered.  
“We need EMTs in here now!” James yelled.  “Come on Nate, keep your eyes open.”  
“Please Nate, keep your eyes on me,” Alex pleaded.  She took his hand into hers.  “You have to live, ok? I need to kick your ass for being so stupid.”  
Nate tried to smile, blood coming from his mouth, staining his teeth.  “Love. You,” he labored to say.  
“Love you too Nate but don’t do this ok.  My son needs to meet you.”  She watched as his eyes began to flutter.  “No, no, no, Nate come on, stay with us.”  
The EMTs rushed over, and James moved out of the way to let them work.  He went to Alex to move her out of the way. “Come on Allie.”  
“No, I can’t leave him! Nate! Nate!” she screamed as James picked her up and pulled her away.  “Jamie please, he needs me.”  
“I know doll, I know.  I’m sorry.”  He held her close as she screamed for her friend.  
Nate felt cold, but when he looked into Alex’s eyes, knowing she was now safe, he felt at peace.  He let his eyes close as the medics worked on him. He could rest now that she was safe. 
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I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry....
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hwgyun · 1 year
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pairing: han jisung x fem!reader
genre: fluff, uni au
warning(s): kissing, pet names (babe, baby, my love, etc.) NOT PROOFREAD! (this was rushed), established relationship, mentions of food/snacks
word count: 710
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You groaned as you stared at the 50 flashcards on your desk, as well as multiple books and resources. You had an upcoming mid-term exam for Physiology, and you couldn’t focus at all. You had gone to the library, that didn’t work. You went to a quiet cafe, that didn’t work either.
You hated Physiology. You hated it in high school, and you hate it even more now in college. It didn’t help that your professor didn’t like you either, you would easily lose concentration and embarrassment would consume your body when the professor would call you out on it.
As you’re staring blankly at the mess on your desk, four knocks on your door snap you out of your trance. You quickly scramble to get up, making your way towards your dorm door and opening it, revealing your caring boyfriend Jisung standing at your door with junk food in his hands.
“Ji what are you doing here?” You question curiously, you didn’t message him to come over, so you were curious as to why he was standing outside your dorm.
“Can’t I pay my beautiful soon-to-be wife a visit?” He pouts, yelping seconds afterwards after you had smacked his arm. “Shut up just get inside already.”
“So bossy…” He trails off, walking into your dorm room and setting the bag of goodies on your bed. You take a seat on your desk chair once again and went back to staring at the flash cards that you didn’t hear the sound of your boyfriend's voice calling you multiple times.
“Y/n!” He shouts, shaking your shoulders snapping you out of another trance. “What is up with you? You’re pretty out of it today.” You sigh, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Sungie I’m so stressed about this exam…I can’t afford to fail but I just can’t seem to concentrate.” You whisper loud enough for him to hear as you play with your fingers.
“Hey, baby it’s okay. That’s what I’m here for, to help you.” His quiet, comforting voice sending butterflies to your stomach. “Can you…?” You ask, voice barely above a whisper.
“Of course, I can my love. Here let’s do this, go over the flash cards and when you’re done, I’m going to quiz you. But here’s the deal, for every question you get correct I’ll kiss you~” He smiled widely and quickly kissed your cheek. You gave him an “okay” and immediately started studying.
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“Okay I'm done!” After almost an hour of studying, you were sure you had it all memorized by now, waiting eagerly for the brown-haired male to start quizzing you.
“Awesome! Give me the flash cards.” He snatched the flash cards from your desk just as you were about to reach for them and cleared his throat.
“Alright babe first question, what is the concave medial surface of the kidney?”
“Hilus.” You stated proudly, Jisung looking at you with a wide smile, leaning in to give you a quick peck on the lips. “Mm I’m gonna enjoy kissing your lips a lot today.”
“Shush it! Next question.”
“What is a renal cortex?” He looked up from the flash card, taking a look at you as you tried hard to remember.
“Ooh, I guess miss smarty pants over here is getting this one wrong~” He teased, earning a scoff from you.
“I got it! The renal cortex is the outer portion of the kidney which contains capillary tufts and convoluted tubes!”
He nods, smiling as he leans in to give you another quick kiss on the lips. Your lips linger against each other for what seems like forever, and he quickly leans in to get another taste. The way your plump soft lips fit perfectly with his like a missing puzzle piece.
You giggle, too focused on Jisung kissing you than studying. You groan against his lips and gently push his chest, his whines making you chuckle.
“Sorry Ji, we can continue this later, but I actually need you to help me with this.” You softly say to him, an apologetic look on your face as you stare at his pouty one.
“It’s okay Y/n, but after we’re done you have to promise you’ll kiss me some more!”
“Yeah, yeah I promise now actually help me.”
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a/n: ya’ll sorry if this was shit winter break ended so i’m back at school which is why i haven’t been able to update on here but here is smth i hope you enjoy (even though it was pretty rushed LMAO) also please reblog! tumblr isn’t based on likes, it’s based on reblogs :)
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Chapter Two
Read fully at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14201958/2/More-Than-A-One-Trick-Pony
Read a little just below ;)
When they returned to camp, Dale was the first to acknowledge their approach. His arm waved high in the distance atop an old motorhome. A long rifle hanged from a strap on his shoulder. A pair of binoculars at his chest.
Laini waved back. Her lips curled to a small smile.
Out the corner of her eye, she saw Shane shake his head a little. A tongue stuck to the inside of his cheek. A sharper crunch to the gravel beneath their feet.
           “Things alright?” Dale called when they were in earshot.
Shane grumbled. He hurried to the ladder that climbed to the top of the RV. “Everything’s fine, Dale.”
The way Shane had bolted after her probably left the camp wondering. It was not his way to abandon his role. The moment they all stepped off the highway together to watch the city be eviscerated by army jets, he took command of the wandering horde of lost survivors, making the camp what it was, with water and as many amenities as they could muster without being too close to populated areas.
They were lucky to search the highway for supplies left in cars. It gave them a nice jump start on building their camp.
Many of the survivors were incredible people. Helpful, resourceful, and unafraid to bond. Some, however, were the exception. Two brothers named Merle and Daryl were unpleasant. Their hick accents ran thick, as did the venom on their tongues if either were tempted to anger by the slightest provocation. Shane being their trigger with his idiotic sheriff’s cap and condescending tone when it came to the pair. It was obvious they were not the type to respect law enforcement.
Not that she blamed them either. Sometimes she was met with a side of Shane she was not fond of. The way he thrived on a built-up sense of power by his badge. It’d been the cause of much upset in her decision to continue hooking up, back when there were little things to consider like how she would tell her friends she was actively seeing a sheriff’s deputy, not the sharpening of weapons and never going to sleep without a perimeter check.
The Dixon’s, shockingly, were not the most uncomfortable to be around. Even the younger brother seemed unsteady near Ed Peletier, a man there with his wife and young daughter, who only ever seemed to yell as his family and treat them as dogs while he reclined in a seat and offered nothing but a snide comment.
Laini eyed the man at his campsite in his folding chair with a few fingers tucked inside the waist of his jeans as his wife slaved over a blaring fire with large pots steaming in her face. Poor Carol. Her body was thin and frail. She gripped the large spoon tightly, with effort, to stir the water until it reached the peak of its boil for ten minutes.
Ed just watched. He made no move to help. A shred of compassion, absent on the man’s face.
           “Lain,” Shane’s voice called.
She raised her focus to the top of the RV.
           “Go on and fetch my canteen out the tent, will you?”
He squatted on the edge of the RV when she returned. Her toes went rigid as she raised it high enough for him to reach.
           “Thank you, baby girl.” Shane said. He glanced over his shoulder to check Dale’s position. “We’ve talked about this. Just stay away from them.”
Her hands drifted to her hips. “It isn’t right.”
           “Right.” He shook his head. “All right in the world is gone. It is everyone for themselves now. And as long as he is leavin’ everyone else be, I expect him to be left alone.”
Laini glared up against the sun at the dark shadow of a man she truly despised for putting that distinction on her like a god damn simpleton. She could see that the world was different. But it shouldn’t have mattered. Refugees of society or not, they were still human. They had to stand for something.
           “Hey. Don’t look at me like that. I’ve got enough on my plate with half our able-bodied camp in that city right now. I can’t be throwin’ anyone out. Even if he is a bastard.” His eyes drifted upward to the man who now barked at Carol to fetch him a portion of the reserved rations. The slender woman jumped at the sound of his voice. She softly explained the rations were for everyone. Ed did not like the answer. He said something that Laini couldn’t make out, and whatever it was, got Carol hopping over to fetch it for him. “Who knows. One day, he might be useful.”
           “For what?” She scowled. “To show you how to slap me around without leaving a bruise.”
Remember to leave a review, comment, like and all that to support your local writer :D THANKS SO MUCH
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Heart Of Stone | Chapter 4
previous chapters: 1, 2, 3,
pairing(s): Thranduil x Tamuril (oc) storyline: Tamuril was in love with Haldir but the battle at Helms Deep took away all hope she had for the future. She struggles with her grief and tensions eventually run high when she shares a moment with Lord Elrond she feels she cannot come back from and flees Rivendell, hiding herself away in the Elvenking Thranduil’s Halls. chapter summary: Elrond takes Tamuril back to Rivendell after saving her from the orcs. She and Thranduil cross paths again.
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Elrond leaned down, took hold of Tamuril’s arm and pulled, hauling her up onto the horse behind him. She couldn’t tell if he was angry or not but she didn’t really dwell on it as she wrapped her arms around his waist and held on as he turned the horse around and urged it back in the direction of Rivendell.
She listened to the thundering hooves as the blood rushed in her ears and her heart hammered in her chest. Feeling was starting to come back and she could feel herself beginning to shake just slightly. Her hold on Elrond tightened marginally, finding comfort in his solid presence. 
Upon returning to Rivendell, Tamuril saw Nessa getting off a horse somewhere up front. She hadn’t even thought about Nessa since the orc had been aiming to kill her. She felt a twinge of guilt at not being concerned for her friend’s wellbeing but she pushed it away, moving to let go of Elrond and dismount. He followed a moment after, wordlessly gesturing for her to follow him.
She felt like a child as she walked behind him in the direction of his study, eyes trained on the floor beneath her feet. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a flash of movement at the end of the hall and instinctively looked towards it. Thranduil was standing, silently observing. Tamuril looked away and stepped into the study, letting the door shut behind her.
Elrond gestured to a chair for Tamuril to sit and moved to gather up the things he would need to fix the wound on her leg. Luckily it wasn’t poisoned and would heal well enough. She winced as he did his best to be gentle but the blade of the orc had been anything but and the proof was left on her ankle. Elrond wrapped the wound and then stood, retreating across the room. He stood at the window for what felt like forever, gazing out into the night. 
“What were you doing?” He finally asked, turning around gracefully to face her. His eyes felt like knives as he took her in. 
Tamuril shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, twisting her fingers in the fabric of her skirt. She shrugged. “Nessa wanted to take the horses out, we… I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I…”
“No.” Elrond’s patient, level voice broke through her rambling. “What were you doing? What were you thinking?”
Tamuril realised that he wasn’t talking about how the two girls had found themselves out there or even why they had left in the first place… he was asking why she had simply lay there, accepting her fate, looking death in the eye… welcoming it.
Had he been able to tell?
The look on his face told her yes.
She swallowed thickly, frowning as her gaze shifted once more to her shoes. She didn’t know what she could say to him. She didn’t think she had any answers. At least none that he would accept or like.
“I don’t know.” She whispered.
His finger lifted her chin, startling her as she hadn’t heard him crossing the room. Elrond gently forced her to look him in the eye, his expression hard, though it softened after a few moments. 
“My darling girl, please…” 
That was all it took to break the dam. Tamuril’s eyes filled up with tears and she began to sob. Elrond’s arms closed around her and pulled her against him, holding her tight. He wished that he could take it all away but his skills could only go so far. He had learned that with his wife, Celebrian.
“Shh…” He soothed softly, fingers gently brushing through her hair in an attempt to comfort her. 
“I’m sorry.” Tamuril forced out breathlessly, voice muffled as she hid her face against his chest. 
“You are safe. That is what matters.” Elrond had found himself slightly angry, not that he would admit it to her, but it had been born from fear. The fear of seeing her so calmly accepting death as her way out. Tamuril would have fought back, she would have struggled. Before, at least. Did she truly think she had nothing left to live for? 
Tamuril wasn’t sure where these tears had come from. She had been pretty sure that she had cried herself dry and could no longer display such emotion. She felt vulnerable as she sobbed into Elrond’s robe but if there was anyone she could accept looking this way in front of right now, it was him.
Elrond held her until her tears dried up. She sniffed, feeling too awkward to move back right away, staying in his embrace for a few more embarrassingly long moments. Then, Tamuril stepped away and lifted her arm, wiping her eyes. Elrond’s smile was sad as his thumb brushed across her cheek, catching the tear she had missed.
“Get some sleep, Tamuril.” He said gently, turning her around and opening the door for her. “We will discuss this later.” The conversation was clearly not done but Elrond didn’t want to add more stress and strain to her night. Tamuril didn’t know whether she’d rather he just got it all out of the way now and spared her the anxiety of waiting for his disappointment. With one last look at him, she quickly retreated from his study and padded down the hall. 
“Are you well?”
The voice made Tamuril jump out of her skin. As she turned the corner in a hurry, she hadn’t seen Thranduil still lurking in the shadows until his voice rang out.
She took a moment to recover, turning to look at him and give a curt nod. “Of course.”
“Forgive me for saying so but you do not look it.” 
Tamuril had hoped that he would let it go at her reply but of course not. When did Thranduil Oropherion just let things go?
“Well, forgive me.” She replied, snapping slightly. “But I do not think it is any of your business.” Tamuril turned away from him. “Your Majesty.” She hastily tacked the title on at the end as she strode away from him. 
She slammed the door when she reached her chamber, fresh tears springing to her eyes as she sank down to the floor. Her back pressed against the door and she let it go, the sobs tearing themselves from her throat as everything once more crashed down on top of her.
On the other side of the door Thranduil stood, listening. He had followed her, not even really aware that his feet had been leading him until he found himself standing here. His face was a mask, expression emotionless, but his heart leapt slightly as he listened to the girl on the other side of the door drowning in her grief and depression. After a moment, he turned and strode away.
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tonkish · 2 years
The rum diary
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The rum diary movie#
The rum diary series#
Robinson also wrote the screenplay, his first since 1999's In Dreams and only his seventh since he was Oscar-nominated for his debut adaptation, The Killing Fields. The former actor, probably best known for playing Benvolio in Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 Romeo and Juliet, sat in the director's chair here for the first time since 1992's Jennifer Eight. The lack of recognition marks the film as somewhat of an inauspicious return for Bruce Robinson.
The rum diary movie#
The movie has won just a single award acknowledged by IMDb: Amber Heard being recognized with one of seven Spotlight Awards by the obscure Hollywood Film Festival. The performance couldn't have been entirely unexpected, since though shot in 2009 and bearing a 2010 copyright date, Rum sat waiting for a choice release window, with fledgling FilmDistrict finally deciding on a reasonable late-October debut close enough to awards season to be remembered but far away enough not to look like Oscar bait.Īnd no one will accuse The Rum Diary of being Oscar bait, because it just wasn't received strongly enough to even warrant being called a snub by the various awards parties. You'd have to go back to 1999's costly dud The Astronaut's Wife to find a comparable flop. This was Depp's weakest showing in a wide release since Pirates of the Caribbean cemented him as an A-list movie star. That would explain why the movie was a complete non-starter at the box office, its pitiful $24 million worldwide gross just barely recouping half of the production budget. It feels like a movie older folks might enjoy, if they gave it a chance, and one that might bore younger people expecting Depp's now signature mania or a Fear and Loathing sequel. The Rum Diary is strange, but considerably less so than Thompson's previous narrative film adaptation. In addition to the aforementioned, Richard Jenkins plays the Star's toupeed editor-in-chief and Giovanni Ribisi is Moberg, an insane, not exactly employed alcoholic and unreliable roommate who gets some kicks out of listening to records of Hitler speeches. There are times when Thompson/Duke's voice becomes so very clear, such as when Kemp is ragging on Nixon or vowing to stand up to "the bastards." Undoubtedly, Depp's encounters with the author shape his performance.ĭepp gets a decent amount of support here. And yet, this is still largely a film that feels under the influence of something. We get almost none of the trippy imagery of Terry Gilliam and only "brief drug use" factors into the MPAA's R rating description. Kemp feels like a toned-down version of the embellished, rarely lucid Duke. The film is as interested in atmosphere as story and allows us plenty of opportunity to soak up the sunny scenery and effervescent flavor of Puerto Rico, where it indeed was shot. Instead of following through on just one central thread, The Rum Diary gives us a little bit of everything: Kemp's romantic desires, labor setbacks at the Star, and his mixed feelings on and obligations to Sanderson's racket.
The rum diary series#
Far more tickled by Sanderson's beautiful beach bunny fiancée Chenault (Amber Heard) than his plans to commercialize a small uninhabited island with a series of hotels, Kemp nonetheless gets dragged into the development and made to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Fortunately for them, their bond is paid by Hal Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart), a wealthy, influential American who is looking for Kemp to do business with him. Intoxication leaves Kemp and Sala in serious trouble with the law and looking at a jail sentence. With drug experimentation not yet in vogue, Kemp gets high on alcohol, especially the local favorite, rum. Gonzo, nicely played by Michael Rispoli). Kemp finds adventure elsewhere, moving in with the husky and sympathetic photographer Bob Sala (this film's Dr. Like the motorcycle race in Fear, the astrology column is beneath our antihero and of little interest to both him and us. Aspiring New York novelist Paul Kemp (Depp) arrives in San Juan, Puerto Rico a day late to work as a horoscope writer for The San Juan Star, a modest newspaper whose future seems uncertain to its staff. Depp, who developed a well-documented friendship with Thompson before the latter's 2005 death, treats Rum nearly like another roman à clef, the result of an unmistakably autobiographical protagonist. Thompson, written in the early 1960s and finally published in 1998. The Rum Diary offers perhaps the closest we'll ever get to Depp reprising Duke, because this film adapts a long-lost novel by Fear and Loathing author Hunter S. In the pantheon of iconic Johnny Depp film characters, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' Raoul Duke ranks somewhere near Captain Jack Sparrow and Depp's many distinctive personalities for director Tim Burton.
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