#he wrestle! he wrestle the guppy!!!
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chimaeracrew · 3 days ago
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Your San Jose Sharks everyone!!!
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sweetbunpura · 8 months ago
Aqua Leech
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Since I have no self control, I made bios for Yuu and Floyd's kids~
Aquamarine Leech
Aqua - by everyone
Guppy - by Floyd
Yuu and Floyd
Amber - Twin sister
189cm - 6’2
Unique Magic:
Eagle Eye - Able to find and see the location of someone as long as he has seen a photo of them or knows them. Can also show off his location in times of great distress to his sister.
Smaller eel form than Amber
Blind in his eel form, could see until he hit 13
Very hard sleeper
Can sing
Can play guitar
Photographic memory
Very smart
Often wrestles with Floyd, hasn’t won yet
Has a Female Doberman named “February”
Has the Beast tamer “gene” from Yuu
Had Floyd mood swings passed down to him, but it’s tamer due to Yuu and Amber 
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writing-oof · 2 months ago
mermay shifter fundy idea
(Fundy is a mer. Fundy is…not a mer. The mer do not know this, and he doesn't know what would happen if they did.)
[Meeting his eyes, the mer softly croaks, "Hello?"
Fundy freezes this time, his sobs strangled in his surprise as he stops in his thrashing. He whispers, barely audible, and half convinced he made the sound up, "Hello?"]
A low croon spills over the sandy floor in time with the waves crashing overhead.
Fundy shudders, his scales shimmering slightly as his instincts scream for him to get out of the water and take off his scales. His shoulders rise up around his ears as he hunches in on himself, trying to make himself smaller in the face of danger.
Past the corals and idly swimming fish, past the reef sharks Fundy had only just managed to avoid, is another mer. A hungry mer, and--unless his mother had somehow been wrong about the likelihood of creatures like him--this one has always been a mer. It will be faster than him, stronger than him.
Fundy whimpers quietly, his hands curling in front of his face as he presses deeper into the hollow in the coral with an opening that had been just big enough for him to slip into with rough and uncoordinated jerks of his tail.
The low croon rings out again and something in Fundy's chest lurches, demanding that he follow the sound.
Safe, it whispers deceptively, a smile hiding rows of needlepoint teeth, Come.
He can hear the crooning mer moving closer, brushing into the caves to search for its prey. Fundy stiffens, nearly frozen in the surety that he's soon to be somebody's lunch, before lurching up higher into the cavern. He presses himself tightly against the ceiling above the entrance, hoping the awkwardness of the angle might prevent the mer from finding him.
Even preparing for it, Fundy bites back a shriek as a giant reaches into the cavern.
Logically, the mer is probably only slightly larger than the size of a full-grown human, but the shortest claw on the creature's hand is easily the same size as Fundy's head, its forearm matching his entire length from tail to hair.
Fundy can barely hold back a terrified whimper and he breathes an audible sigh of relief when the creature's hand thunks into the back of the cavern and it pulls away.
It finishes searching the coral caverns and lets out a surprised bark before trilling.
Come, it seems to say, Nothing here. Safe, now.
Fundy very much doubts that. He can hear the mer moving further away from the reef, and he nearly cries in relief. Only, the relief is short-lived with the paralyzing realization that there's more than one of them when a different mer swoops in and chirps just a few feet from Fundy's makeshift den.
They let out the playful chittering of a pup--a pup, half-grown, and not a guppy like Fundy--and two other pups chitter back.
Fundy can hear them wrestling outside the den and the flicking of their tails sends a few smaller fish ducking for cover in the cavern.
"Hi," Fundy whispers as one rests between his claws.
His stomach pangs and he pouts, cupping his hands like a net to pull the little fish closer.
"Don worry," he mutters, "m not gonna eat you."
The sounds of play fighting die down and Fundy listens to the three pups trill and chitter at each other, their words half-garbled to Fundy's ears.
Then, Fundy freezes, his grip falling slack enough for the little fish to fly out. A rumble is approaching, this mer sounding even bigger than the grown-up before. The scent of fish blood taints the water.
The three pups cheer, trilling their thanks as the Hunter mer gives them their share. The Hunter chirps contentedly.
Fundy smothers his responding chirp, burying it deep in his chest with all of the fishermen's warnings echoing between his ears.
Not nearly soon enough, the Hunter mer leaves and the pups bite into their fish.
The little fish, Fundy's new friend, swims little circles around his head, probably just as upset about his friends being eaten as Fundy is.
Still, the blood-infested waters turn Fundy's insides to knots, his stomach twisting painfully. He slowly sinks to the floor of the cave, curling around his middle as it cramps.
He can't help the pained whimper that spills into the water, his soft claws digging painfully into the hard coral.
Outside, he can hear the pups still. One of them chirps questioningly.
Fundy whimpers again, more afraid than pained.
He can hear the pups swim closer to the coral cave.
Instead of reaching their massive claws into his cave, Fundy squeaks in surprise when one pup pushes their whole body into the cave, gliding through the entrance with a practiced ease. They're twice the size of him, at least, but they're not nearly as big as the crooning one.
They blink at him, surprised, before chittering softly at him, --- --- a baby? Baby -- the cave?
Fundy whines, pressing away from them.
They chirp at the other ones, Call ----! Call ----! ------- was here! ----- a baby!
One of the other pups chirps back confusedly, Pod ---- baby?
Hurry! the one in the cave with him snaps. Fundy whimpers, his soft claws curling in front of his face.
The pup winces before reaching out, their own half-hardened claws brushing against Fundy's scales.
He peeps, terrified as they prod at him, and the pup chitters softly again.
Shh, they say, ----- safe. Baby -- safe.
Scared? a different pup from outside chirps, -- --- baby hurt?
Hurt, Fundy warbles back, not really meaning to.
The pup half-holding his middle perks up. Talk? Baby --- talk? Baby -- hurt?
"Go away," Fundy spits, halfheartedly twisting away from them.
Baby, --- --- scared? the pup asks and Fundy whines.
Shh, they say, baby safe.
"Liar," Fundy mutters, whimpering when they push a little too hard against his insides.
The sound of rapid fin-beats looms, three grown-up mer moving closer with the pup who went to find them, and Fundy curls closer into the pup with a high and keening whine he can't hope to hide.
- ---- ---
"Please," Fundy begs, twisting away from the Hunter's claws, "please!"
The crooning mer jolts like they've been shocked, frozen for a moment before saying something to the Hunter. Fundy is carefully passed to the crooning mer, who presses the crying guppy tight to their chest.
Meeting his eyes, the mer softly croaks, "Hello?"
Fundy freezes this time, his sobs strangled in his surprise as he stops in his thrashing. He whispers, barely audible, and half convinced he made the sound up, "Hello?"
"Hi," the crooning mer says, smiling and carefully saying each word, "Why won't you eat the fish, little guppy?"
Not for the first time since putting on his scales, or since being pried from his makeshift home in the coral, Fundy busts into tears.
It's a lot less dramatic underwater, and it burns his eyes a bit more than it does on land, but the sobs are the same even in the sea.
The crooning mer tucks him under his chin, rubbing soothing circles into his back.
p: so what pod are you from?
f: oh, my dad left when i was little
p: what pod was he from?
f: uh, craft i think?
group, freezes: …
techno: what…what was your dads name?
fundy, stuffing his face with seaweed: uh, wilbur. why?
wilbur: about to pass out
tommy: no reason
wilbur: so what kind of mer are you?
sally, with complete confidence: salmon
wilbur, oblivious: oh wow so cool!
(there are no salmon mer lol salmon are way too small)
[Fundy vibing
Fundy hide
Fundy found
Pretend to be real mer baby (can talk a little but doesn't understand a lot)
picking up language rapidly (it's a human thing)
when questioned explained that he's lost from his pod and had an accident and he doesn't want to talk about it, implied that his parents maybe died
Fundy imprints on Wilbur before anybody notices oops too late now
Fundy tries to figure out how to sneak away back to shore but cant figure out
backstory chapter:
wilbur meets sally, falls in love, and sally disappears
phil helps wilbur desperately look for the salmon mer, but he can find no trace of them in any records, and no one's ever heard of them. they assume that the salmon must be very, very secretive and while the pod usually travels wilbur cant bare to leave where he met sally so they set up shop along the coast
all that leads to when phil asks what kind of mer he is so he can find fundy's pod
fundy says salmon and time stops
philza explains that they ran into a salmon mer before (fundy surprise pikichu cause he thought they didnt exist lol) and looked for her (dont name sally) but that the salmon mer are almost impossible to find
fundy pretend to be sad :'(
Philza leaves Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo with Puffy's pod and Wilbur decides to leave Fundy with Foolish and Eret's pod (because their pod cant handle all 4 kids, but Foolish knows like everything and can thus adequately figure out how to care for Fundy the salmon mer) and Techno and Wilbur and Phil go searching more intensely for the salmon mer
Fundy excited cause he can sneak away now!
but actually Finley and Junior are snitches and Eret sees All and Fundy is doomed
Eret get to know Fundy, Fundy just casually imprints on Eret as well oops 2 dads now
He hangs out with Finley and Junior (younger than him and also bigger than him)
Foolish returns from his trip and is like "...wtf there are no salmon mers. yes, i would know. I would definitely know if there were salmon mers and tehres not"
"then what abot babey?"
"…idk actually"
sbi find someone whos heard of salmon mer and tehy explain that basically fundys a changeling and sometimes lil alien babies appear in the water claiming to be a mer that dont exist, they learn language fast, can cry tears like humans and make baby cries like mer, and they can go on land and commune with the land dwellers sometimes
sbi's like "wtf ur crazy" but tehn they list all the 'sympotms' of the alien babies and sbi's like o.o
"nah…but what if"
fundy water fae lol
fundy eret bonding (eret not knowing wilbur's been imprinted w/ at this point)
its great
sbi return wills like "omg u steal my son u traitor die"
and erets like "woah, no, chill"
and they chill and agree to coparent babey
meanwhile fundy's like man i guess i kind of dont want to go back to land people like me here
but also he really misses his best friend hbomb who's been looking for him every day since he disappeared : (
Shapeshifting MerFundy: Save for Mermay 2024?
Fundy vibing
Fundy hide
Fundy found
Pretend to be real mer baby (can talk a little but doesn't understand a lot)
picking up language rapidly (it's a human thing)
when questioned explained that he's lost from his pod and had an accident and he doesn't want to talk about it, implied that his parents maybe died
Fundy imprints on Wilbur before anybody notices oops too late now
Fundy tries to figure out how to sneak away back to shore but cant figure out
backstory chapter:
wilbur meets sally, falls in love, and sally disappears
phil helps wilbur desperately look for the salmon mer, but he can find no trace of them in any records, and no one's ever heard of them. they assume that the salmon must be very, very secretive and while the pod usually travels wilbur cant bare to leave where he met sally so they set up shop along the coast
all that leads to when phil asks what kind of mer he is so he can find fundy's pod
fundy says salmon and time stops
philza explains that they ran into a salmon mer before (fundy surprise pikichu cause he thought they didnt exist lol) and looked for her (dont name sally) but that the salmon mer are almost impossible to find
fundy pretend to be sad :'(
Philza leaves Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo with Puffy's pod and Wilbur decides to leave Fundy with Foolish and Eret's pod (because their pod cant handle all 4 kids, but Foolish knows like everything and can thus adequately figure out how to care for Fundy the salmon mer) and Techno and Wilbur and Phil go searching more intensely for the salmon mer
Fundy excited cause he can sneak away now!
but actually Finley and Junior are snitches and Eret sees All and Fundy is doomed
Eret get to know Fundy, Fundy just casually imprints on Eret as well oops 2 dads now
He hangs out with Finley and Junior (younger than him and also bigger than him)
Foolish returns from his trip and is like "...wtf there are no salmon mers. yes, i would know. I would definitely know if there were salmon mers and tehres not"
"then what abot babey?"
"…idk actually"
sbi find someone whos heard of salmon mer and tehy explain that basically fundys a changeling and sometimes lil alien babies appear in the water claiming to be a mer that dont exist, they learn language fast, can cry tears like humans and make baby cries like mer, and they can go on land and commune with the land dwellers sometimes
sbi's like "wtf ur crazy" but tehn they list all the 'sympotms' of the alien babies and sbi's like o.o
"nah…but what if"
fundy water fae lol
fundy eret bonding (eret not knowing wilbur's been imprinted w/ at this point)
its great
sbi return wills like "omg u steal my son u traitor die"
and erets like "woah, no, chill"
and they chill and agree to coparent babey
meanwhile fundy's like man i guess i kind of dont want to go back to land people like me here
but also he really misses his best friend hbomb who's been looking for him every day since he disappeared : (
A low croon spills over the sandy beach in time with the waves.
In his hiding spot between the rocks, Fundy shudders.
There, past the tidepools and humans and sand, is another mer on this beach.
A *hungry* mer.
Fundy whimpers, his hands curling in front of his face.
Above him, a human coos.
"Poor little guy," she says, helping the other three pour cups of water over him and shift him onto some kind of solid net.
The low croon rings out again and, not for the first time since putting his scales on in the wrong waters, Fundy starts to cry. Hot tears spill and sobs curl out of his chest.
One of the human hisses. "I didn't know mer could cry."
Hands paused above him, the pink-haired human frowns. "They can't."
"What should we do?"
The pink-haired human brushes his tears away, helping settle him onto the flat net.
"We get him to the water," she says, and Fundy freezes at the thought of the deep, dark, hungry waters before throwing himself into motion.
He twists, hissing and thrashing until he's pressed against the rocky edge of the tide pool away from the humans.
He hisses again, his teeth bared and claws clicking together in front of his mouth nervously.
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amphiptere-art · 2 years ago
Baby mer night is a little gremlin that thinks he’s much more dangerous then he is. He’d probably chew on mer blue moon and try to defeat him despite being a peanut compared to him. Would blue moon ever fake defeat to appease his little brother or not?
Well ummm. . . . Mer Blue Moon may not be a guppy but he's still sort of a puppy. So there might be a chance he would try to wrestle back. Probably flinging mer night in the process. . . . I think golden red and tempting waters would have to convince them to play hide and seek or something.
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iamvegorott · 1 year ago
Ink Month 2023 Day 9
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“They’re going to be so happy when they see these.” Chase hummed with pride as he sawm, holding an armful of fish he caught for his pod. His pups would be nice and full with all of this, and then they’d find some Humans for food tomorrow. 
Chase stopped when he saw something reflecting in the distance. A glowing of sorts was floating up from one of the ocean floor’s deep dives. He tilted his head and swam over to the flowing. 
“Oh…wow…” Chase said in awe, seeing two pieces of seaweed that had something on them that caused a glow to shine on them. “Marvin would love this!” He released the fish, not caring that they floated away, as he grabbed the seaweed pieces. Chase had a big smile, braiding the seaweed until he made a glowing green and blue bracelet. He purred softly before taking off for where his pod was waiting. 
He saw his mate resting on a bed of more seaweed with a sleeping Robbie in his arms as he watched the other pups wrestle. Anti squeaked as Henrik and JJ worked together to hold him down. They then all giggled as Anti was freed, and he caught Henrik in a hug. JJ clapped and hugged Henrik’s tail, getting a string of playful squeaks from Henrik. 
“Marv, check this out!” Chase still had a purr in his voice as he presented his gift to Marvin. 
“Oh, that is beautiful!” Marvin praised with his own purr, keeping hold of Robbie with one arm as he held the other out for Chase to put the bracelet on him. “Thank you, love.” He guided Chase down to kiss his cheek. “Where you not able to find any good fish?” 
“I caught a whole bunch of them and-” Chase looked down at his empty hands. “And I let them go when I saw the glowing seaweed.” He slumped his shoulders in disappointment at himself.  “Sorry.” 
“You’re adorable.” Marvin giggled, kissing Chase’s cheek again before he got out of the seaweed bed. “Henrik, would you like to hold Robbie while we get some fish?” 
“Okay!” Henrik squeezed away from the other two, swimming up to Marvin and smiling big with his arms out. 
“Thank you, guppy.” Marvin placed Robbie in Henrik’s arms. Henrik kept a gentle yet firm hold on the smaller pup, almost natural with it. 
“We gonna fish?” Anti asked as he and JJ joined them. 
“Yes, we are. Ready for a hunting lesson?” Chase asked.
“Yeah!” Anti waved his hands with excitement while JJ perked up.
“Off we go, guppies.” Marvin beckoned the pups with his tail, taking the lead with his pod to get themselves a feast of fish. 
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haruhar-u · 1 year ago
🎮💯😖 for the emoji/oc ask game !!
🎮: Adonis: violin, fashion design/sewing and pottery
Fleur: Gardening, scrapbooking, lantern making
Luceo: Collecting shiny things, various arts, cooking anything but seafood (he hates seafood)
Marin: Spelldrive, knitting, also cooking (her and Luceo cook together a lot)
Fanon Rielle: collecting various things, travelling, taking care of his pet guppy
💯(only gonna do one fact per oc since I have 5 of them)
Adonis: despite being basically a vampire and being allergic to garlic, he wishes he wasn’t because he quite enjoys the taste
Fleur: likes to attempt to arm wrestle with Jack
Luceo: often teases Leona because Leona is still a student, Luceo is a teacher now despite them being the same age
Marin: Often plays mediator between Leona and Luceo since she’s friend with Leona and dating Luceo
Fanon Rielle: although he can be described as naive and careless, when he’s serious about something he demeanour completely changes (most often when he’s fighting with his brothers)
Adonis: Introvert, reserved
Fleur: Ambivert, reserved
Luceo: extrovert, reserved
Marin: ambivert, lets people in easily
Fanon Rielle: Extrovert, lets people in easily
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forcebewitht · 3 years ago
request: so mc is p laid back, wears a lot of baggy comfy clothes, just a chill lil sweetheart. UNTIL someone (probably an RSA student) talks shit abt NRC/their friends and mc goes Berserk, jumping him and managing to do some damage b4 any of the teachers can stop them. turns out they used to be a serious brawler in their old world and also they're still Buff As Fuck under those cute sweaters, like damn jack needs the routine stat. for any characters u like! (tho personally I'd love to see floyd react to his lil shrimp being able to throw tf down but do you)
Twisted Wonderland: Floyd Leech x Laidback!Ex-Brawler!MC!Reader (Not Gender Specific 💕)
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Floyd loved his sweet little shrimpy!
You were always so relaxed with everything- he could toottaaalllyyyyy run up and squeeze you tightly and you wouldn't care!
He would sometimes have to bypass a snippy Grim to get to you, but he didn't mind!
You always wore the cutest, most fluffy clothing and stuff- it made him feel like he was hugging a cloud!
So, imagine how Floyd felt when he saw a random Savanaclaw student trying to mock you and your lack of strength?
Ooooo, he wanted to make that loser of a guppy POP on the spot! Pop, pop, pop! Pop pop pop for shrimpy~!
He feels your anger grow as the same student starts mocking them for their "leeching" onto the top students in the school to get to the top- don't you know? You're a weak, worthless, magicless creature who is only in this school out of pity. Never forget your place.
Floyd was about to step in himself- but that's when you rip your sweater over your head and throw it behind you
At first, he was so focused on your sweet scent in the sweater and how soft it felt, he couldn't think of anything else!
But a moment later, grinning like a moron, he glanced up- and that's when he saw your tank top. And that's when he saw your muscles. Your abs, your toned body-
Floyd's jaw dropped as he simply blinked in silence for a moment
And then, you s w u n g. BAM! He swore, he heard some bones crack from your attack on your antagonist
A cheer erupted from his throat before he even knew what was going on, the Leech twin jumping in place and allowing his eyes to widen and a fist to pump into the air
He swung your sweater in the air in a circular motion, grinning from ear to ear as he leapt. Up. Down. Up. Down-
Your sweater was his flag- his way of cheering you on!
Get em, Shrimpy! Show em!
Eventually, Jade and Azul walked over to see what the commotion was about- and they were just as shocked
You???? Were packing all that under there???? What???
Eventually, the student had enough and took off whimpering back to their dorm (most likely to get chewed out by Leona, later)
You stormed back over to Floyd, huffing and puffing and red like a bull who had just wrestled with someone in a ring
And that's when Floyd hauled you off of your feet, already peppering your face in sweet smooches
What the heck?!?! That was so cool! His Shrimpy was the bestest in all of NRC!!!
You soon explained everything to him- you were an ex-brawler in your own world. Well, that explained- a lot about you, really.
Totally trying to get you to spar with him now just for funsies when he's bored, now-
Good luck tryna tell him "no" on that, by the way
Tackle hugs become more of a random occurrence afterwards
"Oyyyaaaa~! Shrrriimmpppyyyy, that was soooooo cool~! How long have you been hiding this from me?! Silly little shrimpy~ I was gonna make that guy squeeze until he popped for you, but you took care of it for me~! I wanna see you train sometime, okay? Okaaayy? Ehehehehe! You're the bessssstttttt~!"
(Legend says that Azul's jaw is still dropped to this day-)
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fangirl-writes · 4 years ago
Well, This Is Awkward
JJ Maybank x Routledge!Reader
Warning(s): slight nudity (not very descriptive), kissing
Notes: enjoy
Summary: JJ walks in on John B’s sister (you) changing. He starts feeling some odd things.
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In his defense, he did not mean for it happen. Not like he knew you were changing in there! He thought it was John B! And he’d seen that dude naked far more than either of them would care to admit.
So when he opened the door he expected to be met with John B’s ugly ass not a much finer, much more attractive behind clad in a bikini bottom and some even more impressive boobs that he almost got a perfect view of.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” JJ smacked his hand over his eyes and stumbled backwards out of the room.
Okay, JJ Maybank is many things. A pervert is not one of them. Maybe jokingly, but he’d never look at Kiara or any chick unless given permission to do so.
So the fact that he’d just walked in on you, John B’s fucking sister, changing was impossibly embarrassing.
JJ descended the stairs at a rapid pace, passing by a very confused John B.
“Dude, what happened?” He asked.
JJ didn’t respond, flying right passed his friend towards the door. “Gotta- gotta go- go- do- bye!”
He tripped out the screen door and almost ran smack into Kiara and Pope.
“Woah, JJ what’s your rush?” Ki asked.
JJ just stared at them with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing like a fish as he tried to come up with a better excuse than ‘bye!’
“Dude, are you blushing? Your cheeks are like, really red.” Pope observed.
JJ practically fell down the porch steps as he backed up, watching the door to make sure John B wasn’t coming to murder him.
“I- I- I gotta go,” he sputtered out, thumbs pointing behind him and he took off again.
Kiara and Pope looked at each other in confusion.
“Oooh-kay, JJ is acting weirder than usual,”
JJ skidded to a stop as he reached a dock. Plopping down on it, he took a minute to regain his composure.
He put his head in his hands and pulled hard on the ends of his blonde hair.
What the fuck was going on with him all of the sudden?
JJ had watched you eat dirt at six, he watched you punch a kid that pulled on your pigtails at eight, he’d lost a wrestling match to you at twelve, you literally vomited on him at a party less than a year ago, John B. had thanked him for taking care of you.
“Woah, woah, woah!” JJ had said, catching you as you stumbled into the chateau, a touron following behind you. “What are you doing?”
“Was gonna show this tourist ‘round tha house,” You slurred. 
JJ glared at them, knowing exactly what this douche’s plan was, and they quickly scampered off. It disgusted JJ that someone could even think about taking advantage of you.
You looked over your shoulder. “Wha-? Where they go?”
You turned to head back outside, but JJ grabbed you before you could trip again. “Okay, okay, let’s get you some water,”
He lead you carefully into the kitchen, kicking out a couple that was making out against the fridge.
You giggled as he set you on the counter. “You’re so good at that. So strong...”
JJ gave you a confused look as you gazed dopily at him. “How drunk are you Y/N?”
You pouted. “Drunk but truthful,”
That made JJ laugh. “Here, drink this water,”
You did as instructed and sipped it languidly.
He had been on his way to score with a hot, blonde touron who had surely found someone else by now. He found it hard to be too disappointed as he watched you try to figure out where the water had gone after you drank it all. You were a very ditzy drunk.
He took the cup gently from your fingers, his brushing softly against yours, send goosebumps up your arm. “You drank it all, guppy,”
You leaned forward, draping your arms over his shoulders, now nose to nose with him, grinning.
“I always liked that nickname,”
You were speaking in full sentences now, that was a good sign.
“Did you? I’ll have to remember that.”
You smiled brighter and pecked his lips.
His eyes widened with shock, watching you carefully as you jumped off the counter and made your way back out to the party, blissfully unaware of how much you had just broken Mr. Maybank.
“Hey, man,” John B. said, walking into the kitchen. “Y/N okay?”
That rebooted JJ enough to cough out a reply. “Yeah, yeah, she’s good. Just got a little too tipsy.”
John B. slung an arm around his friend’s shoulder. “Your a good friend, man, thanks for taking care of her,”
JJ chuckled. “Yeah...no problem,”
He supposed that had been the start.
Never once did it dawn on JJ to treat you like anything except a friend, as John B’s sister, hell, as “one of the guys.”
But after that? Oh, God, it was like he’d been hit by cupid’s arrow.
He noticed everything you did. Like when you changed the way you styled your hair or when you got that tattoo you think John B. doesn’t know about or how you shove a bottle of water into all of their hands after a few beers.
Fuck, he’d even stopped smoking so much weed after he noticed you wrinkling your nose every time he did it.
“Honestly, J,” You chided one day, sitting in the back of the van with him and Pope. “Do you do anything besides smoke?”
“Not really,” JJ replied, grinning stupidly at you.
“Well, it fucking stinks. And if Johnny gets pulled over its all our asses,”
“I’m not gonna get pulled over, Y/N,” John B. replied, looking at you through the rear view mirror.
You stuck your tongue out at him and he stuck his back. 
“Yeah, come on, guppy. Give it a try,” He offered you the blunt.
You wrinkled your nose and pushed his hand away. “No thank you.”
“See, she’s got some sense,” Pope said.
“Apple don’t fall far from the tree,” John B. commented.
“Yeah Big John was real sensible, how’d you miss that gene, JB?” JJ asked.
Kiara, who had been mostly silent in the passenger seat, burst out laughing as John B. frowned.
“Hey!” He protested.
He didn’t think anyone noticed, but he stopped smoking while you were in the van, reserving it for only outside, on the boat, or when it was just the four pogues and no guppy.
Which was rare.
He heard the distinct sound of flip flops walking down the dock towards him, but he didn’t turn to see who it was; keeping his head buried in his hands and accepting death if it happened to be John B.
JJ snapped to attention, looking up at you who was stood, fully clothed in a pretty sundress that was blowing the the wind off the surf.
“Hey…” JJ replied, pulling his cap down to avoid making eye contact with you.
You sat down next to him, careful not to let your shoes slip off into the water.
He kept his eyes on your feet, any higher up and he might run away from you in a panic.
“So… are we gonna talk about what happened earlier?”
JJ didn’t reply, but he could feel his face heat up.
“JJ, really, it’s okay,”
He grunted, still embarrassed.
“JJ we swam naked in the water by the chateau when we were little-“
“This is different,” JJ finally worked up the courage to look at you.
You laughed. “God, JJ, I know it’s different! Both of us have changed a lot since we were four.”
He shook his head with a scoff. “That’s not what I meant,”
You looked at him with a furrowed brow. “What do you mean?”
“Are you really that oblivious?”
Your eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
“You’re John B’s sister. I’ve known you almost my whole life. And yet, there’s these stupid feelings I have for you and there’s nothing I can do about it-“
You grabbed JJ’s face, forcing him to look you in the eyes. “Say that again.”
“Say what again?”
“That you have feelings for me.”
“Of fucking course I have feelings for you, Y/N! Seriously, I don’t know how you didn’t notice-“
You pressed your lips to his and his eyes widened, but he melted and kissed you back, his hands holding your wrists gently.
It was nice for you to make the first move, to take control of the kiss.
JJ always felt like he had to have control over everything in his life, but with you he felt okay with relinquishing control. He trusted you to lead him in the right direction.
And kissing you? God it felt better than any kiss he’d ever had before; slower, softer, tender. You tasted just like JJ would have expected, so distinctly you.
You pulled away, pressing your foreheads together and breathing heavily.
“Not how I thought the rest of this day would go. I thought John B. was going to kick my ass,”
You laughed, dropping your head onto his shoulder. “Hate to burst your bubble, J, but he still might if he catches us,”
“You’ll protect me, right?”
“Always,” You replied, lifting your head and going in to kiss him again.
“Hey, you two!”
You and JJ turned to see John B, Pope, and Kiara heading towards you on the HMS Pogue.
John B. had been the one who spoke. “You’ve got some explaining to do!”
“Did you tell him where you were going?” JJ asked.
“Uh, not exactly,”
The boat pulled up in front of you and if looks could kill, JJ would be dead on the dock from the way John B. was glaring at him.
You squeezed his hand that he hadn’t realized you’d taken until then.
JJ cleared his throat. “Hey.”
You waved with your free hand.
Kiara was trying to hide her smile and Pope was looking expectantly at JJ.
“So?” John B. said coldly, “Get to it.”
“Get to what?” You sassed, glaring at your brother.
“The explanation. I hope it’s worthwhile.”
“Fuck you, John,” you bit back. “I can kiss your best friend if I want!”
Well. That was one way to do it.
“Ah, fuck,” JJ said, hanging his head. John B. was going to kill him. “Baby, you got a big mouth,”
Kiara laughed, clapping her hands together.
Pope only smiled and rolled his eyes. “Took you two long enough,”
The shock of your statement seemed to be wearing off as John B’s initially shocked expression turned into one that was extremely pissed off.
“Bro, in my defense she kissed me first so if you’re going to kill someone-”
“Sorry! Sorry, right, I mean I did walk in on her changing this morning-”
“What?” John B. roared.
“ON ACCIDENT!” JJ backtracked. “Walked in on her on accident!”
“So that’s why you were acting all weird,” Pope said.
“What did you get boner or something? Why did-”
“Kie!” You said, a blush spreading across your face.
“What?” She asked. “It’s a simple enough question,”
“No, I didn’t get a boner as a matter of fact,” JJ replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “I just happened to be seriously confronted with my feelings all at once.”
“Sexual feelings?”
“Oh my god, Pope, shut up. No. Not sexual feelings. The other kinda feelings,”
You leaned your head on his shoulder for emphasis. “And obviously I feel those other kind of feelings, too.”
John B. looked considerably less pissed, but nowhere near pleased. “You and me,” he said, pointing at JJ. “Are having a talk later. But right now you two just get on the boat. And try to keep the macking to a minimum, okay?”
“Aye, aye, captain,” JJ said, saluting his friend before getting up and jumping on the HMS.
You stood up as well.
“M’lady,” he said, helping you step into the boat.
“Why thank you, good sir,”
“Oh my god, I’m gonna hate this,” Pope said.
That got a laugh out of John B. and you smiled.
He might not like it but he would get used to it.
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olivyh · 4 years ago
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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zacaraya · 2 years ago
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Zacaraya's eyes snapped down at Epel in warning the second he grabbed his wrist. He immediately yoinked it back to himself when he felt the grip loosen. Sevens, Epel was starting to annoy him now. He didn't like being cornered or being forced to do something against his will.
Everything that came from this Pomefiore's mouth was just static noise, as far as Zac was concerned; going in one ear and straight out of the other. It was just a bunch of pretty words.
"Is... is this a secret?" He needed to ensure Epel wouldn't utter a word of this to anyone, not after he'd spent so much time creating a reputation for himself so far. Normal people would politely ask to keep the information to themselves, but Zac didn't know Epel well enough yet to know that he'll keep his word. So, he needed to create a precaution.
The beastman suddenly let out a long dramatic sigh. So much for being 'nice'. He switched, just like that, from being uncomfortable and perhaps a tiny bit vulnerable, to outright nasty. In a swift motion, Zacaraya would grab Epel's wrist which was holding the box, and yoink it above his head so he could pry the bag from his dainty-looking fingers, all the while likely wrestling with him trying to keep him in place.
"A secret for a secret, guppy. It's only fair. You utter a word about this to anyone, and whatever's in your little treasure box will be what Night Raven gossips about for the rest of the year."
Zacaraya was never one for bullying or instigating fear, but at the moment, he felt trapped, and a trapped Samble meant a desperate Samble. Later, he would likely come to regret taking such an action, if he ever truly got to know Epel. But for now, it was the best course of action to take.
If successful in prying the bag from Epel's hand, he would proceed to hold it out of the Pomefiore's reach and attempt to force it open.
Zac looked thoroughly off. Epel had surely never seen him so stiff before. He looked uncomfortable.
"I don't run" ... but he was, though. He got up so abruptly that it had startled Epel, immediately going for tha door, and now he was tryna say he didn't run? Did he think Epel was stupid?
Suddenly, they heard approaching footsteps, and Epel stiffened slightly himself, tongue retracting. He shouldn't keep talking like himself right now, the walls here were thin and who knew who would walk in on them any moment. If it was Vil... Epel internally shuddered.
The footsteps trailed away, and they were met with an increasingly tense silence once again. Though this time it didn't feel so worrisome for Epel... this time it felt like the one under pressure was Zac.
Epel was about to say something when Zacaraya spoke instead. "There's nothing you could do even if I did decide to run, considering my single stride is about 3 of yours, little guppy. You'd never be able to outrun me." He took a step forward, and brought a hand down to Epel's head. Epel grabbed it, holding it (and, therefore, Zacaraya) in place. He had to let go of his bag with one hand, leaving it less protected.
His brow has furrowed with determination, but his eyes were somewhat soft. He didn't pity Zacaraya or anything. He just knew what it felt like to be so uncomfortable. He felt it pretty much every day, after all. And he knew that Zacaraya was just sayin stuff to say it-- there wasn't even any heat behind his words, Epel didn't feel insulted (though he knew that was the idea).
"Yer- You're tryna change the subject. You are running" Epel was having a little trouble controlling his tongue after letting it off so suddenly, then trying to reign it in just as. "If you dont wan-want to talk about it, that's fine. It's not like I'm going to force you. I just didn't want you to think that I was the type to judge someone for not havin- having a lot of money and stuff." He let go of Zacaraya's wrist, though he didn't use it to clutch his bag again. "I'm not some fancy little rich boy" he used his free hand to tuck some hair behind his ear, "... and I'm not a guppy" he said under his breath, mostly to himself.
Before Zacaraya could make another escape attempt, Epel had to ask, for clarification-- he wasn't sure he would tell Jinx about this interaction (especially since Jinx apparently didn't approve of them interacting at all), but if it did come up he wanted to know what was okay to say. He asked him, "Is... is this a secret?"
Again he thought of the fact that Ruggie was open about his similar background. Epel sure didn't think it was anything to be ashamed of. But if Zac didn't want people knowing about it, of course Epel would respect that.
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years ago
Tempting Tempest (Shark!Bakugou)
Shark!Bakugou x mer!reader
warnings: yellow sour fruit, dubcon, blood, violence, strange as fuck words I’d only use while writing monster smut idfk, silly ending
A/N: I know I said I wasn’t gonna force this one out, but sometimes you gotta. This was kinda fun to write, but idk how sexy it is to be QUITE honest. The next time I write mermaid p*rn outside of tempting tempest, it’s definitely gotta be with at least one human, ama. also the ending is a little wacky, pero it made me smile so like maybe it’ll make you smile too. ha...? okiee here’s the thing...vhjdsvhjd
Violent fury compelled you to tighten your hold on your weapon. Like a spear, you flew through the water, firing towards the shark. Too bad for you, he had fast reflexes and as soon as you were close enough, he whipped his tail around and slapped you in the face.
Colliding with the sand bed and a large kelp-covered rock, you struggled to right yourself, when the merman gripped onto your waist. He pulled himself up so his head was leveled with yours. He bared his teeth at you and snapped at your neck. You hissed and swiped your knife at him, missing his chest and cutting into his side. He growled when blue blood spilled out into the water, swirling around the two of you as you wrestled for dominance.
The merman slammed your wrist into the edge of the rock next to you, forcing you to relinquish your dagger. Sharp fingers curled around your neck, quickly stopping your waterways. You dug your nails into his toned arms so fiercely that even more blood flooded around you. Despite the obvious pain you inflicted on him, the merman gave you a sharp, threatening sneer.
“Looks like you do have more fight in you after all.” He teased, tightening his hold. He licked his lips and brought his free hand to your mouth. “Should say I’m grateful that you’re not gonna make this boring.”
Figuring that it was no use clawing at your opponent, you threw your hands down on the sand bed, searching for your lost weapon. Thinking that you were going to throw sand in his face again, the shark let go of your neck and grabbed your wrist, quickly pinning it to your side.
“Not gonna let that happen again, little guppy,” he grumbled. The hand at your mouth squeezed your cheeks together as his hungry, crimson glower bore down on you. “You’re gonna have to learn some new tricks fast.”
You bit down on his narrowed webspace between his pointer finger and thumb, making him jolt back. That offered you enough slack to quickly wiggle out from underneath him, but not enough time to swim away.
Rounding you, the shark took hold of the flimsy part of your tail, sending an excited shock up to your neck. You whined and flipped your tail at him, attempting to hit his face, but he only laughed as he dodged the attack.
“That was cute.” He mocked as he approached you again, ushering you against the giant rock. “That little cry, I mean...think you can do it again for me? Huh, guppy?”
You hissed at him, the fins on the side of your head flaring in an attempt to make you look more threatening. He pushed you back against the wall, your skin grating against the rugged edge of the flat. You winced while he growled, deep and low, baring his sharp, ivory teeth. You couldn’t help but flinch, your fins falling back with a huff. At this, he chuckled, closing the gap between the two of you, his shark’s tail triumphantly swishing from left to right.
“Not so tough now, are yah?” Your body trembled as he grazed his lips against your neck, slowly bringing them up to your ear. “All bark and no bite.”
The purring came back—that deep, mesmerizing rumble from his chest. You hated how easily it got to you—how it made your muscles relax and your mind fuzzy. You scowled at his chest, too afraid that if you looked him in those beautiful, ruby eyes, you’d be lost to him again
The shark put both of his arms against the rock, caging you in with him as your prison bars. “Whatsamatter?” He asked. “You some kinda mute or are you just being a bitch?”
“Oh, bite me!”
“Is that a command or a request?” He gave you his insolent shark-grin as he leaned closer. “‘Cause I will,” he said in a teasing tone, but you knew it was a promise. The heat of his tongue reached the sensitive part of your ear, licking it for just as long as it took for goosebumps to erupt across your arms. He purred, “even if you don’t ask nicely.”
“I’m not asking you for anything except for you to leave me alone!” You barked out, albeit weakly. His chest rumbles were echoing inside your head, lulling you into a trancelike state you didn’t want to fall into.
“Since when?” He inquired impudently. His hands fell down near your hips.
You gestured pointedly behind him, indicating the updraft of sand and blood whirling in the space the two of you previously occupied. He glanced back only for a moment, not willing to take his eyes off of you for a second too long. He smirked, finally closing his hands on the part of your body where your torso met your fluke. They were rough, calloused from experience—hunter’s hands. You fought off impending thoughts of having those hands graze every inch of your body.
“Thought that was just foreplay.” His whisper was husky with provocation as his thumbs circled your hip bones. He took the hand you were using to point at the aftermath of your fight with into his. “It’d be no fun without any chase.” He lightly bit down on the carpal side of your palm, his dangerous eyes daring you to react. You merely shuddered against him, an act he seemed to enjoy.
“Foreplay?!” You squawked, bemused. You tore your hand away from his lips and quickly dug your fingers into his side, right below the place you’d cut him. It was healing fast, but some sapphire oozed out, nonetheless. “I cut you!”
He laughed, making his abdomen tighten underneath your touch. You inhaled sharply, and pressed your palm into him, enjoying the feel of his tight stomach. Gods damn you, he was hot.
“What’s one more scar?” He took your hand and moved it up his chest, satisfied to know you liked the feel of him. His skin riveted underneath your fingertips as he drew you over his various markings from previous fights. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty more where that came from—at least, if you’re the kinda mate I think you’ll be.”
“I don’t even know you,” you said, though that was a weak riposte. It wasn’t like you were around long enough for any merman to bring you pearl bracelets and hidden treasures just to have you fall into their embrace. Though, if you had, you wouldn’t be dealing with a shark right now.
“Katsuki,” he said smugly. “Figure you should know the name you’re gonna be moaning for the rest of your life.”
“As if.”
“And you are?” Katsuki completely ignored your retort. “Honestly didn’t think that ‘Guppy’ was all that fitting for a cute, little mermaid like you, but if that’s what you prefer-“
You scowled, ignoring the way your heart stuttered when he called you cute. His lips tilted sideways.
“Nah, you’re too high and mighty for guppy, aren’t you?” He continued, wedging himself closer to you. You felt cool gusts of water blowing against your shoulder and down your back as he drew nearer, his low purring reverberating down your tail. His lips were against your neck as he suggested, “right, princess?” You shuddered against him again as he kissed the sensitive spot on the skin below your gills. “Oh you like that, huh-“ his voice dropped an octave-“princess.”
Despite yourself, you groaned, turning your head so he could angle himself better, suckling on your tender flesh. You slanted your hips into him, hands moving up his strong, muscular back, to his neck, weaving through the surprisingly soft, ash-blonde hair. You tugged, and his growls mixed in with the rumbling only grew louder as he continued to kiss you.
Something thick and heavy pressed against your belly and through foggy eyes, you saw two massive erections, each with jelly-like fluid seeping out from the tips. Your mouth fell open on a moan as you imagined either of the two—if not both—entering you, all previous resignation sinking into the sand beneath you.
Your free hand trickled down his abdomen, loving the way he twitched at your soft caresses. You touched the tip of one of his dicks, and he grunted, a bit of white spurting into your palm. Enjoying his reaction, you rubbed your hand up and down his shaft, squeezing his base as he wrapped an arm around your back.
“Fuck.” He rasped, rutting into your hand. “Touch my cock like that and I’m not gonna be able to control myself.”
“You’re controlling yourself?” You mocked uneasily, tail slapping against the rock.
His nostrils flared. “More than you know.” The hand behind you moved down to your backside. He drew circular motions in the thickest part of your tail behind you, squeezing your flesh, making your fluke shake with anticipation.
“Tell me to fuckin’ stop,” he murmured noncommittally, pressing his cocks harder against your tail. With both hands now on your tail, he moved one over to the puffed out slit below the middle of your hips. He dipped a finger into you, testing out the undoubtedly viscous truth of your velvety walls. He moaned, loving the feel of you, loving the way you whimpered as he touched you. You watched as his pupils grew large, dark, and predatory, as he added a second finger to curl in and out of you. “Tell me you don’t want me to wreck your sweet little pussy right fuckin’ now, or I’m not gonna stop. Once I’m inside you, baby, there’ll be no turnin’ back—even if you beg me.” Something low and animalistic echoed out of his throat at the thought. “Though hearing you fuckin’ beg doesn’t sound half bad right now.”
“Katsuki-!” You started to mewl, but were cut off by his lips descended onto yours. It was a desperate kiss with strong, erratic tongue. He tasted you like you were meant for him—frantic, like he couldn’t get enough of you. Not knowing much about what to do with yourself, you squirmed against him, but he hardly seemed to care. If anything, your resistance only spurred him on.
Grasping onto your wrists, he pinned them against the rock behind you, using one hand to lock them into place. His now unoccupied hand cupped your face as he deepened the kiss. He traced his touch down to your neck, your collarbone, and found ménage at your breasts. He tweaked your pert nipples until they were hard and dark from arousal.
You felt him smirk against you when you finally touched your tongue to kiss—the first of the many triumphs he was going to hold over you. He swallowed your downing moans with fervor, biting down on your lower lip when you attempted to resist again. You cooed.
“Goddamn, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, you know that?” Katsuki’s hands slid down your torso, lingering around your navel when you let out a little squeak. He chuckled. “So ready to be mated, too. You liked being chased around, didn’t you?”
“I-“ you breathed, your heart racing with both excitement and dread-“I don’t know!”
“So coy all of a sudden.” He snickered, grasping onto one of his clasper-pricks. He gave it a couple pumps, letting tendrils of the thick, white seed flutter around in the water. He pushed his member against your slit, letting your own slick membrane cover his thick cockhead, readying him to take you. “That’s okay,” he muttered, “looks like your cunt already knows for you.” He exhaled. “Say my name again—like you did the first time.”
“Good girl,” he purred, pressing his cockhead into you, biting back a groan as he did so. Gods, it was unbearably huge. You shot him a panicked look, but that only made him all the more hungry.
“Wait-!” You wiggled, unprepared for the stretching you felt as he pushed into your tight hole. You cried out as he thickened, even while constricted by your walls, not even at his hilt yet. “Wait, please, I can’t—!”
“What’d I tell you, princess?” His voice grated against your soft cheeks, warmed from fluster. “Said there’d be no turnin’ back, didn’t I?” Even still, he pulled back, easing into you slower the second time, pressing in, inch by withering inch.
“God damn, you feel so good wrapped around my cock, hon,” he grumbled thickly, mesmerized. He pulled back once more, and when he pushed in again, he grooved his hips up, pushing even more of his girth deeper inside of you.
“Fuck!” You cried out, attempting to twist away from him. “It’s too much!! I can’t take it!”
“Relax,” he crooned gruffly, petting the erect bud above your slit. His touch sent waves of unfamiliar pleasure rippling through your body despite the terrible corruption battling inside you. You tightened around him and he groaned.
“My gods, baby. The hell are you doin’ to my cock?” Katsuki nestled into your neck, licking at your gills. “Such a good girl—so fuckin’ tight for me, huh? You’re gonna take me so well, I know it.”
Your body wavered—almost complying. Katsuki began rolling into you at a charitable pace, caressing your body, thumb encircling your clit, stimulating you just enough to keep your mind away from the pain. However, when he lessened his hold on your wrists, one of your hands broke free. You pushed against him, writhing and feral.
That was when he bit you.
Scorching affliction shot through your shoulders, down your spine. Your tail spasmed against his, your soft scales scraping against his fine exterior. You wailed and dug your nails into the thick muscles of his back, but that did nothing to tear Katsuki away from you. His grip on you was vice, impervious to any sort of protest. In fact, the more you tried to get away, the closer he pulled you, rutting into you faster, your bodies spinning through the ocean as he locked you into matehood.
Just as you thought you couldn’t take any more of the tremendous cutting feeling his shark’s teeth had your neck, the burn mitigated. He wasn’t holding back—if anything he was digging deeper into you—but as his mark melded into your skin, your body relaxed and you began to enjoy the pain. The feeling was purely hypnotic.
Katsuki began to push more of himself inside of you, and you easily accepted him. Your tail twisted around his as his hips slapped against yours. You arched your back, feeling your walls fluttering around, and you sighed his name on a moan. His arms curled around your waist, squeezing your sides, loving the feeling of your bodies, hot and needy, pressed together.  
“Mmmmfuck.” Katsuki pulled away just in time to see your crimson sanguine swaying out and away from his toothy grin. His pupils were so dark and wide that you could hardly see any of the red left in his iris. He was loving this.
“That’s it, baby.” He praised you, licking your cheek. He reached around his back to move your arms so they were around your neck. He groaned when he buried his girth to his hilt, making sure that you and him were as close possibly. “You’re all mine now, aren't cha? Mine-“He speared himself into you with each clipped word. “All. Fuckin’. Mine.”
“Fuck...yes, Katsuki,” you moaned, feeling a tight, aching coil inside of you as his large palms roved over your body. He squeezed your curves, kissed your chest, all the while sweltering inside of you.
“I knew I fuckin’ wanted you the moment I saw you hidin’ away from all those loser fishdicks bringing those mersluts trash just to get some tail,” he panted. “Thought you were sneaky, huh? Thought you wouldn’t be noticed?”
Katsuki pulled your hair, forcing you to face him head on. “Nah, couldn’t let a cutie like you slip away. Couldn’t let any other bottom feeder try to take you, neither. Fuck, you’re gonna be my perfect mate.”
Your inner walls quaked as he ran circles around your clit. “W-what is…?” You began to ask on a hard thrust that hit you perfectly. Your coil bursted and you convulsed around him, squealing as he rutted into you harder and faster. You clenched, again and again, as you pooled over and out with each of his world-ending thrusts, ecstasy completely enveloping your entire being.
“Oh, that feels fuckin’ great, princess,” he growled into your hair. “Good girl, cummin’ for me so soon like that. Fuck,” he rasped, “bite my neck before I fill you up, baby.” He leaned back a drew a finger ong his gills, indicating exactly where he wanted you. “Be my girl.”
You leaned up to drive your tongue up his neck. He shuddered at the contact, still fucking you relentlessly, dragging against your thickened walls. You bit down, hard enough to draw blood, to leave your mark, while you wove your fingers through his soft locks.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my cum. Is that what you want, princess? You wanna feel all of me?”
“Yes, gods yes!” You cried, bucking into him, needing more.
“Say my fuckin’ name, angelface. I wanna hear that sweet voice of yours.” He grunted, biting harshly into your shoulder, tail swishing, hips stuttering.
“Katsuki, please, give me your cum. I wanna feel you baby. Please! Please!
Katsuki came with a roar, lining your walls with his thick, hot cream. He buried his cock inside of you, emptying himself completely, still managing a few more languid thrusts as he planted sloppy kisses to your lips. He groaned into your mouth, loving the taste of your more than compliant tongue.
“Gods, that was-,” he exhaled, lifting himself off of you. He took your hand and guided you up with him, pushing your head into his chest. “-that was god damn hot. You’re gonna be a lot of fun, huh?”
You watched as he shook his two dicks, mesmerized by the residual pink and white swirl of the both of yours’ wash, before his members folded back into his pouch. You parted your lips on a question that didn’t come.
Katsuki snickered. “What?”
“Were they both-“ you festered down below his stomach-“inside of me?”
“Tch!  If I had both of my cocks buried in you, I promise you’d know it.” He rolled his eyes before kissing your forehead, suddenly all too familiar with you. “Why? That wasn’t enough for you? I can go again if you aren’t already full to the brim.”
“Oh no!” You glanced down, unsure. “I mean...I don’t know, I was just curious…”
Katsuki chuckled, tilting your chin up to bring you into a kiss. “You wouldn’t be able to handle it, princess.”
“You don’t know that,” you barked back, suddenly all too familiar with him. “I can handle fucking anything you throw at me!”
“Filthyy language, baby. You kiss octopi with that mouth?”
“Are you kidding me?!” You choked. “Hypocrite!”
“Man, you really are gonna be a lot of fun, aren’tcha? So easy to tease.”
“I was just curious!” You threw your hands up into the water and spun around, casting out a sardonic, “you’re incredible.”
Katsuki wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing you back against his chest. “I know.” He kissed the back of your sore neck. “If you really think you can handle it, I sure as hell don’t mind findin’ out.” He brought both of his hands down to your stomach. “After we get you something to eat. You weren’t gonna catch that marlin all by yourself, anyway.”
“I was before you interrupted me,” you bit out, leaning into his touch.
“You think so?” You felt him grin against your skin. “Alright then, let’s find you a marlin and make a deal: if you can take it down all by yourself, I’ll fuck you so good, you won’t be able to swim straight—with both of my cocks.”
“The hell kinda deal is that-?!”
“And if you need my help-“ he continued-“you’re gonna hafta suck them both off.”
You snorted. “In which of these scenarios do I profit?”
“The one where you get a nice meal, a hot mate, and a nice kelp bed to lay in.” He shrugged.
“Kelp bed?” You turned your head at him, looking hopeful.
“You have such nice lips, I can’t wait to know how they feel wrapped around my cock.”
“Kelp bed?” You reiterated, shrugging him off, trying to figure out which direction that marlin swam off to. “Which scenario has a kelp bed in it?”
“Both of them, idiot. I’m not gonna let any mate of mine sleepin’ on some fuckin’ coral or whatever the hell you’ve been doin’ while tryna hide. Do we have a deal or not?”
“Dunno-“ you swam out farther, trying to be nonchalant about your new pursuit-“do you have said bed?”
“You’re really not sneaky,” he snarked, already swimming after you.
“Maybe not,” you laughed as soon as your eyes narrowed in on a giant fish, “but I am fast.”
(Try again...?)
No more tag list, sorry.
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blushingreid · 5 years ago
Girls’ Night
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
BAU Ladies x Fem!Reader
A/N: Based on this scene in s7ep16 “A Family Affair” (I almost cried Bc I thought I couldn’t find the gifs). We were ROBBED not seeing anything from their girls' night ! So I wrote a lil one-shot about what “happened” during their wild night w/ reader ofc. I hope y’all enjoy it & slide some feedback <3
“Wow you look amazing,” Spencer complimented once y/n emerged from the bathroom. After many cancellations because of cases, she and the BAU ladies were finally having their girls’ night. Penelope had insisted and convinced them to check out a new salsa club that recently opened near her apartment. Spencer had volunteered to watch Henry the couple hours they’d be gone.
Y/n finished putting on her earrings and sauntered over to Spencer who was watching her at the door. “Thanks again for doing this Spence,” she said before leaning up to give him a kiss. She intended for it to be a quick one, but as she was pulling away, Spencer had wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back in for more.
After finally breaking apart for air, y/n’s thumb lightly traced across his bottom lip as they gazed into each other’s eyes, neither one of them pulling apart. “You’re gonna be the reason I’m late.”
Spencer sighed and gave her one last kiss before they headed over to JJ’s. The car ride was quick, even though Spencer had insisted on taking the “scenic route” so he could spend a couple more minutes alone with y/n. When they finally arrived at the house, not even 10 seconds had passed after they rang the doorbell before it quickly swung open. 
“The lovebirds have finally arrived,” Penelope announced as she opened the door and ushered them in. 
Emily waltzed out of the kitchen holding two shot glasses in her hands. With a big smile on her face, she handed y/n one of them. “Yessssss, we can finally get this party started!” she cheered as she watched y/n give her a fake hurt look as she grabbed the shot glass.
“You started pre-gaming without me I see,” y/n teased before tossing back the shot. Spencer’s eyes widened for a brief second as he watched y/n take the shot without a question. He’d never seen her drunk so he wondered how big her alcohol tolerance was.
“Hey you girlies can’t be too drunk before we get to where we’re going,” Penelope whined, snatching the second shot glass out of Emily’s hand. 
Emily’s pleas for it back were interrupted when JJ finally walked out the living room. “Okay, so I got Henry in his little playpen watching Bubble Guppies. That should keep him pretty entertained for a while.”
“Great because our uber is here,” Penelope excitedly announced, opening the door to head out, Emily and y/n following behind her.
“We’ll only be gone for a couple hours. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything,” JJ said as she headed out the door.
Seeing the worry and hesitation in her eyes, Spencer gently ushered her out the door. “I have 3 PhDs, I think I can handle my godson. Go have fun and be safe!” Watching them pile into the car, Spencer stuck his head out the door and waved bye. A hint of worry and curiosity entered his mind about what kind of trouble they would get into. 
JJ sighed once she got into the car. Sensing her worry, y/n gave her hand a gentle squeeze. The car ride was filled with JJ, y/n, and Emily profiling their driver while Penelope ranted about a woman she met in the grocery store the other day. They hadn’t realized they’d arrived until the driver hit the breaks a little too hard. Maybe he’d heard their whispers about him.
“You girlies are gonna love this place,” Penelope squealed as she got out of the car.
“As long as they got some hotties, good music, and alcohol, I’ll love any club you take me to,” Emily said as they entered, she had already starting checking out the club goers. “I’ll grab a table for us.”
“I’ll grab the drinks!” Penelope said, disappearing into the crowd. JJ and y/n looked at each other, silently communicating who should go with who. JJ going with Emily while y/n followed Penelope towards the bar.
As they were waiting for the bartender to make them the special drink of the night, y/n felt an arm wrap around her waist. She instantly shoved it off and spun around to face the stranger. Before she could even tell him to buzz off, Penelope stepped in front of her. “She has a mans already, back off! You’re no where as cute as our Boy Genius,” Penelope barked at the man, staring him down until he left.
“Aw my savior,” y/n awed as she gave Penelope a kiss on the cheek.
After finally getting their drinks and wrestling through all the sweaty bodies, y/n and Penelope found Emily and JJ at a table. 
“Finally! I thought Jayje and I were going to have to send out a search party for you two.” Emily handed one of the glasses to JJ and raised hers in the air. “To girls’ night! Who knows when we’ll ever have another one.”
“To girls’ night!” they cheered, toasting.
“What did you even get us?” JJ coughed after taking a sip of the drink.
Unfazed by the strength of the drink, Emily drank every last drop. “All that matters is it looks pretty and tastes good.”
“The bartender said the green fairy was the special of the night, so I figure we go big or go home,” Penelope shrugged before downing her drink. “Now c’mon ladies, show me that them hips don’t lie,” she said as she headed towards the dance floor.
Y/n hesitated for a second before downing her drink and dancing towards Penelope, who was already mixed into the crowd.
JJ took one last sip of her drink and gave Emily her best puppy eyes. “Em come on, let’s join them,” she pleaded.
Emily sighed loudly, not being able to resist JJ, especially her puppy eyes. “The only salsa I want right now belongs on chips,” Emily groaned as she let JJ drag her towards the dance floor.
After a couple green fairies later and some sloppy dancing all night, they somehow managed to all stumble back to Penelope’s apartment. They barely made it inside before the four of them immediately collapsed from exhaustion.
“I just waaannt y’aaaall to know,... that I lurv you biiiiiitches. I’d step on anyoneee for youu beautiful angeelss,” Emily slurred before passing out on the floor in front of the couch. 
“I f-feel like I wasss uh s‘posed tooo do som’thang. Sleeeeeep sounds better though,” JJ mumbled before dozing off.
The next morning, while they were all peacefully sleeping, JJ was woken up by a buzzing. She couldn’t tell if the buzzing was from her head or something else. Feeling around the couch, her hand was met with a cool object. She held it up to her face, waiting for her vision to clear up. 7:12. Seeing the time, instantly she remembered what she forgot. She sat up and threw a pillow at Emily to wake her.
“Oh no no no! I told Spencer we’d be back in a couple of hours. I left him all alone with Henry!” JJ panicked before running to the bathroom, feeling sick.
“Please. Stop. Yelling. My head is killing me,” Emily groggily muttered.
“I’m sure Will relieved him of his babysitting duties once he got home last night,” Penelope reassured, clutching her head while she went to grab some water. She didn’t make it far into her kitchen before she walked into something, well someone.
“I’m never drinking that much again. My back and my head hurts,” y/n groaned, waking up on the kitchen floor. Penelope helped her stand up before handing her a glass of water.
The next hour went by in a chaotic blur. From each of them throwing up multiple times, JJ’s panicked phone calls to Will about Henry, Emily tripping over Penelope’s shoe collection, and fighting y/n for the cereal, they somehow all managed to make it in time to cheer on Hotch. Slowly, all four of them walked towards the finish line gates. Each wearing their comfiest clothes and biggest sunglasses. They all looked like they’d been hit by a car, and sounded like it too with all the groans they were making.
“Well well well, look who finally made it. We thought y’all weren’t gonna show up till the race was finished,” Morgan teased, Jack sitting on top of his shoulders.
“Couple hours! Couple hours! ‘Oh Spence don’t worry, we’ll only be gone a couple hours.’ And you all didn’t come back home until sunrise!”
“Why are you yelling?” JJ muttered clutching her head.
“Y/n make your man stop,” Emily pleaded as she leaned on the race’s barricade.
Realizing she and her friends have suffered enough, Y/n wrapped her arms around Spencer’s neck and whispered something in his ear before giving him a quick kiss and turning back towards the race. No one heard what she said except Spencer, whose face immediately turned red. He remained quiet the rest of the race, only until he spotted Hotch reaching the finish line.
“So what’d you say to Pretty Boy to get him to shut up?”
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softpadawan · 2 years ago
in the au where they're both mers, imagine ezra still flopping on land a lot to fetch kanan all sorts of land stuff since he's less able to leave the water
This is honestly really cute. Ezra being eager to show off his land navigating capabilities so he can steal acquire all sorts of neat, useful human items for Kanan—metal stuff like knives and tools and chains and harpoons, things forged by fire, alien to mers—but Kanan is incredibly cautious, almost to the point of paranoia (because humans are the biggest enemies of sharks in every universe).
“No, it’s too dangerous,” he says, one hand firmly clamped around the smallest part of Ezra’s tail, holding him in place. “If you get caught, there’s no way I can help you.” 
(Even though Kanan would never be the type to just sit back while Ezra gets attacked by a mob of humans. He’d launch out of the water teeth-first and start shredding and beating and tearing apart as many humans he could reach, even if it meant he would never touch seawater again. He would give his life for Ezra, though he hasn’t told him that—yet.)
Ezra just laughs and shakes himself free. “C’mon, Kanan, don’t be such a guppy. I’ll be fine! I’ve done this lots of times. I always come back.”
“But someday you might not.” Kanan scowls and crosses his arms. “We should stick to shipwrecks. Leave the land for the crabs and the crazies.”
“Aw, Kanan”—Ezra flicks his tail and swims a close circle around his Carcarin friend—“you’re scared for me, aren’t you?”
“Of course I’m scared for you,” Kanan grumps. “You’re young and reckless and dangerous. You do stupid things every single day because you think you’re immortal. I don’t know how you survived this long, to be honest. Every gray hair on my head you’ve put there.”
“But they look so nice,” Ezra quips, running his fingers through Kanan’s flowing brown mane. “Maybe someday you’ll be a great white.”
“That’s inevitable if I stick with you.”
“Oh, so now it’s you sticking to me?” Ezra hangs upside-down in front of Kanan’s face, grinning. “I thought I was the annoying brat hanging onto your fins like a bloodsucking barnacle?”
“Oh, you still are,” Kanan insists, a smile forming on his mouth. With a quick slash of his tail, he surges forward and nabs the laughing, squealing merboy around the waist. “But sometimes I can be clingy, too!”
They play-wrestle for a few raucous minutes, tails beating and churning, filling the water around them with clouds of bubbles and sending nearby reef fish diving for cover. As always, Kanan gets the better of Ezra—although lately he’s been having to work hard to maintain his undefeated champion status. The little merboy is getting stronger, which is a good thing. Soon he’ll be able to properly defend himself and follow Kanan across the great blue desert to locate his missing pod. With luck, Ezra will be reunited with his parents, find a mate, and settle into a comfortable life of family and home.
No room for a grizzled old Carcarin in that pretty picture of domestic bliss. 
Taking advantage of Kanan’s momentary distraction, Ezra manages to break free from his hold. He whirls with a triumphant smirk, opening his mouth to declare his victory, but then catches the cheerless expression on Kanan’s face. “Hey.” He swims closer and touches his arm. “What’s wrong?”
Kanan shakes himself out of his daydream—not the inevitable lonely future that awaits him, but a dream in the truest sense, an unspoken fantasy: he and Ezra sticking together season after season, a pod of two, traveling across every ocean, every sea. A mated pair. It’s ludicrous, unheard of, a Carcarin and a Delfin sharing their lives together. There would be no offspring between them, but pups were never a priority for Kanan. If Ezra wanted them, he wouldn’t object to taking in an orphan or two. The oceans are teeming with them. They’d be pariahs, they and their mismatched pod of outcasts, but that wouldn’t matter. As long as they had each other, had love, what more did they need? 
“Nothing,” Kanan says. “Just a little worn out by all your wiggling.” He smiles and bumps Ezra’s jaw with his fist. “Come on, let’s go to the Black Reef and see if there’s any new wrecks. Thought I smelled fresh timber when we passed by the other day. Might be worth checking out.”
Without waiting for a response, he turns and begins heading in that direction.
Ezra stares after him for a moment, wondering. Then he sighs and follows him with a swish of his short blue tail.
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draconxs · 1 year ago
Kaido wasn't going to deny that the idea of actually feeling something from the old man's liquor wasn't a thrill. The navy did tend to grow lax with whatever they had on board their vessels, perhaps all apart of some shitty regulation Kaido could never understand. The strong set the rules of the world and he did not believe the world government deserved that right.
"Try me geezer, if it can make me fly circles then I'll believe you." Uncorking the jug he held, he was awash with the powerful scent of concentrated alcohol. Nearly the entire damn thing seemed to be just that, not that he'd be complaining as it was all he needed in a swill to get going.
The boards of the vessel creaked eerily as Tomasu added his own weight, perhaps he should worry if he damaged the bow of the ship too heavily, and yet if that were so he would simply take flight before ever brushing the dangerous waves of the ocean lapping at aged wood.
He took to listening to the aging smuggler as he began to drink, finding the burn satisfactory and much more forthcoming than the water he was forced to settle on from brig to brig he purposefully allowed himself to be caught on. Excitement was hard to come by these days so maybe a story or two would reignite his interest in a world that was beginning to grow very dull to this giant heft of a man.
"A grandfather, you? Must be something." Mind briefly latched on to whatever fraction of a memory he still had of his own family, but he quickly discarded it. Company was not what he sought lest it was to warm his bed for a night or two, and not that of something as permanent as blood ties.
"You look too fragile to wrestle beasts, what were they, sea guppies? Worororo! You can start with something like that, a tall tale from an infamous smuggler."
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Lips pursed behind his greying beard as Tomasu considered whether or not he should answer Kaido's question about the supplies. He knew the big man liked to take down battleships so he could eat all the food and drink all of the booze on board. The supplies the Ghostlight was carrying were too precious to end up in his stomach, though Kaido seemed more interested in the booze, currently. That he could easily spare. A fair price to pay to get his cargo to the refugees.
"If I run dry, I run dry. But I think you'll find this stuff more potent than whatever swill th' Navy had on that clunker," Tomasu stated, hauling himself up onto the deck, along with the massive jugs of moonshine. He gave a challenging smirk, as if daring Kaido to drink it all and not wobble as he walked. "If I could sell the stuff, its only legal use would be sterilizin' wounds an' strippin' the paint off lobster boats." Of course, there were still plenty of illegal uses for alcohol that strong. He'd used it to make a few Molotov cocktails back on Mariejois. Fire was usually a decent distraction.
Tomasu sat at the edge of the deck with Kaido, pouring himself a glass of crystal clear liquid before handing the jog off to the pirate. If things got dicey, he was confident he could leap off the side of the boat into the ocean, where even Kaido couldn't get him. He'd just have to keep his guard up and his wits about him if this little chat went sideways.
"So," he chuckled, smacking his lips at the familiar burn of his homemade booze. As sharp and firey as his dear wife's kisses. "What kinda story does a man like ya consider worth hearin'? I've wrestled a few sea monsters an' made my way through some deep sea ruins recently. Suppose I should start parcticin' my storytellin' regardless - I'm apparently gonna be a grandfather soon." An odd thought, and he supposed a sign that, even if he'd gone grey years before his time, he was indeed getting old. He wasn't ready to retire yet - not while he was still a wanted man, not while he still had work to do, not until he had enough to set himself and Arashi and their daughter and now his grandchildren up for life and make all of the hardships worth it - but it was something he'd have to keep in mind, especially with young bucks like Kaido causing trouble.
To say nothing of Roger. That hellion would be causing problems until he croaked, and even then he'd likely be stirring up storms from beyond the grave.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years ago
I meant to send this here but sent a message instead. Either way 🤣
I know you’re not doing much writing right now, but if you feel inclined to do something anything fucked up for Valentine’s Day with Flip or Captain Blowhole, it could be the sort of fucked up that we all deserve!
Take on Captain Blowhole vs Cupid?!? Like Cpt Hook and Tinker Bell, except Cupid is a full sized ugly ass man with a beer gut like captain Underpants! 🤣
I’m literally writing a fic I’m titling Flip vs Cupid where he has to go arrest a flasher on V Day and has to tackle him down and wrestle around etc
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A/N: Holy fuckin’ shit man! The third part in the Siren Series is finally here.... Who the hell am I being so efficient this week! The is the final part and I am so fuckin’ proud of this series I just had the best time writing it out! I hope you all love it and thank you @safarigirlsp for sending in the ask to finish this love fest out! 
Warnings: tw: violence, tw: death, tw: assault (we get slapped as well as we slap someone too), degradation, slight edging, unprotected sex, angst, mutual pining, fluff because I love these two so much, misuse of pirate puns and buccaneer banter, smut because we all love some of that cock talk, mentions of a certain ADCU character entering the mix (the tides will tell us)
The night was long and cold, the depths reaching near frigid temperatures as the Jolly Roger trudged on through the beacon. Frost building on either side of the hull, encasing the wood in a tomb of sorts, causing shivers to radiate from the crew as the soft snow fell around them.
“C-Cap,” Ron shuddered at the wheel, his eyelashes coated in snowflakes as he kept Flip’s course steady and true, “you sure we’re goin’ the r-right way,” he shivered rubbing his extended arm to cultivate some heat while he waited for a response.
Flip coughed, a thick fog releasing from his mouth as he glanced up slowly, his inky locks coated in a slick of frost as well. 
“It has to be,” he muttered, the vortex of the lights cascading around the entirety of the ship in a tube as the snow kept falling. 
He glanced back down, running a quivering finger down the direction of the map, huffing when he noticed the course was tried and true to where his trusty ship was heading. 
His chorus of shudders racking his body upon glancing back up at his lethargic crew, the snow and ice impeding them from their usual performances. The track of light fell where the sea met the sky, the eerie silence causing even more confusion as he noticed the pulsing of the colors in the distance. 
He wondered if you were at the end of this so-called rainbow. If you would even recall who he was, let alone let you be taken by him again. 
The shame settling over him in a veil as he began to worry about your rejection. You were completely out of his league in every aspect, including the fact that you could breathe underwater. What if he had set sail to track you down for nothing? Were you already occupied with another sailor, like a whore? Or was it just not meant to be based on the differences you shared? 
Either way, his grouchy ass had to find that out on his own, rules be damned. You had been on his mind every single day since he’d taken you on those golden shores. Your face framed by the sun lived rent-free, your luscious body sand-covered and begging for him, your gorgeous voice echoing his name as a song in his head. It was all intoxicating and he had to hear you again before he burst into flames.  
The vortex grew brighter and brighter, the sound of an impending whirlpool approaching with rapid speed in the direction of the ship. The crew jumping from the frigid conditions instantly as the hull rocked from the waves picking up and the amplified light. 
“Hold steady boys!” his booming voice echoed through the deck as they scrambled to their stations, little puffs of fog making their way to the illuminated ceiling of the tunnel as they made ready for the next part of the journey. 
“Cap?!” Ron frightened slightly as the wheel took on a mind of its own, spinning a fury while the bow dipped into the water vortex, “Cap what do I fuckin’ do?!” the both of them holding on for dear life as they began to spin down into the whirlpool. 
“Hold the fuck on!” he gritted out, reaching for any piece of wood around them to ground them to the deck, the sounds of cries and yelps radiating through as the boat hurled towards the blackened center of the pool, a bright wormhole opening to glisten in his pupils as they approached it. 
“Holy fuckin’ shit!” Ron cried out, completely scared out of his wits, grabbing onto the same piece of wood as his pal was, “Cap what’s going on?!” screaming at him while he watched Flip fixated on the light. 
“I think it’s the entrance,” he spoke almost calmly, his ship barreling into the bright beacon with the littlest efforts, the entire crew stifling the light from their eyes with hands raised as it was sucked inward. 
“Daddy what the hell is going on?!” you huffed into the throne room, your parents perched in their rightful places as you blew a huff of bubbles out in annoyance. 
“I was busy,” crossing your arms as your tail spanned below you in a cascade of greens and blues, your hair flowing in the clear water as you scrunched your face. 
“Watch your mouth, Y/N,” he commanded, pointing his trident in your direction, the threat causing you to roll your eyes and brush a hand in disgust. 
After you had returned from your escapade, the torture had ensued. Your father put more pressure on you to fulfill his wishes of becoming married to the most suitable bachelor in the Seven Seas. 
The thought of anyone but your sailor boy making you gag audibly as he showed you suitor after suitor for weeks and weeks, only to find himself more annoyed at your defiance of him. 
“The time has come my daughter,” he boomed, your mother smiling uncomfortably at the exchange, gulping loudly before he continued his power trip over your duties as a Princess. 
“The time has come for what?” scrunching your eyebrows at him in more annoyance as he smirked devilishly at you. 
“For you to meet your betrothed,” he cooed, the bubbles condescendingly falling from his trout mouth as your jaw dropped before him. 
You pushed a finger in your ear, making sure to clean it out properly before answering him back, “I’m sorry… my who?!” your eyes bugging out of your head before you could lunge at him in a fury. 
“You know exactly what I said,” darkly speaking as he gestured his staff to open the double doors, revealing a merman as they escorted him to the side of your father. 
“My sweet daughter,” he pandered, “this… is Matthew… The new future King of the Ocean,” the tall, blonde gentleman smiling as brightly as a guppy while he was doted on by your father. The sight of them nauseating you to no end as you surveyed him. 
Arms still crossed over your covered tits, pushing them out slightly as you inched forward to take him in further. He wasn’t completely hideous, you thought to yourself, his face chiseled and handsome. His body was built heavy and stacked, abdominals straining under his scaled skin as you watched him speak in hushed tones to your father. His hair a cascade of golds and yellows, as the curls satisfyingly framed his face. But he wasn’t your sailor. 
Your handsome, tall, and dark buccaneer. The one with the chiseled features, thick black locks, and a heavy swinging cock. He wasn’t even close to him, and would never be in your mind. 
You looked around while they had their little conference, rudely ignoring your presence as you surveyed the room, wondering if you could make a break for it and go find your love again. 
It wouldn’t be too hard, you thought, he wasn’t that elusive in any sense of the word. You knew his ship from stem to stern, having conjured it back from the depths while he laid passed out on the sand that day. 
Recalled what his crew looked like, grabbing each of them from the Locker one by one to revive them. It would be as simple as recalling his trails he’d left coupled with your gift of echolocation to find him before he even blinked. You considered it. Biting a lip as you darted panicked eyes between the armed guards at all exits. 
“Y/N,” your father cleared his throat, “are you going to introduce yourself to your future King?” he smiled again, extending a hand for yours to come closer. 
“I’m so sorry about her,” he gripped your fingers in a death grip, a hiss coming out of your throat as he pulsed them, “she’s kind of spacey… forgive me,” pushing you to collide with his thick body in a thud. 
“Ow! Fuck!” pushing him off you in an instant, putting your hands over your tits as they throbbed from the collision. 
Another blow to the back of your head via the trident, “watch your whore mouth!” he boomed again, “I am deeply sorry, Matthew,” he smiled fakely again. 
“It’s perfectly fine, Your Highness,” he bowed slightly, “I like my women a bit feisty,” the fire burning in his eyes as he glared down at you. 
“The challenge of it all is… tantalizing,” taking your hand in his and bending down to lightly kiss it, the disgust fanning over you as his lips touched your scales. 
“Y/N,” he cooed beneath you, “it is a pleasure to be in the presence of such… beauty,” the waft of heart-shaped bubbles escaping his lips as he weaved his words. 
You pulled your hand, nursing it as you rubbed the spot where his snake-like lips had touched it, feeling utterly violated as your lips formed a pout in his direction. 
You contemplated for a moment, going over the positives and negatives as you watched him gaze at you, his handsome features no doubt hiding his true identity underneath. You rustled up to meet his eye line, your eyes becoming slits as you whispered, “You will never be my betrothed,” you menacingly growled, fangs snarling in his direction as you watched the flames blaze from a soft pink in his eyes to a glowing red. 
“You disgusting, conniving, snake!” landing a hard slap on his face before a shrill scream left your mother in awe of your actions. 
“You little bitch!” he hissed, watching the anger boil over you while your father lit up behind you in a rage. 
“How dare you, Y/N!” he boomed again, “you’re going to marry Matthew if it’s my last dying wish!” the tears spilling down your face as you spun around to meet his gaze. 
“Make me daddy!” you spat in his face, ready to give him another set of choice words before a huge flash of light interrupted the party. 
The whole group turning glances at each other, “did someone open the portal?” your mother putting her hand over her mouth in fear, cowering behind your father in a fit that made you cringe. 
“Your Highness, I can go check it out… There’s no reason for you to be put in danger over this,” he bravely puffed his chest out like a pompous jerk, patting the top of your head like a child. 
“Stay here my fiery siren,” he spewed, the nickname making you shoot daggers his way as he swam his way out of the balcony. All of you collectively inching out to see a huge bubble encasing a massive ship in the middle of the city. 
Gasps of shocked cries ringing out as passerby gazed in wonder at the bubbling orb floating in suspense, seemingly unphased by the fact it was smack dab in the center of a lost city. 
You squinted, not looking at your slimy suitor but the boat encased in the waves, cocking your head as it came clearer into your view. 
You audibly gasped, the flurry of bubbles and a wave as you placed both hands over your mouth, hoping your parents didn’t notice your surprise. 
“Don’t worry Y/N,” your dad placed a heavy hand on your shoulder, “when he gets back you can ask for an apology… I know he’s a man of reason,” smirking down thinking you were worried for his safety. 
“What the fuck?!” Flip scared out of his wits echoed as his voice reverberated along the walls of the water bubble. His crew shouting all kinds of curses as they prayed Hail Mary’s over the devil magic that had brought them to their orbed hell. 
He panicked, running from all sides of the ship, rubbing his eyes as he gazed around at the majesty that had cleared around the encasement. 
The city was a beacon in the depths of the darkness. The cool blue waters surrounding all sides of him in a tropical paradise littered with all colors of fish, seaweed, glorious statues, and towers, all centered around a glimmering castle. 
He gulped when he caught a glance of panicked merfolk, the realization that they were circling he and his crew sending him spiraling as he gleefully smiled at his successful venture. 
“Holy. Fucking. Shit,” he gasped, “Ron… R-Ron we made it,” he panted, begging his buddy to pinch him to see if he was dreaming. It was just as the books had revealed. The mecca in the ocean was lost to all the land dwellers in a mysterious flash. Yet here he was, face to face with a slew of shocked faces gazing at him like they were the fish out of water. 
“W-what do we do now, Cap?” Ron tugged at his jacket, Flip frozen in place just like his crew as they deadpanned the scene before them of hoards of merpeople all ages crowding around their forcefield. 
“I-I’m not entirely sure,” he quipped back, “I didn’t think we’d actually get this far,” gripping his friend’s hand on his shoulder before shuffling it off of him. He walked towards the starboard bow, coming face to face with a pink-tinged merman. 
The tips of his blonde locks a rose color, his chiseled face looking slightly similar in character to him. It was eerie how close their bone structure was, like looking in a mirror but morphed into a blonde wig instead of his trademark black waves. He cocked his face to the side, the handsome face doing a similar gesture as his pink irises came into a clear view. The slits of his pupils boring into Flip’s golden ones as he surveyed his near doppelganger. 
He cleared his throat, thinking to speak, and then possibly realizing it may not be heard via the separation between him and the mysterious fish. He squared him up even further, glancing down the expanse of his thick chest, rippling abs, and his stark pink tail, whipping in the waves as he noticed him doing the same thing. 
The silent exchange making Flip shiver with unsureness. He had never felt this way. He had stormed a slew of shores in his days, being the young swashbuckler he was, and come across many a menacing buccaneer, and slew them like the stud he was. 
But this… was enemy territory… and by enemy, he knew he was number one on the crowd’s list. The foreigner who crashed into town unannounced, and unwelcome, all to search for a woman. Isn’t that how it always goes though? 
“What have you come here for, sailor?” the haunting voice of the merman penetrating the wall in a clear, melodious tone, like he was inside with them. The crew shuddering from the sound, begging Flip to look away as if he were Medusa.
He cleared his throat, breaking from the hold his gaze had on him, gripping the sides of his jacket as he spoke, “I’m here to find one of your kind, merman,” his eyebrow cocked as the man looked unimpressed at his response. 
“Is that so?” he smirked, his fangs slightly showing as his voice, mesmerized Flip even further, “and who… may I ask, would you be possibly looking for 7,000 leagues under the sea?” the man entertaining his stupidity as he pandered to the captain. 
“For your information, fish boy,” he sneered, not loving the condescension in his tone, “I’m looking for a siren…” meeting his menacing stare noses touching the wall of water between them. 
“There’s a million sirens in this town, swashbuckler,” he chided, “you’re gonna have to be more specific… or are you too drunk to remember your own name?” the joke producing a fit of giggles from the crowd behind him. 
“Sober as a stone, Pinky,” dishing it right back to him, a frown emerging from his lips at the degrading name, “Y/N… That’s her name,” the tone of his voice lowering as he watched the fire boil in the man’s eyes. 
“Y/N?” his fists forming as his tinge on his entire body went from a blushed pink to a bright red, turning around to face you on the balcony. 
You gulped, waiting for the mess to start as your betrothed beckoned you with a finger to the bubble. 
“My darling,” he cooed, the flames boiling over as he tried to keep his composure, “you have a visitor,” gripping your hand in the same as your father had done the time before, a hiss leaving your lips as you flashed your fangs at him. 
“You mean, Princess Y/N of the Sevens Seas? My betrothed?” he chanted, the anger completely seething from his teeth as he presented you to the captain. 
Your shocked face coming nose to nose with your sailor in a fit of embarrassment as you realized he was dangling you like chum in front of him.  
“Sailor?” you gasped, his handsome face becoming more clear as your delicate hands touched the side of the bubble, your magic clearing the path to a thin line to see his precious face gaze at you. 
“Y/N?” his heart almost leaping out of his chest as his hands met the spot where yours were on the opposite side, “I thought I wouldn’t ever see your gorgeous face again,” wanting so badly to feel your plush lips on his as you watched his face soften at the sight of you. 
“I’m here, Captain,” you quipped, trying to hide your expressions as the grip on the back of your head tightened from your other suitor. The blood boiling in his hands singing your scalp as he listened to you quietly spoke to your true love. 
He jerked your body away from the wall, the feeling putting you into whiplash as he threw you back, “how dare you,” he seethed, his eyes glowing even brighter upon seeing you fawn over a human. 
“How. Dare. You. Fucking slut!” the explosion of a fireball and a cascade of black bubbles emitting from his head as he blew his top. 
“You fucked this garbage didn’t you, whore?!” he angrily pointed at you, your expression telling him everything as you darted glances between him and your sailor boy. 
He towered over you, lifting a heavy hand to your face, and slapping you with all the effort he could muster, “answer me you fucking land lover!” the tears spilling as you tried to gulp the words out, your silence doing more to egg on his mood. 
“Get your fuckin’ prissy hands off her and fight me like a fuckin’ man!” a booming voice echoed from the bubble, revealing a spent Flip, his jacket and hat torn off in a fury over the show he’d seen. 
Matthew turned, steam shooting from his ears as he watched Flip stand his ground on his ship, “You wanna fight you fuckin’ bastard?!” inching to him and morphing himself to a human in a flash, his tinge not changed as he appeared on the deck, fire blazing in between his fingers as he stood toe to toe with the captain. 
“Let’s fuckin’ fight,” he calmly huffed, his teeth hissing out heavy breaths as Flip removed his sword from his waist, standing ready to fight. 
“Let’s go Pinky!” he gritted, moving to throw the first blow, metal colliding with his fiery fist in a flash of sparks. 
The clanging of blows hitting in tandem as they danced across the upper deck of the ship. Flip bobbed every attack he had, same with Matt. The both of them reading each other’s movements like a dance before landing a crushing blow to the merman’s shoulder, the blood spewing out in a wave that splatter all over Flip’s shirt and exposed chest. 
“You’re gonna regret that, sailor,” his devilish grin spurring him to attack faster and more agile as he landed an equally hard blow to the buccaneer’s midsection. The fire burning his skin in a sear of pain as he grunted a moan, stumbling back up while Matt chuckled at his victory. 
“Had enough?” he pandered, cocking his fiery head to the captain. 
“Not even close, fire crotch,” upturning a smirk as he jabbed another blow to his chest this time, the blade piercing in a spray of blood again as a cry rang out through the orb. 
You watched in complete terror. Each blow getting more and more deadly as they duked it out. 
Soon, Flip was gasping for breath, trying to center himself as he sustained more damage. Matthew noticing him falter under his superiority and making a note as he watched him weakly get back up after the last blow he’d taken to his stomach again. 
“What’s the matter sailor?” he chided, loading up another crushing blow as he watched his enemy pant, his weapon falling at his side in exhaustion, “too much rum?” laughing as he landed a crushing blow to the top of his head, knocking Flip out cold underneath him. 
He smirked, surveying the crew as they stood back, scared out of their boots. He huffed, walking to the edge to find you, panicked and shocked at the turn of events. 
“My sweet love,” he cooed, the fire still burning at a dull roar as he spoke, “you’re going to forget this ever happened… and you will call me your King, just like you’re going to be my slave the rest of your days in this ocean,” his commands cutting you like a knife as you sobbed uncontrollably. 
“Fuck you!” pounding on the bubble wall in a fit as he maniacally cackled in front of you, “I’ll never be yours, fucking pink bastard!” spitting as it fueled his raged laughs. 
“Now, now…” he tsked, running a slick finger to where your forearm was rested on the wall, “I love my women feisty,” cooing again as you writhed in frustration and pain for your sailor. 
Your eyes closed shut as you heard his evil cackle ring through your ears, only to look up when it was stifled by a muffle it seemed. 
You glanced back up, eyes blurred as you blinked your vision back to see what had happened now.
Flip stood towering over the fireball, his sword logged from his back to poke out his beating heart like a skewer, while his thick hand fell over his mouth, eyes rolling back in his head as he succumbed to the sweet release of death. 
“Heartless mother fucker,” he gritted, driving the sword back out of your betrothed, his limp body crashing to the deck in a thud. 
“Flip!” you cried, pawing at the wall when his gaze met yours, his exhausted body breathing a sigh of relief when he saw you. 
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he cooed, your tears dripping even further as you pined for his touch. 
“Flip I-I’m so sorry,” you whined, wishing you had the right words to say in this exact moment, “I shouldn’t have ever… Fuck, I shouldn’t have left home!” beating the bubble again in a fit of self-pity as you watched him wince gripping his side in pain. 
“Don’t ever apologize, sugar,” he cooed, the pained smile coming over his face as he limped over to you, “you’re the best adventure I’ve had,” putting a hand to meet yours on the wall again, both foreheads leaning to meet too as you both exhaled in adoration of each other. 
“I-I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” he admitted, his hushed tone so low that only you were able to hear it. 
“Neither have I,” you whispered in the same tone, the smiles and fits of laughter falling over the both of you as the tears kept rolling. 
“Can ya come with me? I need you… More than I care to admit,” he bashfully shied away, your face curling into pure joy as you realized what he had asked of you. 
“You mean… Forever?” biting a lip to hear him beg for you. 
“Well I didn’t fuckin’ cross the entire ocean, go down a tunnel of doomed light, swirl into a fuckin’ whirlpool, and fight pinky over here to just ask for one more night of sand sex,” kicking the limp noodle on the ground in a huff. 
You laughed out loud, the bubbles leaving your mouth before you placed your finger over it in embarrassment. 
You turned to glance at your parents, who, by now, had ventured through the crowd to marvel at the orb, seeing the debauchery unfold in horror. 
“Daddy?” you questioned, wincing slightly as you turned around to see your father in complete shock. 
“Daddy? I-I,” you couldn’t get the words out before your father wrapped you up in the biggest embrace he had ever given you. Your arms only wrapped around him after you realized what was occurring, the tears now a blubbering mess as you hid in his huge frame. 
“Go,” were the words you heard. You looked up, shaking your head from side to side in denial as you wept in front of him. 
“Go… have your freedom, my sweet baby girl,” placing a soft hand to your as he dried a tear from your cheek. 
“B-but, daddy my duties, I-I,” he shushed you, looking with all of the love he could conjure up. 
“Fuck all of that,” a laugh echoing from his lungs, “I want you to have an adventure… go find something worthwhile… and with someone you love… this place will still be here if you want to come back, sweet thing,” the words spilling from his lips causing your jaw to drop open again. 
“Daddy, wha-,” wondering if this was all a charade to keep you here with them. 
“This lad must truly love you if he trekked across the ocean to find you,” looking to Flip who was registering the conversation before his eyes. 
“I think that says more about his character than any of the suitors we had picked for you,” his voice calm and collected as he spoke back to you. The silent exchange of love between you a welcome embrace to the fights you’d been having since you had turned thirteen. 
“I-I do love him,” looking back to his boyish smile as he stumbled from the pain on his side again. 
“I know you do, sweet siren,” he brushed a hair from your face, “now go… have an adventure I could never have,” pressing his forehead to yours as you both reveled in the peace of the exchange. 
You broke your hug, barreling to your mother who had at this point, sobbed the entire ocean over sea level, and gave her the largest hug. 
“I’ll be back mommy,” you cried, kissing her forehead as you back away from your family, waving at the crowd of folk surrounding you before morphing into your human form and sucking yourself into the bubble. 
You gathered yourself, getting your wet hair back, and shuffling off the water as your soaked nude form came to his view. 
“Hey sailor,” you cooed out, shy as you batted those gorgeous lashes his way, your silky body glistening with water droplets for the whole world to see. 
“Hey there, my sweet siren,” he panted back, gulping some air as he winced in another round of pain. 
“Holy shit,” you gasped, running to his aid, “sailor… You’re hurt,” putting a delicate hand to feel the heat from his abdominals pulsing under him. 
“Nah,” he grunted, leaning on your for support as you walked his down to the double doors of the main deck, “I’m tough as they come, sugar, I’ll be fit as a fiddle in a few days,” wincing in pain again with a groan. 
The crew had been eyeing your form as your cascaded down the stairs, tits and areolas bouncing, bare cunt flashed unbeknownst as you were more preoccupied with Flip and his health. 
You both glanced around, wondering why the guys weren’t preparing to blast out of this popsicle stand. Their jaws gaping as they surveyed your ample curves, Flip’s face inches from a supple tit as he registered reality.
“Mother of fuck!” he got up, the pain in his voice echoed as he stood to cover your body with his, “get hold the sheet and get us the fuck outta here you peepin’ Tom’s!” he bellowed, the boys coming to attention and scrambling with their orders as they were still flustered over your beauty. 
Flip pushed you back into the doors, trudging into his quarters with a thud as he landed on his bed. You went right to work, ripping his shirt off, and tending to his wounds while you both felt the ship take off to the surface. 
“You know you never told me you were a Princess,” his gruff voice whispered as the night had set over the sky, his body littered with bandages as you tended to each with the most care. 
“Forgive me… The last time we were together it didn’t seem like the right time to bring it up,” you quipped back, earning a low hum from his chest to ring out. 
“Matty boy was right… You are kinda feisty,” he quoted the smirk over his lips deepening as he watched your face scrunch in disgust over the name. 
“If you’re trying to get some tonight, you’re not winning any style points by bringing that snake up,” pressing a little harder on a wound to see him writhe in pain slightly. 
“Sorry, sugar,” he chided, “but it’s somewhat true,” he chuckled shying away as you tried to push on another cut to cause him some more pain. 
“Such a smooth sailor,” you sang, your lips ghosting his as you drank in his musk. 
“That’s what they call me,” he dished right back inching his mouth on yours in a dainty kiss. 
The feeling was elating. Your lips connected in tandem as they begged for more, the tongues dancing in your mouths as his hands snaked to grip your bare tits in his thick digits. 
A relieved gasp left your chest, followed by a moan when he ran his thumbs over your peaks, the circles to magical as they coaxed you to straddle his lap with a soft grind on his hardened erection. 
“I missed these gorgeous tits,” he moaned, moving his lips to your right breast and sucking the life out of it before doing to same to the other. 
You fumbled with his pants, pulling his bloomers down in a fervor as his cock sprung to attention, the weeping head falling in the direction of his left-leaning tower. It expanded the length of your thigh, the purple head, begging to be sucked up into your cunt as the precum slid on the inner meat of your leg. 
“I missed this cock of yours, captain,” you moaned, your words egging him on as he assaulted your chest with a variety of bites and bruises, hands gripping your ass with all the strength he had in him. 
You brought it to your entrance, rubbing the tip on your bud as it slicked up the wetness that had formed over the course of being reunited with your man. The feeling of it tapping your bean sending waves of electricity through your spine, throwing your head back as you sat on him inch by delicious inch. 
“M-mother f-fuck,” he grit out, his teeth still encasing a nipple as he bit down on it in pleasure, “this fucking cunt,” his breath coming in hot and heavy as he watched your face fill with bliss. 
“There’s nothin’ like this perfect pussy of yours,” he panted out, your grinding on his pelvis spurring his dirty mouth to spill out obscenities. 
He bucked up into you, meeting your cervix with every push as he watched you edge yourself over him. 
“You like your shores stormed, huh, siren,” he grunted, feeling your walls flutter around him as you fucked yourself into your release. 
“I fuckin’ love this mast of yours,” echoing back as you rode out your orgasm, the feeling of his pubic hair and his tip knocking your spot a magical combination as you clenched around him in a death grip. 
“That’s my good girl,” he groaned out, the overwhelming feeling over your luscious cunt spilling all over him sending him into overdrive as he stilled your hips. 
He spilled his swimmers deep into you, the endless waves of white coating your sandy beach in a glaze as he finished his motions under you. You fucked faces gasping for air as you both came down from the high of the night. 
You collapsed on him, making sure to avoid his wounds as he kept a steady arm around you. Petting his chest as you felt a gush of spend escape your full cunt. 
“I’m never gonna lose you again, Y/N,” he whispered, kissing your head as he nuzzled you closer to him. Your leg wrapped around him in a koala as you both closed your eyes in bliss. 
“Trust me, sailor,” you cooed back, letting out a heavy sigh, “I’m not goin’ anywhere now,” slowly drifting off to the sounds of his cold heart beating in your ears. 
taglist: @maybe-your-left, @safarigirlsp, @clydesfavoritegirl, @mrs-zimmerman, @thepalaceofmelanie, @hopeamarsu, @caillea, @historyandfandoms50, @mariesackler, @millenialcatlady, @thepriceofstars, @roanniom, @kathorax, @driversmutbucket, @clydes-hole, @xxcatrenxx, @paper-n-ashes
LMK if ya would like to be added to the list! All of the love!
44 notes · View notes
what-even-is-thiss · 6 years ago
Off of Land, Out of Water, Part 2, Help
It’s part 2 of the mer au. Let me know if I need to add warnings. 2,721 words
Abstract: Logan and Virgil relearning some things.
Part 1 Next
2. Help.
Virgil held onto Logan’s arm for a while at Logan’s insistence.
“You didn’t sleep, you shouldn’t be swimming much.” he had said.
For once Virgil didn’t protest.
They got to the school, a low building in more shallow waters where people went to memorize the history of merfolk. Undersea people had no written language so a select few with good memories were chosen as young children to learn trade secrets, history, how the systems of government worked, and yes, any interaction they had ever had with humans. Logan was appointed as a a history scholar but always felt he would be better at memorizing things found in science and math and magic. The masters had insisted, however, for whatever reason, that he learn history. So that is what he did. The names and places of all merfolk from the central Atlantic region, their ancestors’ place of origin, their previous migration patterns, the major things that happened in their politics and history were all in his head. Soon, if he passed this test, he would work as an archivist. Keep relics safe, answer merpeople’s questions about their family history when they came to the school. When he’s older he’ll take on an apprentice and teach them everything he knows. Literally. All that was ahead of him though. For now in this moment he had to start reciting.
And his chest was feeling weird.
“Virgil, I don’t like to use this word more often than I have to, but my chest feels weird.” Logan said casually as they waited outside the stone exam room where people had carved many pictures in the stone walls of teachers being eaten by sharks or stabbed with spears.
“Your chest feels…. weird?” Virgil asked.
“Yes. Strange. Odd. Queer.” He also made a low humming in his throat in mer language to further solidify his point that whatever he was feeling definately wasn’t ordinary.
“Like are you anxious?” Virgil asked, a horrible note of hope in his voice.
“Hardly.” Logan said. “I know everything I should. But my lungs, my inner gills, I…”
Virgil suddenly grabbed Logan’s arm and started pulling him away.
“Virgil! The test!” Logan exclaimed.
“No time for tests! Your stomach is going to start hurting soon! I knew it was you. I just knew it. Oh God, why did it have to be you?” Virgil said.
Logan swore very loudly with a whistle and a click as his stomach started hurting just as Virgil had predicted. His head went light. People made extremely disapproving noises as Virgil pushed them out of the way. They knocked a decorative rope made for graduation season and New Years off of a building. Virgil was moving upwards at a dangerous pace, somehow not bothered by the change in pressure, his black and grey scales and pale skin both began to reflect real sunlight rather than the bottled kind.
“Virgil take me to a healer!” Logan called, trying to fight his way out of Virgil’s grasp.
But it was no use. Even on Logan’s best day and Virgil’s worst Virgil was still stronger, bigger, and had a much tighter will than him. His fear made him unstoppable. Logan could vaguely hear shouts and other confused noises behind him as his skin began to feel gross. Just really, really gross. The shimmering light of the surface became visible. Everything was expanding too quickly. Somehow Virgil didn’t slow down. His desperate grip on Logan’s arm began to draw blood. Logan’s stomach reached critical levels of pain. Oxygen bubbles began forming in his lungs.
“Surface… too… fast…” Logan managed. His vision went blurry.
He blacked out.
“Keep walking, Virgil.” dad said. “The car’s that way.”
“Dad… it…” Virgil started.
He fell to his knees.
“Verge!” his mom yelled.
Through his blurry vision Virgil thought he could see her straight curtain of bleach blonde hair. The boardwalk was hard and yet somehow soft under his knees. 
“Mom, what’s wrong with him?” Virgil heard his brother say.
“Be quiet, Roman. We need to think. I told you we shouldn’t bring him to the ocean until he’s grown. I told you!”
“I told him to not touch the water, Jen!” 
“What…” Virgil tried. “My stomach… Mom?”
He fell fully onto his side. His lungs were starting to burn.
“It wants him now, John! There’s no one around! That witch made sure of it! Do it!”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen yet! He’s only thirteen!”
“Look at him! The ocean doesn’t care! Do it!”
The air suddenly felt very dry despite the sea spray around him. For some reason Virgil knew this had to do with when he had stood in the waves despite his parents’ warnings. Though why suddenly being sick would be related to that he didn’t know. He felt his heart increase to a dangerous pace as some arms belonging to he didn’t know who began pulling his clothes off of him.
Virgil cried. But he couldn’t cry. Some hands, he didn’t know whose, threw him into the air. He felt water engulf his naked body. He couldn’t move his legs apart. He gasped in a mouthful of salt.
He blacked out.
Logan opened his eyes and tried looking around. Everything was heavy except for his lungs which were horribly light. It was almost as if they didn’t exist. His body hurt. The surface under him was hard. All he could see was blurry grey shapes.
“Vir-gil?” he asked. He tried to whistle out his friend’s mer name but found that he couldn’t. His mouth felt strange. His hair felt strange. His skin felt strange. His tail felt… His…
“H… huh?” he asked nobody in particular.
A hand on his back helped him sit up.
“They’re called legs.” said a familiar deep and ominous voice.
“My teeth are…” 
“Not pointy. Take it slow. It’s hard to adjust.”
Logan ran his tongue along his teeth. Most of them were flat. They had become… what’s the word? Omnivorous? Flat? Annoyingly small?
“I’m going to put something on your face now.” Virgil said. “I borrowed them from my younger brother. They’re his old prescription. It’ll be better than nothing.”
Virgil carefully put some kind of glass and wire thing on Logan’s face over his eyes and Logan stopped seeing a blur and finally saw his friend’s face. His black hair wasn’t floating around, nor was it plastered to his head with water. It was dry. Before now Logan hadn’t even known what that word truly meant. He ran his fingers into his own hair. Dry. He looked at Virgil. Down his body. He was…
“You are…”
“Human. Yeah. Try looking down.”
Logan looked down.
“Okay clearly that isn’t natural.”
His friend laughed. “You said you know how full mammals reproduce.” Virgil said. He lifted up his shirt and pointed to the large inverted scar on his stomach. The one Logan had asked about every time he’d seen him for the past ten years. “That’s how I got this scar. From being born. We call it a belly button. Or, a navel I guess.”
Virgil jumped up and went to what Logan recognized from drifting junk he had seen in the ocean to be an ice chest. He looked around and saw that they were under a cliff face, or he assumed it was a cliff face from carvings he’d seen. He also slowly realized that he was physically human now and that according to what he’d heard about human customs....
“You need help putting these on?” Virgil asked, pulling some clothes out of the ice chest.
“Most likely. I’ve never had to… um…”
“You’ll get used to it. Don’t try to understand anything yet. Trust me. It isn’t worth it.”
Virgil gently helped his friend into a pair of boxers and some jeans. He brought out a polo shirt.
“You’re about my younger brother’s size so I brought some of his clothes. Hope you like polo shirts. That’s basically all he wears. Well, except for things with cats on them.”
Virgil instructed Logan on how to put a shirt on, helping him put his arms through the holes.
“Now, before I see if you can walk, word to the wise, don’t take your shirt off in front of people. Almost every human that has ever lived has a belly button, and you don’t.”
“Why?” Logan asked. “What is any of this? What is happening? What are you?”
“Okay, L. Clearly you were lying when you said that you know how mammals reproduce. I’ll have the talk with you later. I’ll have a lot of talks with you later. For right now, I’m gonna help you stand.”
“That’s it. Put your entire body into it.” she encouraged.
Virgil clicked out her name angrily and huffed, but he moved his tail nonetheless.
“That’s good. You’re getting better at pronouncing my name!” she whistled.
“I’ve been thinking about a human name for you. I decided. I’m gonna call you Val in human.” Virgil said.
“If that makes you feel better. I don’t need a human name though.” Val said.
“Am I done yet?” he asked.
“Do you think you can swim next to me?” she asked.
“Ugh, fine.” Virgil spat. “You’re too happy.”
“So you keep telling me, guppy.”
“I’m already an adolescent!” Virgil hissed, showing his teeth.
Sometimes instincts really did override what he’d learned as a human. Even though he was, for all intents and purposes, physically a merman now, he did age a bit faster than other merpeople. A merman his age would normally be figuring out social rules and not have any hormones to speak of. The equivalent of a human nine year old. Virgil, on the other hand, was now supposed to be learning how to be an adult, which he couldn’t do when he didn’t know how to move around or speak in full sentences. He was supposed to be wrestling his younger brother and defending him from their mom, going to his older brother’s music recitals and hating it, learning how to cook from his parents, crying over final exams, worrying about which high school he was going to. Watching Gators football games and cursing as he stabbed himself in the eye with a mascara brush for the first time. 
But instead it was like he was a toddler all over again.
Val and Verge swam slowly together in silence to the edge of the reefs where her house was, dangerously close to human civilization. Virgil was exhausted.
“Why am I even here? Why can’t I just stay human?” he asked as she held him tight when he was ready to sleep.
“It’s because of what came before us, guppy.” Val said, running her fingers through his hair. “It’s just something you got caught up in. I’ll tell you soon.”
“I am so heavy.” Logan said, rubbing his injured knee.
He had knees now. He… no, don’t process that. Save it for later.
“Everyone’s heavy. It’s just more obvious on land.” Virgil said, holding his hand out again. 
Logan took a deep breath of briny sea air and pulled on his friend’s hand. He managed to stand with some help.
“We can carry you to the car if you can’t make it.” Virgil said.
“No. Cars sound horrifying and I’d rather know that I’m able to get away from it. And your brothers. They don’t sound agreeable. Let me go.” Logan said.
“Alright, but I hope you know that almost nobody learns to walk in one day.” Virgil said.
“I’m not a child!” Logan exclaimed.
“Yeah that’s what I said too.” Virgil said as he let go.
Logan looked down at his feet now trapped in things called “tennis shoes” and took a breath.
“Just focus on not falling down.” Virgil said.
“You’ve already said that. And I have a good memory. I…”
“Yeah, I know L. Just look up. Look at me. Step forward. Just one step for now.”
Logan looked up. Virgil was a lot bigger than him even as a human. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. He wanted to take a step towards Virgil to point at him and tell him that this wasn’t fair. He tried to do that but took two steps and fell into Virgil’s arms instead.
“Further than you got last time.” Virgil said.
“You’re never this patient.” Logan grumbled into Virgil’s chest.
“I have a long term memory, you know. Swimming isn’t easy to learn as an adult. Or a teenager.” Virgil said. “Come on, we’ve got another hour before they get here. Maybe I can see you fall face first into the rocks a few more times.”
Logan tried standing up again.
“Virgil, how long were you… before we met?”
“A hundred days.” Virgil said. “Just living with Val, learning how to exist again. It was another year after that I got to visit my family again.”
Logan took a step forward.
“I can’t wait a hundred days. Much less a year.”
He took another step forward. Then another. Then he fell over again. Virgil caught him before he hit the ground.
“Well at least you’re giving me a good arm workout today.” Virgil grunted, lifting his friend up again. “God, Patton is rubbing off on me. I just looked on the bright side of something.”
“I don’t know who that is, but he’s clearly corrupting you.” Logan paused. “That was a joke.”
“I know, dude. You don’t have to tell me every time. He’s my younger brother.”
He sat Logan down on the rocks.
“Well I suppose I know where you go when you leave without any warning now.” Logan said, rubbing his face underneath the glasses. He clicked his tongue in a small curse. Some equivalent to “Crud” or “Shoot.” in mer speak.
“Yup.” Virgil said. “Florida. Lucky you.”
“That sounded suspiciously like sarcasm.” Logan said as he rubbed his suffering knees.
“It was.”
Virgil focused on breathing slowly. He swam up cautiously.
“You’re shaking, buddy. Come on, you’ve been growing. They’re gonna want to see that.” Val said.
“I can’t.” Virgil said, stopping suddenly. “I can’t.”
He turned around. Val grabbed him by the arm.
“Hey, you survived the first day of school and talked to the elders. You can do anything.” She said.
She gently ran one of her hands along his neck and to the base of his spine, a gesture he recently learned was used to soothe people when they were nervous, especially between parents and children. He nervously flicked his tail at that realization. How did Val see him, really?
“They’re your family. They want to see you.” she said. “It doesn’t matter what you’ve become. And next year? You’ll get to visit them properly. Go on.”
She gestured upwards. Virgil swallowed.
“Alright, but I won’t like it.”
“Sure you won’t.”
He swam cautiously upward on his own. It had been so long since that day at the boardwalk where everyone had suddenly disappeared and his stomach had started hurting. The day he had been thrown in to appease the ocean and hadn’t seen his family since. How much did they know? How could they forgive him for not listening? How could he forgive them for not telling him why he couldn’t touch the water? Could he explain everything to them? How he looked like a freak even down there? How badly he wanted to come home? How badly he wanted to stay?
He caught sight of the correct pile of rocks and aimed for it. Two almost familiar figures were peering into the water. He broke the surface.
“Virgil, baby!” his brothers were pushed aside and almost fell into the water as his mom knelt and hugged him around the neck.
Virgil blew the water out of his lungs and smiled with all his teeth despite how embarrassed he was at the size of them. He saw his dad standing behind them and when it was his turn he hugged even harder. If merpeople could cry Virgil knew he would be doing it.
“Hi dad.” he whispered into his father’s shoulder. “Hi.”
Patton and Roman both smiled at him from behind their parents’ tearful babbling. Roman gave a wave. The same one he did whenever a piano recital was over. Virgil sighed. It was alright.
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